Presentation on the history of the creation of nuclear weapons. Presentation on the topic of nuclear weapons

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The history of the creation of nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons testing. Presentation on physics, 11b grade student of the Pushkin Gymnasium, Kazak Elena.

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Introduction In the history of mankind, individual events become epochal. Creation atomic weapons and its use was prompted by the desire to rise to a new level in mastering the perfect method of destruction. Like any event, the creation of atomic weapons has its own history. . .

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Topics for discussion History of the creation of nuclear weapons. Prerequisites for the creation of atomic weapons in the USA. Testing of atomic weapons. Conclusion.

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The history of the creation of nuclear weapons. At the very end of the 20th century, Antoine Henri Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity. 1911-1913. Discovery of the atomic nucleus by Rutherford and E. Rutherford. Since the beginning of 1939, the new phenomenon has been studied in England, France, the USA and the USSR. E. Rutherford

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Finishing spurt 1939-1945. In 1939 the Second World War began world war. In October 1939, the 1st Government Committee on Atomic Energy appeared in the United States. In Germany In 1942, failures on the German-Soviet front influenced the reduction of work on nuclear weapons. The United States began to lead in the creation of weapons.

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Testing of atomic weapons. On May 10, 1945, a committee met at the Pentagon in the United States to select targets for the first nuclear strike.

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Testing of atomic weapons. On the morning of August 6, 1945, there was a clear, cloudless sky over Hiroshima. As before, the approach of two American planes from the east did not cause alarm. One of the planes dived and threw something, then both planes flew back.

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Nuclear priority 1945-1957. The dropped object slowly descended by parachute and suddenly exploded at an altitude of 600m above the ground. With one blow, the city was destroyed: out of 90 thousand buildings, 65 thousand were destroyed. Of the 250 thousand inhabitants, 160 thousand were killed and wounded.

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Nagasaki A new attack was planned for August 11th. On the morning of August 8, the weather service reported that target No. 2 (Kokura) would be covered by clouds on August 11. And so the second bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. This time, about 73 thousand people died, another 35 thousand died after much suffering. Slide 11 Conclusion. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a warning for the future! According to experts, our planet is dangerously oversaturated with nuclear weapons. Such arsenals pose a huge danger to the entire planet, not individual countries. Their creation consumes enormous material resources, which could be used to combat disease, illiteracy, and poverty in several other areas of the world.


Performed by a student of group F-34: Petrovich T.Yu.

Nuclear weapons (or atomic weapons) are a set of nuclear weapons, means of delivering them to the target and control means. Refers to weapons mass destruction along with biological and chemical weapons. Nuclear ammunition is an explosive weapon based on the use of nuclear energy released as a result of an avalanche-like chain nuclear reaction fission of heavy nuclei and thermonuclear reactions

synthesis of light nuclei.

Operating principle

Nuclear weapons are based on uncontrolled chain reactions of fission of heavy nuclei and thermonuclear fusion reactions.

To carry out the fission chain reaction, either uranium-235, plutonium-239, or, in some cases, uranium-233 is used. Uranium occurs naturally in

in the form of two main isotopes - uranium-235 (0.72% of natural uranium) and uranium-238 - everything else (99.2745%). An impurity of uranium-234 (0.0055%) formed by the decay of uranium-238 is also usually found. However, only uranium-235 can be used as a fissile material. In uranium-238, the independent development of a nuclear chain reaction is impossible (which is why it is widespread in nature). To ensure "workability" nuclear bomb the uranium-235 content must be at least 80%. Therefore, during production nuclear fuel to increase the proportion of uranium-235 and use a complex and extremely costly process of uranium enrichment. In the USA, the degree of enrichment of weapons-grade uranium (proportion of isotope 235) exceeds 93% and sometimes reaches 97.5%.

An alternative to the uranium enrichment process is the creation of a “plutonium bomb” based on the isotope plutonium-239, which, to increase stability physical properties and improving charge compressibility is usually doped a small amount Gaul. Plutonium is produced in nuclear reactors during long-term irradiation of uranium-238 with neutrons.

Types of nuclear explosions

high altitude and air explosions (in the air)

ground explosion (near the ground)

underground explosion (below the surface of the earth)

surface (near the surface of the water)

underwater (underwater)

Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion

When a nuclear weapon is detonated, nuclear explosion, the damaging factors of which are:

shock wave

light radiation

penetrating radiation

radioactive contamination

electromagnetic pulse (EMP)

People directly exposed damaging factors nuclear explosion, in addition to physical damage, experience powerful psychological impact from the terrifying sight of the explosion and destruction. Electromagnetic pulse does not have a direct effect on living organisms, but may disrupt the operation of electronic equipment.

Who is the real "father"

atomic bomb?

Work on nuclear projects in the USSR and the USA began simultaneously. In August 1942, the secret “Laboratory No. 2” began working in one of the buildings in the courtyard of Kazan University. Igor Kurchatov was appointed its leader. In August 1942 in the building former school In the town of Los Alamos, New Mexico, a secret “Metallurgical Laboratory” was opened. Robert Oppenheimer was appointed head of the laboratory. It took the Americans three years to solve the problem. In July 1945, the first atomic bomb was detonated at the test site, and in August two more bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It took seven years for the birth of the Soviet atomic bomb - the first explosion was carried out at the test site in 1949. The American team of physicists was initially stronger. Only Nobel laureates (12 people) took part in the creation of the atomic bomb. And the only future Soviet Nobel laureate, who was in Kazan in 1942 and who was invited to take part in the work, Pyotr Kapitsa refused. In addition, the Americans were helped by a group of British scientists sent to Los Alamos in 1943. However, in Soviet times

it was argued that the USSR solved its atomic problem completely independently, and Kurchatov was considered the “father” of the domestic atomic bomb.

