How to use cinnamon. Cinnamon: Spice, Medicine and Weight Loss Aid

Cinnamon or as it is also called Ceylon cinnamon, is an evergreen plant belonging to the Laurel family. It grows in the jungle. The bark is collected during the rainy season. The spice has the same name as the plant. Cinnamon can be purchased in bark form, rolled into a tube, or ground.

History of cinnamon

In the Middle Ages in Europe, cinnamon was sold by merchants who bought it in Alexandria. At the end of the 15th century, traders from Portugal discovered Sri Lanka and were able to use cinnamon at their discretion for more than 100 years.

After this, Sri Lanka was liberated by the Dutch. They began cultivating this plant to other countries.

It began to be grown in tropical Asia, the West Indies and the Seychelles.

For commercial purposes, cinnamon is grown in Vietnam, Brazil, western India, Egypt, and on islands such as Sumatra, Madagascar, and Java.

But the most valuable cinnamon is still considered a spice from Sri Lanka. It has a thinner bark, a delicate aroma and a sweet, warming taste.

Today, cinnamon is used all over the world. It is used to make chocolate, desserts, candies, liqueurs, and marinades.

  • In Sri Lanka, the spice is used in the form of dried leaves and added to soup.
  • In the East, cinnamon is still, as before, added to hot dishes. meat dishes.
  • In America, cinnamon is added to cereals and fruits.
  • In Germany, this spice is used for mulled wine.

In Russia, both cinnamon and its closest relative, cassia from the Cinnamon family, are sold.

Cassia is native to China and its bark is thicker and rougher. Natural cinnamon has a very delicate aroma, the structure of the bark is very fragile, and the sticks are thin.

Ceylon cinnamon or cinnamon is evergreen tree Laurel family (lat. Lauraceae). Latin name - Cinnamomum verum. True cinnamon or cinnamon is the dried part of the bark that is used as a seasoning.

Ceylon cinnamon, as this tree is also called, grows in Western India and on the island of Sri Lanka. The plant prefers humid tropical and subtropical climates.

To produce real spices, only the inner layer of the bark of young shoots is used. They are dried in the sun and rolled into tubes. The spice has a characteristic cinnamon smell.

How to distinguish cinnamon from cassia

Real cinnamon is often confused with cassia. This tree is cultivated in Indonesia, China and Vietnam. A spice similar to cinnamon is obtained from the bark of seven-year-old trees. For its production, the entire bark is used, so the resulting tubes are thicker.

Real cinnamon has a delicate aroma and a sweetish, slightly hot taste. The thickness of the dried bark is 1-2 mm. The spice has a rich composition, which provides a high healing effect.

Cassia is less aromatic and has a sharper taste. The wall thickness of the tube is from 3 to 10 mm. A characteristic feature The Chinese spice is grainy and reddish-brown in color, which is why it is called red cinnamon. When infused, real spice does not form mucus.

The photo shows how appearance Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon are different.

How to spot a fake

Distinctive features of real cinnamon:

  • appearance - real cinnamon sticks are tightly twisted and resemble papyrus in appearance;
  • structure - cinnamon sticks are thin and fragile, unlike cassia;
  • color - real cinnamon is light brown, cassia is darker, to reddish brown;
  • price - Ceylon cinnamon is much more expensive than fake;
  • labeling - natural cinnamon: Cinnamomum zeylonicum, cassia: Cinnamomum aromaticum.

Beneficial features

Fragrant, tasty cinnamon is not only a spice, but also a cosmetic and medicine in various fields.

  • It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties.
  • Eugenol, which is part of cinnamon, kills germs.
  • This spice strengthens the immune system and enhances the protective function in the body.
  • It is a natural antioxidant.
  • When consuming cinnamon, blood glucose levels decrease.
  • This spice improves digestion, burns fat, converting glucose that enters the body into energy.
  • The blood vessels dilate, and the work of the brain is activated.
  • Cinnamon is good for diabetes. Blood sugar levels decrease when consumed.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines, this spice helps speed up the healing process of ulcers, acidity decreases, pain in the stomach is relieved, digestion is normalized, colic and bloating are eliminated.
  • Since cinnamon is a natural antiseptic, it disinfects wounds and relieves pain.
  • Various types of skin diseases are treated with cinnamon.
  • In addition, cinnamon helps with heart disease, colds and decreased immunity. It is used as a weight loss product.


Cinnamon should not be used if:

  • high blood pressure,
  • temperature,
  • nervous excitability,
  • in old age,
  • for allergies,
  • pregnancy.

Recipes for diabetes mellitus why does cinnamon help?

Cinnamon contains: more than half of general composition aldehyde, 20 percent phenol, polyphenol, tannins, essential oils, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.
Vitamins A, C, E, K, riboflavin, thiamine, folic acid.

Essential oils stabilize blood sugar levels and remove bad cholesterol.

Polyphenol replaces insulin and is easily taken up by cells. When consuming cinnamon, the blood is saturated with oxygen. Liver, kidneys, digestive tract start to work correctly. The spice has antibacterial, antiseptic and diuretic effects.

With high blood sugar, the phenol in cinnamon prevents inflammatory processes in the body. When the spice is consumed, the production of harmful substances is blocked. Glucose metabolism increases 20 times.

Heart diseases in diabetes go into remission. Cinnamon is especially beneficial for type 2 diabetes.

When adding half a teaspoon of spice to porridge, tea, freshly squeezed juice, coffee, kefir, vegetable salads general state is improving.

