Raw food diet. The right food combination for a raw foodist

And most often only products plant origin. There are four main dietary options for raw foodists.

1. Raw food diet consists of fresh raw fruits, berries, vegetables and their juices, air-dried fruits and berries, wild edible plants, nuts, raw oilseeds and other plants, sprouted grains, soaked in cold water whole grains or cereals close to whole grains, vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing, natural honey. Pickled vegetables are acceptable. The drink is pure raw water. Juices of fruits, berries and vegetables, as well as drinks of raw grain products or nuts, are classified as food and not as a thirst-quenching drink.

This diet is common among supporters of a raw food diet. By set food products it is very close to a strictly vegetarian diet - veganism. What distinguishes it from ordinary veganism is that heat treatment of foods during cooking is completely excluded.

2. Raw food diet basically repeats the previous one, but whole grains and cereals soaked in cold water, pickled vegetables, and sometimes vegetable oil are excluded from it. Sprouted grain is acceptable. This is the strictest raw food diet. The most consistent raw foodists include mainly fresh raw fruits and berries in their diet. This diet is called fructoriapism.

3. Raw food diet represents products of the 1st diet, but is supplemented with raw milk and, in some cases, dairy products: yogurt and other fermented milk drinks, cream, sour cream, cottage cheese. At the same time, true raw foodists reject industrially produced dairy products. Can be enabled raw eggs.

Raw foodists who eat raw plant and dairy products are called “omnivores,” in contrast to absolute, or ideal raw foodists, who eat only raw plant foods. The word "omnivore" has a relative meaning, since raw foodists of any type do not consume meat or fish.

4. Raw food diet corresponds to the 1st or 3rd diet, but is supplemented with bread baked, if possible, from whole grains and without the use of yeast. If baked bread is included in a 3-1 diet (vegetable-milk-egg), then such a diet can be considered the least strict in a raw food diet.

Many raw foodists consume whole apples and other fruits with the seed pod, so as not to disturb the “food complex”. In grated apple or ground pumpkin, the seeds are less noticeable. Great value is also attached to the peel - fruits, berries and vegetables should be eaten with the peel. A whole egg is considered more nutritious than one yolk or white, and whole milk is more nutritious than cream or sour cream.

You should not eat a lot or often. Only once a day can you eat thoroughly, and two more times - little by little. This is the limit. Anything beyond this is harmful, especially snacking between three meals. You need to eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly. This is especially important when we're talking about about raw plant products. If they are poorly chewed, gastric and intestinal disorders and bloating occur.

When eating a raw food diet, you can do without table salt, hot spices, spices and seasonings. Due to the complete or almost complete exclusion of table salt from the diet, thirst decreases and excess liquid is not introduced into the body, especially since fruits and vegetables contain natural juices.

A diet menu of raw fruits and vegetables can be like this:

  • Apple salad (see recipe below), 20-30 g of nuts - separately or in a salad, 100-200 g of fresh fruit, dried rosehip tea.
  • 150-250 g of fresh fruit, 50-100 g of green salad, 100-150 g of fresh vegetables, 20 g of nuts, fresh fruit or vegetable juices.
  • Dinner:
    • Same as breakfast.
    Apple salad

    Soak 1 tablespoon of oatmeal for 12 hours in 3 tablespoons of water, then add the juice of ½ lemon or other sour fruit, 1 tablespoon of milk, kefir or honey, 2 grated apples and 1 tablespoon of grated nuts if they are not given for breakfast. separately.

    Raw food diet can help normalize body weight, especially in obesity, strengthen muscles, and facilitate body movements. The famous Australian naturopath K. Jeffrey in his book “Natural Food” (1974) indicated an approximate set of products (in percentages) that should comprise a daily food ration with a total weight of about 1.5 kg:

    • raw fruits and berries (except bananas) – 50%;
    • raw vegetables(except potatoes) – 35%;
    • grain products (mainly whole grains), legumes, potatoes, bananas - 10% of the diet; these products can be eaten after light cooking or raw;
    • dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cottage cheese, cream, eggs, honey – 5-10%;
    • boiled vegetables (except cabbage) can be consumed 1-2 times a week, provided they are heated briefly;
    • vegetable oil, fruit juices, onions, garlic, table salt and other seasonings - 1% of food consumed.

    According to Katsudzo Nishi’s “Health System” (1936), which incorporates raw food nutrition, fasting, yoga, bioenergy and other techniques, you should start the day with juicy fruits, which should be eaten raw and whole - with peel and seeds. It is not wise to juice them. IN winter time You can soak dried fruits and eat them as a separate dish along with the infusion.

    For people who still continue to eat “unnatural” cooked food, K. Nishi recommends taking a contrast shower or air baths after eating. It is imperative to combine cooked food with raw vegetables. In this case, there should be 3 times more raw products than cooked ones.


    Raw fruits in season (2-3 oranges or 200 g of grapes and one apple or 2 pears, etc.) or in combination with soaked dried fruits.


    A salad of raw grated or finely chopped vegetables (carrots, cabbage, turnips, etc.) with herbs and, if desired, with the addition of vegetable oil; instead of vegetables, you can use sour fruits and berries, adding to them 100 g of nuts or oil seeds (sunflower etc.).


    Vegetable salad, nuts (seeds) or a combination of green lettuce, green or red pepper, beet tops and nuts; Instead of vegetables, you can eat fruits as for breakfast.

    To salads, mainly in winter, you can add dried herbs, powdered seeds and berries (rowanberries, blueberries, etc.). In the summer it is worth drying pine, nettles, and other wild plants. It is advisable to use apricot kernels and pollen (2-3 g per dose). Raw vegetables can be eaten with vegetable oil, fruits and dried fruits with honey. Fresh fruits can be replaced with freshly prepared vegetable juices.

    Raw foodists believe that the main cause of obesity is eating unnatural food. Obesity cannot occur when eating natural, raw food. Indeed, firstly, it is difficult to overeat raw plant foods. Secondly, calculations accepted in nutrition science show that the energy value of the recommended six diets ranges from a maximum of 2.94 to 5.88 MJ (from 700 to 1400 kcal) per day. This corresponds to diets used in the treatment of obesity in modern dietetics.

