Tatyana Denisova: “Every time I strive for the costume and hairstyle to resonate with my production. Biography What is Tatyana Denisova's real hair color?

By the way, these images are the result not only of the work of stylists, but also of Tatyana herself - Denisova offers her ideas for dresses, in which the audience of “Everybody Dance!” eventually sees her. STB Chief Costume Designer Dmitry Kuryata helps bring the choreographer’s ideas to life: “I really love working with Tanya Denisova. She always knows what she wants. The only thing that prevents us working together- Tanya's busy schedule. Everything can change for her at the very last moment. But she has excellent taste.”

Tatyana Denisova herself admits that she does not pay attention to brands and everyday life prefers more restrained outfits in a casual style, and mostly tries on bold, extravagant looks only on the set of “Everybody Dance!”: “I don’t pay attention to brands. For the project “Everybody Dance!” I am dressed by a wonderful designer - he is simply a magician! As I say, so he will do.”

You can follow Tatyana Denisova’s fresh images on Friday broadcasts of the new season of the show “Everyone Dance!” on STB.

Tatyana Denisova is a well-known choreographer in Ukraine and Russia. This young woman is also known for her dance group JB Ballet. Today Tatyana is known thanks to the show “Dancing” on TNT. Previously, the girl was a mentor in the show “Everybody Dance,” produced by Ukrainian producers. How the biography and personal life of Tatyana Denisova turned out, read in our article.

Tatyana Denisova: biography, personal life

Tatyana's parents are a sailor and a kindergarten teacher. The parents of the future choreographer did not have the opportunity to “promote” their daughter to the big stage. Tanya had to achieve everything herself, which she successfully accomplished.

The young woman celebrates her birthday on February 11th. Tatyana's year of birth is 1981. When Tanya was born, her parents lived in Kaliningrad region. When the girl turned 2 years old, her father was transferred to work in Sevastopol.

As a child, Tatyana studied for 5 years rhythmic gymnastics. After the girl performed her first choreographic number, her parents decided to send her to the dance section.

At the age of 10, Tatyana Denisova began dancing. In the studio she studied classical biography. In such at a young age Tane was also interested in modern dance styles. She became acquainted with them through videos of foreign music performers.

When the girl grew up, she decided to try her hand at the Leningrad Choreographic School. At that time, the competition for admission reached 30 people per place. From her first classes, Tatyana Denisova attracted the attention of her teachers. The choreography stars saw her as a diligent student. Unfortunately, Tatyana never finished school. Her family was forced to return to Ukraine. The choreographer is silent about why the parents made this decision.

Further studies and career

The biography of Tatyana Denisova, as well as her personal life, changed rapidly after moving to Ukraine. Here the girl entered the Kyiv Institute of Culture. Tatyana studied at the choreography department.

She organized her first dance group at the age of 21. A team of like-minded people has found popularity not only in Kyiv, but also in Ukraine as a whole.

In the show "Dancing with the Stars"

Tatyana Denisova also taught choreography in variety and circus school. Here she was noticed by foreign representatives and offered work abroad.

The aspiring choreographer received an offer to create a dance theater in Germany. This is how Tatyana got her brainchild – the JB Ballet group. The girl left for Germany in 2004. Here she still performs with her team. Tatyana Denisova’s biography also includes work in other European countries, where she choreographs dances. It is not known how her personal life developed abroad.

In the Ukrainian version of the program “Everybody Dance”

Why did she return to Ukraine? She received an interesting offer to become a member of the jury of the choreographic show “Everybody Dance”. Tatyana worked there for 7 years.

In 2016, she was invited to work in a similar show on Russian television - the “Dancing” project. Initially, Tatyana was only a temporary mentor. Since 2017, she has become a permanent member of the jury.

In the show "Dancing" on TNT

Most often, the dancer performs Broadway and disco style numbers for her charges.

Tatyana Denisova is also interested in 3D choreography. This is a completely new direction in dance. It is possible that Tatyana will soon begin to actively stage performances in this direction.