Kefir with cinnamon is very effective for diabetes

For a glass of kefir use 1 teaspoon of spices.
You need to take a glass before breakfast and before bed for 10 days.

This drink acts almost instantly and alleviates the condition of diabetics.

You need to take it in portions, every hour. Course duration is 10 days without breaks.

Cinnamon strengthens the body, increases vitality. With regular consumption of various dishes with cinnamon, men notice an increase in potency.

Vitamin A contained in cinnamon is a source of iron and calcium. They normalize the functionality of the genital organs. This spice stimulates blood circulation, which directly affects erection in men.

In addition, cinnamon helps in the treatment of diseases genitourinary system. When taking cinnamon, microbes are killed in the body, which prevents the development of prostatitis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and other diseases.

When overexerted, erections may decrease, and cinnamon oil relieves inflammatory spasms and helps you relax before intimacy.

There are several quite effective recipes to improve erection.

Cinnamon powder is poured with boiled water cooled to 40 degrees, left for 30 minutes, honey is added. The ratio of water and honey should be 2:1. The course of treatment is 2 months. Take half a glass before meals.

  • Natural cinnamon essential oils can be added to various dishes. It goes well with drinks, meat, desserts, first and second courses.

Also, for coffee lovers, you can add cinnamon to this drink; a pinch of spice is added per cup.

  • It is better to replace soda with tea with added cinnamon. Orange zest, 2 cinnamon sticks are poured with boiling water, sugar or honey is added.

To strengthen the muscles of the heart and increase desire, take 60 grams of cinnamon, 30 grams of vanilla, and pour everything with a glass of red wine. The mixture is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Take a glass once a day with meals.

  • Hot mulled wine is a powerful aphrodisiac, as it contains cinnamon, lemon, cloves and honey.

Cinnamon has plenty useful actions on the body, in addition, for women, cinnamon allows:

  • Reduce postmenstrual pain.
  • This spice helps convert sugar into energy. This fact allows you to reduce weight.
  • In the first 2 weeks after the birth of a child, cinnamon promotes uterine contractions.
  • For nursing mothers, tea with cinnamon and milk can improve lactation.

Cinnamon for weight loss. Why is it useful for losing weight, recipes

Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels, speeds up the metabolic process, slows down the entry of food into the intestines, creating the effect of satiety.

This spice is added to cereals, cocoa, coffee, low-calorie yoghurts, jellies, tea, and puddings.

It is added to tea. A spoonful of cinnamon goes into a cup of tea.

Cinnamon can be added to kefir and fermented baked milk.

Cinnamon with kefir

IN Lately people who want to lose weight go on a kefir diet.

When adding cinnamon to kefir, fat is burned much faster, and digestion is accelerated and allows you not to linger harmful substances in organism. This drink can be consumed daily.

During fasting days the body receives valuable substances, a small amount of food and a pleasant taste, which helps to go through this process easier.

Kefir with cinnamon, pepper, ginger

A fairly popular recipe for various diseases and weight loss is kefir with cinnamon, red pepper and chopped ginger. This drink helps with excess weight and other health problems.

Kefir gently cleanses the intestines and improves digestion. In addition, it has a diuretic effect, reducing the likelihood of edema. Kefir contains protein and calcium, and these substances reduce appetite.

Cinnamon reduces blood glucose levels and dulls the feeling of hunger.

Red pepper suppresses appetite, accelerates metabolic processes, and helps break down lipids. Provokes thirst, which also helps reduce weight.

Ginger activates the digestive process, helps digest protein, normalizes metabolism, and cleanses of waste and toxins.

The mixture is stirred and left to infuse for half an hour. Use for no more than 2 weeks 20 minutes before meals.

Coffee with cinnamon - benefits, harm, how to prepare?

There are quite a few recipes for coffee with cinnamon. It is diluted with cream, milk, mixed with other spices and even alcohol.

For 250 milligrams of freshly brewed coffee, add a teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon.

For 2 spice sticks, 2 teaspoons of ground coffee, 1 centimeter of fresh ginger root, 150 grams of water.

The feeling of hunger after drinking this coffee decreases. Weight loss and blood sugar levels level out.

Popular french recipe, this is coffee with wine.

  • To do this, espresso is brewed from heavily roasted ground beans.
  • After the coffee has cooled, add cinnamon, sugar, grated orange zest, and dark yellow mulled wine.
  • Everything is whipped in a blender and poured into glasses.
  • For two cups of espresso you need half a teaspoon of zest, a pinch of cinnamon, one and a half spoons of sugar and 50 grams of wine.

Cinnamon tea - benefits and harms, how to prepare?

In cold winter, tea helps to warm up and restore, and with the addition of cinnamon, this drink returns strength and gives the effect of warming from the inside.

This tea normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the intestines, and accelerates glucose metabolism. Microelements help fight extra pounds. Appetite decreases. Helps remove waste and toxins.

There are many recipes for this drink and choosing the right one is quite easy.

  1. A pinch of mint, a third of a teaspoon of cinnamon, and citrus peel are added to the brewed tea. Tea with additives is infused for a couple of minutes, filtered and ready to drink.
  2. 2 teaspoons of loose leaf black tea, 1 clove, half a cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon of ginger and half a liter of boiling water. Mix everything together, leave for a couple of minutes, add lemon or Orange juice, for sweetness honey.

If the tea is steeped longer, it acquires a bitter taste and can be harmful.

The water should not be very hot.

Cinnamon with honey: recipes

For weight loss daily use cinnamon with honey helps you lose weight.

Cinnamon with honey cleanses the esophagus, bacteria, fungi, and removes toxins.