    Switching to a raw food diet requires a lot of endurance and the ability to limit yourself in food. Becoming an absolute Raw Foodist, a person not only stops consuming animal products, but also abandons the familiar taste of boiled, baked, stewed, fried, salted and other foods. In addition, the transition to raw food rarely occurs without adverse effects of varying manifestations and intensity. side effects. Therefore, rules for the transition to a raw food diet have been developed.

    Rules for switching to a raw food diet

    The doctrine of the raw food diet provides for a gradual transition from regular nutrition to eating only raw food and consistently limiting the range of foods until the diet consists predominantly or entirely of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, wild plants, nuts, seeds and sprouted grains. Only a few supporters of a raw food diet, in particular G. Shelton, recommend a quick, without hesitation or addiction, transition from “dead” food to “live”, raw plant food.

    The first step to a raw food diet is to exclude animal and poultry meat from the diet, then fish. Further, if desired, eggs can be excluded from the diet. A diet consisting of raw and cooked plant and dairy products or plant-dairy-egg foods is called a semi-raw food diet.

    Raw foodists believe that the transition to a semi-raw food diet usually occurs without significant difficulties, especially for those people who have already been able to wean themselves off meat and fish. However, the transition from cooked food, not even meat or fish, to a complete raw food diet is rarely accomplished immediately, easily and irrevocably. In adults, such a transition should be careful and gradual. We need to “re-educate” our digestive system.

    The amount of time required to switch to raw food depends on the person's age, health, character, profession and other factors. Adaptation can take years, since the body's habits play a huge role in nutrition. In addition, during the period of getting used to raw food, one must endure a number of possible unpleasant sensations or disorders from the gastrointestinal tract and general malaise.

    • in the morning and evening - raw foods, in the afternoon a lunch of raw and boiled food or only boiled;
    • in the morning and evening - boiled food, in the afternoon - lunch of raw food;
    • During each meal, they first eat a raw dish, then a boiled one; Fruits and nuts should be eaten before a main meal, and not after it, then they are better used by the body.

    However, most people do not need morning food and it is better to limit themselves to two meals: around 11 and 17 hours. In the morning and evening, the same liquids are recommended: juices diluted with water, vegetable “milk”, raw “teas” from herbs, leaves, roots or flowers. From a vegetable-milk or vegetable-milk-egg diet, including boiled food, you should step by step eliminate first eggs, then dairy products, then milk, while at the same time replacing cooked food with raw food.

    Raw foodists claim that the gradual elimination of all animal products provides a diet that is “the purest and most toxin-free.” It is recommended to carry out a “trial raw food diet”: every semi-raw food eater who has the will, endurance and a healthy digestive system, who is already partially accustomed to raw vegetable and dairy products, can carry out such a trial course for 2-3 weeks. Raw foodists believe that even such a trial raw food diet “cleanses, heals and rejuvenates the body, provides it with rest and a solid vitamin boost.”

    Late summer and autumn are the most suitable time for a “trial raw food diet”, especially during the holidays. According to raw foodists, as a result of a trial of eating only raw food, a person feels extraordinary ease of movement, clarity of mind and cheerful mood. Body weight almost always decreases, but then after the body adapts to the new diet, it returns to normal.

    During the trial period of a raw food diet, at first it is better to eat little rather than a lot, and only when you have an appetite. It is advisable to eat mainly seasonal products of this time of year. Thorough chewing of raw food is extremely important, and with a poor chewing apparatus, some raw foods(for example, nuts) must be finely crushed, ground or grated.

    You should not eat after drinking or drink while eating. During the cold season, raw food must be heated in a warm room to the air temperature of the room. Cooked raw dishes cannot be left for long. Table salt, vinegar, spices, seasonings should be replaced with tomato, lemon, cranberry and other juices.

    Of course, these rules retain their meaning even with a complete transition to a diet consisting of raw fruits, berries, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouted grains, etc., i.e. on an absolute raw food diet. Consumption of yeast-free bread baked from whole crushed grains or from wholemeal flour with the addition of bran is acceptable in transition period. Some raw foodists include such bread in their regular diet.

Good day everyone! IN lately I didn’t talk about a raw food diet, unless I was lazy. This wave swept the entire West long ago and reached us a few years ago.

Raw foodists completely reject any heat treatment products, preferring to eat the gifts of Nature in their original form. Today I want to talk to you about proper nutrition on a raw food diet, how to stick to it and what it should be like.

Let's figure out what a proper raw food diet is. Nutrition, first of all, must be balanced. Many who hear about this type of nutrition for the first time mistakenly believe that a raw food diet is very bland, meager, boring and not tasty!

In fact, the taste of fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits is so diverse and interesting that not only raw foodists can appreciate it. Still ordinary people, they hide this taste behind stewing, boiling and frying, thereby “killing” not only the beneficial elements, but also depriving them of their original taste.

A raw food diet (if, of course, it is followed correctly) already includes the basics proper nutrition. Avoiding starchy, sweet and fatty foods has a beneficial effect on your health and figure. People who choose this lifestyle note how much more cheerful and better they begin to feel after just a short time.

Lethargy, drowsiness or insomnia disappears, relieves nervous tension in the muscles. It’s just that many people don’t even realize how much food affects our well-being and appearance.

By eating fresh berries, nuts, seeds, grains, fruits and vegetables, we fill the body with essential microelements, nutrients and vitamins every day. But for a raw food diet to be truly beneficial, you need to eat right.

An example of a complete healthy raw food diet menu for 3 days

So how to eat? A raw food diet does not mean consuming just one type of fruit or vegetable. Below I will give sample menu, which will tell you how you can make your diet tasty, interesting and healthy.

Day one

Breakfast. Sprouted grains, 1 kiwi, 1 orange.

Snack. 2 bananas.

Dinner. Vegetable salad (cucumbers+tomatoes+greens), nuts.

Afternoon snack.

Dinner. Vegetable juice (tomato, carrot, pumpkin)

Day two

Breakfast. 1 kiwi, 1 orange, 1 banana

Snack. Apple and carrot puree

Dinner. Sea kale, pumpkin porridge with pine nuts and 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil

Afternoon snack. Any dried fruits (no more than 50 g)

Dinner. Vegetable salad of arugula, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Day three

Breakfast. 2 apples and a handful of dried fruits

Snack. 0.5 avocado + glass of orange juice

Dinner. Cabbage salad with cucumbers, green buckwheat porridge with a spoon olive oil.

