Cranberries with sugar beneficial properties. Cranberry: beneficial properties of cranberries and how to use them Cranberry beneficial properties and preparation

Most women sooner or later encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon as cystitis. The main feature of this disease is its extremely unpleasant symptoms, causing constant discomfort and pain.

Today in medicine there are many ways to treat cystitis. However, not everyone knows that you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of bladder inflammation with the help of “natural medicines.” One of them is the common cranberry.


Cranberries have long been known to mankind as one of the richest sources of vitamins. It has different names, which indicates the wide distribution of this plant. For example, back in ancient Greece, cranberries were referred to as “sour berries.” It was already valued by the first doctors as a source of useful substances for the human body.

Today, cranberries are artificially cultivated on specially equipped plantations. This became possible thanks to the unique qualities of the berry. For example, it can be stored for a year (until the next harvest) in an ordinary barrel filled with water. Wild cranberries are found in every northern region of almost every country in Asia and Europe.

Of course, the most valuable are not the taste, but the medicinal qualities of the berry. They are due to the high content of components that have a direct effect on both the immune system and individual human organs. Let's look at the most important features of cranberries.

  • Large quantity organic acids. Among them, benzoin stands out especially. It actually protects the berries from damage by various germs and microorganisms, and also has a bactericidal effect when eaten. In the treatment of cystitis, this effect replaces antibiotics.
  • In addition, diversity was found in the composition of cranberries triterpenoids. This is another version of organic acids that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which is key in the treatment of cystitis in women.
  • Pectins help remove various heavy metals and toxins from the body. It has been proven that these substances also help reduce the impact of harmful radioactive particles on humans. Cranberries contain a sufficient amount of pectin to neutralize waste products of harmful microorganisms.

  • They also play a huge role tannins. These are phenol derivatives that have a protective effect on the body's cells, significantly reducing the likelihood of microorganisms and various pathogens entering them.
  • Flavonoids affect the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to this, their adaptation to changes in blood pressure or blood density is regulated, which ultimately prevents their atherosclerotic lesions.
  • The composition of ripe cranberries also contains a huge number of different vitamins and minerals. Some of them are essential for the human body and play an important role in the functioning of the immune system.

Doctors also advise not to forget that such a “medicine” contains a lot of acids. In this regard, cranberries are contraindicated for anyone who has peptic ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis or increased stomach acidity. It is also not recommended to abuse berries for people with liver diseases.

Useful properties

The unique composition of cranberries makes them not only tasty, but also incredibly effective for the prevention or treatment of certain diseases, including cystitis. This problem is very relevant for women who most often suffer from acute inflammation of the bladder.

To date, it has been clinically proven that cranberry and natural remedies prepared from it really treat this disease. Many doctors recognize the fact that berries can not only complement, but sometimes even replace synthetic drugs in tablets.

Among the healing capabilities of cranberries, the following should be noted.

  • In a short time, cranberry negatively affects pathological bacteria and fungi, preventing them from gaining a foothold on the wall of the bladder.
  • Significantly enhances the effectiveness of antibiotics.
  • Suppresses unpleasant manifestations of inflammatory processes, for example, reduces pain.
  • Improves wound healing and reduces the risk of bleeding.
  • It has a bactericidal and disinfectant effect not only on the bladder, but also on the entire genitourinary system.
  • It has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary tract, stimulating the normal formation and excretion of urine.
  • Helps eliminate toxins that are formed as a result of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Reduces symptoms of general intoxication, eliminates fever and chills.
  • Improves blood circulation and nutrition of the urinary organs.
  • Strengthens the immune system, providing a preventive effect against re-infection, as well as promoting natural recovery.


Cranberries, like any other product, have their contraindications. You should not use medications made from this berry if you have:

  • allergy to any of the components in ripe cranberries;
  • acute diseases of the cardiovascular system, which have clear clinical manifestations, for example, shortness of breath, swelling of the face and limbs;
  • excessive nervous excitement and irritability;
  • acute and chronic liver diseases, especially hepatitis in the acute stage or cirrhosis;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of the pancreas;
  • pathological disorders of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • acute and chronic glomerulonephritis
  • acute and chronic glomerulonephritis;
  • some dental diseases. It is recommended to avoid cranberries in case of gum inflammation and severe carious lesions of tooth enamel;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach or intestinal tract.