So Robert Oppenheimer can be called the “father” of bombs created on both sides of the ocean - his ideas fertilized both projects. It is wrong to consider Oppenheimer (like Kurchatov) only as an outstanding organizer. His main achievements are scientific.

And it was thanks to them that he became the scientific director of the atomic bomb project.

Julius Robert Oppenheimer

(April 22, 1904 – February 18, 1967) - American theoretical physicist, professor of physics at the University of California at Berkeley, member of the US National Academy of Sciences (since 1942). He is widely known as the scientific director of the Manhattan Project, within the framework of which the first samples of nuclear weapons were developed during the Second World War; because of this, Oppenheimer is often called the "father of the atomic bomb". The atomic bomb was first tested in New Mexico in July 1945.

Nuclear weapons testing

Nuclear test- a type of weapon testing. When a nuclear weapon is detonated, a nuclear explosion occurs. The power of a nuclear weapon can vary, and so can the consequences of a nuclear explosion.

It is believed that testing is mandatory for the development of new nuclear weapons. necessary condition. Without testing, it is impossible to develop new nuclear weapons. No computer simulators or simulators can replace a real test. Therefore, limiting testing is intended, first of all, to prevent the development of new nuclear systems by those states that already have them, and to prevent other states from becoming owners of nuclear weapons. However, a full-scale nuclear test is not always required. For example, the uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, was not tested in any way. The “cannon circuit” for detonating a uranium charge was so reliable that no testing was required. On July 16, 1945, the United States tested only a bomb in Nevada

implosion type with plutonium as a charge, similar to the one dropped on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945, because it is more complex

device and there were doubts about the reliability of this circuit. For example, South Africa's nuclear weapons also had a cannon charge detonation system, and 6 nuclear charges entered the South African arsenal without any testing.

Test objectives

Development of new nuclear weapons. 75-80% of all tests are carried out precisely for this purpose

Examination production cycle. Any copy from the production process is taken and checked, after which the entire batch enters the arsenal

Testing the effects of nuclear weapons on environment and items: other types of weapons, defensive structures, ammunition

Checking a warhead from the arsenal. Once a weapon has been tested and entered the arsenal, it is usually not tested. Only inspections and tests are carried out that do not require testing.

Types of tests

Historically nuclear tests are divided into four categories based on where they are conducted and in what environment:





Since the Three-Environment Test Limitation Treaty came into effect in 1963, most testing has been conducted underground by signatory countries.

Underground testing is carried out in two ways:

detonation of a charge in a vertical shaft. This method is most often used to create new weapon systems.

detonation of a charge in a horizontal shaft-tunnel.

Year Italian physicist Enrico Fermi conducted a series of experiments on neutron absorption different elements, including uranium. Irradiation of uranium produced radioactive nuclei with varying half-lives. Fermi suggested that these nuclei belong to transuranium elements, i.e. elements with atomic number higher than 92. German chemist Ida Nodak criticized the supposed discovery of the transuranium element and suggested that, under the influence of neutron bombardment, uranium nuclei decay into nuclei of elements with lower atomic numbers. Her reasoning was not accepted among scientists and remained unnoticed.

Year At the end of 1939, an article by Hahn and Strassmann was published in Germany, which presented the results of experiments proving the fission of uranium. In early 1940, Frisch, who was working in Niels Bohr's laboratory in Denmark, and Lise Meitner, who had emigrated to Stockholm, published a paper explaining the results of Hahn and Strassmann's experiments. Scientists in other laboratories immediately tried to repeat the experiments of the German physicists, and came to the conclusion that their conclusions were correct. At the same time, Joliot-Curie and Fermi, independently, in their experiments found that when uranium is fissioned by one neutron, more than two free neutrons are released that can cause the continuation of the fission reaction in the form of a chain reaction. Thus, the possibility of a spontaneous continuation of this nuclear fission reaction, including an explosive nature, was experimentally substantiated.

4 Theoretical assumptions of a self-sustaining fission chain reaction were made by scientists even before the discovery of uranium fission (staff of the Institute chemical physics Y. Khariton, Y. Zeldovich and N. Semenov in 1937 were the first in the world to propose the calculation of a nuclear fission chain reaction), and L. Szilard back in 1935. patented the principle of fission chain reaction. In 1940 LPTI scientists K. Petrzhak and G. Flerov discovered the spontaneous fission of uranium nuclei and published an article that received wide resonance among physicists around the world. Most physicists no longer had any doubts about the possibility of creating weapons of great destructive power.

5 Manhattan Project December 6, 1941 White House decided to allocate large funds to create an atomic bomb. The project itself was codenamed the Manhattan Project. Initially, political administrator Bush was appointed head of the project, who was soon replaced by Brigadier General L. Groves. The scientific part of the project was headed by R. Oppenheimer, who is considered the father of the atomic bomb. The project was carefully kept secret. As Groves himself pointed out, of the 130 thousand people involved in the implementation of the atomic project, only about a few dozen knew the project as a whole. Scientists worked in an environment of surveillance and strict isolation. Things literally got to the point of curiosity: the physicist G. Smith, who headed two departments at the same time, had to obtain permission from Groves to talk to himself.

