Muskox description. Arctic muskox

  • Ovibos moschatus moschatus
  • Ovibos moschatus niphoecus
  • Ovibos moschatus wardi

The original range is indicated in red, areas of successful settlement in blue.

Security status

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Muskox, or musk ox(lat. Ovibos moschatus) is the only modern representative of the genus Ovibos from the bovid family.

Genus Ovibos belongs to the subfamily Caprinae, which also includes goats and mountain sheep. One modern species and 2 fossils are known. The closest relative of the musk ox among modern species considered takin.

Today, this is one of the few species of large herbivores that are adapted to permanently live in high latitudes (except for musk oxen, reindeer can permanently live there).

Etymology of the name

Traditional European name musk ox - "musk ox". Russian name"musk ox" is a literal translation of the Latin name "Ovibos".

Evolution and systematics


Several thousand years ago, musk oxen, along with woolly rhinoceroses, mammoths and bison, lived in vast Arctic territories Eurasia. Along the Bering Isthmus, which previously connected Chukotka and Alaska, musk oxen penetrated into North America, and then into Greenland. Fossil remains are found in the Pleistocene of Siberia to the latitude of Kyiv in the south, Germany, France and Great Britain.

The main reason reduction in the range and number of musk oxen and other large herbivores of Eurasia at the boundary of the Pleistocene and Holocene is traditionally indicated global warming climate, which caused the defrosting of the Polar Basin, swamping of the tundra-steppes, and an increase in the level and density of snow cover. But humans are undoubtedly also involved in the complete disappearance of many species that have sharply reduced their ranges due to climate change. Anthropogenic pressure on biocenoses that had become vulnerable due to climate change steadily increased as the human population increased and methods of production and hunting tools improved, and the emergence Vehicle- domesticated horses and reindeer - sharply increased the capabilities of the tribes, as it expanded the boundaries of hunting domains and increased productivity (driven hunting on horseback is one of the highly productive methods of hunting to this day). This made it possible to develop new, hard-to-reach areas (you can’t carry much on yourself, but in packs and sleds you can already transport poles and skins to build tents and wigwams in the tundra-steppe, where there are no shelters and materials for their construction, moreover reindeer very unpretentious to food and allow you to reach almost any corner of the Arctic).

History of discovery

This animal was first discovered by Europeans by an Englishman, an employee of the Hudson's Bay Company, Henry Kelsey in 1689.

In 1917, the Canadian government placed this species under protection and introduced a ban on musk ox fishing, which was in effect for 52 years. Since 1950, the musk ox began to be protected in Greenland. In Russia, the discovery of paleontologist N.K. Vereshchagin is known - a musk ox skull with a shot through the facial bone from the Taimyr Peninsula, which suggested that the last musk oxen may have become extinct in North Asia already in historical time.


Based on differences in head coloration and slight differences in animal body size, most researchers recognize the muskox as two subspecies: the nominative Ovibos moschatus moschatus (Zimmermann, 1780) (tundra), common in the Arctic mainland of Canada, and Ovibos moschatus wardi Lydekker, 1900 (white-headed ), living on the islands of the Canadian archipelago and Greenland.



Muskox head

This is a fairly large, densely built animal. The body dimensions of adult males are approximately the following: length on average 225 cm, height at the withers 127 cm, weight about 300 kg. Females are smaller by about a third or a quarter.

The front of the muzzle is covered short hair(not naked, like bulls). Both males and females have horns, but in males they are noticeably larger and more massive, in males they have a length of up to 73 cm, in females - up to 40 cm. The horns at the base are very wide, swollen and wrinkled, and are so close together on the animal’s forehead that only a narrow groove remains between them. They first bend down, then forward, then up and out. Horns of light, horny, gray with black ends. They are smooth and round in cross section (except for the main part). In females, between the horns there is a patch of skin covered with white down.

The ears are small, pointed and almost hidden in the fur. The legs are relatively short and strong, the short tail is hidden in the fur and is almost always invisible. The size of the footprint of an adult male is 12×12 - 12×14 cm. The step length of an adult male is about 60 cm.

Rectal temperature in adults is 38.4°C. The front hooves are slightly larger than the hind hooves. The animal's track resembles a cow's, the length of the track is 6-10 cm, width up to 16, step length 50-75 cm. The diploid set of muskox chromosomes is 2n = 48, NF = 60. The vertebral section consists of 39 vertebrae. The eyes are large and projected sideways. The chest is wide. The animal's brain is relatively large - its volume reaches 350 cm³ with a mass of 358.5 g.

The musk ox is covered with thick, long, coarse hair with a soft, silky undercoat. The special thermal insulation properties of fur are achieved due to the thick, warm undercoat - fluff, which is called “heviot”. The musk ox is dark brown above, black-brown below with a light brownish spot in the middle of the back. The coat is very thick, long, shaggy, hanging almost to the ground, elongated on the underside of the neck, with thick undercoat, short only on the legs. This luxurious coat of eight hair types is one of the most advanced insulating coverings in the animal kingdom. He is the record holder for the length of the fur; on the back it is relatively small - fifteen centimeters, on the sides and belly 60-90 cm, the animal looks covered with a spacious woolen poncho right down to the hooves. There is only one molt of animal hair, lasting from May to July inclusive. Winter fur is longer and thicker.


