A ready-made example of a librarian's portfolio. Librarian's portfolio: Methodological consultation

Municipal budgetary general educational institution

"Bichur secondary school No. 2"


Stepanova Elena Petrovna:



1.Librarian's business card.

2.1 Incentives and awards.

3. Mass work. Methods and forms of work to promote reading.

4. Patriotic education.

5. Local history work.

6. Applications.

Appendix 1.

Appendix 2.

Appendix 3. Eco festival

Appendix 4. Scenario “Subbotnik”

Appendix 5. Scenario “Water is the source of life”

1.Librarian's business card.

*Last name First name Patronymic: Stepanova Elena Petrovna

*Job title: Teacher-librarian

*School: Municipal budgetary educational institution Bichurskaya high school №2

*Education: Higher education. East Siberian State Institute of Culture. 1991

*Date of birth: 05/27/1963

*Total work experience: 33 years old

*Work experience in this position : 22 years old. 17-library manager, 5-teacher-librarian.

Educational Diplomas

Higher education. East Siberian State Institute of Culture. 1991

Specialty: Library science and bibliography of mass and scientific libraries, qualification: librarian-bibliographer.

“My position is school librarian,

which means in my work I use,

qualities of a skilled leader,

good organizer and designer,

sensitive teacher and psychologist

For successful work I apply

The most important qualities of a friend and helper.

And most importantly, I am passionately in love with my business!

My motto:

If I know that I know little, I will strive to know more.

My life credo:

Treat people the way you would like to be treated

Librarian's Creed:

Teach children to love books and reading

2. Professional growth map.

2.1 Incentives and awards.

"For active participation in the “Bibliobraz” competition and presentation of interesting creative works.


“For active participation in the activities of the scientific and social program “Step into the Future”


Certificate of Education Department of the Bichur District Administration

In connection with the International Day of School Libraries, for tireless hard work, creative energy, dedication to Book Knowledge, active participation in the educational process.



Certificate of participation in the semi-finals of the republican competition “School Library 2009”.


Certificate of Education Department of the Bichur District Administration

For good preparation and active participation in the “Luchik” competition

Certificate of Administration of MBOU "Secondary School No. 2"

For many years of conscientious work and in connection with Teacher's Day.



Letter of thanks.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on environmental management and ecology.



BRO of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation. for many years. Conscientious work in the general education system, social work in the Trade Union and in connection with the anniversary.



Certificate of education from the education department of the municipal administration "Bichursky district"

For many years of conscientious work, a great contribution to the development of the school and in connection with the 50th anniversary of his birth.



MBU "Bichur Centralized Library and Local History System" For active participation in the project to promote books and reading "Me, You and the Book"



For organizing the participation and preparation of schoolchildren in the literary and musical festival for the 120th anniversary of S.A. Yesenin.



Letter of thanks

"Bichurskaya CBKS"

For active participation in the project to promote books and reading “Me, You and the Book”



Gratitude "Bichurskaya CBKS"

For preparing and organizing participation in the republican competition for best essay among students.



Gratitude. For preparing the winner (2nd place) of the republican scientific conference"Step into the future"



First degree diploma. For active participation in the event “Me, You and the Book” under the project “Books that Bring Knowledge”






Buryat Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers

Network Academy.

2.2 Information about advanced training or professional retraining.

2.3 Documents on participation in the work of school methodological associations, seminars, webinars, conferences.

2.4 Speeches at the ShMO, RMO, meetings, seminars, conferences

2.5 Participation in the work of the jury “Ulzytuev Readings”

"Yesenin's reading"

With the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard, a program for extracurricular activities “Bibliographic knowledge for schoolchildren” was developed

2.7 Effectiveness of participation in competitions at the municipal and regional level

3. Mass work.

Methods and forms of work to promote reading.

I own modern educational technologies and methods that I effectively use in my professional activities, which allows you to organize a variety of leisure activities for children, creating conditions for them to demonstrate their creative abilities. One of the areas of the school library is to attract students to reading. To instill in children a love for books, you must first of all teach them the ability to listen to it, understand the artistic content of the work. For this I use the most various shapes individual and mass work.

=Exhibitions dedicated to memorable and significant dates

=Reviews of new products

=Book presentations


=Consultations at the bookshelf

=Excursions to the library

= Dedication to readers

=Children's Book Week

=Library lessons

=Returned Book Day is a comprehensive event aimed at working with debtors

=Virtual book exhibitions

=Bibliofresh-bibliographic review of new products

=Biblio-globe event dedicated to books about history

=Inform-dossier-event held in the form of a collection of materials about someone or something

=Information Day

= A kaleidoscope of recommendations is a quick change of recommendations for any books, works, or authors.

4. Patriotic education.

5. Local history work.

6. Applications.

Appendix 1

Environmental cleanup “The Earth is our native home”

Participants: about students and their parents, school teachers.

Venue: school area.

Progress of the event:

1.Opening of the subbotnik

Presenter 1. Good afternoon, adults and children! Today, environmental cleanup days “Green Russia” are being held throughout the country. Their goal is to unite everyone who is concerned about environmental safety issues and who considers themselves a Patriot of their Motherland!


Subbotniks were not invented in vain.

Everyone probably wants to warm up.

And you will have to carry the garbage.

And there’s plenty to joke about.

All - Remember: “Clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!”

Presenter 1 . Dear participants of the environmental cleanup!

Today we will go to an unusual holiday.

Presenter 2. We wish we had a real holiday to join us

The trees and flowers, animals and birds rejoiced.

Presenter 1. Today our holiday is dedicated to the All-Russian Ecological

cleanup day "Green Russia".

Presenter 2. Our Earth is called the Green Planet.

Who gave her the green outfit?

Presenter 1 . Trees and herbs, flowers and shrubs.

They are everywhere around us. In the far north and in the hot desert.

High in the mountains and right next to the water.

Presenter 2. Look at mine young friend,

What's around:

The sky is light blue.

The sun rose golden

The wind plays with the leaves,

A cloud floats in the sky.

Everything you need year after year

Nature itself gives us.

Presenter 1 . And that's why we all

We can't live without water,

Without plants and animals,

Without forests, fields and rivers,

Man cannot live!

Presenter 2. Be attentive and you will hear the cheerful song of a stream, the singing of birds, the chime of raindrops, the blowing of the wind. The real miracle is kindness. If a person gets used to treating his planet with care, then miracles will surround him everywhere. The main thing is to choose the right road

Presenter 1 . Every person should take care environment: do not throw garbage, do not break trees, do not burn fires in the wrong place, take care of our little brothers. For example, you guys and I can keep our schoolyard tidy.

Presenter 2. Dear teachers, children, dear parents, we invite you to start our environmental cleanup.

Presenter 1. R count in order

Get ready to exercise.

To make the body flexible,

So that nothing hurts tomorrow!

D breathe air, rotate our hands,

We repeat all the movements after us!

Flash mob with subbotnik participants

The final part of the holiday:

Presenter 2. Look, guys, what a wonderful picture we have!

Presenter 1. The world of living nature is beautiful, and we are part of it. Let's protect and multiply together!

Presenter 2 . Dear guys! Let's maintain cleanliness and comfort in our school and classrooms, on our streets and in our city. And then the Earth’s tomorrow will be the same as we create it today.

Presenter 1. R Fuck, you worked hard and had fun.

Presenter 2. H so that the years rush by peacefully, the century blossoms after century, every person must be a friend to all nature!

Presenter 1. B Without nature in the world, people cannot even live a day.

So let's go to her

Treat like friends!

