What's new in the life of Stas Bondarenko today. Stanislav Bondarenko: about love, betrayal and a happy family

Forms of the name Stanikslav

Short form of the name Stanislav. Stas, Stanya, Stasya, Stasik, Stanislavka, Slava, Slavik, Stasha, Stenzel, Shtenzel, Stan. Synonyms for the name Stanislav. Stanistaus, Estanislau, Stanislas, Estanislao, Stanislao.

Short and diminutive options: Stas, Slava, Stanya, Slavunya, Slavusya, Stanislavka.

Patronymic names: Stanislavovich, Stanislavich, Stanislavovna, Stanislavna.

Name Stanislav in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 斯坦尼斯 (Sītǎn nísī). Japanese: スタニスラウス (Sutanisurausu). Korean: 스 태니 슬라 우스 (seu taeni seulla useu). Hindi: स्टेनिसलौस (Sṭēnisalausa). Ukrainian: Stanislav. Thai: สตานิสล (S̄ tā ni s̄l). English: Stanislaus (Stanislaus).

Origin of the name Stanislav

The name Stanislav is formed from the bases of the words “stan” (“to become”, “to be established”) and “slav” (“glory”), therefore it has various options translation - “became glorious”, “established glory”. The name was common in Poland, and then began to be used in Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus. Female form- Stanislava.

The diminutive address Slava is also a short form for many male (Beloslav, Bratislav, Vysheslav, Istislav, Ladislav, Danislav, etc.) and female (Beloslava, Voislava, Wenceslava, Dobroslava, Svetislava, etc.) names .

Character of Stanislav

Stanislav grows up as a very capricious child; he often shows intemperance and stubbornness in achieving his goals. He is a pretty kind boy, but his relationships with his peers do not work out. This is all due to his temper, stubbornness and bias. He can fight with boys and offend a girl. Stanislav can be rude and straightforward.

In childhood it is very active and emotional child. His name sounds quite soft, so he tends to act rude and firm. During adolescence, he can become a very conflicted boy and often start fights. It's all about his sensitivity and painful pride. At school, such boys usually have many problems with discipline and academic performance. But Stanislav can quickly make up for lost knowledge by showing determination and perseverance. He has an extraordinary sense of humor, which sometimes manifests itself in very caustic witticisms. But it’s better not to make fun of him, otherwise his pride may be hurt.

Stanislav is considered by many to be strange and eccentric because of his difference from the others. He doesn’t behave this way on purpose, he just has a very non-standard way of thinking. Because of his excitability, he should not drive a car.

Astrological characteristics of the name:

Color: light green, light red
Planet: Mercury
Stone-mascot: chrysoprase, malachite, jasper
Plant: narcissist
Animal: shepherd
Basic traits: intelligence, sexuality, sociability

Additional characteristics of the name Stanislav:

Vibration: 78,000 vibrations/s
Self-realization(character): 89%
Psyche: has rich inner world, feels an urgent need for communication
Health: Great, but be careful with alcohol.

Numerology of the name Stanislav

Those with the name number 2 are characterized by self-doubt, constant anxiety, belief in omens and even fatalism. “Twos”, as a rule, have a very fine mental organization; it is better not to disturb them or disturb them over trifles. They avoid any quarrels and disputes, avoid problems. However, “twos” are excellent team players. Any joint action, in a work team or in a family, comes easily to them and reveals all their greatest strengths. “Twos” are patient, but need a reliable environment. People with number 2 are usually excellent parents and educators.


Planet: Moon.
Element: Water, cold, damp.
Zodiac: .
Color: White, silver, light brown, yellowish, greenish (sea).
Day: Monday.
Metal: Silver.
Mineral: Selenite, marcasite, beryl, white coral.
Plants: Lily, water lily, cabbage, cornflower, melon, cucumber, calamus, pansy.
Animals: Owl, goose, duck, crab, toad, fallow deer.

The name Stanislav as a phrase

With Word
T Firm
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Ours, Yours)
AND AND (Union, Connect, Union, UNITY, One, Together, “Together with”)
With Word
L People
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
In Vedi

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Stanislav

Sexuality named Stanislav

Sexual life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness, and therefore, he believes, it should not be wasted. In Stanislav’s hierarchy of values, the ability to live a full-blooded sexual life, experiencing the fullness of sensual sensations, is given one of the first places. Sex for him is an excellent mystery, which he elevates almost to the level of a cult.

Stanislav loves emotional experiences in which not only the body is involved. Appreciating physical pleasure, he always craves something more. He receives complete satisfaction if he can plunge headlong into his experiences and sensations. His emotionality does not allow him to have several partners at the same time, he resists new hobbies and strives to remain faithful to one girlfriend for as long as possible.

“Winter” Stanislav is somewhat cold and reserved compared to “summer”; he is capable of being a good partner only for very few women. Those around him admire him, but know little about him, since he keeps to himself.

“Summer” Stanislav is a generous person, loved by everyone, spends money left and right, loves to show off his generosity in front of a woman.

“Autumn” Stanislavs often experience in their youth the tragedy of unrequited love, which remains in their memory for a long time and greatly interferes with their relationships with other women.

Stanislav is proud in everything that concerns his own success. He marries for love, but there is always some calculation in his choice. Short-term meetings with other women, as a rule, pass without a trace and have practically no effect on his married life. His intimate life always hidden from prying eyes, he doesn’t like to talk about sex.

The meaning of the name Stanislav for life

Stanislav s young age mentally unbalanced, flares up unexpectedly, in situations where there is no reason for it, and is completely calm when openly challenged. The fact is that a person with this name does not always react correctly to the current situation. He can take praise with sarcasm seriously, but in a cautious, kind joke he is ready to see almost an insult, a dirty trick. Stanislav is stubborn and unrestrained, straightforward and daring. He is often biased, does not know how to admit mistakes, his guilt, he can even offend a woman with a harsh word if his pride is hurt. Easily vulnerable, distrustful. Be careful in choosing a spouse. Stanislav meets with many women, but he is not completely sincere with any of them, and treats their feelings with suspicion. If he does not marry his first love, then he will not marry very soon. He is a little clumsy in courtship, and can be funny when he proposes. Most often he marries a timid, flexible woman, fearing that he will not get along with a domineering and capricious woman. However, he makes a mistake in his choice. A domineering and capricious woman is really not his woman, but a timid, resigned woman is also not suitable for him. Over time, he realizes that he needs an energetic, cheerful, cheerful wife with a strong character. And if she meets one, she throws herself headlong into the pool of love. Then only a miracle can stop him, not allow him to leave his family. Stanislav loves children, but even they cannot force him to give up his long-awaited happiness. Moreover, he still does not forget the children.

Meaning of the name Stanislav for sex

Sex life for Stanislav is an inexhaustible source of joy and happiness. In the hierarchy of values, the ability to live a full-blooded sexual life, experiencing the fullness of sensual sensations, is given one of the first places. Sex for him is an excellent mystery, which he elevates almost to the level of a cult. Stanislav loves emotional experiences in which not only the body is involved. Appreciating physical pleasure, he always craves something more. He receives complete satisfaction if he can plunge headlong into his experiences and sensations. His emotionality does not allow him to have several partners at the same time; he resists new hobbies and strives, as far as possible, to remain faithful to one girlfriend. “Winter” Stanislav is somewhat cold and reserved compared to “summer”; he is capable of being a good partner only for a few women. “Autumn” Stanislavs often in their youth experience the tragedy of unrequited love, which remains in their memory for a long time, which greatly hinders them in relationships with women.