Female musk oxen with calves in Greenland

Rutting from late July to early October. Before the rut at the end of July - beginning of August, a powerful male joins the group of females with young animals, which displaces the young males from it and forms a harem. During a mating fight, two males run towards each other and forcefully knock their foreheads together, in the manner of rams. After repeated frontal blows, the weaker male leaves the battlefield. Males roar during tournament fights. The leader of a harem herd is very aggressive and can be dangerous. During the rut, males emit a strong smell of musk, from which they get their second name - musk bulls.

Pregnancy lasts about 8-9 months, the calf is born in late April - early June, twins are rare. After the birth of the cub, the female immediately (almost always) begins to lick it.

In nature, the weight of a newborn is 7-8 kg. The cubs grow quickly and already at two months of age weigh about 40-45 kg. At four months of age, their weight is approximately 70-75 kg, at six months to a year they already weigh 80-95 kg, and at two years - about 140-180 kg.

2-3 hours after birth, the calf is already able to follow its mother. In the first two days, the number of feedings ranges from 8 to 18, and the total feeding time is 35-50 minutes. A two-week-old calf suckles from its mother 4-8 times a day, a month-old calf 1-6 times, the time of a single feeding rarely reaches 1 minute. The milk fat content of musk oxen reaches 11%, 5.3% protein and 3.6% milk sugar. The udder of females is small, covered with a thick short blonde hair, has 2 pairs of short (3.5-4.5 cm) nipples. It feeds on milk for about 4 months, but some late-born and single females feed calves for up to a year or more. The calf begins to taste the rags of grass and moss at the age of a week, and after a month it switches to pasture green food, supplemented with portions of milk. The sex ratio of newborns is close to 1:1, but in the adult population of musk oxen there are much more males than females. Becomes an adult by 3-4 years of age. Maternal care lasts up to a year.

Calves are grouped for joint games, which unites the females into one group. A permanent group of females with calves is formed. In areas rich in food, females give birth annually, in areas with little food - often with a gap of 1 year for 10-12 years. The maximum lifespan of musk oxen is 23-24 years, the average is 11-14 years.


Social organization


Dweller of the hills arctic tundra and polar deserts, in winter it often grazes in the mountains, where the wind blows snow off the slopes. In summer, they move to places richest in food - to the valleys of rivers and lakes and depressions in the tundra. The preference for certain habitats depends on the season and the availability of food. Its lifestyle resembles that of sheep.

Lives in herds, 4-7 heads in summer, 12-50 in winter, climbs rocks very deftly, feeds on moss, lichens (moss moss and others), grass, various types bush willows and birches. Animals willingly eat cotton grass, sedges, astragalus, reed grass, grass grass, bluegrass, meadow grass, foxtail grass, arctagrostis, arctophila, dipontia, and dryad. In summer, animals alternate between feeding and resting approximately 6-9 times a day. From September to May it wanders. There are no large seasonal movements. The winter area of ​​one herd on average does not exceed 50 square meters. km, the size of the annual area reaches 200 km². In search of pastures, the herd is controlled by a herd bull or an adult cow, but in dangerous situations Only the herd bull plays the dominant role. Animals usually move slowly and calmly, but if necessary they can reach speeds of up to 40 km/h and run considerable distances.

IN winter time musk oxen sleep or rest most of the time, digesting the food they eat. During arctic storms, musk oxen lie with their backs to the wind and, unlike migrating reindeer, spend the winter remaining in a small area of ​​territory. Musk oxen tolerate any frost well, but high snow, especially covered with an ice crust, is destructive for them, although they are able to obtain food from under loose snow up to 40-50 cm deep.


Natural enemies

Musk oxen lined up for protection

Musk oxen are strong enough animals to repel predators and protect their offspring. When in danger, they line up in a tight circle or gallop away. If escape is impossible or difficult, they gather in a circle, and when a predator approaches, one male from the herd attacks him, and immediately after the lunge, backing away into the circle, or members of the herd approach him. This method of defense was quite effective against all natural predators.

The tactics of protecting these animals from predators turn out to be completely useless when humans hunt them. The herd, standing in a circle and covering the young animals with their bodies, remains motionless when the musk oxen are shot with a gun.


Currently, indigenous populations of musk ox inhabit the region of North America north of 60° N. sh., in addition to the mainland, is found on Parry land, Greenel land, in western and eastern Greenland and on the northern coast of this island (83 degrees northern latitude). Until 1865, it also lived in northern Alaska, but was completely exterminated. It was reintroduced in 1930. In 1936, the musk ox was brought to Naniwak Island, in 1969 - to Nelson Island in the Bering Sea and to a nature reserve in northeast Alaska, in all of these places it successfully took root. Attempts to acclimatize the musk ox in Sweden, Iceland and Norway were not particularly successful.


