Operational control didactic game evaluation criteria. Operational control

senior teacher

Organization of control in preschool educational institutions

Organizing and conducting control is the most important function of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution. Control allows you to collect data on results pedagogical process, correct deviations in the implementation of the tasks assigned to the preschool educational institution, identify and systematize advanced pedagogical experience, contribute to maximum disclosure creative potential every teacher.

Area of ​​activity senior teacher when exercising control:

§ Develop a system for monitoring educational work with children, diagnostic materials, questions for carrying out thematic and frontal control in different age groups Oh;

§ Observe the activities of the teacher in the process of working with children, the activities and relationships of children;

§ Record the results of observations;
analyze the results of educational educational work, children's creativity, plans and documentation of teachers;

§ Draw conclusions and conclusions about the state of educational work with children;

§ Carry out diagnostics of teachers’ professional competence and children’s development;

§ Develop measures to eliminate identified deficiencies in the work of teachers;

§ Discuss the results of control with teachers, use these results when preparing decisions of teachers' councils and planning the work of the team.

Each preschool educational institution should create unified system control, the goals and objectives of which follow from the goals and objectives of educational educational process Preschool educational institution, therefore, it is planned in the annual plan (section 4 Control and management). Control will be effective if it is carried out in a timely manner and the activities planned as a result of it are carried out. In the control process, what is important is not the statement of fact, but the identification of the causes of shortcomings and the development of effective measures to eliminate them. All members of the teaching staff should know the results of any inspection.

Therefore, control must be regular, systematic, effective and public .

There are four most common forms of control: operational, thematic, frontal and final.

When carrying out any type of control, a certain sequence must be followed, or algorithm control:

1. Determination of the purpose and object of control.

2. Development of a control plan.

3. Collection of information.

4. Analysis of the collected material.

All types of control are reflected in the annual plan. The form of presentation may vary.

Let's consider each type of control.

Operational control– this is current, daily control. Its peculiarity is that it helps to identify and eliminate minor disruptions in the activities of teachers and the team as a whole. If you do not notice minor deviations in work, they can lead to great difficulties, which will subsequently be difficult to overcome.

Issues of operational control are conventionally divided into several categories. Requiring constant monitoring: compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children; adherence to daily routine; compliance with the rules internal regulations; implementation of labor discipline, educational process, development of cultural and hygienic skills, etc. The next category is issues that require monitoring less frequently, on a quarterly basis, such as: planning educational work; organizing work with parents; organization of walks and excursions; children's activities in the afternoon; organization of work for preschoolers to study traffic rules; use of health-saving technologies; creating conditions for independent children’s activities, etc.

The list of questions for operational control can be found in the book “Preschool educational institution manual: control and diagnostic function”, 2003

On average, 5-7 questions for operational control are planned monthly and the team is introduced to them.

The organization of operational control includes several components:

§ This is an annual control cyclogram in which the sequence of control activities is determined using symbols.

§ A monthly operational control plan allows you to visualize individual areas of work and keep important areas under control. The shape may vary.

§ Based on this plan, control cards are developed to analyze the work of teachers on the issues planned for study in the current month.

According to the forms of organization, it can be preventive or proactive, comparative. For example, it is important for a senior teacher compare methods and techniques of work of 2 educators working in the same group, and suggest to them the most effective ones in order to help develop common requirements for children. Warning control prevents errors and shortcomings. For example, a group is going on an excursion. In this case, you need to find out in advance from the teacher where they will go and what route. And immediately discuss which route is better to choose, both for safety reasons and in order to see a lot of interesting things. The main content of preventive control should be considered the teacher’s readiness to conduct classes, walks, etc. One of the forms of organizing operational control is to conduct days of diagnosis, regulation and correction(DRC). The purpose of these days is to promptly diagnose and develop measures to regulate the activities of teachers. DRC is a micro-study in which the entire team takes part; the subject of DRC can be different. This is a question from the operational control cyclogram. As an example, I will give the topic of the DRC: “Assessment of the organization and conduct of classes in different age groups of preschool educational institutions.” Target: to study the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in the process of conducting educational activities. Tasks: assess the level of professional skill of the teacher; determine the correct choice of methods and techniques for working with children; assess the conditions affecting the quality of the educational process. Object The lesson acts as an element of the educational process in a preschool educational institution. Item: content of activities of the teacher and children. Methods: observation. When analyzing materials, problems are identified for individual teachers and groups. The materials are discussed at the planning meeting and decisions are made to correct the activities of individual educators and, in general, the methodology for organizing classes with children.

At the end of each month, a certificate is written based on the results of operational control. Not all issues of operational control require analysis, since some problems are resolved promptly, and recommendations are given for their elimination. Such questions are not included in the certificate.

The archive of operational control certificates is stored for 1 year.

Thematic control. The content of thematic control is to study the state of the pedagogical process in sections of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, and the purpose of the control depends on the goals and objectives of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. The duration of thematic control in an educational institution can be up to 10 days. Control is organized in several groups at once: parallel and of different ages. Such thematic control is comparative in nature, i.e. the work of different teachers with children of the same preschool age By specific issue, ZUN of pupils of different groups on the same topic, the system of work on any one problem in different age groups is analyzed.

Thematic control is one of the types of control planned for the year. It is held before the teachers' council and corresponds to its topic.

Conducting thematic control requires that the senior teacher have the following: package of documents:

1. An order that reflects the name, purpose, timing of the event, the person responsible for its implementation, and members of the commission. It is carried out by a senior teacher; in addition, experienced preschool teachers and specialists are involved in the control.

2. Thematic control plan.

It is difficult to imagine a more successful and rational form of thematic control plan than the one proposed. It contains 5 blocks:

§ Survey of the level of development of children;

§ Assessment of the professional skills of the teacher;

§ Assessment of the subject-development environment and conditions;

§ Assessment of work planning;

§ Assessment of forms of interaction with parents on this issue

3. Working materials for thematic control.

All controls must be confirmed by working materials. If an analysis of children’s diagnostics is planned for a certain section of the program, diagnostic cards must be present in the control materials. If a senior educator conducts an interview with preschool teachers, then a list of questions should also be available. All working materials are prepared in any form. These can be notes from the senior teacher in a notebook, protocols for diagnosing children, cards for analyzing classes, routine moments, etc. Members of the commission are instructed by the senior teacher, control issues are distributed among them, and work materials are issued.

