Emma Malinina biography personal life children. Emma Malinina: “I became the black sheep in the family

Sometimes celebrity wives attract as much attention to their personalities as their popular husbands. Not long ago, the famous domestic performer Alexander Malinin acquired a new wife. Girl figure long time was a mystery to journalists, and her past was closed behind a thick veil of secrecy. In the article we will try to introduce you better to Emma Malinina, find out how she was able to capture the heart of the honored singer of Russia and build successful career in the field of medicine and cosmetology.


Emma is the third wife of the famous performer Alexander Malinin, whose songs are sung throughout the country. Russian by nationality. After marriage, personality new lover The singer attracted great interest from journalists and fans. Everyone was interested in who she was, how could a woman charm an idol?

During her life, she had to go through a difficult path to achieve success. Now the woman is an outstanding businesswoman, she was able to build a career with my own hands with a huge amount of effort. Let’s take a short leap into the entrepreneur’s past to learn more about her biography and the features of building a business.

The year of birth of our heroine is 1962. She was born on May 13 in Volgograd. Initially, her last name sounded Zalukaeva. When the girl was 14 years old, the parents decided to take an important step and went to permanent residence to Moscow in search of work. WITH early years she planned to help other people and was going to build a career as a doctor, but had no idea in what specialization. Emma, ​​like her peers, studied in a regular high school, where she showed excellent results in training. She never shunned any events in educational institution and tried to actively intervene in the life of the school.

She received her secondary education successfully. In her senior year, the girl began to intensively prepare for entering a university with a medical degree, focusing on biology and chemistry, she always liked these subjects. The result of this preparation was admission to the prestigious Sechenov Medical Academy in Moscow. I chose gynecology as my specialization.

Her student years went smoothly, and in the end, the girl graduated from the academy with honors and honors. After this, she is hired without question to work in the gynecology department in a hospital affiliated with the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations. But this was only the first step in building her professional career.

She did not limit herself to her education and soon graduated from graduate school and confirmed her degree at the Center for Scientific Obstetrics and Perinatology at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, the topic of her dissertation was “Comparison and evaluation of methods for diagnosing and treating urogenital chlamydia in women of reproductive age.” The result of this work was the assignment of the status of Candidate of Medical Sciences. After that, I received leadership position in the center international medicine“Sana”, here Emma led an entire department.

She did not plan to work for someone all her life and dreamed of opening her own clinic. In 1997, her dream came true. Malinina opened her own private hospital in Moscow. It is currently operational and helping the local population. Later she opened her first pharmacy, but her path to success did not end there. After some time, the businesswoman launched an entire network of pharmaceuticals throughout Russia.

Simultaneously with the development of clinics and pharmacies, the girl became interested in cosmetology and was attracted to intimate products produced in France. Soon she establishes her own line of cosmetics in the direction of intimate hygiene. Its products include tea tree oil, which has a beneficial effect on health, and comes straight from Australia.

The line is called "Balyan". Now it is in high demand among women of all ages throughout Russia and beyond, and production is gaining momentum. Currently Emma mother of many children and a successful businesswoman who was able to create her name with her own hands and hard work.

Personal life and family of Emma Malinina

There are a huge number of rumors and scandals around the Malinin family; viewers could see a serious investigation on Channel One in the “Let Them Talk” program, where Alexander’s ex-wife tried to extort money from him. But more on that later, let’s move on to the time of Emma’s first love.

As a student, in my youth, during my first year medical academy she found her first husband. Outside the window it was 1979, they studied at the same faculty, he was the son of a professor in medicine. Soon the young couple legalized their relationship in the second year, when she turned 20 years old, she received from her husband new surname Isaeva. The following year, the girl gave birth to a son, Anton.

The birth of a child did not affect her educational achievements. Emma didn't take it academic leave and tried to combine studying with raising her son. She was very tired of such a rhythm of life, and often remembers how she ran to the dairy farm with a can, and then immediately to the first class at the university. Gradually, the marriage ties began to break down and conflicts arose between the spouses out of nowhere. The girl constantly disappeared into the academy and worked part-time in the evenings, and her father did not plan to strain himself.

After some time, they filed an official divorce, the reason turned out to be a misunderstanding of each other and different characters. The man had difficulty surviving such a breakup and tried in every possible way to prevent the separation, but Emma could no longer be convinced. Marriage life tired her greatly. The girl ensured that the son did not see his father and began to direct him against his father. As a result, Anton became so distant from Isaev that he stopped considering him relatives. The father was never able to prove he was right and was left with nothing.

During the period of divorce, when she was still officially married, our heroine meets a new lover, Alexander Malinin. A friend invited her to attend a concert of a musician she knew well. The singer made a great impression on Emma of his masculinity and beauty. After the performance, they went together to visit a friend for dinner, where they had a tete-a-tete.

She fell in love with a star, and these feelings turned out to be mutual. When they said goodbye, the lead singer gave the girl his photograph with the caption “I love you,” the girl was shocked by such a revelation and asked him to change the inscription “With love to Emma.” This photograph is still kept in the family album.