7 Scientists and engineers face two main problems in obtaining fissile material for an atomic bomb - the separation of uranium isotopes (235 and 238) from natural uranium or the artificial production of plutonium. Scientists and engineers face two main problems in obtaining fissile material for an atomic bomb - the separation of uranium isotopes (235 and 238) from natural uranium or the artificial production of plutonium. The first problem that participants in the Manhattan Project faced was the development industrial method separating uranium-235 by using minute differences in the mass of uranium isotopes. The first problem faced by the participants in the Manhattan Project was the development of an industrial method for isolating uranium-235 by using the insignificant difference in the mass of uranium isotopes.

8 The second problem is to find the industrial possibility of converting uranium-238 into a new element with effective fission properties - plutonium, which could be separated from the original uranium by chemical means. This could be done either by using an accelerator (the path through which the first microgram quantities of plutonium were produced at Berkeley Lab) or by using another more intense neutron source (for example: nuclear reactor). The possibility of creating a nuclear reactor in which a controlled fission chain reaction can be maintained was demonstrated by E. Fermi on December 2, 1942. under the west stands of the University of Chicago Stadium (the center of a populous area). After the reactor was started and the ability to maintain a controlled chain reaction had been demonstrated, Compton, the director of the university, transmitted the now famous encrypted message: An Italian navigator has landed in the New World. The natives are friendly. The second problem is to find an industrial possibility for converting uranium-238 into a new element with efficient fission properties - plutonium, which could be separated from the original uranium by chemical means. This could be done either by using an accelerator (the path through which the first microgram quantities of plutonium were produced at Berkeley Lab) or by using another more intense neutron source (for example: a nuclear reactor). The possibility of creating a nuclear reactor in which a controlled fission chain reaction can be maintained was demonstrated by E. Fermi on December 2, 1942. under the west stands of the University of Chicago Stadium (the center of a populous area). After the reactor was started and the ability to maintain a controlled chain reaction had been demonstrated, Compton, the director of the university, transmitted the now famous encrypted message: An Italian navigator has landed in the New World. The natives are friendly.

9 The Manhattan Project included three main centers: 1. The Hanford complex, which included 9 industrial reactors for producing plutonium. Characteristic are very short terms construction – 1.5–2 years. 2. Plants in the town of Oak Ridge, where electromagnetic and gaseous diffusion separation methods were used to obtain enriched uranium. Scientific laboratory in Los Alamos, where the design of the atomic bomb and process its manufacture.

10 Cannon ProjectCannon Project The simplest design for creating critical mass is to use the cannon method. In this method, one subcritical mass of fissile material is directed like a projectile in the direction of another subcritical mass, which acts as a target, and this allows the creation of a supercritical mass that is supposed to explode. At the same time, the speed of approach reached m/sec. This principle is suitable for creating an atomic bomb on uranium, since uranium-235 has a very low spontaneous fission rate, i.e. own neutron background. This principle was used in the design of the Baby uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima. The simplest design for creating critical mass is to use the cannon method. In this method, one subcritical mass of fissile material is directed like a projectile in the direction of another subcritical mass, which acts as a target, and this allows the creation of a supercritical mass that is supposed to explode. At the same time, the speed of approach reached m/sec. This principle is suitable for creating an atomic bomb on uranium, since uranium-235 has a very low spontaneous fission rate, i.e. own neutron background. This principle was used in the design of the Baby uranium bomb dropped on Hiroshima. U – 235 BANG!

11 Implosion project However, it turned out that the “gun” design principle cannot be used for plutonium due to the high intensity of neutrons from the spontaneous fission of the plutonium-240 isotope. Such speeds of approach of two masses would be required that cannot be provided by this design. Therefore, a second principle for the design of an atomic bomb was proposed, based on the use of the phenomenon of an inward converging explosion (implosion). In this case, convergent blast wave from the explosion of a conventional explosive is directed towards the fissile material located inside and compresses it until it reaches a critical mass. This principle was used to create the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki. However, it turned out that the “gun” design principle cannot be used for plutonium due to the high intensity of neutrons from the spontaneous fission of the plutonium-240 isotope. Such speeds of approach of two masses would be required that cannot be provided by this design. Therefore, a second principle for the design of an atomic bomb was proposed, based on the use of the phenomenon of an inward converging explosion (implosion). In this case, the converging blast wave from the explosion of a conventional explosive is directed at the fissile material located inside and compresses it until it reaches a critical mass. This principle was used to create the Fat Man bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Pu-239 TNT Pu-239 BANG!

12 First tests The first test of an atomic bomb was carried out at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945 in the state of Alomogardo (an implosion-type bomb using plutonium). This moment can be considered the beginning of the era of nuclear weapons proliferation. The first test of an atomic bomb was carried out at 5:30 a.m. on July 16, 1945 in the state of Alomogardo (an implosion-type bomb using plutonium). This moment can be considered the beginning of the era of nuclear weapons proliferation. On August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay, flown by Colonel Tibbetts, dropped a bomb (12–20 kt) on Hiroshima. The destruction zone extended 1.6 km from the epicenter and covered an area of ​​4.5 square meters. km, 50% of the buildings in the city were completely destroyed. According to Japanese authorities, the number of killed and missing was about 90 thousand people, the number of wounded was 68 thousand. On August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber named Enola Gay, flown by Colonel Tibbetts, dropped a bomb (12–20 kt) on Hiroshima. The destruction zone extended 1.6 km from the epicenter and covered an area of ​​4.5 square meters. km, 50% of the buildings in the city were completely destroyed. According to Japanese authorities, the number of killed and missing was about 90 thousand people, the number of wounded was 68 thousand. On August 9, 1945, shortly before dawn, the delivery plane (flying the plane was Major Charles Sweeney) and two accompanying planes took off with the Fat Man bomb. The city of Nagasaki was destroyed by 44%, which was explained mountainous terrain terrain. On August 9, 1945, shortly before dawn, the delivery plane (flying the plane was Major Charles Sweeney) and two accompanying planes took off with the Fat Man bomb. The city of Nagasaki was destroyed by 44%, which was explained by the mountainous terrain.

