Secret organizations of the world. Secret societies, orders and sects

It so happened historically that Russian tolerance played with our great empire a cruel joke. Our rulers, for the most part, were extremely tolerant of various secret organizations and societies, whose members opened branches on our territory their orders, lodges and sects, found in Russia their refuge, political asylum, or even a second

Homeland. Russian Empire, the USSR, and then the federation always remained a kind of multinational Babylon, which, like a sponge, indiscriminately absorbed all the good and bad that was brewing in the global socio-political cauldron. At all times, and even in the era of the CPSU, Russia was flooded with secret societies and organizations, which sometimes few people knew about, and those who knew were unaware of their actual goals, structures and numbers.

It is noteworthy that the number of such structures increased in waves but steadily from year to year. Currently in Russian Federation According to intelligence services and analysts, there are more than 13 thousand secret organizations and secret societies that are not registered anywhere. These are religious organizations, various sects, religious-mystical secret societies, societies with a military bias - the Templars, the Teutons, judicial groups, the so-called themes or wemes, associations of scientists - neo-alchemists and Illuminati, civil communities of Freemasons, various political branches - Philadelphians, dissidents, Numerous mafia structures cannot be discounted.

The number of secret societies, according to some scientists, may even approach the number of official organizations, and sometimes even exceed it. It is like the crown of a tree and the roots invisible underground, going deep into the soil. Today we will talk about secret societies in modern Russia, let’s try to figure out what their goals and objectives are.

Some of the most numerous secret organizations in Russia are, of course, Freemasons The well-known official Russian Masonic lodge is just a meaningless camouflage and a kind of screen of a pseudo-organization, behind which genuine secret societies are hidden. Firstly, in the Central Federal District there is a fairly successful branch of the Grand Lodge of London, which has representations of the Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland.
Now, for the purpose of secrecy, these lodges do not have the ceremonies of the initial ritual - the appearance of members in ceremonial costumes, magnificent ceremonies, theatrical processions. Initially, they preached the theory of Christian chivalric Freemasonry, where the Knights of Malta and Scottish kings were the converters of pagan Freemasonry into modern Christian Freemasonry.

The largest branches exist in Yaroslavl - “Lodge of the Seven Boyars” (7500 members), in Smolensk - “Grail of the Great Spirit” (6300 members) and in Kostroma - “Order of the Little Queen” (4000 members). The principle of attitude towards religion among the members of the Lodge is formulated quite peculiarly: “This or that religion and method of worshiping a deity cannot be a reason for the exclusion of anyone from the Society of Freemasons, as long as he believes in the glorious Architect of heaven and earth and practices the sacred duties of morality."

The most serious competition for the London lodge is French Freemasonry. This lodge is more democratic and almost any Russian can join it, regardless of social status and provisions. There are many representatives of law enforcement agencies in this lodge, which gives it additional weight and significance. Unofficial center of Frenchthe lodge is located in Voronezh – “ Little brothers Voronezh" (9100 members). In general, the chaotic spread of Freemasonry in the Russian provinces, the desire of little-informed brothers to learn the basics of the Masonic legend, and the misinterpretations of home-grown masters led to the degradation of the Masonic legend itself. Although the main official goal of work in the lodge is still to build a temple of human happiness. What the members of these organizations actually do can only be guessed at, but their secret influence on the socio-political life of the regions cannot be underestimated, especially during pre-election periods.

An important role in the regional Russian politics playsRosicrucian Order. Members of the order claim that the Russian St. Andrew's Cross, depicted in the shape of an X, is their emblem, which includes the three letters that make up the word "lux" - light.
And the Rose is considered a symbol of mystery. Initially, Russian Rosicrucianism was an exponent of the occult trend in Protestantism. Their coat of arms depicts a St. Andrew's cross with roses at the four corners, where the rose is a symbol of modesty and the cross is a symbol of the holiness of the union.

Members of the order are required to study magic and cabalistics. The order is most widespread in the Volga region (about 60 organizations) - Saratov (“Yellow Mountains” 5,500 members), Ulyanovsk (“Volga Rose of Lenin” 11,000 members). The organization has its own magical language and writing. The Rosicrucians trace their ancestry to biblical Moses, calling him his "brother". With the arrival of a new Pope to the Catholic throne, the order's struggle with their longtime enemies the Jesuits is expected to intensify. The public often has doubts about the religious orthodoxy of the order and there are vehement attacks from Russian Catholics. The Rosicrucians in Russia were even suspected of having connections with the devil, witchcraft, of persuading gullible people to practice magic that was harmful to the soul, and of freethinking in general. In fact, the inherited forms of mysticism and magic sometimes served only as a shell in which the formation of new scientific ideas, the foundations of the advanced worldview of the subsequent era, and the formation of a view of nature and society that was essentially opposed to church scholasticism took place. The relationship between the order and the Freemasons in Russia is quite complex and tense due to ideological contradictions and the struggle for spheres of influence in politics. The order consists of a fairly large percentage of the Russian academic scientific community.

The Order maintains a strong position in Russia Illuminati especially in the Northwestern District - Leningrad region“Bulletin of the Serena Star” (4,300 members), Vologda region “Order of the Great Path” (1,500 members), Arkhangelsk region “White Ford” (1,500 members). In total, there are about 150,000 followers throughout the Russian Federation, members of almost 600 organizations in almost all constituent entities of the federation.

The Order has a clear structure, the strictest discipline of its members, their ability to use the most various set means to achieve the goals. Members preach the ideas of philosophical materialism of encyclopedists, elitist views and even utopian communism. In many ways, advanced ideas are theoretical and abstract in nature.

