Appearance and characteristics of polar (northern) wolves. polar Wolf

Habitat polar wolf are the numerous spaces of the polar regions. In these regions there are polar nights for six months, and these places have a very harsh climate. In order to survive in these conditions, the wolf needs to eat whatever food it can get. But, despite all the difficulties, he adapted perfectly to such conditions. He can live for years low temperatures, does not see light for 5 months a year and can live a week without food.

It turns out that polar wolves live in the most barren territory, which can only provide them with hares and lemmings as food, which are the most numerous groups that inhabit this territory. But in order to survive in these conditions, wolves need larger prey. Well suited for these purposes reindeer and musk oxen. But the fact is that they do not really like to enter the territories of predators. Therefore, wolves have to travel thousands of kilometers in search of prey.

IN winter period small animals hide in the snow, and large ones go south. The wolves follow them to one day pounce on their prey.

Packs of wolves are formed from a dozen individuals. It includes: parents, their last litter and individuals that remained from previous litters.

Often the alpha male becomes the leader of the pack. His female is classified as a beta in the hierarchy. The rest obey.

Relations within the pack occur in a complex language: movements, barking, growling. Leaders demand obedience, and subordinates express their obedience. They either press themselves to the ground or lie on their backs.

Fights between wolves to the point of bloodshed are a rare occurrence. They warn other flocks by howling so that there is no conflict between them over territory or over a female.

Lone wolves are wolves who are looking for a place where they can create a new pack. In free territory, he leaves his marks, in the form of urinary points or feces in visible places. Thus, he claims his rights to this territory.

Mating occurs in February and ends in April. Cubs are carried for 61-75 days. Usually 4-5 wolf cubs are born.

During the period from autumn to winter, the flock moves over large territories. After the end of the mating season, the female leaves the flock in order to prepare a den for herself. She can dig a new den, but if the ground is too frozen, she will be able to whelp in the old den.

Wolf cubs appear from eyes closed. They also have underdeveloped ear openings. But after a month, not a trace of helplessness remains. They are able to eat semi-digested food regurgitated by the male, who brings food to the den, thereby showing care for the offspring.

If the wolf for a long time did not eat, then he can eat 10 kilograms of meat at one time.

Polar wolves have excellent hearing.

The color of the coat provides some camouflage, blending in with the snow. When hunting musk oxen, deer, and caribou, wolves can run more than a hundred kilometers.

Polar wolves have all the properties to be called masters of the Arctic. They have excellent frost resistance, they have developed night vision, and excellent hunting skills. These qualities give them every right to this title.

(arctic wolf) - vast expanses of the polar regions, immersed in the darkness of the polar night for almost half of the year and characterized by a harsh climate. To be able to survive in such conditions, the wolf had to adapt to a food system that included any food that it could get. He was able to adapt well to arctic life: Lives for years at sub-zero temperatures (rarely warmer than -30 °C), does not see sunlight for five months a year and goes without food for weeks.

An adult wolf reaches a length of 100–150 cm, and its height at the withers is usually 65–80 cm, Weight Limit– 80 kg.
Average duration The life of polar wolves is seven years.

Polar wolves have their habitat in one of the most barren areas of our planet, where their food is provided by polar hares and lemmings - representatives of the largest group of animals living here. But to survive, a pack of wolves also needs larger prey.
Reindeer and musk oxen are well suited for these purposes, but they are rare guests in wolf territories, so predators have to explore vast areas of up to 2000 km2 in order to track down their food.

In winter, when the temperature drops, all small animals hide under the snow, and musk oxen and reindeer go further south in search of food. The wolves have to follow them, waiting for the moment for a surprise attack, because... in the open space of the tundra it is difficult to hide in order to be invisible.

Packs of polar wolves consist of a dozen individuals, including only direct relatives: parents, their last litter and individual individuals remaining from previous litters.

Most often, the leader of the pack is the alpha male, and his female is classified as a beta in the hierarchy. The rest of the pack obeys them.

Intra-pack hierarchical relationships are built on a complex language that includes movements, barking and growling.
Leaders demand unquestioning obedience from their subordinates, and they express their obedience by humbly hugging the ground or lying on their backs.

