Class hour on the topic of AIDS victims. Class hour "prevention of HIV infection and AIDS"

Kramatorsk secondary school of І-ІІІ levels No. 19

AIDS is the plague of the 21st century.


Class hour development

in the 7th grade

Teacher Zelenskaya E.V.

Class hour.

Topic: AIDS - the plague of the 21st century.


The purpose of the class hour:

    To form ideas about the disease of the century, to help teenagers realize that AIDS is the plague of the 21st century.

    To familiarize students with basic information about the disease and dangerous features of HIV infection; approval of a healthy lifestyle, development of theoretical knowledge and beliefs about a healthy lifestyle.

    Develop behavioral motivation to maintain your health, form responsible attitudes towards your health and the health of others.


computer, multimedia projector, screen, presentation, cards for role-playing games.

During the classes

The first report of a new disease was published on July 5, 1981 in an American journal devoted to various diseases. Some scientists believe that the virus is of monkey origin. The fact is that viruses very similar to HIV have been isolated from African monkeys. How do you think the transfer of monkeys to humans could have occurred?

Many tribes of Central Africa hunt monkeys and eat their entrails and blood for food. Also, the virus could have entered during cutting of carcasses through damage to the hunter’s skin.

This virus could then be changed by exposure to high radiation. In 1950–60, nuclear weapons were tested, and background radiation increased in the equatorial zone of the globe. Also in these places there are very large deposits of uranium, which could also lead to increased radiation.

According to another version, expressed by some scientists, HIV was artificially created. In 1969, the Pentagon allegedly tested bacteriological weapons. New types of viruses were developed and tested on life-sentence prisoners in exchange for release. Perhaps the release of these people contributed to the spread of HIV infection. However, there is no convincing evidence of this.

Scientists Luc Mantalier (France) and Robert Gallo (USA) discovered HIV in 1983.

One thing is certain: HIV/AIDS is a deadly disease for which there is no cure or vaccine. The epidemic is rapidly spreading across all countries and continents. Young people aged 14 to 29 years suffer the most from this disease.

Statistical data:

For today in the world More than 40 million people are infected with HIV, of which, in the last two years alone, 15 million people have become infected with AIDS and more than 24 million people have died from AIDS.

In Ukraine as of 09/01/2012 There are 124,222 people registered with HIV-infected people and 218,131 people with AIDS.

In Kramatorsk from 1996 to November 2008, 836 HIV-positive people were identified, 88 of them were children. 179 infected people were diagnosed with AIDS. During this time, 229 HIV-infected people died in the city, of which 136 were due to AIDS.

Every minute around the world, approximately 11 people become infected with HIV.

This is official statistics data. But, most likely, there are many more HIV-infected people. Many people live with HIV without even knowing it. They did not take tests and, accordingly, are not registered anywhere.

AIDS spares no one.

Many famous people died from this disease: the outstanding English actor Denholm Elliott, the Israeli singer Ofra Haza, in 1984 the disease was discovered in the great dancer Rudolf Nureyev, in 1992 the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov died of AIDS and many others.

Freddie Mercury, leader of the rock band Queen, died of AIDS in 1991. His illness was reported shortly before his death. A concert was organized in memory of the singer, the proceeds of which went to the fight against AIDS.

What is HIV/AIDS?

REMEMBER: HIV and AIDS are different things.

HIV causes the disease AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.

HIV is the Human Immunodeficiency Virus

AIDS - acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.

Syndrome - because there are a large number of signs, symptoms, complications associated with the disease.

Acquired - the disease is not caused by a genetic predisposition, but is acquired in a specific way.

Immunodeficiency - the immune system is suppressed and loses its ability to resist infections.

Thus, AIDS is not a disease in the proper sense of the word; it only creates the conditions for other infectious diseases.

AIDS patients die from concomitant diseases that develop as a result of a sharp decrease in immunity. These diseases are usually very specific. These include: Pneumocystis pneumonia, Kaposi's sarcoma, fungal infection of the respiratory tract and esophagus and some others.

In order to understand why HIV infection is terrible for the body, let's play a game.

Role-playing game

To conduct it, it is necessary that the number of players be at least 10, and pictures and cards must be prepared according to the number of players.

Some of the players line up in a circle, in the center of which stands a volunteer (organism). Around him are soldiers of the immune system (they do not allow infection to enter the body). The remaining 4 people take on the roles of the cold virus (2 people) and HIV (2 people). The game takes place in two attacks:

1 attack: 2 cold viruses approach, but their attack is repelled by the “soldiers” of the immune system;

Attack 2: HIV - they have colored cards (receptors) in their hands. HIV gives each “soldier” such a card and he becomes infected with HIV.

By the end of the game, the body does not have a single defender left and a cold or any other infection easily penetrates the body.

What does the virus look like?

HIV causes an infectious disease that damages vital cells of the body's defense system. Under an electron microscope, HIV resembles an exotic flower. A line of 1 cm can accommodate up to 100 thousand viral particles.

After entering the body, the virus travels through the bloodstream to all internal organs, glands, lymph nodes, and the cornea of ​​the eye. In the first weeks after entering the body, the virus does not manifest itself in any way; it “adapts” and spreads to all organs.

The person is already infected, but it is difficult to detect the infection until protective antibodies to HIV appear (from 3-6 months). The danger of infection remains from the moment the virus enters the body until death.

The virus is unstable in the environment and dies at a temperature of 51 degrees within a few minutes (at 100 degrees per minute). HIV is a slow infection because... It can take 10-12 years from the moment of infection to death.

How is HIV transmitted?

People most at risk of becoming infected are:

    having sex with random or unknown partners without using a condom correctly;

    having sex with people who use intravenous drugs or with people who have multiple sexual partners;

    using drugs or medicinal substances intravenously using unsterile syringes and needles;

    virus from a pregnant woman infected with AIDS to her child.

    Through blood: during transfusion of contaminated blood, organ and tissue transplantation.

    Infection is possible when using unsterile tools for piercing and tattooing.

Despite the serious consequences of infection, HIV itself is a very weak organism. It can live only in liquid environments of the human body and reproduce only inside cells. Therefore, there is absolutely no danger of becoming infected through everyday contacts: friendly kisses, handshakes, hugs, sharing dishes, a shared swimming pool, a gym, a toilet, bedding, clothes and other things that the patient uses.

HIV is not transmitted

Through the air

When talking, coughing

When using shared utensils

Through a handshake

Through a kiss

Through food

When swimming in the pool, shower

Through sports items

Through pets

Through insect bites

When caring for the sick

How to protect yourself from contracting HIV infection?

How to prevent infection?

Very simple! It is enough to prevent another person's blood, semen, vaginal secretions and breast milk from entering your body. This means:

    Healthy skin! Healthy mucous membrane!

    Refrain from casual contact and use personal protective equipment (condom) during any sexual contact.

    Always use disposable and/or sterile instruments for medical procedures involving penetration of the body.

    Don't use drugs!

    Use only sterile instruments for ear piercing, tattooing, etc.; Ensure sterility is maintained during all medical and cosmetic procedures.

As you can see, avoiding infection is quite simple. All in your hands! The main condition is YOUR BEHAVIOR.

Now you know about this disease and you must take care of your health yourself. It is important to remember that YOUR HEALTH and YOUR LIFE depend on your behavior.

Where can you get an AIDS test in Kramatorsk?

Outpatient department for providing medical care to HIV/AIDS patients: st. Dnepropetrovskaya 17, city hospital No. 2, building 3. Phone 6-90-62. Taking tests from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Question and answer “What have you learned about AIDS?”:

(questions to choose from)


1. What is AIDS? - Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease caused by a special virus, in which the human body loses the ability to resist microbes and kill emerging tumor cells.

2. What causes AIDS? - AIDS is caused by a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

3. How does the immunodeficiency virus work? - The virus settles in the body's defense cells - lymphocytes, and therefore the body's ability to defend itself is lost.

4. What are the signs of the disease? The earliest sign of the disease is an increase in lymph nodes (glands) observed for more than a month in various, but always several places: on the side and back of the neck, under the collarbone, armpits, on the elbows, on the thigh. This may be the only sign of illness for many months or years. (However, on the front surface of the neck, under the jaw, in the groin, the lymph nodes can be enlarged for other reasons: sore throat, teeth, disease of the genital organs, legs.). Later, frequent pustular diseases, inflammatory lesions of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth, and genitals may be added to the enlarged lymph nodes. There may be prolonged unexplained rises in temperature and frequent bowel movements. If AIDS develops, tumor formations appear on the skin, in the brain, pneumonia or blood poisoning develops. Sometimes those infected with the virus can develop brain damage, leading to dementia. But all of the above symptoms can also occur in people who are not infected with the virus that causes AIDS. Therefore, only a doctor can make a conclusion about the disease after examination.

