Sayings of the Holy Fathers. St. Nicholas Church

What is love?

Scripture testifies:

« God is love» (1 John 4:16).

Saint Gregory the Theologian(memory (25.1/7.2/.389):

“We honor love. For, according to the saying of the Holy Spirit, our God is love (1 John 4.8), And this name is more pleasing to God than any other name».

(St. Gregory the Theologian “Creations” vol. 1, M., 2010, p. 286).

Venerable Simeon the New Theologian (12/25/.3.1021):

« Love there is not a name, but divine essence communicable and incomprehensible and completely Divine.”

(Reverend Simeon the New Theologian “Creations” vol. 3 “Divine Hymns” published by the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, 1993, p. 220).


“Epistle to the Trallians”: “...Confirm yourselves mutually in faith, which is the flesh of the Lord, and in love, which is the blood of Jesus Christ».

(“Writings of the Apostolic Men. In Russian translation with introductions and notes to them by Archpriest P. Preobrazhensky” Kyiv 2001, p. 288).

Bishop Anthony (Khrapovitsky), Later Metropolitan, First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia †28.7.1936):

« To believe in Christ means to believe in « Love“, having received its highest justification through Him, recognize precisely love as the highest law of life and be guided by it.”

/ Ep. Anthony (Khrapovitsky) “Collected Works” vol.2, p.103/ (Quote from the book: S.M. Zarin “Asceticism according to Orthodox Christian teaching” M., 1996, p.364).

German theologian and philosopher, one of the greatest Christian mystics, Meister Eckhart(c.1260-c.1328):

“Today we read the Epistle, in which St. John says: “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” ( 1John 4.16). However, I say: " God is love and whoever is in love is in God, and He is in him.” When I say "God-love" I mean one whole. For think, if they say “God is love,” then the question may arise what kind of love, because there is more than one love, and thereby one can turn away from the whole. But in order to keep this whole before me, I say: “ God is love».

God captures all creation with His love in order to awaken in them the desire to love Him. If they ask me what God is, then I will answer: God is good, as such He pursues all creatures with His love, and only in order to direct their love back to Himself; what kind of happiness God gives; being Himself the goal of their aspirations.”

(Meister Eckhart “Spiritual Sermons and Reasonings” St. Petersburg, 2008, p. 201).


In response to the Pharisee's question:

"Teacher! Which greatest commandment in the law? Jesus said to him: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind: this is the first and greatest commandment; the second one similar to her: love your neighbor as yourself, On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matt. 22:36-40).

Apostle Paul:

“Above all, put on Love, which is totality of perfection"(Col. 3:14).

Venerable Maximus the Confessor (21.1/3.2/.662):

"Or, to put it briefly, love is the accomplishment of all good things; being faithful, unwavering and always abiding, it leads and leads those living in it to God, the Highest Good and the Cause of all good.

"…" As a matter of fact, only she is alone represents man as existing in the image of the Creator...”

(“The works of St. Maximus the Confessor, book 1 “Theological and ascetic treatises” 1993, p. 147).

Venerable John Climacus (30.3/12.4/.649):

« Love there is a giver of prophecy; love is the culprit of miracles; love is an abyss of radiance; love is the source of fire in the heart, which, the more it flows, the more it inflames the thirsty. Love is the affirmation of the Angels, eternal prosperity."

(“Our Reverend Father John, Abbot of Mount Sinai LADDER”JordAnville, N. Y., 1963, p.250).

Venerable Abba Felassius (†660):

"ONE LOVE combines creatures with God and among themselves in unanimity».

(“Philokalia” vol. 3, M., 1998, p. 313).


“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another, like me loved you So and let you love one another; Because everyone will know that you are my disciples, Ifyou will have love for each other» (John 13:34-35).

Bishop of the Caucasus (30.4/13.5/1867):

“Love for one's neighbor is the path leading to love for God: because Christ deigned to mysteriously clothe himself with each of our neighbors, and in Christ is God ( Matt. 10,34,35,36)».

I, M., 1993, p.121).

Venerable Silouan of Athos (11.9/24/.1938):

“Blessed is the soul that loves its brother, for OUR BROTHER IS OUR LIFE / so highlighted in the cited source - compiler/. Blessed is the soul that loves a brother: in it The Spirit of the Lord lives tangibly and gives her peace and joy, and she weeps for the whole world.”

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 335).

Saint righteous John Kronstadt (20.12.1908/2.1.1909):

"Dislike, enmity or hatred should not be known among Christians even by name. How can there be dislike between Christians! Everywhere you see love, everywhere you smell the fragrance of love. Our God is a God of love; His kingdom is the kingdom of love; out of love for us He did not spare His only begotten Son and gave Him up to death for us (Cf. Rom. 8:32). And you - express love everywhere, at home - to your family (they are sealed in baptism and confirmation with the cross of love and wear the cross, eat the Supper of Love with you in church). In the church there are symbols of love everywhere (Crosses, sign of the cross, saints who pleased the love of God and neighbors) and the Most Embodied Love. In heaven and on earth, love is everywhere. She is limitless, just like God is limitless. She calms and delights the heart, like God, while enmity kills soul and body. Will you still not love when everywhere you hear preaching about love, when only the murderer the devil is not love, but eternal enmity?

(St. John of Kronstadt “Creations. Diary. vol. 2, 1859-1860, M., 2003, p. 215).

Apostle John the Theologian:

"We know that we have passed from death to life,because we love brothers; He who does not love his brother remains in death. Any,haterhis brother, there is a HUMAN KILLER; and you know that no murderer has eternal life.” (1 John 3:14,15).

Reverend Ephraim Sirin (28.1/10.2/.373-379):

“Unfortunate and pitiful are those who are far from love. He spends his days in sleepy delirium. And who will not cry for that person who is far from God, deprived of light and lives in darkness? For I say to you, brethren: who does not have the love of Christ, THAT ENEMY TO CHRIST. "..." He who has no love is blinded by his mind, he friend of the devil…».

(St. Ephraim the Syrian “Creations” vol. 1, M., 1993, p. 7).

Venerable Silouan of Athos:

“The Holy Spirit is love; and this love is poured out in all the souls of the holy inhabitants of heaven, and the same Holy Spirit on earth, in the souls of those who love God. "..."

But although I loved to pray, I did not avoid sins. But the Lord did not remember my sins and gave me to love people, and my soul desires that the WHOLE UNIVERSE was saved and was in the Kingdom of Heaven, and saw the glory of the Lord, and enjoyed the love of God».

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 252).

About love for enemies

Savior :

“You have heard that it was said: “You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”

And I I tell you: LOVE YOUR ENEMIES, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you and pray for those who use you and persecute you; that you may be sons of your Father in heaven..." (Matt. 5:43-45);

“And as you want people to do to you, do so to them.

And if you love those who love you, what gratitude do you have for that? for sinners also love those who love them.

And if you do good to those who do good to you, what gratitude is that to you? for sinners do the same.

And if you lend to those from whom you hope to get it back, what gratitude are you for that? for even sinners lend to sinners in order to receive back the same amount.

But you LOVE YOUR ENEMIES and do good and lend, expecting nothing; and you will have a great reward, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He is good to the ungrateful and the wicked.

AND So be merciful like your Father merciful" (Luke 6:31-36).

God-man Jesus ChristHe not only demands love for enemies from His followers, but He Himself shows it.

On the Cross:

“And when they came to a place called Lobnoye, there they crucified Him and the villains, one on the right and the other on the left.

Jesus said: Father! forgive them because they don't know what they are doing. And they divided His garments by casting lots.

And the people stood and watched. The bosses laughed along with them...” (Luke 23:33-35).

Venerable Abba Isaiah(†IY century) in his “Seventh Word” draws attention to the fact that at the Last Supper the Lord Jesus Christ

“how he washed the feet of the other disciples, so he washed the feet of Judas without making any distinction."

(“Philokalia” vol. 1, 1963,JordAnyille, N.Y., p.238).

A schema-abbot John(Alekseev; †1958) adds:

“After the solemn procession to Jerusalem, the Lord at the Last Supper instituted the sacrament of holy communion, and Judas received the Body and Blood Our Savior Lord Jesus Christ."

(Sche-abbot John “Letters of the Elder of Valaam” M., 1992, p. 83).

Saint John Chrysostom (14/27/.9.407):

“It is not enough to pray for our salvation if we do not pray according to the laws that Christ laid down for this. What laws did He lay down? Pray for enemies, even if they saddened us a lot. And if we don’t do this, then we are lost., as can be seen from what happened to the Pharisee...”

(Quote from the book: “The Holy Fathers on Prayer and Sobriety” M., 1992, p. 79).

Hieromonk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Vladimir (Musatov):

“Whoever wants God to hear his prayer, when he stands before Him and stretches out his hands to Him, first of all, even before praying for your soul, must pray with all your heart for your enemies. For this good deed, God will hear him if the subject of prayer is pleasing to Him.”

(“Questions from a cell student with the elder’s answers to them about various soul-saving objects” reprint of the 1855 edition, M., 1996, p. 67).

Hieromartyr Ignatius the God-Bearer"Epistle to the Smyrnae":

"But I protect you from animals in human form, whom you not only should not accept, but, if possible, don't meet them, A just pray for them“Will they somehow repent?”

(“Early Fathers of the Church. Anthology: apostolic men and apologists” Brussels, 1988, p. 135).

Hieromartyr Polycarp of Smyrna(23.2/8.3/.156) “Philippians”:

“Pray also for kings, for powers and princes, even for those who persecute and hate you and for the enemies of the cross, so that the fruit of your faith may be evident to all, and you yourselves may be perfect.”

(“Early Fathers of the Church. Anthology: apostolic men and apologists” Brussels, 1988, p. 156).