Tatyana Denisova and her husband

Fans of Tatyana Denisova are interested in how things are now with the choreographer’s personal life? The girl’s biography already included several unsuccessful unions. Since then, Tatyana has never been seen in the company of men. What is this beauty hiding?

Tatyana's first husband is gymnast Ilya Strakhov. The couple had a son, Lev, in 2009. It is worth noting that Denisova’s first husband became a finalist in the third season of the popular Ukrainian show “Ukraine’s Got Talent.” There, in fact, the young people met. Despite the fact that the marriage did not last long, the couple supports friendly relations.

Ilya and Tatyana decided not to be led by emotions and parted as warmly as possible. Moreover, the couple is connected by a son. One way or another, they would still have to communicate. So why not make this communication more enjoyable for both parents.

The choreographer’s second husband is Alexander Krivoshapko. And again the young people met at “work”. The man is a singer. He became a finalist music show"X-factor".

Tatiana's relatives say that their union was very controversial. The young people got married in May 2011 and separated in the fall of 2012.

It is possible that one of the reasons for the divorce was the significant age difference between the lovers. The fact is that Tatyana was 12 years older than her second husband. If at the beginning of the relationship the couple was not bothered by this, then later the difference in the age of the spouses played a cruel joke on them.

It is known that the romance between Alexander and Tatiana was very stormy. The young people publicly broke up several times, and then got back together again. The couple kept fans in constant voltage. They didn't know what to expect from the lovers this time.

What is known about the dancer’s personal life today?

A colleague of Tatyana Denisova let slip about changes in the girl’s personal life. It turned out that the girl’s biography was supplemented by another marriage. It became known that Tatyana has a husband.

They started talking about this after the speech of 26-year-old Massimo Arduini from Italy. The guy danced quite well. However, the judges did not appreciate the efforts young man. They unanimously decided that the guy lacked emotions. Tatyana Denisova liked the young man. She said that the man needed to be “fucked” a little because he didn’t get enough sleep.

Tatiana's colleague Radu Poklitaru approached her with a joking question about when her husband was leaving so that the girl could take up training as a young dancer.

The girl's answer came out crumpled. Most likely, she did not expect to hear such a question, especially on the set of the program.

Fans of Tatyana Denisova decided that she really has a husband, whom the girl skillfully hides from the public. Perhaps this is true. The young woman is tired of public relationships. She had the experience of marriage, which ended unsuccessfully both times. Both spouses were media figures at that time. The couples Tatiana and Alexander or Tatiana and Ilya could not get rid of the attention of the press.

If Tatyana Denisova really got married, then most likely her new husband has nothing to do with show business. It is likely that the girl specifically chose a guy who would not “shine” on TV.

So far, Tatyana has managed to keep her relationship a secret. The press is closely monitoring changes in the dancer’s personal life. As soon as something becomes known about the girl’s new husband, her biography will have to be supplemented with another official marriage.

Is Tatyana free or not free, in any case? main man in her life is her son Leo, whom she is raising independently.

What else should you know about Tatyana Denisova as a choreographer?

The dancer says that on stage she does not allow self-doubt. The girl has been dancing since she was 10 years old. The time spent on stage makes itself felt.

Tatyana is impressed by freedom in dancing. She does not want to force her players into the framework of one specific style. They like to improvise. This is how the most popular bright numbers are obtained.

The choreographer herself has not danced for a long time. She enjoys being a director - watching her work on stage. According to Tatyana Denisova, to become a dance star, it is rare that talent alone is needed. You also need basic body control skills. Those who do not have them are unlikely to achieve high results in this area.

Tatyana Denisova is often compared to Yegor Druzhinin, whose place she took in “Dancing.” There's really no point in comparisons here. Tatyana and Yegor have different biographies. There is also nothing connecting them in their personal lives. Egor left due to forced circumstances. It’s not Tatyana’s fault that she “took” his place. It’s unpleasant for a girl to read negative comments about herself online. Fortunately, she has already developed immunity to aggression.

