Happy marriage according to the horoscope. Ideal marriages according to zodiac sign

Some general description We described the combinations of zodiac signs for creating a family in the article. This is generally popular and good for many famous description"good" and "bad" combinations.

Let us consider this issue in more detail, i.e. Let's see how your relationship as a couple will develop: after all, a lot depends on the gender of this or that sign in your future family. We ourselves have encountered the fact that a man and a woman of the same sign are different people and the influence of signs on their lives in general and relationships with others in particular is different.

Below, “look for” the sign of your partner (groom/husband), and “there” is already your sign and, as they say, “take your cue.”

Capricorn (12/22-01/20)

HE Capricorn
For Capricorn, 90% of activity is occupied by mental and emotional experiences, in which the body only has to participate. Capricorn values ​​physical pleasure, but craves something more....

- Aries. One of the most bad alliances. They decide on it only in their youth; after time, the partners will hate each other.
- Taurus. Good union two close souls, two people who gradually gain sexuality and complement each other. Their family will have many children and good income.
- Twins. An emotionally scarce and difficult union for both parties. It is better for them to remain friends without leading to marriage.
- Cancer. A frequently occurring, but unfavorable alliance for both parties. There is mutual misunderstanding in the family, although there is sexual desire that persists even after the divorce.
- Lion. The union is average. Everyone pulls the blanket over themselves. If such a marriage takes place, it will last for many years. In general, such a marriage is like a long journey of a poorly oiled cart.
- Virgo. These partners find it difficult to live together. This is a meaningful union of two business people who are sexually united by cognitive interest.
- Scales. This is the best union for Capricorn and Libra. They are perfect for each other emotionally. The union is stable and strong.
- Scorpion. The union is difficult, marked by the unbearability of coexistence. A marriage can be stable, but NOT successful, despite sexual compatibility.
- Sagittarius. The union, although difficult, is firm. Constant. Sexually partners are well suited to each other. And there is terrible boredom in the family...
- Capricorn. The union is average. Capricorns treat marriage as a savings book, considering this form of living together to be convenient and reliable, even if not ideal.
- Aquarius. A complex union. He is more suited to business cooperation than to marriage. It is based on respect and pushing each other, especially if it is concluded in adulthood.
- Fish. The union is difficult. Sexually they are suitable for each other, but that is all that connects them. However, the undercurrents in their relationships are rarely visible to others.

Aquarius (21.01-20.02)

HE Aquarius
People born under the sign of Aquarius are fearless, love risks, are ready to defend the most fantastic ideas, and are capable of transforming their current life. This is a sign of constant youth and physical health. Does not give in to dangers, difficulties...

- Aries. The union is quite rare and generally unsuccessful. They quickly get bored of each other.
The union rests on the patience of Aquarius (if he really loves) and the sexual attraction of Aries.
- Taurus. The union is difficult, both signs are deeply opposite. Both would like to get a divorce, but both put off the break, reassuring themselves: “Nothing, it can be worse.”
- Twins. The union is good and rarely breaks up. They often fall in love at first sight. Marriage is based on friendship and frankness, although infidelity is common.
- Cancer. The union is difficult. They are connected, perhaps, only by children, at whose birth the struggle for the right to own them begins. Often violent passion degenerates into disgust.
- Lion. The union of struggle and the clash of forces converge perfectly, but soon it becomes difficult and, if they break off the relationship, they often return to the family. Children are a buffer between them.
- Virgo. One of the worst unions for both partners. Only very spiritually developed people can maintain friendly intimacy. When it comes to sex, both are interested in experimentation.
- Scales. One of the best unions for Aquarius. The home of such people is peaceful, hospitable, there are almost no conflicts in the family, they have similar views and get along well with each other.
- Scorpion. A difficult, gloomy union. Such an alliance can lead partners to bitter hatred. Sexual relationships also become hostile.
- Sagittarius. A good, open union, especially in the first years of life together. However, even if the marriage breaks up, these people can remain great friends.
- Capricorn. A very rare union. Marriage is based on respect. It can be long, provided that it is concluded by Aquarius after 30 years. Sexually the partners are quite suitable for each other.
- Aquarius. The union is not very good. Disintegrates immediately after the outburst of feelings ends. The children cannot save this union, because the contradictions between the parents only increase.
- Fish. This union can arise on a strong emotional high and be supported by very great love. Sexually, Pisces will suffer and endure more.

Pisces (21.02-20.03)

HE fish
They love comfort and peace. Secretive and sometimes deceptive. Terribly sentimental, overly suspicious. They easily adapt to conflict situations that quickly infuriate other women. They give all their heartfelt warmth to their children and their home. Often the second marriage turns out to be happier than the first.

- Aries. The union is difficult, fraught with troubles and resentments. They are united only by the sexual sphere; emotionally they are distant. It is better for children to be raised by grandmothers.
- Taurus. The union is very frequent, cozy and durable. True, Heifer does not always like the low sexual activity of Pisces, and she is inclined to cheat on Pisces with Scorpio.
- Twins. The union is unsuccessful. They quickly tire of each other, begin to cheat, and look for stronger partners. Children don't stop them. A reunion is possible after many years, when both partners have already changed.
- Cancer. A very common union. Classic union. Their home is usually a “full cup”; both bring everything into it. This marriage is a “quiet haven”. Everyone in this family dreams of their own and does not interfere with the other.
- Lion. Most often this is a fictitious marriage. The lioness needs this marriage and she “keeps it”, tries. In sex, misunderstanding and ultimately the union does not bring them much joy.
- Virgo. This union holds up well, unlike the opposite. Virgo provides home comfort, to whom Pisces is drawn, and believes that the child needs a father. The Union is not seriously threatened.
- Scales. A difficult union of people who understand each other little and live with different interests. In sex, they quickly get bored of each other. That’s how they live - everyone has their own interests, everyone pulls in their own direction.
- Scorpion. The union is strong, successful compatibility in all areas. Although over the years they feel that they sometimes tire of each other, love and constancy prevail.
- Sagittarius. Such unions are rarely successful. Psychological differences prevent them from fully understanding each other. Their house is a mess, but the children are always well-groomed and housed.
- Capricorn. The union is frequent, but unsuccessful. In this marriage, people who are completely different from each other come together. They are able to live peacefully, humble themselves and endure without external manifestations of what has accumulated in their souls. In appearance, this marriage is quite respectable and is often set as an example for others.
- Aquarius. The union is bad. There is no mutual understanding between the partners. They are united by sincerity of feelings and subtle sensations. Marriage takes its toll on both partners.
- Fish. This marriage is fraught with boredom, “swamp” relationships, melancholy and constant expectation of something more. The spouses are so clear to each other that it’s interesting.

Aries (03/21-04/20)

HE Aries
His strong, domineering, often extraordinary character is manifested in all relationships, including in relationships with a woman. To achieve his goal, he is ready to go to any conventions and tricks, creating problems and difficulties for himself where there are none...

- Aries. A very rare union and, as a rule, does not last long, but children can strengthen it. Marriage is accompanied by a violent outburst of passions, then everyone “pulls the blanket over themselves.”
- Taurus. There is no harmony in this union; such people only tolerate each other. Aries will discharge, Heifer will remember.
- Twins. Union is possible under the condition of an atypical Aries (more passive). Marriages are often destroyed within a year, and the initiator of the breakup is usually the wife.
- Cancer. The dynamic nature of Aries, striving for self-affirmation, encounters a blank wall of opposition from Rakini with her jealousy and desire to “tie” him to herself. The union can only last if both Aries and Cancer are atypical.
- Lion. There must be harmony, compatibility, brilliance between them. But alas. Constantly quarreling, the Lioness will still prefer to stay. This union is stable, despite some disharmony. Aries is usually inferior.
- Virgo. The union is difficult for Aries, whom Virgo seeks to use to her advantage. Alienation and coldness set in in their relationship.
- Scales. They are able to live together, respecting each other, but this is not just “support” and “compatibility”, but growth, the dynamics of the relationship. Sexually, Libra causes Aries anxiety.
- Scorpion. A wonderful union in sexual terms. But at the same time, Aries will always suffer, and Scorpio will take out their grievances on him.
- Sagittarius. Such unions often develop from friendship into sexual, marriage. They understand each other and they don’t get bored with their union, they don’t yearn for stability and can’t get tired of sex.
- Capricorn. “I found a scythe on a stone.” In sex, this union is complex. And all other areas of life and troubles are rarely compensated for in this marriage by sex.
- Aquarius. Such unions are rare, but, as a rule, they are maintained well. Aquarius likes Aries's honesty. However, Aries needs to be “grazed,” but Aquarius does not know how to do this.
- Fish. A rare union. Aries may not see the subtlety of Pisces, which is why she suffers. Often, in the end, Pisces falls into hysterics and begins to cheat on her husband, but he does not notice her emotions and sees in her only the mistress of the house.

