Vitamins in vegetables and fruits table. What vitamins are in fruits? The best known of these are vitamins

Each of us has repeatedly heard that vegetables and fruits are the healthiest. Especially when we're talking about not about seasonal “fruitarianism” (after all, in the summer, many with great pleasure and complete satisfaction of hunger go on a three-month watermelon-fruit diet), but about their conscious consumption when they want “potatoes with meat” more. In order to understand the importance of a varied green menu for our entire body, it is necessary to clearly and clearly determine what vitamins are contained in fruits and vegetables.

How are they useful?

So, what exactly can we find in vegetables and fruits:

It is on the last point that we will dwell in more detail.

What vitamins are contained in fruits?

Many would be much happier to find a source of vitamins in fruits. However, if in general there is more vitamin C in fruits than in vegetables, then in all other useful substances the advantage is clearly with vegetables. In addition, fruits contain a lot of sugar, and sugar is a stimulant.

The most vitamin fruits:

  • kiwi – A, PP, B1, B2, B6, B12;
  • strawberries - A, E, C, B9;
  • blackberries - C, A, K, B1, B2, PP;
  • black currant – C, B, E, K, A, E, D;
  • rosehip – B, B1, B2, PP, C;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – C, B1, B2, B6, PP, K, P, E;
  • orange – C, B5, B6, B9, E, H;
  • pineapple - B1, B5, B6, C, E, PP;
  • persimmon – provitamin A, C, B1, B2, PP.

What vitamins are contained in vegetables?

We have to agree that vitamins in vegetables are an integral part of our diet, which cannot be replaced either by fruits or dietary supplements.

In addition to vitamins, the peculiarity of vegetables is that when they enter the stomach and oxidize, they increase gastric alkalinity, which promotes digestion. Therefore, the best side dish for “heavy food” is vegetables.

The most vitamin-rich vegetables:

Why are vitamins needed?

Each vitamin has its own role in the body, and every fruit and vegetable contains a whole set of vitamins in varying quantities. There are no “monovitamin” fruits. Therefore, it is very important to consume a different set of vegetables and fruits every day, since by eating a kilogram of oranges every day you will not get the amount that is in persimmons, and by eating only persimmons every day, do not expect that you will avoid a deficiency of vitamin C and calcium.


The table below will help you better understand the content of this vitamin in vegetables:

Vitamin E

This vitamin, also called tocopherol, protects the human body from possible negative environmental influences. Tocopherol has effects on the skin and mucous membranes, and also protects red blood cells. By consuming enough legumes, parsley and salad, a person does not have to worry about a deficiency.

Vitamins of group P

Vitamin P cannot be understood as one single substance - it is a group of elements with antioxidant properties.

If the vegetable has a red tint, up to purple, then there is a high probability that it is rich in rutin. These vegetables include sorrel, tomato, sweet red pepper and other products.

Vitamin PP

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TOP 10 foods high in vitamin C

The human body is not able to synthesize ascorbic acid on its own, so it must receive it from the outside.

Where is vitamin C found? Vitamin C is found in foods, mainly in vegetables, fruits and berries.

But how to choose from all the variety of food plants? The table below will help with this.

Vitamin C in food

Products Vitamin C,
mg/100 g (product)
Products Vitamin C,
mg/100 g (product)
Dry rosehip 1200 Rutabagas, gooseberries 30
Fresh rosehip 470 Radish 29
Sweet red pepper 250 Green peas, radishes 25
Sea buckthorn, black currant 200 Celery greens 23 — 38
Sweet green pepper, parsley 150 Quince 23
120 Raspberries, melon, pineapple, potatoes, beans, chicken liver 20
Green dill, wild garlic 100 Winter apples 16
71 — 92,1 Zucchini, cherry, chokeberry, lingonberry, cranberry, dark varieties cherries 15
Red rowan, cauliflower 70 Onions, cucumbers, beets 10
61,8 Apricot, peach 10
Oranges, wild strawberries, strawberries, red cabbage 60 Banana, plum, summer apples 10
Spinach, horseradish 55 Pumpkin 8
50 Grape 6
White cabbage, grapefruit 45 — 60 Carrot 5
43 Eggplant 5
40 Pear 5
38 Pomegranate 4
Beef liver 35 Figs 2

After brief analysis table data in TOP 10 foods high in vitamin C You can add the following berries, fruits and vegetables:

1st place 2nd place
Rosehip dry and fresh Sweet red pepper
3rd place
4th place
5th place
6th place
7th place
8th place
9th place
10th place

As you can see, the most vitamin C is found in rose hips, red and green sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, black currants, herbs, parsley and Brussels sprouts.

