From the players according to the fashion - there will be a "folk hodgepodge" for the "stalker". S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


Developer: Maniac

Ultimately, I got tired of PYS’s crooked hands and what is often located in them, so on cold October evenings I slowly created this weapon pack.

I wanted to see high-quality weapons on the same hands, and not like this, now in a sweater, now in a jacket. At first I thought about changing a few weapons, but I got carried away and went a little further. So at the moment we have the following:
-- The hoods of almost all weapons have been replaced, including grenades, bolts and binoculars (material taken from the NLC - 7, OP - 2 mods and the DSH mod add-on. Many thanks to those guys - gunsmiths, whose work was used in the listed modifications)
-- XM8-PARA now has a 30-round magazine instead of 100, according to the model.
-- Hog's Viper has a 30-round magazine, according to the model.

Models that have not changed for a number of reasons:

All Gauss derivatives, except the Gauss pistol, Desert Eagle, ToZ Hunter, Iglothrower, Abakan, AK- "Cobra", "Thunderstorm", Barrett, Colt and anomalous Colt (M -16), PTRD, SiG-552, HK- 417, MK-25, G -16, Revolver, Anomalous Walter, MG-42 machine gun, FN - 2000, Mosinka.


Rename or delete the following folders (in bold): config\ weapons, meshes\ weapons, sounds\ weapons, textures \ wpn and copy the main file + gloves + the latest current patch to the game folder in the order listed.

Current cumulative patch (11/09/2017) - Download

A new game is needed.


"People's hodgepodge" from 04/19/2010 for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadows of Chernobyl" + addition 08/14/2010

Short description

30 locations
Cordon, Swamps, Landfill, Dark Valley, Forgotten Forest, Unexplored Land, Agroprom Research Institute, Bar, Wild Territory, Amber, Military Warehouses, Radar, Pripyat, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant1, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant2, ATP, Red Forest, Limansk, Hospital, Staraya Derevnya, Generators + dungeons of the Agroprom Scientific Research Institute, laboratories X18, X16, X10, warlab, cave, labyrinth, Sarcophagus, Monolith control bunker , Dead City + 3 locations from ZP (Zaton, Jupiter, Pripyat)
- 14 types of mutants + mutating
Blind dog, pseudo-dog, pseudo-flesh, pseudo-giant, jerboa, rat, bloodsucker, swamp bloodsucker, chimera, elctrochimera, transparent chimera, controller, kink, poltergeist, fire poltergeist, burer, librarian (from Metro 2033)
- 13 factions
Loners, military, mercenaries, bandits, environmentalists, Duty, Freedom, Monolith, Clear Sky, hunters, avengers, representatives of O-consciousness + traders and repairmen (there are even rumors about the presence of women in the Zone), the most mysterious group “The Last Day”.
- 45 artifacts
- a huge number of weapons
from fists and knives to heavy machine guns and grenade launchers.
- a large number of armored suits with the possibility of their upgrade
- 5 types of detectors
- 15 anomalies
- 4 mobile teleporters
- 9 unique quest caches
- a huge number of quests

Installation procedure

1.Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl 1.004
2.Narodnaya Solyanka 04/19/2010
3.Addition 08/14/2010
4.Patch from 08/20/2010
5. Patch from 09/03/2010
6.Replacing xrGame.dll in the bin folder
7.Adaptation for widescreen formats (if necessary)
8.Adaptation for patch 1.005-1.006 (if necessary)


An alternative - "All in one bottle" - installer from tor62:

Adaptation for widescreen formats

Download -
Installation of adaptation
1. To determine the aspect ratio of your monitor, divide the resolution width by its height. If the result is 1.6, then 16x10 (1680/1050=1.6). If 1. then 16x9 (1280/720=1.777777...)
2. Now open the downloaded archive, go to the folder with the resolution you need and copy gamedata from there to the game folder, agree to replace the files.
3. The Bioradar and Inventory folders contain optional adaptation settings - the readme in the corresponding folders will help you.

Fix icons for weak video cards

People's Solyanka from 04/19/2010 in parts

Addendum dated 08/14/2010 in parts

For music lovers - filling music flash drives

The most common crashes and how to treat them:

All crashes are divided into random and critical. Random crashes happen to everyone all the time. If after restarting the game in a similar game situation the crash does not recur, continue playing, there is no point in discussing such crashes in the topic. Only critical departures are discussed, i.e. those that are constantly repeated in one game situation and not because of them it is impossible to continue the game.
After a crash or after a game freezes “dead,” there is almost always a LOG file left containing information about the reason for the crash; this file is located at: XP - Documents and Settings/All Users/Documents/STALKER-SHOC/logs.
IN Vista/Win7 – Users/Public/Documents/STALKER-SHOC/logs.
The most important lines are below FATAL ERROR
An alternative way to see the log is to open Notepad immediately after departure and press CTRL+V.
Sometimes the LOG file is not saved (empty), then you need to describe in detail the situation under what conditions the crash occurred.
Now the logs themselves:
Crashes without a log are usually a consequence of inflated graphic settings or incorrect installation of the mod. Sometimes this is due to the installation of add-ons from other authors.
1.Description: Invalid vertex for object
Arguments: wpn_lr30033098

Instead of the specified type and number of weapons wpn_lr30033098 there can be any others (wpn_lr300хххх or wpn_ак74ххх, etc.).
You can try to fix the crash as follows (it’s not a fact that it will help, similar crashes may start, only with a different weapon, but the same substitution the desired barrel you can try to get rid of it in the actor update):
in gamedata/scripts, open the file bind_stalker.script and below the line
Instead of “xxxxxxxxxx” we insert the trunk from our log, observing quotes, commas, spaces, then uncomment the function: remove --[[ before local bad_object_names and ]]
after end

2.Arguments: LUA error: f:&&𐄸games&& rіs.t.a.l.k.e.r&& rіgamedata&& rіscripts&& r_g.script:1121: bad argument #2 to &裟format&裟 (string expected, got no value)
This crash is forced when the game detects a critical error. Why?
The reason is 1-2 lines higher in the log.
Most often - save file is corrupt. This means that the save is corrupted and there is no point in continuing to create dead saves - that’s why we’re causing a crash.
There are two options to solve this problem:
1. The most correct one is probably to delete the last save and boot from the last available one.
2.You can temporarily comment out the line string.format("%s"). To do this, you need to find the lines in gamedata&& venerated scripts&& irritated_g.script:
-- Crash the game (after displaying an error message in the log)
function abort(fmt, ...)
local reason = (...==nil and fmt) or string.format(fmt, ...)
assert("ERROR: " .. reason)
get_console():execute("load ~~~ " .. reason)
-- string.format("%s")
After going through the problem area, you must uncomment the line!

3.Description: dBodyStateValide(B)
this is because of the controller:
in gamedata&& registry&& regulatingcreatures&& regulatingm_controller.ltx
Max_Controlled_Count = 10;4
Max_Controlled_Count = 0
After reprisal against the controller, it will be saved and returned to its previous value.

Some item (art, weapon) does not fit into the slot. You need to decide on the monitor resolution and set the appropriate adaptation.

6.Arguments: LUA error: ...shing&& shamerx_facer.script:214: C stack overflow
Description: Can&裟t write mem block to file. Disk maybe full.
Stack overflow and disk overflow. Don't forget to restart the game every 1.5-2 hours.

7.Arguments: Can&裟t open section &裟хххххххх&裟
Incorrect (crooked) installation.

8.Description: any vertex in patrol path in inaccessible for object
To treat such crashes (any vertex in patrol path), we do the following: load the save before entering the location where the crash occurred, wait for the crash and after it go where we need to. Or delete it in the same way as we removed the glitchy trunk.

9.Arguments: LUA error: ...shing&& r_s.t.a.l.k.e.r&&𐄸gamedata&& r_scripts&& r_xr_logic.script:1318: attempt to call field &裟?&裟 (a nil value)
Instead of the numbers 1318 there can be any others.
The reason for the crash is the “frozen” logic of the actions of one of the characters (outwardly he stands motionless and “freezes”).
This crash can be cured by killing the stuck character or replaying from any earlier save. It is highly not recommended to try to save in places located close to such “stuck” characters.

10.Description: graph doesn&裟t correspond to the AI-map
Error due to incorrect graph points. In pure Solyanka it is extremely rare - try replaying from an early save, try rearranging Solyanka, make sure that the downloaded archives are not broken, do not install third-party addons, especially where all.spawn was corrected.

11.Description: Specified story object is already in the Story registry!
Usually the crash occurs when moving between locations. Load the penultimate save (the save before going to the location where the Specified story object is... crash started), wait for the crash and then go where you need to.

12. crash without a FATAL ERROR line of this type (the numbers in square brackets are different for each):
* : crt heap, process heap, game lua, engine lua, render
* : economy: strings, smem
A characteristic feature is that the last lines in the log begin with *:
The crash is due to incorrect access to the forum engine; there are no ways to combat it. As a rule, a crash is not critical, replaying from an early save helps, sometimes you need to replay from a save taken from a previous location (before entering the location where the crash occurred. Some Stalkers were helped by replaying a “difficult” moment in a different sequence, for example - going and complete another task first, and then return to completing the one on which the flights took place.

13.Crashes related to lack of memory, such as
Arguments: Out of memory. Memory request:
These crashes are most often associated with too high video settings. Reducing the settings (deteriorating picture quality) almost always allows, if not eliminating crashes completely, then significantly reducing their number.
It is also strongly recommended that you restart the game completely every 1.5-2 hours.


Mini F.A.Q. from Buusty

The Mini FAQ does not cancel the Guide and does not duplicate it, but since few people want to look for answers to their questions there, in the Mini FAQ we will answer the most common questions/problems that arise from users of this topic
There are a lot of quest items in Solyanka, without which it is impossible to complete any quest, and accordingly the entire storyline freezes. There are several reasons for the disappearance/loss of a quest item -
1. Fell under the texture after using grenades.
2. I didn’t go immediately to complete the quest, but put it off “for later” - they picked up the NPCs that had died and the “corpse cleaner” removed them.
3. It disappeared from my backpack during the GG robbery, and there is no way to return it.
4. The quest character from whom you need to take/take away the item does not appear. Well, etc.
To get the item necessary (for completing the quest), the easiest way is to register it for sale.
Let's look at the example of Sidorovich.
All merchant files are located in the gamedata\config\misc\shop_merchant_nick folders, in the case of Sidorovich - this is the gamedata\config\misc\shop_sidr folder
sidr_supl.ltx - here indicates the number of items that appear when opening the trade dialogue and the probability of their appearance
sidr_trade.ltx - here the range of fluctuations in the price of the item is indicated when opening the dialogue
I strongly recommend making backup copies of the files you edit so that you can roll back if you make a mistake somewhere.
Each merchant file has one or more sections that define the merchant's assortment before or after some in-game event occurs. Section names are enclosed in square brackets. Sidorovich has 2 sections
[…_start] - assortment at the start of the game
[…_after_fabric] - assortment after bringing Shustroy’s flash drive
Accordingly, you need to add items to the section that corresponds to your storyline in the game. You can add it to all sections at once - it won’t get any worse.
To add an item, add a line like this below the section name:
item name number1, number2
In the file sidr_supl.ltx:
number1 - number of items
number2 - the probability of their occurrence (from 0 to 1, a multiple of 0.1)
In the file sidr_trade.ltx:
number1 - minimum price coefficient
number2 - maximum price coefficient
When opening the dialogue, the price of the item will be random, equal to the "real price" * by a random number in the range from the minimum to maximum coefficient. The coefficient can be less or more than 1. In the sidr_trade.ltx file, you need to check in the appropriate section whether there is “your” item marked;NO TRADE. If there is, then delete this line.
Example: to add 5 Medusa artifacts for sale at a price from 0.1 to 0.5 of the real price, you need:
1. to the file sidr_supl.ltx
after the line
add the line af_medusa 5, 1
2. to the file sidr_trade.ltx
after the line
add the line af_medusa 0.1, 0.5
3. delete the line af_medusa ;NO TRADE
We save the files, load the game and go buy artifacts from Sidor.

