Abstracts of outdoor games. Lesson plan (middle group) on the topic: Summary of outdoor games for the middle group

The method of conducting outdoor games includes unlimited possibilities integrated use various techniques aimed at shaping the child’s personality, skillful pedagogical leadership by her.

The methodology for conducting outdoor games includes:

Game selection;

Gathering children for a game;

Creating interest;

Explanation of the rules of the game;

Distribution of roles;

Guiding the course of the game;

Summing up.

Game selection.

Games are selected in accordance with educational objectives, age characteristics children, their state of health, preparedness. Five-year-old children show great interest in games with dynamic movements (running, jumping, climbing exercises, etc.) They like to catch up with each other and run away from the driver. Gradually, they begin to become interested in the results of their actions: hitting the target with the ball, jumping over a “stream”. However, it is not recommended to conduct outdoor games with complex species movements (climbing) until children master them. First, they are taught to perform the movement correctly, and then they play a game where this movement is the leading one. The total duration of outdoor play for children of this age group is no more than 8-10 minutes.

Also, when choosing a game, the location of the game during the day, time of year, meteorological, climatic and other conditions are taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children, their discipline: if they are not organized enough, then first you need to choose a game of small mobility and play it in a circle.

Gathering children for a game.

To gather children for the game and create interest, you can agree on a place and a signal for gathering long before the start of the game, gather with the help of barkers (“One, two, three, four, five - I invite everyone to play”); instruct individual children to gather the rest within a specified limited time (for example, while the melody is playing); use sound and visual cues; use surprise tasks: for example, the one who can run under a rotating jump rope will play. You need to gather the children quickly (1-2 minutes), because any delay reduces interest in the game.

Creating interest in the game.

First of all, you need to create an interest in the game in children. Then they will better understand its rules, perform movements more clearly, and experience emotional uplift. It is often possible to lead to the game by asking questions and asking riddles.

Explanation of the rules of the game.

When explaining the game, it is important to place the children correctly. The teacher can arrange children of this age group in a line, in a semicircle, or gather them in a flock around him. The teacher should stand so that everyone can see him (facing the children when arrayed in a line or semicircle; next to them if the children are gathered in a circle).

A preliminary explanation of the rules of the game takes into account the age-related psychological capabilities of the children. This teaches them to plan their actions. The sequence of explanations is fundamentally important: name the game and its concept, briefly outline its content, emphasize the rules, recall the movements (if necessary), distribute roles, distribute attributes, place the players on the court, begin game actions. If the game is familiar to children, then instead of explaining, you need to remember the rules of the game with the children. If the game is difficult, it is not recommended to immediately give detailed explanation, but it’s better to first explain the main thing, and then as the game progresses all the details.

The explanation of the content and rules of the game should be brief, precise and emotional.

Distribution of roles.

Roles determine children's behavior in the game. It is important to take into account the characteristics of children: shy, sedentary ones cannot always cope with a responsible role, but they must be gradually brought to this; on the other hand, you cannot always assign responsible roles to the same children; it is advisable that everyone knows how to play these roles.

There are several ways to select a driver:

- appointed by the teacher, always justifying his choice

- using a counting rhyme (prevent conflicts)

- using a “magic wand”

- by drawing lots

- the driver can choose a replacement.

All of these techniques are used, as a rule, at the beginning of the game. To appoint a new driver, the main criterion is the quality of execution of movements and rules.

Game management.

The teacher leads the game, watching it from the side. But sometimes the teacher participates in the game if, for example, the conditions of the game require the appropriate number of players. Makes comments to those who have broken the rules, suggests actions to those who are confused, gives signals, helps to change drivers, encourages children, monitors the actions of children and does not allow static poses (squatting, standing on one leg), regulates physical activity, which should increase gradually.

Remarks about incorrect implementation of rules have a negative impact on the mood of children. Therefore, comments must be made in a friendly manner.

Summing up.

When summing up the game, the teacher notes those who showed dexterity, speed, and followed the rules. Names those who broke the rules. The teacher analyzes how success was achieved in the game. Summing up the game should be done in an interesting and entertaining way. All children must be involved in the discussion of the game, this teaches them to analyze their actions and causes a more conscious attitude towards following the rules of the game.

