Self-learning English from scratch. English for beginners: program for Beginner and Elementary levels

Recently, to improve one's career growth or to continue studying abroad, learning English on one's own has become popular. Of course, for many the question arises - where to find a good English tutorial, audio lessons and other materials that will effectively help you master a foreign language in a certain period of time. It is worth saying that learning English on your own is a long process, but everything is in your hands and you can make this process exciting and enjoyable.
So, you decided not to hire a tutor, not to pay money for courses or book tutorials, but to choose to learn English for free on your own using online lessons. It is worth saying that at first, most people fail to achieve any positive result and, naturally, they simply give up.

Stereotypes are what hinder English learning

These are the components that most people who decide to undergo self-study English course at home and advance at least a little in your knowledge:

  • the majority are confident that learning any foreign language on your own is a very difficult task;
  • many people learn a language but do not achieve the expected results;
  • most people reach a certain level of knowledge, say advanced, but it takes them years to learn;
  • many people think that they are simply not capable of learning a second language;

All of the above can be transformed into one single whole and conclude that learning English from scratch is a long and thorny path. However, there are also quick learning courses, that is, you can master English in just two months. Just give up traditional learning methods that are based on textbooks, cramming dictionaries, basic grammar, as well as boring and monotonous dialogues.
We are all familiar with this approach to learning a foreign language from school – if you are not going to read Shakespeare in the original, why “gnaw” on the grammar stone. User reviews indicate that the method of paid services remains school-based, only the learning process occurs in an accelerated mode, that is, you study English not two hours a week, but seven hours a day.

Correct methods are the key to success

Do you want to start learning English online? Leave books and lessons for later. First, you need to decide on the important aspects of your teaching methodology. That is, you must become your own teacher. The main thing is to put grammar aside in Kamchatka; you won’t need it if you just want to communicate with native speakers, listen to radio and television programs, of course, if you are not going to take an international exam to obtain a certificate. But this is not the main thing - no matter what method you use when mastering the language learning course at home, what is important is your positive mood during classes, and then a positive result will not be long in coming.
So, 3 main principles self-learning English from scratch:

  • motivation – you must really want to learn a foreign language;
  • the right method – try several teaching methods and choose the best one for yourself;
  • learning process - decide why you need English knowledge - for everyday communication or for subsequent studies at prestigious foreign universities.

And most importantly, don’t “stand” in one place – constantly develop and improve your knowledge. Use the lessons posted on our website for this, because they are offered to you completely free of charge!

There is so much information about English that it is easy to get confused!

Dear readers! I know from my own experience how difficult English is for beginners. And the point is not a lack of textbooks or information, but rather an excess of them, information noise that is impossible to understand.

In this article, I have collected and systematized materials from the site that will be useful for beginners, those who are learning English from scratch. In these articles, I share my opinion on where to start learning a language, what online resources and books are best to use, where to find good video lessons, how to choose courses and where to find an online tutor.

Where to start learning English?

If you decide to learn English “from scratch,” then you need to go from simple to complex, from the most necessary to the rarer. First of all, try to lay the foundation for future knowledge and skills and learn the basics of the language. The most basic knowledge includes:

Having laid the foundation, you need to practice a lot and in a variety of ways in all types of speech activities: reading, listening, writing and speaking in English.

Actually, that's all. You've just taken a short course in language learning! The rest is details and particulars.

You can find the necessary materials both on this site (links above) and in textbooks and online training courses for beginners. I recommend that at the initial stage you study using a textbook for independent study (self-instruction manual). In my opinion, the most convenient way to learn the basics of a language is from a textbook, using interactive materials, such as vocabulary cards, as auxiliary materials.

What websites are there for English language beginners?

The main advantage of the textbook is that the material is presented in a methodically correct order, in convenient portions. You don’t have the feeling that you are wandering in the dark; the textbook literally leads you by the hand, giving extremely specific instructions. But in addition to textbooks, you can also study using educational programs - they contain a lot of audiovisual materials, and the learning process is built in a game form. The following sites are suitable for beginners:

“Teacher Method” – a step-by-step course for children and adults

“Teacher Method” is an interactive course for different levels, starting from almost zero. It includes courses of three difficulty levels for adults and children, as well as a separate children's course for the little ones.

