Prayer live in the help of the highest. Our Father, who art in heaven! I will cover and because I know My name

Explanation living in help Psalm 90.

Prayer is God’s Gift to man, who with his strength helps restore a spiritual connection with the Almighty. With the help of prayer, a person turns to the Lord God, asking for the salvation of his soul. By reading divine lines, a believer tries to gain peace and support, find a way out of a difficult life situation, and protect loved ones from illness or adversity.

Such powers are possessed by the prayers “Our Father”, for the health of babies, pregnant women, prayers of fathers and mothers for their children, prayers with a request to the almighty saints: Nicholas the Wonderworker, Mother of God. Special attention deserves Psalm 90, which also has another name: “Alive in Help.” It is this prayer that we will talk about today.

Protective prayer: “Alive in help” protects from what?

The Orthodox prayer “Alive in the help of the Most High” or Psalm 90 is a rather mysterious, but popular prayer, has great strength and energy aimed at protection.

Believers know that reading the text of the holy prayer protects against many adversities and troubles:

  • Attacks evil spirits. The Church believes that this particular prayer is capable of driving away evil spirits and depriving them of the opportunity to do their sinful deeds.
  • Protects from harm, from evil and envious people: sorcerers, magicians, witches. In addition, it is useful to read the prayer even when someone said something nasty to you straight to your face or wished you something bad.
  • Protection from troubles and misfortunes, even death. Words of prayer can protect a person from dangerous situations, in which death is possible.
  • Healing from serious illnesses. The world knows many cases when it was the prayer “Alive in Help” that helped people overcome serious illnesses.
  • Those who believe in the power of prayer receive success and solutions to many life issues.
  • A person who sincerely and wholeheartedly believes in God receives his blessing and protection from the dangers that come along the path of life.

Psalm 90 is strong: words, text in Russian

Now the text of Psalm 90 has been translated into modern Russian and is read in Orthodox churches. It is believed that this strong prayer and she protects the Russian people.

Why was the prayer translated into a language understandable to all people? Because this way Psalm 90 is easier to perceive and remember. The content of the prayer says that a believer in God is protected from the evil eye; he is not afraid of either wild animals or poisonous snakes. The Lord God hears us, hears how we read the spiritual text, how we turn to him, ask for blessings for help, thank him.

Prayer “Living in the help of the Most High” interpretation, the power of prayer, how prayer helps

The history of this prayer comes from the biblical book, which we know as “ Old Testament” – where she was assigned the number 90 (this is how this name arose). For Christians, prayer is defined by the first words - “Living in help.”

Opinions about the origins of the prayer are somewhat divided. According to some information, it was written by the Jewish king David. He wrote this prayer in the hope of healing his people from terrible disease who killed him. Historians write that this epidemic lasted only three days, and the prophet David wrote a Psalm as gratitude for the great God's power– healing. Another prayer can be found under the name “David’s Song of Praise.”

Other information says that the prayer was written by the prophet Moses. Despite the disagreements and lack of consensus about the origin of prayer, no one doubts its power. The interpretation of the Psalm is based on the fact that faith in the Savior has special power.

  • God the Protector - everyone who lives with hope and faith in God can find refuge and refuge, salvation from difficulties in life
  • God the Savior is the main protector of the Orthodox
  • The prayer points to prophecy - the coming to Earth of Christ, called to save and protect man

Prayer “Alive in the help of the Most High”

What is the meaning of each verse of the prayer? Let's figure it out:

  • Whoever has God's help will be protected by his strength. Help must be understood as the law of the commandments that the Savior gave to help a person from adversity and troubles
  • He who has strong faith honors his Lord. A believer finds in God a reliable refuge, protection that he can hope for
  • God will protect from physical violence, manifestations of sin, passion, protect from slander, and rest the soul of the believer.
  • The verse on truth talks about being pure in your thoughts before God.
  • He who lives in harmony with the Lord receives blessings and help; he is not afraid of bad people (robbers, thieves), physical and mental blows of fate
  • He who has the help of the Lord ceases to be afraid of things that tempt him: laziness, carelessness
  • With God's help you can learn to see someone who wishes evil
  • If a person of deep faith greatly needs the help of his Savior and sees him as an intercessor, he will be able to receive enormous protection from the Lord
  • A person who trusts in God will be protected from bodily evil, will be protected from illnesses and problems
  • God sends Guardian Angels to help a person in need
  • Angels will hold the believer in their arms so that he does not trip over a stone. The symbol of the power of protection is the Hands of Angels, which will protect from temptation and sin, difficult circumstances in life. Stone is a symbol of vice, which acts as an obstacle to the manifestation of goodness
  • God will protect you from terrible snakes and predators. Here are the names of poisonous snakes, such as asps and basilisks, which symbolize unacceptable qualities inherent in humans: slander and envy (both one’s own and from other people). Large predators Leo and Dragon are a symbol of cruelty and heartlessness. A person with an honest and righteous soul will be able to overcome such negative traits
  • A person hopes in God, because the Lord protects him all the time, protects him from the dangers of the world around him. The name of the Lord God can be recognized by that person who overcomes all sinful vices, can be above stupidity and cowardice, the one who sincerely lives according to the laws and commandments prescribed by the Protector
  • God will always hear a person who needs him if he calls him. God will be there in sorrow, in life, in the soul
  • The highest reward for a true believer will be eternal life, as well as a calm and long earthly life.

God hears everyone who calls him, who asks him, who trusts in him, God is like a caring “father” who with all his heart wants to help his child, find peace and quiet. Even a great sinner can receive the Lord’s mercy if, at the moment of conversion, he demonstrates his faith and hope for help.

“Living in help” in life works miracles: examples from life

As you know, there are many stories in which the knowledge and reading of prayers, the belief that they help in moments of danger and all kinds of difficulties, played a huge role. The prayer “Alive in Help” became relevant during the Great Patriotic War.

  • Thus, eyewitnesses talk about how Psalm 90 fulfills its protective function. During the war, the text of the prayer was sewn into the belt of a serviceman’s uniform, and then sent into battle. Considering the attitude of the then authorities towards the Orthodox Church, all this, of course, was done secretly and on their own initiative. Perhaps this is how mothers tried to protect their sons, husbands, and relatives from destructive force enemy. Maybe this is how believing women saved many lives. A sheet of paper sewn into an overcoat with the prayer “Alive in Help” protected the soldier from the quick bullet of the invader and was the hope of salvation during hostilities.
  • From post-war memories common man Leonid Mozgovoy's childhood story has reached us. As a child who lost his father in the war in 1941, the boy was left in the care of his grandfather and sister. In memory of his mother, he only had one photograph and a piece of paper with the prayer “Alive in the help of the Most High.” My sister carefully sewed this piece of paper into her sleeveless shirt, during her childhood she diligently looked after it and kept it, and later forced her to memorize it. In those days, children found grenades, cartridges, shells, boasted about their trophies, there were accidents, but obviously God protected our hero.

