The title of mother is heroine, how many children are there? Conditions and benefits of the Mother Heroine and Parental Glory awards

Current legislation provides for a fairly large number of social support options for people who need it most.

Normative acts establish not only various ways material support for citizens, but also a strict list of conditions that a person must meet in order to qualify for assistance from the state budget.

In this regard, it will be useful for many to find out how many children the heroine mother has in Russia, and how the provision of assistance to this category of persons is generally regulated.

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History of the title

We remembered the mothers at the end of the Great Patriotic War. Taking into account the huge losses, the authorities quickly realized that they needed to take some measures that would help to positively influence the demographic situation within the state.

Applicants who could receive this title, authorized employees government bodies They were looking all over the USSR, and the award ceremony was timed to coincide with the anniversary of the revolution.

Ultimately, the corresponding orders were granted to mothers who not only gave birth to and raised more than ten children, but also lost their own children during the Second World War. Thus, the first woman to receive this order has twelve children, eight of whom took direct part in hostilities, and four gave their lives.

This order was subsequently presented to the State Historical Museum by the children of the heroine.

If desired, in the museum's funds it will be possible to familiarize yourself with the first award, which was issued on the territory of Russia. It is worth noting the fact that the award ceremony took place directly in the Kremlin with various honors, but the greatest joy for the family in the end was that their living space was increased.

What were the benefits

In the event that the youngest child reached the age of one year, and all older children were still alive at the time of assignment of this status, the woman was given the corresponding honorary title. During times Soviet Union Women with many children received quite significant help, and this applied not only to those who had the title of “heroine mother.”

After the third child was born into the family, she could count on financial support from the state.

In addition to fairly significant benefits for children, as well as increasing the duration of leave in connection with childbirth and pregnancy, it was additionally provided for the possibility of registering a child in kindergarten out of turn, the need for reduced kindergarten fees, as well as the possibility of receiving free meals at school.

Women who received the appropriate status were given the opportunity to retire five years earlier, they were also given the opportunity to use public transport free of charge after retirement, as well as significant benefits in the process of paying utility bills.

The key privilege that was provided for heroine mothers during the Soviet Union was the provision of a separate living space, and one could apply for it even if one of the children had already reached adulthood.

No one had the right to remove such citizens from the queue for housing, and therefore the heroine was guaranteed to receive the apartments provided to her by the state in accordance with the law.

Order of "Parental Glory"

During the Soviet Union, in addition to the Order of the Mother Heroine, it was decided to establish several new awards. Thus, the “Motherhood Medal” of the first and second degrees appeared, provided for raising six and five children, respectively, and, in addition to this, the Order of “Maternal Glory” also appeared, which had three degrees and was provided for raising from seven to nine children.

For half a century, mothers have been rewarded high level and encouraged with all sorts of preferences, which disappeared after the collapse of the Soviet Union, as a result of which they were not used for more than 15 years.

The situation changed after Presidential Decree No. 775 was officially adopted and published, according to which the new Order of Parental Glory was introduced, which happened in 2008. Today, in accordance with current legislation, this award is given to women who give birth and raise children in Russia. In 2010, after the publication of Decree No. 1099, a new award was established - the medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

Special attention should be paid to the fact that, unlike the previously existing legislative act, in accordance with which mothers were provided with various awards, the current normative document provides financial gratitude not only to mothers, but also to fathers, taking into account the fact that the birth and upbringing of children is carried out by both parents, and not exclusively by the mother.

Another fairly important innovation was the extremely strict selection of families who, in accordance with the current legislation, have the opportunity to qualify for the stipulated gratitude, since previously no specific conditions, with the exception of a certain number of children, were not provided for by the current legislation, although now they are mandatory.

In particular, the norms prescribed in Presidential Decree No. 1099 establish that parents have the legal right to receive honorary titles and orders only if they meet the following conditions:

  • are in an officially registered marriage relationship;
  • created favorable conditions for their children in which they can lead fully healthy image life, develop both physically and spiritually, and also receive the appropriate level of care and attention for any needs, and this applies to both their own children and adopted ones;
  • the youngest child must be at least three years old;
  • adopted children must be raised for at least five years.

Another important difference from the previously existing award in this case is the total number of families that can be nominated for the award.

Previously, during the Soviet Union, this title was granted to more than 10,000 women throughout the year, while today it is possible to issue this title only two families in a certain region, and even this can only be done based on the results of a thorough check of the living conditions, maintenance and satisfaction of the various needs of children, starting from providing them with a diet and clothing that meets the established rules, and ending with cultural development.

Conditions of receipt

Receiving the title of mother-heroine is provided for if parents have raised from four to seven children. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that we are talking specifically about born children, that is, adopted ones will also be taken into account.

In order for a family to qualify for this state award, interested parties will have to go through the following procedure:

  1. Submit an appropriate appeal to the territorial division of the social protection body located at the place of their residence.
  2. Authorized employees of government agencies review the submitted list of documents, and then compare the information provided with the requirements established by current legislation.
  3. If the parents submitting the application fully meet the criteria provided for by current legislation, their candidacies are submitted for subsequent consideration to the highest official subject in question. According to statistics, in the vast majority of cases in a certain region, no more than two families are selected.
  4. Cases about families are transferred directly to the Presidential Administration, after which they independently make a decision on the possibility of providing the appropriate award to a specific citizen.

Thus, not everyone who wishes can ultimately receive the Order of Parental Glory.

What benefits and additional rights does the title provide?

Mothers who have decided to take on the difficult task of raising and providing a large family with round-the-clock care enjoy a number of benefits, which are not provided in every region.

Territorial local governments in various areas have provided for:

  • discount on payment utilities, the amount of which is at least 30%;
  • the possibility of free use of public transport;
  • possibility of placing a child in preschool without queue;
  • complete tax exemption if you want to create your own business (provided only for a certain period of time);
  • all kinds of benefits and subsidies in the case of independent construction of residential real estate.

This honorary title appeared in the Soviet Union, in a rather difficult time - in 1944. At that time, the country was still fighting Hitler’s hordes, but the leadership was already thinking about restoring the economy. Taking into account the huge casualties among the civilian population, stimulating the birth rate was undoubtedly a priority Soviet power for the long term. The leaders of the USSR clearly understood that large families should become a model for other citizens.

In particular, the government then decided to award the honorary distinction “Mother Heroine” to those women who gave birth to and raised more than ten children during their lives. At the same time, one candidate was nominated from each union republic. Throughout the entire post-war period, until the collapse of the USSR, more than 430 thousand women received this order, and with it the title.

The status of the heroine’s first mother belongs to Anna Aleksakhina, who raised 12 children and lived in the village of Mamontovka. She was presented with the well-deserved award on November 1, 1944, directly in the Kremlin Palace.

How are things currently?

Until 2008, the Russian government did not encourage mothers of many children. At the same time, in certain federal subjects such women were nominated for other awards.

But the problem was that none of the insignia offered any special benefits that large families desperately needed. In addition, the awards could not reflect the main achievement of a woman and did not endow her with a high rank.

But ultimately, legislators decided to introduce a Russian analogue of the Soviet order. As a result, women with many children began to be awarded the “Parental Glory” badge. To a certain extent, the introduction of such a practice was due to the fact that in the country since the collapse of the USSR, a rather alarming trend in demography had developed - the birth rate was falling and, consequently, the population was declining. Letting everything take its course would be disastrous, because it could put an end to the country’s development prospects.

How many children should a heroine mother raise?

In 2008, the authorities decided to award the honorary title to women who raise 7 or more children. At the same time, it is indicated in the statute for the insignia that they do not necessarily have to be relatives.

Along with the award, certain benefits are also expected to be provided.

