What to do if a child hits himself. Why does a child get nervous and hit himself on the head?

Ladies, I need some advice! Has anyone encountered a similar problem and successfully overcome it? I would like to hear about positive experiences, and about experience in general and about your thoughts on this matter.
A child, expressing dissatisfaction with any reason, hits himself on the head. It started a long time ago, even before a year. but they didn’t attach any importance to it, they thought it would stop when he grew up and would be able to express emotions in some other way. I read that some children react this way when you scold them. In our case, this is precisely a way of expressing dissatisfaction in different situations. Far from the only one, but the one that worries me the most. I understand that in this way he is trying to manipulate. But we never get fooled, so why doesn’t it take so long? Once I tried to scold, to say that you shouldn’t hit yourself on the head - it was of no use at all. More often I turn away and try not to react in any way - sometimes I get distracted, sometimes I wait until I turn to him, and then hit him again. From time to time he might hit me, but only lightly, he knows that “you can’t hit mom,” and then he immediately strokes me, feels sorry for me, and doesn’t hit me anymore.

Well, here are a couple of recent examples, for clarity.
We come to grandma's every evening, there private house, they go for walks every evening. At home, while we are getting ready, we discuss where we are going, in the car later too, he always goes with pleasure, he knows that they will go for a walk. We arrive and he runs to call “baba.” Grandma looks out the window, he is having fun. And then grandma opens front door- and then the stomach forward, an indignant “m!” and boom-boom on the head. It’s clear to us that he simply doesn’t want to come home or be kissed by his grandmother, but darn it! And every day everything is exactly like this. And the same reaction if grandmother comes to us. Moreover, the reaction is only in the first couple of minutes, then everything is fine. Grandma gets upset, even offended.

And yesterday, on the playground in the shopping center, he was playing near a plastic house, closing the windows. Another older boy runs up, pushes mine aside, and begins to close and open it himself. Mine screams indignantly and... hits himself on the head! That is, he doesn’t push that boy, doesn’t cry, but hits himself. I in no way encourage violence towards other children, but at least it was understandable, it would be possible to scold and explain that fighting is not allowed. And here I just get lost every time. WHY?? This doesn’t work and doesn’t bring the desired results. I'm just afraid it might get worse.
How should I react or not react? I have already decided that as soon as the opportunity arises, I will talk to a psychologist, but for now I am completely at a loss. Save me, moms.

P.S. Our baby is stubborn, curious, sociable, very nimble and restless. When we walk, he almost never walks - he only runs. He is not delighted with tenderness, kisses, hugs, etc., although he may come to hug himself, but mainly in the form of a game - lying around, tickling.. This is briefly about his character, so that a more complete picture emerges.

UPD: Thank you all for your comments. There is no way to answer everything, so I will say it here. Girls, your advice is useful to me, thank you. I started telling my child every time that he shouldn’t do that, Matveyushka good boy, let's pat Matveyka on the head, etc. It seems to be helping, I started hitting myself noticeably less. But now he hits me more actively, but we can work with this :)

Unfortunately, in modern world is getting smaller and fewer people with strong nerves and iron willpower. Constant stress at work and at home have become almost the norm for our civilization. Therefore, it is not surprising that even newborn babies suffer from nervous attacks. They manifest themselves in different ways, for example, in older children (up to six years old), cases of auto-aggression, that is, aggression directed at oneself, are not uncommon. For example, parents often notice that a child hits himself on the head or tries to harm himself, scratches himself, bites, and so on. Doctors identify several reasons for this behavior.

A child hits himself on the head

Firstly, young children try to attract the attention of adults in this way.. Perhaps it seems to them that mom and dad have forgotten about them, don’t love them anymore as before, promised something and didn’t do it, or maybe they offended them and didn’t apologize.

Secondly, this behavior is typical of children in moments of some kind of emotional shock., perhaps fear, which you did not notice, did not pay any attention to it.

If your little one is hypersensitive and you see that the child is hitting himself on the head, having become an involuntary culprit of other people’s suffering (he accidentally pinched a dog’s tail, hit someone or brought him to tears), be sure to caress him and try to remove the “burden” of responsibility so that the guilt does not put pressure on the baby and does not outgrow into depression and self-doubt. At the same time, try not to abuse the child’s sensitivity, do not play on his feelings, do not provoke him (eat all the porridge, son, otherwise I will cry, get sick and die, you don’t want mom to feel bad, do you?).

Young children really need physical closeness, do not deny them this.(both girls and boys!) hug and kiss more often, tell your baby that you love him. After the next attack, don’t leave the baby alone, stay with him, read his favorite book, smile at him more. Let the child feel needed and loved, then he won’t have to hit himself over the head and seek your attention.