Taurus (04/21-05/20)

HE Taurus
People born under the sign of Taurus know how to find joy in everything. They seem to draw innumerable strength from the Earth, have a healthy instinct and a sense of beauty and harmony...

- Aries. The union is common, sexy, but fragile. Both of them get tired of such a union.
- Taurus. Great similarity of interests. Both are afraid of destroying their nest, both are attached to things, home, spouse.
- Twin. The union occurs often, but the partners live with different interests. And although such an alliance lasts for many years (at her expense), it is mutually cool.
-Cancer. A typical and frequently occurring conjunction. Partners drag everything into their nest. The union is strong, with prosperity. Family is the embodiment of patriarchal comfort.
- Lion. The union is difficult, selfish. They will try to live firmly, but it will be unsuccessful. However, sexually they are quite compatible.
- Virgo. The union is successful for Taurus. Over time, the union may be dissolved due to complete mutual cooling of the partners, although in general Virgo is quite happy with Taurus as a wife.
- Scales. There is no complete alienation, but there is also no complete understanding. Children, common property and respectability of life force people to stay together. Sexually incompatible.
- Scorpion. Partners are mutually attracted and repel each other, there are sharp mutual outbursts of passions. There are few contradictions in their natures and this allows them to live together for a long time.
- Sagittarius. A rare union. There is little understanding between partners. However, there is mutual interest. Most often this is an alliance-friendship or business union, often - marriage out of necessity.
- Capricorn. Sexually quite compatible. In general, the union is successful. Although it’s a bit heavy for Taurus: Capricorn will find fault pettyly and infringe on his rights.
- Aquarius. In marriage, these are mutually exclusive concepts. The union is very difficult, with ongoing endless grievances on both sides.
- Fish. The union is very strong. A strong house. However, Pisces is destroyed by the rudeness of Taurus. The union is strengthened by children, for the sake of whom Fish can forget about Taurus.

Gemini (21.05-21.06)

HE twin
All life is spent in struggle. And fate often, as if on purpose, puts obstacles on the path of life, including one’s own family, which can become the cause of internal discord....

- Aries. At first, their relationship develops like a whirlwind, exciting romance. Marriage starts out great, but later cools down due to big difference interests.
- Taurus. Such a union can take place. But their attitude towards sex is different. Heifer needs activity, but Gemini doesn’t really like it.
- Twins. A very rare union, possible only if the partners are atypical. Otherwise, the union is either fictitious or semi-fictitious.
- Cancer. Despite the seeming unthinkability of the union, this marriage is very typical. He relies on constant deception and self-deception. This is a union of very different souls.
- Lion. Such a union is successful for Gemini. In such a union there is sexual attraction, and it strengthens over the years, although at first there is friction due to the reproaches of the Lioness.
- Virgo. One of the very bad unions. In relationships between people of these signs, there is a lack of emotion, and both begin to gravitate toward partners who are more sensual than themselves.
- Scales. The union is typical, successful. HE bows before her, for him she is the standard of a Woman. The premarital period is quite long. Sexual compatibility is good, and Gemini's adventures will not affect his relationship with his family, home and wife.
- Scorpion. The union is difficult and happens very rarely. This union will be based only on sex.
- Sagittarius. An unthinkable, stupid union. Adventurers (this happens often) or people of very high standing go for such a marriage. spiritual development(extremely rare). This type of marriage is usually mature age
- Capricorn. Rare marriage. These partners live in different worlds and are very annoying to each other. If such a union does take place, then SHE will make of HIM whatever she wants.
- Aquarius. The union is good and reliable. This is a marriage-friendship, they have many common interests. However, HE will have to tame his desires (adventures) - SHE will not forgive this. Union promotes mutual spiritual growth.
- Fish. The union is difficult. There is little in common between the partners. But there are many deep contradictions. It is difficult for them to understand each other. They are better off remaining lovers.

Cancer (22.06-22.07)

HE Cancer
Marriage does not promise great happiness. There may also be remarriages. Relatives will always be helpful, although at times there may be quarrels and discord with brothers and sisters...

- Aries. Although the partners are great as lovers, the union is difficult for life together. The marriage will fall apart due to Ovnikha’s harshness. Children suffer in such a marriage.
- Taurus. A good union for Cancer, who has found a “beast of burden” and can dump all his worries and start walking. By inertia, a marriage lasts for many years, but even then it can fall apart.
- Twins. The union is average, but can sometimes be long. As lovers, partners are more suitable for each other; there is always newness and freshness in their relationship.
- Cancer. One of the rare unions, because two Cancers in one house get along with great difficulty. Cancer understands Rakinya from the first word, and he is not interested in her.
- Lion. Such a union occurs quite often. She takes Cancer as her wife courteously and deftly. The marriage lasts for many years, is outwardly respectable and successful. However, Cancer has constant anxiety in his soul, and if necessary, he will crawl into his hole.
- Virgo. Such an alliance is possible and lasts a long time, despite the friction between the partners. She reproaches, he takes revenge. However, outwardly everything is decent. The union holds strong if there is a lot of joint savings.
- Scales. A difficult, but quite possible alliance. Their love relationship is great. However, for Her, the first place is a man’s ability to behave in society and his representativeness, but HE cannot do this... and Vesikha rejects him as a spouse.
- Scorpion. Love relationships are great, but Cancer gets tired of them. He is afraid of Her (lots of sex), but only She sees him as a man, and he is grateful to her for that. However, it is difficult and uncomfortable for them to live under the same roof; there is a constant tense atmosphere in the house.
- Sagittarius. The union is difficult. She will suppress him. He endures for a long time, but then he will go ahead and end up left with nothing.
- Capricorn. Union is impossible during the maturity of the partners. Young couples marry out of stupidity. Over the years, the spouses come to understand that they are different people and live on “different planes.”
- Aquarius. The union is more love than marital, although it can exist for many years. For Her, the union is less successful: she understands that Cancer has laid everything on her. Both treat children well and raise them in a free spirit.
- Fish. There is a lot in common between them. Sexually, they are made for each other, although there is some understatement in the relationship. A purely sexual union is quickly destroyed, but marital relations convince them that they cannot find a better partner.

Leo (23.07-23.08)

HE lion
Among Leos, there are almost no bachelors or old maids because they are always passionate and in love. But due to excessive pride they have unsuccessful marriages...

- Aries. A successful union. These people understand each other. Their marriage is possible, even in adulthood. Excessive emotionality often develops into scandals, but this is not scary.
- Taurus. The union is difficult for both. But if it is concluded, then both will tolerate each other for a long time. Even constant quarrels cannot ruin such a marriage.
- Twins. One of the most successful unions. This is where the heart and mind come together. They live in different spheres, but there is contact and mutual understanding between them. Sexually, such a union suits both. Relationships are always vibrant, with a touch of novelty.
- Cancer. The union is difficult for Leo. A real Leo will rarely be carried away by Her, but if it happens, he is gone: sex is not enough for him, but it is good for her. The more he pleases her, the more she gets on his nerves.
- Lion. Such an alliance happens often. Bright souls meet in it. This is a union of two lovers living with the same interests and the same strong feelings, which will last for a very long time. Everything in sex is wonderful for many years.
- Virgo. At first, the relationship goes well. Later, the union collapses or begins to resemble something like a “communal kitchen” with eternal scandals and showdowns. They are already unbearable together, although in sex He completely suits Her.
- Scales. According to statistics, this marriage union has the most low percentage divorces. Interest in each other arises from the very first meeting. Life together is full of joy and happiness, warmth and understanding. He is the breadwinner, she is the delight.
- Scorpion. Sexually, the union is very attractive for both. Marriage is hard. Everyone will live their own lives, get angry and remember grievances.
- Sagittarius. The union is active and businesslike. At the first stage of life they make an impression perfect couple, but later She will become a burden to Him. In sex, they are quite happy with each other.
- Capricorn. As a rule, this is a gloomy and difficult union. She endures for a long time while she loves, but then, when he stops noticing her, she takes out all her grievances. Sexually cold towards each other. The basis of marriage is intellectual mutual understanding.
- Aquarius. The union is interesting and often encountered. They feel good together. Despite His selfishness and Her independence, this surprisingly contradictory union lasts for a long time, divorces are rare for it.
- Fish. Leo, who is walking (with her permission), completely trusts Fish (but in vain). Although she is sometimes hurt by his rudeness, nevertheless, the union sometimes lasts long and firmly.