4. Analytical block. Obtaining control results is not an end in itself, it is just a stage of work. The results need to be analyzed in order to identify the reasons for the current state of affairs, develop recommendations for eliminating shortcomings and disseminating experience. Based on the results of the thematic control, an analytical report with the following structure is written:

Introductory part:

§ purpose of the inspection;

§ timing;

§ inspectors;

§ verifiable;

§ topic of inspection;

§ amount of work.

Analytical part:

§ general characteristics question studied during the test

(supported by data);

§ positive aspects and disadvantages;

§ reasons for the appearance of positive and negative results.

Final part:

At the end of the certificate, the position, full name and full name are indicated. who drew up the certificate, date. An analytical report on the results of control is read out at the teachers' council, recommendations for correcting the educational process are included in the draft decision of the teachers' council. Control materials are stored with materials from teachers’ councils for 5 years.

Front control carried out with the aim of simultaneously comprehensively checking the object as a whole. Such an object is a single group. No more than 2-3 groups are front-checked per year. The duration of frontal control is from three to five days.

In the process of frontal control, the following are studied:

    sanitary and hygienic condition of the group; equipping the pedagogical process; subject-development environment of the group; educational work with children, documentation of teachers, work with parents.

Front control algorithm:

1. Determine the object of control.

2. Identify and formulate the main goals and objectives of control.

3. Define by order responsible person and a group of inspectors.

4. Draw up a control plan and familiarize those being audited with it.

5. Monitor those being audited.

6. Register all control results.

7. Analyze the control results and bring them to the attention of teaching staff.

Based on the results of the frontal inspection, an analytical report is drawn up. The results of the frontal check are discussed at a small teachers' council with the participation of all teachers and specialists working in the group. The decision of the teaching council includes recommendations for improving any areas of the group’s work with deadlines, or for summarizing teaching experience, etc.

Final control carried out after the end of the reporting period (six months, year). It is aimed at studying and comprehensively analyzing the work of the teaching staff in implementing the annual plan programs. Final control includes:

· timing;

· schedule;

· final control materials (diagnostic cards, diagrams, tables, questionnaires, score sheets, questionnaires for parents;

· analytical report.

Other types of control: slice, self-control, mutual control.

Rights of persons being inspected and inspectors.

Summing up the results of the speech, I would like to note the importance of the control function in a unified system of educational work. And remember that control allows you to determine whether everything in the preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and decisions of the pedagogical council. Helps to identify deviations and their causes, determine ways and methods to eliminate deficiencies. By withdrawing from control and not exercising it systematically, the leader loses the opportunity to promptly intervene in the course of the educational process, managing it. In addition, control is the most important factor education of young personnel, strengthening the personal responsibility of the young specialist for the performance of his duties.


Organization of control in preschool educational institutions.

Types of control

Operational control

Preventive control.

Front control

Final control

Control requirements

Control algorithm

Collection of information.

Her analysis.

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Brief description document:

Organization of control in preschool educational institutions. Types of control By time: preventive (advanced), operational (current, intermediate), final. By content: frontal (comprehensive), thematic, operational Operational controlprovides information for subsequent, longer-term control and analysis during targeted visits or thematic inspection, that is, it carries out a regulatory function. It is carried out daily, weekly, monthly (morbidity analysis, compliance with natural norms, holding sports entertainment, implementing decisions of the teachers' council, etc.), quarterly (implementing estimates, working with families, participating in methodological work etc.) Operational control is carried out by the head of the preschool educational institution, senior teacher, doctor or nurse, caretaker, chairman of the trade union committee. It is also necessary to ensure the publicity of the results of operational control by presenting it in a table, in the corresponding columns of which the status of work on this issue can be shown in color, and with the help of different geometric shapes– who controlled. This material is a report on the conduct of this type of control. Preventive control. Its purpose is to provide assistance and prevent possible errors, so it can take the form: Conversations on the content of the program in order to determine how clearly the teacher presents the tasks of work in a particular section; Conversations on the teacher’s calendar plan to clarify how he envisages this or that activity or another form of work; Drawing up a long-term plan for working with children in any section to help the teacher build a system of work on the problem; Compiling lesson notes, which is especially useful for novice teachers; Preventive control is recorded in the monthly work plan. The end result of preventive control should be an increase in the teacher’s professional skills and the preparation of long-term plans, notes, etc. Thematic control is carried out with the aim of comprehensively studying the level of work on a certain narrow topic, for example, with the aim of clarifying the system in the work of a preschool institution on one of the pressing problems outlined in the annual plan. Front controlis carried out with the aim of studying the state of educational work for all types of activities in one age group or the activities of a specific teacher are studied and analyzed. To carry out frontal control, a group is created consisting of members of the administration of the educational institution, effectively working preschool teachers under the leadership of one of the members of the administration. Group members must clearly define goals and objectives, develop an inspection plan, and distribute responsibilities among themselves. Each inspector is assigned a specific task, deadlines, and forms for summarizing the materials of the frontal inspection are established. Members of the teaching staff become familiar with the goals, objectives, and plan for conducting a frontal inspection in accordance with the work plan of the preschool educational institution, but no less than a month before its start. Based on the results of a comprehensive inspection, a certificate is prepared, on the basis of which the head of the school issues an order (control over the implementation of which is assigned to one of the members of the administration) and a meeting of the pedagogical council or an operational meeting is held. If positive results are received, this order is removed from control. Final controlcarried out after the end of the reporting period (six months, year). It is aimed at studying and comprehensively analyzing the work of the teaching staff in implementing the program and tasks of the annual plan. The final control includes: plan, goal, timing, schedule, materials of the final control (schemes, diagrams, questionnaires, evaluation sheets, protocols, etc.) Analytical information includes: positive experience of teachers, problems of team work, action plan on the implementation of the program. Control requirements To exercise control in preschool institution the following requirements apply: it is necessary not only to monitor the state of affairs, but to create a unified system for monitoring all areas of the preschool educational institution’s activities; control must be planned; in the control process, what is important is not the statement of fact, but the identification of the causes of shortcomings and the development of effective measures aimed at eliminating them; control will be effective if it is carried out in a modern manner and the recommendations issued as a result of it are implemented; it is necessary to provide assistance in the implementation of recommendations to those to whom they were given as a result of the control; control and its results must be transparent; control should be aimed not only at identifying shortcomings, but also at finding something new and interesting, which gives high and stable results. The goals and objectives of control should follow from the goals and objectives of the educational process and the annual objectives of the preschool educational institution for the current academic year. Recommendations for organizing control When organizing it, you need to pay attention to the following: the teacher must see that control is not aimed at his personality, but at how he organizes the educational process; the teacher must know what exactly, when and by what criteria will be controlled; control should be open; exercise control based on the results of the actor, and not on the actions of the teacher; When exercising control, it is necessary to adhere to a friendly tone of communication; When conveying recommendations and instructions, pay special attention to explaining the reasons for the occurrence of shortcomings in the work and ways to overcome them. When organizing control, you should also remember that: control should not be limited to incidents; total control breeds negligence; hidden control only causes annoyance; it is necessary to control everyone, and not just your “favorite” employee; control is not pro forma (those who do not control are not interested in the successes and achievements of their subordinates); do not control due to mistrust; Don't keep your conclusions to yourself. Control algorithm When organizing control, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence or algorithm for control: Determination of the purpose and object of control. Development of a control program (plan) or a scheme for upcoming observation. Collection of information. Her analysis. Development of recommendations and determination of ways to implement them. Checking the implementation of recommendations. Properly organized control is one of the main conditions for the scientific and rational management of the educational process and increases the responsibility of each teacher for the quality of his work with children.

