The death of Pavel Soltan: a human and political tragedy. Anastasia Soltan committed suicide after a television interview Alexey Plotnikov, husband of Anastasia Soltan

The media is haunted by the story of Anastasia Soltan. I read here and there and decided to write it myself, in detail.
This girl committed suicide on November 24th. 2016 - jumped out of a window, unable to cope with post-traumatic syndrome. On this day she turned 22 years old. Why was the girl left alone on her birthday?

On August 14, 2016, she got into an accident with her parents. My father was driving the car. Her parents died, Nastya received broken legs, a tailbone, and other injuries, but survived.
However, she was unable to survive the depression - the result is known.
They say that Nastya was very attached to her parents and did not want to live alone. And here's her older sister Veronica lives separately with her husband and three children. Soltan promised to help them with a mortgage on their apartment.

Veronica - no own daughter Soltanu: he married a woman with a child. Veronica is 33 years old.

Pavel Soltan was a unique person. He was born in 1961. When he was 20 years old, he was hit by an electric train and lost his arms and legs. I was not able to find out at what level of amputations he had, but Soltan walked on prosthetics and had prostheses for both arms - cosmetic and active. With the help of active prostheses, he drove a car for 20 years. His car, a Toyota Verso, was converted for manual control. The brake lever, gas lever, plus traditional “turn signals” - all this was assembled around the steering wheel. Machine with automatic transmission, so Soltan at least didn't need a clutch and gear lever. It turns out that Pavel Soltan held the steering wheel with one hand, and with the other he controlled the speed, braked, turned on the turn signals, high and low beams.
However, he had accidents, and one was quite serious: his Zhiguli (Yeltsin gave it to Pavel) collided with a Kamaz - this was in the 90s.
And in the last accident he died. In the car he collided with, a young couple and their 10-month-old child were injured, but everyone survived, although the adults were badly injured.

This is the car that Soltan was driving.

He developed prosthetic hands himself. In 1988 he graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute. From 1984 to 1998 he worked as a leading engineer at the Research Institute of Prosthetics.

From 1998 to 2007 - deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the second and third convocations in the 13th electoral district.

In March 2007, he was elected to the Legislative Assembly of the fourth convocation. Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on social issues, member of the standing commission on urban management, urban planning and land issues of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

Member of the council of the St. Petersburg branch of the A Just Russia party.

In December 2011, he was elected as a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg of the fifth convocation. On January 18, 2012, he was elected by a majority vote as Deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg. This year, Soltan participated in another election campaign and most likely would have become a deputy again.

His wife and daughters worked with their father - he found some positions for them.

And his daughter Anastasia married Alexei Plotnikov in the summer. The wedding took place on June 5.

But in honeymoon the young people put it off: Alexey wanted to become a deputy and participated in the election campaign.

He was born in 1980 (that is, 14 years older than Nastya). Graduated from the Baltic State Technical University "VOENMEH" named after. D.F. Ustinov in 2007. Worked at Korvet-AVIK LLC, development director. He was involved in politics, was a deputy of the fifth convocation of the Municipal Council of the intra-city municipal district of Malaya Okhta on a non-permanent basis, was a member of A Just Russia and was a representative of this party in the DPR and in Syria.
Everyone believed that marrying Pavel Soltan’s daughter would significantly increase Plotnikov’s chances of becoming a deputy. I’ll say right away that he lost the election to someone from United Russia.

After the death of Pavel Soltan, the couple quickly divorced. Nastya was the initiator of the divorce. She complained that Alexey was busy participating in the elections instead of being with her in the hospital.

Let's see: the elections took place on September 18, and Nastya had an accident on September 14. It was the most difficult month for both of them: she suffered physically and mentally, and he had to meet with voters, etc.
Nastya said that Alexey visited her only once. He said that he always slept in the next room of her VIP ward. Who to believe? At the same time, Pavel, in an interview taken with him after Nastya’s death, said that he was not created to care for the sick - there are special people for this, and he had to take care of the future of the family and build a career.