Virgo (24.08-23.09)

HE Virgo
Many born under this sign remain bachelors and old maids, but some marry for the second and third time.

- Aries. A union more difficult than which it is difficult to imagine. It can develop if the partners are atypical. Such a marriage awaits young Aries: the marriage lasts a long time and is destroyed on Her initiative; she remembers her husband with monstrous disgust.
- Taurus. In this union two close natures converge. She will be dissatisfied with sex, but will hide it. Her grievances will accumulate, but this marriage is unlikely to collapse.
- Twins. The union is unthinkable and happens most often as an experiment in very young people. As a marriage, such a union is possible provided that the signs are completely atypical.
- Cancer. The union is possible, quite stable and durable, despite the fact that She gets tired of His moral teachings. Marriage is based on mystery and “hide and seek.” He will help Her in housekeeping.
- Lion. A union possible only for an aging Lioness. There are many conflicts and disagreements between them in the union. They are not suitable for each other sexually.
- Virgo. A wonderful union. This is one of the few signs whose representatives find each other and get along well. This is a community of kindred souls. They live with the same worries, the same problems, they even think the same.
- Scales. Union Medium. He likes her, she hopes to change him. Both feel harmony in a sexual sense, and this is an important circumstance for a strong marriage.
- Scorpion. A good union and a good marriage. She is the only woman suitable for Him. She will be able to hold him without making any effort.
- Sagittarius. The marriage union is unsuccessful. The marriage falls apart because Her stupid needs and activity meet His stubborn resistance. As a result, she ruthlessly abandons him and the children will not keep him.
- Capricorn. The union is strange, boring, but often meets, rarely breaks up. Each partner looks in his own direction, each has his own life. However, this suits them, because it is calm for both him and her. Life in such a family is empty, but not stressful.
- Aquarius. Such marriages, fortunately, are very rare. It would be better if these signs did not link their destinies at all. The marriage is doomed and, as a rule, falls apart.
- Fish. The most difficult union for Virgo. Possible only on a high spiritual level - as an attraction to what Virgo lacks. Often mutual irritation. The only thing that can keep you from getting a divorce is taking care of your children.

Libra (24.09-23.10)

HE scales
The character seems to be composed of equal parts of kindness, tenderness, justice, logic, sometimes stubbornness, unwillingness to capitulate...

- Aries. The union is quite frequent, but not very good due to the antagonism of the signs. With a high level of spiritual organization of partners, such an alliance lasts for many years, but with a low level, incompatibility of interests quickly manifests itself. And yet, for a Libra man, this is one of the most successful unions.
- Taurus. This union is much better than the opposite. Sexually, these people can create an interesting and varied life for each other. The union will be maintained due to the mutual desire to preserve peace, tranquility, and comfort.
- Twins. The union is favorable, but somewhat worse than the reverse. This union unites two kindred souls, and their love-friendship remains on the same note for many years. Sexually, this union is also favorable.
- Cancer. The union is difficult, replete with great internal disagreements. He is too balanced for her, and she is too deceitful for him.
- Lion. The union is good, but somewhat worse than the reverse. The union is very good in sexual terms. If they separate, the friendship will remain for many years.
- Virgo. The union is difficult for Libra, although the house seems to be cozy, beautiful, and elegant. But this is only an external expression of brilliance and respectability: She is too petty for him, he is too slutty, hence the eternal quarrels.
- Scales. The union is complex. They understand each other too well, they only get what they give, they have no support, and sex is cold. After the divorce - friends.
- Scorpion. The union is difficult, with protracted conflicts and disagreements. There are constant disagreements, quarrels, and arguments in the house. He wants romance, but only gets pleasure from sex. A marriage lasts until it is abruptly ended.
- Sagittarius. The union is not bad, reliable, perhaps for life, but far from ideal. Sexually, the partners are close. This is enhanced by a strong intellectual attraction; they are interested in each other.
- Capricorn. The union is difficult, especially for Libra. It is difficult for these two signs to understand each other and they do not understand each other well when it comes to sex. There are “two solitudes” under one roof.
- Aquarius. One of the best unions for Libra. Partners understand each other well, value freedom, friendship, and equality. Marriage is based on common interests. The tone in it is set by the more dynamic She. Such marriages break up very rarely. In this union, love, peace, mutual understanding, as well as sexual satisfaction reign.
- Fish. The union, although possible, is bad. Sincere love does not arise between partners, friendship is possible, they maintain mutual respect for a long time. But this is just an episode in the life of each of the partners; they do not receive satisfaction from such a marriage.

Scorpio (24.10-22.11)

HE scorpion
This is a rare type of man who can revel in company, laugh heartily at rude male jokes, and a minute later turn into a gentle lover for his chosen one...

- Aries. The union is difficult for both, they are better off being lovers. She falls in love with him at first sight and he is in love, but he is a boa constrictor, she is a rabbit, the result is complete exhaustion and nervous disorders for a wife, unconditional submission to her husband
- Taurus. This union is more common than the opposite and, despite the complexity of such a marriage, the partners experience enormous physical attraction. He likes her homeliness and thriftiness; the children are always well-groomed, cheerful, and well-mannered.
- Twins. A tense love union and an even more strained marriage. The beginning is very pleasant, but soon She realizes “in whose clutches she has fallen.” The house is in disarray and chaos. She can become frigid and completely lose her sexuality, because she does not need a partner like Scorpio.
- Cancer. A union in which sexual compatibility is almost perfect. The egoistic Scorpio will always know how to take advantage of Her weak points. She, in turn, will be afraid of Scorpio. In such a marriage, the spouses quietly and for a long time gnaw at each other.
- Lion. A union of almost perfect sexual compatibility between partners. The relationship is long and strong. The Lioness gives in to Scorpio. He has a magnetic effect on her, but the opportunity will arise - he will leave for someone else.
- Virgo. The union is good. Virgo is a wonderful housewife and mother, very hardy, takes care of all the worries. He enjoys this, but sometimes he likes to say something that will make her eyes red from tears for a long time. But this happens infrequently, and, basically, this union is prosperous and lasting.
- Scales. He becomes attached to Her. But sexually, they have little in common, and marriage gradually becomes a real punishment for both. She quickly gets tired of her partner’s “black humor” and his self-destructive nature. He will not receive the desired comfort and peace in the house.
- Scorpion. A good union, it is only necessary that Scorpios be of different types in order to live in peace. In general, if they do not “devour” each other, they will live in “normal” tension. Oddly enough, the more Scorpios hang out on the side, the stronger their marriage becomes.
- Sagittarius. This is the case when two different people complement each other. However, sometimes it happens that a breakdown occurs in relationships. And then she strives to go somewhere into the distance, and he starts a secret affair.
- Capricorn. The optimal union for Scorpio. People with a stable psyche and mature reflection enter into such a marriage. The union is based on mutual respect and compromise. She will find peace and confidence in this marriage.
- Aquarius. This union occurs quite often. Although it is difficult and unsuccessful for both. From the outside, such a marriage seems reckless, and their friends constantly tell them this before the wedding. But in vain. At first they are drawn to each other uncontrollably, then conflicts, stormy reconciliations and again. Both get tired, She breaks down, abruptly and even rudely breaks with Him. The marriage breaks up due to his fault.
- Fish. For Him, the union is good in every way. He carefully hunts for her due to the enormous physical attraction. Their sexual compatibility lasts forever. This union is dangerous for her, because He feeds off of her like a vampire. And, nevertheless, they can form a very good union. She is a wonderful mother, a dexterous, skillful housewife. He does everything in the house that is needed for the family. And although minor troubles haunt them, comfort and a good atmosphere will reign in the house. After all, love can be so different.

Sagittarius (11/23-12/21)

HE Sagittarius
In love he goes ahead, without being embarrassed by anything. His feelings flare up quickly. Gets carried away, loses his head, forgets about everything...

