Transformation of a selfish personality. Enlightenment and transformation of consciousness

Symptoms of transformation. Deliverance. I transferred this section to the book from my manual on cosmoenergetics. I think that such information will be useful not only to my students, but also to the ordinary reader. Transformation can occur not only in the Initiate, but also in many people on Earth, embodied in a given period of time, even if they do not suspect it, accepting many symptoms as illnesses. The word transformation is translated as “ exit beyond the past and acquisition new form body, spirit and mind." During transformation, many things get rid of low-frequency elements (entities) which are popularly simply called devils or larvae . At their core, devils at a low level of consciousness appear to be “teachers” for a negative person. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself.” So there are similar programs in space that push the careless and lazy towards certain actions for change, so that they can finally “cross themselves.” Entities are intended specifically for passing through and working out the negative Karma of individuals. If a person begins to dream of a highly organized Spiritual Teacher (in common parlance he calls on Guardian angels for help), then the process of increasing the energy level of this person is activated, that is, transformation. Naturally, with a high-frequency shift in the aura, low-frequency entities disappear, because I can no longer exist in symbiosis with a person. They fall off like diseased warts from the body. Now think about it. If warts or sores fall off painfully, then the falling away of any energetic dirt from the subtle bodies will also be painful in any case. The entities, although low-frequency, are to some extent intelligent. They will not give up their breeding ground - humans - without a fight. . Never!!! Cosmoenergetics channels are simply irreplaceable in such a process. After all, many people die without outside help, without having time to understand anything. They don't know that help exists. Or they don’t believe it, but that’s their choice. The persistent go and look for a source of deliverance. I will list the main symptoms, diseases associated with them during transformation, as well as the reasons why diseases arise. 1. Loss of energy and insomnia - this means that the body receives signals from the liver and small intestine about the improper expenditure of energy and vitality on negative emotions and vanity. You should conduct an independent analysis of your own behavior in unfavorable situations for you. In this case, the channels help the influx of vitality, but your own change in attitude towards life is necessary; this will speed up the process much more. 2. Fainting conditions - they talk about the presence of blocks in the energy system through which the pure energy of space cannot pass at all. The entire system is very heavily loaded with entities. They simply swarm in the subtle bodies of a person and take away a huge amount of vital juices for nutrition. In the presence of entities , fainting may also occur during sessions. This suggests that there has been a mass departure of such entities. 3. Unmotivated rise in temperature - transformation by fire. Before this fact, a chill may occur first, and then the body begins to fight and a rise in temperature appears. Heavenly fire feels like freezing cold. Physical fire burns. A person experiences a fever during internal organs, burning in the hands, burning and pain in the legs, heat in the head and mouth. In such conditions, the negative Karma of the family tree of a person undergoing transformation is burned out. Children can easily tolerate temperatures of 38 degrees. , so they should not be fed antibiotics. Antibiotics during transformation cause intoxication of the body, disrupt kidney function, cause dysbacteriosis and drug allergies. 4 . Violence, rage, intense frequent anger - bring a person to a heart attack or stroke . The reason is the strong thickening of these negative emotions (like tar). WITH features the riots become denser and poison the blood, creating the basis for problems in the body. When cleansing, a cadaverous odor emanates from the patient. I would encourage clients, as well as students, to review these symptoms often. They come to me, smile, sting, well, they just act like “sheep of God”, offended at everyone, and I feel an unbearable corpse smell from them, even my lungs begin to burn. Eyes and ears can be deceived, but feelings cannot be deceived. 5. Jealousy, especially groundless - promotes the formation of stones or sand in genitourinary system. If a person tells you, even swears that he is not jealous, but has similar problems himself, do not believe him. Believe yourself. He may not be aware of his vice. From the point of view jealousy is very dangerous. If the problem is nurtured for many years without changing the state of affairs, then the pathology is inherited and in children can express itself in very strong aggressiveness towards the object of jealousy, even to the point of murder. 6. Stomach ulcer - called essence irritation. Unrequited behavior is when a person is afraid to respond to an insult, to speak out and accumulates irritation within himself. An incorrect reaction to a certain conflict, long-term tension, for example, fear of an exam among students, unreasonable touchiness, fear of saying no - lead to the formation of ulcers or stomach diseases. During cleansing and transformation, symptoms of exacerbation of the disease may occur. This indicates that your body has begun to fight the problem. You should show courage in the struggle, fully realizing that you have attracted all this to yourself. Get rid of it yourself. When cleansing, a putrid odor may emanate from the mouth. Example: One woman who practices cosmoenergetics and calls herself a healer constantly has a foul odor coming from her mouth when talking. But you feel it very clearly when this woman starts to get angry. I used to have close contact with her at the seminars of my former Teacher. I somehow couldn’t stand it and reprimanded her. She asked why she hasn’t solved her problem for many years, because people look at her and feel her stench. To which she replied (making naive eyes) - “Well, what can you do now?!” It's OK. They themselves stink.” 7. Thyroid disorder - clearly expressed in people who are cowardly, humiliated, flawed, and disadvantaged. They usually do not know how to defend their opinions and personal interests. Women, as well as men, usually repeat “I’m so small, nothing depends on me,” “I’m just a cog.” During recovery, pronounced self-pity, tearfulness, or, conversely, anger begins, even towards the healer. Out of habit, a person tries to project his shortcomings onto another, so as not to look inside himself, and not to be afraid of himself. It's easier that way. The glands of the throat swell, a sore throat appears, and the voice deepens. The body is burning out the entities that fed on humiliation and placed this person in a “scapegoat” situation. A person in the process may emit foul, sour odors of various spectrums. 8. Rapid aging, sudden baldness - is caused by a huge load of entities at all levels of consciousness, in all chakras. When disposed of, the human body naturally becomes younger and recovers. The use of creams, perfumes, shampoos, as well as bathing in herbs and charged salt, scares away low-frequency entities. These drugs seem to create a “mirror” shell on the aura and entities cannot stick to its surface with their cords. 9. Headaches, migraines, dizziness - arise when there is stagnation of energy in the etheric body. Not forgiving your family and friends especially affects your head. You should not relieve pain with pills, but think about relationships, try to learn to forgive. The pills drive the problem deep into the subconscious, turning the symptoms into a chronicle, which will subsequently spread to other organs. If the back of your head hurts - this speaks of the accumulation of dirty, black thoughts. The back of the head on the subtle planes is the place of memory of all past lives, the entire family tree. It may get sick when in contact with a stranger, but this indicates that you and this individual have a karmic unresolved problem of personal relationships stretching from past incarnations and it must be resolved in order to move on. Notice when you got sick, under what circumstances, what you said at that moment, what emotions surfaced - here is the answer. If the top of your head hurts - this indicates that your connection with the Sun, with the Higher Mind, with the Guardian Angel is broken. Some words or actions may cause a slight pain, like an injection with a tingling sensation. Consider yourself warned. A joke, but a fact. Pain may occur, like a needle prick, in cases where there is an attack by someone’s essence in contact with this person. It is also monitored through the analysis of actions and thoughts at this moment. A vampiric connection may occur. Try to break off contact if possible. When undergoing therapy with cosmoenergetics channels, it can also hurt, but this indicates cleansing and restoration of protection. Parietal part - contacts the pancreas. During purification, your past incarnations are worked out according to the 13 signs of the Zodiac. If anyone doesn’t know, let me clarify. The thirteenth sign of the Zodiac is Ophiuchus. This sign includes only a person who has begun his spiritual ascent. If your temples hurt - there is a response to relationships with people with whom you are connected in this life, right now. If someone constantly annoys you. You need to resolve the situation, talk it out, change the position of the relationship, and not just push the problem deeper with pills. Whiskey can ache or burn with a “difficult-to-digest” task. In case of mental overstrain, at work, during an exam, where there is a fear of failure to complete a task, etc. Take a second for yourself, take a deep breath three times, as if detaching yourself, disconnecting from the task for a moment. Pronunciation in your head, stretching out the letter M, helps you quickly switch off. Of course, you can take a pill if necessary, but subject to subsequent analysis. For example, my head hurts just thinking about work. Think about it. Do you love your job? You spend most of your life on it. Or the problem is with some employee with whom you are forced to contact all day. Or the boss. Until you decide something specific for yourself, the situation will only get worse. Are you going to live a short life? Do you want to put your life on someone else’s “altar”. Sometimes it's enough to change own attitude, personal opinion on what is happening (for example, turn attacks into jokes) and everything changes. Changing yourself is always easier in principle, but more difficult because of your own EGO and stubbornness. 10. Pain - in the area of ​​the spleen, liver, intestines , nausea, especially during a session - they speak of being loaded with entities of fear and anger. This kind of fear arises in people who do not want to accept anything new, new energies into the body, those energies that in any case now come from the Cosmos, whether you want it or not. Such a reaction of rejection indicates a load of entities (choose options, horseradish is not sweeter than radishes) - black magic, jealousy, stress, violence (to you or from you), humiliation, aggression, fears, scares, underestimation of your abilities. Unfortunately, children get similar problems when the “grandmother” casts wax, but does not know how to finish the job properly. Fear goes deep into the subconscious and subsequently (with age) can manifest itself into anything - psychosis, neuroticism, chronic enuresis, deterioration of character, arrogance, etc. In our time and given our capabilities, it is simply necessary to patiently cleanse ourselves of negative energies spiritual methods, it is already a matter of survival. We are responsible for our generation and for our descendants. 11. Watery eyes, sweating, hay fever, bronchitis , skin rashes - they talk about the enormous suffering of the human family tree. Symptoms are a spontaneous cleansing of the body from this energetic dirt. During sessions, similar reactions occur for the same reason. 12. During spiritual energetic transformation the following may occur symptoms - A) Feeling dissatisfied - this speaks of the replanting of the essence at the 4th chakra level. The fourth chakra is the center of the highest creative development. If you don't cultivate, then your teacher will be a black entity. I call them Antiworld psychologists. These programs are much stronger and smarter than simple ones entities . Their vibration level is even harsher. They can expel small entities from a person (as if to cure them) and take possession of him. The person looks quite healthy physically, but mentally becomes a “monster”. It will be like this until heprofitable similar entity as a slave, a breeding ground. Through sacrifice, Antiworld psychologists influence the destinies of other people, their psyches, through their own vices. Example - Kashpirovsky, Beria, Hitler, many scientists, magician Longo, Stepanova (from Novosibirsk), etc. You should be firm despite your depressed state, continue to attend sessions, and stand under the canals yourself. You will show them who is boss, and you will certainly get rid of such connections. Naturally, after deliverance you will acquire a Bright Teacher (in common parlance they say - to bring an Angel closer). B) Feelings of melancholy, doom, hopelessness - speaks of the weakness of the Soul in difficult circumstances and loading with many negative entities on several chakras. A set of negative energies of this kind provides gluttony, perverted sexual desires, strong foul language, masochism, and sadism. When getting rid, rethink your life, ask the question - “Who are we feeding...?” On TV they are trying to convey ideas through the mass consciousness that perversions and sadomasochism are just games of adults. Think about it! Who inspires, who shows? For what? With whose tacit consent? When restoring the first chakra, there may be the same sensations, but they are fleeting during the therapy process. IN) Violence, anger, emotional breakdowns that a person cannot contain, that doesn't recognize himself - this is a specific obsession. Entities put a person into amnesia and sclerosis. The victim does not have enough energy potential to fight. He does not understand the problem of good and evil in principle. He doesn't belong to himself. When getting rid of such a pathology using channels, not only the patient, but also the healer should show great perseverance and patience. Who do you think the settlers will attack? Of course, to a healer who can help by provoking the patient into a rude attitude and anger. Example: I have had incidents of this kind with clients more than once. Here's one of them. The patient underwent long-term therapy to get rid of problems - asthma, poor relationships with family, migraine pain, mental breakdowns, sore legs. After the course of treatment, she wrote me a review, very positive. I was especially happy that my asthma disappeared. She also wrote about what a sensitive and responsive person I am. But literally a week after writing the review, I accidentally found out that she was calling my clients whom she met in the office and “making fun of me for nothing.” I turned out to be insensitive, unscrupulous, black... Which is what I still do. She urgently wanted to become a healer, because this is a good supplement to her pension. A metamorphosis occurred because I suggested that she continue therapy and told her the truth about herself. She explained that those who are mentally strong and healthy should engage in healing, otherwise her asthma will return. The result was a reaction - a projection of my own shortcomings onto me. A person should at least try to analyze the situation, see the weakness and limitations of his own consciousness, reconsider his angry behavior and attitude towards certain people. G ) constant feeling guilt, false conscience, an eternal desire for repentance, forms of masochism - testify to a dirty Soul. The problem may stem from past incarnations. The same pathology includes attitudes, vows made in past life God, or oaths of renunciation. To eliminate, look for the cause of the causes. Constant psychoanalysis helps. It is necessary to consider emerging situations from all sides, to ask the question, “Do you need this?” Why do you constantly provoke such situations when you have to humiliate yourself, maybe even unconsciously. The motto - “sin and repent” was invented by priests in the distant past for more lung control of masses of believers, various levels of consciousness. Such an approach to faith does not contribute to the purification and evolution of the Soul. It may happen that a person tortured others in a past life and his Soul decided to work off negative Karma in the image of a victim. But. If you have reached a period of time when the pathology has become obvious to you and opportunities for help have appeared, then it’s time to reconsider the situation. This means Karma has exhausted itself. It's your choice to show the willpower to change or continue to be a victim. D) During transformation, in some cases a feeling of duality may appear. This is the struggle of two “I”s within you. You need to learn to accept yourself as you are, with all your vices, shortcomings and virtues. Cultivate virtues in yourself (gradually). Declare to yourself - “Yes, I am imperfect, but I will strive to become better and forgive myself for the mistakes I have made before. I will learn to forgive others, because they are also imperfect. But I won’t let anyone offend me. I’m not a sheep in someone else’s flock, I have my own Path!!”