Afternoon snack. Watermelon

Dinner. Raw vegetables and a handful of walnuts

This is just a sample menu that shows how varied and balanced a raw food diet can be. Show your imagination and you will get very tasty and interesting food. The more meager your menu is, the more temptations you will have to relapse and return to your previous type of diet. This should be especially taken into account by those people who are taking their first “raw food” steps.

Golden rules of raw foodism

  • Don't let yourself go hungry. Eat small meals at least four times a day. Beginners especially need to adhere to this rule, since due to hunger it will be easy to break down and snack on some junk food. Remember that a snack will protect you from breakdowns.
  • Never drink food, and you should stop drinking 30 minutes before meals. This will prevent excess gas formation and relieve discomfort.
  • Replace one snack with one glass of freshly squeezed juice or fruit drink.
  • Don't forget about the proteins. If you have eliminated meat, fish and eggs from your diet, then you need to very carefully monitor the amount of protein you consume, which you take from legumes, mushrooms or nuts. Remember that without protein it is not only possible beautiful body, but also good health.
  • If you buy nuts in a supermarket, be careful that they are not roasted, because this contradicts the basic law of a raw food diet.
  • Be sure to include grains in your diet. A new way of eating does not mean giving up cereals. In the evening, you can pour water over the sprouted seeds of green buckwheat and wheat. In the morning you will have a healthy, tasty and hearty breakfast. Diversify your menu with lentils, chickpeas, peas, beans, beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, and any nuts.
  • To feel comfortable throughout the day, you should not mix sugar and fat. Well, of course, we are not talking about candy eaten with a portion of pork. You should not eat sweet fruits (dates, dried apricots, etc.) with nuts and avocados.

If you want to switch to a new type of nutrition, but don't know where to start, take a look free materials Denis Terentyev, a raw foodist with five years of experience. In a concise and concise form, you will be taught the basic basics of a raw food diet and told how beneficial your new lifestyle will be for your health.

I hope I told you how to eat properly in order to stick to a raw food diet without harming your health? If you found this article useful, share the link with your friends!

The raw food diet is becoming increasingly popular due to its undoubted benefits. Many people happily adhere to this style of eating, considering it the only correct one. It is a mistake to think that a raw food diet involves a very meager, uninteresting and tasteless diet. In fact, raw fruits, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms and herbs have an indescribable aroma and taste that cannot be compared with boiled ones. For raw food dishes, spices, salt and sugar are practically not used, since there is no point in “flavoring” them - they are filled with taste. All raw foodists agree that with such a diet, you can also eat varied and tasty. Without heat treatment, many delicious and very tasty dishes are prepared from products of plant origin. healthy dishes, which fill the body with vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Many people want to start eating right, but they are put off by the lack of pleasure in the process of eating food, the meagerness of the menu and constant feeling hunger, which, in their opinion, all raw foodists experience. To dispel these myths, we bring to your attention a complete raw food diet menu for 7 days, which will fully satisfy the body’s need for vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, we will share with you recipes for popular and delicious raw food dishes that even an inexperienced cook can prepare in a few minutes.

Proper raw food diet

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that raw foodists should eat at least 4 times a day. Such a diet is very important for proper metabolism, adequate energy production and the absence of hunger. The last aspect is especially important, because if a person is constantly hungry, then sooner or later nature will still take over and a breakdown will occur, after which the body will suffer even more. Some raw foodists, and especially fruitarians, eat almost non-stop, but in small portions. For raw foodists, meals can be the main ones, during which they consume the most large number calories per day and snacks.

Secondly, raw foodists never wash down their food. They drink only pure still water or infusions of various herbs and berries, which can be taken either half an hour before meals or forty minutes after it. In their opinion, drinking water during meals further stretches the stomach and leads to increased gas formation. In addition to water and infusions, raw foodists drink freshly squeezed juices daily, which replace one meal or snack.

Nuts, which are included in the diet of any raw foodist, play an important role in saturating the body with plant protein, minerals and unsaturated fatty acids. These can be any nuts: cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts and pistachios. Peanuts are considered to be a nut, although this plant is a legume. It is important to remember that raw foodists eat everything exclusively raw, which means that nuts such as pistachios, cashews, almonds and peanuts must be purchased with caution, because they are often sold roasted. Roasted nuts are no longer beneficial and are not included in the raw food diet. In addition to nuts, raw foodists love to add apricot kernels to their food. They have an indescribable aroma and taste, and are also full of vitamins, minerals and healthy oils.

The most important attribute of a raw food diet is the consumption of grains and legumes. But since they cannot be cooked, raw foodists came up with the idea of ​​soaking and sprouting them. Cereals and legumes contain a large amount of vegetable protein, slow carbohydrates and fiber, which effectively cleanses the intestines and the entire body. Wheat sprouts, lentils, chickpeas, buckwheat, peas and mung bean are used in the menu of every raw foodist, because they give a feeling of fullness, energy, vigor, vitamins and nutrients. Sprouted wheat, chickpeas and buckwheat are consumed as independent delicious dish or as an ingredient for a fresh and hearty salad.

Green buckwheat can be called the favorite dish of every raw foodist. You may be surprised to learn that brown buckwheat, which is sold in regular stores, has already been fried, because raw it has green. It is green buckwheat that is used to prepare raw food dishes. It contains maximum benefits, a lot of iron and it cooks very quickly. To do this you just need to fill it cold water and wait until it swells. After this you can eat it, it becomes soft and edible, and almost everyone likes its taste.

All raw foodists are very fond of various raw seeds, for example, sunflower, pumpkin, flax and sesame. Before eating, it is advisable to soak them briefly in cold water - this way they swell a little and you can eat smaller quantities to saturate them. The seeds contain a lot of valuable oils, omega fatty acids and minerals. They saturate, nourish, and support muscle mass.

