Goals of secret occult organizations. The most famous secret societies

The history of the emergence of secret societies and secret organizations goes back centuries. Everything unknown in the minds of the people traditionally causes a lot of assumptions and speculation. However, today quite a lot is known about some of the secret organizations, their principles and charters.


Officially, the organization of Freemasons was published in 1717, although there are some documents indicating that the activities of this group were registered back in the 14th century. The fraternity was originally created for people who shared the key philosophical ideas of the time, including the belief in a supreme being. Freemasons paid special attention to issues of morality, as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable activities and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and even political groups.

Typically, churches of all denominations criticize the Freemasons, since their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days, Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice remained unchanged, called the method of induction. The initiate must be recommended to the group by someone who is already a Freemason, and to reach the level of "Master" a person must go through three different levels. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive; we can recall, for example, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today, the Freemasons are less influential and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous fraternities in the world. There are about 5 million officially members of Freemasonry alone.


The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the main sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since the Order's members were extremely small, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations.

The Assassins infiltrated their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Secret assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to history, enemy leaders woke up in the morning to find an Assassin’s dagger on their pillow with the note “You are in our power.” Over time, the legend of secret order has grown. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, hired killers allegedly became famous for carrying out orders for such historical figures, like King Richard the Lionheart.

Around the same time as the Order disintegrated, the entire library containing records about Nizari was destroyed. So much information was lost that today the Assassins appear to be nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group seems controversial. The word “Hashshashin” itself translates roughly as “Hashish Users,” which indicates possible use in the battle of stimulants. The term itself was discredited, but subsequently the Nizaris transformed it into modern word"assassin" (killer).

Bilderberg Club.

Founded in the middle of the last century, the Bilderberg Club is often called the world government by conspiracy theorists. Its members are influential politicians, financiers, businessmen and media magnates from Europe and North America. There are about 400 people in total. They meet annually to discuss current world issues. But no concrete solutions are not accepted. At least, this is stated on the website of the organization itself, but it is impossible to verify this. You can join the forum by invitation only. Outsiders, including journalists, are not allowed to attend meetings. Recording of these meetings is prohibited. Representatives of Russia periodically become guests of the Bilderberg Club. Among them are the founder of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, politician Garry Kasparov and the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais.


One of the most famous Illuminati symbols is the glowing delta on the US dollar bill. Under the brand "Illuminati" in different times Various organizations have existed and, oddly enough, continue to exist. The first official brotherhood of the “enlightened” was formed in Bavaria in 1776. Adherents of this order fought against religion and promoted liberal ideas. The movement was banned by the authorities a few years after its founding. His ideologist, professor of canon law Adam Weishaupt, died in exile.

However, according to rumors, the Illuminati simply continued its activities, completely going into the shadows. They are credited with creating the United States and October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to constant mentions in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, guiding the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction.

In the 21st century, interest in the Illuminati awoke after the publication of the book “Angels and Demons” by the American writer Dan Brown. According to the plot, the descendants of a secret society take revenge on the Vatican for their murdered comrades.

Skull and crossbones.

The most famous representatives of this secret society are George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale's Skull and Bones is the most famous of these. The organization arose in 1833, its members must come from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real condition is that the applicant must be a leader on his campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, student council members and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, and judges came out of Skull and Bones Supreme Court. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting political elite countries.

No one denies that this club is well funded - alumni created the Russel Trust Association, which keeps cash society. Rumor has it that the group even owns its own island in upstate New York. Although the secret practices of Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors about the obligatory rituals still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is still unknown what we're talking about. To the disappointment of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are fairly harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks.

The fame of “Skull and Bones” was given by legends about how new members are obliged to talk about their sexual fantasies, and analysis of sexual stories of childhood and youth is also carried out. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the “Long Devil”, the one with the greatest sexual experience is called “Magog” (this name was used by William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, was unable to conquer the group with his talents, receiving the nickname “Temporary.”

Order of the Eastern Templars.

This order is a mystical organization that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The scheme is similar to a less hidden association, the Freemasons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move community members from one level to another.

The general philosophy of the order is based on a new era of esoteric principles and practices as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the famous eccentric occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the Order's influence and popularity waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, these are the USA, Great Britain, and European countries. The growing popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his brainchild, the Order of the Eastern Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. The main one is the association of sexual preferences, especially the teaching of “Phallus Worship” and the magic of masturbation.

Black hand.

The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society “Black Hand” (another name is “Unity or Death”) was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. The Black Hand was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the People's Defense, a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe.

Taking into account its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers for the overthrow in the province state power. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to escape from the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the “Black Hand” was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization.