List of quest and unique items
PDA and flash drives

PDA, flash drives
kostya_pda, kostya_pda2 ... kostya_pda9 - pda for Kostya (9 pieces)
kruglov_flash Kruglov flash drive
bar_tiran_pda PDA Tirana
voen_pda, bandranen_pda, fraer_pda PDA for the quest of the mercenary Andrey
ara_flash flash drive of the mercenary Ara
siv_pda PDA of the mercenary Sivoy
device_pda_npc PDAs that are needed for Den
gonets_flash_desc flash drive of messenger Kalinin
item_delete1 PDA for disabling the teleport in the Agro underground
sysh_flash flash drive Sych
nauch_flash flash drive of scientists from X18
sniper_flash flash drive of the Beast from the Wild Territory
esc_wounded_flash prisoner flash drive
val_key_to_underground Borov's key from X18
bar_tiran_pda PDA Tirana
pda_krysyka PDA Krysyuka
agroprom_pda PDA Mole
und_pda Max Luber PDA
rad_pda Monolith PDA with artmod
strelok_pda PDA Strelka
scaintist_pda PDA of a scientist from Pripyat for the Bartender
bar_lucky_pda Bolt PDA
bar_ecolog_flash flash drive Kruglova
pda_priz PDA Ghost
bland_flash flash drive Bland
crazy_flash flash drive of Psycho (crazy)
mil_svoboda_leader_pda PDA Lukash
cit_doctors_key Doctor's key to the hiding place in Pripyat
pda_vasilyev PDA Vasilyev
pda_francuz PDA French
pda_info Broken PDA for Akim
pda_art_mod PDA for cooking artifacts from the Psy-rays mod


old_doc_3_1, old_doc_3_2, old_doc_3_3, old_doc_3_4 The third part of documents
amk_zapiska document for obtaining a transfer from Agroprom to Cordon
arhara_listok note Arrow
lab_x16_documents documents from X16
kostya_documents document "Teleport" from Kostya's cache in X16
new_prizrak_document1 ... new_prizrak_document3 diaries for the Phantom
plan_document plan of the bunker on Radar for the quest about the missing expedition
voen_document note from a military man (Andrey)
sysh_document Sych's note
new_document_sniper document of the Beast from the Cordon
pri_decoder_documents documents from Pripyat, written by Strelok
rad_document7 - orders of the military commander for six months
scaintist_docs documents of scientists, on the 1st quest of Borov)
lab_x10_documents documents from X10
sak_book1 ... sak_book3 books for Sakharov from 3 laboratories
mono_note monolith notebook
mono_dead_doc documents of a dead Monolith (map for the Cat)

Miscellaneous items

arhara_tele Monolith teleport
detector_elite_john - Hologram detector,
bioradar bioradar
mattress sleeping bag
doc_medal Doctor medallion
meceniy_outfit_new camouflaged exoskeleton
new_book_prizrak Ghost's diary
new_book Notebook Argali
stukach_book Pavlik's notebook
sak_book4 Doctor's diary
quest_case_01 suitcase with documents from the Checkpoint on Cordon
book_xabarych Shakhtar's book
flyga - Petrenko's flask
microshema microcircuit for Lanky
arhara_obman manual teleport Strelka
termos_small small thermos
termos_big big thermos
kuvalda, kluch, otvertka tools for Sidorovich
tisku_arhara - screw vice
kubik - Rubik's cube
fonarik - flashlight for Miner
shaxter_tele - miner's medicine
snotvornoe_tele - doctor's sleeping pill
disk_adren - disk for Adrenaline
kostya_af_gold_fish - gold fish for Kostya
good_psy_helmet customized psy helmet
bad_psy_helmet not configured psy helmet
dynamite Dynamite Lukash
hunters_toz TOZ of a hunter in a bar
case_freeman Freeman's case
gorelka, manometr, trubka spare parts for Flamethrower
vorona_egg crow's egg
lekarstvo medicine for Akim
mozg Controller's brain
amk_ballon gas cylinder
amk_kanistra canister with gasoline
antizombie antizombin
acumm battery
sumka_arhara Sakharov's bag
inventory_new_box box with swag for Yakut
computer_new computer from X18 for Kruglov
notebook_new Arkhara laptop
notebook laptop with data from X18 for a Fan
diplomat diplomat with documents from X16 for a Fan
computer systems engineer from Pripyat for a Fan
inventory_sakbox_01 ammo box
inventory_sakbox_02 tool box for Sak
inventory_sakbox_03 Sakbox safe
inventory_sakbox_04 metal box
inventory_sakbox_05 container of highest security in the 1st quest of Borov)
playboy playboy subscription for Max (from Kruglov)
playboy1 ... playboy11 variants of various Playboy magazines found in the Zone. Dolgovets needs the 10th option
sak_plan bag with a plan for the Miser
quest_case_02 case with military documents
quest_case_05 case with documents of scientists
quest_case_06 case with military documents
quest_manycase_01 case with money
decoder1 decoder for Kruglov from X16
sak_resiver radio station for the Wolf
sak_resiver_yantar monitoring blocks issued by Sakharov
decoder decoder from a hotel in Pripyat

Money Silver ruble
money1 Golden chervonets
money2 Silver ruble
money3 Silver ruble
arhara_instruk Instructions for the suit
malyva Notepad with a note for Borov
pribor Computer with antenna
3d_raziy Video radio
telefon Mobile walkie talkie
suvorotka Serum
kod_kamera Sentry Notebook
soap Soap
amulet Amulet
remontnyi_box Repair box
shkatulka Casket
arhara_seif Minisafe for Miner
kluch_dell_teleport Teleport deactivator
kluch_dell_teleport1 Teleport deactivator
kluch_dell_teleport2 Teleport deactivator
parcel Parcel
box_with_weapon Box with weapons
tabletki_1 Tablets
tabletki_2 Tablets
tabletki_3 Tablets
shpriz Syringe
akkumulytor Battery for NZ quests
britva Razor
starik_chasy Gold watch
land_disketka Diskette
kolba_pustay empty flask
kolba_siniy_poln Flask with reagent
kolba_orand_poln Flask with reagent
ekza_akkumul Power supply
elek_plata Payment (electronic)
kluk_karta Map of Fang
kluk_karta_kopiy Copy of the Fang map
trupak Controller's corpse
sidor_head Stuffed head of Sidorovich
perfuzor_pust Perfusor with empty flasks
perfuzor_poln Perfusor with full flasks
kukla_1 Old doll
timer clock for mini map hood
naem_bloknot notebook of the mercenary Bonecrusher
amul_naemn mercenary signet
pseudopechatka mercenary signet
kluch_dell_teleport_warlab deactivator of teleport on Warlab
stuffed pseudo-dog
disk_pantera disk for Panther
bullion_gild Lukas gold bar
device_teleport one-time teleport Bones
science_teleport, science_teleport2, science_teleport3 teleports from Sakharov

Wpn_m_134 minigun
wpn_awm_new modified needle thrower
klyak_forest_doc Document from the Red Forest
rukzak_green Hunters backpack
nebo_clear anomaly annihilator
case_nebo case of courier Sviblov
lekar_kalmyak Medicine for Kalmyk
glushitel radio frequency jammer
maz Kalmyk ointment
box_kalmyak container for Kalmyk
mushroom fly agaric
cigarette cigarettes
hand_teleporter Hand teleporter from the Cross
hand_teleporter_arhara Faulty Hand Teleporter
doc_1 System for activating SKAT 15 modules
doc_8 Upgrader block 1
acumm Battery
doc_10 Upgrader block 2
foto_kontroller_yazva Photo of the anomalous controller


Broniki in Solyanka
novice_outfit - novice outfit
bandit_outfit - beginner bandit costume
killer_outfit - mercenary outfit
monolit_outfit - monolith costume
specops_outfit - military special forces suit
military_outfit - army armored suit SKAT-9M
militaryspec_outfit - army armored suit SKAT-10
stalker_guard_outfit - costume of a guard in the Bar
stalker_outfit - neutral stalker outfit
stalker_outfit_v1(v2, v3) - stalker jumpsuit "veteran-1 (2, 3)"
scientific_outfit - scientific suit of the neutral stalker "Seva"
svoboda_light_outfit - light freedom suit
svoboda_heavy_outfit - heavy freedom suit
dolg_outfit - regular duty suit
dolg_scientific_outfit - scientific suit of duty
ecolog_outfit - regular scientist outfit
protection_outfit - reinforced scientist suit
exo_outfit - exoskeleton of a neutral stalker
killer_blue_exoskeleton - mercenary exoskeleton
dolg_black_exoskeleton - debt exoskeleton
svoboda_exoskeleton - freedom exoskeleton
monolit_exoskeleton - monolith exoskeleton
exo_bandit_outfit - exoskeleton of bandits
nebo_exo_outfit - exoskeleton clear skies
exo_mil_exoskeleton - new exoskeleton, prototype SKAT15-M
broken_exoskeleton - broken exoskeleton
freedom_scientific_outfit - freedom scientific suit
merc_scientific_outfit - mercenary scientific suit
monolit_scientific_outfit - monolith scientific suit
scientist_suit_white - white monolith scientist
monolit_black_outfit - black monolith suit
monolit_black_outfit_plus - improved black monolith suit
bandit_master_outfit - master bandit cloak
outfit_soldier_m1 - army body armor
bandit_veteran_outfit - veteran bandit cloak
soldier_outfit - gravity suit
nano_outfit - Nanoprotective suit - It is not used in Solyanka (will be available in the addon from the stalker dimak)
meceniy_outfit_new - camouflage exoskeleton
fire_outfit - fireman suit
psih_outfit - psychiatrist's cloak
hunter_novice_outfit - hunter-5 suit
hunter4_novice_outfit - hunter-4 costume
hunter3_novice_outfit - hunter-3 costume
hunter1_novice_outfit - hunter-1 costume
strelok_outfit - Strelok costume
nebo_light_outfit - light suit of clear sky
nebo_heavy_outfit - heavy suit of clear sky
nebo_scientific_outfit - clear sky scientific suit
outfit_novice_m1 - abnormal novice jacket
outfit_bandit_m1 - thickened bandit suit
bandit_master_outfit_m1 - bandit cloak with increased endurance
outfit_dolg_m1 - duty hunting overalls
outfit_killer_m1 - reinforced mercenary jumpsuit
outfit_specnaz_m1 - modified army armored suit (medicinal beryl)
outfit_stalker_m1 - ghost stalker jumpsuit
outfit_stalker_m2 - tourist (experienced) overalls
stalker_outfit_m3 - Strelka overalls
outfit_svoboda_m1 - modified freedom jumpsuit
outfit_exo_m1 - modified exoskeleton
novice_outfit_new1(2) - leather jacket
novice_outfit_rain1(2) - leather raincoat
neytral_gaz_outfit_v1(v2,v3) - improved overalls "veteran-1(2,3)" with gas mask
neytral_exo_antigas_outfit - exoskeleton Mk.1

