How to bring your son home prayer. Powerful prayer for my son to return home

The most detailed description: a prayer for a son to be drawn home to his parents - for our readers and subscribers.

The prayer of mother and father is the strongest protection

Parental prayer has enormous power. She cannot go unheard, so it doesn’t matter how old your child is. It happens in life that sons face great dangers. Boys usually behave more actively and desperately already in childhood, and therefore are exposed to various everyday risks. The prayer of a mother and father will help protect the child from a variety of life’s adversities; with its help, you can turn away evil from your son and put reliable protection over him. By praying, you can guide him on a righteous path in life, in which he will never be disappointed.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God for the health of her son

If you regularly pray for your son’s health, he will never have serious health problems. In addition, such prayer provides general protection from all evil. A mother’s prayer for her son’s health is always filled with special sincerity, so it will always be heard by the Higher Powers and a response to it will follow immediately.

When reading a prayer for health, you need to follow the basic rules. It is very important to concentrate on the spoken words and believe in a positive result. It is important in the process of prayer to imagine your child healthy, joyful and happy. You can pray for your son’s health at any time, both in church and at home. After prayer in church, you must light a candle for the health of your child.

Remember that the text of the prayer offered for the health of your son must first be memorized. After all, only in this case can you clearly pronounce each phrase, and only with this approach will all words come from the depths of your soul. If your son is sick, then you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for his healing.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Maternal prayer to St. Matrona for her child

Many believers know that prayer to the Matrona of Moscow has enormous power.

If your son is sick, then the following prayer should be read before the Saint icon:

To make prayer to Saint Matrona more effective, you need to give alms to the poor before praying. It is also recommended to bring a donation to the temple.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing the fate of his son

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church. People turn to him for various reasons. If the prayer is sincere, then it will definitely be heard. Believers know that strong prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can change a person’s life. And if the prayer is said by one of the parents, then its power increases significantly.

Prayer against drunkenness of an adult son

Very often, parents pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to save their son from drunkenness. The prayer must be offered at home in complete privacy in front of the icon of the Saint. But before that, you should definitely find time to visit the temple and light a candle for the health of your child.

Prayer for good luck at work or while serving in the army

Work occupies an important place in a person's life. Therefore, parents need to pray that their son will find a good job that will allow him to become a successful person and achieve recognition in society. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is considered a good helper when looking for a job. The parents' prayer for a good job for their son will always be heard by him. He will always help in this matter those who are faithful to the Lord in soul and deeds.

The prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant must contain specific requests; it is allowed to ask in any form for the following:

  • About a good job that brings high income;
  • About luck at work, which will contribute to career advancement;
  • About quickly finding a decent job;
  • About assistance in starting your own business;
  • About decent and timely salaries;
  • About promotion in the near future;
  • About a good and friendly team in which you will feel comfortable working;
  • To exclude any risks;
  • About liking the work.

Prayers for good luck in work for your son follows in the temple in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

If your son was drafted into the army, then to make it easier for him to serve, read the prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Its text reads as follows:

This prayer should be read in front of the icon of the Saint with a lit church candle. It is very important at this moment to imagine the image of a joyful, smiling and happy son. After reading the prayer, you need to make the sign of the cross.

Prayer-amulet to Archangel Michael for the journey of his son

A very strong protective prayer is a prayer appeal to Archangel Michael. There is a very strong prayer-amulet that every mother should read for her son’s journey. It will be a reliable protection against all evil spirits and any unkind external influences.

For prayer to be effective, it is necessary to clear your mind of all vain thoughts. It is important to remove pride from your heart and get rid of evil temptations. During your prayer, you must try to renounce everything worldly and completely direct all your thoughts to God.

The amulet prayer sounds like this:

After reading this prayer, you need to write it on a piece of paper and put it in your son’s clothes. This will become a reliable talisman that protects you from unkind people along the way.

Prayer-petition to Jesus for my son during studies and exams

By praying to the Savior you can support your son during his studies and when passing exams.

The prayer sounds like this:

A parent's prayer before an exam will help the child calm down and cope with anxiety. After this, the child will feel confident in his abilities and will be able to complete all exam tasks as efficiently as possible.

An effective prayer goes like this:

After such a prayer, you can be sure that with God’s grace you have created reliable protection for your child. And all your son will need is to show his knowledge and skills. But for prayer to be effective, it must sound sincere. It is important to put the full power of your mother’s love into every word.

Prayer for the son to respect his mother

Well, wait, you're tearing your hair out. So that your son respects his mother, read an Orthodox prayer in silence. What happened to your beloved child? Only God knows this.

She snaps, doesn't listen, and doesn't value her mother at all.

In his soul he is still the same child, but as he looks he is an adult and arrogant person.

Everything will work out, dear mother.

Please don't torment your heart.

Go to the Orthodox Church and submit a registered note about your son’s health.

Place one each at the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and Jesus Christ.

While standing before the image of the Savior, say these prayer lines to yourself.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Let the son respect his mother and never offend her again. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and leave the Church.

For home prayer, buy 3 more candles.

At the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room.

Light all the candles. Place the icons listed above next to them.

With inconsolable thoughts, sincerely repent before the Lord God.

Ask him to forgive the sins of his beloved son.

Begin repeated and leisurely reading of special prayers that instill in the child respect for the mother.

Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. In spiritual turmoil, my son dies, he respects the original sin within himself. Have mercy, the miracle was found patiently, so that one would feel sad for the mother. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. My mother’s heart groans, my son will not shed a tear for me. Let his soul be filled with insight, respect will come instead of pride. Thy will be done. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I believe in the Temple and the holy prayer, but I just yearn for my son all the time. I beg you to instill joy in him so that he respects me just a little. Thy will be done. Amen.

Apply the sign of the cross to yourself.

Happiness and love to you!

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  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood

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Prayer for bringing your son home

Theology (about Orthodoxy)

The topic is very important and relevant. Many of us are already mothers, some of us are just preparing to become mothers. But, in any case, we should not forget about the power of maternal prayer, about the great boldness that a mother has when praying to God for her child.

“A mother’s prayer will reach you from the bottom of the sea” - of course, everyone knows this proverb. But how many people believe that this proverb was said not only as a catchphrase, but is completely true and has been confirmed by countless examples over many centuries.

Father Pavel, a monk, told me an incident that happened to him.

Bring back your son's love

To this end, during the period of the waning Moon (before noon), go to an open window, vividly and figuratively imagine the face of your now adult son as it was when he was two or three years old, and then say:

“Take away, Lord, the wrath of my sons from me, the servant of God (your name), so that he, Your servant (your name), will not offend his mother, but will always help. Just as a fish in a river does not open its mouth and does not scold anyone, so my little blood would turn to me, its mother.

Bring my son home

These two family stories just beg to be told as a couple, although they came to me at different times, several years apart. I offer them for discussion because, although I was able to help the family in one of the cases, I am still not very sure of the correctness of the most obvious interpretation of events. I invite you to think together

I understand, they are rich, that’s why he’s drawn there all the time,” the woman did not raise her eyes and dejectedly examined the pattern on the carpet in my office.

For Jesus

1. We all know this parable about the prodigal son. but it would be more correct to say the parable of the two prodigal sons. This story is quite dramatic. We could go deeper into its historical and psychological contexts, but even without them we can see very significant details that the Word of God reveals to us.

This parable is called the “Gospel” in the Gospel. She has become a well-known example that describes the situation of a sinful man (“and he was glad to be satisfied with the horns that the pigs ate, but no one gave it to him” (Luke 15:16)), and, at the same time, reveals to us the true image of God.

How to bring your teenager home

It happens that a teenager leaves the family for some reason - so often after another conflict he tries to “revenge” his parents. Sometimes this drags on for months or even years.

With the help of magic you can try to return your lost son or daughter. For this you will need 3 raw eggs. 3 wax candles and 3 pieces of soap - white, red and green. All this is bought in the first half of the day on the date of birth of the person you are interested in.

You should wash yourself and wash your underwear with purchased soap, but only for family members.

Prayer for bringing your son home

This is the situation. My second brother lived for 9 years with his grandmother, who made a plant, a rag, etc. out of a cute little plump Winnie-the-Pooh)) and so on. So he once again returned to his parents, she calls, come back, etc.

His mother, my aunt, went to a very good grandmother, she told everything from the photo, just everything. The aunt didn’t name any names, even who didn’t say it. The grandmother said that the daughter-in-law even before the wedding

Mother's prayer for the prodigal son

These poems were written by me in the mid-80s of the last century, when I was still an unbeliever. But God has many ways to use any person to convey His truth to people. The topic of the prodigal son was born after a prayer request to God to put His desire into my heart - to show the meaning and power of a mother’s prayer. This is how this article was born.

Oh, how many mothers weep for their lost sons, mired in the swamp of sin.

Mother's prayer for her son

There is nothing more precious to the mother of her child. The child is the mother’s real and only pride, all her prayers are for him. Every mother wants to give her child all the best, to protect him from negative influences and all kinds of troubles.

A mother’s prayer for her son helps fulfill all such desires. Parents wish all the best for the child absolutely disinterestedly, from a pure, sincere heart.

Only the Almighty can bestow grace on a child.

Mother's prayer for her son, 5 Orthodox prayers to the Lord God

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I trust in you and ask for my own son. Deliver him from illness and disease and cure his sinful soul from the wounds of mistrust. So be it. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. I beg you for the well-being of my son and his deliverance from death sentences. If he has sinned, forgive him and send down Orthodox blessings from heaven. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for the son to love his father very much

Parents play a significant role in our lives. No matter what anyone says, father and mother are the closest people. But sometimes it turns out that the child begins to treat those who gave him life without respect. Moreover, even love disappears. It is very difficult to come to terms with this.

But there is no need to swear at your child and demand respectful treatment. This will only make things worse. It is better to read prayers so that the son loves his father and mother. Prayers to the saints and the Lord will help better than all kinds of educational conversations and hysterics. To whom and how to pray? You will learn about this below.