The situation was aggravated by the fact that sister Veronica and her husband were opposed to Alexei. He didn't favor them either. Since they could be at the patient’s bedside more often, they said more bad things about Alexey, for example, that he married not so much Nastya as her father, so that he would help him with his career, and since there is no father, then he has a wife It’s not needed, especially since it’s all broken.

Who was more wrong here?
We won’t take social networks into account: I think they wrote different things there. But what was Sister Veronica thinking? It would seem that it was in her interests to try to save the family: after all, she did not have the opportunity to care for the sick. There is a husband - let him take care and provide.
Alexey behaved like a real bastard - there can’t be two opinions here. He, you see, was offended by his young wife, stood up and said: “Oh, if that’s the case, then please. You chose it yourself.” He insists that he returned the money. Oh, how noble!

Alexey is not a child: he is 14 years older! He must understand that there is responsibility. What kind of offense can there be against a young woman who has suffered terrible stress, lost both parents, and is in pain? It's just funny.

It’s a pity that the A Just Russia party keeps such people. It’s a pity that Sergei Mironov tolerates such a creature around him. If Alexey had been in the CPSU in the good old days, he would have been expelled or given a severe reprimand for such things, and he would have been right.

It seems that Alexey really didn’t love Nastya one bit, but still this is not a reason to act like this: do your duty, help her get on her feet, and then leave.
And she loved him.
Look at this photo

And to this

Why was she throwing tantrums? She had mental problems before. So, she has been visiting a psychologist for three years. But Alexey knew this - so what changed? She was probably spoiled and maladjusted. She probably should have been more cunning: feign optimism, take an interest in the elections, say that she was already fine.

She had to understand that she was left without defenders, that she had no one to rely on except her husband. Perhaps he understood this, but did not want such a life.

I think it was hard for her father, too, when he woke up from the accident without arms and legs. But he wanted to survive, he told himself that he would live as before and achieve everything that he would have achieved if he had been healthy. Why wasn't his resilience passed on to his daughter?
A sick person has no right to have a bad character or whims - everyone will quickly get tired of him and they will abandon him. You can be capricious if you are sick for a couple of days. But if you are serious and for a long time, then you need to behave completely differently: be friendly, take an interest in other people, don’t complain, bother them less with requests.

The father did not consider it necessary to teach his daughter what he could do himself: he thought that it would not be useful, that he would be nearby and lay out the straws.

Nastya had thoughts of death back in September. But she wanted to wait for the divorce so that she would not be buried under her husband’s name.

It is surprising that the girl was tormented by thoughts about money. She suspected that her husband wanted to rob her, there were also some quarrels with her sister over the inheritance, the sister suspected Nastya’s husband of self-interest. How people have changed!

The role of the older sister is also strange in this story. It is understood she has two young children and gave birth to a third in June. It is clear that Nastya is tired of her complaints. But this is a serious matter.

At first, Nastya underwent six operations. When the acute condition passed, she was discharged from the hospital. She needed to go to rehabilitation, but she didn’t want to. Veronica insisted. Almost by force, on November 11, Nastya was admitted to the hospital, but she did not like it there. She suffered from insomnia; there were 4 other women in the ward. A few days later, a friend, Olesya, took her from the hospital.
"My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because... with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe we should use common sense and send her back to rehab?“- this is what Veronica Soltan wrote in Nastya’s blog.

On November 16, Nastya tried to jump out of the window.
“Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me away from yourself!" I have to protect myself and my children", wrote Veronica Soltan on the social network.
And Nastya was taken to psychiatric hospital. Three doctors looked at Nastya after her first suicide attempt and said: “Everything is fine, she’s just a spoiled girl.”

On November 21, the divorce took place, at which Nastya was not present. On November 23, she somehow left the hospital.