From that moment on, the singer began to look after our heroine, but they could not live together. Alexander shared an apartment with his mother. When he bought a new living space, he invited her to live together. Emma set the condition that she would move only as Malinin’s wife. He hesitated for a long time, was still worried about his previous marriage, but for the sake of his beloved he agreed.

They had a wedding and the newlyweds began to live together, with them were the son Anton and Nikita Malinin from the singer’s first wife. The businesswoman began to demand to have children, but Alexander was not ready for such a step, only a couple of years later he gave his consent. As a result, in 2000, twins Frol and Ustinya were born.

Soon after this, around new family scandals began to arise that were caused by the singer’s second wife, Olga Zarubina. She moved to Russia from America with her adult daughter named Kira and began to make accusations towards Alexander that he abandoned and abandoned the child. This story has long roots. While they were married, the performer was involved in a serious accident and suffered serious injuries, including loss of his voice.

The wife refused to care for her husband and while the singer was in the hospital, Olga found herself a new boyfriend, later stated that Kira was not his daughter and went with her new husband to live in the USA. In the future, her husband dies and she has no choice but to return to Russia and begin blaming her ex for lack of attention to her daughter. Emma reacted extremely harshly to this and tried to turn Malinin against Kira and his second wife, for which she received an unfavorable reputation among journalists and the media.

This year the artist celebrated his 60th birthday. The couple held a luxurious reception at a prestigious residence, which featured large number stars of music and cinema, and Yana Churikova was the presenter. As for children, they all grow up successful people, Alexander Malinin became for Anton adoptive father and gave him my last name.

In the article we got to know the third wife in detail famous singer Alexandra Malinin, revealed the secret of their acquaintance and romance. The woman was able to independently build a career out of nothing through great effort and hard work. Now she is raising her children and continues to promote the cosmetics business.

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Emma Valentinovna Malinina is a candidate of medical sciences, a gynecologist by training, the main founder of the private clinic of Dr. Malinina. Emma is the creator of the first intimate cosmetics line in Russia, she is a businesswoman and the wife of the famous singer Alexander Malinin.

The biography of Emma Malinina began on the Volga.

By the age of 14, she and her parents moved to the capital, Moscow.

Upon completion medical institute named after Sechenov got a job in the gynecological department of a clinic under the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations.

Afterwards she entered graduate school at the Center for Scientific Obstetrics, Perinatology of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and Gynecology, Where I successfully defended my dissertation on the topic “Comparative assessment of different methods of diagnosis and treatment of urogenital chlamydia in women of reproductive age.”

In 1989, Emma became head of the medical department at the International medical center"Sana." She began to study in detail, which first appeared in Russia, intimate hygiene products made in France.

Where did she appear in photographs?

Celebrity date of birth

In 1997, a private clinic opened in Moscow, Dr. Malinina. And a little less than a year later, the development and production of Balyan pharmaceutical products began.

Emma's ideas were supported in Germany. “You have found a new approach to hygiene,” Malinina was told by one doctor from Germany, Dr. Müller, who developed a natural product formula that had hygienic and therapeutic and prophylactic effects. “Balyan” began in the Czech Republic, its main ingredient is tea tree oil, which comes from Australia.

The very first products released by Emma from her line of cosmetics were a lubricant gel and intimate soap that had a preventive effect.

For some time, through Malinin, she formed a range of hygiene products with which you can care for the entire body from head to toe, which provide preventative care for the skin. Despite this success, Emma Malinina has many unrealized ideas left.

But already Emma Malinina, having created natural product, this business woman received her world championship. The biography of Malinin's wife, Emma, ​​is filled with colorful events.

The personal life of Alexander Malinin is of great interest to the audience and journalists. The singer’s wife Emma rarely communicates with media representatives, and the artist also does not comment on their relationship. This year the singer of romances turns 59 years old, in honor of his birthday star couple I decided to talk about how she maintains love and loyalty to each other. The couple is raising twins Frol and Ustinya. The young man is interested in painting, and the girl tries her hand at the stage.

Alexander and Emma met by chance at one of the artist’s performances. The singer immediately confessed his feelings to his chosen one, and she, in turn, considered Malinin too frivolous.

“I was just signing the photos: “With best wishes", "With respect", a friend - "With love. A. Malinin." And to her - “Emmy, I love you!” She thought: what a frivolous man!” - Alexander shared.

The artist said that from an early age he was very loving. Malinin was married twice before meeting Emma. “I conquered girls every time I visited pioneer camp, then in the army. In general, if I take a guitar and sing, all the girls are mine! Even Emma’s friends are in love with me at such moments,” Alexander noted. In his opinion, a real man should think, first of all, about family and relatives.

The singer shared that his wife is much more emotional than him. “It was especially difficult at first: she could not adapt to the frantic conditions of my work. She returns home tired, and we have guests whom she sees for the first time. Many things irritated her, although I warned her: now you’ll probably want to leave, I’ll feel bad, but I won’t run to catch up with you. After three years it became easier,” the artist recalled.

For for many years the singer's wife learned to smooth out their life together sharp corners and got used to strange habits famous husband. For example, Malinin can give his beloved flowers that were presented to him by fans. The artist is easy on money; he is ready to easily spend the entire fee in one day.

