How many children do it take to become a mother heroine? How many children must there be to receive the status of “heroine mother” in Russia: what does the title give when it was awarded in the USSR

Mom is the best and most tender word. Mom is the closest and dear person. For every mother, it is already a great reward when her baby says the first “mom”. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of “heroine mother” in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

Most main goal When creating this order, it was to celebrate the mother’s merits in the birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the Order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia has been replaced by the Order of “Parental Glory”. Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order.

How many children should a heroine mother have?

Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR provided more opportunities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving apartments and child benefits in large size. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers of many children luckier, they offer benefits for utility bills, provide trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia there is a decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits for large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments from one living wage, up to a sevenfold minimum;
  • benefits for public utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision land plot;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. The heroine mother, who, due to her short work experience or lack thereof at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of six, receive a pension for services to the homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Giving birth and raising many children is a lot of hard work, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

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PAGE 1 Order "Mother Heroine"

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated July 8, 1944, it was established that a mother who gave birth and raised ten children is awarded the highest degree of distinction - the title “Mother Heroine”. The regulations on the honorary title “Mother Heroine” and the Order “Mother Heroine” were approved by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1944.

Regulations on the title “Mother Heroine”.

The title “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction and is awarded to mothers who have given birth and raised ten or more children.

The title “Heroine Mother” is awarded when the last child reaches the age of one year and if there are other surviving children of this mother.

When assigning the title “Mother Heroine”, children are also taken into account:

  • adopted by a mother in accordance with the procedure established by law;
  • killed or missing in action while defending the USSR or while performing other duties military service, or when fulfilling the duty of a citizen of the USSR to save human life, for the protection of socialist property and socialist legal order, as well as those who died as a result of injury, concussion, injury or disease received under the specified circumstances, or as a result of a work injury or occupational disease.

Mothers who have been awarded the title “Mother Heroine” are awarded the Order “Mother Heroine” and the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

The Order “Mother - Heroine” is worn by the recipients on the left side of the chest and, if the recipient has other orders and medals, is placed above them


Description of the Order “Mother Heroine”.

The badge of the order “Mother - Heroine” is a golden convex five-pointed star against a background of silver rays diverging in the form of a five-pointed star, the ends of which are placed between the ends of the golden star.

The size of the order between the opposite ends of the silver star is 28 mm. The height of the order including the block is 46 mm.

As of September 18, 1975, the gold content in the order was 4.5 ± 0.4402 g, the silver content was 11.525 ± 0.974 g. The gold purity was 950. The total weight of the order was 17.5573 ± 1.75 g.

The badge of the order is connected by means of an eye and a link to a figured metal plate covered with red enamel. On the plate there is a raised inscription “Mother is a heroine”. The edges of the plate and the inscription are gilded. The plate has on back side a pin for attaching the order to clothing.

History of the Order “Mother Heroine”.

The title “Mother Heroine” is the highest degree of distinction Soviet Union established for women for their merits in giving birth and raising children.

For the first time in national history a special award was introduced for women-mothers: the Order of “Mother Heroine”. It is noteworthy that this title was established during the Great Patriotic War Patriotic War, which took millions of lives Soviet people. Most of the men who died at the front were young and middle-aged. The country's population has dropped significantly. The introduction of the title “Mother Heroine” and the order of the same name especially emphasized how badly the country at that time needed youth, a new generation of builders of communism.

The first award of the honorary title “Mother Heroine” was made by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated October 27, 1944. Among the fourteen women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” by this Decree, the Order of “Mother Heroine” No. 1

and the Certificate of the Presidium of the USSR Armed Forces No. 1 were awarded to Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, a resident of the village of Mamontovka, Moscow Region, who raised 12 children. During the war, eight of her sons went to the front, four of them died. The award was presented to her in the Kremlin on November 1, 1944.

According to some unverified data, they wanted to give the first number of the “Mother Heroine” order to a communist woman. However, members of the CPSU among the candidates for high rank not found. I had to present Order No. 1 to the non-partisan Aleksakhina. She lived in some kind of barracks. When the authorities came from Moscow to meet with the mother of many children, the day before furniture was delivered from the district committee to her barracks. After the commission left, the furniture was taken back to the district committee.

As of 1983, about 371,000 awards were made with the Order of the Mother Heroine.

The last conferring of the title “Mother Heroine” in the history of the USSR took place in accordance with the Decree of the President of the USSR dated November 14, 1991. The high award was given to women living in the RSFSR, Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Kazakh SSR and the Republic of Tajikistan.

As of January 1, 1995, approximately 431,000 women have been awarded the Order of Mother Heroine.

Features and varieties of the order.

