Analysis of the armor of the M1A2 SEP Abrams tank. M1 Abrams main battle tank (M1A2)

The M1A2 Abrams tank's mission is to engage and destroy enemy forces using maneuver, firepower, and surprise. It is in service with tank and reconnaissance battalions. Instead of new production, the Army upgraded 1,000 legacy M1 Abrams to M1A2 levels. This significantly reduced vulnerabilities by adding redundant components and dispersing data and power supplies.

Course towards modernization

The Abrams M1A2 tank is the second major improvement of the M1 line. Its main distinguishing elements are:

  • IVIS information system;
  • CITV commander's independent thermal imager;
  • POS/NAV positioning and navigation system;
  • improved ICWS fire control panel;
  • double redundancy of MILSTD 1553D data transmission devices and common bus.

In 1999, a package of SEP improvements was launched into mass production, which included:

  • second generation FLIR;
  • EBC software command and control system;
  • armored auxiliary power unit UAAPU
  • TMS management system.

In addition to upgrading previously produced tanks, the US Army is supplying equipment sold to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

The program purchased 62 M1A2s and, as of early 1997, had completed upgrading 368 older M1 tanks to M1A2 levels. In 1991-1993, 267 units were delivered. From 1996 to 2001, another 600 improved machines were purchased from the Lima plant.

SEP Program

The further modernization program for the Abrams M1A2 tank, called the System Enhancement Program (SEP), was aimed at increasing digital command and control capabilities, its combat effectiveness and lethality.

In 1994, the US Army awarded a contract to General Dynamics Land Systems to develop improvements to the M1A2 and awarded GDLS another contract in 1995 for 240 improved M1A2 SEPs for delivery in 1999. A second generation of airborne infrared was added to the gunner's and commander's thermal sights. FLIR forward vision systems. This sensor also began being installed on legacy M1A2s in 2001.

In March 2001, a multi-year contract was signed for the production of 307 M1A2 Abrams SEP tanks until 2004. At that time, the current plan consisted of 588 M1A2 SEP, 586 M1A2 and 4393 M1A1.

The first M1A2 military tanks entered service with the 1st Armored Cavalry Division, Fort Hood, Texas, in August 1998. Deliveries to the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment at Fort Carson, Colorado, were completed in 2000. M1A2s arrived. SEP began in the spring of 2000 with the 4th infantry division, Fort Hood, Texas. Upgrading the M1A2 to SEP began in 2001.

Weapons of the 21st century

The Abrams M1A2 SEP tank has become the digital center of the battlefields of the 21st century army. It implements numerous improvements to command and control systems, increasing lethality and reliability.

The SEP program includes upgrading the computer core, including replacing processors, increasing display resolution, memory capacity, installing a friendly SMI operator interface and an open OS that allows for further upgrades.

But highest value has the integration of the 2nd generation FLIR, the installation of an armored auxiliary power unit UAAPU and a TMS thermal control system.

Sources of funding

Increased funding for Stryker and FCS future combat systems resulted from the US Army's decision in 2002 to cease or restructure spending long term plan Program Objective Memorandum (POM) for 48 systems in fiscal years 2004-09. Among them were self-propelled howitzer XM2001 Crusader and A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle upgrade, M1A2 SEP program, Army Tactical Unit 2 missile complex Lockheed Martin and associated planned upgrades to Northrop Grumman's BAT munition, the Stinger missile, Raytheon's target acquisition system, and Textron's wide-range mine.

Night vision device

The second generation FLIR replaced the existing TIS thermal imaging system and independent commander's thermal imager, as well as all components of the first generation FLIR. From the U.S. military's perspective, this is one of the key improvements that provides a fully integrated targeting system designed to provide the gunner and tank commander with enhanced day and night targeting and combat capability. Allows for 70% better target acquisition, 45% faster and more accurate shooting. In addition, the detection and identification radius of targets increased by 30%, which led to an increase in lethality and reduced the likelihood of defeating friendly troops. The CITV commander's independent thermal imager ensures the search and destruction of the enemy. The new FLIR is a targeting system with variable magnification ranging from 3x or 6x wide field of view for target acquisition and 13x, 25x or 50x narrow field of view for long range target tracking.

Efficient power unit

The UAAPU power plant consists of a gas turbine engine, a generator and a hydraulic pump. The generator is capable of producing 6 kilowatts of electricity with a current of 214 A and constant voltage 28 V. The hydraulic pump is capable of delivering 10 kW of power. The UAAPU can provide the electrical and hydraulic power needed to operate all electronic and hydraulic components used during combat, as well as charge the tank's main batteries. The power unit reduces operating and service costs by using fuel in an economical mode in a volume of 3-5 liters per hour of operation. Mounted on the left rear sponson in the fuel cell area and weighs 230 kg.

On-board air conditioning

Another improvement to the M1A2 SEP is the TMS thermal management system, which maintains the temperature in the crew compartment below 35 °C and the temperature of electronic components below 52 °C in extreme conditions. This increases the combat effectiveness of the team and the vehicle. The TMS consists of an AHU air handling unit and a VCSU vapor compression unit, which provide 7.5 kW of cooling capacity for the crew and quick-change LRUs. The AHU is installed in the rear of the turret and the VCSU in front of the gunner's main sight. TMS uses environmentally friendly refrigerant R134a and a mixture of propylene glycol and water. The TMS is installed on the left side of the turret compartment and weighs 174 kg.