Faced with an unusual problem when a child hits himself on the head? What to do in this case, and what could be the reasons for this behavior of the baby? Let's try to understand the possible motives for such an act, and also share expert advice on how to cope with such a problem.

Auto aggression

In psychology and psychotherapy, such human behavior is referred to as “auto-aggression.” This condition appears in different forms: verbal (blaming oneself), physical (hitting, cutting, biting). The reasons for the appearance of this pathology are different, largely depending on the age of the person. Many researchers believe that auto-aggression is a kind of defensive reaction to any irritant. This condition occurs quite often in children from 2 to 16 years of age. In no case should a child’s aggression directed at himself be ignored, as this can lead to the development of serious nervous conditions or mental disorder. Below we will look at the most common reasons why a child hits himself on the head.

Lack of attention

One of the common causes of childhood auto-aggression is a lack of attention from adults. This situation is often observed in families in which a second child has appeared. When all the attention of adults is focused on the younger brother (sister), the older baby acutely suffers from a lack of communication with adults. Then the child hits himself on the head in order to attract attention. Moreover, this behavior is observed as in children preschool age, and in adolescents. To resolve this situation, adults need to pay more attention to the child, show care and love.

Unfavorable family situation

The next common reason for such behavior in a child is the unfavorable psychological situation in the family. Frequent quarrels between parents, physically, undoubtedly, disturb the fragile psyche of the child. The kid is simply lost, does not understand what is happening, and cannot find a solution to the current problem. In such an environment, he grows up, as they call it in society, who is constantly capricious, fights, and shows aggression both towards himself and towards the people around him. In this situation psychological state The baby depends only on the further behavior of adults, their decisions regarding the current situation in the family.

Age crises

Researchers have noticed that at certain age periods More often, cases are recorded when a child hits himself on the head. 1 year is the stage when the baby begins to perceive himself outside the mother’s body; understand that he can do something on his own. If adults try to limit his freedom, some children show their disagreement in the form of auto-aggression.

The next crisis period begins at 3 years of age. At this age, the baby actively demonstrates own opinion, even if he himself understands that it is erroneous. It is during this period that the child’s negative behavior most often manifests itself, which represents the child’s protest against adult interference in his space and restrictions on independence.

Well, perhaps the most difficult and lengthy crisis period is adolescence. If at this age a child exhibits auto-aggression, then you should immediately understand the reasons for this behavior, talk with the teenager, and, if necessary, seek professional help from a doctor.


Does your child hit himself on the head? The reasons for this behavior may lie in egocentrism. In this way, the baby can try to get what he wants. Most often, preschoolers or primary schoolchildren do this. The child, realizing that the opinions of others are important to adults, begins to act up right in the store, demanding to buy him a toy. Parents, finding themselves in such a situation, most often follow the baby’s lead, since the place is not conducive to a long conversation with the child, much less to punishing a naughty baby. But, having once received what he wanted in this way, the child will only begin to manipulate adults even more often. In such a situation, in no case should the child’s demands be fulfilled - the boundaries of what is permitted must be clearly defined and strictly observed.

Mental illness

In rare cases, the cause of such behavior in a child is a neurological or mental illness. Only a specialist can diagnose a pathological condition after conducting the necessary diagnostic tests. The disease can be suspected if the child’s close adults cannot find the reasons for the child’s behavior, as well as with sudden attacks of auto-aggression. For example, a toddler was playing with blocks, laughing, and wasn’t worried or upset about anything, but suddenly started hitting himself on the head, after which he started playing again. fun game. It is especially important to pay attention to the whims of the child in early age- when the baby still cannot explain why he is doing this and what bothers him.

First of all, to solve this problem, adults need to understand the reasons for the child’s behavior. To do this, it is necessary to observe for a certain period under what circumstances the child hits himself on the head. If the cause is found, it should be eliminated immediately. For example, if a baby shows such a reaction to punishment, lack of attention from adults, or difficulties encountered at school, then you should support the baby and talk to him about his experiences and fears. What is important is not so much the content as the trusting atmosphere, the friendly mood of the conversation between an adult and a child. The child should feel sincere support and understanding from the adult.

An effective means of combating childhood auto-aggression is a passion for sports. For example, boys might be encouraged to enroll in a football section, while girls might like gymnastics or modern dancing. Such leisure activities will not only reduce anxiety and aggression, but will also help children increase their confidence in own strength and realize your potential and abilities.

If parents cannot cope with the problem, they should seek help from a neurologist and psychologist. So, the first specialist will offer soothing herbal remedies. Such medications will not only not harm the baby’s health, but also, with the correct dosage, will enrich the child’s body with useful elements and vitamins.

