What are the benefits of tofu soy cheese? Tofu cheese - benefits and harms

Tofu cheese is becoming an increasingly popular product. It has a neutral taste and takes on the role of a “thickener”, able to take on the taste of the main ingredients, but at the same time it fills the dish necessary for a person amino acids and microelements. And today the benefits and harms of this type of cheese will be discussed.

What is cheese?

Tofu is a type of cheese, but to be more precise, it is a white curd made from soybeans. The product is obtained by curdling soy milk. Can act as a coagulant different substances. For example, “island tofu” is obtained by curdling soy milk with sea water.

Cheese composition:

There are 8...10 grams of protein per 100 grams of product. Another advantage of tofu is complete absence cholesterol, which makes the product completely dietary.

The cheese contains eight amino acids and a high percentage of calcium - 3.5 grams per 100 grams of product, as well as selenium, iron and magnesium.

In addition, the cheese composition includes B vitamins, folic acid, vitamins F and E.

Useful qualities of cheese

If a person cares about his health, then tofu should certainly be present on his menu. The product, due to its plant origin, is dietary, but at the same time very nutritious. Unique combination vitamins, amino acids and microelements help strengthen immune defense. In addition, cheese is a source of protein (if a person adheres to vegetarian rules).

Other useful properties that the product has include:

  • The product’s ability to remove a special substance from the human body – dioxin. It is what promotes the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • The product contains phytoestrogen, which is a natural analogue of female sex hormones. That is why it is advisable to eat tofu during the period of menopausal changes in the body and disruptions in the hormonal system.
  • Tofu restores the functionality of the kidneys, eliminating existing disturbances in the functioning of the organ. In addition, cheese accelerates the process of self-dissolution of gallstones.
  • Cheese can be included in the diet of people who are allergic to lactic acid products.
  • Regular use of tofu improves heart function and vascular system, thereby reducing the likelihood of the formation of cardiac pathologies.
  • Cheese improves hematopoietic processes, and since the composition of the product includes a fairly large amount of iron, it helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • The copper present in tofu prevents the formation of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • The high percentage of calcium contained in the product replenishes its losses, which becomes excellent prevention the formation of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis and simply weakness of the bone skeleton.
  • Tofu cannot be called a high-calorie food, but cheese perfectly satisfies hunger. This is possible due to its high protein content.
  • The selenium contained in the product prevents premature aging of the body.
  • Tofu contains quite a lot of lecithin and choline. The components are necessary for the body to restore nerve cells in the brain. That is why, with regular consumption of tofu, a person notices an improvement in concentration and memorization of the processes of mental activity.
  • The benefits of tofu will be high even if you have problems with blood sugar and kidney function.

It is noteworthy that cheese can also be used for cosmetic purposes. Women in China have traditionally used the product to remove pigmented areas on their faces. After a tofu-based mask, the skin becomes velvety to the touch. Reviews confirm this.

To prepare the mask, you need to combine a spoonful of bean curd and olive oil. Before the procedure, you need to steam your face and apply the prepared composition with patting movements.

You need to keep the product on your face for ten minutes and remove it with cool running water. The procedure should be carried out twice a week.

Using cheese in cooking

Since tofu is made from soybeans, it does not have its own flavor. Or rather, it is so small that the cheese is perceived by the taste buds as completely bland. The same applies to the smell of cheese.

A distinctive feature of soy curd is its ability to take on the taste and aroma of other ingredients in the dish. That is why it can be added to dishes of different tastes - sweet, sour, spicy, etc.

Cheese can be fried, boiled, poured with marinade, or stewed. Here are just a few recipes that use tofu as an ingredient.

Salad with egg noodles and tofu cheese

Here you will need the following set of products:

  • tofu (400 grams);
  • peanut butter (large spoon);
  • egg noodles (300 grams);
  • carrots (two pieces);
  • shallots (two stalks);
  • soy sauce (large spoon);
  • lemon juice (large spoon);
  • green pea sprouts;
  • fresh cabbage;
  • pepper to taste.


  1. Cut the tofu into cubes and fry in peanut oil. Then place it on a napkin to drain excess fat.
  2. Boil the noodles in salted water.
  3. Shred the cabbage and carrots into thin strips.
  4. Finely chop the shallots and pea sprouts.
  5. We combine all the ingredients and add a dressing of soy sauce and lemon juice.

Dress the salad before serving Not a large number black pepper.

Tofu soup

Here you will need:

  • pumpkin pulp (kilogram);
  • instant dashi broth (20 grams);
  • soy sauce (60 grams);
  • mirin wine (two spoons);
  • tofu (100 grams);
  • fresh spinach (75 grams);
  • mushroom mixture (200 grams);
  • sesame oil.


  1. Salt 1.5 liters of water and bring to a boil.
  2. Place pumpkin cubes in it and boil again. Cook the vegetable for fifteen minutes.
  3. Then add dashi broth, mirin and soy sauce to the pan, as well as diced tofu.
  4. Cook the soup for another five minutes. At the very end of cooking, add chopped mushrooms and spinach to the pan. Warm the contents for another minute and turn off the heat.

Tofu can be used in many dishes. Here everything depends on the imagination of the cook.

Types of tofu cheese

Product manufacturing technology for for a long time hasn't changed at all. But today cheese is made not using soybeans, but soy powder. It does not need to be boiled and crushed during the preparation of the product.