Battle management system

The military requires all systems to operate within a common ACOE military operating environment to improve interoperability in combined arms operations. The use of digital technologies and information support of offensive formations is carried out using the 21st century battle management system at the brigade level and below FBCB2. In the Abrams tank, FBCB2 software is located on separate card, which provides situational awareness across the entire spectrum of tactical operations. Supports 34 report formats, ranging from reports on contact with the enemy to transport and supply reports, as well as automatically informing its systems about the location of the vehicle. SEP provides digital data distribution to optimize combat operations and provide real-time visibility during full-scale operations. This enhancement increases the controllability of the tempo of combat, improving stability and lethality. In addition, to support crew efficiency, each armored battalion is equipped with an enhanced AGTS artillery training system with state-of-the-art graphics.

Objectives of the modernization program

Changes under the SEP and M1A2 Tank in Fiscal Year 2000 programs are aimed at increasing firepower, combat effectiveness, mobility, stability and situational awareness, improving command and control necessary to ensure information superiority of leading maneuver strike forces. The Abrams and Bradley Fighting Vehicle are central components of a digitally controlled offensive strike force.

The main objectives of the SEP program:

  • improvement of target detection, recognition and identification systems with the addition of two second-generation FLIRs;
  • installation of an armored auxiliary power unit to power the tank and its electronics;
  • installation of control system temperature conditions for cooling the crew and electronics;
  • increasing memory and processor speeds and enabling displays to display full-color maps;
  • Ensuring compatibility with the combined arms command and control architecture for joint use and situational awareness across the entire formation.

Additional weight reduction, the introduction of battle management systems, and increased safety and survivability of the M1A2 according to the plan “M1A2 Abrams Tank in Fiscal Year 2000” began in 2000.

First failures

Initial operational testing and condition evaluation of the M1A2 took place from September to December 1993 at Fort Hood, Texas. They consisted of an artillery phase and maneuvers. The results were considered satisfactory, new tank The USA proved to be effective, but functionally unsuitable and unsafe. This assessment was based on the vehicle's poor accessibility and reliability, cases of spontaneous movement of the muzzle and turret, spontaneous firing of the .50-caliber machine gun, and hot surfaces causing burns to the crew.

Subsequent tests of two battalions of M1A2 tanks were carried out in September-October 1995 with the aim of training in the use of new weapons. Despite assurances of fixes, there were numerous cases of spontaneous movement of the barrel and turret, display freezes and contact burns. Further testing was suspended for safety reasons. The manufacturer identified 30 causes of the problems, and after updating the equipment and software in June 1996, testing continued.

The Abrams M1A2 Tank Evaluation Test Master Plan was adopted in the second quarter of 1998. It included a coordinated plan for the third operational test in conjunction with the initial testing of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle in 1999 at Fort Hood, Texas. This combined operational test consisted of 16 battles. Bradley Fighting Vehicle A3 and M1A2 SEP on one side versus M1A1 and Bradley-ODS on the other. In addition, testing of the second generation FLIR was carried out simultaneously. This approach was implemented by the Minister of Defense's policy of combining tests in order to save resources and provide a more realistic combat situation.

Work on mistakes

The command came to the conclusion that the plan “M1A2 Tank in 2000” made significant changes to the original M1A2 design, and a system-level assessment of its survivability is required based on a complete test plan for the two vehicles and their components, modeling and simulation, existing data, and previous test data to assess the sensitivity and resilience of the M1A2 and its crew to probable threats and the possibility of repairing damage.

The new US attack tank, with revisions made by the program manager in 1996, was found to be functionally effective and satisfactory. Combat readiness, reliability, fuel consumption, and safety issues previously identified have been corrected. Subsequent tests were carried out in accordance with the approved plans. There were no cases of spontaneous movement of the barrel and turret, machine gun firing, or hot surfaces.

The greatest risk for the program was the development of built-in battle management software, which provided recognition of "friend or foe" and provided general command and control information about the force. This software is a horizontal implementation of technology included in weapons systems and operational control in 2000

WMD protection system

In late 2002, there was a tragic accident involving an M1A2 Abrams. While the tank crew was busy driving vehicle, there was a failure in the defense system against weapons of mass destruction, as a result of which the NBC filter caught fire. One soldier was killed and 9 people were injured. Among the many factors that contributed to this incident, the main cause of the NBC filter fire was a jammed air cycle unit caused by dirt.

The tank's electronics alert and warn crew members in case of problems with the NBC. Messages are displayed visually on the commander and driver displays. In addition, VIS is transmitted to each crew member via the intercom system. beep, generated by the analog input module AIM and supplied via the Y-cable to the permanent full-function driver control unit AN/VIC 3 via connector J3. Incorrect connection of the latter does not interfere with communications, but because of this the warning signal could not be heard. Command must ensure that every M1A2 in their possession is verified and that the NBC system is properly connected. It should not be used until the verification is completed. This is a critical component of the M1A2 that provides crews with protection in a combat environment and requires proper maintenance and inspection.

Further modernization

The M1A2 Abrams is one of the leading main battle tanks in terms of armor-piercing firepower and protection, but this variant was inferior in some capabilities to battle tanks made in Russia, Germany or Israel. There was a lack of high-explosive fragmentation shot, system active protection and additional overhead armor screens.

The M1A2 SEPv2 modernization program, in addition to increasing the reliability and service life of the tank, placed an emphasis on ensuring compatibility with the “future combat systems” FCS.