Compatibility of the name Stanislav and patronymic

Stanislav Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Valentinovich, Vasilyevich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ivanovich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Sergeevich, Fedorovich, Yuryevich is quick-tempered and unpredictable. He easily offends anyone, which he later regrets. Unsure of himself, timid and indecisive in relationships with women. He is inclined to be overweight, and at a young age he becomes obese, which affects his relationships with the weaker sex. He marries early, usually to a school friend soon after graduating from school, or late, already in mature age. In the first case, the marriage is stable and prosperous, but hardly happy. His wife, who did not have time to receive a decent education due to the early appearance of children, household chores and worries about her spouse, soon ceases to interest him. He certainly achieves certain successes in his professional life and can leave the family when he meets a woman equal to his position in society. And it’s better not to disturb him. With her, he will gain self-confidence, become cheerful, his pride will no longer be as wounded as it was before. Left with his first wife, he might break down and start drinking. If Stanislav marries late, then the marriage is more successful and he is not in danger of divorce. Stanislav is a good owner, a loving father and a reliable husband. Raises children in strictness, gives them good education, develops physically. Stanislav himself takes up boxing or wrestling in his youth, and tries to get his sons interested in these sports.

Stanislav Aleksandrovich, Arkadyevich, Borisovich, Vadimovich, Grigorievich, Kirillovich, Nikitich, Pavlovich, Maksimovich, Romanovich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich, Yakovlevich energetic, temperamental, restless. Self-confident, proud and selfish. He loves women very much, often gets carried away, but quickly cools down, not caring too much about how the women he abandoned experience it. Such a Stanislav marries late, always for love, although calculation is always present. He needs a woman who is temperamental, without prejudice in intimate relationships, affectionate and kind, but always smart, energetic, capable of becoming an assistant and support in professional activities. Her appearance is also important. And, oddly enough, he manages to find one, and the marriage turns out quite well. Divorce is very rare for such a Stanislav and can only happen on the basis of sexual incompatibility. He is harsh with children, but loves them immensely. Tries to provide for the family so that the children do not need anything.

Stanislav Bogdanovich, Vilenovich, Vladislavovich, Vyacheslavovich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yanovich, Yaroslavovich - an impulsive person, but he knows how to manage his emotions. Purposeful, independent, freedom-loving. He cannot be in the role of a subordinate, but it is also difficult to withstand such a Stanislav in the role of a leader. It is impossible for him to guess, his mood is changeable, and his desires are fickle. Because of this, he is often considered an eccentric. Closed, overly vulnerable and secretive. In relationships with women he is cold and reserved. However, his secrecy attracts lovers of the unknown to him, who, encountering his iron restraint, often feel deceived and are overcome by the desire to avenge their defeat. Therefore, rumors often circulate around such a Stanislav that he is afraid of women and the reason is his low potency. This is completely false. He is an inexhaustible source of sexual pleasure, you just need to give him the opportunity to open up, assure him of the sincerity of his feelings, and instill in him faith in himself. Stanislav is a good family man, he takes a thorough approach to improving his life, material security family and raising children. Stable and reliable in marriage. As a rule, he marries a balanced, intelligent and outwardly attractive woman. If there is a calculation in his choice, it is not for material reasons. He needs a friend, a like-minded person and an assistant in business. Stanislav is not picky in everyday life; he can be content with sandwiches. However, he vitally needs peace in the family, a sense of stability and confidence in the future.

Stanislav Antonovich, Arturovich, Valerievich, Germanovich, Glebovich, Denisovich, Leonidovich, Lvovich, Mironovich, Olegovich, Ruslanovich, Semenovich, Filippovich, Emmanuilovich is good-natured and sympathetic, but stubbornness and nervousness prevent him from communicating with others. Intemperance manifests itself too often and in harsh forms. He does not think about the fact that he offends his neighbor and looks unsightly at the same time. Freedom-loving, does not tolerate dependence, does not tolerate any restrictions, resists any coercion or pressure. Conflict-bearing, an avid debater. This Stanislav himself is not happy with his character, every time he promises himself that he will be restrained, but he constantly breaks down. Proud, vain, with a high opinion of himself. With age, he manages to re-educate himself, but at the cost of heart disease, even a heart attack. It is difficult for such a Stanislav to get married. No woman suits him or likes him so much that he wants to connect his life with her. However, he has plenty of sexual partners. But if he marries, then his wife is an ideal woman: patient, forgiving, generous and immensely devoted to him. Stanislav’s marriage is strong, his family is friendly. The wife feels confident and reliable with Stanislav and believes that she is lucky to have her husband. Stanislav is strongly attached to his family, everything he does is aimed at satisfying the interests of his family, material wealth and improvement of life. The children are a little afraid of him, but they respect him and love him very much.

Stanislav Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Veniaminovich, Vladlenovich, Dmitrievich, Markovich, Naumovich, Nikolaevich, Rostislavovich, Stanislavovich, Stepanovich, Feliksovich - a man with a broad, generous soul. Luck always accompanies him, but due to his character, he often misses a lucky chance and then takes years to achieve what fell into his hands. He is loved by everyone, sociable, has a cheerful disposition, although he is overly hot-tempered. He moves away quickly and knows how to laugh at his own lack of restraint. However, he has much more advantages: he is a loyal, reliable friend, sympathetic and sensitive. He is not greedy, spends money without regret, loves to show off in front of women, to amaze them with his exquisite taste, generosity and attention. This Stanislav does not know defeat, never experiences the tragedy of unrequited love. No woman can resist him. Stanislav has plenty of novels. He marries for love, and is not capable of recklessness in such a serious matter as marriage. Having started a family, Stanislav becomes balanced; short-term meetings with other women do not affect his married life in any way, mean little to him and pass without a trace. Stanislav loves children, although he is strict with them.

Characteristics of the name Stanislav according to P. Rouge

Character: 89%

Radiation: 95%

Vibration: 78,000 vibrations/s

Color: violet.

Main features: receptivity - sexuality - sociability - intelligence.

Type: men bearing the name Stanislav are secretive, indecisive, with a difficult character. Cholerics who are constantly in a state of boiling - as soon as one cycle passes, another approaches. They value only the pleasant aspects of life.

Psyche: such people need communication, although they themselves live a rich inner life. They are not influenced by others and are often simply stubborn.

Will: predominates over other character traits, but manifests itself too selectively. It happens that these people skimp on their responsibilities in order to completely devote themselves to some secondary hobbies.

Imagination: serves them only to tell in all colors about their real or imaginary adventures.

Reaction speed: high. They love to contradict favorite word-"No". They react calmly to failures, do not get angry, do not see their own fault, believing that others are to blame for their failures.

Activity: There is a huge difference between what they want to do and what they tell everyone about, and what they actually do.

Intuition: borders on prescience, although these people are guided more by reason than by sixth sense.

Intelligence: strong, but somewhat superficial. They are prone to generalizations and solve the problem as a whole, without going into details. They love to give speeches and reports.

Susceptibility: they use the word “mine”, “my wife”, “my car”, “my house” too often... They are somewhat despotic, they believe that everything around them belongs to them. Family is of great importance to them.