Yes, we welcome you again, dear earthlings! It turns out that we will be with you for a long time, in the understanding of your earthly time range, and today’s topic of conversation plans to reveal and show you all the possibilities of your conscious path to your dreams, to your desires.

Life on Earth is given to a person for a reason. The Soul on Earth goes through a colossal experience to understand itself as a particle of Divine creation. And when a person encounters difficulties, in his understanding, without realizing it, he goes through stages of transformation associated with the transition to new level of your Soul. Yes, humanity is closed to this theory and everything comes down to karmic work-offs. Of course, a certain percentage of karmic content is present in the Soul of every person, but the gradation is very difficult to understand, and we believe that there is no point in doing this for a person. Today we will talk about your life situations or, in other words, about those life lessons where you need to extract certain grains of truth, where you need to understand your life positions and boldly and confidently comprehend all the secrets of your earthly existence. Let's look at a few examples.


First, let's consider the most painful thing for a person - illness. Why are they given to man? What do you need to understand about the resulting diseases? And, one way or another, we will answer the question - is it possible in earthly life to do without diseases, in principle.

When a person is immersed in various experiences in his situations, when he does not find a way out of the labyrinths of his illusions, the brain begins to intensely secrete elements of low-frequency vibrations and as a result, a disease appears. Your modern medicine most often uses standard templates without finding out the reason. At the morphological level, pathogen receptors or energy potential for physiological purposes are extinguished and the person subsequently weakens even more.

Another example often leads to the ruin of spiritual potential - when a person is left without a means of subsistence, this can be for various reasons, which is now extremely often observed on Earth. This can lead to mental breakdown, serious illness and, in the end, to death earlier than the time these people planned to be in this incarnation.