13 "LittleBoy" and "Fat Man" - FatMan

15 3 areas of research proposed by I.V. Kurchatov, separation of the U-235 isotope by diffusion; separation of the U-235 isotope by diffusion; obtaining a chain reaction in an experimental reactor using natural uranium; obtaining a chain reaction in an experimental reactor using natural uranium; studying the properties of plutonium. studying the properties of plutonium.

16 Personnel The research tasks facing I. Kurchatov were incredibly difficult, but at the preliminary stage plans were to create experimental prototypes rather than the full-scale installations that would be needed later. First of all, I. Kurchatov needed to recruit a team of scientists and engineers to staff his laboratory. Before selecting them, he visited many of his colleagues in November 1942. Recruitment continued throughout 1943. It is interesting to note this fact. When I. Kurchatov raised the issue of personnel, the NKVD within a few weeks compiled a census of all physicists available in the USSR. There were about 3000 of them, including teachers who taught physics.

17 Uranium ore To conduct experiments to confirm the possibility of a chain reaction and create an “atomic boiler,” it was necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of uranium. According to estimates, between 50 and 100 tons could be needed. To conduct experiments to confirm the possibility of a chain reaction and create an “atomic boiler,” it was necessary to obtain a sufficient amount of uranium. According to estimates, between 50 and 100 tons could be needed. Beginning in 1945, the Ninth Directorate of the NKVD, assisting the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, began an extensive geological exploration program to find additional sources of uranium in the USSR. In mid-1945, a commission led by A. Zavenyagin was sent to Germany to search for uranium, and it returned with approximately 100 tons. Beginning in 1945, the Ninth Directorate of the NKVD, assisting the Ministry of Non-Ferrous Metallurgy, began an extensive geological exploration program to find additional sources of uranium in the USSR. In mid-1945, a commission led by A. Zavenyagin was sent to Germany to search for uranium, and it returned with approximately 100 tons.

18 We had to decide which method of separating isotopes would be the best. I. Kurchatov divided the problem into three parts: A. Aleksandrov investigated the thermal diffusion method; I. Kikoin led the work on the gas diffusion method, and L. Artsimovich studied the electromagnetic process. Equally important was the decision of what type of reactor to build. Laboratory 2 examined three types of reactors: heavy water, heavy water, graphite-moderated and gas-cooled, graphite-moderated and gas-cooled, and graphite-moderated and water-cooled. with graphite moderator and water cooling.

19. In 1945, I. Kurchatov obtained the first nanogram quantities by irradiating a uranium hexafluoride target with neutrons from a radium-beryllium source for three months. Almost at the same time, the Radium Institute named after. Khlopina began radiochemical analysis of submicrogram amounts of plutonium obtained at the cyclotron, which was returned to the institute from evacuation during the war and restored. Significant (microgram) quantities of plutonium became available a little later from a more powerful cyclotron in Laboratory 2. In 1945, I. Kurchatov obtained the first nanogram quantities by irradiating a target of uranium hexafluoride for three months with neutrons from a radium-beryllium source. Almost at the same time, the Radium Institute named after. Khlopina began radiochemical analysis of submicrogram amounts of plutonium obtained at the cyclotron, which was returned to the institute from evacuation during the war and restored. Significant (microgram) quantities of plutonium became available a little later from the more powerful cyclotron in Laboratory 2.

20 The Soviet atomic project remained small-scale between July 1940 and August 1945 due to insufficient attention the country's leadership to this problem. The first phase, from the creation of the Uranium Commission at the Academy of Sciences in July 1940 until the German invasion in June 1941, was limited by decisions of the Academy of Sciences and did not receive any serious state support. With the outbreak of war, even small efforts disappeared. Over the next eighteen months—the most difficult days of the war for the Soviet Union—several scientists continued to think about the nuclear problem. As mentioned above, the receipt of intelligence data forced the top management to return to the atomic problem. The Soviet atomic project remained small-scale in the period from July 1940 to August 1945 due to insufficient attention of the country's leadership to this problem. The first phase, from the creation of the Uranium Commission at the Academy of Sciences in July 1940 until the German invasion in June 1941, was limited by decisions of the Academy of Sciences and did not receive any serious government support. With the outbreak of war, even small efforts disappeared. Over the next eighteen months—the most difficult days of the war for the Soviet Union—several scientists continued to think about the nuclear problem. As mentioned above, the receipt of intelligence data forced the top management to return to the atomic problem.