In the management of the order, such traits as a passion for intrigue are manifested, as a result of which the organization made a lot of enemies in Russian political circles, which was also facilitated by extreme disdain in means, borrowed from the Jesuits and even elevated to a principle of behavior, the desire to dominate, sometimes bordering on empty vanity. The Illuminati consider the official ways to improve the social structure of Russia to be the spread of education, correct ideas about human nature and the moral revival of humanity. This education must be filled with anti-clerical and anti-corruption content. The secret order was intended to become a means of gradually realizing the Enlightenment's dream of creating a harmonious social system of freedom and equality, a world republic that would put an end to all class differences, religious oppression, monarchical despotism, wars, national enmity, and would establish principles in accordance with human nature.

The Order is very fashionable among Russian youth Templars , or templars,- officially it was called the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon and was founded in early 1118 by French crusaders in Jerusalem. This was facilitated by numerous role-playing games and reconstruction clubs historical events. The order in Russia, as well as throughout the world, is built on a military principle: the junior member of the order unquestioningly obeyed the senior. The head of the order, the grandmaster, has unlimited power. This is one of the richest Russian orders. The strongest structures of the order are represented in the Central Federal District and the Ural District - 75 organizations with more than 25,000 members. For example, in Tver, the Brothers in Spirit organization has 9,000 members, and in Tyumen, the Order of the Reconstruction of Jerusalem has attracted almost 4,000 members.

Secret mafia structures continue to enjoy enormous influence in Russia.
which have firmly merged with the official entrepreneurial activity, banks, courts and law enforcement agencies are deeply hidden communities with their own internal structure and rules that its members must strictly observe. No one has calculated the exact number of mafia organizations and their number, since no one is interested in this. According to the most conservative estimates, the number of mafia groups in Russia may be close to 22,000, and the number of members and supporters from 2 to 5 million people. There is a constant stubborn struggle between them at all levels for spheres of influence, both in politics and in business. The bloody showdowns of the 90s of the last century have now been replaced by raider seizures, custom-made trials, deliberate bankruptcies, distortion of election results and much more brought by the mafia into the mainstream of legal political and economic instruments influence on Russian society.

Oddly enough, the American Ku Klux Klan has taken root here,based on various neo-Nazi groups and now has more than 11,000 members, only in the Moscow region. This is a secret society of zealots of racial purity. It received the name “Ku Klux Klan”, from a corruption of the Greek word “kuklos” - circle. Those entering the society took (and continue to take) an oath: “to devote heart, mind and body to the preservation of white civilization and take with them to the grave the secrets of the order.”

In order to influence the psyche of ordinary people, the Ku Klux Klan members from the very beginning began to furnish their gatherings with all kinds of rituals and sacraments. Although now Russian members do not dress in long white robes with wide sleeves, and do not put a pointed hood on their heads. There remains a tradition when, during mass gatherings, a wooden cross six meters in height is raised, then it is wrapped in rags soaked in kerosene and dug into the middle of a field outside the city.

In connection with the massive resettlement of the Kurdish population to Russia, for example, to the Tambov region, the influence of representatives of the mysterious religious sect YazidisMost of them are in Iraq. They speak Kurdish, but not all ethnically belong to this people. There are also representatives of other nationalities among them.
This sect has attracted the attention of researchers since ancient times, because for them main God- Devil. They live very secluded lives, keeping secret their beliefs and those rituals that have a religious meaning. Yazidis do not write books about themselves. Their religion forbade them even to learn to read and write letters - this was the case, at least until recently. Now, of course, this ban does not have universal force; something has changed in the way of life of the Yazidis, in their relationships with people of other religions. Due to uncontrolled migration processes, their numbers are constantly growing. In Tambov alone there are now more than 60,000 people. The Yezidi faith reflected Zoroastrian ideas about the two principles of the world - good and evil, light and darkness. They revere the devil, but also believe in God, the bearer of good. However, they believe that God carries out all his actions through the devil, whom for some reason they represent in the image of a peacock. The Yazidis worship his image, carry his copper statuette in religious processions, fumigate it with incense, and donate gold and silver objects to the devil.

It is successfully developing in Russia and “ Church of Scientology», promoted by world cult personalities, such as actor Tom Cruise. The founder of the Church of Scientology was a retired naval officer Lafayette Ron Hubbard, who introduced a number of innovative ideas into teaching that have not lost their relevance today. In 1950, Hubbard published a book entitled Dianetics: modern science O; spiritual health." Hubbard explains the term “Dianetics” as a combination of Greek words, translated meaning “through the soul” or “through consciousness,” i.e., “the science of consciousness” or “Scientology” - “scientology.” "Dianetics", according to Hubbard himself, solves its problems without resorting to hypnosis, drugs, surgery and other artificial means.

Formally, the goal of society in Russia is considered to be “propaganda and education in the field of theology and religious philosophy as applied to Scientology.” The “Church” spreads the belief in the transmigration of souls and promises physical immortality. Although in the United States, Scientology leaders were accused of burglary, espionage, child abduction, organizing smear campaigns, and on October 26, 1979, nine prominent Scientologists were found guilty in federal court of theft, conspiracy and many other crimes and sentenced to various terms of punishment, Scientologists and I are treated tolerantly. Their number is stable: 60-70 thousand active Russian members. Scientology's income, according to some estimates, is 70 or even 100 million dollars annually. Their positions are especially strong in Central Siberia, the Urals and the Far East.
From year to year it strengthens its position in Russia "Ethereal Society», which originated in 1954 in the UK and has branches in many countries. Its leader was George King. Members of the society inform earthlings about many events on other planets, the movements of “flying saucer” fleets, and predicted hurricanes and earthquakes.