USSR and Russia

Back in the 1920s, many zoologists raised the question of the feasibility of settling musk oxen in the tundra zone of Russia, since the country has a huge territory in the Arctic suitable for the re-acclimatization of musk oxen. Potentially, several hundred thousand musk oxen may live in Russia. But for this it is necessary to organize a widespread resettlement of young animals to new areas, since they themselves have to do this due to the presence of wide wetlands and large rivers extremely difficult, and even impossible from Wrangel Island.

Taimyr and Wrangel Island

By 2000, free-living populations of musk oxen were created on the Terpyai-Tumus peninsula, in the Lena delta, on Bolshoi Begichev Island in the Khatanga Bay, and in the lower reaches of the Indigirka River near the village of Chokurdakh.

In October 1996, the first batch of musk oxen (24 six-month-old calves) was brought from Taimyr to the Bulunsky ulus of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In total, 101 animals were resettled from Taimyr. The livestock in Yakutia exceeded 400 heads. Four viable populations were formed - Bulunskaya, Anabarskaya, Begichevskaya and Allaikhovskaya. In 1997, a group of musk oxen was released on Yamal; the reacclimatization of the musk oxen in the tundra zone is generally proceeding successfully: the number is increasing, and gradual self-dispersal of the species is noted. Many mountainous regions of our North are also suitable for the introduction of this species.

Magadan Region




Muskox and man

Security status

Commercial and economic importance

In Alaska, attempts are now being made to breed musk oxen for the sake of exceptionally warm wool; the calves quickly get used to humans. Between 1954 and 1976, 5 farms were created. In captivity, the weight of male musk oxen reaches 700 kg. Particularly valuable is the down of musk oxen, which can be obtained about 3 kg from one individual. A one and a half meter scarf requires only 25 g, and a dress or warm sweater requires 100-150 g of fluff.

The first mention of the animal, which today is called the musk ox, appeared in the 17th century. But research has shown that this species has lived on earth for at least a million years. Even the appearance of the musk ox suggests that the animal appeared on earth a very long time ago. It is covered with thick and long hair, which resembles the wool of mammoths. This makes it possible to draw a conclusion about the habitat of musk oxen. Let's talk about why the animal has this name, where the musk ox lives and what it eats.

Where do musk oxen live? Animals can most often be found in Greenland and Canada. According to research conducted by scientists, animals first lived in Central Asia and the Arctic, namely in the highlands. But as the climate changed, musk oxen had to move down from the Himalayas, where it became colder and colder. Thus, they reached North America and Greenland, where populations of musk oxen are still found today. Over time, representatives were transported to Russia.

In addition to North America and Greenland, musk oxen can be found in Alaska and Taimyr, Greenland, northwestern Canada, Naniwak Island, Spitsbergen, and Wrangel Island. It is interesting that back in the 19th century, musk oxen disappeared from Taimyr. The same applies to Alaska and Spitsbergen. But, after some time, the animals were brought back.

The musk ox is a rare animal, so scientists are trying in every possible way to preserve this population. In Russia, the musk ox is found in nature reserves, where experts carefully ensure that the animal does not disappear as a species.

It is worth noting the fact that animals prefer mountains to plains, so they choose mountainous areas, including hilly tundras, to live. Although you can find musk oxen in polar deserts. One herd, as a rule, occupies about 40-50 square meters. km. Up to 50 individuals can coexist in this territory.

Why is the animal called musk ox?

The musk ox received its name, which is quite specific, because of its appearance. It is impossible to determine who the ancestor of the musk ox is. Experts do not have enough genetic material to draw any conclusions. If we talk about the general plan, the animal resembles a bull. He has horns that are set quite high on his powerful and large head. The dense body reaches a length of up to 2.5 m. The height at the withers can be 1.5 m.

As for the first part of the name, scientists are still arguing here. Most people from the world of science say that the musk ox is more similar to a ram than to a sheep. And, accordingly, it would be more logical to call the animal a sheep ox, although its tail and wool structure are more suitable for a sheep. However, if we look at the literal translation of the Latin name “Ovibos”, then we get the name “ram-ox”. It is likely that the reason for the name used today is due to an inaccuracy in translation.

The musk ox has another, no less common name. The animal is called a musk ox. It owes this name to the specific smell that comes from it. This smell is vaguely reminiscent of the scent of perfume, which was very popular in the 18th century.


As mentioned above, the musk ox is a large animal. Its weight sometimes reaches 400 kg. But this applies mainly to males. The weight of females averages 250-280 kg. As for the weight of musk bulls kept in captivity, it can reach 600 kg for males and 300 kg for females.

Depending on the sex of the musk ox, its height and body length vary. The body length and height of the male are 250 and 130 cm, respectively. In females, the body length reaches 2 m, and the height at the withers is 115-120 cm. But these are the maximum figures. Among all representatives there are large and small individuals. As for the small ones, their body length is 135 cm for females and 200 cm for males.

The musk ox's decoration is its unusual horns. They lie on the head like a hoop, and at eye level they bend outward and upward. The length of the horns of males reaches 75 cm. Females can boast of massive and nasty horns, 40 cm long. The horns are located very close to each other. Only a small strip of fur separates them on the head. In females, the fur between the horns is usually white and soft, more like down.

A feature of the musk ox is that the length of the front legs is much shorter than the hind legs.