Anticipating the question “Which is the best?” - I’ll say, taste and color... But still...
For those who prefer closed-loop suits, this is certainly scientific
the clear sky suit is excellent protection against anomalies, radiation and psi-radiation. Also the best protection, among suits of this class, from small arms and mutant teeth/claws. Unfortunately, it is not sold anywhere and has not been found in hiding places; you can only get it by removing it from a dead Chistonebovets (don’t rush to interfere with the dismantling of snorks and Clear Sky fighters at the “Fisherman’s Farm”))) You can upgrade it from Vasily and Syak.
The protection indicators of the “white monolith scientist” are not bad (in two indicators - chemical protection and fire-resistant properties - it even surpasses the Chistonebov suit). You can find it in a cache on the Radar. Upgrade Syak.
For those who don’t “breathe smoothly” towards exoskeletons, this is an example, again, of clear skies. Lightweight, durable, excellent radiation protection. The only fly in the ointment from the authors is that you cannot run in it. But we can fix everything. We follow the path gamedata&& regallyconfig&& cordial misc&& cordialoutfit.ltx we find (almost at the very end) the exoskeleton of the clear sky and the lines in it
sprint_allowed = false change false to true and run as long as you can breathe (although you should run in such clothes!))) You can find it in the cache on the Generators. Vasily from Clear Sky should upgrade (I haven’t checked it myself).
The "Plyushkins" will most likely like the bandits' exoskeleton. Carryable weight 180kg. Protection indicators are average. It’s not difficult to get this “marauder’s dream”. All you have to do is go to the ATP and crush the guys there - you are guaranteed 3-4 used ear copies. Upgrade Lanky in Bar.
And, of course, the most “fashionable” and sophisticated is the new exoskeleton, the prototype SKAT15-M. After the upgrade, it becomes truly real protection for its owner both from gunshot damage and from all types of anomalies and radiation. To get it, you need to complete almost all of Akim’s tasks. We improve the exe ourselves, but we’ll have to run around for upgrade blocks. The only inconvenience is that in order to run in this “miracle suit”, you need to have a certain supply of “Black Energy” in your backpack. Fortunately, there is enough of this goodness in almost all locations and Sakharov has it on sale.
You can’t write about all the costumes, incl. Here, in my opinion, the most interesting armored vehicles were briefly described.
But the choice is yours!


Weapons in Solyanka
wpn_Raging_Bull - Colt Python Revolver
wpn_hpsa - Browning HP-SA pistol
wpn_pm - Makarov PM pistol
wpn_pb - Silent PB pistol, used by special forces
wpn_walther - Pistol "Walther" P99
wpn_ups - Pistol XK USP Compact caliber 45 automatic transmission
wpn_fort - Pistol "Fort-12" made in Ukraine
wpn_colt1911 - Pistol Colt M1911A1
wpn_beretta - Beretta M92 pistol
wpn_desert_eagle - Pistol "Desert Eagle" made in Israel
wpn_sig220 - Pistol SIG226 caliber 45 automatic transmission
wpn_aps_sk1 - Pistol of the Stechkin APS system, the ability to fire in bursts
wpn_gungauss - Gauss pistol

Submachine guns
wpn_mp5 - MP5A3 "Viper" submachine gun
wpn_p90 - P90 submachine gun
wpn_ppsh41_sk2 - Shpagin PPSh-41 submachine gun
wpn_bizon - PP-19 "Bison-2"
wpn_bizon1 - "Anomalous" PP-19 "Bizon-2"
wpn_kriss_super_v - Super Kriss V submachine gun, developed for special forces
wpn_mp7 -MP7A3 submachine gun
wpn_uzi - Uzi submachine gun
wpn_scorpion - Czech-made submachine gun
wpn_mp5k - MP5A3 submachine gun with a folding plastic butt and a collimator sight

Slot machines
wpn_ak47 - Kalashnikov AKS-47 assault rifle, model 1947
wpn_ak74 - Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS-74
wpn_ak74u - Kalashnikov assault rifle AKS-74U
wpn_ak74_m1 - Rapid-fire AK-74 Arrow modified by Aahz
wpn_aks74m - Modification of the AKS-74 for the Airborne Forces. Wooden fittings have been replaced with lightweight ones made of polyamide. Has a built-in collimator sight "Cobra"
wpn_fn2000 - Belgian-made Automatic Grenade Launcher Complex with a computerized sight-fire control module and a 40mm grenade launcher
wpn_fn2000_comp - FN2000 assault rifle with a computerized sight chambered for 5.45x39
wpn_lr300 - Assault rifle LR300
wpn_groza - Assault complex "Groza" OTs-14
wpn_l85 - L85A2 assault rifle
wpn_sig550 - SIG550 assault rifle
wpn_abakan - Nikonov AN-94 "Abakan" assault rifle
wpn_g36 - Heckler und Koch G36 German assault rifle G36
wpn_tavor - Tavor CTAR 21-shortened machine gun from Israel Military Industries
wpn_m4 - M4 carbine analogue of the M16A2 rifle only with a shortened barrel and forend
wpn_val - Special assault rifle "VAL" for assault special forces
wpn_famas_p3_sk1 - French assault rifle "Famas"
wpn_m16a2_sk1 - Colt Commando assault carbine
wpn_m16a2_sk12 - "Anomalous" Colt "Commando" assault carbine
wpn_sg552_sk1 - SIG552 assault carbine

wpn_svd - Dragunov SVD sniper rifle
wpn_svu - Sniper rifle shortened IED
wpn_m1891_30_scope - Mosin-Nagant rifle model 1891&& 1930, with optics
wpn_awm - Sniper rifle "Porcupine" ("Needle Thrower") for needle ammunition
wpn_b94 - Heavy self-loading large-caliber sniper rifle B-94 caliber 12.7x108 (in the Doctor's cache in Pripyat)
wpn_vintorez - Special Sniper Rifle VSS
wpn_gauss - Gauss rifle
wpn_gauss_krayzis - Modified Gauss rifle from Kryzis, reduced weight and wear, increased lethality
wpn_hk417_sk1 - Tactical rifle XK417 chambered for 7.62x51
wpn_sr25_mk11_mod0_sk1 - Tactical rifle SR25 Mark11 Model 0 caliber 7.62x51

wpn_toz34 - Double-barreled hunting rifle with vertical barrels TOZ-34
wpn_toz34h - Superbly modified and balanced Toz-34 (Hunter), with a comfortable carved butt. Equipped with a non-removable optical sight
wpn_bm16 - Sawed-off hunting rifle BM-16
wpn_spas12 - Semi-automatic shotgun SPAS-12
wpn_wincheaster1300 - Winchester 1300 pump-action shotgun
wpn_saiga12c - Saiga-12K smoothbore carbine
wpn_m4super90 - American-made smoothbore pump-action shotgun. Has an integrated silencer and sighting device
wpn_protecta - “Otboynik” is a 12-gauge shotgun made in South Africa. The drum magazine capacity is 12 rounds. "Chipper" is equipped with a folding butt

Machine guns
wpn_pkm - Kalashnikov machine gun modernized PKM
wpn_mg42 - Maschinengewehr 42 - German captured machine gun from the Second World War. Developed by Metall und Lackierwarenfabrik Johannes Grossfuss AG in 1942. Represents further development MG-34 machine gun
wpn_m_134 - Manual option six-barreled machine gun "minigun" XM-134 for caliber 5.56x45. An exoskeleton and special batteries are REQUIRED for use.
wpn_xm8_para_sk2 - Light machine gun XM8 "pair" based on the XM8 rifle

Grenade launchers
wpn_rpg7 - RPG-7 hand-held anti-tank grenade launcher
wpn_rg6 - Revolving grenade launcher RG-6 "Bulldog"
wpn_m79 - Single-shot grenade launcher for M209 grenade

Hand grenades
grenade_f1 - F-1 hand defensive grenade
grenade_rgd5 - Offensive hand grenade RGD-5

Unique weapon
wpn_walther_wa2000 - Anomalous "Walther" Chernomor with a computer sight
wpn_fn2000_sniper - Sniper version of the FN2000 assault rifle with a computerized sight (Akim's "Executioner")
wpn_gravigun - Gravity gun
wpn_flame - AMK flamethrower system Screw
wpn_samopal - Homemade pistol with electric lock
wpn_crossbow - Lightweight hunting crossbow
wpn_vintorez_m1 - Personalized screw cutter “without wear”, with 8x optics (the same one from Ivantsov’s quest on Playboy, in the safe at Agroprom)
wpn_abakan_m1 - AH-94 "sniper"
wpn_abakan_m2 - AH-94 "assault"
wpn_fort_m1 - Experimental Fort
wpn_mp5_m1 - Modified MP5 for 9x18 caliber
wpn_mp5_m2 - Modified MP5 with built-in silencer
wpn_mp5sd - Modified MP5, "Hog Viper", 80-round magazine, reduced wear
wpn_groza_m1 - OC "Groza" for 5.45mm caliber
wpn_groza_m2 - General Voronin's thunderstorm, chambered for the NATO cartridge 5.56x45
wpn_groza_m3 - Laser-guided thunderstorm
wpn_spas12_m1 - Spas-12 Hunter
wpn_winchester_m1 - Combat Winchester
wpn_l85_m1 - Balanced L85
wpn_l85_m2 -Lightweight rifle l85
wpn_lr300_m1 - Sniper version of the LR300 M1 rifle
wpn_svd_m1 - SVD "Trucker"
wpn_sig_m1 - SiG "assault"
wpn_sig_m2 - SiG "sniper", with fixed optics
wpn_dark_gauss - Ghost's Gauss, ability to shoot in bursts
wpn_eagle_m1 - Big Ben, with built-in optics
wpn_colt_m1 - Modified Colt colt1911, with built-in silencer
wpn_val_m1 -Modified Val, with a fixed optical sight
wpn_ak74u_m1 - Anomalous AK-74u, with a built-in silencer
wpn_g36_m1 - Modified G36 - G36 "Crystal", with increased lethality
wpn_svu_m1 -VU "Kid", modification of the basic version - reduced weight and reduced recoil
wpn_beretta_m1 - The newest modification of the Beretta M9, ​​improved combat accuracy and lethality
wpn_rg6_m1 - RG-6 under the NATO M209 grenade
wpn_walther_m1 -Walther for caliber 9x18
wpn_crossbow_m1 -Modified Norman's crossbow. More convenient optics have been installed, the initial speed of the arrow has been increased and wear has been reduced.

