Why do you dream about apples? Actions with apples - the solution to dreams

In fairy tales, sorceresses treat good fellows and fair maidens with liquid apples, giving them prosperity and happiness. Kings send their sons to distant lands for golden apples - a symbol of youth. Why do you dream of apples in ordinary, non-fairy-tale life?

Women's dream book

Apples are a reward for some action, a symbol of wisdom. If the dreamer observes ripe fruits hanging on a tree, this means: it’s time to stop reflecting. We need to start taking action!

You pick apples from the branches - a clear sign that you will soon be drawn to science, to study natural phenomena. You may make interesting discoveries.

Eating apples in a dream is a warning about a quick conversation with an older and smart person who will convey his life experience to the dreamer. But if you had to taste a spoiled apple, your efforts will be useless.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya (healer)

Apples dream of tears.

Miller's Dream Book

Apples seen in a dream are a good sign. A particularly favorable forecast for the future is predicted by a dream when the fruits are ripe, red, hanging on the branches, ready to be picked.

Why do you dream of apples lying on the ground? According to Miller, this is a warning dream: there may be traitors among your friends.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Apples symbolize love and knowledge, but at the same time temptation and sin. Be careful.

Culinary dream book

Seeing apples in a dream - maybe like good sign, not really. If they are mature, then this is a harbinger of an imminent successful marriage; if completely green, the dreamer expects work and sorrow.

Lunar dream book

A dream where ripe apples are present foreshadows marriage. The sight of baked apples in a dream is a sign of someone’s self-interest. Eating sweet apples means fun, wine apples mean joy.

Maly Velesov dream book

Everything planned will come true for the one who sees apples in a dream. In addition, the dream promises significant profits. Unmarried men will meet their betrothed.

If a woman sees a dream in which she steals apples, this is news of an upcoming addition to the family.

A pair of fruits falling nearby from the same tree is a sign of the birth of twins.

Eating green fruits means disappointment and sorrow.

Erotic dream book

A man has a dream in which a girl offers him a ripe fruit - some person in real life tries to seduce him. We must be alert! A woman sharing an apple means she wants to attract a man to her.

Russian folk dream book

Seeing apples that are still green in a dream and trying to pick them means that you are in too much of a hurry. Curb your ardor.

Biting into a rotten fruit means losing your life goals and interests.

Collecting fruit - most likely, you are trying to get something that is currently unattainable for you.

Modern dream book

Apples can dream of quarrels and conflicts.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Apples symbolize desires. Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means that you are overcome by many desires in life. They can be secret and come from the depths of the subconscious.

Esoteric dream book

You dreamed of a green fruit - you are young at heart. Is the fruit spoiled? You need to allow yourself to dream more and set more goals, because a rotten apple is a sign of the beginning of the aging of the soul.

A wormy apple means an imminent illness is possible.

A rosy apple is a sign of blooming health.

American dream book

Apples are your life force. Big apples in a dream - you have good life potential.

Icelandic dream book

Eating or simply seeing apples in a dream means longevity.

Assyrian dream book

A dreamer snacking on an apple in his sleepy dreams can rejoice: in reality he will achieve all his goals.

Newest dream book

Apples dream of good health. If such a dream was seen by a person suffering from any illness, a speedy recovery awaits him.

Eastern dream book

Interprets very favorably eastern dream book dreams of apples. If the dreamer decided to pick apples in a dream and put them in a basket, this is a sign that all the efforts made to implement any plans in reality will not be in vain. But it may take a long time before the goal is realized.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you eat apples in a dream, it means it’s time to improve your health. In addition, there is a high probability of meeting an elderly person who will have to be taken care of.

In general, apples are a good, favorable sign.

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

Seeing a lot of apples in a dream means quarrels and domestic squabbles. Eating an apple in a dream means grief due to discord in the family or in love. Boiled apples or jam in a dream foretell the imminent receipt of good news.

Picking ripe apples in a dream is a sign of pleasure and joy.

Picking green apples in a dream is a harbinger of grief due to your own haste.