Preferences, it should be noted, quite often differ in different regions of the Russian Federation. In particular, in some regions large families are provided with:

  • discount on utility bills of 30 percent or more;
  • the right to free use of public transport;
  • the opportunity to enroll your child in kindergarten without waiting in line;
  • tax exemption when starting your own business;
  • interest-free loans for business development;
  • certain favorable conditions when building a house.

Nevertheless, the main type of assistance available to everyone without exception is undoubtedly maternity capital. These funds allow the parent to provide support for the children, improve living conditions, etc.

Award procedure

First of all, it is worth noting that both parents can now be awarded the above-mentioned order, since it is quite obvious that not only the mother, but also the father takes part in the upbringing of the younger generation.

The award, by the way, implies the payment of a one-time benefit in the amount of 50 thousand rubles - this money will also not be superfluous in a large family.

Meanwhile, not all parents with seven children or more are eligible to apply for the award. There are a number of requirements for them. They must, in particular:

  • form a socially responsible family;
  • lead a correct lifestyle;
  • take care of children's health;
  • their education;
  • ensure their development both in the moral and spiritual spheres;
  • set an example for others in nurturing and adhering to the values ​​of traditional marriage.

Parents become eligible to receive the order after their fourth child turns 3 years old, but the other children must be alive. At the same time, the state also takes into account dead or missing sons and daughters if this happened to them at a military post or while performing a civilian or official duty.

The only problem is that applicants for the honorary title will need to collect a lot of documents to confirm their compliance with the criteria specified in the award statute.

This strictness of the requirements is explained quite simply - the state does not consider it possible to reward or encourage parents who give birth to offspring but do not care about them in any way. Such irresponsible citizens deserve censure rather than reward.

However, not everyone manages to collect the necessary papers, since parents with many children have very little free time.

State support for large families

In 2016, the federal government introduced several new benefits for this category of citizens. In particular, it was decided:

  • compensate for the costs of heating housing that does not have central heating;
  • reimburse kindergarten expenses in the amount of 20 to 70 percent;
  • reduce the cost of travel on suburban vehicles by 50 percent.

In addition, the state is ready to pay in full:

  • two meals a day for school-age children and students under 18 years of age;
  • uniforms and sportswear;
  • medicines for children under 6 years of age;
  • excursions to museums (no more than once a month).

At the same time, parents are allowed to receive additional or basic education on preferential terms, and as a result, increase their level of well-being by changing their occupation to a more profitable one.

How many children does the heroine's mother have? What privileges does the family receive?

Over the past few years, the role of women in modern world has changed significantly. Today she can be a politician, an astronaut, the owner of a large company - it all depends only on her desire. However, almost every girl still dreams of becoming a mother. Despite the difficult financial and social conditions in the country, in many families husband and wife decide to raise more than one child. How many children must the heroine mother give birth to in order to receive this honorary status?

The tradition of the honorary title of mother-heroine originated in Soviet times. In this way, the authorities tried to influence the birth rate in the country, promising certain benefits and privileges to those who dared to take such a serious step. The order to present the corresponding medal was signed in the summer of 1944. To obtain it, it was necessary to give birth and raise at least 10 children. At the same time, there was one more mandatory condition: the youngest child must be one year old, all other children in the family must be alive.

For the calculation, it is also taken into account how many children the heroine’s mother adopted. Among other things, if one of the older children died in the performance of military duties or is listed as missing for the same reasons, he is also taken into account when awarding the mother with a medal and rank.

What other medals and orders are provided for heroine mothers?

Now that we know how many children the mother-heroine has, it will be necessary to mention other honorary titles. Thus, the motherhood medal was awarded to women who gave birth and raised more than 5 children. There were several degrees of this order or medal; they were awarded depending on the number of children in the family. Briefly, the scheme invented by the Soviet government looked like this:

  • 5 children - second degree medal;
  • 6 children - first class medal;
  • 7 children - order of the third degree;
  • 8 children - second degree order;
  • 9 children - first degree order.

New initiative of Russian deputies

Unfortunately, this good tradition has been forgotten. In modern society, a large number of children, housekeeping and living arrangements have become a very unpopular activity. However, over time, we return to many correct values, including this one. People first started talking about reviving this good tradition in 2013. IN State Duma A bill on the need to revive the honorary title - the title of "Mother Heroine" - was submitted to the Russian Federation for consideration. How many children must be born and raised today to receive such a great honor? Deputy Mikhail Serdyuk, the initiator of the return to traditions, believes that this requires the following conditions to be met:

  • have at least 5 children;
  • the age of the youngest is from one year, the oldest - up to 8 years.

The first mother-heroine in the USSR

It should be recalled that the last real order was awarded on November 14, 1991. According to dry statistics, over the years of the existence of this unique title, it has been awarded to more than 430 thousand women who have accomplished the great feat of motherhood. One of the most famous mothers was the first woman to receive an honorary order. Her name was Aleksakhina Anna Savelyevna. All her life she lived in the tiny village of Mamontovka, not far from the capital. In total, Anna Savelyevna had 12 children, 4 of whom died during the Great Patriotic War, defending the borders of their Motherland. At the moment, this first order has been transferred by the relatives of the heroine’s mother to the State Historical Museum and is available for viewing to everyone in the numismatics department.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in Russia, as in many other republics, honorary titles, orders and medals were no longer issued. Instead, mothers with many children were awarded the Order of Friendship or the medal “For Services to the Fatherland,” but all these awards did not reflect the main essence, feat and work accomplished by hundreds and thousands of Russian women.

Revival of correct traditions

The revival of worthy traditions in our country began only in the 21st century. The prerequisite for this was the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory for Russian parents with many children. What is fundamental difference between the new award established under President Medvedev and the previous title? How many children must the mother-heroine give birth to be considered as such in this case? According to the new conditions, the order is awarded to both parents - both mother and father - if there are 4 or more natural or officially adopted children in their family. Additionally, such a married couple can count on receiving a certificate and a financial sum of 50 thousand rubles at a time.

Appearance of the new order

However, this information does not answer the question of how many children the mother-heroine must have to receive such an honorable status. Families where parents are raising more than 7 children are also awarded the honorary badge of the new order. It is unique and stylish appearance. Yes, it represents a cross blue color, on which the coat of arms of the Russian Federation is located.

What benefits have been and will be provided?

In the Soviet Union, information about how many children the mother-heroine had was extremely important, because in addition to honorary titles, the holders of this title could count on a significant improvement in their living conditions. Thus, many women received separate spacious housing, as well as financial benefits. There is no similar scheme, debugged in a similar way, in the Russian Federation. However, our country, Russia, also grants certain benefits to mothers with many children. The heroine mother has to give birth to how many children to be able to take advantage of them? There is no exact answer to this question; it is determined depending on each specific benefit or benefit. Thus, children from families with three or more children can get into kindergarten out of turn. In general, the list of privileges includes:

  • discount on utilities (depending on the region);
  • trips to camps and resorts.

Programs for state support large families are constantly being modernized. Thus, it is planned to provide:

  • benefits of various levels;
  • benefits for higher education for children;
  • reducing the cost of paying for utilities (in those regions where there is no such subsidy yet);
  • provision of minibuses, land plots and much more.

How many children the mother-heroine must have to receive all these benefits is not specified at the moment.