A paste of cinnamon and honey spread on bread for breakfast lowers cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart attack.

Daily consumption of half a spoon of honey with cinnamon in a glass of water in the morning and after lunch relieves fatigue and gives strength.

For arthritis, a cup of warm water, 2 tablespoons of honey, dessert spoon cinnamon cures even an advanced form of the disease.

Honey with cinnamon:

  • removes bad cholesterol,
  • strengthens the immune system,
  • restores the genitourinary system,
  • strengthens hair,
  • treats skin infections, rashes,
  • insect bites,
  • indigestion, bloating,
  • toothache,
  • smell from the mouth,
  • hearing loss,
  • all types colds and much more.

Cinnamon at correct use not only improves health and reduces weight, but also prolongs life and improves its quality. Now you are familiar with the beneficial properties of cinnamon and contraindications for use.

Cinnamon is often used in cosmetology - added to face masks. The spice stimulates blood circulation, improves cell nutrition, and saturates them with vitamins. After the procedure, the skin may turn slightly red. The reaction passes quickly.

Cinnamon rejuvenates, tightens and cleanses the skin. The rich composition improves the general condition of the epidermis, making it more elastic and radiant. The spice has an antibacterial effect, so masks based on it are used for problem skin.

Acne mask


  1. Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon.
  2. Honey - 1 tablespoon.
  3. Cinnamon - ½ teaspoon.

How to prepare: Grind honey with cinnamon until smooth, add lemon juice, stir.

How to use: Apply the mask to previously cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, wash your face warm water. The product can be used 1-2 times a week.

Result: The mask effectively eliminates pimples and acne. Disinfects the skin, giving it softness and elasticity.

Cinnamon for the body

Cinnamon is beneficial not only for the skin of the face, but also for the body. It disinfects, heals, nourishes, moisturizes and tightens the epidermis. The spice is added to masks, scrubs and mixtures for wrapping against cellulite.

Cinnamon Scrub


  1. Milk - 4 tablespoons.
  2. Oatmeal - 3 tablespoons.
  3. Cinnamon - 5 gr.
  4. Almond oil - 5 ml.

How to cook: Pour hot milk over oatmeal, cover with a lid and leave for 7-10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients and stir.

How to use: Apply the scrub to the skin and massage over the body. Special attention focus on problem areas.

Result: The scrub eliminates fat deposits, increases blood circulation and cleanses the skin of dead cells.

Cinnamon for hair

Cinnamon is used not only for skin, but also for hair. It is added to ready-made cosmetics or homemade masks for the care of curls. The spice strengthens and restores hair structure and prevents hair loss.

Hair masks with cinnamon

Thanks to its rich composition, cinnamon-based masks are suitable for any hair type. In combination with aloe, the spice reduces oily scalp. A mixture of cinnamon and vegetable oils is suitable for the dry type.

Hair growth mask


  1. Onion - 1 pc.
  2. Garlic - 4 cloves.
  3. Honey - 1 teaspoon.
  4. Cinnamon - 10 gr.

How to cook: Grate the onion and garlic or use a blender, combine with the rest of the ingredients and mix.

How to use: Rub the mask into the hair roots, warm with a towel and keep for half an hour. After the procedure, wash your hair twice with shampoo.

Result: The mask increases blood circulation in the scalp and stimulates hair growth.

Revitalizing mask


  1. Cinnamon - 3 tablespoons.
  2. Macadamia oil - 5 ml.
  3. Coconut oil - 5 ml.
  4. Honey - 3 tablespoons.

How to prepare: Melt coconut oil, add honey, cinnamon and macadamia oil, stir.

How to use: Apply the mask to dry hair, cover with film, and insulate with a towel. After half an hour, rinse the mixture with warm water and shampoo.

Lightening hair with cinnamon

Cinnamon is used to lighten curls; for this purpose it is added to shampoos, conditioners and masks. The products are distributed over the entire length, avoiding the scalp and root area.

Regular use of cinnamon makes hair 1-2 shades lighter. Below are reviews of the use of cinnamon to lighten hair.

Cinnamon - dried and ground tree bark - is widely used in cooking in the preparation of desserts, in European countries serves as an additive to fruit desserts, porridges, in the cuisine of the peoples of the Middle East - with lamb and chicken dishes. Even in the days before our era, people used and loved cinnamon; its beneficial properties and contraindications were known and taken into account.

This seasoning not only has a distinct, memorable aroma, which makes it a favorite among chefs, but is also used in medicinal purposes and cosmetology.

The spice contains potassium (this element in the human body is involved in the activity of the nervous system), calcium (“responsible” for the formation of bones and teeth), iron (participates in redox reactions, hematopoiesis processes), magnesium (coordinates heart rate, regulates the amount of sugar in the blood), vitamins B, C, A, essential oils. Thanks to this, the seasoning can become a good helper in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • colds;
  • diarrhea;
  • diabetes;
  • fungal diseases;
  • hair loss;
  • diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • arthritis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • toothache.

In addition, the beneficial properties of cinnamon are manifested in strengthening the immune system and increasing the overall tone of the body (due to the presence of tannins with their bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties), weight loss (the spice tends to dull appetite and quickly break down fats in the body).

Cinnamon with honey - a powerful healing tandem

Cinnamon with honey is a popular combination, healthy, tasty and medicinal. The wonderful aroma of this “medicine”, reminiscent of grandma’s buns, is loved by children and adults. How is cinnamon with honey useful and in what cases will this composition produce a healing effect?

