Don't be a good girl: skeletons in Angelina Jolie's closets. The main men of Angelina Jolie Father John Voight and bloody hobbies

Divorce is always an excellent occasion for various revelations: ex-spouses try in every possible way to denigrate each other, but if we're talking about about the stars, then the media join in shaking out and publicly rinsing dirty linen. Here are some skeletons you might find in Angelina Jolie's closet.

"You and I are of the same blood"

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Angelina Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller

It is human nature to protect the integrity of our body, so the passion for self-harm that Jolie constantly demonstrates worries not only her fans, but also professional psychologists. At the first convenient opportunity, the actress tries to injure herself, which, however, she skillfully disguises as romantic gestures.

The first bell rang during Jolie's wedding to her first husband, British actor Jonny Lee Miller, whom she met while filming the film Hackers. During the ceremony, the young people signed the act of registering their marriage not with ink, but with blood - Angelina insisted on this. Perhaps she believed that such a symbolic setting would not only look impressive, but would also add to her and Lee Miller's family life strength and duration. Alas, neither of these things happened - a year later the couple divorced, and Johnny still refuses to answer questions about Jolie, making it clear that their life together was not the best best period in his life. Perhaps that is why during the next wedding, Jolie did not limit herself to bloody painting - the future spouses exchanged flasks with blood. This marriage lasted three years, after which it “happily” broke up.

Passion for drugs

Jolie has never made a secret of her passion for drugs - in interviews she often says that she tried all types of them - from marijuana to cocaine and heroin, not forgetting to add that this was one of the worst pages in her life. Recently, photos and videos appeared on the Internet that illustrate the star’s confessions; they were taken by Jolie’s former drug dealer, who came to her on her call. According to the drug dealer, they met at Jolie's apartment in Manhattan, and he, taking with him a newly purchased video camera, took advantage of the opportunity to take several pictures. The hostess didn’t even notice - she took heroin right in front of her guest. Angelina's appearance there, to put it mildly, is unpresentable - cloudy eyes, peeling lips, unhealthy skin tone.

However, the actress was under the influence of drugs not only at home, but also in public - she once took a dose before visiting Disneyland, after which Mickey Mouse, in her own words, seemed to her not like a cartoon character, but a middle-aged misanthrope. Jolie was saved from addiction by her first husband, Jonny Lee Miller. “In the dark times of my life,” the actress recalls, “he helped me see the light. And the fact that I did not die young, like most of my fellow actors, is also only his merit.”

Ex-Wives Club

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It is generally accepted that Jolie destroyed only one family - Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt, but this is not so. In fact, Angie has another divorce - Ethan Hawke and Uma Thurman. Angelina met the American actor, director and screenwriter at film set film "Taking Life", and the acquaintance quickly grew into a romance. Jolie was not embarrassed either by the fact that her lover is married, or by the fact that she and Thurman have two children. Who knows, perhaps today Jolie would be Hawk's wife, but it didn't work out - Angie found out that Ethan was cheating on her with Canadian supermodel Jen Pertzow, and in a rage she broke off her relationship with him. This did not save Hawke and Thurman’s marriage; they broke up anyway, blaming their children’s nanny, with whom Ethan actually had a relationship, but it began after the adultery with Jolie.

Same-sex love

In addition to close relationships with men, Jolie often had affairs with women. Her most famous lover was the Japanese actress and model, whom Angie met on the set of the film “False Fire.” After breaking up with Angie, Jenny, without embarrassment, told reporters about their romance, including intimate details, and Jolie once said that she might have officially registered the marriage with her mistress if by that time she had not already been engaged to Johnny Lee Miller.

"I destroyed all my friends"

Jolie, like the heroine of the cult comedy "Office Romance", has no friends - according to her, she does not like women's gatherings over a cup of coffee with the gossip and exchange of rumors that invariably accompany them. "Everything is yours free time, - the actress said quite recently, - I prefer to devote to my family - with my husband and children it’s much more interesting for me than with my friends, whom I don’t have not only in real life, but also in the movies." Or maybe Angelina just knows very well what the fair sex is capable of, especially if you bring them closer to your family?

She became what she became, largely thanks to her men. Without them, Angelina Jolie would not have gone through all the circles of psychological hell in her youth. But she would not have become a UN Goodwill Ambassador, an amazing actress, wife and mother.