Control over the activities of a preschool institution includes a set of measures to verify the implementation of the educational process, in accordance with the existing goals and objectives of the education system, which are coordinated with the Orders of the preschool educational institution and other state documents in the field of education.

  • Operational control in preschool educational institutions involves the collection of quantitative data that does not require long-term observations, but at the same time shows how much a particular type of activity is being carried out.
  • Operational control of preschool educational institutions is important function control systems. The head of any institution must be able to foresee various situations, predict certain activities, set further goals.

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This can only be done through operational control over certain areas of the kindergarten’s activities, when collecting and analyzing information of a socio-pedagogical nature, demographic processes in the neighborhood, and the work of employees of the educational institution. Operational control can be carried out by a methodologist of an educational institution or a senior educator.

Types of control and its main tasks

Operational control of preschool educational institution Federal State Educational Standard is divided into internal and external. External control provides for the creation of conditions for the social protection of each child, while guaranteeing the receipt of the minimum level of education necessary for the normal development of the individual. This task is accomplished by performing certain steps:

  • a marketing study of the microdistrict is carried out;
  • the placement of social and cultural institutions is studied;
  • is being investigated social status families raising preschool children;
  • the requests and requirements of parents regarding the quality and variety of educational services are studied;
  • the social and educational level of children who do not attend preschool educational institutions is taken into account.

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Internal control provides for improving the level of education of each kindergarten group of different ages, while providing the necessary assistance to teachers. Control is carried out according to different directions:

  • educational;
  • psychological and pedagogical;
  • medical and social;
  • financial and economic.

Basic requirements for operational control of preschool educational institutions

For the correct and effective organization of the work of any preschool institution, it is important to carry out timely inspections of activities. To do this, you must adhere to certain requirements:

  • It is important for the manager not only to carry out an inspection, but also to create a unified system of control over all areas of the preschool educational institution’s activities;
  • control must be carried out systematically; first, goals and issues are studied and considered objectively and holistically;
  • inspections should not only confirm the presence of certain problems, but require the development of effective ways to eliminate them;
  • control is effective method only if carried out on time;
  • it is necessary to carefully study the identified shortcomings of educational activities, and not just limit ourselves to the existing fact;
  • after inspections, the results must be publicly announced;
  • control is carried out not only to determine negative aspects, but also should reveal the positive aspects of the work of teachers.

Structure of operational control of preschool educational institutions

When carrying out any inspections, it is necessary to adhere to a certain scheme, because only systematic work can be effective. That's why conducting operational control in preschool educational institutions may have the following algorithm:

  • determine the purpose of the inspection and the object;
  • develop a control action plan;
  • collect information (for this, employees, teachers, students and other persons who may be useful are involved);
  • primary analysis of the received data (studying documentation, processing received materials, filling out survey cards, discussing the results at the teachers' meeting);
  • development of recommendations that need to be presented to the team, discuss methods and ways of their implementation, approve the selected correction methods with their subsequent implementation in the work of teachers;
  • Over time, check the implementation of the recommendations provided.

Implementation of operational control in preschool educational institutions

Inspections in kindergartens can take place in different directions. Operational control can be carried out to study the level of safety of children, to control individual work with children, to check the organization of walks with children, whether the material is prepared for work book corner and so on. Operational control is the initial stage, which provides information about a certain part of the functioning of the children's team, performs a regulatory function and provides data for subsequent thematic control.

Results operational control of preschool educational institutions are entered into certain documents: an operational control map and an analytical report of operational control.

Issues that are subject to control at the preschool educational institution may be of the following nature:

  • sanitary condition of the group;
  • implementation of a daily routine, taking into account different periods of the year;
  • catering in groups;
  • organization of health procedures for students;
  • carrying out educational work, adhering to the schedule according to planning;
  • organizing walks with students taking into account different periods of the year;
  • status of group documentation;
  • planning and implementation of activities to maintain a healthy lifestyle and adherence to safety rules.