The actual badge of the order consists of two parts. The first, main part, is a pentagonal shtrahl figure made of silver. The second part is a five-pointed star made of gold. The gold star is attached to the silver headpiece with three rivets. The third part of the order can be considered a silver gilded figured pendant block, covered with red enamel with the inscription “MOTHER HEROINE”. The block on the reverse side has a pin for attaching to clothing and is attached to the badge of the order by means of a connecting ring.

The reverse of the order's badge is smooth. The reverse has three rivets (holding an applied gold star). The rivets are located around the geometric center of the order (at 12, 5 and 7 o'clock on the dial). In the center of the order, between the rivets, there is the mark “MINT” in two lines.

Below the stamp the number of the order is located horizontally.

The following variants of the Order of the Mother Heroine can be distinguished, differing in the characteristics of the stamp and serial number.

  • Option 1. The Mint's mark is applied with a punch. The digits of the number are hand-applied with a pen. The minimum known number is 51, the maximum is 38753.
  • Variety 1. The Mint's mark is large. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 9 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 3.9 - 4.1 mm. This variety is typical for early signs with numbers up to approximately 9500 - 11000.
  • Variety 2. The Mint Mark is small. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 5 - 6 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 2.4 - 2.9 mm. This type of mark is mainly found in the number range 10000 - 31000. It is interesting to note that in almost all copies of this type the serial number is placed not under the rivets (like other “Mother Heroine” orders), but above them (10851, 11110, 11395 , 11538, 11688, 12162, 12548, 12798, 13132, 13381, 15897, 16582, 16612, 17323, 17819, 18178, 18349, 19660, 23470, 23518, 2 3963) or between them (20739, 21226, 21977, 28722, 29287 , 29797).
  • Variety 3. The Mint Mark is medium. The length of the word "COIN" is approximately 7.2 - 7.5 mm, the height of both lines of the mark is approximately 3 mm. This type of mark is mainly found in the number range 30000 - 39000.

The site's team of authors noted differences in the location of rivets in the "Mother Heroine" orders (Option 1). Depending on the distance between the lower rivets, the following sub-options can be distinguished for the first version of the order.

  • Sub-option A. 6,5 mm. The only known number for this variant is 351.
  • Sub-option B. Distance between bottom rivets 7,2 mm.

    Mother heroine how many children

    Order numbers are approximately in the range of up to 3000. Sub-option C. Distance between bottom rivets 5,4 mm. Order numbers are approximately in the range of 5000 - 10000. Sub-option D. Distance between lower rivets 8,8 mm. Order numbers are approximately in the range 11000 - 40000.

  • Option 2. The Mint's mark is made in raised letters. The digits of the number are hand-applied with a pen. The minimum known number is 38959, the maximum is 90347.
  • Variety 1. The Mint Mark is medium.
  • Variety 2. The Mint's mark is large.
  • Variety 3. Mint mark is small.

(!) The above division into varieties is very arbitrary. This division is based on only one feature - the length of the word "COIN". However, the height of both lines of the mark is also not the same. This value can be determined both by the height of the letters themselves and by the distance between the top and bottom lines of the stamp. In addition to the overall dimensions of the stamp, differences in the stamp are clearly visible when comparing the configuration of individual letters. So, for example, when comparing signs with a large brand, it was noted that the dash above the letter Y can have a horizontal arrangement (No. 59347) or a vertical arrangement (No. 62479). Some differences were also noted when comparing the letters M and D. Thus, there are significantly more variations of the stamp. However, it has not yet been possible to identify strict patterns to create a clear and easy-to-understand classification. Perhaps this will be done later after analyzing several dozen characters of the second option.

  • Option 3. The Mint's mark is made in raised letters. The numbers of the number are applied using a rotating tool. The minimum known number is 91243, the maximum is 454259.

The site's team of authors noted differences in the structure of the obverse of the main star of the Order of the Mother Heroine. In the photo on the left - order No. 58022 has a regular rounded depression in the center of the star. In the photo on the right, order No. 144719 does not have such a recess.

State Duma deputies ask the president to revive the honorary title “Mother Heroine”, which existed during the USSR to emphasize the special role of the mother in society.

In particular, six deputies came up with the initiative: the author of the initiative Mikhail Serdyuk And Alexey Kazakov(“Fair Russia”), United Russia Mariya Kozhevnikova, Valery Trapeznikov, Magomed Selimkhanov, Valery Yakushev.

It is assumed that the honorary title will be given to a woman who has 10 or more children. Moreover, children can also be adopted.

According to parliamentarians, it is necessary to revive this tradition, since our country faces demographic problems that arose back in beginning of XXI century during the period of market reforms.

“This circumstance requires detailed and informal attention on the part of the state to stimulate the birth rate and strengthen the role of the woman-mother, since the severe demographic problem and the multi-million loss of the country’s population at the end of the 20th – beginning of the 21st centuries require the same actions as in war time, when the state found the strength and means to provide moral and material incentives for mothers of many children", says the appeal, the text of which is quoted by Izvestia.