Clashes to the point of bloodshed between wolves are extremely rare. With their howls, wolves also provide information to other packs to avoid encounters that could lead to fights over territory or females.

Lone wolves become young males who are looking for their own place where they can organize a new pack.
In the found free territory, he marks his presence with urinary points or feces in prominent places in order to claim his right to it.

Mating in polar wolves begins in February and ends in April. Gestation of cubs is 61-75 days. Most often, 4-5 wolf cubs are born in a litter.

IN autumn-winter period flock in in full force migrates over large territories, but after finishing mating season the female leaves the pack to prepare a den for herself. She can dig it out herself, but if the ground is too frozen, the she-wolf will whelp in the old den.

Cubs emerge with closed eyes and underdeveloped ear openings. But after a month, not a trace remains of their helplessness - the wolf cubs eat half-digested pieces of meat regurgitated by the male, who takes care of his pack by bringing food to the she-wolf’s lair.

When wolves fast for several days, after catching large prey, they can eat a ten-gram piece of meat at one time.

Polar wolves are nocturnal animals with well-developed hearing.

The color allows it to blend in with the snow, which is very convenient for camouflage when hunting large herbivores. When wolves chase musk oxen, moose, deer and caribou, they can run more than 100 kilometers in one day.

Polar wolves have all the qualities to be the masters of the Arctic - their magnificent warm fur coat, night vision, and the skills of good hunters give them every right to this honorary title.

See photos and pictures of polar wolves:

Ministry Agriculture Russian Federation

Department of Science and Technology Policy and Education

FSBEI HPE Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University

Institute of Applied Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine

Department of Physiology and Ethology

White Wolfs


Completed by: student of group B-21

Tsarev P.Yu.

Checked by: Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor

Smolin S.G.

Krasnoyarsk, 2012



2.Food and hunting

Social behavior




White (polar) wolf (Canis lupus tundrorum) -genus carnivorous mammals canine family. Lives throughout the Arctic, with the exception of ice floes and large territories, covered with ice. White wolves usually live in small packs.

The polar wolf lives in vast areas of the polar regions, which are immersed in darkness for 5 months. To survive, the wolf has adapted to eat any food that comes across. It is well adapted to life in the Arctic: it can live for years at sub-zero temperatures without seeing for months sunlight and remain without food for weeks.

For centuries, people have mercilessly exterminated wolves of all varieties. However, the polar wolf is the only subspecies that still lives throughout the entire territory that was accessible to its ancestors. This happened because people rarely get here.

Length without tail: 100-150 cm. Height at withers: 65-100 cm. Weight in males reaches up to 100 kg, in females less. Life expectancy: about 7 years, but in captivity the Arctic wolf can live more than 17 years. Related subspecies: European wolf and Japanese wolf.

Polar wolf fur is quite rare and products made from it are not often found. It should be noted that products made from wolf skins are very warm. And additional properties (as well as ordinary wolf and dog skins) should also include medicinal properties this fur.

White Wolf flock polar

1. Habitat

Polar wolves inhabit some of the most barren areas on Earth. In April, the temperature very rarely rises above −30 C. The constantly blowing wind causes the perceived temperature to seem much lower. Frozen soil allows only plants with very short roots to survive. Only a few mammals can adapt to life in such conditions. The most numerous group of animals living in these parts are lemmings and polar hares. However, in order to survive, a pack of wolves sometimes needs larger prey. This could include musk oxen and reindeer, but they rarely enter these territories. That's why Wolf Pack must bypass areas of up to 2000 km. In winter the temperature drops. Small animals hide underground, and reindeer go south in search of food. The wolves have to follow them.

2. Food and hunting

On open spaces In the tundra it is difficult to find cover for a surprise attack on a victim. When a pack of wolves catches up with musk oxen, they usually already have time to take up a perimeter defense. In this case, wolves cannot break through the barrier consisting of horns and hooves. Therefore, the wolves can only wait, testing the patience of the musk oxen, when their nerves cannot withstand the tension and the circle opens. Sometimes, by running around them, the wolves manage to force the musk oxen to change their position so that they cannot see the attackers.