Mother-heroine in the CIS countries

The tradition of awarding such honorary titles has been preserved since Soviet times in Ukraine. Thus, in this country the title “Mother Heroine” is still awarded. How many children in 2013 were able to benefit from such social support! A similar policy is followed in Belarus. Women who give birth to 5 or more children are awarded the title "Heroine Mother". How many children of 2014 can count on such support, and how will it be expressed? So, as already mentioned, a woman must have 5 or more children to receive the honorary title. For all children, a regular general allowance is issued, totaling about 700,000 rubles in local currency; in terms of dollars, this amount looks much less significant and amounts to only 80 dollars. However, heroine mothers can also count on one-time support from President Lukashenko in the amount of 2.5 million Belarusian rubles. An honorary order is also a pleasant bonus.

Mother of the heroine: how many children should the mother of the heroine have

Today, the status of mother of the heroine is assigned to women who have raised ten or more children. It is worth noting that at the time of obtaining the status, the youngest child in the family must be at least one year old.

Along with this status, a mother of many children can receive the “Motherhood Medal” award and two orders “Maternal Glory” and “Mother Heroine”.

Conditions for obtaining status

The status of “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction awarded to women who have given birth to or adopted at least ten children. When receiving status, the following categories of children are taken into account:

  • officially adopted, in accordance with the current legal order;
  • children who died or went missing while defending the country or during military operations.

This also includes persons who fulfilled their civic duty related to rescue human life and protection of socialist property and law and order.

Benefits and rewards for mothers of many children

Since 2009, mothers of large families have received the Order of Parental Glory. This award is given to both parents with many children, provided they are raising four or more children. Moreover, in addition to the reward, parents are entitled to financial assistance in the amount of fifty thousand rubles.

In some cases, families are provided with separate apartments and payments monthly benefits for children. In addition to these payments and awards, heroine mothers are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Care allowance. Paid over a period of one and a half years. Its size depends on the woman’s earnings over the last two years.
  2. Possibility of early retirement of the mother. This benefit has been provided since 2002. The pension is calculated when a woman reaches the age of 50 years. In this case, the minimum insurance period must be fifteen years. In the absence of the specified length of service, the pension is calculated on a general basis.
  3. Establishment of part-time work. According to the law, a mother of many children has the right to work in this mode (Article 93 of the Labor Code).
  4. Payment for housing and communal services. Large families receive a discount on housing and communal services. The average size of this discount is 30-50%. In addition, a 50% discount on telephone payments is provided.
  5. Educational benefits for children from large families. First of all, children of preschool age are given the right to priority admission to kindergarten. Also, children in preschool and school institutions are entitled to free meals three times a day. In addition, children are given free school and sports uniforms every year.
  6. Transport benefits. Large families are provided with free travel on public transport, with the exception of taxis. Parents who are raising more than five children have the right to receive compensation for travel on public public transport.
  7. Monthly provision of tickets for trips to museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters, etc. Also, every year families are issued free vacation vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions.

Since 2008, the heroine’s mothers have the right to open a kindergarten in their home. At the same time, they receive the status of a teacher and the newly formed institution joins the regular one. kindergarten, who will subsequently monitor the work of the new mini-kindergarten.

A mother of many children who has become a teacher receives a corresponding entry in work book and accumulates work experience. In this case, the woman is paid a salary of up to ten thousand rubles. It is worth noting that this benefit provided to citizens living in Moscow.

Interesting video about the heroine's mother:

The procedure for obtaining the status of mother-heroine

As mentioned above, both parents can receive rewards for raising children, since they jointly participate in the upbringing process. Before assigning status, guardianship authorities must check a large family for compliance with the following requirements:

  • compliance of the family with the social plan;
  • ensuring the development of children, both in the spiritual and moral spheres;
  • conducting the right image life;
  • caring for children's health;
  • education for children;
  • setting an example for other families in raising and maintaining the values ​​of traditional marriage.
The order is issued when the youngest child reaches three years of age

If all the listed criteria are met, the Order of “Parental Glory” will be issued to the family only when the fourth child in the family turns three years old. All other children must be alive.

The state can also take into account dead children, but only on the condition that the death occurred as a result of carrying military service or fulfilling civic duty. To obtain the status of a mother-heroine and an order, parents must collect a certain package of documents, the composition of which they can find out at the local department of social protection of the population.

At the same time, large families must pass all checks carried out by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.


As for me, for every child his mother is a heroine, and it doesn’t matter whether he has 9 brothers and sisters or not. The main thing is what kind of mother. And in our time, anyone who has given birth to at least one can be called a mother-heroine.

Raising children has always been difficult, both physically, mentally and financially. And now it’s even more so. Therefore, you should not rely only on government help.

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How many children are given the title “Heroine Mother”?

How many children should a “heroine mother” have?

The title, and at the same time the Order of Mother Heroine, is awarded to a woman who has given birth to and raised 10 or more children. Moreover, they will present the order and assign the title when the youngest child turns one year old, and the rest of the children are alive (this is a cynical condition that has existed since the times of the USSR, as if when one of the children dies, the woman will be a heroine to a lesser extent, complete nonsense).

And user iulianiy correctly noted in her answer that a medal is awarded for 5 children, but this is not a medal for the heroine, it is a Motherhood Medal, which comes in two degrees and is awarded - 2nd degree for 5 children, 1st degree for 6 children born.

Medal of Motherhood 1st degree

As of 1995, there were approximately 13.5 million women in Russia who had mothers with this medal.

Women who gave birth and raised seven, eight and nine children are awarded the Order of Maternal Glory, which has 3 degrees. The order (like the medal) was issued in the USSR from 1944 (until 1995 exactly); I don’t know what it is now.

As of 1995, 5.5 million women in Russia were awarded Orders of Motherhood.

Order of Mother Heroine for 10 or more children. The number of children also includes legally adopted children.

As of January 1, 1995, approximately 431 thousand women were awarded this order. I knew one of the heroine mothers personally - in my building there lived a woman who had 7 of her own and 5 adopted children. I don’t know what subsidies and benefits they were entitled to, but they were the owners of two apartments on the site, which they connected to each other.

In Soviet times, the title of “Mother Heroine” could be obtained for 10 children, but subject to several conditions, the eldest child had to be one year old, and all the other nine children had to be alive at the time of the award (in my opinion, the conditions are very cynical ). With the collapse of the USSR, this title officially disappeared; the issue regarding this title and the benefits due to it is now being resolved.

Now in Russia there is an award, the Order of Parental Glory, for four children or more.

For three children (as the authors who are probably “wise” with experience write in the answers) “Mother-Heroine” was never given, I’ll tell you from a personal example, I have three children and the question of Mother-Heroine was never raised, because it’s not supposed to.

The highest title for mothers of many children, “Mother Heroine,” was established on July 8, 1944. From that time until the collapse of the USSR, this title and the award of the order were awarded to mothers who gave birth to 10 children. But only after the last child was one year old, and nine others were alive at that time.

With the collapse of the USSR, the title of Mother Heroine became a thing of the past.

Only in 2009 they began to award the Order of Parental Glory. It is awarded for four children plus a one-time benefit in the amount of 50 thousand rubles.

Since 2013, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, our deputies have been deciding the issue of reviving the title “Mother Heroine,” but until now they have not been able to resolve the issue. They probably can't agree on benefits.

My niece has three children and she was given the title of mother - heroine. As far as I know, such an honorary title was previously given to women who gave birth to five children. Now, of course, they are sympathetic to the work of a mother raising many children.

Previously, the title of mother-heroine was given only for five children, but in modern times, when it is considered that one or two children is the norm, the title of mother-heroine is given for three children.

And although three children should be the norm.

my mother has a mother heroine medal, she was given it only after her fifth child.

In Ukraine, the honorary title “Heroine Mother” is awarded by the President of the Republic to a woman who has given birth to five or more children. An important condition is the education of these children until the age of eight.

In the USSR, the title “Mother Heroine” was very honorable. It was assigned to a woman who gave birth and raised 10 children (all must be alive, the youngest must be one year old).

