Composition of an elementary school student's portfolio. How to fill out a portfolio template for an elementary school student

.:: 23.04.2010

“Portfolio for a child” sounds unusual. But in lately it is increasingly required in schools. When I first heard from my son about the need for a portfolio, I was a little discouraged. Isn't it too early in second grade? Although some schools require a portfolio already in the first year. But gradually, having figured out what this mysterious word was, I liked the idea.

Portfolio for students primary school used by the teacher as an alternative way to assess the child’s personal achievements. For the student, this is a form of representing the individual orientation of his knowledge, skills, interests, programming success personal growth, development creative thinking, the opportunity to express yourself, speak out and make yourself known.

No specific ones general requirements There are no portfolios to complete in schools, and its design itself is already a creative work. Quite often, instead of a portfolio, you can hear the term “portfolio of achievements.”

It seems to me that the portfolio is a kind of competitive element, it makes every student think about what he has to show the class and others. Having heard about the portfolio, the children in our class immediately began to think about what they could be proud of. Some people had accumulated enough certificates for participating in competitions, others had nothing, and they had to figure out why it was difficult to ask about their own achievements? Why is there no interest, maybe too much low self-esteem? This is a note for parents and teachers.

In our class, it was decided that a portfolio is not only a folder with certificates and diplomas, but it is an opportunity to tell about yourself in an interesting and competent way. Unleash your creative potential.

Project goal

record success, in any field. Increase self-esteem and create positive attitude for the future. In addition, compiling a portfolio allows the child to look at himself from the outside.

General design

A portfolio is a folder with a binder. All documents are enclosed in separate glossy files, A4 format. To design the work, use regular A4 paper, paints, pens, pencils, colored paper, decals, stickers, etc. The text can be handwritten or typed on a computer if the child is able to handle it.

Portfolio sections

  • My world (contents)
  • I'm interested

Includes the child's personal information. Last name First name Patronymic, year of birth, city of residence, age. You can decorate the title page to your taste and place a photo on it.

The section replaces the content. In the portfolio that I bring to your attention, the beginning of each section is drawn up on a separate sheet in the form of a presentation: the title of the section and a picture reflecting the image of the topic. Instead of the name “my world”, you can use “my planet”. I think the name is symbolic, because the portfolio reflects small life in all its manifestations, and not at all the book content.

Here it is proposed to tell what the name the parents gave the child means. Tell what kind of character people with this name have, and agree or disagree with this characteristic. Give examples of people who glorified this name. And make up short story about them.

You need to tell about your mom, dad and all those relatives with whom you live. Who are they, where do they work, what do they do, how do they spend their time. Which ones exist? family traditions, what place you occupy in the family and how you help. And in general, everything that I have to say about myself and my family. There may even be wishes for the future, your own dreams regarding the family. Attached are photographs or drawings.

Who are they, where did you make friends, why do you value your friends, what kind of character do they have? Expand the question: “What kind of friend are you?” Photos of friends and joint games. If you have no friends, this happens. The child is asked to come up with a story about what kind of friend he would like to have.

Every person has some interests, and children usually have many of them, so describe them with pleasure, post pictures, magazine clippings, photographs, descriptions.

So we got to the most important thing. What good is your friend? Well, those who have certificates and diplomas - it’s clear! What if not? Then you need to think... you can be proud that you loving son and you help your mother, he is proud that he has learned to read and write without blots. Maybe you made a birdhouse for birds, or you got straight A's in behavior, you joined the library yourself and read a lot of books, you know how to do 10 push-ups or sew on buttons... In common child he is invited to find something in himself that will allow him to understand that everything is in his hands, he has something to strive for. Think about what needs to be done to be successful in business.

In this section, you are asked to talk about what surprised you and what you remember most in your life. Impressions of trips, excursions, books read, films and cartoons watched. Attached are photographs, drawings, and clippings.

Here we collect drawings or photos of any handmade work: modeling, drawings, knitting, sewing, appliqués, etc. In addition to these sections, you can include the following:

My school

Separate pages on subjects (what you like, don’t like, opinion about the subject and its necessity). My teachers (attitude towards them, favorite teachers and trainers, what causes respect)

My social work

All useful deeds aimed not at studying, but at maintaining the class, school, family, home are reflected here. Stories about cleanup days, school plays, organizing a hike, etc.

Every year, schoolchildren are exposed to innovations in the field of education. Most of these innovations produce truly positive results and make the learning process more effective. As an experiment, students primary classes It is proposed to create a portfolio - a personal document that will indicate the goals and objectives of the student, his aspirations and orientation. This is a kind of characteristic and action plan. This is actively used in middle and high schools. But what will a portfolio give to primary school students? This is what this article will discuss.

Coming to primary school, most students are not fully aware of what teachers want from them, how they need to systematize their actions and knowledge so that learning brings joy. The task of teachers is to guide schoolchildren in the right educational direction, discover their potential and promote a desire to learn new things. A portfolio will help them with this.

The objectives of this document are:

  • develop the student’s individual inclinations and creative potential;
  • instill in him leadership qualities and increase self-esteem;
  • encourage cognitive activity;
  • develop independence and responsibility in decision-making and be responsible for them;
  • teach to develop creatively;
  • to form the right moral qualities, to raise a responsible, kind and intelligent citizen;
  • teach you to form your desires and goals independently, choose the main thing, systematize information;
  • help you find your ideals and priorities, show that there is no limit to self-improvement.