Steel arms
wpn_crowbar - Mount
wpn_kolbasa - "Stale sausage"
wpn_fist - "Fists"
wpn_fist_m - "Fighting gloves"
wpn_bat_a - Balisong butterfly knife
wpn_bat_b - "Bandit Butterfly"
wpn_elf - "Blade of Fortune"
wpn_knif2 - "Samurai Blade". The most "strong" knife in Solyanka. Will give Fang for completing one of his tasks
wpn_knif3 - "Aahz's Knife"
wpn_knifa - Cold Steel Peace Keeper is a modern double-edged knife. "Hunting Knife"
wpn_knife - M9 bayonet
wpn_knife_m - "Marine Knife"
wpn_knife_n - "Military surgeon's knife"
wpn_knife_new - "Killer's Blade"

Paratrooper "Paratrooper" based on the FN2000 assault rifle from vdv5549

Download -

Flamethrower "Poltergeist" from dimak

Download -

How to make a quest item "not a quest"

Quest items (which are given when completing some quests and are not “freely sold” by merchants) have a peculiarity - “by default” they cannot be sold in the game and cannot be registered for sale in the usual way.
This limitation is circumvented; to do this, the item must first be made “ordinary”, which can be bought and sold, and only then registered for sale.
Descriptions of almost all quest items are in ***.ltx files, the names of which include items, the main ones being: items.ltx, quest_items.ltx, unique_items.ltx, arhara_items.ltx.
An example is prescribing Fraer PDA for sale, its name is fraer_pda. Description of Frayer's PDA is in the file quest_items.ltx let’s start with it - it’s here && regardinggamedata&& regulatingconfig&& regulatingmisc&& regulating_quest_items.ltx
We make a copy of this quest_items.ltx and put it somewhere, we will need it later. Then open the remaining file quest_items.ltx and look for the lines
...... (many different things) .....
quest_item = true
and change quest_item = true to quest_item = false
close this file and agree to the changes.
When searching for a description of another item, look for a similar line [item_name]: identity_immunities
Now we register the PDA for trading, as described above. We close, save, launch Solyanka, go to the merchant and he should have Frayer’s PDA for sale, buy it, then save the game and exit it completely. Now we need a copy of the quest_items.ltx file that we made at the beginning, this file must be returned to its place, that is, in && dargamedata&& config&& darmisc.
Now we start the game and go give this PDA or whatever needs to be done with it for the quest.
If the item description is in a different file, for example, in arhara_items.ltx, then instead of quest_items.ltx we copy, correct and restore “our” description file.

Cheat sheet for poking around in files from N6260 (how to increase carry weight, how to add new weapons, where to look for the departure log, how to make food heal... and much, much more)

Autosave mod (automatically saves the game after each received task, it is very convenient to search for the desired save if you need to roll back)

Ascetic hood from Seraphim (minimal information content for the player + excellent overview to admire the Zone) -

Pack of seasonings and corrections for Narodnaya Solyanka (Pack prepared by stalker Kuzm@ Master)
The pack included:

AEK973 from Ray (sold by Petrenko)
Sighting reticles from OGSE (beautiful and convenient)
Uncut artifacts for NS (as in old versions of Salt)
Real water surfaces (a la Clear Sky)
Fresh adaptation of both Photozones + Domestos textures
Literary editing for the National Assembly
Science Monster Posters
Editing anomalies for NS (read readme)
Edited news (much livelier)
Corrected surfaces (impenetrable gates, gaps under the terrain, etc.)
P.S. There is a readme for every mod and edit in the archive. Weight 18 meters.
All mods and edits for the latest version of Salt (14.08.10 + patches).


Texture edits from Shadowman and Deadmoroz for NS.
Crashes in memory, texture processing, etc. are cured by 80%, and FPS is increased. Before installation do backup copy textures folders (just in case).

Both Photozones plus Domestos textures for the latest version of Salt (08/14/10 + patches). Adaptation of these photo zones to the NS is in the Kuzm@ Masters package

A car for ATP. How to ride it?

In order for the car to start, you need to write a line in the user.ltx file
bind turn_engine kB
And then when you get into the car, press .
The user.ltx file is located on the path - C:&& regurgitation Documents and Settings&& regalia All Users&& regaliadocuments&& regaliastalker-shoc

Why can’t I fire Akim’s “Executioner” and Chernomor’s “Anomalous Walter”

In order for these 2 barrels to fire, you need to replace the xrGame.dll file from the bin folder
Download the bin folder -

Where is the playboy for Ivantsov?

On Radar, not far from the turn to Pripyat. Here -

Syak will give you the door code after you bring him the tools from Sidor.

My Informant from the Bar has disappeared. How can I get it back?

The informant participates in the New Plot quests. To prevent him from running away, do not buy the Arm transition from him. warehouses - Chernobyl nuclear power plant!

Petrenko does not take the Gauss pistol from me. How to pass the quest?

As soon as you took this task from Petrenko, immediately run to the Dark Valley to get him. If you postpone the quest “for later”, the NPCs will pick it up for you. You will have to ransom/kill the stalker-thief, and the pistol will be used, and it will be very difficult to repair it. If you still want to pass the quest, then exactly the same trunk will be on the Undiscovered Land in a cache in the Fire Cave.

I can't find a flask for Petrenko.

Not far from the southern checkpoint of Dolga -

The messenger with the Panther disc does not appear.

The quest has not been finalized. He appears in different places. But even if you find him, you still won’t be able to talk. Therefore, we don’t worry and immediately register the disc for sale.

I can't find the teleport to the photo gun in the Sarcophagus

Watch the video hint

Where are the documents for Akim parts 2 and 3?

Watch the video hint

I'm in the Cave. Lots of monsters, dark, scary, anomalies, it’s not clear where to go. Help!

You have a map of the cave, to view it, insert it into the pistol slot. If you still have trouble navigating the map, then watch the video:

The miner sent to the Labyrinth to find Fima Coal, but I can’t find the transition Cave - Labyrinth.

Watch the video:

P.S. When you get to Fima in the Labyrinth, you need to " prodigal son“was definitely alive (usually he lies wounded in a dungeon), if Fima did pass away, replay the game, otherwise you won’t get out of the Labyrinth.

I can’t take a photo of the Panther/Brain/Svoboda killer, etc. It’s not clear where to aim. The red dot does not appear.

The principle/algorithm of all photographs is the same. For the photo to appear in the backpack, the second slot must be empty. If you take photographs with a photo gun, the pistol slot is empty; if you take photographs with a photo pistol, the machine gun slot is empty. Let's look at the process using the example of photographing a former representative " Last day"at Army warehouses
1. Look through binoculars - look for the red mark -

2. Point the photo gun at the found red dot and shoot -

3. Place the photo in the pistol slot and look at the name of the desired character -

I can't find the Separator bag with monster parts in Cordon. Where is he?

Here -

The anomalous controller does not appear in the X-16, who needs to be photographed on Klenov’s instructions. Where to look for it?

He doesn't appear to anyone. The quest has not been finalized. It's OK. Go to Klenov and hand over one photo of the brain. The task will go into the category of “failed”, but you will move on with the plot without any problems.

We went with Bosun to turn off the antennas, but he didn’t want to return from the scientists’ base. I’ve been waiting for half an hour, but he’s still sitting by the fire and doesn’t intend to come out. What to do?

Before the task we save. We leave the game. We go to gamedata&& r_config&& r_alife.ltx, find the value switch distance = 140 and change it to 600. Load Solyanka, go with the Bosun to turn off the antennas, wait for the drunkard to return (he should return). Don’t forget to change the switch distance value back to 140.

Original size 3072
Maximum size 4094
If possible and there is additional space on the disk you have chosen, you can set the following values:
Original size 4094
Maximum size 5120
You should not overdo it with these parameters and specify sky-high numbers; on the contrary, this can lead to a freeze of the entire system.
If there is not enough space on the C:&& joy drive, then select the most suitable disk available to you, it can be D:&& joy, and E:&& joy, etc.
On Vista and 7:
Everything is the same, only to open the window with paging file parameters, you need to right-click on the “My Computer” icon and find “Advanced system settings” on the left edge, and then do the same as for XP.

3.Restart the game every hour or two.
4.In order for Windows to be stable, it is recommended to check drive C
Prevents rebooting and crashing into a “dead screen”.
My computer > personal drive C: > properties > service > run check >
(checkboxes "Automatically fix system errors"
bad sectors.") => launch.
5.Disable all extraneous running processes && programs before starting the game, turn off the anti-virus and all possible firewalls, regularly clean the registry and defragment the hard drive(s).
If you have 3GB of RAM, then we will do the following:
If 32 bit Vista, run the command with administrator rights: BCDEDIT /Set IncreaseUserVa 3072
If Windows XP is 32 bit, then write the 3GB boot key in boot.ini
find boot.ini like this, on the “My Computer” icon, right-click
"Properties" -> "Advanced" tab,
in the "Boot and Recovery" section -> "Options" -> "Edit".
The contents of the boot.ini file will open in Notepad.
This is where we add the necessary parameters.
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)&& hateWINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect /3GB

For better performance, disable rain in an already installed mod:
In gamedata/config/weathers, in the weather_default_dynamic.ltx file, use auto-correct to change the lines default_weather_rain to default_weather_clear, default_weather_groza to default_weather_pasmurno. And that's it - the game only has clear or cloudy weather, no thunderstorms or rain.
Also for owners of weak cars. Only for Windows XP!!!
The Game Prelauncher program disables almost all programs and services (except critical ones), sounds, desktop, shell, selected drivers, etc. On most computers, it manages to free up about 80 - 120 megabytes of RAM, or more. This is not to mention the processor resources. On a standard configured user system, about 50 - 80 programs/services are disabled. Plus, the game can be launched with higher priority (Windows will give the game more CPU time). ReadMe and FAQ in Russian in the archive.
RAM optimizer for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games by RamSoft
The program is recommended for use on machines with a small amount of RAM (from 1.5 GB or less)... For owners of 2 GB or more, this program will not help in any way... 3. Launch the game
4. When finished, close the program§ion=attach&attach_id=405