In Russia, deputies want to renew the title "Mother Heroine".

The title is undoubtedly very honorable for any woman; a mother heroine can be received by a woman if she gives birth to three or more children. Previously, it was 5 children, but with a decrease in the birth rate, they decided to lower this threshold to three children. But in addition to the title, you also need respect for such mothers, which, unfortunately, they lack in everyday life, both from citizens and from the state.

In the Soviet Union, the title “Heroine Mother” was given to ten or more children. But a lot has changed since then. Now this title has been abolished, but instead it is awarded the Order of Parental Glory. Both parents who have four or more children receive it. Along with the order, a cash prize and a certificate are issued. If there are more than seven children, then they also give a miniature copy of the order and its sign.

For some reason, today not everyone is given the title

Not because they don’t want to, but because not all mommies apply for a reward

Previously, a reward was given for 5 children

Now times have changed and three children is already a real feat

The Duma wants to return this tradition

But the review is still ongoing and it may last for years (as always)

The “Mother is a Heroine” badge is not given in Russia, although they want to revive this tradition. The last title "Mother - Heroine" was given on November 14, 1991 in the Soviet Union.

This honorary title and badge were given back in the Soviet Union, provided that the woman had 10 children by the time she reached the last 1 year and all were alive.

In our time, a heroine's mother should give money for three children.

How many children should a heroine mother have?

Mother heroine - how many children must a woman have to receive this honorary title? About how many children heroine mother you need to have in order to be considered a “heroine of our time”, where to apply to obtain this status and what awards she can count on, we will tell you in our article.

Do the title “Mother Heroine” and the Medal of Motherhood exist?

Let's first look at the question of how many children is the mother heroine must have to receive such an honorary title and is it even awarded at the present time? We answer: today such a title does not exist in our country.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, this title was awarded to mothers of large families who raised 10 or more children - at the same time, at the time of assigning the title, the youngest of the children had to be at least 1 year old, and all other children had to be alive. At the same time, there were such awards as “ Motherhood Medal"and the orders "Mother Heroine" and "Maternal Glory".

If we talk about the origins of these awards and honorary titles, it should be noted that the period of their birth fell during a difficult period for the entire country - the Great Patriotic War. The country was experiencing a difficult demographic situation, and this became one of the ways to encourage women who are so hard time kept their children.

Now there is talk about reviving the title of “Heroine Mother” and providing a number of benefits to women awarded it. A bill “On the establishment of the honorary title “Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation” has already been developed.” In accordance with the provisions of this bill, women awarded the title “Mother Heroine of the Russian Federation” are offered benefits in the amount of 1 to 7 subsistence minimums (depending on the number of children), provide benefits for utility bills and provide financial assistance when children enroll in higher educational institutions. In addition, the state proposes to provide such families with cars and land plots, as well as provide assistance in obtaining a loan for the purchase of housing.

The condition for conferring the title, and, accordingly, receiving state assistance, is that a woman has 10 or more living children (the youngest of them must be at least 1 year old). In addition, all children must have Russian citizenship.

It should be noted that Russian legislation does not share the rights of natural children and adopted children, so even families in which all the children (or some of the children) were adopted will be able to receive the title and financial assistance.

Is the order/medal “Maternal Glory” issued?

Such an award as the order/medal “Maternal Glory” is also not awarded today, since it was introduced during the existence of the Soviet Union. But this does not mean at all that large families are not encouraged in any way and the state does not pay attention to them: instead of the mentioned award, the medal of the Order of Parental Glory was introduced.

The medal of the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to families who have raised or are raising 4 or more children. Today this is the analogue Motherhood medals. It should be said that not only those children who were born into the family are taken into account, but also those who were adopted. In this case, the youngest child at the time of presentation of the order must be at least 3 years old, all children must be alive. The exception is cases of death of children during the performance of their labor duties, in connection with their service or the performance of their civic duty, as well as other cases provided for by law.

It is also important to note that only those families that have provided their children with harmonious intellectual, physical, cultural, spiritual and moral development, lead a healthy and socially adapted lifestyle, and serve good example strengthening the institution of family and raising children.

For similar services in strengthening the institution of the family, they are also awarded the Order of Parental Glory. Moreover, there are 2 forms of the order: for men and for women.

Mom is the best and most tender word. Mom is the closest and dearest person. For every mother, it is already a great reward when her baby says the first “mom”. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of “heroine mother” in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

Most main goal When creating this order, it was to celebrate the mother’s merits in the birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the Order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia has been replaced by the Order of “Parental Glory”. Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order.

How many children should a heroine mother have?

Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR provided more opportunities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving apartments and child benefits in large size. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers with many children are luckier; they offer benefits for utility bills, provide trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia there is a decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits for large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments range from one subsistence minimum to seven times the minimum;
  • benefits for utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision of land;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. The heroine mother, who, due to her short work experience or lack thereof at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of six, receive a pension for services to the homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Giving birth and raising many children is a lot of hard work, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

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PAGE 1 Order "Mother Heroine"

By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1944, it was established that a mother who gave birth and raised ten children is awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title “Mother Heroine”. The regulations on the honorary title “Mother Heroine” and the Order “Mother Heroine” were approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1944.

Regulations on the title “Mother Heroine”.

The title “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction and is awarded to mothers who have given birth and raised ten or more children.

The title “Mother Heroine” is awarded upon reaching last child age of one year and if there are other living children of this mother.

When assigning the title “Mother Heroine”, children are also taken into account:

  • adopted by a mother in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • killed or missing in action while defending the USSR or while performing other duties military service, or when fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save human life, to protect socialist property and socialist legal order, as well as those who died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or illness received under these circumstances, or as a result of a work injury or occupational disease.

Mothers who have been awarded the title “Mother Heroine” are awarded the Order “Mother Heroine” and the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The Order “Mother - Heroine” is worn by the recipients on the left side of the chest and, if the recipient has other orders and medals, is placed above them


Description of the Order “Mother Heroine”.

The badge of the order “Mother - Heroine” is a golden convex five-pointed star against a background of silver rays diverging in the form of a five-pointed star, the ends of which are placed between the ends of the golden star.

The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver star is 28 mm. The height of the order including the block is 46 mm.

As of September 18, 1975, the gold content in the order was 4.5±0.4402 g, the silver content was 11.525±0.974 g. The gold purity was 950. The total weight of the order was 17.5573±1.75 g.

The badge of the order is connected by means of an eye and a link to a figured metal plate covered with red enamel. On the plate there is a raised inscription “Mother is a heroine”. The edges of the plate and the inscription are gilded. The plate has on back side a pin for attaching the order to clothing.

History of the Order “Mother Heroine”.

The title “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction in the Soviet Union, established for women for their services in giving birth and raising children.

For the first time in national history a special award was introduced for women-mothers: the Order of “Mother Heroine”. It is noteworthy that this title was established during the Great Patriotic War, which took millions of lives Soviet people. Most of the men who died at the front were young and middle-aged. The country's population has dropped significantly. The introduction of the title “Mother Heroine” and the order of the same name especially emphasized how badly the country at that time needed youth, a new generation of builders of communism.

The first award of the honorary title “Mother Heroine” was made by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 27, 1944. Among the fourteen women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” by this Decree, the Order of “Mother Heroine” No. 1

and the Certificate of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces No. 1 were awarded to Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, a resident of the village of Mamontovka, Moscow Region, who raised 12 children. During the war, eight of her sons went to the front, four of them died. The award was presented to her in the Kremlin on November 1, 1944.