This update included two contracts with GDLS. The first, designed for 2007-2009, provided for the reconstruction of 240 M1A2 SEP to the second level with improved sights, displays and communications with the infantry. The second contract, which began in February 2008, provided for the upgrade of 435 remaining M1A1 tanks to SEPv2.

SEPv2 added a weapon system with remote control CROWS II, equipped with a 12.7 mm machine gun.

The SEPv3 modernization program was publicly announced in 2015. Today it is the most advanced version of the Abrams with a number of further improvements in combat capability, fuel efficiency and networking capabilities. These include a new armor design and increased resistance against improvised explosive devices. SEPv3 testing will be completed in 2016 and shipping will begin in 2017.


The American Abrams tank accommodates a crew of four: commander, gunner, driver and loader. The first two are on the right, the loader on the left and the driver in the front in the center.

The commander is responsible for equipment, reporting material requirements, and tank operation. He instructs the crew, directs the movement of the vehicle, submits reports, controls the evacuation of the wounded and the provision of assistance. He is a specialist in the use of weapons, requests fire from a closed position and performs terrain orientation. The commander must know and understand combat mission, control the situation, using all available optics, listening to the radio, monitoring the on-board information system and the overview display. Located on the right and has access to 6 periscopes, providing all-round visibility.

TI's thermal imager allows for all-round visibility regardless of time of day, automatically scans and targets the gunner's sight without verbal communication, and also serves as a backup fire control system. The latter consists of a gyro-stabilized head with sensors, a handle, a settings selection panel, an electronics unit and a screen. The viewing angle is -12°+20° in elevation and 360° in azimuth with a magnification of x2.6 at a field of view of 3.4° and x7.7 at 10.4°.


Searches for a target and controls the firing of the main cannon and coaxial machine gun. Responsible for weapons and fire-fighting equipment. He is the deputy commander and assists other crew members when necessary. Responsible for communication and control system, tracking network connections, support for digital channels, etc.

Sits on the right. The sight and GPS-LOS are developed by Hughes Aircraft Company. Dual-axis GPS-LOS increases first-shot hit probability through faster target acquisition and improved targeting. Azimuthal inertial stabilization allows detection, identification and engagement of a target at greater distances than the previous single-axis system. Excursion -16°+22° in altitude and ±5° in azimuth. The accuracy of stabilization and sight holding is less than 100 microrads.

The Eyesafe rangefinder, developed by Hughes, consists of a Raman resonator that increases the laser wavelength from 1.06 to an eye-safe 1.54 microns. Takes 1 measurement per second with an accuracy of 10 m.

There is an additional Kollmorgen 939 sight. Computer fire control is manufactured by Computing Devices from Canada. It consists of an electronics unit and a data input and testing panel. Automatically calculates data for firing, taking into account:

  • barrel elevation angle;
  • tool deflection measured by a thermal deflection system;
  • wind speed according to the sensor on the roof of the tower;
  • roll from the pendulum sensor in the center of the tower ceiling.

The operator enters ammunition type, temperature and pressure.

To destroy a target, the gunner aligns the sight's crosshair with the target. The distance is determined and the data is transmitted to the fire control computer. The sight, together with computer data and the system state, informs about readiness, after which the gunner fires a shot.


Drives, positions and stops the tank. When moving, looks for positions and routes sheltered from fire, maintains a formation position and monitors signals. In combat, assists the gunner and commander in searching for targets. Responsible for maintenance and refueling.

Located in the central part of the tank. The instrument panel monitors fluid levels, the condition of electrical equipment and batteries. Has 3 periscopes with a 120° field of view.

The AN/VSS-5, developed by Texas Instruments, is based on an uncooled 328 x 245 detector array operating in the 7.5-13 micron range and provides a 30° elevation and 40° azimuth field of view.

The AN/VAS-3 thermal imager, developed by Hughes Aircraft, is being supplied to military tanks for Kuwait. Created on the basis of 60 CdHgTe semiconductor elements, recording a wave range of 7.5-12 microns. The device is cooled by a 0.25 W motor. View - 20° in height and 40° in azimuth.


Serves the main cannon and coaxial machine gun. Armed with a machine gun. Stows and is responsible for ammunition and communications equipment maintenance. Before the start of hostilities, he searches for a target.


Basics tank weapons- 120-mm smoothbore gun M256 - is produced by the German company Rheinmetall, and its ammunition is supplied by Alliant Techsystems and Olin Ordnance, USA. Uses M865 TPCSDS-T and M831 TP-T training rounds and M8300 HEAT-MP-T and M829 APFSDS-T combat rounds with depleted uranium cores. The density of this metal is 2.5 times greater than that of steel, which ensures high armor penetration of the projectile. The length of the gun barrel is 44 calibers.

In the M1A1 tank, the commander has a 12.7 mm machine gun on the platform and with x3 optical sight. Starting with the M1A2 modification, the rotating platform and sight gave way to a larger armored dome and a machine gun. This was done because the space previously occupied by the sight, platform motor and controls is now occupied by the CID and thermal imager.

The loader has a 7.62 mm tank on a Skate machine. Its rise is -30°+65°, rotation - 265°. The same machine guns are mounted coaxially to the right of the main gun.

Safety and preservation of combat readiness

Six-barrel M250 smoke grenade launchers are located on both sides of the turret. A smoke screen can also be installed by the engine management system.

The turret and hull of the M1 Abrams are protected by armor similar to the British Chobham. The vehicle's combat effectiveness has been proven in combat conditions - it survived direct hits from T-72 shells. Of the 1,955 crew, not a single soldier was killed, 4 tanks were disabled, and 4 were damaged but could be repaired. To withstand modern anti-tank weapon, the armor is made in the form of a composite material of steel and depleted uranium.

