Singer Zara spoke about the life of the little son of the deceased Stella Baranovskaya. The father of the son of Stella Baranovskaya, who died of cancer, refused to take the child to his place Kotin Stella Baranovskaya

She died a year ago after difficult cancer treatment. Everyone still remembers the last days of this beautiful and courageous girl. And I hope that all the haters who threw mud at her then and accused her of extorting money for imaginary treatment are now ashamed of their words and regret...

Stella named the father of the child as Maxim Kotin, the son of Irina Winter, interior designer and art director of the Mosfilm Gallery, and Igor Kotin, head of the media department of the representative office of the Swiss company Glencore. However, Maxim, who at one time insisted on an abortion and never recognized Danya as his son, does not take any part in his life.

Danya now lives with Stella’s mother, she is his official guardian. She tries to take good care of her grandson: he goes to school and various clubs, and draws very well. But grandma’s small pension is still not enough, and that’s why they get help ex-girlfriends Stellas - Anfisa Chekhova, Zara, Katya Gordon.

All the hysteria around the adoption is over, Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized, although everyone knows perfectly well that this is Maxim’s child - the resemblance is striking.

But I can’t understand, well, if you’re not sure that the child is yours, do a paternity test and live with clear conscience. What's stopping you from proving that everyone is lying and you're not the father? But he completely denies himself and behaves unmanly. However, like his whole family - low and mean...

Stella may rest in peace, and we all have a lesson - don’t give birth to children from men who don’t want it and are not at all worth such sacrifices...

September 11, 2017

An episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk” was dedicated to the actress, who died of cancer.

Photo: Instagram

30 year old. This was a great tragedy for friends and family. Stella's friends said that she suffered from terrible pain and could no longer walk.

Let us remind you that the artist has a son, Danya, from Max Kotin, but the father does not pay attention to the boy, so the baby often stayed at home with the actress’s friends. Now Stella’s loved ones are trying to decide the baby’s fate so that the boy does not stay in the orphanage. Anfisa Chekhova, Katya Gordon and singer Zara were next to the artist in last days her life and promised to take care of her son.

Today’s episode of “Let Them Talk” brought together Stella’s close friends and family, who spoke about the last days of the artist’s life. Now the fate of her son Dani is being decided. Stella’s grandmother will not be able to take custody of the boy due to her age; the actress had a very tense relationship with her own mother. The child's biological father refuses to participate in raising his son. It later turned out that Stella’s father, Stanislav Kanteladze, flew to her funeral from the USA and said that he was ready to take his grandson.

“I don’t know about Stella’s mom, but I think no parent wants to harm their child. We communicate with her. We have a grandson, we must raise him. First of all, we must agree among ourselves how we will do this; this is a very difficult issue. Of course, it would be good for the child if he came to America. And he would have been brought up there. But I don’t know how her grandmother will look at this... I would like to take him, but we’ll see how we agree,” Stanislav said to the host of “Let Them Talk” Dmitry Borisov.

30-year-old actress and single mother Stella Baranovskaya died from the consequences of lymphoma after a long struggle, covered by federal television channels. Many people accused her of fraud: she allegedly pretended to be sick in order to collect money for treatment, and she used these funds to go on vacation. Now those who did not believe Stella Baranovskaya are shamed on social networks, but they believe that they were right anyway.

The death of actress Stella Baranovskaya was reported in instagram journalist Katya Gordon. According to her, the woman, who recently turned 30, died “ martyrdom"On the night of September 4.

Gordon accused blogger Madina Tatraeva, who called Baranovskaya a “swindler,” and journalist and entrepreneur Maxim Kotin, who, according to her, was the father of Baranovskaya’s child and did not care for him, for the fact that “her death was difficult.”

Friends helped her, and she lived in poverty. Artyom gave me money to rent an apartment, Anfisa and Zara helped as best they could. But there is no man. There is a child, Danya, with a dash in the paternity column, but his grandparents, rich socialites, don’t even want to know about him. Chekhov, and Gogol, and Saltykov-Shchedrin, and Dostoevsky - they are all in this story. It's painful, disgusting and offensive. But we will try not to forget and help.