“His frankness strikes you on the spot, and you already think: directness is better than lies. I recently had a birthday, and he flew in from a tour at night. In the morning I’m getting ready for work, but I’m wondering: will he wake up or not? Before that, he got up and gave flowers. And then I bought a whole bag of butterflies... I said: “Well, Sash, this is not my hobby! “And I want you to get carried away too.” They turned it all into a joke. After all, I know: if possible, he will give me the gift I want. If she doesn’t get up in the morning, she’ll buy flowers in the evening. Definitely,” Emma shared.

Malinina supports her famous husband in everything. Several years ago, the artist was seriously ill and even left the stage for a while. loving wife was always there.

“I was seriously ill - I didn’t work for two months, I recovered - I had appendicitis. Everything is fine - suddenly he gets into an accident, in which he miraculously survives. Then - again... And so on for ten months. I tried not to provoke depression, I said: they get sick worse, they crash more, but the car, God bless it,” Emma shared.

The singer's father was hospitalized with a heart attack

The scandal in the family of Alexander MALININ is gaining serious momentum. A month ago, the ex-wife of the romance singer, singer Olga ZARUBINA, through our newspaper, suggested that he do a DNA paternity test. In order to once and for all close the question of who gave birth to daughter Kira. This story excited the musician’s entire family.

After the publication of the material, our editorial office received a call from Alexander Malinin’s homeland - from the Ural village of Kosulino, where his father Nikolai Vyguzov lives.
- Help me find Alexander’s phone! - the excited one jabbered male voice. - His father, my dear neighbor, was taken to the hospital with a heart condition. Sashka completely forgot about him. But Kolya is not a boy, he is 76 years old!

Having dialed Nikolai Stepanovich's number, we heard the voice of his current wife Tatyana. (He divorced the singer’s mother Angelina Anatolyevna more than 30 years ago.)
“Yes, my husband is really sick,” she confirmed. “But we don’t expect help from anyone.” Sasha said on a TV show that he would keep in touch with his father. But these are empty promises... I haven’t trusted this family for a long time. By the way, do you know that Malinin is not his mother’s last name, as he says, but a fictitious one? In fact, mother Angelina was Malinova before marriage. But these are minor things. It’s no small thing that Sasha never helped his father. Never! But Kolya spared nothing for his son. Every month I sent him decent amounts. Eh...

Oleg, younger brother Alexandra is also good. 53 years old, and still he comes to us from Yekaterinburg like a beggar, with his hand outstretched. He works as a driver. She’ll come and weave about three boxes like a mangy woman (in the Ural dialect - a talkative woman - M.S.-Sh.) I was here recently. Do you know what he needed? From somewhere I found out that we own all the real estate on our common son Anton was rewritten, so I got worried. By the way, we have already helped Oleg with housing - we gave him a two-room apartment and two garages. He squandered this wealth: he drank it, he lost it at cards.
- Do you think Olga Zarubina did the right thing when she suggested Alexandra take a paternity test?
- Let him do it, of course, so that the Vyguzovs will calm down. By the way, Nikolai Stepanovich never doubted that Kira was his granddaughter. And we treat Olya well. She normal person. He calls and inquires about his health. Nice woman.

I feel bad for her daughter Kira. Emma, current wife Malinina, believes that all the children whom she did not give birth to are strangers to the Vyguzovs. Some kind of insanity! She never accepted my son with Kolya. I can say: Sasha is sure that Kira is his daughter, it just seems to me that he is under the thumb of his wife, who holds both money and real estate in her hands. That's why he sits and doesn't drink. And his mother does not perform, because she is there on a bird’s license. Yes, you can’t spoil Emma... But we, I repeat, don’t need anything from this family! Kolya just wants to establish a connection with his son. After all, we don’t even have his phone number. And how my husband would like to hear his native voice. Especially now. You understand...

Advanced granny

Of course, we decided to call Alexander Malinin’s mother, Angelina Anatolyevna.
“You’ll forgive me, but I don’t know what’s going on,” she began the conversation with caution. - I’m sitting on the sofa, and next to me is a tablet in which my Sasha sings. I am an advanced granny, although I celebrated my 75th birthday in November. I use a computer and communicate with my children and grandchildren on Skype - they now live in Germany. Mine are there too younger grandchildren Frol and Ustinya are studying. I don’t know if we bought an apartment in Germany or rented it.
- Why didn’t you go with them?
- Oh, you can’t drag me there with a lasso. My southwestern district of Moscow is the best! I don’t really know the capital. She herself comes from a remote village in the Kostroma region.
- Angelina Anatolyevna, well, you are a wise woman. Advise your son and his wife to stop the war with Zarubina. It’s no good for decent people, educated people behave like that!
- I'll say this. Sasha, of course, was wrong to call this girl a homeless person in the program. but she is really homeless, she has no place to live. I think Zarubina is to blame for everything. She is a liar and raised her daughter to be the same. She got into someone else’s family when my Sanka lived with Inna Kurochkina (the musician’s first wife, who gave birth to his son Nikita. - M.S.Sh.). There was such an episode.

