Why Russian is one of the most developed languages. Mini story on the topic "Russian is one of the richest languages ​​in the world"

O Russian language!

With what carelessness and easy freedom

You scattered beauty everywhere

I can only compare you with wondrous nature,

Where were you able to catch the magic line?

Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. This is the language of greatness, emotions, feelings.

The philosopher Ivan Alekseevich Ilyin, speaking at the Pushkin Jubilee in 1837, said about the Russian language: “And our Russia gave us one more gift: this is our marvelous, our mighty, our singing language. It contains all her gifts: the breadth of unlimited possibilities, and the wealth of sounds, and words, and forms; and spontaneity, and clarity, and simplicity, and scope, and guy; both dreaminess and beauty"

“Great, mighty, truthful and free,” I. S. Turgenev characterized the Russian language with these words.

The richness of any language is evidenced by its lexicon. The vocabulary of the Russian literary language, which has evolved over many centuries, is very rich in the number of words, the variety of shades of their meanings, and the subtleties of stylistic coloring. The entire Russian people, their great writers, critics, and scientists participated in the creation of the dictionary of literary language vocabulary. It is known that the seventeen-volume Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language includes 120,480 words. “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language” by V. I. Dahl 200,000 thousand. It is impossible to determine with maximum accuracy the number of words in the modern Russian language, since it is constantly updated and enriched.

The reference dictionaries “New Words and Meanings” (edited by N.E. Kotelova), as well as the annual issues of the series “New in Russian Vocabulary: Dictionary Materials” eloquently speak about this. Thus, a dictionary-reference book on materials from the press and literature of the 70s. (1984) contains about 5,500 new words and phrases, as well as words with new meanings that were not included in explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language published before 1970. “Dictionary Materials-80” (1984) includes more than 2,700 dictionary entries and 1,000 new words with an incomplete description (without interpretations and etymological and word-formative references), found in periodicals from September to December 1980.

But the richness of a language is not judged by the number of words. The Russian language is enriched by polysemantic words, homonyms, antonyms, and synonyms. Paronyms, phraseological units, as well as layers of words representing the history of the development of our language - archaisms, historicisms, neologisms.

And I will focus on some of them.

Multiple meaning words.

The presence of many words in the Russian language not one, but several meanings constitutes the richness of speech, and allows you to use this feature as

means of expression. Here are some examples of polysemantic words: leaf (maple) - leaf (cardboard), deaf (old man) - deaf (wall), goes (man) - goes (film).

Homonyms (from the Greek homos - “same” and omyna - “name”) are words that are pronounced the same, but denote different, unrelated concepts: key (“source”) – key (“to unlock the lock” ) – key (“to the cipher”); scythe ("tool") - scythe ("hair") - spit ("view of a shallow or peninsula").

Exist different types homonyms. Homonyms are words that sound the same but are spelled differently: labor - tinder, onion - meadow.

Homonyms include words that sound different but are spelled the same: flour - flour, soar - soar, castle - castle.

Sometimes ambiguity arises due to homonymy:

Visit the bottom of science. (Science Day or Science Bottom?)

Everything will be ready by evening. (Evening hours or evening performance?)


Paronyms (from the Greek para - “about” and onyma - “name”) are words, in most cases the same root, similar in sound, but having different meanings: addresser - “sender” - addressee - “recipient”; emigrant – “leaving the country” – immigrant – “entering”.

Paronyms are the words methodical - methodological - methodological, the meaning of each of these words is determined by the primitive word in the process of word formation (methodicality - methodology - methodology). So, we say methodical shelling - “strictly consistent, according to plan”, Toolkit– “done according to a method”, methodological analysis – “a set of research techniques”.

Paronyms are the words diplomatic and diplomatic. Diplomatic can be something that relates to diplomacy (diplomatic mail); diplomatic - something correct, consistent with etiquette (diplomatic behavior of the parties).

Typical speech error is a confusion of paronymic words to represent and provide. A certificate of illness of the child is presented to the school, the new teacher is introduced to the class, and the opportunity to take a field trip is provided. The meaning of these paronyms should be determined in this way: present: 1) give, hand over, report something for familiarization, information; 2) show, demonstrate something; provide: 1) give the opportunity to possess, dispose of, use something; 2) to give the opportunity to do something, to entrust someone with the execution of some task.

Mixing paronyms often leads to a distortion of the meaning: Put the step of your foot correctly (instead of: foot); He clicked the ankle of the gate (instead of the latch).

The confusion of paronyms also indicates insufficient speech culture speaker: He put on a sweater (instead of: put on)

Archaisms, historicisms, neologisms.

Archaisms are outdated words, which came out of the active dictionary and instead of which new ones appeared, having the same meaning: actor - actor, guilty - obliged, velmi - very, only - only. The following clericalisms sound archaic today: immediately, enter with a petition, collect, took, in every possible way, in vain, so that the above-mentioned, below-mentioned, is subject to, add, much less, to do, etc.

The composition of archaisms is unstable and changeable. Words that are included in the commonly used dictionary today may become archaisms tomorrow, and current archaisms may be forgotten tomorrow.

Historicisms are words that corresponded to ideological and everyday concepts and phenomena that are a thing of the past. These include the names of positions, occupations, and titles that no longer exist: boyar, mayor, police officer, overseer, leader of the nobility. It is impossible to replace these historicisms with modern words, since today the corresponding concepts no longer exist.

Words that appeared in the Russian language during the Soviet era became historicisms: surplus appropriation, shkrab (school worker), gubnaroobraz (provincial department of public education), NEP, educational program.