Psychologists are increasingly using art therapy, hippotherapy and animal-assisted treatment in such cases. The first method is an expression negative emotions, aggression through artistic creativity.

Hippotherapy literally means: Using this method, a reduction in tension and constriction, not only psychological, but also physical, is achieved.

A similar technique is animal therapy, which is based on the child’s communication with different animals, most often cats, rabbits, and decorative dogs.

Thus, we told you what you can do if you show self-aggression. Thus, the main task of adults is to timely identify a pathological condition and provide all possible assistance to the baby, which is manifested in care, attention, and support for the baby in a difficult situation for him.

Some children's actions cause affection, while others make them worry or worry. So, if a child hits himself on the head or hits the wall of the bed, the mother perceives this painfully. She thinks something is wrong with him. But doctors do not advise panicking, and explain this behavior for a number of reasons.

Why do little children behave this way? A one-year-old baby bangs his head against the sides of the bed, walls, or hits himself with his fists. But scientists reassure - from 10 to 20% of infants and one-year-old children hit their heads. This happens between 18 and 24 months. Some people forget about this scary habit after a month; for others, it lasts for a couple of years. But by the age of 3, all children stop hitting themselves on the head. This habit is observed three times more often in boys than in girls.

Why does a one-year-old child do this?

  1. To relax. It seems strange to an adult, but most children do it for comfort, to calm down and relax. They make rhythmic movements, similar to rocking in a chair or cradle. This helps the baby sleep.
  2. The kid is very upset about something. Sometimes he gets hysterical. He still does not know how to express his feelings using words. However, by hitting his head or hitting himself, he expresses his emotions and engages in self-soothing.
  3. The child has an earache. Older children communicate with their parents using gestures in separate words that they have an ear or headache. A one-year-old baby does not yet know how to do this. If he has an ear infection or other severe pain, he bangs his head to numb it.
  4. Attracting attention. If a child does not have enough attention from adults, he hits himself. He understands that then his parents will start fussing around him, worrying, and he will receive the attention that he lacked.
  5. Disease. Sometimes head banging is a sign of illness. These are developmental deviations, autism. But more than one symptom is needed to make a diagnosis, and only an experienced doctor can do this.

To get rid of this habit, find out the reason for its occurrence. Don't panic, because... the child will not cause himself serious harm; his instinct of self-preservation will definitely work. In addition, most children who hit themselves on the head or hit the wall are healthy.

If the baby feels well, his development corresponds to the norms, then over time he will outgrow this habit, if it is not explained by the reasons that we will write about below. But if he is already 3 years old and the habit remains, talk to a neurologist.

Why does an older child do this?

Why doesn't a one-year-old baby, but an older child, beat himself? Often his behavior is quite understandable.

  1. He manipulates. The baby is still with early childhood gets used to manipulation. If the baby notices that his mother always feels sorry for him when he does this, the child will repeat this trick as long as it benefits him. Children 2-3 years old do not know how to lie, so it is not difficult to understand that he is lying. He will constantly watch his mother's reaction. The baby first hits, then looks at his mother, hits again - and again watches her reaction.
  2. Punishes himself. If a mother scolds a child, he literally understands “I am bad” and begins to punish himself. At this age (2-3 years) he is just learning to be an individual, but he often perceives himself as part of his mother, so her anger is also his anger. If his mother talks to him in an angry voice, gets irritated, he punishes himself. It is not difficult to determine that a child beats himself for this reason: it is clear that he is very worried and upset. If the parent leaves, he continues to torture himself.
  3. Shows his desperation. If the child does not succeed in something - he cannot assemble a mosaic or find a toy - the child hits himself. To the mother, this reason may seem trivial, but for the baby it is very important, so this is how he shows his despair.

What should parents do?

Mom and dad should rid the baby of this habit. We need to take action immediately.

  1. You cannot scold a child for hitting himself. Otherwise, his aggression against himself will increase. You just need to grab his hand and explain that you can’t do that, his mother loves him and worries about him. But there is no need to rush in with hugs and kisses. Then he may get the idea: “I beat myself, but my mother feels sorry for me.”
  2. You need to talk to him calmly and quietly, maybe in a whisper.
  3. Distract him with an interesting book or toy.
  4. Voice your baby’s feelings as often as possible and explain why he is angry.
  5. If he behaves this way, trying to manipulate, you need to show that this technique will not work. Tell your child that you understand why he is angry, but you will not do what he asks. Or leave the room, because hysteria requires a spectator.