One day Sasha and little Nikita come to visit us in Sverdlovsk - Inna left for the sea at that time. And suddenly Zarubina shows up. “Sasha,” I ask my son, “why does this girl not go to the hotel to spend the night, but to us?” He began to fuss, saying they work together. They say that she came not alone, but with other members of the ensemble. That’s when Olya jumped to him... That’s how she broke up Sasha’s family. And when Zarubina got ready to go to America, she knelt in front of Sasha to allow her to take her daughter with her. He allowed it. And Olga, at the first opportunity, gave the girl a different patronymic and surname, and registered her as her husband Evdokimov. Let them do DNA, the girl doesn’t look like us at all. Emma said that we need to do a test. There was a case when Sanya ended up in the hospital. She didn’t come to him because she was already confused with someone else. All! I can’t talk more about Zarubina. I have already suffered so much in my life with this Zarubina and with all of Sasha’s wives. Well them!

I never told the press anything. I believed that everything that concerns the family and husband is very personal and should remain so. If it weren’t for the broadcast of a popular talk show that turned our lives upside down, this conversation would not have taken place...

That program was conceived as a benefit performance for Alexander - a celebration in honor of his thirtieth birthday on stage, to which friends, colleagues, close and dear people were invited. Nobody in nightmare I couldn’t imagine what kind of “holiday” it would turn into...

From the very beginning, instead of a performance by friends and colleagues, Sasha’s ex-wife and daughter Kira appeared in the studio. And so it began... Malinin is a monster, he abandoned the girl who needed him so much, he refuses to communicate with her, and she so wants to meet her father... Then Kira herself came into the studio, who decided to surprise Sasha by appearing for the first time in front of him with a song Happy birthday, biological papa... (“Happy birthday, biological dad”), performed in front of television cameras throughout the country.

Everything was played out like clockwork. Sasha was so shocked by what was happening that he simply became numb, the blood rushed to his face, he could not utter a word.

I watched this entire scene on the monitor, waiting for the presenter to invite me into the studio.

I look at my husband and at some point I feel that he is about to have a blow. Appearing in front of the audience, I no longer thought about the fact that filming was going on. I was so outraged by the tactlessness of everything that was happening in relation to my husband, to our family, that my only desire was to stop this performance, to tell people that in fact everything is not as it is presented! I was openly outraged and did not try to say the “right” things in front of the cameras, to somehow hush up the situation and let everything go under the brakes. Then they will say that I, like a fury, attacked Sasha’s ex-wife and daughter. But at that moment I was driven by intuition. This story has been dragging on since 2007 - then a lady came to Russia from America and began to talk in various interviews about how Malinin abandoned her with a little daughter in her arms. And when I entered the studio, I clearly understood: these two women did not come to congratulate Alexander on his holiday, but to sort things out, trying to present facts from past life, sting him more painfully and do it in public.

I felt only one thing: I needed to somehow help Sasha, who was drowning before my eyes.

It seemed like Sasha was a monster! In fact he is very loyal and loving father! But how can you demand from him an instant manifestation of love after such a tactless invasion of the soul? I am sure that if the meeting with his daughter had taken place without this song, in a different environment, and certainly this should not have happened in front of millions of people during a television show, then his reaction would have been different.

Zarubina doesn’t like to remember that it was she who once forced Sasha to abandon Kira. The girl was officially adopted by another person, he became Olga’s next husband, and she went to America with him. What Sasha felt then did not bother her at all.

And Sasha experienced the consequences of his second marriage very hard. Soon after we met, he told me: “I don’t want any more children and I’ll never get married. I promised myself." It took a very long time for the wounds in his soul to heal. And I think if we didn’t love each other so much, then healing would never have happened at all...

Sasha and I immediately had not just love, but a much stronger and deeper feeling. Both he and I felt internally that we had found our soul mate.

There was a feeling that we had always been close and dear people, but it was as if we had been lost in a past life, and then found each other again. This feeling cannot be confused with anything else. Like a puzzle that didn’t fit together for a very long time, and then suddenly it did.

...We met thanks to my friend. One day she invited me to a group concert and said that Sasha Malinin, with whom she was friends, would also participate.

I don’t remember who performed before and after Sasha. But when he came on stage... it was like a flash. Sasha sang amazingly. He was so wild, unbridled, with crazy energy. With a ponytail, a red shirt, wide trousers, high boots. It seemed to me that I was hearing him for the first time, only then I remembered that I had actually already been to his performance at a rock festival in 1987, and then I also really liked him.

I just don’t remember his last name.

Surprisingly, at that concert I immediately felt that this was not just a chance meeting. I was afraid of my inner voice, which said that this person would somehow enter my destiny. Although it would seem that we have nothing in common, we different planets: I am a doctor, he is an artist. But inner voice stubbornly repeated: “This is your man,” while the brain condemned: “You’re just crazy!”...

After the concert, a friend invited Sasha and me to have dinner with her. I still have a photograph to remember that evening; it is kept in our family archive still. On it Sasha wrote: “Emmy, I love you.”