Historicisms and archaisms are introduced into speech to give flavor to a particular era. Thus, when describing the 18th century, one can use archaisms not only, ponezhe, sei, etc., as well as borrowed words that were in active use at that time: victoria, voyage, polites, without any sansu.

Neologisms are words that have recently appeared in a language. They are considered neologisms as long as speakers perceive their novelty.

Neologisms are born throughout the history of the people. Changes in production and public relations, discoveries in science and technology, the emergence of new concepts become the reason for their emergence in language.

Words such as fax,

copier, printer, mobile phone, pager, laptop and many others. etc.

The creators of neologisms - terms in science and technology - in our time are scientists and inventors. Depending on the conditions of creation, neologisms are divided into two groups. The appearance of some is in no way connected with the name of the creator, while others, on the contrary, are put into use famous people. No one can say who once coined the words: collective farm, Komsomol, five-year plan. But the authorship of the creators of the following words is fixed: constellation, full moon, attraction - M.V. Lomonosov; public, public, humane - N.M. Karamzin; concept – A.D. Cantemir; fade away - F.M. Dostoevsky; bungler – M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin; citizen - A.N. Radishchev.

Comparing the Russian language with other common languages ​​of the world, such as laconic English or abrupt German, we involuntarily note the wealth of epithets, intricate phrases, subtle shades and other signs of true greatness and unprecedented diversity.

The Russian language has a huge vocabulary. The richness of the Russian language allows not only to accurately name this or that object, its signs, various actions, but also to express the most diverse shades of meaning, to show how the speaker evaluates the subject of speech. Thus, the concept of an expert in his field can be conveyed in the following words; “master, craftsman, virtuoso, artist, artist, specialist.” ABOUT true friend You can also say with the words “reliable, loyal, constant, ready for fire and water.”

And how many words are there in the Russian language to denote the action “laugh”! If a person laughs quietly or on the sly, then they say he giggled, if suddenly he snorted, burst out laughing (colloquial), if loudly he laughed, laughed, burst into (or burst into) laughter, cackled (colloquial).

And here are the words the writer L. Kassil found and used in his story “Beijing Boots”. “Soon everyone was laughing: the boy in the elevator was laughing, the maid was giggling, the waiters were smiling in the restaurant, the fat hotel cook was quacking, the cooks were squealing, the doorman was grunting, the bellboys were fighting, the hotel owner himself was grinning.” These words are synonyms (9 words, 9 different shades and not a single repetition). Synonyms make speech varied, bright, colorful. Another example can be given: synonyms for the word “speak” - express. To express oneself, to pour out, to sing like a nightingale, to pronounce, to grind, to carry, to weave - differing in shades of meaning and scope of application, help to express a thought figuratively and at the same time avoid the monotony of repetition of words. Knowledge of synonyms is necessary in order to be able to express your thought most accurately, with all the necessary shades, choosing the desired word from a number of others that are similar in meaning.

The richness of speech is evidenced by the presence of proverbs and sayings in the language:

Russian proverbs and sayings are expressive - a treasury of wisdom:

Happiness will come and find it on the stove.

Don't be hasty with your tongue, be quick with your actions.

What goes around comes around.

Language opens the mind.

The appropriate use of proverbs and sayings enlivens speech.

The Russian language stands out among other languages ​​for its amazing richness and word formation of morphemes - suffixes, prefixes. Prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words and give them the most subtle meanings, for example, run - come running, run across, run away. Run away, run out;

Boy - boy, little boy, little boy.

Shades of this thought can be expressed in both simple and complex sentences:

The snow melted from the fields and revealed the floating earth.

The snow melted from the fields, revealing the floating earth.

The snow melted from the fields, and the floating earth was exposed.

The snow melted from the fields and the floating earth was exposed.


The wealth of the Russian language consists of phraseological units, that is, stable combinations with a non-free meaning of each word. The meaning of a phraseological unit is not the sum of the meanings of the words included in it, but something whole. For example, the phrase eat a dog means “to be experienced, sophisticated in some matters” and, of course, has nothing to do with the meaning of individual words - the dog has nothing to eat. The expression "sleeveless" means "somehow" (compare it with the expression he tried on a suit, pulling down the sleeves of his shirt, where the words "sleeveless" have a direct, independent meaning).

The origin of phraseological phrases cannot always be easily established.

Sleeves down and sleeves rolled up.

These expressions originated in those distant times when Russians wore clothes with very long sleeves: for men they reached 95 cm, and for women they were 40 cm longer. Try to work in clothes with such sleeves, it will be uncomfortable, it will turn out bad. To get things done, you had to roll up your sleeves. The people noticed this and began to talk about people who did something lazily, reluctantly, slowly, that they worked carelessly. About a competitive, skillful worker and now saying that he works with his sleeves rolled up, although the sleeves may be so short that there is no need to roll them up.

Based on their origin, phraseological phrases can be divided into the following groups:

1) proverbs and sayings: fall through the stump; pound water in a mortar; no stake, no yard; You can’t spoil porridge with butter; in the bag; to slurp jelly seven miles away; one swallow does not make spring; don’t put your finger in your mouth, etc.;

2) biblical expressions: throwing pearls before swine; not of this world; give a stone instead of bread; left hand doesn't know what the right one is doing; an eye for an eye,

tooth for tooth; cherish as the apple of your eye, etc.;

3) mythological expressions: Sisyphean labor; flour of Tantalus; Augean

stables; Ariadne's thread; Procrustean bed; Achilles' heel; sword of Damocles; reap laurels; Pyrrhic victory, etc.;

4) phraseological units of professional origin: to beat the buck; bring to white heat; play first violin; not a hitch; take fire; pull the gimp;

Variety of intonation is also an important component of the richness of a language. Intonation expresses specific emotions and distinguishes between types of statements:

question, exclamation, motivation, narration; Intonation can characterize the speaker, the conditions and situation of communication; it has an aesthetic effect on the listener. Components of intonation: melody, logical stress, volume, tempo of speech, pauses. All intonation means of language make speech rich, give it brightness and expressiveness. It is clear that the intonation pattern, which diversifies speech, is especially significant in oral speech. However, in written speech, intonation is reproduced graphically, for example, by underlining, highlighting, changing the font and contributes to understanding the meaning of the text.