How to change a son's attitude towards his father?

Sons often have more contact with their mothers than with their fathers. The latter work constantly (this is especially true for businessmen), and due to fatigue they are no longer enough at home to support their children. The result is that mom enjoys great love, but dad is left out of the picture.

How to deal with such situations in order to effectively return recognition? You need to pray correctly and have enough patience. But think that you read the prayer once and your wish will come true. It is necessary to pray constantly. Moreover, sincerity and faith in miracles are required. Below is a prayer to restore a son's love for his father.

“Lord God, help!

Take away anger and resentment from the servant of God (name of son),

“Honor and love your father!”

Save me from blood feuds,

Forbid your son to go against his father.

Like a chicken that doesn't peck the hen,

The eggs do not harm the fish,

So let the servant of God (name of son)

Loves and honors his father (name).

The servant of God (son’s name) would speak “quietly”,

He was not deprived of attention and affection.

Like a sheep submitting to a wolf,

Just like firewood does not resist fire,

So let the son obey his father,

Loves him, respects and honors him.

Conspiracy for stepfather

There are different situations in life and families often break up. Each spouse wants to build a new family, but children often suffer. The sons especially react very sharply to the new dad. Mom is the only link between stepfather and children, and only she can bring love and peace to the family. To make a stepfather love his stepson and vice versa, you can perform the following ritual. To do this, speak the following words into the water:

“I appeal to you, servant of God (child’s name),

And the servant of God (stepfather’s name) comes to you with a prayer that

May the heavenly powers weld you together with strong and indestructible friendship.

Unaffected by rain or wind,

So that friendship is illuminated with light,

So that joy and luck do not leave you

On this path - now and ever and forever and ever!

So that a son and daughter love their mother

There are situations when he becomes completely unhinged and doesn’t even consider his own mother at all. However, with such problems, there is no point in tearing out the hair on your head. After all, only the Lord knows why your child behaves this way. Everything suggests that you need to read the Orthodox prayer.

Go to church and buy some candles. Don’t forget to give the priest a note asking him to pray for his son’s health. Candles are placed at the icons:

After this you go to the image of the Lord. Before it you need to read the following words:

“I believe in one God. In the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Mother Theotokos stood before the throne of heaven,

I read the commandments of the Lord God.

She was taught by her teacher, Saint John, who used to say the following words:

“There are great words in God’s Scripture,

No water can fill them,

You can't erase it with a stone.

The Lord God commanded and punished:

Words and deeds do not offend in any way.

And whoever breaks this commandment,

He will doom his soul to torment.”

I will pray to the archangels, I will ask a great request.

Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel,

Read this commandment to my children (names) yourself,

With your blessed lips,

So that they me, their own mother (name),

They respected, loved and never offended.

Take away, Mother of God, all anger and resentment.

From the hearts of my children (names), cleanse their souls and foreheads.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Be sure to be baptized three times. When you get home, read the same words several more times. You can do this as much as your heart desires. The main thing is that the prayer is said sincerely.

Interestingly, these words work great when your child is already an adult. It happens that he arranges his life, but nothing works out for him. He begins to blame his parents for what is happening. At first this happens exclusively in his heart, but over time he insults you too.

Of course, words like a knife in the heart. Because of this, you need to pray often and intensely. Then the problem will be resolved.

Now regarding the appeal to Matrona. You need to talk to her exclusively in your own words. There are special prayers, but the saint will listen to you without them. She is merciful and helps every kind person. However, it is best to pray to her in church.

Before, Before starting the second prayer, you need to say a few parting words. Do you agree that babies are most like angels? The child’s first smile evokes affection; you want to follow every action of the child. The baby's mysterious tongue draws you to him like a magnet.

Unfortunately, this will not always be the case. Over time, children grow up and turn into uncontrollable brats. After a change in character, there is no need to talk about respect for you as a mother. A prayer addressed to the Virgin Mary comes to the rescue:

“I, the servant of God (name), will stand, blessing myself, and look at the icon, crossing myself. On the icon is the Mother of God Mary. She presses the baby Christ to her breast, she suffers for him day and night with her Holy soul. So that my children love me, pity me, cherish me, do not scold me, do not say bad words against me (name). There is a golden city, a maiden stands above it, in her hands is a golden bird. The girl is thirty-five years old. Among people and people, it is purer than silver, purer than pure gold. Just as good people love pure silver and pure gold, so let my children look at me, love me and never forget me. My word is strong, my deed is sculpted. What I said, what I didn’t say, the Lord will take it, cling to word, add, and by His mercy will not leave me. In until times, from this hour. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Prayer for a child to respect his parents

The law says that even the most naughty children must love their parents. This is also stated in the Bible. Unfortunately, even such a simple commandment is now not followed by everyone. Therefore, we need to pray that the hearts of children will soften and drive out any negativity from their young souls. If you read the prayer below several times a day, you will definitely achieve the desired result.

Lord Jesus Christ, awaken Your mercy on my children (names), keep them under Your roof, cover them from all evil lust, drive away from them every enemy and adversary, open their ears and the eyes of their hearts, grant tenderness and humility to their hearts. Lord, we are all Your creation, have pity on my children (names) and turn them to repentance. Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my children (names) and enlighten their minds with the light of reason of Your Gospel and guide them on the path of Your commandments and teach them, O Savior, to do Your will, for You are our God.

So that mother does not forget about her children

We said earlier that children stop loving their mother. Now the situation is different - the mother begins to isolate herself from her children. There may be plenty of reasons for this, but the problem needs to be solved, and as quickly as possible. What to do? Pray. The first prayer is dedicated to Our Lord:

“Our Father, I express my deep gratitude to You for giving me birth in this family. I pray fervently for my parents. After the Lord, I am most grateful to them. Teach me, Lord, to continue to always show my gratitude to my parents. Give them Your grace for all their labors and worries. Give them good health and everything they need for their salvation and happiness. Do this, Father, so that I can always please them, love, appreciate and respect them. Give me the strength to always help and take care of my father and mother. Hear my humble prayer and grant blessings to our entire family, so that they may be one heart and soul in Christ. Amen."

With the second prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos we strengthen our petition. It is not the love and indifference of the mother that worries everyone. Moreover, even those who strenuously deny it. For example, a mother may start drinking heavily. This problem is very terrible, because alcohol slowly but surely kills a person. This method can be compared to suicide, and it is a grave sin. Therefore, learn a prayer, save your dearest person:

“O Most Holy Virgin Mary, blessed mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, Intercessor of all. We come to You with faith, we pray to You. Ask Your Son to listen to our prayers. Look down from heaven on us, unworthy servants, and condescend to our tearful petition. Forgive us, Lord, all the sins of us and our parents, committed by them willingly and without their will. Grant them Your intercession, forgiveness and Your protection both on Earth and in Heaven. Extend their life and strengthen their health and mind. O Blessed Virgin Mary, convey this prayer to Your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

Perhaps you simply angered your mother in some way. Then remember the basic rules on how to build an ideal relationship with her or your father:

  • Always silently listen to your parents, if they tell you something.
  • Be humble in front of people who gave you life.
  • Don't raise your voice on loved ones.
  • Try to fulfill all the parents' requests.
  • Never frown, if you look your loved ones in the eyes.

Prayers help in any situation. Especially if you fill them with faith. You cannot consider sacred words just some interesting epithets. These are powerful Orthodox spells. Therefore, pray for the love of your parents and children and you will definitely find it.

Your heart must remain pure, rid it of evil thoughts and thoughts. The Lord must understand that you sincerely do not wish troubles and misfortune for anyone. Don't forget to combine different prayers. Then the power of the petition will increase several times. It is not uncommon for people to achieve even greater results than they originally wanted.

New article: prayer to bring a child home on the website - in all the details and details from the many sources that we were able to find.

Prayer for my son's safe return home today

Lord Jesus Christ our God, I humbly pray to You for Your servant Igor.

Save and deliver him today from every evil circumstance, visible and invisible enemies. Help him reach his home safely and healthily. Save and have mercy on him along the way. Glory to You Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, help, O God, Thy servant Igor.

I pray to You, God, grant to me, Your servant Nadezhda, who dared to ask You, the fulfillment of my request.

A conspiracy to make children come home

If your child has gotten away with it and is running away from his father’s house, wash his shoes in the enchanted water and he will stop running away from you. The plot is like this:

There is a mother ant in the forest anthill,

There are sisters and brothers among the ants.

And how these creatures of God scatter in the morning

And by nightfall they run into a heap of ants,

So (so-and-so) would be in a hurry to get home,

He ate, but did not get full, drank, but did not get drunk,

He lay down in his bed,

At night I prayed to the Lord God,

I revered my mother and father, missed them, and grieved for them.

And be you, my words, strong,

And be you, my deeds, modeling.

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

More material on this topic


How to bring your daughter home prayer?

What prayer will help bring your daughter home?

What powerful prayer can be used to bring a daughter home to her mother?

Perhaps this prayer will help you bring your daughter home.

I can’t judge how powerful this prayer is (I haven’t found myself in such a terrible situation), but I hope that it can help you, and your daughter will return to her mother.

A conspiracy to make your daughter return home

You are exhausted waiting for your daughter. Where did she go? It's time to return home, but she's still not there. She probably went on a spree again. A magical spell will help you.

If I were you, I would first contact law enforcement agencies.

But this is the case if the daughter has been gone for many days.

You don't need church candles.

We will turn to the power of the Universe.

Lock yourself in an isolated room.

Mentally imagine your daughter walking peacefully on the way home. Kisses and unharmed.

Start reading the most powerful magic spell over and over again.

Oh, daughter, I call on you, come back, I conjure. If you're with a guy, break away for a moment and rush to your home. Universe, forces of nature, reject dashing adversity. You convey my thoughts and enter my dear heart. Let my daughter miss me and reject the one who kisses me. He will make the call and return; on the road, in a hurry, he will not stumble. So be it! Amen! Amen! Amen!

