Natural land areas. Map of natural zones of the world Signs by which natural zones are characterized

Natural areas Lands or natural-living zones are large areas of land with the same characteristics: topography, soil, climate and special flora and fauna. The formation of a natural zone depends on the relationship between the level of heat and moisture, that is, as the climate changes, the natural zone also changes.

Types of Natural Areas of the World

Geographers identify the following natural zones:

  • Arctic desert
  • Tundra
  • Taiga
  • Mixed forest
  • broadleaf forest
  • Steppe
  • Deserts
  • Subtropics
  • Tropics

Rice. 1. Mixed forest

In addition to the main zones, there are also transitional zones:

  • Forest-tundra
  • Forest-steppe
  • Semi-desert.

They share the features of two neighboring main zones. This is the complete official list of zones.

Some experts also identify such natural areas as:

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  • Savannah;
  • Monsoon forests;
  • Equatorial forests;
  • Highlands or altitudinal zones.

High belt zones have their own internal divisions.

Here are the following areas:

  • Broad-leaved forest;
  • Mixed forest;
  • Taiga;
  • Subalpine belt;
  • Alpine belt;
  • Tundra;
  • Zone of snow and glaciers.

Location of zones- strictly vertical, from the foot to the top: the higher, the more severe climatic conditions, lower temperature, lower humidity, higher pressure.

The names of natural areas are not accidental. They reflect their main characteristics. For example, the term "tundra" means "plain without forest." Indeed, only a few dwarf trees can be found in the tundra, for example, polar willow or dwarf birch.

Zone placement

What are the patterns of location of natural climatic zones? It’s simple - there is a strict movement of belts along latitudes from the North ( North Pole) to the South ( South Pole). Their placement corresponds to the uneven redistribution of solar energy on the Earth's surface.

You can observe a change in natural zones from the coast inland, that is, relief and distance from the ocean also affect the location of natural zones and their width.

There is also a correspondence between natural zones and climatic zones. So, within what limits climatic zones The following natural areas are located:

Rice. 2. Savannahs

  • Subtropical zone- zone of evergreen forest, steppe and desert;
  • Temperate zone- deserts, semi-deserts, steppe zone, mixed, deciduous and coniferous forest;
  • Subtropical zone- forest-tundra and tundra;
  • Arctic belt- tundra and arctic desert.

Based on this relationship, differences in climate, soil type and landscape can be observed in the same natural area.

Geographical location

Knowing where a particular natural area is located, you can indicate it geographical location. For example, the Arctic desert zone occupies the territories of Antarctica, Greenland and the entire northern tip of Eurasia. The tundra occupies large areas of countries such as Russia, Canada, and Alaska. The desert zone is located on such continents as South America, Africa, Australia and Eurasia.

Characteristics of the main natural areas of the planet

All natural areas differ in:

  • relief and soil composition;
  • climate;
  • animal and plant world.

Adjacent zones may have similar characteristics, especially where there is a gradual transition from one to another. Thus, the answer to the question of how to define a natural area is very simple: note the climate features, as well as the features of flora and fauna.

The largest natural zones are: forest zone and taiga (trees grow everywhere except Antarctica). These two zones have both similar features and differences unique to the taiga, mixed forest, broad-leaved forest, monsoon and equatorial forests.

Typical characteristics for a forest zone:

  • warm and hot summers;
  • large amounts of precipitation (up to 1000 mm per year);
  • availability deep rivers, lakes and swamps;
  • predominance of woody vegetation;
  • diversity of the animal world.

The largest areas are equatorial forests; they occupy 6% of all land. The greatest diversity of flora and fauna is characteristic of these forests. 4/5 of all plant species grow here and 1/2 of all land animal species live here, many of which are unique.

Rice. 3. Equatorial forests

The role of natural areas

Each natural zone plays its own special role in the life of the planet. If we consider natural zones in order, we can give the following examples:

  • arctic desert, despite the fact that it is almost completely icy desert, is a kind of “pantry” where multi-ton reserves are stored fresh water, and also, being the polar region of the planet, it plays a key role in shaping the climate;
  • climate tundra keeps the soils of the natural zone frozen for most of the year and this plays an important role in the planet’s carbon cycle;
  • taiga, as well as equatorial forests are a kind of “lungs” of the Earth; They produce the oxygen necessary for the life of all living things and absorb carbon dioxide.

