Useful properties of thyme for men. Useful properties of thyme for men and application.

Thyme is useful for men because it gives the body large number vitamins and other beneficial substances that have a positive effect on health.

About the benefits of thyme

Thyme, also known as thyme, is extremely useful and widely known for its properties. This is a small shrubby plant that blooms with pink-purple flowers. Thyme has long been used as a herb for medicinal baths and the preparation of various remedies (decoctions and infusions). Thyme was used to fumigate rooms, believing that this would help get rid of fear in children.

Thyme is not only an excellent plant for bees to collect nectar, but also an aromatic seasoning in cooking. This is due not only to giving dishes a special taste, but also medicinal properties For digestive tract, for colds, inflammatory diseases genitourinary system.

What is the reason for the extraordinary benefits of this plant? Firstly, it is a high content of essential oils, the basis of which is thymol and carvacrol, and secondly, a rich vitamin and mineral composition.

Thymol is one of the most powerful natural antibacterial agents. In addition, it is often used as an effective anthelmintic drug. Thymol can be used to rinse the mouth, pharynx, and nasopharynx to provide an antibacterial effect. Among pharmacists, thymol is known as an excellent preservative. The benefit of thyme for men lies not only in the fact that it can restore health, but, as was believed in ancient times, life.

In addition to thymol, useful action other components of thyme provide: bitterness, organic acids, resins natural origin, tanning components, carotene, resins, flavonoids, gum and vitamins B and C.

The greatest benefit comes from thyme collected at a time when its inflorescences begin or actively bloom. It is enriched with minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, phosphorus and sodium.

How can thyme be useful for men? Experts believe that the presence of essential oils, which almost all parts of thyme are saturated with, makes it possible to cope with chronic stress, restore strength, and normalize blood pressure. Decoctions and teas from this herb have found use among patients suffering from bronchial asthma, with pathologies of the kidneys and hepato-biliary system, for flatulence and gastritis, for the treatment of pneumonia and peptic ulcer stomach and intestines.

How thyme is useful for men to increase potency

Useful qualities thyme for men is not limited to just the effect on reproductive system. It can be used for numerous disorders of organs and systems:

  • Sexual weakness. Thyme is successfully used for. Its violation always has an adverse effect on the mental and emotional state men. Erectile dysfunction can also be treated with the use of thyme. Chemical elements its constituents are capable of restoring normal production of the hormone testosterone and stimulating the functioning of the organs of the male reproductive system. Thyme will also help those who suffer from premature ejaculation. To do this, infuse two tablespoons of dry herbs in a half-liter thermos. After straining, drink two glasses a day for two weeks. After the break, treatment can be continued. Sometimes experts advise rubbing thyme essential oil into the perineal area for sexual weakness. Ready-made oil is available in pharmacy chain, it is also easy to prepare it yourself. To do this, take a small amount of olive oil for 15 grams of herb and mix the ingredients. The product is infused for a month.
  • The benefits of thyme for men include its therapeutic effect on inflammation of muscle fibers. In medicine, the disease is called myositis. Muscle inflammation brings unpleasant pain, limits mobility, and can cause pain and general condition sick. Therefore, it is necessary to make medicinal compresses based on thyme in a timely manner. The herb must be left for half an hour and squeezed out. Soak and squeeze gauze in the resulting decoction for a compress and apply to the sore spot. Tie plastic wrap over the gauze to retain heat and last longer.
  • Thyme infusion is used as a prophylactic agent to prevent sexual weakness and development. Its composition: one tablespoon each of oregano and mint, from 3 to 4 tablespoons of thyme, the main component. Place all components in a small thermos and fill with boiling water (half a liter). The product should be infused all night. The benefits of thyme for men are undeniable. If desired, you can add linden, rose hips or St. John's wort to this infusion. You must be careful with the last component.
  • Thyme will protect older men from the development of impotence. Just use it as a seasoning for your dishes. It is especially suitable for meat and fish dishes. Gradually, your body will replenish its reserves of zinc, which is the main element that controls the functioning of the prostate gland. In addition, thyme can be added to tea or prepared as a separate tea drink from this medicinal plant. To prepare, throw a few branches into boiling water, after brewing, enjoy a pleasant and healthy drink. Tea with thyme will warm you up, relieve colds, and soothe your throat. Thanks to its rich vitamin composition, thyme will quickly relieve colds and viral diseases. The drink will give tone; it is also indicated for patients who have suffered brain injuries as an antidepressant during the rehabilitation period.
  • Among other things, thyme is used with sufficient effectiveness as an anti-inflammatory agent for prostatitis, cystitis, and urethritis. It has antiseptic and bactericidal properties, destroying pathogens in the patient's genitourinary tract. Timely cured prostatitis is the key to maintaining normal potency.