What has more vitamin C?

The undisputed “champion” in terms of ascorbic acid content is rose hip. There is so much “ascorbic acid” in it that experts advise that after each use of rosehip decoction, be sure to rinse your mouth with water so that tooth enamel is not destroyed.

A lot of vitamin C is found in dill, wild garlic, kiwi, red rowan and cauliflower.

Quite a high content of vitamin C is found in oranges, strawberries, red cabbage, strawberries, spinach and horseradish.

Vitamin C in vegetables is most found in green and red sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, wild garlic, as well as dill and parsley.

It is worth paying attention to the following fruits and berries with vitamin C: kiwi, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries and strawberries.

In this capacity, citrus is significantly inferior in rating to its less “famous neighbors”.

Let's pay tribute to foods high in vitamin C, but we won't ignore those that occupy the bottom half of the C-vitamin table.

All vegetables, fruits and berries contain many valuable substances, so you should not exclude them from your diet.

Important tips for proper preparation and eating foods rich in vitamin C:

  • A fresh apple contains the enzyme ascorbinase, which, if the integrity of the fruit is damaged, destroys vitamin C. Therefore, it is better to cook a five-minute compote from whole apples or bake them in the oven. When heated, unstable ascorbinase is destroyed, and ascorbic acid is saved.
  • To more fully preserve the “ascorbic acid”, it is also more useful to bake potatoes in the oven with the peel or boil them “in their skins”. By the way, it is the widespread cultivation of potatoes in medieval Europe managed to put an end to scurvy epidemics.
  • Rose hips should not be brewed with boiling water and infused in a thermos. In this case, only an effective choleretic agent will be obtained. To get the maximum vitamin C from rose hips, fill it with water at a temperature no higher than 80 degrees, close the container with a lid and leave for several hours.
  • There is also a lot of ascorbic acid in non-food plants. So, if there is a lack of vitamin C, decoctions, infusions and extracts from currant needles and leaves are very useful. And from the leaves of young nettle it is useful to make vitamin salads.

Properly cooked foods high in vitamin C will help maintain health, youth and high performance.

The modern generation, eating refined food on the go, is increasingly turning to synthetic vitamin complexes to replenish their supply. necessary for the body components. But there is also a more reasonable part of society that still prefers natural products. Vitamins in fruits are better absorbed due to their natural origin. The “fruit basket” list will make it easier to figure out which types of fruits should be included in your diet as soon as possible.

What vitamins are contained in fruits

Vitamins come from vegetables and fruits, other foods: this truth is old and has been known for a long time. And it’s time to memorize the table of which fruits contain vitamins in order to competently create a daily menu. This approach will help to avoid many diseases and keep the body in good shape with an active rhythm of life.

There are fruits that contain rich vitamin complexes, but they do not satisfy daily requirement important nutrients. It is worth considering the “gifts of heaven” from the point of view of the presence of a specific vitamin. This will allow you to introduce different vitamin compositions into the menu, while vital processes will work harmoniously.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A, or retinol, is naturally occurring and is found in many fruits, giving you plenty of choice. IN natural form it is perfectly absorbed and the body does not experience a deficiency. This is a universal nutrient that affects many vital important processes.

Let's consider how much vitamin is contained in the daily norm. It is necessary

  • children - from 400 to 700 mcg (depending on age categories);
  • men – 1000 mcg;
  • women – 800 mcg;
  • pregnant women – 1000 mcg;
  • nursing mothers – 1200 mcg.

It is advisable to receive 1/3 of this dosage in its natural form, the rest can be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements. It is better absorbed in dishes in combination with fats and mineral components. Long-term heat treatment significantly reduces the percentage of retinol.

Most berries, fruits and vegetables are freely available. They are on supermarket shelves, grown in home gardens, and the abundance of dishes in cookbooks is amazing. The main thing is that carotenoids enter the body daily and their flow does not dry out. Knowing which fruits contain vitamin A, when the right approach By creating a menu, you can avoid its shortage.

Vitamin B

Group B forms large complex water-soluble compounds that affect metabolic processes occurring in the body. Knowing which fruits contain B vitamins, you can prepare desserts based on them or eat any of the ones you like separately. The rich composition of fruits does not guarantee 100% saturation with the necessary components. "Bashki" are found in various foods, but there are not so many of them in fruits.

There are 15 known compounds of this group. Let's consider how much vitamin B is contained in the daily norm:

  • B1 (thiamine) – 1.5 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) – 1.8 mg;
  • B3 (niacin) – 17 mg;
  • B4 (choline) – 500 mg;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) – 5 mg;
  • B6 (pyridoxine) – 2 mg;
  • B9 (folic acid) – 400 mcg;
  • B12 (cyanocobalamin) – 2-3 mcg;

Nutrients obtained from fruits play a significant role in plastic and energy metabolism, but they do not have caloric content, are not considered sources of energy and are not structural components fabrics. Their main function is to maintain metabolic activity.