What is the main role of all natural areas? They store large quantities natural resources, which are necessary for human life and activity.

The global geographical community has long come up with both color symbols for natural areas and emblems that define them. So arctic deserts are indicated by blue waves, and simply deserts and semi-deserts are indicated by red waves. The taiga zone has symbol in the form of a coniferous tree, and the zone mixed forests in the form of coniferous and deciduous trees.

What have we learned?

We learned what a natural area is, defined this term and identified the main features of the concept. We learned what the main zones of the Earth are called and what intermediate zones exist. We also found out the reasons for such zoning geographic envelope Earth. All this information will help you prepare for a geography lesson in 5th grade: write a report on the topic “Natural zones of the Earth”, prepare a message.

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A natural area is a part earth's surface with the same type of relief, soil, flora and fauna. The main forming factor of a natural zone is climate. Eight natural complexes have formed on the territory of Russia. They replace each other from north to south. The largest territory is occupied by the taiga zone, and the smallest by semi-deserts and deserts. Below is a distribution map and geographical description all natural zones in Russia, as well as a table with a brief description of each natural zone.

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Map of Natural Areas of Russia

Arctic desert

The upper boundary of the region runs along the Franz Josef Land archipelago, the lower boundary - on Wrangel Island. Main feature is the presence of ice and snow throughout the year. Average temperature in winter it is about -50º C. During this period, a lot of snow falls and strong winds blow. The polar night lasts 4 months. Summer temperatures average +4º C. August is considered the most warm month per year.

There are no lakes or swamps. The flora is represented mainly by lichens. Here you can count several endemics: arctic willow, cotton grass, forget-me-not and chickweed. few due to sparse flora. In the cold desert, polar bears, arctic foxes, reindeer and lemmings. The rocky coasts are favored by eiders, guillemots and other birds. The shores of some islands are complete bird colonies.


The natural complex stretches from Kola Peninsula to Chukotka. Its area is an eighth of the entire area of ​​Russia. characterized by plains, only mountains and hills appear near the Urals. This region is characterized harsh winter with average temperatures of about -32º C and a duration of more than six months. For winter season Strong winds blow, which remove a layer of snow from the soil. Because of this, the soil freezes and becomes waterlogged during the thaw. The polar night lasts from December to February.

The sun has not set since mid-summer. It does not rise high above the horizon, therefore, most of the rays are scattered in the atmosphere. The so-called polar day is coming. Average summer temperatures in the tundra do not exceed +5º C. Among the vegetation, lichens of all kinds and mosses are especially widespread. Perennial crops are represented by saxifrage, lingonberry, wild rosemary, cassandra and cloudberry. are a food source for reindeer and hares. In addition to them, wolves, arctic foxes and partridges. During short summer You can watch loons, waders and geese.


The region stretches from the tundra to the taiga. The climate in this transition zone is much milder than in the neighboring northern one. In January, the thermometer does not rise above -40º C, and cold winds constantly blow. However, there is constant snow cover. Winter lasts up to eight months. The average summer temperature is 15º C. Due to high humidity and relatively low summer temperatures, the soil is very swampy.

Forest-tundra is characterized by forests consisting of deciduous trees, birch and spruce. Another feature of the flora is meadows. They bloom in late spring medicinal herbs. The marshy area is rich in peat and mosses. In this natural area moss grows, which is a source of food for deer. The world of mammals is more diverse than in the tundra. You can observe wolverines, bears, wolves and arctic foxes. Swamps, lakes and rivers are inhabited by waterfowl: ducks, swans and loons. The forest-tundra is home to unique birds: peregrine falcons, Siberian Cranes and geese. Some birds, for example, white owl and partridge live in this natural area all year round, without flying anywhere.


Stretches from the western borders to the coast Pacific Ocean. The area of ​​the biome is about 15 million km². Most of the territory is occupied by forests. For the most part, the area is virtually untouched by humans. The taiga winter is cold, the average temperature is -29° C. The snow cover does not melt for more than three months. Summer temperatures average +18º C. Precipitation comes in the form of heavy rain, which increases the humidity level.

The natural zone is represented by numerous rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. The soil layer consists of humus and a large amount of minerals. and unique. In the taiga zone, conifers and deciduous forests. In addition to them there are wetlands and meadows. Thanks to the stable climate and the absence of extreme temperatures, most animals do not change their habitat all year round. The hazel grouse, nutcracker, and capercaillie do not fly away, but constantly nest in the taiga.