When Jolie was two years old, her father left the family. His wife Marcheline Bertrand was left with two small children - Angelina and her brother James.

Jolie grew up a difficult girl. Here, for example, is what she remembers: “Inflicting wounds on myself as a child and pain gave me the feeling that I was alive...” When Jolie goes to see a psychotherapist, he will blame her parents for her problems - they say, they didn’t give enough affection and the girl tried drown out heartache physical. “I hated all the fathers and mothers who abandon their children. I didn’t believe in love or friendship,” the actress herself complained about her unhappy childhood.

For 20 years, the actress didn’t want to hear about her dad at all, unable to forgive him for leaving his family. Then she changed her anger to mercy and invited him to star in the film “Lara Croft, Tomb Raider.” But there the relatives finally quarreled.


Before meeting her first husband, Jolie was on the verge of despair. And even... she ordered herself to be a killer. The potential killer, fortunately, turned out to be a conscientious person and dissuaded the customer from dying.

To distract herself from her dark thoughts, Angelina went to the set of the film “Hackers,” where she met Jonny Lee Miller, her first husband. The wedding in 1996 was more than strange - the bride in leather pants and a white T-shirt, with her husband’s name written on her back in blood. “It seemed to me that blood was more binding than a signature on a piece of paper,” Jolie later explained. It turned out not: the couple broke up after 18 months. And then it started: during the break between her first and second husbands, Jolie managed to try heroin and LSD. She herself talked about this in an interview, although she did not forget to add that “she had already given up everything.”


The scandal occurred when paparazzi captured a completely unrelated kiss between Angie and her brother James at the Oscars in 2000. The public was shocked - it was almost incest! At that time, Jolie gained a reputation as “the meanest girl in Hollywood.”

Meanwhile, Angie's brother is one of the main people in her life. James is still single. “Perhaps I’m still single because my sister is too picky about the girls I introduce to her,” his brother explains to the press. “But if I pay attention to any woman, she will have to resemble my sister.”

With such a position, he will vegetate as a bachelor: go and find an equally extravagant and beautiful passion!


In 1999, Billy and Angie worked together on the film Flight Control. Their flirtation grew into a second marriage. Well, here the newlyweds distinguished themselves by giving each other a wedding gift... tombstones and plots in the cemetery.

Angelina and Bob became completely bad - she wore a pendant with her husband’s blood on her chest (he had the same one), got a tattoo with his name (which had to be removed with age), gave scandalous interviews, where she talked about her passion for the topic of death and how that there are knives under her pillow. They separated in 2003, and cannot be said to be friends. It seems that the stumbling block was Maddox - the first child whom Angie was going to adopt, and Bob was against it. The actress chose motherhood - and she made the right decision.


The artist finally calmed down with Brad. This can be seen even from her photographs. Loving husband, six children (three of his own, three adopted), popularity.

The relationship with Brad began on the set of the film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” Pitt left his wife Jennifer Aniston for Jolie. However, at the end of 2009, everyone started talking about the fact that a divorce was brewing in the Jolie-Pitt family. They say Brad doesn’t want to hear about adopting at least one more child, but Jolie just can’t stop...

But here lately Instead of divorce, the public is waiting for a wedding star couple- after Jolie publicly knelt down and asked Pitt for her hand in marriage. In general, she can’t be denied extravagance!

Today is one of the most beautiful women planet, and recently also the most talked about, celebrates its 42nd birthday. On this occasion, we decided to recall the five most striking novels of the Hollywood beauty

Jonny Lee Miller

The first serious one office romance happened to Angelina while working on the film “Hackers,” where her partner was the handsome, up-and-coming actor Jonny Lee Miller. The lovers got married in the spring of 1996, almost simultaneously with the premiere of the film.

The eccentric Jolie insisted on going to the registry office in leather trousers and sign in blood. According to the actress herself, young man It wasn’t easy with her: Johnny tolerated all her shocking antics and helped her fight drug addiction. In 1999, the stars officially filed for divorce. The reasons for the separation are still unknown.