5. How to determine whether a person is infected with a virus or not? - Infection with the virus is indicated by the detection of antibodies to it in the blood. If antibodies are detected, the person is considered infected. Using a more labor-intensive technique, the virus itself can be detected.

6. How can you become infected with AIDS? - You can become infected through sexual intercourse with a person whose body contains HIV, as well as if the blood of a person infected with the virus or drugs made from such blood enters the blood of a healthy person. The virus is also transmitted from an infected mother to her child during pregnancy and childbirth.

7. Can infected but not sick people spread the disease and infect others? - Yes, they are the ones who most often infect others.

8. Can you get AIDS from a kiss? - There were no cases of infection through friendly or family kisses.

9. How dangerous are medical procedures involving injections? - According to existing rules, none of the medical procedures allows the reuse of the same instrument for different patients without special disinfection.

10. How are instruments disinfected? - Instruments are washed with disinfectant solutions, boiled or heated at high temperatures. This is enough to kill the virus.

11. What is the advantage of disposable medical instruments? - Their advantage is that it eliminates the possibility of accidentally reusing a contaminated instrument and that medical staff are freed from the need to wash and sterilize instruments.

12. Is it possible to get AIDS through an organ transplant? - Can. Therefore, organ donors should be tested for HIV antibodies.

13. How can the blood of an infected person enter the blood of a healthy person? - When receiving a blood transfusion or administering certain medications made from such blood, or when receiving injections with needles or other objects contaminated with blood.

14. Is blood intended for transfusion examined in medical institutions? - Blood donors are screened for antibodies to the virus.

15. Is it possible to become infected with AIDS through preventive vaccinations? - This is not possible if they are performed with sterile instruments.

16. How realistic is it that it is possible for doctors and other caregivers to become infected? - Usually, examination and care of the patient does not threaten infection. The only likely mechanism of infection is a puncture of the skin with a needle or other instrument contaminated with the blood of a sick or infected person. However, in this case, infection occurs no more often than in 1 in 500 such cases.

17. Is it possible to become infected through the patient’s clothing and personal belongings? - No.

18. Is it possible to get AIDS by sharing eating utensils? - It is forbidden

19. Is it possible to become infected with AIDS by using shared toilets, bathtubs, towels, and bed linen? - No.

20. How dangerous is it to communicate with a person infected with the virus at home, at work, or on the street? - There were no cases of infection with the virus during joint work, housekeeping or transport.

21. Is it possible to become infected with AIDS in a swimming pool, bathhouse, or on the beach? - No.

22. In hairdressing salons, during haircuts and manicures, skin damage from tools is possible. Doesn't this pose a risk of infection? - Like medical instruments, hairdressers' instruments should be washed in disinfectant solutions.

23. Is it possible to become infected with AIDS by shaking hands or accidentally touching a carrier of the virus? - It is forbidden.

24. Is it possible to get AIDS, like the flu, through the air? - It is forbidden. If this were possible, then all people would suffer from AIDS, regardless of age and lifestyle.

25. Can children get AIDS? - A mother who carries the AIDS virus can infect the child with whom she is pregnant. Infection of children also occurs when they are transfused with blood or blood products from a donor infected with the virus.

26. What is the origin of the virus? - Scientists do not yet have comprehensive data on the origin of the virus that causes AIDS. Related viruses have been found in monkeys.

27. Can mosquitoes, bedbugs and other blood-sucking creatures carry AIDS? - Although the virus can survive for a short time in the body of some blood-sucking insects, it has no way of exiting it, unlike, say, the malaria pathogen, which a mosquito secretes in its saliva. Long-term observations in Africa, where there are many cases of malaria in children, show that children do not get AIDS unless they are born to infected mothers, despite the fact that mosquitoes bite every child.

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1 Municipal educational institution "Ostashevskaya secondary school" Teacher: Shornikova S.P. Class hour on the topic: “Everyone should know about HIV/AIDS” Objectives: 1. Raising the level of awareness of adolescents on issues related to HIV/AIDS. 2. Study of data on the disease and spread of HIV infection in the Chunsky district. 3. Formation of students’ idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle. 4. Formation of students’ personal position in relation to smoking. Objectives: 1. To identify the initial level of awareness of adolescents on the problem; 2. To acquaint students with the history of the emergence and spread of HIV/AIDS in the world. 3. Raise the level of awareness of adolescents about the problem of HIV/AIDS and, if possible, change students’ attitudes towards this problem. 4. Provide reliable information about the routes of HIV transmission, HIV testing, safe behavior, and opportunities to prevent infection; 5. Give instructions to create motivation to maintain health. Preparatory work: selection of literature, preparing students for a presentation, selection of demonstration material (pictures, tables, diagrams), preparation of a slide presentation, preparation of questions for students, preparation of booklets with information material, preparation of questionnaires for students and parents, signs with the names of specialists, preparation red ribbons, invitation to an infectious disease doctor. Progress of the class hour Before the conference, conduct a survey of students, parents, and teachers about their awareness of HIV/AIDS (optional). Host: With the advent of new times, risk areas have increased for both young people and more mature ones. Alcohol, drugs, toxic substances have become so acceptable that temptations have become very difficult to refuse. All these temptations threaten us with not only unpleasant consequences, but also deadly ones. One of these is HIV infection. A survey was conducted among students, parents and teachers of our school. Based on the results, we can conclude that there are very few people

2 know about this disease. Only 5% of respondents know how HIV is and is not transmitted. Today we will try to tell you as much as possible, as accurately and reliably as possible about the disease HIV/AIDS. Show statistics on the spread of HIV/AIDS in the world, the Irkutsk region, and most importantly in the Chunsky district, since we are residents of this area. It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. The steady increase in the number of teenagers using drugs and contracting HIV/AIDS makes preventive work more urgent than ever. The result depends on how methodically correctly this work is organized. The price of the result is the health and life of children. It is difficult for teenagers and young people to believe that they are threatened with a fatal disease; it seems that only old adults get sick and die. But with HIV/AIDS the situation is completely different. Adolescents become infected with HIV as often as adults: this mainly occurs either through sexual contact or when injecting drugs with a shared syringe or needle with HIV-infected but apparently healthy people. The job of teachers and doctors is not to intimidate children, but to teach them to make the right choice between life and death. Distribute answers to questions in advance to students, parents, and teachers that they will answer during the conference. Conference participants can be assigned roles: infectious disease specialist, narcologist, venereologist, statistician, etc. The conference participants, “specialists,” are seated at a separate table in front of the audience. Place signs on the tables with the inscriptions “specialists”. Distribute prepared questions to the audience in the audience that they will ask the “experts.” Question: When did the world first learn about the deadly disease HIV/AIDS? Reports of a mysterious deadly disease first appeared in the United States in 1978. In 1983, scientists managed to isolate the causative agent of the disease, which was given the name HIV. In 1985, the first test to detect HIV antibodies was carried out in the United States. In Russia, the first case of infection was officially announced in 1987. Question: What is HIV? HIV is a human immunodeficiency virus that is transmitted through certain routes and causes dysfunction or destruction of cells of the human body's immune system. The task of immune system cells is to attack and destroy any pathogens. Gradually multiplying and killing cells of the immune system, HIV destroys the body's ability to fight against any infections. HIV infection is a disease that occurs when the immunodeficiency virus enters the human body.

3 Question: When HIV enters a cell, it destroys the immune system. How does this happen? How does the immune system react to HIV entering a cell? When HIV enters the human body, the virus interacts with a sensitive cell. The virus attaches to the cell. Next, it penetrates the sensitive cell and sheds the membrane. On the one hand, the cell becomes a carrier of the virus and can transmit it to daughter cells during division, but on the other hand, it will die. Having entered the bloodstream one way or another, HIV selectively affects the T lymphocytes of an infected person. HIV strikes at the very center of the immune defense, which practically deprives a person of the organizing and stimulating activity of lymphocytes in relation to the body’s defensive reaction. With the massive destruction of T-lymphocytes, the patient develops a clinical immune deficiency, which manifests itself in the form of various infections that arise in the patient as a result of his loss of the ability to resist any infectious agents. In addition to T-lymphocytes, HIV also affects some other lymphoid cells (cells of the lymph nodes, as well as cells of the nervous system). Question: What are the symptoms and signs of HIV infection? The initial period after contracting HIV infection is often accompanied by mild, cold-like symptoms. Symptoms that often appear during HIV infection: fever, fungal skin diseases, profuse night sweats do not mean that a person has AIDS. Such symptoms can also appear in an uninfected person, but in an HIV-positive person they are more intense and do not go away for a long time. This is followed by a latent, or hidden period, when the virus practically does not manifest itself at all. This period can last for years. All this time, the HIV-infected person feels well and does not even know that he is infected. But as the virus multiplies, the immune system becomes weaker. As a result, the body is affected by various diseases. Question: How is HIV different from AIDS? AIDS is the last stage (terminal) of HIV infection. The disease occurs without symptoms and does not manifest itself clinically for 5-7 years. Patients find out about this by accident. The treatment is long-term, but the final result is still death: the average life expectancy of HIV-infected people is 5-13 years. (slide 11) The diagnosis of AIDS is made when an organism with a weakened immune system is affected by some special diseases, for example, specific skin cancer Kaposi's sarcoma or pneumonia, which is not dangerous for people with a healthy immune system. The main cause of morbidity and mortality in people with HIV is not the virus itself, but other infections to which the body becomes susceptible as a result of HIV. The course of disease development in people with HIV infection takes a variety of forms, is unpredictable and depends on many factors, including psychological mood and past health status.