The climate turned out to be harsh. A few frogs and lizards go into suspended animation with the onset of persistent frosts. The world is represented by wolverine, lynx, elk, brown bear, and sable. The taiga is full of blood-sucking insects that swarm in huge numbers. Frequently, midges are carriers of infectious diseases.

The territory extends from the East European Plain to the Far East. The biome is characterized by a mild climate. Winter temperature does not exceed -25° C. Above Far East During this period, numerous anticyclones form. Snow evenly covers the entire territory of the natural complex. Summers are mostly mild and humid. The July air warms up to +20º C. The warm period lasts 4 months. At this time the maximum amount of rain falls.

Territory of mixed and deciduous forests known for her water potential. There are long flood rivers and lakes here. There are practically no swamps. The earth is saturated with nitrogen, magnesium, calcium and aluminum. Korean cedar, Manchurian walnut, Amur linden, and larch grow in the forests. A lot of bushes. Mosses and lichens cover the soil only in dark and damp places. The forests are rich in fruit and berry plants and mushrooms. This creates conditions for comfortable living for many species of animals. These forests are most used by humans in their activities. The greatest species diversity is found in lands untouched by humans.

Among the inhabitants, one can distinguish the viper, viviparous lizard, and snake. The forests are home to various birds: hazel grouse, black grouse, crossbill, eagle owl, and owl. The natural area is rich in predators - wolves, stoats, foxes, martens are its permanent inhabitants. IN lately The number of deer has decreased significantly. The forests remain home to hedgehogs, badgers, nutria, moles, hares and marsh turtles.

Forest-steppe zone

The territory that united the East European Plain, West Siberian Plain And Southern Urals, and is transitional between forests and steppes. Winter in the western part of the natural area is very mild and snowy. Temperatures in the east drop to -20° C and little snow falls. Summer temperatures average +18º C, and there is little rainfall.

It is characterized by a combination of forests and grass cover. In the European part, maple, oak, and linden grow. In the Asian zone, aspen and birch trees predominate. The steppe regions are rich in bluegrass and clover. Almost the entire steppe is used for agriculture. People cultivate corn, rye, and wheat. Animals such as squirrel, marten, gopher, bustard, and elk live here.

The anthropogenic factor led forest-steppe zone to desertification, land and water bodies are polluted with toxic substances and nitrates. Unsustainable flora cannot recover from human activity. The natural forest-steppe complex is gradually disappearing in Russia.

Steppe zone

The natural area is located on the East European Plain and in Western Siberia. In winter, the eastern part of the zone is colder than the west. In summer, the average temperature is +20° C. Maximum quantity precipitation occurs in June. There is an alternation wet seasons with arid ones. The soil is chernozem, well suited for growing cereals. Some areas are undergoing erosion.

The steppe is dominated by herbaceous vegetation: clover, bluegrass, and wild oats. Sometimes there are shrubs in the area: broom, spirea, wolfberry and blackthorn. All plants are excellent food sources for animals. In the steppes there are a large number of voles, marmots and pikas. The world is represented by ferrets, foxes and wolves. This natural complex is home to birds of prey: owls, hawks, harriers and buzzards.

Semi-deserts and deserts

The territory stretches from Caspian lowland to the borders with Kazakhstan. Thermometer column in winter time drops to -16º C, gusty winds blow. There is practically no snow, so the soil freezes deeply. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs during the short spring period. The average temperature in summer is +25° C. The lands are saline, there is a lot of sand and salt marshes.

The flora is not diverse. Only here you can see remaria, malcomia, acacia, camel thorn, cacti and some cereals. During drought, some plants wither, preserving underground organs. The most recognizable desert tree is saxaul. There are practically no leaves on it, which significantly reduces moisture evaporation. Of the herbaceous plants, black wormwood is famous, which covers the ground, protecting it from drought.

Desert Dwellers Lead. Ground squirrels, jerboas and gerbils may hibernate when the weather gets hot. The amphibian world is represented by geckos, boas and monitor lizards. Predators include corsac, wolves and foxes. Saiga antelope and camel are considered large. Birds include lark, sajja and lapwing.