One more example. When there is confusion in the Soul, disagreement with someone, with something, a person usually shows his anger, irritability - the nerve receptors at this time carry a heavy load. Among other things, a field of negative energy is formed around this person, and you yourself understand what the consequences may be.

Many examples can be given here, the main thing is that you understand the reason for these manifestations. Next, let's look at what happens in Subtle bodies person and in the surrounding space.


We understand that what follows is easy to read or listen to, but when it comes to certain actions, there are unreasonable difficulties in understanding the human mind. It turns out that a person cannot show his willpower. What should you do? - This is your choice. We will tell you banal, simple recipes that have long been known to you, but due to your circumstances unknown to us, they are not used.

1. Waking up from sleep, mentally thank all of Creation for all your situations over the past day, for the life that has been given to you, for your family, loved ones, friends, that they are all alive and well. Thank you for the Light that you see with your own eyes, thank you for your heart, which beats incessantly to the rhythm of your life.

2. When you go outside, greet Mother Earth and send her your Love. Greet the sun and sky, send them a ray of Light from your Soul. Bless the day and live it in peace with your Soul.

3. Before going to bed, again express your gratitude for all the emotions, feelings, inspiration of the day, for joy or situations that made you think. Visualize yourself as a person full of strength and health and calmly go to bed.

In addition to all this, walk outside more often, admire the beauty of nature; perhaps you have not noticed this beauty before. Love the world and all its surroundings, mentally wish everyone good and joy in life, regardless of their actions. Know that when you meet people with certain shortcomings, it means they teach you something. This is how, day after day, step by step, you will gradually bring yourself back to normal, to a calm state of mind.


The next point of our conversation will be an explanation of the impact of lower plane egregors on humans. Whether you believe it or not, these manifestations are in the active phase. A person is not even aware of the influence of such connecting threads, as a result of which everything does not turn out the way he wants. The impact occurs in an imperceptible manner for human perception, it is difficult to explain. In a word, those who express negative emotions, dissatisfaction, constantly condemn someone, show anger or draw obscene mental images, thereby attracting the lower astral plane to their essence, which, in turn, feeds on the emanations released from this category of people . And when the entities of the lower plane gain strength, they begin to influence their victims in order to strengthen their power. So think about who these people feed.

We have listed for you all sorts of reasons that can cause a person to have many ailments and unsettled life. We also suggested to you the first steps to get out of these states of the Soul, but today we came on a completely different issue.

Dear earthlings, the following information will be for you:


The long term has come this moment for us, representatives of the Subtle World. We recorded the first manifestations of human perception at a high-frequency level, of all fields accessible to humans..., in other words, man saw a multiple world in relation to the Earth-Gaia, but this happened only briefly. Let us explain that there are still only a few such people on Earth and we have taken patronage over them. This path of understanding the world in a new perception of the human mind must pass softly and smoothly. And after that there will be a massive, step-by-step transformation of the conscious complex of human essence.

And today we will list for you:


Each Soul makes its own choice, which path to take towards new transformations, how to learn to see new world, how to rebuild your life flow to a new level, how to establish yourself in the role of a Human Creator and boldly live in this status. So, take heed, people:

1. A necessary condition for your perception of the new world of your density is a multiple rejection of your previous conclusions. Why multiple? – Yes, because the threads of your thought forms stretch deep into the beyond, in your understanding. Nothing stands still, everything is in a cycle of movement. And if, through your sincere intention, you abandon your conclusions and conclusions of your mind, those threads that emanate from your thought forms will lose their power and this will contribute to the beginning of the transformation of your thinking.

2. Take responsibility for all the processes that will occur with your subtle and physical bodies. We cannot specify at this point, each Soul has its own development program, each carries its own vibrations of connection with the Subtle World. A slight exacerbation of all thought processes is possible, this means that unpleasant memories may emerge in the memory and they need to be dissolved in Love.

3. Open up to a new energy-information flow, where code-significant content will instantly have its impact on the human field.

Thus, we will draw some conclusions from our information for you:

A person can and, if his Soul desires, can, in a significantly short period of time, change his thinking and reach a new level of his conscious path, regardless of any obstacles.

Peace to your Souls, peace to your hearts, a reasonable decision for your future path. We are representatives of MELEUSIA, with pure intentions and wishes for you. Our blessings to you.

Transformation is the way and willingness to live outside of your form.

I feel like I've walked through a gate that won't let me go back to where I used to live. For me, walking through the gate symbolizes transformation. But what do I mean by this?

Let's start with the word "form", the central concept in transformation. This is a term that describes you as a physical being. It includes all the physiological properties that you associate with the human being that you are. Shape includes the total weight of your bones, arteries, blood vessels, skin, eyeballs, nails, heart, lungs, kidneys and anything else you can list in your physiology. However, you are certainly more than a pile of bones, skin and organs. Everything you see in this pile can be found in a pig or a horse. The real you, the unique you, is 99 percent invisible, untouchable, imperceptible by the physical senses that perceive only form. The bulk of what you really are is something formless. It is called mind, feelings, thoughts or higher consciousness, but whatever it is, it certainly has no form. All your thoughts and spiritual consciousness are in this formless dimension.

Now consider the prefix “trans”, which means “behind”, “through”, “on the other side”. By placing this prefix before the root "forms" and adding the suffix plus the ending "ation", meaning "action" or "result", we get the word "transformation". To me this word means the result or action of going beyond form. And literally this is the essence of this book: to help you see yourself as something higher and more divine than just form [Along with the term “transformation” we will use the Russian synonym “transformation”. — Approx. transl.].

Your form must follow the form rules. It changes many times throughout your life. In fact, every single cell of your form changes approximately every seven years, and yet you continue to exist. You have already been in the tiny body of an infant, a child, a teenager, and other bodies depending on the age of your form. Your form has changed completely many times, but the real you remains constant. When you understand this, you are ready to walk through the gate.
Everything made by man begins with a thought, an idea, a vision, a mental image. Then thought is applied in some way to the process of giving shape to the new product. At this very moment, I take my thoughts, put them into a typewriter and create a new product called a book. We all go through this process many times throughout the day. The last stage in becoming a transformed personality is to see yourself as not limited by your form. When you live solely in your form, you live in a world of limitations. Think about all the restrictions placed on your form. These are boundaries that dictate their own rules of the game. You can only lift so much weight. You can only run at such and such a speed. You can work up to such and such a limit. But all these limitations are in the dimension of form.

Now think about that part of you that is not subject to physical limitations, that is located in the dimension of thought. There are no limits to your ability to think. You can imagine yourself doing anything. In your thoughts, you can maintain ideal family relationships. You can be anything in this dimension of thought that excludes form.

My point is that you could spend most of your life in this dimension of transcendence of form, that is, in transformation. At the same time, you will be able to maintain your form, comply with its requirements and sensitively capture its signals, while realizing that it serves you, the real you. In our culture, the emphasis is on the value of appearance, physical image. I propose to shift the emphasis to caring for the formless self, keeping in mind that form is only a shell of the real self. With enough practice in this dimension, you will remove almost all limitations from your life. You will go beyond form by doing what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 12:2:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

This is a place of transformation. This is a place where you can not only experience a miracle, but also create miracles.

You can reach ever greater heights in your Everyday life, without turning to miracles and without mastering the wisdom of metaphysics. How? Believing that you are a soul with a body, not a body with a soul. You will create a life for yourself that literally has no limits. You will begin to see miracles appear simply because you believe in them and expect them to materialize for you. You yourself will become a miracle worker.

You will see what a phenomenal miracle you yourself are when it comes to healing your own body. You will begin to give up bad habits such as overeating and avoidance. physical exercise without setting any goals or working on self-discipline. Your new habits will automatically follow your revaluation of all that you are, even if you are unable to define it in physical terms. Your faith in your body's ability to heal itself will begin to be reflected in the way you care for the precious temple that shelters you. The fear of death will disappear when you come closer to the realization that thought, thinking, your essence never dies. Thought cannot die. This is the energy that makes up the very existence of the Universe, and when you believe this within your being, you will never have to fear death again.