5 Young people, transitioning into adulthood, enter the stage of asserting their independence, forming their personality and developing plans for the future. Naturally, at these stages love and sexuality play an important role. It has been established that by the age of 15, every fourth Russian teenager has experience of sexual activity, every fifth sexually active teenager has several sexual partners within one year. The spread of sexually transmitted diseases among adolescents indicates an expansion of the population group practicing epidemiologically dangerous sexual behavior. Early onset of sexual activity, frequent changes of sexual partners, inability or unwillingness to use the necessary means of protection increase the likelihood of the rapid spread of HIV/AIDS in our country. Therefore, I would like young people, before making this or that decision that may affect their entire future life, when deciding to have a sexual relationship, to answer at least the following questions: Does my partner correspond to my moral values? Is this sexual relationship safe? Am I fully aware of what I am doing? If I have a child, will I be able to provide for him financially and emotionally? If I have to break off the relationship, will I regret having sex? If at least one answer to these questions is negative, then it is better to wait. Remember!!! The degree of risk of infection depends on the correctness of the decisions made. Question: How can you not become infected with HIV/AIDS? You just don’t have to be afraid to avoid HIV-infected people in everyday life. HIV infection is not transmitted through a handshake, air, sharing utensils, swimming pool, bathhouse, toilet, bathroom, kissing and hugging, donation, sneezing, insect bites, massages. Not a single case of HIV infection occurred through household contacts or contacts at work. Question: Where can I get examined and tested for HIV/AIDS? ONLY a doctor can diagnose HIV infection! An HIV test is done to determine whether a person is infected with the immunodeficiency virus. An HIV test gives reliable results no earlier than 3 months after infection. When a virus enters the body, a response occurs and antibodies are formed. This reaction can be detected using special methods when examining blood samples. A positive reaction indicates that the person has become infected. Some people who test positive will develop AIDS. Others may appear healthy, but retain the virus in their body and can therefore infect other people; they are called virus carriers. Donors, pregnant women, and drug addicts undergoing treatment must undergo an HIV antibody test. Voluntary test for

6 HIV antibodies can be tested by anyone with suspected AIDS. You should also take an HIV test if there has been a risk of infection in a person’s life. Test results are confidential and will not be made public. Only parents of minors will be notified by medical workers. If you wish, you can take the test anonymously. HIV testing can be done at a clinic, AIDS center, or drug treatment clinic. Treatment of HIV/AIDS can be etiological (destruction or inhibition of reproduction of the virus in the body); pathogenetic (immune stimulation) and symptomatic (treatment of concomitant diseases). Unfortunately, there are no sufficiently effective treatments for AIDS yet. Only drugs have been obtained that can inhibit the replication of the virus. There are medications that have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Treatment of concomitant diseases is ineffective, since a person constantly lives in an environment where there are many microorganisms that can cause a particular disease against the background of immunodeficiency. Question: What is the scale of the spread of HIV infection in the world? Since 1988, HIV infection has swept the entire world - a pandemic! In twenty years, 16 million people have died as a result of AIDS, the final stage of the disease caused by HIV infection. Today, about 50 million HIV-infected people are added every year to the world's 50 million people. The vast majority are infected through sexual contact. To prevent the stage of AIDS, only one HIV-infected person needs to spend from 8 to 12 thousand dollars a year. Russia has the highest rate of epidemic development in the world. Officially registered HIV-infected people have reached 250 thousand people. Among patients with HIV/AIDS, young people aged 15 to 25 predominate. Currently in Russia, only 10% of HIV-infected people receive the necessary treatment. Question: How does HIV/AIDS affect the development of the state? (slide 25) This problem has a very serious impact on the state: the economy and demography suffer, social tension grows, and a threat to national security is created. Economic consequences of the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Compounding the problem of poverty; Huge costs for the healthcare system to treat HIV patients; Costs of maintaining orphans; Decrease in the productive potential of the population. Demographic consequences of the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Increased mortality; Declining birth rate and life expectancy;

7 Reduction in the number of working population; Threat of danger to the country; Increasing burden of social orphanhood in society. Social consequences of the HIV/AIDS epidemic: Increased poverty; Rising unemployment; Growing social tension as a result of discrimination against people living with HIV/AIDS. HIV-infected people are registered in 82 out of 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Question: I would like to know in more detail what the scale of the spread of HIV/AIDS is in the Irkutsk region, and especially in the Chunsky district, since we are residents? In Russia, the Irkutsk region occupies the leading place in the spread of HIV infection. The first cases of HIV infection appeared in the Irkutsk region in 1996. At that time, people with HIV infection were mainly people with drug addiction. If we track the indicators of HIV infected people in the Siberian regions, we can trace the following epidemic situation. In general, in the Siberian district, including the Krasnoyarsk region, Chita region, Omsk region, Irkutsk region, 37.9% are infected with HIV, and in the Irkutsk region 60.6%. Since 1996, a cumulative total of 3,340 HIV-infected people have died in the Irkutsk region, including 91 people in the AIDS stage. In 1999, HIV infection reached the Chunsky district. I present to your attention the following figures for the Chunsky district: From 1999 to 2009, 130 cases of HIV infection were registered. Over the 11 months of 2009, 18 cases were newly identified. Most often these are young people from 19 to 30 years old (83.3%). We have already said that the life expectancy of such patients is short. Since 1999, 17 people have cumulatively died in our area, 4 of them in 2009. Would like to note! If in 1999 in our area only the narcotic route of infection predominated, then in 2009 it was sexual (80% of those newly detected). Question: Are there currently effective treatments for HIV/AIDS? What research is being conducted in this direction? Do you know about them? Treatment of HIV/AIDS can be: Etiological (destruction or inhibition of reproduction of the virus in the body); Pathogenetic (immune stimulation); Symptomatic (treatment of concomitant diseases).

8 Unfortunately, there are no sufficiently effective methods for treating HIV/AIDS. Only drugs have been obtained that can inhibit the replication of the virus. There are medications that have a stimulating effect on the immune system. Treatment of concomitant diseases is ineffective, since a person constantly lives in an environment where there are many microorganisms that can cause a particular disease against the background of immunodeficiency. Considering all of the above, we understand that prevention remains the main means of combating HIV/AIDS. As you can see, nothing good can be expected from HIV/AIDS. Therefore, it is very important to be able to protect yourself from HIV before it enters your body! Presenter: December 1 is declared by the UN as World HIV/AIDS Day. The red ribbon is a sign of solidarity with those living with HIV. A reminder of the need to take action to prevent HIV/AIDS. A red ribbon loop is an international symbol of the anti-AIDS movement. By the beginning of the new century, this disease had claimed 15 million lives on Earth. This terrible disease is spreading with catastrophic speed throughout the world and is keeping pace with young people. Let's honor the memory of everyone who was carried away by this terrible disease with a minute of silence. Music is playing. Distribution of red ribbons and booklets. Next, you can show a film on the topic of HIV/AIDS. Reflection. Presenter: I invite those present to continue the phrase “I understand that”; "I hope that". Students, parents, teachers express their opinions. Conclusion. Social educator (presenter): Summing up the results of our conference, we can draw the following conclusions: HIV/AIDS is a dangerous and fatal disease; HIV/AIDS is spreading at a high rate due to our ignorance, ignorance, ignorance; But, HIV/AIDS can be stopped if we unite our efforts in the fight against the deadly HIV/AIDS.

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1 About measures to prevent HIV infection There are more than 60 million HIV-infected people in the world. Cases of HIV infection are being detected in all regions of the Russian Federation. Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of

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Subject. AIDS is the plague of the 21st century. Goal and objectives: affirmation of a healthy lifestyle, development of theoretical knowledge and beliefs about a healthy lifestyle. Help teenagers realize that AIDS is a plague of the 21st century; form

Here you will find answers to the following questions: 1. When should you get tested for HIV? 2. How to protect your child from HIV if you are infected? 3. When does it become known for sure that a child is NOT infected with HIV?