  • Happened street fights with knives and brass knuckles, many guys began to steal, prayer was still with the boy and kept him. There was a moment when the treasured piece of paper was lost and found only on the day of our hero’s departure. It would seem, so what’s unusual and supernatural about this? Only on that fateful day Lenya went on a business trip, where there was an accident in which two comrades died, and only he remained unharmed. Later, with age, when Leonid had children and grandchildren, he remembered his mother, who in memory of herself left a talisman that protected her son all his life.
  • There are also examples of how the miraculous power of prayer can heal illnesses. Very often people come to church who have been rejected by medicine, who are left alone with their illness. In this case, the priest listens to the person and usually recommends reading a prayer, be sure to believe in speedy recovery. Before this, of course, you need to confess, take communion, and only then begin reading the protective prayer. The psalm is read every day. There are known cases of healing from blindness, deafness, psychological disorders, tumors and other serious illnesses. The main thing is to read the words and text of the prayer correctly, diligently, so that the Lord God hears and instills faith in the soul for healing and recovery.

Prayer “Alive in Help” in Old Church Slavonic with emphasis

The reading and use of the prayer “Alive in Help” originates from Old Slavonic times. In those days, a knot on a ribbon or belt was considered a magical link that carried fantastic power and protection.

The Slavs thought that prayer protects precisely when a person wears it on himself. However, at that time the prayer, of course, was used in the Old Church Slavonic language.

It is difficult to listen and read the Psalm in this form the first time, since today few people can boast of knowledge Old Slavonic language. It is for this reason that the text of the protective prayer can also be found in Russian.

When to read the prayer “Alive in Help”?

  • Physical (war, persecution by authorities or the enemy, infringement by superiors)
  • Mental (evil thoughts, sins, desires)
  • To protect the child. If a child constantly carries the text of the Psalm with him, then his miraculous words will always protect the baby from big troubles, including illness and even death.
  • When you begin to carry out a new responsible task or business, you need to read the words of prayer, then the implementation of your plans will not cause difficulties

It is also worth mentioning some prayer rules which priests and deeply religious people recommend observing:

  • You need to read the text with a pure soul and sincerely
  • Penetrate the meaning of every word spoken
  • Honestly ask God for blessings and mercy
  • You should start every day with prayer
  • The prayer should be read several times a day

The prayer “Alive in Help” has truly enormous power that can work miracles. I would like to draw your attention to just one fact: in order for God to hear your prayer and your requests for help, you must first of all be honest with yourself. Only those who sincerely believe will receive the blessing of the Lord and his help.

Video: Protective prayer Psalm 90

When a person is in pain, he intuitively calls for his mother. When a person is in despair, the situation seems hopeless and there is no one to hope for, he begins to pray, asking for help and seeking protection from the Lord. Psalm 90, popularly called “Living Help,” is endowed with enormous power that can protect from evil, bad people, and evil spirits. This text is located in the Psalter, one of the books of the Old Testament. It is believed that this Psalm was written in the 11th-10th centuries. BC the prophet David - the second king of Israel - after delivering the country from a three-day pestilence.

On what occasions do they read “Living Help” (Psalm 91)?

Psalm 90, which has proven itself to be a reliable protection against enemies and diseases, attacks from evil spirits and disasters, has a deep history. In our Christian tradition, the text of the prayer “Living Help” in Russian was embroidered on protective belts, which people then girt with, thereby strengthening their faith in the protection of the Lord. It was believed that such a protective body belt would bring good luck to its owner, heal and protect against illness.

True, the Christians themselves adopted the protective belts from the Old Slavonic pagan tradition which was not approved Orthodox Church(it is prohibited to wear any talismans and amulets, except pectoral cross). Over time, wearing protective belts faded into the background, their place was taken by other talismans, but “Living Aid” did not lose its relevance.

The Gospel of Matthew and Luke says that Psalm 91 is intended to protect people from the temptations to which the devilish forces expose them. At moments when a person is ready to break one of God’s ten commandments, it is very useful to read “Living Help” in Russian. Since it is customary to repeat it many times, during such intensive reading the temptation gradually disappears.

In addition, the “Living Help” prayer protects:

  • in case of direct attack by enemies and from their possible appearance
  • from malicious intent on the part of surrounding people, as well as from envy
  • at natural disasters And natural disasters(and also read to prevent them)
  • from any possible dangers during the day
  • from dangers and troubles while visiting unfamiliar places

Prayer also helps:

  • for diseases, especially intractable ones
  • get rid of fear for yourself and loved ones
  • get rid of manifestations of pride and anger
  • free yourself from doubts

Exists large number eyewitness accounts confirming the effectiveness and miraculous power of this prayer. Thus, during the Second World War, the commander of one of the English regiments introduced the practice of daily repetition of the 90th Psalm among his soldiers and officers. They regularly repeated the prayer from memory, with the result that the words were deeply imprinted in their subconscious. Thanks to this, their faith in Divine protection and help became so strong that during the entire war the regiment did not lose a single soldier. The case is impressive.

During those same years, female workers at one of the Soviet weaving factories secretly sewed “Living Aid” into military uniform in the belt area. These clothes were then sent to the front. Unfortunately, in this case there is no reliable evidence of the result of such work of the weavers. One can only assume and believe that our soldiers, wearing this powerful prayer on their bodies, avoided injury and, having defeated the enemy, returned to their families in good health. But there are real isolated stories from people that those warriors whose mothers sewed Psalm 90 into their outerwear or amulet, went through the entire war without injury.

On the Internet you can also find a lot of fresh reviews about the “Living Help” prayer. So, they tell the story that even an unbeliever man, whose wife sewed “Live Aid” into his neck, survived the plane crash. At the same time, the plane broke in half, and the man remained fastened in his seat and became entangled in the branches of a tree as he fell, which softened the blow.

Text of prayer and reading rules

The prayer must be read 40 times. It is best to memorize it and recite it by heart. This is especially useful in those moments when help is needed, but the text is not at hand. It is important not just to mechanically recite the text of the “Living Help” prayer, but to think about the content, the underlying meaning, the message embedded in this scripture. It is important to reflect, make efforts, thereby educating your soul.