There are many words in the Russian language that have expression. Conveying the positive and negative attitude of the speaker to the subject of speech, they also introduce variety and indicate the individuality of the speaker’s choice. For example, generous, charming, magical, perfect, graceful - these words contain positive expression. An arrogant person, a bungler, a liar, a klutz, an ignoramus are characterized by negative expression.

Russian writers, masters of words, those who appreciate not only the meaning of words, but also their sound, its expressive capabilities, admired the Russian language, noted different sides, features, originality. So N.V. Gogol wrote with delight that in the Russian language “all the tones and shades, all the transitions of sounds from the hardest to the most gentle and soft; it is limitless and can, alive as life, be enriched every minute...” As if continuing the words of N.V. Gogol, critic V.G. Belinsky noted: “The Russian language is extremely rich, flexible and picturesque...”.

The classic of French literature Prosper Merimee, who studied the Russian language, wrote: “Rich, sonorous, lively, distinguished by the flexibility of stress and infinitely varied in onomatopoeia, capable of conveying the finest shades, endowed like Greek. With almost limitless creative thought, the Russian language seems to us created for poetry."

Enjoying the classic literary works famous Russian authors, each time we find answers to many questions and topics that touch to the depths of our souls, since their skill is truly amazing and makes us realize the true versatility and amazing harmony of the Russian language.


1. V.A. Artyomov, Essay on the psychology of speech. – M., 1954

2. O.M. Kazartseva, Culture of speech communication. – M.: Flinta, Nauka, 2001,

3. A.V. Kalinin, Vocabulary of the Russian language. Moscow University Publishing House, 1978

4. D.E. Rosenthal, I.B. Golub, M.A. Telenkova, Modern Russian language. – M.: Rolf, 2002.

5. N.S. Valgina, Active processes in modern Russian language. – M.: Logos, 2003.

6. L.V. Shcherba, Language system and speech activity. L., 1974

The Russian language is one of the most developed languages ​​of the world; the richest literature has been written in it, reflecting the historical experience of the great Russian people and the achievements of all mankind. The richness of the Russian language is manifested at all linguistic levels.

On phonetic level it lies in the variety of sounds, the richness of stress and intonation. According to scientists, Russian is one of the most musical languages ​​of the world due to the following characteristics:

1. It has a large number of vowel sounds (a, o, u, ы, и, е), organizing the syllable and rhythm of the word. Compare: in Hamitic languages ​​(ancient Egyptian, Coptic, etc.) there are 3 vowel sounds, in some Avar dialects there are 2.

2. The fourth part of all words in the Russian language consists of sonorant consonants, closest to vowels (m, n, r, l), which also give the sound musicality, cf.: “ N a b R egu are empty nn s in ln standing l O n, do m high in ln, and then l b g l poison l..." (A.S. Pushkin).

3. A sign of the musicality of a language is the presence of a large number of soft consonants. Almost every Russian hard consonant has a soft paired version. In native Russian words, consonants (b, p, d, t, v, f, z, s, m, n, l, r) before e always soft: business, earth, sky, dough etc. The Russian language seeks to soften long-borrowed words: academy, beret, motto, scenery, museum, text, term, plywood etc. In Western European languages, consonants before e mostly pronounced firmly: atheist, business, prodigy, interval, dash, timbre, aesthetics etc., therefore in some words there are fluctuations in the pronunciation of consonants (variants): dean, deodorant, credo, congress, neorealism, neo-fascism, session and etc.

It is believed that the Russian language (and Slavic languages in general) has a difficult pronunciation. The main reason for this is the accumulation of consonants ( hello, no hinder, do not be zealous, testify etc.) and the presence of paired consonants in hardness and softness: brother - take, become - put, corner - coal; they say– mole, etc. Vowels that are difficult to articulate include the sound /ы/: carpets, redhead, rummage and under. Unlike French, Polish and other languages ​​with a fixed stress, in Russian the stress is variable, i.e. it can fall in in different words on different syllables ( cloud - barrier - heaven), and movable, that is, it can move in the same word when it changes ( head - raise your head, big heads etc.).

On morpheme level The Russian language is distinguished by a wealth of suffixes: diminutives ( table - table), affectionate ( son - son, sonny), magnifying ( house - house), dismissive ( beard - beard), action manufacturer suffixes (teach – teacher), the carrier of the characteristic ( oldold man), weakened degree of quality ( white – whitish) and many more etc. Russian prefixes are also varied, cf.: drive - drive, drive away, drive out, drive away, drive away, drive away, drive away. One word can have up to three prefixes: open.

The Russian language is rich in level word formation : it has many models for creating new words, especially in the field of prefix-suffix word formation, for example, from the word pigeon the following words were formed:

    little dove, little dove, little dove, little dove, little dove

    dove, dove, darling, dove, dove

    cabbage roll


    dovecote, dovecote, dovecote, pigeon breeding, pigeon-shaped

    dove, dove

On lexical level The Russian language is distinguished, firstly, by its huge vocabulary. Let's give some data: The Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language (Big Academic Dictionary - BAS) includes more than 110,000 words, The Dictionary of Russian Folk Dialects - 102,000 words, Big dictionary foreign words - about 30,000 words, the very popular Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V.I. Dahl - more than 200,000 words. Even if we take into account that the named dictionaries in some dictionary entries may overlap, the lexical richness of the Russian language is not in doubt. For comparison: the dictionary of the most widely spoken language in the modern world, Chinese, includes approximately 90,000 hieroglyphic words.