A sour apple in a dream means grief over loved one.

Dividing or cutting an apple in a dream foretells a divorce for lovers or disagreements with business partners. Worthy apples in a dream mean unfaithful friends or envious people who will do a lot of harm to you.

Admiring beautiful or unusually large ripe apples in a dream is a sign of seduction and forbidden pleasures. Trying such an apple in a dream foreshadows satisfaction, enjoyment of the forbidden fruit, unless the apple turns out to be sour, bitter, wormy, etc. Asking the price for apples you like in a dream is a harbinger of love passion, succumbing to which you can lose a lot. Biting into such an apple in a dream means that you are prone to frivolous actions and are capable of going to extreme lengths to satisfy your own lust. big risk. See apple of paradise, garden, fruit.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

If you dreamed of an apple, it is a symbol of wisdom and reward.

Picking apples from branches in a dream:
If you dreamed that you were picking apples from the branches, this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and you will communicate a lot with people and think, but you will understand only a small part, because everything around you is... God's creation and its incomprehensible mystery.

Gnawing an apple in a dream:
Eating an apple in a dream means that in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you. He will teach you a lot of what he knows, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring disaster on your own head.

If you dreamed of a wormy apple:
If you dreamed of a wormy apple, it means that you will receive false information and if you don’t think through your next actions, you will lose.

Cutting an apple into slices in a dream:
A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book -
"True dreams - the most complete dream book"

If you dreamed about an apple, this is a sign physical health and sexual appetite. Tearing ripe apples in a dream means you will have good luck in love. If you dreamed of a wormy, rotten apple, someone’s anger or envy will create problems for you. If you dreamed of a green, unripe apple - sexual problems, disease. If you dreamed of large red apples, it is a sign of good health. If you dreamed of small apples, this foreshadows an activity that is incompatible with your tastes and inclinations. Eating apples in a dream means you will help a friend. If you dreamed of a blooming apple tree, good news.

Why do you dream of apples according to the dream book -
"Dream book: truthful interpreter of dreams L. Moroz"

If you dreamed of a ripe apple - for single and unmarried people - for marriage; for family - to temptation from the outside; if you dreamed of an unripe apple - to losses; if you dreamed baked apple- to deception; if you dreamed of a sweet apple - to fun; picking apples in a dream means striving for a high goal; picking apples in a dream and eating them right away means little profit; if the groom sees himself eating an apple in a dream, it means that he will soon be happy; see apples on a tree - you will make many friends; drink in a dream apple juice- to a short illness; eat in a dream sour apples- to love experiences; if you dreamed of slightly spoiled apples, your friend is being disingenuous with you; if you dreamed of spoiled, very rotten apples - be careful, you can get into trouble; receive or buy apples in a dream - all your troubles will be resolved, and everything will return to normal; cutting apples in a dream means separation from a close friend or acquaintance; Picking apples in a dream means you will receive a lucrative offer.

The apple is a controversial symbol. On the one hand, it foreshadows joyful events, on the other, it is a sign of deception and betrayal. If in a dream a woman dreams of a ripe washed apple lying on a plate, it means that in reality important and interesting events will soon happen in her life. For young girls in some cases, ripe apples promise a long-awaited pregnancy and successful childbirth.

Red apples appearing in a dream reflect inner peace a person, his aspirations and goals. A tall apple tree, whose branches are strewn with ripe red apples, portends the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of plans. Big changes will soon occur that will result in you achieving your long-term goals.

If the sleeping woman manages to get fruit from the highest branch and put it in the basket, it means that she will be able to achieve almost impossible goals, using maximum of her own efforts. If a woman cannot get apples from the top shoot, in reality she will have to come to terms with the collapse of all her hopes and aspirations. This will happen as a result of excessive self-confidence, due to which she will tell her secrets to the wrong person.

A red apple that tastes unripe and sour indicates problems in the intimate sphere. Perhaps the woman is not comfortable with her lover and wants to experience new emotions. If a girl dreams of a large red apple with a glossy sheen, it means she has complete harmony in intimate relationships with your significant other. Also, such a dream may portend imminent pregnancy or the birth of a child from close relatives.

