Jenner before and after. Why Caitlyn Jenner's story is so important to modern culture

Elena Stafieva reflects on why Caitlyn Jenner on the cover of Vanity Fair is an integral part of the fashion process and everything in general modern culture, where gender reassignment has long ceased to be a problem

B Ruce Jenner, 65 years old Olympic champion decathlon, ex-husband Kris Jenner, father of Kylie and Kendall Jenner, posed for the cover of Vanity Fair in his new look. Or rather, in a new body. There is one takeaway on the cover - Call me Caitlyn. And Caitlin is the new name of Bruce, who has finally changed his gender. This takeaway immediately became a hashtag, moreover, it can be considered the motto of the new time. And this time is one of the most humanistic in the history of mankind.

Jenner's story, or rather its already noticeable part to everyone, has been developing throughout the past and this year. The divorce of Bruce and Chris, constantly flashing photographs of Bruce with a changing appearance, an appearance on the show “20/20” on ABC and Diane Sawyer’s already public confession of his transgenderism, with all the necessary melodramatic details - eternal discord with oneself, fear of condemnation by loved ones and fans , thoughts of suicide, etc. Now Annie Leibovitz is shooting him for the Vanity Fair cover story, and Pulitzer Prize winner Buzz Bissinger is interviewing him. Obviously, not without regard to this story, Amazon made its series Transparent, where the wonderful actor Jeffrey Tambor plays a transgender man who, at the age of 70, finally decides to become a woman.

The American and Western public in general can hardly be surprised by this kind of stories. Only for last couple there were several of them over the years with quite public figures - model Andrea Pejic ( former Andrey), directed by Lana Wachowski (ex-Larry). But, of course, the story with Bruce Jenner became the loudest; after all, he and his family are reality show stars. And they squeezed the absolute maximum out of this story, the symbol of which is this very cover of Vanity Fair, which in no way deprives the story of Bruce, and now Caitlyn Jenner, of real, not at all surrogate, drama. Of course, in the Kardashian-Jenner family, everything is for show and everything is for sale, but sometimes even the tears and suffering of reality stars are real.

However, “Yes, they are ready to cut off anything for the sake of PR” is, of course, the second most popular reaction on the Russian Internet. The first one is clear: “Horror! Nightmare! An abomination!”, “Where is this world going!”, “Stop the planet - I’ll get off!” (for some reason this last has become especially popular in such cases). Well, my favorite, of course: “Why are you writing about this?!” Good question: Why do fashion and beauty publications write about Caitlyn Jenner?

And here I want to say something. No, it’s not at all that our world has never been so humanistic, never before has it allowed a person to be so much himself, never before has society eased its pressure on the individual with all its deviations from the “norm” and never before has the concept itself The “norm” was not so broad and non-oppressive. This is all clear if you look at least a little beyond vulgar traditionalism. Here I want to say something completely different.

You can regard this as a sign of the coming apocalypse, or you can regard it as that very blooming complexity around which the most interesting fashion always arises

Dear fashionable boys and girls, you can imagine what modern fashion looks like and what processes take place in it, right? Let me remind you: modern fashion is now extremely passionate about gender ambivalence. Not only girls dress as boys (this has been happening for about 100 years now), but boys also started dressing as girls. The Selfridges department store opened a gender-neutral department, Alessandro Michele came to Gucci and began showing guys in blouses with frills at their shows. You can regard this as a sign of the coming apocalypse, or you can regard it as that very blooming complexity around which the most interesting fashion always arises. Avant-garde, radicalism, maximum freedom, any loosening of the boundaries of “normality” - this is the environment from which everything interesting and important in art comes, and then is adapted by mass culture. Traditionalism and conservatism, the struggle for bonds and spiritual values ​​are somehow nothing like that in modern world They don’t produce it, no matter how you look at it.