Of course, the basis of the raw food menu is vegetables and fruits. They should make up 70 - 95% of a raw foodist's diet and be only fresh and raw. Doctors recommend eating exactly seasonal vegetables and fruits, they contain the most vitamins, but there are no pesticides or chemicals. The most useful are cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, avocados, onions, garlic, bananas, oranges, apples, watermelons and pineapples. Also very healthy and incredibly tasty are all berries that can be eaten in unlimited quantities. Don't forget about the benefits fresh mushrooms, which are included in the diet of a raw foodist. But you should be careful when choosing mushrooms, since not all types can be eaten raw. It is better to opt for champignons and oyster mushrooms, which are sold in stores and are safe.

It is unlikely that any vegan or raw foodist can do without dried fruits in winter, which can be called a good replacement for fresh fruits. Particularly popular are figs, raisins and dates - these dried fruits are very nutritious, contain a lot of glucose and can fill you up for a long time. Prunes and dried apricots perfectly cleanse the intestines thanks to the dietary fiber they contain. But raw foodists do not eat various candied fruits, as they are treated with chemicals. Followers healthy eating Buy only those dried fruits that have been dried under the sun without adding any preservatives or additives.

All raw foodists eat leafy greens, from which they prepare various salads or green smoothies. Particularly popular are dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, arugula, dandelion, sorrel, spinach, green onions, lettuce, celery and tops of various root vegetables. They make wonderful salads and even sauces, which are used to season sprouted grains or eat with raw food bread. Fresh herbs very beneficial for the body, improve digestion, and also saturate with vitamins and minerals.

Another essential ingredient of a complete raw food diet is seaweed. It is rich in iodine and phosphorus, which play an important role in the normal functioning of the body. Raw foodists do not buy ready-made seaweed in stores, as it is boiled and then seasoned with vinegar and refined oil. Adherents of a healthy diet buy it in dried form, soak it in water and after that it becomes edible. It is added to various green salads or consumed as a healthy side dish.

Of course, raw foodists also season their salads and some dishes with vegetable oils, but they choose only those that have been first cold pressed and have not been refined. Olive, flaxseed and sesame oils are considered the most useful. They give dishes a pleasant aroma, improve digestion, maintain skin elasticity, and also saturate the body with saturated omega fatty acids.

Sample raw food menu for a week

In order for you to be convinced that a raw foodist’s diet can be tasty, satisfying and varied, we have prepared an approximate menu for the week.

    Day 1

    Breakfast: 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: green buckwheat, salad fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and sweet peppers, seasoned with extra virgin olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of any dried fruits.

    Dinner: 1 glass of vegetable smoothie made from tomatoes, avocado, basil and parsley, 1 raw bread.

    Day 2

    Breakfast: 3 large grated apples with raisins and honey.

    Lunch: a glass of any freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice.

    Lunch: raw carrot cutlets, sprouted wheat.

    Afternoon snack: salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers and herbs, seasoned with lemon juice and linseed oil.

    Dinner: salad of any fresh fruits and berries.

    Day 3

    Breakfast: Soaked oatmeal with strawberries and mango.

    Lunch: a handful of any raw nuts.

    Lunch: sprouted lentils, salad of cauliflower, sweet peppers, broccoli and green peas, dressed sesame oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds.

    Afternoon snack: 2 large apples.

    Dinner: pumpkin porridge with seeds.

    Day 4

    Breakfast: 1 glass of banana, strawberry and kiwi smoothie.

    Lunch: 150 grams of sunflower seeds.

    Lunch: uncooked creamy vegetable soup, raw onion bread.

    Afternoon snack: fresh melon or watermelon.

    Dinner: salad of seaweed, onion and broccoli, seasoned with lemon juice and flaxseed oil.

    Day 5

    Breakfast: any juicy fruits and berries.

    Lunch: a handful of raw nuts.

    Lunch: pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.

    Afternoon snack: a handful of dates.

    Dinner: salad of arugula, sesame seeds, cauliflower and tomato, seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil, 1 raw bread.

    Day 6

    Breakfast: a few slices of ripe watermelon, fresh strawberries and currants.

    Lunch: fresh cucumbers with garlic and dill.

    Lunch: sprouted wheat, salad of fresh cabbage, onions, carrots and herbs, dressed with sesame oil.

    Afternoon snack: green cocktail of zucchini, dill, parsley and sorrel.

    Dinner: soaked seaweed with sesame seeds and sesame oil, avocado sauce and sweet pepper.

    Day 7

    Breakfast: apples stuffed with dried fruits.

    Lunch: any freshly squeezed juice from fruits and berries.

    Lunch: sprouted chickpeas, salad fresh champignons, onions, tomatoes and cauliflower, seasoned with olive oil.

    Afternoon snack: Korean-style salad of young zucchini and carrots.

    Dinner: slices of various vegetables with a sauce of ground raw nuts.

As you have already seen, a raw food diet can be very varied and tasty. With such a diet, you will feel great and lose weight quickly, and hunger will not make itself felt.

Recipes for delicious and healthy raw food dishes

For those who have no idea how to prepare a dish without boiling or frying it, we have prepared several recipes for popular raw food dishes.

Vegetable cream soup

Like all raw food dishes, vegetable cream soup requires a minimum of time and effort to prepare. To do this, grind fresh onions, cauliflower, carrots, young peas, celery stalks and parsley in a blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. You can sprinkle pine nuts or pumpkin seeds on top of the soup - this will make the dish more savory and nutritious. Healthy and tasty raw food soup is ready! You can eat it in unlimited quantities at any time of the day without harming your figure.

Korean zucchini salad

Do you think raw foodists shouldn't eat? Korean salads? Still possible, but only if they are prepared correctly without adding any chemicals. In order to prepare a Korean-style zucchini salad, you need to grate young zucchini on a special grater. Add grated carrots, ground nutmeg, coriander, crushed garlic and season the salad with olive or linseed oil. This salad acquires its most aromatic taste and pleasant consistency half an hour after thoroughly mixing the ingredients. It releases aromatic juice in which zucchini and carrots are marinated. In half an hour, you can enjoy the amazing taste of this salad and still reap the health benefits.