A small fruit symbolizes fatigue from monotony in a relationship. A woman needs to cheer herself up and tell her partner about her thoughts. A beautiful red apple that turns out to be rotten inside warns that a fairly close person is interfering with the woman’s plans. Most often, he has her boundless trust.

Harvesting red apples is interpreted as great success in the personal and professional sphere. If a woman has long wanted to take a leadership position, she will succeed in the near future. Accepting a gift consisting of a bucket of ripe red apples means in reality becoming the object of genuine interest of a respected man. If a girl tries to steal red apples, she should expect an early pregnancy.

When you ate a similar apple in a dream, it is important to remember its taste. A pleasant sweet aftertaste portends good changes in life, expect love and good luck to appear soon. The sour taste symbolizes the immaturity of your personality, which is not ready to make serious decisions and bear responsibility for them. Bitterness portends troubles and problems. If a bitter apple was given to a woman by a person she knows, in reality she should beware of it. If she picked the fruit on her own, trouble will arise as a result of her actions.

If you dreamed of green apples

A woman picking a beautiful green apple from a tree will soon meet interesting man. She will definitely go on a date with him and get a lot of positive emotions. If a girl in a dream cuts a green fruit into pieces, in reality she will lose a new acquaintance with whom she has not yet established a close relationship.

A dream where the sleeping woman will receive a rich green apple as a gift will save her from loneliness. In reality, she will soon meet with a representative of the opposite sex who will agree to serious relationship and building a family nest.

If in a dream you watch green fruits fall one after another from a tall apple tree, it means that in reality you will lose loved one. Apples that turn out to be rotten portend a serious and complex illness. Purchasing green fruit promises successful completion of a work project and significant profit.

A spoiled fruit of a similar color warns that fellow workers are plotting and plotting. If you decide to taste the spoiled fruit, in reality the conflict with the rest of the employees will reach the boss, but he will take your side. A rotten apple lying on the ground promises a quick change of job, which will be more profitable and interesting.

Picking green apples indicates that you are in too much of a hurry in some matters. Stop and don’t rush things, then everything will gradually improve on its own. You will have to be patient to avoid mistakes. A meal that includes a ripe green apple may signal excessive worries about unfulfilled dreams. The dream book urges you to stop wasting your mental strength on fruitless worries and start implementing new plans. Sometimes a green apple can symbolize health problems or hypocritical people who have gathered around a woman.

What if you dream of apples on a tree

If a strong and healthy apple tree grows a huge number of plump, ripe fruits that bend under their weight, the branches should expect a white streak to appear in the future. There will be positive dynamics in all areas of life: scandals will stop in the family, financial more money, and at work they will highly appreciate the work of the sleeping person. The number of fruits indicates how long the white streak will last.

If there are unripe and sour apples hanging on the tree, you should not expect anything good. A plant strewn with such apples foreshadows many intrigues that will arise around the sleeping person. An unsweetened apple is a symbol of betrayal and deception. If a woman has such a dream, she must definitely take measures to protect herself from evil tongues. Neglecting the warning can lead to serious problems. Not large number unripe apples on a tree means that a traitor is hiding among his inner circle.

If in a dream a woman sees apples in someone else’s garden through a fence and is overcome by a strong desire to pick them, it means that in reality she is consumed by envy towards a loved one. Such a dream warns against the manifestation of negative feelings. A woman should stop feeling envy, better take care of her own life and understand that she has enough to be happy.

Why do you dream about picking apples in a dream?

If a woman picks juicy red fruits from the ground and puts them in a bag, she should expect a successful resolution of work problems, as a result of which she will be able to take a higher position. In some situations, this process foreshadows the opposite events: close people treat the girl insincerely and lie. For a young woman, such a dream may portend betrayal by a loved one and dishonest actions.

Picking apples from the very top of the tree promises complete failure of your plans due to your own arrogance. In a dream, does a woman watch the active harvest of ripe apples? In reality, she will be rewarded for the diligence and work that was put into the work project.