The prayer is read by the clergy in the Old Russian language, but for printing, convenience and better understanding, the text is adapted (in compliance with church canons) to the rules of the modern Russian language:

He who lives under the roof of the Most High, under the shadow of the Almighty, rests, says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God, in whom I trust!” He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague, He will cover you with His feathers, and you will be safe under His wings; shield and fence are His truth. You will not be afraid of the terrors in the night, the arrow that flies by day, the plague that stalks in the darkness, the plague that devastates at noon. A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you: you will only look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked. For you [said]: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge; no evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling; for He will command His angels about you - to guard you in all your ways: they will carry you in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone; you will step on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon. “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him, I will satisfy him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.”

), you probably wondered: why do they read it? Psalm number 90 is a prayer endowed with enormous power: it can protect from all manifestations of evil and negativity, from unkind people, from evil spirits.

The ninetieth psalm is the strongest amulet. This prayer exhibits its protective properties not only when it is directly pronounced. The function of the amulet “Psalm 90” is well preserved when written by hand on a piece of paper, a piece of leather or fabric. If you carry this “letter” close to your body, it will protect you from any misfortunes and misfortunes, accidents, ill-wishers and enemies, magical and other types of energy influence from the outside.

Mention of “Psalm 90” is found even in the Gospel (Matthew - 4:6; Luke - 4:11). While the Savior was fasting for 40 days in the desert, Satan tempted him. In order not to succumb to demonic machinations, Christ read the 11th and 12th verses of this prayer.

In Western Christianity, the ninetieth psalm is read or sung during evening service, in the Middle Ages it was an obligatory part of the readings on Good Friday.

A Eastern Church uses prayer at funeral services and memorial services, and “Psalm 90” is an indispensable part of the 6th hour service.

In Church Slavonic

“Psalm 90” is recommended to be read on Church Slavonic language, although there are also translations of the prayer into modern Russian. The reason lies in the fact that when translating it is impossible to absolute precision hand over deep meaning and the content of the prayer text, its key idea.

In Church Slavonic, “Psalm 90” reads as follows:

Translation into modern Russian

In the Synodal translation into modern Russian, the text of the prayer “Psalm 90” is as follows:

Stresses in the modern version are read according to the usual rules of the Russian language.

Listen to Psalm 90 repeated 40 times

History of the origin of prayer

“Psalm 90” originates from the biblical book “Old Testament: Psalter” - there it comes under number 90 (hence the name). However, in Masoretic numbering it is assigned the number 91. In the Christian religion, this prayer is also known by its first words: na Latin- “Qui habitat”, in Old Slavonic (Church Slavonic) - “Alive in help.”

Regarding the origin of “Psalm 90,” researchers are of the opinion that its authorship belongs to the prophet David. He wrote it in honor of his deliverance from a three-day pestilence. This prayer is also called the “Song of Praise of David” - under this name it appears in the Greek Psalter.

Contents and main ideas of the prayer “Alive in Help...”

Psalm 90 is one of the most powerful prayers. The text of the psalm is permeated with the idea that the Lord is the protector and reliable refuge of all those who believe in him. He convinces us that a person who sincerely believes in God with all his heart may not be afraid of any danger. “Psalm 90” conveys the idea that faith in the Most High has irresistible power. Elements of prophecy can also be found in prayer - it points to the coming of the Savior, who is the most important protector of any believer.

“David’s Song of Praise” is distinguished by expressive poetic language. It has its own clear structure. It can be roughly divided into three parts:

  1. The first part is verses one and two.
  2. The second part is verses three to thirteen.
  3. The third part is verses fourteen to sixteen.

Interpretation of the prayer “Psalm 90” and why it is read

Unfortunately, not everyone understands “Psalm 90” without a full interpretation. If we analyze each verse of the prayer, we get the following:

  1. Those who live under the help of the Lord will be under God's protection. As Saint Athanasius believed, God’s help means the divine commandments that the Lord himself gave to people. Keeping these commandments can protect you from demons and all kinds of misfortunes. Accordingly, only those who live by these commandments will be under divine protection.
  2. A person who has unshakable faith in God can call the Lord his “refuge” and “intercessor.”
  3. The Lord will deliver man from the “net of the trap.” “The catcher’s net” is an allegorical image, meaning an attack on the body - physical and demonic (i.e. lust, sinful passion). God will also deliver from “rebellious speech,” which means slander that causes rebellion and unrest in the soul of the slandered person.
  4. God loves the truth, therefore, only the person who is sincere with the Lord will be completely safe, under his reliable “wing.”
  5. The one who lives in the help of God is not afraid of night terrors coming from demons or bad people(robbers, thieves, etc.), arrows are not terrible - physical, striking the body, and mental, emanating from demons and passion.
  6. He who lives in the help of the Lord may not be afraid of “things that pass in darkness” (demonic passion, fornication), “the noonday demon” (laziness, carelessness).
  7. Neither a thousand nor ten thousand arrows will harm the one who lives in the help of God. Arrows mean temptation to commit sins, devilish machinations that counteract a righteous, godly life.
  8. God's help will help us see with our own eyes the retribution of wicked people.
  9. Strong protection from the Lord will come for the reason that the believer trusts in God with all his heart and mind, sees in him his intercessor.
  10. No evil will come close to a person who trusts in God; everything corporeal, possessing a material shell, will be protected from troubles and diseases.
  11. God protects the person who trusts in him through the Angels.
  12. The angels will carry the believer in their arms, and the person will not stumble over a stone. The hands of Angels are a symbol of the protective force that will protect a person during temptations and difficult life situations. The stone symbolizes sin, everything that acts as an obstacle to virtue.
  13. A person who trusts in God is not afraid of snakes and large predators. Asp and basilisk are poisonous snakes. Asp is a symbol of slander, basilisk is a symbol of envy (both one’s own and that of other people). The lion and dragon symbolize harshness and inhumanity. Righteous man able to overcome all these negative manifestations.
  14. Man trusts in God, so the Lord protects him and delivers him from all danger. God's Name is truly known only by those who lead righteous life, keeps the commandments given to them.
  15. God will hear the person who trusts in him if he calls to Him. The Lord will be with him in sorrow, deliver him and glorify him in earthly and eternal life.
  16. To the person who trusts in God, the Lord gives as a reward eternal life, and can also prolong his earthly life.
Ninety Psalm has great power, this prayer is a powerful protection from any evil, both from unkind people and from demons.