One of the authors of the initiative, as well as a father of many children, Mikhail Serdyuk, recalled that during the Soviet Union there were three statuses of equal importance: “Hero of the Soviet Union”, “Hero of Labor” and “Mother Heroine”.

Recently, by the way, the title “Hero of Labor” was returned again.

“But at the same time, the heroism of our mothers remains in the shadows. This is no less, and sometimes even a greater feat. Raising ten children is a huge job and a contribution to the future of the country.”“, explained the deputy quoted by Izvestia.

Women with many children themselves believe that returning one title is not enough; a comprehensive program is needed to support motherhood.

Conditions and benefits of the Mother Heroine and Parental Glory awards

As noted mother of many children, supervisor charitable foundation“Pokrov”, participant in the project of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation “Perspective” Anna Kuznetsova, today it is necessary to create a positive image of parents with many children and develop the institution of volunteering.

“Even such simple things as taking a child to kindergarten or teaching him English can easily be left to the shoulders of volunteers”,” explained Kuznetsova, as quoted by Izvestia.

The title “Mother Heroine” existed in the USSR from 1944 to 1991.

During this time, more than half a million women with many children were awarded it.

The last time a decree conferring the title “Mother Heroine” was published on November 14, 1991, by USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev.

The article contains the following persons: Mikhail Sergeevich Gorbachev

The article contains the following games: " United Russia", A Just Russia

After the collapse of the USSR in the 90s, it was not at all fashionable to provide social support to large families. Everything that was in any way connected with the notorious “scoop” was categorically rejected, and therefore such a wonderful and honorable title as mother-heroine became a thing of the past.

The history of the appearance of the Order “Mother Heroine”

The title of mother heroine and the badge were introduced in the penultimate year of the war, when the demographic problem associated with gigantic human losses arose in front of the country's leadership. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a Decree that spelled out the conditions for the award of this honorary title. The title of mother heroine was designated as “the highest degree of distinction” and was awarded to those women who not only gave birth, but also raised ten or more children.

The period for conferring the title of mother heroine was determined by the date when the youngest child turned 1 year old, and at the same time the remaining 9 children were alive. Those legally adopted were also taken into account, as well as those who died in the line of duty. military duties children.

Over the 47-year period of existence of this high title, over 400 thousand people were awarded it. Soviet women. In addition to the Order of “Mother Heroine”, other similar awards were established in the USSR: the Order of “Maternal Glory” of 3 degrees (for 7, 8, 9 children) and the “Motherhood Medal” of two degrees (for 5, 6 children).

The Soviet state provided benefits to heroine mothers in full.

Rules for receiving the “Mother Heroine” award and the Order of “Parental Glory”

These included cash benefits, free trips to health resorts, and most importantly, apartments were provided out of turn.

Now there is nothing like it. There is no such title - “Mother Heroine”. True, in some republics of the former Soviet Union it was still preserved. For example, there is the title “Mother Heroine of Ukraine”, where it is awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children up to the age of 8. It is assigned by Presidential Decree, in addition to it a one-time payment is paid monetary reward in the amount of 10 living wages. Ukrainian mother-heroines receive a pension supplement (25% of the same subsistence level). And if a woman does not have the work experience necessary to calculate a pension, then she receives benefits from the state.

Is the Order of Parental Glory the successor to the Order of Mother Heroine?

This order was established in our country in 2009 and is awarded to parents with 4 or more children. In addition, a one-time cash reward of 50 thousand rubles is issued. However, many believe that this is not enough. And at the beginning of 2013 State Duma a proposal was made to revive the Order of the Mother Heroine, which would be awarded to women who gave birth and raised 5 or more children. It is proposed to “support” this title with financial benefits, the list of which is still being developed.

However, many women are asking that this award at least give heroine mothers the right to early retirement. Current pension legislation stipulates this possibility, but only if you have at least 15 years of work experience. What if he is not there? So women are asking to recognize the difficult task of raising children as useful work that gives the right to early retirement.

And if the title of mother-heroine also helps solve the housing problems of large families, then this legislative initiative will certainly receive approval in all regions of Russia. By the way, the regions, to the best of their financial capabilities, already provide support to large families in the form of benefits for utility bills and priority provision of places in kindergartens.

Therefore, many deputies call the revival of the title “Heroine Mother” an initiative that supports and strengthens the institution of family.

Mom is the best and most tender word. Mom is the closest and dearest person. For every mother this is already a great reward. There are women who have five or six children, and some have even more. And these mothers of many children receive rewards not only from their children, but also from the state.

The title of "mother heroine" in the USSR

In the USSR, the title of mother-heroine was awarded to women who raised ten or more children. This was also the name of the order, which was awarded to mothers of many children. The title of mother-heroine was awarded if a woman gave birth to and raised ten or more children; moreover, at the time of assignment of the title, the youngest child must be one year old and all other children of this woman must be alive. They also paid attention to the presence of adopted children and children who died or went missing for various reasons.