After the escape, Anastasia Soltan went to see her friend, then went to the Legislative Assembly to meet with her father’s colleagues. She was taken from the Mariinsky Palace to her sister's house. Anastasia went to the nearest McDonald's and called the publication Life78 from there - this division of the federal Life more actively covered her story than others - so that they would come and film how they were not giving her the keys to the apartment. Correspondent Nikita Pimenov came to McDonald's with a film crew. After this, Veronica Soltan’s husband gave Anastasia the keys, but warned the publication’s employees that if Anastasia was left alone, she might commit suicide..
Life78 employees came with Soltan to her apartment. They filmed a story in which Anastasia showed them the apartment, said that she wanted to go to the hospital again, and how she was offended by her parents for “not teaching them how to live without them.” The journalists left, leaving Soltan alone. The next evening she committed suicide.

The first, and so far the last, thing Veronica Soltan wrote after the death of her sister was an appeal to the audience of the social network. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God."

Apparently, it was better for everyone.

Here is the VKontakte page. Read it. People don’t like being upset like that: Everyone told Nastya that she needed to pull herself together and move on with her life. Really, what could be simpler?

Her relatives were the first to report the girl’s death on social networks. “Nastya is no longer alive,” her sister wrote on her VKontakte page (she later deleted the account). According to the sister of the deceased, the day before the tragedy, Anastasia decided not to undergo rehabilitation after the accident and moved in with her friend.

According to St. Petersburg, he confirmed that “late in the evening of November 24, the body of a 22-year-old local resident was discovered near one of the houses on Butlerov Street.” “According to preliminary data, the woman committed suicide, the motives of which are being established,” the Investigative Committee added. According to Fontanka,

Investigators have already examined the scene at the corner of Butlerov and Vernost streets.

The youngest daughter of the vice-speaker of the legislative assembly, Pavel Soltan, who died in a car accident, was undergoing rehabilitation after the accident in city hospital No. 23. Previously, the girl complained that she was being held by force in a medical facility, and she had to literally escape from the hospital. In conversation with "Life" Anastasia spoke about her readiness to return to the care of doctors, but put forward a number of conditions:

“I agree: the longer I delay rehabilitation, the worse I feel. There is a possibility of remaining lame or some other complications. If I had an understanding person next to me or had the opportunity to watch films and communicate with people in the virtual space, I would be able to return to treatment. I don’t like demands, but if they are met, then yes, I will go to rehab without any problems.”

The girl also demanded that her phone, which her relatives had taken away, be returned to her so that she would not look at old photographs. dead father and mother (her sister was sure that this would deal another blow to an already traumatized psyche).

Another test for Anastasia was a divorce from her husband: their marriage lasted only a few months, the divorce procedure took place on November 21 of this year.

Moreover, Anastasia was not present at the divorce, although she was the initiator of the breakup.

As the St. Petersburg residents point out Media, a few hours before the tragic incident, the girl left several messages on her pages on social networks that could shed light on the causes of her death. “Before, Veronica asked what I wanted as a gift, I answered: nothing. And now I want gold chain with the letter “S”: Soltan, Svetlana (her mother’s name - Gazeta.Ru), Fortitude. This will be my amulet,” Anastasia wrote.

In addition, the girl reported that she had not slept for several days:

“Now I’ll go for a walk with the dog, then take a bath, and then I’ll eat dumplings with a glass of wine, I can, I haven’t slept for three days...

Sorry that I can’t respond to congratulations, there is no Internet in the apartment either, I’ll look into it. In the meantime, I went to ask the neighbors.”

In her last interview, Anastasia said that she was offended by her parents because they “didn’t teach me how to live without them”: “I love my parents very much, they gave me a lot. But I am offended by them because they did not let me understand how I can live without them. How to live without them. And that life does not end without them.<...>Now I don’t know how to raise my children now. You can’t say from the first years that I am your mother and I will die before you. “I am now confused in this world, there has been a big reassessment for me.”

The accident that claimed the lives of Pavel Soltan and his wife occurred in mid-August this year. In their Toyota, the couple and Anastasia were returning to the city after picking mushrooms. At about 18.00, on the 43rd kilometer of the Scandinavia highway, a car crashed head-on into a Mercedes. The Deputy Speaker died from his injuries on the spot. His wife was taken to hospital in critical condition, but she also died during the night.

