Channel 1 let them talk 21 12. The adopted son turned over his millionaire father to Kashchenko in order to quickly receive an inheritance

85-year-old Igor Vladimirov is a former captain nuclear submarine, later became a successful businessman, and is now in a homeless shelter. He ended up here because of his adopted son. Just recently, Igor Nikolaevich was famous and rich. According to the man, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital “thanks” to his only adopted son, Igor. Why doesn't the son let his father come home? Watch Let them talk - Adopted son took his father to a mental hospital 12/21/2016

As it became clear, Igor Nikolaevich owned the following real estate: a townhouse in an elite village worth 14 million rubles, as well as a cottage in the village " Soviet writer"worth 130 (!) million rubles. Recent years Vladimirov lived in this cottage. “It’s very hard...after 50 years fatherly love realize this. — the 85-year-old hero of the program says before the broadcast about his adopted son, who, by the way, was named Igor, just like his father. The program will have to figure out how it happened that the owner of a big business and luxury housing ended up in a mental hospital, and his step-son won’t let him home? And what kind of young woman is caring for 85-year-old Igor Nikolaevich today, not letting him go for a minute?

Let them say - The adopted son sent his father to a mental hospital

The hero of the broadcast in the studio of the program Let Them Talk. The story of Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov is impressive: in Soviet years the man was the captain of a submarine in Kamchatka; later, for 15 years, he worked in the Moscow government as the head of the administrative inspection. Then Vladimirov became a major businessman and built retail outlets and shops in the metro and underground passages. But why did things turn out so badly? further fate Igor Nikolaevich?

Igor Vladimirov:

- This is my tragedy. My wife died and my son became the only heir. We adopted him from the baby's home when he was only 3 days old. Such a little pig. Who knew that such a small pig would grow into such a big pig? My wife suggested that I give my son everything... Now people are surprised how I could do this, give everything I have. But I loved him and he treated me well. I helped him with his business, and using my official position, I helped him get everywhere with his “Cs”. I also helped him get into the Moscow government. I loved him like my own child.

— Before I ended up in a mental hospital, I lived in a three-story cottage with an elevator in the “Soviet Writer” village. Half a hectare of land. I bought an apartment for my son for 8 million rubles. I also have an apartment in which I am registered, worth 15 million rubles. But that’s not all: in Athens I had $200,000 on my book. I gave him power of attorney, he went to Greece and withdrew all this money, but didn’t give me a penny! He told me that he bought an estate in Spain with this money.

The cost of the house in which Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov lived

“Two years ago he stopped communicating with me. I didn’t understand what was going on, but then the lawyers explained everything to me. My son registered me in Kashchenko. I think he has big money it just went crazy. And the second reason: mine deceased wife, who suffered from neurosis since childhood. We had a conflict, we separated and I left her.

People who know Igor Vladimirov speak of him as very kind and generous man. For example, the former housekeeper of an ex-businessman, a single mother from Uzbekistan, Shakha Khasimova, admitted that Igor Nikolaevich gave her an apartment in Vatutinki.

Igor Vladimirov and his common-law wives

“Even before the housekeeper Shahi, I knew this blonde girl you see in the photo. We lived together for several years civil marriage. She had to return to her native Vladivostok to support her mother when her father died. One day I went to a hairdresser and asked to cut my hair. Only one girl agreed. This was Shah. I gave her 2-3 thousand, but she refused the money. And then I bought her an apartment. She became my common-law wife. And then my son got angry when he learned that I bought Shah a house. He even brought a certificate to the court stating that Shah has an apartment.

— Now I live in a shelter, I have my own room. Clean, tidy everywhere. But I often miss my son. After 50 years of loving him, it’s scary to realize what happened. My son called the doctors and deceived me, allegedly offering me an examination at the hospital. The orderlies grabbed me and soon I found myself in Kashchenko...