Moral: behave cautiously. But still, these men are not very reliable. They are opportunists who adapt to circumstances.

Health: Surprisingly excellent. However, they should not forget about the liver and therefore should not abuse alcohol. Possible allergy to antibiotics.

Sexuality: They have unlimited needs, they are always ready to enter into a love affair to put out their heat. In sexual life, which is always very stormy and begins early, they go straight to the goal, which often ends in trouble.

Field activities: can be traders, mining engineers, farmers, military doctors, veterinarians. They like to be in the thick of life; they choose a profession without any problems, since from a young age they know what they want.

Sociability: They are cheerful conversationalists and love to eat delicious food with friends.

Additionally: these men do everything for their own comfort, they are looking for an easy and pleasant life, they are also too self-confident, and in general they are very nice and sweet people.

Stanislav and pets

Stanislav loves his family and is ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of his children. More often, at the request of children, he gets pets, but he can become very attached to a pet and begin to take care of it himself and very seriously. He loves big and strong dogs, shepherds and bulldogs. He trains them professionally, attends a kennel club, and fulfills all the instructions of specialists.

It is better for Stanislav to give dogs the following nicknames: Naida, Ariston, Stone, Harold, Gerda, Geophant, Count, Adele.

Famous people with the name Stanislav

Stanisław II August Poniatowski ((1732 - 1798) Count Poniatowski, the last Polish king and Grand Duke Lithuanian (1764 - 1795), one of the favorites of the future Russian empress Catherine II)
Stanislav I Leszczynski ((1677 - 1766) King of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania in 1704 - 1709 and 1733 - 1734, and then the last Duke of Lorraine in 1737 - 1766)
Stanislaw "Revera" Potocki ((1579 - 1667) Polish statesman and military leader, commander)
Stanislav Vaupshasov (intelligence officer, Hero of the USSR (1899 - 1976))
Stanislav Govorukhin (film director, politician (born 1936))
Stanislaw Lem (Polish science fiction writer, author of the books “Solaris”, “Star Diaries”, etc. (born 1921))
Stanislav Rostotsky ((1922 - 2001) film director, his films: “We’ll Live Until Monday”, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, etc.)
Stanislav Sadalsky (Soviet and Russian actor; Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Georgia and People's Artist of Chuvashia)
Stanislav Grof ((born 1931) American psychologist and psychiatrist of Czech origin, Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine, founder of transpersonal psychology, one of the pioneers in the study of altered states of consciousness for treatment, growth and self-knowledge of a person)
Stanislaw Jerzy Lec ((1909 - 1966) outstanding Polish poet, philosopher, satirist, and aphorist of the 20th century)
Count Stanislav Potocki ((1782 – 1831) Russian commander of the Napoleonic wars, major general, adjutant general, privy councilor)
Stanislaw Jan Jablonowski ((1634 - 1702) famous Polish commander. When the Swedes besieged Krakow in 1655, Jablonowski managed to save the regalia of the Polish kings from being captured by enemies and thus prevent the Swedish king from placing the Polish crown on his head.)
Stanislav Szczepanovsky, Stanislav of Krakow ((1030 - 1079) Bishop of Krakow, ranked Catholic Church to the holy martyrs)
Stanislaw Witkiewicz (Polish writer, artist (1885 - 1939))
Stanislas Wawrinka (Swiss tennis player, Olympic champion 2008 in doubles (with Roger Federer), one of the leaders of the Swiss team in the Davis Cup)
Stanislav Belkovsky (Russian political scientist, founder and director of the Institute of National Strategy (INS), former director of the Council for National Strategy)
Stanislav Churkin ((1937 - 2005) actor, deacon of the Russian Orthodox Church)
Stanislav Babyuk ((born 1935) Moldovan artist)
Stanislav Bogush (Ukrainian football goalkeeper)
Stanislav Aydinyan (art critic, poet, prose writer, journalist)
His Eminence Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz ((born 1939) Polish cardinal and curial dignitary, Archbishop of Krakow since June 3, 2005, previously was personal secretary Pope John Paul II)
Stanislav Donets (famous Russian swimmer, two-time world champion 2010 in short course, European champion 2010 in the 200 m backstroke, ten-time European champion in short course; world champion 2008 and world vice-champion 2010 in the medley relay in short events swimming pools)
Stanislav Duhon ((born 1927) Czech oboist)
Stanislav Khoteev (Russian football player)
Stanislav Rapolionis (Rapagelanus; cultural figure and Lutheran Church, teacher. Doctor of Theology, professor at the University of Königsberg, author of theological works and lectures in Latin (1485 - 1545))
Stanislav Rassadin ((born 1935) literary critic, literary critic, belongs to the galaxy of “sixties” (a social movement that appeared during the years of Khrushchev’s “thaw”). It is believed that it was he who introduced the term “sixties”
Stanislav Neuhaus ((1927 - 1980) Soviet pianist and teacher)
Stanislav Olefir ((born 1938) Soviet and Russian writer, member of the Russian Writers' Union, Olefir's books are dedicated to the nature and life of the Far North)
Stanislav Sorel ((1803 - 1871) French engineer. Sorel applied for a patent 1837-05-10 for a “galvanic” method of protecting iron from rust, either by coating it in a bath of molten zinc or by coating it with so-called “galvanic paint.” This invention was the forerunner of modern hot-dip galvanizing. In 1866, Sorel invented it. new look cement by combining magnesium oxide and magnesium chloride (the so-called magnesium binder). This binder had high adhesion to other materials. Sorel cement was intended for the production of whetstones, tiles, artificial stone, cast floors, and even artificial ivory (for example, for billiard balls). But low water resistance and high corrosion activity make it unsuitable for wide application in construction.)
Stanislav Plutenko (contemporary artist, in 1997 Plutenko received the prestigious Golden Brush award)
Stanislav Kovalev (Russian figure skater in men's singles skating)
Stanislav Solovyov (professor, full member of the Academy of Shipbuilding Sciences of Ukraine, head of the Department of Marine Engineering Technology at NUS, writer)
Stanislav Matsura ((born 1946) Czech conductor, founded the annual Autumn Festival of Sacred Music in Olomouc in 1994, is its head)

Stanislav Bondarenko, whose wife recently gave birth to a daughter, in life corresponds to the image of a hero-lover. He had many affairs, but not all of them were destined to end in marriage. Who was the lucky girl to whom the famous Russian actor gave his hand and heart?

Stanislav Bondarenko: actor’s wife

Stanislav Bondarenko, known for the TV series “Talisman of Love”, “Anka from Moldavanka”, “The Four Seasons of Summer”, was married twice. And although the second chosen one has not yet heard from him a marriage proposal, their destinies were united by something more - the birth of a common child.

Stas Bondarenko met his first wife, Yulia Chiplieva, while still a student at GITIS. The young Bondarenko immediately liked Yulia. In order not to miss his happiness, he asked her for her phone number and called her several times.

Then, by an absurd accident, the number was lost, but after 8 years fate brought them together again. At that time, Yulia Chiplieva was studying at the Moscow Financial Academy, and Stanislav Bondarenko had already played in more than one film story. This time he couldn’t afford to lose Yulia, so he spent a whole month trying to get a first date.