The objectives of the portfolio are also important. The main task is to show the student that the main thing is not diplomas and praise, but that he learns new things, grows above himself and is constantly developing.

Also in the list of tasks you can find:

  • promote creative activities every day;
  • teach to choose important information against the background of everything else;
  • give the opportunity to choose the format of the portfolio, its appearance and sections.

Scientists have proven that it is not intelligence or talent that plays a big role in the formation of a successful personality, but high motivation to achieve a goal. This is what the portfolio promotes.

It is important that the elementary school student makes the folder himself. This is how his personal opinion and position will be formed.

Portfolio of a primary school student according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A primary school student’s portfolio is a collection of various documents, certificates, information that indicates high level student knowledge. This will be very useful in determining the student's rating.

You can attach both certified documents and what you write yourself to such a portfolio. The data should cover all areas of the student’s life: study, creativity, sports, language learning, etc.

Teachers recommend adhering to the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES) when drawing up such a document. But it should be noted that there is no single rule that obliges you to create a portfolio using a certain method and no other way. The schoolboy has large selection, exactly how he wants to present himself to the team. This is very important when shaping the worldview of a primary school student.

But despite the absence of strict rules, the portfolio should include sections that will tell about the student and his work.

The folder should contain the following materials:

  1. A selection of children's works. This can be work done during lessons at school, or in additional classes, clubs, and electives. The materials should be compiled in such a way that the growth of the student’s skills and knowledge is visible.
  2. Systematized materials and plans. These are tests, tests, independent work, which will also indicate the constant development of erudition in the student. This also includes score sheets, in which teachers give their assessment of the student’s level of knowledge.
  3. Information that characterizes the child in the extracurricular sphere. It describes the schoolchild’s leisure time, his hobbies and passions.

The portfolio is not a document of a strict form, therefore it can be filled out by the student in any form. The main thing is to approach this activity responsibly, avoid mistakes, and enter truthful information.

You can fill out the folder both in class with the permission of the teacher and extracurricular activities or at home. Teachers can help with the design, but the initiative must come from the student.

It is important that the portfolio does not turn into a book of praise about the student’s achievements, which will contain various certificates and diplomas. After all, the main goal is not to make him stand out from the rest, but to instill responsibility, to make the child collected and attentive.

Sample portfolio of a primary school student: photo with explanations

The folder should fully reflect the tastes and interests of the student. That is why he can choose different decor and filling style. You can even adjust the sections that will be presented in the portfolio.

To have an idea of ​​how to correctly fill out such a folder, you should take into account a sample portfolio of a primary school student.

You need to start with the title page. He will tell you who owns the portfolio and what class the child attends.

Now you need to tell us a little about yourself and start with your name. Not all options have such a section, but this will emphasize the student’s individuality, teach him to love his name and tell others about its meaning.

It is important to indicate the student’s goals and objectives, what values ​​he considers basic, and what he wants to achieve. This needs to be done concisely, concisely, so that everything written fits in one section.

“Family Section” could be next. Here the student talks about his family. Be sure to include photographs of your family. You can talk not only about parents, brothers or sisters, but also about grandparents. It should be mentioned that they are an example for a young schoolchild and support him in everything. Also in this section you can describe how family leisure time is spent, what exciting hobbies family members have, where the family likes to go together.

Then you can move on to the hobbies of the primary school student himself. Here you can not skimp on additional material in the form of photographs or drawings, if the child attends art school, For example.

The portfolio may also have sections:

  • my achievements;
  • my creativity;
  • my travels;
  • my impressions, etc.

They also need to be described in detail and sincerely. Separately, you can highlight each subject that a student studies at school. For example, make “Mathematics” or “Russian language” tabs.

Primary school student portfolio templates

To quickly and more effectively design a folder, you can use primary school student portfolio templates. You just need to print them out and fill them out. Additionally, you can use decor or initially adjust the template in an editor program on your computer.

Below are several options that will help realize all your plans.

There are also many sites on the Internet, by going to which you can download a file in the form of an archive with a complete set of templates. It’s also easy to make them yourself on a computer using a special program. But only a primary school student may not be able to do this. Their parents will help them with this.

Various publishing houses also create ready-made portfolios for every taste. You can choose any topic, the number of sections that make up the portfolio. The advantage of this option is that it resembles a book, has a thick cover, and therefore will last longer than a simple folder.

Pictures for a primary school student's portfolio

The portfolio of a primary school student differs from that of older schoolchildren in that you can use additional decor and pictures, supplement the text with an application or sketch.

The choice must be made based on the general theme of the portfolio and the student’s interests. For example, often at the age of 7-8 years, students focus on cartoon topics:

The following pictures are suitable for a girl:

There are also options for boys:

You can also pay attention to universal pictures that do not link the portfolio to the student by gender.

How to fill out a 1st grade student’s portfolio: sample, details

It will be useful for schoolchildren who are just getting acquainted with school and their parents to learn how to fill out a portfolio for a 1st grade student. The sample below will describe this procedure in detail and inspire your own individual writing.

Any portfolio begins with a title page. It indicates the student’s details, which school and class he attends.

For example: “Sergey Vadimovich Marchenko, student 1 - “A” class of secondary school No. 25, Karaganda.”

The title page must have an attractive appearance, so it can be decorated with applique, drawings, and stickers. Also on the title page there is usually a photograph of the first grader. Students at this age still have a childish worldview, so you can also use pictures of cartoon characters.