Even if a child has outgrown this habit, one should not forget that he had it. When he grows up, teach him to abstract himself from stressful situations and not succumb to feelings of guilt. And then he will grow up healthy and happy man, a whole person.


Faced with an unusual problem when a child hits himself on the head? What to do in this case, and what could be the reasons for this behavior of the baby? Let's try to understand the possible motives for such an act, and also share expert advice on how to cope with such a problem.

Auto aggression

In psychology and psychotherapy, such human behavior is referred to as “auto-aggression.” This state manifests itself in different forms: verbal (blaming oneself), physical (hitting, cutting, biting). The reasons for the appearance of this pathology are different, largely depending on the age of the person. Many researchers believe that auto-aggression is a kind of defensive reaction to any irritant. This condition occurs quite often in children from 2 to 16 years of age. In no case should a child’s aggression directed at himself be ignored, as this can lead to the development of serious nervous conditions or mental disorder. Below we will look at the most common reasons why a child hits himself on the head.

Lack of attention

One of the common causes of childhood auto-aggression is a lack of attention from adults. This situation is often observed in families in which a second child has appeared. When all the attention of adults is focused on the younger brother (sister), the older baby acutely suffers from a lack of communication with adults. Then the child hits himself on the head in order to attract attention. Moreover, this behavior is observed both in preschool children and adolescents. To resolve this situation, adults need to pay more attention to the child, show care and love.

Unfavorable family situation

The next common reason for such behavior in a child is the unfavorable psychological situation in the family. Frequent quarrels between parents and physical violence in the family undoubtedly disturb the fragile psyche of the child. The kid is simply lost, does not understand what is happening, and cannot find a solution to the current problem. In such an environment, he grows up, as is commonly called in society, problem child who is constantly capricious, fights, and shows aggression both towards himself and towards the people around him. In this situation, the child’s psychological state depends only on the further behavior of adults and their decisions regarding the current situation in the family.

Age crises

Researchers have noticed that during certain age periods, cases are more often recorded when a child hits himself on the head. 1 year is the stage when the baby begins to perceive himself outside the mother’s body; understand that he can do something on his own. If adults try to limit his freedom, some children show their disagreement in the form of auto-aggression.

The next crisis period begins at 3 years of age. At this age, the baby actively demonstrates his own opinion, even if he himself understands that it is wrong. It is during this period that the child’s negative behavior most often manifests itself, which represents the child’s protest against adult interference in his space and restrictions on independence.

Well, perhaps the most difficult and lengthy crisis period is adolescence. If at this age a child exhibits auto-aggression, then you should immediately understand the reasons for this behavior, talk with the teenager, and, if necessary, seek professional help from a doctor.


Does your child hit himself on the head? The reasons for this behavior may lie in egocentrism. In this way, the baby can try to get what he wants. Most often, preschoolers or primary schoolchildren do this. The child, realizing that the opinions of others are important to adults, begins to act up right in the store, demanding to buy him a toy. Parents, finding themselves in such a situation, most often follow the baby’s lead, since the place is not conducive to a long conversation with the child, much less to punishing a naughty baby. But, having once received what he wanted in this way, the child will only begin to manipulate adults even more often. In such a situation, in no case should the child’s demands be fulfilled - the boundaries of what is permitted must be clearly defined and strictly observed.

Mental illness

In rare cases, the cause of such behavior in a child is a neurological or mental illness. Only a specialist can diagnose a pathological condition after conducting the necessary diagnostic tests. The disease can be suspected if the child’s close adults cannot find the reasons for the child’s behavior, as well as with sudden attacks of auto-aggression. For example, a toddler was playing with blocks, laughing, and was not worried or upset about anything, but suddenly began to hit himself on the head, after which he resumed the fun game. It is especially important to pay attention to the whims of a child at an early age - when the baby still cannot explain why he does this and what bothers him.

First of all, to solve this problem, adults need to understand the reasons for the child’s behavior. To do this, it is necessary to observe for a certain period under what circumstances the child hits himself on the head. If the cause is found, it should be eliminated immediately. For example, if a baby shows such a reaction to punishment, lack of attention from adults, or difficulties encountered at school, then you should support the baby and talk to him about his experiences and fears. What is important is not so much the content as the trusting atmosphere, the friendly mood of the conversation between an adult and a child. The child should feel sincere support and understanding from the adult.

An effective means of combating childhood auto-aggression is a passion for sports. For example, boys might be encouraged to enroll in a football section, while girls might like gymnastics or modern dancing. Such leisure time will not only reduce anxiety and aggression, but will also help children increase self-confidence and realize their potential and abilities.