Contraindications to the use of thyme

In addition to its beneficial properties, men should familiarize themselves with some prohibitions for its use.

Unfortunately, thyme should not be taken during an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. The herb is also contraindicated for those who have abnormalities in the condition of the heart and blood vessels: arrhythmia, decompensated work of the heart muscle, condition after myocardial infarction, in the presence of cardiosclerosis (as a consequence of a heart attack), in atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels.

Use drugs and medications self-cooking from thyme cannot be used uncontrollably. After two weeks of treatment, you need to take a break for 2-3 months, otherwise problems with the thyroid gland may occur (decreased function).

You can treat many diseases with thyme, sometimes even without the help of synthetic medications, but it is worth remembering that thyme contains a lot natural substances, which may not combine well with medications traditional medicine. Therefore, any use of it should be agreed with a doctor to avoid side effects.

Editor: Igor Radevich

Sexopathologist-andrologist of the 1st category.
Work experience: 27 years

Creeping thyme, also called thyme herb, has long been used for chilliness, when a person becomes cold, seemingly in normal temperature conditions, even in the warm season. Avicenna also pointed out the unusual property of thyme - to warm up the blood and thin it.

A person becomes more warm-blooded, which means that blood moves faster through the blood vessels, which means metabolic processes accelerate, which leads to a faster recovery. Herbalists use this property of thyme for inflammatory and colds.

Is thyme herb good for men?

Herbalists have used the property of thyme to warm the blood since ancient times. Read: . Healing properties of thyme. What is thyme for? men's health very useful and considered a masculine herb, all healers knew. Thyme was used in the treatment of not only muscle weakness, but also sexual weakness.

The medicinal properties of the herb are explained by the rich content of essential oils, flavonoids, resins, plant acids and antioxidants, vitamins and minerals important for men's health. Thus, the above-ground part of creeping thyme contains:

ash - 10.64%; macroelements (mg/g): K - 26.10, Ca - 12.20, Mn - 3.90, Fe - 0.95; microelements (CBN): Mg - 0.31, Cu - 0.48, Co - 0.12, Mo - 64.00, Cr - 0.10, Al - 0.66, Ba - 0.58, V - 0 .35, Se - 7.10, Ni - 0.20, Sr - 0.36, Pb - 0.13. B - 108.40 µg/g. Concentrates Fe, Zn, Mo, Se, B. Cd, Li, Ag, Au, I, Br were not detected.

As if nature itself took care and selected a special complex necessary to maintain the strength of men and treat male diseases, it is no coincidence that thyme is said to be the strength of men. The trace element selenium, which is part of thyme, promotes the production of the male hormone testosterone, which improves sperm quality, and Mo - molybdenum stimulates sexual function, boron and iodine increase the function of sex hormones, manganese improves muscle reflexes during sex and softens irritability.

To increase sexual energy, healers recommend rubbing thyme oil into the perineum, which can be prepared at home.

Homemade thyme oil. To prepare thyme oil, you need to collect only the inflorescences of this plant; there is more essential oil in the flowers than in the leaves. Loosely fill a glass container with thyme flowers and pour over them olive oil cold pressed. The oil must completely cover the raw material. Place the container in a warm, dark place for two weeks (the longer the exposure, the better).

Then strain it, the thyme oil is ready for use. But it is better to use pharmaceutically prepared essential oil, which can be purchased at a pharmacy chain.

To calm early ejaculation Herbalists recommend drinking thyme infusion. To do this, pour 40 g of dry herb or 2 tablespoons with two glasses of boiling water, preferably leave the product in a thermos for about two hours. Then strain the infusion and take one glass in the morning and evening for 14 days. This is a course of treatment; if desired, the course can be repeated, only you need to take a break between them.