December 1st is World AIDS Day. On this day, people, public figures and organizations gather all over the world to strengthen efforts in the fight against the HIV epidemic, discuss

Municipal educational institution "Ostashevskaya secondary school" "AIDS plague of the 21st century" Teacher: Shornikova S.P. Objectives: to remind students about the dangers of contracting HIV infection and

STOP HIV/AIDS! Currently, the epidemic of infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is rapidly gaining momentum throughout the world. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is not only a medical problem,

Protect yourself from HIV/AIDS Why is it so important to know what HIV/AIDS is? HIV and AIDS have already taken the lives of millions of people around the world. There is no cure for HIV. Anyone who does not know how to protect themselves from it can become infected with HIV.

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Drug use is one of the main problems of modern society. When raising the younger generation, we must warn them from harm. Therefore, my students and I decided to delve deeper into the study of this problem. While collecting material, the students discovered a problem within the problem: drug use can lead to HIV infection, and then to AIDS. Following in this direction, we developed a scenario for the class hour “Drugs and AIDS”. When conducting a class hour, the videos “Alcohol and Smoking” and “Smoking is harmful to yourself!” are used. and others created by students of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 12" and OSOU ATL, presentation "AIDS - the plague of the 21st century", prepared jointly by students of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 12" and OSOU ATL.

The situation with drug use among young people and Russia continues to be catastrophic. The results of numerous studies show the existence of a stable trend towards a significant and constant increase in the consumption of drugs and toxic substances with a simultaneous decrease in the age of young people who become involved in them. According to the information and analytical Center for Sociological Research of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the share of those who use drugs or have tried it at least once in the age group of youth 12-22 years old is 44.8%. Young people begin to try drugs on average at the age of 14 - 15 years. However, this is the average for all age groups. In fact, the “test” age has dropped by 6 years since 1991. In 1991, young people began to try drugs at an average age of 16 - 17 years, and in 2001 - at the age 11-13 years.

Dissemination of information about the causes, forms, consequences of drug abuse. Formation of a negative attitude among students towards the possibility of drug use. Developing skills to critically analyze and evaluate information received about drugs. Study of drug addiction prevention among youth; primary assistance to a person who is a victim of drugs. Only the joint work of schools, medical centers, parents, and social protection authorities in these areas allows us to stop the impending danger.

The danger of drug addiction is not only that the body quickly wears out and dies, but also the possibility of contracting fatal diseases such as AIDS. After all, everyone knows that the HIV virus is transmitted through blood. The immunodeficiency virus can enter the human body in three ways:

  1. Through blood. HIV can be transmitted through transfusions of blood or blood products from HIV-infected donors or through the use of unsterile, untreated medical equipment containing particles of infected blood. This route of HIV transmission is also common among people who use intravenous drugs, as often a group of drug addicts shares a syringe and needle that are not treated in any way.
  2. Through sexual contact.
  3. From mother to child.

At the end of the 20th century, humanity came face to face with this merciless, deadly and so far incurable disease.

It was first described in 1981 in the USA. In 1983, the French scientist Montagnier and the American researcher Gallo discovered that AIDS is caused by a special virus. It was given the name HIV. In 1987, in West Africa, Montagnier discovered a second type of HIV, which turned out to be less aggressive and less deadly than the first type. In the same West Africa in 1985, a third type of HIV was isolated from monkeys - its own immunodeficiency virus, then such viruses were discovered in cows and cats.

Acquired immunodeficiency is characterized by a set of signs that doctors call symptoms. Among its symptoms: Kaposi's sarcoma, a sharp decrease in the number of T-helper cells, the development of various infections that arise as a result of the proliferation of the most common microbes that constantly live in our bodies and normally pose nothing dangerous to health. Viral infections, such as herpes, which appears on the lip after a cold in the spring, also become unusually pronounced in such patients. In AIDS patients, herpes covers the mouth and nasopharynx, so that they cannot even eat or drink. Dramatically changes herpes and the mucous membrane of the anus, affecting the skin around it in an area the size of the palm of your hand. Such patients suffer from incurable pneumonia, diarrhea (diarrhea), and catastrophic exhaustion. Ultimately, patients die within a year of diagnosis.

In 1985, patients began to notice another symptom - damage to the brain and central nervous system. This defeat is expressed in memory loss, gait disorder, ability to concentrate, etc. In 1987, AIDS dementia (damage to the nervous system) was officially registered by the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta as a symptom of (another!) AIDS .

The AIDS virus does not infect just one type of cell, but many. But T-helpers, the main switches of the immune response, are mainly affected, as a result of which acquired immunodeficiency develops. A person remains completely defenseless in the face of various infections, as well as cancer cells.

The HIV virus is a killer, he doesn't choose his victims. He doesn't care whether you are black or white, young or old, beautiful or not, poor or rich. Where he comes, death comes later. No one is immune from HIV infection. Any person, man or woman, at any age, regardless of place of residence or religious beliefs, can become infected with HIV. Only knowledge about the routes of transmission, prevention of HIV infection and non-risky behavior can protect a person from infection.

The presence of the virus can only be determined with the help of special tests, blood tests, which are done in hospitals or special centers. The most common diagnostic method is enzyme immunoassay. A positive test result indicates that antibodies to HIV have been detected in the blood serum. If antibodies are present, it is concluded that a virus is present in the body.

Since antibodies to HIV appear only some time after infection, getting tested immediately or a few days after dangerous contact is useless. Test results usually become positive a month after infection, but for some people this period (the “window” period) extends to 3 months or more. Therefore, to obtain a reliable result, the test is done twice, after a period of 3-6 months.

The presence of a virus in the blood can only be determined using a special dough, which detects the presence not of the virus itself, but antibodies produced by the body in response to HIV infection. It takes time to develop antibodies from 1 to 6 months. The period when there are not enough antibodies to detect them is called "window period". A person can transmit HIV to other people through 10-14 days from the moment of infection

HIV is a common virus because a person can be infected for many years and still appear completely healthy. But the virus gradually multiplies inside the body and eventually destroys the body's ability to fight disease by killing blood cells, which are part of the body's immune system. If a person is infected, this does not mean that he will immediately develop AIDS. The virus can remain in the body for ten years or more before a person experiences any symptoms of the disease. During this period, a person may look and feel completely healthy, but may still pass the virus on to others.


  • you can get HIV without even knowing it;
  • You can pass HIV on to others without knowing it.

HIV is found in various biological fluids of the human body, but in varying quantities. The virus is found in concentrations sufficient to cause infection in blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk. Thus, for infection to occur, it is necessary:

  • HIV entering the human body through biological fluids;
  • the amount of HIV must be sufficient for infection.

The immunodeficiency virus can enter the human body in only three ways:

  1. Through blood. HIV can be transmitted through transfusions of blood or blood products from HIV-infected donors or through the use of unsterile, untreated medical equipment containing particles of infected blood. Currently, all blood products used to treat people are tested for virus content, and disposable medical instruments are used. This route of HIV transmission is also common among people who use intravenous drugs, as often a group of drug addicts shares a syringe and needle that are not treated in any way.
  2. Of course, when giving injections in medical institutions, disposable syringes should be used, and when giving blood transfusions, it must be checked. Infection of several children with HIV infection is on the conscience of medical personnel. However, a complete transition to disposable syringes and testing of donated blood still did not stop the spread of AIDS in Africa, Asia and Europe. The main route of transmission of the virus is sexual contact.
  3. Through sexual contact. HIV is transmitted from one person to another during unprotected sexual contact (without a condom) when sperm or vaginal secretions from an infected partner enter the body. The more people a person has sexual relations with, the higher the likelihood that he will end up with a partner who is HIV-positive.

From mother to child. Transmission of the virus from an HIV-positive mother to her child can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding. Without treatment of the mother, the risk of infection is on average 20-45%, with the use of medications it is reduced to 10%. It is also possible to transmit HIV from child to mother during breastfeeding.

Yes, there are such cases. For example, a girl is infected, a young man is not. This family wanted to have a child. Pregnancy itself affects the health of the expectant mother. Naturally, both childbirth and the postpartum period against the background of an immunodeficiency state also undermine the already fragile health of the mother. On the other hand, the husband knows that he takes responsibility. This is in the future - a sick wife and child, whose status parents will only be able to find out after a year and a half. This time is needed to find out whether the child was infected during pregnancy or childbirth.


  • No. 1, the presence of a large amount of virus in the mother’s blood; in later stages of the disease, it goes without saying that the likelihood of transmitting the infection to the fetus increases.
  • No. 2, this is an exacerbation of chronic diseases in pregnant women and complications of pregnancy itself.
  • No. 3, pathological changes in the placenta, duration of labor, long anhydrous period, etc.