Secondly, polysemy, i.e. polysemy, is developed in the Russian language. Thus, 80 percent of the words in the Russian language have not one, but several meanings, for example, the word “take” can have up to 50 meanings, the word “language” - 25 meanings, which are realized in different contexts.

Thirdly, the presence of a huge vocabulary and polysemy created the basis for the development of synonymy and antonymy. A large number of synonyms (words close in meaning) and antonyms (words opposite in meaning) decorate and enrich Russian speech.

Phraseological wealth Russian language manifests itself in the presence of a large number of Russian phraseological units ( Mama's massacre, put in a long box, hit the sky with a finger, come to a hat analysis, two inches from the pot, pour from empty to empty etc.), and in the assimilation by the Russian language of numerous borrowed set expressions: Greco-Latin ( Achilles heel, sink into oblivion, seize the moment, Pyrrhic victory, Sisyphean labor, Trojan horse, Pandora's box etc.), biblical ( Pandemonium of Babel, burying talent in the ground, massacre of infants, flesh of flesh, talk of the town etc.), phraseological units from Western European languages ​​( ugly duckling, the game is not worth the candle, straw widow etc.). Cm. Phrasebook Russian language edited by A.N. Molotkov, which contains 4,000 dictionary entries.

In area morphology The Russian language is characterized by a wealth of word forms, in particular, a branched system of declension: 3 types of declension of nouns, 6 cases and 2 numbers - thus, the Russian declension noun has 12 forms. In addition, in the Russian declension system the variability of case endings is developed, for example, in the genitive case singular: came out home - left home; in the singular prepositional case: at the airportin an Aeroport; in the nominative plural: cruisers – cruisers; volumes - volumes and under. The Russian language is also rich in the field of verb formation (simple and complex forms of the future tense, the presence of participial and adverbial forms, etc.).

The Russian language is distinguished by its harmonious syntax : the phrase is being built on based on three types of communication (coordination, control, adjacency), sentences by structure are divided into simple and complex, simple sentences by composition - into one-part and two-part, complex by the presence or absence of conjunctions - into allied and non-union, allied in relations between parts - into complex and complex; both are divided into varieties depending on the meaning of the conjunctions; non-union complex sentences also differ in composition and the nature of semantic relationships between their parts.

The richness of the Russian language is also manifested in its great diversity stylistic means (tropes and figures of speech ) , with the help of which poets and writers created literary texts of world significance. Russian fiction is one of the most developed in the world.

Self-study assignments

    To prove the polysemy of Russian words, do the following exercises:

a) for each group of these words (phrases), select a common word that includes the meanings of these words:

costs cost

expenses fee

loss of role

spending value

counting quantity deficiency

Class: 6th (general education).

Lesson type: communication of new information.

Linguistic topic: Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world.

Didactic material: explanatory dictionaries by S.I. Ozhegov, poem by A. Yashin “Russian language”.


  • Cognitive:
    • repeat previously learned information about the Russian language (synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, polysemantic words, homophones);
    • reveal the concept developed language.
  • Practical:
    • consolidate the ability to select synonyms and antonyms;
    • be able to explain a concept developed language, distinguished from the concept developed child.
  • General subject:
    • cultivate interest in the subject, love for the native language, moral qualities schoolchildren;
    • develop memory, logical thinking, speech;
    • develop the ability to independently replenish knowledge when referring to reference literature.

Board design:

Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world.

(The epigraph is displayed through an overhead projector)

Charles V, the Roman Emperor used to say that it is decent to speak Spanish with God, French with friends, German with enemies, Italian with women. But if he Russian language was skillful, then, of course, he would have added that it was decent for them to speak with all of them, for I found in him the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian, and, moreover, the richness and strong brevity of the Greek and Latin languages ​​in the images.

M.V. Lomonosov

(This epigraph is closed at the beginning of the lesson)

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language - this is a treasure, this is an asset passed on to us by our predecessors.

I. Turgenev.


I. The teacher's word

– I would like to start today’s lesson with a parable. What is a parable? (A parable is a story of a moralizing, philosophical nature.)

- Listen to the parable.

Parable from "The Book of Xanthus the Philosopher and Aesop, His Slave, or the Adventures of Aesop."

(Material for teachers.)