Thyme preparations have beneficial influence on the condition of the mucous membrane of the genital organs, increasing its immunity to the effects of pathogenic flora, thereby normalizing the functioning of the genitourinary system during inflammatory processes.
Men's strength can be affected by any problems related to their general well-being and health. For muscle weakness, which occurs due to inflammation of individual muscles - myositis, muscles often atrophy, limiting movement, which greatly affects sexual function. To eliminate pathology, herbalists recommend applying compresses from thyme decoction to sore spots. The decoction is made in the usual way, the concentration can be made thicker, moisten the cloth that is applied to the muscles, put cellophane on top and, of course, wrap it warmly.

For hair loss. Ursolic acid, which is contained in thyme, effectively activates hair growth and gives strength to the hair follicle. Although this in no way relates to the sexual function of men, I still decided to mention this property of thyme. For early baldness, read, it is useful to rub essential oil into the scalp, mixing it with vodka (three drops of essential oil + 7-10 grams or a teaspoon of vodka), hold for as long as possible.

Since the conversation is about hair loss, then try other folk remedies, another very effective remedy - don’t let the smell of onions scare you, as it can be easily removed with a solution of lemon juice.

Thyme for alcohol. A concentrated decoction of creeping thyme is used to treat alcoholism, this is explained by the presence of thymol essential oil, which can cause a gag reflex.

Thyme is a seasoning. Thyme can be used more often as a seasoning for dishes, which will help replenish the body with vitamins and strengthen the nervous system.
But it is also important that thyme, in addition to this, has a huge number of advantages; it also supports nervous system, relieves muscle spasms, leads blood pressure to normal, improves hair growth.
Why is thyme harmful for men?
All of them, no matter how useful they are, have contraindications. Thyme is no exception, yet it is medicinal plant, which means that when used, dosages must be observed and there must be medical indications for use.

How is thyme harmful to men's health? I read somewhere that the more active substances a plant contains, the more contraindications it has. You are convinced that thyme is simply a leader in terms of the amount of active substances, so all people prone to allergic reactions.
Patients with kidney disease and thyroid gland should be treated with great caution when taking thyme preparations can lead to an exacerbation of these diseases, with heart disease. vascular diseases, especially with atrial fibrillation.

Since thyme warms and thins the blood, people with gastrointestinal problems also need to be careful, because thyme preparations can cause internal bleeding.

As a potent herb, thyme should not be taken long time, only taking courses of 2 weeks is indicated. Long-term and not dosed use can lead to hypervitaminosis - an excess of active substances in the body, which is also fraught with consequences - thyme for men's health. Do not forget how thyme is harmful and use it as intended.

Or, as it is also called, Bogorodskaya grass or thyme, has been known to man for thousands of years. In ancient times, people considered this herb so powerful and strong that they used it not only as an aromatic seasoning in dishes, but also as a powerful medicine. Thyme was also revered as a plant endowed with divine powers. Rooms were fumigated with thyme to drive out evil spirits, and even frightened children were smoked with the smoke of this plant. Thyme is still very popular today. It is used in cooking and to treat various diseases. The positive effect on the body is due to valuable composition thyme.

Thyme contains organic acids, flavonoids, carotene, gum, tannins, resins, a huge amount of vitamins (including C and B), thymol and cymene. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic properties. In addition, it also has a bronchodilator and expectorant effect, so it is often used in the treatment of sore throats and bronchitis. Thyme effectively fights the consequences of bruises, muscle and joint rheumatism, and non-infectious rashes on the body. The essential oil obtained from this plant is good for asthenia, intestinal atony, whooping cough, tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. A decoction of thyme can reduce fatigue, increase the efficiency and vital activity of the human body. The plant is often added to preparations intended to eliminate chronic fatigue.

Thyme grows almost throughout the entire territory of our country; there are more than 30 species. This plant is considered an excellent honey plant, for which beekeepers love it. Dried herbs are actively used in cooking; they are added to soups, sauces, minced meat, etc. fried fish. Thyme not only makes dishes taste brighter, but also improves digestion. Thyme tea along with other herbs and honey is considered excellent folk remedy for treatment colds.

The effect of thyme on men

All the beneficial properties of thyme seem to be specially selected to maintain men's health in proper shape. Decoctions and tinctures from this plant normalize blood pressure and help fight nervous stress, stimulate hair growth, relieve muscle spasms, and are also successfully used in the treatment and prevention of impotence and prostatitis.