21 On August 20, 1945, the State Defense Committee adopted Resolution 9887 on the organization of a Special Committee (Spetskom) to solve the nuclear problem. The special committee was headed by L. Beria. According to the recollections of veterans of the Soviet atomic project, Beria's role in the project would be critical. Thanks to his control over the Gulag, L. Beria provided an unlimited number of labor force prisoners for large-scale construction of sites of the Soviet nuclear complex. The eight members of the Special Committee also included M. Pervukhin, G. Malenkov, V. Makhnev, P. Kapitsa, I. Kurchatov, N. Voznesensky (Chairman of the State Planning Committee), B. Vannikov and A. Zavenyagin. The Special Committee consisted of the Technical Council, organized on August 27, 1945, and Engineering council organized on December 10, 1945

22 The management of the atomic project and its coordination was carried out by a new interdepartmental, semi-ministry called the First Main Directorate (PGU) of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which was organized on August 29, 1945 and was led by the former Minister of Arms B. Vannikov, who, in turn, was under control of L. Beria. The PGU managed the bomb project from 1945 to 1953. By resolution of the Council of Ministers of April 9, 1946, the PGU received rights comparable to those of the Ministry of Defense to receive materials and coordinate interdepartmental activities. Seven deputies of B. Vannikov were appointed, including A. Zavenyagin, P. Antropov, E. Slavsky, N. Borisov, V. Emelyanov and A. Komarovsky. At the end of 1947, M. Pervukhin was appointed First Deputy Head of the PSU, and in 1949, E. Slavsky was appointed to this position. In April 1946, the Engineering and Technical Council of the Special Committee was transformed into the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) of the First Main Directorate. The NTS played an important role in providing scientific expertise; in the 40s it was led by B. Vannikov, M. Pervukhin and I. Kurchatov. The management of the atomic project and its coordination was carried out by a new interdepartmental, semi-ministry called the First Main Directorate (PGU) of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, which was organized on August 29, 1945 and was led by the former Minister of Arms B. Vannikov, who, in turn, was under the control L. Beria. The PGU managed the bomb project from 1945 to 1953. By resolution of the Council of Ministers of April 9, 1946, the PGU received rights comparable to those of the Ministry of Defense to receive materials and coordinate interdepartmental activities. Seven deputies of B. Vannikov were appointed, including A. Zavenyagin, P. Antropov, E. Slavsky, N. Borisov, V. Emelyanov and A. Komarovsky. At the end of 1947, M. Pervukhin was appointed First Deputy Head of the PSU, and in 1949, E. Slavsky was appointed to this position. In April 1946, the Engineering and Technical Council of the Special Committee was transformed into the Scientific and Technical Council (STC) of the First Main Directorate. The NTS played an important role in providing scientific expertise; in the 40s it was led by B. Vannikov, M. Pervukhin and I. Kurchatov.

23 E. Slavsky, who later had to manage the Soviet nuclear program at the ministerial level from 1957 to 1986, was initially brought into the project to oversee the production of ultra-pure graphite for I. Kurchatov’s experiments with a nuclear boiler. E. Slavsky was a classmate of A. Zavenyagin at the Mining Academy and at that time was the deputy head of the magnesium, aluminum and electronics industries. Subsequently, E. Slavsky was put in charge of those areas of the project that were related to the extraction of uranium from ore and its processing. E. Slavsky, who later had to manage the Soviet nuclear program at the ministerial level from 1957 to 1986, was initially brought into the project to oversee the production of ultra-pure graphite for I. Kurchatov’s experiments with a nuclear boiler. E. Slavsky was a classmate of A. Zavenyagin at the Mining Academy and at that time was the deputy head of the magnesium, aluminum and electronics industries. Subsequently, E. Slavsky was put in charge of those areas of the project that were related to the extraction of uranium from ore and its processing.

24 E. Slavsky was a super-secret person, and few people know that he had three Hero stars and ten Orders of Lenin. E. Slavsky was a super-secret person, and few people know that he had three Hero stars and ten Orders of Lenin. Such a large-scale project could not do without emergency situations. Accidents happened often, especially at first. And very often E. Slavsky was the first to go to danger zone. Much later, doctors tried to determine exactly how much X-ray he had taken. They cited a figure of about one and a half thousand, i.e. three lethal doses. But he endured and lived until he was 93 years old. Such a large-scale project could not do without emergency situations. Accidents happened often, especially at first. And very often E. Slavsky was the first to go into the danger zone. Much later, doctors tried to determine exactly how much X-ray he had taken. They cited a figure of about one and a half thousand, i.e. three lethal doses. But he endured and lived until he was 93 years old.


26 The first reactor (F-1) produced 100 conventional units, i.e. 100 g of plutonium per day, the new reactor (industrial reactor) - 300 g per day, but this required loading up to 250 tons of uranium. The first reactor (F-1) produced 100 conventional units, i.e. 100 g of plutonium per day, the new reactor (industrial reactor) - 300 g per day, but this required loading up to 250 tons of uranium.

27 For the construction of the first Soviet atomic bomb, sufficient resources that came to us thanks to Klaus Fuchs and intelligence were used detailed diagram and a description of the first American atomic bomb tested. These materials became available to our scientists in the second half of 1945. Arzamas-16 specialists needed to perform a large amount of experimental research and calculations to confirm that the information was reliable. After that senior management it was decided to make the first bomb and conduct a test using an already proven, workable American scheme, although Soviet scientists proposed more optimal design solutions. This decision was primarily due to the purely political reasons- demonstrate possession of an atomic bomb as soon as possible. Subsequently, the designs of nuclear warheads were made in accordance with those technical solutions, which were developed by our specialists. 29 The information obtained by intelligence made it possible at the initial stage to avoid the difficulties and accidents that occurred at Los Alamos in 1945, for example, during the assembly and determination of the critical masses of plutonium hemispheres. 29One of the criticality accidents at Los Alamos occurred in a situation when one of the experimenters, bringing the last reflector cube to the plutonium assembly, noticed from the instrument that recorded neutrons that the assembly was close to critical. He pulled his hand back, but the cube fell onto the assembly, increasing the effectiveness of the reflector. A chain reaction erupted. The experimenter destroyed the assembly with his hands. He died 28 days later as a result of overexposure to a dose of 800 roentgens. In total, by 1958, 8 nuclear accidents had occurred at Los Alamos. It should be noted that the extreme secrecy of the work and the lack of information created fertile ground for various fantasies in the media.