How to take?

In order for cranberry juice or juice to have a healing effect, it is important not only to drink it regularly, but also to prepare it correctly. Nowadays, it is quite easy to get ripe berries from the nearest store or supermarket.

In some cases, even frozen cranberries will work. To prevent it from losing its beneficial properties, before use it must be defrosted slowly by placing it from the freezer into a regular compartment of the refrigerator.

Approximately 500 grams of berries are crushed and passed through a juicer. The finished cranberry juice concentrate must be diluted with two liters of water and mixed with a glass of sugar to slightly reduce the acidity. The mixture must be brought to a boil, kept in this state for no more than a minute and cooled.

Cranberries are a priceless treasure of the forest pantry. The rich chemical composition of this berry gave it a second, popular name - “sour doctor”. Everyone knows how great the benefits of cranberries are for the body. But in order for this berry not to cause harm, it is advisable to know its properties well, in what case it should be used, and to whom it is contraindicated.

General information

Cranberry is a low-growing evergreen shrub of the heather family. It grows in peat bogs and swamps. The plant blooms in late spring or early summer, and bears fruit in September.

Low cranberry shoots reach thirty centimeters. The fruits are small, round, dark red in color, from 8 mm (in wild varieties) to 2 cm (in some cultivated varieties) in diameter.

In Russia, as a rule, berries are picked by hand, although this is a rather troublesome process. And in Canada, the USA, Belarus, and Poland, the industrial method of collecting cranberries is widespread. They do this in autumn, spring and even winter.

It is generally accepted that “snow” berries, obtained in early spring, are the sweetest. But in the autumn harvest, harvested after the first frost, the benefits of cranberries are most clearly manifested. At this time, the berry turns out to be the juiciest and most delicious.

Calorie content

The energy value of cranberries is low. For berries grown on plantations, it is 26 kcal, and for wild berries - 35.4 kcal (per 100 grams). Frozen cranberries contain 15.2 kcal. But the berry, mashed with sugar, is much more nutritious - almost 272 kcal. The energy value of dried cranberries is 308 kcal.

The share of carbohydrates in the indicated amount of fresh berries accounts for almost 4 g. There is less than half a gram of protein, and 0.2 g of fat. On average, 2 g is fiber, 0.3 g is ash. Fresh cranberries are 90% water.


The complex of valuable substances on which the unique benefits of cranberries are based is truly impressive. It is a storehouse of vitamins (C, K, A, many from group B). The berries have a high potassium content. Cranberries are rich in other macroelements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium). It also contains iron, iodine, manganese and copper.

Organic acids (citric, oxalic, quinic, malic, benzoic and others) are present in large quantities in cranberries. As well as phenolic compounds that provide protection against radiation and prevent cancer.

The benefits of cranberries for the body experiencing the harmful effects of radioactive substances, as well as heavy metal salts, are due to the high content of pectin in it. Its important quality is the ability to bind and remove compounds of lead, cesium, and cobalt. Therefore, it is advisable to include cranberries in the diet of people engaged in hazardous production.

Benefits of cranberries

Since ancient times, cranberries have served as an important source of vitamins in winter. It was used to treat scurvy, as well as various viral and colds. The benefits of cranberries as a natural antibiotic have long been recognized by official medicine.

Eating raw berries will help prevent hemorrhoids and varicose veins. The amino acids in its composition support blood vessels, helping them become more elastic.

There is an opinion that the benefits of cranberries are invaluable for people who are hereditarily prone to cancer (primarily stomach cancer). Since this berry helps prevent disease.

Compresses made from fresh and frozen cranberries help eliminate headaches. They are also used to make ointments that accelerate the healing of wounds and burns.

Cranberry juice is an excellent remedy for kidney stones. It is also applied to areas of the skin affected by herpes or fungus. By rubbing your face with cranberry juice frozen in ice cubes in the morning, you can achieve an excellent rejuvenating and toning effect.

Cautions and contraindications

People prone to allergies should use cranberries with extreme caution. Intolerance to any substance in its composition cannot be ruled out.