The society regularly receives information from Venus and distributes it among the inhabitants of the Earth. It began publishing the magazine “Ether Broadcasts to the Earth,” which was soon renamed “Voice of Space.” King often speaks on behalf of Jesus Christ, who lives on Venus; his “voice” was even recorded on records. Other “masters of space” also appeared, for example, “Jupiter, sector 92,” the Apostle Peter and Buddha. The messages that King has been disseminating for decades both in England and the United States feature the struggle between the forces of good and evil in space, finding ways to save the Earth, traveling for this purpose to mountains with mystical powers, mobilizing “vital energy,” etc. d. The society focused its attention on the problem of “flying saucers”. On behalf of the “masters of space”, it even awards special “certificates of merit” for following their instructions. There are 11-15 thousand followers of this cult in Russia.

An international religious organization has gained scandalous fame in Russia« AUM Shinrikyo » (AUM is a sacred mantra meaning impermanence; Shinrikyo translated from Japanese is the Teaching of Truth).
AUM Shinrikyo was founded by the Japanese Chizuo Matsumoto (in Russia he is known as Shoko Asahara). Asahara’s “teaching” is a kind of cocktail of Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity. As the “guru” himself said, it was based on his altruistic philosophy, at the center of which is the idea of ​​“saving” all humanity, based on three principles: 1) delivering people from diseases; 2) achieving happiness in this world; 3) achieving enlightenment and liberation.

Since the founding of AUM Shinrikyo, its centers have appeared in many countries: Japan, USA, Germany, Sri Lanka, Russia, where Asahara found many of his followers. According to Asahara himself, he attached exceptional importance to the activities to “save” Russia from the point of view of the success of “world salvation.” In Moscow he received a warm welcome. In the summer of 1992 it opened here Russian branch"AUM Shinrikyo." Then, in 1994, the Moscow religious association “Teaching of Truth AUM” was formed in Russia. AUM centers have appeared in every district of the capital. Once a week in best time Asahara broadcast on the Mayak radio station and on the 2X2 TV channel, regularly rented the Olimpiysky sports complex for two or three days, and even had security recruited from former KGB officers. The result was not long in coming: about 35 thousand people became members of AUM in Russia. There is an opinion that the Japanese received targeted money to work in Russia. And he earned this money conscientiously: the profile of an applicant to the sect was reminiscent of the profile of an applicant to an underground sabotage group. It even required to indicate the blood type, presence driver's license, area of ​​interest (list of twenty-four items, including navigation, agriculture and metallurgy). The prosecutor's office became interested in the activities of the "guru", but their trips to AUM Shinrikyo were fruitless. Matsumoto’s henchmen said that they donate money to them, there is no accounting department, and they themselves don’t know how many of their followers there are in Moscow.
The Japanese police managed to detain one of the sectarians, and with him - the most detailed arch-secret documentation about the most complex and cutting-edge process of uranium enrichment for nuclear power plants and nuclear bombs. Now the sect, after the events in the Tokyo subway, is deep underground and practically nothing is known about it.

Has enormous weight in RussiaBilderberg Club. This organization does not have such clearly defined leaders and known members. However, it includes the chairman of the US Federal Reserve System, representatives of the royal families of the Netherlands and Spain, the highest officials World Bank, as well as representatives of large corporations. The club is not a secret society as such, but it operates under the appropriate veil of secrecy when dealing with the Kremlin.

The Bilderberg Club was created in 1954, and since then it has convened its members only by exclusive invitation. As a result, a conference of various world leaders, industrial and media magnates gathers. The club's original goal was to combat the dominance of Americanism in Europe after World War II, but over the years a wider discussion has emerged to achieve mutual understanding between the two rich cultures. The controversy surrounding the activities of the Bilderberg Club is ongoing for a very clear reason: the press is not allowed there, what the members say remains unknown. The public is officially told only minor details.

This secrecy, along with heightened security at the venue, which includes armed police officers, security guards and even patrolling fighter jets in the skies, has given rise to a number of conspiracy theories about the club.

In my opinion, a refined, snickering CREATURE has confused the countries. Or this CREATURE clearly does not live in RUSSIA...=====The head of Sberbank of the Russian Federation, German Gref, teaches how to manage the population of Russia. limiting it in RIGHTS, EDUCATION and information. Within the framework of the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, a business breakfast of Sberbank was held, at which its head German Gref also spoke. At the breakfast, a discussion broke out, during which Gref expressed his fears that power might end up in the hands of citizens, and then launched into discussions about Kabbalah, Conficianism and Buddhism, writes “You are saying terrible things,” - Gref told the discussion participants. - “You propose to transfer power, in fact, into the hands of the population.” He expressed fears that as soon as “people understand the basis of their self, it will become extremely difficult to manage and manipulate them.” As it turned out, the era of the widespread spread of the Internet also frightens the head of Sberbank. “How to live, how to manage a society where everyone has equal access to information, everyone has the opportunity to judge directly, receive undissected information, receive it not through government-trained analysts, political scientists and huge machines of the media unleashed on their heads? “How in such a society?” live? Your reasoning makes me a little scared, to be honest,” admits Gref. During his speech, German Gref gave a short historical and religious excursion, first recalling the history of Buddhism, and then moved on to Confucius, noting that he started as a democrat and ended up creating teachings about the division of society into strata. The Taoists, Gref continued, kept the teaching secret for centuries, because they understood that if the people were given knowledge of who they were and what they needed, it would become difficult to manipulate them. Finally, Kabbalah remained a secret teaching for many years. since those in power did not want to remove the veil from the eyes of the people and make the people self-sufficient.