The medical history of Stella Baranovskaya began in January 2015, when she was with her American husband in the United States. She suddenly developed a high fever and found it difficult to breathe. Soon in the hospital she was given her first diagnosis: leukemia. Subsequently it was clarified: acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

For a long time, Stella Baranovskaya was treated various methods in the USA and outside the country, underwent several courses of chemotherapy, and then, in her own words, refused expensive and very painful treatment, for which her friends and Russian stars show business, including Ksenia Borodina, Olga Buzova, Anfisa Chekhova, Anna Semenovich, Dmitry Bilan and Anastasia Stotskaya.

Baranovskaya realized that traditional evidence-based medicine could not help her, and decided to resort to other methods. She herself spoke about this in the “Live Broadcast” program with Boris Korchevnikov in December 2016, after she first went into remission and then the cancer returned.

I was in remission, I won. Now, unfortunately, I have metastases in the brain, but that’s okay, this is not a final diagnosis, I can handle it again,” the actress said at the very beginning of the program.

This program also showed those who accused the woman of fraud: she allegedly used the collected funds to go on vacation, and not for real treatment. The main accuser was Madina Tatraeva, a 25-year-old blogger and lawyer by training, who herself was being treated for cancer.

I stopped believing her the moment she went to Miami to be treated with chlorophyll and infrared radiation. The clinic where she was treated is registered as a massage parlor,” Madina said.

Despite the fact that Stella Baranovskaya told details about the new stages of the disease, and most importantly, she did not appear on camera healthy person(she, as happens with brain tumors, developed a noticeable squint), many did not believe her.

Madina Tatraeva opened a group on VK “Against the lies of Stella Baranovskaya”. The description says that Baranovskaya’s illness is a “fiction”, and she herself is a “charlatan” whose goal is to collect money and become famous, and then write books about miraculous healing. The community is still functioning.

On the wall in the group, users wrote revealing texts about the actress’s imaginary illness, and photo albums published screenshots from her Instagram, where Baranovskaya was photographed in warm countries and didn't look sick.

At some point, Stella Baranovskaya, judging by Instagram, which is now closed, and her words in the “Live Broadcast” program, really believed that chemotherapy and other traditional methods of treatment were powerless in her case, and physiotherapy, massage, biological The supplements help her. The following dialogue took place between presenter Korchevnikov and Baranovskaya:

Why do you use the services of metaphysicians?
- Because they help me.

In many photographs taken after interrupted chemotherapy and during alternative treatment, Stella looks good.

In 2017, the disease returned, and nine months after appearing on television, Baranovskaya died. Now many have demanded that the members of the group “Against the Lies of Stella Baranovskaya” apologize, accusing them of inhumanity.

But active participants are in no hurry to apologize.

Moreover, they believe that nothing in the group needs to be changed after the death of the actress, because she spent the collected funds on rest, physiotherapy and biological supplements, instead of fighting for life together with doctors of evidence-based medicine - doing chemistry, blood transfusions, operations.

There are dozens of such posts on the wall in the group. There are also more radical opinions.

Some argue that the activities of Madina Tatraeva and a group of opponents of Stella hastened her death.

A scam in which a person announces a fundraiser for treatment of an imaginary serious illness, occurs quite often. In April, we wrote about 20-year-old Kelly Schmall, a Northern Kentucky University student who... As a result, a criminal case was opened against her and she faces up to 10 years in prison.

September 4, 2017 after a long battle with cancer. She was only 30 years old. The death of the star was a real shock for her loved ones, because they hoped for a miracle until the last moment. Stella's death was first reported on social networks by her friends Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara. They said that most of all in the last days of her life, Stella was worried about her son. The fact is that the biological father of her child Maxim Kotin refused to acknowledge the little one Daniel.

After the death of Stella Baranovskaya, Katya Gordon, Anfisa Chekhova and Zara focused all their efforts on resolving the issue of future fate Dani. The day before, on Stella’s birthday, Chekhova published a touching post on her Instagram microblog with memories of a loved one and talked about the fate of her friend’s 7-year-old son.