  • Honey with this spice prevents the formation of blood clots, preventing the risk of heart attack, and reduces cholesterol levels. Take a tablespoon of paste (prepared in a one to one ratio) in the morning.
  • Mix warm honey and ground cinnamon (one tablespoon and a quarter teaspoon, respectively) and use three times a day for coughs, colds, and runny nose.
  • Rinsing with a solution of honey and cinnamon (a teaspoon of each ingredient per glass of water) will prevent bad breath.
  • For diabetes mellitus, the following drink will help to normalize the blood glucose level: a teaspoon of cinnamon is poured with boiling water (1 glass), infused for half an hour, honey (two teaspoons) is added, and the mixture is infused overnight in the refrigerator. Dosage: in the morning and before bed, half a glass.

IMPORTANT! Cinnamon with honey benefits and harms: rare, but there are cases of intolerance to the spice. In this case, after ingesting it, swelling on the face, cough, runny nose, and red eyes appear. Therefore, before regular use, you should make sure that there is no allergy to the product.

Coffee and tea with cinnamon: healthy and tasty

Well-known invigorating drinks are purchased with the addition of cinnamon. unique aroma and new properties - tonic and strengthening. How to brew tea with cinnamon, the benefits and harms of such a drink, and why do you put oriental spice in coffee?

Daily consumption of black or green tea with spice and honey, thanks to the iron and vitamins it contains, maintains skin elasticity. Recipe for green tea with spice: brew a teaspoon of spice with a glass of boiling water separately, then add the infusion to green tea.

Tea with orange and cinnamon warms well and improves immunity. To prepare you need two mugs of orange, a cinnamon stick, black tea. Pour boiling water and leave, add sugar.

People suffering from hypotension (low blood pressure) should avoid drinking cinnamon tea, as the spice can further lower blood pressure, thereby aggravating the disease.

Cinnamon perfectly complements coffee - it is this spice that softens the bitter taste and makes it softer. Classic version– a teaspoon of ground coffee, 120 ml of water, one third of a teaspoon of spice, the same amount of sugar.

The recipe for coffee with cinnamon and milk requires making “cinnamon milk” first. To do this, add a cinnamon stick to 150 ml of milk and boil for five minutes over low heat. The appearance of foam is a sign that it is time to remove the drink. Then you need to pour it into the finished coffee.

IMPORTANT! Coffee with cinnamon promotes weight loss due not only to the low calorie content of the drink, but also to the properties of the seasoning to improve metabolism and quickly break down fats. The main thing is not to add anything fatty or sweet (cream, sugar, ice cream).

Cinnamon for diabetes

There are many plants that lower blood sugar levels. This is especially valuable for diabetes. Cinnamon (he is the “supplier” of the spice) is one of them. Reduces high cholesterol, normalizes sugar, prevents blood clots, tones brain activity. Polyphenol affects insulin receptors and helps lower blood sugar levels, which is important for diabetes. Cinnamon contains phenol, a substance that prevents possible inflammatory processes in tissues in diabetes. In addition, the seasoning has antioxidant properties and has low calorie content, which is also important for diabetes.

Recipes for diabetes:

  • ground cinnamon (three tablespoons);
  • soda (two teaspoons);
  • pour the mixture with one liter of boiled water;
  • cook over low heat for 20 minutes.

Take several times a day (ultimately drink 1 liter per day).

  • kefir (one glass);
  • ground cinnamon (teaspoon);
  • stir, drink on an empty stomach in the morning and before bed in the evening.

Take from 8 to 10 days.

Drinks with cinnamon normalize metabolic processes and reduce blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

Cinnamon and women's health

The smell of spice can improve mood, reduce irritability, increase sexuality, help with weight loss, tone brain activity and memory - this is how cinnamon is useful for women. In addition, it will help calm menstrual pain. The spice is not recommended for pregnant women, as it causes uterine contractions, which threatens miscarriage. Using the seasoning after childbirth can lead to baby weaning, because the tart smell penetrates into the milk.

Cinnamon in face and body care products

The benefits of cinnamon are also evident in cosmetics, it is a recognized assistant in cleansing the skin and strengthening hair, as it normalizes blood circulation in the hair follicles, restores hair structure, and accelerates its growth.

Add the same amount to two tablespoons of honey olive oil and a teaspoon of ground spice, apply to hair, cover with film and a towel for 45 minutes, rinse. The mask restores hair and prevents hair loss.

Pour a tablespoon of sunflower oil and honey into a beaten egg, add chopped tomato and a teaspoon of ground spices. Apply the mask for 20 minutes, rinse - this procedure increases hair volume.

You can use cinnamon to lighten your hair. Melt honey (three tablespoons) in a water bath, add seasoning (three tablespoons) and the juice of one lemon. Apply to hair and leave for no more than two hours.

A nourishing, refreshing and complexion-improving mask can be obtained by mashing a third of a banana with a teaspoon of spice and the same amount lemon juice, a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply for 15 minutes.

Apply a paste of three tablespoons of honey and a teaspoon of spices to pimples in the evening and wash your face in the morning. Course – 2 weeks.

An anti-cellulite body scrub can be obtained by mixing 50 grams of grounds left after brewing coffee, two tablespoons granulated sugar, two teaspoons of spices, one tablespoon of vegetable oil. Apply to the body, massage, rinse with water after two minutes.

Cinnamon - an assistant in weight loss

Cinnamon has the ability to remove from the body toxic substances, promote the rapid breakdown of fats and, as a result, weight loss. Contained in it essential oil dulls the feeling of hunger.