Soy milk is first passed through a separator and then curdled using a coagulating agent. Most often it is nigaré, but in some cases it is replaced with lemon juice or vinegar. After the composition has curdled, it is heated, then laid out in molds and placed in water to cool.

There are two types of tofu - hard and soft. Durum varieties (this is a relative concept) contain a higher percentage of protein and lower moisture content. During the cooking process, the bottom of the molds is lined with cotton cloth. In this case, moisture is removed from the product more actively and the cheese ends up being denser. This type of cheese is called “cotton cheese”. In turn, firm tofu is divided into:

  • West. The product is dense and hard. There is practically no moisture in it.
  • Asiatic. This variety of cotton tofu is slightly softer and waterier.

To obtain soft tofu, the prepared mass is cast through silk. This cheese is called “silk”. The product has a pleasant creamy texture and is included in sweets, creams, purees and soups.

How to make cheese at home?

If you wish, you can make your own tofu. Here you can use soy flour or beans.

Preparation of bean product

First you need to prepare soy milk:

  1. A kilogram of soybeans should be filled with water, to which a pinch of soda was added. You need to steep the beans for a week, periodically changing the liquid.
  2. After the beans swell, they are washed and passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The resulting mass must be filled with water in a volume of three liters and left for four hours.
  4. Then squeeze the composition through several layers of gauze. The resulting liquid is soy milk.

Now you need to boil a liter of milk for five minutes and turn off the heat. For curdling you can use either citric acid(1/2 part of a small spoon), or juice from a whole lemon.

The liquid must be constantly stirred. After the milk has curdled, it needs to be folded through several layers of gauze. The resulting clot must be squeezed out.

Making tofu from flour

You need to put a glass of soy flour and the same volume of water in a saucepan. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add a couple more glasses of water.

The resulting composition must be boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then add lemon juice (six tablespoons) to the pan and turn off the heat.

You need to wait until the curdled mass sinks to the bottom of the pan, then pour the curd through cheesecloth. The result will be soft cheese. To make it denser, cheesecloth with cottage cheese should be placed under a press.

How to store tofu?

Purchased ready-made and made yourself should be stored in the refrigerator. Before putting it on the shelf, add a little salted water to the cheese. This is a kind of protection of the product from absorbing foreign odors and ensuring safety. Cheese prepared in this way can be stored for a full week without any problems.

If necessary, it can be placed in freezer. In this form, soy sauce can be stored for up to five months. At the same time, the product will retain all its beneficial properties.

But after defrosting, tofu will change both taste and consistency, becoming very similar to meat. Frozen tofu tastes great fried, marinated and deep-fried.

Damage that can cause tofu

Despite its many beneficial properties, tofu can cause some harm to the human body.

  • When buying tofu, you need to choose products made from “normal” soybeans, i.e. not being a genetically modified product. As a rule, the manufacturer in this case puts a “non-GMO” label on the packaging.
  • The protein contained in the product can contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the blood. That is why tofu should be abandoned if a person is diagnosed with uric acid metabolic disorders.
  • Too often, consuming tofu can provoke the development of pathologies of the thyroid gland, as well as inhibit brain activity.
  • Tofu may cause delayed puberty during adolescence.
  • Excessive consumption of tofu can negatively affect the human reproductive system: both male and female. That is why during the planning period you need to exclude cheese from your diet.

It is also worth remembering that tofu can have a strong laxative effect.

There are products that are both tasty and healthy, but not everyone knows about them. Tofu cheese is one of these products. It is an excellent source of protein, and for this reason, it is often called “boneless meat.” Let's look at this product, find out what it is and how to eat tofu cheese.

The product in question can be called differently - soy cheese, bean curd or tofu. It is worth immediately noting that this cheese is one of the most sought-after and popular products in countries such as China and Japan. You need to take a close look at this delicacy, because it is not for nothing that vegetarians, girls who are losing weight and lovers of Asian cuisine love it.

Tofu cheese is made from soybeans - now it probably becomes clear why it is often called soy cheese. So, this product is economical and nutritious protein. Tofu cheese calories very low, the content of carbohydrates, as well as fats, is also low, one can even talk about their absence.

The usefulness of this product is off the scale, this is evidenced by ancient legends, the history of which is so ancient that no one knows exactly when they were written. So, this product has been considered useful since time immemorial.

Tofu has enjoyed a reputation as a truly healthy and even necessary product for two thousand years. The assumption that Japan is the birthplace of this cheese is wrong; in fact, it is a product of Chinese cuisine. Today people have learned to cook various tasty and healthy foods with this cheese, and in Asian countries it is still used in preventative medicine. various kinds diseases, so doubt that it is useful product, not necessary.

In order to understand in more detail the properties of tofu curd cheese, it is necessary to consider its properties and characteristics.

Benefits of tofu cheese

Despite the fact that tofu cheese is not very common in our country, many, knowing about its beneficial properties and excellent taste characteristics, eat it regularly. Some may be surprised to learn that soy is actually a source of complete protein, which in turn is identical to animal protein.

Most main reason, according to which you need to include tofu cheese in your diet - it contains more than five amino acids that are essential for the functioning of the human body.