Saint Simeon of Thessaloniki(† September 1429) in his “Message to Christians Living in a Muslim Surroundings” writes:

“From now on, brethren, rejoice as you suffer and endure for Christ, and, brethren, seeing how oppressed we are, do not be offended, but be even more strengthened and strengthen others when one of the pious and righteous suffers. Support those who are persecuted with the power of your voice, with words of perseverance and deeds of mercy, for the sake of their love, lead those wavering to hope, so that you too may be heirs with them, as the Apostle says: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man.” what God has prepared for those who love Him" (1 Cor. 2:9). Have pity on the wicked, for We must also be merciful to them and pray to God for them who are fighting against us, for this is the work of the pious: to pray for those who persecute and beat.

And every time they revile you, mocking us and everyone on earth as best they can, feel sorry for them more and answer with boldness in Christ that we rejoice the more in this, and believe that we are servants of God, because we are persecuted in this world, because we are hated by the pagans and suffer for Christ, - for He Himself taught us this, saying that “you will be hated by everyone because of My name” (Mark 13:13)».

(Journal "Alpha and Omega" 2004, No. 3(41), p. 122-123).

Venerable Silouan of Athos:

"But He who does not love his enemies cannot know the Lord and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit teaches you to love your enemies so that your soul will pity them as if it were your own children.

There are people who wish their enemies or enemies of the Church death and torment in hellfire. They think this way because have not learned the love of God from the Holy Spirit, for he who has learned will shed tears for the whole world.

You say he is a villain and let him burn in hell fire. But I ask you: if God gives you good place in heaven, but you will see in the fire the one for whom you wished the fire of torment, will you really not feel sorry for him, no matter who he is, even an enemy of the Church?

Or do you have a heart of iron? But in heaven there is no need for iron. There you need humility and the love of Christ, which FEEL SORRY FOR EVERYONE. / Similarly highlighted in the cited source - compiler/.He who does not love his enemies does not have the grace of God».

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 256).


“There are three virtues that always give light to the mind: not seeing wickedness in any person, charity to those who do evil you and endure everything that comes your way without embarrassment.”

(“Philokalia” vol. 1, New York, 1963, p. 236).

Archpriest Valerian Krechetov reminisces about :

“Father Tikhon (Shevkunov) asked him what we need to fear most, what is most terrible for us, and the priest answered: “ Lack of love" - “And in the Church?” - “And in the Church.” “What do you recommend?” – “ Love for everything».

Saint Basil of Kineshma (31.7/13/.8.1945):

“The commandment of love always remains obligatory to all those who have different opinions without exception, no matter how far they stray from Christ’s truth».

(St. Basil Bishop of Kineshma “Conversations on the Gospel of Mark” M., 1996, p. 321).

Venerable Anthony the Great (17/30/.1.356):

“Those who have forgotten the good and godly life and are wise not according to right and God-loving dogmasshould not hate, but rather regret, as impoverished in reasoning and blind in heart and mind: for, taking evil for good, they perish from ignorance.”

(“Philokalia” vol. 1, 1963,JordAnville, N.Y., p.58).

Abbot of Valaam Monastery Abbot Khariton (†1947):

“...often words, mind and heart go on different paths and harmony is disturbed.

And this harmony must first of all be restored in oneself. Otherwise, defending even the cause of truth, it will be difficult to maintain peaceful feelings to warring opponents, A without this, everything is of no use, And inner harmony disturbed and upset.

The thought that people are to blame for its disorder leads to even greater indignation. and not herself, darkened by her. internal turmoil. After all, people even if they are mistaken, they are worthy of regret, not contempt and hatred. Thoughts about the guilt of other people create a riot in the spiritual chamber. And vice versa, thoughts of regret and compassion for them, even if they are lost, bring about such peace in the soul. This, I believe, has been experienced by everyone who guards his soul.”

(Magazine “Alpha and Omega” 2009, No. 1(54), p.277).

IN "Gallic and Hispano-Gothic Liturgies" We read about the love of God:

“...and since everything came from You, You are in everything; for You are so high that You possess heavenly things, so accessible that You do not abandon earthly things, and so loving , What You do not deprive the underworld of Your presence».

(“Collection of ancient liturgies of Eastern and Western” Issue 4 and 5; reprint from 1877, publishing house of St. Vladimir Brotherhood, 1999, p. 82).

Venerable Silouan of Athos:

“The Lord gave us a commandment: “Love your enemies” (Matt. 5:44). But how can you love them when they do evil? Or how to love those who persecute the Holy Church?

When the Lord went to Jerusalem and the Samaritans did not accept Him, John the Theologian and James were ready to bring down fire from heaven and destroy them for this; but the Lord mercifully told them: “I did not come to destroy, but to save.” (Luke 9:54-56). So we too must have one thought: that everyone be saved. The soul pities the enemies and prays for them, that they have strayed from the truth and are going to hell. This is love for enemies. When Judas decided to betray the Lord, the Lord mercifully admonished him; So we must act mercifully with those who are mistaken, and then we will be saved by the mercy of God.”

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 341).

Venerable Isaac the Syrian:

“And what is a merciful heart? ... The burning of a person’s heart about all creation, about humans, about birds, about animals, O demonsand about every creature. When remembering them and looking at them, a person’s eyes shed tears from the great and strong pity that envelops the heart. And from great compassion his heart is diminished, and it cannot bear, or hear, or see any harm or small sorrow endured by the creature. And therefore and about the dumb, and about the enemies of truth,and about those who harm him /Syrian version: “ about those causing harm to it (i.e. the truth)", "about those who harm her"(Quote from the book: Hieromonk Hilarion (Alfeev) “The World of Isaac the Syrian” M., 1998, p. 47) /, every hour with tears he brings a prayer that they will be preserved and have mercy; and he also prays for the nature of reptiles with great pity, which is immeasurably aroused in his heart until he becomes like God in this.».

(“Works like the saints of our father Isaac the Syrian, an ascetic and hermit, who was the bishop of the Christ-loving city of Nineveh, Ascetic Words” ed. 3, Sergiev Posad, 1911, p. 299).

Venerable Silouan of Athos:

“The Lord taught me to love my enemies. Without the grace of God we cannot love our enemies, but the Holy Spirit teaches love, and then I feel sorry even for the demons“that they have fallen away from goodness, have lost humility and love for God.”

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 340).

Mr. Drositis Panathiotis, Honorary President of the Court of Appeal, testifies:

“The Elder’s love was unsurpassed. It extended to all people, to all creation, even for demons. I saw how in his kaliva he received a person unknown to him, professing a different religion. He hugged him with such warmth and cordiality, as if he were his beloved brother. From the Elder’s own lips I heard that when he with tears prayed for the pitiful state he was in devil, he appeared to him and began to ridicule him. I saw how he even took care of plants, ants, reptiles and other representatives of the animal kingdom with tenderness and love.”

(Hieromonk Isaac “The Life of Elder Paisius the Svyatogorets”, publishing house Holy Mountain, M., 2006, pp. 530-531).

Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov), Bishop of the Caucasus:

“Those who are deprived of the glory of Christianity are not deprived of another glory received at creation: they are the image of God.

If the image of God is cast into the flames terrible hell , and there I have to honor him.

What do I care about the flames, about hell! The image of God was cast there according to the judgment of God: my job is to maintain respect for the image of God, and to save yourself from hell.

And the blind, and the leper, and the mentally damaged, and the infant, and the criminal, and show respect to the pagan, as the image of God. What do you care about their weaknesses and shortcomings! Watch yourself so that you do not lack love.”

(St. Ignatius Brianchaninov “Ascetic Experiences” vol.I, M., 1993, pp. 125-126).

Gerontissa Gabrielia:

« You can't be a Christian and not love everyone equally. Both Orthodox and non-Orthodox. And our faith and other faiths, and foreigners. We are not to blame for where we are born.”

(Nun Gabriel “Feat of Love - Gerontissa Gabriel 2.10.1897-28.3.1992” published by Holy Protection Monastic Community, 2000, p. 223).

Venerable Silouan of Athos:

“Christ prayed for those who crucified Him: “Father, do not put this sin on them; They don’t know what they’re doing.” Archdeacon Stefan prayed for those who stoned him, so that the Lord would not count it as sin on them. And we, if we want to maintain grace, must pray for our enemies. If you do not feel sorry for the sinner who will suffer in the fire, then it means that you do not have the grace of the Holy Spirit.“, but an evil spirit lives in you, and while you are still alive, try to free yourself from it through repentance.”

(“Elder Silouan. Life and Teachings” M. - Novo-Kazachye - Minsk, 1991, p. 319).

Archpriest Valerian Krechetov remembers Archpriest Nikolai (Guryanov):

“Father warned in every possible way against manifestations of unlove. When I talked about the transfer of the relics of St. Athanasius Sakharov, about how the relics were carried along the path along which the bishop was taken for interrogation to the monastery, I said that now St. Athanasius reigned with glory and remains there in the monastery, and those who he was tortured - in hell. Father told me that I shouldn’t have said that.”

(“Memories of Elder Nikolai Guryanov” M., 2003, p. 22).

Venerable Abba Isaiah of Nitria (†370):

« Woe to us, that, while the retreat lasts for so many years and very many left Orthodox faith “We don’t shed a tear, we don’t get sick in our hearts, we don’t abstain from our passions, but we add sins to sins, so that both for our evil deeds and for unbelief, we will at once receive bitter eternal torment in Gehenna!”

(“Philokalia” vol. 1, New York, 1963, p. 326).

Life of St. Paisius the Great(19.6/2.7/.†Yв):

"... After the saint is quite for a long time, so he prayed and incessantly propitiated the bounties of God, his prayers bowed the mercy of God; for the Savior does not despise the prayers of those who love Him. The Lord Himself appeared to the holy elder, and the One Who Knows everything asked him:

– “For whom do you cry out to Me day and night? isn't that about who has rejected Me and now passed on to the enemies- a cursed man who was once a monk, and now became a Jew? Is this not the person you are praying for, My saint Paisius?”