In the course for beginners, learning begins with the alphabet, all explanations are made in the form of short videos in Russian with explanations from teachers, and tasks are given in the form of interactive exercises. The material is chewed down to the smallest detail. The service is paid, but is available free of charge in a limited form.

Lingvaleo is a service for self-learning English using:

The lesson plan is created automatically and looks like a list of “Today's tasks”, but it is not necessary to follow it. The site has a lot of audio, video and text materials of different levels of complexity - from simple to original materials of foreign TV, so it is suitable not only for lesson-based language learning, but also for practice in reading and listening. Most of the features are free, but for an additional fee you can purchase interactive courses (for example, grammar or English for children) and unlock some word learning modes.


A free interactive course, in which, like in the “Teacher Method”, you need to go from lesson to lesson. But there are almost no explanations here; training is built on a different principle. You need to complete tasks, studying the practical side of grammar and applying the vocabulary learned at the beginning of the lesson in practice: constructing and translating phrases. It is not advisable to take this course as a basis for learning English, but it is suitable as an auxiliary educational game.

English for beginners: free video lessons

Useful Internet resources are not limited to just educational sites. Fortunately, there are now a lot of useful, interesting and free video lessons. Lessons are available in both Russian and English.

For beginners, it is better to start with lessons in Russian. For example:

I believe that it is better for beginners to study with Russian-speaking teachers, and here’s why:

  • He better understands the peculiarities of teaching Russian-speaking students.
  • At the initial stage, it is better to explain tasks and rules in Russian.
  • It will be too difficult for you to understand a teacher who does not speak Russian.

The principles of language learning are very simple and have been known for a long time.

1. Set specific and achievable goals

It is much more convenient to move towards a goal when it is marked than when it is an unclear fog over the horizon. Why did you decide to learn the language in the first place? To get a job as a chief engineer at New Development Engineering? To move in with your aunt in Sydney? Your goals will largely determine how you go about achieving them. For example, if you want to study at a foreign university, you will need to be able to write correctly, which is not so important for a trip to the USA under the Work and Travel program.

It is advisable to set short-term goals in addition to long-term ones. For example, complete lessons 1 – 6 in two weeks, learn 100 words in a week, read the first chapter of Harry Potter in a month, etc. There is no need to set unrealistic goals. It's better to take small steps, but without stopping.

2. Try to exercise regularly, preferably every day!

Ideally, you need to practice every day for 1-2 hours. In practice, not everyone will be able to do this, but if you really want to, you can set aside at least half an hour a day. The main thing is not to deceive yourself by coming up with excuses about lack of time and crazy busyness. It's okay if you watch half an hour less TV or get things done half an hour earlier.

Even if you are a businessman/supermodel/pizza delivery guy, finding at least 15 minutes a day in your crazy schedule is exactly 15 minutes better than 0 minutes. And don’t forget that you can listen to audio lessons in the player while you are dying of boredom in a traffic jam.

There is no need to organize crazy marathons once a month either. It is better to exercise for 30 minutes 7 times a week than 210 minutes once a week. What's the point of running a 3-4 hour marathon a day if everything is forgotten within a week?

3. Practice makes perfect

You don't need any great intelligence or talent to learn a language. You just need to practice regularly – that’s all. Pay attention to all aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, practice in reading, listening, speaking and writing - and everything will be ok. Don't get hung up on theory and try to practice more.

Language is a means of communication, transmission and perception of information, knowledge, and expression of emotions. They need to be used. Learning a language but not using it is like learning swimming from books without diving into the water. Read and listen more, don’t hesitate to communicate!

Friends, many of you probably had a desire to start learn English for free without outside help or any paid educational courses.

And that's great! After all, learning a foreign language expands human consciousness, opens up opportunities for travel and communication with people from other parts of the world. Believe me Having mastered another language, you will begin to think and perceive the world around you differently!