After the accident, Anastasia was in serious but stable condition: she was diagnosed with a fractured pelvis and leg, as well as blood loss.

He was first elected to the city parliament in 1998 and planned to run for a new term in the fall. At the age of 20, as a result of an accident, he lost his legs and hands. For many years he worked at the Institute of Prosthetics and developed prosthetics himself. He drove the car using special equipment.

He believes that it was not Soltan, but another participant in the traffic, who was to blame for the fatal accident, while photographs from the scene of the accident rather indicate the opposite. In connection with the accident, a criminal case was opened under Part 3 of Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violation of rules traffic and operation vehicles resulting in the death of a person through negligence).

On her birthday, Anastasia Plotnikova (although the girl would have preferred the surname of her beloved father - Soltan, rather than her husband who abandoned her) died tragically, falling from the 12th floor. While the apartment where the tragedy unfolded without witnesses is being opened by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, dozens of condolences from people who have been involved in the family’s public drama on social networks are already pouring into the profile of the Soltan sisters. deceased deputy ZakSa.

"I am 21 years old. Back in the summer, I had everything I needed to be happy - my family. Beloved parents and beloved husband. In August, my parents and I ended up in terrible accident, mom and dad died, and I was between life and death. For me, my parents were everything, and my husband also abandoned me in the hospital. I didn’t know how to continue living, to be honest, I still don’t know. But I live!” Nastya desperately wrote on her VKontakte wall back in October.

Numerous well-wishers (as usual on social networks, this is everyone, and not just good friends) supported her desire to live, but the lack of a friendly shoulder nearby was clearly felt: at some point the girl even published her phone number on the page with a note “ Today is very bad. I would like to ask for help, but the worst thing is that nothing can be changed! Maybe someone knows how to survive all this?!” Apparently, no one helped: on her birthday, on the evening of November 24, Nastya passed away.

Let us recall that Anastasia Plotnikova, the daughter of Pavel Soltan, a respected vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly in St. Petersburg, lost both her father and mother in a car accident on the Scandinavia highway on August 14, and she herself received serious injuries and found herself on crutches. Her own injuries did not cripple her so much: all her life she watched her father, who lived with prosthetic arms and helped the disabled.

“Disability is not a death sentence, and my dad was proof of that. I believe that a person who has gone through pain and obstacles can feel the pain of others and help other people. This is what my dad was like, this is what I want to become. But I can’t do it alone, I need your help. There are people who, like Veronichka and me, stand up for mom and dad, and that’s priceless. But I will be grateful for any help in preserving their memory. Why not his, but their memory? Because without mom there would be no dad. Behind everyone successful man his woman is worth it,” Anastasia wrote to her “friends” on VKontakte.

Her personal family life, unfortunately, did not repeat the bright example of her father and mother: her young husband Alexei Plotnikov, with whom she just got married in July, left her after a car accident. At 21, not every person can withstand so many shocks at once, especially a fragile girl. Nastya’s profile on the social network will now be studied by psychologists in order to understand her feelings and emotions that she poured out publicly. Older sister Veronica often joined discussions on VKontakte, and in correspondence she exposed the family conflict.

“Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because... with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective, and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe we should turn to common sense and send her back to rehabilitation?” wrote the eldest of the Soltan sisters.

One of the family’s close friends (user Sasha Naidenysheva) wrote in the comments that on November 16, Nastya was taken to a psychiatric hospital for several days after a demonstrative suicide attempt. Veronica Soltan, in her comments on Nastya’s page, also talks about her sister’s tendencies to commit suicide: “Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me with you!” I have to protect myself and my children." (Spelling and punctuation preserved)
The first, and so far the last, thing Veronica Soltan wrote after the death of her sister was an appeal to the audience of the social network. “I gave you the keys as you asked. Nastya is no longer alive. My God."

On Butlerova Street, 13, where the tragedy occurred in Nastya Soltan’s parental home, a correspondent is now Federal agency news. Police, criminologists and other services are on site. According to one of the preliminary versions, which the security services shared with us, Nastya fell not from the window of her apartment, but from the balcony of the service staircase.