As children gain motor experience, games need to be made more complex, but the sequence of actions and episodes remains constant. Changes must always be justified. In addition, complications make familiar games more interesting for children.

By varying the game, you cannot change the concept and composition, but you can: increase the dosage (repetition and total duration of the game); complicate motor content; change the arrangement of players on the court (place the trap not on the side, but in the middle); change the signal (instead of verbal - audio or visual); play the game in non-standard conditions (on the bank of a river, in a forest clearing, in a park); complicate the rules (you can rescue those caught). IN senior group You can involve the children themselves in creating game options.

Give a psychological, pedagogical, physiological rationale for the use different forms health-improving work in preschool educational institutions (hardening, self-massage, auto-training, relaxation and other non-traditional forms), taking into account physical development children. Create a complex of corrective gymnastics.

Health-preserving technologies in preschool education are technologies aimed at solving the priority problem of modern preschool education- tasks of preserving, maintaining and enriching the health of subjects of the pedagogical process in kindergarten: children, teachers and parents.

“health preservation technology”, the objectives of which are:

1. Preservation and strengthening of children’s health based on the integrated and systematic use of funds available to kindergartens physical education, optimization motor activity in the fresh air.

2. Ensuring an active position for children in the process of gaining knowledge about a healthy lifestyle.

3. Constructive partnership between the family, the teaching staff and the children themselves in strengthening their health and developing their creative potential.

Modern health-preserving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving and developmental work:

1. Introducing children to physical education.

2. The use of developing forms of health-improving work.

The emphasis is shifting from simply treating and preventing disease to promoting health. The task of the senior educator today is to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge in this direction, prepare a card index of games and exercises so that teachers can use this material and share knowledge among parents and teachers of other institutions. The main thing, of course, is that teachers would be able to instill in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-preserving activities in our kindergarten are carried out using the following technologies:

Medical and preventive technology. Ensures the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of the medical staff of the preschool educational institution in accordance with medical requirements and norms.

Objectives of this activity:

- organizing monitoring of children’s health and developing recommendations for optimization children's health;

- organization and control of children’s nutrition, physical development, hardening;

-organization preventive measures that contribute to the resistance of the child’s body (for example, immunization, gentle treatment during the adaptation period, etc.);

- organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards - SanPiN;

- organization of a health-preserving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Monitoring of the health status and physical development of children is carried out by the head nurse of the kindergarten and the physical education teacher. All work on the physical education of children in preschool educational institutions is built taking into account their physical fitness and existing deviations in health. To do this, based on individual medical records The head nurse of the preschool educational institution draws up a summary table for each age group, which helps educators and medical workers have a clear picture of the health status of the children of the entire group and each child individually. This chart-table allows group teachers to plan physical education and health activities in accordance with the health characteristics of children.

Physical education and health technology. Aimed at physical development and strengthening the health of the child.

Objectives of this activity:

- development of physical qualities;

- control over motor activity and the formation of physical culture of preschool children,

- formation of correct posture, prevention of musculoskeletal disorders;

- developing daily habits physical activity;

- healing by means of hardening.

Physical education and health activities are carried out by a physical education teacher in joint educational activities in physical education, as well as by teachers - in the form of various gymnastics, physical education minutes, dynamic breaks, etc.

Technology to ensure the socio-psychological well-being of the child. The purpose of this activity is to ensure emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being of the child in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family. This includes the technology of psychological or psychological-pedagogical support for the development of a child in pedagogical process DOW.

A teacher who guards the child’s health, who fosters a culture of health for the child and parents, must first of all be healthy, have valeological knowledge, not overworked, and must be able to objectively assess his own strengths and weaknesses associated with professional activity, draw up a plan for the necessary self-correction and begin to implement it.

The main forms and methods of technology for preserving and stimulating children’s health include:

Dynamic pauses - during educational activities, 2-3 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children as a preventive measure against fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics, breathing exercises and others depending on the type of educational activity.