For each type of control, a preschool operational control map.

Map of operational control on the topic “Fulfillment of the daily routine, taking into account different periods of the year”

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Control tasks

1.Admission of children

2. Timely implementation of morning exercises

3. Organizing breakfast according to the established schedule

4. Conducting training sessions. The time and duration are indicated. Compliance with schedule

5. Organizing a break between GCDs. Independent activity of children.

6. Morning walk. Timely exit, duration, organization of the walk.

7. Organize lunch according to schedule.

8. Organization of a rest period. Duration, compliance with schedule

9. Carrying out wellness procedures after sleep.

10. Organization of afternoon tea, compliance with the schedule

11. Conducting educational classes after lunch.

12. Organizing an evening walk.

Overall rating

For each of the provided points, an assessment is carried out, with a high score (+), medium (+/-) and low (-).

The reporting document also includes analytical certificates of operational control of preschool educational institutions, which describe the purpose and objectives of operational control, issues of operational control. The document contains a thorough description of all verification issues provided results of operational control of preschool educational institutions, identified deficiencies are recorded, recommendations and proposals are provided, indicating those responsible for implementation and the timing of their implementation.

Thus, operational control makes it possible to properly organize the activities of a preschool institution, to promptly identify shortcomings in work or certain difficulties that need to be corrected.

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1 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of documentation in groups. p / p Questions under control 1 Timeliness and quality of writing a calendar plan of work 2 Availability of a notebook “Information about parents” and the quality of its design: - completeness and accuracy of information about parents and child 3 Attendance sheet: - literacy, clarity of record 4 Registration of a health sheet, health passports for each child 5 Documentation of circle work 6 Long-term thematic planning of various sections of work 7 Plans for correctional work 8 Notebook for children's reception I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 9 Aesthetics documentation

3 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map for monitoring the organization of the motor regime in the preschool educational institution during the day. Age groups: all groups Date of conduct: p/p Questions under control 1 Preparation, conduct and effectiveness of morning exercises 2 Teachers’ knowledge of the methodology for conducting physical exercise classes 3 Availability in groups methodological literature in physical education 4 Planning lessons in physical education 5 Mastering basic movements for children 6 Combination of exercises different levels intensity 7 Differentiated approach to children 8 Preparation for physical exercise classes 9 Participation of educators in physical exercise classes 10 Planning and conducting outdoor games during walks 11 Preparation, conduct and effectiveness of gymnastics after sleep 12 Organization and conduct of hardening procedures 13 Arrangement (updating) of physical education corners I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

4 14 Planning and conducting physical education 15 Breathing exercises: knowledge of the methodology, regularity, methods of teaching children 16 Work with parents on the topic “Raising a healthy child”

5 Age groups: Date: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of leisure and entertainment. Activities of children Activities of the teacher Issues under control Interest, enthusiasm Well-being, mood, lack of overload Manifestation of initiative and creativity of children Participation of all children, taking into account their individual inclinations and interests Change of activities Correspondence of entertainment (leisure) to the theme, season, conditions of the event Efficiency of design ( decorations, attributes, musical accompaniment) Correspondence of duration depending on the age of the children Interaction between the music director and the teacher, communication style I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

6 Age groups: all groups OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of hardening organization. Questions under control p / p 1 Correctness of the methodology for carrying out hardening activities 2 Availability of inventory and equipment for hardening, sanitary condition, correct storage 3 Air hardening, regime, ventilation 4 Individual approach to children, health sheets, development cards I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

7 Age groups: all groups Date: Questions under control Compliance with the game regime Arrangement and storage of toys Compliance with the rules for using toys Selection of toys and other materials in accordance with the theme of the games Assistance by the teacher to children in the implementation of game plans Creation positive emotions Changing the playing environment during the game Relationships between children during the game The teacher’s ability to settle conflict situations in the game A teacher's guide to children's play Is the game material accessible for children to use? Children's reflection of knowledge about adults' professions in play? Changing the subject-game environment, taking into account practical and gaming experience Creativity in creating a game (choosing a topic) Discussion with children and evaluating the game OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization of gaming activities I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

8 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization of the daily routine Questions for control 1. Morning exercises: Time, place, duration. 2. Eating: Time, duration, appearance children. 3. Compliance with the schedule for organizing classes, duration. 4. Motor breaks between classes I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 5. Walking: observing the time allotted for walking, the mode of organizing walks (morning, afternoon, evening ). 6. Children's sleep. 7. The correctness of the methodology for carrying out the hardening event 8. Game duration in the daily routine.

9 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of the analysis of the calendar work plan for the section “Teaching children the rules traffic": 3 Teachers: Ivanova N.S., Leontyeva L.V. Period: from to Forms of organizing work with children Individual conversations and conversations: About the rules of behavior on the road About behavior in transport Regular moments (the date of the event is indicated) Morning Walk Lessons II half of the day Conclusions and suggestions About the work of a traffic police inspector Observation Reading fiction on the topic Viewing filmstrips Examination of illustrations, paintings Excursions, targeted walks Didactic games, Working with parents Conducted by: senior teacher Malakhova T.A.

10 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of the analysis of the work schedule for the section “Teaching children traffic rules”: 4 Teachers: Alekseeva L.A.; Guseva O.N. Period: from to Forms of organization of work Regular moments (date indicated) with children Morning Walk Classes II half of the day Individual conversations and discussions: About the rules of behavior on the road About behavior in transport Conclusions and suggestions About the work of a traffic police inspector Observation Reading fiction on the topic Viewing filmstrips Examination of illustrations, paintings Excursions, targeted walks Entertainment, performances Didactic games Work with parents Conducted by: senior teacher Malakhova T.A.