A beautiful woman named Pilgrim of Peace came to this country several years ago, spreading her message of peace, love and personal transformation. She described the characteristics of personal transformation in this short list.

Some signs and symptoms of inner peace:

  • The tendency to think and act sincerely rather than out of fears based on past experiences
  • The ability to enjoy every moment of life
  • Loss of interest in judging other people
  • Loss of interest in discussing the actions of others
  • Loss of interest in conflicts
  • Pure need to appreciate and praise
  • Feelings of contentment in being connected to others and to nature
  • Smiling
  • Increased sensitivity to love expressed by others and an overwhelming need to express love

Here's what you need. Life will become an exciting journey filled with joy and awe. That part of you that has been in the grip of the self-imposed limitations of existing solely in form for so long will be freed to see a whole new panorama... if and when you believe it.

Do you find that you kind of slow down the pace of life and start to live in that serene inner space where you can appreciate that? what comes along the way. You will know in your heart that you do not need to be afraid of other people's views and actions. You will receive more joy from life because it is joy that you will give to others. You will find that it is easier for you to accept opposing views, knowing that you are not isolated from something or someone external to you. You will find greater joy in serenity, which will replace anger and pain. You eliminate conflict and confrontation, finding it pointless to prove yourself to others. You will come into contact with the limitless power of your mind. You will meditate serenely even when others around you are frantic. You will learn the power of a calm mind and will turn to it more and more often. You will discover things in yourself that you could never have imagined before.

You will find yourself within that perfect intelligence that fills every form, in that wonderful inner space where everything that you are able to visualize is possible.

I happened to learn that behind any form, supporting it, there is an invisible, intangible and yet completely real intelligence. He has been given many labels: some call him God, others call him life force, Higher consciousness, Divine spirit. The name doesn't matter. But experiencing it has incredible significance. This is a sentiment similar to what Carl Jung expressed when he was asked if he believed in God. His unexpected answer was: “No.” After a thoughtful pause, he continued: “I know there is a God.”

Observe a tree and think of the intelligence within or behind it that allows it to function perfectly in form. The leaves grow and fall, the juice drips when it should, the tree begins to bloom. It represents much more than just a form. It contains the life force that keeps it alive. We cannot see this life force, but it is reality itself.

I find myself looking at the skin on the back of my hand quite often these days. When I pinch it, it no longer springs back into place as it once did; she slowly crawls away, squirming.

I have wrinkles around my eyes that weren't there before. My ears are growing more and more hair, and my head is going bald. I see that my form is changing all the time. If I thought that this was all I was, I would be very saddened by these physical changes. But I know that I am much more than this form that I occupy. I know that I am a soul with a body, and not a body with a soul. What some call the soul, and I call my being or “I,” is the quintessence of what we are. This is the intelligence behind the form, and the main difference between who I am today and who I was a few years ago is that now I know that I am not only the form.

Buckminster Fuller once said that 99 percent of who you are is invisible and intangible. It is the potential of being able to think and go beyond your form that determines the quality of your life. The ability to express and experience the statements “I am not only a form, but also the ability to think and feel” is the main transformational difference in my life today.

I see myself playing different assumed roles in life. I used to believe that these roles were the real me and that everything I did defined my being. I experience my form doing what I choose to do, and at the same time I can retreat to the far corner of this form and watch myself perform all the necessary movements. So I work hard, play tennis, write, speak to large audiences, make love to my wife, walk on the beach, pay bills, try to save some money, talk on the phone about my investments, babysit the children and play all other roles which he took upon himself. These actions, these roles magically increase in quality when my essence participates in their execution. When I engage this invisible, intangible part of myself, my “I,” then I understand that my physical “I,” my form, is not the whole of me. When I add thoughts and feelings to physical actions, I experience balance, wholeness, completeness of the self. My ability to be thought itself is truly a miracle of which I am a part.

No one can get behind my eyeballs and experience my inner reality, and in the same way I cannot go into the form of another person and become his process. But I can allow myself to become my mind, not my form, and I do. Now I live every day as if the intellect that exists in all living things, including me, is the real essence of life. I am no longer afraid of death because I know that we never attain a final form, but are always in a state of transition, and that although that form may eventually look as if it had died, a thought cannot be killed.

The main difference I notice in myself is the phenomenal new empathy that has filled my being in recent years. Whereas before I was able to ignore others and live in my own world, so to speak, I now find myself emotionally more connected to the inner energy of all life forms. For example, I have to travel a lot for my performances, and in the past I would just fight my way through a crowded plane to get to my seat. Now I find myself helping someone lift their carry-on luggage into the overhead compartment, whereas a few years ago I would have simply pushed past that person. I like this sympathy. It gives me strength to do new things and, of course, also helps to make life more enjoyable for others.

I also discovered that I was developing completely a new style thinking, and without any conscious effort. I find that I have sensitivity and understanding of things that previously seemed tricky or strange to me. I like to read about quantum reality, relativity, metaphysics, and fully comprehend Eastern wisdom; I find things exciting that I previously found incomprehensible or even boring. In bookstores, I find myself in the sections of philosophy, the New Age, metaphysics and the like, regretting that I do not have enough time to read everything that is there. I have a newfound excitement for these subjects, but more importantly, they now seem to match my current level of readiness. I became open to the perception of everything that is in the Universe. My new perspective allows me to explore these questions without the prejudices that previously clouded my vision.

What's even more intriguing is that it now holds deep meaning for me. I understand what seemed like confusion before. This is a completely extraordinary enlightenment experience for me, and I am truly frankly in awe of it. I often find that reading books or listening to tapes inflates me with inner excitement. I'm not sure if it's because of my openness to these new ideas or if I've just developed a lot of intelligence through my research, but either way I enjoy sharing it with you. It was as if in one short moment I began to understand and live the teachings of my spiritual masters. Not through lengthy research programs, not through attempts to improve one's spiritual consciousness, but simply by becoming a new “me”, wonderfully filled with the miraculousness of it all.

I also had a dulled sense of the need to acquire and possess. I no longer identify with my accomplishments and track record. It was as if I had become a limitless “me”, my self-definition was blurred. I feel like I can step out of my self (out of my form) and allow myself to be whatever I want without having to define myself by my actions. I am defined by some inner knowledge or existence that rejects external parameters. What I achieve is not as important as that I harmonize with my own sense of belonging to the human race. Self-labels are no longer needed.

It’s not that the actions have stopped, but they are now expressed in the process of my self-determination. How less than value I attach these external conventions, the fewer restrictions I encounter in my life. I feel capable of anything as long as I follow the inner voice that I alone can hear.

I feel a significant shift in my personal ethics. No person in my life who tries to be overbearing and judgmental attracts my emotional energy. I lost the need to prove myself or justify my beliefs. I have no desire to defend to anyone the correctness of my position or to challenge someone’s point of view. A peaceful, common-sense awareness of who I am radiates respect for dissent.

I have found that some of my personal relationships have deepened and strengthened, especially with my wife and family, while others have lost their former meaning. I am still able to enjoy being with other people at parties, but I no longer see myself as needing the kind of activity that played a much larger role in my life in years gone by. I prefer to spend time alone or in close contact with family and a few friends.

Almost all subordinate-subordinate relationships, except those with my young children, are excluded from my life. I have no interest in making others dependent on me for emotional or other support. But at the same time, I began to give myself more generously to the world. Helping others makes me happy in life like nothing else. It is both strange and wonderful to operate solely based on what I believe to be my truth, while at the same time open-mindedly opening my arms to those who operate on a different frequency. However, I find it easier to work at my own frequency and ignore the claims of others to force me to live my life according to their rules. What happened was that the boundary between my self and others dissolved. I see others going their own ways and can now love them for being exactly where they are.