Presenter 2. AND There are many inhabitants on our planet, Animals and birds, adults, children! Let's not swear and get angry! Let's be friends, dance, have fun!Cheerful music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Appendix 2

Quiz “Little secrets of the green friend”

1. Spruce is very sensitive even to runaway ground fires, when moss, pine needles and grass burn on the ground. Why?

2. Baobabs growing in the tropics shed their leaves in the middle of summer, in the heat of the day. Why?

3.Usually, a felled tree, when falling, cripples the young growth growing under it. They lower a cable from a helicopter, wrap it around the tree and prevent it from falling after cutting. This method of harvesting wood is expensive. Name another solution.

4. This mushroom has a pungent odor, which intensifies even more after rain. The mushroom can even be eaten instead of garlic. What is the name of this mushroom?

5. It is the snake that “sees” heat: even blind, without hearing or smell, it finds a warm object. Name it.

6. What is the name of the spring dark blue wingless beetle found in pine forests?

7. What animal did A. Bram call the “northern monkey” for its dexterity and pretense?

8. What is the name of the fruit of birch, elm, ash, maple?

9. This animal is black and orange, tailed, similar to a lizard, but not a reptile. In the spring it lives in the water, but not a frog. By winter, it leaves the pond into the forest and sleeps, buried in damp moss. About whom we're talking about?

10. One day, in the mountains of Eastern Slovakia, everyone was surprised by raspberries. Purchasing organizations were counting on dozens of extra-planned tons of forest delicacies. However, even fewer raspberries were collected than usual. What was the reason?

11. New trees are planted in cleared forests. But before this, it is necessary to free the soil from old rhizomes and larvae of harmful insects. Do you know how they did it in England?

12. The problem of where to get a Christmas tree for the New Year is relevant not only in our country. And, unfortunately, some people simply cut it down in the forest near the highway. The losses are great. What to do? Why not guard huge tracts of forest? Do you know how this issue was resolved in Germany?

Appendix 3

We have gathered in this hall (slide No. 1)

Everyone is happy about this meeting,

Everyone is at the eco-festival.

"NABAT" welcomes you.
The name is not accidental. (slide number 2 )

Worries us nature view,

And so long and sad

The green bell is ringing. (sound of a bell)

Our Motto: I will save the planet in the palms of my hands from adversity (slide No. 3)

I will warm you with a pure heart and help you in trouble

We explore the Earth by going on hikes (slide No. 4)

And let's make waste bring us income.

We came to this auditorium today, (slide No. 5 )

To talk again about the problems of the Earth.

Let everyone hear us, and, of course, understand,

And they will quickly move on to useful things.

The sound of a bell.

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,(slide number 6 )

Behind wide fields.

Not in heaven, on earth

We live in our own village.

Greenery everywhere: river, meadow(slide No. 7)

And a circle of green fields,

Emeralds anywhere,

There's just one problem:

The one who comes to the river (slide number 8 )

Everyone leaves trash.

People forget those

About natural beauty.

Sunbathe and relax

There will be fish in the river,

They will bring jars and bottles,

They'll say all sorts of nasty things,

And they won’t clean up after themselves.

Old women talking: (tying scarves)

    Did you hear Mitrofanovna? Yesterday (slide number 9 )
    The crucian carp pecked on our Laversa!
    Are you Nikitichna, come on, don’t lie,
    There aren't even minnows there.
    Well, did I see everything in a dream?
    Matryona, you told me that!

    It’s like your grandson Vova

    I haven't seen such a catch for a long time.

    I just couldn’t see it in the distance:

    Or maybe the fish was walking along the river there?

    It's so deep there that chickens can't get enough to drink!

Where do fish come from in that river?

And grandfather Semyon all his manure

I took him there again yesterday.
Whoa, Klanka is from the garden,
Having picked all the unfortunate weeds, I loaded them all onto a cart and dumped them near the river.
The youth sat there in the evening, Again having fun with the music, Leaving the cans and bottles behind! I could have hit you in the back of the head!

(old ladies take off their headscarves and ditties sound)


Our river is barely visible,(slide number 10 )

The banks are all covered in mud.

She became very shallow

There is no trace of fish.

What a pity for nature!

Don't ruin her beauty!

Man, don't make a dump

On the road and in the forest!

We throw it, then we drop it (slide number 11 )

On the road, on the grass

We'll all drown in trash

If there is garbage in your head!

Protect the green forest(slide number 12 )

Don't offend anyone

Don't destroy the trees

Save flowers in the forest!

So that you eat and don't get sick

Drink water without fear

It is necessary that they do not dare anywhere

Spoil the earth from birth.

Don't chop, don't destroy

We need to protect the forest all our lives

We don't understand anything

We chop, we destroy, we heat the oven.

We will go along Bichura,(slide number 13 )

We'll remove the trash together.

Let the nightingales chirp

From dawn to dawn!

We cut down forests and arrange landfills. (Slide No. 14)

But who will take everything under protection?

Empty streams, only sticks in the forest.

Think about it, what awaits us next?

And then we decided-(slide number 15 )

This grief is not a problem.

We gathered all the guys

And they arranged a landing.

Where everything was cleaned up

We left signs:

“Adults! We are your children

Nature is responsible for everything.

We won't stand by

Let’s bring order to our land!”
We love our village.

We remove it.

We invite all our friends

Both big and small.

And Bichura is ours

It gets more beautiful every day.

We will also attract (slide number 16 )

Adults local battalion.

And we'll plant everything around

Different trees, so that they too can be friends with forest plantations.

Those who care about the fate of the Earth are trying to help it. The Environmental Assistance Center was established at the UN. Scientists in our country have developed the “Ecological Code of Russia”. Voices are heard louder and more demanding the best people planet in defense of nature.

We also developed the LAWS OF NATURE. Listen to them(slide number 17 )

On back side bells LAWS OF NATURE:
Law “Earths” (slide No. 18) Let's not pick flowers, friend, let the green meadow bloom!
Law “RIVERS, FORESTS, FIELDS” (slide No. 19)
You can spend time by the river, in the forest, and in the field,

Only in such a way that we do not cause damage to nature!

Only so that in the clearing, where green grass,

Suddenly a landfill of paper and glass would not grow up.

So that not garbage floats in the river, but crucian carp, burbot, carp,

So that no one ever offends our nature!
Law of Order (slide No. 20)
It's time for adults and children to know

What is most important for nature?

This is to keep everything clean,

And almost nothing else is needed.

Garbage is a landfill, and birds are a nest.

Forests and fields for squirrels and hares,

Never pollute anything

And the earth will be grateful to you.

“There is no garbage - there is a lack of imagination!”
Laws of “Production” (slide No. 21)
Let the dew fall on the ground, and not acid rain and discharges. Let the factories no longer smoke, let waste generate income. Car exhaust gases
Let the filters be cleaned immediately.
Song “Let's save.” (all members of the propaganda team sing to the backing track and a clip is shown) We live in the same family,
We should sing in the same circle,

Walk in the same line
Fly in one flight. Let's save
Chamomile in the meadow.
Water lily on the river
And cranberries in the swamp. Oh how mother nature
Tolerant and kind!
But so that her dashing
No fate befell Let's save
There is sturgeon on the rods.
Killer whale in the sky,
In the taiga wilds - a tiger. If you are destined to breathe
We have only air.
Let's all go
Let's unite forever. Let's get our souls
Together we will save
Then we are on Earth
And we will save ourselves!