Billy Bob Thornton

Angelina's next affair on the set again led her down the aisle. In 2000, the actress was involved in the film “Flight Control,” where she met her second husband, Billy Bob Thornton. The celebrity romance became a favorite topic for media coverage, because the stars did not hesitate to demonstrate passion in public and literally talked about how they were blown away by each other. However, it seems that it is not in vain that they say that love lasts three years. It was after such a period of time that Angelina and Billy Bob announced their separation.

Jenny Shimizu

Angelina's loyal fans know that she hasn't always been a supporter of traditional relationships. On the set of the film Phosphorescent Light, the still very young movie star met 26-year-old actress and model Jenny Shimizu, and a spark immediately broke out between the girls.

Even the fact that Angelina was still officially the wife of Billy Bob Thornton did not hinder the development of the relationship. After breaking up with her friend, Angie decided to remain silent about the affairs of the past days and only once said in an interview, “that all women will always like to look at a woman’s body.”

Ethan Hawke

Few people know, but it was Angelina who at one time had a hand in perfect marriage Thurman and Ethan Hawke's minds collapsed. Loving Jolie spotted the handsome actor on the set of the film “Taking Lives.” Uma found out that her husband was seduced by her partner in the picture and kicked her husband out the door. Later, Angie experienced the boomerang effect: before she had time to rejoice at her happiness, it turned out that Ethan was cheating on her with Jen Pertzow.

Brad Pitt

Even those who are not interested in the work of celebrities probably know the history of Brangelina’s union. This time, Jolie managed to take the man away from the family and tie him to her for more than ten years. Over time, the stars were forgiven for the ruined happiness of Jennifer Aniston and, as if, even forgot about all their past relationships.

Celebrities were inseparable and exemplified perfect couple. However, as it turned out, everything here was not as wonderful as it might seem from the outside. In September 2016, Angelina unexpectedly filed for divorce. Fans of Brangelina, as well as Brad Pitt himself, still cannot come to their senses that this union has broken up.

The Laurence Olivier Award winner was born in mid-November 1972 in a cozy suburban area of ​​London. Since childhood, Jonny Lee Miller was surrounded by a creative atmosphere; he grew up in the family of a theater actress and an assistant theater director. His grandfather was actor Bernard Lee, who played the role of British intelligence chief M in 11 Bond films. The young man managed to combine school studies and participation in theatrical productions for some time, until at the age of 17 he dropped out of college, intending to focus on development creative career.

Film debut

Jonny Lee Miller began his creative career on television, playing episodic roles in British shows, including Mansfield Park and Inspector Morse. The actor made his big film debut in the role of Dade Murphy in Ian Softley’s project “Hackers”, the narrative of which is dominated by detective story confrontation between good and bad “hackers”. The debutant’s on-screen partner was the then little-known young Angelina Jolie. After the premiere of the film, many critics noted the fact that if all programmers looked like Jolie and Jonny Lee Miller, then there would be many more people who wanted to become computer scientists, but, alas, in reality, system administrators do not look like movie stars at all.

During the filming process, a romance broke out between the actors. The details of the performers’ wedding were savored by the media for a long time, because the bride appeared down the aisle in leather pants and a white T-shirt, on which she wrote the name of her future husband with her blood. Also, the couple sealed their union with non-traditional wedding rings, and with blood, mixing the drops that appeared after the needle injection. Rumor has it that Jonny Lee Miller still keeps photos from the ceremony, despite the fact that the couple in 1999 peacefully, without high-profile scandals broke up.

Creative career development

All the changes that occurred in Jonny Lee Miller's personal life in no way affected his career growth. In 1996, he took part in the filming of the youth drama with elements of the black comedy Trainspotting by Danny Boyle about four renegade drug addicts from Edinburgh. The actor played one of the main characters, nicknamed Psycho. The film was released at the height of fashion for the on-screen passions of marginalized people and drug addicts, tired of routine life. The film is extremely difficult to watch; all dubious events are shown in a very naturalistic way.

Subsequently, the performer appeared in the mystical film “Dracula 2000”. Directed by Patrick Lussier, Miller played the role of Simon Shepard. What’s notable about the film is the author’s view of legendary personality vampire The immortal Dracula is not at all the cursed ruler of Wallachia, but the same Judas Iscariot who betrayed Christ.