Nursing mothers, as well as children under three years of age, are prohibited from eating cranberries.

This berry can significantly harm people who have high levels of gastric acidity. The same goes for those who suffer from ulcers. The acids contained in cranberries in abundance can damage gastric tissue. The benefits and harms of cranberries in this situation, however, can be balanced - just grind the berries with sugar. Then they will retain their healing qualities, but will not cause trouble to the body.

You should not drink whole cranberry juice. It is advisable to dilute it with water, adding honey or sugar to taste. It is also not recommended to eat cranberries on an empty stomach - it is best to complete the meal with them. After eating berries, it will be useful to rinse your mouth with water to avoid acid damage to tooth enamel.

The benefits and harms of cranberries during pregnancy

Moderate consumption of cranberries during pregnancy will help prevent or eliminate many health problems that await a woman at this time.

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother very often encounters diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Drinking drinks based on cranberry juice blocks the spread of bacteria and has a detrimental effect on many strains of microorganisms. It also resists cystitis, urethritis and pyelonephritis.

The undoubted benefit of cranberries for a woman preparing to become a mother lies in its ability to strengthen the immune system, normalize uterine placental blood circulation, and prevent intrauterine growth arrest.

Also, drinks made from this berry improve tissue reactions in the body of a pregnant woman. As a result, it is possible to avoid dropsy and edema.

The benefits of cranberries during pregnancy are also associated with the antioxidants included in its composition. These berries have a positive effect on memory and the activity of the central nervous system, and minimize the risk of postpartum depression.

However, you should know that cranberries should not be consumed by women with diseases of the digestive system, as well as by expectant mothers taking sulfo drugs.

Dried cranberries

It is interesting to know that the benefits of dried cranberries are no less than freshly picked ones. Therefore, this method of harvesting these berries is popular and widely applicable.

First, the berries should be sorted, washed, and then kept for several minutes over hot steam (or blanched in boiling water).

Next, they need to be scattered on a wide surface (wooden or covered with linen cloth) and left to air dry in the shade or in a well-ventilated area. You can also use an oven, a special fruit dryer or a microwave oven for these purposes.

Ready berries do not stick together into lumps and stop staining your fingers with juice. They are scattered in cloth bags and stored for up to three years.

Cranberry juice

A healthy and tasty drink, cranberry juice, can be prepared according to the following recipe:

  • You should take a glass of fresh (or frozen) cranberries, a third of a glass of sugar and one and a half liters of water.
  • If necessary, defrost the berries and squeeze out the juice, which is set aside for now.
  • Sprinkle the cake with sugar and add water. It needs to be boiled over low heat for no more than a couple of minutes, then cooled.
  • Mix the broth with cranberry juice.

You can also make jam, kvass, jelly, pie filling and even candy from cranberries. In any form, it will additionally serve as a medicine for the body.

How much do sugared cranberries cost (average price for 1 pack)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

The treasured white balls with red filling were probably the longed-for dream of every Soviet child, along with fluffy corn sticks in sugar glaze and sweet soda with millions of vigorous bubbles.

The fact that cranberries in sugar have not lost their popularity among countless foreign sweets to this day is not surprising, because the ideal harmony of sweetness and light sourness of cranberries will leave few people indifferent.

Agree, many of us were surprised at how it was possible to put a whole cranberry in sugar. Moreover, it is intact, the juice does not seep through the snow-white sugar shell and does not turn it pink. Today, when you can find an incredible amount of the most sophisticated culinary delights on the Internet, the recipe for making cranberries in sugar has not been forgotten and many housewives enjoy using it.

So, in order to make your own favorite delicacy, you just need to have 3 components on hand: directly fresh, powdered sugar and egg white. The composition of cranberries in sugar, like everything ingenious, is simple, isn’t it? To prepare the dessert, whole large berries are thoroughly washed and thoroughly dried.

Chicken eggs are separated into white and yolk (the latter can be used for other culinary creations). The egg whites are slightly whipped until foamy, in which you need to mix the cranberries. If you don't have powdered sugar, you can easily make your own using a coffee grinder. White sweet pollen is evenly distributed over the flat surface and the protein-coated berries are rolled over it with your fingers until a sugar layer builds up.