The elder said to the Lord:

- “For him I pray for Your goodness, humane Master. Looking at Your bounties, calling everyone to salvation and not wanting the death of a sinner, but awaiting his conversion, for the sake of these Your bounties, I dared to pray for Your mercy: call, good Shepherd, the lost sheep, call again into Your fence and be merciful to him."

To this prayer the Lord said to him:

- “Oh, My saint! your piety is great: for You,imitating My love,care about the salvation of sinners; Therefore, do not grieve: what you ask will be given to you.”

(“Lives of the Saints of St. Demetrius of Rostov. June”, published by Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage, 1992, pp. 442-443).

Venerable Macarius the Great (19/1.2/.1.390-391).

“The Ancient Patericon says: “They told about Abba Macarius the Great: one day, while passing through the desert, he found the skull of a dead man lying on the ground. The elder, hitting the skull with a palm stick, said to him: who are you? - answer me. The skull answered: I was the chief priest of the pagans who lived in this place; and when you, Abba Macarius, are a spirit bearer, having mercy on those suffering in torment, pray for them, then they feel some joy.”

(“Ancient patericon, set out in chapters” M., 1991, pp. 34-35).

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets (†12.7.1994):

“The question of where God will place me after my death does not concern me. I threw myself aside. I don't do good things to get to Heaven..

For me, it is preferable for those unfortunate people who live far from God to taste at least a little of Paradise. After all, we have at least tasted what heavenly joy is, while in this life they already live in hellish torment.”

Citing this statement of the Elder, his biography writes: “The Elder asked God to free one soul, tormented in hellish torments, and he himself would be sent in his place. “I would pray for I myself was excommunicated from Christ by my brethren” / “I would like to be excommunicated from Christ for my brothers, relatives to me according to the flesh” (Rom. 9:3)/ – wrote the holy Apostle Paul. How close was Elder Paisius’s disposition to these apostolic words.”

(Hieromonk Isaac “The Life of Elder Paisius the Holy Mountain”, publishing house Holy Mountain, M., 2006, p. 537).

Hieromonk Dionysius (Ignat):

“The elder passed into eternity on May 11, 2004 at the age of 95, of which he spent 81 years in the monastery, including 78 years on Holy Mount Athos, of which 67 years in the cell of St. George “Kolchu”, and for 57 years he cared for numerous spiritual children from all over the world.”

“Let us have love for our neighbor, but not hypocritical love, that is, when I choose: this one, they say, is evil, that one knows what. I must love everyone as myself, for this is what the Church commands me to do. This is the truth and Orthodoxy. That is, so that we love everyone: Turks, Arabs, and people of other religions and nations.

But God does not command me to change my faith to their faith or our customs to please their passions. We are not interested in what God will do with them. Everything around is His creation, and He will judge everyone with a judgment incomprehensible to our minds.”

We have collected a precious collection of quotes and sayings from the holy fathers of the Orthodox Church that will be useful to any Christian. We hope you will find something useful for yourself in this spiritual treasury.

  • Holy Fathers on family and marriage
  • Holy Fathers about children
  • Holy Fathers about love

Sayings of the Holy Fathers about the family

About the wedding:“It is best if Christ Himself is present at the wedding, because where Christ is, everything acquires dignity, and water is transformed into wine, that is, everything changes for the better.” Saint Gregory the Theologian

On an alliance with Gentiles: “ If marriage itself must be sanctified by a priestly covering and blessing, then how can there be a marriage where there is no agreement of faith?” Saint Ambrose of Milan

ABOUT family life: “You, on whom marriage has placed its bonds in this honest life, think about how to bring more fruit into the heavenly winepress.” Saint Gregory the Theologian

St. Gregory the Theologian

“Bound by the bonds of marriage, we replace each other’s arms, legs, and hearing. Marriage makes the weak twice as strong... The common concerns of the spouses ease their sorrows and common joys delight both. For spouses who are unanimous, wealth becomes more pleasant, and in poverty, unanimity itself is more pleasant than wealth. For them, marital ties serve as the key to chastity and wishes, the seal of necessary affection.” Saint Gregory the Theologian

“By forming one flesh, (spouses) have one soul and through mutual love awaken in each other zeal for piety. For marriage does not remove one from God, but, on the contrary, binds one more, because it has more incentives to turn to Him. A small ship moves forward even with a weak wind... but a large ship will not be moved by a light breath of wind... Thus, those who are not burdened with everyday worries have less need for the help of the great God, and the one who is obliged to take care of his dear wife, property and children, cuts more a vast sea of ​​life, he needs greater help from God, and he himself loves God more mutually.” Saint Gregory the Theologian

“The divine creation appeared on earth and in the earthly valleys of an ever-blooming paradise - man. However, man has never had an assistant like him. Then the wise Word performed a truly miracle - created to be a spectator of the world, that is, dividing my root and my seed of diverse life into two parts, with a powerful and life-giving hand he extracted a rib from his side to create a wife, and pouring love into the bowels of both, prompted them to strive to each other." Saint Gregory the Theologian

About the husband's responsibilities:“Teach your wife the fear of God, and everything will flow to you as from a spring, and your house will be filled with many good things.” Saint John Chrysostom

On the responsibilities of spouses:“A husband should think about instilling godliness in the home by deeds and words; and let the wife watch over the house, but besides this occupation she should have another, more urgent concern that the whole family should work for the Kingdom of Heaven.” Saint John Chrysostom

“If you need to do something for each other’s pleasure, you need to decorate the soul, and not dress up the body and ruin it. It is not so much (external) things that make spouses loving as chastity (kindness), affection and willingness to die for each other.” Saint John Chrysostom

For wives:“Wives, glowing with spiritual beauty, reveal their nobility more and more over time, and the stronger the affection and love of their husbands becomes.” Saint John Chrysostom

Sayings of the Holy Fathers about Children

“Children are not an accidental acquisition, we are responsible for their salvation.” Saint John Chrysostom

“Whoever wants to raise children well, raises them in severity and labor, so that, having distinguished themselves in knowledge and behavior, they can eventually receive the fruits of their labors.” Venerable Neil of Sinai

“While the soul is still capable of formation, is tender and soft, like wax, and easily imprints images in itself, it is necessary immediately and from the very beginning to awaken it to goodness. When the mind opens and reason comes into action, then the initial foundations will already be laid and examples of piety will be taught. Then the mind will suggest something useful, and skill will facilitate success.” Saint Basil the Great

“Good education does not consist in first allowing vices to develop and then trying to drive them out. We must take all measures to make our nature inaccessible to vices.” Saint John Chrysostom

“Many parents, having blind love for their children, regret punishing them for their misdeeds: but later, when the children grow up and are immoral, such parents themselves will understand their mistake in not punishing their children while they were small. God Himself punishes His chosen children, as we see in Scripture, so doesn’t He love them? “The Lord punishes whomever he loves; and he beats every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12:6). In this matter, Christians must imitate the Heavenly Father and love and punish their children. Unpunished in youth, in maturity they remain like unbroken and wild horses, unfit for any work. Therefore, Christian, love your children in a Christian way and punish them so that they become good and kind.” Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

St. John Chrysostom

“If you raised your son perfectly, then he is yours, and he is his, and, as it were, a certain streak better lives will go forward, receiving the beginning and the root from you and bringing you the fruits of caring for your descendants.” Saint John Chrysostom

“This is what upsets the whole universe, that we do not care about our own children; We take care of their property, but neglect their soul, which is extreme madness.” Saint John Chrysostom

“Do you want your son to be obedient? Raise him in strictness from childhood. Do not think that listening to the Divine Scriptures will be unnecessary for him.” Saint John Chrysostom

“It is easier to pull out weeds when age is tender, and then care must be taken that unattended passions do not intensify and become incorrigible.” Saint John Chrysostom T

Sayings of the Holy Fathers about love

“Having received the commandment to love God, we also received the power to love that was placed in us at creation.” Saint Basil the Great

“Loving Christ means not being a mercenary, not looking at pious life as a trade and trade, but being truly virtuous and doing everything out of love for God alone.” Saint John Chrysostom

“No word is sufficient to adequately depict love, since it is of unearthly, but heavenly origin... Even the language of Angels is not able to perfectly explore it, since it continuously emanates from the Great God.” John Cassian the Roman

“People are looking for easy work, not hard work. Jesus' work is easy. He does not order stones to be carried, mountains are not to be torn apart, and things like that are not to be done by His servants. No, we don’t hear anything like that from Him, but what? – “love one another” (John 13:34; 15, 12, 17). What's easier than love? It is hard to hate, because hatred torments; but to love is sweet, for love pleases. He Himself testifies to this: “...My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matthew 11:30). Let us, beloved Christian, take upon ourselves the good yoke of Christ, bear His light burden and follow Him.” Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

“The thought of a person who sincerely loves God is never on earth, but is constantly in Heaven, where He is whom he loved.” Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

“We see the degree of our love for God with particular clarity during prayer, which serves as an expression of this love and is very correctly called in the patristic writings the mirror of spiritual prosperity.”

“It is not so much that we seek (love) as God seeks for us to become capable of receiving it and to accept it.” Bishop Ignatius (Brianchaninov)

“Whoever loves humility finds it easy to love God, but whoever loves pride hates God.” Venerable Ephraim the Syrian

“To him who loves God, God gives His love.” Venerable Macarius of Egypt

“The brother said to Abba Agathon: “I have been given a commandment, but fulfilling the commandment is associated with sorrow; and I want to fulfill the commandment, and I am afraid of sorrow.” The elder answered: “If you had love, you would fulfill the commandment and overcome sorrow.” Avva Agathon

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“You don’t need to get irritated, try to deal with meekly and tolerate the weaknesses of others.” Optina Elders

“If anyone does not take care of his own, and especially his family, he has renounced the faith and is worse than an infidel.” (1 Tim.5:8)

“You are deceived if you think that love for a person lies in indulging his sins and passions, then you love his death, not himself.” St. Justin (Popovich)

“May the Lord give the mind and strength to bear each other’s burdens and thereby observe the law of Christ, love and peace. Let the mistakes, misdeeds and sins of the brothers be mine." St. Moses Optinsky

“Whoever wants to acquire love must reject every evil and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, must forgive everyone’s fair and unjust insults.” St. Nikon Optinsky

“Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who use you and persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven, for He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what will be your reward? Don't publicans do the same? And if you greet only your brothers, what special thing are you doing? Don't the pagans do the same? Therefore be ye perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matt. 5:44-48)

“God sends mercy to the one who works, and consolation to the one who loves” St. Ambrose Optinsky

“Love - and you will act justly, without noticing it”

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27)

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends” (John 15:13)

“Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins” (Proverbs of Solomon 10:12)

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; just as I have loved you, let you also love one another.