Four years later, a photo of Jonny Lee Miller graced the poster of the thriller with elements of the horror film Mindhunters, in which he played one of the main roles of Lucas Harper. The painting is an American modern naturalistic version of the iconic “Ten Little Indians” by A. Christie.

Also considered significant projects in Jonny Lee Miller's extensive filmography are the films Aeon Flux, The Flying Scotsman, Endgame and Dark Shadows.

Transatlantic Sherlock

The American television channel CBS and the British television channel BBC, with a short break, presented to the audience two modernized variations based on the immortal works of A.C. Doyle about Sherlock Holmes. There has been a lot of debate about which character is better - the London one played by Benedict Cumberbatch or the New York one in Elementary, portrayed by Jonny Lee Miller.

By the way, both actors played in the British theatrical production of Frankenstein at the same time, alternately playing the roles of Victor and his monster. Miller initially even refused the offer from the creators of “Elementary,” fearing the similarities between the series, but after reading the script, he changed his mind. The main difference between the American show is the absence excessive sentimentality and “cuteness.”

The British detective genius Sherlock Holmes, interpreted by Jonny Lee Miller, is presented as a former drug addict sent to New York for treatment. After the rehabilitation program, he remains in the United States and becomes a police consultant. He is helped in his investigations by his companion, Observer Joan Watson (Lucy Liu), a doctor hired by his influential father.

Several films with Jonny Lee Miller will be released in the near future, among which the most interesting project The sequel to the movie Trainspotting is considered T2: Trainspotting.

Personal life

After breaking up with Jolie, the actor for a long time was not in a long-term relationship. Only in 2008 did he lead ex-model and actress Michelle Hicks down the aisle. In the same year, the happy couple had a son, Buster Timothy Miller.

Johnny enjoys cooking and running. He has warm ones friendly relations with colleagues Jude Law and Ewan McGregor.

Jon Voight

Psychologists say that main man in the life of any girl there is a father. Angie was not very lucky with her parent: her father was a handsome actor and a ruthless playboy. As a baby, Angie adored her father, but 8 years later John left his wife Marcheline and two children. They never forgave him. Since then, the relationship between father and daughter has always been strained. John was not invited to family celebrations or his grandchildren's birthdays. Brad Pitt tried to try on father and daughter, but in the end Voight was not invited to the wedding. Although the actress herself admitted in one interview: “He communicates with the children, they see each other. Each of us has our own life, but we have made it a rule not to remember the past. When my mother passed away, I had to call him and tell him everything. I thought about writing a letter, since we had not communicated for about six years, but I knew that I had to call. We talked for two minutes. I called not to support him, but to convey information - a very short communication.”

James Haven Voight

In childhood and adolescence, he was the closest and dearest person to Angie. The actress's brother also could not forgive his father for leaving the family, and only the death of his mother reconciled John and James. The love of brother and sister is so tender and strong that a scandal occurred when, at the Oscars in 2000, Jolie kissed her beloved brother on the lips like an adult. “Yes, they have a connection! This is incest,” hissed Hollywood critics. Then everything calmed down. And Angelina got a husband and children, but her brother is still single.

Mister X

The actress once admitted that she knows what marriage is since childhood. Angelina began living in a civil marriage when she was barely 14 years old! Moreover, the initiative to settle young people in her house came exclusively from the actress’s mother, who was democratic in raising her daughter. Angelina said it was real civil marriage– She has developed a stable relationship with her young partner. “We lived as a married couple for two years,” recalls the actress, “when I turned 16, I wanted freedom, and I focused on work.”

Mister Y

And that’s not all about little Angie: at the age of 16, she had a short but very stormy affair with her mother’s boyfriend. When Marcheline found out about this, she was terribly angry with the future star. This spat greatly damaged the relationship between mother and daughter. Marcheline lived with a man whom she loved very much, and the young “Lolita” seduced him.

Jonny Lee Miller

In the early 90s, during the filming of the film “Hackers,” 20-year-old Jolie had an affair with British actor Jonny Lee Miller. The young people came to sign leather trousers, and signed in blood - this was the initiative of the crazy Jolie. The ill-considered marriage lasted only a year, and the young people parted as friends. Angelina later thanked Johnny for helping her overcome drug addiction– according to her confession, her first husband had to face big problems young wife. Miller is now married, he has a son, and we know him from his role in the TV series “Elementary.”

