Intermediate b1 what level. What does intermediate level of English mean?

What levels of language proficiency exist?

Intermediate - what level is this? To describe the levels English language A slightly different system is used than with other languages. According to the European Language Portfolio (CEFR), language proficiency is determined by the following levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2.

In the case of English, all levels receive an additional name from Beginner to Advanced. This is due to the fact that the system of English levels developed before the introduction of CEFR. Brief description each level from the point of view of the student’s knowledge looks like this:

Elementary possession A1


Student understands short messages in English, can talk about himself, his work and free time, and navigate standard everyday situations. Listening comprehension is mainly tied to recognition individual words and expressions. Written communication skills are minimal.


The student can talk in relatively detail about himself, about the events of the past, and about plans for the future. Masters three to four basic temporary forms. Speech is slow and occasional errors are possible even in basic forms. Recognizes familiar words and expressions in oral communications.


The student understands oral and written messages in standard language, can take part in a simple conversation, and navigate most standard situations. Can talk about past events, plans for the future, and conduct a conversation on abstract topics with the support of the interlocutor. The basic grammatical forms are generally stable.


At this level there is a transition from dialogic to monologue speech. The student consistently uses basic grammatical forms and can express shades of meaning to a limited extent. Speech genres such as presentation, story, retelling are beginning to be mastered. Listening comprehension allows you to perceive unadapted messages and catch them general meaning, as well as a significant part of the details.



The student can freely navigate extensive texts in English, using a dictionary from time to time. Speech is of medium tempo, with connecting elements, which allows you to effectively work with monologue genres. The student experiences some difficulty in expressing abstract ideas, but in most cases these difficulties can be overcome. Begins automatic use non-basic grammatical forms.


The student understands any message- oral or written, masters nuances of words and idioms. Communicates fluently in the vast majority of situations and does not require the services of a translator or intermediary when communicating with native speakers. Owns most of grammatical means language.

In fact, English levels do not fully correspond to CEFR levels. For example, the Elementary level covers only part of A2; it could more accurately be described as an intermediate level A1- A2, but for the sake of simplicity these little things are usually ignored.

What you need to know at the Intermediate level

As can be seen from the table, all levels are divided into three large groups: elementary possession, independent possession and fluency. It is implied that Beginner levels and Elementary students can maintain a conversation, relying largely on the speech of the interlocutor, at Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate- communicate more independently, and at the highest levels- express your thoughts and emotions clearly and completely in language.

Most often, after a regular school and a non-linguistic university, people speak the language at a level up to Pre-Intermediate. Despite the fact that in the CEFR system the Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate levels are related, there are significant differences between them. Knowledge of English at the Intermediate level implies the ability to communicate not only in a dialogue situation, but to construct fairly long monologue messages. Therefore, the question of overcoming “ language barrier» is often associated precisely with the transition to the Intermediate level of the English language. To do this you need to not just expand vocabulary, learn to understand native speakers, but expand your mastery of linking words and more complex grammatical forms. Only after this can you move on to the Upper-Intermediate level.

Intermediate level- This is the minimum level sufficient for more or less fluent communication in the language on any topic. A person with such knowledge will be able to find a way out of any situation, solve any everyday problem. In addition, only at this level is stable knowledge formed that will remain with you for life. In other words, if you started studying from scratch, it is recommended not to interrupt it until the Intermediate level is reached.

Intermediate level program

The course involves mastering following topics:

Subject Grammar Vocabulary
Food Present Simple and Continuous

Action and non-action verbs

Food and restaurants
Sports Past tensesSport
Family Future formsFamily, personality
Introductions RevisionPersonal information
Money Present Perfect and Past Simple Money


Changing your life Present Perfect Continuous Strong adjectives
Transport and travel Comparatives and superlativesTransport and travel
Office RevisionIn the office
Manners ObligationTelephone English
Appearances Must, may, might, should (deduction) Describing people
Abilities Can, could, be able to-ed / -ing adjectives
Renting a flat RevisionHouses and flats
The school First Conditional and future time clauses Education
Dreams Second ConditionalHouses
Friendship Usually

Used to

Describing a dwelling RevisionHouses and flats
Work QuantifiersNoun formation
Men and women ArticlesVerbs / adjectives + prepositions
Careers Gerunds and infinitivesWork
Meetings RevisionGiving opinion
Resume/CV RevisionCV
Shopping Reported speechShopping
Cinema PassiveCinema
Heroes Relative clausesWhat people do
News RevisionGiving and reacting to news
Luck Third ConditionalMaking adjectives and adverbs
Crime Question tagsCompound nouns
Television Phrasal verbsTelevision
Apologizing RevisionApologies and excuses

As can be seen from the program, the training includes not only everyday, but also more abstract topics. Intermediate level of English language knowledge- This is, first of all, the ability to adequately express one’s opinion and construct monologues on a wide variety of topics.