One of the most useful vitamins– B12. Its role in metabolic processes is great. With a deficiency of group B representatives, unpleasant metamorphoses begin to occur in the body. The immune system weakens, skin diseases occur, drowsiness and weakness develop, depressive episodes occur, anemia appears, and memory loss occurs. This list can be continued.

Vitamin C

There is a lot of information about fruits rich in vitamin C, among which some myths have become stronger. For example, many consider lemon to be the main source of an important compound. In fact, it contains only 40 mg per 100 g useful substance, which is comparable to its amount in potatoes. Fruits with vitamin C are a large “basket” of tasty fruits. I am glad that the “immunity vitamin” is contained in fruits, berries, and vegetables grown in Russian gardens; they are available to everyone.

Daily norm includes the amount of substance:

  • for men – 90 mg;
  • for women – 75 mg;
  • for children – 35-50 mg.

The need for maintenance increases with an active lifestyle, during pregnancy and lactation, during colds, when living in areas with an unfavorable climate or environmentally polluted areas.

Ascorbic acid quickly oxidizes in air and can be destroyed in a short period of time. Its content decreases during drying, pickling, freezing, long-term storage, or exposure to heat, so it is better to eat fruits containing the vitamin fresh.

Vitamin D

Calciferol is fat-soluble, so it is absorbed only in combination with fats. It is found mainly in animal and protein foods and is produced under sun rays or in a solarium: UV rays must reach the skin.

Fruits contain vitamin D in extremely small doses. Only citrus fruits can boast of the presence of this component. Vitamin D is also found in vegetables, but also in small quantities. Fruits should not be considered a source of calciferol.

The consumption rate is 10-15 mcg/day or 400-600 IU per international units. The IU or IU value is stamped on jars of imported drugs. The annotation will also indicate the daily dose in IU, and its translation to domestic standards is not always present. The contents and correct dosage are prescribed by the doctor.

Vitamin D combines a group of compounds (D1, D2, D3, D4, D5), but only D2 and D3 are important biological significance for the body. The “sunshine vitamin” was isolated in 1936 from fish oil.

Vitamin E

Tocopherol is a fat-soluble form. It is a powerful natural antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, building an immune response and slowing down the aging process. Sources of vitamin E are mostly exotic fruits, berries.

In the lists of the recommended daily dose of tocopherol there is a mark of 8-15 mg/day for adults and 4-12 mg/day for children (based on age). It is important for the synthesis of sex hormones, therefore, during the period of conception and gestation, its dosage increases to 17 mg/day, and during lactation it reaches the limit of 19 mg/day. Tocopherol is important for girls during growth and puberty.

Vitamins are divided into replaceable and essential. Compounds of groups B and K are formed in the large intestine. But internal synthesis is not able to satisfy nutrient needs 100%, so they must come from food.

Which fruit has the most vitamins?

There is an abundance of fruit on supermarket shelves, from which you want to choose the most delicious and useful product so that food is enjoyable and the body is saturated with useful components. But the answer to the question about the highest content of vitamins in a certain fruit is quite complex. Any fruit contains useful components in different concentrations and ratios.

  1. Apple contains a large set of vitamin ingredients. The fruit contains groups B, A, C, K, H, E, PP.
  2. The banana is also saturated with a “vitamin cocktail” from groups B, PP, C, K, A.
  3. Kiwi enriched a large number components from group B, the fruit contains A and C in considerable doses.
  4. boasts group B, as well as the presence of A, C, E.
  5. Apricot pleases with vitamin abundance. Group B, C, PP, A, E, K are “hidden” in the pulp of the fruit.

It should be remembered that vitamins are absorbed in a certain food combination. When preparing dishes, some components turn out to be incompatible: one inhibits the effect of the other. For example, zinc and folic acid do not “get along” well together.