According to world statistics, the risk of infection of a baby from an HIV-infected mother during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding is 30% if the woman has not received preventive treatment, and only 2% when undergoing antiviral therapy (chemoprophylaxis).


A system of measures has been developed (it has been adopted, it works, and it brings results) to protect children from HIV infection. All pregnant women from a certain period receive therapy (the introduction of special drugs that help reduce the amount of virus in the mother’s blood). The drugs are very expensive, but women receive them for free.

Is it possible to become infected with the HIV virus through:

  • blood - yes, blood is the first of the most important means of transfer
  • sweat is the only fluid excreted by the body that does not contain any amount of the HIV virus.
  • vomiting - contains a very low amount of virus, is dangerous only when in contact with our blood.
  • tears - contain a very low amount of virus, dangerous only when in contact with our blood.
  • saliva - contains a very low amount of virus, is dangerous only when in contact with our blood. For you to become infected, you must swallow 4 liters of saliva from the partner you kissed. There are acids in our stomach that destroy low amounts of the virus. But it is dangerous to kiss a person whose gums are bleeding.
  • hair - no
  • urine - contains a very low amount of virus, is dangerous only when in contact with our blood.
  • skin - no, don’t be afraid to give your hand to a person who has AIDS. ·
  • fluid in female genitalia is the second most dangerous means of infection
  • Mother's milk is the third most dangerous means of infection. 30 percent of infants become infected from their sick mothers through their milk during feeding.
  • feces - contains a very low amount of virus, dangerous only when in contact with our blood.
  • sperm and fluid in the female genitalia is the most dangerous means of infection with the HIV virus; it contains a large amount of the HIV virus.

HIV infection is not transmitted:

By airborne droplets and through household contacts. It is impossible to become infected by sharing utensils, a toilet with an HIV-positive person, swimming in the same pool with him, or by greeting or hugging. There is a chance of infection through kissing only if blood is visible in the saliva. Saliva itself does not contain enough HIV to cause infection. HIV is also not carried by insects. All types of contacts are safe when there is no exchange of “dangerous” biological fluids of the human body. HIV is not transmitted by household contact. HIV can only reproduce inside the cells of the human body. Outside the human body, the virus quickly dies. That's why it is forbidden become infected through saliva, urine, sweat, tears, insect bites; using common objects, common dishes, swimming pool, toilet, bed linen.

Law “On preventing the spread of the disease caused by HIV on the territory of the Russian Federation”

There is a law in Russia “On preventing the spread of the disease caused by HIV in the Russian Federation” According to which every citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to free and anonymous HIV testing. The person taking the test has the right to receive specialist advice. In Russia, the majority of HIV-infected people became infected during intravenous drug use. Without knowing that he is infected and without taking precautions when using drugs or having sexual intercourse, a person can transmit the infection to others.

Rights of an HIV-infected person:

An HIV-infected person has the same rights as any other person. Communication with an HIV-infected person is safe, so you should not refuse a relationship with a person just because he is infected. Maybe some of you will take care of these people in the future, it is a very rewarding job. If there were no such people, then AIDS patients would die in inhumane conditions, because over time they become completely helpless. They need our help and understanding, not rejection.

Since the outbreak of the AIDS epidemic in 1981, the best minds on the planet have been searching for a way to stop its invasion. Unfortunately, the problem of HIV infection is becoming increasingly relevant for Russia; doctors today are talking about an unprecedented increase in infection rates. Patients today place their hopes on virologists and pharmacologists.

Today there is an opportunity to significantly prolong the life and well-being of HIV-infected people. Currently medicine, capable of defeating HIV infection, Not found. Treatment HIV-infected sent to reduce the rate of reproduction of the virus in the human body and prevent development of the AIDS stage. If an infected person gets anti-HIV therapy, is seen by a doctor, leads a healthy lifestyle, follows a diet, rules of general hygiene, then he can prolong normal health and maintain good physical condition for many years.

Scientists have found that the HIV reproduction cycle has a number of vulnerabilities. It is they who are trying to influence antiviral drugs. For example, substances are obtained that prevent the virus from entering genes.

The first anti-AIDS drug appeared in 1986. It still remains the basic medicine for the treatment of HIV infections. Produced under the names Zidovudine, Retrovir, Timazid. However, the genes of the virus change quite quickly, as a result of which HIV develops resistance to the action of the drug. Already by 1992, enough evidence had accumulated indicating that the effect of AZT, unfortunately, was temporary.

The same problem has arisen with more modern drugs. Currently, doctors recommend combination treatment with antiviral substances with different mechanisms of action.


A person can avoid contracting HIV infection by changing their behavior to safer ones:

  • do not use drugs, especially intravenously;
  • do not begin sexual activity in early adolescence just to prove your “maturity”;
  • avoid promiscuous sexual intercourse;
  • use disposable and sterile instruments for medical procedures;
  • do not use other people’s razors or manicure sets;
  • Take care of your health, keep your body clean, which will protect you from many diseases.


As we saw from the material above, HIV/AIDS is a very serious disease that currently has no specific therapy. Having studied this material, we were able to see how dangerous and ruthless this virus is, how terrible the course of the disease and its consequences are. As doctors say: “It is better to prevent a disease than to treat it” - we all must know preventive measures and everyone must contribute to this work, i.e. notify everyone, your friends, relatives, acquaintances about this problem.

Only public education can curb the spread of AIDS. R. Gallo said: “The advent of this disease means the end of a permissive society, a society in which relationships with multiple partners are common, unchecked by fear of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. We were unprepared for the rapid evolution of viruses that attack immune cells, so we cannot succeed in creating antiviral vaccines.”

Subject: “How to protect yourself from AIDS and drugs” (situational discussion workshop)


Prevention of drug addiction and AIDS infection among students.

Progress of the class hour.

Opening speech by the class teacher (curator of the study group): Dear guys, our conversation today will be very serious, and it will be devoted to a pressing topic: how to protect yourself from the plague of the 21st century - drug addiction and AIDS?

Situation No. 1. “The drug addiction epidemic is a global problem.”

Drugs today are a problem for all of humanity. And like an incurable disease, it cripples and destroys millions of people. And if we take into account that the age of most drug addicts ranges from 12-13 years to 25-27 years, then almost a quarter of the planet’s population falls into this category. Drug addiction is terrible primarily because it jeopardizes the very life of future generations.

According to data provided by Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry, Narcology, Psychotherapy and Sexopathology FPKVGMUd.b.n. O.K. Galaktionov over the past 30 years, the number of drug users in our country has increased more than 10 times, i.e. drug addiction in Russia has become an epidemic.

The rapid growth of drug addiction, primarily among adolescents and young people, is characterized by an expansion of the range of psychoactive substances consumed. There is an increase in the number of drug addicts and drug abusers in all regions of Russia: both in large cities and in small towns. The number of crimes related to narcotic drugs and potent substances increased by 68.7 times, of which those related to the sale of drugs increased by 14 times.

When studying the mechanisms of attraction to drug use, I.I. Shurygina identified three models of drug addiction:

- 45% were “uninformed” - those who, using a drug for the first time, knew nothing about the clinic and the consequences;

- 21% were “nonconformists” - those who used drugs for the first time as a protest against the foundations of society;

— 25% were “hedonists,” that is, they used drugs in order to obtain new pleasures.

Nothing destroys personality more than drug addiction. A novice drug addict reveals himself by a sudden loss of interest in everything that previously occupied him. Not only school or student affairs, but also all hobbies are abandoned. The appearance is careless and sloppy. He refuses to perform any duties and avoids any effort. His relationship with his parents deteriorates sharply, and he breaks up with his childhood friends without apparent regret.

How to recognize a drug addict during communication, i.e. by external signs?

Redness of the eyelids and nose are fairly common signs. In this case, the pupils can be either dilated or constricted, depending on the type of drug.

For the same reason, energy can be either reduced or sharply increased: a person can be either lethargic, slow, gloomy or “absent”, or noisy, hysterically cheerful and annoying.

Appetite is also subject to extremes: either monstrous or none at all. Weight loss may occur.

The character changes dramatically: the person becomes irritable, inattentive and “erratic” or aggressive and suspicious.

Heavy odor from the body and from the mouth. Complete indifference to cleanliness and tidiness.

The digestive system may be upset: nausea and vomiting are quite common. Headaches and blurred vision are also common.

Moral foundations often crumble and are replaced by new ideas and values ​​that are more consistent with the new way of life.

A drug addict is not always “on the needle.” Different types of drug addiction include substance abuse (sniffing glue, varnish, gasoline), the use of various pills, and smoking weed. But the signs are almost always identical.

Do you agree with the given facts? (A brief discussion ensues.)