  • If we talk about the amount of protein contained in soy cheese, then it is more than in beef, eggs and fish. So, this product is perfect for vegetarians and people who want to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
  • It should also be noted that when animal protein is broken down, cholesterol levels in our body begin to rise sharply, while protein tofu cheese reduces it by 25-30%. This fact should definitely be taken into account by people who suffer from heart disease.
  • Tofu cheese is also suitable for consumption by people with digestive problems, as well as athletes who want to give their body an ideal look. The fact is that it is protein that helps our body “build” our muscles, making the body beautiful and sculpted.
  • Composition of tofu cheese It will also please girls, because this product is low-calorie and one hundred grams of this cheese contains only 70 calories, so losing weight with such a product in your diet is very simple and tasty.

Homemade tofu cheese has a number of advantages and useful properties:

  • Contains a large amount of protein. In this case, it is 10 g of protein per 100 g of product.
  • It contains no cholesterol, which means that the product can confidently be classified as dietary.
  • The presence of amino acids in the composition, as well as iron, selenium, calcium.
  • Vitaminized product – contains folic acid, vitamins F, E and V.
  • Tofu has the ability to remove a substance such as dioxin from the body, but it is this component that is cumulative and can lead to the appearance of cancerous tumors.
  • Contains phytoestrogens, which is why doctors recommend using it during transition female body(menopause) or other hormonal imbalances.

  • It is an accelerator for the dissolution of gallstones.
  • Helps restore normal kidney function.
  • Regular consumption of the product in question is preventative measure for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Particularly useful for people suffering from low hemoglobin.
  • The high percentage of iron in the product makes it an excellent restorer of weak bones.
  • It satisfies the feeling of hunger without adding extra calories.

Harm of tofu cheese

It is impossible to say that this cheese is harmful, but, like every product, it has its own contraindications. The harm of the cheese in question depends on its amount in your diet. If you consume soy cheese in very large quantities, it can lead to thyroid disease.

Among other things, excessive consumption of tofu can provoke early maturation of adolescents and problems with reproduction in both women and men. We are not talking about two pieces of this cheese; excessive consumption is the regular consumption of the product in large quantities.

Some people decide to go on a mono-diet based on this product; in this case, when the diet consists only of tofu, the amount of it can be excessive. In other cases, you are unlikely to eat too much of this product.

Another nuance is individual intolerance by the body; this point applies to any product. Symptoms of an allergic reaction to tofu may include nausea, hives, and skin irritation.

Homemade tofu cheese

If you really care about your health, then a product such as tofu cheese must be present in your diet. Some may say that this product is not cheap, and it is simply impossible to deny this fact, but do not forget how useful it is. Fortunately, you can prepare it yourself at home.

Today, the product in question is gaining popularity among consumers. It attracts with its characteristics, or rather, even to say, its properties and neutral taste. Despite this neutrality, it gives dishes its own flavor.

An important feature of cheese is its ability to take on the taste of other ingredients that are in the dish, while filling it with useful components in the form of vitamins, amino acids and other beneficial substances.

There is a huge amount tofu cheese recipes, we will look at the most common and simplest one, which even beginner cooks can handle. We don’t need anything special or supernatural to make soy cheese:

  • soy flour
  • cold water
  • boiling water
  • citric acid

These are all the ingredients we need to prepare tofu cheese, photo which is located below:

Sequence of actions:

  1. Mix soy flour and cold water. In this case the proportion is one to one.
  2. The resulting “mixture” must be poured with boiling water, its amount should be twice the amount of flour.
  3. All these ingredients must be cooked for 15-20 minutes, and the fire should be low so that the cooking process is close to simmering.
  4. Citric acid must be added to the resulting composition.

  1. We squeeze out the resulting broth - the cheese with a neutral taste is ready for consumption and use in a variety of dishes.

Dishes with tofu cheese

Tofu cheese great option for preparing delicious and low-calorie dishes. Diet food can be not only healthy, but also tasty. If you cook it with an ingredient such as soy cheese.

Cutlets with tofu cheese

To prepare such appetizing and tasty cutlets we will need:

  • tofu cheese
  • oil
  • garlic, onion, cilantro, pepper and any vegetables of your choice


  1. Place herbs, vegetables, garlic, onions, etc. in a bowl.
  2. Place cheese, flour, seasonings, including salt, ginger, etc. in another container. Mix everything well.
  3. Mix all the prepared ingredients and send the minced meat to cool in the refrigerator. An hour will be enough.
  4. We take it out of the refrigerator and form cutlets from the prepared minced meat; the shape and size depend on your preference. Small balls will look more appetizing.
  5. Fry until golden brown in sunflower oil, preferably refined. Place the cooked cutlets on paper napkin. So that it absorbs excess oil.
  6. After which you can serve them to the table. You can also do garlic sauce and serve cutlets with it.

Salads with this cheese will also be healthy and tasty, so don’t deny yourself the pleasure of enjoying such a tasty treat.

Salad with tofu cheese

We will need:

  • tomatoes
  • pepper
  • lettuce leaves
  • dill, parsley – not for everyone
  • onion
  • salt, pepper and other various seasonings
  • tofu cheese
  • oil, preferably olive

How the salad is cut will determine how tasty it will be. In fact, the shape and size of the ingredients matters, and the best option would be to cut:

  • small tofu cubes
  • small tomato slices
  • bell pepper strips
  • onion half rings
  • It is better to tear the salad with your hands, do not cut it

Mix all ingredients in one salad bowl, season with olive oil. In the absence of such a small amount, you can use sunflower. With natural sunflower oil, of course, the salad will smell better, but do not forget about the calorie content of such oil, so refined oil will be healthier. Despite the recommendations, the serving and ingredients in the salad can be whatever you want.