The musk ox is valued for its thick wool, the length of which reaches 80-90 cm. However, this only applies to the hair growing on the sides. On the back maximum length The animal's fur is 16 cm. There is no other creature in the world that could boast of the same thick and long hair. Its color is usually dark brown. In winter, the wool becomes almost black, in summer it fades to dark brown.

In addition to the main coat, there is an undercoat. And if the guard hair is quite rough to the touch, then the undercoat is very soft. Musk ox wool is used to make products, and it is quite expensive. The most valuable thing is the white undercoat, for which dealers are willing to pay $280 for just 100 g of such fluff. But today there are not many white animals. Currently, the white musk ox can only be found in northern Canada. The musk ox begins to shed in May and ends in July.

Nutritional Features

The musk ox is an unpretentious animal in terms of nutrition. It eats plant foods and accordingly settles near pastures. It is noteworthy that the leader of the pack chooses the pasture. Summer is a well-fed time for the musk ox, no matter where it lives. It can feed on any herbs, branches of sedges and willows, etc. But in winter things are somewhat worse. But it is worth noting here that in winter the musk ox leads a passive lifestyle. Accordingly, they do not need large quantities food.

In the cold season, animals feed on dry grass, which is obtained from under the snow. The main food in winter season are lichens and tundra dwarf plants. Musk oxen prefer to live in areas with little snow, where it is easier for them to get food in winter. Very often, animals climb into the mountains, where the wind blows away the snow, exposing the ground. This allows the musk ox to quickly get to food. With the onset of summer, animals move closer to streams and rivers. To obtain the nutrients necessary for the body, musk oxen visit salt licks rich in sodium and other microelements.

It is worth noting the fact that musk oxen can hardly be called nomads. They move to small areas, and only in case of emergency. The herd, and musk oxen live in herds, has an average of 20 heads. Depending on the time of year, the number of animals in the herd varies. In winter, as a rule, the herd is smaller in number than in summer.

Features of reproduction

It is difficult to count musk bulls among the ranks of long-livers. The life expectancy of musk oxen is on average 14 years. There have been recorded cases where animals lived up to 25 years, but this is rather an exception to the rule. IN natural area, outside the supervision of specialists, the musk ox does not live for 25 years.

The mating season for musk oxen occurs at the end of summer and beginning of spring. By this time, mature bulls begin to fight for females. Their struggle comes down to the fact that the animals begin to clash their foreheads. It is difficult to imagine the impact force the males can withstand in a collision, given that each weighs at least 250 kg. The fight continues until one of the musk oxen stops fighting. The winner gets everything, and the loser is left with nothing. The victorious musk ox will not allow any male from the entire herd to approach the females.

As soon as it is born in females new life, males stop being aggressive. But females, who were calm before pregnancy, become aggressive during the gestation period (from 8 to 9 months). Average weight a newborn musk ox weighs about 8 kg. With proper nutrition, calves grow very quickly and by the age of 6 months, which is how long calves feed on their mother’s milk, they can reach a weight of 100 kg. The cub stays next to the female for 2 years.

Enemies of the musk ox

The musk ox is a fairly peaceful animal that is exclusively herbivorous. But musk ox meat is attractive to many predators. The natural enemies of the animal are:

A musk ox will never run for its life. This may be due to both the animal’s lack of fear and its slowness. The musk ox will not be able to escape from any predator. Since the animal is a herd, the entire herd is protected together. Adult males stand in a circle, calves and females are located inside the ring. The animal repels attacks from enemies with its forehead. Periodically, representatives of the herd make small forays from the ring and attack the enemy, after which they immediately return to their place.

This method of fighting predators is quite effective and allows you to successfully repel the attacks of many enemies. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to defend yourself in this way from a hunter with a gun, so the musk ox is an easy prey, which attracts people. Today it is prohibited to destroy representatives of this species, but previously hunters killed a huge number of musk oxen. And if measures had not been taken in a timely manner, the musk ox would have faced the same fate as the helmet-bearing ox, which today is an extinct species.


Of all the ungulates in the Arctic, only musk ox and reindeer were able to survive glacial period. The musk ox received its name not only because of its external similarity with sheep, bulls and rams, but also because of its behavior. However, this animal should not be considered a hybrid of a sheep and a ram or a bull. The musk ox as a species has existed much longer.

In the photo, the musk ox looks like a cross between a ram and a bull. But not a single photograph will convey the true power of the animal, which weighs 400-600 kg. Despite the fact that the animal has existed for millions of years, the musk ox came to Russia not so long ago. Currently, the musk ox is an endangered species and is protected by the state.

The musk ox is the closest relative of sheep and rams, the only representative of the genus of the same name from the bovid family. In Europe, these animals are called musk oxen. The name has nothing to do with musk, it is associated with a swampy habitat, which in the Indian language sounds like musked. There is a dispute about whether musk oxen should be classified as bovine or goat, which is where the name comes from.

Appearance of a musk ox

adapted to Arctic conditions. It has no protruding body parts, which allows it to retain heat. Due to the volume of fur, the animal looks larger than it actually is. The height of the bull at the withers is 132-138 cm, weight is 360-650 kg. Females weigh 40% less than males. The size and weight of individuals is influenced by their habitat, namely the food supply.