Just like that, right away. I flushed: “Alexander, I would like to give a photo to my mother, could you write something more formal?” He smiled. The second picture that I received from him was already crowned with the correct “To Emilia with love.”

Then Sasha admitted that he actually fell in love with me at the very first meeting.

Even the fact that I was married didn’t stop him - I immediately told him about it myself. He laughed: “So what? I like to look after married people...” Sasha later admitted that he said that on purpose, because he immediately felt that I didn’t have any husband.

But I still had a husband. Although we were not living together by that time, I was still officially married.

...My first love, which ended in marriage, happened in my first year at Samara Medical Institute.

That's how it came together - all the first...

It was such a fresh, childish feeling... My future husband he was a bright, interesting, open young man who wrote wonderful poetry. Then he fully corresponded to my ideal man. Everything between us was very serious right away. In general, I was raised in such a way that I could not imagine what it would be like to have a “love and sleep” relationship. For me, falling in love meant getting married.

When I told my parents about my matrimonial plans, they were not particularly happy - everything happened very early, but they did not contradict me. We got married, and soon I found out that I was going to become a mother.

This event changed my whole life. I realized that I was already responsible not only for myself, but also for my child. You have to decide everything yourself. My husband wasn't very helpful. His father had not yet been born in him. Therefore, we had to spin for two. This is despite the fact that I did not go to academic school, I continued to study even when my strength ran out.

It was very difficult. I had to clearly plan every day - when I would go to college, when I would feed the child, where I would take him later, when I would pick him up, how we would pay for the rented apartment in which we lived. I could, of course, ask my parents for money, but I was very uncomfortable approaching them with this.

Although I’ll be honest: both parents helped. But I understood that my husband and I had to grow up ourselves, learn to solve our problems on our own.

There were no children's clothes then, baby food, you had to stand in line for everything. I remember how at six in the morning in winter I went with a three-liter enamel can to buy bottled milk, which was brought in barrels. Then I ran to the first couple...

Once, when I was in my fourth year, there was no one to sit with Antoshka, and I had to take him with me to the exam. She left her son in the hallway with a friend and went to the classroom. There is only one thing in my head - how to shoot back quickly. And just when I started to answer, suddenly the door swung open and my sobbing son ran into the classroom: “Mom!

Mom!...” The teacher raised his eyebrows: “Is this your child?” - “My...” He winced - for some reason in our institute it was believed that students who give birth during their studies were complete fools. He took my record book and instead of a five - and I knew my ticket perfectly well - he put a four. It was a shame to the point of tears. But, on the other hand, everything is for the better: trials strengthen you. If I had not had to grow up so quickly then, it is still unknown how my future life would have turned out...

By that time, my parents already lived in the capital, so, having received a diploma, I entered the internship at the First Moscow Medical Institute.

My husband and I came to Moscow. But our relationship was already on its last legs.

In addition to studying, I started working.

Institute, operations, duty. I was at work from morning to night. The schedule was tight, and my husband worked in shifts, without particularly straining himself. He was not very interested in my life, especially since my parents helped resolve issues related to the child. And his life, in turn, no longer interested me very much. He never grew up, and I was tired of being responsible for everything alone. Over time, the feeling arose that in our family I was like a locomotive, pulling heavily loaded carriages.

Later, when we had already separated, I remembered the words of my friends. When they parted with their husbands, they complained: “Oh, I felt so bad, I suffered so much...” But on the contrary, I was happy! I felt such relief, as if an overwhelming burden had finally been lifted from me.

Although in my own family I became a black sheep. The fact is that none of my relatives have ever gotten divorced. Mom and dad have been together since their youth, and grandparents on both sides are monogamous. But I didn't succeed...

...I rented an apartment not far from my parents. And Antoshka, who by that time was four and a half years old, and I began to live alone. The husband made some attempts to get closer and delayed the divorce for two years. But everything was clear to me: there was no going back to the past.

I got one job, then another... I had to provide for myself and my son.

There is more than enough work, but in my personal life there is complete calm. Next to me there was only room for one man - my son.

It was during that period that I met Sasha.

Soon after the first meeting, he called me.

I found some reason, said that he urgently needed medicine, but it was not sold in pharmacies, could I help? I promised to help. Then he invited me to a concert. I remember I didn’t go alone, I took a friend with me. Because I was terribly afraid. I was so drawn to Sasha that it was scary. I was very afraid of falling in love again...

The next time Sasha appeared at my work.

The hospital has a access system, and he couldn’t just get through to me, so he asked to be called. I went down. I was wearing a white robe and cap, and Sasha stood in a long coat, high-cut gloves, and white sneakers, over which galoshes were put on.

Plus chains, earrings, bracelets. How contrasting we must have looked from the outside...

Malinin was holding a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands. I remember how I blushed, accepting the gift and realizing that half of the clinic was watching our meeting. Of course, a famous artist came to see Emma Valentinovna! And Sasha was not at all embarrassed by the attention to his person. He easily knelt down in front of me: “Darling, I’m behind you...” In response, I squeezed out: “Alexander, you shouldn’t behave like that. I’m not going to go anywhere with you...” Sasha smiled in response: “It’s better to be on your own.”...