Weapon pack No. 1
Description and contents of the pack -

The weapons pack was made mainly for those who have completed Solyanka at least once and now would like to try to complete it with a new one,
interesting weapon. In my work I used the work of other stalkers (Aaz, SanekEd, dimak, vdv5549, Nomadec, Aleksandrych, Grayshooter, adapted weapons from other mods - Arsenal mod, DMX mod, and also took separately posted models, kindly provided by the above stalkers)
Sorry if I didn’t name anyone, but we simply couldn’t identify the authors of some models, but we’ll still say a big thank you to them!
The pack included -
1.AK-47 "Reconnaissance" (The horn has been enlarged, optics and accuracy have been improved, all body kits have been installed)
2.New SVD model(A real sniper! Or else... the misunderstanding that was originally in Solyanka)
3.AK-203 (AR-F “Snipers”. Essentially the same AK-47, only with Western body kits, and very accurate)
4. Saiga Cardana (New convenient, smooth-bore, rapid-fire carbine, with automatic firing mode and enlarged horn, placed in the pistol slot)
5.VSK94 (Smaller analogue of VSS "Vintorez", placed in the pistol slot)
6. "Exhaust" (Large-caliber silent sniper rifle chambered for 12.7x108)
7.Remington 870 "Marine Magnum" (The most powerful pump-action shotgun in the game, it's better to go with a librarian)
8.FN2000 "Paratrooper" (Or simply "Paratrooper", a modernized FN2000 complex, increased horn, accuracy, magnification of optics, rate of fire, for rifle caliber 7.62x54)
9.Flamethrower - "Poltergeist"(A new model of a flamethrower based on the FN2000, a special fire mixture in cylinders, very convenient for clearing an area from large flocks of all kinds of evil spirits)
10.SVD "Whip" (With an adjustable sight and auto-locking the target) - To shoot from this rifle, you need to replace the xrGame.dll file in the bin folder.
11.AK-104 (AK hundredth series chambered for 7.62x39, double horn, increased rate of fire, all body kits)
Twin F1 grenades(The radius of damage from shrapnel has been significantly increased. Throw only from cover!)
A new type of ammunition - "Buckshot" for the Saiga 12K and Remington 870 "Marine Magnum" shotguns.
Almost all weapons have a right-handed bolt.
Plus, I reviewed the performance characteristics of the cartridges:
What I was guided by was linking the lethality of a weapon to the caliber it fires. And he made a distinction between armor-piercing && sniper && simple.
In terms of lethality, the armor-piercing one is higher than the others, but the coefficient is. there is more dispersion - its accuracy is worse than that of a sniper and a simple one. On the contrary, a sniper cartridge has much higher accuracy, but lower lethality than an armor-piercing cartridge. U simple cartridge average characteristics...There is a separate topic about charges for shotguns (shot and buckshot), everything is clear there - the hit is big, and the dispersion is huge, i.e. very lethal, but only in close combat.
I slightly revised the performance characteristics of under-barrel grenades, now it’s real real help in combat conditions (you can even shoot down a helicopter if you hit the right place!).
New guns will not be available for free sale - they can only be obtained by completing quests (and not at the very beginning of the game). But because players are at different levels of completing Solyanka, and perhaps the person has already completed this quest, I still had to register them with the most distant merchant - the Swamp Doctor in Pripyat (but very expensive, so save your money!). The necessary "body kits" for the new barrels will be on sale at Adrenalin.
I believe that if a stalker got to Pripyat, he deserved a good, reliable and accurate weapon, and by that time almost everyone was already at the rank of “master”.
The pack was made and tested for pure Arkharov Solyanka version 04/19/2010 + additional from 08/14. + patch from 20.08. + patch from 03.09.
Copy the contents of the gamedata into your gamedata and agree to the replacement. NONE is required.
And then, after installing this pack, you don’t need to add anything else from above, especially addons that introduce other new guns or concern weapon changes. The 2nd pack will add additional hardcore to the passage of Solyanka. Some quests (especially where NPCs will be armed with weapons of 9x39 caliber - Val, Groza, VSS) will not be easy to complete, even with new guns. At least it seemed so to me...Now even bandits shouldn’t be ignored (especially the Avengers!). Now you will need your own tactics with each enemy/in each quest - you can’t beat it! The need for natural shelters will increase many times over. You will need to use underbarrel grenades/hand grenades more actively.
The Marine Knife has been slightly enhanced.
Added 4 new items -
1.Steyr Aug Kaltera (Austrian assault rifle with under-barrel shotgun) - By Chainsaw
2.Thompson submachine gun(it is possible to install all body kits) - Author Zeka1996Korneev
3. TT pistol (will be on sale at Sidor, especially useful for those who have just started/are starting to play Solyanka and have not yet acquired an automatic weapon) - Author Real_Wolf
4.Grenade "Snowball 7643b"(produced by local Kulibin. When exploded, it imitates the Snezhnaya anomaly) - dimak idea, my implementation
As usual, new guns are scheduled to be issued for completed quests. New grenades will be available from Adrenaline and Raven.
And, finally, the most delicious thing - the new atmospheric voice acting for all weapons from the stalker Kuzm@ Master (the new voice acting is really “freaky”, I hope you will see this for yourself).
Install the 2nd pack only after installing the first pack! Otherwise, problems are guaranteed.
If you didn't install the fix for the first pack, don't worry, it's included in the 2nd pack.

Happy hunting everyone! Best regards, Buusty.

Description from Kuzm@ Master:
The sounds of shots of almost all weapons have been replaced; each barrel has its own sound. Reloading sounds for some barrels have been replaced. The sound of a shot with a silencer is now different for each barrel (for example, in the original, all weapons of 5.56 caliber and several others had one sound). In terms of sounds, I didn’t try to strive for complete realism, but I also took it into account (some sounds of shots were taken from real weapons), and selected the most atmospheric and sonorous ones (to my ear it’s true, you’ll appreciate it). The sounds of explosions of grenades and helicopter guns have been replaced. All sounds were run through the SDK, correctly commented (NPS reaction to them, audibility range), there is no redness in the console. If you find something, please write back, I’ll fix it right away, in theory it shouldn’t be, I checked everything. In some folders with sounds for weapons, there are alternative sounds of shots (for example, sg552_shot_zapas, may have a different name), you can experiment by simply rewriting the path or name of the sound.
The voice acting was done under pure Solyanka from 08/14/09 with all the author's patches, and editing of weapon configs from comrade Buusty. If you use others or native ones, you just need to rewrite the paths by analogy with the config paths from Buusty (copy-paste, nothing complicated). Have a good game!
Installation: Just drop the gamedata folder into the root folder of the game, agreeing to a complete replacement.


The site and all foreign (and not only) authors for the countless number of different sound packs for games. Hundreds were analyzed and revised.
For the valuable information on voice acting, I thank the sound comrades Muller & Mongol.
Argare honor and respect for the best MOD.
Many thanks to stalker Buusty for his help, friendly advice and support.
And also thanks to all the veterans on SP in the topic “People's Solyanka 2010”, just for existing... Stalkers.

Best regards, Kuzm@ Master.

I recommend installing both packs, first the 1st, then the 2nd.


Due to numerous requests from workers, the post has been updated. Special thanks for your help Buusty

Today we will look at how you can edit weapons in the game - from characteristics to descriptions. Weapon characteristics are stored here:


Parsing the config structure

Let's take, for example, the config w_g36.ltx. It is divided into sections:

First section

Stored here general information about weapons, links to spawn, etc. We are interested in the following lines:

  • description= enc1weapons1_wpn_g36 - link to string_id from which the game loads the description of this weapon.
  • ef_main_weapon_type= 2 - the main type to which the weapon belongs
  • ef_weapon_type= 6 - subtype to which the weapon belongs
  • default_to_ruck= false - this means that if there is an empty cell for the machine, select the machine, it will be placed in the cell; if true the machine will not be placed in the cell.
  • sprint_allowed= true - this line means that you can run with a weapon.

Second section

Contains modifiers that are given to the visual angle/distance of the NPC holding this weapon in his hands:

  • holder_range_modifier= 1.85 - how many times the eye_range of bots increases. It multiplies the viewing range of bots with this weapon in their hands.
  • holder_fov_modifier= 0.3 - how many times the eye_fov of bots increases. When editing this parameter, problems occur with the view of the NPC - they may not be able to see the monster at point-blank range.

The following values ​​may be in another part of the file, but they are relevant to the overview.

  • min_radius= 30 - the minimum distance from which bots start using this weapon. For all weapons except sniper rifles, grenades and grenade launchers, it is recommended to set 0. It is used to ensure that bots with grenade launchers and snipers switch to a second weapon when an enemy approaches, and also do not throw grenades at their feet.
  • max_radius= 100 - the maximum distance at which bots use this weapon. It is recommended to make it as large as possible, taking into account the accuracy of the weapon. You've probably often encountered situations where you shoot bots with long distance they aim at you, walk from side to side, but don’t shoot. These bugs are associated with the insufficient size of this parameter. Limit this parameter Suitable for pistols, shotguns and flamethrowers.

Third section

Contains data about the weapon itself and some of its characteristics:

  • cost= 2200000 - base price (traders multiply it by a certain coefficient)
  • weapon_class= assault_rifle - weapon class (here - assault rifle)
  • ammo_mag_size= 300 - magazine size
  • ammo_class= ammo_5.56x45_ss190, ammo_5.56x45_ap - types of cartridges used
  • grenade_class= ammo_m209 - type of grenades used
  • fire_modes= 1, -1 - firing modes (single and endless bursts, respectively)
  • hand_dependence= 1 - dependence on hands (?) - perhaps we're talking about about the barrel swinging
  • single_handed= 0 - whether it is held in only one hand
  • slot= 2 - slot in inventory
  • animation_slot= 2 - type of animation (for pistol/for rifle)
  • inv_name= wpn-g36 - a link to the name displayed in the inventory is also taken from the string table, as is the description
  • inv_name_short= wpn-g36 - the name displayed when aiming the sight at an object, for example, lying on the ground; in this case the same thing is used
  • inv_weight= 3.6 - weight
  • inv_grid_width= 5 - icon length (number of cells x)
  • inv_grid_height= 2 - icon height (number of cells by y)
  • inv_grid_x= 0 - x coordinates of the first corner of the icon
  • inv_grid_y= 10 - y coordinates of the first corner of the icon

Fourth section

The fourth section stores information about weapon wear/recoil. Almost all parameters there are provided with comments, so I will give only the most interesting ones:

  • cam_relax_speed= 5.7 - speed of return to the starting position
  • cam_dispersion= 0.2 - increase in angle (in degrees) at the first shot
  • fire_dispersion_condition_factor= 5 - percentage increase in dispersion at maximum wear. Few people understand, but this parameter is not indicated in degrees - it is a multiplier. 5 is 5000% spread at maximum wear. Such a spread of IRL can only be obtained by drilling out the PM with a hammer drill. All guns in the original game have a multiplier of 5, and starting with CS, the insanity of the developers began to grow stronger and many guns received a value of 15. In CoP, this trend intensified and even more guns received a value of 15. Every normal modder will reduce this value. For pistols it is recommended 3 - 4, machine guns 2 - 2.5, snipers 1 - 1.5
  • misfire_probability= 0.003 - probability of misfire at maximum wear
  • misfire_condition_k= 0.05 - coefficient. It's easier not to touch, because... It’s much easier to configure two parameters for each barrel in a weapon pack than three. It may only be needed for weapons with a small shot of the BCC type.
  • condition_shot_dec= 0.0002 - increase in wear with each shot. If you enter -1, the weapon will be completely repaired after the first shot.