One day Xanth decided to thank his students with a treat and said to Aesop: “Aesop, today my friends will come for dinner, so you go and cook for us the best, the most beautiful thing in the world!”
“Okay,” Aesop thinks, “I’ll teach him not to give stupid orders.” He went to the butcher's shop, bought tongues, and when he came home, he prepared some fried, others boiled, and others cold with seasoning. The guests have arrived; Xanth says: “Aesop, bring us something to eat!”
Aesop serves everyone boiled tongue with sauce.
- Wow, teacher! - the students say, - even your lunch is philosophical: you won’t lose sight of anything! As soon as we settled down at the table, they were already serving us the tongue!
They sat for a little while, and Aesop again served each of them a fried tongue with pepper and salt.
- Divine, teacher, wonderful! - the students say. – Fire, and also pepper and salt, always give the tongue a sharper taste: the acridity of salt with the natural pungency of the tongue, when combined, gives a pleasant and spicy taste.
For the third time, Aesop gives everyone a cold tongue with roots. Everyone felt bad.
Xanth says: "Aesop, give us some stew!"
Aesop serves the decoction left over from the tongues. The guests don't even want to look. And Xanth says:
- Didn’t I tell you: “Buy all the best, the most beautiful in the world!”
Aesop answers:
“It’s my happiness that you reproach me in the presence of these learned gentlemen.” Think: you told me: “Buy the best, the most beautiful in the world.” Is there anything better and more beautiful in the world than language? Isn’t all philosophy based on language? Without language nothing can be done - neither give, nor take, nor buy; order in the state, laws, regulations - all this exists only thanks to language. Our whole life is based on language; there is nothing better in the world.
The students praised Aesop for his reasoning and dispersed.
The next day they again came to Xanthus. And he says:
- My learned friends, today I will treat you to a real dinner: listen to how I give orders! - And, calling Aesop, he says to him: “Since you turn everything they say inside out, here’s my order for you: go to the market and buy there the trashiest, most worthless thing in the world!”
Aesop listened to this and did not raise an eyebrow. He went to again butcher shop, again bought tongues from all the slaughtered pigs and again cooked dinner from them. Meanwhile, Xanth appeared with his disciples, they sat down at the table, drank the first cup, and Xanth said: “Aesop, bring us something to eat!”
Aesop again began to serve dishes from tongues, Xanth got angry:
-Are you back to your old ways, villain? How dare you buy this? Didn’t I tell you: “Go to the market and buy the worst, most worthless thing in the world!
Aesop answers:
– What in the world is worse than language? The tongue brings us discord, conspiracies, deceptions, massacres, envy, strife, war... could there be anything worse, even more despicable than the tongue?

II. Conversation on the parable

– What does Aesop say about language? (Language is the most beautiful thing in the world, because all philosophy and learning is supported by language, language is the basis of our life, nothing can be done without language. But at the same time, language is the most crappy thing, because... brings discord, deception, envy, strife, war.)

– In what meaning is the word “tongue” used in the parable? (The tongue is an organ in the oral cavity that is an organ of taste, and the tongue is speech, the ability to speak.)

III. Repetition for 5th grade

– What are these words called? (Homonyms)

- What are the names of the words? trashy and wonderful appearing in the text? (Antonyms)

– What groups of words did you and I study in the 5th grade section of vocabulary? (Homophones, ambiguous words, synonyms)

- Let's remember what are called homophones, synonyms, polysemantic words? (Children's response)

IV. Explanation of new material

– Today in class we will talk about language . Write down the topic of our lesson in your notebook.

Russian language is one of the developed languages ​​of the world.

1. – What exactly does the lesson topic say about the Russian language? (That Russian is a developed language.)

– There are explanatory dictionaries in front of you, look up the meaning of the word DEVELOPED. (Dictionary by S.I. Ozhegov. Developed - 1). Having reached a high degree of development. 2). Spiritually mature, enlightened, cultured.)

– In which of these two meanings does the word language used in the topic title? (In the first. Developed – having reached a high degree of development.)

-What is the meaning of the word? language used in the phrase developed child? (In the second. A developed child is a child who is spiritually mature, enlightened, and cultured.)

(Pay attention to the emphasis: developed language, but developed child.)

– Make up sentences with these phrases.

2. – Read the epigraph to today’s lesson.

Read the words of M.V. Lomonosov about the Russian language.

– Why is it “decent” to speak in Russian with God, and with an enemy, and with a friend, and with a woman? (The Russian language can be gentle, affectionate, or it can be formidable. One thought can be expressed briefly, or it can be disseminated with synonyms and comparisons. We can pronounce the same phrase with different intonations. The Russian language is rich in a variety of sounds, lexical units, syntactic constructions .)

V. Consolidation

– Let us turn to A. Yashin’s poem “Russian Language” and try to find confirmation that the Russian language is a developed language.

(The poem is projected through an overhead projector.)

I love my native language.
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, has many faces,
As our power, mighty.
If you want, write songs, hymns,
If you want, express the pain of your soul,
It’s like rye bread, it’s smelly,
Like the flesh of the earth, tenacious.

– Read the poem expressively. Explain spellings. Write down the key words that prove that the Russian language is one of the developed languages. (Singing, many-sided, powerful, tenacious.)

- The language is melodious. Prove the correctness of this idea. (The Russian language has many sounds, from the hardest to the most gentle and soft. The Russian language is distinguished by its melody and sonority.)

Row assignment:

1st row selects synonyms for the word wealth (of language). Abundance, abundance.
Row 2 gives examples of polysemantic words, using explanatory dictionary textbook.
3rd row selects antonyms for the word big. Small, small, tiny, etc.

Then, with these words, option 1 makes sentences with homogeneous members.

  • Option 2 makes proposals with appeals.
  • Option 3 – sentences with direct speech.
  • Option 4 – compound sentences.
  • Option 5 – complex sentences.
  • Option 6 – sentences with generalizing words.

– Why does A. Yashin say in his poem that the language has many faces, like the Russian people? (Because the Russian people are multinational.)

-What's the name of this one? artistic device? (Comparison.)

– Why is the tongue powerful? (With a word you can convince a person, rouse him to defend the Motherland, with a word you can kill a person, or you can save him.)

– Read V. Shefner’s quatrain.

(The poem is written down in advance on the back of the board.)

A word can kill, a word can save,
In a word, you can lead the shelves with you,
With a word you can betray, and sell, and buy,
The word can be poured into striking lead.

– What does the expression mean: the word can be poured into striking lead? (Lead bullets kill or seriously wound. A word can also kill, like a bullet.)

– Read this poem again and write it down from memory.