As a result of persistent courtship, at the end of 2008 the couple legalized their marriage, and in November 2009 their son Mark was born. After a happy 7 years together, they divorced. The reason for the separation was Stas’s new hobby - model and actress Irina Antonenko, with whom he played in the film “The Golden Cage”.

It is known that after the breakup, Chipliev and Bondarenko saved their marriage for the sake of their son. friendly relations and equally participate in his upbringing. Yulia, while still married, graduated from GITIS and began acting career, which, in order to keep up with her ex-husband, continues today. Judging by Yulia’s Instagram, the main and the only man her son remains in her life for now.

Irina Antonenko (former Miss Russia), who broke Chiplieva’s family happiness, failed to take her place. She suffered the same fate as her rival. The actor’s next chosen one was another woman, Aurika Alekhina, with whom he was brought together by an unusual hobby.

In 2016, Stanislav Bondarenko, whose personal life was heatedly discussed, became interested in motocross. In his coach’s account, he noticed a photo of Alekhina, which amazed him on the spot.

The couple has already celebrated New Year 2017 together. Then there was magical holiday in Vietnam and a sea of ​​posts from Bondarenko about his emerging love. Their romance developed so rapidly that at the end of 2017 their daughter Alexia was born.

It is reliably known about Aurika herself that she comes from Norilsk. After graduating from the Faculty of Management in Kursk, she moved to Moscow. After a while, she founded ANGELOV BAR, which she manages and partially owns. In addition to success in business, she made a career as a model.

Now Bondarenko-Alekhina’s family lives in a spacious apartment in one of Moscow’s new buildings. There is no talk about the wedding yet. Why, if they are already happy?

Stanislav Bondarenko: children

In 2018, actor Stanislav Bondarenko turned 33 years old. For the first time he became a father at the age of 24, and the second time at 32. Despite the fact that his children appeared thanks to 2 different women, the actor loves his heirs equally.

Bondarenko's eldest child, son Mark, was born on November 11, 2009. On at the moment he studies at a humanities school.

And although the boy’s list of school interests includes only history and literature, he has already managed to appear on the TV screen. Together with his father, he starred in the melodrama “Bring Back My Love” (2014), where he appeared in the child image of the main character, Vlad Orlov.

His mother, Yulia Chiplieva, was not enthusiastic about her son’s first screen test. Contrary to her ex-husband’s desire to make Mark an actor, she is sure that a completely different future awaits him. During one of the interviews, she even said that she contacted a numerologist about this. And he saw Mark’s future as a brilliant political, rather than theatrical, career.

The divorce of his parents did not in any way affect the relationship between Mark and his father. Despite the fact that Bondarenko has another family, the doors of his apartment are always open for his eldest son.

In his early years, Mark was active on Instagram under the username marchello_bond. Judging by the publications, he enjoys swimming, tennis, football, computer games and going to cafes. But most of all in life he loves his parents. This is evidenced by one of the photographs with the caption “Those were the old days,” where he, his mom and dad are still a family.

Bondarenko’s second child, daughter Alexia, was also born in November - only on the 10th of 2017 at 9:50 am, a day later than his first-born Mark. On the same day, the happy father himself announced this, posting on Instagram his first post with the newborn and a warm declaration of love for Aurika.

The baby’s mother also did not stay away from the discussion of this event and posted a photo of her daughter’s tag. The girl was born healthy, weighing a little more than 3 kg and 50 cm tall. She has not yet been baptized, and it is also unknown who will become the couple’s godmothers.

The baby, of course, does not yet maintain accounts on social networks, like her older brother. But thanks to her parents, who are constantly sharing her photos with followers, fans of the star family have already dubbed her “daddy’s copy.” Stas even created a separate microblog for his daughter’s sake and regularly updates it with new footage from his father’s life.

Even after the birth of Alexia, Stanislav Bondarenko and his son are still inseparable. In the winter of 2018, when Alexia was barely a few months old, the couple flew off to vacation in Bali. Judging by the posts, Mark, whom his dad taught to surf, was also with them.

These are Bondarenko’s wives and children. Someone may accuse him of inconstancy and love of love, casting doubt on his current alliance with Alekhine. But one thing is clear: he will definitely not abandon his children, no matter how his relationship with their mother develops.

Stanislav is a sonorous and beautiful name. It gives its owner activity, perseverance and sociability. But from time to time such a man may show excessive selfishness and excessive willfulness.

Origin of the name

The name Stanislav is of Polish origin and consists of two stems: “stan” (“to become”, “to establish”) and “slav” (“glory”, “fame”). Translated, it means “to become glorious”, “to gain glory.”

Forms named after Stanislav

Short name forms:

  • Stas;
  • Glory;
  • Stanya;
  • Stasyan.

The short form Slava, like one of the bases of the word “slav”, makes this name similar to many others: Vyacheslav, Yaroslav, Svyatoslav, etc.

Diminutive forms:

  • Stanislavka;
  • Stanislavushka;
  • Stasechek;
  • Stanislavchik;
  • Stasik;
  • Stasechka;
  • Stasyushka;
  • Stasenka.

When writing poems about a man with this name, you can use the following rhymes: Stanislav - alloy, temperament, crafty, curly; Stas - bass, hour, voice, pegasus, story.

Photo gallery: name forms

Stanislav - full form name
Stas - the most common short form of the name Stasik - one of the variants of affectionate address to Stanislav

IN Orthodox calendar There is no name Stanislav. Such boys are most often baptized Stachys, Stefans or Vyacheslavs.

Transliteration of the name for a foreign passport is STANISLAV.

The patronymics formed from this name are Stanislavovich and Stanislavovna.

The Stanislavovichs are kind, but principled. Men with such a middle name are reasonable, reliable and flexible. The Stanislavovnas are charming, impressionable and responsive. Such women seem infantile, but they have a will of steel.

Table: name options in different languages

The following patronymics harmoniously combine with the name Stanislav:

  • Alexandrovich;
  • Valerievich;
  • Dmitrievich;
  • Leonidovich;
  • Sergeevich.
  • stasik;
  • stan;
  • stas;
  • s.tanislav;
  • st_as.

Characteristics and influence of the name

Positive traits of Stanislav:

  • leadership qualities;
  • strong-willed character;
  • the desire to achieve the desired goal at any cost;
  • selflessness and devotion;
  • willingness to provide help and support to a loved one.

Negative qualities:

  • secrecy;
  • reticence;
  • touchiness;
  • stubbornness;
  • excessive self-criticism.

Stasik in childhood

Little Stasik is a friendly and cheerful boy who willingly makes contact with everyone. True, the attitude towards the world around him depends on his mood. He is capricious and demanding, easily manipulating his parents to achieve what he wants. This child is vulnerable, any comments addressed to him can drive the baby into hysterics.

Stas is difficult to educate; he tries in any way to attract the attention of others. But parents should not consider their son a selfish and capricious child. Behind his rebellion lies a struggle with himself and a desire to become stronger and more self-confident.

As a child, Stasik is capricious and demanding

Stasik's studies are satisfactory; he finds it easy to learn exact sciences, he readily answers teachers’ questions. Good grades do not motivate a boy to study harder. He is interested in other activities: sports, games, model building. Little Stanislav is very talented, he has good hearing and acting abilities.