Movable and sports games– as part of specially organized educational activities on physical development, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degrees of mobility. Daily for all age groups. Games are selected according to the age of the child, the place and time of the game. In kindergarten we use only elements of sports games.

Relaxation - in any suitable room, depending on the condition of the children and goals, the teacher determines the intensity of the technology. For all age groups. You can use calm classical music(Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov), sounds of nature. Our kindergarten has created a music and video library with elements of color therapy.

Finger gymnastics – with younger age individually or with a subgroup daily. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Conducted at any convenient time (at any convenient time).

Gymnastics for the eyes – daily for 3-5 minutes. at any time free time depending on the intensity of visual load from middle age. Recommended to use visual material, teacher demonstration.

Breathing exercises – in various forms physical education and health work. Ensure the room is ventilated and the teacher give children instructions on mandatory nasal hygiene before the procedure. It is used as the main element when conducting educational activities with children on physical development.

Orthopedic gymnastics – in various forms of physical education and health work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prevention of diseases of the supporting arch of the foot.

Technology for teaching a healthy lifestyle.

Specially organized educational activities in physical culture - 3 times a week in the gym or on the street. The first junior group - in a group room, 10 minutes, the second junior group - 15 minutes, the middle group - 20 minutes, the senior group - 25 minutes. and school preparatory group – 30 min. Before educational activities It is necessary to ventilate the gym or group room well (early age).

The main educators of the child are the parents. The child’s mood and state of physical comfort depend on how the child’s daily routine is properly organized and how much attention parents pay to the child’s health. The healthy lifestyle of a child, to which he is taught in educational institution, can either find daily support at home, and then become established, or not, and then the information received will be unnecessary and painful for the child.

Information and educational activities are expressed in the formation in parents healthy image life, as a value, as well as in introducing parents to various forms of work on physical education in a preschool institution. Informing about the state of health and physical development, about the level of motor readiness of their child, involving parents in participation in various forms joint activities: physical education and holidays.

MAOU kindergarten No. 210 “Ladushki”
Summary of an outdoor game.
in the older group
Prepared by: teacher Galkina Yu.A. 2016
Older age.
- Improve the functions of children’s bodies.
- Practice light running with arm movements in different directions (imitating the movements of birds).
- Practice identifying and naming birds by their voices.
- Develop attention and endurance.
- Maintain interest in physical activity.
- Cultivate friendly relationships with peers.
Equipment: Birdcatcher cap, bird emblems, blindfold.
Game scheme Dosage Organizational and methodological instructions
Game name 30 sec. Guys, today we will play the game “Birdcatcher”. Look, I brought a bird catcher's cap, an eye patch, and bird emblems today.
Game content 1 min. Our game is called "Birder", so he will catch birds. All children will choose the emblem of their favorite bird. The birds stand in a circle, in the center of which is a blindfolded birder. Birds walk around the bird catcher and chant:

The bird catcher claps his hands, the players stop in place, and the driver begins to look for birds. The one he finds imitates the call of the bird he has chosen. The birder guesses the name of the bird and the name of the one caught. The caught one goes into the “cage” of Ptitselov.
If the Birdcatcher does not guess correctly, the player remains in the game.
Game conditions 20 sec This is our “Cage”. The caught birds will move here.
Showing movements 30 sec Guys, show me how birds fly? And the sparrow? Crow, crane? Etc.
Appointment of the presenter and placement in places 30 sec According to the counting, we will choose the leader - Birdcatcher and blindfold him, and the birds will put on emblems and stand in a circle.
Tell the rules of the game 1 min 1. First the birds will say the words:
In the forest, in the woods, On a green oak tree. The birds are singing merrily, Ay! The bird catcher is coming! He will take us into captivity, Birds, fly away!
2. The bird catcher stands still while the birds fly and scream.
3. When Birdcatcher claps, the birds must stop.
4. A blindfolded bird catcher approaches one of the birds and recognizes it by its voice.
5. If the Birdcatcher guessed the bird, it goes into the “Cage”.
6. The bird catcher is prohibited from peeking.
7. After the clap, the birds do not move around the area.

