The meaning of the word (phrase) holy trinity. What is the holy trinity

Argam asks
Answered by Vasily Yunak, 06/01/2013

Argam writes:

Hello. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one person in different manifestations or are they three different personalities? Thank you.
Greetings, Brother Argam!

The Holy Scripture speaks of ONE ONE God, but at the same time calls the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit God. It is impossible for us, people who know everything in comparison, to understand physical nature God, His physical structure. Moreover, the Bible forbids us to do this.

If the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are ONE ONE God, and at the same time these three divine Persons coexist in time and have communication with One another, then the conclusion suggests itself that these are three separate Persons of ONE God.

These are not different personalities, they are not one person. How is this possible, you ask? I don't know. God is much higher than man, and it is impossible for any man to understand the physical structure of God, just as it is impossible for an ant to climb on my shoe to understand my physical structure. Therefore, I will not tell you more than the Bible tells me. And at the same time, I will not try to humiliate one of the divine Persons by depriving Her of the right to be God (as, for example, the followers of the Watchtower society are doing, trying to distort what is written in other places) just because I do not find similarity among people and the earthly world. An attempt to lower the nature of God to the human level is a direct violation when they try to limit the glory of the incorruptible God to the likeness of corruptible man.


Vasily Yunak

Read more on the topic “Trinity in Christianity”:

01 Jun

Many of us grew up in an environment of atheism under the Soviet Union. Many - in conditions of mass “fascination” with religion, when crowds of people flocked to churches on Easter holidays, for example. But not everyone has come and continues to come to true faith. I don’t want to say only a few, but it would be very nice if more people turned their gaze towards what God is.

For a long time I could not understand who the Holy Spirit from the Holy Trinity is. With God the Father and God the Son, it seemed more or less clear, but the third character was incomprehensible and mysterious to me. Once, in a conversation with colleagues, I expressed my doubts. To which came a half-joking/half-serious answer: your task is to find out and explain to us. Then I had no idea that the Universe would hear our conversation and direct me in the right direction to find out the truth.

The Internet, as well as the information system in general, is very huge, but there are Higher Power, guiding our hand. You should not say otherwise, even if it is impossible to see with your eyes and understand with your mind. The world is structured very wisely and much more complex than we think. I think that’s why I came across a book from which I learned a lot of useful and necessary information. This book is called “The Divine System” by Vladimir Popov. I will not retell its meaning, but anyone who is interested in the topic of the structure of the universe and how they can alleviate their ordeals and sufferings can, if desired, find it and acquire it.

So, God the Son- this is the most famous person in the history of mankind, Jesus Christ, and at the same time God Manifested or the material world. What we see, hear, feel and sense. Including ourselves. This is why it is said that God created us in his own image and likeness.

Holy Spirit- This God Unmanifest , or energies. What we cannot see or touch with our hands. But it is as real as matter. This reverse side the material world familiar to us. After all, in order for the body to come to life, it is necessary to “breathe” life into it.

These two realities exist simultaneously, and together form a single, common world, or God the Father One God . This is also where our world comes from, manifesting itself in the unity and opposition of concepts.

Two realities

We are all given a body, one and only, into which we come into this world and which we leave, going into another world. The body is our home, the home of the soul or what we are. Although we are both the body and our beliefs, thoughts and roles at the same time. We can control all this, and at the same time the body lives as if on its own, when we are carried away by thoughts or automatically perform some actions. And only a few people can control the work of the heart and breathing through long and hard training.

We have become accustomed to the material world since childhood. We see our parents, people around us. We see mountains, fields, plains. We walk on hard asphalt and soft grass. We fall asleep in a warm bed, move in space using vehicles. Houses, streets, cities, cars and computers have become an integral part of us. This is our world - do you see, hear, feel?

We have gone so deep into the material that we simply forgot about the other side of life. And it is so connected that by adding in one, the second is definitely depleted. And this second one is invisible world energies. This is why lack of energy in people is so common now. The harmony that each of us strives for, consciously or subconsciously, has been disrupted.

Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility. This statement is also true in the case of subtle matters. We are only at the very beginning of the journey of understanding this part of our world. But even what has long been known to humanity is forgotten, discarded, trampled upon... Where do you think Evil comes from? Any evil is a flaw. Just like darkness is simply the absence of light. Even a small spark can defeat darkness. A smile is also capable of small miracle. Every great thing starts small.