The most important goal in creating this order was to honor the mother’s merits in giving birth, and especially in raising children. So, we figured out how they received the title of mother-heroine in the USSR, and now let’s pay attention to modern times.

Mother heroine in Russia

Today, the Order of “Mother Heroine” in Russia has been replaced by the Order of “Parental Glory”. Four or more - that’s how many children a modern “heroine mother” has. Only now the Order of Parental Glory is awarded to two parents. Unlike the USSR, a certificate of honor and a monetary award were added to the order. Parents who raise seven or more children also receive a badge of the order and a miniature copy of it, which can be worn at special events.

Of course, the order in the USSR provided more opportunities and benefits. The main advantage was receiving large apartments and child benefits. It is impossible to say what benefits a mother-heroine has in Russia, because there are none. True, there are regions where mothers with many children are luckier; they offer benefits for utility bills, provide trips to the resort for parents or children, and can allocate a place in kindergarten without waiting in line.

Today in Russia there is a decision on the entry into force of a new law that provides benefits for large families. The law stipulates the following points:

  • depending on the number of children, payments range from one subsistence minimum to seven times the minimum;
  • benefits for utilities;
  • benefits for admission to universities;
  • provision of minibuses;
  • provision of land;
  • assistance in obtaining loans for the purchase of housing.

The conditions for these privileges are that the youngest child must be one year old, parents and all children must be citizens of Russia.

Mother heroine in Ukraine

In Ukraine, the title of mother-heroine is awarded if a woman gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of eight; adopted children are also taken into account. At the same time, attention is paid to personal contribution to the upbringing of children, the creation of favorable living conditions, the education of children, the development of their creative potential, and the formation of spiritual and moral values.

In Ukraine, mothers of many children are paid one-time assistance ten times the subsistence minimum. The heroine mother, who due to her short work experience or lack of it at all, is not entitled to a pension, receives social assistance at one hundred percent of the subsistence level. In addition to all this, a heroine mother or a woman who gave birth and raised five or more children up to the age of six, receive a pension for services to the homeland. It is paid as a supplement to the basic pension amount, in the amount of one-fourth of the subsistence minimum.

Large families and heroine mothers who have unfavorable living conditions have the right to priority order for obtaining housing. Even if the children in the family are eighteen years old, the woman is not removed from the waiting list until she receives housing.

Giving birth and raising many children is a lot of hard work, but at the same time, there is nothing more important and necessary than children.

In 1944, it became clear to everyone that the outcome of the war was a foregone conclusion, and it would end in victory Soviet weapons. But over the course of several years of the Second World War, a lot of our fellow citizens, mostly men, died. To encourage women who support and raise several children, the Government of our country has established several awards. Among them is the Order of “Mother – Heroine”.

The establishment of the order took place on 07/08/1944 by Decree of the PVS. Simultaneously with the order, the honorary title “Mother Heroine” appeared. This is the highest rank in the Soviet Union, which was given to women who have many children.

Appearance of the order

The design of the sign was developed by the artist I. Ganf. The award is made in the form of a convex 5-pointed star made of gold. Behind it are diverging rays that form a 5-pointed star. They are made of silver. These parts are connected to each other using three rivets.

The sign has a figured block. It is made of silver. Its surface is covered with scarlet enamel. It says "Heroine Mother" in gold capital letters. The edges of the block are gilded. For fastening to clothing, a pin clip is provided on the back of the shoe.

The order weighs approximately 17.56 grams. There is about 4.5 grams of 950 gold in it. The height of the award with the block is 4.6 cm.

Who was the medal for?

The title “Heroine Mother” is the highest degree of distinction for Soviet women. It was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised at least 10 children. It was possible to receive the title only after the youngest child turned 1 year old. The condition is that other children must be alive at this moment.

When making a decision on awarding a title, children were also taken into account:

  • Adopted in accordance with current legislation.
  • Those who died a brave death or went missing while defending the interests of the Soviet state.
  • Those who fulfilled their duty as a Soviet citizen and saved a person from death, etc.

Women awarded the title “Mother Heroine” simultaneously received the Order of the same name “Mother Heroine”, as well as the PVS Certificate.

The award was supposed to be worn on the left.

How the order appeared

In the history of our country, an order for women who raise a large number of children was introduced for the first time. This was due to the fact that the Second World War claimed many lives, mostly young men. The population has decreased significantly. The appearance of such an honorary title indicated that the state needed a new generation of youth.

The appearance of government awards for women with many children indicated that the problem of raising children in the USSR was placed on a par with the most important state merits. This significantly increased social status mothers, showed that society treats them with care and respect.