If you want to be fashionable, here are the stern android girls of The Row and guys in Gucci ruffles; if you want traditional values, perhaps the only thing left for you is Dolce & Gabbana with crowns and lace. Are you ready to consume modern gender-ambivalent fashion, but not ready to stomach Caitlyn Jenner? It's a shame, because now all these things come together: transgender models are popping up on the runway, on covers and in advertising, and the big premiere this fall is Tom Hooper's The Danish Girl, in which Eddie Redmayne plays an artist and model. which - voila! - turns into a woman.

And the fact that you are surrounded by a world where gender reassignment or just a guy in ruffles is increasingly no longer a problem, may also be useful to you. For example, if it suddenly turns out that your son dresses up in dresses and wears your makeup, or your daughter - or even your mother - has felt like a man all her life and wants to finally combine the inner and the outer. And then you will understand that in this world no one will throw a stone at them, and not even you, with all your “what an abomination!” don't have to hate them, and you even have a chance to stay with them human relations. Not a bad prospect, right? So let's wish Caitlyn all the best in her new body.

Of course, Mr. Kardashian is a highly artistic person, otherwise he would not have been able to transform into a woman so brilliantly. But without an entire army For competent plastic surgeons, such a transformation would be impossible! We talked with Nata Topchiashvili, Ph.D., plastic surgeon at the Beauty Plaza clinic, about what operations Bruce performed to become Caitlin, and how much it would cost him if he decided to undergo a sex change in Russia.


However, even before his sex change, Bruce visited plastic surgeons and had rhinoplasty, more than once, as evidenced by pronounced scarring of the nose area. Obviously, the nostrils turned out not very well - uneven, at different levels and different shapes. But when he changed his sex, Bruce most likely did not repeat the rhinoplasty - apparently, the impressions of the previous one were enough. In Russia, non-surgical rhinoplasty would cost him an amount starting from 180,000 rubles .

Face lift and lengthening


To become Caitlin, Bruce underwent the entire range of plastic surgeries, which in the American plastic surgery necessary for gender reassignment. Firstly, it is face lifting and lengthening. Bruce's was wide and square, while Caitlin's was elongated. This result was obtained by inserting an implant into the chin area, but alas, the work was done very clumsily, the implant catches the eye. In Russia, such manipulations will cost a tidy sum - from 500,000 rubles .

Removing Bisha's lumps

The shape of the face was also corrected by removing “Bisha's lumps” - fatty lumps from the side. So the face acquired aristocratic thinness in the lower part. For Russian plastic surgeons, removal of “Bisha’s lumps” costs from 100,000 rubles , as well as shape correction using implantation - the price for it also starts from 100,000 rubles.

Blepharoplasty and eyebrow lifting

Having dealt with the chin and “Bishat lumps”, Bruce took on the eyes - blepharoplasty of the eyelids plus eyebrow lifting through endoscopic lifting of the upper part of the face, which, as some believe, adds mystery. Blephoroplasty costs from 90,000 rubles , endoscopic lifting will also cost from 50,000 rubles .

Cheek contour contouring

When Bruce was done with the eyes, the hour had come for the cheekbones - they survived injections to create the “Angelina Jolie face” (thin at the bottom and more prominent in the cheekbones). One injection - from 25,000 rubles .

Lip contouring

Then it was the turn of the mouth. First, Bruce improved the shape of his lips, which in Russia would have lightened his pocket by at least an amount of 50,000 rubles . Then he visited the dentist to give his teeth a softer feel. female form. These veneers cost from 30,000 to 50,000 rubles per piece.

Adam's apple removal

But enough about the face. In the end, it's the figure that makes the woman, and Bruce has done a special job in this regard. He began by removing the thyroid cartilage, that is, the so-called Adam's apple, which protrudes in men and, in fact, emphasizes masculinity. In Russia it costs from 110,000 rubles .


Then Bruce, like any man, chose large breasts. But for his beloved: he paid for the creation of appetizing breasts with the help of implants of a very considerable size. This type of breast surgery starts with 500,000 rubles .