Stas the Teenager

The transitional age is extremely difficult for Stanislav. He is energetic and constantly fights for justice, sometimes using brute force. This guy prefers to make friends much older than himself, but often this is to Stas’s detriment. Due to the lack of attention from his parents, imaginary comrades can easily drag him into big troubles.

Youth is a difficult period for Stas

The young owner of this name is resourceful and loves to make fun of others. In his jokes, he most often makes fun of human shortcomings, and does it in a rather rude manner. Stanislav is extremely hostile to such witticisms addressed to him. If this guy doesn't reconsider his priorities, he could become a real bully, a real threat to society. Stubbornness and self-will prevent him from establishing relationships with other people. Due to his explosive nature, Stas makes many mistakes.

Despite everything, Stanislav is an optimistic and sympathetic guy. He has a rich imagination and a good-natured disposition. This young man never puts his true feelings on display, fearing lies and betrayal. He is not upset by failures; on the contrary, defeats temper him and make him stronger. Stas is always proud and pleased with himself. He prefers independence and freedom in everything.

The influence of a name on the character and fate of an adult man

According to Boris Khigir, Stanislav is a rude, arrogant and stubborn man who does not admit his mistakes. But complex character does not prevent him from being virtuous, helping and supporting others. This may attract selfish people to him. The owner of this name has many oddities that society often considers eccentricities. This feature can bring Stas the glory of a braggart and a troublemaker.

Stanislav, one of my former employees, was known among his colleagues and those with whom he encountered just as Boris Khigir describes the owner of this name, an eccentric and a troublemaker. He could easily leave work and spend several hours on his folding bed, citing the search for inspiration. This man believed that his tasks and requests should always be paramount, because he deals with truly important things, and others are nonsense. The bosses and employees put up with these characteristics of Stas thanks to his professionalism and charm.

According to Higir, Stanislav can show excessive arrogance and incredible stubbornness

Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima believe that such a name gives its owner hot temper and energy. He cannot be called overly active, but such a man is not lacking in perseverance. Another feature of Stanislav is his wit, which is sometimes too harsh and merciless towards other people.

Pierre Rouget claims that Stas is a closed and insecure man. He has a rich inner world. The owner of this name is stubborn, it is impossible to convince him of anything. If someone tries to impose their own opinion on him, he may respond with undisguised irritation. Stanislav is often cruel and rude to others. Likes to appropriate other people's merits and demonstrate his superiority. Loves luxury, strives to get the best from life. Such a man is not without cunning and cunning, which is perhaps why he wins in any situation.

Talents and hobbies

Stanislav loves books. Sometimes he just immerses himself in reading. Fantastic stories, adventures, plots of the struggle between good and evil fascinate him. This man also loves to spend time with friends and family. Stas constantly needs communication, loneliness depresses him.

Stanislav loves to read

Stanislav's career and business

Erudition and the ability to adapt to any circumstances help Stanislav achieve success in any field. But he prefers professions that allow him to fully develop creativity. True, the owner of this name will cope well with monotonous work.

For Stas, material reward is not as important as receiving pleasure from the work done. Therefore, if the chosen profession turns out to be profitable, but does not satisfy him morally, most likely the man will change it to something more interesting activity. Stanislav is full of different ideas and is ready to experiment. He does not want to depend on anyone and considers himself the main link, without which the company will not succeed.

Stas prefers creative professions; he can become good photographer or a journalist

As a boss, the owner of this name is demanding and tyrannical. It is difficult to please him, since Stas's mood can change several times a day. This man is inclined to devote himself completely to work, and he demands the same attitude from his subordinates. He is often unrestrained, despotic, and does not forgive anyone’s mistakes. In a fit of anger, he becomes uncontrollable.

Freedom-loving and independent Stanislav can open his own business, but his pride and selfishness can destroy all plans at one moment. Such a man prefers to make decisions on his own, while he pursues only personal goals, which ultimately leads to big losses.


Stanislav is not in good health. He is vulnerable to colds and infectious diseases. To strengthen the immune system, a man should healthy image life, watch your diet, avoid drafts and hypothermia. The owner of such a name tends to work a lot, and the lack of proper rest leads to nervous disorders.

It is important for Stanislav to adhere to a healthy lifestyle

Stanislav in love and marriage

Stanislav is accustomed to independence; he values ​​his freedom. Such a man does not want to take responsibility, preferring short-term relationships. Although his charm and good-natured disposition does not leave girls indifferent. The owner of this name is too passionate about himself and his interests. But still, if Stas truly falls in love, he will become a reliable shoulder for his beloved.

To attract Stas's attention, a woman must be patient, multifaceted, delicate and wise. His chosen one needs to support the man in everything and sincerely rejoice at his achievements. Praise from the chosen one makes the bearer of this name more self-confident and motivates him to achieve new goals.

Stanislav needs a calm and flexible wife

Stanislav can marry his first love, but such a marriage is unlikely to last. In adulthood, this man will choose a calm and flexible woman, capable of pleasing her husband in everything. The marriage of the owner of this name ends in divorce not because of his complex nature, but because of infidelity. The owner of this name’s feelings flare up very quickly, but cool down just as quickly. And Stas will not live with an unloved woman, even for the sake of having children together.

For this man, family is another opportunity to realize himself. In public, he plays the role of a caring and loving husband and father, but in reality Stas is extremely demanding and tough. If something does not suit him, he is able to arrange it loud scandal. This person sets clear personal boundaries that he does not allow his wife or children to violate. Stanislav's wife must realize that her husband's independence and love of freedom will not disappear even after decades of marriage.

Table: compatibility with female names

NameCompatibility in loveMarriage CompatibilityFeatures of relationships
Olga60% 70% In this union, harmonious relationships are established. The partners have a lot in common and enjoy spending time together. Despite Stanislav and Olga's temper, their marriage bonds are strong and unbreakable.
Anna70% 60% The flexible and prudent Anna is condescending towards her husband’s shortcomings. Stanislav does not try to teach and remake the girl for himself. Mutual understanding reigns in their family.
Elena80% 20% Passionate and charming, Elena strives to be the center of everyone's attention. This irritates the jealous Stanislav. Due to endless quarrels and scandals, they quickly break up.
Julia50% 80% One can only envy the relationships of these people. Partners understand each other perfectly. There is no place for quarrels in their house; Stas and Yulia are ready to give in and seek compromises. Their union is usually strong and durable.
Anastasia80% 40% Stanislav is an independent and freedom-loving man; he does not want to take into account the opinion of his chosen one. Anastasia, on the other hand, tends to show leadership qualities and control her partner in everything. Such relationships do not last long.
Tatiana70% 40% Calm Tatyana strives to get to know her partner as best as possible. She is attracted by Stas's good-natured disposition and sense of humor. But the man is unnerved by the girl’s indecisiveness, and she lacks care and attention from her lover.
Catherine100% 40% For such people, it is not so much romance that is important as exciting adventures, the joint implementation of common ideas and plans. Their relationship is not devoid of passion, it’s just that this is not the main thing in the lives of Stanislav and Catherine.
Natalia60% 30% Stanislav gallantly looks after Natalya and gives her original gifts. Partners strive for vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. But routine and everyday life can destroy their union.
Maria80% 90% This woman is perfect for Stanislav. Maria is smart, flexible, she will not limit her loved one in his interests and hobbies. Such a union promises them a happy family future.
Irina100% 60% The relationship of this couple is built solely on friendship. Partners completely trust each other, they have similar views and beliefs. Together they overcome all obstacles and achieve their desired goals.
Svetlana90% 50% This union brings together two creative personalities who always have something to talk about and discuss. Stas and Sveta get along well with each other, and regular violent outbursts of emotions only provoke and inspire them.
Hope60% 40% Such an alliance is shaky and unstable. The purposeful and responsible Nadezhda is annoyed by the frivolity and selfishness of Stanislav, who does not want to take responsibility and make important decisions.
Victoria100% 40% They shine in public and are considered a strong and happy couple. But in reality everything is completely different. Stanislav and Victoria often break off relations due to financial difficulties.
Xenia90% 60% Such people study each other for a long time before getting married. Only when they are completely confident in their choice do Stanislav and Ksenia decide to create a family in which both will be loved and happy.
Evgenia50% 30% Stas and Zhenya value their freedom, they are stubborn and independent, constantly conflict with each other, proving that they are right. Frequent showdowns do not lead to anything good; the couple usually decides to separate.
Daria60% 90% Daria is a modest girl who bewitches Stanislav at first sight. They have a harmonious relationship, filled with love, care and mutual understanding. Such a marriage is concluded once and for life.