- Aries. The union is strong. A wonderful friendship is possible between partners, which, however, often turns into love due to the sexual attractiveness of these signs. Love will become the link that holds the union together.
- Taurus. A rare union. It is difficult to imagine that She would tolerate Him: one day she would explode and break the connection. However, in adulthood, He can confuse the head of a young Chick while she is sweet, charming and attracted to partners older than herself. But the charm wears off pretty quickly. And if only Sagittarius changes his lifestyle, his life with Taurus can take place. Otherwise, a breakup is inevitable.
- Twins. Romantic cohabitation in which idealists find each other. He sees her as bright and interesting, and she sees him as serious and positive. Sexually, they will never get tired of each other; their duality is mutually balanced.
- Cancer. The union is not bad. She attracts Him with her softness and pampering. However, she will have lovers on the side and, nevertheless, tenaciously cling to Sagittarius. Sagittarius will also deceive her. This marriage can survive on mutual deception for many years, but then it will still fall apart, unless it is strengthened by a community of mutual interests, mercantile ties, and business relationships.
- Lion. Union with good psychological compatibility partners. But more often these are happy lovers than spouses. Sagittarius and Leo are emotionally similar and find it easy to be together. In marriage they respect each other.
- Virgo. Unsuccessful alliance for Sagittarius. Virgo wants her “husband to know his place”, to fulfill homework. For Sagittarius, the house is generally not as significant as for Virgo. Sexual relationships are bad, partners quickly get bored of each other.
- Scales. A good loving union in which His dream of a harmonious woman comes true, but he will be a little bored. However, the spouses know how to give in to each other, their marriage is distinguished by harmony, balance, and there are no hysterics or explosions of passions.
- Scorpion. A union that does not bring anything good, because partners cannot find common language. They will remain disappointed in each other, the union is short-lived. Relations that are peaceful at first later turn into fierce enemies. And what is especially unpleasant is that the Scorpio mother, as a rule, turns her children against their father. But Sagittarius has very weak paternal feelings. A woman is important to him.
- Sagittarius. A good union of two avid hunters. Everyone sees right through their partner. Marriage is concluded both out of mature reflection and often out of convenience. There is a lot of love in it, but there is also mutual respect and understanding. In addition, affairs on the side of both the husband and wife do not hurt them so painfully. If the husband can create material well-being for her, then the marriage can last for many years, otherwise either the husband or the wife can, having found a more suitable partner, not paying attention to the feelings and bitterness of the one with whom they lived some part of their life, without looking back, leave forever.
- Capricorn. The union is not bad, it can be between partners great love, although they are different people and usually cheat on each other (she takes revenge on him). In life together, He loses, because She subjugates him to herself, without leaving him solely out of a sense of duty.
- Aquarius. A promising, noble union. Stays strong due to the novelty of the relationship. The partners are very suitable for each other in terms of emotional intensity. Sexually, the union is not very successful. She doesn't need such an active partner. His assertiveness irritates her. She shuns everything ostentatious. Sagittarius is all about showing off, about external impressions.
- Fish. The union is unsuccessful, ponderous, rare. At first, He will seem to Her the best, the most magnificent, and only later will she be struck by his lust for power. He is unable to understand the overflows of her soul. They live in different and

A horoscope that describes the combination of zodiac signs allows you to find out how suitable a partner is for marriage or friendship, and whether the relationship with him will be comfortable and strong. This will protect yourself from unnecessary disappointments and insults in the future. There are exceptions to the rules (for example, signs that are completely incompatible can live happily ever after for many years), so you should not rely entirely on compatibility tables. After all, in addition to this, there are many more factors in life that influence relationships.

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Horoscope of compatibility in love relationships and marriage

Often in life there are situations when people live unhappily in a marriage or the relationship of a couple in love does not work out. In ancient times, ancestors believed that the wrong choice of partner could be to blame for this. For those who want to check whether they have chosen the right life partner, there is a zodiac sign compatibility table.

Compatibility of zodiac signs:

Zodiac sign Compatibility characteristics
AriesThe most suitable partner for starting a relationship or getting married will be Leo or Sagittarius. Aries has similar ideas about the world as Leo. Sagittarius shares his unpredictability and active life position. It is not recommended to associate life with Aquarius. He is too freedom-loving and does not tolerate pressure on himself. Scorpios don't either best partners for Aries
TaurusA good spouse for Taurus would be Virgo or Capricorn. Both signs are independent, but at the same time vulnerable and need support. Taurus should avoid relationships with Scorpios. They are as independent as Taurus and love to be in charge. Well, Cancers are too gloomy to have feelings for representatives of this sign
TwinsThis sign feels great next to Aquarius and Libra. The first shares the thirst for freedom, and the second brings peace and stability into the life of Gemini. Often Geminis have relationships with Leos, but nothing good will come of this pair. Capricorns are also not the best match, as they are too sociable and hyperactive for Geminis
CancerCancers have a lot in common with Pisces and Scorpio. Therefore, relationships with them are harmonious and strong. Often an affair begins with Libra, but they are too fickle for Cancer. The most unfavorable sign for marriage is Sagittarius. He is prone to unpredictability and betrayal, which is quite painful for Cancers
LionEvery now and then Leos become close to Gemini. But this union does not last long, since Leo loves to dominate, and Gemini is not happy with this. Leos have a passionate but short romance with Scorpio. After this they often remain friends. Relationships with Virgos should be avoided. They are too meticulous, and Leo does not like to hear constant criticism addressed to him.
VirgoMost best option for Virgo in terms of serious relationship- this is Capricorn. He loves to be a protector, and Virgo often needs to be protected. It is impossible to build a strong couple with Gemini and Sagittarius; only friendship is possible with them. Well, Aries needs to be avoided as far as possible, since Virgo is disgusted by his passion
ScalesLibra can successfully build relationships with Aquarius and Gemini. These signs bring bright colors into the life of the overly balanced Libra. With Taurus, due to their too power-hungry nature, only friendly relations can develop
ScorpionScorpios love to be first in everything they do. That is why their alliance with Cancers, who do not like to stick their neck out, will be successful. Scorpios also get along well with Pisces and Sagittarius. But it is better for them to avoid representatives of their own sign
SagittariusThis sign is more suitable than any other sign, Leo, who will always support and guide you on the right path. A good relationship with Aries is possible only with the complete subordination of Sagittarius. You shouldn’t make plans for life with a Taurus, he will torment you with jealousy
CapricornAn excellent partner for Capricorn is the practical Virgo. She will become an assistant in all your endeavors. With Taurus, family life will be close to ideal, since these signs are very similar in worldview. But you shouldn’t mess with flighty Geminis. Their penchant for having fun on the side is very painful for monogamous Capricorns
AquariusThe most suitable partners for family life Aquarius are Libra and Gemini. These signs are often connected by common interests and will always find a topic for conversation. Often Aquarians gravitate towards Leo and Sagittarius, but these relationships do not last long. Cancers repel Aquarius with their gloominess and reluctance to communicate
FishAn excellent life partner for Pisces will be Cancer, who knows how to listen and understand. A good marriage happens with a determined and reliable Scorpio. But Pisces will not be comfortable in marriage with restless Aries

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According to the Chinese horoscope

The eastern horoscope states that the compatibility of people in love and family relationships determined by year of birth. All those who believe Chinese astrologers consider their compatibility horoscope before starting a relationship.

A pair of characters that are placed opposite each other in the compatibility table is considered incompatible. People born in the same years do not mix well.

These signs are considered the most compatible in all areas of life:

  1. 1. Rat, Dragon, Monkey. Those born under these signs are passionate and strong people. They often suppress their partners who do not have such energy. They need relationships on the edge, only then do they feel happy.
  2. 2. Bull, Snake, Rooster. Calm and balanced people. They need a stable and balanced relationship in which they can show their loyalty.
  3. 3. Tiger, Horse, Dog. They value independence and freedom, but at the same time they yearn to find a soul mate. Relationships with the signs of their group will be the most harmonious.
  4. 4. Rabbit, Goat, Pig. The softest and most compliant of all signs. They do not tolerate cruelty and rough treatment. They need to be especially careful in choosing a partner.

Capricorn man how to behave with him

By elements

Compatible in love relationships is assessed not only by year of birth and zodiac sign, but also by the element in which the sign is located. For those who are more interested detailed information about their romantic relationships, it will be useful to learn about compatibility by elements.

In total, the signs of the Zodiac are divided into 4 elements:

  1. 1. Air is Aquarius, Gemini, Libra. All representatives of these signs are flighty and freedom-loving. This does not mean that people born under these symbols will be unfaithful. They just know the value of their freedom and value it. Astrologers say that the greatest compatibility in love occurs with Fire signs. But you should be careful here, this union is explosive.
  2. 2. Water is Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Water signs strive for family life with early age, trying to gain self-confidence. But at the same time they can be incredibly demanding and selective towards their partner. The easiest way for them to find a common language is with the signs of the Earth.
  3. 3. Fire is Sagittarius, Leo, Aries. Representatives of these signs are combined with all other elements, but best of all with Air. Fire signs do not have good relationships with representatives of their own fire group.
  4. 4. Earth is Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus. Earth signs like to be in control of situations and do not tolerate any pressure. The most harmonious relationships they have are with their own group. Difficulties can arise with fire signs, as it is difficult for them to interact with each other.