For some reason, many of us think that God is an old man sitting on a cloud. But this is as true as the flat Earth on three elephants or whales. The One God is everything that surrounds us, this is the world itself, visible and invisible. Including ourselves, we are an integral part of God. We are inseparable from him. We are like cells in a single organism. It seems that everyone is on their own, but that’s just it. By helping others, we improve our own world; by destroying someone, we poison our own existence.

This is very important to understand. To change what people have already done. Don't blame someone or something. It's stupid and useless. Turn your gaze inward, start with yourself. Be able to discern the Divine principle in yourself. Feel yourself part of the huge One God. If you succeed, consider it a huge breakthrough. And then do next step– send love to all of this, that is, to God. And this is it main goal in the life of every person - to learn to love. It would be very easy if it weren't so difficult...

In conclusion, I want to express one more thought.

Parallel worlds are very close - the world of insects, microorganisms, the world of galaxies and atoms. All of them can only guess about our existence. Or they may not even realize it. But this doesn’t change anything - we continue to live.


Believe it or not...

Trinity Holy– God, one in essence and threefold in Persons (Hypostases); Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - the One and only God, cognizable in three equal-glorious, equal-sized, not merging with each other, but also inseparable in one Being, Persons, or Hypostases.

The Father is beginningless, not created, not created, not begotten; The Son is pre-eternally (timelessly) born of the Father; The Holy Spirit eternally comes from the Father. Knowledge of the Trinity of God is possible only in mystical revelation through the action of Divine grace, to a person whose heart is cleansed of passions.

The Holy Fathers experienced the contemplation of the One Trinity, among them we can particularly highlight the Great Cappadocians (Basily the Great, Gregory the Theologian, Gregory of Nyssa), St. Gregory Palamu, St. Simeon the New Theologian, St. Seraphim of Sarov, St. Alexander Svirsky, St. Silouan of Athos.

How can the Lord God be simultaneously One and Trinity?

We must not forget that the earthly measurements familiar to us, including the category of number, are not applicable to God. After all, only objects separated by space, time and forces can be counted. And between the faces of the Holy Trinity there is no gap, nothing inserted, no section or division. The Divine Trinity is absolute unity. The mystery of the Trinity of God is inaccessible to the human mind (see more details). Some visible examples, rough analogies of It can be: the sun - its circle, light and warmth; the mind that gives birth to the ineffable word (thought), expressed by breathing; a source of water, a spring and a stream hidden in the earth; the mind, word and spirit inherent in the godlike human soul.

To clarify the mystery of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Fathers pointed to human soul, which is the Image of God.

“Our mind is the image of the Father; our word (we usually call the unspoken word a thought) is the image of the Son; spirit is the image of the Holy Spirit,” teaches Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov. – Just as in the Trinity-God the three Persons unfused and inseparably constitute one Divine Being, so in the Trinity-Man the three Persons constitute one being, without mixing with each other, without merging into one person, without dividing into three beings. Our mind has given birth to and does not cease to give birth to a thought; a thought, having been born, does not cease to be born again and at the same time remains born, hidden in the mind. The mind cannot exist without thought, and thought cannot exist without the mind. The beginning of one is certainly the beginning of the other; the existence of the mind is necessarily the existence of thought. In the same way, our spirit comes from the mind and contributes to thought. That is why every thought has its own spirit, every way of thinking has its own separate spirit, every book has its own spirit. Thought cannot exist without spirit; the existence of one is certainly accompanied by the existence of the other. In the existence of both is the existence of the mind.”

The very doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the doctrine of “Mind, Word and Spirit - one co-nature and divinity,” as St. Gregory the Theologian. “The First Existing Mind, God, who is consubstantial in Himself, has the Word with the Spirit co-essential, never being without the Word and the Spirit,” teaches St. Nikita Studiysky.

According to the definition given by the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, God is love. But God is love not because He loves the world and humanity, that is, His creation - then God would not be completely Himself outside and apart from the act of creation, would not have perfect being in Himself, and the act of creation would not be free, but forced by the very “nature” of God. According to the Christian understanding, God is love in Himself, because the existence of the One God is the co-existence of the Divine Hypostases, existing among themselves in the “eternal movement of love,” according to the words of the 7th century theologian St. Maximus the Confessor. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity is the basis of Christianity. According to St. Gregory the Theologian, the dogma of the Holy Trinity is the most important of all Christian dogmas. St. Athanasius of Alexandria defines the Christian faith itself as faith “in the unchangeable, perfect and blessed Trinity.”