Today the activities of this terrorist organization would have been forgotten if not for the participation of the “Black Hand” in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from Mlada Bosna (a branch of the Black Hand) assassinated the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, starting the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides entered into action. On the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently “ Cold War" Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

Knights of the Golden Circle.

This secret society flourished in the United States during the American civil war. At first, the group sought to support the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights switched their attention from colonialism to ardent support of the new Confederate government.

The organization had several thousand followers who even formed their own partisan detachments and began to raid fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had great influence. Lots of newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who was a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it not only cares about rare meetings and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico.

During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port of San Francisco. On short time even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. With the end of the Civil War, the organization's activities gradually faded away, although many blame it for organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

Thule Society.

The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg, and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their ulterior motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven.

Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas quickly gave way to occult ones, and over time the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This translated into a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society could boast of several thousand of its members, and even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized political organization"German Workers' Party". Later, the young Adolf Hitler became its member, and it itself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism.

The members of the Thule Society themselves took part in strange activities long before the advent of Nazism. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the area North Pole, and Iceland is all that remains of the land that went under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

Sons of Liberty.

Sons of Liberty is free organized group dissidents who were active in America before the Revolutionary War. Their goal was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies.

The Sons of Liberty did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense of the word, but rather as a coalition of patriotic factions in support of common goal. They usually met in Boston, near the elm tree, which has since received the name of the Liberty tree. It was here that the group developed its resistance policy, which included the distribution of brochures and even some acts of sabotage and terrorism. Such actions led to the fact that the British began to persecute the Sons of Liberty, considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called “Sons of Violence.” The group eventually became the most prominent among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and to create famous phrase“No to taxation without representation!”

Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the most prominent faction, factions were spread throughout the 13 colonies. One group in Rhode Island looted and burned the British merchant ship Gaspee to protest unjust laws, while others simply denigrated British supporters. But most famous case involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community dressed as Indians had tea thrown into the sea from British ships. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

The history of the emergence of secret societies and secret organizations goes back centuries. Everything unknown in the minds of the people traditionally causes a lot of assumptions and speculation. However, today quite a lot is known about some of the secret organizations, their principles and charters.

Officially, the organization of Freemasons was published in 1717, although there are some documents indicating that the activities of this group were registered back in the 14th century. The fraternity was originally created for people who shared the key philosophical ideas of the time, including the belief in a supreme being. The Freemasons paid special attention to issues of morality, and as a result, many of the heads of the lodges became known for their charitable activities and community service. Despite these harmless qualities, the Freemasons were not without criticism. Conspiracy theorists accuse them of being involved in nefarious occult practices and even political groups.

Typically, churches of all denominations criticize the Freemasons, since their moral teachings and esoteric spiritual beliefs are at odds with traditional religion. In the old days, Freemasonry was based on unique traditions and principles. Today, when the number of members is so large, and lodges are scattered all over the world, it becomes difficult to maintain the foundations. Only one practice remained unchanged, called the method of induction. The initiate must be recommended to the group by someone who is already a Freemason, and to reach the level of "Master" a person must go through three different levels. Members have prescribed modes of greeting each other, including handshakes, gestures, and passwords, and non-members are prohibited from attending meetings.

The number of famous members of Masonic lodges is truly impressive; we can recall, for example, Winston Churchill, Mark Twain, Henry Ford and Ben Franklin. Today, the Freemasons are less influential and secretive than ever, but still remain one of the most famous fraternities in the world. There are about 5 million officially members of Freemasonry alone.

The Assassins, or Nizari, were a mysterious group of Muslims active in the Middle East in the 13th century. The group included Shiites who broke away from the main sect and united to create their own utopian state. Since the Order's members were extremely small, they preferred to use guerrilla tactics in the fight against their enemies, including espionage, sabotage and political assassinations.

The Assassins infiltrated their highly trained agents into enemy cities and bases with instructions to attack at a strictly specified time. Secret assassins were known to seek to minimize civilian casualties, and victims were often frightened by the invisibility of their pursuers. According to history, enemy leaders woke up in the morning to find an Assassin’s dagger on their pillow with the note “You are in our power.” Over time, the legend of the secret Order grew. Even before the organization was finally destroyed by the Mongols, the assassins became famous for allegedly carrying out orders for such historical figures as King Richard the Lionheart.

Around the same time as the Order disintegrated, the entire library containing records about Nizari was destroyed. So much information was lost that today the Assassins appear to be nothing more than a myth. The legend about the use of drugs and intoxicants by members of the Order of the group seems controversial. The word "Hashshashin" itself roughly translates to "Hashish Users", indicating the possible use of stimulants in combat. The term itself was discredited, but the Nizaris subsequently transformed it into the modern word “assassin” (killer).