Appendix 4

Scenario "Subbotnik"

Goal: Organizing joint leisure time for teachers and students through cleanup work. Objectives: Educational: To cultivate neatness, careful attitude to nature and the surrounding world. Maintaining cleanliness in the house, city, outdoors. Developmental: Formation of interest in work, desire to work, desire to protect nature, develop work skills. Correctional: correction of work skills, attention, gross and fine motor skills, through socially useful work. Design: Posters with the slogans: “Subbotnik headquarters”, “Everyone for the cleanup day!”, “Not a day without a good deed for the school!” Equipment: Gloves, garbage bags, brooms, rakes, stretchers, envelopes with assignments, multimedia, laptop, speakers, prizes, pennants. Type of lesson: Labor landing. Course of the lesson:Organizational moment : Ruler. 1st student- Hello, Lesovichok! Why are you so sad today?

Lesovichek - Why should I be happy?

Look around and your mood will immediately deteriorate...

1st student - What's going on with you?

This clearing has always been orderly, but now there is so much dirt and garbage!

Where did all this come from?

Where are you going to put all this garbage?

Lesovichek - People came to the forest to relax, admire nature, and play with children. They ate and left all their garbage in the forest.

2nd student - After lessons I bought myself chips, sweets, and chocolate.

Oh, how delicious it was! I ate everything quickly.

What's left?

Dirty - What wonderful trash! This is the most best gift for Zlyuchka - Muddy!

But I see you guys have a lot of gifts for me.

Hooray! I'm with you again!

I love it when people pollute everything around.

I love guys who throw trash everywhere!

I love any kind of trash

3rd student - Zlyuchka-Gryazyuchka appears wherever some kind of garbage is thrown.

It can appear in the forest, on the river bank, and on the streets of the city.

Due to the fact that some people throw garbage wherever they want, landfills appear in undesignated places in our city.

Let's agree that we won't throw trash anywhere.

All - Remember: “Clean is not where they clean, but where they don’t litter!”


-Good afternoon! We are pleased to welcome you to the school holiday “Cleanliness Around Us”, held as part of the cleanup day.


Subbotniks were not invented in vain.

Useful for those who have a sedentary job.

You can't move around the house without moving -

Everyone would like to warm up, I suppose.

How good it is to wave rakes and brooms,

And you will have to carry the garbage.

And most importantly, clean up the entire area.

And there’s plenty to joke about.

Presenter: The end of April in Russia is the traditional time for subbotniks. These events are taking place in all cities, designed to improve the appearance of our streets, parks, squares and residential areas. Previously, this event was boring and unorganized. And no one considered it a city holiday. But gradually ordinary residents are beginning to become interested in caring about nature and clean streets. They are tired of looking at their unkempt yards. Residents independently figure out how to save the environment from pollution and their yards from garbage. There are more and more people who like to take part in community cleanups.

So why clean up the trash and what could happen if you don’t? We offer you several videos to watch.

(Videos about garbage).

The floor to greet the participants of the subbotnik is given to the school director V.V. Petrovskaya.

Now I propose that everyone go to clean up, but in order to find out who has what territory, I ask the group commanders to come for envelopes with tasks.

You can get the equipment necessary for work at the volunteer cleanup headquarters, which is located. In 2 hours (when the work is completed) we will meet here to sum up the results.

Main part. Cleaning the area.

The final part. Well, here we are again gathered! Everyone worked conscientiously! Thank you for participating in our event and I would like to present you with pennants and an envelope with an additional task for which you will find incentive prizes. (Awarding)

Thank you very much again for participating in the cleanup!


"Water is the source of life"

The air is clean, fresh,
breathe easily and freely.
Don't wash, don't drink without water,
A leaf cannot bloom without water.
They can't live without water
birds, beast and man,
and therefore always
everyone needs water everywhere!

Water is the most important component of life on our planet. We can survive without food for several weeks, but we cannot live without water for several days. Water is the most abundant of earth's elements. It covers more than 70% of the earth's surface, and its volume is approximately 1.4 billion cubic kilometers. Our planet is a planet of oceans. Three quarters of its surface are occupied by seas and oceans. If this amount is spread evenly over the entire planet, a layer almost three kilometers thick will form. Most of the water - about 97% - is found in the seas and oceans, but for many purposes it is not suitable because the salt content is too high. Fresh water makes up less than 3% of the volume of the earth's hydrosphere, of which more than 2% is contained in polar ice Arctic and Antarctic.

The water is blue, tender, clean. What could be better than her? Water gives life to all living things.

Interesting facts about water:

    Water is the only substance on earth that occurs in three natural states - solid, liquid and gas.

    There are about 1330 types of water in nature.

    If all people ate and used the vegetation of the seas and oceans to feed livestock, there would be enough food for 290 billion people.

    Water makes up 80% of a child's body weight and 70% of an adult's body weight.

    Due to the World Ocean, up to 50% of oxygen and 82% of moisture enter the atmosphere.

    More than 26 thousand km are concentrated in lakes 3 fresh water

    The full cycle of water circulation in the atmosphere lasts 10 days, in rivers - 20 days, in lakes and reservoirs - 7 years, in the ocean - 3000 years.

Did you know that:

    Over the past 60 years, water consumption in the world has increased 5 times.

    114-230 liters of water are lost during a 5-minute shower.

    It takes 9 liters of water to brush your teeth, and 91 liters to wash dishes.

    A person uses 230 liters of water daily.

    If a faucet with the thinnest stream of water malfunctions, up to 150 liters of the purest drinking water can go down the drain per day.

    Did you know that a 10-minute shower uses as much water as 200 children need every day?

The wounds become deeper and more sensitive
Man damages his land.
Gray troubles the oceans.
Breaks the beds of life-giving rivers.

Nature. For thousands of years we have fought against it, conquered it, transformed it, and mercilessly destroyed it. We sang hymns to those who deprived us of the nature of Mother Nature, who gave birth to humanity, that Mother who still patiently feeds her foolish son and gives life to new generations.

In our ecstasy of fighting nature, we have overlooked two great truths. The first is that humanity exists and develops at the expense of nature. It's stupid to chop the branch you're sitting on. The second is that it is not confrontation at all, but mutual assistance that is the basis of everything that exists on Earth. As long as people fought for a piece of bread, they could be forgiven. When they try to drown the Ship on which they are all sailing together on the ocean of nothingness, there is no forgiveness.

The world's landfill and sewage pit - the Ocean - is choking on dirt and losing its ability to self-purify. It is in our interests to preserve its purity.

There's no living space left
There is no living water left.
Ferrous salts
They are killing the water in the river.

The river became stuffy and musty.
There is no way out.
If only the fish could live to see tomorrow -
I would live another hundred years!

Death overwhelmed all the fish
There is death everywhere,
All the way to the lip.
No matter what the hole is, there is a dashing profit.

Fishermen, rake in the rubles!...
They almost take it with their hands
Half-dead in the midst of starvation.
The fish are alive - above the springs.

The water there is alive and well.
The streams grow like grass,
They were heard
They were found...

Like a weak word of truth
Into the rabid mountains of lies.

The arteries of the planet - the rivers - should not swell with sclerotic blood clots. Water - the blood of the Earth - should flow into them in crystal streams, and not rot in dirty columns. Venous blood runs to the heart, arterial blood away from it. If you want to reverse the flow, try it on yourself first!

Some numbers:

    Every year all rivers globe They carry a layer of soil more than 6 millimeters thick into the World Ocean, which amounts to 19 billion tons.

    About 13-14 million tons of petroleum products enter the World Ocean annually. Oil enters water bodies as a result of leakage during tanker loading, tanker accidents, or the discharge of residual oil cargo.