Blazh. Theodoret writes: “This psalm teaches that the power of trust in God is irresistible: for blessed David, seeing from afar with his spiritual eyes what was going to happen with blessed Hezekiah and, having seen how he, in hope of God, destroyed the army of the Assyrians, wrote this psalm as an instruction people about how much benefit trust in God brings."

“Like a powerful weapon against demons, Psalm 90 has been tested by many generations of Christians,” testifies Hieromonk Job (Gumerov).

Psalm 90

1 He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God.
2 Says the Lord: Thou art my Advocate and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.
3 For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from the speech of rebellion,
4 His cloak will cover you, and you will trust under His wing; His truth will surround you with weapons.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days,
6 from the things that pass away in darkness, from the debris, and the demon of the midday.
7 Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come near you,
8 Behold both your eyes and see the reward of sinners.
9 For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.
10 No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body,
11 As His angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.
12 They will lift you up in their arms, lest you dash your foot against a stone,
13 Tread on the asp and basilisk and cross the lion and the serpent.
14 Because I trusted in Me, I will deliver, and I will cover, because I have known My name.
15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in tribulation, I will remove him and glorify him,
16 I will fill him with long days and show him my salvation.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov):

This psalm was written by the prophet David, according to researchers, on the occasion of his deliverance from a three-day pestilence. The Jews did not have it inscribed. In the Greek Psalter, it has a name that indicates both the author and the nature of this psalm - the Song of Praise of David. Main topic Psalm: God is the Protector and reliable refuge of all those who trust in Him. This sacred song is distinguished by sublimity of thought, ardent faith, liveliness of feeling, vividness of images and poetic language. Unlike other psalms, it has a complex structure. It clearly distinguishes three parts (1-2, 3-13, 14-16). The main compositional feature is dialogism. Apparently, during the musical performance of the psalm in the tabernacle or in the temple, the singing was antiphonal.

- Alive in the help of Vyshnyago. He will dwell in the shelter of the heavenly God(1). Saint Athanasius the Great explains: “The prophetic spirit pleases man, that is, the one who is helped and supported by Christ, Who is the Most High. And isn’t he blessed who is worthy to have the heavenly God as his Patron?”

- Says the Lord: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. (2).

Verses 3–13 reveal the main idea of ​​the psalm. The first voice explains the reasons for his unshakable trust in God:

- ... In the Jewish test: from a bird catcher's net. This image is often found in the Bible to express a danger that must be especially guarded against because it is hidden: Our soul is delivered like a bird from the snare of those who catch (Ps. 123:7); As birds are caught in a snare, so the sons of men are caught in times of trouble (Eccl. 9:12).

- … and rebellious with words(3), i.e. slander, slander.

- …(4). Pleshma means shoulders. In the Hebrew test ebrah - wing big birds. I remember the words of the Savior: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem... how often have I wanted to gather your children together, as a bird gathers its chicks under its wings, and you did not want to!” (Matthew 23:37).

- His truth will surround you with weapons(4). A weapon means a shield. Truth refers to God's faithfulness to His promises.

- Do not be afraid of nightly fear…(4), i.e. from everything that can frighten you at night: demons, murderers, thieves.

-… from the arrow flying in the days(5). This is meant both literally and metaphorically: among Eastern peoples, a pestilence is sometimes compared to an arrow because it cannot be stopped.

-… from things that pass away in darkness, from clots and the midday demon(6). According to the interpretation of St. Athanasius the Great: “he calls the spirit of laziness the midday demon.”

- Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you.(7). The numbers one thousand and 10 thousand (darkness) symbolically mean an unusually large number of attackers. However, the Lord will protect the righteous from all of them.

- either way (only) look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners(8). This means: you will only look with your eyes and see the punishment of sinners. Saint Athanasius the Great writes: “You will not tolerate, he says, even the slightest harm from those who are malicious, but you will see the fall of your enemies.”

- For You, O Lord, are my hope…(9). He says this to confirm the promise, revealed first voice. Next, the first voice again begins and continues the high theme of the psalm, making an address in the second person:

- You have made the Most High your refuge (9).

The strength of unshakable trust increases. The tone becomes more and more majestic:

- No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body (10): as His angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. (11).

- They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone (12): tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent(13). According to the explanation of St. Athanasius the Great: “The word “foot” means soul, and the word “stone” means sin.” Our Lord Jesus Christ promised the apostles and all those who have unshakable faith: “Behold, I give you power to tread on snakes and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will harm you” (Luke 10:19).

In the last verses (14 – 16) the psalm reaches its highest solemnity and power - God Himself pronounces the promises:

- Because he trusted in Me, I will deliver him too: I will cover him, because he has known My name.(14).

- He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I Am with him in sorrow, I will overcome him, and I will glorify him: I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation(15,16). Saint Athanasius the Great says: “And this salvation is our Lord Jesus Christ himself, who leads us into a new age, prepares us to reign with Him.”

As a powerful weapon against demons, Psalm 90 has been tested by many generations of Christians.

Evfimy Zigaben. Explanatory Psalter.
Psalm 90

Songs of praise to David. Not inscribed among the Jews.

This psalm teaches the doctrine that hope has irresistible power *).

*) Nyssa says: This psalm was not inscribed among the Jews because they did not want such an inscription that indicates the coming of Christ. However, for this reason the inscription should not be rejected; for it belongs to 70 translators, who, by their agreement with each other, showed that they were guided by the Spirit. For us, this psalm is a song of praise, for all praise refers to God. Words of Theodoret: This psalm teaches that the power of trust in God is irresistible: for blessed David, seeing from afar with his spiritual eyes what was going to happen with blessed Hezekiah and, having seen how he, in hope of God, destroyed the army of the Assyrians, wrote this psalm as an instruction to people about how many benefits trust in God brings.

Art. 1. Living in the help of the Most High, he will dwell in the shelter of the heavenly God. Whoever says lives in the help given to him from the highest God, as in his own home, that is, whoever is not outside of God’s help, and who only hopes for it, he, I say, will be kept under the protection of God or will be covered by God, where by God heavenly calls God as the Creator and Ruler of heaven. And if He is the God of heaven, then it is clear that there is also a God of the earth and of all creatures in general. By the help of God we must understand, according to Athanasius, the law of divine commandments, given by God to help people, that is, to assist in the battle against demons; why Isaiah said: God gave the law to help (Is. 8:20). And he lives in the law, according to the same Athanasius, who lives in accordance with the purpose of the law *).