If in a dream the sleeping woman slowly picks beautiful apples from the branches, it means that in real life the time has come favorable time to implement plans and new projects. Before implementing your own ideas, you need to calculate and weigh everything in order to achieve success.

If a woman owns her own business, she should pay close attention to the dream in which she is harvesting red apples. It can warn of imminent problems at work. Either there will be a transaction of a dubious nature, or later a dirty trick will be revealed, which the partners specifically kept silent about. A woman should carefully approach solving business issues during this period.

For a young girl, picking red fruits from a tree foretells an imminent pregnancy. Picking green apples promises good health and a cure for old diseases. If a woman picks yellow apples from a tree, the dream can be interpreted in two ways. A dream may portend troubles associated with the spread of false rumors and gossip. On the other hand, picking yellow apples can symbolize see you soon with close friends and having fun.

Why do you dream of eating apples in a dream?

There is an interpretation from the political side: such a dream foreshadows a rise to power strong woman, which can seriously affect the future. A meal including apples foreshadows the lady's love pleasures, which will cause strong unrest. Eating a beautiful and ripe apple promises good health and a meeting with a pleasant man.

What if you dream of seeing ripe apples on a tree?

A dream with apples on a tree has a positive meaning for a woman who is already a mother. She can rejoice because the dream foretells a successful future for the children. If ripe apples grow too high, you should reevaluate your attitude towards life and lower your expectations, otherwise you may never find happiness.

Ripe green apples on a tree symbolize harmony in relationships with others. Good interaction will affect not only close people, but also new acquaintances who may become best friends sleeping. Ripe apples hanging on a tree also indicate to a woman that she has charisma in her character, which will help her achieve her goals.

The girl will be able to attract the attention of an attractive acquaintance or win over her boss. Large fruits promise great success that the sleeping girl will be able to achieve. Inner harmony and peace will help her reach the very top. If a large number of large and beautiful fruits grew on an apple tree in a dream, expect serious trials on the way to your goal.

Ripe apples on a tree, which the sleeping woman cannot pick, symbolize great disappointment. It is worth preparing for the fact that your immediate plans will not be realized. If there are unripe apples hanging on a tree, it means that in real life you will be able to avoid serious problems.

Why do you dream about rotten apples?

IN general meaning Rotten apples in a dream symbolize illness and misfortune. However, the interpretation may vary depending on the specific details of the dream. If a young girl dreams of apples, then you need to take a close look at your new acquaintance. He can behave cultured and gallant, but hide serious “skeletons in the closet” behind his back.

A middle-aged or elderly woman who has been in a long marriage should also talk to her partner after such a dream. He probably hides some biographical facts so as not to upset his wife. If a woman in a dream collects rotten fruit, her children will make many irreparable mistakes due to their youth and inexperience.

Participation in cutting rotten fruits means in reality doing painstaking and hard work that will not benefit anyone. If you treat your relatives and close friends to rotten apples, it means you will try to help one of them, but your actions will only cause harm. A dream in which a woman throws rotten fruits at other people predicts an imminent quarrel with loved ones. An apple with worms symbolizes a serious illness.

Often, many of us have repeatedly had dreams in which apples were present. At first glance, such an insignificant detail attracts little attention and, it would seem, there is nothing to interpret here.

Wake up early on a clear morning with a positive mood, realizing that the flowery apple orchard where you walked in your night vision can only portend joy. After looking at the interpreter, you will read why you dream about a huge number of apples.

Such dreams contain many fascinating details, the interpretation of which, thanks to dream books, is an interesting and necessary task.

One of the most favorable symbols in multiple interpreters is apples. They symbolize the absence of illnesses, prudence and prosperity. In such “sweet dreams”, much of the essence is also given to the events themselves. Dream books take into account all the nuances that are reflected in the explanation of dreams.

But if this is not the first time you have dreamed about apples, then a corresponding question arises: why do you dream about apples, and what relation do they have to you and your life? To get correct interpretation, it is important to remember what kind of fruit it was: large or small, red, green, sweet or sour. Where were they, and who saw them besides you?