    At a concentration of petroleum products above 0.5 milligrams per liter, fish die; at a concentration of 1.2 milligrams per liter, plankton and benthos cannot survive.

    Scientists have calculated that every year so many harmful substances enter water bodies around the world that they could fill 10 thousand freight trains. Even in the waters of the Arctic, washing powder was found.

    For production of 1 ton cotton fabric 250 m required 3 water, synthetic fabric – 5000, synthetic rubber – 2000, nickel – 4000, cast iron – 200 m 3 water, steel - 150 tons of water.

    Every liter waste water, getting into a reservoir, renders 100 liters of good water unusable.

    According to the World Health Organization, half of all hospital beds in the world are occupied by people sickened by dirty water.

Russia today stands on the brink environmental disaster. She is no stranger to environmental disasters.

    The Volga, Don, Ob, Irtysh, Ural, Yenisei, Pechora, Lena, and Kama rivers have unacceptable levels of pollution.

    Each person in Russia produces 520 cubic meters of wastewater per year, of which 370 are polluted waters containing approximately 170 kilograms of toxic substances.

    Currently, dioxins have been found in drinking water in a number of Russian cities, in fields in the Middle Volga region and in Western Siberia.

    According to experts, about 20 thousand people die annually due to dioxin pollution of water bodies in the Russian Federation.

    In Russia, more than 500 million tons of industrial wastewater go into water and underground every year.

    The quality of category 1 water bodies (used for drinking water supply) in the Republic of Tatarstan remains extremely unsatisfactory in terms of sanitary-chemical and microbiological indicators.

    Unfortunately, the Volga River basin suffers from severe pollution. It occupies 8% of the territory of Russia, and 42% of the country's population lives in it. The rivers of this basin are polluted by enterprises and cities located on the banks of the Volga and its tributaries. To improve the situation in the river basin, a special government program has been adopted to revive the great river.

As a result of human activity, swimming in the Volga is prohibited.

It is not nature that needs your protection. It is we who need protection: clean air to breathe, crystal water to drink, all of Nature to live. She - nature - has always been and will be stronger than man. Because she gave birth to him. He is just a moment in her life. She is eternal and endless. A person is a detail for her. She is everything to him! Nature forgives nothing! And therefore: do not harm and take care of her!

People, see the light! Work has made you intelligent. The earth provided food and shelter. Science has led to the future, but you are deceiving yourself. You are walking into the future through a minefield of dangerous inventions.

Wipe your eyes! And you will see the eyes of your loved ones, the sweet faces of children, the calluses of fathers, bright lakes, ribbons of rivers, the expanse of fields and expanses of water.

Listen! And through the roar of motors and transistors you will hear the murmuring of streams, the rustling of grasses and the unique ringing silence of nature.

Crazy technology crushes nature, shreds the biosphere, crushes humanity, poisons the Earth!

There's a draft over the pole
Ozone hole.
What does it say? –
It's time to come to your senses!
Say, destroyer of waters,
Enemy of all living things,
Why the vault of heaven
Did you turn it into a colander?
You say: “Progress!”
You know what it costs
And a demon crawled into the hole
With a killing ray.
He turned your spirit
Into brainless steam and snow.
Until it went out -
Come to your senses, man.
Until it disappeared-
Don't contradict what is good.
You say: “Progress!”
And you add: “Love!”

We declare that people must know the truth about the condition of their eternal home. Its preservation is in their interests.

Our yes: peace and tranquility, love and respect for nature, factories without smoke, factories without toxic drains, cars without suffocating exhaust, silence, reason and science, caution and wisdom.

Ours is not: any wars, any battles with nature, illiterate environmental management, everything that threatens the Earth, threatens people, each person - all and individually.

We offer: protect and save drinking water through the installation of meters in apartments and the use of water-saving home technologies for washing dishes and laundry.

We hope that our presentation will help you take a fresh look at the blue outfit of the planet.

Water, you have no taste, no color, no smell, you cannot be described, they enjoy you without knowing what you are! It cannot be said that you are necessary for life: you are life itself... You are the greatest wealth in the world... You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings. With you, the forces to which we have already said goodbye return to us.”

(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

There are still many creative plans and ideas ahead,

that you want to accomplish

All my paths lead to the library

Since the world of the book is the world of a real miracle

1. Portfolio as a technology for assessing the professionalism of a cultural worker

The word "portfolio" in Italian means "portfolio" securities" In English, “portfolio” is a folder for important matters or documents. In the sense we are interested in, the term “portfolio” appeared in the 1970s. among artists, architects, designers, as well as in the modeling and advertising business. It meant a collection of photographic materials, a resume and a list of the author's best results. The purpose of such a portfolio was to advertise the achievements of its owner, which made it possible to judge his capabilities and level of skill. It is this rational grain that prompted us to pay attention to the potential of a portfolio as a basis for developing a fundamentally new approach to assessing the professional activities of a specialist in a cultural institution.

According to modern dictionaries A portfolio is a way of accumulating, recording, and assessing an individual’s individual achievements over a certain period of time. The main point of a portfolio is to show everything you are capable of.

The portfolio of a cultural worker can be considered as:

  • a collection of samples of work and documents illustrating the capabilities and achievements of its owner;
  • a form of targeted, systematic and continuous self-assessment and correction of work results;
  • method of self-presentation and career growth;
  • technology for monitoring and assessing individual progress;
  • a means of motivation and stimulation of creative activity and self-education.

Main Portfolio Features:

  • analytical - analyzes and summarizes the work of a specialist;
  • cumulative - reflects the achievements of a cultural worker (diplomas, diplomas, certificates, etc.) and reveals the range of creative work performed (projects, research, event scenarios, bibliographic products, etc.);
  • model - reflects the dynamics of professional development, demonstrates the style of work, helps to plan activities;
  • developmental _ ensures a continuous process of self-education;
  • motivational - encourages performance results;
  • recommendatory - represents a person when changing jobs.

Portfolio forms

The portfolio can be presented both on paper and in electronic version. If the paper equivalent of a portfolio is presented in the form of a folder with documents, then the electronic equivalent is presented in the form of files on magnetic media. An electronic portfolio can be created in the form of an electronic presentation or a personal website (online portfolio). The first implements the principle of clarity to a greater extent, the second has more information content.

Specifics of the electronic portfolio:

  • is more mobile and flexible (you can quickly make changes to the structure and content of materials);
  • allows you to use numerous possibilities for its artistic design (graphics packages, Microsoft Office programs);
  • provides a wide selection of tools for designing work on a computer;
  • The electronic portfolio may contain materials from the Internet that present alternative points of view.

An electronic portfolio can be posted on the Internet and become a means of networking for cultural workers (to present existing experience more experts, fellow specialists, interested persons).

Portfolio creation technology

Creating a portfolio is very creative process. Currently, there are no uniform standards and requirements for the organization and design of a cultural worker’s portfolio, so approaches to its construction can be varied, depending on individual characteristics a person who himself chooses its type and structure, decides which documents and works, in what order, to include in it. It is important for a specialist to analyze his work, his own successes, summarize and systematize library achievements, objectively assess his capabilities and see ways to overcome difficulties and achieve better results.

Creating a portfolio involves organizing step-by-step activities:

  1. determining the purpose and motivation of creation;
  2. structure development;
  3. collection of materials;
  4. volume formation;
  5. registration;
  6. presentation;
  7. evaluation of materials.

Portfolio models

Depending on the purpose of use, there are various models portfolio.