« Today is my Baby's birthday. She would have turned 31...If only her fate had turned out differently.If... if only...It’s so difficult to understand and I so want to challenge the logic of the Higher Powers!All the hysteria around the adoption is over, Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized.But it's their choice and new circle karmic debts and detention. Stella’s son Danya now lives with his grandmother, Stella’s mother. There was never any talk about identifying the boy; his grandmother is the official guardian.And she never gave up custody. In the everyday sense, I'm sure she takes good care of Dana. “He goes to school and to various clubs,” the TV presenter shared (the author’s spelling and punctuation are given without changes. - Note ed.).

Stella Baranovskaya and Anfisa Chekhova

Stella Baranovskaya became famous after the scandal that erupted in early 2016. The girl wrote on social networks that she was able to achieve the transition of acute lymphoblastic leukemia into remission. However, some Internet users did not believe her, deciding that she allegedly invented the disease by collecting money from gullible citizens.

Stella decided to respond to all the accusations publicly, speaking on a number of television programs on federal channels. She appeared on the talk show “Live”, where she explained: indeed, she went into remission, but metastases went to the brain. The girl was forced to make excuses in response to the attacks.

Stella Baranovskaya continued her treatment by going to Mexico to see a certain healer who promised a cure for cancer. Larisa Kryuchonkova, Stella’s mother, supported her daughter’s choice in terms of unconventional methods and examination: “I was in the hospital with her. I was allowed to live in the ward. I saw how she felt after chemotherapy.” However, it was not possible to meet with the healer Baranovskaya. In recent days, Stella could no longer walk; she was in severe pain.

Stella Baranovskaya

Stella Baranovskaya for a long time struggled with cancer, doctors diagnosed her with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. The chemotherapy courses that the actress underwent briefly helped stabilize her condition. But at the beginning of September 2017, cancer took the life of a young and beautiful actress, leaving her son Daniil an orphan; today the boy lives with Stella’s mother.

Let us recall that when Baranovskaya was alive, some users social networks didn't believe her. They believed that she was faking the disease for personal gain. Only death proved the opposite - Baranovskaya really struggled with a serious illness and spent large amounts for treatment.

“Stella’s son Danya now lives with his grandmother, Stella’s mother. There was never any talk about identifying the boy; his grandmother is the official guardian. And she never gave up custody. In the everyday sense, I'm sure she takes good care of Dana. He goes to school and to various clubs. All the hysteria around the adoption is over, Dani’s father and his family never got in touch and the boy was not recognized. But this is their choice, and a new circle of karmic debts and work off. I only dreamed of Stella once in a strange dream, but she was very happy and content! My little girl, so fragile and so strong at the same time. In recent days, experiencing incredible pain, she still continued to console her friends in their earthly problems and help with advice! What she needed most in her life was love! Most often in her life she faced betrayal! Her life was like an action-packed dramatic novel. She was writing an autobiographical book, but all the manuscripts remained on the computer, which, by right of inheritance, went to her mother. I hope that someday we will be able to publish what she managed to write,” shared Anfisa Chekhova.

Let us remember that Stella learned about the diagnosis while in America with her fiancé. Larisa Pokhilchuk, a nurse at the hospital in Minnesota where Baranovskaya went, said that she had a very difficult time with chemotherapy. According to her, Stella’s chosen one turned away from her after learning about her serious illness.

“When she was discharged with her mother and Danya, they had nowhere to live. They stayed at my house... Stella has a very high pain threshold, she literally climbed the wall in pain during chemotherapy. She walked six steps, but did not complete the last one, it was too painful for her. At that very moment she experienced betrayal loved one. The groom didn't even lift a finger to help her...We had several long conversations in the kitchen. What Stella experienced in her 30 years, some people don’t experience in a hundred years,” recalled an employee of the medical institution.

Today Stella would have turned 31 years old. In honor of this day, Anfisa Chekhova published a poem dedicated to the deceased and told how she remembered her friend. Baranovskaya was supported by Katya Gordon, Lera Kudryavtseva, and singer Zara. They defended the honor of the actress on talk shows, declaring that Stella courageously fought against cancer and did not embezzle other people’s money.

“The most beautiful, kind, gentle girl. I can't believe it and find it the right words. How you suffered and suffered, how many trials befell you on your fragile soul. Rest in peace, girl,” Lera Kudryavtseva wrote in a mournful moment.