Oiv of the Primorsky Territory to obtain the results of the Unified State Exam. Search for applications submitted through public service centers, MPGU or one-stop-shop services

The decision to publish the results on the official portal of the Unified State Exam is made by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education (SEA) of each region. If your region is not on the list, you need to contact the executive authority of your region or the official website of the executive authority of your region.

The answers to the first part of the exams are checked automatically and are recognized by the computer. The second part is evaluated by experts, and cross-checking occurs: if two experts give different ratings, the work is reviewed by another specialist.

All high-scoring works undergo additional verification. In addition, marks made by observers during the exam itself and after it are taken into account when checking recordings from surveillance cameras. If experts have recorded violations (presence mobile phone, cheating, etc.) the work will be canceled without the right to retake this year.

How to find out the results of the Unified State Exam using passport data in 2018

The results of the Unified State Exam can be found on the Public Services Portal. The results can also be viewed on the official portal of the Unified State Exam. To do this, you must enter your full name, passport data or Unified State Examination registration code.

In some cases, exam results are also duplicated on websites regional ministries education, however, every year there are fewer and fewer such cases - not all departments can provide the required level of security for storing such data.

Unified State Exam 2018: exam schedule, official



Early period

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

history, chemistry

history, chemistry

foreign languages(orally)

mathematics B, P


foreign languages ​​(written), biology, physics

foreign languages, biology, physics

social studies, literature

social studies, literature

reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history

reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, history

reserve: foreign languages ​​(written), literature, physics, social studies, biology

reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Main stage

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

Geography, Computer Science and ICT

mathematics B


mathematics P

chemistry, history

chemistry, history

Russian language

Russian language

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages ​​(oral)

social science

social science

biology, foreign languages ​​(written)

biology, foreign languages

literature, physics

literature, physics

reserve: geography, computer science and ICT

reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages ​​(written)

reserve: chemistry, history, biology, foreign languages

reserve: literature, physics, social studies

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: for all academic subjects

Additional period (September terms)

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics B


reserve: mathematics B, Russian language

reserve: mathematics, Russian language

JIV is an institution created in accordance with the requirements of the law to participate in the implementation of the functions of the IV and vested with state powers for these purposes.

OIV legally separated(has its own structure, is not part of another organization, its competence is not derived from the competence of another body), functional(carries out management functions in a certain area of ​​society in accordance with its competence).

The fundamentals of the legal status, the procedure and competence, the IIV system are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and a number of legal acts.

Are independent in the implementation of executive and administrative activities, in relations with subjects of representative and judicial authorities. But in order to ensure the normal functioning of the state, the military forces constantly interact with other branches of government;

Possess government powers strictly within the competence established for them;

Their activities are of a statutory nature;

They are financed from the budget.

Types of military equipment. OIV can be classified according to a number of characteristics:

Depending on the government structure:

- Federal executive authority(government, ministries, state committees, federal commissions, services and supervisions, Russian agencies);

- OIV of the subjects of the Federation.

2. By organizational and legal forms:

Governments, councils of ministers, ministries, state committees (at the level of the Russian Federation, republics, Moscow, St. Petersburg);

Committees, services, main departments, departments, inspections, agencies, administrations, city halls, etc. (at various levels).

3. Based on the nature of competence, the following are distinguished:

- JIV of general competence: carried out on certain territory management of all or most branches of management (Government of the Russian Federation; governments, administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation);

- OIV of industry competence: management of subordinate industries (for example, the Ministry of Railways);

- OIV of intersectoral competence: perform general specialized functions for all or most branches of government (for example, the Ministry of Industry, Science and Technology);

- OIV of intra-industry competence: management of a certain area of ​​work within the industry.

4. By the nature of the resolution of subordinate issues:

- single-authority: decisive power belongs

to the manager;

The concept of building a military energy system

The JIV system is a set of JIVs and a system of their relationships, built on the basis of the delimitation of competence between them.

The system of federal executive authorities, the establishment of which falls under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, is formed by:

Government of the Russian Federation;

Federal ministries (sectoral management);

State committees, federal commissions (intersectoral management);

Federal services, Russian agencies, federal supervisions (carry out special functions in established areas of jurisdiction);

Other federal executive authorities (for example, the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation).

The OIV system of the subjects of the Federation is formed by:

The highest authority of the executive power of a constituent entity of the Federation;

Other executive power bodies, the forms of which are determined by the subjects of the Federation themselves.

Any person or legal entity can apply to the executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as the EIA) for a service, submit an application, request a certificate, etc. After the expiration of the regulatory period in the “Personal Account” on the portal mos.ru information about the status of consideration of the application will appear.

How can I find the “Application Status” service on the Moscow government services portal?

1. Log in to the portal. To do this, you need to specify the portal address in the address bar of your browser. mos.ru and go to the portal (press Enter):

2. In the list of services, select the “Personal Documents” section:

3. Select the service “Receive city social support measures”:

4. Select the option to receive city social support measures and click the “Get service” button.

Working with the service is implemented in two steps:

Step 1: Search Options

In Step 1, fill in the following application search parameters:


Case number;

Registration date;

TIN (in case of application legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

To get search results, click the “Find” button.