All the dogmas of Christianity rest on the doctrine of God, one in essence and trinity in Persons, the Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible. The doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is the highest goal of theology, since to know the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity in its fullness means to enter into Divine life. Christian teaching about the Holy Trinity is the doctrine of the Divine Mind (Father), the Divine Word (Son) and the Divine Spirit (Holy Spirit) - Three Divine Persons possessing a single and inseparable Divine Being. God has an all-perfect Mind (Reason). The Divine Mind is beginningless and infinite, limitless and unlimited, omniscient, knows the past, present and future, knows the non-existent as already existing, knows all creations before their existence. In the Divine Mind there are ideas of the entire universe, there are plans for all created beings. “Everything from God has its own being and existence, and everything before being is in His creative Mind,” says St. Simeon the New Theologian. The Divine Mind eternally gives birth to the Divine Word By which He creates the world. The Divine Word is “the Word of the Great Mind, surpassing every word, so that there was not, is not, and will not be a word that is higher than this Word,” teaches St. St. Maximus the Confessor. The Divine Word is all-perfect, immaterial, silent, does not require human language and symbols, is beginningless and endless, eternal. It is always inherent in the Divine Mind, born from Him from eternity, which is why the Mind is called the Father, and the Word, the Divine Mind and the Divine Word are spiritual, because God is immaterial, incorporeal, immaterial. He is the All-Perfect Spirit. The Divine Spirit resides outside of space and time, has no image and form, and is beyond any limitation, His All-Perfect Being is infinite, “incorporeal, and without form, and invisible, and indescribable” (St. John of Damascus). The Divine Mind, Word and Spirit are entirely Personal, which is why They are called Persons (Hypostases). Hypostasis or Person is the personal way of being of the Divine essence, which equally belongs to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Father, Son and Holy Spirit are one in Their Divine nature or essence, consummate in nature and consubstantial. The Father is God, and the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. They are completely equal in Their Divine dignity. Each Person has omnipotence, omnipresence, perfect holiness, the highest freedom, uncreated and independent of anything created, uncreated, eternal. Each Person carries within Himself all the properties of the Divine. The doctrine of three Persons in God means that the relationship of the Divine Persons for each Person is threefold. It is impossible to imagine one of the Divine Persons without the existence of two Others at once. The Father is Father only in relation to the Son and the Spirit. As for the birth of the Son and the procession of the Spirit, one presupposes the other. God is “Mind, the Abyss of Reason, the Parent of the Word and through the Word the Maker of the Spirit Who reveals Him,” teaches St. John of Damascus. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are three full-fledged Persons, each of Whom has not only the fullness of being, but is also fully God. One Hypostasis is not a third of the total essence, but contains within itself the entire fullness of the Divine essence. The Father is God, and not a third of God, the Son is also God and the Holy Spirit is also God. But all Three together are not three Gods, but one God. We confess “the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit - the Trinity, consubstantial and indivisible” (from the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom). That is, the three Hypostases do not divide a single essence into three essences, but the single essence does not merge or mix three Hypostases into one. Can a Christian address each of the three Persons of the Holy Trinity? Undoubtedly: in the prayer “Our Father” we turn to the Father, in the Jesus prayer to the Son, in the prayer “Heavenly King, Comforter” - to the Holy Spirit. Who does each of the Divine Persons recognize Himself as and how can we correctly recognize our conversion so as not to fall into the pagan confession of three gods? Divine Persons do not realize themselves as separate Personalities. We turn to the Father, who eternally gives birth to the Son, whose spokesman is the Holy Spirit, who eternally emanates from the Father. We turn to the Son, eternally begotten from the Father, whose spokesman is the Holy Spirit eternally proceeding from the Father. We turn to the Holy Spirit as the exponent of the Son, who is eternally born of the Father. Thus, our prayers do not contradict the teaching about the unity (including will and action) and inseparability of the Persons of the Holy Trinity.

Question: Please explain what such concepts as “Father”, “Son” and “Holy Spirit” mean in Christianity.

We are talking about concepts that arose in religious beliefs. These concepts were necessary for people at a time when it was difficult and unreasonable to apply concepts about energies and vibrations. At that time, all concepts about God, about the Creator, about the Son of God and about the energy flowing from the Creator, could be said to be adapted to the worldview and worldview of that time. Yes, you have an expression: everything has its time. And this is true, because you live in space and time and each time flow is connected with an information and energy flow. This is where this expression comes from. Time determines the entry and exit from one Stream to another. That scheme of concepts about the Trinity, about the trinity, may have been the only possible one in that time stream. Now is a different time, different concepts dominate people’s minds. Now it is possible to explain everything from the position of the world of Cosmos, from the position of cosmic concepts, from the position of the world of energies. And therefore I am now speaking from these new positions about the old concepts known to you in a slightly different way.