Presentation portfolio— a collection of the best works of a specialist. Used when starting a new job (especially in cases where wages appointed based on the results of an interview) or to participate in a professional competition. In Fig. Figure 1 shows one of the options for the structure of a presentation portfolio.

  • folder name (for example, “Creative Librarian Dossier”)
  • Full name author;
  • job title;
  • name of place of work;
  • address, work phone, e-mail;
  • portfolio content.

2. Section "Business card." It can be called differently, for example: “Profile details”, “General information about the author”, “Personal block”, “Portrait”, “Passport”, etc. This section reveals the identity of the owner of the portfolio, you can place it here :

  • photograph of the author;
  • autobiography;
  • professional credo, goals and objectives of the activity (presentation of a professional position with core values, quotes, excerpts from documents, opinions consonant with the author of the portfolio);
  • educational documents;
  • total work experience;
  • qualification category;
  • professional and personal interests;
  • social activities.

3. Section "Creative dossier"(“Working materials”, “Methodological piggy bank”). The section is a collection of the best materials of the portfolio owner, reflecting the main directions and types of activities. This may include:

  • research works;
  • software and design activities;
  • individual work;
  • mass work (scenarios of events, exhibitions, photographs and videotapes with recordings of events, etc.);
  • reference and information activities;
  • use of computer technologies;
  • advertising activities.

4. Section "Educational Collector"(“Professional growth map”, “Scientific and methodological activities”, “Individual educational map”) allows you to judge the process individual development portfolio owner. Here are reflected:

  • documents on advanced training (certificates of completion of courses);
  • results of final certification, testing;
  • work in methodological associations;
  • participation in educational events (seminars, conferences, round tables, etc.);
  • participation in professional and creative competitions;
  • publications and speeches in the media;
  • work on generalization and dissemination of experience (creation of information sheets, teaching aids).

5. Section "Bank of Personal Achievements"(“Portfolio of Documents”, “My Achievements”) is a portfolio of certified (documented) individual achievements with the goal of increasing the importance of the author of the portfolio and reflecting his success in incentives and awards. Here can be presented:

  • copies of documents confirming the availability of academic and honorary titles and degrees;
  • grants, certificates, certificates;
  • diplomas;
  • thank you letters;
  • diplomas of various competitions;
  • other awards at the discretion of the author.
  1. Chapter "Portfolio of reviews" includes:
  • reviews of work (colleagues, readers, managers at different levels);
  • assessment of labor results;
  • reviews of author's materials, texts of conclusions;
  • letters of recommendation;
  • articles about the portfolio author.

7. Section "Author's self-esteem" involves the portfolio author’s reflection on the integration of his professional experience and search optimal ways development of own activities. This section may contain:

  • the author's thoughts about his field of work;
  • self-analysis of work;
  • correction of one’s own activities;
  • professional development strategy.

Principles of portfolio construction:

  • consistency;
  • reliability;
  • openness;
  • transparency;
  • simplicity;
  • accessibility;
  • completeness of presentation.

Portfolio evaluation criteria:

  • the author's focus on self-improvement;
  • structuring of material;
  • clarity, consistency and conciseness of all written explanations;
  • integrity, thematic completeness of the presented materials;
  • visibility of work results;
  • quality of presentation of the material;
  • neatness and aesthetics of design;
  • creative approach to creating a portfolio (originality).

Basic mistakes when working with a portfolio

Analysis of the materials revealed a number of errors that negatively affect the attitude towards the portfolio technology itself and its implementation in practice:

  • violation of the principle of voluntariness when collecting documents and creating a portfolio;
  • collection of materials by someone instead of the employee (for example, preparing materials for the next certification);
  • inclusion in the portfolio of all collected documents and materials without exception. At first glance, such a desire does not contradict the idea of ​​a portfolio, which is considered as a folder of achievements, but one should not take this literally, presenting the portfolio as a kind of chest in which everything that an employee can demonstrate is collected;
  • replacing the idea of ​​a portfolio with traditional schemes (characteristics of the administration or methodological council, professional grade book, etc.);
  • excessive requirements for external design, etc.

A cultural worker may need a portfolio for the following purposes:

  • certifications (portfolio is the subject of examination);
  • licensing, certification, accreditation of cultural institutions;
  • systematization and analysis of specialist activities;
  • competition (grounds for participation in various competitions and receiving a grant);
  • to assign incentive payments, monetary rewards as an incentive factor (especially relevant when switching to new system remuneration of an employee of a cultural institution).

The use of portfolio technology will help the administration of a cultural institution to purposefully and systematically monitor the professional development of its employees, have full information on the performance of employees, objectively assess the professional level of specialists, support their motivation for self-development with incentive payments, identify valuable experience for dissemination, as well as effectively manage the personal and professional growth of staff, coordinate collegial efforts to improve the quality and effectiveness of their work, promote a conceptual development strategy institutions.

Portfolio structure and content

Front page

  • Name of educational institution.
  • Folder name.
  • Photo.
  • Last name, first name, patronymic, position.


  1. Professional growth map.
  2. Documents on advanced training.
  3. Documents on the results of participation in teaching events.
  4. Promotions and awards.
  5. Publications.
  6. Author's developments.
  7. Reviews.

Employee and library business card.
- Last name, first name, patronymic.

- Position, school.

- Date of birth.

— Library and educational and pedagogical activities. (Here is only a brief listing and a reference to point 2, if any.)

— Date of passing the previous certification.

— Education (what, where, when did you graduate, specialty).

- Overall work experience.

- Work experience in the position.

— Awards and titles, year of receipt.

— Advanced training (topic, where and when they took place, number of hours). (Here is only a brief listing and a reference to point 3, if any.)

— The topic of self-education.

1.2. Library business card.

— Characteristics (area, floor, reading room or area, room for textbooks, equipment, technical means).

— Features of the activities of this library (project, experiment, program, special course).

— Benchmark indicators (number of students, readers, book stock, textbooks, percentage of library service coverage, readability, book availability, circulation of the stock).

2. Professional growth map

— Information about participation in the work of the methodological association, pedagogical councils, parent meetings, pedagogical events, children's literary festivals and conferences in the school, district, city, republic.

— Photos (album with photographs).

Documents on advanced training

— Certificates of completion of courses.
- Photo.
- Reviews.

4. Documents on the results of participation in pedagogical events

— Certificates.

- Certificates, thanks.

- Photos.

- Reviews.

5. Promotions and awards

— Diplomas, certificates, gratitude, certificate of award.

6. Publications.

— Publications about the employee, library, readers.

— Scenarios and interesting plans for library events.

— Development of library products (posters, memos, booklets).

— Factual material (lists of books, copies of publications).

Note: if there are many developments, then you can simply list and indicate: product, title (topic), addressee, year, compiler.

8. Reviews.

- Reviews.

— Reviews.

- Offers.

- Invitations.

- Congratulations.

- Correspondence.

— Certificates of comprehensive certification verification.

— Reflections on the topic, sketches, “unsent letter.”

Portfolio presentation procedure

The portfolio is submitted by the librarian to the information and methodological center of the Alekseevsky municipal district no later than two weeks before the section of school librarians as part of the August conference of teachers. A commission consisting of an IMC methodologist, the head of the RMO of school librarians and one of the leaders of the creative group reviews the submitted materials and pays attention to the following points:

  • compliance of the presented material with the requirements for portfolio design (content and structure);
  • completeness of disclosure of professional achievements and effectiveness of the librarian’s activities;
  • positive aspects and disadvantages of professional activity;
  • performance evaluation;
  • other issues at the discretion of the commission.

The portfolio defense is held publicly at the school librarians' section as part of the August teachers' conference.