Information about secret societies runs through the entire history of mankind. As a rule, they were created to achieve religious or political goals that were illegal, so all the activities of secret societies had hidden character.

Secret societies existed both in ancient times and among modern peoples. For example, at primitive people it was religious unions, associated with the institution of taboos: the Egboe order (Cameroon), the Areois order (Polynesia), the Duk-duk order (islands Indian Ocean), and on the Palau Islands - a secret women's order. The right to join these societies was obtained either through money or by passing a physical test. The entry itself was accompanied by various ceremonies. In the Middle Ages, secret societies of magic adepts and alchemists became widespread. The Rosicrucian Brotherhood was formed in the eighteenth century. At the same time, the Freemasons and their closest brothers in aspirations, the Illuminati, gained strength. In the 19th century, the Napoleonic regime contributed to the creation of secret societies of coal miners, Philadelphians, the German Confederation, Charlottenburgers, Tugendbund, etc. Widespread received secret alliances modeled on Young Italy - Young France, Young Germany, Young Poland, Young Switzerland. Spain also had secret societies: the High Templars, the Isabellinos, Young Spain, and the Knights of the Sun. In Portugal there were such secret unions of the Septabrists, Miguelistas, and Hartists. Secret societies rightfully included the Camorra (Southern Italy) and the Mafia (Sicily). In the northern states of America, defenders of slavery created the secret society of the Golden Compass. It was a member of this society that killed President Lincoln. Over time, the slaveholding union entered the Ku Klux Klan society. In Russia, people from high society At the end of the 18th century, they organized a secret society of Freemasons. Russian political secret societies became widespread during the reign of Alexander I, when liberal policies were replaced by the harsh Arakcheev regime.

Six secret societies still received the greatest fame and influence in the world.

The secret society of the Illuminati was founded in May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the Bavarian Ingoldstadt University, who believed that man, as a creature of Mother Nature, is not bad, the state, religion and environment make him that way. With his like-minded people, he founded an order, the main goal of which was to make a person enlightened and free him from the influence of all social institutions. The founder of the Order of the Illuminati himself was a Freemason and received the approval of the Masonic lodge for the activities of the new secret society. New members of the Illuminati did not join the order, but were recruited. Since 1784, the activities of the Illuminati Order have been banned in Bavaria. Until now, no one knows whether the Order has collapsed or is in hiding. But the Illuminati sign, the “All-Seeing Eye,” is on the state seal of the United States of America. And this fact undoubtedly gives rise to a lot of assumptions and guesses regarding the Order of the Illuminati.

The headquarters of the Opus Dei (Work of God) organization are located in Rome and New York, whose activities are also shrouded in secrecy. It is known that it has 85 thousand members from more than 60 countries. This organization has $42 million in its accounts. Opus Dei belongs to the Catholic Church. This order was created in 1928 by priest Josemaría Escrivá. The main goal Opus Dei is to support religious consciousness in society and force all levels of society to view work as a sacred act. All members of the order take vows of complete obedience and chastity and are required to obey a strict daily routine: prayers, reading religious literature, pacification of the flesh, including self-flagellation. Some members of the order wear chains (a chain with spikes). The majority of the members, called "cooperados", do not take any vows, but only cooperate with Opus Dei. Pope Paul II celebrated the achievements of Opus Dei in the field of mercy. There is information that the order had connections with Spanish fascists, with anti-Semites and persecuted some Catholics.

Another secret society, Skull and Bones, was founded in 1832 by Yale University senior student William Russell. The goal of the society was to thoroughly prepare members of society to manage all areas of American society. Each year, only 15 people could become new members of the society. Subsequently, almost all of them became either political or community leaders, or famous athletes etc. Today the society has about 800 members. According to some reports, it was the members of this secret order that brought Hitler to power. The Fuhrer's financier had business connections with an American bank, which was owned by a member of the Skull and Bones society - grandfather former president USA Bush Jr. The ceremony for accepting newcomers into the ranks of a secret society looks like a costume performance. The desire of members of society to emphasize their elitism can be seen throughout. On the day of graduation from the University, a graduate member of the order receives $15 thousand, and for the wedding he is supposed to give an antique grandfather clock. Although the activities of this order are ridiculed in America, they say that despite this, America is ruled by Skull and Bones.

Just north of San Francisco is Bohemian Grove, an upscale vacation destination. It is the property of a men's arts club called the Bohemian Club. It was organized in 1872. Every year in July, the most influential people from all over the world come here to spend a two-week vacation. In the beautiful grove everything has been done for the accommodation and entertainment of club members and their guests. There are about a hundred comfortable sleeping houses in the grove. Guests behave at ease - walk, play, talk. Although Bohemian Grove's motto is "Spiders Don't Come Here to Weave Webs," there is evidence that many political and financial deals are made here. Bohemian Grove is said to have approved the Manhattan Project in 1942, which led to the atomic bombing of Japanese cities.

The symbol of the Bohemian Club is the wise owl. The annual ceremony of burning the effigy takes place in front of the statue of a forty-foot owl as a cleansing procedure for club members.