11 OPERATIONAL CONTROL subsection: Questions under control 1. Systematicity of implementation Control card for the organization of circle work. Art studio Circle" Theater circle Circle "Smile" Rhythmic circle for manual labor "Magic mosaic" "Fairy tale" "Mixing machine" scissors" I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 2. Teacher training for circle work 3. The ability to arouse interest in the topic of the lesson 4. Correspondence of the purpose of the circle lesson to the level of development of children of this group 5. Manifestation of cognitive activity of children 6. Emotional mood of children during the lesson 7. Accounting individual qualities, abilities of each child (differentiated approach, multi-level tasks) 8. Conditions for the development of creative abilities of pupils

12 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of leisure and entertainment by the music director. Activities of children Activities of the teacher Questions under control Interest, enthusiasm Well-being, mood, lack of overload Manifestation of initiative and creativity of children Participation of all children, taking into account their individual inclinations, interests Quality of the repertoire used and level of performance of works Change of activity Correspondence of entertainment (leisure) to the theme, season, conditions of the event Efficiency of design (scenery, attributes, musical accompaniment) Correspondence of duration depending on the age of the children Interaction between the music director and the teacher, style of communication week of the month I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

14 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of observations in nature. structure of observation Questions under control Frontal observation Independent observation Collection of natural material Games with collected material Content of children's statements, their accuracy, knowledge of facts, and connections between them Involved mental operations (analysis, synthesis) Active techniques Children's activity Problem situation Surprise moment Play activity Interest Passion Activity Indifference Logicality of the teacher’s questions Recording children’s observations (nature calendar, good deeds calendar, sketches) Planning observations Content of observations (live, inanimate nature) Frequency and systematicity of observations Compliance of observations with climatic and geographical features Connection of observations in nature with other types of activities Material base of the site, presence of objects of observation in nature I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

15 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization of work on labor safety and life safety. p/n Questions on control 1 Systematicity of knowledge for studying traffic rules 2 Variety of types of classes for studying traffic rules 2.1 Conversations 2.2 Thematic lessons 2.3 Targeted or conditional walks 2.4 Plot-based role playing games 2.5 Didactic games 2.6 Outdoor games 2.7 Familiarization with fiction 2.8 Leisure, entertainment 3 Work with parents on the problem of studying traffic rules 4 Planning work on studying traffic rules 5 Teacher's skill in carrying out work on studying traffic rules by preschoolers 6 Knowledge, abilities, and skills of children on traffic rules 1 Systematicity of life safety classes 2 Variety of types of life safety classes 2.1 Conversations 2.2 Thematic classes 2.3 Targeted or conditional walks 2.4 Role-playing games 2.5 Didactic games 2.6 Outdoor games 2.7 Familiarization with fiction 2.8 Leisure, entertainment 3 Planning work on life safety 4 Teacher’s skill in conducting work to develop children's skills safe behavior 5 Knowledge, abilities and skills of children in life safety 6 Working with parents on this issue I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Traffic rules for life safety

16 p/p Hygienic conditions Table setting Issues under control Sanitary condition placement of dining furniture; ventilation; implementation of the nutrition regime. taking into account the requirements of table setting and the age of children; serving aesthetics; assessment of the activities of those on duty OPERATIONAL CONTROL Card of control of catering I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Coordination in the work of adults and their management of catering preparation of children for meals; organization of hygiene procedures; children's appearance, mood and communication; the situation in the group during meals; Skills in using cutlery (spoon, fork, knife)

17 Communication between the teacher and children during meals Culture of behavior at the table (do children have bad habits, their reasons) Medical prescriptions for individual nutrition and their implementation Are changes made to the diet taking into account the needs, functional changes in the body, children’s appetite and condition their health Ability to present a dish (unloved, new) Paying attention to deliciously prepared food and its appearance Learning table manners

18 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of work with children early age. Age groups: all groups Date: p/n Questions under control 1 Organizations of subject-development environment 1.1. Protecting the life and health of children 1.2. Age appropriate 1.3. Feasibility 2 Reception of children from parents 2.1. Conversations with parents about the child’s mood and state of health 2.2. Positive emotional attitude of the teacher 2.3. Emotional mood of children 2.4. Work of the filter, participation of the nurse 3 Preparation, conduct and effectiveness of morning exercises 4 Eating 4.1. Table setting 4.2. Compliance with hygienic requirements 4.3. Timely delivery of food to the group 4.4. Execution of power mode 4.5. Preparing children for meals (hand washing skills) 4.6. Teacher's guidance in developing independent writing skills 4.7. Analysis of cultural command skills at the table 5 Determining the development group of children according to red dates 6 Conducting classes 6.1. Subgroups by level of development 6.2. Stimulating children's interest in the lesson 6.3. Active forms of children's work in class 6.4. Fulfilling the tasks of education and training 6.5. Teacher skill level 6.6. Preparation for the lesson, availability required material 7 Conducting a walk 7.1. The procedure for dressing and undressing children, skills 7.2. Availability of remote material for the season 7.3. Children's activities during walks 7.4. Motor mode of children during a walk 1 2 I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

19 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of work with parents. Questions under control Full name of the teacher Weeks of the month Availability and quality of design visual material Quality of work planning Availability and literacy of documentation Presence of a sociological portrait of the families of group pupils Ability to interact with parents in a high-quality manner Quality of advisory and educational work with parents Diversity and effectiveness of the forms, methods and means of working with families Establishing trusting relationships with families Mastery of a culture of pedagogical communication with parents Ability to attract parents to equipping the pedagogical process, interior design and site design. The ability to present the child’s problems so that parents accept them as concerns of the teacher Polyakov E.A. I II III IV Timofeeva O.Yu. I II III Petrova A.V. Shutkevich Z.N. Ivanova N.S. Leontyeva L.V. IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III

20 Zueva O.A. Yurlova L.V. Kireeva O.M. Chetyrina E.S. Guseva O.N. Alekseeva L.A. IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

21 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization of the daily routine Questions for control 1. Morning exercises: Time, place, duration. 2. Meal: Time, duration, appearance of children. 3. Compliance with the schedule for organizing classes, duration. 4. Motor breaks between classes I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 5. Walking: observing the time allotted for walking, the mode of organizing walks (morning, afternoon, evening ). 6. Children's sleep. 7. The correctness of the methodology for carrying out the hardening event 8. Game duration in the daily routine.