0 April 11, 2017, 08:49

Caitlyn Jenner

Nearly two years after Bruce Jenner began gender reassignment procedures, the case is complete: Caitlyn has undergone... final operation by gender change. She spoke about this in her memoirs, “The Secrets of My Life,” which will soon be available to the general public.

The operation was successful and I feel great and relieved,

— Jenner, 67, writes in “The Secrets of My Life.”

It is reported that the former Olympic champion underwent plastic surgery back in January of this year, “receiving” female genitalia and thereby completing the process of gender reassignment.

The decision was driven by the fact that Jenner wanted to "have all the right body parts."

Now they will stop staring at me. You wanted to know, now you know everything. This is the first and last time when I talk about gender reassignment.

Before this operation, Jenner also had facial feminization and mammoplasty.

For as long as I can remember, I look in the mirror and the image of a man looks back at me, but a woman should be reflected there. It’s like I’m not living in my own skin, this body is wrong, my whole life is wrong. Existence is hell for me, I feel like I need to become a woman, I always felt like a woman,

- Bruce Jenner admitted to his ex-wife Linda Thompson back in 1985.

Jenner is the parent of six children. In April 2015, the star came out, and in the summer of the same year, Jenner said she was going to change her gender, and also asked to continue calling her Caitlin and not to use her old name Bruce.

That year, photographs of Caitlyn Jenner began to appear in many publications: yellow newspapers, and a discussion of this person began all over the Internet... Who exactly is she?

Biography of Caitlyn Jenner

We will talk about Caitlyn Jenner before and after surgery. After all, this woman appeared only last year, but in fact, all her 65 years she was Bruce Jenner, a famous American athlete.

Bruce Gener was once very famous for winning a gold medal at the Montreal Olympics, breaking the record of the famous Soviet athlete Nikolai Avilov. However, after this victory he sports career went into decline. But this did not stop Bruce from remaining famous in America. In 1991, he married whom today is very famous thanks to her show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians." Bruce and Kris had two girls, Kendall and Kylie Jenner, who are very popular today. famous models. Bruce has six children in total.

In 2013, after breaking up with Chris, he began hormone therapy in order to finally prepare for plastic surgery. His ex-wife knew about his problems, but he never talked to her about this topic. A few days before the operation, Bruce gave an interview in which he said that he even thought about suicide, but in the end he decided to become what he felt like all his life - a woman.

The appearance of Caitlyn Jenner

That year, a photograph of Caitlyn Jenner appeared on the cover of the famous glossy edition of Vanity Fair. The magazine published the story of Caitlyn Jenner, and the title of the article was: “Call me Caitlyn!” For Vanity Fair, this was the first transgender person to appear on the cover.

After this, many began to accuse Bruce of being a PR stunt and a pursuit of fame, but is this fame worth such torment? complex operations, the therapies he went through?

In fact, becoming a woman was a very difficult process for him. Before and after the operation, he has to work on himself, on his body, on his mental state. Over the course of 65 years, he gradually became the person he was supposed to be. If we compare Caitlyn Jenner's life before and after the operation, we can say that after the operation she became much happier than during all 65 years spent in someone else's body.

Everything that happened to Bruce was his own story success. Caitlyn Jenner overcame all the norms declared by society, and, in the end, overcame herself.

The story of Bruce Jenner becoming Caitlyn Jenner

From the age of 8, Bruce felt something strange. This manifested itself in many ways. He loved to dress up women's clothing and play with dolls. In his youth, he began taking hormones, but soon stopped. In one of his last interviews, Bruce admitted that on many social events When he visited with his wife Chris or his daughters, he wore tights and sometimes a bra under his tuxedo. And yet, even though he last wife and suspected about it, I never knew for sure.

At the age of 60, Bruce began to think that he would not be able to live in someone else’s body all his life, to be someone he did not feel himself to be. After five years, he finally became who he felt he was. Caitlyn Jenner was very worried about the condition of her body before and after the operation. But the operation was successful.