If parents cannot cope with the problem of auto-aggression in their child, they should seek help from a neurologist and psychologist. So, the first specialist will offer soothing herbal remedies. Such medications will not only not harm the baby’s health, but also, with the correct dosage, will enrich the child’s body with useful elements and vitamins.

Psychologists are increasingly using art therapy, hippotherapy and animal-assisted treatment in such cases. The first method is the expression of negative emotions and aggression through artistic creativity.

Hippotherapy literally means “treatment with a horse.” Using this method, a reduction in tension and tightness, not only psychological, but also physical, is achieved.

A similar technique is animal therapy, which is based on the child’s communication with different animals, most often cats, rabbits, and decorative dogs.

Thus, we told you what can be done if a “difficult” child exhibits auto-aggression. Thus, the main task of adults is to timely identify a pathological condition and provide all possible assistance to the baby, which is manifested in care, attention, and support for the baby in a difficult situation for him.


Why can a one-year-old child hit himself on the head, hit walls and floors: find out the reasons and fix the problem

Often young mothers meet with unusual phenomenon- the child hits his head on the floor and walls. The reasons for this behavior remain unknown, because the baby begins to fight for no reason. What is the root of the problem and how can it be solved? In the article we will look at the main reasons for such actions of the baby and offer strategies for parental behavior.

Why does a child hit his head? This question worries mothers who are faced with a similar problem.

Causes of head impacts under 3 years of age

If a child often hits his head on hard surfaces, a mattress or the back of a sofa, you need to monitor his behavior throughout the day. The habit is observed in children at an early age. Sometimes you can notice how the baby begins to shake his head in his sleep, hitting the bed. It is not related to neurological or physical impairments. The habit goes away on its own after a few months. Such blows do not cause consequences for the child. They are too light for the baby to suffer any injury.

Under the age of 3, children do nothing for selfish purposes. Their inappropriate behavior often seems unreasonable. The phenomenon is associated with the formation of the emotional sphere. Sometimes this worries and even frightens parents. Psychologists have not yet determined the exact reason why a child regularly hits his head on the floor.

When small children hit their heads, their movements resemble motion sickness. Perhaps the baby wants to sleep?

The main and most suitable explanation is that by rocking, he is trying to stimulate the development of the vestibular apparatus. This allows him to control body weight and maintain balance. Sometimes a child tries to calm himself down in this way. Rocking in a cradle is the only method that is familiar to small children. Take a closer look at your little one - and you yourself will understand that rhythmic rocking leads to quiet and restful sleep. In addition, the child is calmer if he is near a wall, corner, bed, sofa - he feels that he can lean on them if necessary.

The baby is not capable of harming himself, even if he hits himself with his fist. This is the first thing parents should learn. The triggering of the self-preservation instinct will not allow him to injure himself. Small bruises may remain, but this is not a big deal. It is better to wrap those objects that the baby hits most often with something soft. Don't shout or swear. Before going to bed, children should have a good frolic. Clothing that restricts movement should be avoided. They will interfere with the desired actions and thereby waste extra energy. If you install a metronome in the room, its sounds will effectively calm the baby.

Such tips will help you cope with your baby’s unpleasant habit and allow you to rationally approach the formation of your own behavior strategy. If a child hits himself, this is a reason to take a closer look at him. With the right attitude towards this habit, parents will help their child get rid of negative emotions and direct irrepressible energy to understanding the world around them.

With normal development of children, without any signs of physical or psychological abnormalities, parents should not worry about the child hitting himself. This goes away with age. If, however, at the age of 3 the baby still hits himself, you need to contact a neurologist. In some cases, the child tries to achieve his selfish goals in this way. First, you should take a close look at it. Try to determine the time when the “petition” began, remember the facial expressions, and the features of the actions. In some cases, the manner may be completely different from previous episodes.

Common Causes

Need for attention

Often children may simply not have enough attention from their parents.

The selfish goal in this case is obvious. A baby who was sitting calmly with toys a minute ago and suddenly starts hitting the wall for no reason most often attracts the mother’s attention. If the force of the blow is obviously small, then the child is doing it demonstratively. He will even smile at his mother who is nearby. If she comes up, hugs and caresses her child, the “attack” passes. In addition, while the baby hits himself, he constantly watches the mother's reaction.


This is the second selfish goal that a baby can try to achieve. If he didn’t like the porridge, his mother didn’t go for a walk with him, or forbade him to do something, the force of the blow will be much higher. Older children try to show their parents that if they don't get what they want, they will continue to bang their heads. Here small miracle will also monitor the mother’s behavior, but more secretly. Often children at this age do not know how to lie, so pretense will be noticeable on their face.