Franklin Meyer

This is not about love. This man was Angelina's drug dealer for many years in a row. According to him, he met the actress at a hotel in 1997, and she became his regular client. Angelina bought cocaine and heroin from him and paid about a hundred bucks at a time. In 1998, the actress spoke about her addiction, but emphasized that she had “given up” a long time ago. She said that she tried everything: cocaine, heroin, LSD, weed, ecstasy. Meyer later posted a video online showing Angelina during her heroin addiction. Nothing good!

Billy Bob Thornton

In May 2000, Jolie again had an affair with her film partner - on the set of the film “Flight Control” she met Billy Bob Thornton. It was more of a mad passion than love. They expressed it violently - they exchanged flasks of blood, decorated their bodies with tattoos with each other’s names, kissed in public and almost had sex in front of everyone. Jolie insisted at every step that for the first time in her life she had met a man so suited to her temperament. Their relationship took a turn for the worse when Angie became involved charitable activities. She offered to adopt the baby, but Bob said a firm “no.” After a short time, she found out that her husband had completely cheated on her. Jolie left Bob three years after the wedding and still adopted the boy Maddox.

Ethan Hawke

By the way, Jennifer Aniston is not the first who lost her husband because of the beautiful Angelina. Few people know, but in 2004, Uma Thurman’s marriage also collapsed because of Jolie. On the set of the film “Taking Lives,” a fatal passion happened (yup, yeah, again on the set), which led to the fact that an exemplary family with two children broke up. Angie's music didn't play for long; she soon learned that Hawk was cheating on her with Canadian model and actress Jen Pertzow. Ethan opened up on air on one of the American TV channels. “My best on-screen kiss was with Angelina Jolie,” he admitted. “When her lips touch yours, you immediately forget your name.” The reporter asked the actor what exactly was wrong with Jolie’s kiss. “Why is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart a genius? - Hawk replied. “Angelina Jolie was born to drive men crazy, to make them weak.”

Mick Jagger

Without . One of Jolie's biographers claims that Jolie had two quick affairs with Jagger. The first was in 1997, when the actress starred in the Rolling Stones video for the song Anybody Seen My Baby?, and the second in 2003, then Angelina was married to Jonny Lee Miller. Old man Mick and the young actress had everything just for the sake of their health.

Brad Pitt

How much has been said about this, how much has been written. In 2004, when starting work on the film Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Pitt was considered an exemplary husband - his marriage to Jennifer Aniston seemed ideal. Thunder struck at the very beginning of filming - all of Hollywood was actively discussing that the leading actors Pitt and Jolie had an affair on the set. They, of course, denied the connection in every possible way, but it was too late, as Aniston filed for divorce. Jolie, from a brawler and homewrecker, has retrained into a woman who promotes traditional family values. She and Brad even had a long-awaited wedding! . They were together for more than 12 years, raising three adopted and three biological children. On September 19, 2016, Jolie’s official statement about the start of divorce proceedings appeared. Journalists found out that over the past six months, the actress had been dating another man behind her husband’s back. True or not, no one still knows. Former spouses agreed to keep the divorce proceedings secret. We'll have to wait and see what happens next: it is possible that they will get married again and adopt a couple of children.

Jared Leto

Rumor has it that after Pitt, Angie began an affair with the actor and. According to the insider, Leto and Jolie have always been attracted to each other. They met back in 1999 on the set of the film Girl, Interrupted and immediately became friends. Then we saw each other often social events and crossed paths on the set of the historical film “Alexander” by Oliver Stone in 2004. Now both are free, so nothing bothers them.

Sons Maddox, Pax and Knox

The actress’s most beloved men are her sons. In 2002, she adopted a boy from Cambodia, he was only a year old. To date, Maddox has starred in Brad Pitt's film World War Z” and managed to work with Angelina on her directorial project – a film about Cambodia, Maddox’s homeland. A year later, after the birth of their biological daughter Shiloh, another child appeared in the Pitt and Jolie family - a Vietnamese boy Pham Quang Sang, who after adoption received the name Pax Tien. In 2008 to big family two children were added at once: Brad and Angelina gave birth to twins Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Both babies received family names: Knox - in honor of Brad's grandfather, and Vivienne Marcheline - in honor of Angelina's mother.