The benefits of cranberries in sugar

The unconditional benefits of cranberries in sugar, along with the excellent gastronomic qualities of this product, make it so popular. The beneficial properties of cranberries are known to almost every person. First of all, it is a natural source of ascorbic acid, which is simply necessary for the human body during the season of colds and infections. In addition, this berry contains a rather rare vitamin PP, which promotes the absorption of vitamin C.

Despite the fact that this sweet product contains a lot of sugar, due to which it should not be particularly abused by people prone to obesity and the development of caries, the benefits of cranberries in sugar are obvious, since they contain natural antibiotics - phytoncides. Thanks to these substances, the berry is often used as a preventative against stomach disorders.

Calorie content of cranberries in sugar 190.13 kcal

Energy value of cranberries in sugar (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju).

" Cranberry

Cranberry is a fairly famous berry.. It grows in swamps in the wild in the northern regions of our country. It ripens in the fall much later than other types of berries.

It has earned its popularity due to its many beneficial properties.

Cranberries are simply unique in their composition, namely the presence of vitamins and minerals in them.

The berries contain:

  1. A whole set of vitamins such as K, A, PP, groups B and C. Most of all it contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid).
  2. Minerals (potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, boron, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, silver).
  3. Organic acids. The composition contains only natural acids of plant origin (citric, ursolic, chlorogenic, benzoic, oleanolic).
  4. Antioxidants and catechins.
  5. Polyunsaturated fatty acids. They are present only in grains.

Cranberries are not even a high-calorie berry. It contains only about 30 kcal per 100 grams.

Protein, sugar, fats and carbohydrates are present in it in fairly small quantities. But it has a high fiber content.

Product of the day. Cranberry:

Beneficial and healing properties for the human body

Cranberries are valued for their many beneficial qualities for the human body. These include:

  1. Normalization of metabolic processes. Helps in removing all toxins and toxic substances from the body.
  2. Reducing high blood pressure.
  3. Strengthening capillaries.
  4. Normalizes blood cholesterol levels. Prevents the formation of blood clots and plaques in blood vessels and thins the blood well.
  5. Antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. Well reduces high fever during colds and flu. Helps the body fight against intoxication.
  6. Strengthening the immune system. Cranberry eliminates vitamin deficiency, being a kind of source for giving strength and vigor to the body.
  7. Prevention of the formation of malignant tumors in the body.
  8. Improved concentration.
  9. Analgesic effect for headaches or pain in women during menstruation.
  10. Strengthening the nervous system, hair and nails.

About the benefits of cranberries for the body:

Possible health hazards and contraindications

Along with other products, this berry also has its own contraindications for use. These include the following indicators:

  • cranberry allergy. It manifests itself mainly in the form of allergic manifestations on the skin. It can be in the form of a rash, redness of the skin, itching. Therefore, it is contraindicated for women during breastfeeding, as well as for children under 3 years of age;
  • presence of stomach or intestinal ulcers. as well as various types of gastritis. You should not eat cranberries during an exacerbation of these diseases;
  • low pressure(hypotension);
  • presence of urolithiasis, gout, liver diseases.

Cranberry juice must be diluted with water before use.

Traditional methods of treating various diseases

Cranberries are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

For colds and flu

Cranberry has an anti-inflammatory effect on the body and makes a person sweat. Thanks to this, it reduces heat well.

Drinks made from it quench your thirst. For colds, you need to drink cranberry infusion.

Cooking method: Crush the berries (1 cup) and pour boiling water (1 liter). The resulting solution is brought to a boil, infused, then filtered. Drink 1 glass several times throughout the day.

For hypertension

Berries, fruit juice or jelly made from them have a good diuretic effect on the human body. At the same time, potassium is not washed out of the body.

Additionally, potassium is contained in the berries themselves. It helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, maintains their tone, thereby helping to normalize blood pressure.

One of the recipes for a cranberry drink for hypertension: Crush 2 cups of berries, add 0.5 cups of granulated sugar, add 1 cup of water.