Tatyana Denisova photography

Her dancing career began with her mother's veil. When Tatyana put it on, she realized that she needed to dance in it. He has been dancing ever since.

From the age of five to ten, Tatyana Denisova studied rhythmic gymnastics, and from the age of ten, classical ballet.

Tatyana grew up as a rather wayward child. She went to receive her first choreographic education at the age of ten and immediately to St. Petersburg, to the Vaganov Academy of Russian Ballet.

At that time it was one of the most prestigious choreographic institutions in the Soviet Union.

“In most cases, I confronted them (parents - ed.) with a fait accompli. So it was with admission to the choreographic school. She said that if they don’t take me to the exams, I will “go through the sleepers” myself. I still remember that serious conversation and my stubbornness. It was a long way to go. Then we lived in Sevastopol, but my mother decided to go,” recalls Tatyana Denisova.

Mom hoped that Tanya would show her abilities and they would return home. However, the girl entered despite a competition of thirty people for a place from all over the Soviet Union.

“I was very persistent, goal-oriented and creative child. Since childhood, I’ve been coming up with productions and editing musical compositions on reel-to-reel tape recorders so that the playback can be heard as long as required for the choreographic number. By the way, she managed and sewing machine"- admits Tatyana Denisova.

Best of the day

She created her first team while still a student. This already happened in Kyiv. After the academy, Tatyana Denisova entered the Kiev National University of Culture and Arts to major in director-choreographer.

“That’s when my own team appeared, in which I was both a choreographer and a dancer. And then she started teaching at the Variety and Circus College, where every year impresarios and agents from all over the world come for the final exam,” recalls Tatyana Denisova.

But one day the moment came when she wanted something more. Just at this time, an interesting offer was received to go to Germany with my ballet “JB”. She has been producing productions in Europe for the last seven years. Tatyana specializes in disco and Broadway styles.

“A certain level was reached in my work in Ukraine, and at some point I wanted something more.

There were always offers to go abroad, and an interesting contract just appeared, I decided to try and I don’t regret it,” admitted Tatyana Denisova.

She worked on many productions of the first season of the “Everybody Dance!” project. Even at the last gala concert of the first season “Everybody Dance!” For the first time, she was given the opportunity not only to stage numbers for the show, but also to evaluate them.

Tatyana Denisova’s ballet employs guys only from Ukraine. She recently offered a job to a girl who was in the top 100 of “Everybody Dance!”, but did not make it into the top 20.

Tatyana Denisova is very demanding at work, but when she leaves the hall, she becomes a completely different person.

She has not appeared on stage as a dancer for 2.5 years, and before she danced in almost all styles except hip-hop.

Tatyana Denisova was married to aerial acrobat Ilya Strakhov, the couple has a son, Lev (at the beginning of 2011, he was 2 years old).

The pregnancy was very harmonious and easy. She continued to work as usual until she gave birth; she went to the hospital from a rehearsal. Within a month, she began to regain her previous shape.

While Tatyana judged the second season of dancing, her son was with his dad.

At the beginning of 2011, it became known that Tatyana Denisova left her husband for the finalist of the X Factor show Alexander Krivoshapko. She is 12 years older than her new boyfriend, but this does not prevent them from being together.

“Sasha and I do not hide the fact that we are now together and a couple, but we also do not advertise our relationship. However, we are not ready to expose the details of our life to the public and comment on them; this is a personal life,” said Tatyana Denisova.

“We separated from my husband because at some point we became more comfortable apart than together. We are both happy and maintain friendly relations,” admitted Tatyana Denisova.

At the beginning of 2011, her ex-spouse Ilya Strakhov was included in the list of the fifty most talented people countries by taking part in the project “Ukraine has talent!-3”.

Tatyana Denisova tries not to eat sweets and starchy foods, but does not resort to diets. If she gets tired mentally, she gets a lot of help physical activity. Tatyana loves to run. If you are physically tired, you relax with beer.