Founded in the middle of the last century, the Bilderberg Club is often called the world government by conspiracy theorists. Its members are influential politicians, financiers, businessmen and media tycoons from Europe and North America. There are about 400 people in total. They meet annually to discuss current world issues. But no concrete decisions are made. At least, this is stated on the website of the organization itself, but it is impossible to verify this. You can join the forum by invitation only. Outsiders, including journalists, are not allowed to attend meetings. Recording of these meetings is prohibited. Representatives of Russia periodically become guests of the Bilderberg Club. Among them are the founder of Yabloko, Grigory Yavlinsky, politician Garry Kasparov and the head of Rusnano Anatoly Chubais.

One of the most famous Illuminati symbols is the glowing delta on the US dollar bill. Under the “Illuminati” brand, various organizations have existed at different times and, oddly enough, continue to exist. The first official brotherhood of the “enlightened” was formed in Bavaria in 1776. Adherents of this order fought against religion and promoted liberal ideas. The movement was banned by the authorities a few years after its founding. His ideologist, professor of canon law Adam Weishaupt, died in exile.

However, according to rumors, the Illuminati simply continued its activities, completely going into the shadows. They are credited with the creation of the United States and the October Revolution in Russia. Thanks to constant mentions in popular literature, the Illuminati still inspires fear today. Modern conspiracy theorists claim that the secret society managed to survive and now exists as a sinister shadow government, guiding the actions of world politics and industry in the right direction.

In the 21st century, interest in the Illuminati awoke after the publication of the book “Angels and Demons” by the American writer Dan Brown. According to the plot, the descendants of a secret society take revenge on the Vatican for their murdered comrades.

The most famous representatives of this secret society are George Bush Sr. and George W. Bush, as well as John Kerry. Ivy League colleges are known for their many secret societies and student organizations. Yale's Skull and Bones is the most famous of these. The organization arose in 1833, its members must come from the aristocracy, Protestants and Anglo-Saxon origin. Today, new members join the society every spring, the only real requirement being that the applicant must be a leader on his or her campus. As a result, the secret organization includes athletes, student council members and presidents of other fraternities. Several US presidents, many senators, and Supreme Court judges emerged from Skull and Bones. This gave reason to believe that the organization is semi-underground, uniting the country's political elite.

No one denies that this club is well funded - graduates created the Russel Trust Association, which stores the society's funds. Rumor has it that the group even owns its own island in upstate New York. Although the secret practices of Skull and Bones are not secret, rumors about the obligatory rituals still circulate. Although the society meets twice a week, it is still unknown what they are talking about. To the disappointment of conspiracy theorists, all credible rumors are fairly harmless. The group is associated in practice exclusively with student pranks.

The fame of “Skull and Bones” was given by legends about how new members are obliged to talk about their sexual fantasies, and analysis of sexual stories of childhood and youth is also carried out. It is also customary to give nicknames to all members of society. Thus, the tallest of them is called the “Long Devil”, the one with the greatest sexual experience is called “Magog” (this name was used by William and Robert Taft and Bush Sr.). But Bush Jr., apparently, was unable to conquer the group with his talents, receiving the nickname “Temporary.”

This order is a mystical organization that appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The scheme is similar to a less hidden association, the Freemasons. The Eastern Templars rely on ritual and occult practices as a means to move community members from one level to another.

The general philosophy of the order is based on a new era of esoteric principles and practices as a way to realize true identity. Much of the group's knowledge, including the Mysteria Mystica Maxima manifesto, comes from the famous eccentric occultist Aleister Crowley. It was he who later became the leader of this secret society. After Crowley's death, the Order's influence and popularity waned, but today there are still many branches of the community scattered around the world. Mainly, these are the USA, Great Britain, and European countries. The growing popularity of Aleister Crowley at one time led to the fact that his brainchild, the Order of the Eastern Templars, eventually came to light. As a result, the organization became much less secret than before. However, this does not mean the loss of the most secret and forbidden practices. The main one is the association of sexual preferences, especially the teaching of “Phallus Worship” and the magic of masturbation.

The most famous member of this secret organization was Gavrilo Princip. The secret society “Black Hand” (another name is “Unity or Death”) was a national terrorist organization. It included anti-imperialist revolutionaries who fought for the liberation of Serbia from the rule of Austria-Hungary. The Black Hand was born in 1912. It is believed that the organization was originally an offshoot of the People's Defense, a group seeking to unite all Slavic peoples in Europe.

Taking into account its goals, the organization began to conduct anti-Austrian propaganda, preparing saboteurs and murderers to overthrow state power in the provinces. The plans included inciting a war between Austria and Serbia, which would make it possible to escape from the imperial yoke and unite the Slavic peoples. The head of the “Black Hand” was Colonel Dragutin Dmitrievich, who served as the head of Serbian counterintelligence. In fact, the entire state apparatus of the country was controlled by a secret organization.