Next comes the getting to know the student section. Here you need to tell about yourself, your plans, dreams, passions. This is a mini-presentation, several sentences long. To show originality and creative inclinations, the section can also be decorated with drawings and pictures. For example, if a first grader loves basketball, then you can cut out basketballs and stick them next to the text.

Sample of filling out this section:

“My name is Sergey. Now I set myself the goal of doing well at school and getting a lot useful knowledge. My dreams are varied: I want to fly in a helicopter, see the Sahara Desert and swim with dolphins. My hobbies are drawing and sports. I want to reach heights in these areas.”

Then - a description of the family. Here you should indicate the details of your parents, where and who they work for. You can also tell what hobbies the family has, how it is carried out free time. Photos of family and spending time together are also welcome.

The next section is dedicated to the friends of the first grader. We need to talk about them, about what common interests Connected the guys, attach a photo. Perhaps friends are an example for the student and inspire him to do good deeds.

This is where the personal part of the portfolio ends and the academic part begins. You should indicate the class teacher, describe what subjects the student is studying, what extracurricular clubs he attends.

Here you can give brief description class (what direction of study has been chosen, how many people are in the class, etc.).

The “My Achievements” section is the most voluminous because it includes plans drawn up by the student himself, assessment sheets and tests from teachers, as well as certificates, diplomas and other important marks.

“My Creativity” can also consist of many examples of the student’s creative work. It is best to place them in chronological order so that the progress of the child’s creative skills can be seen.

The “My impressions” section is very important for a child who has just started school. This way he can express his emotions and systematize his thoughts.

It is also necessary to create a separate section that will cover school subjects. It can describe assignments completed in class, attach projects and tests.

All events that happened outside of school can be placed in the “My social work” section. The photographs posted here will help you remember these events.

The “Reviews and Suggestions” section will help summarize the materials attached to the portfolio. In it, teachers can give their assessments of the student’s learning and efforts. They can also point out shortcomings or gaps in knowledge.

Portfolio of a 1st grade student: example

To understand how to properly create a portfolio, it is best to visually familiarize yourself with it. To do this, we give an example of such a portfolio of a 1st grade student. By watching the video attached below, you can learn all the nuances of filling out such a first-grader folder.

Going to first grade, a child expects to encounter difficulties and constant learning. The portfolio allows you to understand that school is also very fun, educational and interesting.

Elementary school student portfolio
Creating a Portfolio- This is an exciting joint painstaking work of children and their parents. Its creation should be taken carefully and seriously - after all, this is the face of your child. To begin, purchase the most beautiful folder at a stationery store, with a large number empty files (at least 90 sheets), let the child choose it himself. The folder is bought to last for many years, it must be durable. You will need markers, pencils, glue, a ruler and several sheets of different stickers (stars, flowers, cars, etc.).

Portfolio should consist of two sections, which in turn are divided into several subsections.

First section - introductory, in which the child talks about himself.

First sheet of the section- it's beautifully designed front page with a photograph of the student, as well as information about educational institution where he studies.

The 2nd file contains all kinds of postcards and congratulations given to the first grader at the beginning of academic year.

On sheet 3 (subsection “My name”) the child gives a decoding of his name (origin, meaning), who called it that and why.

On sheet 4 (subsection “My Family”), he writes a short essay about his family; if there are photographs, he attaches them.

On sheet 5 (subsection “This is me”) he draws his portrait.

On sheet 6 (subsection “My hand in first grade”) he circles his palm and on each outlined finger writes what he thinks about himself, what he is like (kind, affectionate, etc.).

On sheet 7 (subsection “My zodiac sign”) draws your zodiac sign and describes it.

Sheet 8 includes the subsection “My daily routine.”

Section 9 is called “My Hobbies”, in which the child writes about what he likes to do.

On sheet 10 (subsection “My friends”), write a short essay about your friends, what they are like, what they like to do. If there are photographs, they are attached.

Sheet 11 is the subsection “My City”, here a description is given of the city, village in which you live (big or small, main attractions, famous historical facts and celebrities).

Subsection 11 - a colorful route diagram from home to school, home address.
Subsection 12 “My school” includes a photograph of the school, a description of when it was built and by whom, how many people study in it, the name of the director, emblem, and anthem.

13 subsection “My teachers” - subjects and names of teachers, if any, their photographs, describes the character, external characteristics of the teacher (kind, tall, etc.), my favorite subject and favorite teacher.

Subsection 14 “My class” – a photograph of the entire class, below is a list of children.

15 subsection “Lesson Schedule” - a beautifully designed lesson schedule placed in a file (you can attach ready-made template) for 1st grade, in subsequent years schedules for 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades will be added.

Section 16 is called “Who will I be when I grow up” - here the child writes about his future profession, and why he chose her.

Second section Portfolio includes the child’s achievements and successes over the entire period of primary school, is filled out gradually as material is accumulated and also includes several subsections.

Section 1 “My studies” is dedicated to school subjects and is filled with written tests and verification work and tests.

2 subsection “My best works» is filled only with works completed to an excellent mark, as well as beautiful drawings and reports.

Section 3 “My creativity” is filled with drawings, photographs of crafts, your own poems, stories, etc.

Section 4 “My Achievements” is compiled from tables and graphs showing the dynamics of learning writing, reading speed and numeracy skills; it also includes all certificates, diplomas and commendations.

Section 5 “Our holidays and events” consists of photographs of holidays and events (for example, tea parties, excursions) and comments on them: when the holiday took place and how I took part in it.

Subsection 6 “My social work” includes all the student’s activities, except for academic activities (participation in various events, drawing newspapers, planting plants in the school yard, cleanup, etc.).