Favorite books - “The Brothers Karamazov” by Dostoevsky, “ Quiet Don" Sholokhov, "Anna Karenina" by Tolstoy and many others.

Dancers she considers to be masters of their craft: Cyd Charisse, Frad Astaire, Sylvie Guillem, Mikhail Baryshnikov, Rudolf Nureyev, Karina Smirnoff, Slavik Kriklivy.

Tatyana likes to listen to Queen, Elton John, Bon Jovi, Nickelback, Guns"n"Roses.

VKontakte has 3 pages with her name. One of them is hers, but Tatyana doesn’t have enough time to communicate, so she’s going to delete it.

Life credo: always rely only on yourself.

Tatyana Denisova was born in Kaliningrad on February 11, 1981. Her father was a sailor, her mother worked as a teacher in kindergarten. When Tatyana was 2 years old, her father was transferred to serve in Sevastopol, where the future dance star spent most of her childhood. At the age of five, Tatyana was sent to rhythmic gymnastics, but at the age of ten the girl decided that she liked dancing more. That's why important stage Tatyana's career as a future famous choreographer began with her admission to the Vaganova Leningrad Choreographic School. By the way, almost forty people applied for one place.

Currently, Tatyana Denisova is a choreographer, TV presenter, and leader of the dance group JB Ballet. She gained fame thanks to major dance projects - the Ukrainian “Everybody Dance!” and Russian “Dancing”.

Since the authoritative Wikipedia about Tatyana Denisova does not provide answers to all questions, we have prepared a small dossier. From our material you will learn what parameters of Tatyana Denisova’s figure, height and everything, eye color, shoe size and even bust size. Data is as of 2017 and taken from open sources. If we made an inaccuracy, please point out our mistake through the comment form. You do not need to register on the site for this.

What is Tatyana Denisova's real name?

Real name Tatyana Denisova ( full name) - Tatyana Viktorovna Denisova.

When was Tatyana Denisova born?

What is Tatyana Denisova's zodiac sign?

Tatyana Denisova's zodiac sign is Aquarius. Born in the year of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope.

Where was Tatyana Denisova born?

Tatyana Denisova was born in the RSFSR (Russia), the city of Kaliningrad.

How old is Tatyana Denisova?

At the time of writing (autumn 2017), Tatyana Denisova’s age is 36 years.

How tall is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's height is 165 cm. Tatyana Denisova does not consider her height to be short. According to her, it is optimal for what she loves - dancing.

What is Tatyana Denisova's weight?

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 48 kg.

Tatyana Denisova says about her body measurements and weight: “I don’t adhere to any special diet. But I sincerely believe that food should be simple. That’s why I prefer Ukrainian and Russian cuisine.” Or: “I almost always have porridge for breakfast, soup for lunch, and salad for dinner. And even when I’m abroad, I try to eat only those foods that I know.”

What eye color is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova's eye color is gray.

What is Tatyana Denisova's real hair color?

Tatyana Denisova's real (natural, natural) hair color is dark blond.

What are Tatyana Denisova’s body parameters?

Tatyana Denisova's figure parameters: 88-60-87 (chest-waist-hips)

What is Tatyana Denisova's foot size?

Tatyana Denisova's foot size is approximately size 38. Shoe size according to American standards is 7.5.

Tatyana Denisova is young, purposeful and beautiful woman, talented choreographer and teacher. Her successful career- a role model, a rare combination of perseverance, hard work, creative inclinations and talent. She positions herself as strong personality. There were ups and downs in her life. But no matter how fate tested her character, Denisova always remained a self-confident, self-sufficient person. In this article we will talk about the biography of choreographer Tatyana Denisova, look at her photos on Instagram and videos of her dancing, and also trace how the woman’s appearance changed, take a closer look at the photos before and after plastic surgery.

Did Denisova have rhinoplasty?