Grammar material includes repetition of basic forms and introduction to more complex forms, e.g. indirect speech. It is especially important to master the so-called “narrative tenses”: Past Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous, Future in the Past, because they are the ones used in connected texts. The final honing of these forms occurs already at the Upper-Intermediate level.

The end-of-level test includes both an oral and a written part. Vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, ability to tell a story and write an essay in English are tested.

Duration of training at the level

Training takes 80 - 100 academic hours. Basic benefit- textbook New English File from Oxford University Press.

Intermediate level courses

In addition we also offer special . Since we understand the specifics of this level very well, the main activities in the lesson are aimed at overcoming the speech barrier and developing independent language proficiency. There is a lot of dialogical training in the classes, students work on presentations and projects, perform written assignments: write essays, letters, reports. Training takes place exclusively in English, which develops the ability to understand speech by ear.

To further involve students in the process of independent language acquisition, we follow the principle of “learning through teaching” (Lernen durch Lehren): under the guidance of a teacher, students explain vocabulary and grammar to each other, tell news, and retell texts they have read independently.

To increase the effectiveness of teaching, face-to-face lessons are accompanied by work in the Soho Bridge Online online system, where students can practice vocabulary and grammar for specific lessons.

In this post you will learn how I myself, without tutors or courses, without spending a penny, learned English in a year from almost complete 0 to Upper Intermediate.

So, it's quite simple: Motivation! It was she who gave impetus to self-development and thirst for knowledge English rules, words and letters. Agree, little will stop you if you have motivation...

Everyone may have their own motivation: for some it is to go abroad in search of a better life/job/study, for others it is to watch films in the original and enjoy the voices of the actors, and not to listen to our cool, flawed translations, for others it is to understand English-language lectures, thereby killing two birds with one stone: learning English, expanding your vocabulary, and developing in the area that interests you. (Just for reference, in almost every area, be it anatomy, programming, drawing or something else, there are a lot of different courses and materials, and there are even more of them in English, they are cooler and of better quality. That is, you have more options for what to watch and read.

When everything has become clear with motivation, you need to outline a training plan. It can be individual for everyone, because one person is better at reading, another at listening, another at chatting... You need to find a middle ground for yourself. That is, spend more time on one thing and less on another, so that there is no imbalance such as, you read well, but speak poorly or something like that.

It's clear that without knowing a basic set of words you won't get far in any of these sections. Therefore, you need to start with cramming words, and precisely with memorizing words. Services such as Anki and LinguaLeo help with this very well. In both of them it is very convenient: there are spaced repetition functions, there are voices of words, their transcriptions and visual representations. Anki can be downloaded for free on Android, but Apple users will have to pay almost 1000 rubles for it. You can get around this by studying on the Anki website itself, without downloading the application on your iPhone or iPad. LinguaLeo is free on both Android and Apple, but it has some limitations, such as a limit on adding words to the dictionary, limited grammar, and so on. A full subscription for a year costs 1200 rubles. You can get a free subscription by inviting friends. See Leo's website for details.

Once you have learned a basic set of words, such that you can understand what is required of you in the textbook (English/American textbook in English!), you can move on to grammar. In parallel with cramming a basic set of words, I recommend practicing these words by pronouncing them. This is quite convenient to do using Dr. Pimsleur’s method (his lessons can be downloaded, they are free). The essence of this method is that you listen simple dialogues and repeat them. Very convenient, allows you to consolidate words. In parallel with this, you need to read! Reading is very important, don’t underestimate it, it’s where a lot of people who took the Toefl/Ielts got burned. (international English exam).

Reading should begin to be developed with simple adapted short stories for stupid people, beguiners, etc. Winnie the Pooh or something like that.

As soon as we start from complete zero, and we can say/write/read something intelligible, we need to move on, namely, complicate it! In grammar, “Red Murphy or the Oxford Grammar Textbook (both elementary)” will help you, in listening - BBC podcasts for learning English, conversation - a native speaker (English for practice) or, at worst, watch adapted videos, write out phrases from dialogues and pronounce them, reading - the same adapted books. We also continue to use Anki and LinguaLeo. Leo, for example, is full of materials that will help you learn grammar and improve your reading and listening skills.