Ammunition is stored in reinforced boxes behind sliding reinforced doors. Armored partitions protect the crew from fuel tanks.

The tank is equipped with a Halon fire extinguishing system, which is activated 2 ms after fire and extinguishes the fire in 250 ms. The machine is protected from biological, nuclear and chemical weapons NBC system, which includes air conditioning, radiological warnings and a detector chemicals. Protective suits and masks are available.

Powerplant and fuel consumption

The tank is equipped with a Honeywell AGT 1500 multi-fuel gas turbine tank engine with a power of 1,500 hp. With. Lycoming Textron company. And Allison Transmission supplies 4 forward and 2 reverse gears on the X-1100-3B.

A tank engine consumes about 1135 liters in 8 hours, but this figure depends on the combat mission, terrain and weather. Refueling time for one tank does not exceed 10 minutes, and for a platoon of four tanks - 30 minutes. Fuel consumption is:

  • 3.92 l per kilometer;
  • 227 l/h when driving over rough terrain;
  • 114 l/h in operational-tactical conditions;
  • 38 l/h at idle.

Performance characteristics of M1A2 tanks

Below is a table with the main tactical and technical characteristics of the tank.


Length (with barrel), m

Hull length, m

Width, m

Height, m

Maximum speed, km/h

Cruising range, km

Climbing, hail

Overcoming the ditch, m

Overcoming the wall, m

Gun shots, pcs.

Cartridges, pcs.

12 400x7.62, 1000x12.7

Currently, the United States is carefully studying the experience of using tanks of this series in combat in order to eliminate all identified shortcomings and develop a new, even more effective version of this combat vehicle.

The M1 Abrams tank is equipped with a system of protection against weapons of mass destruction, which, if necessary, ensures the supply of purified air from the filter ventilation unit to the masks of crew members, and also creates overpressure in the fighting compartment to prevent radioactive dust or toxic substances from entering it. There are radiation and chemical reconnaissance instruments. The air temperature inside the tank can be increased using a heater. For external communication, the AM/URS-12 radio is used, and for internal communication, a tank intercom is used. For all-round visibility, six viewing periscopes are installed around the perimeter of the commander’s cupola. An electronic (digital) ballistic computer, made on solid-state elements, calculates angular corrections for shooting with fairly high accuracy. From the laser rangefinder, the range to the target, crosswind speed, ambient temperature and the angle of inclination of the gun trunnion axis are automatically entered into it.

In addition, data on the type of projectile, barometric pressure, charge temperature, wear of the barrel bore, as well as corrections for the mismatch between the direction of the axis of the bore bore and the line of sight are manually entered. After detecting and identifying the target, the gunner, holding the crosshair of the sight on it, presses the laser rangefinder button. The range value is displayed in the gunner's and commander's sights. The gunner then selects the type of ammunition by moving the four-position switch to the appropriate position. Meanwhile, the loader loads the gun. A light signal in the gunner's sight notifies that the gun is ready to open fire. Angular corrections from the ballistic computer are entered automatically. Disadvantages include the presence of only one eyepiece in the gunner's sight, which tires the eyes, especially while the tank is moving, as well as the lack of a tank commander's sight, independent of the gunner's sight.

M1 "Abrams" battle tank on the march.

The engine and transmission compartment is located at the rear of the vehicle. The AOT-1500 gas turbine engine is made in one unit with an automatic hydromechanical transmission X-1100-ZV. If necessary, the entire unit can be replaced in less than 1 hour. The choice of a gas turbine engine is explained by a number of its advantages compared to a diesel engine of the same power. First of all, this is the possibility of obtaining more power with a smaller volume of gas turbine engine. In addition, the latter has approximately half the mass, a relatively simple design and 2-3 times greater resource work. In addition, it better meets multi-fuel requirements.

At the same time, there are such disadvantages as increased fuel consumption and difficulty in air purification. AOT-1500 is a three-shaft engine with a two-flow axial-centrifugal compressor, an individual tangential combustion chamber, a two-stage power turbine with an adjustable first-stage nozzle apparatus and a stationary ring plate heat exchanger. Maximum temperature gas in the turbine is 1193°C. Output shaft rotation speed - 3000 rpm. The engine has good throttle response, which allows the M1 Abrams tank to accelerate to a speed of 30 km/h in 6 seconds. The X-1100-ZV automatic hydromechanical transmission provides four forward gears and two reverse gears.

It consists of an automatic locking torque converter, a planetary gearbox and a continuously variable hydrostatic steering mechanism. The chassis of the tank includes seven road wheels per side and two pairs of support rollers, a torsion bar suspension, and tracks with rubber-metal linings. Vehicles based on the M1 Abrams tank were created special purpose: heavy tank bridge-laying vehicle, roller mine trawl and armored repair and recovery vehicle NAV bridge-laying vehicle.

Turret of the M1 Abrams main tank.

The promising American main battle tank "Block III" is being developed on the basis of the Abrams tank. It has a small turret, an automatic loader and a crew of three, located shoulder to shoulder in the tank's hull.