*) The words of Eusebius: Aquila and the fifth edition contain: Seated in the secret place of the Most High; and this means the firmness and fearlessness of the spirit in the divine man striving in Christ, so that in the secret of his soul the dweller sits and the Almighty is his helper. Hesychius: Do you see what boldness he has towards God when he lives in the help of the Most High; he, as if placing all of himself on Him, has in Him all the hope of his salvation. And very blessed is he; he will be filled with all prosperity. So blessed David sings in another place: Lord God of hosts! Blessed is the man who trusts in You; this one, according to Athanasius, will be installed under the protection of the heavenly God. But it goes without saying that this is future life he will be a partner with God and will dwell in the same abodes with the Creator of heaven.

2. The Lord says: You are my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. He who, he says, lives in God’s help, will say boldly: You, Lord, are my intercessor and You alone are my refuge. And before others he will say that He is my God and I will trust in Him, that is, he will confess before others that He is their God.

3. Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of traps and from rebellious words. The networks of sensual fishers that catch the bodies of people are ambushes and forests along the road in a secret place, and the networks of mental fishers that catch souls, that is, demons, are evil attacks, and evil lusts and slander through passions. Symmachus translated the word rebellious as a word of slander, that is, slanderous, because such a word produces rebellion in the soul of the slandered, which is why Solomon said: a terrible word disturbs the heart of a righteous man (Prov. 12:25). The Prophet addressed this word to a true man, that is, one who lives in the help of the Almighty in the form of an appeal to him, encouraging him that the Lord will deliver him from the snares of mental and sensory fishers, as explained by Athanasius *).

*) According to Cyril and Didymus: The word of rebellion is the word of wicked heretics, for they disturb the hearts of the innocent with unbridled slander and foolishness, neither of what they say, nor of what they prove.

4. His cloak will fall over you, and under the wing, you will trust in Him. God, he says, will fight for You, man, as the one who trusts in Him, and this is taken from the similarity when someone stands in front of someone and, fighting, covers him with his shadow, that is, covers him with his shoulders, or the back side of his body . For μεταθρενα is the place between the ramens, called the spine or shoulders *). And the shoulders of God are His protecting power, also called the wings of God.

*) Another says: Μεταθρενα, in my opinion, means a place below the neck and, as it were, between the ramens, but not quite the ridge. Someone else: Saying: Μεταθρενα is the place where the wings are established between the ramens. Theodoret: He will be your protector and will cover you when you fight. And I took this from the example of those who stand in front of the battle and cover those standing behind with their shoulders; and he calls the actions of providence wings, using the likeness of birds, which with their wings, out of innate love, cover their chicks, as one said more clearly: he will cover you under the shadow of his wings, like a chick. And this is in accordance with what was said in Deuteronomy: as an eagle (i.e., God) covered its nest and warmed its chicks; He stretched out his wings and took them on his shoulders. The Lord said the same about Jerusalem: I wanted to gather your children many times, like a bird gathers its chicks, and you were not willing. Nyssa: The expression: he will overshadow you with his shoulders, the same means that to be behind God, for the shoulders are behind. And whoever walks behind God will not go astray from righteousness if he always looks after the one going ahead. For whoever makes a sideways movement or directs his gaze opposite the face of his leader, he makes for himself new way. Why does Moses not look at God's face, but at His back.

His truth will surround you with weapons. By weapon here we mean protection with weapons. So David says to a person living in the help of God that if you are true in word and deed, then the truth will surround you like a weapon, that is, it will protect you on all sides. Notice here, reader, the praise of truth; because David says that the truth is God's because it is characteristic of God. For if lies are characteristic of the devil, then it is clear that, on the contrary, truth is characteristic of God. In accordance with Athanasius, one can say otherwise that Christ will surround and protect with the cross as a weapon those who live in His help. For the truth of the Father is Christ, as He himself said: He who has seen Me has seen the Father (John 14:9) *).

*) Words of Athanasius: The presence of Christ is the cross, with which, being surrounded, we are courageous in all battles, we defeat every enemy.

5. Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days. You, he says, a person who lives in the help of God, will not be afraid of the fear that happens at night from demons or from people; and you will not be afraid of arrows, both sensual, thrown by people during the day, and mental, with which demons and passions strike.

6. From a thing that passes in darkness, from a meeting (meeting) and a midday demon. You, he says, who live in the help of God, will not be afraid of any thing that walks in darkness, such as: a thief, a slanderer, an arsonist of houses. The dark thing is fornication, adultery, the demon of passion and the like. A meeting is any involuntary thing that happens by chance. And the midday demon, some, like Eusebius and others, call the demon of laziness and carelessness, prepossessing people especially at midday, lie down; and others call the demon of vile and carnal thoughts, and some the demon of intemperance); since all such demons fight against people at midday, when the belly is full and laden with food.

*) According to Theodoret, there are two types of malicious intent: for some, either secretly and secretly, and, as if at night and in darkness, imperceptibly prepare nets for the desired prey; or clearly and, as if during the day, solemnly. So, fear at night refers to hidden danger, and an arrow flying during the day refers to obvious intent. According to Didymus, fear of the night is a danger from carnal pleasures, which attacks especially in darkness; an arrow flying during the day is covetousness, for this is its time; the thing that passes in darkness is all sin and ignorance, and the evil spirits of error that produce it. According to Eusebius, they are encountered when the mind is inclined towards voluptuousness, when it neglects the deeds of piety and does not care about the works of virtue. Words of Theodoret: He said: the demon of the midday, in the meaning of the glory that occupies many. Usually, malefactors among people, after eating food and satiation, strive as if for a ready catch and easily enslave those deprived of the supreme craft.

**) Words of Gregory the Theologian: He who trusts in the Lord will not fear the devil, who is transformed into an angel of light, even if he promised bright light and even if it seemed like noon to the corrupt. Kirill: Perhaps he calls inconspicuous sin a thing that passes in darkness; for sometimes we do not know things in secret, therefore, by doing otherwise, we sin and fall into the winepress (oppression) of destruction. About such the same David, praying, says: cleanse me from my secrets. Another says that in general a thing that passes in darkness is malice, manifesting itself where it is not expected and all sin and ignorance; a midday meeting is obvious and open harm. Note that the midday demon outraged David when, after a midday nap, he fell into adultery with Bathsheba.

7. A thousand shall fall from thy (left) country, and darkness shall be at thy right hand; he won't come close to you. Side (κλιτος) is called a side in general. But here David called the left side, saying that on the left side of the one who lives in the help of the Most High, a thousand arrows will fall, and on his right side, ten thousand arrows will fall, and they will not come close to him, that is, they will not harm him. For darkness (μυριας) means ten thousand. In the highest sense, this psalm says that you, who live in God’s help, will be subject to many arrows on the left side, and even more on the right, where by left is meant when someone is subject to the arrows of insane passions - rage and lust, which are clearly are undeniably evil; and under the right, when someone is struck by such reasons that seem right and good, but in fact are not, because the enemy the devil, knowing that many do not accept sins when they appear openly and in their nakedness, therefore begins to fight against them from such things that seem good, and then through them overthrows them into obvious evil *).