Pour a teaspoon of spice into 1.5 liters of kefir and stir - drink the resulting drink in portions throughout the day (do not take anything else from food). The nutritional value and calorie content of kefir will not allow you to feel an acute feeling of hunger.

Weight loss drink: green tea (a tablespoon per 500 ml of water), a teaspoon of seasoning, brew and drink with the addition of honey, ginger, lemon.

A mixture of a tablespoon of green tea, a teaspoon of cinnamon, and orange zest, infused for an hour, can also be used for weight loss.

Mix a glass of kefir, one quarter of a teaspoon of spice, and grate a green apple - using such a low-calorie drink will not only help you lose weight, but will also improve the functioning of your digestive tract.

Green tea with cinnamon and milk quickly quenches thirst, improves metabolism, which promotes weight loss.

Contraindications when using cinnamon

No matter how good cinnamon is, there are contraindications and they should not be neglected.

  • For diseases with high temperature, external and internal bleeding, low blood clotting, you should avoid adding the spice to tea or food.
  • The spice is taken orally in food or drinks, but not in pure form(especially on an empty stomach), as this threatens to irritate the walls of the stomach.
  • The seasoning increases the heart rate. Therefore, this spice is contraindicated for people with heart problems. A sick liver is also a sign that the spice should not be included in the diet, since the spice contains the substance coumarin, the accumulation of which negatively affects liver cells.
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • increased sweating;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or doubt the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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There have been many rumors about an ancient spice called cinnamon. This brown aromatic bark, similar to a cigar, was described as horror stories. For a long time it was impossible to find out the truth about cinnamon. What is it, where does it come from and how is it mined? These questions have long been a mystery to mere mortals. Cinnamon, the benefits and harms of which were not studied in ancient times, was considered a valuable gift that was presented to royalty on a par with silver and gold.

Sweet smell of legend

In China, 3000 years ago, there lived Shen-Nung-Kwan, an emperor who adored cinnamon. Hatshepsut also loved this fragrant spice, Egyptian queen, which sent entire ships after her. In Rome, cinnamon was used to flavor funeral pyres. Even Nero did not spare a year's supply of cinnamon to bury his wife, whom, according to rumors, he himself killed.

The news about how much cinnamon cost in ancient times, the benefits and harms of which were then unknown to few people, can now only cause surprise. And it cost “only” seven times cheaper than silver. To inflate prices for cinnamon, terrifying rumors were told about its extraction. That the spice is mined in places infested with poisonous reptiles; taken from the huge Arabian rats; stolen from strange birds.

These rumors circulated for a long time. Until, at the beginning of the sixteenth century, a ship from Ceylon arrived at the port of Spain. The ship brought 25 tons of cheap cinnamon. Since then, the market has been saturated and cinnamon has fallen in price.

Although this spice is counterfeited even today. Cinnamon is especially often replaced with cassia, the bark of a related tree. Cassia contains coumarin. This substance reduces blood clotting, which may not be beneficial for everyone.

A fake can be distinguished by its price, which is too low for real cinnamon, and the color of the sticks, which should be a delicate light brown or yellow color. You can also check with a drop of iodine. If iodine is dropped onto real cinnamon powder, it should not change color. And if it's fake, it will turn dark blue.

Varieties of cinnamon

Nowadays they are known different types cinnamon from the bark of the cinnamon tree. The most popular and fragrant is cassia, Chinese cinnamon, its benefits and harms are fifty-fifty. The most expensive and healthy is Ceylon (cinnamon), and the most bitter is Malabar. In the CIS, Chinese cinnamon is most common, as it is the cheapest. But other types can also be purchased.

Beneficial features

What's good about cinnamon? The benefits of this spice are always heard. Cinnamon is said to aid digestion, improve appetite, stimulate brain activity and develop memory. According to unverified data, buns sprinkled with cinnamon can turn an ordinary student into a real excellent student. And if you use cinnamon in dietary nutrition, as a seasoning for dishes, the most tasteless vegetarian menu will seem like a delicacy.

Cinnamon gives us all this. Its benefit is that it contains a whole bunch of useful substances, vitamins (groups K, B, E, beta-carotene), flavonoids and dietary fiber. There are also many microelements: magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, calcium, etc.

Together, this provides the antioxidant effect of the spice and a positive effect on the body, which becomes healthier, strengthens the immune system and begins to fight infection on its own. Cinnamon encourages the body to do this; its beneficial properties and contraindications can be considered in different aspects, successfully applied in each specific case.

Cinnamon is also used to treat colds, added to honey and consumed orally. This spice is also added to warming ointments for external use. And it's all cinnamon. Its benefits as a means of improving metabolism are undoubted. It supports diabetics in the fight against high glycemic index.

By taking just half a teaspoon of cinnamon in the morning, you can ensure a stable glucose level throughout the day. Here's how cinnamon can help diabetics. Benefits and harms go side by side in it, as in every medicine, but the benefits still prevail.

Harm or benefit

“Everything is poison and everything is medicine. Only dosage makes medicine poison, and poison medicine.” So said the great alchemist and physician Paracelsus.

Cinnamon has beneficial properties, and it also has contraindications. Cinnamon improves peristaltic contractions of the gastrointestinal tract (this seems to be a good thing), but this may increase the release of gases and cause diarrhea. Cinnamon can also aggravate heartburn and cause allergic skin rashes.

It is forbidden to be taken by pregnant women (it contracts the uterus). Cinnamon can also harm the liver if consumed in large doses. In face masks where one of the ingredients is cinnamon, the application time must be strictly observed. If you get carried away and do not wash off the mask in time, they may start allergic reactions and even skin burns.