In general, he immediately broke the script.

It was impossible to resist his charm. I gave up. I said: “Okay, just wait for me in the car, please...” And he waited for me to finish my business. But what are you doing when your head is already spinning...

When we started dating, Sasha introduced me to his mother and asked me to help her as a doctor. She came to Moscow after a difficult divorce, mentally and physically depressed. Mom has always been the closest person to Sasha, and if we hadn’t found her common language, nothing would have worked out between Sasha and me.

She and I started talking. I didn't hide anything. She told me that I had a son and that I was married, although this was a mere formality. She took everything calmly. Then Sasha told me her words: “If you had such a wife, I would be very happy...”

Angelina Anatolyevna moved to Moscow recently, and it’s hard to arrange her life in a new city where there are no acquaintances.

She had not yet recovered from the divorce, and she had to start life in Moscow from scratch.

... Angelina Anatolyevna lived with Sasha’s father difficult years. She met him at the age of 17, and a year later Sasha was born.

Immediately after marriage, she began to take on both the house and the child. At the same time, she was completely dependent on Nikolai Stepanovich. With the birth of his second son, he is five years younger than Sasha, the relationship only worsened.

Nikolai Stepanovich could disappear from home for a long time, this was called “left to work.” And when he returned, he made scandals for his wife and often raised his hand to her.

Angelina Anatolyevna endured everything.

But Sasha did not want to put up with his father’s character. Even as a little boy, he tried to stand up for his mother.

Sasha said that he lived his childhood and youth with a feeling of complete surrealism - as if everything that was happening around was not happening to him, as if he was observing someone else’s life from the outside... In this “alien” life there were scandals, swearing, beatings , his mother’s tears, and in the one he dreamed of - peace, tranquility, music... Sasha himself enrolled in a school music club and was terribly worried because the parents of other children came to concerts, but not his... .

The moment came when Nikolai Stepanovich finally left the family.

He married a woman who had been visiting their house for seven years, wanting to become a friend of Sasha’s mother. After this, Angelina Anatolyevna literally found herself on the street. She came to Sasha in Moscow even without personal belongings...

Sasha stopped all contact with his father. The person who gave you life can be forgiven for everything except betrayal. You can swallow filial grievances, but Sasha was never able to forgive him for the fact that his father made his mother unhappy and made her suffer...

...When we met, I felt how Angelina Anatolyevna needed simple human participation and my support. At that time, Sasha disappeared for a long time on tour. Therefore, she came to me at the hospital, supposedly for treatment, but in reality, just to see me and talk.

One day, after our wedding, Sasha said: “Emmy, my mother never had anything, she lived her whole life for my brother and me.

I’ve never been humanly happy, and now I want to do everything for her.”

Our relationship developed rapidly. There was nowhere to meet. Sasha lived in a small apartment in Orekhovo-Borisov, which his mother had shared with him for a year by that time. I had to rent an apartment. And although everything around was alien and undeveloped, we were very happy.

Sasha at some point asked: “Why don’t you introduce me to your son?” But I considered this a very serious step. I could only introduce my son to my future husband.

I told my mother that Sasha wanted to meet Antoshka.

She advised: “Let Sasha meet with dad first.”

I agreed. I tell Sasha: “Your parents invite you to visit.” He became wary: “Why is this?” - “They want to get to know you better...” And although it was clear that he was not very inspired by this prospect, he still agreed: “Okay, let’s go...”

I remember that my mother set the table for two people - she and I withdrew, and my father talked with Sasha until four in the morning. When Sasha left, my dad told me: “I don’t know how your life will turn out next, but he is an amazing person. And next to him you will always be very interested. He went through this...” In fact, no one strewed Sasha’s path with roses.

At the age of fourteen he actually left home and became a student of the orchestra Soviet army. I finished the ninth and tenth grades at evening school. He decided to study music himself and mastered four instruments, including the guitar. The first, simplest one, was bought for him by his mother. A good tool- later, one of my acquaintances: he simply regretted that a talented guy was suffering with a bad guitar.

Then, after passing a serious competition, he entered the Studio pop art at the Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic. And when he moved to Moscow, he entered music school them. MM. Ippolitova-Ivanova with a degree in academic vocal teacher.

I still admire his hard work and will to achieve his goals.

But on one point our views differed radically at that time: Sasha was satisfied open relationship, but not me. And it was completely unclear how we should live further.

When Sasha had the opportunity to purchase housing, he bought the first apartment for his mother, and the next one for himself. Later he exchanged his apartment in Orekhovo-Borisov for a one-room apartment on Kurskaya. There were only fifteen meters there, but thanks to the high ceilings, Sasha was able to build a mezzanine-bedroom. It turned out very cozy: walls covered in silk, mirrors on the ceiling. We finally had our own home! There was no need to wander around rented apartments. And one day Sasha suggested: “Move in with me and Antoshka.”

That day we went to visit Larisa Rubalskaya; we visited her often.

We immediately developed not even friendships, but some kind of family relations. Larisa once admitted: “I never had the feeling that you were Sasha’s next girlfriend, I immediately realized that you were his, and he was yours.” Larisa, one might say, blessed our union.