*) Why, in accordance with this, Opigen also says: in the highest sense, it is decent to say that thousands are plotting against the left, and ten thousand against the right; for our right actions and virtues, as strong and more amazing, hostile forces try to weaken. And there are more of those who fall through apparently right actions than of those who obviously sin; for most people, making excuses for some righteousness, are often tempted by sins. The words of Hesychius: Darkness attacks the right as the strongest; however, many more fall through actions that seem right than through actions that clearly sin. Theodorite: Even if an infinite multitude, he says, attacks from your right and left, you will not suffer any harm from them; on the contrary, you will see that they will be overthrown by divine defeat. This was also the case under Hezekiah. For 18 people and 5 thousand Assyrians were defeated without weapons of war. This was the case under Gideon, and so under Jonathan, and under Jehoshaphat, and under the prophet Elisha. Athanasius also speaks in agreement with this, citing as an example what happened under Jehoshaphat, who won not by fighting, but by singing and praising God with these words: Confess to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever (which psalm is called the polyeleos). And Judas came into a vision of the wilderness and saw a multitude; and so they all fell dead on the ground; there was no one to be saved (2 Chron. 20, 24). That is why it is written, according to Didymus’s explanation: With a secret hand the Lord will overcome Amalek from generation to generation (Ex. 17:16). For the Lord will not cease to save those who love Him.

8. Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners. The arrows, he says, of enemies will not approach You, who live in God’s help; if, however, you see with your mental eyes, you will know that this is true; and you will see the punishment that sinners - demons and people who are at enmity against you - will receive from God.

9. For You, O Lord, are my hope. He who lives in the help of the Most High, having heard about the above-mentioned promises announced to him by David, calls, according to Diodorus, to God with pleasure and says: You, Lord, are my hope *).

*) Another says that there is a missing verb here: you said so that the following thought would be clearer: you said: You are Lord! my hope!

The Most High has placed you and (you have made) your refuge.

10. Evil will not come to you. David here, responding to the one who lives in God’s help, says: did you say that the Lord is your hope, and you have made the Most High your refuge? Know therefore that no temptation will come near you. For one must read interrogatively the words: have you made the Most High your refuge? And the words, evil will not come to you in the form of an answer, since this is the answer to them *) And that temptation does not approach one who has God as his refuge, even the devil proves this, crying out to God about Job: didn’t you protect the external state his? (Job 1:10). However, when God allows, evil can approach such a person, that is, disasters, dangers and temptations.

*) Athanasius, explaining the words: evil will not come to you, says: evil, by its nature, comes from outside; and virtue has a reason for its existence within (man). For, according to Ecclesiastes, God created man upright; and he, having desired the thoughts of many, attracted evil to himself from without: however, this is what I found, that God created man upright, and they (people) began to seek the thoughts of many.

And the wound will not come near your body (dwelling). Not only, he says, will no evil come close to you, but even to your house; where the preposition: εν (in the expression: εν τω σκηνωματι) is unnecessary. And in another meaning, any illness can be a wound, but the home of the soul is the body. So he says that illness will not come near your body because you have made God your refuge. A decent explanation is found in Chrysostom that if a man of God experiences weaknesses and wounds and other similar temptations, then they constitute a feat and test for him and multiply crowns, but for a sinner they actually become wounds. For many, says the same David, are the wounds of a sinner (Ps. 33:20).

11. As his Angel commanded about you, keep you in all your ways. These words are similar to those spoken by the same David in the 33rd Psalm: The Angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him, and will deliver them. And Abraham, encouraging the servant of his house, when he sent him to Mesopotamia, said: The Lord God will send his Angel before you (Gen. 24:7); Jacob also says: An angel who delivers me from all evil (Gen. 48:16). From this we conclude that God, through the Angels, protects those who trust in Him. Further, he refers to human actions as paths *).

*) Note that, according to Saint Cyril, the Arians, hearing that the devil spoke these verses to Christ when he tempted Him on the mountain, add to Christ the above, that is, these words: You have made the Most High your refuge. But they apply them poorly, following the father of lies, Satan, thinking to prove that the Son is not equal to the Father in everything. For if, in their opinion, this is so, and we have made Christ our hope, who has the Father for our refuge; then we have resorted to the one who himself receives help, and we call the Savior the one who himself receives salvation from another. But this is not true at all. For the Most High is both Son and Father, and He is his refuge, the hope of all. Satan spoke these verses to our universal Savior Christ, as to to an ordinary person: being darkness, he did not understand the power of these words, that in this psalm these words are spoken on behalf of every righteous person who receives help from the Most High God, and that one must understand that the Spirit says this to every righteous person, that you have made the Most High your refuge; Evil and the like will not come to you.

12. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone. The hands of angels are the powers that protect them; they will lift you up, put in place of: they will support you during temptations and difficult circumstances, so that your foot does not stumble on a stone; and by stone one can understand every sin and every obstacle to virtue; finally, the leg is the behavior of a person through which we pass real life *).

*) Divine Cyril says: (God) commands good forces to protect those who are being offended and to retreat from harmful people, not because He himself feels powerless in guarding them; for how and why could this be? but how a certain king entrusts his entourage with resisting the attacks of enemies and repelling the covetous people under his scepter. Words of Diodorus: As fathers according to the flesh, seeing the path hard and impassable, take their children in their arms so that they do not harm their tender feet, being unable to walk on the sharp road; Likewise, rational powers do not allow those who cannot yet endure suffering to suffer beyond their strength, as having in some way a childish mind, but delivers them from every temptation, so that through negligence they do not fall under the feet of Satan and renounce their voluntary service to God. When the devil understood these words badly and took them to Christ, the Lord, rebuking him, said in response: it is written: Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God: for God promised help not to the tempter, but to the one in need, not to the vain, or to the one seeking empty glory, but to the one who finds in extreme need; for I do not yet say that what the psalmist said does not apply to Me, of whom even the Angels have need, but to the righteous.