This tactic does not always help the wolves, but if luck favors them, the musk oxen eventually give up and run away. The wolves immediately rush after them and try to fight off young or weak animals from the herd. As soon as the wolf overtakes and grabs its prey, others rush to its aid and together knock it to the ground.

Only every tenth hunt of the pack is successful. Sometimes wolves remain without food for many days, but then eat up to 10 kg of meat at a time. There is so little food in the tundra that a wolf, for example, eats a polar hare with skin, hair and bones.

3. Social behavior

Polar wolves live in packs of 7-10 individuals. Most often, there are family flocks that consist of parents, their cubs and individuals from previous litters. The pack, as a rule, is headed by the leader, and his female occupies a similar position in the pack. They are also called the alpha male and the alpha female. The rest of the pack obeys them and forms its own hierarchy. However, during the hunt, while feeding and raising cubs, all adult animals help each other. Often one or two young wolves look after the cubs while their mother goes hunting. white wolf pack polar

Hierarchical relationships within the pack are carried out using complex language consisting of movements, barks and growls. Wolves that occupy a high position in the pack demand unquestioning obedience from their subordinates, who, in turn, expressing devotion, humbly press themselves to the ground or lie on their backs. Serious, bloody conflicts between wolves are rare.

Wolves howl to notify other packs of their presence, thus marking their territory and trying to avoid encounters that would lead to a fight. Lone wolves are, as a rule, young animals that have left their

Niramin - Sep 15th, 2016

The polar wolf lives within the island and continental parts of the Arctic. It can be found in the far north of Canada and Greenland, as well as in Chukotka and Alaska.

This polar predator looks like many wolves. However, it differs from its relatives in its thick white fur with a reddish tint and a fluffy tail like a fox. This color gives it the opportunity to be invisible among the eternal snow and easily sneak up on prey. Polar wolf - pretty large animal. The body length of a male weighing about 90 kg is about 180 cm, and his height at the withers reaches up to 1 m. Females are not so impressive in size, but the ability of wolves to chew through the largest bones with the help of 42 powerful teeth causes genuine fear of these harsh inhabitants of the Arctic. In addition, their muscular long legs allow them to cover considerable distances and tirelessly pursue their prey.

Unlike their southern counterparts, polar wolves are not picky eaters. Therefore, they feed on everything they can catch. The main prey of polar wolves are reindeer and musk oxen. However, hunting for these animals is not always successful. Therefore, we have to be content with the smaller inhabitants of the Arctic. Polar wolves are very hardy. In harsh climates, they can go without food for about 2 weeks. After a successful hunt, predators are able to absorb about 10 kg of meat in one sitting. Including the bones and skin of the victim.

Polar wolves live and hunt in packs, in which a strict hierarchy is observed, and each member of the pack knows his place.

These dangerous predators preserved their habitat only because people are in no hurry to settle in the harsh Arctic. Therefore, here they fully rule, like their ancient ancestors.

See the selection beautiful photos— Polar wolf:

Photo: Wolf cubs and she-wolf.

Photo: White polar wolf.

Video: Arctic and polar wolves

Video: Polar wolf

Video: Workers in rural Canada were amazed when these wild arctic wolves approached them at their work yard

Video: White Wolf - National Geographic

Description of the polar wolf is not very different from its ordinary gray counterpart, since the tundra inhabitant in the taxonomy of these animals is considered a subspecies of the common one. However, on photo of polar wolf It is extremely easy to recognize - its fur is much lighter - almost white (or white).

Currently the habitat polar wolf is the tundra, although previously its distribution was much wider. Despite the harsh climatic conditions, representatives of the species have adapted well to long months without solar heat and light.

Small amounts of food and constant sub-zero temperatures - sometimes thermometer readings drop below -30 °C. An adult at the withers reaches a height of up to 95 cm, body length varies from 120 to 150 cm, weight - about 80 kg.

Character and lifestyle of the polar wolf

Tundra animals polar wolves lead a “family” lifestyle. That is, wolves keep in packs, which most often include related individuals. So, the leaders are a male and a female - producers of offspring.