Tactical and technical characteristics of the main combat tank М1А1/М1А2 "Abrams"

Combat weight, T 57,15/62,5
Crew, people 4

Overall dimensions, mm:

length with gun forward 9828
width 3650
height 2438
clearance 432/482
Armor, mm combined with the use of depleted uranium


M1 105 mm M68E1 rifled gun; two 7.62 mm machine guns; 12.7 mm anti-aircraft machine gun
М1А1/М1А2 120 mm Rh-120 smoothbore gun, two 7.62 mm M240 machine guns and a 12.7 mm Browning 2NV machine gun


M1 55 rounds, 1000 rounds 12.7mm, 11400 rounds 7.62mm
М1А1/М1А2 40 rounds, 1000 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber, 12400 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber
Engine "Lycoming Textron" AGT-1500, gas turbine, power 1500 hp. at 3000 rpm
Specific ground pressure, kg/cm 0,97/1,07
Highway speed km/h 67
Highway range km 465/450

Obstacles to be overcome:

wall height, m 1,0
ditch width, m 2,70
ford depth, m 1,2


  • N. Fomich. "American tank M1 "Abrams" and its modifications", "Foreign Military Review";
  • M. Baryatinsky. "Whose tanks are better: T-80 vs. Abrams";
  • G.L. Kholyavsky "Complete encyclopedia of tanks of the world 1915 - 2000";
  • M1 Abrams;
  • Spasibukhov Yu. "M1 Abrams. Main battle tank of the USA";
  • Tankograd Publishing 2008 "M1A1/M1A2 SEP Abrams Tusk";
  • Wydawnictwo Bellona "M1 Abrams Czolg Amerykanski 1982-1992";
  • Steven J. Zaloga "M1 Abrams vs T-72 Ural: Operation Desert Storm 1991";
  • Michael Green "M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank: The Combat and Development History of the General Dynamics M1 and M1A1 Tanks."

US main battle tank. Serially produced since 1980. It is in service with the army and Marine Corps USA, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq and Australia. Named after General Creighton Abrams.

History of creation and production

The M1 Abrams was the result of the third program to replace the Patton series tanks. The first two T95 and MBT-70/XM803 ended unsuccessfully. The T95 had no superiority over the Pattons, while the MBT-70 and even its simplified model, the XM803, turned out to be very expensive and complex. Also, the concept of a low-ballistic cannon-missile launcher, which they wanted to install on the MBT-70/XM803 tanks, did not justify itself.

Development of the new tank, later designated XM-1, began immediately after the termination of the XM803 program at the end of 1971. To reduce technological risk, it was decided to build a new tank according to classic scheme with a crew of 4 people and a high-ballistic cannon as the main weapon. The 105-mm M68 rifled gun, the British 110-mm rifled gun and the German 120-mm smoothbore gun were candidates for the role of the latter. The 110 mm gun was immediately dismissed as having no significant superiority over the 105 mm. The 120 mm option was considered too risky, so it was decided to keep the M68 gun with the possibility of later replacing it with a 120 mm one.

As power plant American diesel was considered air cooling AVCR-1100 (planned for MBT-70), German water-cooled diesel DB1500 (later designated MB873) and American gas turbine engine (GTE) AGT-1500. The power of all engines was 1500 hp. At first, the military preferred diesel, but in the late 1970s their preferences shifted towards gas turbine engines.

According to the original technical specifications, the armor protection of the tank was supposed to withstand a 115-mm armor-piercing finned projectile of the U-5TS cannon from a distance of 800 m, the price should be within 400 thousand dollars in 1972 prices (compared to 339 thousand for the M60A1 and 611 thousand . for XM803), and the combat weight is 45 tons. It soon became clear that with such restrictions it would not be possible to provide the required protection, so the performance limit was increased to 500 thousand dollars and 55 tons, respectively.

In the spring of 1973, Chrysler and General Motors submitted their competitive bids and on June 28 of the same year, a contract was signed with the companies to build prototypes for joint testing. In early July, representatives of General Motors and Chrysler paid a visit to England to learn about the development of Chobham composite armor. As a result of the visit, both companies made amendments to their designs in order to adapt the new armor. Another significant change in the design was the result of experience gained during the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. It was decided to abandon the 25-30 mm twin automatic cannon M242 Bushmaster in favor of a 7.62 mm machine gun, and use the freed-up capacity to increase the ammunition capacity of the main gun.

The General Motors prototype had a six-wheel chassis. Two front and one rear rollers were equipped with hydropneumatic suspension, the rest with torsion bar suspension. The diesel engine chosen was AVCR-1360 (a development of AVCR-1100). The driver's seat was located in the front left part of the hull, with the ammunition stowage located to the right of it. Additional ammunition storage was placed in the turret niche and was equipped with an armored partition and ejection panels.

The Chrysler prototype is equipped with a seven-wheel chassis with torsion bar suspension. Power plant - gas turbine engine AGT-1500. The driver was placed strictly along the longitudinal axis, with fuel tanks located on both sides of him. The main ammunition rack was in the turret niche, also behind the armored partition and with knockout panels.

Joint tests took place from January 31 to May 7, 1976. It turned out that both tanks fully met the stated requirements. From September to December 1976, the Leopard 2 AV, equipped with a 105 mm cannon, was also tested in the United States. German tank showed good driving performance, reliability and shooting accuracy. But it was more expensive and somewhat inferior American tank in armor protection and the location of the ammunition stowage. Therefore, it was decided not to adopt it.