The largest musk oxen live in the west of the island of Greenland, the smallest live in its north. The animal has small but stocky legs. There is a hump in the shoulder area. To move on snow and stones, animals have wide, rounded hooves. They are larger on the front legs - with the help of them bulls tear grass out of the snow.

The animal has large elongated head. It is crowned with sharp, rounded horns, which on the forehead turn into an ossified base. They are used to scare away predators and fight for the female. The animals' eyes are located on the sides of the muzzle, most often they are brown in color. The bull has short ears and small tail, which is practically invisible behind thick fur.

Gallery: muskox (25 photos)

It is long and thick, hanging almost to the ground. The fur on the lower part of the body and on the head is dark brown or black. The rest of the body is covered with light brown to white. The hair pad consists of four parts:

  1. Undercoat. It is thinner than cashmere and warmer than sheep's wool.
  2. Intermediate wool.
  3. Long, coarse guard hair.
  4. Guide wool.
has no unprotected body parts. The exceptions are lips, nose, hooves and horns. The fur on the shoulders of males creates a kind of mane. In summer, the coat is 2-2.5 times shorter than in winter. Muskoxen moult at the end of spring. The duration of molting depends on the climate and food supply. Old and pregnant individuals shed longer than usual.

Features of anatomy

The secretion of the eye animals serves to warn of danger. Musk oxen have developed sense organs. The animal's eyes recognize objects in the dark. The sense of smell is good enough to detect approaching wolves and identify grass under thick snow. When a source of danger is detected, males make characteristic sounds. Calves searching for their mother also bleat loudly. During the rut and fights, males make a sound similar to a roar.


Females are ready to breed at the age of 1-1.5 years, males - from 2-3 years. Females are able to reproduce until the age of 11-14 years. A musk ox gives birth to one calf, very rarely - two. At favorable conditions females can give birth annually. The animals' rut continues from the end of July and lasts until mid-October. Although males are aggressive, violent fights are rare.

A female bull unmistakably identifies her calf among strangers. She recognizes him by his voice and appearance. Female northern bulls separate along with their cubs from the rest of the herd, forming a separate group. On the third day, the calves can already play group games. Playfulness in young animals persists until the age of 2-2.5 months.


Musk oxen have a well-developed herd instinct, so they always live in groups. Only older males lead a solitary lifestyle. The average number of individuals in a herd is 15-20 males and females, although occasionally there are groups of only males. The social connections between the female and her calf are very close. After birth, the latter becomes a full member of the herd.

Although at first glance musk oxen are massive and clumsy, when in danger they quickly group into a defensive stance or run away at a gallop. Over several kilometers, individuals are able to maintain a speed of 30-40 km/h.

musk ox North America grazes high in the mountains, where the wind blows away the snow and exposes the grass. In summer, animals descend into river valleys and depressions with lush grass. In their behavior, musk oxen are similar to sheep. They nimbly climb rocks, while maintaining the formation of a herd. From September to May, bulls roam over an area of ​​50 km2.

In winter, animals sleep or stand still, digesting food. During strong storms, they stand with their backs to the wind. Thus, they are able to survive even severe frosts. Bulls are afraid of deep snow, especially with an ice crust, although they are capable of extracting grass from under snow half a meter thick.

What do muskoxen eat?

Animals can only eat grass. Since they live in harsh conditions, the diet is based on dried plants that have to be dug out from under the snow.

Diet composition:

In summer, musk oxen visit salt marshes, where they replenish their supply of minerals. The main bull or adult cow searches for pasture for the herd.

Natural enemies

  • Wolf.
  • Bears - white and brown.
  • Wolverine.

When danger arises, musk oxen protect their offspring, standing in a tight circle, sometimes they go at a gallop. If escape is impossible, one of the males of the herd comes out and attacks the predator, and then returns back. The only enemy that the musk ox cannot cope with is man. When shot from a gun, the herd of animals remains motionless, protecting the young.

Habitat area

Musk oxen live in the Arctic. The largest populations remain in North America and on the islands - Greenel Land, Parry Land, and Greenland. IN late XIX It was still found in Alaska for centuries, after which it was exterminated. Bulls were also introduced to Nunivak Island, Nelson Island and Alaskan reserves.

Attempts to introduce the musk ox to Sweden, Iceland and Norway failed. Excavations prove that in the past this animal lived in the north of the Taimyr Peninsula and other places in Siberia. Attempts are now being made to acclimatize the musk ox to the Arctic latitudes of Russia.

Muskox - northern animal, which in the past had commercial importance, and is now protected by the states of the Arctic region. Among the peoples of the north, the fur and meat of the animal, which tastes like beef, but with the smell of musk, is valued. The resettlement and breeding of musk oxen, according to scientists, can significantly improve the ecosystems of the northern regions.

Attention, TODAY only!

Muskox- an animal that has unique qualities, experts classified it as a separate detachment. This animal in appearance resembles both bulls (horns) and sheep (long hair and short tail).

Features and habitat of the musk ox

To this day, musk oxen are the only representatives of musk oxen as a genus. They are part of the bovid family. It is believed that distant relatives of these mammals lived in Central Asia during the Miocene. The habitat occupied mainly mountainous areas.