Caitlyn Jenner's sexual orientation

In an interview, the woman stated that she had never been a homosexual. All her marriages were sincere, every woman in her life, whether she was a wife or a mistress, was loved. She also loves her six children, who were born over several marriages.

At one of her first appearances, the woman was accompanied by Kendall and Kylie Jenner. Output new star appeared in a snow-white dress from Versache, which Angelina Jolie had previously worn.

Caitlyn Jenner today

Today Caitlin actively takes part in social events, often gives interviews and participates in various shows. In the summer, she participated in a reality show called I am Cait, where she showed herself without makeup. Caitlyn Jenner without makeup looks very much like Bruce.

Many articles and news about Caitlin have appeared on the Internet. According to rumors, she may become the face of the British brand Victoria Beckham.

Every day new photos of Caitlin appear on the Internet: in a swimsuit, on the red carpet, in a restaurant, with her family... It seems that today she leads a fairly active life, like a celebrity. Caitlyn Jenner's life before and after surgery changed significantly.

Caitlyn Jenner and her family

All big family Jenner is trying to support her after surgery. Previously, fans were extremely skeptical of Caitlin, which has not changed today. Many wrote on their blogs how sorry they were for Bruce’s children, and some even left comments on the pages of Bruce’s children with words of support. Of course, it was difficult for Jenner's family to accept the fact that he became a woman. One of the first to assess the situation was Bruce's ex-wife Kris Jenner, who said: "It was difficult to accept that the person with whom you planned to grow old and raise grandchildren turned his life 180 degrees."

But at the same time they say that Caitlyn Jenner has reunited with her family and even made peace with ex-wife Kris Jenner, from whom she divorced in order to change her gender. This is evidenced by the numerous selfies she takes with her family members.

Caitlyn Jenner about life before and after surgery

"In fact, Bruce has always lied. He spent his entire life lying, and every day of his life turned into a big secret. Caitlin has no secrets. I sincerely hope that Caitlin will become much more the best person than Bruce Jenner. “I’m really looking forward to a new life,” says Caitlyn Jenner about life before and after surgery.

Plastic surgery is designed to correct all the imperfections that nature has endowed people with. Women strive to look younger and make their figures more curvy. Men resort to the help of plastic surgeons less often - in order to become even more masculine in appearance. But this is in most cases. In the modern world everything more people began to resort to the help of surgeons to completely change themselves and their entire lives. Thus, gender change becomes the only option for people born in the wrong body, and age is not an obstacle to this.

Caitlyn Jenner: before and after surgery

Worldwide famous star athletics, the most beautiful athlete William Jenner for many years suffered in someone else's body. He was endowed with a divine body and perfect facial features, no one could even think that he hated all this.

Now William Bruce Jenner has ceased to exist, replaced by Caitlyn Jenner, who, at the age of sixty, finally became the person who should have been born a long time ago. She is happy, because in her life she was able to achieve fame and recognition and even have her own children.

Let's look at this person's whole life in more detail. What Caitlyn Jenner was like before, and what she became after the operation. When telling Caitlin's story before her sex change, we will use the pronoun "he", and in the period after the operation - "she".

Career in sports

William Bruce Jenner was born in 1949, October 28th. His hometown is located in New York State, Mount Kisco.

WITH early years the boy played American football, but having severely injured his knee, he left this sport and moved to the decathlon section. His first coach saw the potential and advised him to seriously engage in this sport in order to achieve high results. William first took part in the competition in 1970 and took fifth place. At the 1972 Olympics he finished tenth in the overall group and second in the non-European group.

After graduating from university, William could only train in the evenings and nights, after working at an insurance company. At that time, Olympic athletes were not considered professionals; work was simply necessary.

In 1972, the young decathlete won the national men's competition and, as a sports star, appeared on the cover of an athletics magazine.