As you can see, no black magic or witchcraft.

Periodically turn to your mother’s plot, mercilessly believing that your daughter will return to her father’s house.

Live in joy!

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  • Svetlana - Plot for strong love in blood

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World is Small

What we think about will come true...what we send into the world will come back to us...

Spells for the respect and love of children for their mother.

A talisman to protect parents from ungrateful children.

I walk with three doors, three gates, three nine paths, with my own blood. Through the veins and blood veins, through the conspiracy of the slave (name) of the body, for the mother’s cause. Let the slave (name) not offend me, let her tongue free, let her hands not loosen, and take the bread. How I didn’t get enough sleep, how I was malnourished, carried and nursed, cherished and took care of, I didn’t sleep through the dark of night, I kept thinking about the child, I grieved, I didn’t let her suffer, I didn’t let her cry. She fed and watered, pitied and did not beat. So my child would not scold and offend me, and would not give offense to others. Just as I pray for Jesus Christ, so would my son (daughter) pity me until my end. A fish in the water, the Lord on the cross, and God on the throne. Lord, give me a happy mother's share. Amen. Amen. Amen."

A conspiracy to return filial love.

To this end, during the period of the waning Moon (before noon), go to an open window, vividly and figuratively imagine the face of your now adult son as it was when he was two or three years old, and then say:

“Take away, Lord, the wrath of my sons from me, the servant of God (your name), so that he, Your servant (your name), will not offend his mother, but will always help. Just as a fish in a river does not open its mouth and does not scold anyone, so my little blood would turn to me, its mother. Send, Lord, filial love to me. Amen".

Wash your face with the water blessed in the temple, and at the end of the procedure, say three times:

“I washed myself with holy water, washed away my son’s hatred. Exactly!"

The son's hostility will disappear.

A conspiracy if the daughter-in-law does not allow her son to see his mother.

Some wives resort to conspiracies and spells that prevent their husband from setting foot on his mother's threshold.

To remove them, you need to turn the fur coat inside out, put it under the table and say:

,Dead skin cannot become a sheep.

The servant of God (name) will not be able to hold back.

My son, come home to me, God’s servant (name).

How I fed you bread and salt,

How I gave you my milk,

Remember this, don’t forget, don’t offend me, your mother.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

A conspiracy to make children respect you.

The spell that I will now teach you can truly be called miraculous. They read it morning and evening every day until they notice changes for the better in the character of an evil person.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Mother Theotokos stood behind the Throne,

I read the first law of the Lord God,

She honored her Father and Mother and did not contradict her.

There are fiery words in God's Scripture.

He will destroy his immortal soul.

Read this commandment to my children yourself,

So that they respect me and never offend me

Me, their mother, who gave birth to them and baptized them.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

A conspiracy so that the daughter does not forget her mother.

how I would yearn for her: how a mare yearns

in my own way foals, a sheep after its lamb,

and my daughter on her porch and on me,

Conspiracy if the son forgot his mother.

whom I gave birth to and whom I nourished with milk.

Mother of God, how you missed your son,

Let me, God's servant, see my son,

A conspiracy against quarrels between people of blood.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is an ice floe on Buyan Island.

Cool down our enmity, ice floe,

So that we never fight,

They didn’t throw themselves at each other, they didn’t eat at each other.

If we did not know enmity and evil toils

For now, for centuries, for all time.

My words are the keys, my deeds are the locks.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

To remove blood feuds, they read a reprimand.

How I washed my baby's diapers,

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

From lessons, from prize-winners, from women's conspiracies,

From masters small and large.

From poppy seed and honey, from blood and sweat,

Lord help me. God bless.

Open his eyes to the holy images,

Okay and quickly, so that things come together.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

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Complete collection and description: prayer for a son to come home for the spiritual life of a believer.

Parental prayer has extraordinary power, because there is an invisible close connection between parents and their children. Even folk wisdom says that maternal prayer can reach you from the bottom of the sea. It just so happens that it is male children who face the most difficulties and dangers in life, since boys grow up more active and desperate from childhood. A mother’s prayer for her son will help protect the child from life’s adversities, evil and all kinds of dangers, create protection over him and guide him on the right path.

There are many prayers with which parents can turn to the Lord, asking for the protection and blessing of their children. Each of them has great power. You can pray for children - for a son, for a daughter - at any time and any number of times, because prayer does not have a strict framework for use. Coming from the very depths of the soul, a mother’s prayer for a child can work amazing miracles, since it is a mother’s love for her child that is the strongest and most sincere.

Powerful mother's prayers for the success and health of her son

The prayers below are some of the most effective. Using them, you will provide your child with reliable protection that will protect him on all roads of life. These prayers, becoming a talisman, will provide support and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Mother's prayer for her son's happiness

Do you want happiness to become your son’s constant companion? Then read this prayer as often as possible. Text:

Mother's prayer for the well-being of her son (prayer-protection)

Regularly saying this prayer is a guarantee that your beloved son will always be under the reliable protection of the Lord. Text:

Mother's prayer for her son's health and protection from all evil and enemies

Every person has ill-wishers. However, the evil emanating from them will not be terrible for your son if you say this prayer as often as possible. Text:

A few short prayers for my son

To pray for the well-being and protection of your son, it is not at all necessary to use complex and long prayers. There are many short texts that act no worse than detailed Orthodox prayers. Some of them are given below - they also have no restrictions on the frequency of use.

Prayer if a son leaves his father's house

Children sooner or later grow up and fly away from the safe and cozy parental nest. The prayer, the text of which is given below, can be used by a mother when her son leaves to study in another city and begins to build his life separately from his parents. It is recommended to say the words twice a day - morning and evening.

“Lord, my son is in your mercy, for his sins, save him from temptations and guide him on the true path.”

Prayer for my son, helping him find true friends

Making new acquaintances for a child is always an exciting process for parents. This prayer helps the son to acquire only true friends, protects him from negative influences and traitors. Text:

“Lord God, teach my son to understand people. Give him wisdom to recognize people who are pure in their thoughts. Bring my son to people who will help him follow the true path and serve the Lord God.”

Prayer for the family happiness of an adult son

When a young man realizes that he is ready to start his own family, he rarely listens to his parents when choosing a life partner. So that God sends a good and faithful girl to marry your son, read this prayer every day before going to bed:

“Lord, help my son find a faithful companion who honors God and her husband. Bless God's servant (son's name) for a happy family life and for further childbearing. Amen(3 times) !”

Prayer for my son, helping him find his life purpose

A correctly chosen profession, a job you enjoy, is the key to the well-being and happiness of any person. To help your son with this, use the following prayer:

“Lord, I ask you: give God’s servant (son's name) a clear understanding of his purpose. Open his eyes to life, let him go through life only his own way. Amen!"

Prayer to protect your son from adversity

“Lord Almighty! Grant my son God's grace. Let all adversity pass him by.”

Prayer for a prosperous life for my son

“Lord, keep my son on the road. May evil fate not follow him, may love and happiness accompany him throughout life. Amen!"

Any prayer is, first of all, a sincere appeal to God and the forces of light, with the best intentions. Unfortunately, many parents, when praying for their children, make a mistake and ask for what they themselves consider right for their child, i.e. they simply proceed from their own selfish aspirations. Meanwhile, a child is a person with his own soul, and his fate is determined by God. His best protection is to entrust this soul to the Lord and allow him to give your child what his own destiny has in store for him.

The main motive for parents to use prayer for their son should be a sincere wish for the maximum good for their child. First of all, you need to pray for the soul of your child, for its development and improvement. Only then will higher powers lead him along the bright path of fate and protect him along this path. You need to ask the Lord that your son grows up to be a worthy person, and only then can you pray for health, happiness, wealth and other blessings of life.

It is not necessary to look for ready-made texts of prayers - parental prayer in your own words, sincere and coming from the heart, works no worse. During the process of prayer, you need to think about your child. You cannot turn to prayer out of some of your own feelings, emotions and intentions (pain, fear, desire, etc.) Ask the Lord for strong patrons to protect your son (Guardian Angels), ask for energetic and spiritual protection (especially in difficult situations) .

Wish your child well, development and growth - personal, spiritual, professional, etc. This way, you can set the right direction in his life, lay a solid foundation, and your son can create everything else on his own, with his own hands. And you will definitely be filled with pride for him!

Thanks a lot! I learned a lot of new things. I will definitely pray for my only son!

I always prayed for my sons, but in my own words. They grew up to be wonderful people, unlike many of their peers. I can safely say that I am proud of them!

Lord, Saint Michael the Archangel! Protect my son, the servant of God, Michael, and his companion, the servant of God, Mary, from all troubles and misfortunes. May they rest well and be well. Amen.

Merciful Lord, I ask you to help my son, your servant Mikhail, and his companion return home safe and sound. Amen

Merciful Lord, I appeal to you, Holy Archangel Michael, help me and protect me from thieves and return to me what they stole. Amen.

Lord, merciful Saint and almighty Archangel Michael, thank you for the mercy shown to my son, your servant Michael and his companion, your servant Mary, that they returned home safely. Amen.

Merciful Lord, enlighten my son, your servant Michael, and help him become reasonable and responsible, I ask you. Amen.

Lord, save and keep my son Daniel. Amen

Lord, save and preserve my son Maxim. Amen.

I ask God and all the holy heavenly powers to grant my son Vladimir health, to forgive him all his sins committed by him through foolishness. I trust in higher powers and believe that health will return to him. I thank the Lord and all heavenly patrons for saving my son Vladimir. Thank God for All.

Lord save and preserve my son, your servant Michael. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy.

Lord save my son Sergius. Amen

Mother Theotokos of Kazan, help my son David on the road, in starting a new path. Help him in his military service, protect him from bullets and enemies. Give him the physical strength to pass the physical examination, and the moral endurance for new tests. Mother, give my son David, his wife Varvara and their daughter Zlatushka health, kindness, prosperity and happiness. I thank you, Mother Theotokos of Kazan and I pray to God for the well-being of David, Varvara and Zlata.