13. Step on the asp and basilisk, and cross the lion and serpent (dragon). No poisonous or carnivorous beast will come close to you, he says, who has God as his refuge, as was clearly revealed to many saints, as described in the biographies or stories about them. In the highest sense, by stepping on poisonous and carnivorous animals and trampling them, David expressed victory over evil. By asp we can understand slander, which, like an asp, spews poison into the ears of people at the person slandered by it. The basilisk is envy; because just as a basilisk does harm in its eyes, so envy with its eyes alone harms those who are envied. Leo is cruelty and inhumanity. The serpent (dragon) is rage because of its ardor, sharpness and action. The righteous will overcome all such passions and will not receive any harm from them. And the demon is also an asp, a basilisk, a lion and a dragon; because all such harmful actions produced by these animals are within him too *).

*) And according to the words of the Great Athanasius, Cyril and Diodorus, under the lion, dragon, asp and basilisk one can understand Satan himself and the evil angels who departed with him from God, who, not retaining their superiors, usually carry out his will. If you like, by serpents and basilisks you can understand the inventors of wicked heresies. According to Eusebius: The opposing forces are divided into four types: principalities, powers, rulers of the world and spirits of evil, depicted by four animals: the lion, the dragon, the asp and the basilisk. The Great Basil says that the basilisk is a terrible work of the serpent, which, as they say, kills with its very gaze. For there is a legend that with one glance he destroys those whom he has introduced, throwing with his eyes some destructive poison. Words of Nyssa: He who tramples rage tramples the lion, this fierce animal, and he who tramples pleasure and other vice tramples the asp, the basilisk and the dragon; since carnal pleasure and all worldly evils are decently likened to reptiles and crawling things on the earth. Also, perhaps, the basilisk itself is trampled by the one who tramples envy as the dominant evil. For the animal basilisk is harmful in the eyes, just as the envious, as they say, are harmful in the eyes.

14. For I have trusted in Me and will deliver. Because the prophet made great and incredible promises to man who has God as his refuge, that is, that he would trample on the cruelest and most poisonous beasts; therefore, now, according to Athanasius, he represents God as assuring of the above and teaching what is the reward and fruit of trust in God. He says: since this man trusted in Me, therefore I will deliver him from all danger.
I will cover and because I know My name. Notice, reader, why God said: because he knew My name; this is because no one can know the nature of God. And the one who knows the name of God is not the one who knows in general who God is, but the one who behaves in relation to God worthy of God, that is, how one should behave in relation to such a great and terrible God, otherwise than as a slave and submissive divine commandments of his Lord *).

*) Eusebius asks: Who knows His name? and answers: he who serves Him alone and worships Him alone, not knowing any other god besides Him; the one who with meekness submitted to Him the will of his mind; He who serves His desires knows His will. And when you hear a name, then understand by it glory. It's written that it's better good name than great wealth (Proverbs 22:1).

15. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him. He who trusts in Me, he says, will call and I will hear him: because he will not ask for anything unworthy of My deity, or Me. I will be his helper in every temptation and sorrow, as I was before in the cave with the three youths and after in suffering with the martyrs; and I will free him from all need, as we said in the 36th Psalm, explaining the words: I have not seen the righteous forsaken; also: and the Lord will not leave him in his hands. And not only will I free him, but I will also make him glorious and famous because of the closeness that I will show him *).

*) Words of Athanasius: Whoever calls to Me with a strong spiritual voice will find Me obedient and ready to help him: for I am always with him, even if he is in distress. Diodorus: What could bring more bliss when we have God quick to help and ready to fight against our enemies? For it is then that He most needs to be with us, when sorrows and disasters surround us. Not only, he says, I will deliver him from sorrows, but I will also make him known to everyone. Therefore, sorrow will no longer be sorrow, but joy and glory because of the union and communication of God with those in difficult circumstances.

16. I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation. If, he says, he who trusts in Me asks for long life, I will give it to him. Or he calls eternal life the length of days; because this eternal life, called the length of days, is one day due to its infinity and continuity *).

*) Theodoret and some others say that what is contained in this psalm actually refers to King Hezekiah, and especially the most last words go to the circumstance when he received an increase in life and acquired great fame from the kingdom of Assyrians. Theodorit adds this: and all who trust in God will receive many different benefits, as we see from ancient narratives, and as what is visible now testifies to this (what follows is written in another book of Theodorit’s works); for the souls of the elect are in the hand of the Lord. Their bodies, lying in the tombs, through the divine signs now coming from them, reveal glorious salvation. Having been laid, by the command of the Lord, in the ground, they exude healing, and after the Savior they became other saviors and doctors of all kinds of diseases; and their most blessed remains, after the victorious sign of the cross, became signs of victory over the demons.

Explanation of the words and expressions of Psalm 90 “He lives in the help of the Most High...”:

Alive in the help of Vyshnyago- living in the help (help) of the Almighty.
He will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God- in the dwelling (literally, in the tent) of the Heavenly God he will settle (rest).
Yako Toy will save you from the snare- for He will deliver you from the snares of the fowler (hunter).
His cloak will overshadow you, and under His wing you will hope- lit. will cover and protect you with His shoulders, and under His arms you will be safe.
If he uses a weapon, he will protect him with a shield.
Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days- you will not be afraid of the danger, secret and obvious.
From things in darkness that pass away- from disaster, ulcers, malicious intent that befalls at night (or, in general, where they are not expected).
From cartilage - from attack (from any unforeseen event, meeting, illness).
Besa noon- open obvious harm (demonic attack during the midday rest; unclean spirit of laziness and despondency, especially tempting at certain hours of the day).
From your country - near you (on the left side).
Darkness at your right hand- ten thousand to your right. According to the interpretations of the holy fathers, more enemies fall (and, therefore, attack) on the right (tens of thousands) than on the left (thousands).
Look at your eyes both ways- however, only with your eyes will you look and see.
For You, O Lord, are my hope: You have made the Most High your refuge- in Russian Synodal translation: For you have said: The Lord is my hope; You have chosen the Almighty as your refuge.
Wound - here: ulcer.
Telesi - literally - dwelling, village.
A commandment commands.
They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone.- they will take you in their arms (raise you in their arms) so that you do not stumble on a stone (literally - do not stumble, do not hurt yourself) with your foot).
On the asp and basilisk- poisonous breeds of snakes.
Cross the lion and the serpent- you will trample on the lion and the (huge, terrible) serpent (literally dragon); in the psalm - as an image of victory over evil.
For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver and- Since he has placed his hope in Me (says the Lord), I will deliver him. I'll spare you ism.

There is a custom to carry the text “Psalm 90 “Living in the help of the Most High...” in a pocket on the chest or on a belt (small folding icons and belts with the text of Psalm 90 are sold in churches).