Once this milestone has been passed, you can speak clearly (describe yourself, talk about your goals/desires, etc., using simple phrases and suggestions), we move on. You can start watching normal videos/series/materials for further study... Videos created by natives for natives. Wow! You can start watching the series “Friends”!

The same ones will help you with grammar, but the already blue Murphy (blue) and the yellowed Oxford (yellow), I recommend going through both textbooks, because in one the grammar is well presented and in the other the practice is well given. In listening – BBC podcasts, Luke’s English podcast (I especially liked), songs, etc. (). Conversation - look for natives, this can be done using the interpals and scout sites (More details on this in the next article). Reading – texts for exams like toefl/ielts. We continue to use Anki and LinguaLeo to expand our vocabulary.

After this milestone, you can safely move on to something more serious, namely, read English literature in the original, watch films in the original, talk on various topics with natives, listen to podcasts for natives created by natives and take green Murphy and green Oxford by storm.

You can do listening and reading on the go, but you will have to set aside time during the day for grammar and speaking. The Internet is a very useful thing, there are many textbooks and materials that can be downloaded for free! You can learn English without spending anything but time! The main thing is your desire, motivation and self-belief. With motivation and a good start, exercise will become a habit for you and it will be easier and more enjoyable for you in the future...

Below are links to textbooks, podcasts, courses and other materials useful to you.
(A little advice: determine what you are very interested in, and watch and read about it in English, so training will take place with great pleasure)

Learn and develop and motivate others to do the same! If any of the readers have their own success story, please write in the comments.

Classification of English proficiency levels

Depending on the degree of proficiency in certain language skills, several levels of language proficiency can be distinguished.

There are many classifications, but the disadvantage of any of them is the inability to draw a clear line between levels.

At the European Union level, a system of language proficiency from A to C has been adopted, where each group is divided into 2 more subgroups. However, in our country, more common, is another classification, including different sources from 3 to 8 steps.

On average, there are six of them:

  1. Basic. At this level it is too early to talk about any language proficiency; we are only talking about the beginning of learning, getting to know the basics.
  2. Elementary. At this stage a person is already able to understand simple sentences and inscriptions in public places. He must also be able to construct elementary speech structures, for example, introduce yourself, ask for directions, make an order in a cafe, etc.
  3. Pre-Intemediate. This stage involves knowledge of the commonly used basics English grammar, correct construction sentences and the ability to explain everyday topics when communicating with foreigners with good pronunciation. The average is not language school gives his students approximately this level of knowledge.
  4. Intermediate. Language proficiency at this level means understanding the meaning when reading books and watching films, competent oral and written speech in the case of most non-highly specialized topics.
  5. Upper-Intermediate. At this stage, a person is able to communicate fluently, albeit not without minor errors, orally and in writing, and masters the entire system of English grammar, although he may not understand the subtleties and nuances that are generally understandable only to native speakers. This level is sufficient for living, studying and working abroad.
  6. Advanced. This stage means proficiency in a foreign language at the native level - an extensive vocabulary, knowledge of slang and everyday expressions, the ability to easily communicate on any topic using idiomatic and other established expressions. This level can only be achieved through continued use of language in communication.

Language level pre intermediate

Pre-Intermediate level skills

This level implies knowledge slightly below average, i.e. it corresponds to language proficiency at an everyday level.

Speaking and communication

  • Speaking: skill with correct intonation, correct pronunciation and not too slow speed talk about everyday topics.
  • Speech understanding: the ability to understand calm and unhurried speech in situations of social and everyday interaction. We are talking not only about personal communication, but also, for example, about announcements on the streets, train stations, airports, etc., talking on the phone, using TV and radio, etc.

Reading and writing

  • Reading Skills: the ability to correctly read and understand the essence of texts of a general orientation, both artistic and journalistic content.
  • Writing skills: the ability to talk about yourself, describe a situation, person or event, compose the main types of electronic messages - a request, an apology, a request.

Conditions for further study of English with Pre-Intermediate level

This level implies deepening knowledge from an elementary level, a significant expansion of vocabulary, familiarity and consolidation of such grammatical material as modal verbs, simple past and future tenses, different types questions.

Development of speech skills in the Pre-Intermediate course

An ever-increasing vocabulary and mastery of basic grammatical structures make it possible to move from the simplest sentences to coherent and meaningful communication on the following basic topics:

  • Family.
  • Purchases.
  • Transport.
  • Sport.
  • Daily routine.
  • A story about yourself.
  • Hobby.
  • Professions.
  • Seasons.
  • Holidays.