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Weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons. 10th grade

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Checking homework:
History of the creation of MPVO-GO-MChS-RSChS. Name the tasks of civil defense. Rights and responsibilities of citizens in the field of civil defense

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First nuclear weapons test
In 1896, the French physicist Antoine Becquerel discovered the phenomenon of radioactive radiation. On the territory of the United States, in Los Alamos, in the desert expanses of New Mexico, an American nuclear center was created in 1942. On July 16, 1945, at 5:29:45 local time, a bright flash lit up the sky over the plateau in the Jemez Mountains north of New Mexico. A distinctive mushroom-shaped cloud of radioactive dust rose 30,000 feet. All that remained at the explosion site were fragments of green radioactive glass, into which the sand had turned. This was the beginning of the atomic era.

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Contents: Historical data. Nuclear weapons. Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion. Types of nuclear explosions Basic principles of protection from the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.

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The first nuclear explosion was carried out in the United States on July 16, 1945. The creator of the atomic bomb is Julius Robert Oppenheimer. By the summer of 1945, the Americans managed to assemble two atomic bombs, called “Baby” and “Fat Man”. The first bomb weighed 2,722 kg and was filled with enriched Uranium-235. “Fat Man” with a charge of Plutonium-239 with a power of more than 20 kt had a mass of 3175 kg.

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Julius Robert Oppenheimer
Creator of the atomic bomb:

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Atomic bomb "Little Boy", Hiroshima August 6, 1945
Types of bombs:
Atomic bomb "Fat Man", Nagasaki August 9, 1945

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Hiroshima Nagasaki

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On the morning of August 6, 1945, the American B-29 "Enola Gay" bomber, named after the mother (Enola Gay Haggard) of the crew commander, Colonel Paul Tibbetts, dropped the "Little Boy" atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. 13 to 18 kilotons of TNT. Three days later, on August 9, 1945, the "Fat Man" atomic bomb was dropped on the city of Nagasaki by pilot Charles Sweeney, commander of the B-29 "Bockscar" bomber. Total quantity the death toll ranged from 90 to 166 thousand people in Hiroshima and from 60 to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki

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In the USSR, the first test of an atomic bomb (ARD) was carried out on August 29, 1949. at the Semipalatinsk test site with a capacity of 22 kt. In 1953, the USSR tested a hydrogen, or thermonuclear, bomb (RDS-6S). The power of the new weapon was 20 times greater than the power of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, although they were the same size.
History of the creation of nuclear weapons

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History of the creation of nuclear weapons

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In the 60s of the 20th century, nuclear weapons were introduced into all types of the USSR Armed Forces. On October 30, 1961, tests of the most powerful hydrogen bomb(“Tsar Bomba”, “Ivan”, “Kuzka’s Mother”) with a capacity of 58 megatons In addition to the USSR and the USA, nuclear weapons appear: in England (1952), in France (1960), in China (1964). Later, nuclear weapons appeared in India, Pakistan, North Korea, in Israel.
History of the creation of nuclear weapons

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Participants in the development of the first thermonuclear weapons, who later became laureates Nobel Prize
L.D.Landau I.E.Tamm N.N.Semenov
V.L.Ginzburg I.M.Frank L.V.Kantorovich A.A.Abrikosov

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The first Soviet aviation thermonuclear atomic bomb.
RDS-6S bomb body
Bomber TU-16 – carrier of atomic weapons

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"Tsar Bomba" AN602

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NUCLEAR WEAPONS are explosive weapons of mass destruction based on the use of intranuclear energy released during a nuclear chain reaction of fission of heavy nuclei of the isotopes uranium-235 and plutonium-239.

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The power of a nuclear charge is measured in TNT equivalent - the amount of trinitrotoluene that must be detonated to produce the same energy.

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Atomic bomb device
The main elements of nuclear weapons are: body, automation system. The housing is designed to accommodate a nuclear charge and automation system, and also protects them from mechanical, and in some cases, thermal effects. The automation system ensures the explosion of a nuclear charge at a given point in time and eliminates its accidental or premature activation. It includes: - a safety and cocking system, - an emergency detonation system, - a charge detonation system, - a power source, - a detonation sensor system. The means of delivery of nuclear weapons can be ballistic missiles, cruise and anti-aircraft missiles, aviation. Nuclear ammunition is used to load air bombs, landmines, torpedoes, and artillery shells (203.2 mm SG and 155 mm SG-USA). Various systems have been invented to detonate the atomic bomb. The simplest system is an injector-type weapon, in which a projectile made of fissile material crashes into the target, forming a supercritical mass. The atomic bomb launched by the United States on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, had an injection-type detonator. And it had an energy equivalent of approximately 20 kilotons of TNT.