Of course, every man has a hard time with an erection problem, which is called erectile dysfunction. Thyme contains such important microelements as selenium, which promotes the production of testosterone and, and molybdenum, which stimulates male sexual functions. To solve the problem with early ejaculation, traditional healers The following method is recommended. You need to pour boiling water into a half-liter thermos, add 2 tablespoons of thyme, leave the healing agent for 2 hours and filter. The infusion should be taken 2 times a day, one glass for two weeks. After this, you need to take a break and then repeat the treatment. To increase the sexual energy of a man with sexual weakness, thyme oil should be rubbed into the perineal area. You can buy it at the pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself. You just need to pour 15 g of chopped herbs with olive oil and let it brew for a month. Rubbing is carried out as needed.

A bath with thyme, burdock leaf, string and celandine will help improve urination and relieve swelling during prostatitis. The collected herbs should be thrown into boiling water, boiled for 5 minutes, strained and poured into the bath. Take a bath until the water cools down. The main thing in this case is that the area of ​​the prostate gland is under water. The combined use of creeping thyme and medications can achieve good results in the treatment of prostatitis in men. However, the problem will not disappear if you continue to lead a sedentary lifestyle, wear tight underwear, and expose your genitals to overheating. So it’s not enough to just undergo a course of treatment, you need to completely change your lifestyle.

Sometimes a man is faced with a disease such as myositis - this is inflammation of individual muscles of different locations and origins. The disease does not have a gender preference, but due to the nature of their activities, men encounter this problem more often than women. Constant pain limits movement, resulting in muscle weakness and muscle atrophy. First of all, the muscles that require jewelry-precise control suffer, and sexual function also rapidly deteriorates. Compounds in thyme, including ursolic acid, are effective against muscle atrophy. To restore muscle functionality, it is recommended to make thyme compresses. Thyme should be steamed in boiling water for half an hour, then squeezed out, placed in gauze and applied to the affected area. The compress is fixed on top with polyethylene.

The effect of ursolic acid on the body is similar to the effect of adrenal hormones, which stimulate protein synthesis, which is necessary for building muscles, bones, hair and nail growth. Ursolic acid has a beneficial effect on hair follicles, activates their growth, and restores elastin and collagen tissue. You need to mix 3 drops of thyme essential oil with a teaspoon of vodka, then rub into the scalp (do not rinse).

People use thyme to treat alcoholism. The simultaneous use of this medicinal herb with alcohol causes a persistent gag reflex that persists for a long time. To get rid of binge drinking, you should prepare the following remedy. You need to pour 15 g of raw material into 500 ml of boiling water, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, filter and bring boiling water to 500 ml. You need to drink 50 g of the decoction, and then a little alcohol up to 4 times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks. You can also pour three tablespoons of dry herb into a glass of boiling water, then leave for 45-60 minutes and filter. Drink a spoonful of infusion 4 times a day for two weeks.

If abused, any plant will harm the body. Excessive amounts of thyme decoction can cause insomnia and nightmares. It is simply necessary for hypertensive patients and people suffering from Parkinson's disease to maintain the correct dosage. Sometimes decoctions do not combine with some medicines active action, in this case, consulting a doctor is simply necessary. Thyme spices are harmful to people suffering from peptic ulcers and pyelonephritis. And most importantly, remember that active thyme accumulates toxic substances. In order for the plant to be used for treatment and healing, you need to be sure that it is collected away from roads and industrial enterprises with harmful emissions. The environmental friendliness of the place where the plant is collected is the key to its effectiveness and benefits, otherwise you will harm the body.

And under no circumstances self-medicate. If suspicious symptoms appear, contact your doctor immediately for advice.

The herb thyme or thyme is a powerful remedy for various ailments. Our ancestors have long used it to treat colds, coughs, and as an antispasmodic for abdominal pain. Today, thyme is a component of some pharmaceutical preparations, which means it healing properties recognized official medicine. It is known that many people enjoy drinking tea with thyme, without even thinking about the benefits or harm it brings for men and women. This drink tastes good and has a delicate aroma, but what are its properties? Since thyme is a medicinal herb, it is important to understand this. So, dear readers of Popular About Health, let’s talk about the plant and tea with it.

Tea for men

Thyme is often called a male herb, and this is no coincidence, because this plant contains substances that have a beneficial effect on the potency and functioning of the genitourinary system of men as a whole. We are talking about selenium and molybdenum. These chemicals can improve the production of male hormones. Increasing testosterone in the blood allows you to achieve the following results:

Improve sperm quality;
Get rid of premature ejaculation;
Strengthen erection.