Mothers should also ignore such cases. The baby should be given a small object (preferably a soft toy or pillow), on which he will take out his anger.

From an older age, children learn to manipulate their parents. They are even ready to beat their heads on the ground just to get what they want.


The most common reason. Tantrums and scenes that children throw in front of their parents in toy stores are a common occurrence. A strong desire to get something pushes the baby to prelude falling to the floor, followed by blows on him with his hands, feet and head.

Often parents are ashamed of their child, they lift him up and persuade him not to do this. This causes the same behavior during the next trip to the store.

There is no need to follow the lead of others. Take your baby aside or just pretend to leave. This will sober up the child. He will quickly rise and catch up with you. At this time, it is worth talking to your baby. Say, “I understand that you are angry.” Immediately tell us about your attitude to this - “You can continue to cry, but I still won’t be able to buy you this thing.”


When something doesn’t work out for the baby, he begins to get angry, throw toys around, scream and bang his head against the wall. In this case, the mother must quickly assess the situation. The kid is trying to punish himself. His facial expressions will in every possible way reflect disappointment and bewilderment. If parents do not pay attention to this, the child will not stop banging his head. The mother should help the baby cope with the difficulty and calm him down.

Despair is a case when you cannot leave a child in such a state. We need to calm the baby and cheer him up


This reaction is behavior that is difficult for a mother to understand. For example, a child is in the same room with his mother, but does not follow her gaze, but tries to find a missing toy. If nothing works, the child hits himself on the head with his fist or palm.

At the same time, as you might think:

  • the child has no reason to do this;
  • he does this with a neutral or puzzled expression.


This behavior is observed in the case of severe overvoltage. The baby is tired and wants to fall asleep. The attack often occurs at night or in the evening, before bedtime. The baby's face reveals anger and emotional stress.

When unwell, the baby begins to tantrum for no particular reason. He doesn't like everything and doesn't want anything. The mother needs to calm the child down and try to put him to rest

The child should be given a soothing foot bath with lavender. This will calm him down and relax him. Also, the child could use a little massage or a pleasant lullaby.

A mother who carefully watches her child will be able to understand what is bothering him. Children prone to this behavior often use this strategy in several situations. They may try to influence an adult and at the same time feel despair. In this case, the mother should find the method of influence that corresponds to the reasons for the baby’s behavior.

Dr. Komarovsky advises communicating with the baby and paying close attention to his behavior. This will allow the mother to learn more about what the child likes, what events and things scare him, irritate him, amuse him and calm him down. In some cases, you will still have to contact a specialist. This is caused by more frequent and intense attacks of self-beating. When should you contact a neurologist?

A neurologist will help you find out the reason for this child’s behavior and prescribe treatment if necessary.

When to visit a specialist?

If a child begins to be capricious and throw tantrums regularly, you should involve a neurologist (we recommend reading: what to do if a child is capricious?). The doctor will help you find out the causes and build the right strategy to eliminate the symptoms. In addition, a visit to the doctor is required when:

  • the baby loses consciousness or suffocates during another tantrum;
  • aggressive behavior is becoming more frequent;
  • the baby's tantrums do not stop even after 4 years;
  • during hysterics, the baby regularly gets injured and inflicts them on others;
  • the child began to have more frequent nightmares and attacks of causeless fear;
  • During hysterics, attacks of vomiting and shortness of breath occur.

It is also worth remembering that children often project the behavior of adult family members onto themselves. You need to take a closer look and think - maybe the baby saw someone doing the same thing. Sometimes children simply repeat after the characters of cartoons and television shows. You need to be more attentive and more lenient towards other people, then peace and well-being will reign among your loved ones.



When a child hits himself on the head, it cannot but cause concern. Young children are considered quite vulnerable and require not only constant care, but also attention. Noticing at an early age that a child is hitting himself on the head, parents immediately rush to the hospital to see a doctor so that he can establish a diagnosis. But doctors cannot always help. Indeed, often such a problem may not indicate a physical or mental disorder in a child’s body, but directly copy the attitude towards the baby. Therefore, in this case, it is extremely important to understand why the child hits himself and what should be done about it.

What are the reasons for this behavior?

Naturally, if a child hits himself, there is nothing good. In some cases this may clearly indicate mental disorder, which a doctor should help you cope with after conducting numerous examinations. But sometimes the reasons may lie in the attitude of adults themselves.

One of the main reasons for this behavior is mental disorder. In particular, this behavior must be addressed special attention, if a one-year-old baby performs such actions towards himself. If he hits himself in the head and has hit himself in the past, you shouldn't try to diagnose it yourself. As soon as possible, you need to go to the hospital to see a doctor who will conduct all kinds of examinations and make an accurate diagnosis. Only if you contact medical personnel in a timely manner can you quickly get rid of the existing problem.