By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another” (John 13:34,35)

“Mercy and condescension towards others and forgiveness of their shortcomings is the shortest path to salvation. Nothing helps prayer more than endurance of sorrows and love for one’s neighbors.” Optinsky Flower Garden

“Do not look for love in others for yourself, but look for it in yourself, not only for your neighbors, but also for your enemies.” St. Macarius of Optina

"Love sinners, but hate their deeds" St. Isaac the Syrian

“Why does a person suffer on earth, bear sorrows and endure insults?

This is why we suffer because we do not have humility.. The Holy Spirit lives in a humble soul, and He gives the soul freedom, peace, love, bliss.

We suffer because we don’t love our brother.” St. Silouan of Athos

“Be in the position of each person, take into account who is in front of you, worry about others, try to relieve others. This will give you the opportunity to painlessly lag behind your “I”. Then you will suffer for others, as Christ suffered for everyone." Right Alexy Mechev

“No matter how sensitive we are, we can never have as much compassion for our neighbors as our Creator. The more sensitive we are to any object, the blinder we are in our understanding of it... and for this reason we must sacredly commit ourselves and our neighbors By the providence of the Heavenly Father..." St. Lev Optinsky

“Don’t judge anyone, don’t annoy anyone, and my respects to everyone.” St. Ambrose Optinsky

“To refrain from words that are offensive to one’s neighbor is as pleasing to God as to praise Him unceasingly.” St. John Chrysostom

“In this life we ​​need a sympathetic gaze, a kind word, we need the consciousness that we are loved and believed in, we need that in the world the rarest and greatest treasure is an attentive heart.” St. Ambrose Optinsky

“No love? Do things of love. If you know what your sister wants, give it; if there is any disagreement, give in; if she gets excited, shut up, blame yourself, and ask for forgiveness. And most of all, pray for her, saying: “Save her, Lord, and with her holy prayers have mercy on me, a sinner.” Then the Lord will certainly give you peace and love.” St. Zosima Verkhovsky

“Where does love for one's neighbor begin? To a man, to a woman, regardless of whether it is a husband or a wife, a mother or a father, a daughter or a son?

The secret of love for a person begins at the moment when we look at him without the desire to possess him, without the desire to dominate him, without the desire to take advantage of his gifts or his personality in any way - we just look and are amazed at the beauty that has been revealed to us .

The reader, burdened already with many life problems, the question may arise about why and why he needs to love his neighbor. Based again on some benefit for yourself. In this case, we can further deepen the concept of our neighbor and remember that we are also someone’s neighbors. And not “someone else’s”, but a large and, unfortunately, long-unfriendly family called humanity. In no prayer book do we find prayers for health, spiritual and physical well-being for any individual, for someone in singular. Conciliarity is everywhere, everything is about everyone and for everyone. Unity in the desire and petition for happiness, health and love to all people, neighbors as well as ourselves, gave humanity invincible strength in the fight against evil.

And when I am a self-sufficient unit, I have enough of myself - the result is a dispersion of society. In the end, nothing remains of that wondrous, wonderful unity that could exist between people.” Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

Beloved! Let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.

He who does not love has not known God, because God is love.

God's love for us was revealed in the fact that God sent His only begotten Son into the world so that we could receive life through Him.

This is love, that we did not love God, but He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Beloved! If God loved us so much, then we should love each other.

No one has ever seen God. If we love each other, then God abides in us, and His love is perfect in us.

That we abide in Him and He in us, we know from what He has given us from His Spirit. And we have seen and testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Savior of the world.

Whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God, God abides in him, and he in God.

And we knew the love that God has for us and believed in it. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

Love reaches such perfection in us that we have boldness on the day of judgment, because we act in this world as He does.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because in fear there is torment. He who fears is imperfect in love.

Let us love Him because He first loved us.

He who says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar: for he who does not love his brother whom he sees, how can he love God whom he does not see?

And we have this commandment from Him, that whoever loves God should also love his brother.” (First Epistle of John, chapter 4)

“If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, then I am a ringing gossamer or a clanging cymbal.

If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I could move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing.

And if I give away all my property and give my body to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good.

Love is patient and kind, love does not envy, love does not boast, it is not proud,

does not act outrageously, does not seek his own, is not irritated, does not think evil,

does not rejoice in untruth, but rejoices in the truth;

bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.”

Love never fails, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished.

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part;

But when that which is perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease.

When I was a baby, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child; and when he became a husband, he left behind his children.

Now we see as if through a dark glass, fortune-telling, but then face to face;

Now I know in part, but then I will know, even as I am known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, love; but love is the greatest of these." ( The first message of the ap. Paul to the Corinthians, ch. 13)

Sayings of the Holy Fathers
About prayer for the dead.
ELDER PAISIY Svyatogorets: “God wants to help the departed because He is in pain for them, but He does not do this because He has nobility. He does not want to give the devil the right to say: “How can you save this sinner, he didn’t work at all?” "By praying for the dead, we give God the right to intervene. It must also be said that our prayers for the dead bring greater tenderness to God than for the living." "Funeral services are the most best lawyer about the souls of the departed. Funeral services have such power that they can even bring a soul out of hell."


“Dispassion does not consist in not feeling passions, but in not accepting them into oneself! Irritation is unforgivable, since at this time we are at the mercy of dark forces. Purity of thoughts and purity of feelings are not difficult to acquire through solitude, spiritual reading and exercise in prayer. » Saint Schema-Hegumen Savva.

Demons say - I hate it when a person courageously struggles with grief. The cats are scratching at his soul, but he doesn’t show it. I really don't like this fight.

Now many are sent straight from the lowest ordeals to our hell for condemning others (especially priests and monks). And there are many gluttons: everyone loves to eat and drink more deliciously. They don’t even repent of it; they will come to the temple, sit on a bench and talk about worldly things. They have no thought to repent.

Hieromonk Panteleimon Ledin said: “That we are in a spiritual battle and here wounds and hardships from the enemy are inevitable. In war it’s like in war: it was the ascetics who suffered in vain, but I accept it based on deeds.” What books do demons especially not like? The New Testament and the Psalter, then the Patristic books and the previous, 18th-19th centuries, books and teachings of the elders.

Silouan of Athos on prayer.

“Lord,” says Silouan, “teach me what I must do to humble my soul.” And again in the heart there is an answer from God: “Keep your mind in hell and do not despair.”

“Everyone will be saved, I alone will perish.” He saw in spirit that the deepest root of sin is pride - this scourge of humanity, which has torn people away from God and plunged the world into innumerable troubles and suffering; this is the true seed of death, shrouding humanity in the darkness of despair. From now on, Silouan, an outstanding giant of spirit, will concentrate all his strength on the feat for the humility of Christ, which he was given to know in the first Apparition, but which he did not preserve. “Soon I will die, and my damned soul will descend into a cramped black hell, and there alone I will languish in the dark flame and cry for the Lord: “Where are you, the light of my soul? Why did you leave me? I can't live without You."

This work soon led to peace of soul and pure prayer. But even this fiery path turned out to be short-lived.

His soul was tormented by the knowledge that people live without knowing God and His love, and he prayed great prayer so that the Lord, out of His inscrutable love, would allow them to know Himself.

About the signs of grace and charm (St. Silouan of Athos).

IN OUR desire to learn from the Elder whether there is an undoubted sign that makes it possible to reliably distinguish the true spiritual path from those “ghosts of truth” that lie on deviations from this path, we had conversations with him about this subject, and his word was priceless for us dear. He said:

“When the Holy Spirit fills the whole person with the sweetness of His love, then the world is completely forgotten, and the whole soul contemplates God in indescribable joy; but when the soul remembers the world again, then out of God’s love and pity for man, it cries and prays for the whole world.

Having indulged in crying and prayer for the world generated by love, the soul, from the sweetness of the Holy Spirit, can again forget the world and again rest in God; remembering the world, again in great sadness he prays tearfully, wishing everyone salvation.

And it is there true path taught by the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is love, peace and sweetness. The Holy Spirit teaches us to love God and neighbor. And the spirit of charm is a proud spirit; he does not spare man and other creatures, because he did not create anything; he acts like a thief and a predator, and his path is full of destruction.

The spirit of delusion cannot give true sweetness; it brings only the disturbing sweetness of vanity; there is no humility, no peace, no love in him; but there is the cold indifference of pride.

The Holy Spirit teaches the love of God, and the soul misses God and sweetly seeks Him with tears day and night, and the enemy brings his melancholy, heavy and gloomy, killing the soul.

By these signs one can clearly recognize the grace of God from the deception of the enemy.”

We told the Elder that there are people who understand dispassion not as the love of God, but as a special contemplation of existence, standing above the distinction between good and evil, and that they consider such contemplation greater than Christian love. To this the Elder said:

This is the enemy's science; The Holy Spirit does not teach that way.

And listening to the Elder, we could not help but recall the demonic images of those “supermans” who rise “beyond good and evil.” The elder said:

The Holy Spirit is love, and He gives the soul the power to love enemies. And he who does not love his enemies does not know God.