Lord, help my son Konstantin and guide him on the true path. Protect him from the bad girl and have mercy on him.

God! Have mercy on R. B. Sergei. Give my son a permanent, decent job.

Lord, enlighten and guide my son and your servant Sergei on the true path. Amen.

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Sergei, and guide him on the true path. Deliver him from bad people.

I thank the Lord God and all the saints and heavenly powers for my prayers for my son. With the help of my prayers, it became easier for my son to believe that my prayers addressed to God when the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints with a request to grant health to my son Vladimir will always be heard. I thank all the saints. Glory to you, Lord! Amen!

Lord Almighty, give your blessing to my son and protect him from all the misfortunes and trials of fate. Forgive him, a sinner, and have mercy. Send him salvation too. Amen

Lord, save and preserve my son, God's servant Nicholas, from troubles and misfortunes. Forgive me and his sins, voluntary and involuntary. Amen

Lord save me and protect my son Eugene from misfortunes and troubles Amen

Nicholas, saint of God, pray for my son Evgeniy for help in finding a job, amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladislav, and guide him on the true path. Deliver him from bad people.

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladimir and guide him on the true path, deliver him from bad people, amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Artyom and guide him on the true path, deliver him from bad people. Amen.

I really like it.

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A conspiracy to make children come home

If your child has gotten away with it and is running away from his father’s house, wash his shoes in the enchanted water and he will stop running away from you. The plot is like this:

There is a mother ant in the forest anthill,

There are sisters and brothers among the ants.

And how these creatures of God scatter in the morning

And by nightfall they run into a heap of ants,

So (so-and-so) would be in a hurry to get home,

He ate, but did not get full, drank, but did not get drunk,

He lay down in his bed,

At night I prayed to the Lord God,

I revered my mother and father, missed them, and grieved for them.

And be you, my words, strong,

And be you, my deeds, modeling.

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

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Orthodox news

On Friday, January 24, 2014, the feast of the Venerable Father Theodosius Kinoviarch was celebrated in the Holy Monastery, founded and named in his honor, which is located in the Judean Desert south of the city of Bethlehem and the village of Shepherds (Beit Sahur).

As you know, this Monastery was founded by Theodosius Kinoviarch himself on the site of a cave, where they found shelter on their long journey: “And having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their country by another route” (Matthew 2:12) and arrived in The Holy Land turned out to be on the site of the Monastery of the Place of the Virgin Mary, founded by one of the pilgrims named Ikelia.

The miraculous power of mother's prayer

“A mother’s prayer will reach you from the bottom of the sea” - this proverb has long become a byword. It was not said for the sake of a catchphrase. This is a truth that is relevant at all times, confirmed by countless examples of the amazing power and effectiveness of the prayers of millions of mothers. Holy maternal love is capable of overcoming any obstacles, achieving the impossible and creating real miracles.

A mother's word has special power. There is nothing brighter and more selfless than a mother’s love. From the first day of birth of a child, the mother lives by his breath, his tears and smiles. The child needs the mother. This is the meaning of her life. Love for her baby is as natural to her as the blossoming of gardens in spring. Just as the sun sends out its rays, warming all living things, so a mother’s love warms a child. The mother introduces the child to life. She puts into his mouth the native language, which has absorbed the wealth of the mind, thoughts and feelings of the people. It fills him with spiritual strength and helps him comprehend eternal values.

The relationship between parents and children is modeled after our relationship with God, our Heavenly Parent. Therefore, the Lord gave parents special authority over children: Children, be obedient to your parents in everything, for this is pleasing to the Lord (Col. 3:20). The commandment to honor parents is not only an order, failure to comply with which is a sin. The Lord connected our longevity on earth with its fulfillment: Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you (Exodus 20:12). The Holy Apostle Paul says that this is the first commandment with a promise (Eph. 6:2). A sad fate awaits a son or daughter who offends parents and openly disregards their authority and power. The eye that mocks the father and neglects obedience to the mother will be pecked out by the ravens and the eagle chicks will be devoured! (Prov. 30:17). The special power of maternal prayer is associated with the power that the Lord God gave to the mother over her children. One of the most edifying examples of great maternal love and prayer for a spiritually perishing son is the prayerful feat of Monica, the mother of Blessed Augustine, who was ten years in captivity of the disastrous false teaching of the Manichaean sect. The son she begged for not only escaped hell, but also became a saint. In his “Confessions,” Blessed Augustine dedicated the most touching words to his mother: “You stretched out Your hand from on high and “drew my soul” from this deep darkness, when my mother, Your faithful servant, mourned me before You more than the mothers of dead children mourn . She saw my death by virtue of her faith and the spirit that she possessed from You - and You heard her, Lord; You heard her and did not despise the tears that streamed the earth in every place where she prayed; You heard her” (Confession. Book III. 11.19).

An interesting story was told to me by a former atheist during a recent pilgrimage trip. Irina S.’s only daughter, 15-year-old Anya, was riding a motorcycle with a friend and had a terrible accident. The friend died, and the girl was taken to intensive care with severe injuries. The doctor admitted to the mother that her daughter had very little chance of survival, and she must mentally prepare for the worst. Not remembering herself, Irina walked out of the hospital without making out the way, her heart was breaking with grief and hopelessness. She didn’t believe in God, never prayed, and then suddenly, obeying a spiritual impulse, she went into the church, from which people were leaving after the service. Timid hope stirred in her heart, and she prayed: “Lord, if You really exist, help, I beg You, save my Anechka. “She prayed long and earnestly, and she felt better. The priest who came up, after listening to her story, consoled Irina and advised her not to give up prayer and to believe that with God’s help everything would end well. A few months later, the happy mother came to the temple with her daughter to thank God. Anya limped slightly, but felt quite tolerable. Now they are permanent parishioners of the ancient Moscow church, in which Irina begged for her daughter and found sincere faith.

Commemoration at the Divine Liturgy (Church Note)

Health is commemorated for those who have Christian names, and repose is remembered only for those baptized in the Orthodox Church.

Notes can be submitted at the liturgy:

For proskomedia - the first part of the liturgy, when for each name indicated in the note, particles are taken out of special prosphoras, which are subsequently dipped into the Blood of Christ with a prayer for the forgiveness of sins

Many examples of God's help to mothers can be found on the pages of Holy Scripture. During his earthly life, the Savior himself healed many times and snatched someone’s sons and daughters from the clutches of death. Some stories were included in the canonical Gospels. For example, in the city of Nain, Christ was touched by the grief of a widow weeping over the tomb of her only son. Having consoled the unfortunate mother, He said: “Young man! I’m telling you, get up!” And the incredible happened - the dead man came to life, sat up in the tomb and began to speak (Luke 7: 12-16). The shocked people rejoiced and praised God, and the mother and her revived son at that moment were probably the happiest people in the world.

Often, family troubles are allowed to people who are far from spiritual life in order to return them to the true path. Finding themselves in a situation where there is no one else to rely on except God, many mothers and their children learn to pray and radically change their lives for the better.

Muscovite Elena K.’s two-year-old son Sasha was dying of pneumonia in the hospital. Neither IVs nor strong antibiotics helped. The baby wheezed and moaned in his mother’s arms, it seemed that he would not survive another night. Lena was a “believer at heart,” she didn’t go to church and didn’t know the prayers. She prayed as best she could, begging God to save her son, but it seemed that He did not hear her. Remembering her “very devout” friend, she called her in the middle of the night. Having learned about her grief, she called her confessor, and he immediately held a prayer service for the health of the seriously ill baby Alexander. Closer to the morning, the baby fell asleep soundly, and his breathing improved noticeably, the wheezing almost stopped, the crisis was over. From the next day, Sasha felt noticeably better, and he quickly began to recover.

When children are ill, you can pray not only to Christ and the Mother of God, but also to numerous Orthodox saints. Among them, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Martyr Tryphon, Great Martyr Panteleimon, Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, Saint Matrona of Moscow and many others are famous for their special help.

It happens that the children of true Christians become seriously ill and find themselves on the brink of life and death. Such tests strengthen faith and stimulate improvement in spiritual life.

The future Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov) suffered from lobar pneumonia in early childhood and almost died. The mother begged God and the saints to save her son, and vowed to make a walking pilgrimage to the relics of St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, revered in the family. The son recovered, and she fulfilled her vow, walking more than 200 kilometers from her native village of Vyazhli, Tambov province, to Voronezh, and then back. After that, for the sake of the health and well-being of her children, she vowed to God to strictly fast not only every Wednesday and Friday, but also on Mondays, and strictly observed this rule all her life.

The mother of the future bishop, the popularly beloved Orthodox ascetic Tryphon (Turkestan), found herself in a similar situation in the early 60s of the 19th century. Begging for her dying son Borya, Varvara Alexandrovna especially earnestly prayed to the holy martyr Tryphon and promised that if the boy recovered, she would try to dedicate him to the service of God. The future saint learned about this maternal vow only many years later, when, at the behest of his soul, he became a monk, taking the name of his heavenly patron.

In Greece, on the island of Euboea, the relics of the holy wonderworker John the Russian are kept. There are many examples of people who prayed to him being healed of cancer. The book “Tears of a Mother” describes a case when in a poor Cypriot family from the city of Limassol, two brothers, 6 and 8 years old, slowly died from leukemia. One day their parents bought an icon of the saint, and the mother began to pray: “Saint John, I beg you, make my children recover! Visit our house and heal my sons!” The children's condition has improved noticeably. They did a blood test and it turned out that everything was normal! But until recently, tests showed a severe form of the disease, and doctors believed that the children would not last long. Happy parents and sons came to the miraculous relics and with tears thanked God and His holy saint John...