In the program studio: Evgenia Vladimirova, the official wife of Igor Nikolaevich, who is 52 years younger than him:

— We got married recently, but we have known each other since 2005. We have mutual feelings, despite the huge age difference. His wife Raisa Fedorovna was still alive then. We met in Primorsky Krai. We had an affair, then he flew to Moscow, but we constantly called each other and our affair continued until 2009. I did not insist that he leave the family, but in 2008 he left his wife and we began to live together. Raisa Fedorovna died 2 years later, in 2010. My dad died, and I went to Vladivostok to be with my mother. Until this year, I continued to call and keep in touch with Igor Nikolaevich. He has been to Vladivostok more than once and knows my family. Yes, he gave me an apartment as well. And as for his son, I’m sure that Igor is taking revenge on his father for his mother.

Guests of the program: folk artists Russian Federation Lyudmila Polyakova and 86-year-old Ivan Ivanovich Krasko with his young 26-year-old wife. Watch the online free episode of Let Them Talk - The adopted son sent his father to a mental hospital, broadcast on December 21, 2016 (12/21/2016).

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Absolutely healthy person spent six months among the violent

Life invariably proves to us the truth of the expression “don’t swear off prison or scrip.” Successful businessman Igor Vladimirov with my own hands earned money for his family comfortable life in a luxurious cottage in the legendary village of writers near Moscow. However, after the 86-year-old capital moneybag issued a deed of gift for all property to his adopted son, the stepson “imprisoned” his father in psychiatric clinic. An absolutely healthy person was kept among violent patients for six months. And after leaving the mental hospital, it turned out that a man could only live out his life on the street...

During the Soviet years, Igor Nikolaevich served in the submarine fleet in Kamchatka and Kola Peninsula, visited “hot spots” in Cuba and Vietnam and rose to the position of captain of a nuclear submarine. Then he worked for 17 years in Luzhkov’s team in the Moscow government. And later he became a successful businessman. Vladimirov was engaged in the construction of retail outlets in metro passages, and then rented them out. The entrepreneur invested the lion's share of his earnings in real estate. Just two years ago, he lived in an elite three-story cottage with an elevator and a luxury interior, purchased at one time from the oligarch Berezovsky.

Igor Nikolaevich lived most of his life with his first wife, Raisa Fedorovna; they got married in their youth. Due to health reasons, the woman could not have children, so the couple decided to adopt an infant - this is how the family got an heir, who was named Igor in honor of his father. They raised him, nurtured him, and doted on him. When the couple were no longer young, Raisa Fedorovna convinced her husband to issue a deed of gift for part of the property. only son so that he would not have to deal with inheritance issues after their death. In 2011, after the death of his wife, Vladimirov transferred all the remaining real estate to him.

“I felt very lonely then, and I had a painful desire to show my son my love and trust,” he explains. “Of course, even in a nightmare I couldn’t imagine how he would treat me later.”

As a result, the son came into possession of a cottage worth about 130 million rubles, a townhouse in Krasnaya Pakhra for 15 million, two Moscow apartments worth a total of about 15 million on Vvedensky Street and in Yasenev, 200 thousand dollars in an account in Greece and a 50% share in the company, engaged in leasing retail space in metro passages with a monthly profit of 250 thousand rubles.

Even before signing the last deed of gift, Vladimirov agreed with his son that he undertakes to pay him maintenance in the amount of 190 thousand rubles from income from rental real estate and company profits per month, and also that his father will remain living in the cottage. For five years, this agreement was strictly observed. However, as soon as the deadline for appealing the deed of gift expired, the son’s behavior changed dramatically.

A cottage in the writers' village, which its owner could not enter.
photo: From personal archive

Donate property - end up in a mental hospital

At the end of January 2016, exactly five years have passed since Igor Nikolaevich donated all his property to his son.