Vitamin A (retinol)mango
-improves vision; - supports the state of the immune system;
- “controls” the health of hair and skin, the growth of bones and teeth;
- “manages” the reproduction of cells and a number of hormones;
-used as a preventative against cancer;
-prevents early aging.
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)apples
-necessary for the healthy functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems;
-regulates the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)apples
-regulates the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;
-reduces eye fatigue;
-participates in the processes of cell growth and respiration;
-minimizes negative impact various toxins.
B3 (niacin, nicotinic acid)grape
-helps the functioning of the digestive system;
-participates in the metabolism of fats and proteins;
-reduces total cholesterol;
-neutralizes the effects of toxins.
B4 (choline)oranges-participates in the prevention of atherosclerosis;
- prevents diseases nervous system.
B5 (pantothenic acid)avocado-stimulates the production of adrenal hormones (glucocorticoids), which helps in the treatment of allergies, heart disease, arthritis, colitis;
-promotes the absorption of other vitamins;
-participates in the metabolism of fatty acids.
B6 (pyridoxineapples
-reduces cholesterol and lipid levels in the blood;
-necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
B9 (folic acid)watermelon
-relieves increased anxiety and depression;
-helps with liver diseases (chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis),
-useful for atherosclerosis; -used in the treatment of psoriasis.
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)grape-necessary for maintaining normal hematopoiesis;
-plays an important role in protein metabolism;
-stimulates growth processes;
-involved in the synthesis of a number of enzymes;
-participates in carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism;
-used for diseases of the nervous system;
-useful for various types anemia; -participates in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis;
-helps with hepatitis and cirrhosis;
-increases resistance to viral infections And colds;
-improves memory and concentration;
-reduces cholesterol in the blood.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid
oranges and citrus fruits
passion fruit
- protects body cells from free radicals (antioxidant activity);
-prevents the development of cancer and diseases cardiovascular system);
-helps in collagen production (healthy skin and bones); -improves iron absorption.
Vitamin D (calciferol)citrus-participates in the regulation of metabolic processes and cell reproduction;
- assists the body in the absorption of phosphorus and calcium;
-stimulates hormone synthesis.
Vitamin E (tocopherol)avocado
-slows down skin aging;
-protects cells from damage;
-participates in the formation of red blood cells;
-Helps the absorption of vitamin A.

Centuries will pass, breeders and geneticists will definitely create a universal hybrid, the fruits of which will contain the full vitamin complex. It will satisfy the body's daily need for essential compounds. But this scientific dream has a drawback: you always want to enjoy a variety of beautiful and fragrant fruits, and not limit yourself to one, even a tasty fruit.

Calciferol (vitamin D) is an essential source of healthy teeth, bones and almost all organs. By maintaining the normal amount of D in your body, you will protect yourself from a number of serious diseases and other health problems. It is recommended to obtain essential nutrients from food. The most nutritious foods are of animal origin. However, many are interested in which fruits and vegetables contain vitamin D. And is it contained there at all? Find details in the article.

Products as the optimal source of D

We can talk about the benefits of vitamin D (calciferol) for hours. Its necessity is known to everyone, because the substance is prescribed from the very first days of life. Already from birth, the element plays a significant role for the human body. Vitamin D is involved in the metabolism of vital minerals - calcium and phosphorus. It is not enough just to receive microelements (CA, P), you need to take measures to absorb them. Otherwise, taking nutritional components makes no sense. And without enough calciferol, the minerals CA and P are very difficult to absorb.

We follow the chain - calcium and phosphorus are absorbed thanks to group D. And how is vitamin D itself absorbed? Calciferol will not perform its main functions in the body if it is not dissolved in lipids. To do this, consume sources of D along with fats (dairy products, fish, fatty acids, vegetable oils etc.).

It’s even better to make up for the lack of vitamins with food. Most D is found in animal products. True, only D2 (ergocalciferol) is absorbed with food. And the body needs group D in the complex.

Cholecalciferol (D3) is produced by humans from sunlight. Therefore, in addition to your diet, you should spend more time in the sun. Find out more about beneficial influence rays in this article.

Why is it better to get calciferol through foods? There are at least 5 explanations for this:

  1. Natural ingredients guarantee rapid absorption.
  2. Food is the most accessible source of vitamins.
  3. The products also contain a number of other nutritional elements, which help to comprehensively enrich the body.
  4. Calciferol enters the body with pleasure. Find your favorite among D-rich ingredients. And make a delicious lunch out of it.
  5. It's inexpensive. The most nutritious products are sold at affordable prices.

Note! Poor quality or improperly prepared food ingredients will not provide any benefit. It is not recommended to re-freeze the product and subject it to prolonged heat treatment.

What should vegetarians do? Or for those who don’t like fish or dairy products? In this situation, it is recommended to pay attention to mushrooms, fruits and vegetables with vitamin D, food additives and sun rays.

For more information about the benefits of products with calciferol, watch the video:

Vitamin D in fruits

Those who prefer plant-based foods are often interested in the question of which fruits contain vitamin D. Fruits are not rich in the substance. If calciferol can be found in fruit crops, it is in minimal doses.

Vitamin products are attractive.