– What does the expression mean? language is tenacious? (The language appeared a long time ago. Generations replace each other, but the language is preserved. If a word disappears, then a replacement is found in the language. The Russian language is replenished by the formation of new words in various ways. There are historicisms and archaisms in the Russian language that are in the passive stock of the language .)
– Explain the lexical meaning of the word power. Find synonyms for it. (Motherland, Fatherland, country, Fatherland.)

– How do you understand the phrase soul pain? (Worry, compassion, worry.)

VI. Lesson summary

- Guys, today in class we talked a lot about language. Let's summarize why the Russian language is a developed language. (The Russian language is rich in sounds, intonation, vocabulary, syntactic structures. Words in Russian come into different relationships: synonymy, antonymy, homonymy. Using language you can convey various thoughts, feelings, smells, etc. The Russian language has a rich history.)

– That’s why we must protect our native language, respect language norms and pass on to our descendants the beautiful, sonorous, rich language that we speak. I. Turgenev called us to this, look at the 2nd epigraph to our lesson.

Reading the epigraph.

VII. Homework

Exercise 3. Learn by heart 2 statements about language from the exercise or found on your own.


  1. Frantsman G.K. Collection of dictations in the Russian language. 5-9 grades. -M.: Education, 1995.-240 p.
  2. Lomonosov M.V. Russian grammar//Lomonosov M.V. Complete collection works/AS USSR. – M.; L., 1950–1983. T.7: Works on philology 1739–1758. – M.; L.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1952. – p.389-578.
  3. A. Yashin. Selected Poems. M.: Fiction, 1961

Lesson type: A lesson in “discovering” new knowledge.

Technologies: health preservation, formation of creative abilities of students, personality-oriented learning.

Planned results

Subject: learn to understand statements on a linguistic topic, compose a reasoning on a linguistic topic.

Metasubject UUD

  • Communication: listen and hear each other, express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication.
  • Regulatory: independently highlight and formulate cognitive purpose, search and highlight the necessary information.
  • Cognitive: explain linguistic phenomena, processes, connections and relationships identified during the study of the structure, content and meaning of a word, sentence, text.

Personal UUD: formation of “starting” motivation for learning new material.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. I am glad to see you. I hope that academic year will bring you the joy of discovering new knowledge.

II. Goal setting. Motivation.

Listen to the statement of A.I. Kuprin, where the phrase is missing: “... in skillful hands and experienced lips - beautiful, melodious, expressive, flexible, obedient, dexterous and capacious.” Can you guess what the lesson will be about? (Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world).
What is the purpose of our lesson? (Consolidation of previously acquired ideas about language as a means of communication, awareness of the richness, beauty, expressiveness of the Russian language).

Why do we need this? (Learning Russian will help us speak and write better, choose the most accurate and the right words to express thoughts).

III. New material.

Speeches by schoolchildren on the topic “Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world” (during speeches, students must write down the main points, work in pairs).

1 speaker.

The Russian language has a huge vocabulary. The wealth of the Russian dictionary allows not only to accurately name this or that object, its characteristics, various actions, but also to express a wide variety of shades of meaning, to show how the speaker evaluates the subject of speech.
Synonyms help us with this. Synonyms are words of the same part of speech, different in sound, but the same or similar in lexical meaning. Synonyms help us express our thoughts accurately and figuratively. They are also used to avoid repeating the same word. For example, a person who does not feel fear can be called brave and courageous, and a person who is in a hostile relationship with someone can be called an enemy, adversary, adversary. But here are the synonyms of the word say: pronounce, pronounce, pronounce, utter, utter, throw, utter, mutter, insert, screw in, blurt out, let go, say, give out and others.

Choose the word that best suits the style of your speech or presentation.

2 speaker.

Russian proverbs and sayings are very expressive - treasures folk wisdom. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe. It's not good to read a book if you only swallow the tops. Good brotherhood is better than wealth. Good book, yes the reader is bad. Every bird loves its nest. Stand boldly for what is right. If you hurry, you will make people laugh. Grasping at straws. The appropriate use of proverbs and sayings enlivens speech, makes it bright and figurative.

3 speaker.

Prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words and give them the most subtle shades of meaning: daughter - daughter, daughter; friend - friend, friend, white - whiteness, turn white, whitish, white, white; walk - enter, exit, enter, leave, depart, go, cross, arrive; brave - timid; author - co-author.

4 speaker.

Shades of the same thought can be expressed both simple and complex sentences: The snow melted from the fields and revealed the floating earth. The snow melted from the fields, and the floating earth was exposed. When the snow melted from the fields, the floating earth was exposed.
(Possible entries in student notebooks

Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world.

1. Synonyms: brave and courageous; enemy, adversary, adversary.

2. Russian proverbs and sayings are treasures of folk wisdom.

  • What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
  • It's not good to read a book if you only swallow the tops.

3. Prefixes and suffixes can change the meanings of words and give them the most subtle shades of meaning: daughter - daughter, daughter; author - co-author.

4. Shades of the same thought can be expressed in both simple and complex sentences: The snow melted from the fields and exposed the floating earth. The snow melted from the fields, and the floating earth was exposed.)

IV. Consolidation.

1. Ex. 2

2. Ex. 6

Physical education minute

Are you probably tired?
Well, then everyone stood up together.
They stomped their feet,
Hands patted.
Twirled, twirled
And everyone sat down at their desks.
We close our eyes tightly,
We count to 5 together.
Open, blink
And we continue to work.

3. Collect “forest” words(work in pairs). But first, listen to how the writer K. G. Paustovsky collected “forest” words.

Expressive reading by students of an excerpt from K. Paustovsky’s book “The Golden Rose”.