Step 2. Search results

Information on the found application contains the following data:

Single reference number;

Date the request was created;

Registration number;

Date of registration of the appeal;



Applicant type;

Name of service;

Current status of the appeal;

Responsible Executive Officer;


Planned preparation period;

Planned issuance date;

Date of actual preparation;

Date of actual issue.

To search for information on another application, click on the “Back to search” button.


Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

We will find out where to find out the results of the Unified State Exam based on passport data on this page of our website.

On the official website of the Unified State Exam on the Question - Answer page the following information is provided:

The official information portal of the UNIFORM STATE EXAM provides the opportunity to check the results of the Unified State Exam using passport data. There are some caveats: Attention. The decision to publish the results on the official Unified State Exam portal adopted by the executive authority of the subject Russian Federation, carrying out public administration in the field of education (SES) of each region. If your region is not on the list, you need to contact the executive authority of your region or the official website of the executive authority of your region

The official website of the Unified State Examination contains information on regions (see figure). After selecting your district, you can click on the map and you will be redirected to the website of the department of education or administration, where you can find out your results.

Then everything depends on how local authorities work. Some report that the results are sent to municipal education authorities. The results can also be found on the official information portal single state exam via the link http://check.ege.edu.ru/. (such information is available on many regional sites)

There are regional websites that independently provide USE results based on your passport.

Hotlines are also organized locally, where, if necessary, you can contact them with your questions. All larger number regions organizes explanatory work on the issue of the OGE and the Unified State Exam: they conduct special events (for example, on-site parent meetings), place useful information on social networks.

I would like to note that once you get to the page of the department of education in your region, it is not always easy to find the page with the results. Efforts must be made to find information.

Rosobrnadzor warns about scammers promising to report Unified State Exam results via SMS.

Previously, the department reported that each region independently establishes ways to inform participants about individual exam results. This information should be provided free of charge, Rosobrnadzor emphasizes.

As a rule, this year's graduates can find out their own USE results in the subject at their school. The remaining participants will learn about their results where they received their Unified State Exam pass, or at the exam reception point. Lists of Unified State Exam participants with their exam results are posted on information stands.

“You don’t need to fall for the tricks of scammers. It’s better to calmly wait for the results and prepare for other exams,” concluded the representative of Rosobrnadzor.

A legal or individual by contacting the public services center.

How can I find the “Registration at the Public Services Center” service on the Moscow government services portal?

1. Log in to the portal. To do this, you need to specify the portal address in the address bar of your browser. mos.ru and go to the portal (press Enter):

2. In the list of services, select the “Benefits, social sphere” section:

3. Select the service “Online registration at the public services center”:

4. Click the “Get service” button:

Step 1. “Select a service”

At this step, you select a service. You can select a service in one of the following ways:

Select a service from the list of popular services;

Use the service search;

Select a service from the list of services provided by a specific executive authority.

The list of popular services displays the most popular services. To select a service, click on the service name.

To use the search, enter the name of the service in the search box or select a service from the drop-down list.

In order to select a service provided by an executive authority, expand the list of services by the name of the executive authority. To select a service, click on the service name.

Step 2. “Choosing a pickup location and making an appointment”

At this step, you select the place to receive the service and select the time of reception.

You can choose the place to receive the service in one of the following ways:

Selecting the place of receipt according to the address or name of the public services center/OIV;

Selecting the place to receive the service from the list of executive authorities;

Selecting the location to receive the service on the map.

Selecting the place of receipt by address or name of the public services center/OIV

To select a collection location, expand the drop-down list and select the required public service center/OIV.

You can use the search bar. To do this, enter the name or address of the public services center/OIV in the search bar, and you will be offered the appropriate options for the place of receipt.

Selecting the place of receipt from the list of executive authorities

To select the place of receipt, view the list of public service centers/OIVs providing the service.

The list shows:

– name of the public services center/OIV;

– information about the queue and average waiting time;

– address and nearest metro station;

– contact phone number;

– “Show on map” button;

– “Make an appointment” button.

In order to display the location of the selected public service center/OIV on the map, click on the “Show on map” button.

Selecting a pickup location on the map

To select a pickup location on the map, set the switch in the upper right corner of the Step #2 view to the “on map” position. You will see a map with dots marking the places where you receive services. In order to select a collection location, click on the dot and in the window that appears, click the “Make an appointment” button.

Make an appointment

To make an appointment, open the calendar of the selected public services center/OIV by clicking on the “Make an appointment” button. You will see a list of time slots available for recording. In order to select an appointment time, click on one of the slots and in the window that appears, click on the “Make an appointment” button.

Step 3. “Information about the applicant”

At this step, fill out basic information about the applicant:

– Full name, the field is filled in automatically with data from a single personal account;

- telephone.

In the “Additional Information” field block, fill in the data necessary to receive the selected service.

You need to check the availability of all necessary documents for the selected service. To do this, click the “List of documents for the selected service” button.

To make an appointment, click the “Register” button.

"Final Screen"

The final screen displays information about the department, public service, address, reservation number, recording time, and a list of required documents.

You can print the coupon by clicking on the “Print” button.

You can cancel your appointment by clicking the “Cancel Appointment” button.