Honey and cinnamon

Humanity has long used honey against many diseases. And honey in combination with cinnamon is very healthy. Below are recipes for various ailments that cinnamon treats, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which must be taken into account in each specific case.

How to be treated

Twice a day for weight loss you need to take cinnamon and honey in a ratio of 1/2. For one part cinnamon, take two parts honey. Place a tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of cooled water. Drink a cup.

If you have heart disease, you should eat a piece of bread brushed with a honey-cinnamon mixture every morning. This lowers cholesterol, improves the condition of blood vessels, heals the heart and saves from heart attack.

For arthritis per cup warm water add one spoon of cinnamon powder and two spoons of honey. Drink one cup of the mixture in the morning and one before bed. Regular consumption cures any arthritis.

For high cholesterol, add two tablespoons of honey and three teaspoons of cinnamon to two glasses of warm water. Use during the day in three doses.

To strengthen hair: heat three tablespoons of olive oil, add a teaspoon of cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. Mix well and rub into hair for half an hour. Then wash your hair. Frequent use makes hair roots stronger.

Treatment of wounds and infections: mix cinnamon and honey in equal parts. Lubricate problem areas until the final cure.

Acne: mix a teaspoon of cinnamon and three tablespoons of honey. Apply to pimples before bed and wash off in the morning.

Gastrointestinal disorders: cinnamon and honey relieve pain symptoms and heal ulcers.

If your hearing is impaired, taking cinnamon and honey gradually improves it.

For colds: a tablespoon of honey and a quarter spoon of cinnamon, washed down with warm water. Take three times a day. Cures cough, runny nose, relieves colds.

Cinnamon. Reviews. Questions

Where is cinnamon added? In juice, cottage cheese, various desserts, coffee and cakes.

Is it added to meat dishes? Yes. It goes well with chicken, lamb, and pork. But they also put cinnamon in fruit fillings for pies. In pies, its aroma is immediately noticeable. Add it to porridge, jam and sauces.

Is cinnamon harmful? Everything is good in moderation.

Is ground cinnamon beneficial or harmful? The benefits and harms of cinnamon powder are exactly the same as those of regular cinnamon sticks. Her faction does not play a role here.

Cinnamon is obtained by cutting off the inner layer of the bark of the evergreen cinnamon tree, which grows in Brazil, South. China, India, Indonesia, Egypt, Vietnam, Madagascar, Sumatra, and its homeland is Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

The cut bark is dried, and it is rolled into tubes, which are cut into sticks up to 12 cm long. Cinnamon is sold in the form of sticks or ground into powder.

Also sometimes found on the market are dried flowers or clove-like cinnamon tree buds, which give tea and other drinks a clean, delicate aroma.

How to choose cinnamon:

What stores call cinnamon is not always what it is. The most useful and aromatic types of cinnamon are grown in Ceylon.

Cassia (“Indonesian cinnamon”) is often passed off as cinnamon; this is the bark of another variety of cinnamon tree cultivated in China and Indonesia; cassia has slightly different properties. To get high-quality cinnamon, cinnamon shoots that are 2-3 years old are selected, and the thinnest inner layer of bark is cut off.

Cassia is prepared from whole pieces of bark of 7-10 year old trees and quite successfully replaces cinnamon in many cases, however, this spice contains 100 times more of a substance harmful to human health - coumarin, which causes headaches and even hepatitis; this substance is used as rat poison . In 1 kg of noble cinnamon the coumarin content is about 0.02 g, in cassia - 2 g.

Knowing what cinnamon is, it will be easy for you to choose a high-quality spice.
How to distinguish real cinnamon from cassia.

1. Most often, it is not the high-grade valuable spice that is sold in ground form, but cassia or other low-grade cinnamon. If you need a good spice, check the country of origin: you should give preference to cinnamon brought from Ceylon rather than from China, Indonesia or Vietnam. It is also not recommended to purchase cinnamon from Germany, the USA, or Israel - local production is not established in these countries, and they do not sell cinnamon from Ceylon.

2. True cinnamon is more expensive; the packaging may be marked “Cinnamomum zeylonicum”. Cassia is sometimes labeled as "Cinnamomum aromaticum".

3. The smell of true cinnamon is softer and more noble - soft, warm, sweet. Cassia smells weaker, but rougher and sweeter.

4. As for cinnamon sticks, a high-grade noble spice has a delicate, uniform light brown color; the color of cassia is not the same inside and outside and has a reddish-brown or gray-brown tint. Real cinnamon sticks are always curled at both ends, forming “ram's horns,” while cassia sticks may be slightly curved or not curled at all.

5. The cut of cinnamon tree is thinner, the thickness of the cuts the best varieties comparable to the thickness of a sheet of paper. Cinnamon is easily crushed and is fragile, while cassia is stronger, thicker (3-10 mm), coarser and breaks into fibers.

6. You can check the quality of the spice at home. To do this, drop iodine onto a stick or pile of cinnamon powder - cassia will turn dark blue with this interaction, and true cinnamon will turn slightly blue.
Storing cinnamon:

Keep the spice in an airtight container at a temperature no higher than 20°C and relative humidity no more than 70%. It is better to purchase cinnamon sticks and grind them into powder before use.
Cinnamon shelf life:

In sticks, the spice remains useful for 12 months; the optimal shelf life of ground cinnamon is six months.

Useful properties and contraindications of cinnamon.
Therapeutic effect:

Cinnamon stimulates, invigorates, improves mood, relieves depression, restores strength, improves memory, coordination and attentiveness.