Quite often, many children can hit themselves on the head as a sign of so-called protest. This applies not to children aged 10-12 months, but to more intelligent two-year-old children.

This behavior can be expected when parents are overly strict with the child, constantly prohibit everything and use very strict rules in upbringing. In this case, there is a struggle between restriction of freedom and personal humiliation of the baby. Thus, he tries to use his own power against himself.

If the child is weak enough nervous system, then he often beats himself when he feels some kind of guilt. Parents sometimes achieve this behavior by giving their child all sorts of labels, constantly scolding and even calling them names. A child with such an attitude constantly feels guilty and uses such measures as punishment.

Some kids begin to manipulate adults in this way. Feeling that they cannot get what they want, or when their parents refuse to fulfill some desire, they try to carry out such hidden manipulation. They call own parents a certain feeling of guilt. Naturally, it is extremely difficult to identify such a cunning person, but it must be done.

If you notice that a child hits himself on the head when he is nervous, you need to pay special attention to this. In this situation, he simply cannot do without the help and support of adults.

How to avoid serious problems?

In the event that such actions begin to occur with a child, there is no need to postpone going to the doctor. He must be examined without fail. If it turns out that he is completely healthy, then the parents need to take a closer look at themselves and their own behavior towards him. In most cases, everything depends only on the parents, and in order to wean him from such actions, they should try hard.

First of all, this concerns punishments. Then, when adults yell at a child for some mischief, they need to try to lower the volume of their own voice and overly bright expression. In this case, it is better to use a punishment in the form of a whisper. This is what will help the baby get a little distracted and be surprised by the new style of behavior of the parents. Perhaps this is how he will stop fixing his own attention on himself and stop beating himself.

If the parent has already yelled at the child for what he has done, there is no need to suddenly switch to tenderness and kisses if he begins to beat himself. This style of behavior will become even stronger.

It is necessary to try to keep the child from inflicting physical punishment.

If the baby hits himself, you should gently hug him and tell him that his parents love him very much and do not want him to hurt himself. Sometimes this behavior causes children to reconsider their position.

If a child tries to manipulate in this way, you should not do the same in response. Reciprocal manipulation will not lead to anything good. In such situations, parents can ignore the whims and leave the child alone with his own thoughts. Only in this way will he be able to understand that such provocations will not work on adults. Under no circumstances should he be allowed to manipulate his parents. When he realizes that hitting him on the head will not lead him to the desired result, he will quickly abandon such an undertaking.

We should not forget that children need to be told as often as possible that they are loved. No matter how angry adults are at a child’s misdeed, their baby is still the best and most beloved. Parental love and caress work real miracles!


Why does a child hit himself on the head?

Most parents are mentally prepared for the fact that their child is capable of hitting or pushing his playmate. But when self-aggression manifests itself, which the baby directs at his own personality, many mothers or fathers get lost.

Let's look at why a child hits himself on the head, experiencing quite severe pain.

What causes this behavior?

Auto-aggression is expressed in different ways: children can hit themselves with toys or other objects in the face or back of the head, and in severe cases, even hit themselves against the floor or walls. At the same time, the reasons why a child hits himself hard on the head are varied:

  1. The baby protests against the excessive authoritarianism of his parents. This behavior is especially typical at the age of two or three years, when a son or daughter recognizes himself as an independent person and passively expresses his disagreement with the mass of prohibitions and the excessive severity of those closest to him.
  2. If mom or dad often scold the baby, showing him that he is bad, a loser, etc., small child hits himself on the head out of guilt. Thus, he seems to agree with the negative opinion of his parents, punishing himself on his own.
  3. The reason why a one-year-old or older child hits himself on the head may be that he wants to attract the attention of other family members, to arouse pity, in order to get what he wants.
  4. Stressful situation, such as moving or family quarrels, leads to the fact that the baby experiences internal tension, which, due to his age, he does not realize and cannot clearly express. In this case, it is very easy to guess why the child hits himself on the head.
  5. This behavior is often observed in children with developmental disabilities. To find out exactly why a child constantly hits himself on the head, it is worth checking him with a specialist for personality deviations.

Hello friends! Today we will deal with a rather serious issue of a child’s attitude towards himself. After all, sometimes there are situations when a child begins to hit himself on the head. Does he do this on purpose or by accident, does this indicate some kind of illness related to the child’s psyche, what should parents do in such cases. We will try to figure it all out in this article.