Situation No. 2. “Who gets into drugs and why?”

In almost all countries of the world there is a “rejuvenation” of users of psychoactive drugs. According to some researchers, from 1 to 6.9% of teenagers in Russia use narcotic and toxic drugs, depending on the region of residence. By the mid-90s, about 58 thousand teenagers had problems associated with the use of psychoactive substances. 10.7% of girls and 23.2% of boys used drugs more than once in their lives; Moreover, 65% of all opiates prefer cannabis preparations.

As a rule, initiation into drugs often takes place in the warm atmosphere of a friendly company. Marijuana and pills are often used at youth parties, where it is difficult to refuse to participate in the general entertainment without the risk of being considered too “correct”, a mama’s boy and a bore. Many teenagers are willing to literally risk their lives to gain acceptance from their peers; It is this need for recognition that is the most common reason for taking up drugs.

According to many researchers, the motives for drug addiction are the following:

- “experience unusual sensations”;

- “out of a sense of camaraderie”;

- “to cause intoxication so that parents do not find out”;

- "out of curiosity";

- “increase alcohol intoxication.”

Withdrawal syndrome, especially from the “dirty” drugs used in Russia, is extremely painful and destructive. If from psychostimulants such as “vint” (“vint” is ephedrine reduced with iodine; this is a powerful stimulant that in some cases has hallucinogenic properties) or “mulka” (“mulka” is a popular youth drug - ephedrine, made at home from ephedrine) just quickly and “reliably” go crazy, then opiates (poppy straw - “koknard”, raw opium - “chernyashka”, “glass” - promedol, omnopon, morphine, fentanyl) turn the consumer into a slave to the daily dose. After a drug addict gets hooked on the needle, his first priority is to get the money, and a sense of duty, responsibility, position in society, friendship, parents, children, work, study - all this after he gets off his money. , or doesn't matter at all. So there is something for a beginner to think about.

Situation No. 3 “HIV infection and drug addiction.”

An extremely important aspect of the problem is the continuing risk of the spread of HIV infection and other acute infectious diseases (hepatitis) among drug users, since the most common method of drug administration is the injection method. Humanity has not yet come up with reliable means of protection against the spread of HIV infection. Today there are no drugs that guarantee complete recovery of those sick with this terrible disease.

One sick drug addict can infect about 100 people with AIDS. By becoming infected themselves, drug addicts exponentially increase the number of HIV-infected people. According to experts, only one out of ten HIV-infected drug addicts knows that he is sick; the rest do not even suspect it and continue to live a “full” life. Some drug addicts deliberately infect unsuspecting “associates” with HIV infection (L.I. Romanova).

This problem has widely affected all foreign countries. In Poland, the majority of HIV-infected people were intravenous drug users. According to American researchers, the spread of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, is greatly influenced by changes in heterosexual behavior after the use of intravenous injections of psychoactive substances or smoking marijuana. Most authors tend to conclude that the use of condoms cannot effectively prevent the spread of HIV infection among intravenous drug users and cocaine users. The environment where drug addicts live also has a great influence, so long-term homelessness favors risky sexual behavior.

The current situation with the incidence of drug addiction and drug abuse in all countries cannot but influence mortality and its types. The highest percentage of deaths is caused by acute poisoning due to an overdose of psychoactive substances.

O.K. Galaktionov provides data that on average in Russia for every 100 thousand population there are 1.31 deaths of drug users. Among groups of drug addicts examined over a period of time from one to ten years, from 10 to 26% of the cohort died, which corresponded to a 10-30 times higher overall mortality rate among peers, and in some regions up to 30-60 times.

The average age of the deceased was 24.5–27.5 years. The ratio of males to females ranges from 4:1 to 8:1.

Do you agree with all the facts and examples? Give reasons for your conclusion. (A brief discussion ensues.)

Situation No. 4. “Listen to your body!”

With intranasal and inhalation routes of drug administration, there is a high probability of direct toxic effects of the active substance on the respiratory system.

Intranasal use of cocaine leads to the development of allergic rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, polyposis of the nasal mucosa, nosebleeds, perforation of the nasal septum and palate.

A common complication of chronic intravenous drug addiction is pulmonary granulomatosis. This complication occurs in 60% of drug deaths.

Very often, the mortality of intravenous drug addicts is caused by infectious and septic lesions of the cardiovascular system.

Narcotic and toxic substances, as well as impurities contained in homemade preparations (manganese, lead, organic solvents, etc.), have an irreversible effect on the nervous system. A common pathology of drug addicts are pathologies of cerebral circulation: infarctions of the brain and spinal cord, intracerebral and subarachnoid hemorrhages.

In drug addiction, gastrointestinal tract lesions are common. When eating dry ground poppy seeds or abusing diphenhydramine, the tongue becomes covered with a brown coating. Characterized by very poor condition of the teeth, abundant caries, loss of tooth enamel, loss of most of the teeth. The use of heroin and cocaine can cause acute intestinal ischemia, peritonitis, and sometimes acute bleeding at different levels of the gastrointestinal tract.

During lifetime blood tests in drug addicts, markers of viral hepatitis (liver damage) are detected.

Kidney damage in drug addicts is secondary and is associated with a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.

Deviations in the sexual behavior of persons who abuse psychoactive substances cause a high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases, including viral hepatitis and HIV infection.

Did these facts excite you? (A brief discussion ensues.)

Situation No. 5 “How to protect yourself from AIDS?”

AIDS is a profound lesion of the human cellular immune system, clinically manifested by the development of progressive infectious diseases and malignant neoplasms.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is caused by a specific virus. This virus enters the blood and damages a certain type of white blood cells (lymphocytes), which are an important part of the body's defense (immune) system. As a result, the infected person becomes “defenseless” against germs and tumors. The disease develops slowly over several years. The only sign of the disease may be enlargement of several lymph nodes. Then the temperature rises, prolonged intestinal disorders, sweating, and weight loss begin. Subsequently, inflammation of the lungs, pustular and herpetic skin lesions, sepsis (infection) of the blood, and malignant tumors, mainly of the skin, occur. All this leads to the death of the patient.

a) How to fight AIDS?

All experts in the world now agree that the most important means of combating AIDS is health education.

So far, no effective drugs have been found that can cure AIDS or kill the virus that has entered the human body, although there is already encouraging information from research working on this problem.

So, the main measure to prevent AIDS should be a negative attitude towards sexual perversions and promiscuity, casual sexual relations.

As a special preventive measure, the use of a physical contraceptive - a condom - should be highlighted.

Persons prone to homosexual relationships and drug addiction must understand that such habits become extremely detrimental not only to their health, but also to the lives of those around them.

AIDS is a serious and dangerous disease. It is easier to prevent than to treat. And since preventive measures are in the hands of every person, they should be used for the benefit of the health of themselves and those around them.

b) Who has AIDS?

Analysis of data on several thousand patients registered in developed countries showed that among patients:

- 7.7% - homosexual men or men who have had sex with both men and women, and persons who are promiscuous;

— 15% are drug addicts who use drugs intravenously;

- 1% - persons who received multiple blood transfusions;

- 1% - children born to mothers infected with AIDS;

- 5% - the route of infection is not clear due to the death of the patient or refusal to provide the necessary information.

c) How can one become infected with AIDS?

As a result of studying several thousand patients registered in the world, it was found that the AIDS virus is transmitted:

- during sexual contact with a patient or infected with the AIDS virus, more often during sexual perversion. Using a condom reduces the risk of infection;

- as a result of the use of non-sterile syringes for injection, mainly in drug addiction;

- by introducing blood or blood preparations containing a virus;

- from a pregnant woman infected with AIDS to a newborn.

The AIDS virus is not transmitted through the air by talking, coughing, etc. When using shared utensils and other household items, bathrooms, bathrooms, swimming pools, etc., you cannot become infected with AIDS.

Not a single case of AIDS infection occurred through casual contact or contact at work. Not a single medical worker became infected while caring for AIDS patients (provided that he did not come into contact with the patient’s blood, for example, through a bleeding wound).

Every person should be aware of the peculiarities of sexual behavior, which in themselves pose a real threat to the health and life of themselves and those around them.

It has now been firmly established that the main route of transmission of HIV and the spread of AIDS in the human population is sexual. This is not surprising, because the causative agent is most often found in the blood, semen and vaginal secretions of infected people. Sexual contacts between people also play a major epidemiological role in the spread of infection. The peculiarity of this route of transmission of the virus is that the most dangerous route, from an epidemiological point of view, turned out to be the route of transmission of the virus from an infected person to a healthy person during sexual intercourse between men. Such acts are accompanied by damage (cracks, tears) to the mucous membrane of the rectum, which has an abundant blood supply, which greatly facilitates the possibility of the virus entering the body of a sexual partner. In terms of the potential risk of infection, such sexual acts undoubtedly take first place.

d) How to protect yourself from AIDS?