According to some unverified data, they wanted to give the first number of the “Mother Heroine” order to a communist woman. However, no members of the CPSU were found among the candidates for the high rank. I had to present Order No. 1 to the non-partisan Aleksakhina. She lived in some kind of barracks. When the authorities came from Moscow to meet with the mother of many children, the day before furniture was delivered to her barracks from the district committee. After the commission left, the furniture was taken back to the district committee.

As of 1983, about 371,000 awards were made with the Order of the Mother Heroine.

The last conferring of the title “Mother Heroine” in the history of the USSR took place in accordance with the Decree of the President of the USSR dated November 14, 1991. The high award was given to women living in the RSFSR, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kazakh SSR and the Republic of Tajikistan.

As of January 1, 1995, approximately 431,000 women have been awarded the Order of Mother Heroine.

Features and varieties of the order.

The actual badge of the order consists of two parts. The first, main part, is a pentagonal shtrahl figure made of silver. The second part is a five-pointed star made of gold. The gold star is attached to the silver headpiece with three rivets. The third part of the order can be considered a silver gilded figured pendant block, covered with red enamel with the inscription “MOTHER HEROINE”. The block on the reverse side has a pin for attaching to clothing and is attached to the badge of the order by means of a connecting ring.

The reverse of the order's badge is smooth. The reverse has three rivets (holding an applied gold star). The rivets are located around the geometric center of the order (at 12, 5 and 7 o'clock on the dial). In the center of the order, between the rivets, there is the mark “MINT” in two lines.

Below the stamp the number of the order is located horizontally.

The following variants of the Order of the Mother Heroine can be distinguished, differing in the characteristics of the stamp and serial number.

  • Option 1. The Mint's mark is applied with a punch. The digits of the number are hand-applied with a pen. The minimum known number is 51, the maximum is 38753.
  • Variety 1. The Mint's mark is large. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 9 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 3.9 - 4.1 mm. This variety is typical for early signs with numbers up to approximately 9500 - 11000.
  • Variety 2. The Mint Mark is small. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 5 - 6 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 2.4 - 2.9 mm. This type of mark is mainly found in the number range 10000 - 31000. It is interesting to note that in almost all copies of this type the serial number is placed not under the rivets (like other “Mother Heroine” orders), but above them (10851, 11110, 11395 , 11538, 11688, 12162, 12548, 12798, 13132, 13381, 15897, 16582, 16612, 17323, 17819, 18178, 18349, 19660, 23470, 23518, 2 3963) or between them (20739, 21226, 21977, 28722, 29287 , 29797).
  • Variety 3. The Mint Mark is medium. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 7.2 - 7.5 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 3 mm. This type of mark is mainly found in the number range 30000 - 39000.

The site's team of authors noted differences in the location of rivets in the "Mother Heroine" orders (Option 1). Depending on the distance between the lower rivets, the following sub-options can be distinguished for the first version of the order.

  • Sub-option A. 6,5 mm. The only known number for this variant is 351.
  • Sub-option B. Distance between bottom rivets 7,2 mm.

    Mother heroine how many children

    Order numbers are approximately in the range of up to 3000. Sub-option C. Distance between bottom rivets 5,4 mm. Order numbers are approximately in the range of 5000 - 10000. Sub-option D. Distance between lower rivets 8,8 mm. Order numbers are approximately in the range 11000 - 40000.

  • Option 2. The Mint's mark is made in raised letters. The digits of the number are hand-applied with a pen. The minimum known number is 38959, the maximum is 90347.
  • Variety 1. The Mint Mark is medium.
  • Variety 2. The Mint's mark is large.
  • Variety 3. Mint mark is small.

(!) The above division into varieties is very arbitrary. This division is based on only one feature - the length of the word "COIN". However, the height of both lines of the mark is also not the same. This value can be determined both by the height of the letters themselves and by the distance between the top and bottom lines of the stamp. In addition to the overall dimensions of the stamp, differences in the stamp are clearly visible when comparing the configuration of individual letters. So, for example, when comparing signs with a large brand, it was noted that the dash above the letter Y can have a horizontal arrangement (No. 59347) or a vertical arrangement (No. 62479). Some differences were also noted when comparing the letters M and D. Thus, there are significantly more variations of the stamp. However, it has not yet been possible to identify strict patterns to create a clear and easy-to-understand classification. Perhaps this will be done later after analyzing several dozen characters of the second option.

  • Option 3. The Mint's mark is made in raised letters. The numbers of the number are applied using a rotating tool. The minimum known number is 91243, the maximum is 454259.

The site's team of authors noted differences in the structure of the obverse of the main star of the Order of the Mother Heroine. In the photo on the left, order No. 58022 has a regular rounded depression in the center of the star. In the photo on the right, order No. 144719 does not have such a recess.

State Duma deputies ask the president to revive the honorary title “Mother Heroine”, which existed during the USSR to emphasize the special role of the mother in society.

In particular, six deputies came up with the initiative: the author of the initiative Mikhail Serdyuk And Alexey Kazakov(“Fair Russia”), United Russia Maria Kozhevnikova, Valery Trapeznikov, Magomed Selimkhanov, Valery Yakushev.

It is assumed that the honorary title will be given to a woman who has 10 or more children. Moreover, children can also be adopted.

According to parliamentarians, it is necessary to revive this tradition, since our country is experiencing demographic problems that arose at the beginning of the 21st century during the period of market reforms.

“This circumstance requires detailed and informal attention on the part of the state to stimulate the birth rate and strengthen the role of the woman-mother, since the severe demographic problem and the multi-million loss of the country’s population at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries require the same actions as in wartime, when the state found the strength and means to provide moral and material incentives for mothers of many children”, says the appeal, the text of which is quoted by Izvestia.

One of the authors of the initiative, as well as a father of many children, Mikhail Serdyuk, recalled that during the Soviet Union there were three statuses of equal importance: “Hero of the Soviet Union”, “Hero of Labor” and “Mother Heroine”.

Recently, by the way, the title “Hero of Labor” was returned again.

“But at the same time, the heroism of our mothers remains in the shadows. This is no less, and sometimes even a greater feat. Raising ten children is a huge job and a contribution to the future of the country.”, explained the deputy, quoted by Izvestia.

Women with many children themselves believe that returning one title is not enough; a comprehensive program is needed to support motherhood.

Conditions and benefits of the Mother Heroine and Parental Glory awards

As the mother of many children noted, the head charitable foundation“Pokrov”, participant in the project of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “Perspective” Anna Kuznetsova, today it is necessary to create a positive image of parents with many children and develop the institution of volunteering.

“Even such simple things as taking a child to kindergarten or teaching him English can easily be left to the shoulders of volunteers”,” explained Kuznetsova, as quoted by Izvestia.

The title “Mother Heroine” existed in the USSR from 1944 to 1991.

During this time, more than half a million women with many children were awarded it.

The last time a decree conferring the title “Mother Heroine” was published on November 14, 1991, by USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev.

The article contains the following persons: Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev

The article contains parties: "United Russia", A Just Russia

After the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, it was not at all fashionable to provide social support to large families. Everything that was in any way connected with the notorious “scoop” was categorically rejected, and therefore such a wonderful and honorable title as mother-heroine became a thing of the past.

The history of the appearance of the Order “Mother Heroine”

The title of mother heroine and the badge were introduced in the penultimate year of the war, when the demographic problem associated with gigantic human losses arose in front of the country's leadership. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree that specified the conditions for the award of this honorary title. The title of mother heroine was designated as “the highest degree of distinction” and was awarded to those women who not only gave birth, but also raised ten or more children.

The period for conferring the title of mother heroine was determined by the date when the youngest child turned 1 year old, and at the same time the remaining 9 children were alive. Those legally adopted were also taken into account, as well as those who died in the line of duty. military duties children.