However, judging by the experience of most students, some people give up trying to learn English due to a lack of self-discipline and simple laziness! Indeed, the abundance of all kinds of rules and bad memories from the school curriculum discourage all desire to learn!

We decided to help everyone learn English on your own and prepared the 7 best ways to master it. These methods significantly save time and simplify understanding of grammar, and most importantly, they are free!

Using these methods and devoting at least 1 hour a day to studying, in a few months you will master the basic principles, expand your vocabulary and be able to speak freely on general/simple topics with native speakers.

1. Dmitry Petrov's method

Dmitry Petrov is a famous linguist, translator and public figure who speaks more than 15 languages. He developed a course of 16 video lessons that can be found freely available on the Internet (episodes of the “Polyglot” program on the Russia TV channel). You can watch video tutorials.

In addition to the course of video lessons, there is a free mobile application for learning English using the method of Dmitry Petrov.

The effectiveness of Dmitry Petrov's method: the material is presented in a very simple and understandable form, thanks to which the fear of tenses, verb forms, etc. is quickly dispelled. In a short time you will gain communication skills, plus you will practice basic language algorithms until they become automatic.

2. platform

A free international language learning platform without premium packages, advertising or webinars, which was launched in 2011. The training system is built in the form of interesting lessons based on gamification, during which students help translate websites, articles, etc.

The basis of training is Dualingo skill tree, through which users advance by completing tasks and earning experience points. The platform has many functions, such as completing tasks against time, etc. In addition to the web project, Duolingo has a mobile application. On Dualingo you can learn not only English, but German and French, and soon Spanish and Swedish will also be available.

Duolingo efficiency: According to research, 34 hours of Duolingo training provides the same amount of reading and writing skills as a semester of study (130 hours) in higher education. Currently, many teachers in schools use the Dualingo program. The project provides excellent skills for speech recognition and translations.

3. Movie mania with subtitles

The method is based on watching your favorite films and TV series with double subtitles, but in English dubbing. It turns out that you simultaneously hear English speech and see the writing and translation.

The main nuance is the right choice of TV series and films. Beginners need to watch films that have simple dialogues and do not use specific words. Many people call the famous TV series “Friends” ideal for watching with double subtitles.

Efficiency of the method: quickly remember new words and phrases, master pronunciation. However, to feel the effect, you need to watch quite a lot of episodes or films.

4. Ilya Frank method

This method involves learning a language by reading books in English without a dictionary. You read and remember due to the repetition of words in the text of books.

In addition, for interesting reading, it offers explanations with translations of each sentence. Just download Ilya Frank’s books and read them at any time convenient for you. You can see what the text in the book looks like in the picture below.

The effectiveness of Ilya Frank's method: Frank's learning is ideal for memorizing words. You read a book and as you learn, you begin to skip the explanatory inserts. According to reviews it is said that if you read 1-2 hours a day, then in a year you will be able to read English books in the original without any problems.

5. Alexander Dragunkin method

Alexander Dragunkin developed his own method of teaching English, in which he abandoned the traditional classical study of the rules of reading words, replacing it with Russified transcription.

In his method he also developed 53 “golden” grammar formulas, which differ from the classic ones. Dragunkin offers his vision of language learning and an understanding of grammar that will be simple and understandable for beginners.

To get started, we recommend watching the 3-hour video tutorial, under which you will find a link to many teaching materials and Dragunkin tables that help with learning.

The effectiveness of the Dragunkin Method: the main advantage of Dragunkin’s method is that the material is presented in a very accessible form for “dummies.” All the material (tables, rules) by Dragunkin is systematized, making it easy to remember.

6. Dr. Pimsleur Method

Dr. Pimsleur's method is based on listening, when the student listens to dialogues, constructs phrases and reproduces them from memory. Course of Study consists of 3 parts, each of which contains 30 lessons(audio material + text).

The important point is that learning using the Pimsleur method requires great concentration. In particular, it is impossible, for example, to combine training with being in public places, because Often, as part of training, it is necessary to repeat after the speaker.

The effectiveness of Dr. Pimsleur's method: training using this method is perfect for those who have poor pronunciation. The course using Dr. Pimsleur's method perfectly develops memory and promotes good recognition of English speech (especially dialects).