Reinforce the rules of the game 20 sec. What does the Birdcatcher do?
Where do the caught birds go?
Game guide 3r. 1 min.. 1 time: One of the children, at will, chooses the Birdcatcher according to the counting rhyme.
The teacher blindfolds the Birdcatcher and distributes bird emblems to the children.
While pronouncing words, it reminds that children are standing in a circle.
After the birds begin to fly, make sure that the children move in accordance with the chosen bird.
After the clap, the bird catcher reminds the children not to move. Helps the Birdcatcher move from “Bird” to “Bird”.
2 times: The teacher reminds the rules of the game. Offers to play again.
According to the counting, a new “Birdcatcher” is selected.
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the caught “Birds” go into the “cage”.
Ensures that children do not run outside the boundaries of the site.
3 times The teacher suggests choosing two Birdcatchers at once and each will have their own “cage”.
The teacher makes sure that the children correctly imitate the sounds of birds.
Helps birders transition from one bird to another.
Draws children's attention to the sounds of birds.

Game summary 30 sec Guys, did you like the new game?
What rules had to be followed during the game? Were there any violations of the rules, who noticed?
Which birder has the most birds caught?
I think everyone tried their best today, but not all the guys followed the rules of the game. Next time we will play this game again.

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1. Photo recording of an outdoor game"Two Frosts"(preparatorygroup)

Teacher: “Guys, could you come to me? Let's play a game with you. And it is called “Two Frosts”. Remember her?

Children: “Yes! There is Frost the red nose and Frost the blue nose. They will catch us!

Teacher: “That’s right! Let's choose two Frosts, one will have a red nose with an elastic band, and the second will have a blue one. But first, let's select and draw a pad as wide as dodgeball. At a distance of 3 steps from each edge of the site, we will draw another line. Well done! The fenced areas will now be called houses, and the space between them will be called a street. Now our Frosts will stand in the middle of the site - the street. And the rest of the children will hide in the houses. You, Frosts, will say loudly:

We are two young brothers,

Two frosts are removed:

I am frost Red Nose,

I am frost Blue nose

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?

Children, you answer them in unison:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

After you have answered the Frosts, run to the opposite side of the site, to another house. And the Frosts will try to catch you and “freeze” you.

Those who are “frozen” by Frost remain in place - they are frozen, they suffer from the cold.”

“Guys, remember where your houses are? These are your houses, beyond this line.”

“Now I will remind you of the rules of the game. Listen carefully and remember.

There are frosts in the middle of the site - the streets, and you are in the houses. They are right here.

First, Frost the Red Nose and Frost the Blue Nose say:

We are two young brothers,

Two frosts are removed:

I am frost Red Nose,

I am frost Blue nose

Which one of you will decide

Should we hit the road?

After that, you answer them:

We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

Only after you have answered them in unison, run to another house, which is located in the opposite direction.

Frosts will try to catch you and “freeze” you. Those who are “frozen” by Frost remain in place - they are frozen, they suffer from the cold.”

“Let's review the rules of the game together:

Where are the Frosts? Where are the other children?

When can you start moving to another house?

What should you do if you are “frozen by frosts?”

“Well done! Now we go beyond the line - to our house. Frosts are setting in in the middle.”

During the game, the teacher monitors correct execution children of the rules of the game, the correct execution of actions; encourages fast, agile players; encourages less active ones.

As the game progresses, the teacher gives instructions: calms down overly active children, talks about broken rules, encourages slow ones.

The game was repeated 5 times.

At the end of the game, the teacher praises the children and asks if they liked the game.

preschool active game notes

2. AnAnalysis of the conducted outdoor game

Outdoor game: “Two Frosts”

1) Information about the group.

Number of children: 21 people.

Age: 4-5 years.

The health status of children varies; there are children with the main health group, and there are those who are frequently ill.

The level of physical development of most children is normal, but there are children with a low level of physical development, if high level.

Level physical training Most children have average fitness; there are those in the group with a low and a high level of physical fitness.

2) Conditions for conducting outdoor games.

The outdoor game was held in the gym.

3) Teacher training.

The teacher has a plan for the game being played.

4) Preparedness of the place and physical education equipment.

The place and physical education equipment were prepared in advance.

5) Clothing and shoes for children and the teacher.