It improves the circulation of fluids and thins the blood, lowers cholesterol levels, cleanses the liver and choleretic system.

Cinnamon is used to strengthen the heart and prevent strokes and heart attacks.

Consuming cinnamon relieves a runny nose, cough - dry and with phlegm, removes mucus from the nose, removes congestion and congestion in the sinuses. It can relieve a sore throat, relieve cold headaches, cure flu and bronchial asthma.

Large amounts of cinnamon cause uterine contractions. The spice helps to recover during the postpartum period and increases milk flow. This is a traditional Indian remedy to reduce the risk of recurrent pregnancy immediately after childbirth up to 20 months.

In addition, cinnamon freshens breath, relieves muscle spasms, relieves colic, helps with indigestion, facilitates digestion, removes gas accumulation, and helps normalize weight. By the way, it is recommended to use cinnamon with ginger for those who want to lose weight - the product normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, calms nervous system and reduces appetite.
What are the benefits of cinnamon and honey?

When combined with honey, cinnamon reveals its useful qualities V to a greater extent. The main thing is to choose truly healthy, high-quality honey.

These components of the flu remedy: 1 tbsp. Boiled water needs to be brewed 0.5 tsp. with a pinch of black pepper, let it brew, consume internally with honey.

For colds, coughs and congestion in the respiratory tract, take orally a mixture of half the volume of cinnamon with 1 volume of honey.

For weight loss, it is recommended to drink an infusion of spices with honey and water on an empty stomach, upon waking up and at night.

By mixing honey and cinnamon in a 4:1 ratio, you get a natural mask to treat skin rashes.

You should refrain from using the spice in case of bleeding, epilepsy, nervous exhaustion and increased blood pressure. Cinnamon should absolutely not be consumed by pregnant women.

Add half to 1 tsp to dishes and drinks. per 1 kg or 1 liter.

How to use cinnamon?

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a dry frying pan, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and aroma. Another way is to lightly fry the sticks in a properly selected vegetable oil until the aroma appears.

It is best to grind cinnamon sticks into powder immediately before use: lightly fry them in a frying pan with or without oil, grind them in a coffee grinder or mortar and then add them to dishes and drinks - this way the sticks will crumble better and give more taste and smell.

Add cinnamon 7-10 minutes before a hot dish, such as buns, is ready. In cold dishes, such as salads or curd masses the spice is added before serving.

The sweet warm taste and aroma of cinnamon makes it ideal for use in widest spectrum dishes, including preserves and jams, compotes and jelly, liqueurs, punches, coffee, tea and chocolate drinks, sweet pilafs, jellies, mousses, pies, curd pastes. The spice is great for salads made from carrots, cabbage, corn, cucumbers, spinach, quince, pears, vegetable side dishes and marinades, for example, with zucchini, tomatoes, red pepper.

Cinnamon perfectly emphasizes the taste of apples, balancing the natural sourness inherent in their taste in pies, salads, and when baked. The aroma and taste of the spice combine perfectly with citrus fruits such as tangerines, lemon, orange, creating a holiday mood.

Cinnamon with kefir:

Kefir, being a nutritious dietary fermented milk product, is perfect for fasting days. By adding cinnamon to it - half a teaspoon per glass - you make this drink more beneficial for digestion and promoting weight loss. Kefir with cinnamon is great for fasting days or as a snack.

Cinnamon has a number of useful properties, a number of which contribute effective reduction weight. This spice:

  • reduces blood glucose and cholesterol levels;

  • stabilizes insulin production;

  • helps reduce appetite;

  • prevents the formation of new fat cells;

  • activates the work of internal organs.

In addition, the sweetish taste of cinnamon helps reduce the amount of sugar in foods and drinks or eliminate the use of sweeteners altogether, which also helps combat overweight.

How to take cinnamon for weight loss

You can take aromatic spice for weight loss different ways. Ground cinnamon can be added to porridge or curd mixtures, cold fruit soups or fruit salads, baked fruit desserts, and smoothies. Cinnamon goes well with apples, pears or quince. Cinnamon is added to hot dishes immediately before cooking or before serving. Cold - simply sprinkle with cinnamon powder before use. If your diet includes honey, you can also add ground cinnamon to it, this is an excellent flavor combination.

However Cinnamon drinks are most effective for weight loss– it can be added to milk, tea, coffee, fruit infusions. Such drinks are not only healthy, but also tasty. Take them either in the morning or twice a day - morning and evening. To prepare them, you can use either ground cinnamon or cinnamon sticks.

It is best to prepare drinks with cinnamon immediately before use - the spice “gives off” its aroma quickly enough, so there is no need to steep it for hours.

Like any potent drug, cinnamon for weight loss should be taken in limited quantities – no more than half a teaspoon of spice per day.

Fragrant cinnamon water

The most concise and simple recipe for drinks with cinnamon is cinnamon water. To prepare it, divide the cinnamon stick into pieces, place them in a teapot, pour boiling water over them and leave to brew for 10 minutes.

This infusion can be drunk either warm or chilled throughout the day. This will help normalize metabolism and reduce the desire for “sweets”, which is what cinnamon infusion does good companion any diet.

Honey water with cinnamon

Among the recipes for cinnamon drinks for weight loss, one of the most popular is this cinnamon with honey. Taking a glass of this cocktail on an empty stomach can not only reduce weight, but also improve your figure ( honey water with cinnamon primarily helps remove fat deposits from the abdomen). In addition, this drink helps improve digestion and has a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body.