Portfolio protection is carried out in several stages:

  1. Portfolio presentation.
  2. Answer questions on the substance of the submitted documents.
  3. Familiarization of the librarian with a brief assessment of the work.
  4. Explanations of the librarian on the comments of the commission.
  5. Discussion of the results of the defense by members of the commission.
  6. Communicating the findings and recommendations of the commission to the librarian.

Presentation(from lat. presentation– presentation, presentation) – official presentation of a newly created enterprise, firm, project, product, product to a circle of invited persons, public demonstration of something.

Portfolio presentation - a form of testing during which the librarian presents to the commission evidence of his professionalism and the results of his activities in the form of a structured portfolio. The presentation may take the form of an exhibition educational materials, slide show, report, accompanied by a computer demonstration using a wizard PowerPoint presentations etc.

The librarian is given 7-8 minutes to present the portfolio. During the presentation, the librarian must justify how the presented materials indicate his professional competence. A presentation is not an abbreviated summary of portfolio sections. The main purpose of the presentation is to short time present the main results of the work done over a certain period of time.

The quality of presentation when defending a portfolio is assessed according to the following indicators:

  1. compliance of the presentation with the content of the portfolio;
  2. highlighting the main results of the teacher’s activities;
  3. quality of presentation of the material.

Members of the commission ask questions on the merits of the materials presented in the portfolio (no more than 2-3 questions). This part of the protection is very important because... demonstrates the culture of thinking and general erudition of a librarian. The librarian answers questions, illustrating his answer (if necessary) with materials from the portfolio. Answers should be brief and relate only to the essence of the question asked.

Discussion of the results of the defense by members of the commission is held in a closed meeting without the presence of a librarian. During the meeting, the submitted materials are discussed and the degree of their compliance with the stated criteria is determined.

It is considered that the librarian has successfully passed the defense if the materials presented in the portfolio indicate that:

  1. the librarian is actively working within the creative group, in the methodological association, collaborating with the rural library, kindergarten and other institutions;
  2. uses in its activities various methods and forms of work;
  3. takes into account their individual characteristics when interacting with students;
  4. knows modern technologies service, training and education.
  5. uses ICT in his work.

When evaluating a portfolio, it is necessary to pay attention to the most interesting forms of work in terms of topics and issues, as well as assess the degree of participation of the librarian in them. It is also necessary to determine whether the results of the librarian’s work are used in the activities of educational institutions at the district and republic level. Are there any reviews about the work, what kind and from whom they were received.

If publications are available, their relevance, practical orientation and use in the practice of the educational institution, district, and republic are assessed.

3. School librarian portfolio

The time has come to talk about what the profession of a librarian-bibliographer is, what a school librarian does at school. Our work with you is painstaking, daily, requiring significant effort. But it is not always visible to others. In addition, it is worth telling that a librarian at a school is not just a librarian, but also a teacher of additional education. A librarian can teach the course “Library and bibliographic knowledge as the basis of an individual’s information culture,” MHC, ethics, aesthetics, and local history.

With the help of a well-designed portfolio, we can talk about how we ourselves see and imagine our profession and the place of the library in the school, about our achievements and developments, about the implementation of our own library development projects.

On the other hand, a portfolio is a way of organizing the accumulation of one’s developments: educational programs, their methodological support, scenarios for various events, etc. This method allows you to bring together once, systematize information, arrange it in a certain logical sequence, supplement it as necessary and issue it on demand. For example, when the administration requires information about you as a specialist.

One more distinctive feature portfolio is that you yourself choose the type, type and structure of your portfolio, you decide for yourself which documents and works and in what order to include in it. This is not a dogma, but a working tool. You can add additions, some comments, reflections and introspection to any page. This is an opportunity to create an individual portrait of a school librarian, systematize, analyze and skillfully present his professional achievements. In essence, this is one of the ways of his self-presentation as a specialist of a certain level.

Creating a professional portfolio is painstaking work. Nevertheless, these efforts will be justified by creative growth, recognition of colleagues, and increased authority of the school library.

Target proposed methodological recommendations: reveal the possibilities of working with portfolios in library practice.

To achieve the goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • develop a library portfolio concept;
  • determine its goals, objectives, functions, identify practical significance;
  • present models and types of portfolios in library practice;
  • develop a methodology for forming a professional library portfolio;
  • present options for organizing and designing a portfolio.


The term “portfolio” came to us from pedagogy, politics, business, journalism, for example: ministerial portfolio, investment portfolio, editorial portfolio.

Portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating, evaluating and self-assessing individual achievements over a period of time.

It refers to “authentic”, that is, true, closest to real methods of assessment. Its main meaning is to show everything that a specialist is capable of. This method allows you to independently analyze your achievements in order to draw conclusions and move forward. Thus, a portfolio, as an accumulator of achievements, reflects the dynamics of our professional development and serves as a form of discussion and self-assessment of work results. Allows you to independently establish connections between previous and new knowledge, skills, and developments.

Portfolio goal: accumulation of achievements, tracking individual progress, presentation of activities and professional development over a certain period of time.


  • analyze and summarize your work;
  • tie together individual aspects of your activities;
  • reflect the dynamics of professional development;
  • present your work experience as fully and effectively as possible.

Portfolio functions:

  • diagnostic – records changes over a certain period of time;
  • meaningful – reveals the range of work performed;
  • developmental – ensures a continuous process of learning and self-education;
  • motivational – encourages performance results;
  • rating – allows you to determine quantitative and qualitative individual achievements.

Practical significance of a portfolio:

  • future certification;
  • licensing, certification, accreditation of educational institutions;
  • systematization of librarian activities;
  • factor stimulating professional development.

Portfolio models

(for yourself and for others)Assess progress in research, professional or creative activitiesPortfolio-self-esteem

(for myself) Show progress or regression in any types or individual aspects of professional activity Portfolio report

(for others) Show success and prove the progress of research, professional and creative activities

Evidence of progress is tracked through concrete results and materialized products of professional, research and creative activities.


When developing a portfolio structure, it is advisable to focus on three main types:

Portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) librarian achievements:

  • diplomas (federal, municipal, district, school levels);
  • diplomas;
  • evidence;
  • certificates;
  • certificates;
  • certificates of institutions that carry out official interaction with the department of education of the Omsk city administration.

It may contain copies of these documents. It must be preceded by a list of them (as they accumulate over a number of years).

Portfolio of works is a collection of materials reflecting the main directions and types of activities, a description of the main forms of creative activity. It is carried out by grouping various creative, design, and research works of a librarian into a single array of documents. This may include:

  • competition works;
  • library development projects;
  • texts (thesis) of speeches at seminars, methodological associations (or their audio and video recordings);
  • scenarios of various mass events;
  • electronic documents– various presentations, developments to help conduct library lessons, reviews, exhibitions;
  • videos, photo albums of various events;
  • original educational programs and teaching materials for them;
  • printed works.

The portfolio of works is preceded by a list of materials presented in it. The works themselves are attached on paper or electronic media, including videos, photographs, publications, etc. It gives a qualitative assessment of the librarian’s professional activity according to the following parameters: completeness, diversity, originality, persuasiveness of materials, dynamics and creative activity of the employee, etc.

A review portfolio is a characteristic of a librarian’s attitude towards various types activities. It provides a written analysis of the librarian’s attitude to his activities and its results (texts of conclusions, reviews, testimonials, resumes, etc.). Includes ratings events by colleagues, methodologists of the Department of Education, school administration, methodological associations of subject teachers, etc. (letters of recommendation are added to the types of documents listed above). It is advisable to include a comprehensive self-analysis of activities and their results.