Pumpkin porridge

Pumpkin is a unique vegetable. It is rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and microelements. Her taste qualities few people can be left indifferent and it is ideal for salads, soups and cereals. It is very simple to prepare pumpkin porridge without cooking; to do this, you need to choose a ripe specimen that has a rich aroma and a fiery orange color. The pumpkin must be cleared of seeds and skin, then grind in a meat grinder or blender until a homogeneous puree is formed. Those people who cannot live without sweets can add 1 teaspoon of honey to this porridge, as well as a little pollen. In other cases it is better to refill it a small amount flaxseed oil and sprinkle with raw pumpkin seeds.

Fruit and vegetable smoothie

Various fruit or vegetable smoothies can be a very healthy and tasty snack or light dinner. Or you can combine fruits with vegetables and get a very unusual and piquant taste. To prepare it, you need to thoroughly wash the celery stalks, peel the oranges, kiwis and apples. All these ingredients must be thoroughly blended in a blender until a thick smoothie is formed.

Raw guacamole sauce

Among raw foodists, the spicy Mexican guacamole sauce is very popular, which can be eaten with slices of any vegetables, on lettuce or spinach, as well as with raw bread. To prepare it you will need ripe avocado, chili pepper, lime, tomatoes, garlic and a little coriander. All ingredients, except lime, must be thoroughly mixed in a blender until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, then season the sauce with lime juice. As a result, you will get an exquisite sauce that will suit any dish.

Mediterranean salad

This salad can be prepared for festive table and it will become its decoration, and will also appeal to absolutely everyone, even non-raw foodists. Wash tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers and cut into medium cubes. Rinse the arugula thoroughly and dry on a towel. Mix arugula with chopped vegetables, olives and sprinkle with sesame seeds or pine nuts. The salad should be dressed with a sauce of lemon juice, olive oil and finely chopped parsley and basil. This salad is a real work of culinary art, absolutely everyone will like it and will bring maximum benefits.

If desired, the raw food diet menu can be very varied, because culinary fantasy has no limit. It is very important that the food is not only very healthy, but also tasty and beautiful. It is then that it will bring you pleasure, will not get boring and will not make you want to break loose. Experiment, prepare healthy raw food dishes to your liking and your eating style will bring only positive emotions.

Filatova Anna, nutritionist

Anna 08.08.2017

Indeed, the article is wonderful, but I would recommend understanding the combinations of vegetables and fruits. Because, for example, a tomato is eaten separately from a cucumber, for example, since a red tomato and a green cucumber are antagonistic foods, and it’s not a matter of external color difference. Tomatoes, when consumed, create in the stomach and digestive tract acidic environment, and cucumbers are alkaline. And as you know, this is how salts are formed. The consequences of eating such a salad can be very different: bloating, increased gas production. Tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, but the enzymes contained in cucumbers contribute to the destruction of ascorbic acid and negate the benefits of eating salad.

Olga 06/26/2017

What do raw foodists eat in winter? On our Far East Vegetables are only in season two months out of the year.

Natalya 05/27/2017

Alexander 04/24/2017

What a variety!!! You walk around all day nibbling grass like a cow.

Marina 04/22/2017

Marina 04/22/2017

On a raw food diet for a month. I feel great! I lost 5 kg. And the weight is stable. The hardest thing for me was giving up sugar. Regarding “gluttony” and “filling the stomach” - complete nonsense. The stomach itself knows how much it needs. If you have an appetite, then eat to your health!
Great article! More information like this!

Svetlana 04/12/2017

It’s hard to get 1000 kcal a day here, and healthy person For normal life, you need from 1500 to 2000 kcal. After a month of eating this way, I would weigh 30 kg, or even less! Isn't it easier to just eat everything in moderation and exercise?

Daniil 04/02/2017

Tolya Talsky, you don’t understand this!

KittyLoves Whiskas 31.03.2017

However, if you follow a raw food diet, do not

Elena 03/23/2017

I really liked the article!
Only with breakfast, in my opinion, it's too much. It will be too much. A glass of smoothie is quite satisfying for me.

Artyom 02/10/2017

In general, everything is good, but in some places it turns out to be a bit much food at one time. Little has been said about greens - your teeth may start to hurt if you don’t eat enough of them. And I’m not sure with the mixture: is it possible to mix so many ingredients at once (I’m talking about salads). I think there should be a principle of separate nutrition here.

Natalya 02/04/2017

Excellent and convenient site)) Thanks and well done to the creators. Easy to read)))

Fania 02/01/2017

Regarding the 1st day of the menu: for breakfast there is a lot - 2 bananas, 2 kiwis, 3 oranges. My husband and I are already full from just one banana. The rest, in my opinion, is overkill. The recipes are good, I liked them. But we decided to take up a raw food diet for health.


how much food do you need to prepare so as not to run to the store every day, how much does it cost, and all the vegetables and fruits are treated with chemicals, and how to combine all this with work. While you are looking for the right product, you will lose weight twice, and that’s good, thank you, well done.

Invisible 12/08/2016

When creating a raw food diet menu for the day, remember that you should like the products and bring pleasure. The benefits of a raw food diet lie not only in filling the stomach with useful substances, but also in the feeling of joy from life, enjoying the plant gifts of the Earth, which are filled with powerful solar energy.

Azamat 12/08/2016

So is pumpkin a vegetable or a fruit? As far as I know, the body needs to be alkalized. I eat it in large quantities, and from the hard part - juice. I also eat a lot of cabbage. All from my garden.

Valentina 09.11.2016

Valentina 08.11.2016

I think this is a sample menu, we choose the portion ourselves.

Anastasia 06.11.2016

Favorite dish green buckwheat for every raw foodist? You will plant everything for yourself with this buckwheat

Karina 10/19/2016

In response to Tolya Talsky:
If you stick to this diet, I think you will be very hungry in the morning! Especially after a smoothie for dinner. And by the way, all this food is digested very quickly.

Where to start with a raw food diet? This frequently asked question last time. Let's take a closer look. Eating raw food is extremely popular today. You could even say that this is not a regular diet, but a whole way of life. Many people change their lives radically when they become raw foodists. In particular, the circle of friends, profession and interests change. Adherents of this idea live according to the laws of nature, increase immunity by swimming in an ice hole, meditating, and spreading positivity. But first of all, they are healed through food. In this regard, there are fanatical supporters of a raw food diet or, conversely, its fierce opponents. And yet, what is it: a fashionable diet or best image life?