In 1973, the influential banker David Rockefeller and Harvard University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski created the Trilateral Commission. The Commission was conceived as an organization that would include “the best minds in the world.” The commission represented the interests of three parties - North America, Japan and Western Europe. At the meetings of the commission the fate of the world was decided. Members of the secret society set themselves the goal of promoting regional cooperation on all issues. In fact, the tripartite commission resolved issues in the interests of a narrow circle of people from each country. It is believed that the commission took part in the preparation of the Soviet “perestroika”. The Trilateral Commission is actively promoting a “new world order.” The Trilateral Commission has developed a fairly effective mechanism to influence events in the world.

The “Order of Freemasons” or otherwise “Masons” is a powerful organization whose roots go deep into antiquity. For Masons, all people are divided into enlightened and profane. Naturally, the enlightened are the members of the order who own its secrets, and the profane are everyone else.

Until now, no one can accurately name the source of the origin of Freemasonry. There are several versions: the temple of King Solomon, the crusaders, religion and Roman corporations of artisans. The teachings of the Freemasons are filled with ancient Greek myths and the names of mythical characters and real individuals who developed their abilities to the supernatural. Masons also use the teachings of ancient sects, the wisdom of teachers of ancient times: Rama, Buddha, Paton, Confucius, Pythagoras, Mohammed and Jesus.

The “chosen ones” study ideas about the world and the universe, about the structure and hierarchy of the order through rituals and mysteries. All the teachings of the Masons, their activities and plans are hidden from the outside world. Since ancient times, it was believed that the one who owns the secret, especially the secret of knowledge, has the opportunity to directly communicate with God, because he is the Chosen One.

Everyone who joined the Masonic lodge had their own reasons for doing so. Some were eager to gain knowledge, others wanted to be useful. common cause, someone to feel exceptional or to occupy a high position in society. But regardless of what was the reason for becoming a Freemason, every Freemason must, without hesitation and hesitation, unquestioningly make any sacrifices to achieve the goals of the Order and sacredly maintain the secret and loyalty to the Masonic brotherhood. A Mason belongs to the Order undividedly: the Order comes first in life, and only then a citizen, a family man, a person. The ability to keep a secret is one of the virtues of every Mason. For a Mason, a secret always remains a secret, no matter when or who revealed it. There is another reason for the need for a member of a Masonic lodge to keep secrets. The fact is that the main goal of Freemasonry is to create good. A good deed that is announced publicly is a direct path to the pride of the one who did it. The Masons believed that true charity should be carried out secretly - only then would it reach those in need. People who are haunted by the existence of a secret society see in the activities of the Freemasons a worldwide conspiracy, secret intrigues. But no one thinks about the fact that Freemasonry has existed for a long time, but no one could accurately indicate the results of their “villainous activities.” The outstanding sons of humanity were Freemasons: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Niccolo Paganini, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, writers Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Walter Scott, Mark Twain, Rabindranath Tagore, Oscar Wilde, poets Robert Burns, Rudyard Kipling. Theodore Roosevelt and several other American presidents were members of the Masonic fraternity. Winston Churchill was a Freemason English king Edward VII was a member of the brotherhood before his accession to the throne. Freemasons included John Jacob Astor and Henry Ford, polar explorers Robert Peary, Matthew Henson, and Admiral Richard Byrd. Lunar pioneer astronaut Edwin Aldrin brought a banner with Masonic emblems in his pocket to the surface of the Moon. The US Constitution, which proclaimed human rights, was written by Freemasons.

Outstanding personalities who were Freemasons also lived and worked in Russia: A.S. Pushkin, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, Zhukovsky, Gumilev, Sumarokov, Voloshin. Is it possible to imagine that these people could plot against Russia? The pride of Russia, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, has said more than once that his views are very close to Freemasonry. The mere fact that Russian Masonic lodges united such a number the best people country, speaks of the existence among the Freemasons of an atmosphere of spiritual quest and a desire to bring good to people. After a long period Russian history in 1991, the first Masonic lodge in the renewed Russia was established. Today Freemasons conduct their work in Moscow, Voronezh, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. They are continuers of the world movement of Freemasonry and work in the field of spiritual architecture.

The details of Freemasonry are: Jewish candlestick, Greek columns, sword, dagger. Masons do not part with their symbols: a triangle, a candle, a compass, a protractor, a hammer, a spatula, etc. Several emblems serve as the seal of Freemasonry. The most common is a large circle, and two intersecting equilateral triangles are inscribed in it. The simplest seal of Freemasonry is the six-pointed star.

Each of the Masons tries to achieve perfection by taking “seven steps along the seven steps of the ladder leading to Solomon’s temple.”

The idea of ​​Freemasonry is to create a kingdom of love and truth on earth. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone who joins the Order of Free Masons hopes to master something secret by taking seven steps along the “ladder of perfection.” And what a Mason will find on the last step of this “ladder” is the main secret of Freemasonry.

There are many legends surrounding secret societies. Some are sure that these organizations rule the world, others - that they are dangerous because they possess occult knowledge... But no one really understands what they do... One way or another, some of the medieval secret orders still exist. Today we will talk about the most famous of them.


The first Masonic lodge appeared in London in 1717, although rumors about this organization had circulated before. The goal of the society is the transfer and research of esoteric knowledge accumulated by humanity. Contrary to popular misconceptions, this is not a sect or a political organization at all. Masons have a complex internal hierarchy, their own system of rituals and secret signs by which they recognize each other.


This is an occult society founded at the beginning of the 15th century by Christian Rosenkreutz. They used magical practices to transform consciousness. Some researchers believe, by the way, that it was from the Rosicrucians that all other secret societies came, including the Masons.


The Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded in 1776 in Ingolstadt by philosopher, theologian and law professor Adam Weishaupt. Initially, Weishaupt planned to build his organization on the basis of Masonic traditions, but later decided to go his own way, although the order for a long time was associated with Freemasonry. There is a version that the Illuminati still secretly rule the world and it is they who should be blamed for various cataclysms, political and economic crises. Meanwhile, there is no evidence that the Illuminati exists in our time.


The founders of the Templar Order were nine knights who vowed to protect pilgrims in the Holy Land at the beginning of the 12th century. Later, the order began to grow, it had followers in many European countries. The Templars were a very strong and powerful organization that had real power, wealth and influence. There is even a legend that they owned such Christian relics as the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the Blood of Christ. But after they were persecuted and mass executed in the 14th century, the order lost its influence... Although perhaps this is just an illusion. In any case, rumors about the Templars still pop up in different parts of the world.

Skull and crossbones

This secret society was founded by William Russell in 1832 at Yale University. Initially it was called the Eulogia Club. The organization is quite influential in our time. Among the members of Skull and Bones are heads of state, major industrial magnates, and heads of intelligence services. Society meetings are held twice a week. Although the organization borrowed many rituals from the Freemasons, some experts argue that it is just a harmless student fraternity...

Bohemian Club

This is a private men's arts club located in San Francisco. Every year in July, its members gather in Monte Rio, California, to an estate on the territory of the Bohemian Grove with red trees... The first such “race” took place back in 1899.

According to some reports, the club has 1,500 members, including presidents, government officials, bankers, industrialists, famous artists and musicians... To join the club, they say, you need to wait at least 15 years. It is believed that all these people come here on vacation, but there are known cases when commercial deals were concluded in the Bohemian Grove and important agreements were signed... There are also rumors that Masonic, Satanist and other occult rituals are held there, since there are many representatives of the Bohemian Club various secret societies.

Information about secret societies runs through the entire history of mankind. As a rule, they were created to achieve religious or political goals that were illegal, so all the activities of secret societies were hidden.

Six secret societies still received the greatest fame and influence in the world.

The “Order of Freemasons” or otherwise “Masons” is a powerful organization whose roots go deep into antiquity. For Masons, all people are divided into enlightened and profane. Naturally, the enlightened are the members of the order who own its secrets, and the profane are everyone else.

Until now, no one can accurately name the source of the origin of Freemasonry. There are several versions: the temple of King Solomon, the crusaders, religion and Roman corporations of artisans. The teachings of the Freemasons are filled with ancient Greek myths and the names of mythical characters and real individuals who developed their abilities to the supernatural. Masons also use the teachings of ancient sects, the wisdom of teachers of ancient times: Rama, Buddha, Paton, Confucius, Pythagoras, Mohammed and Jesus.

The “chosen ones” study ideas about the world and the universe, about the structure and hierarchy of the order through rituals and mysteries. All the teachings of the Masons, their activities and plans are hidden from the outside world. Since ancient times, it was believed that the one who owns the secret, especially the secret of knowledge, has the opportunity to directly communicate with God, because he is the Chosen One.

Everyone who joined the Masonic lodge had their own reasons for doing so. Some wanted to gain knowledge, some wanted to benefit the common cause, some wanted to feel exceptional or take a high position in society. But regardless of what was the reason for becoming a Freemason, every Freemason must, without hesitation and hesitation, unquestioningly make any sacrifices to achieve the goals of the Order and sacredly maintain the secret and loyalty to the Masonic brotherhood. A Mason belongs to the Order undividedly: the Order comes first in life, and only then a citizen, a family man, a person. The ability to keep a secret is one of the virtues of every Mason. For a Mason, a secret always remains a secret, no matter when or who revealed it. There is another reason for the need for a member of a Masonic lodge to keep secrets. The fact is that the main goal of Freemasonry is to create good. A good deed that is announced publicly is a direct path to the pride of the one who did it. The Masons believed that true charity should be carried out secretly - only then would it reach those in need. People who are haunted by the existence of a secret society see in the activities of the Freemasons a worldwide conspiracy, secret intrigues. But no one thinks about the fact that Freemasonry has existed for a long time, but no one could accurately indicate the results of their “villainous activities.” The outstanding sons of humanity were Freemasons: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Niccolo Paganini, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, writers Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Walter Scott, Mark Twain, Rabindranath Tagore, Oscar Wilde, poets Robert Burns, Rudyard Kipling. Theodore Roosevelt and several other American presidents were members of the Masonic fraternity. Winston Churchill was a Freemason, and the English King Edward VII was a member of the fraternity before ascending the throne. Freemasons included John Jacob Astor and Henry Ford, polar explorers Robert Peary, Matthew Henson, and Admiral Richard Byrd. Lunar pioneer astronaut Edwin Aldrin brought a banner with Masonic emblems in his pocket to the surface of the Moon. The US Constitution, which proclaimed human rights, was written by Freemasons.

Outstanding personalities who were Freemasons also lived and worked in Russia: A.S. Pushkin, A.V. Suvorov, M.I. Kutuzov, Zhukovsky, Gumilev, Sumarokov, Voloshin. Is it possible to imagine that these people could plot against Russia? The pride of Russia - Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy has said more than once that his views are very close to Freemasonry. The very fact that Russian Masonic lodges united so many of the best people in the country indicates the existence among Masons of an atmosphere of spiritual quest and a desire to bring good to people. After a long period of Russian history, the first Masonic lodge in the renewed Russia was established in 1991. Today Freemasons conduct their work in Moscow, Voronezh, St. Petersburg and Arkhangelsk. They are continuers of the world movement of Freemasonry and work in the field of spiritual architecture.