When others try to impose their values ​​and attitudes on me, as I once did myself, I know that this can upset my balance and harmony. But now I simply take the position of a peaceful observer of what they express about themselves and the truth. The authentic self, the thoughts and inner feelings by which I live, are no longer in self-defense, and I observe without the need to prove those others wrong. My path remains crystal clear. This new kind of perspective allows me to live in formlessness and form at the same time, without being threatened or controlled by others. It's a stunningly peaceful position.

I have lost the ability to blame others for the circumstances of my life. I no longer see the world as a continuous stream of accidents and failures. I know in my being that I am influencing all this, and I reflect on why I created the situation instead of saying, “What does it have to do with me?” This heightened awareness encourages me to look within myself for answers. I take responsibility for everything that happens to me, and an interesting puzzle becomes an exciting challenge when I decide to influence parts of my life that I previously thought were beyond my control. Now I feel that I am able to control myself.

I know that I create what I have and what I need, and that I am capable of creating miracles when I am internally balanced and use my mental dimension to create the world I want for myself. I now know that circumstances do not make me who I am, but they do reveal who I choose to be. The calmer I can make my mind, the more I can perceive the connection between my thoughts and how I feel. The calmer my mind is, the less judgmental and negative I become. Peace of mind gives me peace in life and helps those around me to choose a more peaceful, serene and effective life. Therefore, the way I think can directly affect those around me. It was said about Jesus, Buddha and other high spiritual people that their very presence in a village could raise the consciousness of each of its inhabitants. Now I am able to understand and appreciate this idea. I have found that when I am completely at peace within myself and radiate that serenity outward, the minds of those in the same room as me become more peaceful.

I recently spoke to a large audience in Chicago and there were about 500 children, including infants, in the room. The noise level was quite high, but over time I got used to the hum and it didn’t bother me. At one of the climactic moments of the speech, when I was about to read a sweet and very important poem for me, the entire audience, including stupid babies, fell silent. A kind of magical message reached everyone through the dimension of thought.

All the changes in me and in my life took place without setting goals or building any kind of life plan. However, these internal changes have become as integral a part of me as, say, the lungs or the heart.

Likewise, many changes took place in my physical existence. I run at least thirteen kilometers a day and, having started doing this at the age of thirty-six, have not missed a single day since then. Never! I tell people that running is not something I do, it's something that I am. This is part of my being. This is as regularly part of my wellness regimen as meticulous dental care. It's just a part healthy image life.

My “old me” was well aware of what was good for my shape. This benefit continues now that I have reached a new level of benefit with the involvement of my inner self, with the loss of myself, my materiality while running. I now have higher energy levels than ever before and attribute this, as well as my interest in being healthy and fit, to a more conscious approach to life.

I find it interesting that I don’t eat red meat, which I used to love, that I don’t add salt to my food, although I used to salt everything before I even tried it, that sugar, caffeine and other nutritionally useless additives rarely appear in my diet. I find all this interesting, but what amazes me is that this trend towards healthy eating has come about as a result of a more loving approach to oneself and everything in life, rather than a desire to improve physical attractiveness or strength or achieve a longer life span.

I seem to trust some inner ideal advisor rather than relying on cultural norms, old habits, or what I learned from childhood. The part of me that wants to be balanced chooses what to eat for me. I feel balanced internally, and this somehow magically translates into a healthy approach to nutrition and exercise.

I rarely wear a watch, although a few years ago I could not live without one. Time has lost its meaning in a linear sense, and I don't feel the need to keep track of when, where and how fast I live. This happened unintentionally. I simply stopped wearing a watch and timing my life and found that my activities became more efficient as a result.

I am intrigued by the paradox that by letting go of the need and desire to have time limits, I have unlimited time to fulfill my desires. Moreover. Without the physical constraints of time, my life became not only more efficient, but also richer and of higher quality.

I quite often experience the paradox of disappearing time constraints in places like the checkout line at a grocery store. I'm sure you too know the feelings that the "old me" felt when someone in front of me was delayed in the calculation - I was impatient, excited, critical: I pressed him in an attempt to stir up this slow person. “I’m new” doesn’t feel pressured by time and therefore doesn’t worry about staying a few extra minutes in the store. On the contrary, I often experience a new level of being in time. I reveal my self as part of this person holding up the line. My thoughts are full of goodwill and tenderness towards my slowness and clumsiness, a loving transmission of relaxation and calm to the me who stands there. The permission of unconditional love that I give myself in this situation seems to be transferred to that person and helps him find the right coin or whatever else he needs. And often this thought process generates a smile, the energy of understanding between this person and my “I”, the richness and texture of the relationship.

One of the most beautiful and at the same time difficult interactions to describe is the experience of physical and emotional intimacy with another person. The sensations of physical orgasm are truly wonderful aspects of our sex life. But the explosion of inner emotional love feelings is a beautiful part of the experience. Sex for me now is perfect love, and not an obligatory function of a married man. It is an expression of the inner love that we can achieve when we are both balanced and fulfilled, our mutual expression of this love.

I have lost the desire to organize myself within a strictly linear framework, and as a result my life becomes richer and more fluid, becoming perfectly balanced. My new perspective allows me to take on any project with a sense of inner excitement and the knowledge that I don't have to prove myself or be judged by the results. I am simply who I am, I do what I choose to do, accepting the result or lack of result. What's interesting is that I achieve more and receive more (which I give away more). I am achieving more than I ever dreamed of in my old “linear” days.

My diminished motivation to acquire and achieve is especially noticeable when it comes to being competitive. Before, I always had to defeat someone to prove myself. Now I'm not competitive. I continue to play tennis, but in the middle of a difficult match I send my best wishes to my opponent, and this somehow, paradoxically, improves my level of play. I experience this as a natural result of my self radiating feelings and thoughts of unconditional love and non-judgment.

Collaboration has replaced competition in all areas of my life, and the results of this are amazing both for me and for everyone with whom I come into contact in one way or another. I really like the idea contained in the expression: “In the world of individuals, comparisons have no meaning at all.” External events are significant for me only to the extent that they produce order or disorder in the world. I evaluate everything I do. If an action increases harmony for myself and others, it is positive. If it creates outrage and disorder, I will work to eliminate its consequences.

I see my mission as helping others shift their consciousness so that all their thoughts and actions are directed towards order and harmony. This means living as if the only thing that really matters is the intelligence behind each form, and not doing anything that destroys or harms life. Joining internal energy, which is our “I,” contributes with the appropriate attitude to a personal sense of balance and harmony. As more of us reach this level of balanced personality, we create external form in our world. In this way, we all participate in the transformation of our Universe. I discovered a love for life, and I teach this to my six beautiful children. I teach them only love and see that they treat each other and strangers in the same way.

My wife and I have developed a love and respect for each other and our uniqueness and are able to radiate this Inner Light in relation to each other. We are remarkably free from judgment and negativity towards each other because we have learned to be that way towards ourselves. Disagreement - yes! Rejection - never!

I want to emphasize that this “new me” is still persistent and firm in his own life. I am not collecting arguments in favor of the fact that sugar is a global evil in the hope that it will disappear from the face of the Earth. On the contrary, what I experience is a much deeper involvement in life, when I know exactly what I am and I cannot be diverted from this path. I am able to stay on my path, doing what I love and loving what I do, precisely because I have transformed from a person who had absolute judgments that required fixed and rigid answers, into a person who sees and knows that everyone the human experience is an opportunity to reflect on where I am or am not. This means giving up some old, ingrained habits. This means catching yourself in the middle of an inharmonious action and seeing where you are and where you are not. This then means using my mind to get to where I want to be within myself, and slowly but surely moving towards that inner harmony.