The title was first awarded on October 27, 1944. In accordance with the Decree of the PVS, 14 Soviet women received it. Order No. 1 was received by A. Aleksakhina, who managed to raise 12 children. It was originally planned to award the first order to a female member communist party. But women with many children rarely joined the CPSU, so the Government was forced to look for a candidate among non-party members. She received the Aleksakhin Order on November 1, 1944 in the Kremlin.

Until the beginning of 1995, over 430 thousand women became heroine mothers. IN last time in the Soviet Union, the award took place on November 14, 1991.

A.S. Aleksakhina

Anna Semyonovna was born in 1886. She gave birth to her first child, Alexey, when she was 23 years old, in 1909. Two years later, her daughter, Nastya, was born, and a year later, her son Alexander. In 14, Sophia was born, 2 years later Ivan. In total, Anna had 10 sons and 2 daughters. By 2006, all of them had died with the exception of the youngest, Evgeniy. He lived in Mamontovka.

In the 30s Anna and her whole family moved to Mamontovka, located near Moscow. This village was mainly inhabited by people who participated in the construction of the Moscow-Volga canal. After the start of the Second World War, Anna’s 8 sons went to fight the Nazis. Four died brave deaths.

After it was decided to award Anna the title of “Mother Heroine” at the end of October, she went to the capital and received an honorary award in the Kremlin from the hands of the “All-Union Elder” M. Kalinin. Aleksakhina died in 1955. Her grave is located in the capital's Kuntsevo cemetery.

S. Kerimova

Suraya was born in early 1922, in one of the Azerbaijani villages, into a peasant family. At the age of 17, after graduating from school, she began working on the collective farm. Telman. He was in the Agdam region. At first she was a simple collective farmer, picking cotton. After 2 years, she began to lead a section of the cotton-growing brigade.

The team headed by her managed to achieve excellent results. In the spring of 1948, Suraya became a hero of socialist labor. The base is a large amount of harvested cotton. A harvest of 86,300 kg per hectare was collected. The area of ​​the site was 5 hectares.

She was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union several times, and a deputy of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan 4 times. She took part in 2 congresses of the Azerbaijani Communist Party. In 1949 she took part in the World Peace Congress, which was held in the capital of our country.

In 1965 she received the honorary title “Mother Heroine”. Several films have been made about Suraya documentaries, songs written. Now Suraya Kerimova is 94 years old.

P.E. Sekirkina

Pelageya, then still Kobchenko, was born in the summer of 1927. Her parents were peasants and lived in Belgorod region. Graduated from 6-year school. After this, the Second World War began. After its completion, at the age of 20, she went to work on the pig farm of the Znamya Truda collective farm.

Pelageya Egorovna showed great achievements in work, for which in 1971 she was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. It is noteworthy that her husband’s mother, Evdokia Sekirkina, was also a Hero of Socialist Labor.

Pelageya got married at the age of 20. She raised ten children. The first girl, Zina, was born in 1949. Last child, Boris - in 1964. For this, in ’66, she became a heroine mother. In addition, she was presented with other Government awards. Her husband is Alexey Sekirkin, after 31 years of marriage, in 1988, the couple divorced.

Pelageya Egorovna died at the end of 2014, at the age of 87 years.

E.F. Stepanova

Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova was born in 1874. early years lived in Kuban. When the girl turned 8 years old, she began to work as a farm laborer. She married Mikhail Stepanov. The couple had 15 children. However, not everyone managed to survive. The first girl was scalded with boiling water and died. The twin boys were stillborn. Only 10 children survived. Among them are 9 boys and one girl.

The eldest of the children, Sasha, was shot by the White Guards in 1818 because the family helped the Red Army. The second son, Nikolai, went to the front soon after the start of the Second World War and was wounded several times. He returned from the war as an invalid. Died of wounds in 1963.

Son Vasily also fought. He was an artilleryman. He was captured, escaped, and became a partisan. He was captured again by the Nazis and shot at the end of 1943. The next son, Philip, was a field farmer who achieved outstanding success in growing grain and sugar beets. Participated in the capital's agricultural exhibition. During the Second World War he was captured near Kharkov and died at the beginning of 1945 in a prisoner of war camp.

Fedor became a junior lieutenant in 1939 and was sent to serve in Far East. In August of the same year, he died near the Khalkin-Gol River. For this he was awarded the medal “For Courage” (posthumously). Before the war, Ivan led the House of Pioneers. After that, he graduated from the military school in Ordzhonikidze. He was a participant in the war with the White Finns. After the start of the Second World War, he was captured, escaped, and joined the partisans. He was shot by the Nazis.

Before the Second World War, Ilya graduated from the armored vehicle school in Saratov. He fought in the Baltic states, near Stalingrad. He was wounded several times. Died in the summer of '43 Kursk Bulge. Pavel graduated from the artillery school in Kyiv. I met the beginning of the war in Ukraine. At the end of 1941 he went missing.