If you really wanted healthy salad with cheese. But you don’t have soy cheese, you need to think about how to replace tofu cheese. An alternative to such an ingredient could be Adyghe cheese or fetax.

Tofu soup can be prepared according to a simplified recipe, it is similar to the standard one, just with the addition of soy cheese.

Tofu cheese is a versatile ingredient because you can add it to any dish you like. You can't ruin any recipe with this cheese. Bon appetit!

Video: Fried Tofu

Meet bean curd. Aka soy cheese. Aka tofu, perhaps the most popular product in Japan and China. A favorite of losing weight girls, vegetarians and fans of Asian cuisine. Take a closer look at this unusual delicacy.

(namely, tofu is made from them) is one of the most nutritious and economical protein products. It is low in calories, contains almost no fat and carbohydrates. And legends about the exceptionally beneficial properties of tofu go back centuries.

History with geography

This cottage cheese (as you like it) managed to gain popularity a couple of thousand years ago. In a drawing engraved on a stone slab in a Han Dynasty tomb (Hainan Province, Northern China) and dated 220 AD.  BC, archaeologists discovered an interesting kitchen scene. It clearly shows the process of making soy milk and tofu. Many people associate tofu primarily with Japanese cuisine, yet his homeland is China. To the Country rising sun our hero arrived approximately 1.5 thousand years ago. But in the Middle Kingdom they have been eating it for more than 20 centuries.

In all likelihood, the Chinese themselves do not know exactly who invented tofu. There are several popular legends. Here, for example, is one of them. One court chef, for the sake of piquancy, decided to add a special substance to the soybean puree - nigari (translated from Japanese as “bitter juice”). Nigari is a concentrated salt solution with a pleasant aroma, obtained after evaporation sea ​​water, and in the language of chemists - magnesium chloride, registered as food additives E511. It is easy to guess that a chemical reaction occurred, as a result of which the puree curdled and turned into a delicate, elastic and shiny cream-colored paste. The emperor liked this paste and soon won the hearts of all Chinese. They called it tofu.

Another version tells how a poor Chinese official discovered tofu... out of despair. He was so honest that he never took bribes, and he was sorely short of money for anything except beans. The Chinese evaporated nigari from sea water and one day accidentally mixed soy puree with it. It turned out tofu. The official could not afford meat and replaced it with a new dish, and after a while he noticed that his health had improved. Since then, tofu has become known as boneless meat and has gained great popularity among the people. In 1500 AD, the Chinese poet Su Ping sang the national delicacy in his poem “Ode to Tofu”!

Later they learned to prepare a wide variety of dishes from this product and learned to store it. China in its history has experienced different periods, there was famine, but soybeans have always been grown here. And they always made tofu. Residents of the Celestial Empire still treat it not only as a food product, but also as something magical. They opened it a long time ago healing properties tofu and is widely used in the prevention and treatment of various ailments.

Back in Chinese legends Buddhist monks are mentioned - the latter, by the way, brought tofu to Japan. The Japanese treated the gift as a sacred product. At first it was known only in monasteries as a ritual food “for a long and healthy life,” and the production process resembled a sacred ceremony. By the 15th century, tofu “came into the public eye”; for a long time it was considered a delicacy and was available only to wealthy aristocrats. A hundred years later, many family factories appeared in the country that made tofu, and it became part of the daily diet of all segments of the population. Until the late 1700s, tofu cookbooks were bestsellers in the Land of the Rising Sun. It is still produced according to established ancient tradition, even the name is pronounced with the prefix: “o-tofu,” which means “venerable.” Today in Japan, as in many other Asian countries (Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, etc.), tofu can be bought at any stall.

Only one benefit

In our country there is almost no culture of eating tofu. Many people know that this product is healthy, but they are not aware of what exactly its advantages are and how to eat it. But soybean is the only plant in the world that is a source of complete protein, identical to proteins of animal origin. It contains all nine amino acids needed to maintain good health.

In terms of protein, soybeans are superior to fish, eggs, and beef. That is why tofu, a kind of “protein concentrate,” is an ideal product for vegetarians, fasting people, and generally adherents of healthy eating. By the way, if animal protein, when broken down, increases general level cholesterol in the blood, then vegetable regulates it, helping to reduce it by 30%. So tofu is also a prevention of many vascular and heart diseases. In addition, soy protein is 90% soluble in water, which means it is very easily absorbed by the body. Dishes made from it are a real salvation for people with weak digestion and help for athletes building muscle mass.

Tofu is an excellent menu item for protein allergy sufferers. In addition, it promotes the dissolution of gallstones, improves kidney function, and is a good source of iron, calcium and dietary fiber, which is depleted in the Russian diet. Tofu is also known for removing the dangerous poison dioxin, which causes cancer, from the body. In Japan, it is almost a mandatory product on the kindergarten menu.

“Bonus” for women: tofu contains phytoestrogens, which have a similar effect to estrogens - female sex hormones. During menopause, when their level in the body drops, soy phytoestrogens help restore hormonal balance, protect a woman from breast cancer, regulate cholesterol metabolism, slow down the aging process of the skin, protecting it from dehydration. True, some scientists do not support this opinion, believing that excess phytoestrogens can be harmful. There is only one conclusion: you shouldn’t eat tons of tofu, you need moderation in everything.