The meaning of each letter of the name

C - desire to achieve financial well-being to live your life in luxury and not deny yourself anything. Strict and demanding, do not forgive mistakes. There are two of these letters in the name Stanislav, and one of them is the first, so the influence of such a sign is enhanced.

T - creativity, resourcefulness, versatility. They do everything to turn their ideas into reality.

A - activity, leadership, energy. Active creators in all areas of life. Due to the fact that there are two letters “A” in the name, their influence doubles.

N - critical thinking, pickiness in choosing friends. Lead a healthy lifestyle. Conscientious and diligent workers.

And - subtle connoisseurs of beauty. They carefully think through their image and take care of their appearance. They can be harsh and arrogant, and because of this, relationships with others deteriorate.

L - extraordinary personalities, have their own vision of beauty. They are versatile and have a rich imagination.

B - emotionality, responsiveness, interest, optimism, vanity.

The name Stanislav consists of nine letters, which means that such a man loves luxury and an idle lifestyle. His casual aristocratic manners and ability to subtly sense the situation make Stas extremely attractive to girls.

Table: name matches

StoneMalachiteThe personification of life energy. It is believed that malachite can bring good luck. An amulet made from this stone improves oratory abilities and harmonizes relationships with other people.
ColorGreenSuccessful and financially secure people. At the same time, finances play a secondary role in their lives. They love silence. They spend their free time outdoors with friends and family. They quickly forget the unpleasant moments of life. Failures strengthen them and give them strength.
Number2 Reasonable and pragmatic people. Responsive, sincere and sociable. Conscientious workers who always do their job well. They often reach great heights in their careers.
PlanetUranusCreative, freedom-loving, resourceful and fickle people. Sometimes they can be overly persistent.
ElementWaterThey trust their inner instinct, which never lets them down. In any circumstances they remain the winner. Creative individuals strive to realize as many of their ideas as possible. They can violently show dissatisfaction and are easily angered.
AnimalCamelA symbol of endurance, power and perseverance, but at the same time - arrogance and lust for power. A figurine of a pair of camels, each with one hump on its back, attracts wealth to the family. A pair of Bactrians helps to gain wealth and achieve success.
Zodiac signTwinsThese people are characterized by duality. Their actions often depend on their mood. This spoils relationships with others, but it makes them more resistant to failure. They cannot stand loneliness and need regular communication with family and friends.
TreeAshThe personification of youth, prosperity and vitality. This tree can guide a person on the right path. It is believed that ash opens the gift of divination. True, an amulet made from such wood will be useless for those who pursue evil goals.
PlantNarcissusA symbol of selfishness and pride. At the same time, this flower is the personification of fertility, spring and eternal youth. They believe that the narcissist is able to restore happy relationships in the family.
MetalSilverA symbol of purity, prosperity, eternal youth and peace. This metal clears the mind of negative thoughts and absorbs bad emotions. Silver can warn of various ailments. If a chain, ring or talisman begins to change its color, you should pay attention to the state of your health.
Auspicious dayMonday
Time of yearWinter
Important years of life15, 23, 35

When was Stanislav born?

Stanislav, who was born in winter, is prudent, reasonable, silent and imperturbable. This man lives in his own fantasy world. He is very attractive to the fair sex. In the team and among friends he acts as an authority and a role model. People around him listen to his advice.

Winter Stanislav is calm and calm

Vesenny Stas is in a continuous struggle for championship. He considers himself impeccable, beyond any competition. For such a man, only his own interests are important, he is not interested in the desires of others. Even in a relationship with a woman, he shows gallantry only until he receives what he needs from a beautiful person.

Vesenny Stanislav is selfish and narcissistic

Stanislav, who was born in one of summer days, sociable, responsive and charming. He is able to adapt to any company, while feeling comfortable. Honors friendship and is incapable of betrayal. Such a man is a pleasant conversationalist, he is always ready to listen and give good advice.

Summer Stas is charming and sociable

Autumn Stas is a modest, vulnerable and insecure man. He is very easy to offend, he experiences betrayal for a long time. Often cannot solve problems on their own, usually needs advice from family and friends. It is difficult for him to find a common language with women. Soft, friendly and discreet.

Autumn Stanislav is quiet and vulnerable

Table: name horoscope

Zodiac signCharacteristic
AriesAn active, extraordinary and resourceful man with strong leadership qualities. His desire to make a good impression is sometimes manifested by his talkativeness and inability to keep other people's secrets. Stas-Aries does not like to talk about himself.
TaurusAn attentive, reasonable and disciplined man who does not tend to make reckless decisions. He carefully plans his actions. Stanislav-Taurus seems boring to many, but constancy is important to him, which he constantly strives for.
TwinsCheerful, sympathetic, good-natured and peaceful. This man takes life easy. He is restless and constantly craves new experiences. In relationships with women, he is frivolous and does not want to take responsibility, which is why his romances are short-lived.
CancerA temperamental, quick-tempered, capricious and unpredictable man, his mood often changes. Stanislav-Cancer is easy to offend, he worries for a long time about failures, and is prone to prolonged depression.
LionA charming, graceful, and intelligent man who easily wins the respect of others. Fair, considerate, able to remain calm under any circumstances. Stanislav-Lev is an excellent conversationalist, an interesting storyteller and an attentive listener. His optimism charges everyone around with positivity.
VirgoPragmatic and prudent Stanislav-Virgo will never miss his benefits. This is a cunning and agile man, capable of fooling anyone. He is well versed in psychology and easily wins the trust of influential people. He behaves coldly and arrogantly with women.
ScalesA hot-tempered man with a contradictory character. It is difficult for him to sit in one place, but at the same time he loves peace and home comfort. Stanislav-Libra is easy to anger, but he will not show violent emotions. Knows how to value friendship and love selflessly.
ScorpionAn optimistic, good-natured and sociable man. The soul of the company, he is a welcome guest everywhere and always. His zest for life motivates others to achieve their goals. Stas-Scorpio's advice is very valuable to others. Gets very upset about failures. It is unusual for him to plan his future; he lives here and now.
SagittariusAn unpredictable, hot-tempered and irritable man. He is jealous and envious and does not know how to rejoice in the successes of others. Stanislav-Sagittarius cannot be called a master of his word; he easily forgets about the promises he made. Because of this, he has problems in relationships with other people.
CapricornPrudent, judicious and pragmatic, Stanislav-Capricorn is used to being first always and everywhere. He doesn’t like to lose and is capable of anything for his goal. This man has everything planned for the years ahead, he is not afraid of difficulties and is rapidly moving towards success.
AquariusA simple-minded, optimistic and sympathetic man who never loses heart and perceives everything with irony. His main quality is his excellent sense of humor, which attracts others to him. He takes on any work with great enthusiasm, but quickly loses interest in it, often leaving the work unfinished.
FishAn open and cheerful man. His ability to unobtrusively persuade people to his opinion helps him achieve considerable success in life. It is impossible to deceive Stanislav the Pisces himself, since he is well versed in people.