After the tests were completed, a competition was announced for the construction of 462 tanks (an initial batch of 110 tanks in the first year and 352 production tanks in the second). General Motors offered more low price($208 million versus Chrysler's $221 million), however, this price was based on a diesel engine, while the army preferred the gas turbine engine. General Motors was ordered to design a variant with a gas turbine engine, and Chrysler - with a diesel engine, and was also ordered to prepare the tanks for easy replacement with a 120 mm gun in the future. Chrysler made additional amendments to the project, increasing the chance of success: he improved the configuration of the composite armor, and also equipped the gun mantlet with special armor. In order to reduce the price, the commander was equipped with a deflection from the gunner's sight instead of an independent sight (simplified gunner's sight).

On November 12, 1976, it was announced that Chrysler's gas turbine engine version had won. They managed to reduce the contract price to $196 million. At the same time, the price of the General Motors contract after installing the gas turbine engine increased to 232 million (diesel versions of both companies after the changes cost 174 and 186 million, respectively). Thus, the final version of the tank cost 422 thousand dollars per unit versus 432 thousand for the M60A3 (all prices in 1972 dollars).

For the second stage tests (technical DT-II and military OT-II tests), Chrysler constructed 11 prototypes of the XM1 tank with changes made. Tests of DT-II were carried out from February 1978 to September 1979, OT-II - from April 1978 to February 1979.

Even before the completion of the second stage in May 1978, the Pentagon approved the construction of an initial batch of 110 tanks intended to participate in the tests of the third stage and for training personnel of tank units. The first two of these tanks were handed over in a special ceremony on February 28, 1980. At the same time, the tank was named “Abrams” in honor of Army Chief of Staff Creighton Abrams, who made a huge contribution to the development of US armored forces and served as commander of a group of American forces in the Republic of Vietnam. The third stage of technical and military tests took place respectively from March 1980 to September 1981 (DT-III) and from September 1980 to May 1981 (OT-III). On February 17, 1981, the tank under the designation “105-mm cannon tracked tank M1” was adopted by the US Army.

The tank has not been produced since 1995. The only tank plant in the United States, the Detroit Arsenal plant in Detroit, is closed and destroyed. Currently, a deep modernization of existing Abrams tanks of all modifications is being carried out at the Lima Tank Plant in Lima, Ohio. company-owned General Dynamics. The plant is experiencing significant financial difficulties; in 2013, the option of temporarily closing it until 2017 was even discussed.

As of 2014, production of modernized versions of the tank continues both for the US Armed Forces and for export. In 2006, the National Geographic film company made a documentary about the plants for the repair and modernization of Abrams tanks as part of the series documentaries"Steel Monsters"


XM1-FSED (1977-78) - the first model produced for testing. During the period 1977-78. 11 copies were produced.

M1 (1980) - basic model: 105 mm rifled gun, 55 rounds of ammunition.

M1IP (English: Improved Performance - lit. Improved performance) (1984) - the frontal armor of the turret was strengthened (M1A1 level), the suspension and transmission were modernized, and an electric trigger was introduced.

M1A1 (1984) - 120-mm smoothbore gun, ammunition load was reduced to 40 rounds, front armor was strengthened, a new collective system of protection against weapons of mass destruction with built-in air conditioning.

M1A1HA (English Heavy Armor - lit. Heavy armor) (1988) - the turret armor was strengthened, the tank was equipped with 1st generation uranium armor.

M1A1HC (English Heavy Common - lit. General reinforcement) (1990) - the tank is equipped with 2nd generation uranium armor, improved digital engine control and a number of other minor improvements in accordance with the requirements of the ILC, ammunition increased to 42 artillery shots.

M1A1NA+ (1991) - the turret front armor has been strengthened, the tank is equipped with 2nd generation uranium armor.

M1A1D (eng. Digital - lit. Digital) (2000) - improvement of digital components for the M1A1HC tank to the level of M1A2SEP, digital distribution panels for the chassis and fighting compartment. It was built for only two tank battalions.

M1A1AIM (English: Abrams Integrated Management) - overhaul and modernization of previously built tanks to the level of vehicles produced in 1992-1993.

M1A1AIM Block I - overhaul and modernization of previously built vehicles. A second-generation thermal imaging camera for the gunner's main sight, a ZPU thermal imaging sight, an FBCB2-BFT terminal, an integrated system for self-diagnosis of on-board systems, etc. are being introduced.

M1A1AIM Block II/M1A1SA (English: Situational Awareness) - the tank is equipped with 3rd generation uranium armor.

M1A1FEP (English Firepower Enhancement Package - lit. Package of increased firepower) - improvements similar to M1A1AIM Block II for USMC tanks.

M1A1KVT (English Krasnovian Variant Tank) - version of the M1A1 with a complex for simulating Soviet-made tanks for use at NTC (English Fort Irwin National Training Center - National training center US Army at Fort Irwin).

M1A1M - export version for the Iraqi Armed Forces.

M1A1SA (English Special Armor - lit. Special armor) - export version for the Moroccan Ground Forces.

M1A1 Block III (1983) - experimental version: new layout of the internal volumes of the hull, uninhabited fighting compartment with automatic system weapons, as well as the development of a new power unit and radio-electronic equipment.

M1 SRV (English: Surrogate Research Vehicle) - an experimental prototype on the chassis of the M1 tank to study a new arrangement of units inside tank corps: with a weight simulator of a monitor-mounted tower.

M1 TTB (English Tank Test Bed) - an experimental prototype on the chassis of the M1 tank, modified taking into account the experience of testing the M1 SRV vehicle: uninhabited tower, an armored capsule for three crew members in the front of the tank, an M256 smoothbore gun of 120 mm caliber, an ammunition load of 44 unitary projectiles, located in a two-row carousel magazine with a vertical arrangement of cells with an automatic loading system.