Today, the activities of this terrorist organization would be forgotten if not for the participation of the Black Hand in one of the most significant events of the 20th century. In 1914, a group of terrorists from Mlada Bosna (a branch of the Black Hand) assassinated the Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, starting the First World War. Events began to grow like a snowball. Soon Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, and the allies of both sides entered into action. From the ruins of the First World War, the Second World War broke out, and subsequently the Cold War. Thus, the Black Hand can be considered one of the most influential forces of the turbulent twentieth century.

This secret society flourished in the United States during the American Civil War. At first, the group sought to support the annexation of Mexico and the West Indies, which could help revive the dying slave trade. However, with the outbreak of hostilities, the Knights switched their attention from colonialism to ardent support of the new Confederate government.

The organization had several thousand followers who even formed their own partisan detachments and began raiding fortresses in the West. In the northern states, the mysterious order also had great influence. Many newspapers and public figures sympathized with the Southerners, including President Franklin Pierce, who was a member of the Knights. Unlike most other secret societies, it doesn't only care about rare meetings and mysterious plans. The knights were able to organize their own army and tried to resolve their issues from a position of strength. In 1860, a militant group attempted to invade Mexico.

During their own war, the Knights robbed stagecoaches and even attempted to blockade the port of San Francisco. For a short time they even managed to take control of the southern state of New Mexico. With the end of the Civil War, the organization's activities gradually faded away, although many blame it for organizing the assassination of Lincoln.

The most famous members of this German occult and political secret society were Rudolf Hess, Arthur Rosenberg, and even rumored to be Adolf Hitler himself. If many secret organizations are only suspected of their ulterior motives, then in the case of the Thule Society everything turned out to be proven.

Immediately after the end of the First World War, this organization was unofficially created in Germany. The initial Masonic ideas quickly gave way to occult ones, and over time the organization began to promote the ideology of the superiority of the Aryan race. This translated into a racist approach towards Jews and other minorities. Over time, the secret society could boast of several thousand of its members, and even published its own propaganda newspaper. In 1919, members of the Thule Society organized the political organization "German Workers' Party". Later, the young Adolf Hitler became its member, and it itself transformed into the National Socialist German Party, giving rise to Nazism.

The members of the Thule Society themselves took part in strange activities long before the advent of Nazism. They enthusiastically tried to find the origins of the Aryan race, looking for them in the mythical land of Thule. According to legends, a mythical land with a developed civilization existed somewhere in the region of the North Pole, and Iceland was all that remained of the land that went under water. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding the Thule Society. Although the organization was banned by Hitler, it is said that it gave him the magical secrets of power and successful public speaking.

The Sons of Liberty were a loosely organized group of dissidents who had been active in America since before the Revolutionary War. Their goal was to bring about a change in British law in light of the administration of the colonies.

The Sons of Liberty did not exist as a secret society in the traditional sense, but rather as a grouping of patriotic factions in support of a common cause. They usually met in Boston, near the elm tree, which has since received the name of the Liberty tree. It was here that the group developed its resistance policy, which included the distribution of brochures and even some acts of sabotage and terrorism. Such actions led to the fact that the British began to persecute the Sons of Liberty, considering their actions criminal. The organization even began to be called “Sons of Violence.” The group eventually became the most prominent among those who sowed the seeds of revolution among the colonists, and for coining the famous phrase "No taxation without representation!"

Although the Sons of Liberty in Boston were the most prominent faction, factions were spread throughout the 13 colonies. One group in Rhode Island looted and burned the British merchant ship Gaspee to protest unjust laws, while others simply denigrated British supporters. But the most famous incident involving the Sons is the Boston Tea Party in 1773, when members of the community dressed as Indians had tea thrown into the sea from British ships. These events marked the beginning of the American Revolution.

The New World Order is a scary enough concept, even if you are a healthy skeptic of conspiracy theories. However, you won't be surprised to learn that many people believe in them. There are secret societies, they are convinced, and their goal is to get rid of democracy by any possible way. The elites included in them are able to rule the world, instilling in us the illusion of freedom of choice. However, it is they who will ultimately decide his fate and establish total control over him. At least, these are the assumptions made by most conspiracy theorists. Here are 10 secret societies that could rule the world.


Members of this society have been among us for quite some time. It appeared back in 1776 and was initially an association of scientists and philosophers who opposed the power of the Romans. catholic church. Over time, the society has become quite large and now probably has thousands of members. Among them are: famous people, like Beyoncé, Kanye West and Jay-Z. Often associated with the Illuminati terrorist attack September 11, 2001 in New York, the assassination of John F. Kennedy and activities military base"Area 51".