During a cold snap 3.5 million years ago, they left the Himalayas and settled in the northern part of the Asian continent. Glaciation during the Illinois period caused the movement of musk oxen to what is now Greenland and North America. Musk ox numbers declined significantly during the Late Pleistocene extinction event due to rapid warming.

Only reindeer and musk ox, as representatives of ungulates, managed to survive difficult centuries. Musk oxen, until recently widespread in the Arctic, have become almost completely extinct in Eurasia.

In Alaska, the disappearance of animals occurred in the 19th century, but in the 30s of the last century they were brought there again. Today there are approximately 800 individuals of these animals in Alaska. Musk oxen to Russia ended up in Taimyr and Wrangel Island.

In these areas muskoxen live in territories reserves and are under state protection. There is a very small number of these animals left on the planet - approximately 25,000 individuals. The appearance of the animal is quite consistent with the harsh conditions of the Arctic. There are practically no protruding parts on the bull's body.

This significantly reduces heat loss and reduces the possibility of frostbite. Muskox wool differs in length and thickness. Thanks to her, a small animal seems especially massive. The coat falls almost to the ground and is brown or black in color. Only the horns, hooves, lips and nose are bare. IN summer period The animal’s “coat” is shorter than in winter.

Discover white muskoxen almost impossible . Only in northern Canada, near Queen Maud Bay, can individuals of this genus be occasionally found. Their wool has a very high price. The musk ox's scruff-shaped hump is located in the shoulder area. The limbs are small and stocky, with the forelimbs much shorter than the hind limbs.

Hooves large sizes and rounded in shape, well adapted for movement on snowy surfaces and rocky areas. The width of the front hooves exceeds the width of the rear hooves and facilitates quick digging of food from under the snow. On the massive and elongated head of the musk ox are massive horns, which the animal sheds every six years and uses to protect itself from enemies.

Males have more large horns than females, which are also intended as weapons during fights with each other. Musk oxen have dark brown eyes, small ears (about 6 cm), and a short tail (up to 15 cm). The animals' vision and sense of smell are excellently developed.

They see perfectly even at night, sense approaching enemies and can find food that is deep under the snow. Females and males, as well as animals from different regions, differ significantly in weight and height from each other. The weight of males can range from 250 to 670 kg, the height at the withers is approximately one and a half meters.

Females weigh approximately 40% less, their height is about 120–130 cm. The largest individuals inhabit western Greenland, the smallest – northern. Muskox different from similar animals such as yak, bison, tooth not only for its own appearance, but also the diploid number of chromosomes. The animal received the name “musk ox” because of the specific aroma secreted by the glands of the animal.

Character and lifestyle of the musk ox

The musk is a collective mammal. In summer, the herd can reach up to 20 animals. In winter - more than 25. Groups do not have separate territories, but move along their own routes, which are marked using special glands.

Older animals dominate over young animals and in winter push them out of places where there is a lot of food. Muskox lives on certain territory and prefers not to move far from it. In search of food in summer, animals move along rivers, and in winter, towards the south. Muskox - animal very hardy. But it has such qualities as slowness and deliberateness.

If he is in danger, he runs at a speed of 40 km/h long time. Subcutaneous fat and long hair allow the animal to survive frosts of -60 degrees. - solitary and are natural enemies of musk oxen. However, these artiodactyls are not among the weak or cowardly animals.

In the event of an enemy attack, the animals take up all-round defense. There are calves inside the circle. When attacking, the bull closest to the aggressor throws him up with his horns, and those standing nearby trample him. The only time this tactic doesn't work is when faced with an armed man who can a short time kill the entire herd. Sensing danger, the animals begin to sniffle and snort, calves bleat, and males roar.

Muskox nutrition

The main bull in the herd is looking for pasture. IN winter period musk oxen sleep and rest more, which contributes to better digestion of food. Musk oxen live They spend most of their lives in cold, harsh conditions, so their diet is not varied. The duration of the Arctic summer is very short, so musk oxen feed on dry plants dug out from under the snow. Animals can get them from a depth of up to half a meter.

In winter, musk oxen prefer to settle in places with little snow and feed on lichens, moss, moss and other dwarf tundra plants. In summer, animals feast on sedge, branches of bushes and tree leaves. During this period, animals are in search of mineral salt licks in order to get enough of the necessary macro- and microelements.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the musk ox

At the end of summer, beginning of autumn, musk oxen begin mating season. At this time, males ready for mating rush towards a group of females. As a result of fights between male representatives, a winner is determined, who creates a harem. In most cases, there is no violent fighting; they growl, butt, or clatter their hooves.

Fatalities are rare. The owner of the harem shows aggression and does not allow anyone close to the females. The duration of pregnancy in musk oxen is about 9 months. At the end of spring and beginning of summer, a calf weighing up to 10 kg is born. One baby is born, very rarely two.

Half an hour after birth, the baby is already standing on his own two feet. After a few days, the calves begin to form groups and play together. It feeds on mother's milk for six months, during which time its weight is about 100 kg. For two years, mother and baby are inextricably linked with each other. The animal matures at four years. The lifespan of musk oxen can be up to 15 years.