Reasons depending on age

Very small

Many children at an early age, starting from two or three months, can hit themselves on the head. They do this especially well when they have some kind of rattle in their hands. The child rattles the toy, then, out of the blue, hits himself on the head.

In such cases, there is no need to worry. The child does not do this on purpose. He's just still very small and adapting to the world around him. His muscles are weak and he cannot precisely coordinate his movements. So it turns out that as soon as a child takes something in his hands, he may accidentally hit himself on the head.

Our baby, when he was still very small, did exactly the same. We deliberately did not give him large, heavy rattles so that he would not hit himself with them. But, as soon as the child turned 5 months old, such problems stopped. True, after six months, others begin, when the child tries to sit or crawl, he may hit his head on his crib or some pillow.

This will continue until the child clearly learns to coordinate his movements and learns to sit normally.

In this case no psychological problems No.

If one-year-old children hit themselves on the head

Here things are already a little different than with newborns. A child at this age does not hit himself on the head by accident, but for some specific reason. These reasons can be both serious and completely banal.

  1. The baby attracts attention. He already has character and he understands a lot. If he deliberately hits himself or hits his head and cries, they will immediately run up to him and everyone will begin to feel sorry for him and say something. But this is exactly what the baby needs: he will immediately have company, kind words, and pity from adults.
  2. If the baby lightly taps his head and rocks at the same time, he may be doing this in order to relax. Yes, sometimes they do this if they can't sleep or calm down.
  3. The child just has a headache, but he can’t tell about it yet, so he points to the place of his discomfort. So, if this behavior of a child is observed occasionally, then perhaps it really is a common headache.
  4. Hysterics. The baby was upset and could start crying a lot. Emotions at this age can already wash over children. In this regard, we can observe the following behavior.
  5. The development of some serious psychological illness, such as autism. This is generally a separate topic and in addition to the fact that the child hits himself, there are several other symptoms. And such diagnoses should be made by an experienced specialist.

Children 2 and older

If you pay attention to a six-month-old child when he slightly hits something, you will notice the following thing. The child will look at you after the blow, if you do not react to him in any way, then he can continue to play as if nothing had happened. If you laugh, he may smile or laugh back at you. But if you start lisping, run up to him and start feeling sorry for him, then the baby will burst into tears so that he will be pitied even more.

The habit of manipulation is developed in the first year of a child’s life. Take this into account.

  1. The child shows aggression, which he directs at himself. This happens when the baby’s parents behave aggressively towards not only the child, but also towards each other. The child constantly listens to scandals and shouting from adults, he listens to the fact that he can’t do anything and doesn’t know, that he’s bad, etc. If you have the same situation in your family, then know that this is the reason.
  2. Something is not working out for the child. He puts together some kind of construction set, but he can’t do it right. Wants to figure out a new toy and doesn’t know how to do it. He becomes annoyed and he nervous soil starts hitting himself on the head.

How parents should behave

Firstly, you need to take a number of measures to generally prevent any manifestations of aggression and manipulation in your child in the future. More specifically, this requires:

  1. Do not sort out all your relationships with relatives in the presence of the child. For him, everyone must be good: father, mother, grandmothers, and grandfathers. No quarrels or stories about who is bad and who is good.
  2. You need to behave affectionately with your child, but not babysit. Tell him everything, show him, play, spend more time so that he does not feel that he is deprived of attention. Talk to your child regularly from early childhood.
  3. Don't yell at your child or lower his self-esteem. Don’t say that he is bad or good, doesn’t know how to do anything, etc. If a child does something wrong, then it needs to be explained calmly.
  4. Do not succumb to the child’s manipulations from childhood. If the baby didn’t hit himself too hard, don’t rush to run to him shouting “ah-ah-ah”; if he doesn’t hurt anything, then he will calmly continue going about his business.
  5. If you see that a child is deliberately hitting himself, then you need to use two options: calmly say that you can’t do that and then simply try not to pay attention to him the next time.
  6. If your child is upset about something or something didn’t work out for him, then try to help him solve the problem, put the construction set together, or find another interesting activity.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

If your child begins to regularly throw tantrums at you and beat himself, you tried to have explanatory conversations with him, but nothing helps, then in this case you need to contact a specialist in the child psyche.

In addition to the fact that the child hits himself on the head, he also:

  • Begins to transfer his anger to others.
  • Wakes up at night from nightmares.
  • He begins to lose consciousness.
  • Chokes during hysterics.
  • He begins to vomit.

If you observe one or more of these symptoms, it is better to consult a specialist, and urgently.

Well, that’s all I have for today, take care of your children, do not create a tense situation in the family, so as not to traumatize the child’s psyche that has not yet formed.