You may be surprised, but members of this society have the right to tell others that they are Freemasons. As you can see, their association is not so secret. To become a Freemason in the United States, you must be a man, but in Europe women can join their ranks. The Vatican believes that Freemasons are worse than the devil and have long sold their souls for his unholy promises and god-like status after death. The members of society themselves believe in good will, which in no way depends on religion. Among the Freemasons, there were 8 people who signed the US Declaration of Independence. No, these guys can't be that bad!

Bohemian Club

Located in Monte Rio, California, Bohemian Grove is a place where America's most influential people come to get away from the civilized world and relax in the open air, devoting time to theatrical performances and pagan rituals. Yes, you understood everything correctly. Not only do high-ranking members of the Bohemian Club dress in appropriate attire for the occasion, they also perform sacrificial rituals by burning an effigy in front of a huge statue of an owl surrounded by redwood trees. Their pastime is usually described as "a musical drama celebrating summer and nature." Presumably in ancient ritual Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan took part.

"Opus Dei"

A relatively young society that gained fame largely thanks to Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. In his book, the author portrayed its members as fairly radical guardians of certain secret knowledge, ready to do a lot to protect it. In fact, Opus Dei is supported by many leaders of the Catholic Church, including the popes. Nevertheless, conspiracy theorists are convinced: Opus Dei is a dangerous cult, and its members are insane fanatics engaged in self-mutilation, capable of both conspiracy against the world and unthinkable crimes.

Ku Klux Klan

This society has long history, marked by racism and violence. The Ku Klux Klan emerged after the end of the American Civil War and became a terrorist force in the soon-to-be-formed Democratic Party. It was founded by defeated veterans of the army of the South, who set as their goal the liberation of the country from the “invasion” of blacks, who, thanks to the Republican North, said goodbye to the status of slaves.

It is difficult to imagine that a union so terrible and unfair could exist today. However, the Ku Klux Klan still operates in 25 states and has about 8,000 members. Moreover, the society has special websites where it promotes its ideas.

"Black Hand"

Founded in 1911, the Black Hand was composed of officers from the army of the Kingdom of Serbia. Initially, their goal was to unite all Serbs into one state. However, over time, the Black Hand turned into a group similar to a mafia structure: members of the society killed national leaders, and then replaced them with their own people. If only they had known that the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand would lead to the outbreak of the First World War!

Templar Order

The society appeared in the Middle Ages. In 1139, knights serving the Catholic Church united to create the Knights Templar. He fought for his own interests - mainly for wealth, the destruction of Protestants and all objectionable religions. The Templars were closely associated with the infamous Crusades and vowed to do anything to protect Christians from foreign "evil". Now the order is no longer on the “battlefield”, but their values ​​are still alive.

Bilderberg Club

Bilderberger conferences have been held annually since the early 1950s. Approximately 150 members of the world's elite gather to discuss relaxed atmosphere common problems or make acquaintances with each other. No one other than the club members is allowed to know what issues they raise at conferences. Conspiracy theorists have gone to great lengths to figure out what rich people and scientists discuss at club meetings. The secrecy of the meetings forced them to come to disappointing conclusions. The Bilderberg Club, they believe, is capable of destroying world economy, turn the world into a police state, or use bioweapons to wipe out humanity from the face of the Earth.


No list of secret societies would be complete without lizard people. The theory seems absolutely crazy. However, thousands of people are sure: our planet is teeming with these malicious creatures who have learned to accept human form. From time to time they make mistakes, and then we learn about their true nature. The Anunnaki are influential, conspiracy theorists believe, and can be found in any sphere human activity- both among politicians and among musicians. It is generally accepted that they control humanity and distract people from their evil plans.


Of all the disgusting and scary secret societies, Anonymous is a relatively harmless group. It is an international network of hackers and their sole purpose is to solve government crimes and bring the truth to the public consciousness. "Anonymous" - in to a greater extent a subculture rather than an organization. Its members are dispersed throughout the world and do not have a common leader. That is why the association’s logo depicts a headless man.

The ranking opens with Opus Dei, or the Prelature of the Holy Cross and the Cause of God - the personal prelature of the Catholic Church, whose main conviction is the belief that people can achieve holiness and ordinary life is a direct path leading to piety. The order was formed in 1928 in Spain, Catholic priest Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, with the blessing of Pope Pius XII.

Surprisingly, in the pages of one of the best-selling and overrated books in the world, The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, it was claimed that Opus Dei is a secret organization whose goal is to destroy the Priory of Sion and everyone who tried to reveal the “truth” about Christianity and the truth about Christ's supposed royal lineage. In addition to the book, there were also a huge number of contradictions associated with the strictness of the religious structure of Opus Dei.