The Federal News Agency expresses its condolences to the family of Anastasia Soltan and is following developments.

Currently Investigative Committee Russia in St. Petersburg is conducting a pre-investigation investigation into the discovery late in the evening of November 24, 2016, near one of the houses on Butlerov Street, the body of 22-year-old Anastasia Plotnikova, the daughter of the former vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, Pavel Soltan, who died in an accident.

Based on the results of the pre-investigation check, a procedural decision will be made.

Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of the deceased Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Pavel Soltan, was driven to suicide by a mental crisis, family problems, as well as great pressure from the public, which is always interested in such dramas. This is the opinion of the girl’s close friends who discuss the tragedy on social networks. In addition, relatives claim that a few days before the tragedy, Anastasia had already tried to commit suicide.

““Don’t set foot in our house” will be said to anyone who demonstratively spites us (because we insist on rehabilitation) in front of our three small children, the art teacher will try to jump out the window from the 15th floor with the words: “Mom, dad, take me.” with me!” I have to protect myself and my children,” Veronica Soltan recently wrote on social networks.

According to the Metro newspaper, the suicide attempt took place on November 16, after which the girl was taken to a psychiatric hospital. According to Anastasia herself, the doctor, after a conversation, concluded that she did not have schizophrenia, and that she was simply experiencing great grief.

Let us remind you that Anastasia fell out of the window of her parents’ apartment on her 22nd birthday, November 24, late in the evening. The last entry on her VKontakte page was made at 21:14 - she published a link to an interview that Life had done the day before. During a conversation with journalists, the girl often cries and admits that she is “confused in this world.” At the same time, standing in front of the camera with crutches, she claims that she intends to undergo rehabilitation and make a full recovery. Anastasia wanted to live in her parents’ apartment alone with her mother’s favorite dog, Lunka.

The girl’s latest posts on social networks suggest a deep mental crisis. It is noticeable how hard the death of her parents was for Anastasia. It got worse when her husband left her municipal deputy Alexey Plotnikov. They met thanks to Anastasia’s father, with whom Plotnikov, also from A Just Russia, collaborated on work. A month before the car accident, the couple played gorgeous wedding and was planning a honeymoon. Everything changed after the accident that claimed the lives of Pavel Soltan and his wife. According to Anastasia, her husband practically did not visit her in the hospital, and in response to her requests to come and support, he replied that he was busy with work. In September they filed for divorce.

Numerous media outlets that turned to the tragedy for clarification social networks Anastasia, noted that many of her latest entries speak of the girl’s emotional instability: her texts are long, confusing, with many errors and repetitions. The girl splashed out facts from her personal life for everyone to see and constantly changed her mood.

Her older sister Veronica actively participated in the life of Anastasia Soltan. Despite her categorical statement in the entry given at the beginning of the material, she tried to help her sister to the last. But Anastasia did not accept these attempts, complaining that Veronica took all her personal belongings from her when she went to rehabilitation - gadgets, personal hygiene items, money and keys to her parents’ apartment.

To stop the flow of indignation from Anastasia’s friends, Veronica made an entry on her page:

“Dear friends, you are all worried about Nastya’s health. My husband and I spent a month and a half trying to get her to go to rehabilitation and be able to get rid of crutches. Nastya was not interested in this, because with crutches they feel more sorry for her. Yesterday in my post, I convincingly asked everyone not to interfere by giving cash with which she can escape from there. We love Nastya, worry about her and don’t want her to become disabled. And yet, there was a person who decided to save her from terrible exercises, massages, exercise therapy, physiotherapy and the pool. Apparently, at Olesya Nastin’s home, rehabilitation will be more effective and she will leave there without crutches. Nastya's stay in the hospital was fully paid for. Maybe we should use common sense and send her back to rehab? (bad Veronica and Slava).”

Let us note that when it became known about Anastasia’s death, Veronica wrote about it on her page, and then deleted her account.