The attractiveness of an apple orchard

Any person will agree that one of the most beautiful dreams is an apple orchard in bloom as a sign of spring blossoming, the expectation of delicious dishes. Young wives see a blossoming orchard predicting a large apple harvest as a sign of conceiving a child. Such a dream positions them for a happy future.

Did you happen to see apples lying on a snow-white cover in a dream? Dream books indicate: something threatens your prosperous life. We saw the winter park in sunlight- expect success after difficulties.

According to Vanga's dream book, an apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. Moreover, if you cut ripe fruit, it means that you are deeply mistaken about the events taking place around you. You should not rely on breaking news, even when it comes from people you trust.

You dream of rich fruits - success awaits you in everything, so don’t hesitate and take on everything you want to do. In reality, you can easily solve all difficulties.

Why do you dream of healthy apples? Exclusively for benefits: excellent health, significant income. Did you look at beautiful large fruits in a dream? According to Freud's dream book, this is a sign of forbidden entertainment, as well as hidden desires. This is much better than communicating with vile hypocrites who want to cause you grief - this is evidenced by small wounds.

A useful interpretation is given by the dream book of Nostradamus. Why, according to his version, do you dream of big ripe apples? To great achievements and discoveries. Nostradamus clarified: everyone who had such a dream can rely on the authority and respect of the team. Get to work, you will succeed!

It is important that the apple is not too ripe. The same dream book of Nostradamus explains why rotten apples are dreamed of. The work you are doing today will not surprise others. It will not bring successful results. In general, all your work will not be productive.

Why do you dream of yellow apples? Based on data from dream books, representatives of the fair sex should expect betrayal from their chosen one. Also the fruits are yellowish and white They promise important news that will need to be kept secret from other people.

Dream books explain why you dream of a full bucket of apples, where some of them are overripe, others are rotten. This is a symbol that there is a person next to you who causes eternal problems.

In the morning, did you remember that in your dream you saw apples rolling next to you and your husband? The dream book warns: there is a possibility of discord between you in your relationship. Try not to let your conflict lead to further divorce. You will need a lot of strength to follow the right position in life. It won't last for a long time If you remain patient, well-being in the family will be restored.


As Vanga’s dream book explains, apples picked from a tree mean the following: talking with wise man, you will learn a lot of new smart things for yourself. Perhaps communication will enhance your spirituality.

Picking a greenish apple in your night dreams means quickly making some significant conclusion for yourself.

In a dream we looked at fallen apples from a large tall tree- an unfavorable signal. It is necessary to stop dubious communications so as not to end up in a bad situation. Choose your social circle carefully.

Picking ripe apples from a tree and stealing them means large monetary losses await you due to inattention or due to a conflict with a patron. You collected fruits in a container - your work will be appreciated only after a while.

When picking apples from the ground, you are counting on actions that you have no right to perform. Do you remember whether they were wormy or not? Vanga's dream book explains why a wormy apple is dreamed of. You may lose if you rely on false information.

It’s good when a tree with large fruits on its branches bends under their weight. The dream book indicates why a bag of apples is dreamed of - naturally, to increase financial wealth. Are you ready to improve your well-being? If you are a young lady, you will not need it. You picked apples - awaits you happy marriage with a rich and influential spouse.

When there are a lot of apples in a dream, however, they hung high, a lot of strength will be needed. Have you wanted to pick the apple that hangs above the rest? The dream book indicates that you often set difficult goals for yourself. Slow down - success will come immediately. Or be more decisive in achieving what you want.

In a dream vision, did you steal apples from someone else's gardening plot? Look at your actions from the outside - in reality they are also obscene. You need to be more specific, the environment will take it with dignity.

Dream books tell you why you dream of selling apples: look around you, there are only hypocrites nearby who live at your expense. Aren't you tired of them? Put everything in order, distribute powers, then everything will work out.

In the dream book you will also find that buying ripe apples in a dream means strong love feelings threatening large losses. When choosing fruits, you tasted them - you are quite a risky person.