I recently had an experience that illustrates how this works. My wife told me that one of our daughters did something extraordinary at school and concluded, “I am so glad I worked with her on this project and taught her how to speak in front of the class without anxiety or self-doubt.” In the old days, I would have responded, “Wait a minute. I taught her, and you want to take it all for yourself. Always like this". Now my reaction was different: “Great! I'm so happy she's gaining confidence and you've helped her so much." Internally, I feel that I also contributed to her success, and I can appreciate myself without demanding recognition from the outside. I know that our daughter's confidence is the result of a lot of work from both of us, her own inner self, and many other people. My happiness is her happiness; it does not require any kind of praise, especially that taken away from my wife. The competition and anxiety in me was replaced by inner peace and harmony. This unconditional love to everyone, starting with yourself.

By retreating into your peaceful inner loneliness, you find yourself in the fourth dimension, which opens up a completely new world for you. But before you get there, you may have to test your resistance to this powerful new idea of ​​self-transformation.

Possible motives for resistance to this principle

Why would anyone resist this state of being? Perhaps to maintain the illusion of reliability. As long as you are convinced that you are just a form, there is no need for you to contemplate your greatness and expose yourself to the risks associated with transformation.

Think about this for a minute. All failures on the path to your success and happiness can easily be explained by the limitations of your physical existence. With this mindset, you may think that others are just lucky, or that they were born with advantages that you don't have, or that they get every chance. These are the thoughts of a person who remains attached to form. To experience transformation requires opening up and allowing a new idea to enter. Most of us reject new ideas for the security of the ideas we are so accustomed to.

Moreover, it is very convenient and natural to take a position opposite to that stated in the title of this book. “I'll believe it when I see it for myself! And not a minute sooner!” Most people don't want to leave their comfort zones. You may know in your heart that life defies purely physical explanations and that science cannot definitively answer questions like: “What is life? Where does she go after death? How do I think? Despite this awareness, you may prefer to stay with what you can see - that is, with the form and only with it. Perhaps belief in formlessness is still too illusory and supernatural for you. However, you know in your heart that you must be much more than the body in which you live.

It is risky to begin to abandon all previous comfort and take a step that will allow you to come into contact with your inner essence. After all, that is where you live, in this inner place. It's there you feel. All your thoughts are located there. And you may not be quite ready to explore this something when you take full responsibility for everything you experience.

You may also resist transformation because you are afraid of change or afraid to explore what you do not understand. I call this the ostrich approach to my spirituality.

We are accustomed to thinking that things related to the sphere of higher consciousness are the concern of primarily the leaders of religious organizations. However, if you think about the words of great teachers, they all talk about the same thing in different ways. “The kingdom of heaven is within.” “Don’t ask the Lord to do it for you, but know your own divinity and greatness.” “Look inward, not outward.”

You may feel that trying to achieve personal transformation goes against your religious beliefs. But nothing I write about contradicts the great teachings. Nothing! Transformation is love, peace, personal fulfillment, respect for others and the achievement of harmony of all humanity as one human family. Nothing I write about is in any way intended to criticize or ridicule anyone's religious beliefs. Finding some of the acts that are committed against people in the name of the Lord, or cases of church anathema, I do not see anything wrong in the essence religious beliefs. A transformed person is unable to behave in an unspiritual manner towards other people.

Finally, you may be resisting this transformation process because you feel unable to move beyond the life you have created for yourself. You may feel that you have already reached the limit of how far you can go and do not want the stress and anxiety that surrounds life to which you have taught yourself. You may not want to imagine what you can become because you are not ready for this transition, because you want to stay with what is close to you, in your comfort zone.

Much of your resistance to accepting the possibility of transformation comes from a desire to be content with what you already have. However, I know that you would not be reading these lines at this moment if you were not at least curious about the possibility of soaring above your hitherto familiar way of life. And I can assure you that there is very little left to do. When you realize that you are more than a collection of bones, muscles, organs and crops, you are already on the right path. Once you start asking who this person is that you are used to calling yourself, you are already on the right path. When you begin to understand that you are divine simply because you have a mind and a universal intelligence that supports your form, you have already made significant progress. The rest will happen almost by itself.

Practice thinking about yourself and others in formless ways. Take a few minutes every day to evaluate yourself, not in terms of your achievements in the physical world, but in terms of pure thought and feeling. Imagine yourself outside of your physical self. Observe how you act and interact and feel how you feel. Don't criticize or judge, just notice how your form behaves and how it feels. Be an observer of how your form moves through your chosen movements.

Do an exercise in observing other people. Start to notice how they are ruining their potential for happiness and success because they identify solely with their curves. As you watch their fruitless movements, know that this is not a complete human being, that behind each of the people you meet daily there is a divine invisible thinking being. Meet the people you love in a place where there are no limits, that is, “beyond form,” and you will see that most of your differences are insignificant, that a real man there is much more behind this form than your physical eyes see. Make a vow to contact this party.

Make an effort to step out of your comfort zones on a regular basis. Listen to the real inner self that encourages you to step beyond yourself, not the old self that tells you that you are not capable of such a task. Ask yourself: “What actions do I regularly repeat in my life because they make me feel most comfortable?” When you receive an honest answer, develop a new approach to your thinking processes. If you don't spend some time in nature because the idea violates one of your comfort zones, make a promise to yourself to do so. As you expand to new levels, you will introduce transformation into your life.

Make an effort to stop labeling yourself as a means of identifying yourself as a person. I stopped calling myself any professional titles a long time ago. When people ask me what I do, I usually respond with some innocuous remark like, “My business is fun.” However, there is a lot of truth behind this joke. I do everything because I am everything. Yes, of course I write, but that is only a small part of what I do, and my writing is mainly a means of expressing my thoughts. Yes, I am a professional speaker, but again this label would only serve as a limitation for me. My performances are also just an expression of my humanity. Removing names and labels reduces our tendency to compartmentalize and impose restrictions on our lives. Soren Kierkegaard said: “As soon as you name me, you deny me.” Almost all of our labels have something to do with form and what we do with our physical bodies. When you stop identifying yourself through a form, then your profession, age, race, gender, nationality, financial status, awards, physical parameters, health status and any other labels lose their meaning. Stopping the naming process will help you define who you are in more spiritual and deeper terms. If you need some kind of self-designation, try this: “I am connected with the ideal intellect that supports every form, and therefore I am an integral part of it. I have no restrictions. I am not going to become all this, I am already all this.”

☺ Begin to see your mind, your formless side, as new and wonderful. Know that your mind has the power to transcend your form and that your body is largely controlled by your mind. Imagine yourself with a lemon in your hand. Now imagine that you bring the lemon to your mouth and bite into it. This exercise will cause saliva to flow into your mouth as your body reacts to an imaginary invasion. citric acid. This is transformation in action. Your mind causes your physical self to react. This is what hypnosis is all about. It is a way of directly contacting that state of mind that allows you to step beyond form, through pain, through refusal to register pain signals. This amazing ability is always with you.

Every day, work to cleanse yourself of the two factors that most hinder your personality transformation: negativity and the desire to judge others.

The more negative your thoughts, the more likely you are to look solely at the physical side and behave in ways that are destroying your body. Every negative thought is an inhibitor of personality transformation. It clogs you the same way cholesterol clogs an artery. When you are filled with negativity, it prevents you from achieving higher and more blessed levels of happiness.

The tendency to judge others also serves as a giant inhibitor of your personal transformation. When you judge another person, you are not defining him, but yourself. Your judgment of another says nothing about that person; it only speaks to your need to judge others. Therefore, you talk more about yourself than about the other person.