How different zodiac signs fall in love

Compatibility in friendship

If the zodiac constellations are incompatible, then establishing friendships will be problematic. That is why astrologers advise, before starting such a relationship, to study the compatibility horoscope of the signs.

Zodiac sign Characteristic
AriesAries are open to communication only with those who admire them. They can only maintain relationships with those who obey their frantic energy, but they themselves are interested in bright and charismatic personalities. Aries develops the strongest connections with representatives of the signs of Air and Water.
TaurusTaurus is cheerful and easy to communicate with. Easily comes to the aid of friends without asking for anything in return. But Taurus are very touchy and remember their disappointments for a long time. They get along well with representatives of the elements of Fire and Earth.
TwinsGeminis always have many friends and quickly forget them if communication is interrupted for a while. People of this sign are dreamers and good storytellers; there is always something to talk about with them. Most often, strong friendships arise with representatives of their element, Air and fire signs.
CancerCancers are gloomy and unsociable, so they don’t have many friends. But to those who are lucky enough to become their friend, Cancers will give everything they have. They are good at listening and understanding their interlocutor. Good friendship compatibility with air signs
LionThis is a sign of friendly and sociable people who know how to value friendship. All their friends are tried and tested by time. They prefer to make friends with people with whom they have similar interests. Best compatible with fire signs
VirgoVirgos are suspicious and often closed to communication. They have practically no friends. In all difficult situations They rely on themselves and their knowledge, therefore they do not find a common language with others. Good compatibility with Earth signs
ScalesThey are interesting to talk to and are always ready to help. But Libras have few real friends, since they value sincerity and dedication in people. Ideally compatible only with representatives of their own element
SagittariusSagittarius is quite sociable and friendship is not the last place in his life. They have many friends and acquaintances, but are very hot-tempered and often quarrel with them. Goes well with representatives of the Earth element
ScorpionOne of the most difficult friendly attitude signs. Scorpios are envious and too practical. Maintaining a good relationship with them is not easy. Goes well with the water element
CapricornRarely makes friends due to his natural distrust. But in friendship he is generous and will always come to the rescue in difficult times. Compatible with representatives of the elements of Water and Earth
AquariusOne of the most sociable signs of the Zodiac. Compatible with almost all except water signs. Establishes the closest contact with representatives of one’s own element
FishReliable and loyal friends, but only for a select few. They always expect a response if they helped in something. Compatible with water and earth signs

Compatibility of parents and children

In order for parents to have the opportunity to communicate with their children and understand them well, they need to study the compatibility horoscope with their child. Astrologers assure that the nature of relationships with children develops precisely according to such a horoscope. Thanks to him, you can find the right approach to your child:

  1. 1. Sagittarius, Aries, Leo. These are very difficult parents. By suppressing the child with their energy, they do not allow him to develop independently and make his own decisions. Therefore, their relationships with children are often very strained. The ideal combination would be with children born under the element of Air.
  2. 2. Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. Practical and demanding. They instill in their children a sense of confidence and calm. They are often conservative in matters of education. Good relationship will be with children born under the signs of the water and earth elements.
  3. 3. Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces. Very caring, but quite democratic parents. They give children a certain freedom of choice. They often feel the needs of their child on an intuitive level. Compatible with representatives of the air element.
  4. 4. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius. It is these signs that are the best parents. They become not just mentors, but friends to whom the child trusts his secrets. Compatible with children born under any sign.

Having studied information about the compatibility of a particular sign, a person will be prepared for various pitfalls in relationships.

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Zodiac in marriage

The stars, regardless of whether a person believes in astrology, influence everything without exception. It's a shame that the reputation of this science went down after publications and other media began to broadcast small daily forecasts for the zodiac signs. Of course, one day cannot be the same for every Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Many people consider horoscopes to be nonsense precisely because of this. However, there are those who are concerned about such a topic as the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage. It is worth considering it in more detail.

The benefits of a horoscope

I would like to say that knowledge of such a topic as the compatibility of zodiac signs in marriage has many benefits. Knowing your sign and the one to which your partner belongs, you can study all the similarities and opposites. With the help of such knowledge it is much easier to smooth out conflicts and avoid quarrels.

Important Details

But you need to know that relationships are not built on horoscope alone, and you cannot make any radical decisions based on astrology alone. This will already seem like an extreme. For example, Sagittarius is incompatible with Cancer. However, this is not a reason to think about breaking up and fall into deep depression. You cannot rely on a marriage compatibility horoscope drawn up by someone.


These are people of the fire sign, they are always full of feelings, energy and emotions. Individuals born under this sign will get along well with people like them - passionate and energetic. These are all signs of Fire. Or air signs, which can stabilize the energy of Aries and also direct it into the right direction. But Aries will never get along with Capricorn or Pisces.


The marriage compatibility horoscope indicates that these family-oriented, reliable, faithful partners will do well with Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer or Pisces. But his relationship with Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius will not work out. Because these signs are too categorical; harmony in relationships is extremely important for Taurus.


Loyal, stable and predictable individuals. A wonderful union will develop with Libra, Aquarius and your own sign. They seem to be attracted to each other. Relationships with Cancers and Capricorns will be good. Freedom is important to them in relationships. An alliance with Scorpios, Sagittarius and Leos will not succeed.


Zodiac sign compatibility in marriage will be good with Taurus and Pisces, but the best one is with Cancer. Thanks to common hobbies and interests, as well as reliability, you will get a long-lasting and strong union.


Pairs perfectly with Aries and Sagittarius. Perhaps with Pisces, but Leo will have to become more tolerant. Not much will work with Capricorns and Virgos, since it will be extremely difficult to find a common language.


These are complex natures. They get along best with their own sign or with Scorpio. It will be very difficult for Virgo to keep in touch with the rest. If you want to live your life with a Virgo, you need to learn to calmly accept frequent caustic comments from her.


They suffer from loneliness and need harmony and balance in relationships. Compatibility will be good in marriage with Gemini, Taurus or Aries. They do not get along well with Leos and Cancers, because the former are arrogant, and Libra hates this quality.


Complex natures do not like criticism and always “sting” in response. They need a partner who won't let them explode. And this is Sagittarius. It is with this person that Scorpio will succeed strong marriage.


Wayward and ardent people. They cannot find a common language with any of the other signs. They can more or less get along with Leos, Aries and Scorpios. They will never get along with Pisces, because this is their complete opposite.


The personification of stability, who will do well with Virgo, Taurus or Pisces, thanks to similar life values.

Aquarius and Pisces

No wonder they are united. These are complete duals, refined natures. They will have a great relationship with each other because they want the same thing from life - spiritual contact and harmony.

The zodiac sign reflects the personality characteristics, its type and willpower. It influences human behavior when building relationships, but does not play a decisive role. There is neither perfect compatibility in love nor absolute incompatibility. People build alliances themselves, and the stars only indicate possible directions for the development of relations. If a couple knows how to compromise, then even the lowest compatibility of zodiac signs can be successful.

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      Western zodiac horoscope

      The compatibility of people in astrology depends not only on the signs of the zodiac, but also on the elements to which they belong. For example, it is important not only that one partner is Sagittarius and the other is Taurus, but also that the element of the first is Fire, and the second is Earth.

      Elemental compatibility can be seen in the table:

      • People who belong to the same element usually have high compatibility, but there are some exceptions. The Fire signs (Sagittarius, Leo and Aries) are similar in many ways, and their desires in sex, love and passion are the same, but it is in such unions that the greatest number of betrayals, jealousy and violent scandals are observed. In addition, both partners want to be leaders, which makes it impossible to create strong and harmonious relationships.

        How to determine if a guy is suitable for a girl - compatibility of names in love and marriage


        Strong and purposeful Aries experience difficulties in love relationships due to their stubbornness and selfishness. They need a partner who can appreciate their aspirations and completely refuse negative criticism towards them. The best compatibility in love and relationships is with the signs of Fire and Air. These include:

        • Sagittarius.
        • Aries.
        • Twins.
        • Scales.
        • Aquarius.

