Leading Baranovskaya. Hello, I'm Andrey, ex-husband of Yulia Baranovskaya

Julia was born into an intelligent St. Petersburg family. The future star’s mother was a teacher, and her father worked as an engineer. The girl showed early creativity and curiosity about the world around her.

At school, always collected and very obliging, Yulia was distinguished by her zeal and diligence. It was not for nothing that her classmates chose her as a prefect, and her teachers loved her for her good grades and her kind, calm disposition.

But in the meantime, things were not going well in the family: when the girl was 10, her mother and father divorced, and on her father’s initiative. Baranovskaya admits that she could not forgive for a long time to a loved one this insult.

But everything was resolved successfully: my mother got married for the second time, and Yulia got two sisters - Alena and Sasha. When the kids grew up, all three girls became very good friends. So Julia again felt that she had a real strong family.

After school, the girl admitted to her parents that she would like to try her luck at the journalism department: she was always attracted to everything new and unusual, and besides, perseverance would help her understand the topics deeply and thoroughly. But mom and dad felt that there were few prospects in this profession and persuaded her to change her mind.

As a result, the girl chose the Faculty of Management at the University of Aerospace Instrumentation. Studying wasn’t exactly a burden to her, but it didn’t arouse any interest at all. She wanted variety and creativity, not endless numbers and dry facts.


One day Yulia and her friend went for a walk along Nevsky. It was there that the very young Zenit football player Andrei Arshavin met her. They began to meet often and very quickly realized that they did not want to live without each other. A month after they met, the young people moved in together.

They lived together for almost two years when the girl became pregnant with her first child. In her third year she had to take academic leave at the institute, but Yulia did not want to recover there - she was never attracted to this profession.

The first son of Baranovskaya and Arshavin, Artem, was born. The young couple was in no hurry to sign, and it was Yulia who decided not to put a stamp in the passport. It seemed to her that their love was endless and unshakable. No one and nothing can upset the union of lovers.

When the boy turned three, the lovers had another joy - their daughter Yana. And Julia realized that she really wanted to devote herself to her family and children.

Meanwhile, the man became more and more popular. Her charming wife, who had improved her life, gave young Arshavin strength for new victories. Soon the whole world noticed the athlete’s magnificent performance.

For six years now, Alisa and Andrei Arshavin have been happy together. Grow up common daughter Yesenia, as well as Alice’s two children from her first marriage. ex common-law wife football player Yulia Baranovskaya built a career on television and wrote a book. And of course, she is a wonderful mother of Artem, Yana and Arseny, born from Andrei Arshavin.

It would seem that everyone is happy, but people will not calm down. They cannot forgive the football player for leaving Baranovskaya, who at that time was pregnant with her third child.

“Someone has to protect me. You can’t just read nasty stuff from fake pages,” Alisa explained to her subscribers. But it seems that she did not expect so much anger towards her. The haters blame solely Alice for the fact that Baranovskaya was left alone.

“I have no time to feel sorry for myself”

How does a woman feel after such an atrocity? Purely feminine curiosity, asked a certain Galina.

“He feels fine,” answered Alice.

– Would it hurt you if your loved one left you while pregnant? – the subscriber did not let up.

- No, it wouldn't hurt. “I answer,” Arshavin assured.

- Alice, anyone else would be in pain, but you won’t... Isn’t it strange? Is it really all about the money?

- Anyone, but not me. I have enough money to support my children, myself and my loved ones. My ex-husband helps a lot. He is a wealthy man. Thanks to him. It just doesn’t hurt, because pain is feeling sorry for yourself. But I have no time to feel sorry for myself, I have children, work.

– Would you have chosen Andrey if he were not a football player? Hardly...

“I chose him when he hadn’t played like that yet.” 12 years ago,” Alice answered.

“Someone got a loved one, someone got fame on TV”

- Everyone is climbing! “Leave the girl alone,” one of the subscribers stood up for Alice.

“It’s all about the former and her loyal subjects,” Arshavina wrote. – If anyone was married at that time, it was only me. Andrey made an offer, and I went for him. Which, I think, is absolutely natural when people love each other.

Alisa complained that she was already quite tired of the topic of the relationship between Arshavin and Baranovskaya.

“They’ve been procrastinating for 6 years now,” says the footballer’s wife. – But Yulia herself is talking too much. She constantly gives interviews about the same thing for so many years. God knows, I treated her normally, and still do, and even sat with very little Arseny, he was barely more than a year was. And we went on vacation with Yana and Artem. Therefore, believe me, I have no gloating. I believe that the time for resentment has passed. Everyone got what they wanted, some a beloved man, some fame on TV. And I wish Yulia, in addition to her career, to meet a man who will appreciate the most in her. good qualities and will love her babies.