All the children had sports shoes and clothes. The teacher also had sports shoes and clothes.

6) Organization of outdoor games.

The game was well organized. The beginning of the game was delayed, some children showed their disorganization. The game ended with summing up and evaluating the game. Game duration is 24 minutes. Number of repetitions - 4 times (first time - 7 minutes, second time - 7 minutes, third time - 5 minutes, fourth time - 5 minutes).

The placement of children and the teacher, as well as equipment, is correct.

The gym was used wisely.

7) Effective solution educational tasks.

Educational tasks during the game were solved effectively: the teacher monitored the quality of movements, verbally warned the children about mistakes, and physical qualities (dexterity, speed) developed.

8) The degree of implementation of health-improving tasks.

The duration of the game is 24 minutes, which is a good indicator. Dosage - times is also a good indicator.

The pace of physical exercise is high.

The motor density of the game was 50%, a normal result, but it can be increased by increasing the playing time.

9) The degree of implementation of the assigned tasks.

The outdoor game carried out contributed to the mental and moral education of children, and also contributed to labor education. Musical accompaniment was missing.

10) The level of pedagogical skill of the teacher.

The teacher’s level of pedagogical skill is high: he knows how to see all the children, monitors the quality of the exercise, and the children’s well-being. The nature of the game is energetic.

11) Overall rating conducting an outdoor game.

The game was played according to the rules, all assigned tasks were completed.

12) Suggestions for improvement.

Think over variants of the game with complication, increase the motor density of the game.

3.Measurementgeneral and motor density of play

Total density =

Total density =

Motor density =

Motor density =

Thus, the overall game density was 76%, and the motor density was 50%.

4. Notes onmotion game “Hunters and Beasts”

Algorithm for explaining the new game

Teacher's explanations

Game title messages

Guys, do you want to play an exciting game? Then guess a few riddles: Fluffy tail, golden fur, Lives in the forest, and steals chickens in the village. That's right, it's a fox. And listen to this riddle: Small, white, Jump-jump through the forest! Poke-poke through the snowball! Who is it? Right! This is a hare. Well done! And they solved this riddle, it’s a bear. Who are the Fox, the hare and the bear? Yes, these are animals. Today we will play a game called “Hunters and Beasts”.

Game plot

Animals live in the forest. For example: foxes, hares, bears, wolves. And hunters come to this forest to hunt animals.

Organization of playing conditions

Here we draw a circle - this is a “forest clearing”. The hunters remain in their places in the circle, and the animals go out here, into the middle of the circle.

Showing movements

Seryozha, show how hunters should throw the ball.

Distribution of roles

Who wants to be a hunter? Everyone wants to be a hunter?! Then let's choose a hunter using a little counting rhyme: Baby squirrels, little bears, little badgers have come to the meadow. Come to the green meadow, too, my friend.

Accommodation of players

The hunters remain in their places in the circle, and the animals go out into the middle of the “forest clearing” (circle).

Game Rules Explanations

On the command: “The animals are out for a walk in the forest!”, the “foxes” and “bunnies” run out to the middle of the circle and run and jump. On the command: “The hunters are out hunting!” Beware! The “hunters” try to hit the “bunnies” and “foxes”, they dodge and run away from them. You need to aim at the legs. Only on command can you run from the court and throw the ball.

Consolidate the rules

Guys! Let's remember the rules again?! With what command do we start the game? What should hunters do? What about the animals? Where should hunters aim? Well done! You remember everything.

Summing up

Well done, Denis, he caught five animals at once! The animals were also great, they deftly dodged the hunters.

5. Artistic word for the game "Hunters and Beasts", options for choosing a driver

The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden,

He lives in the forest and steals chickens from the village.

Small, white,

Jump-jump along the forest!

One snowball at a time!

White in winter,

And in the summer it’s gray.

Doesn't offend anyone

And he is afraid of everyone.

Which of the animals

Is the tail fluffier and longer?

“Paws up! Wait, you scoundrel! -

Shot at the wolf...


6. Options for complicating the outdoor game “Hunters and Beasts”

1. Selecting several hunters at once. This will increase not only physical activity, but also the emotional intensity of the game.