But that’s not all that tea with the addition of thyme can benefit men. This nice drink can prevent the onset of inflammatory processes in the male genitourinary system, in particular prostatitis. If there is inflammation of the prostate, tea helps relieve swelling and weaken unpleasant symptoms diseases.

How to make thyme tea for enhancement male power? It is best to drink freshly brewed thyme tea. You can prepare it using regular black or green tea, adding 5 grass inflorescences to one cup. Then the tea leaves are poured with boiling water and left for about 5 minutes. It is enough to drink 1-2 cups of black or green tea with thyme per day to feel the results.

How is tea with thyme harmful for men??

Despite the fact that the herb thyme is very beneficial for both men and women, it can in some cases harm a person. For example, if a man is elderly and has problems with high blood pressure, then drinking a lot of tea with thyme in it is harmful to health. An overdose is very dangerous - if you brew tea incorrectly, putting a lot of herbs in a cup or teapot, this leads to overexcitation, nightmares or insomnia. If a man drinks alcohol, it is important to know that the tandem of alcohol plus thyme can cause nausea and vomiting. The medicinal herb contains the substance thymol, which is incompatible with alcohol. It is known that our grandmothers used this property of thyme to treat alcoholism in men.

Benefits of thyme tea for women

Tea with thyme is also useful for women, especially nursing mothers who have reduced production. breast milk. This herb is always one of the components of lactation herbal preparations. If you are feeding your baby and notice that there is less milk, your breasts are not filling completely, then it makes sense to prepare warm tea with thyme for yourself once a day. Below is his recipe.

Place one teaspoon of green tea or half this amount of black velvet tea without additives in a three-hundred-gram cup. Add half a spoonful of thyme and brew. Pay attention to the dosage; it should not be exceeded. Cover the top of the cup with a lid. After waiting five minutes, remove the lid. Black tea with thyme is ready, but it is better not to drink it hot. Nursing mothers are advised to drink warm drinks. You should not overuse thyme, because it is a medicinal herb. It is enough to drink this remedy to improve lactation once a day (preferably in the morning).

Thyme tea is also beneficial for women due to its ability to calm the nervous system and relieve stress. Women are very emotional, and sometimes it is difficult for them to control themselves if there are conflicts at work or troubles at home. Thyme will help cope with nervousness and irritation. Just have a cup of drink at night.

Harm of thyme tea for women

Tea with the addition of thyme can be harmful to those girls who already produce a lot of milk in their mammary glands. Excessive lactation is already a problem, since if there is an excess of milk, you will have to express it, thereby increasing its influx. This process can result in mastopathy. Unnecessarily, there is no need to further stimulate lactation.

Breastfeeding women should not get too carried away with tea drinking also because thyme can cause allergies in the baby. Thyme is useful, it has a calming effect on infants, stimulates good, restful sleep, but only if taken in moderation. Drinking this tea is also harmful for pregnant women. Doctors warn that thyme tones the uterine muscles, which can cause miscarriage or the onset of labor prematurely.


Tea with thyme is useful for both men and women, but not always. In some cases - if you have hypertension, peptic ulcers or problems with the thyroid gland, you should not drink it. In addition, excessive use of such a drug can result in new health problems. This gift of nature must be treated with respect, because it is not just a herb, but a medicine, and with a pronounced effect on the body. Therefore, everyone can enjoy the pleasant taste and aroma of tea with thyme, but not too often.

The healing properties of herbs are widely used traditional medicine for many centuries. Despite the modern development of medicine, the use of herbs by humans for their own purposes has not lost its relevance. In order to use the beneficial properties of certain herbs, you need not only to know their properties, but also to have an idea of ​​​​how to use them correctly. Thyme is one of the most famous herbs for its beneficial properties.

This plant, which was also called thyme and Bogorodskaya herb, was especially respected by healers even before the advent of modern medical theory. Many people use this herb as a seasoning for dishes, without even knowing the beneficial properties of this unusual-looking plant belonging to the Lamiaceae family. Useful properties thyme can harmlessly eliminate a number of pathologies observed in men of different ages, with which modern medical supplies cannot always cope fully.