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet will be presented below.

What is it?

The main idea of ​​all this nutrition is the statement that man is an integral part of nature. Therefore, he cannot eat what is not in it, for example fried potatoes, grilled chicken and other similar products. Therefore, a raw food diet requires abandoning the standard menu to which we have long been accustomed. Where to start with a raw food diet?

Natural products, which adherents of this diet call live, contain many vitamins, as well as minerals and trace elements, a significant part of which is destroyed during heat treatment. And in their raw form, they are better preserved and are perfectly absorbed by the body. Thus, the main principle of constructing a raw food diet menu involves eating food exclusively in its raw form.

Processed food is considered poison. And we’re not just talking about the one sold in fast food. This statement is partly explained by science. Frying, along with boiling and even steaming, lead to the fact that products not only lose all their useful qualities, but also acquire harmful properties. For example, carcinogens appear in it - substances that can cause the formation malignant tumor, and in addition, isomers or free radicals. Therefore, the raw food diet insists on “live” nutrition and avoidance of junk food. This approach reduces income hazardous substances into the body to zero.

Basic principles of a raw food diet for beginners

To prove their rightness, raw foodists emphasize that only foods untouched by heat treatment contain so-called enzymes, which are particles of all life on earth, which allow vegetables and fruits to be properly digested in the body. The supply of these substances is maximum in the infant’s body, but decreases over time as they age. But it can be replenished regularly. Switching to a raw food diet helps with this.

The usual menu for all people consists of peeled food. But it is in the peel that it is located maximum quantity useful substances. In addition, products that are stored for a long time contain harmful preservatives in the form of dyes or flavor enhancers. They are, of course, unacceptable in a raw food diet system.

The issue of simultaneous consumption of various products deserves special attention. Often with each other, they require a lot of time, and in addition, energy for their digestion, which as a result leads to malabsorption. Maintaining an interval between eating bananas and then sprouted grains helps the body digest them with little energy expenditure. And the body uses unspent energy for self-medication. Many people are interested in where to start a raw food diet.

Raw foodists believe that poor nutrition is the cornerstone of all diseases, be it metabolic disorders, heart pathologies or nervous ailments. And only thanks to a raw food diet can you lead a truly high-quality lifestyle, and in addition, get rid of health problems, achieving the desired longevity.


There are several types of raw food. In this case, the opinions of raw foodists differ. Some of them believe that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle, it will be enough just to follow a fruit and vegetable diet, while others note that it would not be a bad idea to diversify it with meat and milk. So, today there are the following types of raw food diet:

  • Mixed or in other words - omnivorous raw food diet. Within this type, you can consume any raw food without restrictions, be it plant or animal food. Meat, along with fish, milk and eggs can be boiled. Dried meat may be consumed. In addition, raw foodists add it to their food to taste. small quantity pepper and salt, as well as vegetable oil and honey.
  • Vegan raw food diet. This option is widespread. Its supporters eat exclusively plant foods such as berries, fruits, vegetables and cereals. Such raw foodists include Sprutorians and Jusorians. The former feed mainly on sprouted cereal grains. And raw foodists-Jusorians consume only freshly prepared vegetable and fruit juices. They are also called green smoothies. We will consider recipes for this type of raw food diet at the end of the article.
  • Vegetarian raw food diet. As the name implies, this type of diet prohibits the consumption of meat and fish. But you can eat plant foods, eggs and milk.
  • Fruitarianism. Supporters of this species include only fruits and berries in their diet. They exclude vegetables and any other foods. For example, orthodox raw foodists may patiently wait until the fruits themselves fall from a tree or bush. The natural fall, which occurs without additional help, serves as the moment when the fruit is at the peak of its ripeness, and therefore usefulness.
  • Carnivorous raw food diet. In this case, fruits and vegetables are almost not added to the diet. Such raw foodists place the main emphasis on seafood, meat and eggs, and in addition, on animal fats instead of traditional carbohydrates. Some northern peoples people on the planet have been eating this way since Paleolithic times. Raw food diet recipes can be very diverse.
  • Monotrophic raw food diet. According to this type of nutrition, only one type of food is eaten at one meal. There is a pause between doses. For example, apples are eaten for breakfast, and an hour later sprouted grains are used, and so on.
  • Raw food diet based on the amount of useful components. There are special tables that indicate the content of vitamins along with microelements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates in a particular product. According to them, products can only be mixed in a certain quantity, and in addition, they can be consumed separately from each other.

We continue to consider the benefits and harms of a raw food diet.


Like any other diet, a raw food diet has its disadvantages:

  • With strict adherence to the rules, for example, against the background of a complete refusal even of vegetables, grains and root vegetables, the body may not receive enough vitamins and microelements. Because of this, metabolism will be disrupted.
  • If you refuse to eat fish and seafood, iodine deficiency appears. A connection between a raw food diet and factors of bone and tooth destruction, as well as enamel damage, has also been proven. For this reason, adherents of this diet encourage all their supporters to regularly take sunbathing in order to provide the body with vitamin D.
  • According to some reports, fanatical raw foodists have a significant decrease in vitamin B12.
  • In addition, the benefits of a raw food diet for pregnant and lactating women, when the body is in dire need of a comprehensive supply of nutrition, also remains a big question.


Despite the fact that for many people a raw food diet is a miracle, there are still certain diseases for which eating unprocessed food is not recommended. Among these ailments are the following pathologies:

  • Presence of diseases digestive system. The acids contained in raw foods can irritate the mucous membranes of organs, and this will happen constantly. Therefore, when switching to a raw diet, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons of this lifestyle.
  • Presence of allergic diseases. Many types of fruits, especially red ones, as well as nuts and pollen, can provoke severe allergic conditions or lead to aggravation of existing ones.

It is important to find out in advance what you can eat on a raw food diet and what you cannot.

When can you switch to such a shelter?

It is believed that the maximum need for nutritional components is required by a growing body, and therefore by children and adolescents. True, even at the age of twenty, some structures in the body still continue to develop. Therefore, the optimal transition to a new diet is considered to be after thirty, when the body is fully formed. There is another explanation. Around middle age, people acquire specific beliefs with intentions about what they expect from themselves and what they desire to receive. With clear goals, it is much easier to completely change your lifestyle.