“Andrey loves his children”

Alisa's daughter from her first marriage calls Arshavin dad. The girl (her name, like her mother’s, is Alisa) was only 10 months old when the couple started living together. Alisa and her older brother Alexey see their own father very rarely. He now has another family, a child was recently born. And the children and their father live far from each other.

Arshavin also does not see children from previous relationships. And this is another reason for subscribers to hate. However, Alisa blames Baranovskaya for the fact that the children do not see their father.

– I can’t interfere in their relationship with Yulia. But if she decided not to give or to give under certain conditions, this is her right,” Arshavina admitted.

In another comment, she responded more harshly.

- Think, ex-wife brought their separation to such an absurdity that it is not possible to see the children. Only by phone. Well, then they are in Moscow. And he is in Alma-Ata.

At the same time, Alice assures that her husband did not leave his first family without money.

– Andrey loves his children very much. And I wouldn’t allow them to be without a means of subsistence,” says Arshavina. “I helped them from the first day of leaving.” And it still helps to this day. Every month.

“I haven’t forgiven anyone for cheating”

Two months ago, news spread across the media: Andrei cheated on Alice! The footballer was turned in by a family friend, who told reporters about secret romance Arshavin with a certain model Ekaterina. They said that their relationship lasted a whole year until Alice found out about it. However, she found the strength to forgive Arshavin.

Now the football player’s wife denies everything.

– I didn’t observe betrayal, I didn’t forgive. No one begged for my forgiveness. There was no betrayal,” she put an end to Arshavin’s question.

"We live in love and harmony"

“We don’t do anything for show.” We live a calm life happy life, writes Alice. – We are raising a beautiful daughter. Happiness loves silence... People all over the world disperse, converge, give birth to children and live happily. And you’ve been discussing me for 6 years! Don't make me such an important person! I am an ordinary woman who has been living for 6 years in love and harmony with my husband and children.

Yulia Baranovskaya is a famous Russian TV presenter, the former common-law wife of Andrei Arshavin, whose high-profile separation was followed by the whole country. Life's troubles did not break Yulia's character, as evidenced by successful career TV presenter, an award from the Fashion People Awards as the “Best Fashion Presenter”, and from MODA Topical as the “Most Active Mom”.


Julia was born in Leningrad, her date of birth is June 3, 1985. She was raised by an intelligent family. The girl’s mother’s name is Tatyana Vladimirovna Bratseva, a teacher by profession, and her father, Gennady Ivanovich Baranovsky, worked as an engineer. Yulia studied at a regular school, her mother early years instilled independence in her daughter. The girl had good academic performance, she actively participated in the life of the class, and her classmates more than once elected her head girl.

A big tragedy for Yulia was the divorce of her parents. When she was 10 years old, her father left the family. The daughter perceived his act as a betrayal and did not communicate with her dad for 15 years. Soon my mother remarried, and Julia had younger sisters: Ksenia and Alexandra. The girl warmly received her sisters, actively participated in their upbringing and still maintained a warm relationship with them.

From an early age, Yulia dreamed of becoming a journalist or presenter, but at the insistence of her mother, after graduating from school, she applied to state university aerospace instrumentation at the Faculty of Management. Although Yulia was an assiduous and diligent student, she was unable to complete her studies. Already in the 1st year, she realized that the dry laws of sales were not interesting to her, studying was difficult. In 2005, she went on academic leave and subsequently never completed her education.

Personal life

In 2003, Yulia Baranovskaya began dating a promising striker from Zenit, Andrei Arshavin. A month later, the lovers moved in together. After 2 years, Yulia gave birth to her first son, Artem, and 3 years later, her daughter, Yana. The third child was born when Julia was actually lonely.

Andrey Arshavin

The lovers lived together for 9 years, but their marriage was never officially registered. Julia did not want to get married while she was carrying the baby. Despite Andrey's offer, the girl refused because she wanted a beautiful wedding. After the first child, a daughter appeared in the family, and the football player no longer proposed to his common-law wife.

In 2009, Arshavin signed a contract with London's Arsenal and moved with his family to England. Andrey spent all his time training, and Yulia took care of the children. At first it was difficult for her to adapt to a foreign country. She did not know the language, the customs of foreigners were alien to her. The British seemed cold and prim, as she reported to the local press. The media did not like her; they wrote caustic articles about Baranovskaya after each Arshavin’s appearance.