23 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Organizational level assessment card speech activity on a walk. p/n Questions under control 1. Individual work on speech development 2. Individual and subgroup conversation 3. Use of speech games 4. Use of works of oral folk art for enrichment vocabulary children I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 5. Development of speech during observations in nature 6. Communication between adults and children 7. Speech of educators (emotionality, use of epithets, phraseological units) BZ - no comments S-PC - interview, re-control

25 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Card for monitoring the development of self-care skills in children. p/n: Questions under control 1. The teacher’s guidance of the self-care process 2. The culture of washing children I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV 3. The culture of children eating 4. Clothes care skill 5. Relationship culture in the game

26 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Card for monitoring the organization and conduct of sleep. p / n Questions under control 1 Sanitary and hygienic condition of the room I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III I V 2 Ventilation of the room 3 Timely bedtime 4 Calm environment in the bedroom, conducive to children rest 5 Use of healing techniques (aroma pillows, aroma lamps) 6 Observance of the time allotted for sleep 7 The ability of educators to gradually raise children after nap taking into account individual characteristics

28 Age groups: all groups Date of implementation: OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization and efficiency of household work of children p/p Knowledge, abilities and skills of children Questions under control Scope of work Uniting children in work Acceptance of the task by children. The ability to relate it to the organization of one’s activities and at the same time to the activities of others The presence of labor skills and abilities (the ability to use tools and materials, dexterity, rationality of actions) The ability to cooperate (plan work, negotiate, act together) Demonstration of independence (searching for a rational way of doing work, accepting own decision) Manifestation moral qualities(friendliness, mutual assistance, love for living things, careful attitude to things) The ability to evaluate overall work, one’s share of participation in it relative overall result I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV

29 The work of a teacher Efficiency of organizing collective work by a teacher Methods of stimulating children Planning work assignments, duty Efficiency of duty and free work in a corner of nature Efficiency of collective work on the site

30 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control of the organization, conduct and effectiveness of morning exercises and awakening exercises Questions under control Preparedness of the premises Availability of sports uniform Time of implementation I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Duration Morning exercises Musical accompaniment Level of mastery of the methodology by the teacher Form of morning exercises Accounting age characteristics children Differentiated approach to children Monitoring posture; breathing quality of exercises performed

31 Gymnastics of awakening Methodological support for the process Level of mastery of the methodology by the teacher Efficiency of gymnastics of awakening in bed Level of mastery of massage by children Organization of hardening procedures Quality of exercises performed by children Level of communication, emotional background

32 OPERATIONAL CONTROL Map of control over the organization of leisure and entertainment by the physical education director. p/n Questions under control Interest, enthusiasm week of the month I II III IV I II III IV I II III IV Children's activities Teacher's activities Well-being, mood, absence of overload Correspondence of the load to the level of physical development of children and their physical fitness Manifestation of motor initiative and creativity of children Participation all children, taking into account their individual inclinations and interests Efficiency of using equipment and inventory Correspondence of entertainment (leisure) to the topic, season, conditions Variety of games, exercises in motor content and methods of their presentation Correspondence of duration depending on the age of the children Interaction between the physical education leader and the teacher, style communication

Catering. 1 Hygienic environment: sanitary condition; ventilation; implementation of the nutrition regime. 2 Table setting: taking into account the requirements of table setting and the age of the children; serving aesthetics;

Time Routine and daily routine of children of the 3rd year of life in an educational institution (early age group of general developmental orientation) cold (educational) period (September May) Regular moments,

Time 7.30-7.50 Reception of children on the street, communication, play Children’s daily routine during the (health-improving) warm period of the year (June August) Daily routine and routine for children of the 3rd year of life (early age group of general development

Children's stay in Preschool educational institution senior group (10 hours) ( cold period year) Getting up, morning toilet 6.30-7.30 In kindergarten Reception, examination, greeting, individual work with children. Communication with parents

Cyclogram methodical control in MBDOU "Kindergarten 26" for the 2015-2016 academic year Month Type and form of control Responsible Summing up September Thematic control: Tasks: - check the status

Features of a joint partnership Features of independent pupils Joint activities of adults and children are the main model for organizing the educational process of preschool children;

1.2. Daily routine The teacher’s task is to create a positive mood in children, organize a rational motor mode, prevent children’s fatigue through reasonable alternation of various active activities.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution Kiselevsky urban district kindergarten 8 Model of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Updating the preschool system

2. ORGANIZATIONAL AND PEDAGOGICAL WORK Monitoring the implementation of the Program. Thematic control 1. Topic: “Development of the grammatical structure of speech of preschoolers through game methods” Dates:

The content of psychological and pedagogical work on the development of the educational field “Labor” Goals: the formation of a positive attitude towards work through solving the following tasks: - development of labor activity;

Thematic control Educational area “Physical development” I. Title “Organization of development work in children motor activity in preschool mode." II. Purpose: To find out the organization and efficiency

Model of the educational process in MBU taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard Updating the preschool education system Regulatory framework: - Law “On Education in Russian Federation» 273-FZ. - License

Explanatory note Immediate plan - educational activities compiled in accordance with: Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”; The procedure for organizing and implementing

Adopted: Minutes 1 of the Pedagogical Council dated August 31, 2015 Approved: Order 29 OD dated September 1, 2015 DAY MODES AND CYCLOGRAMS OF DAILY EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES MKDOU 38 “Kindergarten

CYCLOGRAM of educational work in MKDOU 18 APPROVED by: Head of MKDOU 18 I.V. Zotova Order of 2013 Morning Walk Cyclogram of educational work (I junior) Monday

Goal: to unite the efforts of adults (preschool employees and parents of pupils) to create conditions conducive to emotional, personal, cognitive development child in summer period and health improvement

Daily routine Regular processes in the first half of the day Reception of children 7.00-8.30 1. Communication between the teacher and children: individual conversations, games for communication and creating the mood in children. 2. Organization of independent