Fifth section

Many parameters are stored here, of which the most interesting are these: (PDM is the parameter for swinging the barrel in the GG’s hands when moving in aiming mode. added Uncle Sasha [email protected])

  • PDM_disp_base= 3.0 - multiplier by which the base variance of the weapon is multiplied when GG ( Main character) stands still at full height;
  • PDDM_disp_vel_factor= 1.3 - multiplier by which the base variance of the weapon is multiplied when the player swings the weapon or runs;
  • PDM_disp_accel_factor= 1.3 - multiplier by which the base variance of the weapon is multiplied when the player is sprinting;
  • PDM_crouch= 1.0 - multiplier by which the base variance of the weapon is multiplied when the GG is crouched;
  • PDM_crouch_no_acc= 1.0 - multiplier by which the base variance of the weapon is multiplied when the GG stands still, crouched;
  • hit_power= 0.50, 0.54, 0.57, 0.60 - shot strength, depends on the rank: beginner, experienced, veteran and master, respectively.
  • hit_impulse= 105 - bullet impulse (the force that a flying bullet transfers to the victim affects the behavior of the ragdoll body. The more you put, the further it will fly. If you make a large negative value, then the victims will fly to the GG)
  • hit_type= fire_wound - type of damage caused, in this case - bullet wounds (the parameter in single player does not affect anything)
  • fire_distance= 600 - the maximum flight distance of the bullet, then it falls to the ground and disappears. It is logical to set the value of effective fire (submachine guns 50-200m, pistols 50m, shotguns 30m and a knife half a meter), but it makes no sense to set a value greater than the alife radius: after all, there is no one outside it.)
  • bullet_speed= 925 - initial bullet speed
  • rpm= 600 - rate of fire shot/minute
  • hud= wpn_g36_hud - weapon appearance from 1st person

Sixth section

  • = x, y, z
  • position= -0.026, -0.132, 0.0 - position of the weapon on the back in relation to the NPC when viewed from the 3rd person
  • orientation= 0, 0, 0 - rotation of the weapon on the back of the NPC when viewed from the 3rd person

Note In CHN\ZP it will look like this:

  • position= -0.026, -0.132, 0.0 - position of the weapon in the hands of the NPC
  • orientation= 0, 0, 0 - rotation of the weapon in the hands of the NPC
  • strap_position= -0.26,-0.11,0.25 - position of the weapon on the back in relation to the NPC when viewed from the 3rd person
  • strap_orientation= -15,-9,110 - rotation of the weapon on the back of the NPC when viewed from the 3rd person

Seventh section

Contains descriptions of the visual side of the weapon and some other parameters:

  • startup_ammo= 90 - as you might guess, the starting number of cartridges (in single player does not affect anything)
  • visual= weapons\g36\wpn_g36.ogf - weapon model used by NPCs, as well as by the player in third-person view
  • ph_mass= 4 - physical mass used in calculations
  • scope_status= 2 - situation with a detachable sight
  • silencer_status= 1 - situation with a non-removable muffler
  • grenade_launcher_status= 0 - situation with a missing underbarrel grenade launcher
  • Options:
    • 0 - no, you cannot attach a new one
    • 1 - already there, non-removable
    • 2 - no, but you can install it
  • zoom_enabled= true - whether there is zoom (aiming)
  • scope_zoom_factor= 33.3 - what zoom does aiming give (here 60/33.3 = 1.8x)
  • scope_texture= wpn\wpn_crosshair_g36 - reticle texture
  • shell_point= 0.15, 0.0, -0.05 - point of departure of the sleeves
  • shell_dir= 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 - point of release of powder gases from the receiver
  • fire_point= -0.000000,0.062000,0.134000 - shot point
  • fire_point2= 0.30, 0.00, 0.05 - firing point from an under-barrel grenade launcher
  • fire_bone= wpn_body
  • orientation= 0, 0, 0 - orientation of the weapon barrel in the direction of the point of impact of the bullet (this is the center of the monitor). Some modders orient the weapon along the aiming line - this is not correct, because the bullet flies out of the barrel, and not from the sight.
  • position= 0, 0, 0 - position. The first coordinate is responsible for lateral movement (positive - to the right, negative - left), the second - movement in height (positive - up, negative - down), the third - horizontal movement (positive - forward, negative - back)
  • visual= weapons\g36\wpn_g36_hud.ogf - the model displayed in our hands
  • grenade_bone= grenade

Below are various animations when various actions GG with weapons (shooting, reloading, etc.). But we don't really need them. But that’s not the point, the point is that for a long time, no one noticed several lines, namely, 3 lines that are responsible for the position of the weapon when aiming:

  • zoom_offset= -0.123900,0.012450,-0.1377700000 - everything here is exactly the same as with the position (which comes after fire_bone)
  • zoom_rotate_x = 0.024750
  • zoom_rotate_y = 0.001300

They also need to be adjusted if the position of the weapon itself has been changed, otherwise the GG will not aim at the center of the screen, but lower/higher and to the left/right. To configure this feature, hud_adjust_mode was made, but for some reason it was not left... Partially, something like this can help you:

  • zoom_hide_crosshair- whether to hide the crosshair when aiming

Changing descriptions

Weapon descriptions are stored in the file: ...\S.T.A.L.K.E.R\gamedata\config\text\rus\string_table_enc_weapons.xml

It stores strings with names and descriptions that are referenced by weapon configs. For example, the same G36 links here:

[...] A German-made assault rifle, which is a first-class example of a modern weapon - lightweight, reliable and ergonomic.\n Ammunition:\n regular 5.56x45 mm SS109,\n armor-piercing 5.56x45 mm AR. [...] GP37 [...]

By changing their contents, we change the descriptions/names of these weapons.

Innovations in the salary


The HUD model was divided into 2 parts - the hands and, in fact, the weapon itself. This was done in order to achieve a change in hand visuals when changing overalls. Because of this (and not only because of this), most of the config located under “:hud_base” has undergone some changes - I’ll tell you about them.


  • hands_position= 0.020500,-0.206999,0.261999 - position of hands and weapons
  • hands_orientation= 3.349998,2.599999,-0.050000 - direction (orientation) of hands and weapons
  • hands_position_16x9= 0.020500, -0.165999,0.209500 - position of hands and weapons for 16x9 monitors
  • hands_orientation_16x9= 3.649998,1.050001, -0.050000 - direction (orientation) of hands and weapons for 16x9 monitors
  • item_position= 0,0,0 - position of the weapon relative to the hands
  • item_orientation= 0,0,0 - orientation of the weapon relative to the hands
  • aim_hud_offset_pos= -0.129000,0.017000,-0.001500 - displacement of hands with weapons when aiming
  • aim_hud_offset_rot= -0.012500,0.040000,0.020000 - orientation of hands with weapons when aiming
  • aim_hud_offset_pos_16x9= -0.129000,0.017000,-0.001500 - displacement of hands with weapons when aiming for 16x9 monitors
  • aim_hud_offset_rot_16x9= -0.012500,0.040000,0.020000 - orientation of hands with weapons when aiming for 16x9 monitors
  • gl_hud_offset_pos= 0,0,0 - displacement of hands with weapons when aiming from a grenade launcher
  • gl_hud_offset_rot= 0,0,0 - orientation of hands with weapons when aiming from a grenade launcher
  • gl_hud_offset_pos_16x9= 0,0,0 - displacement of hands with weapons when aiming from a grenade launcher for 16x9 monitors
  • gl_hud_offset_rot_16x9= 0,0,0 - orientation of hands with weapons when aiming from a grenade launcher for 16x9 monitors

Upgrades and wear and tear

As you know, in the ZP there is the possibility of upgrading weapons. The following lines are responsible for selecting schemes when upgrading:

  • upgrades= up_gr_firstab_ak74, up_gr_seconab_ak74, up_gr_thirdab_ak74, up_gr_fourtab_ak74, up_gr_fifthab_ak74, * up_gr_fifthcd_ak74- parts of the upgrade circuit
  • installed_upgrades= - installed upgrades
  • upgrade_scheme= upgrade_scheme_ak74 - upgrade scheme

Also in the ZP a more thoughtful wear and tear scheme was created, here are the lines that are responsible for this:

  • misfire_start_condition= 0.6 - wear, at which there is a chance of misfire
  • misfire_end_condition= 0.1 - wear at which the chance of misfire becomes constant
  • misfire_start_prob= 0.003 - chance of misfire when worn out is greater than misfireStartCondition
  • misfire_end_prob= 0.043 - chance of misfire when worn is greater than misfireEndCondition
  • condition_shot_dec= 0.001 - increase in wear with a single shot
  • condition_queue_shot_dec= 0.0012 - increase in wear when firing a burst

New barrel wear = 1.0

Main config

Not many changes here:

Icon used when upgrading. Coordinates are counted from the upper left corner in pixels. The icon file is on the path textures\ui\

  • upgr_icon_x= 304 - x coordinates (horizontal)
  • upgr_icon_y= 627 - y coordinates (vertical)
  • upgr_icon_width= 295 - icon width
  • upgr_icon_height= 110 - icon height
  • * scopes_sect= scope_ak74, scope_x2.7_ak74, scope_live_detector_ak74, scope_night_ak74 - links to the secondary scope config
  • - the secondary config itself
  • scope_name= wpn_addon_scope - link to the scope config
  • scope_x= 47 - location of the installed sight icon on the weapon icon by x (in pixels)
  • scope_y= 0 - according to y


Article created by:

The article is average, but it doesn’t say anything about the “explosive” ammo parameter. There are no grenade launchers and missiles, namely cartridges! Even in the original file "weapons.ltx" in the properties of 5.45x39 cartridges for AK there is always the line "explosive = off" at the end. It is enough to change it to “explosive = on” and when such a projectile is fired, we will see how an orange flame flares up and goes out at the point of impact. But this is just an animation, so if you make such cartridges, do not forget to increase their armor-piercing ability and stopping effect. By the way, this can be done not only for AK cartridges, but for any cartridges in just one line. Good luck!

People's hodgepodge in S.T.A.L.K.E.R is a global modification that contains many different complementary branches of plot development, characters, weapons, etc.