You can design either simple models portfolios (implementing one of the named types), or complex ones (including the described types as their sections).

For example:

A. Portfolios are simple: 3 options, i.e. either a pure portfolio of documents, or a portfolio of works, or a portfolio of reviews.

B. A portfolio consisting of two sections: a documents section and a works section, or a documents section and a reviews section, or a works section and a reviews section.

B. A portfolio consisting of three sections is complex: a documents section, a works section and a reviews section.


There are several types of portfolio. We'll look at two: personal and thematic.

Personal portfolio can be called a professional portrait of a school librarian. The ideal version of a personal portfolio is a comprehensive “B”, i.e. including all types. In addition, it is advisable to include a so-called portrait, which is best placed at the very beginning.

The portrait tells about the personality of the librarian. It is proposed to do it in the form of a resume. The emphasis in the resume should be on the librarian’s existing experience: in self-education, in using modern information technologies in his practice, in design activities.

In addition to the above, you can include your reflections in the form of an essay in your personal portfolio. For example, immediately after the “portrait” - reflections on the topic “The profession of a school librarian” or “The mission of the library in a modern school.” And before the library development program or before the competitive work - an explanation of why you chose this particular direction or topic. Such essays demonstrate the professionalism of the librarian, his attitude to work and the ability to analyze it, draw conclusions, and see perspectives.

In your personal portfolio you can place the results of professional testing and a self-assessment sheet of professional skills.

Thematic portfolio It makes sense to do this if you are constantly and purposefully engaged in a topic. For example, as already mentioned, school librarians often work as subject teachers - they teach local history, MHC, aesthetics, the basics of library and information literacy, etc. Using a thematic portfolio makes it possible to group available materials and correctly place emphasis in order to further analyze their work, outline its prospects and demonstrate their professional level.

A thematic portfolio may include:

  • plan (structure, diagram) of classes or topic development;
  • an explanatory note containing brief information about the author, the form of presentation of the material, etc.;
  • justification of the topic (subject course), your vision of this topic, what results you expect;
  • course program (plans, technological maps or development of lessons, library classes);
  • children’s work (questionnaires, tests, feedback on a specific lesson, feedback on literary work, drawings);
  • self-analysis of the work performed;
  • factual material on the topic (bibliography, copies of articles, diagrams, etc.);

Librarian's Portfolio: Bagrintseva T.G. Municipal Educational Institution Secondary General Education School 2 Phone: () Fax 86544) Email: School Address of the main place of work Stavropol Territory Novoaleksandrovsky district st. Grigoropolisskaya st. Shmidta 43 Our coordinates: Software: Microsoft Power Point Head of educational institution: Erokhina A.P.

A school library provides information and ideas essential to functioning successfully in today's information- and knowledge-oriented society. School library equips students with skills continuing education and develops their creative imagination, helping them become responsible citizens. From the IFLA/UNESCO Manifesto on School Libraries

General information about the librarian. Librarian Bagrintseva Tatyana Grigorievna Date of birth: May 25, 1973. Education: higher. ASPU 2005 Diploma specialty: “Pedagogy and methodology of primary education” With an additional specialty “Social pedagogy” Courses completed: Date: 2008 “Information technologies in the activities of a librarian” Awards: diploma of the governor of the Stavropol Territory I’ll open the door, and behind me a crowd of guys : Oh, more b interesting books. I’m not offended that there’s too much noise, I’m not offended that there’s a lot of fuss, And it doesn’t matter that fatigue bothers me, I know what happiness is, right? I can’t imagine happiness now without my frizzy readers!

“...Instill in a person a taste for reading and provide him with the opportunity to read, and you will inevitably make him happy...” John Herschel - Fundamentals of information literacy - Education and training in the spirit of tolerance - “Reading School” program; -Program “I choose health”

Planning of work - Plan of work with low-reading classes - Plan of work of the library with children in socially dangerous situations - Plan of work on developing safety skills among students - Plan of work for self-education of the librarian as a teacher - Plan of traditional cultural events and significant dates - - Calendar of significant dates for the school year Planning is a technology for solving a problem through drawing up an action plan aimed at development. Planning ensures the solution of three complex tasks: 1. Establishing the real capabilities of the library in answering the question Where are we currently?. Here the strengths and weaknesses of the library, its resource provision, and the presence of a portfolio of new developments are determined. 2. Setting realistic goals, answering the question Where do we want to go? Internal and external factors influencing the activities of the library are assessed, goals and limitations in their implementation are determined. 3. Establishing ways to achieve a goal or answering the question How are we going to do this?. IN general outline and the main tasks, resources are specifically determined, costs are estimated; it is planned what the librarian should do to achieve the set goals”1. School library work plan.
academic year. Health-saving Local history Information Patriotic Ecological Spiritual and moral 1. Competition “My native Moscow region”. 2. Review book exhibitions. 3. "Life without drugs." 4. Conference “AIDS is a threat to humanity 5 Assistance in conducting “VI Olympic Games", "Health Day" and other sports. events 1. Review of exhibitions. 2. "The Tale of traffic" 3. “A fairy tale with a cognitive load “The tricks of the insidious fairies” 1. Exhibitions for Orthodox holidays. 2. “The Nativity of Christ.” 3. “Easter” 1. Organization of exhibitions. 2. Competition program(1-4 grades) “Visiting nature.” 3. Organizing a correspondence quiz “Erase random features, and you will see a beautiful world!” 4. “The Complaint Book of Nature” 1. Review of periodical publications and new arrivals. 2. Intellectual competition (grades 5-7) “Cyril and Cyrillic 3. Children’s Week. books. 4Bibliographer’s quiz “Ship of Thought.” 4. Acquaintance with the library of children's pupils. Library kindergarten lessons. 2. Organization of exhibitions for banners. dates. 3. Victory Day. 1. Celebration of the 66th anniversary of the defeat of the German invaders near Moscow.

A portfolio is a way of recording, accumulating, evaluating and self-assessing individual achievements over a period of time.

It refers to “authentic”, that is, true, closest to in real ways assessment. Its main meaning is to show everything that a specialist is capable of. This method allows you to independently analyze your achievements in order to draw conclusions and move forward. Thus, a portfolio, as an accumulator of achievements, reflects the dynamics of our professional development and serves as a form of discussion and self-assessment of work results. Allows you to independently establish connections between previous and new knowledge, skills, and developments.

Portfolio goal: accumulation of achievements, tracking individual progress, presentation of activities and professional development over a certain period of time.


analyze and summarize your work;

tie together individual aspects of your activities;
 reflect the dynamics of professional development;

present your work experience as fully and effectively as possible.

Portfolio features:

diagnostic – records changes over a certain period of time;

meaningful – reveals the range of work performed;

developmental – ensures a continuous process of learning and self-education;

 motivational – encourages performance results;

Practical significance of a portfolio:

 certification in the future;

 licensing, certification, accreditation of educational institutions;

 systematization of librarian activities;

 a factor that stimulates professional development.

Portfolio models

Portfolio of achievements (for yourself and for others)

Assess progress in research, professional or creative activities

Portfolio-self-esteem (for yourself)

Show progress or regression in any types or individual aspects of professional activity

Portfolio report (for others)

Show success and prove research progress,

professional and creative activities

Evidence of progress is tracked through concrete results and materialized products professional, research and creative activities.


When developing a portfolio structure, it is advisable to focus on three main types:

Portfolio of documents includes certified (documented) librarian achievements:

 diplomas (federal, municipal, district, library levels);

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

 certificates;

It may contain copies of these documents. It must be preceded by a list of them (as they accumulate over a number of years).