7 subsection " Literary reading", where the child writes the names of the books he has read, the author and a brief description of what he read.

The very last 8th subsection is called “Feedback and Suggestions”. At the end of each school year, the teacher writes a testimonial for the student, which is included here. Here the child himself can write his wishes to the teachers and his home school, how he would like them to be and what he would change.

Each Portfolio Sheet beautifully framed with felt-tip pens and decorated with stickers.


  1. Portfolio of a primary school student, samples and templates for downloading, portfolio structure, recommendations for compilation

Portfolios are examples of work done that reveal the student’s abilities and skills. The portfolio also indicates the child’s activity in different types activities at school and beyond. At the end of the article there are portfolio samples that you can download and use as an example to design your child’s portfolio.

  1. Introduction of Portfolio for Primary School

Several years ago, this innovation was added to the educational process, which is now widespread. Many parents of elementary school students, receiving an assignment from teachers that is related to the preparation of a portfolio, feel bewildered and confused about how and what to do. And teachers themselves sometimes spend a lot of effort and time trying to figure out the structure and design of portfolios for students. Today there are no strict requirements for it, which is very good; students themselves can be involved in its creation.

  1. The purpose of creating a portfolio for students

For self-realization, a child is already in primary school must have the right motivation, the ability to set goals and achieve them. Educational process requires self-discipline from the student, the ability to conduct introspection in order to overcome failures and be able to rejoice in their victories. Therefore, parents and teachers should help him discover his inner potential. A student’s portfolio for primary school is created to structure his work, academic performance and achievements. All collected material will subsequently become the basis for choosing specialized classes or maybe even a school and profession for the student. The main goal of a school portfolio is to identify all the student’s strengths and give him the right vector for further development his abilities.

  1. Portfolio structure

A primary school student's portfolio includes the following sections:

1) Personal data:

  1. a) title page;
  2. b) autobiography;
  3. c) a story about yourself;
  4. d) a list of long-term and short-term plans for study and career.

For the title page you will need to paste a photo of the child. It will be better if he chooses his own photo. In this way, his initiative can be developed. The child could describe his hobbies, talk about his city, family, friends, his first or last name, write about his school. The main thing is that he describes what interests him and what he considers important.

2) Achievements:

  1. a) a completed form entitled “List of my achievements”;
  2. b) creative works, articles, research projects, works that are recognized as the best in the process of discussion between the student and the teacher;
  3. c) certificates and diplomas received by the child for achieving success in various fields of activity; d) characteristics;
  4. e) information that confirms educational initiative and independence in performing work;
  5. e) set goals.

In this section, it is better to write down all available certificates and diplomas in chronological order. In the primary grades, all of a child’s successes are important, so it is better not to divide them into major achievements (for example, in school) and secondary ones (for example, in sports).

3) Demonstration of the process and development of a student in a certain area:

  1. a) photographs;
  2. b) video recordings;
  3. c) results tests, testing, exam, drawings;
  4. d) information that reflects all socially useful activities of the child;
  5. e) completed forms:
  1. “Research, creative work”;
  2. “Attending additional education”;
  3. "Individual (elective) courses."
  1. f) list of literature read;
  2. g) curriculum;
  3. h) information about awards.

The forms may require photographs of voluminous works or fakes that the child has made. You can also place drawings, poems, fairy tales or any other student’s creativity in this section. To design this section, the child must have complete freedom so that he can clearly see what success he has achieved.

4) Feedback and suggestions:

  1. a) feedback for the work done;
  2. b) recommendations in writing;
  3. c) letters of encouragement;
  4. d) goals for the beginning of the school year;
  5. e) results of the academic year.

This section is one of the most important for increasing a student’s self-esteem. Teachers who pay enough attention to the child’s efforts will be able to positively evaluate them. If you use not just the word “well done”, but praise your child for something specific, then his motivation in learning will only grow. Children who are praised for specific achievements learn much better. This section can also help the teacher express his recommendations and wishes to the student’s parents.

The portfolio may contain additional sections that the teacher can add.

  1. Distribution of responsibilities in portfolio management

One of the main goalscompiling a portfolio for a primary school studentis to establish close cooperation between parents, teacher and child. Students junior classes Those who are preparing a portfolio for the first time will not be able to do without the help of their parents. But help should consist of constantly encouraging the child to show initiative and independence in filling out the data. Thus, he will be able to evaluate his achievements and capabilities, as well as form a personal attitude towards the results obtained.

The child, feeling the burden of responsibility, will independently work with the portfolio and evaluate the results. He will be able to develop communication skills, because the portfolio requires communication and consultation with parents and teachers. A portfolio helps a child develop a balanced view of himself, his strengths and his goals.

The role of the teacher in working with school portfolio also cannot be underestimated. This is serious work. The teacher is obliged to explain the rules for maintaining and filling out the portfolio, and to timely evaluate the completion of all sections. On the shoulders class teachers There are responsibilities such as preparing exhibitions and competitions that will allow students to express themselves. They help students take part in different activities. All this helps to shape the child’s personality.

Major efforts in educational process are aimed at developing in students abilities that will help him to fully realize himself and become successful person. The main thing is that the portfolio does not convey the idea of ​​competition between children, but helps each individual develop their talents.

As an example, we bring to your attention the contents of the Portfolio on assessing the development of universal educational activities, designed for 1st grade. Please note that the tasks offered in the Portfolio are in workbooks and textbooks of the educational complex. You can use this option and implement it into the practice of the school, but it is also possible to offer your own option.