Because the Catholic Church prohibits secret societies and membership in them, Opus Dei whistleblowers often complain that the organization is secret and pursues secret and sinister policies. Although…

9. Priory of Sion

After the publication of The Da Vinci Code, public attention turned to the Priory of Sion. In fact, to the disappointment of those who wanted to join this community, it was fictitious. It was a hoax perpetrated in 1956 by the pretender to the French throne, Pierre Plantard. Existing letters written by Plantard, de Chérisey and de Sède to each other in 1960 confirm that the three engaged in outright fraud, describing schemes on how to deal with criticisms and various allegations in order to maintain the existence of their fictitious organization. Despite this, many people still continue to believe that the Priory of Sion exists and functions to this day.

The Priory of Sion has existed since 1099 and has included such great minds as Isaac Newton and Leonardo da Vinci.

The Order protects certain royals because they believe they are literal descendants of Jesus and his supposed wife Mary Magdalene, or at least King David.

Society strives to create a “Holy European Empire”, which should become the next hyperpower, establishing a New World Order leading to peace and prosperity.

8. Bilderberg Club

This group differs from others in that it does not official membership. This is an annual secret conference of approximately 130 participants, most of whom are influential people in the fields of politics, business and banking, as well as heads of leading Western media. Entry to the conference is by personal invitation only. The meeting is usually held at one of the world's five-star hotels. Topics discussed at the conference are kept confidential. The first meeting took place in 1954 at the Bilderberg Hotel in the Netherlands.

This meeting was organized by several people. Polish immigrant and political adviser Joseph Retinger, who was concerned about rising anti-American sentiment in Western Europe, proposed holding a conference where European and American leaders could discuss all pressing issues.

Although the agenda and list of participants were publicly available, details of the meeting remained unknown. In addition, the content of the conferences is kept secret, and visitors undertake not to disclose the issues discussed. The justification for the group's secrecy is that in a meeting, participants can speak freely without fear that every word may be misinterpreted by the media.

Needless to say, this group is constantly surrounded by controversy and theories.

7. Illuminati

The Illuminati (call themselves “enlightened”) is a secret society of occult-philosophical and mystical nature, which was formed on May 1, 1776 in Ingolstadt, by Adam Weishaupt. It was originally known as the "Bavarian Illuminati". The group was considered outlaw at the time, but many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians joined its ranks. Due to the fact that the Illuminati did not consider faith in the Almighty to be the main thing, the society became especially popular among atheists. In addition, most of the participants are humanists. It is widely believed that the Illuminati seeks to overthrow existing religion.

Internal panic over the change in leadership, and government attempts to outlaw the group, led to its destruction in 1785. Despite this, theorists such as David Icke and Was Penre have argued that the "Bavarian Illuminati" exists to this day. Although there is very little evidence for this theory. It was even believed that the Skull and Bones Society was an American offshoot of the Illuminati.

Many believe that the Illuminati still controls the actions of the world government and that they want to create the One World government, based on humanism and atheistic principles.

6. Templars

Sixth place in the list of the most famous secret societies in the world is occupied by the Templars - an international, philanthropic, knightly order associated with Freemasonry. This is a modern offshoot of Freemasonry, which is not directly related to the spiritual knightly order founded in the Holy Land in 1119 by a small group of knights led by Hugh de Payns, after the First Crusade. Modern Templars deny their connection with the medieval order, but actively use its symbols and ideas.

To become a member of the society you must be a third degree Mason. Despite Freemasonry's claims that no Masonic organization is a direct descendant of the medieval Knights Templar, certain titles and rituals are apparently copied from the medieval order. These are known as "jubilee titles" or degrees. However, despite the official statements of the fraternity, some Masons, "non-Masons", and even anti-Masons insist that certain Masonic rites and titles have direct Templar influence.

5. Hermetic Order "Golden Dawn"

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (or, in most cases, simply the Golden Dawn) is a magical order, an occult organization active in Great Britain during the second century. half of the 19th century- beginning of the 20th century. Its members practiced theurgy, magic, alchemy and encouraged spiritual development their adherents. Considered the progenitor of most occult groups.

The Golden Dawn belief system is mainly taken from Christian mysticism, bondage, alchemy, religion ancient egypt, Freemasonry, Hermeticism, Theosophy, Magic and Renaissance Letters. William Westcott and Aleister Crowley are the most famous members of the group.

The fundamental documents of the order, known as the "Cypher Manuscripts" were translated into English language, using a cipher written by Johannes Trithemius. On 60 sheets of document, they described magical rituals, a basic structure that comes from the Rosicrucians.

4. Order of the Eastern Templars

The Order of the Eastern Templars is an international occult-religious organization that has existed since 1902. It was originally conceived by Karl Kellner, Franz Hartmann and Theodor Reuss as a Masonic academy that would reflect the symbolism of several occult and mystical communities. But in 1912, the organization turned into a carrier of the teachings of Thelema under the leadership of the occultist Aleister Crowley.