Useful elements contained in thyme

The beneficial properties of thyme are determined by its unique chemical composition. It is the high content of substances beneficial to the human body that has made it an indispensable means of combating many diseases. This plant has an extremely high level of essential oils, reaching an average of 18% as a percentage. When conducting in-depth studies of this plant, it was revealed that it contains a significant amount of carotene, plant acids, antioxidants, flavonoids, bitterness and cymene gum, resin, thymol and tannins.

In addition, thyme is extremely rich in iron, calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, copper, manganese, niacin, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and many other microelements important for the life of the body.

Thyme is a real miracle of nature, since even when dried, this plant retains more than 70% of its beneficial substances. Considering the long list of beneficial substances contained in thyme, it is not surprising that people who often use it as a seasoning hardly feel the effects of seasonal vitamin deficiencies and depression that plague many in winter and spring.

It is worth noting right away that thyme is a very finicky herb that requires special treatment. Nutrients are preserved only in the grass that was collected in certain time year and at the right time. Only thyme that has gained strength can become a healing agent, so a independently collected plant can be completely useless. Harvesting of this useful herb is carried out in ecologically clean areas, during the flowering period of the plant. Many herbalists note that thyme collected at dawn best preserves its healing properties. When harvesting the plant, only the upper branches are torn off, and very carefully so that the root system of the plant remains intact. Thyme should be dried in a well-shaded place with an influx of fresh air. Only properly prepared thyme has maximum healing properties.

When should men use thyme?

Thyme has excellent anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic and antimicrobial properties, so products based on this plant are indispensable in the treatment of ARVI, influenza and other colds. However, the scope of application of the plant is not limited to this. The thing is that thyme is an indispensable tool for supporting men's health in general. Thyme has a positive effect on almost all systems of the male body.

The use of thyme is also justified to eliminate atherosclerotic plaques, which often lead to the development of atherosclerosis in men, accompanied by severe blood stagnation or blockage of blood flow in the legs.

The benefits of taking thyme are observed even in advanced cases of the disease.

How to use thyme correctly for men?

In order to get the maximum effect when using thyme, it is very important to properly prepare decoctions and infusions to eliminate a particular problem.

In some cases, to achieve high-quality results, it is recommended to use thyme in herbal collection.

For example, to solve digestive problems, it is recommended to drink thyme tea for 7 days. To prepare this tea, you need to take approximately 15 g of dry herb per 1 liter of boiling water. It is better to brew tea in a thermos. To eliminate nervous disorders and the effects of stress, it is recommended to use a more diluted tea, for the preparation of which 10 g of dry herb is taken per 1 liter of boiling water.

To eliminate problems of the genitourinary system, it is best to use infusions for external and internal use. Tinctures for external use based on thyme are excellent anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents that can be used both to treat ulcers and to eliminate inflammation of the genital mucosa.

To prepare an infusion for external use, take approximately 30 g of thyme per 500 ml hot water. The infusion should be prepared in a thermos, but let it brew for at least 6 hours, after which it should be used to wipe the affected areas. In addition to such therapy, an infusion can be used internally. This infusion is made much weaker, so 1 tbsp is used to prepare it. thyme per 500 ml of hot water. The drink should be infused for at least a day, after which drink ½ glass 3 times a day.

Contraindications for the use of thyme

Despite the fact that thyme is an excellent remedy for many diseases and pathologies, it is still better not to use it without first consulting a doctor. Thyme has a lot of contraindications, which is not at all surprising given the amount of active substances contained in this plant.

Firstly, thyme should not be used by people prone to allergic reactions, as essential oils, plant acids and other substances can cause severe allergies. Secondly, the use of thyme is contraindicated for people with diseases cardiovascular system, in particular, those suffering from atrial fibrillation. Thyme should be used with caution by people who have problems with the kidneys and thyroid gland, since an excess of active substances entering the body with a decoction or infusion of thyme can lead to aggravation of existing problems with these organs. Despite the beneficial effects of thyme on the gastrointestinal tract, this plant is strictly forbidden to be consumed by people with stomach or duodenal ulcers, as this can cause internal bleeding.

It is worth noting that thyme is such a potent remedy that even people who do not suffer from serious illnesses internal organs and those who do not have significant health problems, should not drink decoctions and infusions from this plant for more than 2 weeks in a row. Abuse of thyme can cause hypervitaminosis and many other disorders, so before using this plant in medicinal purposes It is imperative to consult a doctor to avoid side effects. At the slightest suspicion that the use of thyme may be harmful, it is better to refuse to use this plant.