Sections of the working Portfolio

Pages of the “Portrait” section

  1. My portrait (meet: this is me)
  2. Place for a photo (or self-portrait)
  3. Write about yourself (as best you can):

My name is_________________

I was born on ____________________ (day/month/year)

I live in ______________________

My address

My family

  1. Draw a portrait of your family
  2. Family tree
  3. What I like to do
  4. I'm a student
  1. I can do
  2. I want to learn this year...
  3. I'll learn this year
  1. I'm reading.
  2. My class, my friends, my first teacher
  3. My daily routine
  1. Me and my friends

Pages of the "Collector" section

  1. Rules of behavior at school
  2. Laws of class life
  3. An approximate list of literature for independent and family reading.
  4. Plan - memo Problem solutions
  7. Reminder on how to proceed stressful situations(fire, danger, etc.)
  8. Memo: Rules of communication

Section "Working materials"

Each item has its own “file”, diagnostic work is included in it.

Pages of the “My Achievements” section

  1. My best work
  2. The task I liked the most
  3. I read……. books.
  4. What do I know now that I didn’t know before?
  5. What can I do now that I couldn’t do before?
  6. My goals and plans for the next academic year:
  7. What else do I want to learn?
  8. What books should I read?
  9. My participation in school and class holidays and events
  10. My projects
  11. Products of joint creativity (with parents, classmates)





My birthday:

13.02. 2001

What do you think needs to be done to keep the family strong and friendly?


Do you have family holidays?


What is family happiness?


Draw or stick something you love to do.

Time of year_________________________________


Best friend________________________________

More than anything else__________________________


TV show_________________________________






Times of Day___________________________________


What I do best is:

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________
  4. ____________________________________

I'm not very good at:

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________

Most of all I want to learn:

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________

Here's what I need for this:

  1. ____________________________________
  2. ____________________________________
  3. ____________________________________

My address: Stavropol region

Kursk region

Art. Galyugaevskaya

Klubnaya St., 20

History of my street:

  1. __________________________________
  2. __________________________________
  3. __________________________________
  4. __________________________________
  5. __________________________________

A true friend is:

Daily routine diagram

Regime moments


1-2 grades

3 - 4 grades

Awakening, gymnastics, hardening procedures






The way to school (walk)



Educational and extracurricular activities at school, breakfast during the big break



The way home from school (walk)






Afternoon rest (sleep for first graders and weakened children)


Staying outdoors



Prep. Every 35-45 minutes of class, a break for 5-10 minutes. During the first break there is an afternoon snack.




Staying outdoors


Dinner and free activities






Workplace organization


Secrets of successful work


Test No. 1.

Mark the 5 most important actions in your opinion aimed at achieving your goal.

  1. Be persistent.
  2. Be decisive.
  3. Don't get upset when you fail or make a mistake.
  4. Believe in success.
  5. Take your time.
  6. Support friends in difficult times.
  7. Don't be discouraged.
  8. Don't give up.
  9. Don't quit what you started.
  10. Believe that everything can be learned.

Test No. 2.

  1. I like people who... __________________________________________________________
  2. I want school...


  1. After classes I love...


  1. When things get difficult I...


  1. I know that my health...


  1. I have friends...


  1. I often think about...


  1. At home I...


  1. I will become more independent...


  1. In the future I...


Test No. 4.

“What am I?”

If you caught the firebird. She knows how to fulfill your wishes. What would you ask for?

Why do you need this?

I want to get this:

1. Because others have it.

2. Because others don’t have it.

3. Because I need it.

4. Because my relatives need it and

To friends.

5. Because I just want it.

Here's what you can call these spiritual qualities:

1. envy

2. boastfulness

3. practicality

4. kindness, caring

5. greed

2 classes











Russian language



The world around us


Children's rhetoric

fine arts


English language


Physical culture









Test No. 3.

"All colors except black"

Place a red light next to “good” character traits,

and near the “bad” ones - black.


good nature

Hard work


















1. Trust your parents - they are the people closest to you, they
can help you and give good advice.

2. Tell them about your problems, failures, sorrows.

3. Share your joys.

4. Take care of your parents: they have many difficulties.

5. Try to understand them, help them.

6. Don’t upset or be offended by them needlessly.

7. Introduce them to your friends, tell them about them.

8. Ask your parents about their childhood, about their childhood friends.

9. Show your parents the strengths of your friends, not their weaknesses.

10. Rejoice with your parents in the successes of your friends.

  1. Try not to read lying down, choose a comfortable reading position.
  1. While reading, remove distracting objects and turn off the TV. If you don't do this, your work will be in vain.
  1. Read aloud and take your time. If you pay attention to
    time, you will soon forget the meaning of the text you are reading.
  1. If you are captivated by a book and want to read longer, do
    break, use it for a physical education break.
  1. Pay attention to the actions of the heroes, analyze their actions,
    draw your own conclusions.
  1. Learn from the heroes of the books you read good manners and good
  1. If you decide to stop reading until next time, put a bookmark in the book. This book may be of interest not only to you, but also to other people. They should pick it up clean and tidy
  1. Share with your friends information about interesting and exciting
  1. If you met interesting phrases in the book, don’t be lazy and
    write it down in a separate notebook. Perhaps someday you will return to these words while completing the teacher’s assignment.