List of raw food products

It includes the following titles:


First you need to decide why a person wants to try this system nutrition. You need to understand whether this is required as part of a permanent diet or temporary, for example as a way to lose weight. Many people make the transition to a raw food diet as part of an experiment, for the sake of something new in life, and also because it is fashionable today. But, of course, you shouldn’t follow fashion or your next-door neighbor. And if a person has chosen such nutrition as a standard for himself, then he should approach it with all responsibility. This is the only way to achieve real results. There are two options for switching to a raw diet:

  • The first requires including as many raw foods as possible in the menu every day with gradual replacement of the rest. At the same time, on the first day, fried and, in addition, smoked foods, along with coffee and sweets, should disappear from the diet.
  • You can immediately stop eating thermally processed foods. Most raw foodists claim that the second method makes it possible to get used to it faster. But the chances of failure are, of course, much greater.

There are always several critical moments due to which a person may not be able to stand returning to the old menu. Knowing about them, beginners will be able to adapt more easily. As a rule, the pitfalls in this case are constant thoughts about tasty, previously familiar food and the lack of a clear goal.

Not everyone knows how to start a raw food diet correctly.

How to switch to a raw food diet correctly?

First of all, you need to remember all the time that the process of switching to a raw food diet is not a simple whim, but a conscious decision that will allow you to improve your health by reducing excess weight, increasing interest in life, and in addition, in active pastime, making new friends. To begin with, you should give up specific foods, for example, your favorite carbonated drinks along with beer on the weekends. It is important to pay attention to how difficult this period will be.

It is also recommended to keep a raw food diary. In the diary you can record any sensations with thoughts and information about products that you like, as well as those that are best avoided, that is, you need to record everything that has changed in a person since the moment of transition. On the title page you should list and highlight in bright colors all the reasons for which a person agreed to give up delicious pies and Coca-Cola. You should also write down all your achievements in your diary, for example, how easily you managed to switch to a raw diet, how the first day went on eating healthy food, and so on. You can also celebrate your failures, as well as how you plan to deal with them. Where to start a raw food diet and how to adjust yourself?

It is equally important that there is sufficient willpower so as not to abandon your idea halfway. If you really want fried chicken with pickled cucumbers, it is better to eat them, but so that it does not eventually turn into a habit.

It is imperative to inform the people with whom you plan to continue communicating. This will help avoid unnecessary arguments and conversations.

And finally, you should plan your diet based on the time of year. For example, summer and autumn are rich in vegetables and fruits, and spring is rich in greens. In winter, on a raw food diet, you can eat foods that can be stored in the cellar for a long time. And then the dining table and stomach will never be empty.

Errors during transition

When making the transition, people should try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Try to sit on two chairs at once. In this case, you cannot violate the ban on mixing food, especially drinking alcoholic drinks. Sometimes it happens that people eat right every other day, and the rest of the time they allow themselves any food. This is, of course, self-deception. With such a diet, raw foodists often experience breakdowns. Therefore, if you have already made a decision, then you need to forget about many things from your usual diet.
  • Excessive consumption of legumes. Everyone was told that meat is healthy because of the protein. But raw foodists don’t eat it. Where then does the precious protein come from? Most of it is found in beans, beans and peas. Therefore, newly minted raw foodists begin to absorb them in huge quantities. Trying to take in as much of the right food as possible, people forget that the body is not yet accustomed to it. This can only cause stomach upset. Therefore, moderation in nutrition, even the healthiest, is what raw foodists practice.
  • Force yourself to eat everything. Everyone has their own taste preferences. Therefore, if a person does not like cabbage, one should not force oneself to eat it, even with the deep conviction that it is for the good. Everything has its time. Maybe after a few years it will turn into a favorite product, but until this happens, you shouldn’t force your body.

Thus, a raw food diet has become a very popular way of eating today. But before you decide to switch to it, you need to decide on your goals, and also understand whether this is really required directly by the person himself and his body.

Raw food menu

What is an approximate menu for the day?

  • For breakfast: banana, kiwi, orange.
  • Second breakfast: any raw nuts.
  • Lunch: vegetable salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, peppers), green buckwheat.
  • Afternoon snack: dried fruits.
  • Dinner: vegetable smoothie from avocado, tomato, herbs, raw bread.

Let's consider simple recipes.

Vegetable puree soup

Preparing the cream requires a minimum amount of time and effort. To do this, fresh onions are crushed in a blender, cauliflower, carrots, peas, celery and parsley until smooth puree is formed. Everything is sprinkled with pumpkin seeds or pine nuts on top.

Korean zucchini salad

Grate young zucchini on a fine grater. Grated carrots, coriander, nutmeg, finely chopped garlic, salt are added to them, and all this is seasoned with olive or linseed oil. The salad must be left to marinate for half an hour.

01.09.2018 Lisa Shin

Switching to a proper raw food diet is not for everyone. Why, you ask? Let’s figure out together how to make the transition correctly and everyone will draw their own conclusions as to whether they need it. Everyone wants to be healthy, happy and lose weight.

Raw food diet for beginners

I will share with you 10 tips on how to start the raw food diet. I'm not saying it's actually a way of life. Because in order to be healthy and happy, bright and shiny, the way you want to feel, you have to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

10 important rules of a raw food diet

If you follow these rules, you will be able to switch to a raw food diet comfortably without much difficulty.

Stock up on vegetables and fruits

Stock more fruits and vegetables in your kitchen as soon as possible. Eat as many fruits and as many vegetables as you like. This is an unlimited lifestyle - in abundance, if you do not want to limit yourself and be free in your food choices.

Smoothie for breakfast

Make it a rule to drink a large glass of water when you wake up, then 0.25 - 0.5 ml in your first meal for breakfast. juice or smoothie. This will help provide the body simple sugars from fruits that will keep you in good shape throughout the day. If you are looking for recipe ideas, you can find them at the end of the article.

Fruit lunch

The second meal for lunch is a huge portion of fruit. You can eat any fruit you want or make a salad out of it. Make sure you eat enough because it is important to eat the right amount of carbohydrates so that you don't feel hungry throughout the day. If you're worried about your stomach feeling too full, remember that your stomach is a muscle and will expand or contract to regulate the amount of food you give it.