We returned home from her, and Sasha said: “That’s it, I’m taking you and Antoshka.” Sasha, by the way, has developed an amazing relationship with my son. He immediately called Sasha dad. Nobody taught him this, no one asked him. Antosha said: “That’s what I want...” But I couldn’t just pack up my things and move - it was too important a step. She said: “I need to think. Either you and I will become husband and wife..."

Or I will have to think for myself about my future and the future of my son.

I saw how Sasha became gloomy, it was like a hurricane was sweeping through his soul. He just said: “I understand everything. You the seal is more important in the passport than my feelings.” He turned around and left.

Then I reproached myself for expressing everything to him so harshly. Maybe we should have done everything more diplomatically, shown more gentleness?

The next night passed without sleep. I either jumped up and started rushing around the apartment, then drank tea, then wanted to call Sasha - for the rest of my life I remembered that machine in front of which I spent long hours. But she still didn’t call Sasha. I overcame myself.

The next morning the mood was terrible. She didn’t go to work, she said she was sick.

I decided to go to my mother, who was caring for her son, to pick up Antoshka and spend a day with him, to put my thoughts in order. There was no news from Sasha, and everything said that our story was over, we had to start life again...

At two o'clock in the afternoon the doorbell suddenly rang. I opened it - Sasha was on the doorstep with flowers.

Where are you going? - he asked so simply, as if nothing had happened between us.

To mom...

I'm with you.

I was completely disheartened by this turn of events...

When they came to the parents, Sasha very calmly said: “I ask for your daughter’s hand in marriage.

If you allow me, I would like Emma and Antoshka to move in with me today.”

We got married on February 13th. True, before the wedding, my mother warned: “Do you understand that artists are unreliable people and such a marriage can last at most two or three years?” To which I replied: “I want to live in such love for as long as God determines, even if only three years. I love this man very much!” And, to be completely honest, Sasha is the first true love in my life.

Nevertheless, from the very first second, when Sasha still asked for my hand, I felt that he was doing this because I wanted it that way. It didn't come from the heart yet.

It was only from the heart some time later, when Sasha proposed getting married.

That’s when I knew for sure: he wanted it himself. After the wedding he said: “Now you have become my wife.” And the stamp in the passport... it really didn’t mean anything to him...

At first, living together was very difficult. Our schedules did not coincide at all - he returned at night after concerts, with friends, and I had to go to work early in the morning... The apartment is tiny, there is no way to go somewhere or close the door. And on this basis we could have had a big quarrel. But he was able to hear me. I was able to understand that we now have a family, and the lifestyle of a free person and a person responsible for loved ones are two different things. And he promised: “Don’t worry. I'll try to come early. There won’t be any company either...” So at first we lived on fifteen meters, plus a mezzanine - Sasha and I, Antoshka and Nikita, Sasha’s son from his first marriage.

We immediately developed a very warm relationship with both Nikita and his mother Inna.

We always had guests in our house, but when we were finally able to move from a small apartment to a spacious one... Kutuzovsky Prospekt, friends came just in a crowd.

It was a communal apartment, and I spent two years trying to resettle it. What a joy it was when we moved there! Now each family member had their own room, a large corner was allocated in the living room for a piano and for the first time they were able to breathe freely...

We loved each other everyday problems were decided, and now nothing stood in the way of having a child, our baby together with Sasha.

But when I mentioned this to my husband, he said: “I don’t want to!” It’s not time yet...” And it was important for me that the child was desired by both.

Whether this time would ever come at all was unknown. But I decided to wait. I could never simply confront my husband with the fact: “Darling, we are going to have a child...” It was important for me that he wanted it himself, felt this joy himself...

The desire to have children was burned with a hot iron in Sasha by his second marriage - with Olga Zarubina.

It was ordeal in his life. Olga took him away from his first family, saying that she became pregnant. Meanwhile, Sasha’s son Nikita was only six months old at the time. His mother, Inna, turned out to be too timid to resist the pressure of Zarubina, who walked towards her goal like a tank, breaking destinies and easily stepping over people.

Sasha was already very famous then, and Olga, apparently, decided that he would be quite suitable for her as a husband.

Yes and imminent pregnancy turned out to be handy.

Everything went according to plan. If it weren’t for the accident that Sasha got into... She confused all the cards for Zarubina.

Sasha woke up already in intensive care. There is not a single living place on the body - many fractures, the face was very badly damaged.

It was literally assembled piece by piece. Sasha spent three months in a cast, the bones did not heal, and it took a long time to develop his knee.

But the worst thing, probably, for him was that his voice disappeared. He couldn't sing anymore...

When Sasha returned home from the hospital, another blow awaited him. Zarubina’s sick, infirm husband was no longer needed. She said that everything was over between them. And Sasha can also forget about his daughter Kira. The girl will have a different father. This “other” by that time was already living with Olga, and she later went to America with him.

Sasha left ex-wife without even taking your personal belongings.

Thanks to Stas Namin, with whom he worked, he gave him the attic. Sasha lived there for some time until he went to his mother in Sverdlovsk.