From time immemorial, maternal prayers saved people from imminent death on land and at sea. In the book of sermons, Archimandrite Kronid (Lyubimov) cites as an example the story of the Smolensk landowner Ekaterina Dudinskaya and her son who lived in St. Petersburg. In 1842, on the eve of seeing off his beloved son-officer on a long voyage, his mother was tormented by bad premonitions. Arriving in Tsarskoe Selo, Katerina served a prayer service in front of the miraculous icon “The Sign of the Mother of God” and prayed for a long time on her knees, asking: “Queen of Heaven, I entrust my son to You and all my hope is in You, You will return him to me from the bottom of the sea!”

On the way, the ship "Ingermanland" was caught in a terrible storm. In the Skagerrak Strait off the coast of Norway, the ship received a hole when it hit a rock and sank. About 400 people died. The captain and many officers, including Dudinsky, were washed off the deck by the waves at the time of the crash. Feeling imminent death, he began to pray: “Most Holy Theotokos, save me! Save me at least for the sake of my mother’s prayers!” A wave covered him, and he lost consciousness, and when he woke up, he realized that he was lying on the shore near the water, alive and unharmed.

Many good believing mothers have had to worry about their children dying in the whirlpool of a vicious, dissolute life. Some had to spend many years in sorrow, humbly waiting and hoping. Their holy tears and prayers were not in vain.

A clear example from the past is the life of St. Aurelius Augustine. The son of a pagan and a Christian woman, Augustine was a dissolute fellow in his childhood and youth. While studying far from his homeland, he got involved with bad companies, walked left and right, became an adherent of a heretical sect, and blasphemed God. His mother Monica was horrified by the antics of her beloved child. For more than 10 years, she spent days and nights in tears, begging God to enlighten Augustine and save his perishing soul. The begged son not only corrected himself and escaped the torments of hell, but also became a great holy ascetic, a respected bishop and confessor, a world-famous theologian and writer. Monica, considered the patroness of mothers in the Western Church, was also canonized.

Not only a holy ascetic, but also any simple woman with love and humility in her heart can change a lost child for the better. The son of one of the parishioners of the church where my confessor serves, caused mental pain to his mother for many years. He drank heavily, constantly changed lovers, did not believe in God or the devil. After another binge, 32-year-old Andrei became very ill, his heart caught, and he fell, experiencing something like clinical death. He had never believed in “priest’s fairy tales,” but here, willy-nilly, he had to believe that hell exists - he experienced such a vivid and terrible vision. He was burning in fire, unable to move either arm or leg, and terrible infernal monsters grinned around him. He was in unbearable pain and scared, and it seemed that this torture lasted for an eternity. When he finally woke up, he saw that he was lying across the sofa, and his mother was praying in front of the icons, begging God to have mercy on her son. That same day, Andrei asked his mother for forgiveness and went to church for the first confession in his life. He gave up drinking and partying and started a new life.

The everlasting psalter

The indefatigable Psalter is read not only about health, but also about peace. Since ancient times, ordering commemoration on the Everlasting Psalter has been considered a great alms for a departed soul.

It is also good to order the Indestructible Psalter for yourself; you will feel the support. And one more important point, but far from the least important,

There is eternal remembrance on the Indestructible Psalter. It seems expensive, but the result is more than millions of times more than the money spent. If this is still not possible, then you can order for a shorter period. It's also good to read for yourself.

A child is born under the mother’s heart and lives a single life with her for a long time. The invisible mystical connection between a child and mother can last a lifetime. And even death does not always break the bonds of maternal love.

In September 1941, pilot Pavel Ignatievich Ch. was shot down over the Gulf of Finland. He managed to land the burning plane on the water. He tried to open the hatch, but it was jammed. In desperation, he pulled on the main handle with such force that the steel handle bent. The plane began to sink. Pavel realized that it seemed like he was finished. Suddenly, he clearly saw his late mother, Natalya Egorovna, in the ghostly haze in front of him. She cheered him up and reminded him how else he could open the hatch in an emergency. And he managed to get out literally at the last moment, when the plane was almost completely submerged in the water. Spent two hours in cold water trying to swim to shore. When he was already exhausted, he was picked up and saved by a passing patrol ship.

An even more amazing story was told in one of the stories by writer and journalist Vladimir Krupin. A woman approached his friend, Hieromonk Pavel, on the street and asked him to go to her son and confess him. She gave the address. But the priest got caught up in business and did not fulfill the request. Another day, early in the morning, he again met the same stranger. She literally begged him to go to her son.

A young man opened the door for the priest. It was clear from his appearance that he was drinking heavily and had driven himself to the brink. Father Pavel told him about his mother's request and the purpose of his visit. “Come on, lie, my mother has been dead for five years!” – he got angry. There were photographs hanging on the wall in the apartment, and among them the priest saw a photo of that same woman: “Here she is! It was this woman who asked to visit you!” In response, the guy tried to be rude: “So, you came after me from the other world?” But after a long, serious conversation, he wilted and promised to come to the temple the next morning. During confession he was shaking with sobs. He repented that shortly before his mother’s death he kicked her out of the house, and in recent months she lived with friends and was buried by strangers. That evening Father Pavel met his mother again. She was very joyful, thanked the priest, and said that her son had been forgiven, and she had already seen him. The next day, the priest learned that the guy died of a heart attack right on the day of confession. It turns out that the mother’s love and prayers were so strong that she was able to come from the other world and manage to save his soul literally in the last days of her son’s life.

A similar story happened in Stavropol in 1954. A woman came to Archpriest Pyotr Sukhonosov with a request to visit and give communion to her terminally ill son, a retired officer, and dictated the address. Father Peter entered an unlocked apartment and found a seriously ill man lying in bed. “I didn’t invite any priests!” - said the patient. The priest told him about his mother’s request, identified the woman from a photo in the album, and was surprised to learn that she died 3 years ago. The officer was persuaded to confess and take communion, and soon after that he died.

Father Peter himself was a very respected and beloved shepherd among the people, and gave all of himself to the people. Since 1960 he served in Ingushetia. In 1999, he was kidnapped and brutally killed by Chechen bandits. Materials are now being collected for the canonization of a new martyr of our time.

If prayer doesn't help

Sometimes the help expected from God never comes, as if He does not hear prayers. But in any case, there is no need to despair. From the point of view of the Christian meaning of life, it is better for some people to die in time and be saved for Eternal Life than to survive, but then destroy their soul. Nothing happens by chance with God, and He takes a person to Himself at the moment of his best spiritual state and greatest readiness for salvation in Eternity. Or when the spiritual decline becomes irreversible.

The poet and Decembrist Kondraty Ryleev was supposed to die in early childhood. But the mother begged for her seriously ill three-year-old son, literally demanding from God his healing. She was not stopped even by the warning of the Mother of God who appeared to her in a subtle dream and said: “Come to your senses, do not pray for recovery. The Lord Omniscient, out of goodness, out of His mercy, wants to save him and you from future suffering. “The mother was hinted that her son, if he recovered, would end his life on the gallows. But she didn’t want to believe it, and hoped that everything would work out. Kondraty survived, and, alas, what was predicted came true. For active participation in the coup d'etat, the 30-year-old poet and official Ryleev was sentenced to hanging and executed along with four leaders of the uprising. The only consolation for his mother was the fact that before his death he repented and went into Eternity as a humble Christian.

The inability and unwillingness to come to terms with God's Providence can play a very cruel joke on a person. I heard a sad story that happened to a resident of Yekaterinburg, Tatyana V. Her 8-year-old daughter Katya became seriously ill. Prayers did not help, and one morning she found her daughter lying in bed, lifeless and cold. The mother, distraught with grief, came to the temple and became hysterical. She reproached God, the Mother of God and the saints for not hearing her pleas and not helping, and she burst into blasphemy. After this she fainted. In a state of altered consciousness, she saw a dazzling light, and an unearthly voice told her: “Your daughter was pure and immaculate, angels were waiting for her in heaven. But, have it your way. Go, she’s alive!” Having woken up, Tatyana ran home and saw Katya alive. The mother's joy knew no bounds.

But the happiness was short-lived. Every year her daughter’s character deteriorated more and more. Already in adolescence, Katya offended her mother in every possible way, left home, and led a wild life. Because of such disappointments, Tatyana became offended by God and stopped going to church. In her youth, my daughter seemed to begin to settle down, and even went to college. But, in the midst of her studies... Katya committed suicide by swallowing pills because of unrequited love. The grief-stricken mother went to a monastery to beg for her unlucky child for the rest of her days.

And it also happens that God, seemingly for years, ignores the pleas of a mother asking him to help her child in trouble, but in the end the story has a good ending. And the reason for “deafness” turns out to be God’s desire to correct a person, for whom premature indulgences can only do a disservice.

A resident of the Moscow region, Alexander S. was from a poor family, but from school he was friends with the “golden youth” - the sons of officials and “new Russians”. Together with them, he became addicted to drugs, became rude and unbearable. One day, their company was caught red-handed, having found a decent amount of potion on the guys. The friends were cleared away by high-ranking parents, and Sasha was made a “scapegoat” and sentenced to 4 years in prison. His mother, Olga Ivanovna, really hoped for an amnesty and prayed to God for the release of her son. But instead, for fighting in the “zone” and causing grievous bodily harm, his sentence was doubled. The mother endured such injustice with great difficulty. My hands gave up - what's the point of praying if God doesn't hear it?!

After serving 8 years, the son was released as a completely different person. The “zone” spoils many people, but on the contrary, it corrected him. Sasha became serious and wise, acquired the Orthodox faith. Apparently, it was precisely this long period of time that he needed to humble himself, correct himself and completely get rid of his drug addiction. The Sashins’ friends, as it turned out, are no longer alive. Some died from overdoses and illnesses, others were killed, and two committed suicide. Alexander trained as an icon painter, got married successfully, and has two children growing up. After so many years of ordeal, life finally turned its face towards Olga and her son, and began to resemble a good, happy fairy tale.