Table of natural zones of Russia

Name of the natural area
Geographical location Climate Soils Animals and plants
Arctic desert The upper boundary of the zone runs along the Franz Josef Land archipelago, the lower boundary - on Wrangel Island.The average temperature in winter drops to -50ºС. Summer temperatures average +4ºC. August is considered the warmest month.PermafrostAnimals: polar bears, arctic foxes, reindeer, lemmings, eiders and guillemots;

Plants: lichens, arctic willow, cotton grass, forget-me-not and chickweed.

Tundra The tundra stretches from the Kola Peninsula to Chukotka, and occupies an eighth of the entire area of ​​Russia.The region is characterized by harsh winters with average temperatures of around -32º C and a duration of more than six months. Summer average temperatures in the tundra do not exceed +5º C.Tundra-gley and peatyAnimals: wolves, arctic foxes, hares, reindeer and partridges. During the short summer you can observe loons, waders and geese.

Plants: lichens and mosses. Perennial plants are represented by saxifrage, lingonberry, wild rosemary, cassandra and cloudberry.

Forest-tundra The region extends from the tundra to the taiga.The climate is much milder than in the tundra. In January, the thermometer does not rise above -40º C, and cold winds constantly blow. The average summer temperature is 15º C.Peat-gley, peat-swamp and gley-podzolicAnimals: lemmings, shrews, reindeer, brown bears, arctic foxes, partridges, polar owls, a variety of species of migratory and waterfowl.

Plants: forests consisting of deciduous trees, birch and spruce. Grasses grow in the meadows, and the marshy areas are rich in mosses and lichens.

Taiga The taiga zone stretches from the western borders of the country to the Pacific coast. The area of ​​the taiga is about 15 million km²Winter is cold, the average temperature is -29° C. The snow cover does not melt for more than three months. Summer temperatures average +18º C. Precipitation comes in the form of heavy rain and snow.Sod-podzolicAnimals: lynxes, wolverines, wolves, foxes, brown bears, otters, sables, weasels, stoats, hares, shrews, beavers, chipmunks, mice, voles, squirrels, flying squirrels, reindeer and red deer, moose, roe deer.

Plants: coniferous and deciduous trees, juniper, honeysuckle, currants, blueberries, lingonberries and various types herbs

Broad-leaved and mixed forests The territory extends from the East European Plain to the Far East.The climate of the zone is mild. Winter temperatures do not exceed -25° C. Snow evenly covers the entire territory of the natural complex. Summers are mostly mild and humid. The July air warms up to +20º C. The warm season lasts 4 months. At this time the maximum amount of precipitation falls.Sod-podzolicAnimals: wolves, stoats, foxes, martens, hedgehogs, badgers, nutria, moles, hares, marsh turtles, vipers, viviparous lizards, grass snakes, hazel grouse, black grouse, crossbills, eagle owls, owls.

Plants: Korean cedar, Manchurian walnut, Amur linden, larch. There are a lot of shrubs and herbs. Mosses and lichens cover the soil only in dark and damp areas. The forests are rich in fruit and berry plants and mushrooms.

Forest-steppe Transitional zone between forests and steppes.Winter in the western part of the natural area is very mild and snowy. Temperatures in the east drop to -20° C and little snow falls. Summer temperatures average +18º C.ChernozemAnimals: squirrels, martens, gophers, bustards, moose.

Plants: In the European part, maple, oak, and linden grow. In the Asian region, aspen and birch trees predominate. The steppe regions are rich in bluegrass and clover. People cultivate corn, rye, wheat, etc.

Steppe The natural zone is located on the East European Plain and Western Siberia.In winter, it is colder in the eastern part of the steppe than in the west. In summer, the average temperature is +20° C. Maximum precipitation occurs in June. There is an alternation of wet and dry seasons.ChernozemAnimals: voles, marmots, pikas, ferrets, foxes, wolves, owls, hawks, harriers and buzzards.

Plants: clover, bluegrass, wild oats, broom, spirea, wolfberry and sloe.

Semi-deserts and deserts The territory stretches from the Caspian lowland to the borders with Kazakhstan.In winter, the thermometer drops to -16º C, and gusty winds blow. There is practically no snow, so the soil freezes deeply. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs during the short spring period. The average temperature in summer is +25° C.The soils are saline, there is a lot of sand, solonetzes and salt marshes.Animals: ground squirrels, jerboas, gerbils, geckos, boa constrictors, monitor lizards, corsacs, wolves, foxes, saigas, larks, sajs and lapwings.