        Unfavorable relationships develop with Cancers, although they can provide proper emotional support. Capricorns are incompatible with Aries, who will never be able to understand the inner experiences and spiritual impulses of the fire sign. In rare cases, Aries are able to build strong and lasting relationships with Taurus and Virgo, which will force them to take things seriously and become more practical and stable.

        In many ways, compatibility with Aries depends on the patience of partners. This zodiac sign is quite hot-tempered and childishly naive. He does not know how to admit his mistakes and accept other people's opinions. Fire signs with similar characteristics, or Libra and Gemini, may have a positive attitude towards this behavior.

        In relationships with Water signs, Aries may turn out to be a “slave” of his love. He will lose his inner freedom and will begin to depend on the person. The relationship between a man and a woman will develop rapidly and may leave serious emotional wounds. Nevertheless, Aries has every chance of finding true love among Scorpios and Pisces.


        Construction problem ideal relationship for Taurus lies in their demandingness towards their partner and jealousy. The best unions are possible with the signs of Water (Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer) and Earth (Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo). The most vivid and memorable relationships for a lifetime are relationships with representatives of your own zodiac sign and Scorpios. Such unions require long and difficult work, but are distinguished by their strength.

        Taurus is ideally compatible with Cancer, as both are homebodies. They have a similar worldview and interests, which allows them to create a long and strong union. Pisces will be able to charm a representative of this sign with their calmness and ability to adapt to any situation. Favorable relationships are possible with Capricorns and Aries, but on the path to happiness the couple will have to face loud scandals and emotional reconciliations.

        Taurus is completely incompatible with Gemini, who is too superficial and frivolous, as well as Aquarius. Taurus has a bad combination with Leo and Sagittarius. Conflicts of Taurus in relations with these signs will be of a pronounced nature and will negatively affect psychological state.


        To create a family and love relationships, air signs are most suitable for them - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini and fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo and Aries. A strong intellectual connection arises between Libra and Gemini, which becomes the beginning of a strong friendship that often develops into love. With representatives of their own sign, Gemini will be able to fully open up and plunge into a romantic atmosphere.

        They are connected with Aquarius by common life values ​​and worldview. However, in order to create a strong union, these signs should calm down their desire for affairs on the side. With fire signs - Leo, Aries and Sagittarius - rapid and passionate relationships are possible, which will be full of emotions and inner experiences.

        The lowest compatibility by date of birth is for Gemini with Capricorn, Scorpio and Taurus. Short-term alliances are possible with Cancer and Virgo, which will not allow the partners to develop. Unpromising relationships await Gemini with Pisces, who only provide negative impact to the air sign.


        In marriage and love relationships, Cancer is fully compatible with the Water signs - Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. Good compatibility of zodiac signs by month with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo. Cancer needs a partner who can surround him with gentleness and romanticism. He will appreciate the desire to create a cozy family nest and will provide support. Completely incompatible with Libra and Aries.

        Cancers need a deep connection of mind, body and soul. For them, the partner’s feelings are important, not words. They value stable relationships and are not prone to cheating. Scorpios will be able to understand the representative of this zodiac sign. Their relationship will have a strong emotional connection, allowing partners to develop and achieve their goals.

        In a relationship with Pisces, Cancer will please their pride and turn dreams into reality. Pisces will bring romance into Cancer's life and become caring partners. They feel each other's mood perfectly and are highly emotional. Good relationships develop with Taurus, who have a similar worldview and need consistency.


        The love horoscope is not always true favorable character. It is difficult for this sign to build strong and harmonious relationships due to their temperament. Such a bright and shocking nature can be understood by the signs ruled by the element of fire - Leo, Sagittarius and Aries, as well as the air triangle - Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

        Relationships with Sagittarians start brightly and can last a long time. They suit each other and have a lot in common; they need new emotions and vivid impressions. Emotionally, Leo is best suited to Aries. Together these signs can achieve common goal and achieve high results in work. Selfishness of partners and unwillingness to make concessions can lead to conflicts. A harmonious union is possible with Gemini. They have common interests, but Leo's jealousy can become a reason for breaking off relations.

        Capricorns, Taurus and Scorpios are least suitable for Leos. Relationships with Capricorns can be stable, but they will not last long. The partners will not be able to compromise and will begin to “fight” for the position of leader. Relationships with Taurus will be filled with quarrels and misunderstandings due to the self-centeredness of the signs. With Scorpio, the romance will be bright and fast-paced, but will leave a lot of negativity in the souls of both partners.


        Most good compatibility Virgo with the signs: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Pisces. Relationships with Cancer are harmonious from the very beginning. The guy and girl of these signs have a common worldview and interests. They love order, share a love for stylish things and pay great attention family values. Cancer allows Virgo to become the leader of the relationship and will rely on her for everything.

        In a relationship with Capricorn, Virgo will feel like a duck to water. She is attracted by her partner's thriftiness and discipline. This couple needs to ensure that passion does not fade away prematurely. Alliances with Taurus are favorable, since Virgo can quickly extinguish attacks of rage and aggression in a partner with an earth sign.

        Virgos have less favorable alliances with Scorpio and Aquarius. Relationships between these signs are possible, but partners will need to do a lot of work on themselves. Virgo in astrology is completely incompatible with the signs: Aries, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Gemini. At best, a fleeting passion can flare up with these partners, which will not cause psychological trauma.


        They immediately attract members of the opposite sex, but relationships cannot be built with all fans who are not indifferent to them. They need reliable support and a strong rear, which can be provided by representatives of the following zodiac signs:

        • Aquarius.
        • Twins.
        • Aries.
        • Scorpion.
        • Sagittarius.

        Aquarians are compatible with Libra on an intellectual level. They can form a fruitful creative tandem, where Libra will inspire Aquarius to new exploits. They for a long time do not lose mutual interest and enjoy communicating with each other. Libra and Aquarius have perfect compatibility for marriage.

        Libra and Gemini have every chance of a memorable and long-lasting romance. They love fun and are constantly looking for new adventures. They are not interested in everyday problems; they give preference to quick pleasures rather than deep feelings. Despite the apparent frivolity in this couple, they understand each other perfectly and have every chance of creating a strong union.

        Romantic relationships await Libra and Sagittarius. This sign will bring variety and brightness to the life of Libra. Despite their frivolity and loving nature, Libra will be able to tame a partner and create a successful union.

        Libra's relationship with Scorpio will develop quite rapidly. In a pair of these signs may appear conflict situations due to Scorpio's jealousy, but they will be solvable. This sign will contribute to the development of Libra and make them more responsible. Favorable relationships are possible for Libra with Aries, but partners will have to make compromises and learn to solve everyday problems.


        Scorpios – difficult people, which both attract and repel. Relationships with them will be oversaturated with both positive and negative emotions. Scorpios can create a strong union with the following signs:

        • Fish.
        • Taurus.
        • Virgo.
        • Capricorn.

        The relationship between Scorpio and Cancer is developing favorably. These signs find in each other what they need to see in their life partner. Cancers will be devoted to their partner and will not give a single reason for jealousy. Of all the zodiac signs, only Cancer is able to cope with the complex character of Scorpio and tame him like a kitten.

        Capricorn attracts Scorpio with his hard work and determination, and will bring an eternal holiday into his life. Under the influence of an emotional partner, Capricorn will be able to reveal his abilities and will put up with the jealousy and outbursts of irritability of his other half. The couple has every chance of building a long and strong relationship.

        Pisces and Scorpio are people who complement each other. In this union, Pisces will receive protection and support, and Scorpio will receive inspiration. They are able to understand each other perfectly, and there are practically no conflicts in their relationship. Problems can only arise if Scorpio wants to “remake” Pisces and begins to put pressure on them.


        Sagittarius can have harmonious and strong relationships with the same fire signs - Aries and Leo. They have similar energy characteristics and outlook on life. There will be conflicts in their relationship, as both signs strive to take the role of leader, but mutual understanding in the couple is at a high level. Despite belonging to the element of Fire, the union between two Sagittarius is rarely positive.

        Possible compatibility with air signs - Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. Sagittarius and Gemini have similar views on life, love to travel and expand their horizons. They will be united by common interests and creative pursuits. The union of Libra with Sagittarius promotes the spiritual and social growth of partners. Aquarians will share their partner's craving for innovation and help him become even more passionate.

        Sagittarius has unfavorable relationships with Taurus, Scorpio, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. Frequent conflicts with constant dissatisfaction with each other are possible with Scorpios and Cancers. Taurus will quickly get bored with active Sagittarius, although the beginning of the relationship is usually favorable. Sagittarius has practically nothing in common with Capricorn, and their life paths will quickly diverge.