The youngest son, Alexander, born in 1923, has been at the front since the fall of 1941. A year later he fought at Stalingrad. In the fall of 1943, he was one of the first to cross the Dnieper. There he and his fighters took a bridgehead and for a long time held him. Our soldiers managed to repel 6 powerful Nazi attacks. When all his fighters were killed, Alexander blew himself and the Nazis up with his last grenade.

After retiring, Epistinia Fedorovna settled in Rostov-on-Don. She lived with her daughter, Valentina. She died in early 1969. She was buried with military honors. At the beginning of 2010, Epistinia Stepanova had 44 grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

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In everyday life and in means mass media From time to time you can come across the expression “heroine mother”, but what does this expression mean? What does it take to earn this high title and how many children does the heroine’s mother have in Russia in 2019?

basic information

To begin with, let’s make a reservation: the title “Mother Heroine”, together with the order of the same name, existed in the USSR, but in modern Russia there is no such title. If you have heard this term, then know: we're talking about either about those awarded a Soviet award, or about the colorful name of a mother of many children, which does not have an official status.

So, are awards for large families a thing of the past? Of course not. To encourage mothers in their hard work of giving birth and raising children, there is the Order of Parental Glory and the medal of the Order of Parental Glory, which, however, are Russian analogues rather not “Mother Heroines”, but the Soviet Order of “Maternal Glory” and the Medal of Motherhood, respectively.

The first awards of the parental order in the Russian Federation took place in January 2009.


Main legal acts regulating the status and grounds for awarding the above awards are decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. The first of them is called “On measures to improve the state award system of the Russian Federation” (numbered 1099, adopted on September 7, 2010). It contains the bulk of information about the country's award system.

Also, some information about the Order of Parental Glory, for example, about the amount of a one-time monetary incentive, is contained in decree number 775, dated May 13, 2008, “On the establishment of the Order of Parental Glory.”


In the Soviet Union, the title “Heroine Mother” appeared in the summer of 1944. The country needed to make up for the severe multimillion-dollar human losses of the Great Patriotic War, and the government decided to establish a special award for mothers.

It is worth noting that this was not the first award in Russian history for services to raising children. In 1913 in Russian Empire the Holy insignia was established Equal to the Apostles Princess Olga, who were supposed to reward women for various merits and, among other things, for raising child heroes who performed heroic deeds worthy of perpetuation.

Interestingly, the design of signs of modern parental order inspired by the aforementioned imperial insignia.

First woman to receive the award

The first award took place in the fall of 1944 - the title was awarded to Anna Savelyevna Aleksakhina, the mother of 12 children, 8 of whom fought on the fronts of World War II, which took the lives of four of them. The award ceremony took place in the Kremlin. Today, the “Mother Heroine” order number 1 is kept in the State Historical Museum, where it was given by the children of Anna Savelyevna.

There is a legend that they initially wanted to assign the first title to a communist, but among the party members they could not find a woman who would meet the requirements of the Statute.

As a result, the first recipient was Aleksakhina, who was not a member of the CPSU (b). When a commission from Moscow was supposed to visit the woman, it turned out that she was living in a barracks in terrible conditions. By order of the district committee authorities, furniture was brought to her on the eve of this visit. After the capital’s auditors left Anna Savelyevna’s village, the “gifts” were returned back to the district committee.

Nevertheless, a year later, the family of the heroine’s mother was allocated two rooms, which was a significant encouragement for the difficult post-war years.

The last decrees on awarding the order were signed in 1991. Over the entire history of its existence, about 431 thousand women had the right to decorate their breasts with a gold star on a block with the inscription “Mother Heroine”.

Under what conditions was the title awarded?

Returning to the Soviet award, it should be noted that a woman could be awarded it if a number of conditions were met:

  1. She gave birth to and raised at least 10 children (children who were adopted are also taken into account).
  2. The youngest child is one year old.
  3. All children are alive (children who died or went missing while performing military duty, defending public order, socialist property or saving the life of another person are also taken into account).

The recipient was awarded the order of the same name and the Certificate of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

How many children should there be in a family?

It must be said that in addition to the “Mother Heroine” order, there were two more Soviet awards that were awarded to mothers with many children:

  • Order of Mother's Glory;
  • Medal of Motherhood.

The Order of Maternal Glory had three degrees, and was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised:

  • 9 children – 1st degree;
  • 8 children – 2nd degree;
  • 7 children – 3rd degree.

The Motherhood Medal had two degrees, and was awarded to mothers who gave birth and raised:

  • 6 children – 1st degree;
  • 5 children – 2nd degree.

What privileges are awarded

If speak about modern order“Parental Glory”, then in addition to the signs of the order, one of the parents or adoptive parents awarded by it receives a lump sum amount, which currently amounts to 100 thousand rubles.