1. General provisions 1.1. This provision has been developed for the municipal budget preschool educational institution “Child Development Center Kindergarten 98” (hereinafter referred to as the preschool educational institution). 1.2. Position determines

1 Section 1. Creating conditions for organizing a children's room Directions of work Conditions for the implementation of work Responsible 1.1. Sanitary and hygienic conditions for drinking water Availability of individual mugs,

Planning educational work in preschool educational institutions. Planning is the advance determination of the order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary

Agreed: I approve: at the pedagogical council Head of the kindergarten “Rodnichok” MKDOU Bogucharsky kindergarten N.G. Auseva combined type “Spring” 2016 2016 SUMMER WELLNESS PLAN

Daily routine junior group(3-4 years) Types of activities Time in the day Reception of children (communication with parents; joint games; independent activities in development centers; education of cultural and hygienic

APPENDIX The regime corresponds to the age characteristics of children and promotes their harmonious development. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness for children 3-7 years old is 5.5-6 hours, up to

Forms of conducting classes in DOW Types Lessons Contents of assignments 1 Complex lesson Used in one lesson different types children's activities and art: artistic word, music, visual

EARLY AGE Appendix 1 APPROVED by: Acting head of the MDOU “Kindergarten 10 combined type” Ovsyannikov I.A. Order 31 of August 31, 2015 1. Reception and examination of children. Game activity. Individual

Annotation work program pre-diploma practice OPOPPSSZ 44.02.01 Preschool education 1. The purpose of pre-diploma practice is the formation, consolidation, development of practical skills and competence in the process

Abstract EXPLANATORY NOTE The curriculum is local normative document regulating the content of educational activities for children in the 04-05 academic year. The curriculum is developed in accordance

Branch of MBDOU 14 “Combined Kindergarten of Telman Village”. ACCEPTED: APPROVED at a meeting of the pedagogical council by the Head of the MBDOU 14 protocol 4 dated August 30, 2016 (Nagoga I.M.) order 61 dated

Health protection One of the areas of work of kindergarten 423 is health protection in kindergarten. The teaching staff of the preschool institution has clearly defined the paths for its further development.

Planning of educational activities of the teacher of MBDOU d/s group 70 (Full name of the teacher, telephone) (Full name of the teacher, telephone) Subject specialists work with us: I. GENERAL INFORMATION

Planning is the advance determination of the sequence of educational work, indicating necessary conditions, means, forms and methods. In our preschool to create

Activities Timeframe Responsible Ι. ADMINISTRATIVE WORK 1. Production meeting: “Organization of the summer health season in 2014 in accordance with the Recommendations for the organization of summer health

Daily routine In MBDOU kindergarten "Teremok" there is a flexible (multi-variant) daily routine, in which all routine moments can vary taking into account all kinds of non-standard situations, while maintaining

I. General provisions 1.1. The Regulations on project-thematic planning of educational activities in groups of MBDOU "Kindergarten 14 "Umka" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) were developed in accordance with the Federal Law

Educational area Social and communicative First half of the day Junior preschool age Morning reception of children, individual and subgroup conversations Assessment of the emotional mood of the group followed by

Daily organization of children's life and activities. The daily organization of children’s lives and activities is carried out taking into account: building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with

1. Explanatory note Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution"Kindergarten 22" is an organization providing public, free preschool education, carrying out

ROUTINE PROCESSES IN THE FIRST HALF OF THE DAY Reception of children 1. Communication between the teacher and children: individual conversations, games for communication and creating the mood in children. 2. Organization of independent activities of children:


ACCEPTED by the Pedagogical Council of the MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten 4 Municipal District"

Daily routine for young children MBDOU "Child Development Center Kindergarten 21" during the cold period of the year (September May) Regular processes early age group 1st junior group Reception of children. Independent game.

Approved: at teachers' council 1 dated 09/07/2016. Head of MBDOU d/s 18 Velikaya T.A. Curriculum Explanatory note Distribution of the volume of weekly educational load of MBDOU kindergarten 18 for 2016

PLAN schedule of intra-kindergarten control in a municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten 164 combined types 2014-2015 academic year SEPTEMBER Control issues Group equipment and readiness

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 4" ACCEPTED: at the pedagogical council "Kindergarten 4" Minutes 4 of 05.26.2016. Shulepova May 26, 2016 Summer wellness plan

1. General provisions. 1.1. These Internal Rules for pupils (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed on the basis Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On

Protection and promotion of children's health. The physical development and education of preschool children is a priority in the activities of preschool educational institutions, because the health of the child is the basis for the successful formation and development

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, a general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual direction of development of pupils 386, Chelyabinsk 454047

FINAL CONTROL “ORGANIZATION OF A DEVELOPMENTAL EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT IN KINDERGARTEN GROUPS” Purpose: to analyze the conditions for the development of a child as a subject of various types of activities. Type of control:

Taimyr municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Dudinsky kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the artistic and aesthetic direction

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, compensatory kindergarten 448, Chelyabinsk Approved at the meeting of the pedagogical council on August 29, 2014. protocol 1 I approve:

Secondary children's daily routine younger age MBDOU "Kindergarten 229" during the cold season (September May) Independent playground. Individual work with children. Artistic and speech training, labor training

Multi-age “Sun” for children from 3 to 5 years old, - senior “Rucheyok”, - multi-age “Rainbow” for children from 5 to 7 years. The academic year begins on September 1 and ends on May 31. Kindergarten is open

1 2.4. Ensure the unity of educational, training and development goals, as well as the objectives of the education process for preschool children. 2.5. Be built taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas

Regular moments in kindergarten The main routine moments of kindergarten: 1. Reception of children, examination, games, morning exercises 2. Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 3. Games and children's activities 4. Direct

Cyclogram of the teacher’s activity Early age Length of time in Options for the content of the teacher’s activity daily routine Solving educational problems in joint activities with an adult, in independent