Sorokoust is a prayer service that is performed by the Church daily for forty days. Every day during this period, particles are removed from the prosphora.

Elder Schema-Archimandrite Zosima noted that the entire history of mankind is measured in “weeks and forties.” “For forty days Christ appeared to his disciples, remaining on earth until the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord. The holy holiday is the fortieth day of the Ascension of the Lord. We celebrate Easter on the eve and will celebrate the great annual holiday on the fortieth day after Easter - the Ascension of the Lord. Sorokoust - forty days of fasting, forty days of Easter, everything comes in forties, weeks and forties. And the history of mankind also goes on in weeks and forties.” Sorokousts are ordered about health, especially about seriously ill people.

A mother's prayer for her child

God Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, hear me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name).

God, in the mercy of Your power, my child (name), have mercy and save him for Your name’s sake.

God, forgive him all the sins, voluntary and involuntary, that he committed before You.

God, guide him on the true path of Your commandments and enlighten him and enlighten him with Your light of Christ, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body.

God, bless him in the house, around the house, in the field, at work and on the road and in every place of Your possession.

God, protect him under the protection of Your Saints from a flying bullet, arrow, knife, sword, poison, fire, flood, from a deadly plague and from vain death.

God, protect him from visible and invisible enemies, from all troubles, evils and misfortunes.

God, heal him from all diseases, cleanse him from all filth (wine, tobacco, drugs) and ease his mental suffering and sorrow.

God, grant him the grace of the Holy Spirit for many years of life and health, chastity.

God, give him Your blessing for a godly family life and godly procreation.

God, Grant also to me, Thy unworthy and sinful servant, a parental blessing on my child in the coming mornings, days, evenings and nights, for Thy name's sake, for Thy Kingdom is eternal, omnipotent and omnipotent. Amen.

Lord, have mercy.(12 times.)

Church services in Orthodox churches in Jerusalem

Sorokoust about repose
The everlasting psalter
Church note
Prayer for health
Sorokoust about health

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Prayer for my son's safe return home

Prayer for my son's safe return home today

Lord Jesus Christ our God, I humbly pray to You for Your servant Igor.

Save and deliver him today from every evil circumstance, visible and invisible enemies. Help him reach his home safely and healthily. Save and have mercy on him along the way. Glory to You Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, help, O God, Thy servant Igor.

I pray to You, God, grant to me, Your servant Nadezhda, who dared to ask You, the fulfillment of my request.

Prayer for my son

The prayer of mother and father is the strongest protection

Parental prayer has enormous power. She cannot go unheard, so it doesn’t matter how old your child is. It happens in life that sons face great dangers. Boys usually behave more actively and desperately already in childhood, and therefore are exposed to various everyday risks. The prayer of a mother and father will help protect the child from a variety of life’s adversities; with its help, you can turn away evil from your son and put reliable protection over him. By praying, you can guide him on a righteous path in life, in which he will never be disappointed.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God for the health of her son

If you regularly pray for your son’s health, he will never have serious health problems. In addition, such prayer provides general protection from all evil. A mother’s prayer for her son’s health is always filled with special sincerity, so it will always be heard by the Higher Powers and a response to it will follow immediately.

When reading a prayer for health, you need to follow the basic rules. It is very important to concentrate on the spoken words and believe in a positive result. It is important in the process of prayer to imagine your child healthy, joyful and happy. You can pray for your son’s health at any time, both in church and at home. After prayer in church, you must light a candle for the health of your child.

Remember that the text of the prayer offered for the health of your son must first be memorized. After all, only in this case can you clearly pronounce each phrase, and only with this approach will all words come from the depths of your soul. If your son is sick, then you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for his healing.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Maternal prayer to St. Matrona for her child

Many believers know that prayer to the Matrona of Moscow has enormous power.

If your son is sick, then the following prayer should be read before the Saint icon:

To make prayer to Saint Matrona more effective, you need to give alms to the poor before praying. It is also recommended to bring a donation to the temple.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing the fate of his son

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church. People turn to him for various reasons. If the prayer is sincere, then it will definitely be heard. Believers know that strong prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can change a person’s life. And if the prayer is said by one of the parents, then its power increases significantly.

Prayer against drunkenness of an adult son

Very often, parents pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to save their son from drunkenness. The prayer must be offered at home in complete privacy in front of the icon of the Saint. But before that, you should definitely find time to visit the temple and light a candle for the health of your child.

Prayer for good luck at work or while serving in the army

Work occupies an important place in a person's life. Therefore, parents need to pray that their son will find a good job that will allow him to become a successful person and achieve recognition in society. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is considered a good helper when looking for a job. The parents' prayer for a good job for their son will always be heard by him. He will always help in this matter those who are faithful to the Lord in soul and deeds.

The prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant must contain specific requests; it is allowed to ask in any form for the following:

  • About a good job that brings high income;
  • About luck at work, which will contribute to career advancement;
  • About quickly finding a decent job;
  • About assistance in starting your own business;
  • About decent and timely salaries;
  • About promotion in the near future;
  • About a good and friendly team in which you will feel comfortable working;
  • To exclude any risks;
  • About liking the work.

Prayers for good luck in work for your son follows in the temple in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

If your son was drafted into the army, then to make it easier for him to serve, read the prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Its text reads as follows:

This prayer should be read in front of the icon of the Saint with a lit church candle. It is very important at this moment to imagine the image of a joyful, smiling and happy son. After reading the prayer, you need to make the sign of the cross.

Prayer-amulet to Archangel Michael for the journey of his son

A very strong protective prayer is a prayer appeal to Archangel Michael. There is a very strong prayer-amulet that every mother should read for her son’s journey. It will be a reliable protection against all evil spirits and any unkind external influences.

For prayer to be effective, it is necessary to clear your mind of all vain thoughts. It is important to remove pride from your heart and get rid of evil temptations. During your prayer, you must try to renounce everything worldly and completely direct all your thoughts to God.

The amulet prayer sounds like this:

After reading this prayer, you need to write it on a piece of paper and put it in your son’s clothes. This will become a reliable talisman that protects you from unkind people along the way.

Prayer-petition to Jesus for my son during studies and exams

By praying to the Savior you can support your son during his studies and when passing exams.

The prayer sounds like this:

A parent's prayer before an exam will help the child calm down and cope with anxiety. After this, the child will feel confident in his abilities and will be able to complete all exam tasks as efficiently as possible.

An effective prayer goes like this:

After such a prayer, you can be sure that with God’s grace you have created reliable protection for your child. And all your son will need is to show his knowledge and skills. But for prayer to be effective, it must sound sincere. It is important to put the full power of your mother’s love into every word.

Mother's prayer for her son and protection over him

Parental prayer has extraordinary power, because there is an invisible close connection between parents and their children. Even folk wisdom says that maternal prayer can reach you from the bottom of the sea. It just so happens that it is male children who face the most difficulties and dangers in life, since boys grow up more active and desperate from childhood. A mother’s prayer for her son will help protect the child from life’s adversities, evil and all kinds of dangers, create protection over him and guide him on the right path.

There are many prayers with which parents can turn to the Lord, asking for the protection and blessing of their children. Each of them has great power. You can pray for children - for a son, for a daughter - at any time and any number of times, because prayer does not have a strict framework for use. Coming from the very depths of the soul, a mother’s prayer for a child can work amazing miracles, since it is a mother’s love for her child that is the strongest and most sincere.

Powerful mother's prayers for the success and health of her son

The prayers below are some of the most effective. Using them, you will provide your child with reliable protection that will protect him on all roads of life. These prayers, becoming a talisman, will provide support and come to the rescue in the most difficult situations.

Mother's prayer for her son's happiness

Do you want happiness to become your son’s constant companion? Then read this prayer as often as possible. Text:

Mother's prayer for the well-being of her son (prayer-protection)

Regularly saying this prayer is a guarantee that your beloved son will always be under the reliable protection of the Lord. Text:

Mother's prayer for her son's health and protection from all evil and enemies

Every person has ill-wishers. However, the evil emanating from them will not be terrible for your son if you say this prayer as often as possible. Text:

A few short prayers for my son

To pray for the well-being and protection of your son, it is not at all necessary to use complex and long prayers. There are many short texts that act no worse than detailed Orthodox prayers. Some of them are given below - they also have no restrictions on the frequency of use.

Prayer if a son leaves his father's house

Children sooner or later grow up and fly away from the safe and cozy parental nest. The prayer, the text of which is given below, can be used by a mother when her son leaves to study in another city and begins to build his life separately from his parents. It is recommended to say the words twice a day - morning and evening.

“Lord, my son is in your mercy, for his sins, save him from temptations and guide him on the true path.”

Prayer for my son, helping him find true friends

Making new acquaintances for a child is always an exciting process for parents. This prayer helps the son to acquire only true friends, protects him from negative influences and traitors. Text:

“Lord God, teach my son to understand people. Give him wisdom to recognize people who are pure in their thoughts. Bring my son to people who will help him follow the true path and serve the Lord God.”

Prayer for the family happiness of an adult son

When a young man realizes that he is ready to start his own family, he rarely listens to his parents when choosing a life partner. So that God sends a good and faithful girl to marry your son, read this prayer every day before going to bed:

“Lord, help my son find a faithful companion who honors God and her husband. Bless God's servant (son's name) for a happy family life and for further childbearing. Amen(3 times) !”

Prayer for my son, helping him find his life purpose

A correctly chosen profession, a job you enjoy, is the key to the well-being and happiness of any person. To help your son with this, use the following prayer:

“Lord, I ask you: give God’s servant (son's name) a clear understanding of his purpose. Open his eyes to life, let him go through life only his own way. Amen!"

Prayer to protect your son from adversity

“Lord Almighty! Grant my son God's grace. Let all adversity pass him by.”

Prayer for a prosperous life for my son

“Lord, keep my son on the road. May evil fate not follow him, may love and happiness accompany him throughout life. Amen!"