To prepare a portion of the drink, pour a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon into half a glass of hot boiled water, then wait until the water cools down a little and the cinnamon “infuses.” Put a teaspoon of natural honey into warm (35-40 degrees) water and stir well; if desired, you can also add a slice of lemon or lime. The drink is ready.

Cinnamon with honey for weight loss is taken twice a day - on an empty stomach in the morning, about half an hour before breakfast and before bed.

Cinnamon drink with kefir - three recipes

Low-fat kefir is a constant companion for those who are losing weight, so recipes for cinnamon cocktails based on kefir are quite popular.

The simplest recipe is to add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon to a glass of kefir and stir properly. Take this drink twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening.

Cocktail of kefir and apples with cinnamongreat option dietary breakfast. To prepare it, take a glass of low-fat kefir, peel and chop two small apples and beat the cocktail in a blender. After this, add ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and stir.

Very an effective remedy for weight loss - a drink made from kefir, cinnamon, ginger and red pepper. It is called the “supermodel cocktail” - it speeds up metabolism and relieves hunger for a long time, but it must be used with caution so as not to harm the body. To prepare such a drink, take half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and ground ginger per glass of kefir and add a pinch of chili pepper. It is better not to take it on an empty stomach - the weight loss effect in this case will be noticeable, but the likelihood of problems with digestive system very high. You can drink the “model drink” no more than once a day.

How to make cinnamon milk

This drink helps reduce blood sugar and normalize cholesterol. Drink it twice a day - morning and evening.

Wherein cinnamon milk recipe is very simple. Heat a glass of milk (it is not necessary to bring to a boil), add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon powder, stir. Wait a couple of minutes. Cinnamon milk is ready.

If you use cinnamon sticks, the preparation method will be slightly different. In this case, you need to add cinnamon to the milk, bring to a boil and boil for a couple of minutes, then let the milk cool (it should be warm, not hot).

For breakfast, you can drink cinnamon milk with honey as a snack - this will help recharge your energy.

How to brew cinnamon tea

Cinnamon can be added to both black and green tea- this will also promote weight loss, and at the same time enrich the taste of the drink and sweeten it a little. In such cases, it is better to avoid eating sugar. This drink has a particularly beneficial effect on diabetics, normalizing blood sugar levels.

Pure (not flavored) tea is brewed with cinnamon. Place tea in a teapot, add ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon or a divided cinnamon stick, then brew as usual.

This tea can be drunk either in its “pure” form or with the addition of milk or lemon. If you use ground cinnamon for brewing, the drink will turn out cloudy. This is normal, because cinnamon does not dissolve in water.

Apple Cinnamon Tea Recipe

Helps reduce weight and normalize metabolism and apple tea with cinnamon. It can be drunk both hot and cold.

To prepare the drink, a medium-sized apple must be peeled, cut into slices or cubes and placed in a teapot along with a cinnamon stick. You can also use ground cinnamon (1/4 teaspoon per glass of water). Pour boiling water over and leave for 10-15 minutes.

You can add lemon or orange slices and mint leaves to the drink. During the hot season, apple tea with cinnamon can be drunk with ice - it is perfectly refreshing. If you like spicy teas, you can diversify the recipe by adding cloves, a small amount of ginger, a couple of allspice peas, orange zest, and so on.

Combining cinnamon with coffee can also help you lose weight, and in addition to the fat-burning effect, this duet has other advantages: cinnamon has the ability to “soften” the effect of caffeine, reducing nervous excitement. Coffee with cinnamon for weight loss is drunk without sugar, and it is better to use natural coffee rather than instant surrogates.

When preparing coffee in a Turk, pieces of cinnamon are added at the beginning of the brewing process, along with the coffee, poured cold water and bring to the top over low heat. If using ground spice, add ¼ teaspoon of cinnamon before boiling, or directly into the cup.

You can also add other spices to cinnamon coffee, such as ginger or nutmeg.

Refreshing drink with oranges and cinnamon

IN summer heat can be cooked a light orange-cinnamon drink that is enjoyed chilled throughout the day.

To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a cinnamon stick or ½ teaspoon of cinnamon powder and let it brew until it cools. Cut two oranges into slices, place in a jug, add a sprig of fresh mint, pour in cinnamon water and add cold boiled water, bringing the volume to one liter.

This citrus-cinnamon water with a light, unobtrusive aroma perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst. When using it, you can add ice cubes.

The effectiveness of cinnamon for weight loss: reviews, disadvantages, contraindications

Cinnamon is very effective for normalizing weight - according to reviews, regular consumption of drinks based on it can get rid of 4-5 excess weight. However, with obesity, as a rule, accompanied by a “bouquet” of diseases, including endocrine system It is better not to use cinnamon for weight loss - at least until consulting a doctor.

In addition, cinnamon is not very effective for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or do not think about healthy eating– moderate consumption of the spice cannot “outweigh” all the factors contributing to weight gain, and taking it according to the principle “the more the better” is dangerous for health. At the same time, cinnamon is a very effective companion to diets and weight loss programs, and against the background proper nutrition And motor activity the effect of its use will be maximum.

In small quantities, cinnamon is practically harmless, but Regular use of this spice in the amounts recommended for weight loss is contraindicated:

  • pregnant women (especially in the first trimester);

  • people with high blood pressure;

  • for diseases of the central or autonomic nervous system;

  • for infectious and inflammatory diseases (especially with increased temperature);

  • with increased excitability;

  • or significant blood loss.

But even in the absence of contraindications, regular Taking cinnamon may cause unpleasant symptoms : digestive disorders, abdominal pain, headaches. In this case, it is better to refuse for weight loss.