To protect yourself from AIDS, you need to avoid casual sexual contact with homosexuals, drug addicts and people who are promiscuous.

The more sexual partners you have, the higher your risk of contracting AIDS. Using a condom dramatically reduces the risk of such infection.

Use condoms! This is not a shameful thing, there is nothing to be ashamed of! Young people around the world treat the word “condom” quite calmly and with respect.

Don't forget to get your blood tested for HIV sometimes.

Can you use these tips as a basis for your everyday life? (A brief discussion ensues.)

Mini-results of the class hour.




Necessary materials:

    Video presentation;

    Cards for role-playing games;

Extracurricular event on the topic: “AIDS. HIV. Know in order to live!

At the turn of the millennium
There comes a time when
We are responsible for everything,
Flipping through the years
- The man who conquered the sky
Inventing a miracle of technology

Forgets about his health

As many minds say.

But a speedy decision
Depends only on people

Saves me, makes me stronger

I can safely cross
I'm not responsible for my health

And once you came to me
patronage is not easy
I wanted to talk about a lot of things
About the dead and HIV positive

4. How is HIV transmitted?

What is HIV? (Slide)

This IN irus AND immunodeficiency H people

IN AND– immunodeficiency: immunity is a defense responsible for our health, deficiency is a lack of something, in our case a lack of health or protection. The important letter is H

The insidiousness of the immunodeficiency virus lies in the fact that it affects the cells that are responsible for protecting the body; it is these cells that must be responsible for immunity (protection), neutralizing all kinds of foreign substances, bacteria, viruses and fungi, and are also responsible for the destruction of used cells and for restoration tissues and cells in case of damage. This is an ambulance, security and orderly rolled into one.









    Vaginal secretion

    Digestive juices, etc.



    vaginal secretion

    Mother's milk




« Steppe Fire."

Participants are invited to close their eyes and imagine that they have come to a disco. While they stand with their eyes closed, the leader touches someone present, and for the duration of the game, the person touched becomes a person who has been in contact with an HIV-infected person and may be infected. The task of the rest is to go and shake hands with everyone, with those whom they like, but someone who is HIV-infected scratches their palm when shaking hands, this means that that person is also infected. After some time the game stops. Everyone stands in a circle and asks those who are infected to take a step forward, since a handshake meant sexual intercourse without a condom (there were no gloves on the hands). It clearly shows that one infected person can infect a huge number of people. But those who find themselves in the circle are given a chance. They undergo an HIV test, that is, they are additionally given sheets of paper (test results) and of these sheets of paper marked with a cross it turns out (with a positive result), there can only be 5 of them. The rest turn out to be healthy. Those who are healthy take a step back. And those five remain in the circle.

Of course it's a game and that's why we all have fun. The game concludes that there may not be a second chance in life. And one can do a lot of trouble. Thank you all for playing. At the end of the game, everyone is removed from the role of infected, in words - now everyone is healthy.

Discussion of the exercise.

Let's imagine an ordinary life situation. At a disco in a nightclub we met….(choose names that are not in the group) and…. Without wasting much time on getting to know each other in more detail, they entered into an intimate relationship. The girl (name) was infected with HIV, and the virus entered the body of the young man (name). Two weeks passed and……. I found out that ……… does not suffer from “restrained” behavior and went to get checked. I came to the clinic, took tests for HIV, and received a negative reaction, which means “no virus was detected.” Five years later, he died of AIDS.

How could this happen?

Why purchased?

What is immunodeficiency?

The body produces CD-4 cells, the virus infects them. The body produces, the virus infects. It produces - it amazes. Usually the virus turns out to be more agile.

Please answer me the following provocative questions:

I suggest you scheme “Anufriy and Euphrosyne».

Materials: slides.

Euphrosyne's former friend had many girls; in general, he was not a serious person. And one of Anufriy’s former girlfriends was frivolous, which is why they broke up. And the second one simply went to another city and left him.

Game "Risk Group":

I will give you cards with roles, different ones for each group. One member of the group comes out and is asked questions in order to understand whether he is infected. In this case, the player can only respond with facial expressions or a nod of the head. You can't talk. Groups can only be asked questions that are appropriate to ask strangers.

Game "Degree of Risk":

Installation cards for the game “Degree of Risk”

An excellent pupil. A favorite in the family. You study well. Teachers set you as an example to others. There is no permanent boyfriend. You are popular at school. At the disco I met another guy. Got infected.

Oddball. You study poorly

but he has a head on his shoulders.

Essentially romantic in nature.

You treat girls with kindness. You often don’t spend the night at home due to conflicts with your parents.

Not infected.

Homebody. There are practically no friends. Just one sexual encounter with a girl he had been courting for a year. She infected it.

I knew about AIDS, but did not take precautions.

I tried drugs a couple of times with friends and got infected through a syringe.

Otherwise nothing remarkable.

You agree easily

with everything and everyone.

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Brief description of the document:

Extracurricular event on the topic: “AIDS. HIV. Know in order to live!

Target: talk about disease prevention measures, the importance of developing in children the concept of personal responsibility for their health, the ability to assess situations in risk areas and the ability to take precautions.


1. Explain to students the difference between AIDS and HIV infection;

2. Explain that an HIV-infected person is not dangerous in everyday life;

3. Using the game, show how quickly the disease spreads and who is at risk.

Necessary materials:

1. Video “Why AIDS is destroying the planet”;

2. Video presentation;

3. Cards for role-playing games;

Extracurricular event on the topic: “AIDS. HIV. Know in order to live!

(The class is divided into three groups)

The topic of our class hour is: “HIV and AIDS. Know in order to survive” and as an epigraph I took the words of Vladimir Vysotsky’s song “Morning Exercises”.

At the turn of the millennium
There comes a time when
We are responsible for everything,
Flipping through the years
- The man who conquered the sky
Inventing a miracle of technology
Getting into bad habits
Forgets about his health

I am a virus born in Africa, -
As many minds say.
Your long path, trodden through life,
I'm going with impudence, I'm worse than war.
But a speedy decision
Depends only on people
There is protection, and only neglect
Saves me, makes me stronger
I am active during sexual intercourse.
The latex barrier feels like paralysis to me.
Tenacious in the blood, extremely productive,
I destroy everything, I'm just HIV
Immunodeficiency is a disease of the century.
Experts have been struggling with this for a long time.
While ignorance and sloppiness of man
They allow me to develop and grow.
To the baby with milk and mother's blood
I can safely cross
I'm not responsible for my health

And once you came to me
patronage is not easy
I wanted to talk about a lot of things
About the dead and HIV positive
All humanity living above God
Subject to me: be a king or an inveterate scourge.

Today we will talk about HIV infection and AIDS. They write a lot about this, and talk even more about it. I believe that you are quite an enlightened youth in this area, and have information that will help you answer the following questions:

1. What is HIV? How is it decrypted?

2. What is AIDS? How is it decrypted?

3. Is there a difference between them?

4. How is HIV transmitted?

5. Can animals carry HIV?

6. Is there a cure for HIV, but for AIDS?

(After each question, time is given to answer, and answers are not corrected, but information is simply collected so that participants realize that they do not have the answer to everything.)

What is HIV? (Slide)

This IN irus AND immunodeficiency H people

IN- a virus is the simplest living creature on the planet; it is so small and simplified that some scientists do not classify it as a living creature at all. For greater understanding, let's look at the word AND– immunodeficiency: immunity is a defense responsible for our health, deficiency is a lack of something, in our case a lack of health or protection. An important letter is H-person, i.e. Only humans can have HIV; neither birds, nor fish, nor animals can have this disease. The only option is that a similar disease was found in monkeys, but it is a mutated virus, a type of HIV. So HIV can only be transmitted from person to person.

The insidiousness of the immunodeficiency virus lies in the fact that it affects the cells that are responsible for protecting the body; it is these cells that must be responsible for immunity (protection), neutralizing all kinds of foreign substances, bacteria, viruses and fungi, and are also responsible for the destruction of used cells and for tissue restoration and cells in case of damage. This is an ambulance, security and orderly rolled into one.

It turns out that the virus kills these cells, and we are deprived of all the benefits that they gave to the body.

This virus lives only in humans. To be more precise, in the cells and fluids of the body. There it can move freely and reproduce.

What body fluids do you know?

(Accept all answers, correct. If the answer was correct, encourage.)


· Blood

· Urine

· Lymph

· Sweat

· Sperm

· Saliva

· Milk

· Vaginal secretion

· Digestive juices, etc.

The virus is present in all of these environments, except the digestive juice.

However, you can only become infected through four environments.