2. Increasing the distance between hunters and animals. Hunters will need to make every effort to hit the beast from a long distance, and the animals will need to increase the duration of their run.

7. Card diagram of the outdoor game “Hunters and Animals” for saindependent activities for childrenth

Playing "animals"

"Hunters" playing

8. Card index of outdoor games

2nd junior group

Middle group

Senior group

Preparatory group

Running games

“Run to me!”, “Birds and Chicks”, “Mice and the Cat”, “Find Your Color”, “Train”, “Shaggy Dog”

“Planes”, “Colored Cars”, “At the Bear’s Forest”, “Find Yourself a Mate”, “Homeless Hare”, “Traps”

“Corners”, “Pair running”, “Mousetrap”, “We are funny guys”, “Geese-swans”, “Crucian carp and pike”, “Homeless hare”

“Owl”, “Trap, take the tape”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Two Frosts”, “Catch up with your mate”, “Paints”, “Kite and the hen”, “Freeze”

Jumping games

“On a Level Path”, “Catch a Mosquito”, “Sparrows and the Cat”, “From Mound to Mock”

“Hares and the Wolf”, “Fox in the Chicken Coop”, “Grey Bunny Washing”

“Don’t stay on the floor”, “Who will jump better?”, “Fishing Rod”, “From bump to bump”, “Classes”

"Frogs and Chickens", "Don't Get Caught", "Wolf in the Moat", "Fishing Rod"

Climbing games

"The Mother Hen and the Chicks", "Mice in the Pantry", "Rabbits"

“The Shepherd and the Flock”, “Migration of Birds”, “Kittens and Puppies”

“Who’s quickest to the flag?”, “The Bear and the Bees”, “Firemen in training”

"Migration of Birds", "Catching Monkeys"

Throwing games

“Toss-catch”, “Knock down the club”, “Ball over the net”

“Hunters and Hares”, “Throw the flag”, “Get into the circle”, “Knock down the pin”, “Serso”, “Ball for the driver”

“Whoever is named catches the ball”, “Stop”, “Who is the most accurate?”, “Hunters and animals”, “Trappers with a ball”

Orientation in space

“Find your place”, “Guess who’s screaming where”, “Find what’s hidden”

“Find where it’s hidden”, “Find and remain silent”, “Who left?”, “Hide and Seek”

"Who flies?", "Free seat"

“Stop”, “Find and remain silent”, “What’s on the right?”, “Find a toy”

List of used literature

1. Gutnikova, L. Sport + game = joy [Text] / L. Gutnikova. //Preschool education. - No. 12. - 2007. - 32-34 p.

2. Osokina, T.I. Physical education in kindergarten [Text] / T. I. Osokina. - M., 2010. - 3-7 p.

3. Osokina, T.I. Exercise and outdoor games for preschoolers [Text] / T. I. Osokina, E. A. Timofeeva. - M., 2010. - 5-6 p.

4. Khukhlaeva, D.V. Methods of physical education in preschool institutions[Text] / D. V. Khukhlaeva. - M., 2011. - 13 p.

5. Yakovlev, V.G. Outdoor games [Text] / V. G. Yakovlev, V. P. Ratnikov. - M., 2008. - 143 p.

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Polina Glotova
Summary of the outdoor game “Cow” in the middle group of preschool education.

Program tasks:

Develop auditory perception;

Teach children to form a circle and dance in a circle;

Develop the ability to behave friendly with each other.

Movements included in the game Dosage Tempo Guidelines

1. Construction in loose form;

2. Formation in a circle;

3. Walking in a circle; 1 min.

15 sec. ; Attracting children's attention riddles:

-“They kicked out the horns

Take a walk in the meadows.

And horns in the evening

Arrived with milk." Who is this, guys?

Sample children's answer:


Guys, today we will play a game under name: « Cow» . Rules games are like that: we stand in a circle and dance in a circle, sentencing: « Cow, little cow, give us milk!”, and one of you will cow and at this time he will stand in the center of the circle, blindfolded, and when the guys finish saying, will say: “I’ll give milk to whoever I can guess”. After that, everyone finishes doing the round dance and which one of you I point my finger at will try to change his voice and say: "Moo". If little cow guess who said it, then he becomes a cow who was guessed.