The details of Freemasonry are: Jewish candlestick, Greek columns, sword, dagger. Masons do not part with their symbols: a triangle, a candle, a compass, a protractor, a hammer, a spatula, etc. Several emblems serve as the seal of Freemasonry. The most common is a large circle, and two intersecting equilateral triangles are inscribed in it. The simplest seal of Freemasonry is the six-pointed star.

Each of the Masons tries to achieve perfection by taking “seven steps along the seven steps of the ladder leading to Solomon’s temple.”

The idea of ​​Freemasonry is to create a kingdom of love and truth on earth. There's nothing wrong with that. Everyone who joins the Order of Free Masons hopes to master something secret by taking seven steps along the “ladder of perfection.” And what a Mason will find on the last step of this “ladder” is the main secret of Freemasonry.

The secret society of the Illuminati was founded in May 1776 by Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the Bavarian Ingoldstadt University, who believed that man, as a creature of Mother Nature, is not bad, the state, religion and environment make him that way. With his like-minded people, he founded an order, the main goal of which was to make a person enlightened and free him from the influence of all social institutions. The founder of the Order of the Illuminati himself was a Freemason and received the approval of the Masonic lodge for the activities of the new secret society. New members of the Illuminati did not join the order, but were recruited. Since 1784, the activities of the Illuminati Order have been banned in Bavaria. Until now, no one knows whether the Order has collapsed or is in hiding. But the sign of the Illuminati - the “All-Seeing Eye” is on the state seal of the United States of America. And this fact undoubtedly gives rise to a lot of assumptions and guesses regarding the Order of the Illuminati.

The headquarters of the Opus Dei (Work of God) organization are located in Rome and New York, whose activities are also shrouded in secrecy. It is known that it has 85 thousand members from more than 60 countries. This organization has $42 million in its accounts. Opus Dei belongs to the Catholic Church. This order was created in 1928 by priest Josemaría Escrivá. The main goal of Opus Dei is to support religious consciousness in society and force all sectors of society to view work as a sacred action. All members of the order take vows of complete obedience and chastity and are required to obey a strict daily routine: prayers, reading religious literature, pacification of the flesh, including self-flagellation. Some members of the order wear chains (a chain with spikes). The majority of the members, called "cooperados", do not take any vows, but only cooperate with Opus Dei. Pope Paul II celebrated the achievements of Opus Dei in the field of mercy. There is information that the order had connections with Spanish fascists, with anti-Semites and persecuted some Catholics.

Another secret society, Skull and Bones, was founded in 1832 by Yale University senior student William Russell. The goal of the society was to thoroughly prepare members of society to manage all areas of American society. Each year, only 15 people could become new members of the society. Subsequently, almost all of them became either political and social leaders, or famous athletes, etc. Today the society has about 800 members. According to some reports, it was the members of this secret order that brought Hitler to power. The Fuhrer's financier had business ties with an American bank, which was owned by a member of the Skull and Bones society - the grandfather of former US President Bush Jr. The ceremony for accepting newcomers into the ranks of a secret society looks like a costume performance. The desire of members of society to emphasize their elitism can be seen throughout. On the day of graduation from the University, a graduate member of the order receives $15 thousand, and for the wedding he is supposed to give an antique grandfather clock. Although the activities of this order are ridiculed in America, they say that despite this, America is ruled by Skull and Bones.

Just north of San Francisco is Bohemian Grove, an upscale vacation destination. It is the property of a men's arts club called the Bohemian Club. It was organized in 1872. Every year in July, the most influential people from all over the world come here to spend a two-week vacation. In the beautiful grove everything has been done for the accommodation and entertainment of club members and their guests. There are about a hundred comfortable sleeping houses in the grove. Guests behave at ease - walk, play, talk. Although Bohemian Grove's motto is "Spiders Don't Come Here to Weave Webs," there is evidence that many political and financial deals are made here. Bohemian Grove is said to have approved the Manhattan Project in 1942, which led to the atomic bombing of Japanese cities.

The symbol of the Bohemian Club is the wise owl. The annual ceremony of burning the effigy takes place in front of the statue of a forty-foot owl as a cleansing procedure for club members.

In 1973, the influential banker David Rockefeller and Harvard University professor Zbigniew Brzezinski created the Trilateral Commission. The Commission was conceived as an organization that would include “the best minds in the world.” The commission represented the interests of three parties - North America, Japan and Western Europe. At the meetings of the commission the fate of the world was decided. Members of the secret society set themselves the goal of promoting regional cooperation on all issues. In fact, the tripartite commission resolved issues in the interests of a narrow circle of people from each country. It is believed that the commission took part in the preparation of the Soviet “perestroika”. The Trilateral Commission is actively promoting a “new world order.” The Trilateral Commission has developed a fairly effective mechanism to influence events in the world.

The history of the emergence of secret societies and secret organizations goes back centuries. Everything unknown in the minds of the people traditionally causes a lot of assumptions and speculation. However, today quite a lot is known about some of the secret organizations, their principles and charters.

Officially, the organization of Freemasons was published in 1717, although there are some documents indicating that the activities of this group were registered back in the 14th century. The fraternity was originally created for people who shared the key philosophical ideas of the time, including the belief in a supreme being. The Masons paid special attention moral issues, as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable activities and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and even political groups.

Typically, churches of all denominations criticize the Freemasons, since their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days, Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice remained unchanged, called the method of induction. The initiate must be recommended to the group by someone who is already a Freemason, and to reach the level of "Master" a person must go through three different levels. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive; we can recall, for example, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today, the Freemasons are less influential and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous fraternities in the world. There are about 5 million officially members of Freemasonry alone.