Plants: remaria, malcomia, acacia, camel thorn, cacti, cereals, saxaul and black wormwood .

This is the largest natural complex, surface globe, with the nature characteristic of the planet.
It is possible to identify a huge number of smaller natural complexes - territories that have a similar nature, different from other complexes. Oceans, seas, continents, rivers, lakes, swamps and much more are all separate.

Natural areas- very large natural complexes with similar landscapes, flora and fauna. Natural zones are formed due to the distribution of heat and moisture on the planet: high temperature and low humidity are characteristic of equatorial deserts, high temperature and high humidity are characteristic of equatorial and tropical forests, etc.
Natural zones are located predominantly sublatitudinal, but the relief and distance from the ocean affect the location of the zones and their width. In the mountains there is also a change of natural zones, depending on the height; the change of zones occurs in the same order as the change of land zones from the equator to the poles. The lower natural zone corresponds to the natural zone of the territory, the upper depends on the height of the mountain range.

Natural land areas

Equatorial and tropical forests

Deserts and semi-deserts

This zone is formed in temperate zone with average rainfall, it is characterized by cold winter and moderately warm summers. Forests usually have two or three tiers, the lower ones being formed by shrubs and herbaceous vegetation. Forest ungulates, predators, rodents, insectivorous birds. The soils in this zone are brown and gray forest.

This zone is formed in the northern hemisphere in temperate zone With cold winter, short warm summer and enough a large number precipitation. Multi-tiered forests, many coniferous trees. The fauna is represented by many predators, including some that fall into hibernation. Soils are poor nutrients, podzolic.

This natural area is located in the subpolar and polar zones, where it is quite low. The flora is represented mainly low growing plants with a poorly developed root system - mosses, lichens, shrubs, dwarf trees. Ungulates live in small predators, many migratory birds The soils in the tundra are peat-gley, large area is in the zone.

Arctic deserts

Arctic deserts are found on islands close to the poles. Vegetation includes mosses, lichens, or no vegetation at all. Animals found in this area live most of the time in the water, with birds visiting for several months.

The spherical shape of our planet is the reason for the uneven distribution sunlight. As a result, in some areas the earth's surface warms up more, in others - much less. As a result, natural zones were formed, each of which has unique properties and climatic conditions.

What are natural areas?

Natural complexes are impressive land areas characterized by the same climate, soil composition, flora and fauna. The main reason for the appearance of natural zones is the uneven division of heat and moisture on Earth.

Table “Characteristics of natural areas”

Natural area

Climate zone

Average temperature in Celsius (winter/summer)

Antarctic and Arctic deserts

Antarctic, Arctic

Tundra and forest-tundra

Subarctic and subantarctic


Mixed forests


Broadleaf forests


Steppes and forest-steppes

Subtropical and temperate

Temperate deserts and semi-deserts


Hardleaf forests


Tropical deserts and semi-deserts


Savannas and woodlands

20+24 and above

Variably humid forests

Subequatorial, tropical

20+24 and above

Permanently wet forests


This description is concise, since a lot can be said about the characteristics of the natural areas of the world.

Temperate climate zone

  • Taiga . Occupies the most large area- almost 30% of all forests on the planet. Taiga is the kingdom of coniferous forests that can withstand low temperatures. Vast areas of this zone are covered with permafrost.

Rice. 1. Taiga forests occupy vast territories.

  • Mixed forests . They have good resistance to long frosty winters. Although the soil is not very fertile, unlike the taiga, it is already suitable for farming.
  • Broadleaf forests . This area is characterized by mild winters. The soil is fertile, with a high humus content. A significant part of broad-leaved forests is represented by deciduous trees. The fauna is very diverse.
  • Temperate deserts and semi-deserts . Their distinctive feature is scarce vegetable and fauna, aridity and sharp temperature changes between seasons.

Arctic deserts and semi-deserts

These are huge areas covered with a thick layer of ice and snow. By by and large Arctic deserts are a lifeless place. Only on the coast can you find a few representatives of the local fauna: seals, walruses, polar bears, arctic foxes and penguins. Mosses and lichens grow in small areas of the ground that are not covered with thick ice.

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Rice. 2. Arctic desert.

Equatorial rainforests

Very hot climate and consistently high humidity created ideal conditions For equatorial forests. Impenetrable jungle are home to 70% of all living creatures inhabiting our planet. The trees remain evergreen throughout the year because they shed their leaves gradually.