M1 CATTB (English Component Advanced Technology Test Bed) (1990) - an experimental program to create a new tank: an improved integrated power unit based on a diesel engine (AIPS), a hydropneumatic suspension system in the balancer, a 140-mm smoothbore tank gun (ATAS) with a machine gun loading and multi-sensor target acquisition system (MTAS).

M1A2 (1994) - independent thermal imaging panoramic commander's sight, new gunner's sight with stabilization in two planes and an eye-safe rangefinder, new commander's cupola with 8 periscopes (instead of 6), thermal imaging observation device for the driver, combat information and control system IVIS. Strengthened turret armor by increasing the size of the frontal parts and filling them with 2nd generation uranium armor. The gun's ammunition capacity is 42 rounds.

M1A2 SEP (eng. System Enhancement Package - lit. Improved systems package) (1999) - the commander and gunner's sights are equipped with 2nd generation thermal imaging cameras (SADA II technology), and the FBCB2 troop control system is equipped. The filling of the frontal parts of the turret was replaced with 3rd generation uranium armor, which increased resistance against cumulative weapons. Equipped with air conditioning. Color displays appeared.

M1A2 SEP V2 (eng. System Enhancement Package version 2 - lit. Second package of improved systems) (2008) - improved color displays to display the tactical situation, sights with electro-optical and infrared channels, a modified power plant and new communications equipment compatible with information -combat networks of infantry units and formations. The modernization also includes the introduction of other technologies developed under the Future Combat Systems program.

M1A2S (2011) - modernization of M1A1 and M1A2 for the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces. The AGT-1500 gas turbine engine was planned to be replaced with a more economical LV-100-5. Also, there are plans to replace the 120-mm M-256 cannon, communications and fire control systems, strengthen the armor of the frontal projection of the hull and turret, and add dynamic protection for the chassis.

Tank Urban Survival Kit (TUSK) - “kit additional equipment and reservations, increasing combat capabilities in urban conditions”, designed for installation on M1A1 and M1A2 tanks; includes the ARAT dynamic protection complex to increase the protection of lateral projections from cumulative weapons, a thermal imaging sight for the turret installation of the M240 loader machine gun, shields to protect the commander and loader when observing from open hatches, spaced armor of the bottom, a headset for communication with infantry, an additional machine gun M2 on the CSAMM installation (mounted on the gun mantlet), thermal imaging sight of the commander's ZPU (for M1A1), remote-controlled CROWS installation (for M1A2).

M1A3 (2014-2017) - under development: light 120mm cannon, improved road wheel suspension, more durable rollers, lighter armor, long-range precision weapons, improved engine and gearbox. Estimated weight up to 55 tons.

Vehicles based on the Abrams tank

M1 Grizzly CMV (English Combat Mobility Vehicle - lit. mobile combat vehicle) (1995) - armored engineering vehicle: crew 2 people, 12.7-mm machine gun, 4.5-m bulldozer blade, 6.3-m switch excavator up to 10 m long.

The M1 Panther II is a remote-controlled and guided armored mine clearance vehicle.

M104 Wolverine (1996) - tank bridge laying vehicle, prototype built in 1996, mass production since 2003.

M1ABV (English Assault Breacher Vehicle) (2010) - assault armored mine clearing vehicle for the USMC.

M1 Armored Recovery Vehicle - ARV prototype.

Description of design

The tank is designed according to a classic layout with a control compartment in the front part of the vehicle, a fighting compartment in the middle part and a motor-transmission compartment in the rear. The crew consists of a commander, gunner, loader and driver.

Armored hull and turret

The hull and turret are welded. In their front parts, multi-layer passive armor is used in the form of combined armor modules, created on the basis of the English Chobham armor used on the Challenger series tanks (Great Britain). Characteristic of the Abrams is the large angle of inclination of the upper frontal plate of the hull relative to the vertical plane (82 degrees) and the large gap between the turret and the hull. With the hatch closed, the driver takes a reclining position. 40% (approximately) of the frontal projection of an Abrams tank of any modification is a zone of weakened armor, vulnerable (relatively) to ammunition with penetration of 700mm KS or 550mm BPS. Including 7.85% of the frontal projection, vulnerabilities associated with the design, their protection is significantly lower than weakened armor, for example, hatches, surveillance devices, gun mantlets, such vulnerabilities are typical for most armored vehicles.


The M1 and M1IP modifications are armed with a 105-mm M68A1 rifled gun (a modernized version of the British L7), stabilized in two planes. The ammunition load includes 55 unitary shells with a metal casing of 5 types: armor-piercing finned sub-caliber with a detachable pallet M735, M774, M833, M900, cumulative shells M456A1 and M456A2, armor-piercing high-explosive M393A2, with ready-made arrow-shaped striking elements M494 and smoke M 416 (based on white phosphorus).

The main part of the ammunition for the gun (44 unitary shots out of 55) is located in an isolated compartment at the rear of the turret. The rest are located in an isolated compartment in the tank hull (8 pieces) and in an armored container on the turret floor in front of the loader (3 pieces).

Since 1985, Abrams tanks have been equipped with a 120-mm M256 smoothbore gun (a licensed version of the German Rheinmetall Rh-120 gun), which is also stabilized in two planes. The ammunition includes unitary shells with a partially combustible cartridge case: feathered armor-piercing sub-caliber with a detachable pallet M829, M829A1, M828A2, M829A3 (delivered to the army), cumulative M830, cumulative fragmentation sub-caliber M830A1, concrete-piercing high-explosive sub-caliber M908 , grapeshot (with ready-made striking spherical elements) M1028.