From Anastasia’s notes and her stories in various interviews, it is noticeable how the girl’s mood and attitude towards her loved ones changes. She either blamed Veronica or admitted that she loved her and wanted to get rid of depression and undergo rehabilitation. The same applies to Veronica's husband Slavik, whom Anastasia initially accused of taking her a large sum money for her business, she talked about his care and thanked him for his help.

Anastasia’s subscribers both before and after the tragedy were divided into two camps. The first, the most numerous, actively supported the girl, wished her physical and moral health and urged her not to harm herself. But there were also those who found the girl’s behavior unworthy: they say that the 21-year-old daughter of the vice-speaker was simply not accustomed to living on her own, she was easily vulnerable and did not want to get rid of problems in order to continue living at the expense of her compassionate environment.

Anastasia Soltan, the daughter of Pavel Soltan, vice-speaker of the Legislative Assembly, who died in an accident, died after falling from the 12th floor of a building on Butlerova Street in St. Petersburg. The tragedy occurred on the evening of November 24 - where her parents are located. A few hours before her death, she posted a link to an article entitled “ I'm offended by my parents for not teaching me how to live without them.". On the day of her death, the girl turned 22 years old. Back in August, she was in an accident where her parents died and she received serious injuries. Then she divorced her husband, then a conflict began with her sister.

Metro told about how the relationships in the Soltan family developed, and what happened immediately before the girl’s death. close friend family of Marina Parfenova.

According to Marina, she was friends with the Soltan family for 30 years.

- They were rather closed people, but we were very close with Pavel and Svetlana. Nastya was very domestic, absolutely her mother’s child. Despite her age - 22 years old - she could not take a step without her mother.

As Marina Parfenova says, when her parents passed away, Nastya’s sister Veronica remained close to her. The deceased fell under her influence. According to a family friend, Alexey - ex-spouse Anastasia Soltan - simply interfered with Veronica and her husband.

You see, Veronica is not Pavel’s own daughter. And Nastya had a share in the apartment where they once lived as a family. And now Nastya’s entire share belongs to Veronica. As Pavel told me, she and her husband have a lot of loans, but the debts must be repaid.

Marina Parfenova witnessed what happened immediately after the death of the parents of two girls.

The state Nastya was in was all the work of Veronica and her husband - from the first minute. On the second day after the death of her parents, Veronica runs and cuts the locks into the apartment. She and her husband were all afraid that Lesha would take something, they kicked him out of the apartment. Nastya didn’t even regain consciousness, but this was already happening there.

As Marina says, later, when Nastya was in the hospital because of nervous breakdown, Veronica came there and said: " You don't need Alexey. We'll find you another one".

Marina Parfenova tried to talk to Nastya and told her: " Hold on Lesha, in him is your salvation"But Nastya did not listen, she was deeply depressed.

Alexey did not leave Nastya, he came to see her in the hospital, but she began to have hysterics, she began to drive him away. He was simply covered in mud. And if Veronica had not interfered, had not pushed him away, had not discredited him, everything would have been fine.

Marina says that the young people themselves were not ready for family life- they dated for about six months, and then lived in marriage for no more than two months.

Nastya had depressive states and before, she worked with a psychologist. Then this tragedy with her parents, which Nastya saw with her own eyes, because she was conscious. Three doctors looked at Nastya after her first suicide attempt and said: “Everything is fine, she’s just a spoiled girl.” She was released and was not given any pills or other treatment. Veronica grabbed it for herself. We wanted to find a good specialist, but Nastya was taken to a hospital where there were 15 people in a ward.

Marina Parfenova also remembered how the parents of the future spouses received their daughters. The meeting with Alexey, Nastya’s future husband, went well, Pavel and Svetlana were very happy. But Veronica’s husband was not to his liking.

Veronica is all under her husband. Svetlana told me that he beats her, and she was in the hospital for safekeeping - he beat her,” says Marina.

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06/20/2019 St. Petersburg Gazette Argentina advances to the next round. Photo: Mikhail Kireev / Nevsky Sport The national teams of Argentina and Paraguay began the match in the second round of Group B of the America's Cup.
06/20/2019 Nevsky Sport