The Order considers itself associated with Freemasonry, but it has not received recognition from Masonic organizations and is classified by a number of researchers as “pseudo-Masonry.” On at the moment has about 3,000 members. They have several levels of initiation, and also perform stylized rituals with the participation of virgin clergy, children and priests. Gods from Egyptian mythology and the devil are mentioned.

3. Rosicrucian Order

Rosicrucianism (Rosicrucian Order, Rosicrucians, "Order of the Rose and Cross") is a theological and secret mystical society believed to have been founded during the late Middle Ages in Germany by Christian Rosenkreutz.

Interestingly, between 1607 and 1616, two anonymous manifestos were published, first spreading in Germany and then throughout Europe. They bore the names Fama Fraternitatis RC (Glory of the Fraternity) and Confessio Fraternitatis (Creed of the Fraternity). Under the influence of these documents, representing the "most honorable order" of mystic-philosopher-scientists spreading the "worldwide reformation of mankind", the ground was set for the movement that Frances Yates later called the "Rosicrucian Enlightenment". Third important document in society, arose back in 1459. He described how Christian Rosenkreutz, a traveler and alchemist, married the king and queen in the Wonderful Palace.

“Rosicrucianism” was associated with Protestantism and, in part, Lutheranism. According to historian David Stevenson, "Rosicrucianism" also influenced the development of Freemasonry in Scotland. Many secret societies claimed to have received their continuity and sacraments, in whole or in part, from the original "Rosicrucians".

There are now a huge number of Rosicrucian groups, each of which claims to be the closest to the original.

2. Freemasonry

Freemasonry is an international movement aimed at the spiritual improvement of the individual and the brotherhood of people different religions, nationalities and views. Some researchers suggest that Freemasonry originates from associations of builders who built the pyramids in Egypt, others argue that the movement dates back to the end of the 16th century. early XVII century from building associations of masons.

Be that as it may, Freemasonry is now widespread throughout the world and is represented in various organizational forms- lodges, grand lodges, supreme councils, chapters, Areopagus, consistories, federations and confederations. The total number of representatives of this movement in the world is estimated at 4,000,000 people.

Masons conduct their regular meetings in a ritual style. They use special signs and handshakes to expose oneself to other possible Freemasons. Marks vary by lodge and are changed and updated frequently. This protects the groups from outsiders wanting to enter the lodge. Freemasons wear special stylized clothing that was worn by freemasons in the Middle Ages. The most famous wardrobe item is the apron.

To become a Freemason, you must be recommended (in some cases 3 times) by someone already in the lodge. You must be over 18 years old and sufficiently educated. Many religions prohibit joining this order, for example the Roman Catholic Church anathematizes such people.

1. Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones is a secret society of Yale University students, formerly known as the Brotherhood of Death. It is the oldest university secret society in the United States. It was organized in 1832 and uses rituals similar to Freemasonry to this day. Its members meet every Thursday and Sunday in a building they call "The Tomb."

The names of people included in the society were never kept secret until 1970. It is known that Bush father and son, the Rockefellers, as well as many representatives of the highest US elite were its members.

Interestingly, some have suggested that the CIA is composed entirely of members of the order. However, in 2007, the Central Intelligence Agency issued an official statement that it had no connection with the Skull and Bones Society.

Given the trends towards globalization, the idea increasingly arises that power is concentrated in the hands of a narrow circle of individuals acting exclusively in their own interests. It may all make no sense, but we can never know for sure, which is why conspiracy theories are so popular these days. However, there are communities whose activities are kept under a veil of strict secrecy, their members do not openly declare their affiliation, and meetings are held without prying eyes.

Still, reporters sometimes manage to spot the strange intersections of the world's most powerful politicians and businessmen, and then speculate about the problems that could bring them together. On the list the most famous secret societies in the world you will see both some of the most ancient orders and heroes of popular novels.


Most people who study the activities of this hacker group agree that Cicada is looking for talented cryptographers and code breakers to work for secret intelligence agencies. The fact is that every year they post encrypted riddles on various popular portals, and by solving them you can become a member of the society. However, the small amount of information about the Dragonfly allows only speculation based on the fact that during World War II, British intelligence identified talented youth through crossword puzzles in daily newspapers.

2. Skull and Bones

One of the most famous secret societies in the world, originated a century and a half ago at Yale University. Traditionally, graduates held important positions in politics or industry, which surprised few people, because they were members of wealthy and influential families. Even after graduation, they continued to keep in touch. To illustrate this, it will be enough for you to know that the twice-elected President Bush Jr. and the current US Secretary of State John Kerry graduated from Yale within two years of each other, and many analysts suggest that Kerry conceded the election to an unpopular candidate deliberately, as he was promised post in the next Democratic government.