When you find yourself thinking and behaving negatively or judgmentally, remind yourself that this is an indication of where you are and where you are not, and that it may be a signal that you are somehow identifying with the person being judged. . What irritates us in others is very often what we refuse to admit about ourselves, or even what we need more! Try to be more interested in what makes you judgmental than in what is “wrong” with this person. After a while, you will find that you have replaced the negativity and judgment with a gentle and loving look inside yourself at why it “hurts” you so much. Higher consciousness or personal transformation involves putting this golden rule into practice, and when you yourself make a mistake, apply this rule to yourself. You will discover that the world has not changed, but that you are now a completely different, transformed person. Mastering your own inner life is truly a great feeling.

☺ Examine how you treat yourself, physical or visible. As you begin the cleansing process described above, you will find that you become increasingly balanced and that your exercise and nutrition habits improve. As negativity and judgment go away, habits that are harmful to your form will also go away. You will begin to understand that the food you eat supports the wonderful temple that shelters your being. You will see that the previous bad habits that destroyed the form disappear, and you will honor your form as your manifestation. It all works beautifully together when you allow it to.

☺ Allow yourself to meditate in peace. Meditation is a powerful tool and yet as simple as breathing. You should choose your own style of meditation. Maybe it will help you if I tell you a little about my style.

I go to a quiet place and, with my eyes closed, visualize a pastel light. Every thought is expelled by the power of this light. More and more at peace, I see a white light in the center of the pastel field and feel myself moving closer and closer to the white. When I finally pass through this light, it is very similar to passing through the gate that I spoke about above. I feel energized and in complete control of myself and my surroundings. “Lovely Peace” is the best name I could think of for this place. I feel rested, as if I had slept for eight hours.

When I leave this level, I feel connected to all of humanity. I even call this meditation my connection to eternity, because somewhere deep within myself I am completely freed from my form. After meditation, I know that I am capable of any achievement! Some of my most deep ideas, the brightest speeches and the most best pages were born after meditation.

Try it. Use your own method. But find time and a quiet place to be alone with your invisible self. Miracles await you in this corner. Go there. It's really lovely.

And most importantly, be kind and understanding to yourself. Be especially kind to yourself if you behave in a way you don't like. Talk kindly to yourself. Be patient with yourself when you find it difficult to be “holy.” This requires a lot of practice, just as neurotic and judgmental habits require practice. Forgive yourself and then, when you again don't behave the way you want, use your actions as a reminder of where you are and where you are not. The more kindness you send to yourself, the more it becomes your automatic response to others.

By way of summary, I offer the following metaphor. Imagine going to the store and buying a package of frozen broccoli because you were captivated by the colorful picture on the wrapper. When you get the broccoli home, you're still so amazed by the picture that you dump the contents of the bag into the trash and start preparing the wrapper for lunch. As you place a picture of broccoli on your plate, you suddenly realize that you will go hungry if all you have for lunch is an empty bag.

Your life may be like this. You may pay a lot of attention to the packaging that contains the real you and throw away vital ingredients in the trash. Your form is a wrapper, and although its outer beauty may seem to be the only thing important, it primarily serves as a package for the rest of your human content. Packaging cannot give you the satisfaction and saturation that the contents provide. Even though you can't see what's inside that beautiful wrapper, you know that what's there provides you with important and essential nutrition. Focusing on packaging throughout life leads to spiritual malnutrition and unhappiness.

I will talk to you in this article about what the transformation of consciousness is and what advantages it will bring for an individual and all of humanity as a whole.

Our civilization is a civilization of the mind, but not of the soul. It’s as if a person walks in circles and gets stuck at the same evolutionary stage of spiritual development.

An individual person, as well as all of humanity, cannot in any way realize Who We Really Are, they are unable to see their mind, which manipulates them as it wants.

An uncontrolled mind is like a wild monkey escaped from a cage, uncontrollable and eager to destroy and destroy everything in its path. This is of course a rough comparison, but that is how things are. You just have to turn on the evening news and you will be convinced of this.

The mind has subjugated humanity, the mind has subjugated every person, and to break out of its illusions, you need a strong intention.

What is transformation of consciousness

This is the transition from mind to consciousness, this is the ability to see your mind and not follow it, the ability not to take the pictures of the mind seriously. This is the ability to control your mind where necessary, sometimes turn off your mind, that is, stop thinking.

It turns out that you become the master of the mind, and not its slave. You most like to spend time here and now, in silence, to be in the moment when you connect to an inexhaustible source of energy. When the mind worked uncontrollably, you were cut off from this Divine source and did not remember yourself, you even believed that it was you who thought all the thoughts.

This is the greatest deception that our mind plays on us. He makes us think that he is us. But we are not the mind, the mind is our servant, and we are its masters. Unfortunately, most people are slaves to their minds.

Dear reader, I want to give you an example from the life of one person, how a transformation of consciousness happened to him, so that you can identify some similar moments if they happen to you personally.


One man was very interested in various developmental literature, since he was not satisfied with his current life. How could it be otherwise, if everything suited him, he didn’t look for himself and didn’t read any educational books.

In one book, he read for the first time about the term mindfulness, about the need to manage your thoughts, about the fact that the mind controls our lives, ourselves and creates constant problems for us. The only way out of the clutches of the mind is awareness.

This man had never been a conscious person, even awareness itself was now just a concept in his head, but he had never experienced the state of awareness.

There wasn't even a glimmer in his head between thoughts, as he said. He gave an example of the winter sky, where it is covered with dark clouds and there is not a glimmer of light, and it seems that this is what it is true color the sky is gray, when in fact the sky was hidden behind clouds.

So it is with thoughts, they clouded our consciousness, and there was not a glimpse to feel our consciousness, which is always there and greater than any clouds or thoughts. You are a great and infinite consciousness, but until you receive this experience you will not know about it.

And so the man set himself the goal of becoming conscious, he created an intention (decided within himself that awareness would happen to him sooner or later). He didn't know how this would happen to him, but he knew that sooner or later it would happen.

He began to meditate, he constantly fell asleep or his thoughts carried him away into soporific pictures. There came a moment, after much practice, when thoughts came to his mind, but no longer carried away his attention; he held tightly to the moment, witnessed the thoughts and did not allow them to control him. Then he began his life, no matter where he was, and no matter what he did.

So he transformed his consciousness, moved from mind to awareness.

What advantages come to a person as a result of freeing himself from the mind and becoming conscious?

So, the pros:

  • a simple attitude towards yourself, towards the people around you and the world (namely serious attitude to everything and creates problems, in the head the mind always considers everything important, serious and problematic, emerging from the head, we begin to see not everything the way the mind pictures it to us);
  • wanted, did, wanted, no (a conscious person acts easily and detachedly, at will, he never forces himself to do something, and does not act unwillingly, if he absolutely has to do something, he does it quickly and easily without delay nothing for tomorrow);
  • the ability to rejoice and be happy here and now, and not in a ghostly future (it is important to understand that life is happening right now and the transformation of consciousness makes it clear to a person that the future is an illusion);
  • acceptance of oneself and life (people tend to resist life and change, although everything changes, the human mind is designed in such a way that it does not like change and resists it in every possible way. But change is part of life and often carries a positive response, but the resistance of the mind makes life unhappy person);
  • lack of expectations (a conscious person does not expect anything, which means there will be no disappointments for him, life is a fairy tale for him. To wait means to live in the future);
  • absence of grievances (to be offended by someone means to live in the past and carry the burden of grievances that negatively affect a person’s health and psyche. A conscious person does not live in the past, he lets it go);
  • absence of fears, worries, worries (these emotions are a sign that a person often lives with his mind and sits in the future, and his mind paints the future in an extremely negative light, as a result of which worries and fears appear. Living here and now, none of this with cannot happen by man);
  • love for oneself and the world around us (awareness, as a result, allows a person to love himself and the world around him pure love without any conditionality);
  • no jealousy (jealousy is the fear of losing a partner, and where fears come from, we described above, living here and now there is no jealousy);
  • absence of feelings of guilt and shame (these two feelings have a negative connotation, awareness allows you to identify them within yourself and observe them, as a result of close attention these feelings disappear);
  • lack of dissatisfaction and irritation (this is a consequence of not accepting the present moment and the surrounding world);
  • openness to the world and the Universe (readiness to receive all the benefits that the Universe presents to us as a result of changes);
  • lack of struggle with oneself and with the world (struggle is again a sign that our mind controls us and does not accept changes in life and ourselves);
  • harmony with yourself and with the world;
  • relaxation of the body (due to negative constant thinking, the body reacts with various muscle tensions in different areas of the body. Mindfulness allows you to eliminate bodily tensions, directing your attention to the body and relaxing it);
  • lack of internal and external importance (the awareness that all problems and tensions in the body are created due to attaching important importance to something, as an example, fear of an exam, gives us the opportunity to reduce this importance and, as a result, eliminate stress, problems and tensions in the body );
  • connection to a source of limitless cosmic energy (controlling your life);
  • controlling your mind and consciously directing your attention makes it possible to create the kind of life that a person chooses, because it is our attention that creates our reality (if attention is on the good, there is more positive in our life, if on the bad, then there is more negativity);
  • lack of fussiness and forgetfulness;
  • detachment (allows you not to get involved in problems and life situations headlong, but to be a detached observer, which makes it possible to easily resolve all issues);
  • the ability to laugh at thoughts and realize that they are just an illusion and not reality, thoughts cannot upset you or otherwise throw you off balance, thoughts are just thoughts;
  • managing our emotions (the observer inside us does not allow emotions to take over us, observing our internal sensations, be it excitement or fear, they disappear, all you need to feel your emotions and not run away from them. It is emotions, or rather the decision made in the state of effect the most harmful. Only with. clear head you need to solve some issues or make decisions, otherwise there will be negative consequences);
  • words and actions coincide (a conscious person takes everything in life responsibly, but not too seriously. He does not give up empty words and they always coincide with his actions, this gives him enormous inner strength);
  • internal core (is a consequence of awareness).

How to achieve a transformation of consciousness

All that is needed is to create the intention to become aware. You should decide internally and be sure that sooner or later a glimpse will appear between the clouds (thoughts) and you will touch your own consciousness. This happens to a person naturally.

Before the glimpse, it is impossible to do anything, no matter what you do, you will consider the clouds to be the sky, since you have never had a gap between thoughts.

But when this happens, you can safely develop your awareness through meditation. It doesn’t matter which meditations to use, the main thing is that you learn to direct your attention to the present moment.

Meditation is not sitting in the lotus position, it is the skill of concentrating on your sensations, feelings, and the moment here and now.

As soon as there is more consciousness in your life than mind, your consciousness will already be transformed. You will no longer trust your mind and take its tricks seriously. You won't take your thoughts seriously.

That's all. This short guide already gives you direction. But only you can walk this path and no one else but you.

Thank you for attention!!!

Until next time!

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Always yours: Zaur Mamedov

Today we will talk about the transformation of consciousness. You can find a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. Some say that the transformation of consciousness is a transition from one’s past worldview to a new, more independent and liberated worldview.

Others argue that the transformation of consciousness is a certain release of consciousness to a new, higher quality level. This means a smooth change in consciousness, which is sometimes not even noticed by a person. But few people mention that the transformation of consciousness occurs continuously, throughout the entire life of every person living on earth.

Let's look at the transformation of consciousness in more detail so that it becomes clear to you what it is. Let's start with the fact that if you look at your life, you will see that throughout it your consciousness is continuously transformed. It changes day by day, but it happens so smoothly that you don't even notice it.

This can only be seen clearly by looking back. If you think back to yourself five years ago, you will be surprised at how naive or restless you were at that time. How much aggression, impatience and maybe even stupidity you had. You will understand that today you have become a completely different person and this will be a direct indication that a certain transformation of consciousness has occurred within you, which has affected your perception of the world around you.

How does the transformation of consciousness occur?

When you were born, you didn't have any beliefs. Your mind was as clear as a child's tear. It came out of nothing and painted a whole universe in front of you. You did not want it, but it manifested itself and from that moment you became an involuntary witness of this universe. Then you didn’t even think about the fact that there is such a thing as transformation of consciousness.

Then, as you grew (matured), you began to learn from your parents that you are human, that you are an individual, that the earth is round and the universe is infinite. At first, it was nothing more than words for you, but then you suddenly saw the depth of meaning of all these words. You believed that you were human and at that moment a profound transformation of your consciousness occurred.

From ordinary formless existence, you have moved into existence framed by form. Before this transformation of consciousness, you were one with the entire manifested world, and after it you became limited to “your” form. To this day, you endlessly limit yourself to the size of your body. To this day, you believe that you are nothing more than human.

The moment you believed that you were an ordinary body (human), various problems and experiences began to appear in your life. Looking at the world from an individual point of view, over time you forget how to see the whole. Therefore, when troubles happen to you, you begin to worry about them, because you don’t see the whole picture of what is happening. And this pushes you to look for answers to various questions about the structure of the world, about the transformation of awareness, about enlightenment, which will help you get rid of unnecessary experiences.

Why is transformation of consciousness needed?

Things always happen in your life. various moments that teach you something. All sorts of situations happen in your life that affect the transformation of your consciousness. Your life teaches you its lessons so that you finally understand that there is nothing in it to worry about.

Every new situation, every new lesson make you stronger. The stronger you become, the calmer you become. If five years ago you were worried about some troubles, today they seem like baby talk to you. Your consciousness was transformed, and now you began to understand that those situations were not worth your attention at all.

When you understand that all the troubles that can happen to you throughout your life are not worth even a grain of your attention, then another profound transformation of consciousness will occur inside you. Then you will experience such harmony and peace that you have never dreamed of.

Answering the question of why we need a transformation of consciousness, I can only say one thing - it is necessary so that we stop wasting our energy on unnecessary experiences. In any case, the result of all this action will be a return home, to a state of absolute harmony - to where we all came from in this world. In the beginning there was nothing, in the end there will be nothing left. Is there any point in worrying about what we have now?!

What is transformation of consciousness.

In concluding this article, I cannot do without explaining what the transformation of consciousness actually is. In short, the transformation of consciousness is a smooth transition from one state of perception of oneself or the world to another. Sometimes this transition occurs upward and then we find ourselves in a more harmonious state. Sometimes it goes down and then we return to chaos.

The final transformation of consciousness will occur at the moment when you go beyond the limits of consciousness itself. When you understand that everything that happens is possible only thanks to consciousness and only within consciousness. And consciousness, in turn, is possible thanks to your existence, or your being.

In the beginning there was nothing and for you this meant absolute harmony, in which there was not even a hint of any movement. Then, without your desire, consciousness arose and the whole universe appeared, with its incessant movement. After that, you believed that you were human and the first serious transformation of consciousness happened to you.

Now, throughout your life, your consciousness is transformed imperceptibly, because this entire transformation of consciousness is extended over long years. But, despite this, it is aimed at ensuring that you return to the harmony in which consciousness appeared, and in which there is not even a hint of experience. Well, or at least to the state in which you were before you believed that you were human.

As a result, at the moment of death, this consciousness will fade away and for you it will again mean absolute harmony. All movement will stop and you won’t even remember that you once worried about some trifles that are happening in your life today. But you have the opportunity to return to harmony before you die. To do this, you need to understand that this whole world is temporary, and there is nothing in this world that could worry you. As soon as you understand this, another serious transformation of consciousness will happen to you.

Suddenly you are no longer involved in what is happening. Everything that comes to you will be accepted without the slightest resistance on your part. You will understand that there is no need to worry, because your whole life is just a short flash of consciousness that occurred against the backdrop of continuous harmony. Your life is just a short break from your natural harmonious state. This is what transformation of consciousness means.

I described the transformation of consciousness in more detail in the book “Coming Home.” There you will find full path of your consciousness from birth to death. You can download the book from the link below -

That's all for me. See you in the next articles.