Stir the resulting mixture, bring to a boil and strain. Dilute the mixture in the amount of several teaspoons with hot water and drink it as tea.

Benefits for sore throat

In this case, cranberry juice is used. They can be gargled and consumed internally. To rinse, the juice must first be diluted by half with water.

When ingested, prepare the following remedy:: cranberry juice and beet juice, honey, vodka are mixed together in equal proportions.

The mixture is infused for 3 days, stirring occasionally every day. The finished composition is taken 1 tablespoon approximately an hour before meals.

For cystitis

Cranberry acts on the body as an anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antiseptic. The proanthocyanidin it contains prevents bacteria that cause cystitis from accumulating on the walls of the bladder.

To strengthen the immune system and eliminate vitamin deficiency

Cranberry, due to its composition, helps strengthen the immune system and saturate the human body with vitamins, especially in the spring.

Second drink option: cranberries grated with sugar (2 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water and infused. The finished drink is drunk like regular tea.

Cranberry is a rejuvenating berry:

Cranberries during pregnancy

Cranberries also benefit pregnant women. This can be explained by the large amount of ascorbic acid. Vitamin C is able to protect a woman from viruses and infections at this time, helps strengthen the immune system well.

You can add a little honey to enhance the benefits. Cranberries should be consumed in this form in a 3-to-3 mode., that is, 3 days on, 3 days off.

Cranberries are also used as a means to prevent kidney and urinary tract diseases. Every month, a pregnant woman's uterus grows larger. This leads to stagnation of urine and the appearance of cystitis or urethritis.

To avoid these troubles You should drink diluted fresh cranberry juice every day. It helps improve blood flow in the placenta and maintain the tone of the blood vessels of a pregnant woman.

Pregnant women You should not eat cranberries in any form during the last stages of pregnancy.. It increases the acidity of breast milk, which is harmful to the baby. The timing of discontinuation is determined by the doctor.

Application in cosmetology

Cranberries have also found their use in cosmetology. It copes well with skin diseases, such as scrofula, psoriasis, lichen, allergic skin rashes, burns. In all these cases, cranberry lotions or ointment are used.

To prepare the ointment you will need berries (2 tablespoons), petroleum jelly (50 g) and lanolin (50 g). The fruits are ground and squeezed. Vaseline and lanolin are added to the resulting juice. Stir until smooth.

Place the ointment in the refrigerator for storage.. Apply as needed, applying a thin layer to damaged skin.

In addition, cranberries are included in many cosmetic products for the face and body. It helps to gently cleanse the skin of dead cells and nourishes it.

Processing methods

Cranberries can be eaten not only in their raw form. There are quite a few ways to process it.

The most famous include:

  1. Cranberries mashed with sugar. To do this, 2 kg of ripe berries are ground using a blender and mixed with 3 kg of granulated sugar. It can be stored for quite a long time in the refrigerator or simply in a cool place.
  2. Cranberry jelly. A solution of 1 tbsp. spoons of starch and 1 tbsp. Cold water is poured into water with sugar and crushed cranberries. Cook the mixture until it thickens, about 10-15 minutes. Then juice is poured into the resulting jelly, mixed and removed from the heat. Kissel is ready to eat.
  3. Cranberry jam. It can be cooked from just one cranberry, or it can be made with various additives, such as apples. 1 kg of apples, 1 kg of berries, 2 cups of chopped walnuts are poured with pre-prepared syrup and placed on low heat. Cook the mixture for 30 minutes with constant stirring. The finished jam is transferred to sterilized jars and sealed.
  4. Morse. Berries (0.5 kg) are crushed in a blender and the juice is squeezed out. Pour water into the remaining berries and boil for 5-10 minutes. The resulting broth must be filtered and the squeezed juice added to it. You can add sugar or honey to the fruit drink to taste.

Cranberries keep well even when fresh. within a few months. To store them, choose a well-ventilated and cool place.

The berries themselves must be ripe and well dried. In addition, cranberries can be frozen or dried, which increases their shelf life.

Cranberries should be present in every person's diet. It brings many benefits to humans and is a kind of natural antibiotic. But at the same time, you should not forget about some of its contraindications.