Seeing ripe red apples in a dream

Ripe fruits on a tree, according to Miller’s dream book, remind you that the time has come to carry out what has long been planned. Think carefully and confidently proceed with implementation.

The fruit on the top of the tree warns against becoming too immersed in your desires. In real life, incredible emotions and an amazing mood - that’s what red apples mean in dreams. If they were on the tree, then get ready to receive good news.

Buying apples at the market or choosing from a store counter portends positive emotions related to the completion of a long-started task. If red apples are lying on the ground, then get ready to be the center of attention of a far from small audience. Eating them means expecting a small but romantic surprise.

Why do you dream of ripe green apples?

Why do you dream of green apples? According to the dream book, it means good luck and unsurpassed success in career matters. If the fruits were large and ripe, then you will receive a promotion at work. Buying green apples means fulfilling long-planned plans.

Fruits on a tree of this color portend you a reward for a task well completed. If the fruit has long expired, then get ready to listen to disapproval from employees. Eating a spoiled green apple means defending your point of view in a conflict and getting approval from your superiors.

Sour apples

It’s quite interesting that the dream book interprets apples with a sour taste as the sweet life. If they were large sizes, then a luxurious vacation with many pleasant moments awaits you. Seeing small sour apples means getting a chance to do your favorite craft. But you may dream about sweet fruits if you are faced with an important choice. A dream in which you compare several apples with each other means that in real life it will not be difficult for you to make the right decision. A sweet fruit lying on the ground indicates that it is time to listen to the advice of a wise and experienced person. An apple with a leaf - readiness to change your life.

Delicious apple dreams

Eating ripe apples is a sign of sexual desire. Nothing will stop you from diversifying intimate life with my spouse. Give him a candlelight dinner, cook something delicious, buy a bottle of wine, watch a romantic movie together.

Be prepared to meet an attractive and graceful young lady if you were lucky enough to eat an apple in a dream. She may hold a high position, but she will change your future better side. It is possible that she is a powerful person, capable of changing the destinies of many people. Help her in this difficult matter.

Was the apple you held in your hands very ripe? In reality, you want to meet an interesting man for whom you will have sincere feelings. But Freud’s dream book explains: your efforts will not bring the desired results. The whole point is that this man The fair sex is not at all attracted to them.

According to Vanga’s dream book, when you happen to eat apples, it means that you will soon meet an old person. It will require care, otherwise you will not avoid misfortune. In addition, if you ate fruits in a dream, the body gives a hint: you need to strengthen your immune system. But if you had to eat wormy fruits, unfavorable events are possible in the future.

The one whom you treated to an apple in your night dreams should be more careful, because they are trying to drag him into a vague matter. If you dreamed that you were giving a fruit to someone as a present, you clearly want to mislead the other person. In a night dream, a woman passes an apple to a man? According to Freud's dream book, she dreams of seducing him. According to another dream book, sharing an apple with a lover or workmate means a conflict with your significant other or misunderstanding in a team.

You feasted on apples in a dream - in reality you can be sure: happiness awaits you. However, dream books emphasize why you dream about sour-tasting apples - your dear person will upset you. If you happen to consume green fruits, you should consult a doctor, it is likely that you have a disease of the intimate organs.

Baked apples in night vision indicate your selfish attitude. You shouldn’t be a mercantile person, because what you do with all your heart brings much more pleasant and sweet feelings.

If you enjoyed dried fruits in a dream, be sure to consult a doctor. real life you are very exhausted. Thus, the body gives a signal about its deterioration. This applies primarily to people classified as “workaholics”.

Have you woken up from a dream smelling the apple pie you baked in your dream? You will likely suffer as a result of your flirtatious behavior. If, in addition, you ate a baked delicacy, only hypocrites and ill-wishers who want to cause harm have gathered around you.

A dish made by your own hands from apples and pears is a sign of a philosophical attitude to problems that will need to be used soon. This is not scary at all, because problems can be overcome thanks to existing experience.