An extremely controversial organization that is unlikely to find fans among domestic readers. In the 40-50s of the last century, she actively helped Nazi criminals leave Europe and avoid trial Nuremberg trials. All this became possible solely thanks to the help of the United States, which wanted to get all the secret inventions of German scientists. The most striking example of such actions would be the escape of the group's founder, Otto Skorzeny, from prison after receiving a sentence for war crimes. He managed to escape by passing by the American military police, in the uniform of which he was dressed. Strange coincidence, isn't it?


The Order of the Cross and the Rose, which is the full name of one of the most famous secret societies in the world, became the progenitor of most modern sects, and had a significant influence on the reform of the church in the Middle Ages. As its members claimed, they managed to comprehend secrets that are beyond the reach of vision ordinary person, and apply them to change the structure of society for the sake of progress. It was at the beginning of the 17th century that there was a softening of the policies of the Catholic Church, the start of widespread book printing and a lot of fundamental discoveries in the field of physics and chemistry, therefore it is the Rosicrucians who are credited with the liberation of science from the influence of religion.


In Dan Brown's books, this secret society was repeatedly mentioned, seeking to wrest control over the development of mankind from the church. In reality, everything looks much simpler, but much less clear. The fact is that the last official order of the Illuminati, located in Bavaria, was banned by the authorities at the end of the 18th century, and shortly before that a split occurred between its adherents. The goal of the Illuminati is considered to be to achieve a level of power where a group of individuals can control and direct the progress of all mankind. The information that most of the founding fathers of the United States were members of this order also adds fuel to the fire, which is confirmed by the presence on the banknote of a pyramid with an all-seeing eye and warm statements about the Illuminati by the third US president.

6. Masons

"Freemasons" the most famous secret society in the world, was born four hundred years ago, offering its members the opportunity to convey moral and ethical teachings to the broad masses, but to do this not through ordinary propaganda, but seeks to document it in the legislation of countries. Almost every country has its own lodge, to which several dozen more regional ones are subordinate. What is striking is the attitude of the Freemasons to religion; while preaching morality, they are not limited to a specific concept, but allow each member to maintain their own worldview if it coincides with any of the traditional religions. You can evaluate the influence of such a group yourself by the frequency of their mentions in historical chronicles and almost four million followers.


The group took its name from the location of its first meeting, held at the Bilderberg Hotel 62 years ago. You can get here only by personal invitation, but almost every year leading financiers and media owners, as well as members of the government of the most influential countries in the Western Hemisphere, receive quotas. The topics of the meetings remain secret, but given the number of participants, it can be assumed that the most pressing political and financial problems are discussed developed countries. In the last century, there was a popular theory that it was this club that controlled the actions of the US Republican Party, which was refuted by the appearance of US President Barack Obama, a representative of the Democrats, in Denmark.


One of the most famous secret societies in the world, also called “OTO,” was founded a century ago as a branch of Freemasonry, but if the “free masons” preach moral values, then the Templars prefer to use occult teachings to intimidate the masses, hiding behind Christian ideology. The idea was taken from medieval treatises, when the church actively resorted to the use of force against dissenters, but if then this was approved even by the pope himself, now “OTO” is condemned by all three denominations of Christianity, because most of the rituals are of a satanic nature.


The image of this community is actively used in art, both in science fiction and in documentaries. This group studied the emergence of the Aryan race based on myths and legends ancient world, where they somehow managed to survive after the collapse of Atlantis and recreate their family. Of course, a similar trend became widespread in Germany, especially during the Nazi period. There is also a popular theory that it was the Thule Society that taught Adolf Hitler eloquence and initiated him into the secrets of magical rites, which became main reason his political success, but recent research disproves the participation of senior NSDAP party officials in such organizations.


The only known secret society in the world that arose in the Middle East. Despite the deep educational ideas, as well as the unification of the leading minds of the Muslim world to solve pressing problems, he did not abandon the laws of Sharia, considering them the only worthy means of dealing with people deprived of inner vision, a fifth of the entire teaching of the “Brothers of Purity” is devoted to this, the rest they talk about logic, physics and natural disciplines. It is believed that society died as a result crusades and the powerful expansion of European countries into the region during the colonial wars.


The unification should not be ignored either. former members The SS, which actively assisted in the escape and attempts to evade justice by the Nazis, who were facing the death penalty for crimes against humanity. The clearest example action is the emergence of German settlements in Argentina and Peru, as well as the escape of Joseph Mengele, who carried out inhuman experiments on prisoners and inventor lethal gas"Cyclone-B", used in concentration camps.