1 CONTENTS 1. General provisions 2. Daily routine. Daily routine 3. Schedule of the educational process 4. Regulations of direct educational activities 5. Comprehensive thematic planning 2 GENERAL PROVISIONS

APPENDIX to the annual work plan of the joint venture GBOU secondary school 29 EDITION One of the priority areas of the state national project“Education” is improving the quality of education, health status

III. Evening block - lasting from 15.35-15.40 to 16.00-16.20 (depending on age) includes: - correctional work in an individual form; - free independent activity

Forms and methods of educational activities Educational area “Physical development” Goal: harmonious physical development; formation of interest and value attitude towards physical education classes

I approve: Head of MKDOU Savkinsky kindergarten Order 28 of 05.27.2015 / N.I. Pogorelova/ Long-term planning for the summer health period for 2015 Goal of work: Preservation and strengthening of physical

APPROVED by the Head of the Children's Educational Institution "Kindergarten of the village of Mayak" Yablokova M.A. Action plan for children's health senior group for the 2016-2017 academic year. Goal: strengthening and preserving children's health through expansion

Material and technical support and equipment of the educational process Material and technical support Programs Organization of educational activities in the institution contribute optimally

“Accepted” by the Pedagogical Council of the kindergarten “Solnyshko” - a branch of the MBDOU kindergarten “Golden Cockerel” Protocol 2 dated 0109-2014 “I approve” Head of the MBDOU kindergarten “Golden Cockerel” Bloshenko AM

The work of a kindergarten to introduce preschool children to a healthy lifestyle pptcloud.ru Creating ideas about a healthy lifestyle Main idea healthy image life is not formed with the help of individual

Regime for children in the early age group (age of children: 2-3 years) 7.00 8.00 Reception of children Communication with parents, joint games, reading fiction, errands, artistic and aesthetic activities

APPROVED by the Order of the head of the MDOU “Kindergarten of a combined type 12” in the village of Romanovka dated 08/17/2016 154 Appendix 2 to educational program MDOU Daily routine at MDOU "Combined kindergarten"

Shaklina V. A. Time Scheduled moments 1. Reception of children. Individual work of a teacher with children. Independent activity of children in developmental areas. Interaction with parents. 7.30-8.20

Analytical report on the results of operational control “Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution”

This material will be interesting and useful to senior teachers and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. This is an example of preparing an analytical report.

Analytical information
based on the results of operational control
“Organization of a walk in a preschool educational institution”

In accordance with the annual work plan of MADOU in the period from 24.11 to 05.12. In 2014, operational control was carried out.
Purpose of inspection: Increasing the effectiveness of the educational process by organizing a walk. Teachers’ compliance with children’s physical activity regime fresh air.
Questions for analysis:
1. Planning a walk
2. Development of self-service skills in children.
3. Availability of external material according to the season;
4. Organization of the motor mode of children during a walk;
5. Organization of gaming activities
6. Organization of observation of nature and weather conditions;
7. Organization of work activities for children during walks;
During the inspection it was revealed:
- The walking schedule is observed and implemented by teachers in accordance with the daily routine of each age group and weather conditions.
- All teachers are conscientious about planning outings. The plans indicate all types of children's activities during the walk. All groups have files of walks and observations in nature.
- Children of all groups have developed self-service skills appropriate to their age.
- All groups have a sufficient amount of take-away material according to the seasons.
- Teachers organize work activities. In the warm season, cleaning up garbage on the verandas; in winter, helping the teacher clear snow and build snow towns.
- Snow buildings have appeared at the group sites, and work is underway to equip ice slides.
- Group teachers organize feeding of wintering birds.
- The motor mode during the walk is generally observed. Based on weather conditions, teachers organize active and sedentary games. However, it was noted that in groups No. 9, 4, 5, 13, the organization of the motor regime requires more careful preparation teacher
- Conducting didactic games and role-playing games requires special attention from all teachers. It was not possible to see the role-playing games and individual work with children organized by teachers.
- Little attention is paid to developing children’s ideas about usefulness and expediency physical activity, attracting the attention of parents to this issue.
Disadvantages in organizing walks:
- There is no system in the sequence of organizing a walk; the structure of the walk is not always followed.
- The duration of physical activity in the fresh air does not comply with SanPin standards, because:
1) in all groups except No. 10 there is no walk in the afternoon;
2) teachers do not conduct physical education classes on the street;
3) no physical education activities are held.
Recommendations and suggestions:
1. To ensure optimal physical activity of children in the fresh air, teachers of all groups should organize walks in the afternoon.
Timing: constantly, depending on weather conditions

2. Teachers of all age groups conduct didactic games in accordance with thematic planning.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group teachers
3. Teachers should more carefully organize children’s work activities during walks.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: group teachers
4. All teachers should pay more attention to developing children’s ideas about the usefulness and appropriateness of physical activity, and attract the attention of parents to this issue.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: teachers of MADOU
5. Teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5,13 diversify the motor mode during walks, conduct active and sedentary games based on the age characteristics of the children.
Deadline: until the end of the academic year
Responsible: teachers of groups No. 9, 4, 5,13
6. Teachers of all age groups should guide children’s independent activities during walks, organize role-playing games using attributes and callout material.
Timing: constantly
Responsible: teachers of MADOU

Appendix 1.

Memo for teachers
“Conditions for properly organizing a walk”

1. Match the walking time to the group mode.
2. Planning a walk: topic and basic observation techniques, outdoor games, individual work with children, work assignments, organization of children’s free activities.
3. Organization of dressing and undressing of children.
4. The level of development of self-service skills in children corresponds to this age group.
5. Compliance with children’s motor patterns while walking.
6. Outdoor games and their number correspond to the age of the children.
7. Variety and sufficient amount of takeaway material.
8. Organization of observation: the topic of observation corresponds to the age of the children, the teacher uses various methods and techniques, the content aspect of observation is aimed at developing the cognitive activity of children.
9. The teacher’s use of educational and didactic games during joint and individual work with children.
10. Teacher guidance of children’s independent activities during a walk (organization of role-playing games).