How to cook homework in reading

  1. Carefully read the title of the work you need to read.
  1. Look who the author of the work is.
  1. Read the entire text carefully.
  1. Mark with a pencil those words whose meaning you do not understand.
  1. Find an explanation of unclear words in the dictionary or ask an adult
  1. Think about what the main idea of ​​this text is.
  1. Read the questions at the end of the text carefully and try to answer them using the text.
  1. Make a plan for retelling the text.
  1. Prepare a retelling of the text out loud (from another person).
  1. Without looking at the text, remember the characters in the text and the main character. Give them a description, take them into account and own opinion. Express your opinion on the text you read, share this opinion with your family. They will be interested.

Memo "How to do homework"

Air out your room before starting homework.

Complete tasks at the same time.

If you need it, turn on quiet music.

Look through your diary entries. Determine what tasks you must complete the next day.

Prepare all the supplies you need to do your homework.

Think about what task you will do first. Start with the most difficult thing, finish your work with the easier one.

Mark in your school diary completed task in pencil.

Take a 10-minute break between each completed homework assignment.

After preparing your lessons, put your books and notebooks in your briefcase.

Make sure you put everything in your briefcase for the next day.

  1. Don't take someone else's.
  1. They asked - give it, they try to take it away - defend yourself. Don't fight without a reason.
  1. If they call you to play, go, if they don’t call you, ask permission to play together, it’s not shameful.
  1. Play honestly, don't let your comrades down.
  1. Don't tease anyone, don't whine, don't beg for anything. Don't ask anyone for anything twice.
  1. Don't cry because of your grades, be proud. Don’t argue with the teacher because of grades and don’t be offended by the teacher for grades. Try to do everything on time and think about good results, you will definitely have them.
  1. Don't snitch or slander anyone.
  1. Try to be careful.
  1. Say more often: let's be friends, let's play.
  1. Remember! You are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique to yourself, parents, teachers, friends!
  1. What does your name mean?
  2. What do you know about your name?
  3. Which famous people do you know with your name?
  4. Ask your parents why they named you that?
  5. Are there people in your family with that name?
  6. Why should you value your name?

? Answer the questions.

1. What does it mean to be healthy? ___________________


2. What affects your health?___________________________

3. How to protect yourself from diseases? _________________


4. How are colds treated? _________________________


5.How do the sun, air and water help you?


6. Can body temperature change, andwhen does this happen? __________________________________


Read and think!

One wise man was asked the question: “What is more important for a person: wealth or fame?”

Find outWhat did the sage answer...


You can't buy health - your mind gives it.

If you're healthy, you'll get everything.

God grant us health, but we will find happiness.

Write your own proverbs about health.




Elementary school student portfolio.

1. Why does a student need a portfolio?

“Each student will have a “portfolio,” that is, an individual “portfolio” of educational achievements - the results of district and regional Olympiads, interesting independent projects and creative works. This is very important in determining the student’s readiness for in-depth study of a number of subjects.”(Minister of Education V.M. Filippov “Komsomolskaya Pravda” 01/14/2003)

Main functionThis innovation is to help high school students choose a specialized class, as well as the opportunity to present their achievements when entering universities.

Portfolio goal- act as an individual cumulative assessment and, along with exam results, determine the rating of secondary school graduates.

We will all have to get used to the formula:

The procedure for calculating the specific “weight” of a portfolio in a student’s overall educational rating suggests two options:
1. The weight of the portfolio can correspond to the weight of one exam - max 5 points.
2. The weight of the portfolio can correspond to the weight of two exams - max 10 points.

In other words, additional certification for admission to specialized classes is really necessary. After all existing system exams in 9th grade does not give an idea of ​​​​the student’s abilities or interests!

2. Portfolio philosophy.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating and assessing a student’s individual achievements during a certain period of his education. A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a student in various types of activities (educational, creative, social communicative, etc.) and is an important element of a practice-oriented approach to education.

IN pedagogical literature portfolio is characterized as:

 A collection of a student's work that comprehensively demonstrates not only their educational results, but also the efforts made to achieve them;

 Exhibition of a student’s educational achievements in a given subject (or several subjects) for a given period of study (quarter, half-year, year).

The philosophy of the educational portfolio assumes:
- shifting the emphasis from what the student does not know and cannot do, to what he knows and can do on a given topic and subject;
- integration of quantitative and qualitative assessments;
- transfer of pedagogical emphasis from assessment to self-assessment;
- the main meaning of a portfolio is: “Show everything you are capable of.”

Portfolio concept:
A portfolio is a promising form of presenting the individual orientation of a particular student’s educational achievements. The graduate's portfolio can serve as an addition to Unified State Exam results or any other forms of examinations for admission to a university, since it most fully covers the lack of information about the applicant, which is inevitable in any examination procedure. Portfolio as a cumulative assessment reflects sustainable and long-term educational results,
compensating for the effect of random success or failure in an exam or testing situation.

3. What is all this for?

The portfolio material is collected not just for one year, but throughout the entire period of study. A portfolio is a form of authentic assessment of educational results based on a product created by a student in the course of educational, creative, social and other types of activities. Thus, the portfolio corresponds to the goals, objectives and ideology of practice-oriented learning.

A portfolio helps solve the following important pedagogical tasks:

  1. support and stimulate the educational motivation of schoolchildren;
  2. develop the skills of reflective and evaluative activities of students;
  3. develop the ability to learn- set goals, plan and organize your own educational activities;
  4. lay additional prerequisites and opportunities for successful specialization.