At that time, I already had problems with my legs, it was difficult to move on my own,” says Vladimirov. - My son came to me and told me that he had found an excellent clinic with excellent treatment. Although before that we practically did not communicate for two years. I agreed to go for examination, and I was immediately taken by ambulance to this institution. The only thing that immediately alerted me was that our local police officer was standing near the house along with the orderlies; Apparently, he then confirmed that I was a drunkard and completely sick. As a result, in this fraudulent way, I was first taken to a private clinic for compulsory treatment alcoholism, which I never had before. As a sign of protest, I went on a hunger strike, so after 5 days I was forced to be discharged from this office. After I was discharged from there, Igor took me again, and he managed to fool me a second time - by promising this time to finally take me to the best general hospital in Moscow No. 1. As a result, the best clinic turned out to be a mental hospital. After all, even in the emergency room I could not imagine that GBUZ PKB No. 1 named after. N.A. Alekseeva is Kashchenko, widely known among the people.

How, contrary to Russian laws and all common sense, they managed to keep a healthy person for six months in a psychiatric clinic is still unknown. In accordance with the law on psychiatric care, before hospitalization, Vladimirov had to be given a document in an approved form to sign, stating that he understands what treatment he is receiving and agrees to it. Otherwise, such actions may be regarded as a violation of hospitalization standards.

During my stay in this medical institution, I was never given any medications according to the institution’s profile. Even the consent to hospitalization was signed not by me, but by my son, which is contrary to the law,” Igor Nikolaevich is indignant. - In fact, I think that I was actually deprived of my freedom by deception. In prison you at least know your article and term, but in a mental hospital you can stay forever. Moreover, the diagnosis indicated a general disease, which is treated in a regular hospital, and not in a psychiatric hospital. During the six months I was in captivity, I lost 20 kilograms and acquired two new ailments, for which there were no specialists in the clinic.

The first three months that Vladimirov spent in a closed institution among seriously mentally ill patients, including violent ones, seemed like an eternity to the man. At the end of April, after endless complaints and appeals from the patient to management regarding his issue, a medical commission was created, which found no reason to keep Igor Nikolaevich in the hospital. However, no discharge followed; the imaginary patient was simply transferred to another department. Another commission was assembled there, which recognized Vladimirov as mentally ill.

As I found out later, based on the decision of this commission, my son filed a lawsuit to obtain custody of me,” says Igor Nikolaevich. - Fortunately, some time after my disappearance, my friends, veteran submariners, began to sound the alarm and look for me with the help of the police. Through them, I managed to transfer my statement from the hospital to the prosecutor's office. After her intervention, I was hastily discharged on the same day in hospital pajamas and slippers; no one bothered to give me the clothes required by law. Well, it was summer outside. At the same time, in the extract there was a dash next to the diagnosis, that is, this proves that they kept me there illegally. (All documents are at the disposal of MK. - Auto.). In addition, all patients in psychiatric clinics are registered at a mental health clinic; this did not happen to me either, due to the lack of evidence of my psychiatric diagnosis. It also later turned out that the basis for my hospitalization was a fake referral, allegedly received on the eve of my placement in a psychiatric hospital, on the day when I was “under treatment for alcoholism” in a private organization. This piece of paper is supposedly an official appointment, again from a private clinic, without doctors’ signatures or seals, where it is written that after an examination by a psychiatrist, I was recommended to be hospitalized in a clinic for the mentally ill.

After being discharged, the man took a taxi in slippers and pajamas to his cottage, where he lived before hospitalization. But the gate turned out to be tightly closed, and no one opened the door. In another one of the apartments where Igor Nikolaevich was registered for many years, the new tenants answered him rudely from behind the door. Vladimirov had a bank card with enough money left on it to rent a hotel room, but it, too, was blocked by his son. Igor Nikolayevich had to sleep in basements and unlocked entrances for several days until his fellow submariners found him and sheltered him. Together, the man’s friends collected the required amount of money and arranged for Vladimirov to live temporarily in a private nursing home in Khimki. Evgenia, his girlfriend, also came here, who, like his friends, could not find her loved one during his stay in a psychiatric clinic.

Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov in his youth.
photo: From personal archive

Looking for a woman

Here it is necessary to go back in time and tell how the personal life of Vladimirov Sr. was in the last ten years.