IN lately fans of Tatyana's work are constantly discussing her new image. They suspected the choreographer of having undergone plastic surgery on her face. Or rather, the nose was corrected using rhinoplasty. Denisova herself caused a stir by posting fresh photos on her Instagram page. Of particular interest were the photographs without makeup.

Some followers claim that there are no miracles plastic surgery not the case here. Is this really true? Let's try to figure it out. How natural Tatyana Denisova looks: photos before and after plastic surgery often help to find out the truth.

Tatyana Denisova - biography of the choreographer, photo of a talented dancer

Tatyana Denisova was born in 1981, in western region countries - in the Kaliningrad region. Her family had nothing to do with art. Father is a sailor and mother is a teacher kindergarten. Two years later, the parents moved to Sevastopol. From the age of five, the girl began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics. At the age of 10, Tanya moved to a ballet and choreographic studio. From that moment to this day, dancing and choreography became her life’s work. As a child, the girl dreamed of becoming a famous ballerina. She took her mother’s veil, danced to her favorite music and imagined herself as a prima ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater.

Today Tatyana does not regret at all that she became a director, and not an artist, of a ballet troupe. She believes that ballet art is cruel - it takes away health and youth, and in return gives low wages, intrigue, early retirement and undervalued work.

After graduating from choreographic school, Tatyana entered the Leningrad Choreographic School named after A.Ya. Vaganova. She managed to pass a difficult selection - the competition for one place was about 30 people.

After studying for some time in Leningrad, the future famous director moved to Kyiv and continued his studies at the Kiev Institute of Culture. At the age of 21, she created her first dance group. At the same time, he teaches choreography at the Kiev Variety and Circus College.

Ballet "JB" by Tatiana Denisova - a ticket to a stellar career

Purposefulness and hard work, an unconventional approach to choreography did not go unnoticed and the girl was invited to work in Germany with her ballet “JB”. Having bet on a career as a choreographer, Tatyana Denisova made the right decision. Her ballet troupe has become a recognizable group all over the world; “JB” still operates in Germany. Tatyana stages the new repertoire herself. To do this, once a year she comes to Germany to participate in the production. The group then functions independently. By the way, Tatyana often takes talented participants from the “Dancing” show to work in the “JB” ballet.

In the photo - Ballet “JB” - a successful dance project by Tatyana Denisova.

“Everyone Dances” - a show of talented and creative

In 2009, the already famous and extraordinary choreographer was invited as a judge in the mega-popular show “Everyone Dances”. Tatyana Denisova assessed the dancing talents of the Ukrainian participants along with other famous directors: Vlad Yama, Francisco Gomez and Alexey Litvinov.

Professional mentors have repeatedly demonstrated their creativity in staging beautiful numbers.

Several videos with Tatyana Denisova’s work as a choreographer:

In addition, the judges of the show “Everybody Dance” demonstrated their own dancing skills, as well as remarkable acting abilities. We invite you to watch a video with a touching dance by Tatyana Denisova and Vlad Yama.

The next video features another gentle and at the same time expressive judicial duet. Tatyana Denisova and Konstantin Tomilchenko perform a dance in contemporary style.

Waltz from Tatyana Denisova is an example of a sophisticated and refined style.

When the project was closed in Ukraine in 2016, Tatyana was invited to a similar show in Russia.

How Tatyana Denisova changed and how natural the beauty of a first-class choreographer is - photos before and after the proposed plastic surgery

The fame that came to Tatyana Denisova after the project “Everybody Dance” has also reverse side. The girl became famous person and attracted the attention of not only supporters of her talent, but also opponents. They gossip about everything: how Tatyana dances, how professionally she stages performances, how she dresses and behaves on air.

Photo - Tatyana can be different - from a reckless hooligan to a gentle and romantic Turgenev girl.