4. What does the portfolio look like?

Typically, creating a portfolio requires a ring binder (regular or archival) that is filled with hole-punched files. It is advisable to purchase multi-format files for storing documents or works in A4, A5 and A3 formats. Additionally, you can insert separators that will help structure the folder into sections.

5. Where to start?
Compiling a portfolio is, indeed, most relevant in secondary and primary schools. And here’s the question: does a portfolio have the right to exist in elementary school and, if so, in what form can it be presented? Of course, many sections from
Portfolio-9don't fit. What to replace them with? Should I make my portfolio comprehensive or limit myself to one part of it? All these questions can be answered by thinking about what the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in the elementary grades are.

6. Goals and objectives.

One of the main tasks of teaching and education in primary school (I hope!) is to identify and develop the child’s individual creative abilities. And here’s how Olga Ukhanova, a teacher from St. Petersburg, defines the main goals and objectives of maintaining a portfolio in primary school:

— creating a situation of success for each student, increasing self-esteem and confidence in their own capabilities;
— maximum disclosure of the individual abilities of each child;
- development cognitive interests students and the formation of readiness for independent learning;
— formation of an attitude towards creative activity and skills creative activity, development of motivation for further creative growth;
- formation of positive moral and moral qualities personalities;
— acquisition of reflection skills, developing the ability to analyze one’s own interests, inclinations, needs and correlate them with available opportunities (“I’m real”, “I’m ideal”);
— formation of life ideals, stimulation of the desire for self-improvement.

To solve these problems (according to many experts), it is necessary to shift the emphasis, placing the main emphasis not on a portfolio of documents, but on a portfolio of creative works. In other words, the "CREATIVE WORKS" section should become the main and main one, the " Official documents" should fade into the background and be used only as an appendix!

The motto for working with an elementary school student’s portfolio should be the following phrase:"Everyday creative process the student must be recorded".
1 Published in the newspaper "Elementary School".
2 Reflection is a tendency to analyze one’s experiences and think about one’s internal state. Thinking about yourself, knowing and analyzing your own mental processes and states. It disrupts a person’s life and reduces his adaptation with both excess and lack of self-knowledge.

7. The main thing is not victory, the main thing is participation!

The unconditional value of a portfolio lies in the fact that it helps to increase the student’s self-esteem and maximize individual capabilities each child, developing motivation for further creative growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to learn for yourself and explain to your child that compiling a portfolio is not a race for diplomas and all kinds of certificates! Important the process itselfparticipation in educational activities or creative work, and not its result.

Long-term research by psychologists has led many educational experts to accept the view that leading characteristic creative personality should not be considered "outstanding abilities" ( high intelligence, creativity, etc.), and its motivation (life goals) . It is this that is considered by many as the decisive factor in implementation. creative potential personality.
3 Motivation is the motivation that causes activity and determines its direction.

8. What does an elementary school student’s portfolio look like?

Strict requirements ( state standard) on at the moment does not exist. And it makes me happy! After all, working on a portfolio is good opportunity express yourself, approach this task creatively, come up with something of your own, original. As a rule, the school administration gives advice and recommendations on design. The only thing to be wary of is that the primary school student’s portfolio is not called “Portfolio of my achievements” (“My achievements”, etc.) and that the section documenting these achievements (all kinds of certificates and certificates). Let's talk about the dangers of this approach a little further. In the meantime, let me remind you that to “fight” this kind of obligation and other “administrative distortions” there is such a body as the school’s board of trustees. Advocate for your children's interests. Take action!

My public

My creativity

My impressions

My achievements

1 page - title page
Photo - choose together with your child
Page 2 - Autobiography - can be called differently: Get to know me (Let's get to know each other)
You can post photos in this section different years child and sign them.
Or write an autobiography with your child:
1) The autobiography begins with a submission - indicating the full name, date and place of birth. For example: “I, Sergey Pavlovich Mikhailov, was born on March 19, 2000 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region.”
2) After this, write your residential address (actual and registered).
In the student’s autobiography, you can write about graduating from kindergarten (name and year of graduation).
3) It is also necessary to indicate the name, school number, year of admission, class profile. 4) It is advisable to write about the main achievements at school: participation in sports competitions, olympiads, diplomas, awards.
5) In addition, in the student’s autobiography you can talk about the main interests, hobbies, PC skills, and knowledge of foreign languages.


I, Kulagin Sergey Maksimovich, was born on April 12, 2001 in the city of Chekhov, Moscow region. I live at the address: Moscow, Lenin Ave., 45, apt. 49.

From 2003 to 2007 visited kindergarten"Zvezdochka" No. 5 in the city of Chekhov. From 2007 to 2009 he studied at school No. 3 in the city of Chekhov. In 2009, due to my family moving to Moscow, I moved to school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, where I am currently studying in the 8th grade.

In 2011 and 2012, he was awarded a certificate for academic success. At the regional mathematics Olympiad in 2012, he took 3rd place.

I am interested in sports - I attend the school basketball section, take part in school and regional competitions.