        People of the Capricorn sign have good compatibility with Taurus and Virgo. Alliances with Pisces, Scorpios and Cancer can also be favorable. Couples consisting of Capricorn and Taurus are distinguished by their strength. These signs have similar characters and outlooks on life. They will help their partner open up and achieve their goals together.

        Pisces and Capricorns complement each other perfectly. Capricorns act as a reliable support for dreamy partners who fascinate with their mystery. In a relationship with Pisces, Capricorn becomes more open to everything new. Quarrels rarely arise between these signs and there is a strong psychological connection.

        Capricorns have the most favorable relationships with Virgos. The similarity of life values ​​and worldview reduces conflicts between partners to zero. They are ideal for each other emotionally and intellectually and have a high chance of creating a strong marriage. Signs that are not suitable for Capricorns for marriage and love are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


        Despite his ease of communication, Aquarius is not easy to create relationships. He needs a partner who will harmoniously complement him. Gemini, Libra, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius are suitable for him. In relationships with Aquarius, partners respect each other's independence, which helps to avoid conflicts based on jealousy. Gemini is able to inspire Aquarius to new achievements.

        The ideal couple for love and marriage is Sagittarius and Aquarius. There will be no quarrels or conflicts in their relationship. These are two flighty people who cannot live without each other and have every chance of a long-term union. A delightful romance awaits Aquarius and Libra. These unions are based on equality and harmony. Partners try to get the best out of life, but they lack responsibility.

        Relationships with Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio are most often doomed to failure. In relationships with Virgo, conflicts will arise due to the irresponsibility of the partner, and Aquarius will not be able to pay enough attention to Pisces. Scorpio is not suitable for Aquarius because of his possessiveness and jealousy.


        Cancers and Scorpios will be able to understand and appreciate all the richness of the inner world of Pisces. An alliance with Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo can be favorable. The difficulties of building relationships with Pisces lie in the impracticality of this sign. They need a person who will take full responsibility and solve everyday problems.

        The ideal partner for Pisces is Scorpio. In this union, the energy of the partners flows into each other and makes the partners feel like one. Pisces envelops Scorpio in a calming serenity, which helps avoid scandals and conflicts in relationships. Pisces, in turn, receive protection and support.

        Pisces and Cancers are well suited to each other, and they do not get bored spending time together, but the problem with relationships lies in the secrecy of these signs. Over time, their emotional connection will become less strong, and they will prefer to hush up and conceal pressing problems. Partners should have the opportunity to have a heart-to-heart talk and throw out the emotions that have accumulated in their souls.

        Relations with Taurus at the initial stage develop well. Taurus acts as a protector and reliable support for dreamy Pisces, but over time he notices that his “ideal” is completely unsuited to solving everyday problems and does not know how to perform household duties. Virgo is the ideal partner for Pisces. They accept each other for who they are and go towards their goals together.

        Chinese horoscope

        The Chinese horoscope by year of birth is popular in both the East and the West. According to it, every year within the 12-year cycle passes under the symbol of a certain animal. Depending on the totem that belongs to a person, his behavior and fate are determined. Countdown Eastern year happens according to lunar calendar– the new month begins with the new moon.

        The compatibility of the zodiac signs of the Chinese horoscope can be seen in the table:










        The ratio between other signs is in the range of 40-60%.

        The most successful unions:

        • Rat and Dragon.
        • Bull and Snake.
        • Tiger and Horse.
        • Rabbit and Goat.
        • Dragon and Monkey.
        • Snake and Rooster.
        • Horse and Dog.
        • Goat and Pig.
        • Monkey and Rat.
        • Rooster and Bull.
        • Dog and Tiger.
        • Pig and Rabbit.

        Between these signs there is a coincidence of characters and complete harmony in relationships.

        Initially, the combination of the following signs is doomed to failure:

        • Pigs and Snakes.
        • Dogs and Dragons.
        • Rooster and Rabbit.
        • Monkey and Tiger.
        • Goat and Bull.
        • Horses and Rats.
        • Snakes and Pigs.
        • Dragon and Dog.

        Compatibility by date of birth

        Numerology calculates the compatibility of people through calculations. The initial data is the numbers of the date of birth. First you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth and determine the numerological number. For example, the date 10/22/1991 is calculated as 2+2+1+0+1+9+9+1=25, after which you need to add the resulting numbers: 2+5=7.

        It is necessary to carry out calculations based on the numbers of the partner’s date of birth (10/10/1990 = 1+0+1+0+1+9+9+0=20=2+0=2). After the calculations have been carried out, it is necessary to add up the resulting numbers of the partners and determine the numerological number of the couple (7+2=9).

        Characteristics of future relationships by date of birth are presented in the table:

        Numerological number of the couple

        Nature of the relationship

        A strong relationship initially develops between partners, but difficulties cannot be avoided. Conflicts and disputes over leadership arise in the couple. In order to preserve the union, one of the partners must give in

        The relationship is reminiscent of a mutually beneficial partnership, where each partner tries to pull the blanket to their side. The union will not have vivid feelings and experiences, but it is quite strong

        Partners may have warm feelings for each other, but it will be difficult to avoid a breakup. In such a relationship there will be quarrels, betrayals, lies and betrayal.

        Calm and understanding reign between partners. They do not skimp on showing tenderness and love. The union has every chance of existing until old age

        There is strong passion and unbridled feelings between partners. Outwardly it may seem that the relationship is built on love, but in reality one of the partners is selfish and thinks only about himself

        A balanced relationship where partners are united not only by mutual feelings, but also by friendly support. In this union, quarrels and conflicts are excluded, and all problems are solved together

        In this union there is a strong emotional connection, and the partners understand each other perfectly. They have every chance of developing strong and long-lasting relationships if they do not start competing

        People are strongly attracted to each other, but one of the partners manipulates the other. In this union there may be high-profile scandals and quarrels that can undermine the strongest relationships

The characteristics of the zodiac signs allow us not only to get acquainted with a person’s temperament, but also to find out which of the signs will make him best couple in love and marriage. Each sign is protected by a certain element, which determines optimal compatibility. Water is best understood by Earth, but Fire is comfortable next to air signs.

Fiery Aries

Fire elemental pet. Bright and hot, like the flame itself. He lights up wherever he is destined to appear. This is a born leader. Active and active as much as he has enough strength. And he draws strength from activity, so this perpetual motion machine never stops.

In love, the sign needs absolute submission. It is important for him to feel like the captain of a ship, so only a humble and obedient person is suitable for him. Aries can also make friends with a representative of his element. But this union can culminate in eternal struggle and rivalry.

A favorable alliance with Leo. Good relationships with Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Although the latter may seem too freedom-loving to Aries.

Relationships will be difficult, if at all, with a Pisces or Capricorn.

Stable Taurus

The earthy and cozy Taurus personifies in the zodiac family happiness. This is a calm and balanced bull who knows no fuss. He is a responsible worker and a devoted husband. Relatives are the greatest value of Taurus in this unstable world.

In love, Taurus is also calm and peaceful. He appreciates delicious food, comfortable chairs and long sleep. It would seem, what more could you want in a family nest? But some signs will begin to get bored in such an environment in the first half hour. Therefore, compatibility for Taurus should become a powerful argument when choosing a partner.

Suitable for an earth sign in marriage would be the practical and wise Virgo, as well as aquatic Pisces and Cancer. All these signs get along well with earthly symbols, and are also ready to give the bull the necessary comfort.

Taurus is unlikely to be comfortable living next to Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. However, these signs themselves will not dare to share life with the passive and conservative Taurus.

Elusive Gemini

A typical representative of Air. The element endowed Gemini with changeable moods, an eccentric character and an obstinate disposition. It is very difficult to understand the sign. You can only accept it.

The activities of Gemini cannot be tracked. Today this man studies Chinese cuisine, tomorrow he plays hockey, and on Thursday he breeds Pekingese dogs. And have no doubt, it will be enough for absolutely all hobbies. The only trouble is that Geminis forget to finish things they start.

An equally active and energetic character would be perfect as a partner for Gemini. For example, Aquarius, Capricorn or Libra. True, the latter will have to be caught around the world just like the Twins themselves. The partners will meet in the family bed, exhausted and tired.

Scorpios, Sagittarius and Cancers will not be able to understand this flighty soul, and Leo will even try to subdue her, which is unacceptable for an air sign.