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Atomic bomb device

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Nuclear weapons delivery vehicles

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Nuclear explosion
2. Light radiation
4. Radioactive contamination of the area
1. Shock wave
3. Ionizing radiation
5. Electromagnetic pulse
Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion

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(Air) shock wave - an area of ​​​​sharp compression of air, spreading in all directions from the center of the explosion at supersonic speed. The front boundary of a wave, characterized by a sharp jump in pressure, is called a front shock wave. Causes destruction over a large area. Defense: cover.

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Its action lasts for several seconds. The shock wave travels a distance of 1 km in 2 s, 2 km in 5 s, 3 km in 8 s.
Shockwave hits are triggered as an action overpressure, and its throwing action (velocity pressure), caused by the movement of air in the wave. Personnel, weapons and military equipment located in open areas are affected mainly as a result of the projectile action of the shock wave, and objects large sizes(buildings, etc.) - due to excess pressure.

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The source of a nuclear explosion
This is an area directly exposed to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion.
Hearth nuclear destruction divided into:
Zone of complete destruction
Zone of severe destruction
Medium Damage Zone
Light Damage Zone
Destruction zones

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2. Light radiation is visible, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, acting within a few seconds. Protection: any barrier that provides shade.
Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:

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The light emitted by a nuclear explosion is visible, ultraviolet and infrared radiation, lasting for several seconds. For personnel, it can cause skin burns, eye damage and temporary blindness. Burns occur from direct exposure to light radiation on exposed skin (primary burns), as well as from burning clothing in fires (secondary burns). Depending on the severity of the injury, burns are divided into four degrees: first - redness, swelling and soreness of the skin; the second is the formation of bubbles; third - necrosis skin and fabrics; fourth - charring of the skin.

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Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:
3. Penetrating radiation - an intense flow of gamma particles and neutrons emitted from the cloud zone of a nuclear explosion and lasting for 15-20 seconds. Passing through living tissue, it causes its rapid destruction and death of a person from acute radiation sickness in the very near future after the explosion. Protection: shelter or barrier (layer of soil, wood, concrete, etc.)
Alpha radiation comes from helium-4 nuclei and can easily be stopped by a piece of paper. Beta radiation is a stream of electrons that can be protected from by an aluminum plate. Gamma radiation has the ability to penetrate denser materials.

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The damaging effect of penetrating radiation is characterized by the magnitude of the radiation dose, i.e., the amount of radioactive energy absorbed by a unit mass of the irradiated environment. A distinction is made between exposure dose and absorbed dose. Exposure dose is measured in roentgens (R). One roentgen is a dose of gamma radiation that creates about 2 billion ion pairs in 1 cm3 of air.

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Reduction of the damaging effect of penetrating radiation depending on the protective environment and material
Half Attenuation Layers

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4. Radioactive contamination of the area - during an explosion of nuclear weapons, a “trace” is formed on the surface of the earth, formed by precipitation from radioactive cloud. Protection: personal protective equipment (PPE).
Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:

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The trace of a radioactive cloud on a flat area with constant wind direction and speed has the shape of an elongated ellipse and is conventionally divided into four zones: moderate (A), strong (B), dangerous (C) and extremely dangerous (D) contamination. The boundaries of radioactive contamination zones with varying degrees of danger for people are usually characterized by the dose of gamma radiation received during the time from the moment the trace is formed until complete decay radioactive substances D∞ (changes in rads), or radiation dose rate (radiation level) 1 hour after the explosion

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Radioactive contamination zones
Extremely dangerous contamination zone
Dangerous contamination zone
Highly infested area
Moderate Infestation Zone

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5. Electromagnetic pulse: occurs for a short period of time and can disable all enemy electronics (on-board computers of the aircraft, etc.)
Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion:

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On the morning of August 6, 1945, there was a clear, cloudless sky over Hiroshima. As before, the approach of two American planes from the east (one of them was called Enola Gay) at an altitude of 10-13 km did not cause alarm (since they appeared in the sky of Hiroshima every day). One of the planes dived and dropped something, and then both planes turned and flew away. The dropped object slowly descended by parachute and suddenly exploded at an altitude of 600 m above the ground. It was the Baby bomb. On August 9, another bomb was dropped over the city of Nagasaki. The total loss of life and the scale of destruction from these bombings are characterized by the following figures: 300 thousand people died instantly from thermal radiation (temperature about 5000 degrees C) and the shock wave, another 200 thousand were injured, burned, or exposed to radiation. On an area of ​​12 sq. km, all buildings were completely destroyed. In Hiroshima alone, out of 90 thousand buildings, 62 thousand were destroyed. These bombings shocked the whole world. It is believed that this event marked the beginning of the nuclear arms race and the confrontation between the two political systems of that time at a new qualitative level.

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Types of nuclear explosions

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Ground Explosion
Air explosion
High altitude explosion
underground explosion
Types of nuclear explosions

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Types of nuclear explosions
General Thomas Farrell: “The effect that the explosion had on me can be called magnificent, amazing and at the same time terrifying. Humanity has never created a phenomenon of such incredible and terrifying power.”

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Test Name: Trinity Date: July 16, 1945 Location: Alamogordo Test Site, New Mexico

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Test name: Baker Date: July 24, 1946 Location: Bikini Atoll Lagoon Type of explosion: Underwater, depth 27.5 meters Power: 23 kilotons.

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Test Name: Truckee Date: June 9, 1962 Location: Christmas Island Yield: Over 210 kilotons

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Test Name: Castle Romeo Date: March 26, 1954 Location: On a barge in Bravo Crater, Bikini Atoll Type of explosion: Surface Yield: 11 megatons.