Page 3 - My family.
Here you can talk about family members, or write a story about your family
To fill out the template, write down the composition of the family, you can take one general photo + a general story about the family
or a family tree + a photo of each on a separate page + a short story about each family member (we write together with the child - for example, dad goes fishing with me, mom cooks delicious food and does homework with me, sister plays)

EXAMPLE 1: with one general photo:

Family is important for every person. All family members
we need to show warmth to each other, respect our relatives and
loved ones. You need to learn to live with loved ones - you will
live in peace and with other people. No wonder it's Russian
the proverb says: " The best treasure when there is harmony in the family."
My dad is Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, a mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
My mother is Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, 10th grade student at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1997.
There is a grandmother in my family - Ekaterina Vladimirova
Our family has favorite holidays - this is a meeting
New Year, Easter, birthdays of our family members.
I like to make dumplings with my mother and do the cleaning.
I love fishing and swimming with my dad, but most of all
I like to help him in the yard.
Our favorite dish triangles and

EXAMPLE 2: each family member with his own photo -
Family composition:
Father - Kulagin Maxim Ivanovich, mathematics teacher at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1975.
Mother – Kulagina Larisa Sergeevna, accountant at Khlebodar LLC, born in 1976.
Sister - Kulagina Inna Maksimovna, 10th grade student at school No. 19 named after V. G. Belinsky, born in 1997.

Page 4 - the meaning of mine name-my Name
It may be named after a relative, this can be indicated.
You can find the meaning of the name on the Internet.
For example:
A name is the personal name a person is given at birth. Each name has its own interpretation. This is what my name means:
Mark comes from Greek name Marcos, which in turn came from Latin word"Marcus" - hammer. There is also a second version of the origin of this name, that it comes from the god of war Mars. Shortened versions: Markusha, Marik, Markusya, Masya.

The patronymic name did not appear in Rus' right away; only people who deserved the tsar’s trust were allowed to have it. Now everyone has a middle name and it is given according to the personal name of the father.
My patronymic is Andreevich

Surnames for a long time were the privilege of people with position, and for ordinary people the surname was an “unaffordable luxury.” A person's surname is an inherited family name.
My last name is ----

Page 5 - My friends -
photos of friends, information about their interests and hobbies.
A photo shared with friends or each individual with a story.

This is Kolya. I became friends with him when I went to the pool. He recently moved to our street. We play with him and are friends.

This is Alyosha. I became friends with him when I went to kindergarten. He lives on the next street. He and I are very good friends.

This is Misha. I've been friends with him since childhood. He comes to his grandmother and we play there.

This is Andrey. I've been friends with him for a very long time. We love to play football.

Page 6 - My city (or my little homeland - for a private home)
A photo of the city and write a few lines with your child about what is remarkable about your city.

Example for “my little homeland” + photo of the house:
Homeland is the country in which a person
was born, with which the life of his family and the life of everything is connected
the people to which he belongs. There are two
concepts – “big” and “small” Motherland. Big Motherland -
this is ours huge country with the proud name of Russia.
Small Motherland is the place where you were born, it is home,
in which you live. No wonder the Russian proverb says:
“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song”

Page 7 - My hobbies
(in which sections or circles does he participate)
For example: photo - a child draws, plays on the computer, plays sports, assembles Legos, etc.
Photo + signature (I like to draw, play, play sports)

Page 8 - “My impressions” or “Holidays and events”

Information about visiting a theater, exhibition, museum, school holiday, hike, excursion.

Page 9 - My achievements
This section may include headings:

“Creative works” (poems, drawings, fairy tales, photographs of crafts, copies of drawings that took part in competitions, etc.),
"Awards" (certificates, diplomas, thank you letters etc.)

Information about participation in Olympiads and intellectual games
Information about participation in sports competitions and competitions, school and class holidays and events, etc.
Information about participation in project activities

Page 10 – Social work (Social practice)

Information about orders
- You can design this section using photographs and short messages on the topic:
– Release of a wall newspaper
– Participation in community cleanups
– Speech at the ceremony

Includes data on all types of extracurricular activities ( social projects, providing assistance to those in need, etc.).

Page 11 - My first teacher
Photo + together with your child, write a few sentences about your teacher (what’s their name, why we love them, strict, kind)
Page 12 - MY SCHOOL
Photo of the school + text: school number and write with your child: why he likes going to school

Since 2011, in almost all educational institutions, the preparation of a student’s portfolio is mandatory. It must be compiled already in elementary school. It is clear that this will be a difficult task for a first-grader, so the preparation of this document mainly falls on the shoulders of the parents. And it is quite natural that many of them will have a question about how to prepare a student’s portfolio.

What does a student's portfolio look like?

A portfolio is a collection of documents, photographs, work samples that illustrate a person’s knowledge, skills, and abilities in any activity. A children's portfolio for a schoolchild provides information about the child himself, his environment, performance at school, and participation in various school and extracurricular activities. It demonstrates his success in creativity, sports, and hobbies. The school explains the purpose of creating a portfolio for a primary school student by saying that in the process of work the child comprehends his first achievements and capabilities, and he has an incentive to further develop his abilities. This work will help him when moving to another school. In addition, the portfolio of a gifted child gives more chances in the future when entering a higher educational institution.

There are 3 types of student portfolio:

  • portfolio of documents, containing material about the child’s achievements in the form of certified documents (certificate, certificates, bonuses, awards);
  • portfolio of works, which is a collection of creative, educational or design work schoolchild;
  • portfolio of reviews, consisting of characteristics of the student’s attitude towards activities.

The most informative and widespread is a comprehensive portfolio that includes all of the listed types.

How to create a student's portfolio?

Making a portfolio for a schoolchild with your own hands is not so difficult; you will need imagination and a desire to create, as well as cooperation between the child and his parents.

The structure of any portfolio includes a title page, sections and appendices. You can buy ready-made forms at a bookstore and fill them out by hand. Alternatively, develop the design yourself in Photoshop, CorelDraw, or Word.

Over time, the child’s portfolio needs to be replenished with new demonstrations of success and achievements.