Sensitive Cancer

Mysterious and deep, like a dark pond, Cancer is under the protection of the element of Water. Moreover, the Moon also rules over him. This cocktail gives birth to a sensitive and romantic soul. Her mood changes like the weather.

Cancer is emotional, vulnerable and a little whiny. Direly needs sensual love, its constant confirmation and languid conversations. In exchange for a reverent attitude, Cancer gives his partner the highest quality life that this born family man can provide. You will never be hungry, cold or tired if you are lucky enough to be the love of a Cancer.

Feeling loved and needed for Cancer will be able to give gentle Pisces and cozy Taurus. A good alliance can also work out with Scorpio, but partners are advised to work on themselves:

  • Scorpio should stop trying to compete with the person they love. You are not on a relay race, but in love. Compete only in the amount of attention given to your partner.
  • Cancer needs to understand the hot-tempered Scorpio. If there is a hurricane raging there, wait it out. You cannot go to sea (start important conversations) in a storm. Otherwise it will flood you too.

Noble Leo

The embodiment of the superiority and grace of the horoscope is personified in Leo. This is a wonderful sign in all its manifestations. He is noble, generous and slightly proud. Leo's element is Fire, so he has an acute character.

This is a self-confident character for whom it is important to feel his greatness. He achieves it in a very extravagant way. Leo is so caring and neatly commanding that you will admire him willingly. Forget everything they told you and fall in love with Leo.

This sign is beautiful and wonderful, but not everyone can be in a relationship with it. If he is looking for an ally, then the pair will form with Aries or Sagittarius. If he is looking for an admirer, then he will like Pisces.

The king of the entire horoscope has poor compatibility with Capricorns and Virgos. The first one will not notice the greatness of his partner behind his worries, and the second one loves to criticize too much, which is unacceptable in the case of maned perfection . These zodiac signs will not get along in relationships, even if they are left alone on the planet.

Practical Virgo

Representative of the Earth element, Virgo came to this world in order to restore order in it. She loves to count, calculate and plan. This is the embodiment of the elements at its best. Virgo is practical and stable, like a hundred-year-old oak. Everything in her life is subject to some kind of laws.

The zodiac sign in marriage is neat to the point of impossibility. The spices on the kitchen shelf are arranged in alphabetical order, and the socks in the chest of drawers are arranged according to the colors of the spectrum. Virgo also loves beauty, so these spices will be the most exquisite, and the socks will be from a well-known brand.

The sign combines practicality and grace. This is a real phenomenon, because only Virgo will be able to maintain life in such a luxurious form, without spending a single extra penny.

Not everyone can understand the practical and stable Virgo. And this sign will not risk trusting the first person he meets. Favorable relationships will be with the same Virgo, Scorpio and, possibly, Taurus. The bull will be a little cramped within the framework of savings, but it will benefit him. After all, Taurus gravitates toward abundance, bordering on squandering.

Virgo is poorly compatible with Leo, who cannot stand caustic comments. And flighty characters will not get along in this earthly paradise. Libra, Gemini and Aquarius should pass by.

Windy Libra

Airy and light, Libra represents interaction with the outside world. They are flighty, free and sociable. There is always a flock of Gemini-Aquarius circling around Libra, who are ready to embark on any adventure that comes into their flighty heads.

Libra loves beauty. Their life is woven from luxury, so the sign does not cut off tags from branded items, but hides them behind the collar.

Air is difficult to hold in the palms of your hands, so Libra's relationships are often fleeting, like time. If the sign decides to get married, he will be a good family man. Libras are caring and know how to find compromises. These two qualities save their fillets from the constant nagging of the halves.

But no matter how hard Libra tries to come to an agreement, they will only be able to find a common language for many years with their “brothers.” Aquarius, Gemini and fiery Aries will be able to understand this indecisive secular character.

Libra should not waste the time and nerves of Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. It is also recommended to avoid Taurus and Scorpio.

Libra refers to complex characters, so when joining in a relationship they need to adjust their disposition:

  • If you can’t get rid of frivolity, then at least camouflage it. Get in the habit of being consistent about certain things. SMS at lunchtime, dinner together on Fridays.
  • Don't try to stay young forever. You still have to grow up. It's easier to do this at 25 than at 40.

Hot Scorpio

Unknown why this sign was born under the auspices of the element of Water, being filled with flame to the edge of the shell. Scorpio is 90% passion. He is hot in everything. If he is interested in any phenomenon, it will absorb the sign headlong.

This also happens when Scorpio decides to find a loved one. To acquire it, because he is used to owning and not sharing. This is a leader and you have to live with it.

He is furious and spends his entire life looking for someone to sting. Purposeful and assertive, like a rock. Poisonous, like... a scorpion.

Don't be afraid, rage and the desire for revenge will not penetrate your relationship. After all, they will have no place left from the unbridled sexuality of the sign. In love, he is caring and vulnerable. But just don't tell anyone. This is the secret of Scorpio and its weak point.

Relationships with Scorpio - This is a test, so the sign is advised to keep its sharp character:

  • Scorpios, speak up. Your habit of silence will drive anyone to white heat;
  • Control your outbursts of emotions, otherwise one day only sticks will remain from the family nest.

Scorpio better pay attention to Cancer and Pisces. They will understand the sting from the first word and will support you in the fight against it cruel world. Water signs know how to smooth out conflicts and reassure that the stinging symbol needs air more than air.

Scorpio should not appear in the life of Libra, Aries, Leo or Virgo. None of these signs deserve such a test.

Cheerful Sagittarius

Fiery Sagittarius is the personification of faith in a bright future. This is the most optimistic sign of the zodiac. And also the most energetic. His vitality would be enough to power the entire city.

He loves to act, hates to sit still and knows no sadness. Loves to sign and dream. But his dreams are not groundless. He knows how to set goals for himself and achieve them.

Sagittarius in relationships needs fiery or air signs. He sees his partner as an ally, which is why he most often finds himself in the arms of Aries or Leo. Although, to tell the truth, no sign can fully understand Sagittarius. He's too hot to get close to.

Zodiac signs whose marriage compatibility is undesirable should beware of meeting the owner of arrows. Having met Pisces, Sagittarius will boil this pond, therefore the compatibility of Sagittarius and Pisces is the most negative in the entire horoscope.

Discreet Capricorn

The most hardworking sign. While the rest are reading their compatibility and sighing languidly, Capricorn has already plowed the field, written a dozen reports and assembled the closet by hand. He knows no fatigue. He can work day and night, snacking while running and resting while blinking.

Family life with Capricorn has pros and cons. Among the positive aspects, it is worth noting security and prosperity in everything. Money simply cannot help but come if you earn it so hard.

The disadvantage of love for Capricorn is its absence. It always works: when you work, when you wait for it for dinner and when you go on vacation. The courier will even bring you a birthday gift. And if you still catch Capricorn by the tail and sit him on the sofa, his consciousness will be somewhere far away. He's not used to romance. Callous and dry like an Easter gingerbread New Year. Therefore, it is incompatible with tender and soft ones.

Compatibility of zodiac signs in love and marriage confirms that loving Capricorn is difficult, but possible. Active natures like himself will cope with this. The omnipresent Aries, calm Taurus or hard-working Virgo will have no time to be offended.

It is better not to mess with the capricious Cancer and demanding Pisces. Capricorn does not have enough attention and patience for them.

Creative Aquarius

Airy extravagant sign. He loves everything interesting and unusual. And also freedom. Being the wind, Aquarius cannot sit still. He doesn’t risk committing himself to a relationship for a long time. But he is active in everything else.

In family life he is faithful, although he constantly runs into the suspicions of his partner. It is very rare to see Aquarius at home. Compatibility of signs in marriage and love advises Aquarius to fall in love with windy Gemini, Libra or fiery Leo.

It is better not to disturb the peace of stable Virgos, Capricorns and Pisces. Avoid Scorpio altogether.

Dreamy Pisces

Romance and tenderness in one bottle. The water sign Pisces is a miracle in the zodiac circle. They are romantic, loving and reverent. But they are also vulnerable, touchy and emotional.

It’s difficult with Pisces, but it’s so good. A warm dinner, a soft bed and a good movie will always be waiting for you. Fish will listen and advise, hug and warm.

Fishy daydreaming can interfere with the idyll. Few signs will tolerate Pisces' flights of fancy. Today these fins are going to learn to play the guitar, tomorrow they are baking cupcakes, and in February they will start skiing. And who will go to work?

Cancer and Scorpio can understand Pisces. Taurus will bring them down to earth. And Virgo will offend. And fiery Aries will not give the desired comfort.

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