The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the main sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since the Order's members were extremely small, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations.

The Assassins infiltrated their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Secret assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to history, enemy leaders woke up in the morning to find an Assassin's dagger on their pillow with the note "You are in our power." Over time, the legend of secret order has grown. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, hired killers allegedly became famous for carrying out orders for such historical figures, like King Richard the Lionheart.

Around the same time as the Order disintegrated, the entire library containing records about Nizari was destroyed. So much information was lost that today the Assassins appear to be nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group seems controversial. The word "Hashshashin" itself roughly translates to "Hashish Users", indicating the possible use of stimulants in combat. The term itself was discredited, but the Nizaris subsequently transformed it into the modern word “assassin” (killer).

Founded in the middle of the last century, the Bilderberg Club is often called the world government by conspiracy theorists. Its members are influential politicians, financiers, businessmen and media magnates from Europe and North America. There are about 400 people in total. They meet annually to discuss current world issues. But no concrete solutions are not accepted. At least, this is stated on the website of the organization itself, but it is impossible to verify this. You can join the forum by invitation only. Outsiders, including journalists, are not allowed to attend meetings. Recording of these meetings is prohibited. Representatives of Russia periodically become guests of the Bilderberg Club. Among them are the founder of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, politician Garry Kasparov and the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais.

One of the most famous Illuminati symbols is the glowing delta on the US dollar bill. Under the brand "Illuminati" in different times Various organizations existed and, oddly enough, continue to exist. The first official brotherhood of the “enlightened” was formed in Bavaria in 1776. Adherents of this order fought against religion and promoted liberal ideas. The movement was banned by the authorities a few years after its founding. His ideologist, professor of canon law Adam Weishaupt, died in exile.

However, according to rumors, the Illuminati simply continued its activities, completely going into the shadows. They are credited with creating the United States and October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to constant mentions in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Contemporary conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society has managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, guiding the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction.

In the 21st century, interest in the Illuminati awoke after the publication of the book “Angels and Demons” by the American writer Dan Brown. According to the plot, the descendants of a secret society take revenge on the Vatican for their murdered comrades.

The most famous representatives of this secret society are George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale's Skull and Bones is the most famous of these. The organization arose in 1833, its members must come from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real requirement being that the applicant must be a leader on his or her campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, student council members and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, and judges came out of Skull and Bones Supreme Court. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting political elite countries.

No one denies that this club is well funded - alumni created the Russel Trust Association, which keeps cash society. According to rumors, the group even owns its own island in upstate New York. Although the secret practices of Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors about the obligatory rituals still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is still unknown what we're talking about. To the disappointment of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are fairly harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks.

The fame of “Skull and Bones” was given by legends about how new members are obliged to talk about their sexual fantasies, and analysis of sexual stories of childhood and youth is also carried out. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the “Long Devil”, the one with the greatest sexual experience is called “Magog” (this name was used by William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, was unable to conquer the group with his talents, receiving the nickname “Temporary.”

This order is a mystical organization that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The scheme is similar to a less hidden association, the Freemasons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move community members from one level to another.

The general philosophy of the order is based on a new era of esoteric principles and practices as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the famous eccentric occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the Order's influence and popularity waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, these are the USA, Great Britain, and European countries. The growing popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his brainchild, the Order of the Eastern Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. The main one is the association of sexual preferences, especially the teaching of “Phallus Worship” and the magic of masturbation.

The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society “Black Hand” (another name is “Unity or Death”) was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. The Black Hand was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the People's Defense, a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe.

Taking into account its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers for the overthrow in the province state power. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to escape from the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the “Black Hand” was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization.

Today the activities of this terrorist organization would have been forgotten if not for the participation of the “Black Hand” in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from Mlada Bosna (a branch of the Black Hand) assassinated the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, starting the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides entered into action. On the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently “ Cold War" Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

This secret society flourished in the United States during the American Civil War. At first, the group sought to support the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights switched their attention from colonialism to ardent support of the new Confederate government.

The organization had several thousand followers who even formed their own partisan detachments and began to raid fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had great influence. Lots of newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who was a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it not only cares about rare meetings and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico.

During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port at San Francisco. On short time even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. Happy ending Civil War The organization's activities gradually faded away, although many blame it for organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg, and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their ulterior motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven.

Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas quickly gave way to occult ones, and over time the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This translated into a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society could boast of several thousand of its members, and even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized political organization"German Workers' Party". Later, young Adolf Hitler became its member, and it itself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism.

The members of the Thule Society themselves took part in strange activities long before the advent of Nazism. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the area North Pole, and Iceland is all that remains of the land that went under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

Sons of Liberty is free organized group dissidents who were active in America before the Revolutionary War. Their goal was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies.

The Sons of Liberty did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense of the word, but rather as a coalition of patriotic factions in support of common goal. They usually met in Boston, near the elm tree, which has since received the name of the Liberty tree. It was here that the group developed its resistance policy, which included the distribution of brochures and even some acts of sabotage and terrorism. Such actions led to the fact that the British began to persecute the Sons of Liberty, considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called “Sons of Violence.” The group eventually became the most prominent among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and to create famous phrase“No to taxation without representation!”

Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the most prominent faction, factions were spread throughout the 13 colonies. One group in Rhode Island looted and burned the British merchant ship Gaspee to protest unjust laws, while others simply denigrated British supporters. But the most famous incident involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community dressed as Indians had tea thrown into the sea from British ships. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.