Presentation on the topic of a large Arctic reserve. Social studies presentation on the topic "Great Arctic Reserve"

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Federal government agency"State nature reserve"Big Arctic" (Bolshoi Arctic Reserve) is a state environmental, research and environmental educational institution federal significance aimed at preserving and studying the natural course of natural processes and phenomena, the genetic fund of flora and fauna, individual species and communities of plants and animals, typical and unique ecological systems.

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The land plot of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve consists of 35 separate parts, formed by both individual islands and groups of islands, archipelagos or mainland parts of the Taimyr Peninsula with the adjacent water area Kara Sea, its bays and bays. All land plot the reserve is located within the boundaries municipality urban settlement Dikson, Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district Krasnoyarsk Territory. The Big Arctic Nature Reserve consists of 7 cluster areas: 1) Dikson-Sibiryakovsky 2) “Islands of the Kara Sea” 3) Pyasinsky 4) “Middendorf Bay” 5) “Nordenskiöld Archipelago” 6) “Lower Taimyr” 7) “Chelyuskin Peninsula”

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The Great Arctic State Nature Reserve was created by government decree Russian Federation, in May 1993, mainly to protect the nesting habitats of birds migrating along the North Atlantic route, such as: The bird fauna of the largest nature reserve in Russia numbers about one hundred and twenty-four species, of which only fifty-five species make nests directly on its territory. brown-winged plover white-fronted goose peregrine falcon white-tailed sandpiper sandpiper dunlin and redliner brent goose pink gull White Owl

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In general, the fauna of the largest Russian reserve is not very rich; among mammals, only twelve species of animals can be counted here (if combined with marine ones, then sixteen), which are united by adaptability to life in harsh climatic conditions. The most numerous representatives of the Great Arctic Reserve are lemmings - small northern animals. Throughout the reserve you can find wild reindeer and arctic foxes, but the prevalence of wolves in the north of Taimyr is patchy. The few inhabitants are wolverine, ermine, mountain hare and musk ox. lemming reindeer wolf wolverine ermine white hare muskox arctic fox

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The Kara Sea and the Laptev Sea, which wash the shores of the largest nature reserve in Russia, are home to such animals as beluga whales, walruses, seals and sea ​​hares(Lahtak), hunted by the local king of animals - the polar bear. beluga whale walrus seal bearded seal polar bear

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The flora of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve is represented by 168 plant species that belong to 28 families. In the reserve you can see 28 species of cereals, 19 species of brassicas, 16 species of cloves, 15 species of saxifrage and 13 sedges. Among the flowers special place occupies the cushion poppy - a bright and colorful appearance. Among the bryophyte species, 15 species of liver mosses and 74 species of phyllophytes were identified. 15 species of mushrooms grow in the protected area. The main part of them belongs to the lamellar species, including the rare white-skinned fiber. Lichens are also widespread in the reserve - there are 70 species of them. cushion poppy fiber grass white-skinned cotton grass saxifrage arctic rose Icelandic cetraria

summary of other presentations

“Large Nature Reserves of Russia” - Protected species of mammals. Far Eastern Marine Biosphere Reserve. Rocks. Euryale is terrifying. Volga forest-steppe. Feather grass. Atlasov Island. State nature reserve. Vegetable world. Vegetation. Protected bird species. Sikhote-Alin Nature Reserve. Solovetsky archipelago. Khanka reserve. Protected plant species. Square. Reservoirs. Little tern. Nature reserves of Russia. Algae plantations.

“Protected natural areas” - The main tasks of state natural reserves. National parks. Monuments world heritage. National natural parks. Protected natural areas. Natural monuments. World Heritage Site status. Wildlife sanctuaries. Reserves. Botanical gardens and dendrological parks. Botanical Garden- green area special purpose. Landscape reserves. Objectives of dendrological parks and botanical gardens.

“Specially Protected Natural Territories of Russia” - SPNA. Climate. Kronotsky Nature Reserve. Reserves. 800 plant species. Specially protected areas of Russia. Taimyr Nature Reserve. Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard. The main task of the reserves. Protected natural areas. Animal world. Kivach Nature Reserve. Caucasian Nature Reserve. Summer. Baikal Nature Reserve.

“Types of specially protected natural areas” - “Seven Brothers” Rock. State nature reserves. Types of protected areas. National Parks CO. 4 national parks. Reserves SO. Reserve "Denezhkin Stone". Natural parks. Dendrological parks. Scenic areas. National Park"Pripyshminsky forests". Zones in National Parks. National parks. Preservation and study of the natural course of natural processes. Visimsky reserve.

“Specially protected areas” - Complex reserves. Protected areas. Elk Island. Natural monuments. Fish sanctuary. We managed to save many rare species. Wildlife sanctuaries. Scientists. Biosphere reserves. Security and rational use animal world. National parks. The reserve is a reserve. Altai Nature Reserve. Territories. Voronezh Nature Reserve. Reserves.

“Specially protected natural areas” - Reserve. Specially protected natural areas. Outlets of thermal springs. Sleeping Beauty. National Park. The need for protection. Astrakhan Nature Reserve. Reserves. Official holiday. Great Arctic Nature Reserve. Ussuri Nature Reserve. Galichya Mountain. The largest reserve Russia. Natural parks. Barguzinsky reserve. Branch. Bashkir Nature Reserve. Natural monument. The smallest reserve.

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Specially protected natural areas of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Taimyr Nature Reserve The presentation was made by geography teacher Olga Nikolaevna Bauer KGB Educational Institution KSHI "Achinsk Cadet Corps"

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It’s spring here only in August Just for ten days, Which is cold like February, Or maybe even colder Here, everything is not the same and everything is wrong, Only a circle of the Earth has thawed, But the polar poppy has still bloomed, It burned through the snow like a flag... And .D. Christmas

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The Taimyrsky State Nature Reserve is an environmental, research and environmental educational institution, included in the international network biosphere reserves carrying out global environmental monitoring. The reserve conducts a large volume scientific research, based on the results of 1999 and 2000, it entered the top ten (out of 100) reserves, and in terms of the content and information of the Chronicle of Nature it took 1st place. Since 1993, a museum of nature and ethnography has been operating at the reserve. The museum is engaged in educational and environmental work, the museum receives more than 5 thousand visitors annually.

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The reserve was organized on February 23, 1979. In 1995, by the decision of the UNESCO MAB state reserve"Taimyrskiy" received biosphere status.

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The area of ​​the reserve is 1324 thousand hectares. The reserve is located within the North Siberian Lowland on the right bank of the river. Upper Taimyr. Along the left bank of the Upper Taimyr, spurs of the Byrranga Mountains enter the reserve. The entire territory lies in a zone of continuous permafrost, the thickness of which reaches 500 m.

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The organizers of the reserve sought to cover the territory with the greatest variety of zonal natural landscapes- arctic, typical and southern tundra, as well as pre-tundra woodlands (forest-tundra). Arctic desert Forest tundra Mountain tundra Typical tundra

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The main rivers of the territory are the tributaries of the Khatanga: Novaya and Lukunskaya in the south, Upper Taimyr, Logata in the north, Bikada in the protected zone.

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Largest lake- Taimyr, the reserve includes its bays - Ledyanaya Bay, Baikuraneru, Baikuraturku. Other significant lakes – Syrutaturku, Nadaturku, Dudassamaturku Sunset on Lake Taimyr

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Vegetation Throughout the reserve, 429 species of vascular plants, 212 species of leafy mosses, and 263 species of lichens grow. 47 species were also noted cap mushrooms and 157 micromycetes. Vegetation in the tundra The world's northernmost forests "Ary-Mas"

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The plant cover of the reserve, given the high latitudes, is very diverse. They are shaggy, like animals, Flowers of high parallel, Their life span is short, Their sun barely warms. They grow near piles of snow. Their blizzards have sung hundreds of times And then they go to the pole - Flowers of the high parallel. I.D. Rozhdestvensky

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Fauna The reserve contains 21 species of mammals, 116 species of birds, and over 15 species of fish live in rivers and lakes. A fairly common inhabitant of the reserve is the white hare. In summer it can often be found in the mountains and foothills in the meadows of steep southern slopes, there are many of them in the southern tundras, but in winter it is common throughout the territory.

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Ungulates in the reserve are represented by reindeer and musk ox. Taimyr wild population reindeer the most numerous in the world, even according to the most conservative estimates, there are more than 700 thousand individuals.

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The musk ox, introduced to Taimyr in 1974, has now colonized a very large territory - from the Bolshaya Balakhnya River in the south to the mouth of the Leningradskaya River in the north and from Lower Taimyr in the west to the eastern coast of Taimyr.

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From marine mammals Beluga whales live in the reserve, ringed seal, bearded seal and walrus, mainly in the Arctic branch; only the ringed seal is more or less numerous. Walrus

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During the history of the reserve, 2 polar bears have been recorded on the Bikada and Upper Taimyr rivers (both areas are 200-300 km from the sea).

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The birds of the reserve belong to 9 orders. Representatives of two of them - cranes (the gray crane and the Siberian crane) and woodpeckers (the three-toed woodpecker) are vagrants, while representatives of loons, geese, raptors, gallinidae, charibiformes, owls and passerines live in the reserve permanently and nest. The number of waterfowl is high. Breeding eiders, black-throated and white-billed loons, tundra swans, and bean eiders nest. Tundra partridge Owl Tundra swan

Zakharov Gerasim

Additional material for studying the topic Nature conservation and specially protected areas of Russia. 8th grade



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Great Arctic Reserve Presentation prepared by Zakharov Gerasim 8th grade Teacher Pushkova A.A. ©, 2013

The world scientific community has been talking about the need to reserve a number of territories in Arctic Taimyr for quite some time. In the late 70s - early 90s, many biologists from Russia and a number of other countries worked on various parts of the Taimyr coast and the Arctic islands. They noted the uniqueness of the flora and fauna of the region and expressed concern about the increasing anthropogenic impact on the nature of the Arctic. In this regard, the Great Arctic Nature Reserve was formed on May 11, 1993. History of the creation of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve

The reserve is located on the territory of the Taimyr Peninsula and has total area 4 million 200 thousand hectares. Due to its structure, it covers an area of ​​1000 km from west to east and 500 km from north to south. Its shores are washed by two North Seas Arctic Ocean: Kara Sea and Laptev Sea. The reserve consists of 7 sections. TERRITORY

Dikson-Sibiryakovsky section. Includes Sibiryakova Island (85 thousand hectares) with adjacent small islands and small areas “Medusa Bay” and “Efremov Bay”. Sibiryakova Island is a large sandy and hilly island in the Kara Sea at the exit from the Yenisei Bay. It is a closed island ecosystem that includes Arctic tundra. The Medusa Bay and Efremova Bay sites are located near the village of Dikson. Arctic tundra prevails here, rocky sea ​​coast, small rocky coastal islands.

Section "Islands of the Kara Sea" This complex includes about a dozen medium-sized islands and quite a few small islands, sandbanks and spits. Site composition: Sergei Kirov archipelago, Voronin Island, Izvestia Central Executive Committee (archipelago), Arctic Institute Islands (archipelago), Sverdrup Island, Solitude Island, a number of other islands. These islands quite fully represent the diversity of the Arctic sea ​​islands eastern part of the Kara Sea. Most of the islands have soft shapes relief, their height does not exceed 60 m, there are rocks and cliffs. The shores of many islands are indented with bays, bays, and lagoons. There are many sandy and pebble spits and shallows. Vegetation - arctic tundra with depleted flora. All islands are interesting for their specific closed ecosystems.

Pyasinsky section Covers the delta of the Pyasina River, East Coast Pyasinsky Bay, sections of Taimyr east of the Pyasina River in the basins of the Khutudabiga, Spokoynaya, Lenivaya, western part the shores of Khariton Laptev, the Minin skerries, as well as the islands of Plavnikovye, Ptichy, Zveroboy Island, and many other islands. The territory of the site is very diverse, arctic tundras of all types are represented. In the upper reaches of the Pyasina River basin there is a large industrial center - the city of Norilsk, Negative influence which on the ecosystems of the reserve are now being studied in detail by specialists.

Section "Middendorf Bay" Covers the coast of Middendorf Bay (a fjord-type bay in the eastern part of the Khariton Laptev coast). It also includes the adjacent islands and approximately half of the Tolevaya River basin. The area is almost unexplored.

Section "Nordenskiöld Archipelago" The largest (not counting Severnaya Zemlya) is an archipelago of islands in the Kara Sea, consisting of many small, medium and several large sea islands, including adjacent shallow seas. The shores of the islands are mostly rocky, indented by bays and bays. The archipelago has been poorly studied.

Section "Chelyuskin Peninsula" The section includes the coast in the north-west of the Chelyuskin Peninsula, the delta of the Tessema River, the western coast of Thaddeus Bay, the islands of Lishny and Gelland-Hansen. The region of the Chelyuskin Peninsula is the only continental Arctic desert in the world. Only here the change of two natural zones is presented - tundra and polar deserts. Here the forms and processes of manifestation of life in particularly harsh, extreme conditions. In addition to these seven clusters, the Great Arctic Nature Reserve is administratively subordinate to two state nature reserves - Severozemelsky and Brekhovsky Islands.

Section "Lower Taimyr" The largest cluster of the reserve covers the lower reaches of the Lower Taimyr River and the basin of its tributary - the Shrenk River, as well as the coast of the Taimyr Bay and Tolya Bay. The site is distinguished by great landscape diversity. The Nizhnyaya Taimyr River has a very shallow eustaria deeply cut into the mainland (Taimyr Bay). The mouth of the Nizhnyaya Taimyr River is located on plains of marine and glacial origin. To the south, protruding into the foothills of the Byrranga Mountains, valleys alternate with hills reaching a height of 250-350 m, in the upper reaches of the Shrenk River - almost 500 m.

In areas of the Great Arctic Nature Reserve, flora and fauna typical of high latitudes are fully represented. The main type of vegetation of the tundra is lichens, which persistently tolerate harsh conditions Arctic. In the zone of polar deserts there are no formed soils, but very clear structural formations on rocky soil are developed - rings, medallions, polygons. The Arctic desert is practically devoid of vegetation: there are no shrubs, lichens and mosses do not form a continuous cover. The total plant cover here amounts to only a few percent. The severity of the climate of the Arctic north also affects the fauna of the region, so it is not surprising that the wildlife of the reserve is not rich in species. VEGETABLE WORLD

Birds The bird fauna of the Great Arctic Reserve includes 124 species, of which 55 species reliably nest on its territory; the rest were found on migration and migrations; migrations are known for 41 species. The red-breasted goose is a rare species, endemic to Russia. Included in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. In the last decade, with the increase in the number of the bird, its range to the north began to expand. Red-breasted geese are unevenly distributed within their range. This species is known for its remarkable “cohabitation” with patron birds of prey, most often played by peregrine falcons. Rare species of gulls are found in the reserve: pink gull, fork-tailed gull, and white gull. The pink gull is a rare, little-studied species, endemic to Russia, listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. gull

Mammals The mammal fauna of the reserve includes 16 species, 4 of them are marine animals. Lemmings. The most numerous smallest northern animals are lemmings (Siberian and ungulates). These animals are characterized by sharp fluctuations in numbers associated with a lack of food, outbreaks of diseases and unfavorable weather conditions. The number of predators - arctic fox, woolly buzzard, skuas - depends on the number of lemmings. Sedentary groups of deer migrate within the Byrranga Mountains. A unique island population of wild reindeer lives on Sibiryakova Island. The distribution of wolves in Northern Taimyr is focal. On larger territory they are rare and are found constantly in only a few places. These are usually places where reindeer regularly live. Polar bear- relatively normal look Great Arctic Nature Reserve. It is found on the islands all year round, on the mainland - mainly in winter, and more often in the very north. It is extremely rare for a bear to enter inland areas, far from the coast. Lemmin g

“Kuril Nature Reserve” - Salmon species native to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk live here. Yuzhno-Kurilsk (administrative center of the Yuzhno-Kuril region). On the slopes of the volcano (1819m) it is most clearly represented altitudinal zone vegetation. Volcano Tyatya. 7 species of bats have been recorded. Kuril Nature Reserve. There are 3 species of amphibians found on the island.

“Alakol Reserve” - In the last 35 years, Sredny Island has gained the greatest international fame. People call the islands Stone. Onagash, Zhalykol, Pelikanya and Baklanya Kurya, and in the western part - between lakes. Climate. initially amounted to 12,520 hectares, then it was increased to 20,743 hectares. Animals. Alakol-Sasykkol lake system.

"Caucasian Nature Reserve" - ​​nents - soils and vegetation. Soils vary from subtropical yellow soils in the foothills to primitive mountain soils in the highlands. Among the birds, representatives of the orders Passeriformes and Falconiformes predominate. About 2% of the reserve's territory is covered by rivers and lakes. The Caucasus Nature Reserve is a rich treasure trove of biodiversity that has no analogues in Russia.

“Reserves of Belarus” - My country. Only some species are prohibited here economic activity. Polesie radiation-ecological reserve. Natural resources Belarus. National Park “Braslav Lakes”. Security environment. Reserves and National parks Belarus. Don’t say rude words, only give kind ones!

"Arctic Desert Zone" - Natural areas Russia. Zone. Tundra and forest-tundra zone. Water. Red algae. The first Arctic explorers. Green ice floe. Black Sea coast Caucasus. Peculiarities. Forest zone. The formation of natural areas is due to climatic conditions, i.e. the ratio of heat and moisture. Zone arctic deserts.

“Lesson Arctic Desert Zone” - Lichen. Dead ends. Moss. Auk. Vegetation. Animal world. Saxifrage. Polar bear. Guillemot. Arctic. Arctic gull. Arctic desert zone. Arctic desert. Natural areas of Russia. arctic tundra. Seals. From Greek arktikos - northern, arctos - bear (according to the constellation Ursa Minor). Polar poppy.