After some time, the situation improved, the family became involved in London life, and Julia began to go out into the world. She met with the wives of other football players and attended events in the company of her husband. At that time, Baranovskaya planned to create women's club in London, where she could give advice to those who had just moved to England. But this project was never brought to reality.

In 2012, Andrey was offered to return to Zenit. The footballer accepted the invitation and left for Russia. Julia was 5 months pregnant at that time. She could not suddenly snatch the grown children from familiar environment habitat, so she was forced to stay in London for some time. Perhaps this separation was an indirect reason why they divorced.

In St. Petersburg, Arshavin started a relationship with Alisa Kuzmina and announced to Baranovskaya that he was leaving. After scandalous divorce career former player Arsenal didn't work out. He settled in Kazakhstan, where he lives with his new darling Alisa Kazmina is a London model. On September 1, 2016, the young people formalized their relationship, and on February 11, 2017, the football player’s fourth daughter was safely born, she was given beautiful name Yesenia.


After the separation, Arshavin left his family without any support; he avoided meetings and calls from his children. They learned about the fate of their father from television screens, not understanding why he left their lives. close person. Yana and Arseny believe that their dad is Kai, he has an icy shard in his heart, and Artem says that his father has entered a difficult period in his life.

Julia teaches children to be independent. According to Baranovskaya, if she wants to grow strong people, she should not interfere in their relationships with peers. According to latest news, Yana practices at the Todes dance studio. Artem has chosen the stage for now; from the age of 3.5 he attended Sylvia Young’s drama studio, and upon returning to Russia he joined Fidgets. Youngest son Arseny is categorical in his choice future profession, declares that he will become a football player or president.

Julia often posts photos of happy children on Instagram. Many subscribers noticed that the eldest son is very similar to his father.

Loud scandal: relationship with ex-husband

After Baranovskaya’s separation from Arshavin, a lengthy process began to obtain alimony for the girl. Since their marriage was not officially registered, Yulia had to file a lawsuit for evasion of paying maintenance for their common children. The process took place in parallel in England and Russia. Following the trial, Baranovskaya and Arshavin entered into a settlement agreement.

50% of the football player’s total income goes to paying alimony, which is approximately 5 million rubles per month. Payment of this amount will continue until 2023, until Artem reaches his eighteenth birthday. Arshavin will then give away a third of his income until 2026, until the second child turns 18. And finally, it will pay a quarter of the income until 2030.

Newspapers, magazines and social networks immediately announced the details of the separation of the famous couple. Throughout the trial, notes surfaced about Arshavin’s actions and the fate of Yulia, who periodically appeared on federal channels and appeared on famous talk shows.

Television career

Julia always dreamed of a career as a journalist. In London she graduated from Sotheby's Institute of Art. Since 2011, she has three times become the host of the Russian Maslenitsa holiday for the Russian-speaking population of England. Later she was invited to Andrei Malakhov’s show “Let Them Talk,” where she gave a detailed interview. And at one of the social events, Yulia was introduced to the famous producer - Pyotr Sheksheev, who helped the future star get on the screens.

TV viewers have repeatedly wondered what happened to Yulia’s voice, why it is so hoarse. Speculation and assumptions arose; it was believed that the reason was that the girl smoked a lot. However, hoarseness is a congenital feature of Yulia and is not caused by a bad habit.

Russian Maslenitsa

This is a festival of Russian culture in London, which is held annually in Trafalgar Square. Baranovskaya regularly appeared on stage as the host of the holiday, sometimes together with her son Artem.

What do men want

In March 2014, Yulia was called as a consultant on the show “What Men Want” on TNT. In this post-show for the Bachelor project, the girl was a permanent relationship expert. If previously Baranovskaya’s name appeared only next to her husband’s name, now she is an independent successful TV star.


In April 2014, Yulia acted as the host of the show “Girls,” which has been broadcast on the Russia-1 channel for 4 years. The girl was worried whether she would be able to become part of the already formed team, but co-hosts Olga Shelest, Tutta Larsen, Alla Dovlatova and Rita Mitrofanova warmly welcomed their new colleague.


In the same year, Yulia replaced the host of the Reboot show, Ekaterina Veselkova, who was pregnant at that time. Julia's popularity was just taking shape. The topic of self-development turned out to be close to her, since the presenter herself recently went through a similar “reboot” usual life. And she happily provided help and support to the project participants.