Kira Stoletova

The musk ox is a large animal covered with thick hair that lives in northern regions America and Eurasia. Represents the genus of musk oxen and the family of bovids. For a long time there were disputes about its taxonomic affiliation. Previously, the animal was classified as a bovine subfamily, but now scientists assign it to the goat subfamily. But the babies are still called calves, not lambs.

Musk oxen are listed in the Red Book, although in some places their population has increased so much that there is a question of removing the species from the endangered list.

Description of musk oxen

The ancestors of musk oxen previously lived in Central Asia, mainly in the Himalayas. Approximately 3.5 million years ago changed climatic conditions on Earth, it became colder, musk oxen moved closer to Siberia, settled throughout the north of the Eurasian zone, crossed the Bering Isthmus and found themselves in America. When the climate warmed, the numbers of these animals declined sharply. Almost all animals close to musk oxen of those times became extinct, leaving only reindeer.

A musk ox is not a hybrid of a sheep and a cow, as many may misunderstand from the name. It’s just that in appearance he looks like both of these animals at the same time. Scientists have long doubted which subfamily this strange individual belongs to. In the West, the species is more often called the musk ox, but this name also has nothing to do with the specific secretion of the glands of some animals. Derived from the Cree name for the swamp, “musked.”

Appearance of musk oxen

The appearance of musk oxen is shaped by their habitat. They are covered with fur, which makes them appear larger than in reality. The animals' heads are decorated with horns, both males and females, this helps them protect themselves from enemies.

Here short description appearance of a musk ox:

  • Height - 135-138 cm, for females - 120 cm.
  • Weight - 260-350 kg (for females - up to 300 kg), in captivity it can exceed 650 kg.
  • The body of a male is 210-260 cm, that of a female is 190-240 cm.
  • The head is massive, elongated in length.
  • The horns are twisted, increase in size up to 6 years, bend first down, then forward, and at the last stage - to the sides. Females have smaller horns and there is a gap between them on the head. Males have solid and longer horns.
  • The ears are very small, about 3 cm in calves, and 6 cm in adults.
  • A hump is formed in the shoulder area and on the back of the neck.
  • The back of the body is noticeably narrower than the front.
  • The legs are low, stocky, and longer in the back than in the front.
  • The hooves are rounded and large, well suited for walking on snow and climbing rocks. The front hooves are wider than the hind hooves, as with their help the musk ox obtains food under thick snow cover.
  • The tail is shortened, in a calf - 6-6.5 cm, in an adult musk ox - 12.2-14.5 cm.
  • The udder of females is not very large, covered with light hair, the length of the nipple is 3.5-4.5 cm.

The size of musk oxen depends very much on their habitat and the availability of sufficient food. For example, larger individuals live in the west of the island of Greenland than in the east. The same can be said about the living of animals in captivity and in freedom.

Wool characteristics

Thanks to its thick coat, the musk ox is able to survive even arctic frosts. Its wool warms 8 times better than sheep's wool. The coat color ranges from brownish-brown at the top to black at the bottom. The hair is long and often reaches the ground. Here is a characteristic of the wool structure:

  • Guide hairs
  • Guard hairs of three orders, about 60 cm long
  • Intermediate hair of two orders
  • Thick downy hair of two orders makes up the undercoat or giviot (it is much thinner and warmer than cashmere)

The musk ox is completely covered with hair, which is very important for the harsh Arctic. Only the horns, lips and hooves remain free. Molting begins in May or June. Bulls lose their undercoat, which begins to grow back in August. In old animals and pregnant females, molting may be delayed. The musk ox gradually changes its guard hairs throughout the year.

Range and habitat

Where do musk oxen live? The natural population is found in Canada and Greenland. In Alaska, these animals were completely exterminated in the 19th century, but now individuals have been brought there from neighboring regions, and their numbers are resuming. In the 70s of the last century, the musk ox was successfully acclimatized in Taimyr and Wrangel Island. Now the population has reached such a level that it is possible to resettle animals in other regions. First of all, musk oxen are resettled from Wrangel Island.

Musk oxen appeared in Russia and in other regions, not only in Taimyr. They are found in the Magadan region, in Yakutia, in the Urals, and they were brought to the island of Yamal. The musk ox from North America is now actively settling in Sweden and Norway. The population is constantly increasing, and there is hope that ancient animals will be excluded from the Red Book.

Musk oxen live in the northern Arctic zone, both on plains and in mountainous areas. The territory in which the musk ox lives should be 200 km². Over this area, starting from the end of spring, herds actively roam in search of food and dry pastures, which are not so abundant in the cold regions of the Arctic.

Migrating herds move across the tundra quite slowly, but in case of danger they can reach speeds of up to 40-50 km/h. This movement lasts until the first half of autumn. In winter, bulls live in a smaller area of ​​about 50 km². The musk ox does not leave its habitat in winter, as do reindeer. On the contrary, in cold weather migration decreases.