Psalm 90
Praise to the songs of David, not inscribed among the Jews Song of praise of David. Not inscribed among the Jews.
1 He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the blood of the God of Heaven. 1 He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 Saying of the Lord: Thou art my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him. 2 He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
3 For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from the speech of rebellion, 3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
4 His blanket will overshadow you, and under His wing you hope that His truth will surround you as a weapon. 4 He will hide you behind His shoulders, and under His wings you will hope; His truth will surround you like a weapon.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies in the days, 5 You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day,
6 from the things that pass away in the darkness, from the cloak, and the demon of midday. 6 The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
7 Thousands will fall from Your country, and darkness will be at Your right hand, but it will not come near You,

7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:

8 Behold Thy eyes both, and see the reward of sinners.

8 Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.

9 For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High Your refuge.

9 For you said:“The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;

10 No evil will come to You, and no wound will come near Your body,

10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;

11 For His angel gave a commandment concerning You, to keep You in all Your ways.

11 For He will command His angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:

12 They will lift you up in their arms, lest they dash your foot against a stone,

12 They will carry you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;

13 Tread on the asp and basilisk, and cross over the lion and serpent.

13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.

14 For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, because I have known My name.

14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name.

15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in tribulation, I will wear him out, and I will glorify him,

15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,

16 I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.

16 I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”


Among researchers, it is believed that the text of this psalm, which begins with the words “Living in help,” was composed by King David regarding salvation from a three-day pestilence, which is why it is also called David’s song of praise. In this instructive psalm, the prophet teaches that faith in God is the best protection from all evil and from demonic attacks. Those who love God with their hearts and trust in His protection may not be afraid of various dangers.

The ninetieth psalm is a very powerful prayer for help, which, based on centuries of experience, will help protect you from any troubles and evil. He is “to Like a powerful weapon against demons, Psalm 90 has been tested by many generations of Christians"(hieromonk Job (Gumerov).

Even the words of Satan, during the temptations of the Savior, prove to us how effective the words of the 90th Psalm are against him. After His Baptism, the Lord Jesus Christ withdrew into the desert for forty days to pray, and there the Savior began to be tempted by the devil. One of the temptations was: if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written:

He will command His angels concerning You, and in their hands they will bear You up, lest You dash Your foot against a stone” (Matthew 4:6).

« To my angels...“- these are the words from the ninety psalm and Satan would hardly have repeated them if they had not been so strong in the fight against him.


Ps.90:1-2 He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God, says to the Lord: You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.
Alive in the help of Vyshnyago- whoever hopes and trusts in the help of the Almighty, He will patronize him. He who believes in the Lord says to the Lord: You are my intercessor and my refuge: my God, I will trust in Him.
This verse speaks of man’s devotion to the will of God, hope for His protection and, therefore, peace and confidence in his safety.

Ps.90:3-4 For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap and from rebellious words: His lashes will overshadow you, and under His wing you will hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.
The Lord God delivers from any snares, from all evil that can lead to confusion ( rebellious at words). He will cover you from troubles ( His splash will overshadow you) and will give a feeling of calm and security ( and under the krill you hope).
The truth of God will surround you on all sides and will be like a weapon. The truth here is loyalty to the Lord, He promises His help, and those who want to receive it will certainly receive it.

Ps.90:5-6 Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, from the thing that passes in the darkness, from the debris and the demon of the midday.
Night darkness is an image of fears and danger. The psalmist convinces man that he who is under God's protection need not fear either night terrors or arrows." flying in the days". You will be protected from every (hostile) thing that happens at night ( transient in darkness), and from various accidents, surprises during “meetings” (from cartilage, i.e. from what happens accidentally), from evil spirits that can attack at noon (in broad daylight).

Ps.90:7-8 Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you: behold, behold your eyes and see the reward of sinners.
If a thousand enemies attack on one side and ten thousand (or more) on the other, then even in this case they will not be able to approach you. They will not cause you any harm and you yourself, with your own eyes, will see how the Lord will punish them for this ( Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners).
IN biblical history It is described how the Judah king Hezekiah, being surrounded by the enemy, cried out to the Lord God and received protection from Him - 185 thousand Assyrian troops were defeated in one night (2 Chron. 32).

Ps.90:9 For You, O Lord, are my hope: You have made the Most High your refuge.
You, Lord, are all my hope and support ( For you, O Lord, are my hope), says the psalmist. You have chosen one Almighty ( you put it) your refuge.

Ps.90:10-13 Evil will not come to you, and wound will not approach your body: as His angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways. They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone: you step on an asp and a basilisk and cross a lion and a serpent.
The word “telesi” is translated here as village, dwelling. Therefore, the prophet put the following meaning into these words: after you have believed in God and chosen Him as your Protector, no evil will approach your home. After all, the Lord sends His angels and commands them ( His angels commandment about you), so that they always protect you, in all matters ( keep you in all your ways).
In case of danger, the Angels will support you so that you do not stumble over an obstacle, as one stumbles over a stone ( not when you dash your foot against a stone). And the deeper meaning of this saying is that Angels will be guards from various temptations on your path.
“You will tread on the lion and the adder, you will trample the skimn and the dragon.” The asp, basilisk and dragon were considered the most terrible snakes. In the interpretation of the Bishop of Sarapul there is a description that the venom of the asp is very strong and is difficult to neutralize even with the most powerful spells. At the basilisk ( spectacled snake) - fiery eyes, very dangerous for animals, they literally paralyze, its poison is fatal to them. In ancient times, the basilisk was often a symbol of terrible, royal power.
The serpent, dragon (or boa constrictor) is the largest of all serpentine creatures, its length is more than 10 meters. He can swallow a person or even a bull; his strength is often compared to the devil. Leo has always been revered as the strongest, the king of beasts.

But, even despite such great dangers that these animals symbolize, a person under God's protection, will repel the attacks of any enemies and defeat the most terrible evil.

Ps.90:14-16 For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will remove him and glorify him: I will fill him with long days and show him My salvation.
Next, the prophet speaks on behalf of God: after man began to trust in Me (as in Me I trusted), then I will deliver him and shelter him from troubles and dangers. And because he began to believe Me ( for I know my name), I will not leave him unprotected. And if any trouble befalls a person, I will be with him in this trouble ( I am with him in sorrow), I will deliver him ( I'll hate him) from her, and even I will glorify him. Those. even difficult circumstances The Lord will turn to prosperity and glory.
I will fulfill it with the length of days - believer and loving God, will receive as a reward long life on earth and the bliss of life in the next century.