All year round in markets or supermarkets you can buy this red medicinal berry, which prefers damp places and is distributed in sphagnum and peat bogs, in wet taiga coniferous forests, and along swampy shores of lakes. Connoisseurs of this berry claim that cranberries, lightly sprinkled with snow, and even after the first frost, are much tastier and sweeter.

Description and chemical composition of cranberries

Cranberries are low-growing shrubs with evergreen creeping stems from 15 to 30 cm long, from the heather family.

Cranberry leaves are oblong, on short petioles, alternate, from 3 to 15 mm long, from 1 to 6 mm wide. The top of the leaf is dark green, and the lower surface is covered with wax and has a whitish-ash color. Cranberry flowers are drooping, with the stigma facing downwards, pink or light purple in color, the flowers bloom in May - June.

The fruits are round red berries with a sour taste. The root of the plant is a taproot; fungi and threads are located on the roots, which connect with the root cells and form mycorrhiza. Nutrients are supplied from the soil through the fungal threads to the roots of the plant.

Cranberries are a valuable food product and are purchased by the population in large quantities. Cranberries are harvested in the fall, when the berries are lightly touched by frost, or in the spring, frozen and used as food and as a medicine to treat various ailments. Due to the high content of benzoic acid, cranberries are well stored for a long time.

Cranberries are one of the healthiest wild berries. It contains a huge amount of biologically active substances and mineral salts. Berries are rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, iron and other beneficial substances. It also contains phytoncides and flavonoids, triterpene and organic acids, pectin and tannins, glucose, fructose, fiber, proteins, vitamins and microelements - sodium, phosphorus, copper.

Useful properties and applications

This sour-tasting berry has been used for a long time not only for preparing culinary dishes, but also as a medicine, as it has a powerful healing effect on the human body.

This is an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent for any infections of the urinary and genital tract - pyelonephritis, cystitis, urethritis. The berries contain proanthocyanidins, which prevent bacteria from attaching to the inner surface of the urinary tract and remaining in the body.

Cranberries are especially useful for women suffering from chronic infections of the genitourinary system - chronic inflammation of the bladder - cystitis, the most common female ailment and if left untreated, the infection can affect the kidneys. Drinking berries or cranberry juice will help relieve the inflammatory process and prevent it from progressing, and will also help prevent the formation of kidney stones.

Eating berries is of great benefit for the functioning of the cardiovascular system - it reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of plaques on the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack, and helps the body recover faster after strokes.

Cranberry has a diuretic effect on the body and is very useful for hypertensive patients; it removes excess water from the body, while the reserves of useful potassium will not be reduced, since there is plenty of potassium in the berry itself.

Due to the high content of B vitamins: B1, B2, B6, cranberries improve metabolic processes in the heart muscle, reduce intraocular pressure, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

This is an indispensable remedy in the fight against colds, viral, and infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, since the berries have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and antiviral effects. Drinking plenty of cranberry juice or juice helps eliminate various toxic substances and phlegm that accumulate during a cold, speeds up recovery, and strengthens the body.

The anti-inflammatory properties of berries help relieve gout, rheumatic and joint pain.

Improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and is useful for patients with reduced gastric secretion. Cranberry destroys the causative agent of cholera, E. coli, and the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori and is an excellent preventative against stomach ulcers, improves appetite and the production of gastric juice, and helps heal the liver.

It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, reduces sugar levels in type 2 diabetes, increases immunity and improves the quality of life for people suffering from this serious disease.

Cranberries are also used to fight cancer; regular intake of juice prevents breast cancer, colon cancer, lung cancer, and malignant prostate tumors.

This amazing berry helps maintain healthy gums and oral cavity and prevents dental diseases such as periodontitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis and others.

Cranberry is indispensable for skin health; it rejuvenates the skin, nourishes it with vitamins and prevents skin diseases such as eczema, dermatosis, psoriasis and others.

The berries contain a lot of fiber, which helps remove toxins from the body, improves digestion and helps normalize weight. Berries and juice are used in most diets to combat extra pounds.

Removes toxic substances after drinking alcoholic beverages, prevents the absorption of radionuclides and also promotes their removal from the body.