Natural enemies

These large animals have natural enemies. They are hunted by wolverines, polar bears, and wolves. Most often, predators hunt herds with small calves and track down old, sick and weakened animals. Animals are especially active at the end of winter, when the herds are starving and practically lose all their fat; even the young dominant male musk ox feels weak at this time.

The musk ox knows how to defend itself perfectly if it is in a herd. Adults stand in a circle, inside it there are females with cubs. By exhibiting their horns, the animals will not allow any predator to approach them. Sometimes a pack of wolves can break through the defense. But even if a polar bear or wolf steals a cub, an adult musk ox will fiercely defend it.

Musk oxen also used tactics to protect themselves from predators against humans. Unfortunately, in this case she played a cruel joke on them. Hunters simply shot the herds with guns, almost the entire population was destroyed. They killed animals musk oxen for meat, for the sake of valuable fur and even just for an original trophy. Nowadays, wherever this species lives, hunting is prohibited. Many musk oxen live in the reserve.


Musk oxen live in small groups of 7-10 animals in summer. In winter, groups gather in larger herds that can number up to 50 individuals. In one group there are several females and 2-3 males. One male can be the leader, the rest are in a subordinate position. This group cannot be called typical of herbivores. First, the females gather together, then the male appears near them. Other bulls may engage in combat with the male in the herd and take possession of the females if they win.

In addition to groups with animals of different sexes, there are exclusively male herds. Older bulls prefer to live alone. In winter, several groups get together. During this period, the territory of their migration sharply decreases. Musk oxen sleep most of the time to save energy. They survive snow storms huddled together in a tight group.


The musk ox eats almost everything, the sparse vegetation of the tundra and short summer they leave him no choice. In the warm season, the bull feeds on herbaceous plants, which are actively developing at this time. Over the course of several weeks, bulls gain weight and build up subcutaneous fat in order to survive a long period of time. cold winter. During this period, the bull eats 6-9 times a day, resting between meals.

Closer to autumn, the musk ox switches to feeding on shrubs, small Karelian birches, moss and lichen. When snow falls, animals hollow out dead wood and reindeer moss from under it with their hooves. They are capable of digging through a layer of snow cover about 40 cm thick. If the ground is covered with ice or more snow falls, the herd may starve. After harsh winter musk oxen go looking for shale, as they need to replenish mineral reserves.

The wolves ate our musk oxen. A unique find in a cave in the Polar Urals

Rutting and mating

Females mature to mate and give birth to calves in their second year, at approximately 11-17 months. Males are a little later, at 2-3 years of age.

The musk bull rut starts in July-September. Timing may vary depending on where the animals live. For example, in the east of Greenland this occurs in last days August, and in Norway - in July. Sometimes in the middle of spring you can observe a false rut, when males start fights among themselves. In fact at this time we're talking about not about females, but about grazing territory and dominance in the herd.

The Gon is divided into three different periods:

  • Start. Female musk oxen begin to heat, they allow themselves to be sniffed, and do not show aggression towards males. The dominant male changes his behavior, eats little and hardly sleeps, and shows aggression towards younger bulls.
  • The height of The main male creates temporary pairs with one or the other female. Each pair lasts 1-2 days and mates many times.
  • Attenuation. Females stop allowing the male to approach them, he develops an appetite, and aggression towards other bulls decreases.

Fights between bulls during the rut are not very aggressive. They clatter their hooves, threaten with their horns, and compete to see who can outshout whom. After a short time, the weaker one runs away. It is extremely rare for bulls to bump heads. There can be up to 40 such collisions in one battle. The death of one of the participants in the fight can occur only in exceptional cases.

Pregnancy and birth of calves

Musk ox bear their cubs for 8-8.5 months. The lush fur and cylindrical body structure of animals does not allow this condition to be noticed in females during outside observation. Only very experienced zoologists can identify pregnant females. Most calves are born at the end of April, when it is already quite warm, the polar day begins, but the herd has not yet migrated. If the female does not have time to calve, she will have to give birth on the way.

When the time comes for giving birth, the female musk ox separates slightly from the herd. Contractions last 5-20 minutes. Immediately after birth, the calf stands on its feet, and after a couple of minutes it attaches itself to the milk. The weight of calves is 8-10 kg, they have a thick layer of fat that protects them from frost. Females in wildlife give birth to one calf. Twins are extremely rare; most of these calves do not survive, and their mothers often die along with them. There is a chance for such calves to emerge only in a nature reserve or zoo.

Already from the second week, the musk ox calf gradually eats grass; from a month on, it constitutes a significant part of their diet. Breast milk The baby eats until 5 months. Females often gather in maternal herds to more effectively protect their calves. In such a group there can be 7-10 adults and the same number of calves. From the very first days, young animals begin to play among themselves and learn social contacts in a group. The mother recognizes her baby by smell; he is guided by his voice and appearance.

The life expectancy of a musk ox is 10-15 years. Females up to 10 years old, with good feeding, give birth to calves annually. After this age - in a year. If there is little food, the musk ox gives birth to one calf every 2 years. If musk oxen are only threatened natural enemies, not humans, their numbers are growing rapidly. One female can give birth to 8-10 cubs in her life. This is why acclimatization has been so successful in many countries. Vanishing polar view The musk ox got a second chance at life.