And finally, the most pleasant, pleasing and inspiring thing about this exotic delicacy is its low calorie content: 100 g of tofu contains only 73 kilocalories!

Tofu master is afraid

In general, tofu production is similar to the process of making cheese from milk. For this reason it is called soy cheese. The desired substance is obtained by curdling fresh soy milk made from soybeans. A thickening agent (coagulant) is added to the milk - usually nigari, less often vinegar or lemon juice, – mixed, heated, and then pressed into dense briquettes. In principle, this method has changed little since ancient times, the only difference is that now to prepare soy milk, they often take not beans (which need to be peeled, soaked, boiled and crushed), but ready-made soy powder.

There are three main types of tofu, classified by production method and consistency level. The latter is directly related to protein content: the denser and drier the product, the more proteins it contains. Europe is accustomed to a denser and harder version, which is why this type is called “Western”. The consistency of this tofu is reminiscent of Mozzarella and is well suited for stir-fries, goulash or grilling. Asia prefers tofu that is more watery and soft - “cottony”. It is used in first courses and in recipes that call for mixed tofu. The most delicate variety is “silk”. There is even more water in it. The consistency is similar to pudding or custard and is used in purees, sauces, soups, sweets and for steamed dishes.

Many manufacturers make tofu with various additives (paprika, seasonings, mushrooms, herbs, nuts, etc.), but its neutral taste is lost.

In Russia, tofu can be bought in a specialty store or a large supermarket. In addition to traditional Japan and China, all East Asian countries, as well as the USA and Canada, have become adept at producing this product. There is also tofu Russian production(there are many enterprises here that make it, from the Moscow region to Krasnoyarsk), and there are also Ukrainian ones. But the Japanese, of course, are sure that it is almost impossible to find real tofu outside of their islands.

Make tofu at home

You will need: 1 cup cold water, 1 cup soy flour, 2 cups boiling water, 6 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice. In a small saucepan, mix soy flour and water to a thick, smooth paste, add boiling water and stir. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Then pour in the lemon juice, stir again and remove the pan from the heat. When the mass settles, strain it through cheesecloth. You will get about 1 cup of very soft tofu. It should be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container covered with a layer of water.

Whose cow would moo!

If you are inspired by the idea of ​​​​producing tofu in your own kitchen, it makes sense to improve the handmade process and purchase a special unit for preparing soy milk, which is called a household soy cow. Another name is soybean. This is a kitchen appliance no larger than an electric kettle. All you need to do is pour water, add pre-soaked or dry soybeans, press the button, and in 15-20 minutes fresh soy milk will be ready. By the way, a soy cow can be used to prepare many other vegetarian (and not only) delicacies: porridge, puree soups, sauces, puddings, pates, pastes... This pleasure costs an average of 4000-6000 rubles. And this is exactly the case when the Made in China inscription is not intended to alarm, but to instill confidence in the decent quality of the miracle machine. Initially, they began to be produced in China. Soybeans of excellent quality are also made in the States and Canada. But you should choose a European soy cow more pickily: there is a high probability of running into a fake or simply a second-rate product.

How to choose?

Pressed tofu is sold both in vacuum containers and simply in sealed packages filled with water. Water protects the product from absorbing foreign odors. Take the time to carefully study the label: natural tofu should contain only three components: water, soybeans (soybeans) and a coagulant (can be of three types - nigari, calcium sulfate or calcium chloride). It is better to buy tofu without salt, herbs and other additives. “Proper” tofu should have a neutral taste.

Fresh tofu has a slightly sweet smell. If it starts to sour, boil it for 10 minutes. True, it will swell and become more porous than the “original”.

When choosing tofu with a high calcium content, look for the label “with calcium sediment” or “calcium sulfate” on the packaging. Remember that hard tofu is fattier than soft tofu. And, of course, always check the expiration date of the product.

How to store?

Most manufacturers pasteurize their tofu in-house. This product does not require refrigeration until the container is unopened. Unpasteurized tofu is placed in a cool place. If the package is opened, but not all of the tofu has been eaten, rinse the rest and add water. If possible, pump out the air from the container, put it in the refrigerator, and change the water daily - the tofu will remain fresh for a week.

You can also freeze it - then the shelf life will last up to five months. After defrosting, tofu changes its consistency and taste: it becomes more elastic and tough, similar to meat; the taste of dishes with this ingredient is also slightly different. Thawed tofu has a pleasant caramel color and is great for marinating or frying.

By the way, today in Japan the popular variety of tofu is kogori-dofu, or koya-dofu, a frozen, dried version of the soybean delicacy. This ancient invention Buddhist monks from Mount Koya. It differs from the “classic”: it has a spongy structure, and the taste remains rich even after soaking. In Japan, koya-dofu is sold in five pieces, packed in plastic. Along with it, the kit includes a soup base-powder, in which it is boiled. But you can do without it.

Make tofu soup

Add chopped corn to salted meat or vegetable broth and cook. Add grated carrots, spices and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes. Now add 150 g of firm tofu, cut into cubes, one chopped leek, green peas. Bring to a boil. Serve with greens.

Tofu is a haven for the chef's imagination and a real chameleon among products. Even though it cannot boast of its own aroma, it, like a sponge, perfectly absorbs “neighboring” smells and tastes. At first glance, this may seem like a drawback, but in reality it is an undoubted advantage that turns tofu into a universal culinary soldier: the product goes well with any ingredients, no matter what dish you add it to, from appetizer to dessert. It can be eaten with fruits or herbs, or it can be fried, smoked and baked. And it also makes wonderful minced meat. Try and cook something delicious!

Although Tofu cheese is not particularly popular in Russia, this incredibly healthy dairy product has long been appreciated abroad. The amazing composition that makes the product an equivalent to meat, the unusual taste and the ability to endlessly experiment with cooking options explain why everyone should definitely get to know this cheese.

What is it?

Tofu cheese is essentially just bean curd. The plant product is made from soybeans. It contains practically no carbohydrates and fats, but is rich in protein and other beneficial substances. This explains why this type cheese is so loved by people who adhere to dietary nutrition. The taste of the product is quite lean - soy is responsible for this, but the smell is a little sweet. This cheese looks like pressed cottage cheese, packed in a vacuum bag or container filled with liquid. The point of the latter is to prevent foreign smells from permeating the cheese mass.

It's important to say that Tofu can be subjected to almost any existing heat treatment. The product is boiled, fried, baked and even pickled. Tofu is smoked, stewed, deep-fried with a crispy crust - any option has its fans. Choosing this product in the store, it is important to carefully study the available information. The composition should contain only three components: water, soy (or soybeans) and a thickener called a coagulant.

Tofu is stored in compliance with several rules. If the package is opened, but the product is not completely eaten, then the remains should be rinsed under the tap, then poured clean water and put it in the refrigerator. The fluid will need to be changed daily. It is best to keep the product in an airtight container, which will keep it for up to a week. If suddenly a piece tastes unusually sour, you can try boiling it for about ten minutes. Although the consistency will change, the product will be usable again.

If you freeze the cheese, its storage will extend to almost six months. However, you should know that, having undergone this type of processing, Tofu will change its taste, structure, and even color. Thawed cheese is denser and more porous. Its color first turns yellow and then turns white. The taste becomes noticeably richer.


It is customary to distinguish three main types of Tofu cheese. They differ from each other in the technology used in production and in consistency, depending on the amount of protein contained in the product. Typically, high density and dryness of cheese indicate a high protein content. In Europe, the most popular product is a dense product with a consistency reminiscent of Mozzarella cheese. It is often one of the main ingredients vegetarian dishes, for example, goulash or vegetarian kebab. Hard Tofu cheese is commonly called “Western”.

Another type of product is soft, with a large amount of liquid. It is especially loved by Asian residents. They add cotton cheese to stir-fries and other dishes. It also has a consistency similar to Mozzarella.

Finally, the third kind dairy product called "silk". The liquid content in it is even higher than in “cotton”. At first glance, it is even difficult to identify cheese in it. The consistency of this Tofu is watery, tender and creamy. This variety used for preparing sauces, soups, creams for cakes and other delicious dishes.

It is important to add that cheese is often produced with various additives (from herbs and mushrooms to apples and berries). Of course, this makes the product more interesting, but the true taste of Tofu cheese still disappears. By the way, there is also “stinky” Tofu, soaked in fish marinade, which is especially valued in China. As you might guess, its name was derived from its overly intense smell.

Cheese can be full-fat or low-fat, as well as aged and fresh. A product intended for long-term use is either pressed, dried, or pickled in sauce, vinegar, or wine drinks. In the latter case, the cheese cubes are covered with a bright red crust. Dried Tofu is completely free of liquid, so you will need to fill it with water before using it. Tofu has already been invented in the form of thin leaves intended for rolls or making pasta.

Composition and calorie content

It is important to mention that soy, which is the basis of Tofu cheese, is the only complete substitute for animal protein in the world. The product has an amazing composition - it contains all nine amino acids that a person needs to consume to maintain good health. Therefore, for vegetarians, as well as people who simply do not like meat, Tofu cheese is a necessary element of the diet. In general, there is much more protein in soybeans than in beef or fish (from 5% to 10%). In addition, unlike substances of animal origin, soy protein lowers cholesterol levels in the blood and is much better absorbed by the body.

It is impossible not to say that Tofu is rich in iron, calcium and healthy fiber. Thanks to its rich composition, the product is able to cleanse the body of harmful substances, including from toxic dioxin, and destroy gallstones. Finally, the dairy product is loaded with phystoestrogens. This substance helps women cope with negative manifestations hormonal system. It is even believed that regular consumption of such cheese saves from breast cancer and weakens the symptoms of senility. It's important to mention that The calorie content of Tofu cheese is very low - only 73 kcal.

It is worth adding that people with lactose intolerance should not be afraid of this cheese - level dangerous substance there is very little in it.

How to do it at home?

Making Tofu cheese is in many ways similar to making other types of cheese, which are based on regular milk. First, soybeans are transformed into soy milk. A thickener is then added to the liquid to initiate the curdling process. Usually this is nigari, but in principle it is allowed to replace it with lemon juice or vinegar. At the next stage, the future cheese is mixed and heated, and then laid out into briquettes. It is important to add that today it is common to replace soybeans with ready-made soy powder. Otherwise, the cooking time increases significantly, because the fruits need to be peeled, soaked, then boiled and crushed.

You can make Tofu cheese at home yourself. There are various recipes that are not particularly complicated. To implement one of them you will need a glass of cold water, a glass of soy flour, two glasses of boiling water and six tablespoons of lemon juice. In a separate container, soy flour and cold water are mixed until a creamy substance is formed. After this, boiling water is added to it. The action is repeated.

The pan is placed on low heat, where it remains for about fifteen minutes. After this, lemon juice is added to the liquid and everything is mixed again. Then you can turn off the heat and wait until the cheese settles. At the final stage, the substance is passed through gauze. The end result is about a cup of soft Tofu. It can only be stored in the refrigerator in a closed container, and the piece itself must be filled with liquid.

If soybeans are available to the cook, then he may well use them to prepare the dish.

In the first stage, soy milk is prepared. A kilogram of fruit is covered with water in which a little soda is dissolved. It will need to be changed several times before twenty-four hours have passed. Then the fruits, which have increased in size, are washed and processed twice with a meat grinder. The final substance is poured into three liters clean water and infuses until four hours have passed. Future milk will also have to be stirred regularly. Finally, it is passed through cheesecloth, straining.

The next stage involves the actual production of cheese. Take a liter of milk and boil for five minutes. Turning off the heat, you will need to dissolve the juice of one lemon or half a teaspoon of citric acid in the liquid. If you continue stirring the substance periodically, after some period it will curdle. The mixture is then passed through cheesecloth, resulting in a thick mass.

What do you eat it with?

Tofu makes many delicious dishes. The peculiarity of cheese is that it absorbs tastes and smells. Therefore, if you want to get something sweet or savory, you just need to combine it with the appropriate products. For example, a combination with chili will be spicy and bright, and with chocolate it will be sweet and aromatic. This dairy product literally requires an abundance of spices and delicious oils. Often before frying or baking, the piece is marinated in lemon juice or soy sauce.

Almost any review suggests that this type of cheese can serve as a substitute for numerous dishes of animal origin. For example, by mixing it with minced meat for cutlets, you can reduce the fat content of the final dish, but still get the same wonderful taste. In addition, it is believed that smoked cheese can become the equivalent of ham, and mixed with cocoa and sugar - chocolate cream. Tofu goes well with a variety of fruits, vegetables and herbs.

Very delicious salad made from cheese boiled eggs and Chinese cabbage. An excellent option is the combination of Tofu, canned pineapple, cabbage, carrots and roasted peanuts.

Such a healthy product as avocado will go well with this cheese, tomatoes, peppers and garlic cloves. The combination of fish, cheese and onions with herbs will be wonderful. Of course, we cannot forget about Tofu sandwiches, for which the cheese mass is either mixed with sauce or pate, or supplemented with a boiled egg.

Soft cheese in combination with butter and lemon juice often becomes the base for salad dressing. The dense product is sometimes fried in batter, for example, from beer. Naturally, the product is also used for cooking soups, for example, with noodles and mushrooms, as well as for pasta sauces. Followers healthy image life will enjoy smoothies made from banana, orange, tofu and berries.

There are many options, it all depends on yours taste preferences.

To learn how to make Tofu with your own hands, watch the video below.

Tofu cheese is currently gaining popularity. What is it? It is a plant-based product made from soy milk. Distinctive Features soft cheese - low calorie content and availability large quantity squirrel. Tofu is wildly popular in Europe and Asia due to its high content of iron, proteins and calcium. So what is the secret of the product's popularity? What is tofu cheese made from? This article is about this.

Tofu cheese - what is it and why do you eat it?

This product is made from soybeans. They are processed into milk, which then, thanks to additional components, curdles and turns into soft cheese. Tofu can be classified as a dietary product. B - a minimum of calories, a lot of nutrients and vitamins, proteins and proteins.

Often in sports nutrition Tofu cheese or bean curd is used. The product contains iron, calcium and vegetable fats.

Benefits of soy cheese

Despite minimum quantity calories, tofu has a special unique value. Soy product does not contain cholesterol, and also has antioxidants, which, with constant use, can delicately cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. Let's take a closer look at the composition of tofu cheese and what this incredibly healthy product is made from:

  • First of all, tofu saturates the body with protein, vitamins and iron.
  • Calcium, which is contained in soy milk and therefore in soft cheese, strengthens the body's skeletal system, hair follicles, nails and teeth.
  • Tofu has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Soft cheese contains no animal fats. But despite this, it has high nutritional value and helps to fill you up with a small amount of food for quite a long time.
  • In addition, tofu cheese is quickly absorbed by the body.
  • Another advantage of the dairy product is its low calorie content. No more than 85 kilocalories per 100 grams of cheese.
  • Tofu will be a real boon for people who suffer from animal protein intolerance. But it promotes strengthening and growth muscle tissue.
  • Also in the description of the benefits of tofu cheese there is information about its usefulness for the female body. Soft cheese promotes weight loss and contains phytoestrogens. They improve appearance and rejuvenate the skin, help alleviate a number of unpleasant symptoms during menopause.

Useful substances and microelements

Soy cheese has become a real discovery in cooking. Tofu is very easy to prepare and is suitable for many dishes. Soft cheese is made from soybeans, which are leaders among products containing protein and vegetable fibers. They also contain vitamins B, A, E, C and D, macro- and microelements sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and amino acids.