Over the 47-year period of existence of this high title, over 400 thousand people were awarded it. Soviet women. In addition to the Order of “Mother Heroine”, other similar awards were established in the USSR: the Order of “Maternal Glory” of 3 degrees (for 7, 8, 9 children) and the “Motherhood Medal” of two degrees (for 5, 6 children).

The Soviet state provided benefits to heroine mothers in full.

Rules for receiving the “Mother Heroine” award and the Order of “Parental Glory”

These included cash benefits, free trips to health resorts, and most importantly, apartments were provided out of turn.

Now there is nothing like it. There is no such title - “Mother Heroine”. True, in some republics of the former Soviet Union it was still preserved. For example, there is the title “Mother Heroine of Ukraine”, where it is awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children up to the age of 8. It is assigned by Presidential Decree, in addition to it a one-time payment is paid monetary reward in the amount of 10 living wages. Ukrainian mother-heroines receive a pension supplement (25% of the same subsistence level). And if a woman does not have the work experience necessary to calculate a pension, then she receives benefits from the state.

Is the Order of Parental Glory the successor to the Order of Mother Heroine?

This order was established in our country in 2009 and is awarded to parents with 4 or more children. In addition, a one-time cash reward of 50 thousand rubles is issued. However, many believe that this is not enough. And at the beginning of 2013, a proposal was submitted to the State Duma to revive the “Heroine Mother” order, which would be awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children. It is proposed to “back up” this title with financial benefits, the list of which is still being developed.

However, many women are asking that this award at least give heroine mothers the right to early retirement. Current pension legislation stipulates this possibility, but only if you have at least 15 years of work experience. What if he is not there? So women are asking to recognize the difficult task of raising children as useful work that gives the right to early retirement.

And if the title of mother-heroine also helps solve the housing problems of large families, then this legislative initiative will certainly receive approval in all regions of Russia. By the way, the regions, to the best of their financial capabilities, already provide support to large families in the form of benefits for utility bills and priority provision of places in kindergartens.

Therefore, many deputies call the revival of the title “Heroine Mother” an initiative that supports and strengthens the institution of family.

Today, the status of mother of the heroine is assigned to women who have raised ten or more children. It is worth noting that at the time of obtaining the status, the youngest child in the family must be at least one year old.

Along with this status, a mother of many children can receive the “Motherhood Medal” award and two orders “Maternal Glory” and “Mother Heroine”.

The status of “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction awarded to women who have given birth to or adopted at least ten children. When receiving status, the following categories of children are taken into account:

  • officially adopted, in accordance with the current legal order;
  • children who died or went missing while defending the country or during military operations.

This also includes persons who fulfilled their civic duty related to saving human life and protecting socialist property and law and order.

Benefits and rewards for mothers of many children

Since 2009, mothers of large families have received the Order of Parental Glory. This award is given to both parents with many children, provided they are raising four or more children. Moreover, in addition to the reward, parents are entitled to financial assistance in the amount of fifty thousand rubles.

In some cases, families are provided with separate apartments and monthly child benefits. In addition to these payments and awards, heroine mothers are entitled to the following benefits:

  1. Care allowance. Paid over a period of one and a half years. Its size depends on the woman’s earnings over the last two years.
  2. Possibility of early retirement of the mother. This benefit has been provided since 2002. The pension is calculated when a woman reaches the age of 50 years. In this case, the minimum insurance period must be fifteen years. In the absence of the specified length of service, the pension is calculated on a general basis.
  3. Establishment of part-time work. According to the law, a mother of many children has the right to work in this mode (Article 93 of the Labor Code).
  4. Payment for housing and communal services. Large families receive a discount on housing and communal services. The average size of this discount is 30-50%. In addition, a 50% discount on telephone payments is provided.
  5. Educational benefits for children from large families. First of all, children of preschool age are given the right to priority admission to kindergarten. Also, children in preschool and school institutions are entitled to free meals three times a day. In addition, children are given free school and sports uniforms every year.
  6. Transport benefits. Large families are provided with free travel on public transport, with the exception of taxis. Parents who are raising more than five children have the right to receive compensation for travel on public public transport.
  7. Monthly provision of tickets for trips to museums, exhibitions, cinemas, theaters, etc. Also, every year families are issued free vacation vouchers to sanatorium-resort institutions.

Since 2008, the heroine’s mothers have the right to open a kindergarten in their home. At the same time, they receive the status of a teacher and the newly formed institution joins a regular kindergarten, which will subsequently monitor the work of the new mini-kindergarten.

A mother of many children who has become a teacher receives a corresponding entry in her work book and accumulates work experience. In this case, the woman is paid a salary of up to ten thousand rubles. It is worth noting that this benefit is provided to citizens living in Moscow.

Interesting video about the heroine's mother:

The procedure for obtaining the status of mother-heroine

As mentioned above, both parents can receive rewards for raising children, since they jointly participate in the upbringing process. Before assigning status, guardianship authorities must check a large family for compliance with the following requirements:

  • compliance of the family with the social plan;
  • ensuring the development of children, both in the spiritual and moral spheres;
  • maintaining a correct lifestyle;
  • caring for children's health;
  • education for children;
  • setting an example for other families in raising and maintaining the values ​​of traditional marriage.

The order is issued when the youngest child reaches three years of age

If all the listed criteria are met, the Order of “Parental Glory” will be issued to the family only when the fourth child in the family turns three years old. All other children must be alive.

The state can also take into account dead children, but only on the condition that the death occurred as a result of military service or the performance of civic duty. To obtain the status of a mother-heroine and an order, parents must collect a certain package of documents, the composition of which they can find out at the local department of social protection of the population.

At the same time, large families must pass all checks carried out by the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

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Help for large families in 2018

The Russian Federation is a socially oriented state, therefore it provides active multi-level support to families with a large number of children. This approach has already yielded results: statistics show that the number of people who have decided to have a third or more children has increased significantly in recent years. The benefits and payments provided for such families will continue to apply throughout 2018.

This information is useful not only for those who are already counting on government support, but also for citizens who are still making a decision about their third child.

Who is assigned the status of having many children?

The federal formulation of the status of large families implies the presence of three or more minor members in one family. This approach may differ in different regions, since there are nationalities in which having a large number of children is common.

What criteria regarding children allow them to be considered dependents:

  • age under 18 years (before reaching adulthood);
  • age up to 23 years, subject to full-time study or military service in the Army.

Children can be either related by blood or foster or adopted.

Having many children comes into force only when a parent permanently resides and raises children. That is, after a divorce and living separately, a father who gave birth to a third child with a new wife cannot claim the status of having many children.

In the month when only two minors remain, and the third becomes an adult citizen, the status of having many children is automatically canceled.

Various types of assistance

Raising a large number of children is difficult not only from a physical and moral point of view, but also from a material point of view. In order to reduce high tensions and provide parents with the minimum necessary to raise their children in comfortable conditions, a number of assistance measures are provided:

  • benefits;
  • material and in-kind assistance;
  • subsidies;
  • social projects;
  • benefits, etc.


Such assistance is aimed at facilitating the preparation of schoolchildren for educational process. The amount of assistance depends on what grade the child goes to:

  • The state allocates 7.5 thousand rubles one-time to first-graders. (most often this amount is transferred in the first half of September upon the start of training);
  • for older schoolchildren, assistance amounts to 5 thousand rubles. per year.

There is an upper limit on the size of this child subsidy for families with many children: in total it should not exceed more than 15 thousand.