The flora of this natural zone is incredibly diverse. But what is most striking is the fact that such an abundance of plants became possible on soils in which the humus content is very small.

Fig.3. The nature of equatorial forests is rich.

Equatorial and subtropical climate zone

  • Variably humid forests . Heavy rainfall occurs only during the rainy season, followed by a long dry period. The fauna and flora are also very diverse.
  • Open woodlands and savannas . Appear on those areas of land where variable-humid forests There is no longer enough moisture. The rainy season is very long and lasts at least six months.

Hardleaf forests

They got their name due to the dense shell of the leaves, which helps retain moisture. This zone is characterized by not very heavy rainfall. Such forests grow along the coasts of seas and oceans.

Steppes and forest-steppes

They are vast areas covered with grass. Steppe soils are the most fertile due to their high humus content, and are often used for farming.

Tundra and forest-tundra

It is characterized by a harsh climate that even the most resistant coniferous trees. This zone is characterized by a lack of heat and high humidity, which leads to swamping of the area. The flora of the tundra is represented only by lichens and mosses; there are no trees at all.

Today, the tundra is the most fragile and unstable ecosystem. Active mining has led to the fact that this zone is on the verge of complete extinction.

What have we learned?

The wide variety of natural zones is due to the uneven distribution of humidity and heat on the planet. Each natural complex has its own unique flora and fauna, soil composition, and climate.

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Natural zones are certain areas of the Earth's surface that differ significantly from others in the uniqueness of their natural resources and especially in their appearance. This division has been practiced for a long time and represents an opportunity to carry out natural geographical zoning.

To put it simply, natural areas are territories appearance, the flora and fauna of which are strictly defined and are not similar to any others. The uniqueness characteristic of each of them can be clearly seen and allows certain types of plants or animals to be found in accordance with the zones in which they can grow or live.

Natural areas are easily recognized by the variation and nature of the dominant vegetation type. It is from them that you can clearly trace where one ends and the next begins.

The survival conditions of individual tree species are determined by the special climatic characteristics that provide for various natural zones. Each of them is characterized by individual characteristics, thanks to different quantities precipitation, humidity and air temperature.

Natural zones are so diverse that in one part of the planet the sun can mercilessly scorch and vegetation can be as scarce as the animal world, while in another there is permafrost and never-melting snow. The contrast is more than obvious. Nevertheless, in nature everything is reasonable and harmonious, these transitions are not abrupt.

In the Arctic, the air temperature is low, there is very little precipitation, the entire territory is covered with ice, and the vegetation is only lichens and moss.

The Tundra has high humidity, strong winds, numerous lakes and swamps, and the soil is true permafrost. The peculiarity of the territory is treelessness, as well as a moss-lichen covering. The nature in these parts is very scarce and monotonous.

The characteristics of natural zones involve not only their description, but also take into account smooth transitions, an example of which is forest-tundra and open forest. In such areas there may exist representatives of flora and fauna characteristic of both adjacent areas.

The natural areas of the world are revealed in their full glory in the forest zone in the area where the real kingdom of broad-leaved and mixed forests is located. Trees such as linden oak, ash, beech, and maple are often found here. Summers in these places are quite warm, up to 20 ° C, and winters are harsh, up to -50 ° C, with high humidity.

The forest-steppe can also be called a transitional natural zone, which is located in the Northern Hemisphere. In this area you can observe alternation of steppes and an abundance of tall grass, which is clearly visible in the United States and Canada.

Steppe zone is located in the northern temperate region; there are no forests, and the territory is covered with grasses, but there is not enough moisture. Conditions for tree growth exist only in river valleys. The soil is black soil, which is intensively used by humans.

They are found in the following zones: temperate, tropical and subtropical. There is very little precipitation here. These areas are characterized by flat surfaces, scarcity of flora and specific fauna. There are very different deserts: sandy, saline, rocky, clayey.

Currently, scientists estimate that the desert occupies more than 16.5 million km² (without Antarctica), which is 11% of the land surface. With Antarctica this area is more than 20%. The grass in the desert is sparse, the soils are poorly developed, and sometimes there are oases.

Perhaps the most exotic are tropical forests. There are no seasonal differences in weather, and the trees do not show growth rings. This is a true paradise for plants and an attractive place for wildlife researchers.