In 1975, at a competition in Eugene, Jenner was able to break the world record, scoring 8524 points, and a year later he again became the record holder, scoring 8538. A month after setting his record, William went to Olympic Games and there he easily took gold, beating silver medalist by 200 points and setting a new record - 8618 points!

After the end of the Olympics, Jenner took the American flag from the hands of a spectator and took a lap of honor with it, after which this became a tradition for all athletes.

Thanks to his victory, William Bruce Jenner became a real hero in the United States and was recognized as the best non-professional athlete.

American TV star

"Can't Stop the Music" is a film that Jenner starred in in 1980. He became famous thanks to this film by being nominated for the world's first anti-award "Worst Actor". But he did not manage to receive this award either, since he was surpassed by Neil Diamond, who played much worse in “The Jazz Singer.”

William's television career was more successful. He starred in various TV series, television games and was a participant in the reality show "Keeping Up with the Kardashians", which started in 2007. This show showed the life of him and his wife Chris, her children and daughters together.

In 2015, Glamor magazine already recognized Caitlin as one of the best and most successful women of the year.

On the way to complete change

Bruce began using hormonal drugs back in 1980 to begin transforming from a muscular man into a woman. Caitlin says that she hated her powerful body and wanted to fix it quickly. She underwent her first facial rhinoplasty back in 1984, and by 2000 she had already had at least ten.

William Bruce stopped taking hormones when he met Chris and fell in love with her. These people had been married for 23 years and were happy, but the man had the desire to change himself. The first thing he did was undergo electrolysis so that he would never have to shave again, after which he began to redo his eyebrows.

As Caitlin admits, although she had gender dysphasia, she never stopped understanding that she was still in male body, you need to behave appropriately. William easily fit into the male team and was an excellent father.

Later, Jenner got his ears pierced and after his marriage to Kris Kardashian began to fall apart, he returned to the implementation of his long-standing plan - to become a woman. They began to often see him with his face covered with plasters and it was believed that these were newly removed braces. As it turned out later, from 2012 to 2013 he did not undergo plastic surgery, but treated skin cancer.

Caitlyn Jenner (photos before and after the operation are in this article) took a long time to achieve her transformation. She had her Adam's apple removed, underwent a course of hormone therapy, and eventually became practically ideal woman already by 2014.

Confession to family

William Bruce told his family that he had been dreaming of becoming a woman since he was five years old in February 2015, and on April 24 he made a public confession of this.

On March 15, 2015, he underwent a ten-hour operation, during which his face was completely changed: nose, jaw, brow ridges. If you look at the photos of Caitlyn Jenner before and after the operation, it seems that they depict absolutely different people, only slightly similar.

Caitlin says that she loves the Bruce who has now begun to live inside, having let her out. Kris Kardashian was initially very offended by her husband, saying that he had simply been deceiving her for 23 years, but now she calmed down, and they remained good friends.

After surgery

Transgender Caitlyn Jenner is one of the successful results of transformation. Many transsexuals associate this with her condition. Such operations are inaccessible to many people; they have to be content with less than perfect results.

Caitlin says gender reassignment has been her dream and will continue to be. She doesn’t yet know for sure whether she will have this operation or not, because even after changing her appearance she had a panic attack, and she had difficulty looking in the mirror.

In the summer of 2016, rumors appeared that Caitlin no longer wanted to be a woman and was going to become a man again. They say that she cannot decide on her sexuality, but is more inclined to like women, which is what led to her current situation: stay Caitlin or return Bruce. This has not yet been confirmed in any way, and Caitlin herself does not want to talk about this topic.

A little from my personal life

In his personal life, before the operation to change his appearance, everything was fine with William Bruce. He was married three times and has two children from each marriage. He lived with his first wife, Christy Scott, for nine years, and they had a son and a daughter.

Bruce was not married to his second wife for long, about four years, but he also has children - two sons.

The longest marriage was with Kris Kardashian, and it would have continued, but nature intervened and took William, leaving Caitlin. With Chris, William has two daughters who always support their father and love him even in a different form.