“People's Hodgepodge” is an addition to the “Shadow of Chernobyl” part, and in order for the game to be installed, you first need to remove other installed modifications to this part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

System requirements for the game are as follows: OS - Windows 98, ME, 2000, XP, VISTA, 7; processor no worse than Intel Pentium IV 2.0 GHz, memory must be at least 1 GB, video card - NVidia GeForce 7900 or ATI Radeon X1950, and the hard drive must have at least 10 GB free.

One of the moments in Stalker

People's hodgepodge S.T.A.L.K.E.R: plot

The entire plot is formed by various modifications of different authors. There are also things, items, features that were previously in other add-ons - this mod is convenient because you don’t need to look for the desired updates separately. All of them are collected in Narodnaya Solyanka.

The plot has undergone many changes - it has been expanded, new missions have been added, and several parallel plots have branched out. Immediately when the main original story of the game ends, the quests of “People's Hodgepodge” begin.

2006 is the year of the Second disaster, which was even worse in scale than Chernobyl. It posed a considerable danger to the entire population of the Earth, and the territory of its destruction grew more and more every year. 2012 is the time of events in Narodnaya Solyanka. Now the Zone is even more terrible - there are many anomalies of unknown origin, new dangerous opponents and true friends. However, the worst thing is kept in the very heart of the Zone, and not everyone will be able to get there.

On your difficult path you will encounter enemies, marauding gangs, dangerous artifacts with unknown powers, but you have to overcome everything to prove that you are the hero of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

The zone, as usual, frightens with its secrets

Modifications that have a greater impact on the plot of “People's Hodgepodge”:

  • AMK 1.4.1. One of the largest mods in Stalker “People's Hodgepodge”. Includes news that is now dynamic, also an offline system. Thanks to this mod, anomalies constantly change their location and can arise in any part of the Zone. For weapons intended for assault, the balance settings have been completely changed. The caches are filled with unknown things. There are also new creatures, creatures, new weapons. Also, your character can now become an alcoholic - so don't overdo it with the amount you drink. This state of intoxication is reflected in the skills and abilities of the Marked One. Also, unpredictable emissions have been added to the game, from which you need to have time to hide.
  • NLC, which complicates the passage of the Zone several times. This mod contains many updates that only create unnecessary obstacles for your hero. However, along with this there is new inventory, new weapons and a number of new quests.
  • New storyline. Author - Dan. There are several storylines that develop in parallel: this is an expedition that disappeared, and you have to find it, this is the process of searching for the Ghost, as well as others.
  • As well as a number of mods from the author of Kostya, which include many locations, manual Teleport for finding hiding places, etc.

Successful completion of Stalker Narodnoy Solyanka includes the completion of many quests that significantly expand the main plot. There are more than 30 of them in the game. Also added:

  • 30 new places where you can meet new tasks and characters, and come face to face with dangers;
  • 14 classes of creatures such as Zombie, Burer, etc.
  • Many new gangs (Avengers, Hunters, Loners, Mercenaries, Merchants, Bandits, Military, Monolith, Last Day, Debt, Freedom, Clear Sky);
  • New weapons;
  • New hiding places, weapons, anomalies, etc.

Take part in missions in the “Zone” - earn bonuses

Stalker Narodnaya Solyanka: characters

The passage of Stalker People's Hodgepodge provides you with acquaintance with new characters and meetings with old acquaintances. We will only consider those that you will see for the first time. They are found in different storylines. IN Cordon and Cave:

  • The Doctor is one of the important characters, although he does not play any special role in the plot. Get his medicine.
  • Miner - will help you find a way out of the cave. He will also give you medicine.
  • Petrukha - will be given by Artmod.
  • Dan is an important character for the New plot. Will provide many tasks.
  • Captain Kuznetsov will help in many ways, and can also exchange something for items that are valuable to you.
  • Akim is a new merchant.

Stalker People's Solyanka Landfill prepared a meeting with the characters:

  • Artem Kulinar is a food merchant.
  • Raven is a weapons seller.


  • Adrenaline is a Fashion costume seller and also a quest provider for you.
  • The Mole is the commander of the neutrals.
  • Ensign Sherstyuk - you can buy a lot of useful things from him, including weapons.
  • Arhara and his group are your assistants.


  • Kalmyk - will give medicinal ointment.
  • Sviblov - owner unique species weapons that he will give you for completing certain tasks.
  • Kholodov is a bartender with quests for you.

IN military warehouses:

  • Matvey Medved - will direct you to new tasks and the necessary characters.
  • Miser - repairs things.
  • Max - will change your armor and ammo.
  • Yakut is a relative of Arhara, he is one of the active creators of the New plot.
  • Cap - gives a new flamethrower.

IN Radar you will meet Syak - his quests will be difficult and will open up a new plot line.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R folk hodgepodge: new weapon

Among other additions, your character, Bullseye, has received a huge selection of new weapons. Now he can use many types of knives, received new explosive devices such as mines (three of them were added, also grenades) and a huge number of firearms (122 pieces). Each of them received its own unofficial name:

  • Slot machines “Ghost”, “Night”, “Tactic”, “Whirlwind”, “Outpost” and others.
  • New assault rifles have been added: Enfield L85A2, L86A1, L86A2 LSW, M4A1 Modded, M4 Compact, M-14, different types Steyr, FN, Heckler-Koch and several snipers.
  • Now you can always have one of the pistols with you, of which there are also many: different types of Beretta, Glock, Walther, etc. You can also hit the target using the Award, Army, Bagheera, Pernach or Steppe Eagle. Or you can shoot from one of the machine guns or submachine guns, which have also been added in considerable quantities.
  • During the course of completing the quests “Stalker “People's Hodgepodge”, you will be able to purchase or remove from corpses new shotguns, such as sniper, curtain, predator, etc.
  • Bumblebee and Needle are two new grenade launchers.
  • There are also weapons that are not found anywhere else - the Flame, Gaus M72-G2, Mossin rifle, Gaus-SPAS.


Stalker People's Solyanka has a number of disadvantages:

  • Although the requirements are not particularly high, Stalker People's Hodgepodge will not work on every PC.
  • Lots of bugs. Also, the game often crashes and does not load.
  • Errors in the text component Stalker Narodnaya solyanka. Dialogues, descriptions of tasks - all this was written by people who were not particularly worried about their grammar.
  • Some locations are very difficult, so not everyone can complete them.
  • Graphics optimization is not very good, so frequent errors occur in this component.

However, despite this, People's solyanka- a very good modification for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Install it and you will be able to appreciate the volume of quests and new story games.

Description and instructions

Name of the game: Narodnaya Solyanka
Year of issue: 2011
Author/Developer: Buusty
Distribution type: Pack
Required game version: 1.004
Interface language: Russian
Required game language: Russian