This last criterion occupied a completely exclusive and indisputable place in the Elder’s soul. He said:

The Lord is a merciful Creator, and He feels sorry for everyone. The Lord takes pity on all sinners, just as a mother takes pity on her children even when they walk an unkind path, and where there is no love for enemies and sinners, there is no Spirit of the Lord.

Constantly being in asceticism, Silouan of Athos abstained from everything and anything that could interfere with the acquisition of grace: he slept little, up to two hours a day, did not make concessions in fasting and limited himself in food, advising those who turned to him to “eat enough to after eating I wanted to pray”; cut off his will, believing that this brings “great benefit” to the soul. She yearns, prays, cries, being in a struggle to retain grace, but the Divine light, if it returns, does not last long, and then, as before, again leaves the novice. “We suffer for this reason,” the elder explained, “because we do not have humility. The Holy Spirit lives in a humble soul, and He gives the soul freedom, peace, love, bliss.” Acquiring a humble spirit "is great science, which you will not overcome soon.”

Many parents, having blind love for their children, regret punishing them for their misdeeds: but later, when the children grow up and are immoral, such parents themselves will understand their mistake in not punishing their children while they were small. God Himself punishes His chosen children, as we see in Scripture, so doesn’t He love them? “The Lord punishes whomever he loves; he beats every son whom he receives” (Heb. 12:6). In this matter, Christians must imitate the Heavenly Father and love and punish their children. Unpunished in youth, in maturity they remain like unbroken and wild horses, unfit for any work. Therefore, Christian, love your children in a Christian way and punish them so that they become good and kind. Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk (104, 1600-1601).

The Monk Theodore of Sanaksar firmly held in his memory the word of Sirach: “Better is a word than a giving” (Sir.7:35). And in the works of Chrysostom too: “It often happens that a pleasant (useful) word satisfies the poor more than alms... good advice can be a greater gain, for it is not hunger that is satisfied, but is saved from cruel death” (25 conversation on Acts; 41 conversation on Genesis). Before leaving the cell to church and back, pray: “God, be merciful to me, a sinner! God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me! Without number of sinners, Lord, forgive me! We worship Your Cross, Master, and we glorify Your holy resurrection!” and “It’s worthy to eat” to the end.

Every Christian should have a rosary and, with the blessing of his spiritual father, read the Jesus Prayer every day. This is the spiritual sword of every Orthodox Christian.

GOD. BE merciful to me, a sinner! LORD JESUS ​​CHRIST, SON OF GOD, HAVE MERCY ON ME A SINNER!...

Yes, be careful how dangerously you walk, says the Lord!!! We must ALWAYS be prepared! to the attacks of the unclean...... Be careful!....

“God waits for us to ask him for help, and only then intervenes.” Instructions of the Athonite elder Paisius the Holy Mountain.

Advice from spiritual father Gregory. (The experience of constructing the General Confession)












Where to look for the Kingdom of God?

“If demons incline your heart to a feat that exceeds your strength, do not listen to them: for this is their usual deceit - to excite a person to something that he cannot do, so that he falls into their hands, and they rejoice over him” (Abba Isaiah ).

“The kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21).

To whom is it revealed?

To the one who fulfills God's law.

What is God's law?

He's all about two commandments

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39).

Or, as the Apostle Paul says: “For the commandments: “Thou shalt not commit adultery,” “Thou shalt not kill,” “Thou shalt not steal,” “Thou shalt not bear false witness,” “Thou shalt not covet the things of another,” and all the others are contained in this word: Love thy neighbor as thyself. yourself" (Rom. 13:9).

And in order for the soul to reach a state of love, it is not enough to renounce the world, from attachments, from wealth - one must overcome this world within oneself, one must overcome one’s passions.

Thus: the Kingdom of God, which is within us, is achieved through the mortification of the flesh.

This determined the entire further ascetic path of Christianity.

The Lord said: “If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it away from you, for it is better for you that one of your members perish, and not that your whole body is cast into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” cast it away from you, for it is better for you that one of your members should perish, and not that your whole body should be cast into hell" (Matthew 5:29-30).

The Holy Apostles revealed this basic commandment of asceticism in detail: “Mortify your earthly members: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil lust and covetousness” (Col. 3:5). They say that this path of mortification of the flesh is a necessary condition for spiritual life: “ If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the flesh, you will live" (Rom. 8:13).

The apostles consider mortification to be a sign of a Christian:

"...Those who are Christ's have crucified the flesh with its passions and lusts" (Gal. 5:24).

On the way to the Kingdom of God there are pride, pride, lust, gluttony, laziness, envy, sensuality - all this must be overcome within oneself.

Schema-abbot Savva.

The one who forgives offenses to his neighbor is likened to God. Those who endured insults without a murmur after death are considered martyrs and become so close to God that their prayers can save even their offenders.

Whoever remembers a villain with kindness will great man before God.

Tolerate insults, troubles, injustices; do not dare, out of pride, to blame your neighbor for them. Believe me, the fault lies not with him, but with you: the Lord wants to cleanse your sins, so he sends you, as it were, undeserved sorrow and resentment. But again I remind you: it is deserved by you, by your various previous sins, and accept sorrow with joy, as medicine from the Lord Himself, and consider the offender as a heavenly friend, a healer of your soul; then no offense will disturb you, but will only call you to repentance, humility, patience and increase the health of your soul and make you dear to God.

If you have few sins, but many grievances, then again do not worry: for everything you will receive rich retribution from God. It is said: “Blessed are you when they revile you and destroy you and say all sorts of evil things against you lying, for my sake; Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is many in heaven” (Matthew 5:11-12).

Insults that we unjustly suffer from anyone, God imputes to us either as remission of sins or as a reward.

Be at peace for the offender, and there is a strict Judge over him - the Lord, who will judge both him and you unfeignedly. But don’t rejoice if the offender gets into trouble; after all, he was your healer, allowed or directly sent by God. By judging him or gloating about his misfortune, you yourself become a friend of the demons, so you will act in truth if you have only good things for everyone, pray for everyone and do good to everyone, especially to those who offend you: they are your healers and spiritual friends.

But you say: “How can you endure it when a loved one offends you or acts unfairly?” Okay, but don’t you insult God every minute? Do you not blaspheme His all-holy name with all kinds of iniquities and lack of faith? And He, instead of executing you, spares you, takes care of you and sends you the necessary things in life, and for repentance He places you among His friends; Shouldn’t you therefore also forgive your neighbor all insults from the bottom of your heart? If you do not forgive, the Lord will not forgive you.

Often, with just one greeting to a neighbor, the soul feels a good change in itself; on the contrary, for one sidelong glance at one’s neighbor, the grace and love of God is lost. Experience has shown that you should not think badly about a person, because for this you lose the grace of the Holy Spirit.

For spiritual peace, you need to accustom your soul so that it loves the offender and prays for him. We suffer until we resign ourselves. If someone has offended you, pray to God for him, and then you will maintain peace in your soul.

Count not on intelligence and not on health, but on grace. The loss of grace is more terrible than all losses; There is no more miserable state of a person who has lost grace. Very few returned it with great feats. One must have constant vigilance to maintain it.

Blessed Syncletikia: the devil has many sharp weapons. When he has not conquered the soul through poverty, he brings wealth to deception. He did not overcome her with insults and reproaches, but lavished praise and glory on her. Defeated by a person’s health, his body is afflicted with diseases. For, unable to seduce him with pleasures, he attempts to seduce the soul with involuntary labors, striking a person with serious illnesses in order through this to darken the love of God in the careless (Ancient Patericon 7:23).

Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God, and everyone who loves Him who begat Him also loves Him who is born of Him.

We learn that we love the children of God when we love God and keep His commandments.

For this is love for God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not grievous. 1 John 5:1-3)

Teacher! What is the greatest commandment in the law?

Jesus said to him, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind:

This is the first and greatest commandment;

The second is similar to it: love your neighbor as yourself;

All the law and the prophets are based on these two commandments (Matthew 22:36-40)

Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord;

And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

And let these words which I command you today be in your heart (Deut. 6:4-6)

Love for God and others is the fruit of the Holy Spirit: And the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, self-control (Gal. 5:22,23)

Love for our neighbors is inextricably linked with love for God: Let us love Him because He first loved us.

He who says, “I love God,” but hates his brother, is a liar: for he who does not love his brother whom he sees, how can he love God whom he does not see?

And we have this commandment from Him, that he who loves God should also love his brother. (1 John 4:19,21)

This is love, that we did not love God, but He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

Beloved! If God so loved us, then we should love one another. (1 John 4:10-11)

Love for God arises from the realization of who God is. This feeling can begin to develop on the basis of gratitude to God, when a person realizes how much the Lord loves him, what God has done for him personally and for all humanity in general:

The Apostle Paul writes a wonderful hymn of love: If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but do not have love, then I am a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries, and have all knowledge and all faith, so that I could move mountains, but do not have love, then I am nothing. And if I give away all my property and give my body to be burned, but do not have love, it does me no good. Love is long-suffering, merciful, love does not envy, love is not arrogant, is not proud, is not rude, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices with the truth; covers everything, believes everything, hopes everything, endures everything. Love never fails, although prophecy will cease, and tongues will be silent, and knowledge will be abolished. (1 Cor. 13:1-8)

Church of Christ.

If we believe in Christ, then we believe His every word. And He said: “I will build My Church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” And he also said: “Unless you eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and drink His Blood, you will not have life in you” (John 6:53). Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ takes place in the Church, which He founded, bequeathed to the apostles, and which will remain unshakable until the end of time. Is it possible to believe in Christ and not believe in Christ at the same time? Is it possible to believe in Christ and not be in His Church?

Saint John the Climacus was asked how to determine whether a person is approaching God or moving away from Him. To this he replied: “A sure sign of error is evasion from church services" Through participation in Divine services, Orthodox Christians enter into mysterious communion with God and receive from Him grace-filled strength for righteous life. But the path of a Christian is always crowned with suffering, and only with Christ this path is joy!