In addition, modern mother-heroines receive the following preferences in the Russian Federation:

  • care allowance. It can be paid over a period of one and a half years. When calculating it, the woman’s earnings over the last two years will be important;
  • opportunity to retire early. Having reached the age of 50, a mother of many children with at least 15 years of insurance experience can receive this benefit;
  • part-time;
  • discount on payment for services related to housing and communal services. The size of such a discount ranges from 30-50%;
  • discount on telephone services;
  • free trips to sanatoriums;
  • benefits related to preschool and school education. These include the right to priority admission to kindergarten, to receive three free meals a day at school and free school and sports uniforms;
  • free trips to cultural institutions. The latter refers to theaters, museums and cinemas;
  • free travel on public transport. This is a benefit for families with at least five children.

Algorithm of actions

To receive a state award for raising children, citizens of the Russian Federation must meet a number of conditions:

  • give birth (or adopt) and raise 7 children;
  • children must be citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • The 7th child must reach the age of three;
  • all children must be alive (children who died or went missing while performing military duty, protecting public order or saving the life of another person are also taken into account);
  • comply with the social plan;
  • monitor the health of your children;
  • provide children with proper education;
  • develop children spiritually and morally;
  • conform to the values ​​of traditional marriage and set an example for other families.

Package of documents

The set of documents required to receive the order and medal of the order may change, so it is better to find out the exact information from the authority social protection population at the place of residence.

As a rule, the following is attached to the relevant petition:

  • certificates from organizations where the persons nominated for the award work, containing information about work experience and positions held;
  • award sheet containing information about marriage registration, place of residence and employment of persons nominated for an award;
  • information from the guardianship and trusteeship authorities about the living conditions of children in the family;
  • information about the achievements of family members - state or sports awards, certificates for success in studies or extracurricular activities;
  • adoption documents;
  • coordination with various authorities, including education, health and social protection authorities;
  • intelligence law enforcement on maintaining public order.

Such an impressive package of documents should remove all doubts about whether the family is worthy of being awarded an honorary order. For the award process, it will be important to establish that the children of the recipients not only live in appropriate conditions, receive food and medical care, but also develop comprehensively.

What does a medal look like?

The medal of the Order of “Parental Glory” is similar to the order in terms of the grounds for awarding, with the exception of the number of children born and raised - 4 in the case of the medal.

The Order of Parental Glory and its medal have an important difference from their Soviet counterparts - it is awarded to both parents, and not just the mother, moreover, the male and female signs orders and medals vary. In the case of an order, the recipients are also given a badge that is not intended to be worn on clothing. It is expected to have a place of honor in the home of an exemplary family.

Who can't claim

Parents cannot apply for the above awards:

  • who have a criminal record;
  • who have ever been deprived of parental rights;
  • whose rights in relation to children were limited;
  • who gave at least one of their children to state support.

At the first stage, local authorities or the social security authority decide on nomination for award. This is done by special commissions, which, after one month, send the proposal for approval to the head of the subject of the Russian Federation.

He, in turn, approves it, sending it for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation.

Nothing can compare to the emotions that literally overwhelm a woman after the birth of a child. After all, giving life to a tiny creature that develops and grows under your heart over the course of 9 months is essentially happiness in pure form

, shared with mothers and the state. Moreover, taking into account that raising even one child, as well as providing for all his needs, is not easy, a number of preferences have been established at the legislative level for women who, within the framework of the law, are heroines due to the birth of more than 4 children.

History of the title At the beginning of the last century, for It was the norm to raise from 8 to 10 children, and this despite the fact that there were no comfortable homes, no high-quality children's things, no nutritious diet, not to mention kindergartens, which were not accessible to everyone. Of course, it was not easy to feed such a number of children, as well as provide for their daily needs, but the parents tried, which actually, several decades later, was expressed in caring for the elderly mother and father of their grown-up children.

Naturally, the state could not stand aside and, in gratitude for the birth of 10 children or more, as well as their decent upbringing, established the first award for motherhood - “Mother Heroine”. This distinctive sign in the form of an order was provided with the aim of increasing the demographic level and, accordingly, the birth rate, which during the war years not only decreased significantly, but was also difficult due to the death of many young people during the war who were never able to become parents.

Also, with the introduction of this award, women recognized as heroines received not only a diploma from the Presidium of the Armed Forces, but also a number of benefits, both material in the form of an increased amount of benefits, and household benefits, in particular, the same extraordinary admission of children to children. gardens and improving living conditions by receiving apartments from the state. It should be noted that women received the honorary title not only for children born to her personally, but also for those adopted, but provided that they were raising at least 10 children, in total, and by the time they received the honorary title, the youngest was at least one year old, and the rest of the children were alive.

Naturally, with the collapse of the USSR, many of the privileges sank into oblivion, including the honorary title of Mother Heroine, which, due to the nuances of legislation, was valid only during the time of the union, and after the formation of the Russian Federation was leveled, as well as a number of benefits that during its existence About half a million mothers were able to receive this award.