Any prayer is, first of all, a sincere appeal to God and the forces of light, with the best intentions. Unfortunately, many parents, when praying for their children, make a mistake and ask for what they themselves consider right for their child, i.e. they simply proceed from their own selfish aspirations. Meanwhile, a child is a person with his own soul, and his fate is determined by God. His best protection is to entrust this soul to the Lord and allow him to give your child what his own destiny has in store for him.

The main motive for parents to use prayer for their son should be a sincere wish for the maximum good for their child. First of all, you need to pray for the soul of your child, for its development and improvement. Only then will higher powers lead him along the bright path of fate and protect him along this path. You need to ask the Lord that your son grows up to be a worthy person, and only then can you pray for health, happiness, wealth and other blessings of life.

It is not necessary to look for ready-made texts of prayers - parental prayer in your own words, sincere and coming from the heart, works no worse. During the process of prayer, you need to think about your child. You cannot turn to prayer out of some of your own feelings, emotions and intentions (pain, fear, desire, etc.) Ask the Lord for strong patrons to protect your son (Guardian Angels), ask for energetic and spiritual protection (especially in difficult situations) .

Wish your child well, development and growth - personal, spiritual, professional, etc. This way, you can set the right direction in his life, lay a solid foundation, and your son can create everything else on his own, with his own hands. And you will definitely be filled with pride for him!

Thanks a lot! I learned a lot of new things. I will definitely pray for my only son!

I always prayed for my sons, but in my own words. They grew up to be wonderful people, unlike many of their peers. I can safely say that I am proud of them!

Lord, Saint Michael the Archangel! Protect my son, the servant of God, Michael, and his companion, the servant of God, Mary, from all troubles and misfortunes. May they rest well and be well. Amen.

Merciful Lord, I ask you to help my son, your servant Mikhail, and his companion return home safe and sound. Amen

Merciful Lord, I appeal to you, Holy Archangel Michael, help me and protect me from thieves and return to me what they stole. Amen.

Lord, merciful Saint and almighty Archangel Michael, thank you for the mercy shown to my son, your servant Michael and his companion, your servant Mary, that they returned home safely. Amen.

Merciful Lord, enlighten my son, your servant Michael, and help him become reasonable and responsible, I ask you. Amen.

Lord, save and keep my son Daniel. Amen

Lord, save and preserve my son Maxim. Amen.

I ask God and all the holy heavenly powers to grant my son Vladimir health, to forgive him all his sins committed by him through foolishness. I trust in higher powers and believe that health will return to him. I thank the Lord and all heavenly patrons for saving my son Vladimir. Thank God for All.

Lord save and preserve my son, your servant Michael. Amen.

Thank you, Lord, for your mercy.

Lord save my son Sergius. Amen

Mother Theotokos of Kazan, help my son David on the road, in starting a new path. Help him in his military service, protect him from bullets and enemies. Give him the physical strength to pass the physical examination, and the moral endurance for new tests. Mother, give my son David, his wife Varvara and their daughter Zlatushka health, kindness, prosperity and happiness. I thank you, Mother Theotokos of Kazan and I pray to God for the well-being of David, Varvara and Zlata.

Lord, help my son Konstantin and guide him on the true path. Protect him from the bad girl and have mercy on him.

God! Have mercy on R. B. Sergei. Give my son a permanent, decent job.

Lord, enlighten and guide my son and your servant Sergei on the true path. Amen.

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Sergei, and guide him on the true path. Deliver him from bad people.

I thank the Lord God and all the saints and heavenly powers for my prayers for my son. With the help of my prayers, it became easier for my son to believe that my prayers addressed to God when the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints with a request to grant health to my son Vladimir will always be heard. I thank all the saints. Glory to you, Lord! Amen!

Lord Almighty, give your blessing to my son and protect him from all the misfortunes and trials of fate. Forgive him, a sinner, and have mercy. Send him salvation too. Amen

Lord, save and preserve my son, God's servant Nicholas, from troubles and misfortunes. Forgive me and his sins, voluntary and involuntary. Amen

Lord save me and protect my son Eugene from misfortunes and troubles Amen

Nicholas, saint of God, pray for my son Evgeniy for help in finding a job, amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladislav, and guide him on the true path. Deliver him from bad people.

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Vladimir and guide him on the true path, deliver him from bad people, amen

Mother Matronushka, pray to God for my son Artyom and guide him on the true path, deliver him from bad people. Amen.

I really like it.

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A conspiracy to make children come home

If your child has gotten away with it and is running away from his father’s house, wash his shoes in the enchanted water and he will stop running away from you. The plot is like this:

There is a mother ant in the forest anthill,

There are sisters and brothers among the ants.

And how these creatures of God scatter in the morning

And by nightfall they run into a heap of ants,

So (so-and-so) would be in a hurry to get home,

He ate, but did not get full, drank, but did not get drunk,

He lay down in his bed,

At night I prayed to the Lord God,

I revered my mother and father, missed them, and grieved for them.

And be you, my words, strong,

And be you, my deeds, modeling.

For now, for centuries, for all bright times.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now, forever, forever and ever.

More material on this topic


Religious reading: prayer for my son to return home to help our readers.

Prayer for my son's safe return home today

Lord Jesus Christ our God, I humbly pray to You for Your servant Igor.

Save and deliver him today from every evil circumstance, visible and invisible enemies. Help him reach his home safely and healthily. Save and have mercy on him along the way. Glory to You Lord.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, help, O God, Thy servant Igor.

I pray to You, God, grant to me, Your servant Nadezhda, who dared to ask You, the fulfillment of my request.

Mother's prayers for her son for all occasions

Maternal protection, like the breath of an Angel, protects from life’s troubles and misfortunes. A mother's tears are the most bitter, and a mother's heart is the most tender, but also the strongest. Only a mother, over many years, through the vicissitudes and twists of fate, carries true faith in her soul for her son. Only she reliably keeps her love until her last breath. Only a mother is ready to sacrifice herself and her life for the sake of her children.

Orthodox strong prayer for a mother for her son for all occasions

It has long been the case that children for a mother are the only and real outlet in this world. Orthodox believers have a tradition of coming to church and praying for health and a good life for their children. Prayers ask for new dreams, for the fulfillment of desires, for a successful marriage and a clear path. A mother can even beg God for success in business and getting a good job for her child.

The results of mothers reading sacred texts for their children are legendary. Believers are no longer surprised by stories of a positive outcome in a difficult matter or getting rid of troubles. Much more wonderful are the stories about the unexpected returns of long-missing sons. There are a number of documented facts about recovery from fatal illnesses. There are many miracles and all of them are created by a mother’s prayer, uttered with pain, despair, faith, hope and tears in her eyes.

“Our Lord, dear and all-merciful, I turn to you for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ. Allow a blessing for my son (name). I bow before Your image and beg you, heal all its wounds, apply Your precious oil to it. Bring into the heart of my son (name) love for his neighbor and reliable peace. Let his heart not be cruel, protect him and guide him with Your hand through a long life. Teach him with Your wisdom, give him your goodness, protect him from all the dashing troubles on the path of life. Bless for good deeds, protect from evil deeds. Let my son (name) remember his father’s house and fill his heart with love. Save from every destructive ulcer and invisible enemy. Our Lord Almighty, help him choose the true, bright, Divine path. With all my heart I trust in Your help. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen. "

There is no specific time for reading such a prayer. With such an appeal, you can ask for amulet and protection for your son at any time and under any circumstances. It is important to know that repentance and requests for absolution will only strengthen its impact.

Prayer to God for the health of my son

They ask about the health of their children both when they are still very small and then they have already matured. Such a sacred text must be uttered only with sincere faith. It is necessary to eliminate all negative thoughts and resentments, making sure to present your son as completely healthy. This is the only correct message to God. If the mother has doubts or skepticism, there can be no talk of a positive result. The prayer “For health” is as follows:

“Jesus Christ, remember that you have a mother, the Most Pure Virgin Mary. I bow and pray for the sake of Your Mother from me, a sinful and unworthy servant (mother’s name). Lord, in your hands, have mercy and save my child (name), for the sake of the eternal reign of life in heaven. It is in Your power to guide him on the right path, teach him to live according to the commandments, bless him for the salvation of his soul. With Your permission, I hope for healing from terrible bodily pains and experiences. Give him life and bless him every day he lives. May your strength and power be next to him at home, at work, in the field, on a long journey, in a foreign land and in the parental font. Save and have mercy, save and protect from the misfortunes of the wicked, from deadly diseases, from the evil eye. May my son and Your servant (name) be sheltered with Your blessing and support from temporary and permanent troubles. Protect from enemies on a long journey, from incurable diseases, from the influences of the wicked. Forgive him of his sins, give him time to heal his physical and mental wounds. Allow me to correct all mistakes and unreliable actions. Teach to repent of sins and black thoughts. Heal his life, for Your good and for my joy. Lord, grant him health and prosperity. In the name of Thy reign, Omnipotent and Almighty. Lord have mercy, amen."

Immediately before saying the prayer, you need to bow to the icon and cross yourself three times. The words are spoken with a lit church candle. If the son is very sick, then candles should be placed in front of each icon in the house. It is advisable that the patient himself listen to this prayer. It will be better if, at the same time as turning to God, mother and son hold hands. This Orthodox rite works real miracles of healing.

Orthodox prayer for the protection of a son

Maternal protection applies to absolutely all situations from the son’s hini. Whether it’s a change of place of residence or work, a long journey or a difficult job. In prayers, mothers can turn to the Saints for support both when their son serves in the army and when they are waiting for a new addition to the family. This Orthodox prayer is read as an appeal to a guardian angel and carries with it a powerful sacred charge to protect the son day and night.