...Sasha never told me how he felt when Olga deprived him of his daughter. For him this topic is taboo. He took what happened too hard then.

All I know is from Sasha’s mother. She experienced separation from her granddaughter no less difficult. Angelina Anatolyevna kept photographs of little Kira; she fell in love with the girl very much and nursed her. But when Olga decided to change her life, she, without hesitation, deprived her daughter and grandmother. The scenario repeated itself: Zarubina again mercilessly ruined people’s destinies.

...Twenty-five years passed before Sasha saw Kira again. This happened on the set of the very TV program that was intended to be his benefit performance.

An adult girl appeared in the studio.

She said that she had long dreamed of communicating with her father. That I've been waiting for this for many years.

Sasha was literally petrified by such a confession.

After all, he had never been to America, and she had never tried to meet him! What prevented Kira from contacting Sasha before the program is still a mystery.

And people decided: he is a monster! Well, how can you push your own child away? He has no heart...

... Few people know that after the program, Sasha finally called Kira and they began to communicate - sometimes by phone, sometimes on Skype. This whole situation touched him to the core. He wanted to know more about Kira, about her life and plans. Sasha realized that Kira actually doesn’t study or work anywhere, and that she needs support. It just so happened that by the age of twenty-six, the daughter was unable to obtain any profession. And from a purely human perspective, Sasha wants to help her get back on her feet.

Now the relationship with the girl has improved. Only Sasha doesn’t talk about this on every corner.

...Seven years passed, and then one day my husband said: “Emmy, I want a child...”

We were going to celebrate our wedding anniversary at home in the evening, just the two of us. Sasha arrived after the concert, we had dinner, talked, in general, it was a very ordinary family evening.

I began to clear the table and do some housework, when suddenly I heard words that made me dumbfounded. It was as if my husband had an internal reappraisal. I felt like myself happy woman and realized: in our family life a new stage has begun.

But life is striped, then white stripe, then black. I began to notice that Sasha was worried about something. Returning from concerts, he began to complain that he was very tired: “By the end of the performance, my voice dropped a lot.”

The doctors said: “This is just swelling of the mucous membrane. Happens". They prescribed some drops.

However, the situation only worsened, no drops helped.

One day Sasha returned home in complete confusion and said that he could no longer sing. The voice is not obeyed, he is not able to control it.

We visited a variety of specialists - all to no avail. So far we have not been recommended a phonation doctor in Switzerland. It was he who said that the problem cannot be solved with drug treatment.

The reason is the accident that Sasha got into back in 1986. In addition to numerous fractures, his nasal septum was severely displaced. And if after the accident the voice was restored after some time without outside intervention, then now it was required complex operation. I asked the doctor if there was a guarantee that my voice would be restored after the operation. He replied that no one would give such guarantees.

I was in a terrible state, I was aware of the risk, but I felt that I had to persuade my husband to have the operation. Then I couldn’t even imagine how much strength he would later need to restore his voice.

She attributed her discomfort, which suddenly appeared, to fatigue and nerves. I remember I had to fly to a consultation with a professor, and suddenly I felt very bad - I decided that I had been poisoned, I was vomiting so much that I could not get up.

We returned to Moscow: Sasha felt terrible, I felt terrible too, in general, there were problems on all sides. And when my mood seemed to be worse than ever, I realized: the cause of my malaise was not poisoning at all.

I am pregnant! After going for an ultrasound, I found out that we were having twins!

In August 2000, the operation finally took place, and in November our children were born. After the operation there was a difficult period of waiting. No one undertook to predict what would happen to the voice. But Sashino’s desire to return to the stage was so strong that as soon as the doctor allowed him to start singing, he began to frantically practice vocals, with several teachers, he looked for them himself, and went to see them. Great help Vyacheslav Nikolaevich Osipov, an experienced vocal teacher, gave him help then, who instilled in him faith in himself and made him feel the freedom of using his voice.

It was then when everything came together - Sasha’s illness, and the expectation of children, and complete uncertainty ahead: after all, it was not clear whether her husband would be able to return to the stage again and generally restore his health, and at the same time he would already be the father of four children who needed to be raised, - that’s when we realized what we meant to each other. I had to support Sasha at all costs, and he had to support me. In October I had to go to the hospital: there was a threat of premature birth. And although Sasha could not be there all the time, I felt his presence constantly. At the first opportunity he rushed to see me.

One day, I remember, he called from Samara: “I’ll bring you crayfish! They’ll be cooked at five in the morning, and I’ll bring them to you on a six-hour flight!” And he brought it! We ate them right before our rounds...

We gave birth together. He cut the umbilical cords of Frol and Styusha. And nothing will probably connect Sasha and me stronger than these umbilical cords.

...I would like to believe that our trials are behind us. But do you know what I realized then? No matter how hard it is, you don’t have to give up, don’t grieve, you have to think and act. We have been through a lot hard times, but the thought that behind us big family, did not let Sasha and I fall into despondency. We always moved forward and never gave up. And as it is said in ancient book, the road will be mastered by the one walking. Now I know this for sure...