7. YouTube training

In addition to the above methods, we will leave for you several excellent YouTube channels for learning English. Each of them has its own training program that will help you master English.

Puzzle English- an excellent channel with a wide variety of grammar lessons, language learning tips, lessons on correct pronunciation, etc.

English like clockwork is an entertaining channel where language learning is carried out through jokes, games, music, films, etc.

OXANA DOLINKA— a channel of the user of the same name, on which a girl teaches English and emphasizes the living modern language, as well as the nuances of spoken English when traveling.

English at Steve Jobs School- a channel where short lessons touch on certain topics of the English language, as well as dialogues in films, talk about metaphors in English, etc.

Albert Kakhnovskiy- a channel where English is taught by the famous Raymond Murphy.

Efficiency of the method: Learning English on YouTube channels is easy and fun. Studying does not oblige you to anything and you can devote as much time to studying as you wish.

Learn English on your own not easy! Most people note that it is often difficult to overcome their laziness, remember this! Do not succumb to the provocations of your consciousness to abandon your studies!

“English from Scratch” is a textbook for those who want to learn to speak, listen, read and write in English, but have never studied English and do not know how to start learning it. At the same time, it can also be useful for those who once learned English and would like to quickly restore their knowledge. The manual offers a short phonetic course for teaching pronunciation and reading, an elementary grammar course, basic vocabulary on basic topics, communicative models used in communication, texts for reading, exercises for training and systematization of material. The accompanying CD helps develop listening skills.

This course was written at the numerous requests of teachers and students as the first and necessary part in mastering the English language, preceding work on the textbooks “English for Russians. English conversation course + CD 1 and “English for everyone. A universal guide for learners of English + CD 2. For many years, the author has received requests and wishes to write, based on the methodology he developed, a textbook for those who want to start learning English, but do not have basic information about it, i.e. present an elementary English language course, after studying which you can proceed to work on other manuals of the author. “English from Scratch” is intended for everyone who wants to learn to speak, read and write in English, but who has no idea about this language and does not know how to start learning it. Based on the needs of those who want to learn English from scratch, we offer a textbook consisting of two parts. The first part includes “Introductory phonetic course”, “Rules of reading and writing”, as well as “Thematic dictionary”.

Download the e-book for free in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book English from scratch, an elementary practical course of the English language, Karavanova N.B., 2012 -, fast and free download.

  • English from scratch, Elementary practical English course, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - English from scratch is a textbook for those who want to learn to speak, listen, read and write in English, but... Books on English
  • English for everyone, A universal guide for learners of English, Karavanova N.B., 2012 - The guide is written on the basis of the author’s methodology aimed at developing all speech skills: speaking, writing, reading, listening. In every lesson... Books on English
  • English grammar, test papers, grades 5-6, for textbooks by M.Z. Biboletova and others. “Enjoy English” and “Enjoy English. Grades 5-6”, Barashkova E.A., 2012 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation). It represents the fourth part of a training set consisting of four... Books on English
  • Practical grammar of the English language, Rules, tables, examples, Krasyuk N.I., Krasyuk V.V., 2012 - This collection is a guide to practical grammar of the English language in the form of summary overview tables and diagrams, accompanied by rules and ... Books on English

The following textbooks and books:

  • Real self-instruction manual of the English language, entry-level, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Real self-instruction manual of the English language, entry-level, CD, Karavanova N.B., 2015 The self-instruction manual is designed specifically for Russian-speaking students. It includes everything... Books on English
  • Real spoken English for free communication, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 - Real spoken English for free communication, CD, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2015 This manual will help you master modern spoken English and learn ... Books on English
  • Starting to learn English, Karavanova N.B., 2015 - Starting to learn English, Karavanova N.B., CD, 2015. The manual is intended for those who are just starting to learn English or need ... Books on English
  • English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O., 2011 - English in headphones, any topic is not a problem, English in Headphones, 1 CD, in 3 parts, Chernikhovskaya N.O. , 2011 English in… Books on English

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