In addition to them, the group includes cubs from the last and penultimate mating. Sometimes single individuals join the flock, but in mating games they do not take part only if they leave the pack and find a mate in a separate life. A flock of 15-20 individuals is considered large, but most often the number of group members is limited to 4-6.

The leader of the pack - the main male, who alone has the right to mate, is also distinguished by his proudly raised tail, while the rest polar wolves in the tundra(except for the leaders of other packs) they are omitted.

The main female, in turn, also has privileges and responsibilities. Only she can have offspring within one group (the she-wolf is the “life friend” of the leader of the pack), in addition, the main female monitors the behavior of the rest of the fairer sex. Usually the main females are cruel and strict towards other females.

All members of the pack listen and obey the leader. This is manifested in his primary participation in the division of the spoils. Communication occurs through a set of sounds: barking, growling, squealing, as well as through body movements. Thus, the leader is always proud, with his tail, head and calm eyes held high, while his vassals express obedience and respect with all their appearance.

Due to the harsh strictness of pack laws, white polar wolf Fights and showdowns within the group are practically eliminated. Only in exceptional cases, when misfortune happens to the leader, a showdown for leadership can occur between secondary males.

However, most often, long before the natural or tragic death of the leader, his future successor is already known. This is the strongest and smartest of his sons, who still have not left the group to search for a life partner.

In the photo there is a white polar wolf

Wolves are extremely hardy and adapted to life in unfavorable conditions. Thick dense polar wolf skin protects it from winds and frosts. While searching for prey, a group or individual individuals can cover vast distances at a constant speed of 10-15 km/h.

If prey catches the eye, representatives of the species chase it at the maximum speed possible for them - up to 60 km/h. For hunting, each pack has its own territory, which it jealously guards from other wolves. Violent intraspecific fights occur if the flock enters someone else's territory.


Arctic wolf hunting may last for several days or even weeks without results. This is due to the harsh weather, in which practically no species can survive, with the exception of,.

In addition, it is difficult to find a place for an ambush in the tundra, so predators have to constantly move in search of prey and then pursue it for a long time, since the prey also sees the pursuer from afar.

If a pack of wolves stumbles upon a herd of musk oxen, a long chase begins. Then the hunted victims line up in a circular defense, separating themselves from predators with strong horns.

The pursuers can only wait until the mentally weakest individual opens its defenses and tries to escape. It is then that the wolves attack, trying to kill several victims.

As a rule, it is difficult for one wolf to cope with such a large opponent, but when hunting in a pack, this is not a problem. If one wolf finally catches up and grabs its prey, several others rush to its aid.

When hunting small animals, for example, the help of other group members is not needed. In addition, one adult wolf can eat a whole hare, fur and bones included.

Harsh weather conditions do not allow polar wolves to be gourmets - the animals eat anyone who gets in their way, be it a huge or small hare, because it is unknown when the next time they will encounter prey in the vast expanses of the tundra.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season begins in January. Within the group, only the leader and his partner have the right to mate. Outside the pack, real bloody battles take place between wolves for a free she-wolf. The strongest male becomes her companion, and together they create a new pack.

In the photo there is a polar wolf cub

Newly married couples go in search of their own territory for hunting and a comfortable, reliable shelter for the birth of wolf cubs. Puppies are born 2.5 months after mating.

Usually there are 2 or 3 of them. In exceptional cases there can be 10 or 15, but some of such numerous offspring, as a rule, die due to food difficulties.

Healthy cubs are absolutely defenseless against the cold and other predators. Only after a couple of weeks their eyes open, the babies learn to walk and begin to explore the den.

The female is nearby all the time, warming and protecting the offspring. At this time, the male hunts intensively to get enough food for the nursing mother. All wolves are wonderful parents and polar ones are no exception.

In the photo there is a polar wolf with a cub

The kids grow up under the careful supervision of their parents until they are ready to leave the pack to start their own family. Average life expectancy in wildlife- 5-10 years.

Currently exists fashion trend to keep wild animals in captivity, on the Internet you can meet people who want to sell or buy a polar wolf.

However, such fraud is carried out illegally and is punishable by law. Animals such as wolves should not and cannot live in captivity! Moreover, due to the decrease in the number of individuals, polar Wolf listed in Red Book.