An apple core in your hand is a sign of trouble in the future. Stay vigilant and stay alert. If the manager is not in the mood and the employees are irritated, this is short-lived. After a certain period of time, everything will fall into place.

Cooked apple jam or jam - from the dream book you will soon learn favorable news regarding your career advancement.

The explanation of the dream, in the plot of which you washed fruits and put them in a container, indicates an exciting event. It is you who will take direct part in it.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed of it and on what day of the week. Let's look into Lunar calendar and let’s clarify which and which lunar day.

By comparing the data on lunar day and by the day of the week, one can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

Apple is perhaps the most famous fruit on the planet. People all over the world value apples for their wonderful taste qualities and for beneficial properties for the body. Why do you dream about red apples? Appetizing juicy apples are frequent guests on our table.

It is quite natural that apples appear to us in our night visions. Dreams with apples - what do they mean?

It is common knowledge that apples are a treasure trove useful substances and vitamins. But, if you remember the biblical story, the apple in it is a forbidden fruit, and in Greek mythology- a symbol of discord. So what do dreams with this delicious fruit mean - good or evil for a person? Why do you dream about apples - red, plump, ruddy fruits? What do dream books tell us about delicious night visions?

Dreams in which apples appear are very favorable for all people without exception. Especially if in your dream you see a lot of red apples on an apple tree, shrouded in bright green foliage.

  • Dreams with red ripe apples not only please the eye, but also contain an extremely positive message: The time has come to implement the most daring plans. Move forward boldly, you will succeed!
  • If the apples in your dream hang at the very top of the tree, this could mean that your expectations are too high: it’s worth lowering the bar a little, and then the result will not be long in coming.
  • But eating rotten fruits is not a good sign. A rotten apple in a dream is a symbol of undertakings doomed to failure or fruitless efforts. Also, dreaming of spoiled fruits is a signal of impending danger.

Red apples in Freud's dream book

Why do Freud dream about red apples? From the point of view of the famous Austrian psychologist, a large red apple in a dream is a symbol of harmony in sexual life.

  • The apple represents female breast- dreams with large juicy fruits can be a reflection of a man’s sexual fantasies.
  • For a woman, dreams with apples may indicate her lesbian preferences.
  • Many small apples hanging on an apple tree - such a dream speaks of promiscuity in intimate relationships.

What do dreams with red apples mean in Vanga’s dream book?

The famous Bulgarian seer believed that ripe red apples in a dream represent wisdom and a reward for one’s efforts.

  • If you pick ripe fruits from the branches, this may mean that in real life you lack worldly wisdom. You try to understand the essence of many things, communicate with a large number people, strive to gain new knowledge, but your attempts are not very successful.
  • Feasting on a large red apple - a dream indicates that, having met an elderly person, you will find in him a wise and valuable adviser.
  • A wormy apple in a dream is a harbinger of implausible, false information that you will soon receive from loved ones.

What will dreams about apple dishes tell you?

Sometimes in our dreams we not only enjoy the taste of fresh fruits, but also try to prepare various delicacies from them: pies, jam, marmalade. Why do you dream of processed apples?

  • Dream about apple jam sweet life, good news, exciting travels.
  • Sleep with apple pie promises an unexpected surprise. This could be a gift from a loved one, winning the lottery, or a nice compliment from a stranger.
  • But the ones I dreamed about dried apples- very unwelcome guests in the dream of a young woman who dreams of a child. A dream with dried fruits suggests that trying to conceive a baby will not be successful.
  • Pickled apples in a dream are a sign that you are delaying the development of events too much, an unwanted delay in business can backfire on you.
Dreams with red apples are especially favorable for women: the apple tree has long been considered a female tree, and the large ripe fruits hanging on it are the result of the high fertility and powerful vitality of this tree. Red is the color of love, passion and energy.

A man’s dream of a red apple should be regarded as a fruit, the result of his activity. Size and appearance apples can tell about a man’s achievements: a big, strong apple - a stable, successful, prosperous life; a small, rotten fruit can represent a man’s failure, his immaturity and dependence on other people. Watch the video with an interpretation of what red apples mean in dreams.