Cranberry also improves memory by activating brain activity, relieves anxiety and improves mood and prevents the development of depressive conditions. Purifies the blood and helps in the fight against thrombophlebitis and phlebothrombosis.

Contraindications for use

The presence of vitamins and nutrients in cranberries gives this wild berry many medicinal properties, but the content of a large amount of acid in it can harm the body, since acid irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum and can cause the formation of ulcers.

Therefore, cranberries are contraindicated for people with gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers, and those who suffer from heartburn. Acid also destroys tooth enamel and can lead to caries.

Excessive consumption of berries, cranberry juice or fruit drink helps flush salts from the body and to prevent harm, cranberries should be taken according to the following scheme: eat for three days, do not use for nutrition or treatment for three days.

Traditional methods of treatment with cranberries

Traditional healers have been using cranberries to treat various diseases since ancient times. Cranberry juice is taken for severe coughs, headaches, scurvy, malaria, rheumatism, fever, and is used to lubricate long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers. Cranberries are used to treat urinary tract diseases, bronchitis, relieve fever, and stop bleeding.

In this article you can find simple but effective recipes that are easy to prepare at home and that will help you alleviate the condition of many diseases.

For pyelonephritis, cystitis

Mash half a glass of berries into a puree, add 0.5 ml of warm water and leave in a thermos. Take a warm infusion of half a glass 3-4 times a day before meals.

Eat 2 tablespoons of freshly frozen cranberries, grated with sugar, at night. This mixture has a beneficial effect on the kidneys, cleanses them of infections and microbes.

Mix a glass of berries with a glass of honey. Every day before bed you need to eat 2-3 tablespoons of the mixture.

A remedy for the treatment of pyelonephritis

Grate 200 grams of peeled potatoes on a fine grater and leave to stand for 1.5 hours. Then squeeze and drain the potato juice. Grind 50 grams of cranberries and squeeze out the juice, add a level tablespoon of sugar and pour into potato juice. Mix the mixture well and divide into two parts. Drink twice a day 15 minutes before meals. Fresh medicine must be made daily.

Cranberry juice for the treatment of pyelonephritis

Rinse fresh berries well and squeeze out the juice. Pour the pomace with cold water, 3 liters of water per 100 grams of pomace, place on the stove and boil. Strain the broth, add juice and sugar to taste. Fruit juice should be stored in the refrigerator. Take three glasses a day, first warmed to room temperature.

For bronchitis

Mash one glass of berries, squeeze out the juice, add 4 tablespoons of sugar to the juice, put on the stove and bring to a boil. Cool and add one glass of vodka to the mixture. Take two tablespoons 3-4 times a day before meals. For a quick recovery, you need to drink warm cranberry juice with honey throughout the day.

Severe cough remedy

Mash one glass of berries, add three finely chopped onions, pour one liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes in a warm place. The product should be drunk in small sips, hot, half a glass 3-4 times a day and immediately go to bed, covered with a warm blanket.

For indigestion

Pour two tablespoons of berries into two glasses of hot water and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Cool the broth and strain. Take half a glass of the drink four times a day.

Immune booster

To prepare this remedy, you need to take one kilogram of cranberries, one kilogram of apples cut into small pieces, two glasses of peeled and chopped walnuts, mix everything. Boil syrup from two and a half kilograms of sugar and one glass of water and pour in the mixture. Place on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for twenty minutes. Cool and transfer to a jar. Store the product in the refrigerator. Take one tablespoon in the morning with warm water.

A remedy for recovery after a stroke or heart attack

Pass 1 kg of cranberries through a meat grinder, add 200 grams of crushed garlic and 100 grams of honey. Stir everything well. The mixture must be left for three days. Take one tablespoon twice a day 20 minutes before meals.

For hypertension

Mix one glass of cranberries with half a glass of flower honey. Use 1 teaspoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Remedy for hypertension

Mash one kilogram of cranberries and mix with one kilogram of sugar. Take one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is three weeks, then you need to take a week break and take it for another three weeks.

For sore throat

Squeeze a glass of juice from the berries, add 2 tablespoons of honey, mix everything well. Take 2 tablespoons of the drink 5 times a day. It is useful to gargle with this remedy for a sore throat several times a day.