It so happened that my first wife had a congenital neurosis, which only progressed over the years. I put up with this all my life, but in the end, in my old age, I finally got tired and decided to leave,” says Vladimirov. - In 2005, I was on a business trip in the Primorsky Territory, there I met a beautiful girl, Zhenya, with whom, despite the age difference of 52 years, mutual feelings flared up. I returned to Moscow, but we continued to correspond. In 2008, I left my wife, and Zhenya and I began to live together.

Perhaps it was after his father abandoned his mother that Igor Jr. harbored a grudge against him. Since childhood, the adopted son was more attached to her than to Vladimirov Sr. In addition, two years after her husband left, Raisa Fedorovna died.

It seems to me that the son is simply taking revenge on his father for his mother,” says Evgenia Vladimirova. - In addition, during our relationship with Igor Nikolaevich, he bought me an apartment in Troitsk and Vladivostok, and also gave me quite expensive jewelry, which subsequently remained in the cottage in the possession of the son. True, in 2011, Igor Nikolaevich and I had to temporarily separate; my father died in Vladivostok, and I left for a long time to support my mother. In addition, I understood that our age difference was too great, I tried to start a different life and forget my loved one, but nothing came of it.

The couple reunited only in 2016 after Vladimirov left the psychiatric clinic, and in the same year they officially married.

Despite the fact that I was not in Moscow, all these years Igor Nikolaevich and I spoke on the phone, and I came to visit him several times,” recalls Evgenia. “When he disappeared, I called his son, whom I knew, several times to find out what happened. Igor Jr. told me that my father was in a sanatorium, he was depressed, and didn’t want to see or hear anyone. Only after this whole nightmare was over did Igor Nikolaevich call me from the shelter, and I immediately flew to him. My husband is a very proud man, so he did not agree to move to the apartment in Troitsk that was given to me. He tried with all his might, including in court, to force his son to fulfill his obligations: to allow him to return to the cottage and resume due payments. All things, including clothes, medicines, wheelchair stayed there.

Another interesting fact is that Evgenia was not the only woman to whom Vladimir Nikolaevich gave an apartment; his son knew about this fact, he even tried to use it in court, where he asked to declare his father incompetent.

Some time after Evgenia left for Vladivostok, I went to a hairdresser and met the girl who cut my hair, named Shakha,” explains Vladimirov. - I invited her to work as a housekeeper for me, subsequently she was mine for 3 years common-law wife. As a token of gratitude, I bought Shah an apartment in Vatutinki, then I had already donated all the property to my adopted son, but some funds remained in my personal accounts. My son did not like this step at all; he subsequently presented the purchase certificate in court as evidence that I was leading a riotous lifestyle and was spending the compensation allocated to him unreasonably.

Naval youth.
photo: From personal archive

Kindred Terror

For about six months after leaving the psychiatric clinic, Vladimirov Sr. lived with his young wife in a private shelter for the elderly, where his friends placed him. Then the son, in order to shield himself from the court, nevertheless allowed him to move into the cheapest of his apartments - an area of ​​​​about 40 meters on Vvedensky Street, in which Igor Nikolaevich was officially registered since the 80s. However cash payments the adoptive father still has not received any information, and the son simply avoids communicating with Vladimirov and does not answer his phone calls.

Of course, this whole situation turned into a real tragedy for me,” says Vladimirov Sr. - We took our son from the baby’s home when he was only 3 days old... While I was in a psychiatric hospital, my son filed a lawsuit to deprive me of my legal capacity. He probably thought that I would never come out of there and would become an eternal prisoner, like Monte Cristo. At the meeting, he said that I was running naked around the yard, driving prostitutes and drinking uncontrollably. At the same time, I can’t even really move around the apartment by myself, I’m 86 years old, and against the backdrop of all this nightmare, a bunch of new diseases have appeared. But I, like the hero Dumas, escaped from captivity and appeared for trial. When the judge saw me, barely moving around the hall on a walker, she realized that everything I had said was nonsense. In addition, I answered the questions absolutely adequately, so the deprivation of my legal capacity was refused. But even this son did not calm down. It turned out that he somehow removed me from the founders of my own commercial company, and now he is its sole owner. We have an expert opinion that my signature is fake, but no one cares about that. In addition, I did not give my son expensive furniture and interior items left in the cottage, townhouse and apartments; it turns out that he took it illegally.