Dinner: 2 options

Start your dinner with a small plate of fruit or just a large citrus fruit of your choice. And you can also replace fruit with salad. Salad recipes:


Do not forget about a sufficient amount of physical exercise, increase your activity, devote at least 20 minutes a day to it. You want to be healthy and happy. It has been absolutely proven that physical exercise promotes healthy image life.

Read about proper raw food diet

Train yourself to eat raw foods as much as possible. The Internet is full of raw sites dietary nutrition, so be selective and find out more information only from reliable sources. If you are really interested in a raw food diet and still have some questions, just write your review - comment below, I will find more for you useful information. Or if your question is quite interesting, I will answer it as part of a new article.

Become part of the community

Get more rest

Get plenty of rest and sleep well. When you first start eating this way, your body experiences stress. Not having the habit of eating a lot of raw foods may cause some detoxification reactions, such as flu-like symptoms, fatigue, or feeling less than full of energy. Whatever it is, keep in mind that this is a restorative and rejuvenating diet. In order to recover, it is important to get enough rest. So sleep as much as your body needs, don’t limit yourself and enjoy your vacation.

Watch your calorie intake

This is probably one of the most important advice How to adopt a raw food diet and eat healthy: Make sure you eat enough calories. The number one reason why most people fail when starting a raw food diet. They think that eating 3 bananas and a salad a day is enough for them. But in the end they eat few calories and feel too tired, which is why they blame this type nutrition.


My last and final advice is because not very many people understand this. I just want to say: be gentle with yourself! It's difficult, you can understand. If a raw food diet is what you want, you can manage it and stay on track. Don't get upset or obsess over it, just continue to eat according to the rules.

Raw food diet for weight loss (video)

Transition to a healthy lifestyle

A person takes food in order to satisfy hunger, replenish the body with nutrients and energy. However, over time, eating food has become more of a pleasure for us than a natural process of maintaining the vital functions of the body. This was very skillfully used by chemists working in food industry, adding synthetic flavor enhancers, emulsifiers and many other harmful products to products chemical elements that poison and kill us. Dependence on tasty food is as harmful as addiction to alcohol and smoking.

To get started new life To cleanse the body of toxins accumulated as a result of poor nutrition, you must firmly grasp a simple truth: tasty does not mean healthy.

Proper raw food diet is the very beginning

A raw food diet is eating raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, dried fruits and cereal grains, in other words, live foods. At first it may seem like this is not enough to satisfy your hunger. But over time you will realize that you were deeply mistaken.

Nobody says to move from the usual delicious food It will be very easy to get started with a raw food diet. This requires some psychological preparation: It is useful to read literature on this topic, communicate with those people who have already become raw foodists, and see for yourself that this is possible and will be beneficial.

Proper transition to a raw food diet

After moral preparation, you can move on to action: look at the list of products available, learn how to grocery store resolutely walk past the “Bread”, “Milk”, “Groceries” departments straight into the “Vegetables and Fruits” department. Here you can choose what you like: grapes, apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, etc. Proper raw food diet It starts with the selection of your favorite vegetables and fruits.


Dried fruits and nuts will help diversify your diet. You can switch to a proper raw food diet abruptly or gradually. Include more plant foods in your diet every day. Even if you are not able to completely switch to a raw food diet, you will begin to eat more raw fruits and vegetables - this will also bring significant benefits to the body.

Authorized products:

  • all fresh fruits;
  • all raw vegetables;
  • raw nuts and seeds;
  • raw cereals and legumes, sprouted or soaked;
  • dried fruits and meat;
  • nut milk;
  • raw nut butter;
  • cold-pressed olive and coconut oil;
  • fermented foods such as kimchi and sauerkraut;
  • sprouts;
  • raw eggs or dairy products if desired;
  • raw meat or fish if desired.

Prohibited products:

  • cooked fruits, vegetables, meats and grains;
  • bakery;
  • roasted nuts and ;
  • refined oils;
  • table salt;
  • refined sugar and flour;
  • pasteurized juices and milk;
  • coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • industrial sauces and mayonnaise;
  • other processed foods and snacks.

Nuts and seeds are an important part of a raw diet because they provide protein, calories, healthy fats and other vital nutrients. You can eat any nuts and seeds you like:

  • peanut;
  • walnuts;
  • macadamia nuts;
  • sesame seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pine nuts;
  • hemp seeds.

Raw food doesn't mean boring. For a different taste, add to your dishes:

Summer is the best time to switch to a raw food diet. The abundance of berries, fruits and vegetables makes the transition to a raw food diet tasty, healthy and enjoyable. IN winter period You can please yourself with apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots, cabbage, raisins, dried apricots and nuts. As you can see, the choice of products is not as small as it seems at first.

Easy to prepare

Appreciate the simplicity of preparation. Many raw foods are easy to prepare as long as you choose the right recipes. Find recipes that don't ask for exotic, hard-to-find ingredients. Indeed, sometimes there is no need to bother with recipes, but simply prepare the products and taste them raw in salads or whole.

Use various methods cooking to add variety, such as:

  • germination of seeds, grains and beans;
  • fruit and vegetable juice;
  • soaking nuts and dried fruits;
  • using a dehydrator (vegetable and fruit dryer).

Grains and legumes are an important part of a raw diet for consuming adequate calories and nutrients. Good grains and legumes for sprouting:

  • lentils;
  • millet;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • green buckwheat.

Raw food diet: reviews and results (video)

Disadvantages of the initial stage of raw nutrition

The first few months of a raw food diet may cause weakness and drowsiness. During this time, it is recommended to avoid excessive physical activity. Gradually, the body will get used to the new diet, cleanse itself, and restore the microflora. When everything discomfort go away, you will feel a surge of strength, an improvement in your mood, then the load can be gradually increased.

When switching to a raw food diet, there is no need for additional measures to cleanse the body, such as an enema. You should drink water only when you feel thirsty, since the required amount of liquid enters the body along with vegetables and fruits.

I hope you found this article helpful and learned how to start a raw food diet and stay fit and healthy.