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Test Name: Castle Bravo Date: March 1, 1954 Location: Bikini Atoll Type of Explosion: Surface Yield: 15 megatons.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Preface The creation of the Soviet atomic bomb (military part of the USSR atomic project) - history basic research, development of technologies and their practical implementation in the USSR, aimed at creating weapons of mass destruction using nuclear energy. The events were largely stimulated by the activities in this direction of scientific institutions and military industry Western countries, including Nazi Germany, and later the USA.

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Background of the Soviet project It included: Work before 1941 The role of the activities of the Radium Institute Work in 1941-1943: a) Foreign intelligence information b) Launch of the atomic project

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Work before 1941 In 1930-1941, work was actively carried out in the nuclear field. Fundamental radiochemical research was also carried out during this decade. Since the beginning of the 1920s, work has been intensively developed at the Radium Institute and at the first Physics and Technology Institute. Academician V. G. Khlopin was considered an authority in this field. Also, a serious contribution was made by employees of the Radium Institute: G. A. Gamov, I. V. Kurchatov and L. V. Mysovsky. Soviet project was supervised by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR V. M. Molotov. In 1941, with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War research on atomic issues was classified

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The role of the activities of the Radium Institute The chronology of research carried out by employees of the Radium Institute in Leningrad suggests that work in this direction was not completely curtailed. Back in 1938, the first laboratory of artificial radioactive elements in the USSR was created here. Under the chairmanship of V. G. Khlopin, the Uranium Commission of the USSR Academy of Sciences was formed; in 1942, during the evacuation of the institute, A. P. Zhdanov and L. V. Mysovsky discovered a new type of nuclear fission - the complete collapse of the atomic nucleus under the influence of multiply charged particles cosmic rays. The Radium Institute was entrusted with the development of technology for separating eka-rhenium (Z = 93) and eka-osmium (Z = 94) from neutron-irradiated uranium. By 1949, the amount of plutonium necessary for testing nuclear weapons had been produced.

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Work in 1941-1943 Foreign intelligence information: Already in September 1941, the USSR began to receive intelligence information about secret intensive research work being carried out in Great Britain and the USA aimed at developing methods of using atomic energy for military purposes and creating atomic bombs with enormous destructive power. strength. In May 1942, the leadership of the GRU informed the USSR Academy of Sciences about the presence of reports of work abroad on the problem of using atomic energy for military purposes. Soviet intelligence had detailed information about the work on creating an atomic bomb in the USA, coming from specialists who understood the danger of a nuclear monopoly or sympathized with the USSR

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Work in 1941-1943 Launch of the atomic project: On September 28, 1942, a month and a half after the start of the Manhattan Project, GKO Resolution No. 2352ss “On the organization of work on uranium” was adopted. The order provided for the organization for this purpose at the USSR Academy of Sciences of a special laboratory of the atomic nucleus, the creation of laboratory facilities for the separation of uranium isotopes and the carrying out of a complex of experimental work.

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Work on the creation of an atomic bomb On February 11, 1943, State Defense Committee Resolution No. 2872ss was adopted on the beginning of practical work on the creation of an atomic bomb. On April 12, 1943, the Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Academician A. A. Baikov, signed an order on the creation of Laboratory No. 2 of the USSR Academy of Sciences. I.V. was appointed head of the Laboratory. Kurchatov. Decree of the State Defense Committee dated April 8, 1944 No. 5582ss obliged the People's Commissariat chemical industry to design in 1944 a workshop for the production of heavy water and a plant for the production of uranium hexafluoride, and the People's Commissariat of Non-ferrous Metallurgy - to ensure in 1944 the production of 500 kg of metallic uranium at a pilot plant and to build a workshop for the production of metallic uranium and supply Laboratory No. 2 in 1944 with tens of tons of high-quality graphite blocks. I.V. KURCHATOV A.A. BAIKOV

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Post-war period On August 20, 1945, to manage the atomic project, the State Defense Committee created a Special Committee with emergency powers, headed by L.P. Beria. An executive body was created under the Special Committee - the First Main Directorate under the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR (PGU). Also, throughout 1945, hundreds of German scientists related to the USSR were voluntarily and forcibly delivered from Germany to the USSR. nuclear issue. This made it possible to significantly speed up the creation of the bomb. L.P. BERIA

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The first Soviet atomic bomb RDS-1 (the so-called “product 501”) was created in the former KB-11 under the scientific supervision of Igor Vasilyevich Kurchatov and Yuli Borisovich Khariton. It was structurally reminiscent of the American “Fat Man” bomb. The design of the RDS-1 bomb was a plutonium aviation atomic bomb of a characteristic “drop-shaped” shape weighing 4.7 tons, with a diameter of 1.5 m and a length of 3.3 m. The explosion occurred at exactly the scheduled time, subsequently its power was estimated at 22 kilotons. The US atomic monopoly sank into oblivion. Soviet Union won the right to exist. RDS-1

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Tests Successful test The first Soviet atomic bomb was carried out on August 29, 1949 at a built test site in the Semipalatinsk region of Kazakhstan. It was kept secret. On September 3, 1949, a plane of the US special meteorological reconnaissance service took air samples in the Kamchatka region, and then American experts discovered isotopes in them that indicated that a nuclear explosion had occurred in the USSR. The explosion of the first Soviet nuclear device at the Semipalatinsk test site on August 29, 1949. 10 hours 05 minutes.