As soon as Igor Nikolaevich and his wife moved into a two-room apartment on Vvedensky Street, endless troubles began to haunt them. Then they pierced the tires of the car in the yard at night, then it turned out that there were “bugs” in the apartment and thus you could listen to everything that was happening in the house.

While we were still at the shelter, the district police officer at his place of registration began calling my husband on the phone with threats,” explains Evgenia. “We wrote a statement on this topic to the police, but there was no adequate response. Then new problems began. One day, Igor Nikolaevich’s son unexpectedly came to our house, and from his words it became clear that he knew everything that was happening with us, and then we found “bugs” in the apartment. By the way, the internal latch in the apartment was simply broken when we were away, so now we simply cannot close the door so that it does not open from the outside. At any moment of the day or night, someone can come and open the door with their key. There has already been a case when Igor Jr. tried to move a third-party tenant into our apartment, I’m afraid this story may repeat itself. I would love to take Igor Nikolaevich to my place in Vladivostok, or at least to Troitsk’s apartment, but he wants to continue the fight: to punish the psychiatric clinic where he was illegally detained, and to bring his adopted son to justice. True, to all the husband’s complaints to various authorities about the actions of the doctors of the hospital named after. Alekseev receives unsubscribes.

The rich cry too

Despite the pain he has experienced, Igor Nikolaevich Vladimirov still hopes in his soul that adopted son will come to his senses and stop mocking his father. However, all letters to his son about pre-trial reconciliation and simply appeals to his conscience remain unanswered. Grandson Denis, the son of Igor Jr., also does not communicate with his grandfather.

Igor Igorevich Vladimirov did not want to answer the questions of the MK correspondent; for several weeks only long beeps were heard on the phone.

It would seem that adopted children should be doubly grateful to their parents for raising them as their own. But the most terrible thing in this story is not even the attitude of the adopted son...

It turns out that an absolutely healthy person can be shoved into a mental hospital for six months and kept there without any reason. At the same time, it has not been possible to hold the perpetrators accountable for this for a year and a half. Unfortunately, the authorities in our country seem to have already tacitly equated elderly people with young children; they simply do not consider it necessary to respond to their statements to the relevant authorities. It is not without reason that several years ago one of the State Duma deputies proposed a bill, according to which all citizens of the Russian Federation over 70 years of age should be recognized as having limited legal capacity and they should be allowed to deal with property only with the consent of younger relatives and guardianship authorities, supposedly for their own good. Fortunately, this initiative has not yet passed into the rank of law, but this does not make it any easier for 86-year-old Igor Vladimirov.

Svetlana Tsikulina

What do children love most? Of course, cartoons. It is in this section that we have collected a variety of foreign and domestic cartoons. Among the huge selection, there is sure to be one that your child will especially love. If you have a lot to do or just want to relax, and the child asks for constant attention, and if there is none, then he begins to “mess up”, then cartoons will come to the rescue. By turning on a cartoon for a child, you can distract him for at least half an hour, or even two or three.

An art form such as animation has been around for quite a long time. During this time, the quality has improved, which is good news. Children of any generation absolutely love cartoons; everyone, as a child, loved cartoons. Many adults at one time had to wait on TV and had to watch what was shown. Some people were lucky at one time if their parents bought cassettes or discs. And the new generation can already watch what they want without spending money from their parents’ wallet, because almost every home already has a computer and the Internet, with the help of which a huge card index of cartoons can be opened for every taste and color.

For the little ones, the Soviet classics, which are famous for their simplicity, kindness and pleasant pictures, are perfect. For example, “Crocodile Gena”, “Prostokvashino”, “Well, wait a minute!”, “Musicians of Bremen”, “Flying Ship”, “ Winnie the Pooh", "Baby and Carlson" and many others. You can even sit down with your child and reminisce about childhood. Also for young children there are many modern educational cartoons, which differ not only in brighter pictures, but also in content.