Preference is given to dialogical communication. Students must learn to build interrogative sentences, understand them, correctly compose answers, i.e. imitate situations of real communication.

At this stage, it is important to overcome the fear of communication. This is achieved by constant practice, role-playing games. In addition, it is important to learn to express thoughts in different ways, that is, in a situation of misunderstanding, make it clear that something is not clear, and try to convey the content in other words.

A variety of schools and courses for studying foreign languages ​​offer comprehensive testing of knowledge levels. However, you can test yourself in all respects except speaking on your own - there are plenty of tests on the Internet. Testing will help you decide on further training and not re-take what is already well known.

Intermediate is the level of English proficiency that employers most often require from candidates. But how can you determine whether you speak a language at an Intermediate level or not? And what is this scale? According to the European Framework of Reference for Languages, the Intermediate level of English is designated B1 and comes after the Pre-Intermediate level. In general, you can download that Intermediate is confident “average” English. People with such skills can speak fluently foreign language, communicate on business or household topics, understand spoken language and even write letters.

What should a student know at the Intermediate level?

Once the student reaches this level, we can assume that he has already achieved some success. Your speech or Speaking skills must also be at an acceptable level. To improve your speaking skills, try to speak more in class, communicate on topics that are new to you, and don’t be afraid to express your point of view. Vocabulary or vocabulary includes expressions of general colloquial vocabulary and some words on a business topic. Moreover, Intermediate is a variety of idioms, common phrases, figures of speech, set expressions etc. Try to write down and remember all new words. For many students, it remains difficult to get used to listening or listening. Audio texts at the Intermediate level are more capacious and complex than at previous stages. To simplify tasks, divide large audio files into parts and translate them separately. At this level of English, you must understand text that is related to business activities, learning, everyday affairs, and so on. At the same time, try to get rid of the accent and pay attention to details in the texts.


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Main topics covered at Intermediate Level

At the Intermediate level, you should already be able to read complex, adapted articles. In addition, you can gradually begin to get acquainted with the unadapted fiction. Remember that simply retelling the text is not enough. You must express your opinion about the work you read, describe positive and negative traits book characters, etc. Written texts at this stage are a good foundation for consolidating your vocabulary and grammar. Quite a lot of attention is paid to writing. At level B1 you write sentences in both conversational and business style. Level English intermediate involves written tasks such as.

Since 2001, Europe has moved to fundamentally new language standards, so classic British textbooks are now also being republished in accordance with the new levels. Has anything changed significantly with the introduction of levels? No, but strict classification put an end to heterogeneous self-made divisions into groups in language schools. And the tendency was obvious - firstly, to create more levels than necessary (this is to take more money), and secondly, to inflate your level for self-esteem. This is when A2 was given for the intermediate level of English, which can only be called intermediate given its position between levels A1 and B1.

In total, the new language knowledge standards are 6 (well, or 7 - if you take into account zero). So, language is not one, but two levels according to modern classification- B1 and B2. People who possess it to this degree are also called Independent Users, especially those occupying column B2 in the classification deserve this title. And in new system It is recommended to move away from the old name “intermediate level of English” and either call B1 and B2 Lower and Upper Intermediate, respectively, or generally use other, very specific terms - Threshold and Vantage levels. In other words, old terms will not help you navigate the modern sea of ​​textbooks.

Knowledge of English at the intermediate level, if the language school did not deceive you, most likely corresponds to level B1. What does this mean practically? A person understands clearly spoken speech well when the vocabulary is frequently used or related to him. professional activity. Can cope with almost any situation that arises when it comes to traveling around the country of the language being studied (hence the term “independent”, as we discussed above). Can deliver coherent speech on topics related to work or personal interests. Briefly justify your opinion, present evidence or plan of action. That is, an intermediate level of English, even at the lowest level, is good

How is someone described as a B2 user? He understands a wider range of texts and is capable of perceiving the main ideas of even complex scientific texts, while B1 is a level for everyday interaction. Speech is fluent, with a large amount of spontaneity, which makes conversations with speakers stress-free for both parties.

Able to create clear and detailed text on large number topics, not only workers and households. Able to clearly express the advantages and disadvantages of various types of opinions. Such a language user is rightfully called independent. Level B2 allows you to start studying at the university level. It is found among the brightest graduates of the strongest specialized schools or among graduates of good non-linguistic universities.

These two levels are intermediate, there are two more above them - C1 and C2, and everyone who already has an intermediate level of English should strive for them. After all, higher categories provide the opportunity for professional immigration or work in expensive language courses for English teachers. In general, level C1 is average for good and excellent students at language universities. But not all carriers can get C2.