Why do you dream about cigarette butts in a dream? The magic of numbers

Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit for health. But not all people want to take care of their health. But what does it mean if you dreamed about cigarettes in a dream? Why do non-smokers dream that they are lighting a cigarette in their dreams? Why do they buy cigarettes? You will learn the answers to these and other questions from our full list dream books that will help you interpret any dream.

Dream book of psychologist A. Meneghetti

The interpretation of a dream in which you see cigarettes is negative and speaks of pleasure that will not bring joy.

Autumn dream book

Smoking a cigarette promises an unpleasant situation associated with the opposite sex.

Summer dream book

If you dreamed of cigarettes, this means a fun time spent in pleasant company.

Erotic dream book

  • A burning cigarette promises false ideas, and the night that passed not so long ago in the company of a man does not matter. A friend who appeared not so long ago does not deserve much trust.
  • If the cigarette goes out, you should prepare for the meeting, and a pleasant conversation with a good friend also awaits you.
  • Why do you dream of smoking cigarettes in a dream - when moving the target there will be obstacles, but it will not be difficult to overcome them.
  • Putting out a cigarette in a dream means expect unpleasant news and worries about a loved one.
  • If you are in a room filled with cigarette smoke, and at the same time breathing heavily, then there will be a meeting, and it will be unpleasant in nature, it will remind you of intimate situations when your loved one is nearby. (cm. )

Spring dream book

The spring dream book says why cigarettes are dreamed of – useless spending.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

  • I dreamed that I smoked a cigarette - rest is needed in life. Smoking a cigarette in a dream means a hectic life.
  • Lighting up means moving towards something new.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Why do you dream about cigarettes? To communication that will leave a pleasant impression, and a break from work.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

  • A cigarette in a dream is a symbol of male genital organs, and a pack is a symbol of female genitals.
  • Smoking man in a dream - intimate life he is completely satisfied.
  • A woman smoking in a dream loves oral sex in reality.
  • Why do you dream about cigarette butts? You are unhappy with the size of your penis.
  • The only cigarette in a dream is yours sexual partner doesn't suit you.
  • At the same time, a pack of cigarettes that is empty advises paying attention to diseases of the pelvic organs.

Modern combined dream book

Italian dream book

Dreamed cigarettes reflect all their negative aspects.

Modern universal dream book

  • When smoking in reality, dreaming that you smoked a cigarette in a dream may be a sign that you need to give it up.
  • A dream about a cigarette may also mean that new information should be treated with caution.
  • Actions and feelings in a dream are important. The dream probably shows a desire to quit smoking.
  • Seeing cigarettes in a dream means that you need a little rest. And the challenge thrown in reality will speak about the worthiness of the opponent.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

  • Interpretation of the dream: smoking a cigarette in a dream means rumors await you that you were a participant in an unpleasant incident.
  • Why do you dream about cigarette smoke? Your dreams of wealth will not come true.


Large universal dream book for the whole family

I dreamed about a pack of cigarettes - this symbolizes peace.

If you like the smell of smoke and smoke in reality, pleasant communication awaits you.

, and this influence can deprive you of something important.

  • True dreams - the most complete dream book
  • Why do you dream of a cigarette in a dream? You need rest and a change from your usual routine.
  • Why do you dream about smoking cigarettes? To a restless life.

cigarettes? To deterioration of physical condition.

Dream Interpretation L. Moroz

  • Generalized dream book
  • Why dream of smoking a cigarette in a dream? To deteriorate well-being, and for a woman such a dream will bring unusual things to do.

Why do you dream about buying cigarettes? To ensure that your income suits you.

  • Dream book of the world
  • Lighting a cigarette in a dream - in reality you need to change your activity and you should not be afraid of new endeavors, this dream promises you good luck in new endeavors.
  • Why do you dream about cigarette ashes? Fallen ashes are a deception on the part of acquaintances who have recently appeared in your life; if the ashes have not fallen, you should be wary of scammers.

Why do you dream of a broken cigarette? Expect surprises that will be unpleasant.

Dream Interpretation of the House of Dreams

  • Dream book of psychologist G. Miller
  • Smoking cigarettes in a dream means that in reality you will need to spend a lot of effort to achieve your goal.

The dream book of psychologist G. Miller says that ashes from cigarettes in a dream promise changes for the worse for the dreamer.

  • Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great
  • A lit cigarette means you idealize people and therefore are often disappointed in them.
  • A cigarette in your mouth means you will need to visit the dentist soon. (cm. )

Ancient dream book

An old dream book interprets cigarettes as a sign of drunkenness.

Big dream book

The big dream book says why you dreamed of 3 packs of cigarettes that you buy, you can prepare for a job change.

Dream interpretation of dreams

Dream interpretation: interpretation of dreams the smell of cigarettes and at the same time you see smoke, then your dreams will dispel.

Esoteric dream book

  • Why does a girl dream about cigarettes? If a girl smokes in a dream and she likes it, then she will meet with ex-boyfriend. Seeing someone smoking in a dream means you have to communicate, a matter that requires great patience.
  • I dreamed of cigarette butts - the appearance of minor troubles.
  • Why do you dream of a pack of cigarettes in your hands? Such a dream predicts communication with old acquaintances.
  • Why do you dream of cigarettes in a pack that you just bought? Such a dream is considered a good sign and promises joy. And such a dream also suggests that you will have to change your opinion about your friend.

The most accurate dream book

  • If a woman dreams of cigarette butts, we should expect a new acquaintance, and this acquaintance will be of little intelligence.
  • And if a man dreams of cigarette butts, then he should be wary of a young rival in his personal or professional sphere.
  • Why do you dream about cigarette butts? If there are a lot of them, then you need to prepare for an unpleasant meeting.
  • Why does a non-smoker dream of smoking a cigarette? This person wants to achieve what he wants, despite the prohibitions. The most accurate dream book says that if a non-smoker smokes a cigarette in a dream, then you should not trust people you don’t know well.
  • The most accurate dream book, which interprets a dream in which parents see their child smoking a cigarette, warns of some concerns about their child. Most often, these experiences are not related to his smoking.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Felomena's dream book answers the question: what does it mean if you dream about marijuana cigarettes? Next. Marijuana reflects your desire to hide in your dreams from real world. Smoking marijuana means that the prospects for the near future are doubtful for you and you do not want to risk everything.

Everyday dream book

If in reality you quit smoking, then sleeping with cigarettes is more likely a reminder of your bad habit.


A dream about cigarettes carries with it a completely different meaning, it is important to concentrate on the details from the dream, because they are very important. So, for example, a non-smoker lighting a cigarette in a dream means that he wants to achieve what he wants, despite the prohibitions. But buying cigarettes means meeting a friend. If you put out a cigarette in a dream, there will be not very good news. But the main thing is to try to concentrate only on the positive aspects, and then it will definitely be so. Sweet Dreams!

Cigarette butt- to a new lover.

Modern combined dream book

Seeing a lot of cigarette butts in the ashtray- such a dream portends a deterioration in your health or a serious illness of one of your relatives.

If you dreamed of a smoking cigarette butt- Your plans will be upset by the efforts of ill-wishers or envious people.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Cigarette butt- a waste of time.

Complete dream book of the New Era

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn it inside out bed sheets inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A cigarette butt in a dream is considered a sign of lost time. Collecting them in a bunch or just seeing cigarette butts means unexpected encounters, disappointments, and sometimes health problems. To find out why you dream about a cigarette butt, you should remember the details of the dream. Dream books promise one thing to smokers, but to non-smokers they give a completely different interpretation.

Completion of cases according to Miller's dream book

If you dreamed about a cigarette butt, it means that in the near future there is a chance to finish a job or even a whole project. Seeing someone finish smoking and getting ready to put it out is a sign of major scandals. Close person or your partner has been waiting for a long time for a reason to talk to you about unpleasant things. The time has finally come to find out the truth.

If you dream of a bunch of bulls gathered in one place, according to Miller’s dream book, expect an increase wages. For a non-smoker, such a dream can mean an influx of small and large troubles that will bring dividends. Seeing a lot of cigarette butts and emptying an ashtray for people who smoke is a sign of advancement on the career ladder.

Cigarette butt and self-esteem

Collecting plane trees seems to be an unseemly activity in reality. But in a dream, such a procedure promises an improvement in the material well-being of the family. Modern dream books They interpret the desire to pick them up ambiguously. But, if you dreamed about this, be prepared for waste: all the profit will instantly be scattered into small needs and requirements.

Seeing in a dream another person trying to pick up a cigarette butt and trying to relight it, and sometimes even eat it, is not very good sign. Traditional dream books warn: someone from your immediate circle urgently needs financial support and your attention.