The Holy Apostle Paul says that “The Church of the living God is established and the establishment of the truth.” The Church was founded by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the head of the Church which He founded. The Apostle Saint John the Theologian says: “The Church of the living God is the pillar and affirmation of the truth.” And she (the church) has a basis for this, because the Lord himself said in the Gospel: “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.”

And indeed the Lord says: “Whoever falls on this stone will be broken, and whoever it falls on will be crushed.” Remembering history, we know how many people opposed the church - materialists and communists and others who tried to refute the teachings of the church. But now we see with you that their trace has “gone cold”, and the memory of them has almost disappeared. And they were in power, but the church was in persecution. But nevertheless, we see that those who were in power, militant atheists and others, suffered a complete fiasco - that is, complete defeat. But the church, with the help of God, survived. We see how the Roman Empire, which was pagan, fell and became Christian, although many Christian martyrs were burned at the stake, killed, betrayed

“Love is born from faith and fear of God, grows and is strengthened by hope, comes to perfection through goodness and mercy, which expresses the imitation of God.”

Ambrose Optinsky

“In a troubled situation, first of all, read the Gospel in a whisper, but so that your ears can hear; read, even if you don’t understand anything. The words of the Holy Spirit drive away the darkness of the soul, and especially that of the enemy.”

Ambrose Optinsky

“When trying to live piously, we must remember and never forget that everything we read and understand must be attributed to ourselves, and not to others; be prudently strict with yourself, and lenient with others. To be prudently strict means not to be stupidly embarrassed. We can see an example of this in children of different ages, who are shown leniency as they understand.”

Ambrose Optinsky

Anthony the Great

“God the Father, in His goodness, did not spare His Only Begotten Son, but gave Him up to deliver us from our sins and iniquities. And the Son of God, having humbled Himself for our sake, healed us from our spiritual illnesses and arranged for us salvation from our sins. Therefore, it is necessary for us to recognize and always keep in our thoughts this great dispensation of God - that for our sake God the Word became like us in everything, except for sin. Everyone should remember this and try diligently to actually free themselves from sins with the help of the Lord.”

Anthony the Great

“When sin ceases to reign in a person, then God appears to the soul and cleanses it along with the body. If sin continues to reign in the body, then a person cannot see God: for the soul is still in the sinful body, and it does not allow the light into itself, which is the vision of God. David says: “In Your light we will see light” (Psalm 35:10). What kind of light is this in which man sees light? This is the light about which our Lord Jesus Christ speaks in the Gospel, that the whole person must become light, so that there is not a single dark part in him (Luke 11:36). The Lord also said: “No one knows the Father except the Son, and no one knows the Son except the Father, and to whom the Son chooses to reveal him” (Matthew 11:27). The Son does not reveal His Father to the sons of darkness, but only to those who are in the light and are sons of light, whose heart eyes He has enlightened with the knowledge of the commandments.”

Anthony the Great

“He who is not evil is perfect and God-like, he is full of joy and the Spirit of God. But just as fire burns large forests when you don’t watch it, so anger, if you allow it into your heart, will destroy your soul, defile your body and cause many bad thoughts in you. It will arouse in you unrest, envy, quarrels, hatred and similar fierce passions that will burden you and cause you great sorrow. Therefore, let us try to acquire the kindness and simple-heartedness of the saints, so that the Lord Jesus Christ would accept us to Himself and each of us could joyfully say: “For my kindness you accepted me and established me before You forever” (Ps. 40:13).”

Anthony the Great

“Like a body, while the soul is in it, three ages pass through, namely: youth, mature age and old age; Thus the soul also passes through three ages, namely: the beginning of faith, success in it and perfection. In the first, when the soul begins to believe, it is born in Christ, as the Gospel says. The Apostle John gave us the signs of this new birth, as well as the average state and perfection, saying: “I wrote to you, young men; wrote to you, children; wrote to you, fathers” (1 John 2:12-14). So he wrote not to his carnal friends, but to believers, revealing three states that those striving for the spiritual realm go through in order to achieve perfection and be rewarded with complete grace.”

Anthony the Great

“The soul has its own passions: pride, hatred, envy, anger, despondency and others. When a soul surrenders itself entirely to God, then the generous God sends it true repentance and cleanses it of all passions, teaching it not to follow them and giving it the strength to overcome them and defeat enemies who never cease to put obstacles in its way. And if the soul remains firm in its conversion and good obedience to the Holy Spirit, who teaches it repentance, then the merciful Creator will take pity on it, for the sake of its labors, carried out in all oppression and need - in prolonged fasting, frequent vigil, in the study of the word of God, in unceasing prayer, in renunciation of worldly pleasures, in humility and spiritual poverty. And if she remains firm in all this, the generous God will deliver her from all temptations and snatch her from the hands of her enemies with His mercy.”

Anthony the Great

"What a multitude evil demons and how numerous are their wiles! Even after we have repented and try to avoid evil deeds, they do not lag behind us, but continue to tempt us with desperate effort, knowing that their fate has already been finally decided and that their legacy is hell, for their extreme malice and aversion from God . May the Lord open the eyes of your hearts so that you can see how numerous the machinations of demons are and how much evil they cause us daily, and may He grant you a cheerful heart and a spirit of reasoning so that you can offer yourself as a living and blameless sacrifice to God.”

Anthony the Great

“Whoever fears the Lord and keeps His commandments is a servant of God. But this slavery, in which we also find ourselves, is not, in fact, slavery, but righteousness leading to adoption. Our Lord chose the Apostles and entrusted them with the gospel of the Gospel. The commandments He gave us established a beautiful slavery for us, so that we would dominate our passions and adorn ourselves with virtues. When we come closer to grace, our Lord Jesus Christ will say to us, as He said to His disciples: “I no longer call you servants, but My friends and brothers: for everything that I heard from My Father, I told you.”

Anthony the Great

“The eye sees the visible, and the mind comprehends the invisible. A God-loving mind is the light of the soul. He who has a God-loving mind has an enlightened heart and sees God with his mind.”

Anthony the Great

“If you are starting to do something and do not see in it the consent of God’s will, under no circumstances do it.”

Anthony the Great

“Evil clings to our nature like rust to copper or dirt to the body. But just as it was not the coppersmith who created the rust, and it was not the parents who created the dirt on their children, so it was not God who created the evil. He put conscience and reason into man so that he would avoid evil, knowing that it is harmful to him and leads to torment. Watch yourself carefully: when you see someone lucky in power and wealth, do not praise him under any circumstances. But immediately imagine death before you, and you will never desire anything bad or worldly.”

Anthony the Great

“When the wind blows calmly, every navigator can think highly of himself and boast. But only when the winds suddenly change does the art of experienced pilots reveal itself.”

Anthony the Great

“In our conversations there should be no rudeness, for modesty and chastity usually adorn smart people more than virgins A God-loving mind is a light that illuminates the soul, just as the sun illuminates the body.”

Anthony the Great

“Just as a body, leaving the mother’s womb prematurely, cannot live, so a soul, leaving the body, without achieving the knowledge of God through a virtuous life, cannot be saved or live in communion with God.”

Anthony the Great

“A person who lives piously does not allow evil to enter the soul. And when there is no evil in the soul, then it is safe and unharmed. Neither an evil demon nor chance have power over such people. God delivers them from evils, and they live unharmed, preserved as godlike. Whether someone praises him, he will not take the praise seriously; whether someone dishonors him, he will not defend himself and will not rebel against the offender.”

Anthony the Great

"People who don't have natural locations For the good, one should not give up in despair and neglect a God-loving and virtuous life, no matter how difficult it may be for them. But they should think and take all possible care of themselves. For, although they will not be able to reach the pinnacle of virtue and perfection, yet, by trying, they will either become better, or at least not become worse, which in itself is a considerable benefit for the soul.”

Anthony the Great

“The more moderate a person lives, the calmer he becomes, because he does not worry about many things - about servants and acquiring things. If we cling to this [earthly], then we are subject to the sorrows that occur because of this and come to the point of murmuring against God. Thus, the desire for many things fills us with confusion, and we wander in the darkness of a sinful life, not knowing ourselves.”

Anthony the Great

“Those who spend their lives in small and low feats, on the one hand, get rid of dangers, and on the other, do not need special precautions. By conquering various sinful desires, they conveniently find the path leading to God.”

Anthony the Great

“The grace of the Spirit of God is given primarily to those who enter into the struggle with all their hearts and determine from the very beginning to stand firm and not yield to the enemy in anything. However, the Holy Spirit, who called them, first makes everything easy for them in order to encourage and comfort those entering the feat of repentance, and then shows them all the difficulty of the virtuous path. Helping them in everything, He teaches them how to bear the labors of repentance, and sets limits and an image for them both in relation to the body and in relation to the soul, until He leads them to perfect conversion to God.”

Anthony the Great

“We should not say that it is impossible for a person to lead a virtuous life, but that it is not easy. And certainly, it is not achievable for everyone, but only those who participate in the virtuous life are pious and have a God-loving mind. An ordinary mind is a worldly and perverted mind; it gives birth to good and bad thoughts, is changeable and inclined towards material things, and a God-loving mind executes evil.”

Anthony the Great

“People are usually called smart by the incorrect use of this word. Not those who are smart are those who have studied the sayings and writings of the ancient sages, but those whose souls are smart, who can distinguish between good and evil; and they avoid everything that is evil and harmful to the soul, but they reasonably care about what is good and useful and do this with great gratitude to God. Only they alone should truly be called smart people.”