· Sperm

· Blood

· vaginal secretion

· Mother's milk

Infection through other media is impossible because the concentration in them is so low that in order to become infected through saliva you need 3 liters, and there is nothing to say about urine, moreover, there must be a situation in which this is possible.

Speaking of situations? What actions can lead to infection? (Answers)


· When feeding milk from an HIV-infected mother.

An HIV-infected mother may give birth to a child who is not affected by the infection.

· If the integrity of the placenta is violated during gestation (the placenta, during gestation, serves as an excellent barrier to many infections, and if there is no damage to this barrier, then an infected mother can give birth to a healthy child).

· Drug use with shared syringes . (One of the most dangerous situations)

· Unprotected sexual contacts .

· The use of unsterile surgical, razor, etc. instruments or their careless use (this applies to all instruments from gynecological instruments to tattoo needles).

· Transfusion of untested or untreated blood.

A role-playing game was developed to show the speed of infection spread « Steppe Fire."

Participants are invited to close their eyes and imagine that they have come to a disco. While they stand with their eyes closed, the leader touches someone present, and for the duration of the game, the person touched becomes a person who has been in contact with an HIV-infected person and may be infected. The task of the rest is to go and shake hands with everyone, with those whom they like, but someone who is HIV-infected scratches their palm when shaking hands, this means that that person is also infected. After some time the game stops. Everyone stands in a circle and asks those who are infected to take a step forward, since a handshake meant sexual intercourse without a condom (there were no gloves on the hands). It clearly shows that one infected person can infect a huge number of people. But those who find themselves in the circle are given a chance. They take an HIV test, that is, they are additionally given sheets of paper (test results) and of these sheets of paper marked with a cross, it turns out (with a positive result), there can only be 5 of them. The rest turn out to be healthy. Those who are healthy take a step back. And those five remain in the circle.

Of course it's a game and that's why we all have fun. The game concludes that there may not be a second chance in life. And one can do a lot of trouble. Thank you all for playing. At the end of the game, everyone is removed from the role of infected, in words - now everyone is healthy.

Discussion of the exercise.

Let's imagine an ordinary life situation. We met at a disco in a nightclub... (select names that are not in the group) And …. Without wasting much time on getting to know each other in more detail, they entered into an intimate relationship. The girl (name) was infected with HIV, and the virus entered the body of the young man (name). Two weeks passed and……. I found out that ……… does not suffer from “restrained” behavior and went to get checked. I came to the clinic, took tests for HIV, and received a negative reaction, which means “no virus was detected.” Five years later, he died of AIDS.

How could this happen?

The fact is that the virus, under normal laboratory conditions, cannot be seen. Doctors detect HIV infection not by viruses, but by antibodies. The doctor determines these antibodies and, if there are too many of them, makes a diagnosis of “HIV positive (detected).” The period when the virus is already in the body, but antibodies have not yet been produced in sufficient quantities and cannot be detected, is called the “window” period. In order for this amount to accumulate (the window period has ended), it takes 3-6 months. And only after this period can a virus infection be detected. It is after this period that you should contact medical institutions to take an HIV test (slide).

But even after this, a person may not know that he is HIV-infected. The virus, even while in the body and multiplying, does not cause any signs of illness in many people. A person can live for several years and not even know that he is infected. At this time, a person can infect others, since the signs are not expressed. He is quite capable and looks just like you and me. This period is often called "asymptomatic".

This type of partisanship can cause a very interesting phenomenon - fluctuations in the amount of virus in the blood. First (10-15 days after the virus enters the body), viruses multiply sharply. The body cannot react instantly, and symptoms such as diarrhea, fever, constant fatigue and malaise, headaches, swollen lymph nodes appear, nothing appears that can distinguish the symptoms from a simple respiratory illness. These symptoms appear in only 30% of those infected, and most do not have them at all.

Accordingly, there are also a lot of antibodies in the blood. They cope with the virus, but only with the one that has not had time to penetrate the nerve and muscle cells. The amount of virus during the asymptomatic period decreases, and the development of the disease continues for quite a long time. But the waiting period for the virus will end one day. The immune system fails and a disease called AIDS occurs.

(Watching the film “Why AIDS is destroying the planet”)


What does the word syndrome mean? (answer)

(The answers usually follow: symptom, disease.)

In fact, the syndrome is somewhat different. For example, if you sneeze - this is a symptom (sign), if you cough - a symptom, high temperature - a symptom, together they make up the flu syndrome. Also, AIDS is a syndrome, i.e. a set of signs indicating a disease. The signs of AIDS vary widely.

Why purchased?

(Accept answers. Edit.)

Yes, because it is transmitted from person to person without heredity. You cannot be predisposed to AIDS.

What is immunodeficiency?

(Try to let listeners figure out the word themselves.)

Indeed, this is a lack of protection for the body’s strength.

The body produces cells CD -4, the virus affects them. The body produces, the virus infects. It produces - it amazes. Usually the virus turns out to be more agile.

No matter what is affected, and no matter which of the diseases listed above progresses, death is almost 100%. You can be an HIV carrier for a very long time (in some cases up to 15 years), but AIDS patients only last about 1-2 years, maximum 3. Not all HIV-infected people suffer from AIDS. Many will die from other diseases not related to AIDS.

There are no vaccines or cures for AIDS yet. Doctors can only prolong the life of an infected person with medications. With AIDS, the result is the same. The disease is fatal.

So why does HIV infection worry doctors and scientists so much? After all, there are many deadly diseases?

(Accept the answers. Edit.)

The fact is that AIDS is the first and only “slow” infection in human history. An asymptomatic period of ten years can be more dangerous than even the most reactive infection. HIV has chosen one of the most sophisticated methods of attack.

Firstly, the transmission route is the most vile. Imagine, you love a person, trust him, and, at the most intimate moment of your relationship, the virus simply passes from one organism to another, using your partner as a transport.

Secondly, many people do not support the idea of ​​one permanent partner.

Please answer me the following provocative questions:

· If you love a person, it wouldn’t occur to you to doubt him. Is that true?

· It is immediately obvious from a person whether he has an STI (sexually transmitted infection)?

· Only someone who has had a lot of partners should worry about whether he has become infected with something?

I suggest you scheme “Anufriy and Euphrosyne».

Purpose: to discuss the question of how much sexual partners should trust each other in matters of health.

Materials: slides.

Once upon a time there lived young people Efrosinya and Anufriy. One day they met and fell in love. They had never before had such a pure and trusting relationship, such true love.

Everything that happened in everyone's past had no meaning for them. These were casual meetings, frivolous relationships, and there weren’t many of them at all. Euphrosyne had one short, summer romance. And Anufry previously had close relationships with 2 girls.

Euphrosyne's former friend had many girls; in general, he was not a serious person. And one of Anufriy’s former girlfriends was frivolous, which is why they broke up. And the second one simply went to another city and left him.

And those, in general, strangers, also had some kind of sexual relationship in the past.

If we expand this scheme further, then the people we portray are probably not familiar to the main characters. Efrosinya and Anufriy, most likely, have not even heard of them. Why did we remember them? Because, when entering into unprotected sexual relations even with a very loved and close person, we simultaneously come into contact with the microflora of all his previous partners, as well as those with whom these people previously had contact. It sounds and looks terrible. But microbes don’t care which person’s genital tract they live in, and they are not familiar with morality.

In addition, one of the 36 citizens depicted in the diagram could have been infected with something and not know about it. Such “surprises” can destroy love and trust.

Let's conclude: it is necessary to protect yourself - this will help maintain health and avoid troubles.

Many people believe that AIDS is a disease of the unwary or the so-called “at-risk group.”

Game "Risk Group":

I will give you cards with roles, different ones for each group. One member of the group comes out and is asked questions in order to understand whether he is infected. In this case, the player can only respond with facial expressions or a nod of the head. You can't talk. Groups can only be asked questions that are appropriate to ask strangers.

Conclusion: As you can see, nothing can be accurately determined by group membership. Only specific actions can determine the danger or safety of a person.

In fact, no one is immune from medical error and treason. And therefore, you should not think that if you are not a drug addict and do not use drugs, then you are safe.

Game "Degree of Risk":

And now we will test your knowledge and consolidate the material.

Distribute to each group the same set of cards with the situation of contact with HIV - an infected person. Each group must determine the degree of risk of infection: group 1 - high risk, 2 - low risk, 3 - no risk.

Then a member of the group reads out the inscription on the card, which, in the opinion of the group, most accurately reflects the degree of risk of HIV infection described by the entry on the card. Students discuss mistakes.

What new did you learn today?

I hope that you understand about disease prevention measures, about personal responsibility for your health, that you will be able to assess situations in risk areas and that you will be able to follow precautionary measures.- Possibility of an additional source of income (up to 60,000 rubles per month)!

To ask questions.