“The first forest word that completely fascinated me was - wilderness. True, it refers not only to the forest, but I first heard it (like the word wilderness) from foresters. And then came real forest words: ship grove, aspen forest, small forest, sandy forest, mshars (dry forest swamps), burnt areas, black forest, wasteland, edge... and many others simple words, filled with picturesque content."

What “forest” words will you add? Write them down and choose synonyms.

4. Work in groups: write a miniature essay (optional): “Whisper of a forest stream”, “ Summer day in the forest”, “Collecting forest berries”.

V. The culture of our speech.

Propaganda brigade “My tongue is my friend”

I love my native language!
It is clear to everyone
He is melodious
He, like the Russian people, has many faces,
As our power, mighty.

2. The world of words is diverse, interesting, and fascinating.

3. And the word, language is our friend.

4. Thanks to language, people communicate -

5. Receive information about the past and present, -

6. They do things - Posters

7. Create a culture. -

8. But, unfortunately, correct speech has become a rarity.

1. It is subject to various influences, in particular, depletion and clogging.

2. B Lately you have to deal with abusive and vulgar expressions.

The word is a special and different world,
Equivalent to the one named by him.
If the word has become chatter -
This word has become bad.

This word is harmful to verses,
This word is a house that has rotted.
It would be better if I didn't hear him
Didn't read, didn't know, didn't speak.

5. Foul language quietly becomes a disease.

6. The disease of evil, cruelty, lies, heartlessness.

7. It is especially unpleasant when a child says bad words after hearing them from adults.

This is how the destruction and decomposition of the little man’s moral world begins.

8. An arrow launched by an evil force through human lips strikes both the one who fired it and the one it hit.

1. Any “unclean” word leaves black spot in our heart.

2. It’s not for nothing that they say: “ Good word heals, but evil cripples.”

3. Ours everyday life It is also equipped with slang vocabulary.

4. Oral speech modern youth It's just full of jargon.

Scene No. 1.

- Hello!
- All? Did you shoot?
- Blown it away. And Vaska, damn it, flew past, he didn’t manage to rip it off. Damn, I sculpted such nonsense.
- And I also can’t get my head around this chemistry. It would be cool to get a "4". She says: go, damn it, answer, but guess what, my eyes are wide open.
- Well, they kidnapped me. Krants.

5. And eloquent, but not pure. That's how it should be.

Scene No. 2.

Hello, Kolya!
- Hello, Anton!
- Did you pass the exam?
- Yes, everything is fine. Chemistry is my favorite subject. I got a "5". How did you pass?
- I got a “4”. But that's because I didn't study enough. Where are you going now?
- Home.
- We're on our way. Let's go together.

6. Remember the words of Alexei Tolstoy: “To handle the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”

7. The problem of language purity is also the abundance of foreign words in our speech, which are sometimes not at all understandable to most people.

8. And the press, and television, and we, communicating with each other, seemed to have forgotten about the beauty and richness of the Russian language.

1. People’s use of foreign words is often used as a tribute to fashion or to obscure the meaning of what was said.

2. Before using a newfangled word, make sure you know its exact meaning.

3. Otherwise it may turn out the same way as in the next story.

4. Once V.I. Dal treated the son of the writer Melnikov-Pechersky Andrey with homemade kvass.

Scene No. 3

Is kvass good?
- Good, Vladimir Ivanovich.
- What is it good for?
- Delicious, cold, with erfix
- With what?
Young Melnikov was confused, not knowing how to translate Erfix into Russian.

Erfix (French word) – sparkling.

5. And most importantly, think: is it necessary? foreign word in this case?

6. M.V. Lomonosov also noted: “The Russian language is the richest of all, because it has the liveliness of French, the firmness of German, the tenderness of Italian and the sublimity of Spanish.”

7. Dialectisms have lived and continue to live.

8. But to use dialect words everywhere means to be misunderstood.


It's not true, I'm very smart, I can explain and understand any word
- Try. What is this? Throwing, quilting, bypass, interstitial.
- Don't know.
- Walking path.
- And also.
- Sipuha, giba, sipukh, kutiha.
- I give up.
- Snowfall.

1. Guys, do not overuse dialect words in your speech.

3. A person whose speech is filled with words like these is difficult to listen to, and sometimes even funny.

4. But this is what happens when thoughts and speech are poor:

At the meeting
Chairman Vova
I wanted to take the floor.
While I was getting up,
Lost my word.
Got up from the chair
And he sat down again.

Then he got up again
I wanted to say something.
But I decided to remain silent
And didn't say a word
Then he stood up
Then he sat down.

Sat down and stood up
Sit down and stand up
And he sat down again.
Tired and fell
He never took the floor.

5. We have no power over the speech of others, but we have power over our own speech.

6. This is our mirror, and let it not be dirty.

7. If you want your language to become a true friend, listen to our advice:

8. Read more. It has long been wisely said: “You can learn to speak well by reading those who wrote well.”

1. Use dictionaries. - Posters

2. Don’t let your words get ahead of your thoughts. -

Together. Take care of our beautiful Russian language.

VI. Conclusion.

1. What role does speech play in our lives? (With the help of language we communicate with each other, convey our thoughts, feelings, study the experience of generations, acquire knowledge)

2. Among these statements by writers about the Russian language (handouts), choose the one that most fully reflects the topic and main idea of ​​our lesson. Prove your opinion.