About the “Mother Heroine” award, see the following video:

Modern analogue awards

IN Soviet times By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of 1944, in addition to the Order of the Mother Heroine, a few more awards, namely:

  • Medal of Motherhood 1st and 2nd degree for raising 6 and 5 children, respectively;
  • Order of "Maternal Glory" 1-3 degrees for the birth of 9 to 7 children.

That is, in fact, motherhood has been rewarded for half a century high level and was encouraged through a number of preferences, which were canceled with the collapse of the USSR and, accordingly, were not applied for more than 15 years until the adoption of Presidential Decree No. 775 in 2008 on the establishment of the Order of “Parental Glory”, through which women are currently rewarded for giving birth and raising children in the Russian Federation. By the way, in 2010, another award was established by Decree No. 1099, namely Medal of the Order of Parental Glory.

It is worth noting that, unlike the previous legislative act on remuneration for motherhood, applied in Soviet times, the current law provides for gratitude for raising children not only in relation to the mother, but also to the father , considering that the birth of babies, as well as their upbringing, rests with both parents, and not just with the mother.

Another innovation was the strict selection of families who can qualify for the stipulated gratitude at the state level, because previously certain conditions, except for the number of children, were not established in the law, unlike now.

So, in accordance with Presidential Decree No. 1099, parents can only apply for an honorary title and order subject to the following conditions:

  • being in an officially registered marriage;
  • creation for children favorable conditions, which imply healthy image life, spiritual and physical development, as well as an appropriate level of care and concern for all the needs of children, both their own and adopted ones;
  • the youngest child reaches at least 3 years of age;
  • raising adopted children for at least 5 years.

Another significant difference should be noted, namely the number of families that are nominated for the award. Indeed, earlier during the Soviet era, more than 10 thousand women a year received the honorary title “Heroine Mother”, while at the moment we are talking about only two families per region. And even then, after a thorough check of the living conditions, maintenance and satisfaction of all the needs of the children, from clothing and diet, to cultural development in the form of visiting museums, exhibitions and water parks.

Family size

In 2008, since the issuance of Decree 775, parents initially received the right to compensation for raising four or more children, however, since a third of the families fell under the agreed parameters, selection was quite difficult.

It was also taken into account that the birth and upbringing of 4 children in comparison with big amount It is much more difficult to implement children both in a moral and material sense, which is why the need to amend this act arose.

In particular, since 2010 Decree No. 1099 it was established that Order of "Parental Glory" can be assigned only to those parents in whose family raising at least 7 children, and with the condition that all children at the time of selection and registration of documents are alive and youngest child reached 3 years old. Moreover, if one or more children out of seven died as a result of performing military duty or died in connection with receiving or illness, the parents do not lose the right to receive the order, given that their child, in fact, fulfilled his public duty in relation to the Russian Federation .

But expect to receive medals of the Order of "Parental Glory" in pursuance of the stipulated Decree, parents who are supported by there are 4 or more children, but provided that the family is complete, self-sufficient and, one might say, exemplary, in view of compliance with all criteria for raising and providing children with proper education, material benefits, and cultural and moral development.

Moreover, both in relation to applicants for the order and for the medal, the order several conditions apply. In particular:

  • applicant families must be citizens of the Russian Federation and, accordingly, have supporting documents of birth of the Russian type;
  • cannot reside outside of Russia;
  • must be a complete and ideal family.

Award procedure

Of course, not all families, even if they have 7 children, can qualify for state awards in view of the list of criteria that are approved by Letter of the Presidential Administration No. AK-3560.

In particular, parents are nominated for an award based on a petition from local authorities , to which is attached the following package of documents:

That is, in essence, the above documents must confirm that children are not only kept in ideal conditions, but also brought up in love and care, and also fully develop in all respects from intellectual to moral.

Wherein cannot claim for an order or medal parents who:

  • were deprived or limited in parental rights;
  • children were placed in state care;
  • have a criminal record or other problems with the law.

The above package of documents is submitted for consideration already at regional level to specially created commissions that study the provided data and make a decision after 30 days. Then the commission’s decision with a petition and supporting data on consistency is submitted for consideration in the form of a submission to the President through authorized representatives at the regional level.

Over the next 3 months, regulations for presenting awards to parents are being developed, according to which the family in full force is invited for an official meeting and to receive the order or medal “Parental Glory” in Moscow.

Benefits and allowances

In most cases, large families strive to receive the order " Parental glory“not at all because this gratitude is the highest state award, but in connection with the benefits that come with it. So, in pursuance of Decree No. 775, the award is accompanied by one-time benefit in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, which is paid in the manner approved by Resolution No. 1438.

Also, taking into account that even if there are three children, the family is recognized, but at the local level, parents are offered a number of social benefits, in particular:

The ceremonial presentation of these orders in St. Petersburg is shown in this video: