Vera Glagoleva: biography and personal life. Vera Glagoleva

Vera Glagoleva- a wonderful Soviet and Russian actress. Unfortunately, August 16, 2017 year Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva passed away, she died when she was sixty-one years old. Still young, full of energy and creative ideas, loved by everyone, this actress died of cancer or its consequences. Although Vera Glagoleva for more than twenty-seven years I have not eaten meat, flour or sweet, healthy image life, never overeated, did yoga, all this did not protect her from stomach cancer. Cancer does not choose, it can come to anyone, and it has already been proven that it is impossible to protect yourself from it, only early diagnosis often saves the situation, but this fact helps few people, since the first three stages are asymptomatic.

In this photo from left to right: eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova (1978), Vera Glagoleva(1956), youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya(1993), middle daughter Maria Nakhapetova (1980).

U Vera Glagoleva There are three beautiful daughters left, one more beautiful than the other, each of them has an interesting, bright appearance and they don’t even look alike.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva’s first husband is director Rodion Nahapetov, Vera Glagoleva and the two daughters of this couple: Anna on the left and Maria on the right.

Vera Glagoleva married twice, from her first husband, a director Rodion Nakhapetova she gave birth to daughters Anna and Masha, and from her second husband, businessman Kirill Shubsky, daughter Anastasia.

Vera Glagoleva the first time she got married early, she was 20 years. WITH Rodion Nakhapetov Vera I met when I came with a friend to audition for a film "To the ends of the world...". The assistant director noticed a beautiful, fragile girl and suggested that she try out for main role. I saw this movie and it's amazing Vera Glagoleva there is one of the main roles, in this film she has dark hair, but the hairstyle itself is exactly the same as what we are all used to - a bob.

Was Vera Glagoleva is 19 years old, when she starred for the first time. The plot of the film "To the ends of the world..." is this: a young guy, very self-confident, denying all generally accepted moral, human, social norms- he rebels, he does not want to study, work, he considers adults, without exception, stupid and limited. Parents, tired of the torment of their offspring, send him from Moscow to the village to his uncle. Arriving at his relatives, Volodya meets his cousin Sima (Vera Glagoleva). During one of the family gatherings, a rowdy, quarrelsome Vladimir runs out from the table, and all because his uncle promised to make a man out of him. The guy rushed off aimlessly. He only had a couple of rubles with him; his uncle sent his daughter to catch up with the obstinate man. Simu. As a result Vladimir And Sima we wandered very far from home, the guy doesn’t want to come back, the girl followed him like a tail, where he went, there she went. Initially Volodya he makes fun of the girl in every possible way, considering her a stupid, naive fool, tells her that there is no love, girls need to be used, which he happily does, but he urges his interlocutor not to be approachable. Work is also not for Volodya. But the couple has no money, they lost their last rubles in scrapes and they have a hard time wearing the same clothes: she is in a light dress, he is in trousers and a shirt, hungry and tired they wander along railway tracks.Sima asks to come back Volodya rushes to Moscow, and anywhere, but not back to his uncle. But summer weather, youth, youthful maximalism, meeting a variety of people, talking together, and Vladimir somehow begins to look at his fellow traveler differently Simu. Besides, it turns out that she doesn’t suit him at all. cousin, she was adopted a one-year-old child. All these travels, work at a youth construction site, and the trials we lived together led to the fact that Sima fell ill with bilateral lobar pneumonia. Volodya in despair, the girl lies unconscious in the hospital, the guy writes her a very touching letter, where he confesses his love, he calls on her to live, not to die otherwise, and he will have no place in this world, he will not live, he will do something to himself . Sitting on a sick bed, upon request Volodya, the doctor reads to the fading Sime this is a letter.

This film touched me, it was shot very well, the script, dialogues, actors are incomparable. A Vera Glagoleva not the one we are all used to, firstly, black hair, and secondly, very young, literally a girl with full lips and a childish, naive look looking at us from the screen. And talented Vera Glagoleva undoubtedly, the first role and such a message! And the figure is a sight for sore eyes, there was a scene in the film when Sima swam in Volodya river. On Sime high-waisted panties in the fashion of those times, a clumsily sewn bra, but the girl swims masterfully, Volodya delighted, right here on the river, Sima confesses to him that she was adopted. The guy begins to joke about her, because before taking her into his family, the future father did not know the orphan’s real name, so Vova and calls Simu now Galei, now Any, now Agrippina, now Cleopatra. For him she is no longer Sima, he is completely delighted - after all, this girl is now a mystery to him, her origin is a mystery to everyone. Who is she? Where did this unusual thing come from?

Why Vera Glagoleva And Rodion Nakhapetov broke up? Was everything rosy in their marriage? Was it just cheating Nakhapetova? Everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Men, despite their external strength, brutality, and unsentimentality, are very vulnerable creatures. Women's approval, warmth, and affection are extremely important to them. Many women understand this too late, because they believe that a man is a strong creature, will endure everything, and will not shed a tear. But in fact, women’s praise is very important to them, the wife must support all her husband’s endeavors, she must look into his eyes with admiration, with delight! Praise, every time show how dear her beloved is. Here, of course, it is important not to overdo it and not to be intrusive, to let the man be alone. I’m giving you a whole master class on gender relations. But here Vera Glagoleva she was too young, she was only 35 years old. It seems that she is no longer a girl, but believe me, somewhere only at this age do women begin to understand men. Men don’t share their experiences, they harbor a grudge, it’s easier for them to start looking to the left and build new relationships than to tell their wife what doesn’t suit them in their hateful marriage.

IN 1991 year Rodion Nakhapetov emigrated to USA, he planned to move his family there over time, he was going first to look around and settle down. But he wasn’t going anywhere, there was a lady already waiting for him, Natalya Shlyapnikoff, working as a manager at the US Independent Television Association. They already knew her; a couple of years ago she praised the film Nakhapetova "At the End of the Night". The drama was created in 1987 year. Even then Rodion Nakhapetov thought about what happened to them Vera Glagoleva a crack appeared in the relationship, that is, after only 9 years of marriage. The point is that Rodion Nakhapetov I always tried to film my wife in my films, but this time there was no role for her in the film. Faith She was offended and began to sharply criticize all of her husband’s work, she did this perhaps and not out of malice, she was just really a truth-teller and something didn’t suit her. A Rodion Nakhapetov support was important kind word, Maybe Vera I needed to hug my loved one and scratch behind his ear. But Vera Glagoleva she was a tough woman, she didn’t like to cheat. But Natasha Shlyapnikoff, she was completely different, firstly, she looked at Rodion, secondly, she was an independent, self-sufficient woman, she had her own connections and business acumen. Rodion Nakhapetov believed that Vera Glogoleva he created himself, like Pygmalion Galatea, perhaps more often he wanted to hear words of gratitude from his wife for this, he was not satisfied with something and in new woman he found the qualities that he lacked in the first one. Well, okay, let it all be like this, I found my love, but Vera Glagoleva was traveling to USA with her daughters, she was about to tour with an enterprise performance. She had no idea that her husband had been living with another woman for a long time, that he was in love and was tormented by thoughts of an impending divorce. Vera Glagoleva strong woman, she steadfastly withstood the blow, did not even bend under its onslaught, but this does not mean that our heroine survived the betrayal easily and did not suffer. Subsequently, in her interviews, she repeatedly said that that period of life was very difficult and painful for her. It seems to me that this persistent woman forbade herself to think that she was humiliated, insulted, abandoned, crushed. But everything that happens to us throughout our lives strengthens our character, so this story did not go unnoticed by Vera Vitalievna, some believe that it was precisely that stress that triggered the mechanism of self-destruction in the actress’s body, because oncology Vera Glagoleva I didn’t get sick in 2017, according to some sources it all started back 10 years ago, on the other hand, millions of women experience stress, separation, divorce, but who said that they don’t get sick after that??

Herself Vera Glagoleva laughed it off and said that she was married to Kirill Shubsky she has been for more than twenty-five years, and since Rodion Nakhapetov was just 12 . Like, what kind of pain is there? Everything is forgotten. But from the outside Kirill Shubsky there was also a betrayal, a famous athlete Svetlana Khorkina gave birth to a son from him Svyatoslav, exactly twelve years ago. So could this new shock have caused the onset of the disease? Second, significant. It's hard to believe that Vera Glagoleva I took this news lightly. But anyway Vera Glagoleva became wise woman, I didn’t want to ruin my family. By the way, Vera Glagoleva difficult character, for example, she is simply confident that she is always right in disputes, her opinion is correct, and the opinion of her opponent never withstands any criticism. Another fact, both husbands Vera Glagoleva born on the same day - January 21, though with a difference 20 years.

In this photo, Vera Glagoleva’s daughters are Masha and Nastya.

With three beautiful daughters, Vera Glagoleva gave birth to her youngest at 37 years old.

In the photo with his youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya.

In this photo there is a young Vera Glagoleva, as she was in her youth.

Eldest daughter Vera Glagoleva - Anna Nakhapetova.

Granddaughter Polina is surprisingly similar to her grandmother!

Grandchildren of Vera Glagoleva. On the left is Polina - she was born by Glagoleva’s eldest daughter, Anna, and on the right is grandson Kirill - he was born by her middle daughter Maria.

— Vera, you have three daughters. Admit it, which one is closer to you - probably the youngest, Nastya?

Nastya: Mom's daughter - Masha! Absolutely! Her mother singles her out from the three of us. (Laughs.)

Faith: Well, what are you saying? It's just like that left hand will declare that the right mistress loves and appreciates more. Each of my three daughters is dear to me, and I love them equally. And Nastya is absolutely daddy's girl, he gives her all his love. Outwardly, Nastya is the spitting image of my grandmother, my mother-in-law. She was a very beautiful woman.

— Vera, Nastya, how well do you know each other?

Faith: Masha, her sister, knows everything about Nastya. She is her closest friend, I am not.

Nastya: I don’t know everything about my mother either - she’s very closed person. She shares her experiences only with close friends. He tells my sisters and me only what he considers necessary. A very wise position.

Faith: The older girls knew the details of my divorce from Rodion Nakhapetov. Anya has already told your magazine everything. Of course, I would like to hide my experiences from them, but it didn’t work. It seems to me that mothers’ excessive revelations about men can break the psyche of children. There are many scoundrels, and any mother is afraid that this is exactly what her daughter will meet. Nevertheless, I think there’s no need to go too far—let girls, as they grow up, make their own conclusions about men. In the eyes of children, we should always be stronger than circumstances, not become limp, not bang our heads against the wall. Because if the mother is a victim, her girl will decide that this can happen to her too. This is where the repetition of destinies comes from.

— Vera, what do you tell them about divorce? Do you think that for the sake of her family and children, a woman should endure partying or her husband’s bullying, or are you taught that it is not worth maintaining an outdated relationship?

Faith: It seems to me that every person dreams of love for life. Should I endure... When I was young, I was sure that no: under no circumstances should I forgive anything, be proud. Then the understanding came: the main thing is to do right choice. If it is important for the man to stay close, forgive and move on with him. If it’s more comfortable to be without him, then break up. Well, wisdom came to me not too late, somehow our family managed without major mistakes. Kirill and I have been together for 22 years! It's a whole life.

It depresses me that in recent years everyone seems to have gone crazy. Everywhere you look there is an incomplete family! Look at children aged 12-13: dad is definitely not around - he’s gone. It's some kind of virus. Moreover, what makes me especially angry is that no one condemns this, quite the contrary. Men suddenly began to think: if you live with a young woman, then you are young yourself. This is stupidity! Recently a sexologist appeared on TV and said: “A man should be nourished by young body. Passion has passed, change your body to an even younger one - and so on ad infinitum.” How can you broadcast something like this from a TV screen?!

“You can teach that the most important thing is to hold your husband tightly so as not to be taken away.” Or you can advise him to pursue a career so that, when his mind becomes clouded, he can feed his children on his own.

Faith: I used to think that a woman needs to realize herself and achieve success in life. She repeated to the children: no matter how wonderful the relationship with your loved one is, no one is immune from the fact that it will not end. I personally trusted only two people in the world 100 percent - mom and dad. They were the only ones who came to my aid under any circumstances. Of course, you also need to be confident in the men you love, but not 100 percent... but 99 percent. (With a smile.) That’s why a woman should be passionate about something, have a backyard in the form of a profession. I repeat: this is what I thought before. And now I look at my Masha and understand that I was probably mistaken. She is comfortable being a wife and mother, raising her son Kirill, and devoting a lot of time to him. And this is also correct!

— Vera, with everyday questions and some problems, who are your daughters most likely to turn to? To you? Or to your fathers? (Glagoleva’s eldest children, Anna and Maria, - from director Rodion Nakhapetov. - Note from TN.)

Faith: It depends on what problems. If older girls need advice about their children, they will probably ask my opinion. Questions about life are addressed to dad or Kirill - they have an excellent trusting relationship. As for Nastya, Masha’s unshakable authority is for her. There is a 13 year difference between them. She seems big, but meanwhile Masha perfectly remembers everything that happened to her at Nastya’s age. And I’m stuck in the wonderful 1980s, so I’m not very well versed in modern customs. (Laughs.) The eighties are the happiest time for me. A lot of work, strength, bright hopes for the future. Mentally I'm there.

— Vera, which of your three daughters caused you the most problems as you grew up? Or do you have perfect children?

Vera: Are there such things? (With a smile.) Each of my girls is complex in their own way. But with the eldest, Anya, there was still less trouble than with the others. She had been in ballet since early childhood, never suffered from idleness, there was no need to worry about her: where she went, what she was doing. Anya is very purposeful - she always knows what she wants.

But Nastya was a difficult teenager. I was always eager to go to clubs and discos, we often quarreled. I don’t want to attack glamor magazines, but it’s still a pity that idle pastime, parties and clubs are cultivated from their pages. I hope that the stage of teenage rebellion, denial and misunderstanding that parents mean well is behind us in our family. (Looks at his daughter with a smile.)

— Nastya, your parents’ advice probably seemed old-fashioned nonsense to you? All young people have the same attitude towards the opinion of the older generation.

Nastya: As a child, I really believed that my parents said stupid things and did not understand me at all. For example, I asked to spend the night with a friend, and my mother immediately forwarded the question to my father. He makes such decisions. Dad didn’t let me in, I cried: dad is evil. (Laughs.)

But the older I get, the more I realize how right they were on many issues. It happened that my mother didn’t like one of my friends. She, of course, did not forbid communication, and in general she refrained from categorical statements, but she actively hinted that the person was a double bottom. I resisted, argued that this was not so, and then, faced with hypocrisy or meanness, I thought: wow, what kind of intuition does my mother have and how well she understands people!

In general, I am lucky with my parents, they trust me. And this is worth a lot. So that you have a correct idea of ​​how I was raised, I will say this: permissiveness was not allowed, although my dad, of course, spoils me. (With a smile.)

I was given complete freedom when I graduated from school as an external student and at the age of 16 I entered VGIK. Due to the fact that in the morning in traffic jams to the institute from country house I couldn’t get there, I begged my parents to let me live in our Moscow apartment. At first my mother was against it and suggested getting up early and getting some sleep in the car. But then she felt sorry for me. (Laughs.) At first, she constantly called my home number: in the morning to wake me up, in the evening to check if I was home. Of course, I tried to live up to expectations, I didn’t get caught up in any stories, but, you know, to be honest, you shouldn’t blindly trust your children. (With a smile.) There are different situations.

When I have children myself, they won’t even mention any night parties or discos until the morning. (Laughs.)

Vera (looks at Nastya in surprise): Well, yes, try not to let a 15-year-old teenager go somewhere! We told Nastya: “You won’t go!”, And she said: “No, I’ll go!” And what to do in this case? Whack? Lock it with a key? We had to let her go, but they asked someone they knew to look after her. Once Nastya persuaded Kirill and me to join her and her friends in nightclub. Okay, let's go. Have you seen what's going on there? This is terrible! Only in Russia, and even in third world countries, girls are allowed into nightclubs from the age of 12-13. There seems to be nothing special - everyone is just dancing. But, to be honest, I have never experienced greater disgust. They are painted, drunk, and grown-up men who have daughters and even granddaughters of the same age flock to them. Ugly atmosphere! I was worried about Nastya, but at the same time I understood that she should be allowed to overcome such hobbies. And now, do you hear how the child’s consciousness turned upside down? I am very glad that already at the age of 19 I realized that my parents were right.

It seems to me that Nastya is changing in better side thanks to his young man- Artem. We really like him - purposeful, real, and, by the way, does not like nightclubs! Guys like this are very rare.

— Nastya, tell us more about him.

Nastya: We've known each other for a long time, but we've been dating for a little less than a year. When I realized that Artem had become very dear to me, I decided to introduce him to my family. First - Masha, her opinion is very important to me. Then - to the parents. I was terribly worried when we went to meet each other. Thank God that all my loved ones liked Artem. Our parents also became friends.

My mother is absolutely delighted with Artem. He is truly amazing: he graduated from music school, plays guitar and piano. He has been involved in sports all his life, European champion in karate, studied at the Financial Academy, entered the master's program in the fall International school business in Boston. We moved there together. I work at a film studio, gaining experience. I fly to Moscow for the sessions: I’m a fourth-year student at the production department of VGIK.

Artem wants to achieve everything himself. My parents really liked this.

— Nastya, does your mother teach you how to communicate with men correctly? What is your advice on this matter?

Nastya: Well, for example, she says that if a woman Bad mood, it should not extend to her man. You should not put on him what you can handle yourself. Mom believes that a man is the head of the family; in general, she is always for the stronger sex. Recently she came to visit Artem and me. We argued a little, and suddenly I heard: “Nastya, shut up. Artem is right.” It’s even offensive, I wanted my mother to take my side. (Laughs.) In general, she constantly praises him. Mom loves both Zhenka, Masha’s husband, and Anya Stas very much.

- What does mom think about early marriage? Would you mind if you and Artem get married?

Nastya: My mother, like Artem, believes that a family should be created when a man stands on his own two feet and does not depend on his parents. It is clear that if we get married now, we will have both a beautiful wedding and nice apartment- parents will help. But Artem wants to earn all this himself. I had already hung out and for the first time met a person who completely corresponded to my ideal. I have a feeling that he is my destiny.

Faith: It seems to me that parents should not interfere in the decisions of their adult children at all. If they want to get married, please, even tomorrow. The stamp in the passport is a formality. It doesn't make people happier or unhappy. The most important thing is that they love each other and live in harmony, so that they appreciate every day they live together. Nastya is already 19 years old and an adult.

- Nastya is only 19 years old, it seems to you that in this at a young age Is parental advice unnecessary?

Faith: No, you can give advice, but privacy It is better not to interfere with your adult children. They must have their own own views and make decisions themselves, as well as take responsibility for them. I can only unobtrusively correct something, but in no case put pressure. All the same, children usually remain unconvinced. Why then conflicts?

— Vera, how close were you with your parents?

Faith: Mom lived with us and helped raise the girls. And she was always aware of my experiences. I called her and my father every day, now my daughters do the same - they call several times a day. It is unacceptable for adult children to completely disappear from the sight of their parents.

— Vera, your husband is a very wealthy man. How did you and he manage not to spoil the child excessively? Learn to distinguish foam from the real thing?

Faith: I react aggressively to excessive pampering of children, it irritates me greatly. Nastya's dad still spoils her. But what can you do if he wants it that way? I had to relax and go with the flow. Now it is generally unclear what to focus on. Of course, money is good, but another thing is that you need to instill in your child an understanding of true values.

Nastya knows that I am against everything excessive, against the cult of things, against excesses. We are looking for a compromise with her dad, I don’t let him spoil his daughter full blast. (Laughs.)

Nastya: Dad, of course, allows a lot, but I myself am embarrassed to waste his money. Mom thinks I'm too concerned about outfits. But this is not true - this has never happened. I love beautiful things, I understand them, but without much fanaticism. My mother’s upbringing does not pass without a trace, I see how she herself relates to money.

Mom is the wife of a wealthy man who loves to give her gifts and constantly presents her with very beautiful jewelry. But mom doesn't wear them! She believes that the value of life lies in other things: in work, in friends, in family. For her, the main thing is that a person is mentally beautiful. To be honest, I think so myself.

Faith: Well, what are you writing?! What do you think this is? (Points to a luxurious ring with gems.) Nastya would like to think so that sometimes she can walk the jewelry herself. (Laughs.)

- Vera, it’s interesting, Nastya is like that beautiful girl, just a supermodel! How to properly raise such attractive girls so that they do not grow up arrogant?

Faith: Maybe this is not very good, but I have never praised any of my daughters. My parents also somehow didn’t spoil me very much with praise. I always felt their love, but I never had them say how wonderful I was.

There are mothers and fathers who blindly praise their children, this seems wrong to me. Although, perhaps, I will reconsider these views of mine: our children are growing up - six-year-old Polina, Anya’s daughter, and five-year-old Kirill, Mashin’s son.

Nastya: I only heard that I was beautiful from other people, not from my parents. Probably, they just didn’t want me to become arrogant and think that I was better than others. (With a smile.) Therefore, I am quite critical of my appearance. My mother has been telling me all my life that I’m a bit fat. For as long as I can remember, I constantly have to limit myself in food, because I tend to be overweight. And I really love to eat, as luck would have it, I adore sweets and starchy foods. I can eat as many buns as I want... Mom said: eat, of course, but remember: you will be fat! And the nanny spoiled me - secretly from my parents, we drank tea and sandwiches at night.

— Nastya, is there anything that you would like to improve in your relationship with your mother?

Nastya: I would like more tenderness and affection. Mom doesn’t really like to hug... There are no constant boo-boos between us - she’s such a reserved person. He doesn’t even cuddle his grandchildren much. (Laughs.) True, on vacation, and I still love to relax with my parents, my mother and I lie in bed.

We call it “let’s go lie around.” We lay out pillows all over the bed and lie down and chat—this is an unimaginable joy for me. In the fall, my mother flew to America to visit us, and I just got sick. The temperature rose, my mother lay down next to me, I hugged her and fell asleep, it felt so good, like a balm for the soul.

Faith: I don't even have anything to answer. She's probably right. I really don’t like syu-syu very much - that’s the kind of person I am. Even when the children were small, I talked to them as if they were adults.

— Nastya, what was the most important thing your mother taught you?

Nastya: Lots of things. (Thinks.) The most important thing, probably, is that I learned the love of family from her and my dad. For parents, the most important thing is that there are foundations, traditions, so that we regularly gather around one big table - children, grandchildren, nephews. Mom and Dad value this very much. Now I understand that I can’t live without a family. This is the most important value in life. Mom trusts and loves us, the children, dad and her friends very much. And I also: I love my loved ones very much.

Faith: I like that Nastya is changing so much now. Starts to put it first human relations. But just recently I forgot to call, and it really annoyed me. And so she moved to America and calls me every day, just to ask how things are going. This means that we have passed the test of the strength of our relationship. I listen with surprise to her answers to your questions and am glad that she began to appreciate what I value. This is very important for me!

Nastya: And it’s important to me that my mother is happy. My favorite job, my favorite man nearby - my dad. And everything is fine with her. Everyone loves her: my sisters, dad, grandchildren, friends. Look at her - she's all glowing!

Family: husband - Kirill; daughters - Anna Nakhapetova (ballet dancer Bolshoi Theater), Maria Nakhapetova, Nastasia Shubskaya (student of VGIK); grandchildren - Polina (6 years old) and Kirill (5 years old)

Career: starred in more than 50 films, including: “To the End of the World”, “On Thursday and Never Again”, “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Descended from Heaven”, “ Poor Sasha”, “It is not recommended to offend women”, “Heiress”.

Director of the films “Broken Light”, “Order”, “Ferris Wheel”, “One War”, “A Month in the Country”. Teaches at the Moscow Institute of Television and Radio Broadcasting "Ostankino". People's Artist of Russia

Rodion Nakhapetov flew to Moscow to say his last “sorry” to the one he loved many years ago. It was thanks to him that Vera Glagoleva became known as an actress. She became his muse and his inspiration for 15 years. And yet they parted, unable to maintain the warmth of the family hearth. Saying goodbye to her forever, he could hardly hold back his tears.

"I don't want to be an actress!"

Vera Glagoleva came to a private screening at Mosfilm at the invitation of a friend. She had been here before, so she confidently walked along the studio corridor when assistants stopped her and asked her to take part in the auditions. Charmingly fragile, with long bangs like Mireille Mathieu and wearing a green fashionable jumpsuit, for a long time she could not understand what these people wanted from her.
Her plans did not include filming; she was a master of sports in archery, competed in the Moscow region team and was planning her sports career. The assistants were persistent. After all, director Rodion Nakhapetov pointed them to this particular girl. It was easier to agree than to waste time on long arguments.

After Rodion saw her photographs, he was upset. They did not reflect even a hundredth part of her real charm and beauty. The director abandoned the idea of ​​making Glagoleva into a movie. But then the main character’s partner fell ill, Glagoleva was again invited to the set to play along with the main character instead of her ill partner. It was assumed that only the back of her head would be filmed.

While the director was busy, Vera quickly learned the text and began to easily exchange phrases with her partner. Vera was so natural and self-confident that Nakhapetov immediately brought her into the frame. When he saw her eyes full of tears, he suddenly realized: they would succeed in the film. But they succeeded in life too.

Office romance

He still didn’t understand why he was so sensitive to this touching girl. He watched her play and his heart sank. Gradually, step by step, the director and the young actress became friends. He kept trying to understand why he was so drawn to this girl. I couldn’t find an explanation, but I became more and more attached to her. However, Vera responded to him in full reciprocity.
After filming, the film was forced to be remade many times, and Mikhalkov invited Nakhapetov himself to play the main role in “Slave of Love.” Rodion traveled to Odessa with Vera. He simply could not part with her for a minute.

In the evening they wandered around Odessa, and Vera dreamed of entering VGIK. And he was sad. He understood: she would have new interests, new friends, their romance could gradually fade away, they would have to part. When Vera heard about his doubts, she resolutely refused to go to college.

Rodion was touched and immediately proposed to this amazing girl.

Family boat

In 1976, Vera Glagoleva and Rodion Nakhapetov became husband and wife.
When she left for the shooting of Anatoly Efros’s film “On Thursday and Never Again,” Rodion realized that he needed to work together, otherwise he risked seeing his wife more often on the screen and not in life. Since then, he has featured her in his films.

In 1978, the couple had their eldest daughter, Anna. Their house was bright and cozy: the couple brought furniture from Chisinau, Vera’s mother, Galina Naumovna, gave them a piano.
They often went out into nature; Vera loved to wander through the forest, enjoying the silence and picking mushrooms. She was always surrounded by friends and girlfriends, but the most warm relations connected her with her brother Boris.

In 1980, Vera and Rodion had a second daughter, Maria. Vera Glagoleva said in her interviews that she was not a very good mother. She still acted a lot, and Galina Naumovna helped raise her daughters. True, the daughters never had any doubts that their mother loved them.

When love ends

The couple began to separate more and more often. Each of them had their own creative plans and their own shooting. They both sadly noted that they were losing something important, but the fast pace of life did not allow them to stop and repair the cracked family foundation.

In 1988, he returned to America, where the release of his film “At the End of the Night” was to begin. The one where there was no role for his wife. Then he will write in his memoirs that his feelings for Vera had already cooled down, and the relationship was rather friendly. It’s just that there, in America, he met his new love, with whom he connected his professional plans.

Vera understood everything when she and her daughters visited the house where he lived. This was the house of Natalia Shlyapkoff and her husband. True, she had already divorced him, and Rodion still did not dare to tell Vera that he was in love with his manager, the owner of his refuge in America.
Vera herself took the decisive step and let him go. No matter how much it hurt her, she never forbade the girls to communicate with their father. Only once in an interview did she call his departure to America a betrayal.

In 1991, Vera and Rodion filed for divorce. From that moment on, everyone had their own life.

Vera was born into a teacher's family. Her early childhood took place in the center of Moscow, not far from the Patriarch's Ponds, later the family moved to Izmailovo. The girl spent part of her school years in Germany, where her parents-teachers were sent to a school at the embassy.

Returning to Moscow in her senior year, Vera became seriously interested in the sport of archery. The girl planned to build her career in this direction and did not even dream of an acting profession. She grew to become a master of sports, competed at championships for the Moscow region...

What made the fragile Vera lift a 16-kilogram bow in order to hit the target again and again and win victories? Having already become a movie star, in one of her interviews she admits that the traditional white uniform against the backdrop of green onions seemed very romantic to her. That's the whole secret.

She graduated from school and continued to play her favorite sport. One day, together with a group of friends, Vera wandered into Mosfilm. One of the actors was preparing for an audition, Vera was asked to play along with him in the scene, and she agreed.

film “To the End of the World” (1975)

The natural and charismatic girl was noticed by the director of the film “To the End of the World” - Rodion Nakhapetov. When all the tests were completed, he invited Vera to play the main role. Later, the director explained the heroine’s looseness by saying that she did not strive for acting career and therefore I wasn’t worried at all.

actress and director

Vera with her husband and children

Nakhapetov admits: he immediately saw in the depths of this girl’s eyes some kind of “her own truth,” a special drama, and felt a whole cocktail of complex emotions for Vera. He called the unprofessional actress to audition several times and still approved her. I decided that there was something in her inexperience.

Why not? Vera agreed to act in the film, and at the same time became friends with a famous actor, who by that time had already begun to try his hand at directing. Before meeting Vera, Nakhapetov led a rather reclusive lifestyle, did not party much, and did not have constant company. Vera, famous for her special attitude towards people and her ability to make friends, introduced the director into her circle, introduced her to her brother’s friends and her girlfriends. This brought a lot of new emotions into the life of Rodion Nakhapetov. While learning from Vera to understand and love people, Nakhapetov did not notice how he himself fell head over heels in love with this serious girl.

Remembering, he smiles: he liked her athletic figure. He thought that a strong girl would give him wonderful, healthy children. At the end of the joint filming, he proposed to her, and she agreed.

Rodion Nahapetov with his eldest daughter.

Their children really turned out to be wonderful: two daughters, one of whom became a ballerina at the Bolshoi Theater, and the second studied computer graphics at Spielberg’s school in the USA. But the marriage of Nakhapetov and Glagoleva “forever” did not work out.


The performance of the non-professional actress impressed the directors so much that Vera Glagoleva began to be invited to other films. “On Thursday and Never Again” and “Marry the Captain” were instantly accepted by the public. The unique type of actress - fragile, gentle, organic - attracted attention and allowed her to occupy her niche in the profession. Nature gave Glagoleva talent in abundance. She never acquired an acting education, but she quickly became famous, she was invited to the theater, she acted a lot, including in her husband’s films.

film “Marry the Captain” (1986)

His directorial career was also quite successful. The audience especially loved the film “Don’t Shoot White Swans,” starring Stanislav Lyubshin and Nina Ruslanova.

In the early 90s, one of Nakhapetov’s films was bought by the Americans. The inspired director went overseas, not even knowing how this trip could end. There he met Natasha Shlyapnikoff, a Russian emigrant who began promoting the Russian director’s film in the United States. He was so grateful for her work that he gradually fell in love. He himself says: the feeling was not sudden, there was no special romance. Just long-term trusting relationships and unconditional support in a foreign country quickly grew into a more complex feeling.

film "Don't Shoot White Swans" (1980)

In the meantime, Vera Glagoleva was supposed to come to America with one of the performances. Vera took her daughters with her; it was planned that she would leave the children with their father and work. When the actress and her children arrived in Los Angeles, her husband admitted to her that he had fallen in love with another woman and wanted to leave for her.

It was a hard blow for the actress. Until that moment, they had corresponded, and in his messages there was no hint of a change in relations. Vera was shocked, but then she had the wisdom to take the most correct next step in that situation.

She was able to explain to the children what dad now has new family and that it will no longer be the same as before. She did not make a scene and blackmail her husband with children, but, as agreed, left the girls with him and went on tour.


Vera spent her short loneliness with benefit for her profession. She actively acted, participated in enterprise performances, tried herself in directing and learned to produce her own films. To do this it was necessary to negotiate with strongmen of the world about financing.

At one of the film festivals in Odessa, Vera was introduced to the “Russian Onassis” - 27-year-old shipowner and millionaire Kirill Shubsky. An enterprising actress suggested that he invest money in Russian cinema. Kirill promised to think about it, and already in Moscow he met with her “for work.” In the end, he refused to give money, but this meeting became the beginning of a new stage in the lives of both.

Almost immediately, Shubsky realized that he had fallen in love with the stunning, subtle and intelligent 35-year-old Vera Vitalievna, and for some time she did not take the feelings of the young admirer seriously, although she appreciated him for his lightness and wit. Kirill was persistent: he gave bouquets of scarlet roses, showed attention and care.

But still, new love was able to light up Vera’s eyes again. She felt that she was working differently, that life and raising girls were easier, that things were going more fun. I realized that I was ready for a new relationship. The actress did not delay: it was time to introduce Kirill to the girls.

The daughters remember the first time they saw Kirill and their mother’s transformed, youthful gaze. At first they were wary of the new person. However, after a few days they began to easily call him Kirill and trust him with their secrets.

In 1993, another girl appeared in the family - Nastasya Shubskaya. Just as beautiful and just as talented as her two older sisters. She graduated from the production department of VGIK. This year, the girl married the captain of the hockey team, Alexander Ovechkin. Vera Glagoleva was glad to have her son-in-law; a warm and trusting relationship developed between them.

In recent years, Glagoleva has worked a lot, she has declared herself as an intelligent and deep director. Her film “One War,” about the plight of women who gave birth to children from the German occupiers, was awarded at dozens of international film festivals.

The sudden news of the actress's death stunned not only fans, but also many of the actress's acquaintances - most of them did not suspect that Glagoleva was seriously ill and had been undergoing treatment for cancer for a long time. To last days she behaved with great dignity, did not complain to anyone and tried to get as much done as possible - the projects launched into production and the people employed on these projects depended on her...

Thursday and Never Again (1977)

Women Who Are Lucky (1989)

People's Artist of Russia Vera Glagoleva died at the age of 62, the artist's friend, actress Larisa Guzeeva, told RIA Novosti.

“Yes, she died,” Guzeeva said. The agency does not yet have information about the cause of the actress’s death.

Glagoleva was born in 1956 in Moscow, and made her first film appearance after graduating from school in the film “To the End of the World” by director Rodion Nakhapetov. The film received a prize at the Ljubljana Film Festival.

Soon Glagoleva married Nakhapetov and starred in several more of her husband’s films: “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “About You”, “Following Following”, “Umbrella for the Bridal”.

© RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

Director Vera Glagoleva gives an interview during a meeting of the film crew of her film “Two Women”
The actress also starred with other directors. For the main role in the film “Marry the Captain” (1985), Vitaly Melnikova Glagoleva received the title of “Best Actress of 1986” according to the results of a survey by the magazine “Soviet Screen”.

Glagoleva continued to actively act in the future and was involved in theatrical projects.

In 1990, Glagoleva made her directorial debut with the film “Broken Light,” where she played the main role. Then she shot the films “Order” and “Ferris Wheel”. Glagoleva’s fourth directorial work, the drama “One War,” won more than a dozen film awards even before its release.

Glagoleva’s last film was the film “Two Women” based on the play by Ivan Turgenev, filmed in 2014.

In 2011, Glagoleva was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia.

Vera Glagoleva's first husband Rodion Nakhapetov told how he lives in America now

In the Channel One documentary “Russian in the City of Angels,” the 75-year-old actor and director revealed unknown facts from your life.

Channel: First channel.

Director: Roman Maslov.

Starring in the film: Rodion Nakhapetov, Anna Nakhapetova, Maria Nakhapetova, Katya Gray, Natalya Shlyapnikoff, Polina Nakhapetova, Kirill Nakhapetov, Nikita Mikhalkov, Elyor Ishmukhamedov, Andrey Smolyakov, Gary Busey, Eric Roberts, Odelsha Agishev, Vera Glagoleva.

Rodion Nakhapetov is the idol of millions of Soviet viewers. The female half of the country was crazy about him. But famous artist suddenly disappeared from Russian screens for many years. And so, after a long pause, in the fall of 2015, he unexpectedly appeared in the Channel One series “Spider” in the role of a merciless killer. Nakhapetov created this absolutely atypical image brilliantly. For the actor’s 75th birthday, Channel One made a film about him documentary « Russian in the city of angels", where Rodion Rafailovich himself told why in the late 80s he so unexpectedly left his job in his homeland, his wife, the famous actress Vera Glagoleva, and two daughters. In addition, the artist admitted what tragic events In his life, for many years he hid even from his friends how he lives in America today and what connects him with Russia.

Rodion Nakhapetov

At the end of the 80s, a film jointly produced by the USSR and the GDR was released on USSR screens - “ At the end of the night" A military drama about the fate of a Soviet sailor and his lover, a German countess, during the Second World War. The director of the film was Rodion Nakhapetov. The film's cast was truly stellar: Innokenty Smoktunovsky, Donatas Banionis, Nina Ruslanova, Alexey Zharkov... But film critics immediately reacted with hostility to the film. However, Nakhapetov was upset not so much by the reaction of critics as by the indifference of the audience.

Unexpectedly, the rights to his film, which was called a “failure” in his homeland, are bought by the Hollywood giant, the film company 20th Century Fox. Nakhapetov immediately went to the United States at the invitation of film business magnates. A year later, it became clear that the artist would stay in America for a long time. There was talk in society about how he was able to leave his beloved wife Vera Glagoleva, who played in almost all of her husband’s films, and his adored daughters - Anya And I wave. But what really destroyed them family life, neither Rodion nor Vera ever told. In the Channel One film, Nakhapetov explained for the first time why he decided to change his destiny so dramatically.

Rodion Nahapetov and Vera Glagoleva with their daughters

Rodion also spoke about little-known episodes of personal and creative life: about how he almost died on the set of the film “ Lovers", which brought him all-Union fame, and why he changed his profession as an actor to a director. In addition, Nakhapetov remembered incredible story of his birth.

His mother is a 22-year-old messenger partisan detachment Galina Prokopenko, was captured by the Nazis during a combat mission. She survived the concentration camp, escaped from there and took refuge in the ruins of a house at Pyatikhatka station. In this shelter, on January 21, 1944, under a terrible German bombing, she gave birth to a son, the child of a wartime romance - there were many of them then. In the partisan forests of the Dnieper region, love briefly broke out between Ukrainian Galya Prokopenko and an Armenian Rafail Nakhapetov. Mom told Rodion that his father died in battle. And only when her son turned 10 did she tell the truth: after the victory, Rafail Nakhapetov returned to Armenia, where he already had a family.

Rodion Nakhapetov

Nakhapetov’s friends and colleagues are sure: this taciturn, stubborn guy from a young age achieved everything on his own. In the 60-70s, Nakhapetov was considered one of the most sought-after artists in the country. His popularity in the Soviet Union was incredible: after the release of each film starring the charming handsome man, kilometer-long queues lined up outside the cinemas. Rodion starred in two or three films annually, and in the early 70s Nakhapetov decided to make films himself. His first films won prizes at all-Union and international film festivals. And one picture became a turning point in his personal destiny.

In 1974, school graduate Vera Glagoleva came to Mosfilm at the invitation of a friend who worked there. On this day, a private screening of a foreign film was held at the film studio. Before the session, the girls looked into the buffet, where future actress Rodion noted. He immediately offered Vera the main role in his new film “To the End of the World.” She refused for a long time, but Rodion finally persuaded her. Very soon Glagoleva married Nakhapetov, and the creative union also became a family one.

Vera Glagoleva and Rodion Nakhapetov

The relationship in their family seemed ideal. When Nakhapetov went to America in the late 80s to negotiate with an American film studio, he said that it would not be for long. It turned out - forever. Vera Glagoleva was left alone with two daughters. In Los Angeles, Nakhapetov began a different life and a different love. He met an American woman of Russian origin, a film producer Natalia Shlyapnikova. In the Channel One film, the actor told how difficult his relationship with his daughters was. And Maria and Anna Nakhapetov, for their part, explained why they still accepted new family father, and now they consider Natalya and sister Katya relatives.

Rodion Nakhapetov is convinced that for Russian viewers he is still a favorite actor and director. The artist increasingly comes to Russia to work and meets with his daughters and grandchildren. But in the summer of 2017, Nakhapetov flew to Moscow with a heavy heart. Then Vera Glagoleva passed away. Did he ask for forgiveness from his first wife, what did he think about and what feelings did he experience at that time? tragic moment, Nakhapetov did not tell. The artist is always true to himself and never did anything for show. Life had long ago taught him to endure the most difficult losses, not to complain about fate, and to always move forward.

Rodion Nakhapetov with his daughters, grandchildren and son-in-law

A year without Vera Glagoleva. Andrey Malakhov. Live broadcast. Broadcast 08/20/18

A year ago, actress Vera Glagoleva said kind words at the wedding of his daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. We have been living without Faith for a year. A year later, she could rejoice at the news that she had become a grandmother and Nastya gave birth. Today on “Live” her family will gather to remember the talented and beloved actress.

She was joyful and smiling: Vera Glagoleva came to Rodion Nakhapetov in a dream

A year has passed since the actress beloved by millions, the sunny and touching Vera Glagoleva, passed away. Only those closest to her knew how the actress struggled with a serious illness. She always smiled in public - and everyone remembered her that way.

To the studio " Live broadcast“Vera Glagoleva’s film partners and, of course, her friends and family came.

Sergei Filin, with whom the actress was friends, also contacted the studio remotely. He said that when a few years ago a misfortune happened to him - he was doused with acid, it was Vera Glagoleva who was the first to arrive at the hospital.

Filin admits that for him she was an example of a woman in front of whom you want to feel like a man, and with her he simply had no chance to “step back.”

Andrei Malakhov included in the program fragments of an interview with Glagoleva, in which she discusses, in particular, the relationship between a man and a woman and the main thing in them - the desire to be together.

“If a person does not appreciate every minute with his loved one, then this is already a crack in love. You’re already doubting whether you need to drag this out,” the actress and director said shortly before leaving.

It was impossible not to remember in this program the wedding of one of Vera Glagoleva’s daughters, Anastasia Shubskaya, with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. In those shots, the mother of the bride gives parting words to the young family, everyone is happy, and no one yet thinks that Vera Glagoleva will soon pass away.

Another daughter of the actress, Anna Nakhapetova, who came to the studio, says that there were no premonitions then, and no one thought about such an outcome.

However, she admits that these shots from the wedding look different now, and since the death of her mother, Anna has not even looked at them.

Came to the studio and ex-husband Vera Glagoleva - famous actor and director Rodion Nakhapetov. This couple seemed ideal to many, but fate separated them.

In the studio of the program, Nakhapetov admits: despite this, he never forgot about Vera. “Her departure is the hardest loss of love for me,” admits Rodion Nakhapetov.

When asked what day in their life together Nakhapetov would like to return to, he recalled how Vera once gave him a brown scarf knitted with her own hands, and he treasures this touching memory in his soul.

When asked by Andrei Malakhov if he was dreaming about Vera, he admitted that he saw her about a month ago. Nakhapetov said that in that dream Vera was joyful and smiling, she radiated positivity and the feeling that “everything was fine” with her.

Memories of the actress from people who knew her closely, and confessions of how they lived this year without Vera Glagoleva, in the program “Andrei Malakhov. Live" on the TV channel "Russia 1".

Vera Glagoleva was posthumously awarded an honorary prize from Kinotavr

The award was received by Vera Glagoleva’s eldest daughter, ballerina and actress Anna Nakhapetova.

Actress and director Vera Glagoleva was awarded an honorary prize at the Kinotavr film festival. The TASS news agency reported this on June 4. The actress’s daughter, Anna Nakhapetova, received the award from the hands of Alexander Rodnyansky.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Alexander Rodnyansky took the stage to present the award.

The prize is called “To the actress and director who taught us to strive for a dream.” Vera was a proud and beautiful person. Vera always dreamed of making “A Month in the Country,” and as a result, she made it come true. This award is not a memorial or ritual award; unfortunately, we did not have time to do this during Vera’s lifetime

Alexander Rodnyansky, producer.

The award was received by Vera Glagoleva’s eldest daughter, ballerina and actress Anna Nakhapetova. She thanked the guests of the film festival for “ incredible love to mom."

Let us remind you that Vera Glagoleva died on August 16 last year after long illness. The actress performed roles in almost 50 film and television films. Vera Glagoleva's directorial debut was the psychological melodrama Broken Light.

Details of Vera Glagoleva’s fatal illness have been revealed

Journalists talked to Vera Glagoleva's friend, producer Natalya Ivanova, with whom she was not only friends, but also collaborated. The woman revealed the details of the artist’s terminal illness.

Vera Glagoleva met Natalya Ivanova in 2004. Thanks to their collaboration, three films “Order”, “One War”, “Two Women” were released. “She was an honest and pure person. Of course, everyone in life has to drink their bitter cup, but she did not lose some inner tuning fork, did not bend under the burden life difficulties. Her inner light was not broken. Vera was a conservative throughout her life - in in a good way this word, which helped her maintain moral purity. She was truly a harmonious, whole person. Everything is according to Chekhov: clothes, soul, thoughts…” said Ivanova.

Meanwhile, Alexander Buinov believes that Glagoleva herself did not want to spread information about the disease and forbade others to do so.

The sudden death of Russian actress Vera Glagoleva from cancer turned out to be an “absolute shock” both for fans of the celebrity’s work and for her colleagues and friends. As it turned out, Vera’s family hid her fatal diagnosis from everyone.

Thus, Marina Yakovleva said that when she learned about Glagoleva’s illness, she immediately contacted her family. However, according to her, the TV personality’s daughter said that everything was fine with them. Then, at the wedding of Glagoleva’s daughter, Yakovleva saw Vera dancing, so she calmed down.

“I called Vera’s daughter, she said that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Nastenka’s wedding. We were just filming with Slava Manucharov, he told me that he was the host at the wedding and Vera danced beautifully there. Well, that’s it, I finally calmed down and was happy for her family! And then there’s such a shock!” - said Yakovleva.

Theater and film actress Inna Churikova also admitted ignorance of Glagoleva’s health condition.

“My husband loved her very much and was with her all these painful years for her! And we didn’t suspect anything! Her death is like an explosion! Absolute shock! - says the actress.

In turn, singer Alexander Buinov believes that Glagoleva herself did not want to spread information about the disease and forbade others to do so.

“She never burdened us with her ailments, she always smiled,” says the artist. - Constantly participated in acting games and practical jokes. In my memory she will remain very cheerful and easy going.”

Previously, TopNews wrote that actress Vera Glagoleva died on August 16. She struggled with cancer for several years.

Vera Glagoleva was buried at Troekurovskoye cemetery

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Vera Glagoleva was buried on Saturday Troekurovskoye Cemetery. By the will of the family, only the closest ones took part in the last funeral ceremony.

The farewell ceremony for the actress and director, who died at the age of 62, was held at the Moscow House of Cinema.

Thank you, my dear Vera: colleagues say goodbye to actress Glagoleva

“I cherish in my heart the memories of our working together. Thank you my dear Vera, for the inspiration, the joy that you gave me,” wrote Ralph Fiennes.

A farewell ceremony is being held at the Moscow House of Cinema for actress Vera Glagoleva, who died at the age of 62 after a long illness. Her family, friends and colleagues came to say goodbye to the artist.

Famous Russian director Alexey Uchitel at the farewell ceremony for Vera Glagoleva said that he had never met amazing person, which would combine external and internal beauty.

"I don't know about you, but more amazing combination I have not met a person who is beautiful both externally and internally for a long time. And I can imagine how hard it is for family and friends now,” said Uchitel.

Actor Valery Garkalin noted that Glagoleva had real knowledge of the acting profession and human life.

“I would like to say that Verina creative biography“, in my opinion, is an example of the most serious understanding of our profession... Vera is an asterisk, a star, now unquenchable, for all time,” he added.

British actor and director Ralph Fiennes, who starred with Glagoleva in the film “Two Women,” was unable to come to her funeral, but sent a letter read at the ceremony. Fiennes admitted that he could not believe the death of Vera Glagoleva.

“I cherish in my heart the memories of our work together. Thank you, my dear Vera, for the inspiration and joy that you gave me,” he wrote.

Russian actor Alexander Baluev, during his farewell to the actress, said that Glagoleva called him her talisman.

“I was offended by this word, but now I’m proud that I had the happiness of working with her, arguing, finding general solutions. Just recently we discussed plans, we wanted to go with the film “Two Women” to a festival in Spain,” he emphasized.

The cause of death of the Honored Artist of Russia could be stomach cancer

The exact cause of death of the public's favorite actress and director Vera Glagoleva is unknown, only the celebrity's husband, businessman Kirill Shubsky, lifted the veil of secrecy - the artist died after long struggle with cancer. On Friday, the actress’s body was supposed to be flown to Moscow on a private plane.

“MK” became aware of some details: Vera Vitalievna visited one of the clinics in Baden-Baden, and a few hours later she suddenly died.

There are practically no clinics for oncology patients in the Baden-Baden district, and the nearest centers are in Freiburg and Munich. However, in a forested area in the suburbs of Baden-Baden, the Schwarzwald-Baar Clinic is located, operating at the University of Freiburg. The institution specializes in treatment internal organs, cancerous formations in the abdominal cavity are also their specialization. It is possible that it was in this clinic that Glagoleva began treatment. IN Russian companies, acting as intermediaries in organizing treatment, told an MK correspondent that the average cost of diagnosis and primary treatment at the Schwarzwald-Baar clinic varies from 6 thousand to 50 thousand euros, depending on the stage of the disease.

Relatives of the artist in at the moment are in Germany and are preparing all necessary documents to transport the body to Russia. According to Kirill Shubsky, his wife’s body will be transported on Thursday or Friday. The issue of logistics always turns out to be the most difficult and time-consuming, and especially if the person died abroad. “MK” talked to the staff of funeral agencies to find out what difficulties the actress’s relatives will have to face.

“Even to transport a body from Russia, you must have in your hands large number documents before sending the body across the border. In such a bureaucratic country as Germany, and even more so, says an employee of one of the Moscow funeral homes. “First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors can confirm death due to the disease. This document will need to be signed by law enforcement agencies“that they have no questions about the death of a citizen, even from another country.”

After this procedure, the main question is resolved: how to transport? In the case of Germany, there are two options - an airplane or a car. The funeral agency noted that in 90 percent of cases, relatives choose the second option. This is primarily due to the serious difference in price. On average in Moscow, they charge from 2.5 to 4 thousand euros for just one transportation from Germany. Transporting a body by plane is much more expensive - from 6 thousand euros. In addition, we must add to this the employee’s services, as well as his travel allowances and flight tickets. Another difference between the two methods is time. By car, transporting the body will take about three days, and by air no more than three hours, but there is practically no significant difference in the transportation itself.

Several burial places have been prepared at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery.

“In both cases, the body of the deceased is placed in a special zinc container called a Euromodule. For additional safety of the body, it is not only treated with formaldehyde, but also covered on all sides with special formaldehyde pads. Such security measures guarantee the safety of the body for several days,” said the interlocutor at the funeral home.

Farewell to the actress will take place on August 19 in the Great Hall of the House of Cinema. Vera Glagoleva will be buried in Moscow at the Troekurovskoye cemetery.

Yesterday we visited the actors' alley, where several burial places have already been prepared. There are indeed many celebrities buried here, and not just stage stars. The grave of cosmonaut Georgy Grechko is buried in flowers. But around the graves of Vyacheslav the Innocent and Vitaly Wulf, weeds are breaking out of the ground. “In fact, we don’t have any abandoned graves. They visit everyone - relatives, friends, and admirers,” explained an employee of the churchyard.

“Peacemaker” mocked the death of Vera Glagoleva

Representatives of the notorious Ukrainian website “Peacemaker” commented in a mocking manner on the death of Russian actress Vera Glagoleva.

“You still don’t believe that supporting Russian aggression and ending up in Purgatory is the first step towards a difficult and painful death? Don't you have enough examples? Ask Zadornov and Kobzon,” they wrote on Facebook.

According to Ukrainian nationalists, the serious illness of the Russian artist is due to the fact that she supported “Russian aggression against Ukraine” and “violated” the state border, RIA Novosti reports.

The Myrotvorets website is known for publishing personal data of those who are supposedly “enemies of Ukraine.” Vera Glagoleva was added to his database in 2016 after participating in the Crimean festival “Bosporan Agony”.

The date and place of Vera Glagoleva’s funeral have become known

Actress and director Vera Glagoleva will be buried in Moscow at the Troekurovskoye cemetery on August 19. This was reported on the website of the Russian Cinematographers' Union.

“Vera Glagoleva will be buried at the Troyekurovskoye cemetery,” the message says.

Farewell to the theater and film actress will be held at the House of Cinema.

Vera Glagoleva, exact cause of death: the actress was sick with stomach cancer - media (PHOTO, VIDEO)

Vera Glagoleva was sick with stomach cancer, media reports. ABOUT recent months her friend told about the star’s life. The actress's eldest daughter suspected her mother's imminent death.

Vera Glagoleva died in Germany: the producer of the actress’s film commented on her death

According to the producer and close friend of Vera Glagoleva Natalya Ivanova, no one knows the details of the situation that happened to the actress in Germany.

“This afternoon, Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: “Vera passed away an hour ago.” The feeling of loss and shock cannot be expressed in words. Too unexpected for everyone. Vera and I constantly corresponded, since I am now in Spain. She called and wrote not only to me, but also to all her friends. She is an open person, very friendly. From the category of people who have no enemies,” Ivanova admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to her, she received the last message from Vera Glagoleva the day before, and on Wednesday they were supposed to discuss issues of the new film by phone.

“We have finished filming a social drama” Clay pit" In September we were supposed to fly to Kazakhstan to film the last block there. And we are already planning the next project, the script for which we have almost written - a film about the love of Turgenev and Pauline Viardot. Absolutely a work environment,” said the producer.

She noted that in June in the city of Aleksin Tula region A difficult filming period passed, and Vera Glagoleva felt fine, worked 12 hours a day, and the process went “according to schedule, minute by minute.”

“Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with strong character, especially in matters related to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya got married to Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was at this wedding, absolutely happy. There were no signs of trouble,” she said.

Ivanova does not know what caused the exacerbation of the actress’s illness and what caused the crisis.

“I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. She had consulted at various clinics there before. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She was not sick at all. And suddenly this happened,” she added.

Vera Glagoleva was sick with stomach cancer: the media found out the details of the actress’s illness

As Moskovsky Komsomolets journalists learned, Vera Glagoleva could have died from stomach cancer. The star passed away shortly after visiting the Black Forest-Baar clinic in the suburbs of Baden-Baden.

The medical institution specializes in abdominal tumors. The cost of treatment at the clinic depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 6 to 50 thousand euros.

According to journalists, bureaucratic problems may arise with the delivery of the actress’s body to her homeland.

“First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors can confirm death due to the disease. This document will have to be signed by law enforcement agencies that they have no questions regarding the death of a citizen, even from another country,” an anonymous representative of one of the Moscow funeral companies told reporters.

The publication’s interlocutor clarified that “in a bureaucratic country like Germany” it is necessary to collect a lot of documents to transport a body across the border. Relatives of Vera Glagoleva are now preparing papers. According to the actress’s husband, Kirill Shubsky, his wife’s body will be delivered to Russia on Thursday or Friday. You also have to decide on the delivery method - by plane or by car.

Her eldest daughter knew about Vera Glagoleva’s imminent death, Katya Lel is sure

The day before, Channel One aired a new episode, “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to Vera Glagoleva. Guests in the studio discussed the silence of the artist’s family and even refutations of rumors in the media about the star’s illness.

The actress’s friend, singer Katya Lel, who came to the project’s studio, spoke about her last meeting with Vera, which took place at the recent wedding of Glagoleva’s youngest daughter, Anastasia Shubskaya.

As Katya Lel admitted, the actress’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova “cryed sobbing” all the time at the celebration. According to the singer, the girl guessed that her mother would soon pass away.

Vera Glagoleva herself had a lot of fun at the wedding along with the young guests. That evening, the 61-year-old actress rocked out together with the soloists of “Ivanushki International” Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Vera Glagoleva at her daughter's wedding VIDEO

How Vera Glagoleva hid a terrible illness

The death of Vera Glagoleva was a merciless blow not only for the family and friends of the actress, but also for fans. The Russian cinema star hid her cancer for a long time.

In the early spring of 2017, the media sounded the alarm: Vera Glagoleva was terminally ill. They wrote about emergency hospitalization, intensive care, and regular blood transfusions, but the star remained silent, and her relatives categorically denied the presence of health problems.

Dni.Ru also tried to achieve the truth, but Glagoleva just waved it off: “I don’t know anything about this at all. Luckily, I feel great."

In one of the interviews, the actress spoke very harshly about the fact that these rumors are based on the media’s desire to increase ratings. “For some reason, until today, no one cared that I was making films. Just grab some fictitious sensation! Disgusting! – Glagoleva was indignant.

Vera Vitalievna did not deny that she went to the clinic, but only in order to gain strength after filming, which sometimes lasted 14 hours: “I was filming in the city of Aleksin, Tula region, and on my day off I came to Moscow for one day to get IVs to regain strength. We were making a movie feature film. It was supposed to be completed in two weeks. The main thing is that they report: “She was in intensive care, and the doctors sent her home.” I immediately went to filming, on the 4th I was already on set, where I worked for 1.5 weeks! Well, what is this? – the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes the artist.

Actress Vera Glagoleva died in the USA

According to preliminary information, famous actress for a long time was treated in the United States.
Actress Vera Glagoleva died in the United States at the age of 61. Her death became known today, August 16. This information was confirmed by RIA Novosti by Larisa Guzeeva.

Vera Glagoleva starred in more than 50 films. She first appeared in films immediately after graduating from school, in 1974. The girl was noticed at Mosfilm by the cameraman of the film “To the End of the World...”. Vera agreed to play along with the actor who was auditioning for the role of Volodya.

In 1995 she received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. In 2011 - People's Artist of Russia.

As confirmed by sources from Glagoleva’s circle, in lately she was undergoing treatment in the USA. The causes of death are being investigated.

Vera Glagoleva, biography, news, photos

Name: Vera Glagoleva

Place of birth: Moscow

Date of death: 2017-08-16 (age 61)

Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Eastern horoscope: Monkey

Occupation: actress

Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva is a Soviet and Russian actress, remembered by millions of viewers for the films “Don’t Shoot the White Swans”, “Torpedo Bombers”, “Marry the Captain”, “Sincerely Yours”, “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12” and many others to others.


Vera was born on January 31, 1956 in a family of Moscow teachers. Father, Vitaly Glagolev, taught physics and biology at school, mother, Galina Glagoleva, was a teacher in the lower grades. The family's son Boris was already growing up. The family lived in the Patriarch's Ponds area, on Alexei Tolstoy Street. When the girl turned 6, the Glagolevs received new apartment in Izmailovo. For the next 4 years, Vera lived and studied in the GDR, then returned to Moscow.

As a child, Glagoleva was seriously involved in archery; subsequently received the title of master of sports and joined the Moscow junior team. She never thought about an acting career; her film debut took place completely by accident.

First roles

In 1974, having barely graduated from school, she and her friend came to the Mosfilm studio, where she, a girl with huge eyes and delicate features, was noticed in the buffet by the assistant director of the film “To the End of the World.” The director of the film was Rodin Nakhapetov, future husband Faith. She was offered to try to play a scene with the leading actor Vadim Mikheenko. Having no acting education behind her or even classes in a school drama club, she played as organically as possible young Sima, traveling along the railroad tracks with her distant relative Volodya.

The secret of the young actress, who charmed the audience at first sight, was simple - she had not just an amazingly cinematic appearance, but also a unique acting type: a fragile girl who has hidden strength and integrity, brittle plasticity, and the accuracy of a “psychological gesture.”

The next success is the teacher Nonna Yuryevna in the drama “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, Zhenka from “Starfall”, the singing girl from “About You”, Shura from “Torpedo Bombers”. All her heroines had one thing in common - they were, as they say, out of this world, mysterious and poetic.

"About you." Vera Glagoleva

Career blossoming

Glagoleva’s popularity came in 1983, after filming Vitaly Melnikov’s melodrama “Marry the Captain,” where she played the emancipated and feminine journalist Lena.

The most interesting thing is that this role went to Vera Glagoleva completely by accident. At first, the film was shot by one director, and they shot a completely different story - about a border guard officer who is looking for a wife, choosing from a teacher, a milkmaid and a photojournalist. However, filming was stopped. After Melnikov and screenwriter Valery Chernykh rewrote the script, only one woman remained - Lena. According to a survey by the magazine "Soviet Screen", Vera Glagoleva was recognized as the best actress of 1986 for her role in the film "Marry the Captain".

Since the late 90s, Vera Glagoleva has starred mainly in the TV series: “Waiting Room”, “Maroseyka, 12”, “Heiress”, “Island Without Love”, “ Wedding ring", "A woman wants to know...". In 1997 she played mom main character in the drama “Poor Sasha” and, in 2000, the main role in the film “It is not recommended to offend women.”

In 1996, Glagoleva received the title of Honored Artist, and in 2011 she was recognized as a People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Director's experience

In 1990, Vera Glagoleva decided to try herself as a director. Her debut was the psychological melodrama “Broken Light,” which told viewers about the dramatic fates of unemployed actors at the turn of a new era. Glagoleva herself also starred in this film in the central role of Olga. Due to the fault of the producers, this professional film did not get a wide release, and it was presented to viewers only 11 years later.

In 2005, Vera Glagoleva returned to the director’s chair, presenting to the public the drama “Order” with Alexander Baluev. In 2007, Glagoleva filmed the melodrama “Ferris Wheel,” in which Alena Babenko was invited to play the main role. In 2010, Glagoleva’s new film “One War” about the fate of women during the Great Patriotic War was released. Patriotic War. Glagoleva called this film her most serious directorial work.

Personal life of Vera Glagoleva

Glagoleva met director Rodion Nakhapetov, who is 12 years older than her, on the set of her first film “To the End of the World” in 1974. She had already seen him in the films “Lovers” and “Tenderness”, and was a little in love with him. A year later, Vera Glagoleva married Nakhapetov. He began filming her in all his films: “Enemies”, “Don’t Shoot White Swans”, “About You” and others. In her marriage to Nakhapetov, Vera gave birth to two daughters - Anna and Maria.

By the beginning of the 80s, Vera Glagoleva was already the mother of two children. In order to continue acting, she had to leave the girls to her mother. And sometimes Glagoleva had to take her mother and two daughters to filming. The eldest daughter Anna is now a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater. As a child, she starred with Glagoleva in the film “Sunday Dad.” She also starred in the films “Upside Down,” “Russians in the City of Angels,” and “The Secret of Swan Lake.” In 2006, Anna married Yegor Simachev, the son of Bolshoi Theater ballet soloists Nikolai Simachev and Tatyana Krasina. In December 2006, Anna gave birth to a daughter and Vera Glagoleva became a grandmother. Youngest daughter Glagoleva and Nakhapetov Maria married a businessman and went to live in America. There she graduated from school with a degree in computer graphics. In 2007 she gave birth to a son.

In 1987, Nakhapetov filmed the film “At the End of the Night,” but he did not cast his wife in the main role, but actress Nele Klimene. This picture broke their marriage. In 1989, their marriage broke up after 14 years of marriage. Rodion left for America, Vera and the children remained in Russia.

Mini interview

In the early 90s, Vera Glagoleva again married shipbuilder businessman Kirill Shubsky. They met in 1991 at the Golden Duke film festival. Two years later, Vera gave birth to Kirill’s daughter Nastya. Glagoleva gave birth to a girl in Switzerland, in Geneva, where the family lived for a whole year.

Now Vera Glagoleva lives with her husband Kirill and daughters in Moscow, on Old Arbat. The actress is happily married, her husband Kirill loves their daughter Nastya very much, and treats Vera’s daughters from her first marriage very well.

Death of Vera Glagoleva

It seemed that time had no power over Vera Glagoleva. Years passed, but the actress remained just as young and feminine...

On August 16, 2017, Vera Glagoleva died in the USA at the age of 62. Her close friend Larisa Guzeeva reported the death of the actress. According to media reports, the cause was cancer. It turned out that a few months ago the actress began to have health problems: she was hospitalized and regularly received blood transfusions. After a course of treatment, she went to a clinic abroad. Anna Nakhapetova, the daughter of Vera Glagoleva and Rodion Nakhapetov, previously claimed that her mother in perfect order and just finished filming

Filmography of Vera Glagoleva:

1975 - To the ends of the world - Sima
1977 - On Thursday and never again - Varya
1977 - Enemies - Nadya
1978 - Suspicious - Katya Arnaut
1980 - Don’t shoot white swans - Nonna Yuryevna
1981 - About you - a singing girl
1981 - Starfall - Zhenya
1983 - Torpedo bombers - Shura
1984 - Forgive us, first love - Lena
1984 - Preference on Fridays - Zina
1984 - Following - teacher
1985 - Marry the captain - photojournalist Elena Pavlovna Zhuravleva
1985 - Snipers - Roza Kovaleva
1985 - Sincerely yours... - Ekaterina Korneeva
1985 - Someone must... - Selyanin’s wife
1985 - Sunday Dad - Lena
1986 - Umbrella for newlyweds - Zoya
1986 - Descended from Heaven - Masha Kovaleva
1986 - Attempt on GOELRO - Katya Tsareva
1987 - Days and years of Nikolai Batygin - Katerina
1987 - Without the Sun - Lisa
1988 - These... three true cards... - Lisa
1988 - Esperanza - Tamara Olkhovskaya
1989 - It - Pfeifersha
1989 - Women who are lucky - Vera Boglyuk
1989 - Sofya Petrovna - Natasha
1990 - Broken Light - Olga (director and actress)
1990 — Short game— Nadya
1991 - Between Sunday and Saturday - Tom
1992 - Oysters from Lausanne - Zhenya
1992 - Executor of the sentence - Valeria
1993 - Myself - Nadya
1993 - Night of Questions - Katya Klimenko
1997 - Poor Sasha - Olga Vasilievna, Sasha’s mother
1998 - Waiting room - Maria Sergeevna Semyonova, director
1998-2003 - Impostors - Tatyana
1999 - It is not recommended to offend women - Vera Ivanovna Kirillova
2000 - Maroseyka, 12 - Olga Kalinina
2000 - Tango for two voices
2000 - Pushkin and Dantes - Princess Vyazemskaya
2001 - Indian Summer
2001 - Heiresses - Vera
2003 - Another woman, another man... - Nina
2003 - Island without love - Tatyana Petrovna / Nadezhda Vasilyevna
2003 - Upside down - Lena
2005 - Heiresses-2 - Vera
2008 - A woman wants to know - Evgenia Shablinskaya
2008 - Side-step - Masha
2008-2009 - Wedding ring - Vera Lapina, Nastya’s mother
2017 - Noah sets sail

Voiced by Vera Glagoleva:

1975 - So short long life— Maya (role of Larisa Grebenshchikova)
1979 - Breakfast on the grass - Luda Pinigina (role of Lucy Graves)

Director's works by Vera Glagoleva:

1990 - Broken Light
2005 - Order
2006 - Ferris Wheel
2009 - One war
2012 - Casual acquaintances
2014 - Two women
2017 - Clay pit

Vera Glagoleva also acted as a screenwriter for the film “Order” (2005), produced the film “One War” (2009), and was a producer and screenwriter for the film “Two Women” (2014).