: The weapons pack was made mainly for those who have completed Solyanka at least once and now would like to try to complete it with new, interesting weapons. Well, Solyanka newcomers will most likely also be interested in the pack.
The pack included:
1. TT pistol (will be on sale at Sidor, especially useful for those who have just started/are starting to play Solyanka and have not yet acquired an automatic weapon) - Author: Real_Wolf.
2. Colt "Kimber Custom" (Copy of the M1911 semi-automatic pistol for the US Special Operations Forces - US . 45 caliber, 10-round clip) - authors Real Wolf and PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
3.Glock 35 (22-round automatic pistol from the Glock company chambered for 40 S & W) - borrowed from the DMX mod.
4.Beretta 92A1 (New Unique model converted to 5.45x39 caliber) - author eXiu.
5.OTs-33 Pernach (Successor of the Stechkin pistol, 27 rounds in a clip, automatic firing mode) - model from Arsenal fashion, editing of the model and Cylz animation.
6.New model HK UPS .45 - author.
1.Thompson submachine gun (With a disc for 70 rounds and a built-in collimator) - authors @"StreloK" and eXiu.
2.MP-40 (Volmer submachine gun (many perceive it as the same "Schmeisser" from WWII)) - author D.Kruger, reloading edits.
3.New model AKS-74u - author eXiu.
4. New model of the Bizon software (right-loading and with the ability to install USP-1 Tyulpan optics) - author Alexandrych, modification of the eXiu model.
5. Unik based on the Bizon PP (for 9x19mm caliber and built-in Cobra collimator) - author Alexandrych.
Slot machines:
1.AK-47 "Reconnaissance" (improved optics and accuracy, all body kits are installed) - model from Arsenal fashion.
2.AKM "Dream" (AKM with folding bipod, disk magazine for 75 rounds and a fixed optical sight PSO-3) - author @"StreloK".
3.AK-203 (AR-F “Sniper”. Essentially the same AK-47, only with Western body kits, and very accurate) - author Alexandrych.
4.FN2000 "Paratrooper" (Or simply "Paratrooper", a modernized FN2000 complex, increased accuracy, magnification of optics, rate of fire,
for caliber 9x39, horn 30 rounds) - author of the idea and initial config of vdv5549, modification of the eXiu and AAZ model itself.
5. Flamethrower-"Poltergeist" (New model of flamethrower based on FN2000, special fire mixture in cylinders, very convenient for clearing the territory from large flocks of all kinds of evil spirits) - author dimak.
6.AK-104 (AK of the hundredth series chambered for 7.62x39, increased rate of fire, all body kits) - author of PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
7.Steyr Aug "Kaltera" (Austrian assault rifle with an under-barrel shotgun) - Author Chainsaw.
8.AKM (Modernized Kalashnikov Automatic, chambered for 7.62x39, it is possible to install all body kits) - model from Arsenal fashion.
9.IMI GALIL ARM (IMI Galil assault rifle, Israeli version of the AK, only chambered for the NATO cartridge 5.56x45) - model from Arsenal fashion.
10.IMI GALIL ARM "Sniper" (Variant of the IMI Galil rifle chambered for 7.62x51, with higher accuracy of fire, reduced rate of fire) - model from Arsenal fashion.
11.OICW (OICW System (Objective Individual Combat Weapon - objective individual combat weapon). Combined assault Heckler-Koch rifle XM-29 OICW (USA))
- by Nomadec.
12. "Mini-Dragunov" (Sniper assault rifle AK47 "Mini-Dragunov" is a hybrid of AK-47 and SVD, built-in 8x optics, it is possible to install a silencer and barrel)
- model from Arsenal fashion.
13.STG-44 (SturmGewehr 44 - German assault rifle of the year chambered for 7.92x33mm) - model from Arsenal fashion.
14.SIG 550 (New interesting right-handed model from L.U.R.K., although jerking the shutter with the left hand looks a little unnatural, we will assume that the GG is left-handed))).
15.AN-94 "Abakan" + new body kits, optics and muffler (New right-hand action model of "Abakan" from stalkers Real Wolf and PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.)
16.AK-9 (Silent shortened assault rifle, based on the AK-74M. The assault rifle uses 9x39 mm subsonic cartridges (SP-5, SP-6)) - by Grayshooter.
17. Rapid-fire AK-74 Strelka (New model based on the AK-104 and chambered for 7.62mm caliber) - author Aaz.
18.AK-101 customized (AK-74M) (The machine gun is designed for the 5.56x45 NATO cartridge. Integrated collimator and detachable optics + silencer + barrel) - by Real Wolf.
19.AS "VAL" - "Cobra" (Removable collimator "Cobra" and optics PSO-3) - author of the new Aaz model.
20.AK-108 (AK-108 has an increased (1.5 - 2 times) accuracy of burst fire, chambered for the 5.56x45 mm NATO cartridge. ACOG sight. 5.56 "Supressor" muffler.
Underbarrel grenade launcher GP-25 "Koster") - authors: mongol, PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
21.SIG SG 552 "Commando" (Shortened SIG SG 552 assault rifle based on SG 550. A collimator and ACOG optics can be installed on Picatinny rails. Located in the 1st slot.) - author Aaz.
22.Colt M4 (Automatic (automatic carbine) M4 modern release, with a Trijicon ACOG optical sight and a tactical grip) - author Aaz.
23.AS "VAL" - "Tactic" (Tactical handle and butt, removable sight PK-A) - authors: model PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R., tuning @"StreloK".
24.AK-47 "Sturmovik" (Excellent weapon for close combat and at medium distances. Horn for 45 rounds, integrated collimator "Cobra", barrel - GP-25 "Koster") - Model
from ARMA, tuning and fitting of the @"StreloK" model.
25.SBR (modification of the M4A1 assault rifle) - by eXiu.
26.New model AK-74 - author Alexandrych.
27.New model of AK-47 - model from ARMA.
28. New unique model - AN94 Abakan-"Sniper" - model from Arsenal fashion.
29.SR-3 "Whirlwind M" - author SnipeRStalkeR.
30.Scar " " - by purke62.
31.G-3 (German assault rifle from Heckler & Koch, all body kits) - author Alexandrych.
32.AK-105 (Older brother of AKS-74u. All body kits) - authors: mongol, PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
33.G-41 (German assault rifle from Heckler & Koch, chambered for 5.56x45, all body kits) - author Alexandrych.
34.New model of the LR300 assault rifle (with the “correct” bolt) - author of Real Wolf.
35.M4A3 (Assault rifle based on M16A3, all body kits are installed) - author.
36.L85a1 "Lightweight" (new Unique model) - author.
Machine guns:
1. Machine gun "Pecheneg" ("Big Brother" PKM. Modern fast-firing and reliable machine gun. Very useful when clearing large territories from evil spirits, especially in new quests!) - author Nomadec.
2.RPK-74 (Kalashnikov light machine gun. Disc for 75 rounds, it is possible to install a silencer and optics) - model from Arsenal fashion.
3.RPK (2 types - with a horn and with a disk magazine) - models from ARMA, compilation and tuning by @"StreloK".
4.New minigun model from OGSE Mod, version (thanks to the authors and developers of this mod for the provided model) - authors Deathdoor and KamikaZze
We kindly ask everyone who would like to use this model in their works to coordinate this with the authors. For example, with comrade KamikaZze on the AMK forum.
Sniper rifles:
1.SVD "Whip" (With an adjustable sight and automatic target acquisition) - To shoot from this rifle, you need to replace the xrGame.dll file in the bin folder (this file is in the "All sorts of gadgets" folder).
2. New model of SVD (A real sniper! And not that... misunderstanding that was originally in Solyanka) - author SanekEd.
3. New model of IED (Real sniper! Not that... misunderstanding that was originally in Solyanka) - author SanekEd.
4.K98 Mauser (German 5-round carbine from the Second World War. Popularly affectionately nicknamed "Karkusha". Caliber 7.92x33mm) - authors: L@r1ng1t$ and Aaz.
5.VSK94 (Smaller analogue of VSS "Vintorez", placed in the pistol slot) - author Alexandrych.
6. "Exhaust" (Large-caliber silent sniper rifle chambered for 12.7x108) - author Nomadec.
7.SVU-AS (Modification of the basic version. Removable 8-fold optical sight and automatic fire mode) - author of PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
8.New model VSS Vintorez from ARMA (Sniper rifle with night sight, horn for 20 rounds - replaced the model of the unique "Name Vintorez")
- author of PSEUDO-S.T.A.L.K.E.R., modification and tuning of the “unique” Aaz model.
9.AKS74u-SVD (Hybrid of AKS-74u and SVD - produced by a local craftsman in the Zone) - author eXiu.
10.SIG 550 "Sniper" (Unique modification of the Swiss rifle SIG SG 550, powerful built-in optics + silencer and NATO barrel, chambered for the 7.62x51 rifle cartridge) - author,
Unfortunately, i do not know. If anyone recognizes his work in the trunk - write, I will correct it.
11. "Exhaust - " (Modification of "Exhaust" with auto target acquisition and adjustable zoom) - author of the Nomadec model, my modification -
- To shoot from this rifle, you need to replace the xrGame.dll file in the bin folder (this file is for all patches, in the "All sorts of gadgets", in the Zen_crosshair folder).
12. Sniper rifle G3 SG1 (Modification G3, silencer, built-in optics) - author Alexandrych.
13.New model of Gauss from Crysis (in the game in one copy - unique) - author purke62.
14.New model of SVD "Trucker" - author.
15.KSVK (Large-caliber Sniper rifle Kovrovskaya, caliber 12.7x108) - by Piter, model tuning and animation by Cylz.
16. Personalized screw cutter of General Voronin (unique) - author Aaz.
1.MOSSBERG 590 12GA (Smoothbore pump-action shotgun, powerful, reliable. This version with a stock, 8-round) - model from L.U.R.K.-mod.
2.MOSSBERG 590 Compact Cruiser (Smoothbore pump-action shotgun. Short version, 7-shot. Placed in the 1st slot) - model from the DMX mod.
3. Saiga 12K "Snipers" (Smooth-bore automatic carbine "Saiga", the ability to install a collimator and optics) - author Aaz.
4. Saiga Cardan (New convenient, smooth-bore, rapid-fire carbine, with an automatic firing mode and an enlarged horn, placed in the pistol slot) - author Aaz.
5.AA-12 (Atchinson Automatic Shotgun with 20-round disc) - by eXiu.
6.Vepr 12 (Smoothbore carbine with a disk for 20 rounds + automatic firing mode + "Aimpoint" collimator) - authors: Mongol model, AAZ tuning and @"StreloK".
7.Remington 870 "Marine Magnum" (The most powerful pump-action shotgun in the game, it’s better to go with a librarian) - author Alexandrych.
8.New model SPAS12 "Hunter" - author eXiu.
9.New model of the “Combat Winchester” - author nafigator.
10.USAS-12 (12 gauge automatic shotgun, ACOG optic and silencer) - author.
Almost all weapons are right-handed and CN-handed.
1. Grenade "Snowball 7643b" (produced by local Kulibin. When exploded, it imitates the "Snezhnaya" anomaly) - dimak's idea, my implementation
2. Twin grenades F1 (The radius of destruction by fragments has been significantly increased. Throw only from cover!)
3. A new type of ammunition - “Buckshot” for all shotguns.
4. A new 7.62x39mm "UZ" cartridge has been introduced into the game (7.62x39mm cartridge with an enhanced "UZ" charge. Now this type of "ammo" is prescribed for all barrels using this caliber).
5.New cartridge 7.92x33mm, regular and armor-piercing (For German captured weapons).
6.New optical sight PSO-3. Prescribed for some trunks from the pack (which ones you will understand from the description).
The new visual of the Wolf - now a real leader and role model for beginners - is the author of the model Aaz. Will be available with the new Wolf new quest, having executed which,
you can “pack” well already at the Cordon (don’t judge strictly, this is my first quest).
Plus, the performance characteristics of all weapons and cartridges have been revised. I slightly revised the performance characteristics of under-barrel grenades, now this is really a real help in combat conditions (you can even shoot down a helicopter if you hit the right place!).
The new guns will not be available for free sale - they can only be obtained by completing quests or found in caches. The necessary "body kits" for the new barrels will be on sale at Adrenalin.
Some of the new trunks were distributed to NPCs. I think you will feel the difference in rearmament immediately, already at the Cordon. The most “re-armed” are the hirelings, the Chistanebovitsy (well, and a few other groups). Incl. some new trunks can be obtained in battle by taking them away from the enemy. I gave cool uniques from the packs to some quest (key!) Persians, some are immortal, but some cannot be killed (because of the fluff) - you will break the storyline.
Some minor bugs and roughnesses that were in Solyanka itself have been fixed, for example, when Akim did not give out a reward for a quest for spare parts for monsters, now he gives out one of the new guns from the pack (in general, I advise you not to ignore the quests of this character). The 2nd brain of the controller at the ATP has been spawned, for Lukash, now it’s not, he will actually “wait” for you to find him)).
New atmospheric voice acting for all weapons from the stalker Kuzm@ Master (the new voice acting is really “freaky”, I hope you can see this for yourself).
New boot menu from Solvador (The old one, in my opinion, is already boring).
The pack includes an edit from prorok 13, which significantly expands Raven’s range of exchanges. Also help in adding all new barrels to the list of “compatible barrels” from repairmen.
3 new unique exoskeletons have been added ("Stormtrooper", "Kevlar exoskeleton "C", "Kevlar exoskeleton Sniper "NS"), and the Nano-suit has been restored. Costume models are taken from the "Tin" mod, adaptation of costumes to Solyanka - vdv5549.
Costumes have also been added - Modernized Mercenary Exoskeleton, Military Exoskeleton, Modernized "Seva" and "Black Doctor Exoskeleton" - this armored armor is a quest, and because of it a whole chain of quests will unfold, new quests, completing which you will be able to visit all new locations of Narodnaya Solyanka : Eastern Pripyat, Laboratory X-8, Pripyat Underground, Jupiter and Zaton. It all starts when you bring three scientific treatises for Sakharov. The quest chain is hardcore, but in my opinion, interesting. I also made several caches with valuable swag in the new locations, resettled monsters, including new ones - it won’t be boring. And many interesting surprises await you, which I won’t tell you about -
- you will see everything for yourself.

Special thanks to comrade dimak for invaluable advice on absolutely all technical (and not only) issues that arise when creating the pack.
Also, I express my gratitude to the stalkers:
vdv5549 (new costumes from the mod " " + good advice)
Aaz (new visuals, including the Wolf, new weapon models, some were made specifically for the pack)
Kuzm@ Master (new voice acting for all weapons and general assistance in sound processing)
_Val_ (initial editing of the performance characteristics of all weapons)
@"StreloK" (new weapon models)
Vadimische (beautiful icons for new guns and new characters and monsters)
eXiu (new weapon models, tuning old ones)
Kirag (implementation of a new scripting feature)
AR_F-man (adaptation of new sights for wide format)
Flickering (initial test of the beta version of the pack and a bunch practical advice and comments)
Valerich (New art model)

Installation method
Narodnaya Solyanka version 04/19/2010 + additional version from 08/14. + patch from 20.08. + patch from 03.09. + Weapon pack

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