Anthony the Great

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“The spirit is lukewarm, there is no courage at all! We're completely screwed! How else does God tolerate us? And before that there was such dignity, such curiosity. During the war of 1940 on the border, Italians sometimes communicated with our border guards and came to visit them at Greek outposts. And look how curious the Greeks were: one day, when the Italians came to the Greek outpost, the Greeks began to make coffee for them. Then one Greek officer takes out a wad of money in front of them, bills of fifty, one hundred drachmas (and then money had a price), and throws them into the fire for kindling, to show the Italians that the Greek state is rich. The Italians swallowed their tongues in amazement. That was sacrifice!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“To receive help, we must always reverently celebrate the memory of the Saints who shed blood or sweat and tears for the love of Christ. And we must listen to the readings of the Synaxarion “On this day in memory of the Holy One...” we must stand, just as soldiers stand at attention when the names of heroically fallen fellow soldiers are read out: “On such and such a date and month, soldier such and such died a brave death on such and such a front."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“The current spirit is one of lukewarmness. Courage and sacrifice are completely absent. With the current flawed logic, people have transferred everything to another measurement system. And you see, it’s like this: people used to volunteer for the army, but now, not wanting to serve, they get themselves a certificate stating that they are mentally ill. They make every effort to avoid joining the army. Was there anything like this before? There was one lieutenant in our army, only twenty-three years old, but what a fellow he was! One day his father, a retired officer, called him and said that he intended to ask someone to transfer this guy from the front line to the rear. Oh, how the lieutenant shouted when he told him about this! “Aren’t you ashamed, father, to say such a thing? These are the drones hiding in the rear!” This man had sincerity, honesty and courage - he ran to the attack ahead of others. His entire overcoat was riddled with bullets, but despite this, he survived. And when he retired to the reserves, he took this overcoat with him as a souvenir.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“I remember in the army, if there was a need to go on some dangerous mission, all you could hear was: “Mr. Commander, I will go instead of him!” After all, he is a family man - if they kill him, the children will remain on the street!” The soldiers asked the commander to go instead of someone else on a dangerous mission, to the front line. They rejoiced that they would kill them, but some head of the family would remain alive and his children would not become orphans. And now? Do you ever see a person making such a sacrifice? If you do see it, it's extremely rare. I remember once we were left without water. The commander found a place on the map nearby where there was water. But the rebels settled there. Then he says: “There is water nearby, but it’s very dangerous to go and you can’t turn on the lights. Who will undertake to go and fill a few flasks? One soldier jumps up: “I’ll go, Mr. Commander!”, another jumps up: “I will!”, followed by a third. That is, everyone volunteered to go! It’s pitch-dark outside, it’s scary without light, it’s as if frost creeps through your skin. The commander was even confused: “You can’t all go!” I want to say that no one thought about themselves. Not one of us tried to find any excuse, for example: “Mr. Commander, my leg hurts,” or “I have a headache,” or “I’m tired.” We all wanted to go get water, but we didn’t pay attention to the fact that our lives were in danger.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“There are two types of injustice: material and moral. Material injustice is when a person is unfair to someone in a material, material way. Moral injustice is when someone, for example, turns a girl’s head and seduces her. And if the deceived girl is also an orphan, then the one who deceived her burdens his soul five times more heavily. Do you know how quickly a bullet finds such immoral people in war? In war, divine justice and God's care for people are seen especially clearly. War does not tolerate dishonor - an immoral person is quickly found by a bullet. One day our two companies had to relieve the front battalion, which was going on vacation. During the shift, the communists attacked us, and the battle began to boil. And one soldier from the departing battalion committed a vile dishonor the day before - violence against an unfortunate pregnant woman. Well, so what: in that battle he was the only one killed! Isn't it scary? Everyone later said: “That’s what this brute deserved—they spanked him rightly.” And this also happens to those who are cunning, trying to run away and sneak away - in the end it is they who are killed. Those who have strong faith naturally live honestly and Christianly. And this is what has been noticed: such people protect the honor of their body, and this protects them from enemy bullets and shrapnel even better than if they were wearing a piece of the Honorable Cross of the Lord.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Respect has completely disappeared. Just look what's happening now! Own parents children are being sent to nursing homes! And in the old days they even took care of aged bulls, did not slaughter them and said: “These are our breadwinners.” And how they revered the dead!.. I remember the war: with what risk we went to bury the dead! The priest, of course, was obliged to go. But the soldiers walked with him - to carry the bodies of their killed comrades - through the snowdrifts, in the frost, under a hail of bullets. During civil war in 1945, before being drafted into the army, I helped our church watchman collect and bury the dead. The first to go was the priest with the censer. As soon as the whistle of a shell was heard, we fell to the ground. Come on, get up. Again the whistle of a shell - again on the ground. Later, when I was already a soldier and we were sitting barefoot in the snow, we were told that those who wanted could go take off the shoes of the dead. Nobody even moved. Ah, those good times are gone!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“When I was in the army, our bunker was often flooded with water. The batteries of the radio had to be changed, and this was not very easy, because the line was loaded. I was wet to the waist, and it was time to wring out my overcoat. However, so that others would not suffer, I preferred to do this work myself and, while doing it, I was happy. The commander told me: “When you do this work, I am calm, but I feel sorry for you. Tell someone else to do it." “No, Mr. Commander,” I answered him, “I (from this) rejoice.” There was another radio operator in our half-battalion, but when we went on operations, so as not to expose him to danger, I did not let him carry either a battery or a walkie-talkie, although it was difficult for me. He asked me about it, (offended): “Why don’t you give them to me?” “You,” I answered him, “have a wife and children. If they kill you, I will answer for it before God.” And so God preserved both of us: He did not allow either him or me to be killed.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“In the army, in the signal troops, we had a recognition table that indicated some specific signs that made it clear which radio station was ours and which was someone else’s. We knew our radio stations. For some time, during special classes on radio reception techniques, we installed an intermediate radio station and tried to recognize the identity of someone else’s station - we asked: “What is this?” or they said: “One!” and listened to what the answer would be in order to catch them on it. In other words, if we could not identify a radio station with certainty, then we did not trust it and tried to recognize it. It’s the same in spiritual life: seeing that some “radio station” is not ours, we must say to ourselves: “Why should I work with this station? What else!” When a radio operator, realizing that the radio station is someone else’s, wants to work with it, this is a serious offense. But how much more serious is his guilt when he knows that the radio station is not only alien, but also enemy - and wants to work with the enemy! My point is that in matters relating to our connection with other people, reasoning and caution are necessary. And the most reliable thing is for everyone to consult with their confessor.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Very strong brotherly relationships are born in difficult years. During the war, we, soldiers of the same half-battalion, lived together for two years and were welded together more than brothers, because we experienced difficulties and dangers together. We were so united that we called each other “brother.” They were worldly people, with a worldly way of thinking, but, nevertheless, one did not want to part with the other. People had ordinary worldly things, in a good way this word, education, but they had what is higher than all - love, brotherhood. One of our colleagues recently died, and other fellow soldiers came to his funeral from all over the country. And my fellow soldier came here a few days ago to see me. How he squeezed me in his arms! I couldn't break out of them! Now we are at war with the devil. Therefore, try to become even more close to each other, to become even more brothers to each other. So, together we will walk along the path we have chosen, together we will climb the steep path to sweet Golgotha.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“I remember once in the Cavalry, before I went into the army, we learned that the rebels were coming. There were four of us: me and three Muslims. We ran into one turkish house on the outskirts of the city. One five-year-old Turkish boy understood everything and began to babble: “Come, come here, here is yours, run away through my kitchen!” We walked through the kitchen, came out behind the house and managed to hide in some storage rooms below. When the rioters arrived, the baby came out of the house, told them there was no one inside, and ran away. A five-year-old child, such a tiny little thing, didn’t really know how to speak yet - but look how intelligently he behaved. Wow, I understood everything on the fly! Look: he understood everything, he loved, and another adult could have recklessly done evil. So we, baptized, anointed with holy myrrh, taught, well-read, will not remain in an underdeveloped, infantile state! Be inspired! Do you know who the “winged ones” are? Six-winged Seraphim! They have six wings and flap them while chanting “Holy, Holy, Holy!” So fly, have six wings!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Once I asked a man: “Who are you?” Warrior of Christ or warrior of the evil one? Do you know that the evil one also has warriors?” A Christian should not be a fanatic, he should have love for all people. He who throws around words without reasoning, even if they are correct, does evil.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Now God tolerates what is happening. Endures in order to evil man I couldn't justify myself. In some cases, God intervenes Himself and immediately, but in other cases He waits and does not immediately indicate a way out. He expects patience, prayer, and struggle from people. What nobility God has! Take another person: how many people he killed in the war, and is still alive. In another life, God will say to him: “I have given you to live more than the good.” Such a person will not have mitigating circumstances.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“How those who hold some responsible position and at the same time remain faithful to Christian principles help others! That’s why, when some “big” people come, I try to see them to help them, because by their example they can have a very beneficial effect on others. Here is one marshal I know - this is an example. Whatever he does, everything comes from within, from the heart, not externally. Others, seeing him, think about it and correct themselves.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“The meaning of boldness is great. If you say to a physically healthy but cowardly person: “Oh, how yellow you are! What's wrong with you? - then he will go to the doctor, while he may be yellow because he did not get enough sleep, or because he had a toothache and the like. The Greek will either rush forward or panic. Cowards are no good for anything. In war, no one needs cowards; they are not trusted. They are not taken on missions, on the front lines, so that they do not create problems. One cowardly soldier, if he does not know the battle plan, can create such a panic that he will destroy an entire division! Fear inflames the coward's imagination, and he may shout: “Here they are! Oh, they’re coming, they’re already here, cutting! Oh, where can we run?! There are so many enemies! Yes, they will swallow us! Such a person will do a lot of evil, because people easily fall under the influence of others. A brave man, seeing his enemies, will only spit: “Ugh, are these really people? Some kind of ants!” - and the rest [from these words] will also boldly run to the attack. That’s why they say in the army that a difficult task is better accomplished with composure by five brave people than by twenty cowards.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Don't panic. Women are especially easy to panic. I remember how during the occupation we happened to go to one place, a two-hour walk from Konitsa. The guys walked a little forward, found Greek soldiers' helmets and uniforms there, put them on and went to the chapel of St. Constantine. I also went there to venerate the icons. I was fifteen years old then. As soon as the mothers saw their children from afar military uniform, they started shouting: “The Italians are coming!” - and prepared to run. They didn't even look who it was! The naughty ones put on Greek helmets, and the frightened mothers, mistaking them for Italians, fled from their own children!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