Famous people

Famous men with this name:

  • Stanislav Leszczynski - Polish king;
  • Stanislaw Lem - Polish writer, philosopher, science fiction writer, satirist and futurist; his books have been translated into 41 languages ​​and sold more than 30 million copies;
  • Stanislav Govorukhin - Russian film director, Honored Artist of Ukraine, public figure;
  • Stas Namin - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, producer, artist and photographer, theater and film director, president of the SN Corporation, creator and leader of the group "Flowers";
  • Stanislav Rostotsky - Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR, author of the films “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, “White Bim Black Ear” and many others;
  • Stanislav Mikhailov - Russian pop singer, songwriter, Honored Artist of Russia;
  • Stanislav Vostokov - children's writer, naturalist;
  • Stas Piekha - Russian singer, grandson of singer Edita Piekha;
  • Stanislav Zhuk - Russian athlete and coach figure skating, Master of Sports, Honored Coach of the USSR, USSR champion in pair skating;
  • Stanislav Lyubshin is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, film director, People's Artist of the RSFSR.

Songs with this name: “Love, which is under current” by the group “Ranetki”, “Papa Stas” by Mikhail Basayev.

Photo gallery: famous Stanislavs

Stanislav Vostokov - children's writer Stanislav Govorukhin - Russian film director Stanislav Zhuk - Russian athlete and figure skating coach Stanislav Lem - Polish writer, philosopher, science fiction writer Stanislav Leszczynski - Polish king Stanislav Lyubshin - Soviet and Russian actor
Stanislav Mikhailov - Russian pop singer Stanislav Rostotsky - Soviet and Russian film director, actor, screenwriter Stas Namin - Soviet and Russian musician, composer, producer Stas Piekha - Russian singer

Stanislav is active, optimistic, purposeful, persistent, sociable and responsive. But at the same time he can show irritability and selfishness. Such a man does not know how to show delicacy, because of this he often hurts the pride of others. Thanks to charm, persistence and leadership qualities Stas usually achieves a lot in life.

Stanislav is a two-root name of Slavic origin. It consists of the roots “stan” and “slav”. The root "Stan" implies a contraction of "becomes" or "put", and the root "slav" implies a contraction of "glory". There are many literary meanings of the name, but the most popular are The meaning of the name is “becoming glorious” and “establishing glory”. The name is known in many other languages, although it is not as popular there.

The most common short form of the name Stanislav is the abbreviation “Stas”. Full version The name is so rarely used in everyday life that people often even wonder what Stas’s full name will be.

The name Stanislav has a related female name - Stanislava. The prevalence of the name Stanislav is much less than its male counterpart. You can find out the meaning of the name Stanislava for a girl by clicking on the link.

The meaning of the name Stanislav for a child

The boy is growing up to be a rather complex child, so his parents will have to make a lot of effort to raise him to be a worthy person. The baby is often capricious, and his tendency to have attacks of aggression often creates difficulties in communicating with other children. As he grows up, these problems will slowly disappear from his character, but this does not mean that everything can be left to chance. Try to use negative traits in a positive way. His stubbornness can be turned into persistence, etc.

Stanislav's studies are quite mediocre, but he cannot be called a weak student at all. Rather, he simply does not particularly enjoy studying. He is not motivated by positive grades, and healthy self-esteem does not allow him to study at all. But if Stanislav starts to get carried away with something, then you will see his full potential. This could be sports, theater or radio electronics. His hobbies are completely unpredictable, but his diligence and hard work in this industry are guaranteed.

The health of a boy with this name will be good. He easily tolerates “obligatory” childhood diseases such as acute respiratory infections in the fall, and more serious problems His health is usually not good. If Stanislav plays sports, then his high vitality will remain for a long time, and not just in his youth.

Short name Stanislav

Stas, Stasyan, Stasechek.

Diminutive pet names

Stanislavchik, Stanislavochka, Stanislavushka, Stasik, Stasechka, Stasyushka, Stasenka.

Children's middle names

Stanislavovich and Stanislavovna.

Name Stanislav in English

The name Stanislav is not found in English. This means that you need to use a transliteration of the name.

Name Stanislav for international passport- STANISLAV.

Translation of the name Stanislav into other languages

in Belarusian - Stanislav
in Bulgarian - Stanislav
in Hungarian - Szaniszló
in Spanish - Estanislao
in Italian - Stanislao
in Latvian - Staņislavs
in Latin - Stanislaus
in Lithuanian - Stanislovas
in German - Stanislaus
in Polish - Stanislaw
in Portuguese - Estanislau
in Serbian - Stanislav
in Slovak - Stanislav
in Ukrainian - Stanislav
in French - Stanislas
in Croatian - Stanislav
in Czech - Stanislav

Church name Stanislav(V Orthodox faith) not certain. This name is not in Orthodox calendar, which means Stanislav will receive a church name different from the worldly one.

Characteristics of the name Stanislav

At first glance, the adult Stanislav can be described as a calm, balanced and confident man. However, this may only be a first impression. Quite often the essence of Stanislav is revealed over time, but he is completely different. Stanislav often brings childish whims, selfishness and boastfulness into adult life. But if Stanislav has outgrown these childhood problems, then he will have a truly balanced, stable character.

Stanislav loves communicating with people and often connects his work with this. He easily gets along with almost anyone, which is actually a rare skill. The leader from Stanislav is quite weak, although he has a desire for high positions. But Stanislav good instinct to profitable areas of business. Stanislav will make an excellent mid-level entrepreneur or administrator.

IN family relationships Stanislav tries to be a leader. He often chooses a wife much younger than himself, which allows him to be her mentor in life. He often tries to assert himself at the expense of his wife, although more often he proves himself to be a loving and caring husband. He is a good and zealous owner. He loves children, but he is strict with them and does not allow others to be spoiled.

The mystery of the name Stanislav

Stanislav's secret can be called his inner world. Often he himself gets confused where he is trying to appear and where he is real. Sometimes he begins to believe in himself in a way that he really is not. He definitely needs to look at himself soberly and accept his shortcomings and strengths. And after that he will learn to live with them and, if possible, change them.

Planet- Uranus.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

Totem animal- Shepherd.

Name color- Gray-blue.

Tree- Ash.

Plant- Narcissus.

Stone- Rock crystal.

The origin of the name Stanislav has Slavic roots. This name was borrowed from Poland, where the meaning of the name Stanislav is associated with “reliable camp.” Another version of the meaning of the name Stanislav is “Glorious Fortress.”