One-time benefits

Monthly assistance

Such periodic payments are also tied to the subsistence level. If a large family is considered low-income, then it will receive monthly assistance from the state until the offspring reaches 16 years of age or graduates from school if they graduate at 17 or 18 years old.

Also provided financial assistance until the baby reaches 1.5 years of age. For the firstborn it will be equal to 3.065 thousand, and for subsequent infants - 6.131 thousand. One of the parents under this article can receive no more than 23.089 thousand monthly.

For military personnel, such monthly assistance amounts to 10.5 thousand rubles.

For parents whose children are 1.5 years old and under 3 years old, they are supposed to receive about 1,700 rubles. for child care.


Such benefits are one-time in nature and are assigned in the following cases:

  • When six of the children reach the age of eight, on the basis of which the Order of Parental Glory is issued - 100,000 rubles.
  • If a single parent with many children received such an order, he is also paid a subsidy in the amount of 25,000 rubles.
  • Receiving the order “Heroine Mother” or “Hero Father” - 15,000 rubles.

All types of the above incentives can be issued simultaneously.

Social benefits

Based on the status of having many children, parents can receive the following payments:

  • compensation for increasing the standard of living – 600 rubles. (if there are more than 5 minors - 750 rubles);
  • assistance for the purchase of children's goods - 900 rubles. (if there are more than 5 minors);
  • compensation for the purchase of food products – 675 rubles;
  • assistance for compensation of housing and household expenses - 530 rubles, (if there are more than 5 minors - 1060 rubles);
  • to pay for telephone communications – 230 rubles;
  • for families with 10 or more children – 250 rubles.

Social programs

Such programs do not provide cash payments, but help families with many children reduce material costs.

Social programs include:

  • compensation of a third of the cost of heating for homes not connected to a central heating system, in the case of 10 or more children - compensation of half;
  • payment for living space if living in public housing – 50%;
  • discount on waste removal – 50%:
  • issuing medications prescribed by a pediatrician or specialists for preschoolers;
  • free travel on public transport;
  • discount on the waiting list for nurseries and kindergartens;
  • free meals in preschool and educational institutions;
  • providing the opportunity to attend out-of-school developmental clubs, sections, etc. for free;
  • free visit cultural events(monthly);
  • priority for obtaining land plots;
  • issuance of interest-free loans for agricultural activities;
  • state duty benefit for individual entrepreneurship.

In addition, parents with many children have the right to apply for preferential terms on government mortgage lending.

Tax benefits

Over the past few years, the state has expanded benefits and allowances for families with many children. For now income tax, which citizens pay is 13%. For families with many children it is different:

  • for families with 3 or 4 minors – 7% of the total withholding tax;
  • for parents with more than 5 children – 5%;
  • For parents who have more than 5 minors in their family, tax payment is waived.

Tax benefits also apply to transport tax on the following types of vehicles:

  • passenger cars;
  • motorcycles;
  • privatized vehicles for transporting people.

Large families pay a preferential tax on land allotment or temporarily do not pay it; they can also be individually provided with a tax deferment without penalty for a specified period.

Additional benefits

In addition to all of the above, there are also such one-time incentives as assistance for Mother’s Day (7.0 thousand) and compensation for registration of pension benefits (8.5 thousand). The state also provides such families with gifts for the New Year holidays.

State programs provide for the early retirement of mothers in large families. If the mother raised 10 or more Russian citizens, then 10 thousand is added to the pension every month.

For working parents with many children raising 3 or more dependents, according to labor code the right to additional leave has been allocated, which must be provided by the employer in the summer.

How to apply

For parents with many children who are officially employed, payments for up to 3 years are transferred by the employer. To do this, the parent must provide the children's birth certificate and write a corresponding application. If the parents were not employed, then in order to receive assistance they need to contact the Social Insurance Fund.

In order to participate in other types of government support and various social programs, you need to inform the social security authorities. You must provide the following list of documents:

  • passports of adult family members;
  • birth certificates;
  • a document confirming that the second parents did not receive government assistance;
  • bank account details;
  • statement.

The social security authorities will indicate an additional list of documents for obtaining the status of having many children, if required.

After providing all the data, they are reviewed and after 10 days, in case of a positive result, the corresponding transfers begin.

Helping large families makes it easier to raise and provide each child with everything they need, from food to cultural development. The state is trying to improve as much as possible financial situation such families and provide parents with the opportunity to raise full members of society.


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Benefits and payments to parents with many children

In November 2017, in live talking to journalists, Prime Minister D.A. Medvedev said that under special attention Government, along with the disabled and pensioners, are parents of many children. Thus, the authorities recognize that families raising a large number of children need government support. It comes in many forms, but primarily in various cash payments. Parents with many children should know what benefits they can count on, under what conditions, and how to apply for them. It is also necessary to understand which social support measures are already in place, and which remain only projects of government “men”.

What they give for a third child: one-time payment

On federal level There is no additional or increased benefit for the third child.

However, parents of the third child will be able to count on special regional payments, which are provided for them by local legislators. IN Russian subjects There are various programs to encourage spouses to have large offspring. In particular, in many regions, upon the birth/adoption of a third child, they receive a large lump sum of money. Their size varies, as it is set depending on the capabilities of the local budget. The table clearly demonstrates this.

Since there are more than 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to provide information on the amount of a one-time payment for each region within the framework of this article. You can find out this yourself by contacting the social security authorities at your place of residence.

It is to the local social security departments that those who know that they are entitled to receive it should apply for a one-time regional payment. In some regions of the Russian Federation, for example, parents need to show their income level (St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Crimea), in others this is not required (Moscow). The list of documents provided by the applicant also varies. But it usually includes:

  • Russian passport of the applicant parent (sometimes passports of both father and mother are required);
  • certificates for all children born in the family;
  • certificate of family composition where the third child was born;
  • a certificate that the benefit has not been received by the second parent;
  • a completed application form for a regional lump sum payment;
  • Bank details (where the money should be sent).

Single mothers confirm their status with a certificate received from the registry office. The exact list of required documents should also be clarified with the social protection authorities. Usually the papers are reviewed within 10 days, after which money is either transferred or a written motivated refusal in the local payment for the 3rd child.

Payments in the form of maternity capital

If a mother of many children has not previously taken advantage of the right to maternity capital, or the woman only acquired it upon the birth of her third or subsequent child (for example, all previous children were born before January 1, 2007), she has the right to count on significant cash payments from the state.

Maternity capital today is paid at two levels:

The amount of federal maternity capital in 2018 is 453.026 thousand rubles. Starting from 2015, this amount remains unchanged, since its indexation has been suspended. Maternity capital is paid to all women who have expressed their desire to use it, if they have confirmed their authority to do so. The place of residence of the parent in this case does not matter.

The Ministry of Labor held discussions about a possible increase in the amount of maternity capital in 2018 to 505 thousand rubles. And back in 2015, a bill was introduced to the State Duma to stimulate the birth rate with a fairly significant sum of money - 1.5 million rubles. This was the amount planned to be paid to the parents of the third child born or taken into the family, starting in 2017. However, none of these projects has yet been translated into actual law.

However, the state has established serious restrictions on the use of maternity benefits. It is not issued in the form of cash, but upon a written application from the mother (sometimes the father or guardian of the children) is sent for certain needs of the family, the list of which is small:

  • buying a home or paying off a mortgage loan;
  • paying for the education of one of the children;
  • mother’s pension savings (funds are transferred to her individual PF account);
  • social adaptation of a child with a disability.

Regional maternity capital is much more modest. Local authorities determine their size based on the real budget capabilities of the region, city or region. However, additional options for spending maternal capital were provided at the local level. For example, in the Krasnodar Territory, it is allowed to gasify a home at its expense, and Oryol mothers can invest it in buying a car.