Not only Tatyana’s career, professional skills and personal life are of interest to fans, but also her appearance causes a lot of discussion in social networks. Recently, accusations against the choreographer that she is turning to specialists in the field of aesthetic medicine have become increasingly heard. The shape of the nose caused particular excitement. It seemed to some that it had become less wide, and the shape of the tip had also changed.

Photo - Photographs are increasingly appearing on the Internet in which some difference in Tatyana Denisova’s appearance is visible. But the actress herself does not comment on rumors about possible rhinoplasty.

Some fans of the dancer-choreographer explain the changes in appearance to an unsuccessful angle and peculiarities of stage makeup. Others suggest that the appearance was affected by the lack of braces on the teeth. Recently, Tatyana refused bite correctors and this could possibly affect her appearance.

The dancing star herself remains silent about her appearance. Therefore, fans are left to wonder how natural the beautiful Tatiana’s appearance is and look for the answer to their question on the choreographer’s personal Instagram page.

Tatyana Denisova on Instagram - “photo analysis” of appearance from followers

Tatiana Denisova - active user Instagram networks. She constantly pleases her fans with new photographs, which collect many likes and positive comments. But in 2016, several new photos made fans of Tatyana’s work wonder if she had undergone rhinoplasty. This fact bothered them so much that they began to compare more early photos with the latest updates.

After a thorough “photo analysis” in the spirit of “Tatiana’s nose before and after surgery,” fans’ opinions were divided. Some were sure that the nose had been slightly adjusted - it had become too refined, and the contours had changed slightly. Others believed that every person has bad photos when a photographic lens distorts facial features.

Tatyana was immediately accused of ruining her natural beauty. Although official confirmation plastic surgery the star choreographer never voiced it in the media.

We invite everyone who is interested in the question of whether Tatyana Denisova had plastic surgery to look at a selection of photos before and after the rhinoplasty supposed by fans.

Photo “BEFORE” plastic surgery

Photo “AFTER” plastic surgery

Fans made an incredible fuss not only about a possible nose job. They tried to catch the girl more than once that she had her lips corrected. Studying Tatyana's latest photos and her earlier photographs, admirers tried to find the results of plastic surgery. And they found it - it seemed to them that the shape of the lips had become more refined and expressive. This assumption also remains unproven. Tatyana Denisova is in no hurry to refute or confirm conflicting rumors. But knowing how persistently she works on herself, it would be logical to assume that such polished beauty is the result of a combination of her natural abilities and hard work.

How Tatyana Denisova dances: contemporary, Broadway, dance, twerk - the “universal soldier” of the dance floor

One can argue for a long time about the naturalness or artificiality of Tatyana Denisova’s external data. But the fact that she is incredibly beautiful, creative and talented woman - indisputable fact. She is often called the "Queen of Dance" and considers herself a "universal soldier."

She can perform almost any dance style; there are no barriers for her in the world of dance. The scope of her talent is amazing - she successfully copes with the most difficult classical dance steps and is not afraid to experiment with the latest dance styles. But she has her favorites - disco and Broadway. The choreographer can open up fully in them and invest all his creative energy.

Labor and creativity - the formula for success of Tatyana Denisova

Tatyana Denisova has been accustomed to selflessly working on her image since childhood. While still a very young girl, she endured the strict and grueling schedule of dance school with steadfastness and dignity. At the same time, she came up with productions herself, sewed costumes and edited musical compositions when there was no computer processing of music, and cassette or reel-to-reel tape recorders were available.

The new image of Tatyana Denisova has caused a lot of controversy, but her talent and determination leave no doubt. She dances beautifully and puts on stylish and complex performances. At the same time, despite his busy schedule, he manages to find time for his beloved son, Leo.

No matter how vigorously the question under the heading “Tatyana Denisova - photos before and after plastic surgery” is discussed on social networks, this wonderful choreographer always remains a style icon in the dance world. She keeps up with the times, constantly masters new directions in dance, always keeps herself in good shape and remains a professional in her field.

In conclusion, we suggest watching a video selection about the life and work of Tatyana Denisova.