Rules games We now know and will try not to violate them. A cow we will choose with counting rhymes:

Cow, little cow,

Horned little head,

Don't butt small children!

Better give them some milk!”

Upon completion active game I conduct reflection:

Kids, did you like the game? Was she interesting?;

Well done, guys. Cows Today we were attentive, and the children dancing in a round dance were very cunning.


The children were interested in the game. They understood its rules and happily played this game. games. Upon completion games the children did not experience fatigue, since the dosage games was chosen correctly.

Publications on the topic:

Organization of outdoor games in the middle group Speech at the Moscow Region Performed by: Gorskaya Natalya Yurievna, Topic: “Organization of outdoor play in the middle group and skills safe behavior.

Summary of a comprehensive lesson on speech development “Cow and Calf” for middle group children Goal: to teach children to describe a picture in a certain sequence. Tasks: " Speech development": Teach children to describe a picture by composing.

Notes on conducting an outdoor game in the senior group “Hunters and Hares” The name of the game is Hunters and Hares.” Time and place: first half of the day’s walk, on the group’s site. Preparing for the game: together.

Summary of an outdoor game for the first and second junior groups “Mice and Norushki” Goal: Continue to teach children to perform actions in accordance with the words of the poem. Move at different paces, change directions.

Summary of the outdoor game “Two Camps”, senior preschool age Summary of the outdoor game “Two Camps”

Summary of the outdoor game “Shaggy Dog” for children of the second junior group Summary of the outdoor game “Shaggy Dog” for children 2 junior group Goal: - To strengthen children’s skill in running in loose areas. -Develop dexterity.

Summary of the outdoor game “Gifts” Summary of the outdoor game “Gifts” Purpose: To teach children to follow the rules of the game. Practice the ability to act on a signal and walk.


physical education lesson

lesson no. 25 physical culture in 3 V class

Lesson topic: “Outdoor games.”

Purpose of the lesson: creating student interest and initiative in the classroom through games and exercises aimed at developing dexterity, speed and coordination.

Lesson objectives:

1. Educational:

    Learn outdoor games.

    Generate interest in certain species motor activity in order to identify predisposition to certain sports.

2. Wellness:

    Develop motor skills and skills in performing exercises to develop speed, agility, coordination, and enrich your motor experience.

3. Educational:

    Foster a culture of emotional behavior in sports and gaming activities, education strong-willed qualities, striving for self-improvement.

.Lesson type: combined

Venue: gym

Technologies: health preservation, problem-based learning, personality-oriented technology.

Inventory: whistle, skittles, cubes, relay batons, landmark chips, hoops, small balls, w/ball.

IN timing: 40 minutes


Organizational and methodological instructions

1. Preparatory part

1.Entrance to the gym, formation in a line, greeting.

2.Introduction to the topic and purpose of the lesson. Statement of the problem.

3. Walking around the hall with posture tasks, changing the position of the hands:

a) on socks,

b) on the heels,

c) roll from heel to toe,

d) race walking with a transition to slow running.

4.Running with tasks:

raising the thigh high;

with the lower leg being pulled back;

side steps to the right (left);

back forward;

with sound signal:

one whistle stop

two whistles - prone position,

three whistles - run in the opposite direction.

5. Running under a rotating rope.

Walking, restoring breathing.

Formation into columns of 3 to perform a set of outdoor switchgear warm-up exercises accompanied by music.

a) exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle;

b) bending forward, backward, to the sides;

c) lunges alternately with the left and right foot with springy swaying;

d) swing the leg bent and straight up;

e) jumping exercises: jumping on two legs, with turns, legs crossed.

g) restoration of breathing.

Outdoor game "To your chips."

Pay attention to appearance and readiness for the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson is indicated without indicating physical qualities. Problem: what physical qualities will we develop in the lesson?

Watch your posture and keep your distance

Breathe evenly. Inhale through your nose, exhale freely.

Watch your alignment and distance.

Run only when signaled by the teacher, observe the interval of movement.