Portfolio of works is a collection of materials reflecting the main directions and types of activities, a description of the main forms of creative activity. Performed by a group of various creative, project and research work of the librarian into a single array of documents. This may include:

 library development projects;

 texts (thesis) of speeches at seminars, methodological associations (or their audio and video recordings);

 scenarios of various public events;

 electronic documents – various presentations, developments to help conduct , reviews, exhibitions;

 videos, photo albums of various events;

 printed works.

The portfolio of works is preceded by a list of materials presented in it. The work itself is applied to paper or electronic media, including videos, photographs, publications, etc. It gives a qualitative assessment of the librarian’s professional activity according to the following parameters: completeness, diversity, originality, persuasiveness of materials, dynamics and creative activity of the employee, etc.

Reviews portfolio – these are characteristics of the librarian’s attitude towards various types of activities. IN it provides a written analysis of the librarian’s attitude to his activities and its results (texts conclusions, reviews, testimonials, summaries, etc.). Includes peer assessments of events, administration, methodological associations, etc. (To Letters of recommendation are added to the types of documents listed above). It is advisable to include comprehensive self-analysis of activities and their results.

You can construct either simple portfolio models (implementing one of the named types), or complex (including the described types as their sections).

For example:

A. Simple portfolio: 3 options, i.e. either a pure portfolio of documents, or a portfolio of works, or a portfolio of reviews.

B. A portfolio consisting of two sections: a documents section and a works section, or a documents section and a reviews section, or a works section and a reviews section.

B. A portfolio consisting of three sections is complex: a documents section, a works section and a reviews section.


There are several types of portfolio. We will look at two: personal and thematic.

Personal portfolio can be called a professional portrait of a librarian.

The portrait tells about the personality of the librarian. It is proposed to do it in the form of a resume. Emphasis in the summary must be made on the librarian’s existing experience: in self-education, in using his practice of modern information technologies, in design activities.

In addition to the above, you can include your reflections in the form of an essay in your personal portfolio.

For example, immediately after the “portrait” - reflections on the topic “The profession of a librarian” or “The mission of the library in modern world" And before the library development program or before the competitive work - an explanation of why you chose this particular direction or topic. Such essays demonstrate the professionalism of the librarian, his attitude to work and ability to analyze it, draw conclusions, see perspectives.

In your personal portfolio you can place the results of professional testing and a self-assessment sheet of professional skills.
Thematic portfolio It makes sense to do this if you are constantly and purposefully engaged in a particular topic.

. Using a thematic portfolio makes it possible to group existing materials and correctly place emphasis in order to further analyze your work and outline it prospects and demonstrate your professional level.

A thematic portfolio may include:

 plan (structure, diagram) of classes or topic development;

 explanatory note, which provides brief information about the author, form presentation of material, etc.;

 self-analysis of the work performed;

 factual material on the topic (bibliography, copies of articles, diagrams, etc.);

 reviews from colleagues about the classes they attended;

 summing up, identifying prospects.


Most librarians who have worked for more than three years have dozens of folders with thematic collections, development of events and exhibitions, various projects, research. There are folders with diplomas, diplomas, certificates, notebooks or folders with reviews of events and many other materials. These are the components of your portfolio - you just need to select the main thing and bring everything into the system. But before you start building your portfolio, answer the following questions:

Why do I want to create a portfolio?

Depending on the answer, determine the type and type of your portfolio of achievements - simple or complex, personal or thematic.

What will I include in my portfolio?

Secondly, how the materials will be arranged. In direct chronology - to show progress and professional growth or vice versa - to demonstrate the latest results? Or will you distribute materials by type: in the part for documents - diplomas, diplomas, certificates, certificates, certificates, evidence; in the work part – projects, programs, competition entries, publications, speeches, scripts, reviews, reviews, etc.

Depending on this, a list of portfolio materials is drawn up, which must be compiled and placed at the very beginning of both printed and electronic versions. This list can be prepared in in the form of a list, but the best option is tables (see “portfolio design”).

Where will the portfolio be stored and who will have public access to it?

There are several options - in the library, at the administration, in the methodological office. Perhaps you will make two options: one - more complete, expanded - for the department, the other - the most important - for administration.
If storage is expected in the library and you provide access, you can collect originals in a portfolio of documents, if your portfolio of achievements will be stored elsewhere - Better make copies. In any case, having created a portfolio, present your work to the administration.

 You can design your portfolio as a file folder with section headings.

 Place each work, document, collection of materials in a separate file.

 It is advisable to date each element of the portfolio so that dynamics can be traced.

 In the printed version of the list, links to documents or their copies indicating the application number are required.

 In the electronic version, for ease of navigation, it is advisable to provide hyperlinks to documents and other materials from the portfolio presentation and lists.

The work of a librarian seems to many to be dust-free - just sit there and give out books. In fact, directly issuing literature is only one of the many responsibilities of a librarian. Library workers, for example, hold various events for readers. helps to systematize the experience of conducting such events.

Like, a librarian’s portfolio is needed not so much for finding a new job, but for generalization of accumulated experience. As already mentioned, the responsibilities of a librarian include not only the formation and organization of the library collection and service to readers, but also the preparation and conduct of various events: exhibitions, conversations, competitions, quizzes, literary evenings, reading conferences, etc. All developments in events accumulated over the years of work can be included in the portfolio.

A librarian's portfolio does two things important functions . Firstly, it allows the librarian to summarize and systematize his achievements and developments, evaluate them and think over the direction of further professional growth. Secondly, a portfolio is a kind of individual professional portrait specialist: it presents the dynamics of his professional development and can be used when passing the next certification.

The librarian's portfolio is divided into different types. So, presentation portfolio is a collection of the best work and is usually used when looking for a new job. Portfolio of achievements illustrates the professional growth of a librarian in one or more areas of activity. Thematic portfolio is a set of creative works devoted to one topic. The most popular and effective option is comprehensive portfolio, combining the features of the three types listed above.

A librarian's portfolio typically includes: set of documents:

  • personal information (brief autobiography, resume, information about education, professional experience, etc.);
  • information about creative and research work(including event scripts, reports from events and exhibitions, texts of speeches and publications, etc.);
  • information about advanced training, self-education, participation in various events and competitions, availability of publications;
  • copies of documents indicating professional achievements (certificates, diplomas, certificates, awards, certificates, letters of gratitude, etc.);
  • reviews from managers, methodologists, colleagues and readers.

It’s up to you to decide which documents and works to include in your portfolio.. If your professional experience is short, you can include all or almost all of your work. If you have been working for more than a year, it makes sense to include only the most best works over the past few years. However, for example, significant diplomas and diplomas do not have a statute of limitations. It is desirable that the materials included in the portfolio give as complete an idea as possible about different forms and types of work (including new and non-traditional), it is also useful to include illustrative material (for example, photos).

A librarian’s portfolio can be presented in both traditional (paper) and electronic form. Traditional portfolio is a folder with documents. Electronic portfolio can be of two types: a slide show presentation or a website. Each type of portfolio has its own advantages and disadvantages, but an electronic portfolio is becoming increasingly popular because it takes up less space, can be easily copied and distributed if necessary, and it is much easier to structure information in electronic form.

If your library requires a portfolio for certification, it is worth finding out the exact requirements for a librarian’s portfolio. If you are creating a portfolio “for yourself,” you may not need to adhere to any clear criteria for designing a portfolio: the main thing is that all information is clearly structured. Creating a portfolio will, of course, take some time, but it will make your work much easier in the future.