1) Russian language! For millennia, the people created this flexible, magnificent, inexhaustibly rich, intelligent, poetic and laborious instrument of their life, their thoughts, their feelings, their hopes, their anger, their great future. (A.N. Tolstoy)

2) We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language. True love love for one’s country is unthinkable without love for one’s language. We learn language and must learn it continuously until last days own life. (K. Paustovsky)

3) Language is an amazing tool with the help of which people, communicating with each other, convey any thoughts to each other. (L. Uspensky)

VII. Homework.

1. For everyone: T. pp. 9-10 (retelling).

2. At students' choice:

1) expressive reading statements about the Russian language, 1 statement by heart (see lesson handouts);

2) collect “school” words, write a miniature essay about school (choose a topic yourself);

3) ex. 4 (orally).

VIII. Reflection.

Complete one of the statements.

The main idea that I take away from the lesson is...

The lesson made me think about...

V.G. Belinsky wrote: “...that the Russian language is one of the richest languages ​​in the world, there is no doubt about it.” Modern Russian is the most widely spoken language European language. His international recognition was his permanent membership in the World Languages ​​Club. Of course, when we talk about any language, first of all we're talking about about a means of education, a tool for communication, mastering the world around us. It is language that shapes the culture of any society, its spiritual and national identity. Today the Russian language is like official language Russian Federation is an effective means of interethnic communication between peoples living on the vast territory of our Fatherland. It performs an integration function in the political, social and cultural spheres, and acts as a factor in the consolidation of citizens of different nationalities and religions. Of course, the Russian language will always be the key to the preservation and development of the languages ​​and cultures of all peoples of the country.

Extraordinary wealth the finest shades and nuances, deep and special meaning - the Russian language is truly great and omnipotent, any possibilities are available to it, and there are no natural beauties or human emotions that cannot be accurately, colorfully and reliably described.

Knowledge of the Russian language, in its true and historical significance, develops a person’s personality and gives unprecedented power over the word. After all, a word that is true and true is a real treasure with which you can achieve any success and heights.

With the help of words, you can become not only a poet or writer, philologist or linguist, but also an exceptionally successful businessman who knows how to conduct any complex negotiations for the benefit of social creation and his own prosperity. You can become an outstanding diplomat by working for the benefit of your native state. Journalists also have great power of speech; with their help, public opinion, which undoubtedly influences the entire political and social life countries.

Having a beautiful and correct Russian language, you can become happy in your personal life, find your love, express your sincere feelings, confess your passion, without fear of being misunderstood or misunderstood.

Comparing the Russian language with other common languages ​​of the world, such as laconic English or abrupt German, we involuntarily note the wealth of epithets, intricate phrases, subtle shades and other signs of true greatness and unprecedented diversity.

Enjoying the classic literary works of famous Russian authors, savoring their magnificent style and our own, unique style, each time we find answers to many questions and topics that touch to the depths of our souls, since their mastery is truly amazing and makes us realize the true versatility and amazing harmony of Russian language.

Description of the topic: The Russian language remained and is now the language of poets and prose writers, the language of culture and a means of transmitting the vast national heritage cultural heritage from generation to generation.

There is a creeping feeling that now the Russian language is undervalued and its role is underestimated, or even that it is only used for their own selfish purposes modern society, leaving dark spots swear words, replacing them with English and other words foreign dictionaries, Internet jargon and “simple talk”.

But the secret of the Russian language is that it is amazingly flexible and rich, all classes can communicate with it, and the same word can sound in dozens of variations and meanings. So “What is the secret of the Russian language”, “Russian word” and “Why do I love the Russian language?”

Let's think together and write our reasoning in the form of an essay on the topic:

"The great and mighty Russian language".

Russian language The richness, euphony and greatness of the Russian language are the subject of admiration for many Russian classics. It is all the more surprising that our contemporaries underestimate its role, littering their speech with Anglicisms, jargon, colloquial expressions, newfangled Internet slang and swear words. If everyone thought about what value the Russian language is and what enormous opportunities it has for expressing thoughts, then they would strive to know it even more deeply and would neglect other means. What is the secret of the Russian language and why do I love it so much? I will try to explain with the help of weighty arguments and clear examples.

The richness of the Russian language lies not in the number of lexical units recorded in the dictionary, but in its flexibility, which has no boundaries. For example, it is believed that the most words are contained in English language– about a million today. In the “Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language” there are only 131,000. But this does not take into account unique feature our speech: if we take into account all possible word forms, then the number of lexical units in the Russian language will exceed 1.5 million.

Let us prove the validity of the above argument using a specific example. Let's take any noun from the Russian language dictionary. Let it be “mom”. Let's create word forms (grammatical varieties) by case and number: mom, mom, mom, mom ( Genitive singular), mothers ( Nominative case plural), moms, moms, (about) moms. In English, the word “mother” has only one word form – “mothers” ( plural). Such a comparison can be made with almost every noun in the Russian language: most of them can have 8 times more word forms than in English.

The great and mighty Russian language

The Russian language dictionary is impressive in volume and flexibility semantic meanings so much so that life is not enough for complete mastery even if we are talking about a person whose native language is this. The numbers prove it very clearly: absolute record in terms of the number of words used belongs to A.S. Pushkin – about 24 thousand words (from the “Dictionary of the Pushkin Language”). A highly educated person uses a maximum of 8,000 words in his speech. The average “native speaker of Russian” has even less: about 3-4 thousand words. Isn’t this a reason to think about how limitedly we use the enormous potential of the Russian language and how ridiculous attempts to “enrich” our speech with jargon or Internet slang are?

The possibilities of the Russian language are so wide that you can expand your vocabulary throughout your life and not even master half of it. The variety of word forms and meanings allows you to convey the smallest shades of meaning, compose colorful figurative descriptions, and clearly express your thoughts - this is the masterly use of the wealth of the Russian language.