Perform the exercises with maximum range of motion, observe the interval and rules for performing the exercises to the music.

The back leg is straight, hands are on the knee in front of the leg.

Perform the swing with a straight leg, do not bend the supporting leg at the knee.

Raise your knees high, feel the beat of the music.

Perform jumps clearly, pushing off well with your feet, keeping your body straight and not relaxing.

Students, on command (whistle) from the teacher, must stand up faster and line up in columns to perform relay races.

2. Main part.

1.Moving relay races:

1) A student with a baton runs around the chip and returns to the team, passing the baton to another participant.

2) A student with a pin in his hands runs to the hoop, puts the pin in the hoop, takes the cube and returns to the team. The next student places a cube in the hoop, takes the pin and passes it to the next student.

3) The student runs to the landmark chip No. 1, runs around it, then runs to the landmark chip No. 2, takes the ball from the hoop and throws it at the target, and returns to the team.


2. Outdoor game "Shootout".

Students walk around the hall to regain their breath.

The teacher organizes students to perform relay races and helps children determine the names of their teams. Reminds you of the rules of safe behavior. Gives students the task of determining what physical quality this relay race develops.

Pass the baton exactly into your hands, follow the rules of the relay race.

Do not throw the object, place it exactly in the hoop.

Strive to hit the target, do not touch the hoop or chips.

Students help the teacher collect equipment.

Students line up. Calculation for 1-2.

Follow the rules of the game: do not run beyond the marking lines, run only along the side lines, do not snatch the ball from the players. Follow safety and behavioral rules.

The teacher determines the team that will win the game.

The released determine which individuals. this game develops quality,

remove equipment after the game.

3. Final part


The teacher invites students to guess riddles and determine what physical qualities develop this type sports

1). Let's gather a team at school

And we will find a large field,

Taking a corner-

We score with our heads.

And the fifth goal is in the goal!

We love very much.....(Football)

2). In this sport the players

Everyone is agile and tall.

They love to play ball

And throw it into the ring

The ball hits the floor loudly,

So this is......(Basketball).

3). The tournament is underway. The tournament is in full swing.

Andrey and I play together.

The two of us go out onto the court.

We hit the ball with rackets.

And Andre and Denis are against us.

What do we play with them? V..(Tennis)

4). It’s difficult, no matter what you say.-

Speed ​​down the mountain!

And the obstacles stand -

There are a whole series of flags there,

The skier needs to go through them.

There is a reward for victory,

Congratulations will pour in,

This sport is called......(Slalom).

Summing up the lesson. Students remember what tasks were performed in the lesson, what physical qualities were developed. Announcement of grades.

Organized exit from the gym.

Children are trying to determine what physical qualities this sport develops.

Homework: come up with 1-2 exercises to develop physical quality (dexterity, speed or coordination). Exempt persons - additional. assignment of riddles about sports.

Appendix 1

about visiting a lesson held on date by a physical education teacher at secondary school No. 00 Last name First name Patronymic

Class: 3 "B"

Purpose of visit: exchange of experience in implementing problematic technology and personally - oriented technology training.

Lesson topic: Outdoor games

An interesting lesson taking into account the requirements of the new standards. The teacher outlined the topic and purpose of the lesson so that from the first minutes, the students entered into dialogue, answered questions competently, reflected, and became interested in the upcoming activity.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, I will put emphasis on performing the open switchgear complex to music: clarity, rhythm, tempo, correctly selected music. New way I will use restructuring through the game “To Your Chips” in my lessons.

In the main part, the tasks are also structured taking into account the set goal; when completing the task, students must determine what physical quality it develops (problem-based learning). The outdoor game "Shootout" increased the emotional background, during its implementation, freed from physical activity, completed a task (personally-oriented training): to determine what qualities developed during the game + rational use time.

In the final part of the lesson, the theme is riddles about sports and the definition of physical qualities that it develops. Reflection has been carried out, the children can analyze and draw their own conclusions, and offer solutions to the assigned problems. I think the lesson was quite productive. Feedback about the lesson is positive.

Physical education teacher I.O. Last name

I certify the signature

Director of secondary school No. 00 I.O. Surname