Throw away the bull - cope with the disease

A smoking cigarette butt in a dream indicates the onset of an illness. If you dream that you smoked forcefully, be attentive to your health and the health of your parents. Usually, plane trees are dreamed of by those who smoke a lot in reality. If you are not controlled by this bad habit, but you still dream about them - try to do a full examination of the body and make sure that your loved ones are in good health.

If you dreamed of cigarette butts scattered around the room, expect in reality a series of discontent from your relatives. The interpretation of the dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book indicates that a lot of time will be spent on family proceedings over trifles. You will be accused of lack of attention relatives in need of care. This is especially true for non-smokers. Soon after sleep, old squabbles will surface, you will be disappointed in your household and overestimate some important things.

They tell a lot of interesting things. And indeed, the topic is quite interesting. After all, it happens that such visions are dreamed not only by smokers, but also by those people who have never put a cigarette in their mouth. Well, it’s worth telling in more detail about what such dreams mean.

About symbolism

Before talking about what cigarettes mean in dreams, it’s worth first talking about symbolism. Tobacco itself is interpreted positively. Cigarettes and cigars are considered a good symbol denoting pleasure, well-being and peace. In the interpretations there is a clear line of similarity with reality. For example, in real life the smell of smoking tobacco can intoxicate a person. And if he sees something similar in a dream, then he should expect pleasures, pleasant meetings and, perhaps, even prosperity and an improvement in his financial situation.

However, to understand that this aroma is unpleasant, or to feel obvious discomfort, is a bad thing. The dreamer should take a closer look at his surroundings, since there are probably envious people and ill-wishers in them who are not against harming the happiness of another person. Therefore, in the near future it is recommended to be more cautious and careful in terms of communication. So, perhaps, you will be able to find out your ill-wisher.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of cigarettes according to this book of interpretations? This is also worth understanding. If a person sees cigarette butts, then he should prepare for minor worries and troubles. You should also be responsible for your work, since it is likely that it will not be appreciated or even paid. Therefore, you need to be careful and careful in this regard.

Seeing a lot of cigarette butts in someone's house is a bad sign. It is worth remembering whose apartment or room it was. This is very important, since it is the owner who will be the dreamer’s ill-wisher. He will do a lot of bad things to the dreamer, bring a lot of suffering and cause pain. Often such a vision warns that it is because of this person that most of the wealth and well-being will be lost.

A vision in which a person is brought cigarettes or treated to them is also considered a bad sign. In this case, you need to be wary of hypocrites and liars who are trying to deceive the dreamer. This is a dysfunctional cigarette, on the contrary, for goodness and tranquility. The main thing is not to burn something in the process, otherwise this vision will already promise something else, namely, betrayal.

According to Vanga's dream book

What cigarettes mean in dreams according to this book of interpretations should also be discussed. If a person smokes, it means illness. And very serious. Often, unfortunately, such a vision is a prophecy of death through one’s own fault. Even if it’s far from immediate. Although, on the one hand, this is good. The dreamer will be able to fix everything by listening to the sign from above.

If a person saw him going to buy cigarettes in a dream, then this is also a warning. Only less creepy. Similar dream warns a person that he should be more careful in terms of wasting his finances - perhaps he will make some kind of unsuccessful purchase.

Why do you dream of cigarettes that are broken or not whole? Not good either. A bad omen, which tells that the dreamer may soon fall under the influence of bad personalities who have the power to destroy his life. Therefore, it is important to be more careful and begin to understand people and try to “see” them.

Modern dream book

Sometimes a person may have a very unusual dream. A pack of cigarettes, for example, consisting of so-called roll-your-own cigarettes, which were created by the dreamer himself. This is a sign from above, which tells him that his life is in vain. A person spends his time on the wrong things. If this is really the case, then it’s time to think and find yourself.

An ordinary cigarette is a symbol of the fact that a person needs rest and a change from his usual daily routine. Lighting a cigarette means opening a new and very profitable business. Seeing someone else take out a pack and prepare for the process of inhaling smoke is a revival of friendly relations.

If the dreamer tries to light a cigarette, but nothing comes of it, this means difficulties in his personal life. When a girl sees how she inhales tobacco smoke and at the same time feels great about meeting her old lover. But putting out a cigarette in an ashtray - to bad news. Moreover, they will touch a loved one. Perhaps the dreamer will learn something unpleasant about his other half.

In general, there are still plenty of interpretations. But it is worth noting that their meaning for people who smoke and for those who have never touched a cigarette is the same.