In September 2014, Baranovskaya, together with Alexander Gordon, became the host of the new talk show “Male/Female,” which launched on Channel One. In the program, Yulia and Alexander discussed difficult life situations. At the same time, they discussed not only relationships between people. In the fall of 2017, a program dedicated to the shooting of a dog without a muzzle was released. The presenters took the position of the main character, which caused loud scandal online.

Fashionable verdict

Since 2016, Baranovskaya has been participating in the “Fashionable Sentence” program. Here Julia took the place of protector. This is a program about fashion and style, where the characters transform their appearance in accordance with fashion tips and their own ideas about the ideal image.

Ice age

In the fall of 2016, Julia appeared in the rating project “ Ice age" Became her partner bronze medalist Olympic Games Maxim Shabalin. The audience especially remembered the number “Darling”. According to Yulia, skating made her rediscover her body, feel who she really is, her femininity. There were tears, and laughter, and falls, and reconciliation - a whole little life.

Fashion People Awards

In 2016 and 2017, Baranovskaya became the host of the annual Fashion People Awards.

Babi revolt

Now Julia is hosting a new talk show, “Baby Riot.” In the company of experienced colleagues with different destinies, outlooks on life, problems, achievements, the TV presenter talks about topical problems happening in the world. At the same time, she does not adapt to the opinions of others, voicing own view on things.

Who is he dating?

After breaking up with a famous football player, journalists are even more closely monitoring the girl’s personal life and her boyfriends. She long time did not discuss the issue of a new relationship. The girl admitted that she wanted to save the marriage and was ready to forgive her husband’s infidelity. However, Arshavin firmly decided to put an end to the relationship between them.

Andrey Chadov

In 2013, Yulia increasingly appears in photographs with actor Andrei Chadov. Julia posted them in social networks. Although the photographs clearly showed a warm and tender relationship, the young people claim that there is no love affair between them. However, there is information on the Internet that there was still an affair between the stars, but the feelings could not withstand the long distance, since Julia was living in the UK at that time.

Evgeniy Sedoy

At the end of March 2015, Baranovskaya was noticed at the Yulia Prokhorova show in the company of stylist Evgeny Sedogo. They posed together for photographers. The stylist did not leave a single step from Julia’s children, who came with her. Previously, young people were noticed on Comedy Club. However, it turned out that Evgeniy and Yulia are work colleagues and the relationship between them is professional and friendly.

Presenter on Russian channels, born in 1985. She spent her childhood in Leningrad, and as the presenter herself believes, it was the simplest. Father is an engineer, mother is a teacher. Her school was the simplest, and she was a very good and diligent student. The teachers loved her very much for her diligence and responsibility. She was even class leader several times. And despite her mother’s profession, she was sent to another school so that she could learn to be independent.

In 1995, the biography of Yulia Baranovskaya stood out as a difficult moment in her life. Her father and mother divorced, and this was a big blow for the girl. Because of their resentment towards him, they did not communicate for a long time, fifteen years. But my mother was away for a long time, and soon there was a second marriage. In this marriage, Julia had two sisters. Despite the very big difference between them, they are very friendly to this day.

As Julia herself says, they are her support and support. After graduating from school, the girl really wanted to become a journalist, but her mother was against it. And on her advice, she applied to another university, for management. She arrived without any problems. But at the end of the first year, she was even more convinced that it was not for her. She never received her diploma.

Since Yulia's ex-husband is a famous football player, immediately after she left him, she became quite famous person. Everyone wanted to interview her about their relationship with Arshavin. And then she took part in the program “Let Them Talk,” where she told all the details of the married life in which she lived for nine years.

It was very difficult for her to be left alone with three children. But she had cool friends, who did not let her hang her nose. They dragged her to all sorts of parties. At one of these, she made a useful acquaintance. What was the beginning of my career as a TV presenter. Although her personal life was unsuccessful, Yulia Baranovskaya’s creative biography began with the show “What Do Men Want?”

Then, in 2014, she was invited to the show “Girls.” The girl was very worried about how the new one would receive her women's team. But fortunately, all her fears turned out to be false, she was received very warmly. The third project for her was the season of the show “Reloaded”. The topics of this program were close to Julia. Let's start with complexes and fears new life after divorce, and many other interesting topics in the same direction.

Personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya

Soon there was a meeting with handsome guy. He turned out to be a very famous football player. After meeting, the couple's romance progressed rapidly. They met very little and almost immediately began to live together. And two years later the first child was born. Their marriage was not legalized. Julia explains this by saying that she did not want to get married while pregnant.