"IN extreme situation the greatest harm comes from the onset of panic. In danger, the most important thing is not to get lost. Look like a chicken gets into a fight with an eagle and swoops down on it! And how a cat fights with a dog, protecting kittens! She lifts her tail like a pipe and begins to hiss threateningly! The animal goes for broke, but the man turns out to be a coward!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“I learned that those who do funerals do not write on the signs of their establishments “ Funeral home", A " Funeral services”, so as not to remind people of death. However, if people do not remember death, then they live outside of reality. Those who are afraid of death and love a hectic life, are afraid even of germs, they are constantly overcome by fear, which keeps them in spiritual stagnation. Daring people are never afraid of death and therefore strive with curiosity and selflessness. By putting death before them and thinking about it every day, they prepare for it more spiritually and strive with greater boldness. This is how they overcome vanity and already here begin to live in eternity and heavenly joy. And let the one who fights in war for his ideals, for the Faith and the Fatherland, cross himself with the cross and not be afraid, because he has God as his assistant! If a person crosses himself and entrusts his life into the hands of God, then God will then judge whether this person should have lived or died.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“In order to succeed, you need to have a crazy streak, in the good sense of the word. According to how a person uses this crazy streak, he becomes either a saint or a hero. However, if such a person goes astray and gets carried away by evil, he may become a criminal. Anyone who does not have a crazy streak in him cannot become a saint or a hero. Therefore, our inner engine must start, our heart and courage must work. The heart must become reckless. I know many officers who have retired and cannot find a place for themselves due to frustration. Some of them want the war to start so they can be in business - that’s how everything in them is burning. And someone, as soon as they receive a draft notice, immediately trembles all over, and someone else pretends to be crazy so as not to end up in the army. How many retirees have told me that they want to go to Bosnia and fight! Having not used their courage in spiritual life, they, hearing about war, rejoice at the opportunity to fight. Do you know what feats, what kind of spiritual struggle these mighty people would undertake if they knew spiritual life? Yes, they would become saints."

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Courage and bravery are one thing, but malice and criminality are completely different. Capturing enemies in order to cut their throats is not courage. True courage would be to grab an enemy, break his rifle, and let him go free. That's what my father did. When he caught the Chets who were raiding Faras, he took their rifles, broke them and said: “You are women, not men.” After that, he released them. And one day he dressed up as a rich Turkish woman, came to their camp and asked the leader. In advance, he agreed with his guys so that they would launch an attack as soon as they heard the signal. When the couple took him to the leader, his father said to him: “Let your men go out and leave us alone.” As soon as they were left alone, my father grabbed the leader’s rifle, broke it and said to the robber: “Now you are a woman, and I am Eznepidis!” Then he gave the prearranged signal, his fellows swooped in and drove the Chets out of the village.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“God will help you in difficulties. But in order for God to give divine power, it is necessary for man to give the little that he can give.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Often in difficult moments, even those people who at first seem to lack it show great courage. I remember there was one lieutenant in our army who never showed either sacrifice or courage. But one day, when the rebels could have captured us, he took cover behind the chapel and, with one machine gun, delayed them until we retreated. This is how we were saved. He fired bursts from there - up and down, left and right - and did not allow the rebels to move forward. And then he ran away so we wouldn’t see him. And after that he didn’t even say: “I detained them, and that’s why you were able to escape...” in order to boast about his heroism. We all said then: “One machine gun saved us!” And he repeated: “One machine gun saved us.” As everyone said, so did he. But then we figured him out: we began to remember that so-and-so was with everyone else, so-and-so too, and we realized that only this lieutenant was not there. So we found out that it was him. Do you know what would have happened to him if he had been captured by the rebels? They would not have spared him, they would have taken out all their anger on him, they would have said: “You have done us so much harm, come on, come here, we will pull out your nails with pliers!” A worldly man, yet he makes such a sacrifice! He made the sacrifice because he put himself in greater danger than the rest of us. Are you ready to make such a sacrifice? This lieutenant had neither read the holy fathers nor knew about spiritual life. I knew him, there was simplicity and honesty in him. And there were others: those who found a killed rebel, cut off his head and carried it around the village, posing as good fellows! Therefore, courage alone is not enough; a person must also have a sacrificial spirit in order for courage to have a reliable justification in the soul.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“Suppose we are going somewhere. One may know a shorter path, another - a different one, from the opposite side, a third - some other one... “No, let’s go this way, it’s better,” one will insist. “No, let’s go there,” another will argue. Ultimately, if one person does not give the order, then hours and even days may pass, and the travelers will still not set off on the road and will be in the same place. However, if, knowing the road, someone alone is in charge, then, even if the road he proposes is a little longer, someday they will reach the goal. Of course, it is best if the one in command knows the shortest route. But even if the path he knows is the longest, still, obeying the order, the travelers will still reach their goal.”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“During a fire, everyone does not do what comes into their head; on the contrary, everyone acts on command. The one in charge monitors the situation and tells others what to do. Otherwise, people may create panic and, instead of putting out the fire, fan it even more. One day I was returning to the Holy Mountain. When our boat was between the Vatopedi and Pantokrator monasteries, a northeast wind blew and a storm arose. The shipowner steered the boat against the waves, because otherwise we would have gone down. One coward from Ierissos, who did not understand either ships or navigation - he was holding mules - began to shout: “Why are you doing this, huh? You'll drown us! Don't you see? He’s going to take us to Kavala!” Then all the passengers jumped up and surrounded the shipman, and he, poor fellow, only said: “Leave me alone, I know my business!” Fortunately, one of the passengers was a sailor and calmed the others: “Leave him alone, he knows his business!” We have to go in such a way as to cut off the wave.” If this sailor had not been there, the ship would have gone down, because the passengers would not have allowed the shipbuilder to do his job. You see how: one turned out to be a coward, panic arose, everyone who was there jumped up and could have sent the ship to the bottom. And then, for such cases, there is always a second engineer who will take the helm if the captain is [really] unable to control the ship. Greeks generally do not obey easily. Roman Catholics believe in papal infallibility, and we Greeks believe in our own thoughts, and it turns out that we all have... infallibility! Why is it believed that the Turks are leading good policy? Because there are few smart people among the Turks, most of them are not very smart people. Therefore, the few who are smart become the bosses of the Turks, and the rest obey them naturally. The overwhelming majority of the Greeks, being very smart, all of them want to manage and command, but they obey with difficulty. And the Italians said: “Out of ten Greeks, five want to be commanders!”

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets

“And I know that God exists. But what His essence is, I place this above understanding. So how can I be saved? Through faith. But faith is content with the knowledge that “God exists” (and not what He is) “and rewards those who diligently seek Him” (Heb. 11:6). Consequently, the consciousness of the incomprehensibility of God is the knowledge of God’s essence, and we worship what we have comprehended not in the sense of what kind of essence it is, but in the fact that this essence exists.” More

“The brother asked Abba Isaiah: how should one remain silent in a cell? The elder answered: to remain silent in a cell means to submit oneself before God and to resist with all one’s strength every thought sown by the enemy. This means running around the world." More

“Eat bread in moderation and drink water in moderation, and the spirit of fornication will flee from you.” John of Karpafa (5)

“With threat and abuse, the devil boldly attacks a soul that has just left the body, being a bitter and terrible accuser of its downfalls. But one can also see how a soul that loves God and is faithful to Him, although it has been wounded by sins many times before, is not afraid of his attacks and threats, but is increasingly strong in the Lord, inspired by joy, inspired by wisdom, seeing those accompanying it. heavenly powers; and like a wall, the light of faith enclosing it, and with great boldness cries out against the evil devil: “What is it to you and to us, stranger to God? What is it to you and to us, evil servant cast out from Heaven? You have no power over us. Christ, the Son of God, has power over us and everything in the world; We have sinned against Him, and we will give an answer to Him, having as a guarantee His mercy towards us and His salvation in Him. honest cross. You run further from us, you damned one!” More More

“Humans are changeable by nature. Therefore, just as one who has fallen into the depths of vice and is enslaved by sins can turn to good, so one who is sealed by the Holy Spirit and filled with heavenly gifts is free to return to evil. Some who have tasted God's grace and become partakers of the Holy Spirit, when they lose caution and vigilance, become spiritually extinguished and become worse than they were before. This happens not because God changes or the grace of the Spirit fades away, but because people themselves lose grace and therefore become corrupted and fall into many evils.” More

“Do not undertake to heal with reproof someone who boasts of virtues; for one and the same person cannot be both a lover of appearances and a lover of truth.” More

“The earth celebrates the days of saints, and they have a holy duty to be on earth. That’s why you need to connect with them. They ask for our prayers and say: “We will bring your prayers, already purified through our means, before the throne of the Most High.” The intercession of the saints is a link connecting the weak beings of the earth with heaven... It is good for the priest to have this in his thoughts when he says dismissal. Oh, if only everyone would name the daily saint with attention, and not from memory!” More

“Whoever wants to acquire love must reject every evil and unpeaceful thought, not to mention deeds and words, and must forgive everyone’s fair and unjust insults.” More (1)

“Love everyone, but don’t love anyone especially.” More

"We are all one big family and brothers among themselves, because all people are children of God.” More

“You don’t pray enough. Take as your guide the Apostolic Rule: in prayer, remain vigilant in it. — The root of prayer is the memory of God with warm faith and feeling for God. It is in your power to initiate this, and it is your duty. From the very moment you awaken, try to build this strength within yourself. How? Reflection on the mysteries of faith and salvation. When you sleep, it’s as if you don’t exist, and when you wake up, you begin to be again, you enter the realm of conscious existence and into communication with everything that exists and happens. Yet everything that exists and happens is the kingdom of God.”

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