So what is this concept of the Trinity that you know? Father, Son and Holy Spirit - the entire Christian worldview, especially the Orthodox one, is built on this. I want to clarify these concepts.

I spoke a lot about the Father, about the Great Creator of the Universe - about Hosts. And this... It’s very difficult for me to explain in worthy words, so as not to hurt anyone’s feelings. This is not the old man with a beard that you depict in temples and churches, this is the Greatest Energy of enormous power. This is Light, the Source of Light, the Source of pure energies, at the same time it is the Mind, possessing all feelings and emotions. This is the Creator of Worlds, the Creator of the Universe, the Great Creator, the One who constantly cares about His creations, who is constantly in the process of work, for the process of creation occurs constantly. This is a process that has no stop, no rest. All of us who are in Space are at work. The Creator creates worlds, gives life to all entities: from luminaries and planets to intelligent beings and those whose life flows through the world of animals, plants and minerals. This is, very generally, the activity of the Father, whom you call God.

Now about the second hypostasis in the Trinity. You say that the Son of God is one and the same as the Father, that They are one. In a way, yes, but in essence, these are two different Essences (I’m using a word that is understandable to you), or two Spirits that have a common energy, but the manifestations and implementation of their lives are different, because there are no two identical Spirits in the Universe, identical in character , a set of emotions, feelings.

All living things have the opportunity to develop and improve themselves. We are not frozen in centuries, petrified in our perfection. We live our lives in another world, a world of energies, no less beautiful and amazing than your material world. We have great opportunities, but this does not mean that we are not developing and improving ourselves. We explore and study everything that happens in the worlds, change our views, for we are alive.

So, who is the Son of God, according to you? This is a particle of the Father, His direct energy. But you are all children of God, the energy of the Father flows in you, energy for life. So what's the difference? First of all, the Creator, capable of creating worlds, is capable, and this is His right, of creating something for Himself. There are souls, or Spirits, created by Him as Essences close to Him. The bearer of the basic principle - Love, wanted not only to give this energy to people, but also to realize it on close Entities.

You are created in the image and likeness, I have repeated this many times. You know the saying “as above, so below.” The Father created a family, according to your concepts, or created those close to Himself according to His inner disposition of the soul: a female one, and through her he produced (directly through His energy) the Son. According to you, this is the half-blooded Son, created directly through the energy of creation by the Father. The Creator has only one such Son; in him the energy of the Love of God himself, the Creator himself, was realized. The Son is a directly separated part of the Father, a part of His energy. But this is already a different Essence, separate from the Father, existing separately.

The Father gave the Son the opportunity to incarnate once on Earth to fulfill a certain mission and work. Together with him, first of all, He incarnated his Mother – the Father’s Wife. And he embodied it not in a royal mansion, but in a simple village house and made it possible to feel like equal children of God. He did not violate the Law of Free Will introduced by Him in relation to His Wife and Son. He gave them the opportunity to live the life of ordinary earthly people, with their hardships and hardships. The Father made no exceptions for His messengers. He wanted people to recognize them, first of all, through the heart, through intuition.

Having lived the life of an earthly person, I undoubtedly became different, undoubtedly, the Earth and its inhabitants became close and dear to me. I understand earthlings differently, I feel them, your emotions and feelings are close and understandable to me. Your logic, ethics and morals are clear. Your behavior, your actions and actions are understandable to me. I can say that I feel earthlings through my heart, through my soul.

So what is the Holy Spirit? How to explain it modern concepts, previously unavailable? This is undoubtedly energy - energy emanating from the Creator, energy of Life and Love, energy that supports the life of the Spirit in the body. Without this Flow, life is impossible. Both we and you are in this Stream, and therefore we can say that we are united through the Holy Spirit, through the energy of the Creator’s Love. This unity is felt by many bright Spirits through their open heart, connected to this Divine “prana”, to the Flow from the heart of the Creator.

pure heart can feel, feel, let him see, God through His energy, through this Stream, which you call the Holy Spirit.

I accept all names, as long as they do not create a barrier to the perception of something new through new concepts coming to you.