Prayer for protection is one of the most powerful amulets:

“By the will of the Lord Almighty, a Guardian Angel is sent to each of us from birth, as a protector from evil and a trustee in good deeds. Therefore, I appeal to you, God’s helper on earth, in difficult times and ask you to protect my great son (name) from harm. He is oppressed by people with earthly power and there is no other defense than to ask for heavenly help. I ask you, Holy Guardian Angel, protect and protect from oppression those who have risen above my son (name), because he suffers innocently and unfairly. Lord our Father, forgive us our sins and forgive them to our enemies. Let all troubles, problems and troubles bypass the body and soul of my child. May your protection be forever and ever and for all the days of your life. Bless him (name). I bow low, I deeply believe. Amen. Amen. Amen."

The image of the guardian angel, in accordance with church canons, must be kept with the son from the moment of his baptism in the church. This icon is usually given by godparents as a talisman and protection. However, both the mother and the child can buy the icon. It is important that the icon is nearby at all times. It is also important to remember that a mother’s prayer is not a demand for protection, it is a sincere and pure request for help and protection. Only in this way will the Higher powers be able to grant mental and physical strength to a son, at any age, to overcome obstacles on the path of life.

A strong mother's prayer for her son's happiness

Believers believe that the best place to pray for the happiness of a son is a temple or at least a small church. In a prayerful place, the prayer will be heard faster by the Saints and help will come immediately. After all, often, it would seem, with material wealth and good health, some young and successful men suffer from loneliness. In such situations, it is better for the mother to ask for help from the Mother of God herself. After all, she is our ancestress and the true intercessor of all mothers and children.

Prayer for the happiness of a son to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“Oh, our Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, save and protect my long-awaited child (name) from misfortunes. Cover him with Your maternal robe, keep him in fear of sinful deeds and bless him for obedience and virtue. Grant a blessing and ask the Almighty for it. I ask and beg you not to leave me in trouble and take away every misfortune with Your Holy hand. Shelter from bad weather and give faith in the future. Beg Your Son, Jesus Christ, to grant your blessing for eternal salvation, as I beg you to grant (name) happiness in work, in love, in family and other worldly affairs. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

Throughout the prayer, it is important to make the sign of the cross over yourself and repeat the sacred words, preferably three times. It can be read at any time of the day and on any day of the week. The only thing you shouldn’t do is read it in front of strangers.

Any of the listed prayers can be read if you have health problems or if you find yourself in a difficult situation. If your son is addicted to drugs or alcohol, it is better to read the prayer “For health.” When there are conflicts in the family or in the team, the appeal “Oh Happiness” will help. For a long journey or a new beginning, the prayer word “On Protection” is suitable.

Appeals for the protection of the mother’s son can be addressed to the Holy Matrona of Moscow, to Nicholas the Wonderworker, to Saints Peter and Fevronia. Each of the Saints helps and maintains the relationship between mother and children. After all, we are talking about the power of the prayer word not because of the choice of the revered Saint, but because of how sincerely and heartily it is pronounced.

Prayer for my son and protection over him

Every mother who has given birth to a son asks the Lord to grant him a bright, righteous fate, and prayer for her son and protection over him will help strengthen the mother’s faith in achieving her wishes.

Prayer for my son every day

Who else but the mother worries about her child? No matter how old the son is, he will always be the object of his mother’s worries, worries, and worries. Therefore, all families of the Christian faith rush to baptize the newborn and entrust his life into the reliable hands of our Lord.

Prayer Word A mother can read to her son every day. When accompanying your child to kindergarten, sending him to school, college, or a long journey, cross your child with the cross three times and put in a word with the Lord for your son. Believe: his day will be easy, successful, spent under the vigilant eye of Jesus, covered with his protection.

You can tell the Lord many other requests about your child. After all, there is nothing truer and stronger than a mother’s word addressed to our Father and his Saints.

Prayer on the road to Nikolai Ugodnik

If your son is going on a long, not very long journey, read the word that follows, addressed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint, the Pleasant of God, protects everyone on the road, the road, difficulties, anxiety. Your prayer will be heard and conveyed to the Lord with a low bow and your faith in success, the return of your son healthy, unharmed, with good news.

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, God's Pleasant, God's Helper. Save my son, God's servant (name), on the road, on the road. May dark forces not approach him, may threatening clouds not interfere with his affairs. By your great mercy, by God's blessing, may he return to his native threshold the same way he set foot from it - with a light heart, bright thoughts, great faith in our great Lord. Thank you, Pleasant, I trust in you, I nourish my hopes. Amen"

The Lord's Prayer for a soldier in the army

“Lord Jesus Christ, hear my maternal heart, my tormented thoughts. Forgive me my sins and transgressions, save and protect my only child who is in service. Ready to give his life for his state. I ask, Lord, guide him on the true path, grant him health and strength for honest service in the army, according to your will of God. I'm waiting for him to come home healthy, strong, strengthened in your faith. Amen"

Prayer to Matrona for the gift of health

“Matrona Good, Mother of Moscow, I do not pray for myself, but for the son of my servant of God (name) I say a word. May our Lord bring His Face closer to my son, grant him good health, protect him from various diseases, leprous, and contagious. May my son be strong, and may my words be kept forever. Amen"

Prayer to the Mother of God for the gift of love

“Mother of God, Most Holy Theotokos, mother of our Lord, our only Savior. Hear me (the servant of God) in my request, my admiration. I ask you to grant my son (name) bright, faithful, strong love. I ask for a single pair for my son for the rest of his long, happy life. May the Lord send him a maiden on his way for a happy share in respect, health, goodness, and prosperity. To the joy of the parents, to the Lord on faith, His Lord's will. Amen"

Here is another prayer for your son and protection over him, appropriate to read in any situation in life, need or joy - it will always help.

Prayer for my son

The prayer of mother and father is the strongest protection

Parental prayer has enormous power. She cannot go unheard, so it doesn’t matter how old your child is. It happens in life that sons face great dangers. Boys usually behave more actively and desperately already in childhood, and therefore are exposed to various everyday risks. The prayer of a mother and father will help protect the child from a variety of life’s adversities; with its help, you can turn away evil from your son and put reliable protection over him. By praying, you can guide him on a righteous path in life, in which he will never be disappointed.

Orthodox prayer to the Mother of God for the health of her son

If you regularly pray for your son’s health, he will never have serious health problems. In addition, such prayer provides general protection from all evil. A mother’s prayer for her son’s health is always filled with special sincerity, so it will always be heard by the Higher Powers and a response to it will follow immediately.

When reading a prayer for health, you need to follow the basic rules. It is very important to concentrate on the spoken words and believe in a positive result. It is important in the process of prayer to imagine your child healthy, joyful and happy. You can pray for your son’s health at any time, both in church and at home. After prayer in church, you must light a candle for the health of your child.

Remember that the text of the prayer offered for the health of your son must first be memorized. After all, only in this case can you clearly pronounce each phrase, and only with this approach will all words come from the depths of your soul. If your son is sick, then you need to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for his healing.

The prayer text reads as follows:

Maternal prayer to St. Matrona for her child

Many believers know that prayer to the Matrona of Moscow has enormous power.

If your son is sick, then the following prayer should be read before the Saint icon:

To make prayer to Saint Matrona more effective, you need to give alms to the poor before praying. It is also recommended to bring a donation to the temple.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker, changing the fate of his son

Nicholas the Wonderworker is one of the most revered saints in the Orthodox Church. People turn to him for various reasons. If the prayer is sincere, then it will definitely be heard. Believers know that strong prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can change a person’s life. And if the prayer is said by one of the parents, then its power increases significantly.

Prayer against drunkenness of an adult son

Very often, parents pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to save their son from drunkenness. The prayer must be offered at home in complete privacy in front of the icon of the Saint. But before that, you should definitely find time to visit the temple and light a candle for the health of your child.

Prayer for good luck at work or while serving in the army

Work occupies an important place in a person's life. Therefore, parents need to pray that their son will find a good job that will allow him to become a successful person and achieve recognition in society. Saint Nicholas the Pleasant is considered a good helper when looking for a job. The parents' prayer for a good job for their son will always be heard by him. He will always help in this matter those who are faithful to the Lord in soul and deeds.

The prayer to Nicholas the Pleasant must contain specific requests; it is allowed to ask in any form for the following:

  • About a good job that brings high income;
  • About luck at work, which will contribute to career advancement;
  • About quickly finding a decent job;
  • About assistance in starting your own business;
  • About decent and timely salaries;
  • About promotion in the near future;
  • About a good and friendly team in which you will feel comfortable working;
  • To exclude any risks;
  • About liking the work.

Prayers for good luck in work for your son follows in the temple in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

The text of the prayer reads as follows:

If your son was drafted into the army, then to make it easier for him to serve, read the prayer directed to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Its text reads as follows:

This prayer should be read in front of the icon of the Saint with a lit church candle. It is very important at this moment to imagine the image of a joyful, smiling and happy son. After reading the prayer, you need to make the sign of the cross.

Prayer-amulet to Archangel Michael for the journey of his son

A very strong protective prayer is a prayer appeal to Archangel Michael. There is a very strong prayer-amulet that every mother should read for her son’s journey. It will be a reliable protection against all evil spirits and any unkind external influences.

For prayer to be effective, it is necessary to clear your mind of all vain thoughts. It is important to remove pride from your heart and get rid of evil temptations. During your prayer, you must try to renounce everything worldly and completely direct all your thoughts to God.

The amulet prayer sounds like this:

After reading this prayer, you need to write it on a piece of paper and put it in your son’s clothes. This will become a reliable talisman that protects you from unkind people along the way.

Prayer-petition to Jesus for my son during studies and exams

By praying to the Savior you can support your son during his studies and when passing exams.

The prayer sounds like this:

A parent's prayer before an exam will help the child calm down and cope with anxiety. After this, the child will feel confident in his abilities and will be able to complete all exam tasks as efficiently as possible.

An effective prayer goes like this:

After such a prayer, you can be sure that with God’s grace you have created reliable protection for your child. And all your son will need is to show his knowledge and skills. But for prayer to be effective, it must sound sincere. It is important to put the full power of your mother’s love into every word.