For children who are already finishing kindergarten or studying in elementary school, cartoons of an entertaining nature are suitable, where heroes save someone or even the whole world. These include foreign cartoons about superheroes from comic books, about sorceresses or fairies, as well as domestic ones about heroes.

Those kids who are already slowly and surely moving towards adolescence, may already begin to be interested in cartoons that are especially different in plot. In such cartoons, in a relaxed manner, children are forced to think about serious things and experience a lot of emotions. They are suitable for viewing by the whole family, because due to the well-thought-out plot, they will be no less interesting for adults. Such cartoons can be safely placed on the same shelf as family films.

Teenagers, despite the fact that they consider themselves adults, still love to watch cartoons. For teenagers, they are already more daring and not as harmless as children. They are dominated by entertainment, adult jokes, and teenage problems. These are mainly foreign multi-part cartoons, such as “The Simpsons”, “Family Guy”, “Futurama”, etc.

Don't forget about adults. Yes, they also draw for adults, only they are somewhat similar to teenagers, however, they are more rude, there may be curse words, intimate overtones and adult problems are addressed ( family life, work, loans, midlife crisis, etc.).

Cartoons are an art form in which the author’s hands are completely free, because you can depict absolutely anything and at the same time add a charming story. We invite you to watch them right now and have great fun.

Everything that a person has worked for all his life can disappear overnight. There are a lot of reasons, but when the closest one betrays, nothing compares. A son or daughter gets rid of their elderly parents. A situation that is familiar to many poor old people in our lives.

Everything went well for Igor Vladimirov in his life. He had successful business, luxury house, wife Raisa Fedorovna. The only thing they missed in the house was children's laughter. Since Raisa could not have children, the couple decided to adopt a small child.

In the USSR, Igor Nikolaevich was a captain submarine fleet, was in “hot spots” in Vietnam and Cuba, led a nuclear submarine. When he returned to land, he began to develop own business. Started working in real estate.

Igor Vladimirov had a lot of money (150 million rubles). Because of great love I transferred all the property to my adopted son, also Igor: two houses, an apartment. In addition, he gave away 50% of the shares in the business. However, the son did not even thank his father, he took it for granted. His act amazed millions of television viewers from all over the country.

Everything was fine, when suddenly the adopted adult son disappears. He does not come to visit his father, does not answer phone calls and SMS. Igor Jr. appeared only 2 years later with a very strange proposal for his father. I decided to send my parent to the clinic under the pretext of treating his legs. Of course, Igor Nikolaevich gave his consent to go to the hospital because he needed the help of specialists.

“I was taken to a private clinic for compulsory treatment for alcoholism. As a sign of protest, I went on a hunger strike, and after 5 days I was discharged from this office. My son picked me up in the car, but he waved off all my questions, saying, we’ll talk at home,”- says Igor Nikolaevich.

Then the adopted son was not afraid to send his father to the Kashchenko mental hospital. Is such an attitude towards a person who got him back on his feet acceptable? However, the world is not without good people. This time, his former colleagues helped the poor man. Together they were able to get Igor Nikolaevich out of the hospital, found him temporary shelter, and wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office against the heir. IN hard times For the former businessman, there is a young girl Evgenia nearby who provides care and support.

The elderly man is offended by his son, because he has nothing left, not even a place to live. Nevertheless, Igor Nikolaevich does not intend to retreat; he is suing his son, who sends lawyers in his place. Apparently, Igor Jr. is afraid to look at his father or is ashamed of his bad deed.

Igor Nikolaevich turned to the program “Let Them Talk” for the truth. TV viewers and people in the studio understood perfectly well the deplorable state the businessman was in. Watch the entire program in the video.

It is difficult to imagine that the generosity of 85-year-old Igor Vladimirov could lead to such consequences. The child he raised, put on his feet, became a terrible “thick-skinned” person. We hope that justice will prevail and the adopted son will be punished for the harm caused to his father.