Due to the beneficial properties of tofu cheese, it is often used instead of meat and fish.

Harm and contraindications

Tofu cheese is easily absorbed by the body, but it should be consumed in moderation. Otherwise, soft cheese may slow down or worsen digestion processes. Also, those with allergies should be wary of this product. Such people should be tested for soy tolerance and then follow the instructions of their doctor. Otherwise the product may cause allergic reactions, upset stomach and other troubles.

In general, experts have not identified any harm that tofu cheese can cause to the body. But you should still be careful about this product, buy it only in trusted stores and monitor the expiration date.

What is tofu cheese made from?

The main ingredient in the preparation of the product is soybeans. Plant milk is produced from them. This is what is used as the basis for tofu cheese. Next, a special coagulant is added to soy milk. It must be included in the recipe to obtain the required porous and solid consistency of the product. To give soy tofu the desired shape, it is heated and kept under pressure for several hours. The last step is to seal the tofu in an airtight container with a special liquid. This is necessary so that the cheese does not subsequently absorb the odors of other products and does not dry out.

This tofu recipe is used in China and Japan and can be considered universal. The composition of ingredients may vary depending on the taste preferences of manufacturers and consumer requests. Most often, various spices are added to tofu or natural flavors.

Composition of soft cheese and manufacturing process

Like any other product, bean curd has its own chemical composition and secret ingredients. What is tofu cheese made from and what additives does it contain?

The soy product contains:

  • vitamins and amino acids;
  • potassium, calcium, sodium, zinc and iron;
  • protein, amino acids and plant fibers.

Thanks to its composition, tofu cheese is so healthy. Of course, additional components may vary, but high-quality cheese chemical composition these elements will definitely be present.

Many cooks often have a question about how to make tofu cheese at home. Initially, it seems that in order to prepare such a unique product it is necessary to purchase professional equipment, have special knowledge, experience. In fact, the classic recipe for a soy product is so simple that anyone can do it.

Experienced cooks Before making tofu cheese, grind fresh beans into flour yourself. At home, you don’t have to adhere to this point. Immediately buy quality milk or milk in a specialized store.

The process of making soft cheese is as follows:

  1. Grind soybeans and prepare flour.
  2. Add thickener or citric acid.
  3. Pour the mixture with salt water, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  4. Pour the mixture into the prepared pan.
  5. Place the press on top for several hours.

As you can see, making tofu yourself at home is not that difficult. You just need to follow the proportions and order of actions.

Homemade Tofu Recipes

Making soy products at home has many benefits. Firstly, homemade tofu will be made only from natural ingredients, without GMO soy, which can often be found on store shelves if you buy finished products. Secondly, additional ingredients and spices can be added at your discretion, that is, the soft cheese will have exactly the taste that you need and like. Homemade tofu can be made from fresh beans, soy flour or milk.

Classic recipe

It is worth paying attention to the fact that home-made soft cheese has a very short term shelf life - no more than two days. Moreover, it must be stored in the refrigerator, having previously been wrapped cling film.


  • Fresh soybeans - 1 kg.
  • Lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • Cold water - 2 l.

Cooking procedure

  1. Rinse the soybeans under running water and place in a deep bowl.
  2. Fill cold water for a day. During this time, change the water every six hours.
  3. After the soybeans swell, grind them using a meat grinder and add one liter of cold filtered water.
  4. Leave the resulting mass in a cool place for three hours, stirring constantly.
  5. Strain the resulting soy milk through cheesecloth, leaving only the liquid.
  6. Cook it over medium heat until it boils, remove from heat.
  7. After ten minutes, pour citric acid into the milk, stirring constantly until the mixture curdles.
  8. Remove excess liquid from the resulting soy cheese, place in a mold and leave under pressure for several hours.
  9. Store tofu in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

A simple soy milk cheese recipe

Another advantage of tofu is its neutral taste and smell. Therefore, it can be added to various dishes, fried and baked. Cheese is perfect as a dessert.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pour soy milk into a deep saucepan and cook over low heat until it boils.
  2. Remove from heat and leave to cool for ten minutes.
  3. Afterwards, slowly pour orange or lemon juice into the milk, stirring constantly.
  4. When the mass curdles, it must be strained through a fine sieve or gauze folded in half.
  5. Place the bean curd in the mold and leave under pressure for two hours.
  6. Store in a cool place for no more than two days.

Tofu made from soy flour

To finished product It turned out to be softer and more porous in structure; you don’t have to keep it under pressure, but just let it sit in the mold for several hours.


  • High-quality soy flour - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 80 ml.
  • Cold water - 300 ml.
  • Boiled hot water - 500 ml.

Cooking process

  1. Pour soy flour into a deep bowl.
  2. Pour cold water into it, mix thoroughly until smooth.
  3. Then add a liter hot water and cook over medium heat for 10 - 15 minutes.
  4. Then remove the soy milk from the heat, let it cool slightly and add lemon juice.
  5. Mix the mixture thoroughly and strain through double folded cheesecloth.
  6. After all excess moisture has been removed from the bean curd, it must be placed in the prepared form and left under pressure in a cool place for three hours.

So, tofu cheese is a plant product that is made from soybeans. It includes many useful substances, vitamins and microelements. Due to this, soy product is very popular in many countries around the world. Now you know what tofu cheese is made from and what beneficial properties this unique product has.