The name gained popularity due to mentions in history. This was the name he bore in Ancient Rus' son of Vladimir the Great. Initially, this was the name given to the nobility and descendants of royal families. The name Stanislav, which means “to become famous,” also experienced a period of decline, when everyone forgot about it. But already in the Middle Ages they began to call people again.

The meaning of a name for a child

The meaning of the name Stanislav for a boy lies in its duality. At the same time, a child may seem kind, soft and pliable, but also have a contradictory and complex character. Already in the behavior of little Stas one can discern narcissism and selfishness. Every sidelong glance in his direction, any criticism or bad word addressed to him, as well as instructions and teachings, hurt him greatly. Therefore, there is conflict in the meaning of the name Stanislav. He often quarrels with his peers, is the instigator of fights or simply takes part in them.

For a boy, the meaning of the name Stanislav lies in its complexity. It will be very difficult for parents to raise such a child, turning a capricious boy into a real man. This person lacks restraint and balance. Parents should teach him to control his emotions. In general, this child requires a lot of attention; he likes to spend time with adults, listen to their conversations, and adopt their behavior patterns. Adults in the company of such a child need to be very careful, think about every word and deed, since Stas will instantly be able to adopt everything negative points and features. For a boy, the name Stanislav can cause low self-esteem. It is very important for parents to give their child self-confidence in the initial stages of education.

Stas cannot be considered an excellent student in his studies, but he is not a poor student either. Such a mediocre student. His problem is that the learning process is not enjoyable; high grades do not serve as a motivator for him. But the presence of pride does not allow him to slide down to the level of two. If Stas manages to be captivated by something, then you can see how his potential will be revealed. Hobbies can be completely different, from theater to sports. Any of his hobbies may be completely unpredictable, but in each of them he will show diligence and hard work. Young Stanislav, who has matured, will continue to bring many problems and worries to his parents.

According to the origin of the name Stanislav, he is endowed with good health. He tolerates any standard illnesses such as colds and acute respiratory infections easily. Serious and chronic diseases this person usually doesn't. To increase vitality and maintain it throughout his life, Stanislav needs to play sports from a young age.

Personal life

Stanislav Govorukhin (director)

The name Stanislav, the meaning of the name and fate are associated with a certain energy. Stas is a very loving guy who likes to be the center of attention from women. The realization that he has many fans brings him true pleasure. Girls are attracted by Stas's sense of humor, the festive atmosphere that he creates around himself and his undying positivity. But the flow of ladies is constantly changing. One is replaced by another when the previous ones are disappointed in a man. He is not ready to commit himself to a serious relationship, so the girls quickly leave.

Sooner or later, Stas decides to settle down, but in a relationship this person can be simply unbearable. The meaning of the name Stanislav endows this person with such qualities as pride and the desire to receive attention, which prevent him from devoting his life to only one chosen one. His significant other will be constantly upset because of cheating, flirting with other women, and even ordinary signs of attention to the opposite sex. It may also happen that Stanislav falls in love for real. In this case, he will become a faithful, loving and romantic man for his soul mate.

Having become famous, which means the name Stanislav, can create a love marriage that will make him happy, but not for life, but for a certain period of time. The character of the name Stanislav manifests itself from the negative side. His hot feelings quickly cool down and the manifestation of not the best traits of a man begins. The desire to follow his own line can easily turn him into a tyrant; he does not ask for the opinion of others, suppresses any initiative, and does not put up with disobedience. Usually women cannot endure such pressure for a long time and all the negativity that Stanislav pours on them, so the man’s first marriage quickly falls apart. Only in adulthood, with experience, will he be able to gain patience and create a strong family. His second attempt may be more successful.

In general, the meaning of the name Stanislav when creating a family is revealed in self-affirmation. Therefore, his chosen one should be an easygoing, quiet, modest and good-natured girl who could consider him a protector. If you approach the family from the financial side, then Stas is simply ideal in this matter. He always strives to ensure that his home is cup full. He knows how to earn money and copes well with the household, striving to increase his wealth. For his skillful combination of strictness and friendliness, children will always love and respect such a father.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Stanislav is also manifested in the construction of professional activities. Usually Stas is creative personality with many talents. He is unlikely to be interested in realizing himself in purely male spheres - technology, cars, sports. The origin and meaning of the name Stanislav allows this person to realize himself in the field of show business, journalism, and acting. He can also become an excellent musician or artist. Few people know what the name Stanislav means - lack of thoroughness. Therefore, according to career ladder It will be quite difficult for him to move. It is enough for him to find a person who understands and appreciates him, who will become his support and support, in order to achieve success and even become famous.

Stanislav likes professions that involve constant communication with people. It is important for him to feel needed, irreplaceable and in demand. Therefore, in his position, it is important for him to be active and solve important issues and problems. But his difficult character leaves an imprint on building relationships with colleagues. It can act as a provocateur for conflicts and disputes. Over time, he may gain a reputation as a brawler, which will prevent him from remaining in one position for a long time.


We can say that a person named Stanislav has a character that is an impregnable fortress. He is ready to actually manage and rule in it. If he sets a goal, he achieves it by any means possible, including being ready to go over his head. The main negative trait of his character can be called narcissism and selfishness. This person is unlikely to admit his mistakes. Inflated pride forces him to blame his loved ones, relatives, others, circumstances, events, society - anyone but himself - for his mistakes and blunders. Character traits make him flare up like a match, for no apparent reason. And in the opposite situations, when circumstances require a reaction and manifestation of emotions, he, on the contrary, can show restraint and indifference.

Among positive traits character is his sense of humor, generosity, his wit. He is always ready to help his comrades and even give his last for them. Altruism can also be traced in it. A man named Stas is a man of few words. He does not like the moralizing of others and does not try to impose his point of view on them in return. He can listen to the opinion of his interlocutor, but at the same time he will remain his own. Stas's close people know that under a proud mask he can hide a vulnerable soul. It is difficult for him to show weakness and vulnerability to society, so this is where his pride and conflict come from.

The mystery of the name Stanislav

Topaz (talisman)

The secret of the name Stanislav is often called the inner world of this person. He often gets confused between his masks and his real face. Sometimes he puts one of them on by mistake and sincerely believes that he really is one. Stas lacks a sober view of himself and a personal assessment of his strengths and weaknesses, as well as their acceptance.

The mystery of the name Stanislav is associated with the following astrological compatibility:

  • patron planet - Uranus;
  • zodiac constellation - Gemini;
  • totem animal – shepherd dog;
  • color scheme – gray-blue;
  • the ideal plant is narcissus, from trees - ash;
  • talisman stone – rock crystal and golden topaz.

The meaning of the name Stanislav largely depends on the zodiac constellation. Although the name corresponds to the dual Gemini, it is recommended to call those boys who were born under the sign of Capricorn, Virgo or Cancer Stanislav.


For women, Stanislav is always a knight with an unconventional approach to any things. If a person with the name Stanislav, which means “the most glorious,” chooses a romantic nature that needs a strong masculine back, he will find happiness. Marriage with Natalya, Daria, Angelica, Valentina, Galina, Yana, Yaroslava is favorable.
Unsuccessful relationships can develop with girls named Anna, Alina, Ekaterina, Christina, Tatyana, Marina, Margarita, Elizaveta, Elena or Olga.