No matter how Andrey tried to persuade, she didn’t want a quick, simple wedding, she wanted something special. But the train left. Soon they had a daughter. And the guy never returned to the question of the wedding. Soon, he left to play for his native club. And the family moved there. It was very difficult for Yulia in another country. Lack of knowledge of the language and many other factors influenced this. But gradually she got involved.

The personal life of Yulia Baranovskaya changed significantly after Andrey was offered to return to his native club. The whole family did not return due to the fact that the children began studying there, and the football player returned himself. At this time, Julia was pregnant with her third child. Arshavin began in his homeland new novel, and he left the family. Yulia paid for alimony, but the process lasted a long time, due to the fact that their marriage was never legalized. But still the trial was won.

Soon there were rumors that Yulia was dating Andrei Chadov. They appeared at events together and often posted joint photos graphies But the young people themselves deny this. Like, they are only friends, and their relationship is not possible due to the distance. After the divorce, Julia is often noticed in the company of men, and I immediately attribute novels to her, but so far unproven.

Children of Yulia Baranovskaya

From her first marriage, Julia has three children. Artyom, Yana and Arseny. On at the moment, the woman raises them alone. My ex-husband pays child support. But it doesn’t help with education. Although it’s hard for her, she still manages to pursue her career. But Yulia Baranovskaya’s children always come first for her, and everything she doesn’t do is only for their sake.

No matter what happens in life, she wouldn’t trade her children for anything. She loves them madly and raises them with love, affection and understanding. God willing, she will find a worthy father for the children, who will also participate in their lives.

Family of Yulia Baranovskaya

Yes, family for Yulia is everything. But in order to provide for them, she has to work a lot, and this is understandable, she is still the only one with the children. But she also devotes enough time to them. The main thing is that Yulia Baranovskaya has a family, and it is large. These are her children, sisters, and of course mommy. Now

Julia is actively involved in her career. And she hopes her family will only grow. All that remains is to wish her strength, patience, and good luck. And wait for the only one who will love her and her entire family. As well as creative success, new beginnings, interesting ideas.

Celebrating a birthday. the site will tell you about what Andrei Arshavin’s ex-wife does and how she lives.

Life path of Yulia Baranovskaya

Yulia Gennadievna Baranovskaya was born in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), Russia. The girl's father was an engineer, and her mother worked as a school teacher. When Yulia was only 10 years old, her parents divorced, and the young girl did not communicate with her father for more than 15 years. But later the mother of the future star married for the second time and Baranovskaya had younger sisters - Sasha and Ksyusha.

At school, Yulia was a very diligent student. The girl was very serious and studied hard.

Immediately after school, Baranovskaya entered the Faculty of Management at the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation in St. Petersburg. But the girl failed to complete her education. In 2009, Yulia and her common-law husband, Russian football player Andrey Arshavin, moved to the UK.

In London, Julia graduated from the Sotheby's Institute of Art. In Great Britain, for three years in a row, Baranovskaya became the host of the main holiday for the Russian-speaking population of Great Britain, “Russian Maslenitsa,” which was held in Trafalgar Square in London.

After breaking up with common-law husband Julia returned to Moscow, where she became a TV presenter on the TNT channel. The girl hosted the post-show of the “Bachelor” project, which was called “What Women Want.” Later Baranovskaya became a participant entertainment program"Girls".

Yulia Baranovskaya was the host of many television programs on Russian television. And in 2016, a biographical book was published in which the girl talks about her affair with Andrei Arshavin.

Photo: Instagram baranovskaya_tv

In the fall of 2018, Alexander Gordon’s film “Uncle Sasha” is due to be released, in which Julia will play herself.

Personal life of Baranovskaya

After high-profile divorce with the ex-captain of the Russian national football team, Andrei Arshavin, who left his wife, leaving Yulia with three children, Baranovskaya often appeared in public in society Russian actor Andrey Chadov. The girl often published joint photos on her Instagram account.

But Yulia and Andrey denied romantic relationship, saying that they are just friends. But since Baranovskaya was living in London at that moment, the communication between the young people came to naught.

After Yulia returned to Moscow, the girl began to lead a public life and often attended social events in the company of the stylist Evgeny Sedoy. After this, everyone actively began to discuss Baranovskaya’s new novel.

Photo: Instagram baranovskaya_tv

But now the TV presenter’s heart is free. According to Yulia, she already has the most important thing - her children. But today’s birthday girl is open and ready for new projects and relationships.

But in the family ex-spouse Not everything is so smooth for Baranovskaya. Andrei and even reported divorce. But now the couple’s relationship has improved, and the second wife former captain The Russian national football team even showed their little daughter Yesenia to their Instagram followers.