Unlike the federal maternity capital, the regional one is aimed at supporting large families. In almost all Russian regions where this measure of state support was established, it is provided to parents raising at least three children - natural or adopted. And in some republics with a traditionally high birth rate, in particular in Dagestan, maternity capital is even provided for families where at least five “flowers of life” are growing up.

Specific values ​​of maternity capital in some regions of Russia can be found in the table.

Sergei Sobyanin presented orders and medals “Parental Glory”

Sergei Sobyanin, on behalf of the President of Russia, presented orders and medals “Parental Glory”. On the eve of Mother's Day, 19 Moscow families with a total of 120 children received awards.

“I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday - Mother’s Day and on your well-deserved awards - orders and “Parental Glory” medals. I know from myself how difficult it is to raise one or two children. And when four, five, seven are raised in a family - and in this room there are families in which 11 children are raised - then this, without any exaggeration, can be called a feat. Raise a child, give him a start in life, make him a real citizen, give him good education- this is very, very difficult. But you are handling it well. I once again congratulate you on your high awards,” said Sergei Sobyanin.

Now in the capital there are 130 thousand large families, and their number continues to grow. According to the Moscow Mayor, this requires the creation of additional social infrastructure: the construction of kindergartens, schools, and medical institutions.

“Not long ago I met with representatives public organizations, where we developed a number of additional solutions to improve work with large families. In particular, we agreed on a significant increase in all child benefits for large families. Just recently City Duma In the second reading, it adopted a budget in which this money is included in full. So, we are not only trying to fulfill the obligations that were established before, but we are also planning to increase material assistance and payments to large and low-income families,” added Sergei Sobyanin.

According to him, the city will continue its active policy in the field of social support for large families. “It is clear that these benefits can be increased and payments made even more significant. We will think about this and make decisions at the first opportunity,” said the Moscow Mayor.

Who received the awards

Six families were awarded the Order of Parental Glory for their services in raising children. The largest of them is owned by Elena and Sergei Abramov. They are raising 11 children. Eight children each grow up in the families of Marina and Dmitry Shevlyakov, Marina and Vladimir Yunin, Zhanna and Alexander Korotkov, Nelly and Mikhail Osipyuk. Galina and Alexey Razorenov are raising seven children.

In addition to awards, parents with many children received a one-time incentive from the federal budget in the amount of 100 thousand rubles.

Medals of the Order of Parental Glory were awarded to 13 families. Among the awardees:

Elena Olegovna Dorofeeva and Sergei Mikhailovich Verkhovnikov (11 children);

Natalya Igorevna and Vitaly Vladimirovich Aksenov (four children);

Elena Yuryevna and Alexander Vladimirovich Boytsov (four children);

Irina Aleksandrovna and Oleg Valerievich Vasiliev (four children);

Gulnaz Marsovna and Ilyas Dilshatovich Daudi (six children);

Olga Dmitrievna and Vladimir Grigorievich Kozynchenko (four children);

Olga Vladimirovna and Pavel Evgenievich Lebedev (six children);

Nailya Borisovna and Leonid Anatolyevich Merinov (six children);

Elena Sergeevna and Dmitry Vladimirovich Orekhov (four children);

Svetlana Aleksandrovna and Oleg Vitalievich Ponomarev (five children);

Elizaveta Vladimirovna and Alexander Vladimirovich Pyrsky (five children);

Irina Olegovna Galkina (five children);

Tatyana Anatolyevna Klopot (six children).

The Order of Parental Glory was established by the President of Russia in 2008, and the medal of the Order of Parental Glory was established in 2010. Awards are presented to parents and adoptive parents with many children for their services in raising children and strengthening family traditions. They must lead a healthy lifestyle, ensure an adequate level of education, as well as the physical, spiritual and moral development of children.

The order can be received by parents and adoptive parents who are married and raising seven or more children. The youngest child must be three years old. Adoptive parents can count on a reward if their adopted children live with them for at least five years.

Medals, unlike the order, can be received by parents who have four or more children, the youngest of whom is three years old.

A real gift to families with children will be an increase in social payments from January 1 by two to six times.

Increasing social payments to families with children in Moscow in 2018

Name of payment

Payment amount in 2017 (rubles)

Payment amount in 2018 (rubles)

Growth rate

Payments to low-income families

Monthly child benefit:

Families whose level of property security does not exceed the level of property security for the provision of social support measures for low-income families, established by the Moscow Government, and whose average per capita income does not exceed the subsistence level established by the Moscow Government per capita:

Benefits and payments to large families in 2018 through the MFC

In multifunctional centers you can issue a certificate for a large family, this document is the basis for payment of benefits, provision of various benefits and subsidies by the state in 2018.

A large family in 2018 - how many children?

How to obtain a certificate for a large family at the MFC

Parents with many children or a parent, in order to confirm their status and take advantage of benefits, are required to obtain a special certificate; for residents of Moscow and Moscow Region there are separate types of document - for mothers and fathers of many children.

First of all, you need to collect the entire package of documents and make an appointment at the nearest branch of the MFC. If, after reading the article, you still have questions, you can first consult by toll-free phone or ask a lawyer online.

As soon as you get an appointment with a specialist, receive an application form; if necessary, ask for a sample filled out that is current for 2018.

After handing over all the documents to the employee, you will be given a receipt, by the number of which you can find out the status of your application.

What documents are needed

The list of mandatory documentation for obtaining a large family certificate includes:

  • originals and copies of birth certificates of all children in the family (under 18 years of age);
  • passports of parents, guardians and trustees, as well as children who were 14 years old at the time of submitting the application;
  • color or black and white photographs of each of their parents, size 3 by 4 (check with a specialist whether it is possible to take a photograph in a specific “My Documents” center);
  • original certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • document confirming guardianship or adoption;
  • for children from 16 to 18 years of age, a document confirming full-time education, and in regions where the family may include students under 23 years of age;
  • certificate of family composition - can be issued at the MFC;
  • If the parents are divorced, a formal agreement between the parties regarding the residence of the children is required.

Deadlines for registration

The time during which the social protection department will make a decision to recognize a family with many children is no more than 30 working days, and it may also take 1-2 days to send the finished certificate to the MFC.

Large family certificate for Moscow residents

To obtain a certificate for a family living in Moscow, one of the parents (guardians or trustees), needs to apply with the above documents to one of the capital's MFCs for permanent or temporary registration.

It is worth noting that all minor citizens living in a family must also be registered in the city.

The document will be prepared at the district social protection office after the application is received from the multifunctional center.

The certificate will be valid until the youngest child turns 16 years old; if, upon reaching this age, he continues his education, parents must apply for an extension of the document.

Previously, there was a need to renew the certificate annually, but starting in 2010 this procedure was abolished.

Payments to large families in Moscow in 2018

From January 1, 2018, the Moscow city administration increased the amount of benefits and benefits for large and low-income families permanently residing in the region.

For raising disabled children under the age of 18 and 23 years - in case of disability from birth, the amount of the benefit will double, to 12 thousand rubles, previously it was 6,000 rubles.

Families in which the parents or one of them (if he is the only one) is a disabled person of the first and second groups will receive the same amount.

Amount of benefits for large families in 2018

Moscow families with five or more children will receive increased payments for the purchase of clothing, utility bills, rent, and cellular communications. Moreover, on Family Day and Knowledge Day, parents will also receive bonuses.

Amount of benefits for low-income families in 2018

For families with a low level of property security and income that does not exceed living wage in Moscow, the monthly benefit will be increased.

What to do if you are denied benefits

The reasons why you may be denied benefits and payment of benefits are different; each specific case requires a special approach.

The article was written based on materials from the sites:,,,,