Due to the large diameter of the cartridges, the M1A1 ammunition load was reduced to 40 rounds (42 on M1A1NS and M1A2): 34 are located in the turret niche (36 on M1A1NS M1A2) and 6 in the tank hull; laying on the tower floor is not applicable.

The gun is equipped with a barrel purging (ejector), but the hot residue of the cartridges remains inside the tank after the shot.

Secondary weapons include a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun coaxial with the cannon, a second machine gun mounted in front of the loader's hatch, and a 12.7 mm M2 machine gun mounted on the commander's cupola. Ammunition - 11,400 rounds of 7.62 mm caliber and 1,000 rounds of 12.7 mm caliber. On the sides of the turret there are two 66-mm six-barrel M250 grenade launchers (four four-barrel M257 grenade launchers on the M1A1 and M1A1NS tanks of the Marine Corps) for setting up a smoke screen.

OMS and surveillance devices

The Abrams tank is equipped with one of the most advanced fire control systems from Hughes Aircraft. A laser range finder and thermal imaging camera are built into the gunner's main sight; The sight's field of view has independent stabilization in the vertical plane. The daily channel has two magnification powers - 3 and 9.5; thermal imaging - 3 and 9.8. The range measurement limits of a laser rangefinder are from 200 to 7990 meters. In case of failure of the main sight, there is a backup telescopic articulated sight Kollmorgen Model 939 with 8x magnification and a field of view of 8 degrees; the head part of the sight is located in the gun mantlet, and the eyepiece part is attached to the roof of the turret. The commander uses a deflection from the gunner's main sight; if necessary, he can fire from the cannon, replacing the gunner (while not being able to independently change the magnification and switch between daytime optical and thermal imaging channels).

The commander's cupola of the M1, IPM1 and M1A1 tanks is an anti-aircraft machine gun installation (ZPU) closed type. The design of the ZPU cradle allows installation of a 12.7 mm M2HB machine gun (main version) or a 7.62 mm M240 machine gun ( backup option). The main sighting device of the ZPU is the M939 Kollmorgen daytime periscope monocular sight. The field of view of the sight is 21 degrees, magnification is x3. The sight reticle is graduated for 12.7 mm ammunition; in case of installing a 7.62 mm machine gun, there is a nameplate on the sight body with a table of corrections. In case of damage to the standard sight, there is a simple non-adjustable angle sight on the lower surface of the cradle. Alignment of the launcher in azimuth is normally carried out using an electric machine drive (an emergency manual drive is provided); according to the elevation angle - only using a manual drive. To provide all-round visibility around the perimeter of the commander's cupola, 6 periscope observation devices are also equipped. According to calculated estimates, the range of actual fire when firing on the move for armor-piercing ammunition of a 120-mm gun is 1.9-2 km and 1.7-1.8 km for cumulative ammunition; when firing from a location, the range increases to 2.6-2.8 and 2-2.2 km, respectively. The time to prepare the first shot when firing on the move is: by the gunner - 15 seconds, and by the commander - 17 seconds. When firing from a location, the time is reduced to 9-10 and 11-12 seconds. respectively. In competitions against Leopard-2, the tank was superior in night shooting but was quite inferior in daytime high-speed hitting of targets.

An electronic ballistic computer, made on solid-state elements, calculates with high accuracy angular corrections for firing from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun. The values ​​of the target range (from the laser range finder), crosswind speed, angular velocity of the target and the angle of inclination of the gun trunnion axis are automatically loaded into it. In addition, data on the type of projectile, barometric pressure, air temperature, charge temperature, wear of the barrel bore, as well as corrections for the mismatch between the direction of the axis of the bore bore and the line of sight are manually entered.

The M1A2 is equipped with a panoramic thermal imaging sight in front of the loader's hatch - a CITV commander's observation device, which has independent stabilization in two planes. Instead of a rotating turret, a fixed one with 8 periscopes is installed, providing much better all-round visibility. The M938 sight has been removed. The gunner's main sight has been significantly modernized: it has received independent stabilization in two planes, the laser rangefinder has been replaced with a more advanced one, operating on carbon dioxide. Also, the driver is equipped with a thermal night vision device (instead of a night device with an image intensifier tube).

The disadvantage of M1A1 is limited opportunity independent target search by the commander, a small increase and lack of stabilization of the field of view of the M919 sight do not allow confident detection and identification of targets when the tank is moving. This drawback was corrected only on the M1A2 modification. The M1A2 gunner's sight has been significantly modernized: it has received independent stabilization in two planes. The M1A2 SEP received second-generation thermal imaging cameras for the gunner and commander.

The on-board equipment has undergone modernization. A tank information and control system (TIUS) IVIS, an inertial navigation system, and SINCGARS radio stations have been introduced. Separate electronic systems connected to each other via a MIL-STD 1553D data bus. Since the TIUS IVIS was obsolete by the time it was put into service, on the M1A2SEP model it was replaced with the FBCB2-EPLRS troop control system. In addition, the M1A2SEP received second-generation thermal imaging cameras for the gunner and commander; The navigation system is supplemented with a NAVSTAR receiver. Automatic control system terminals FBCB2-BFT, unified by software with FBCB2-EPLRS, but using for data transfer commercial networks satellite communications Inmarsat Swift 64 and BGAN, installed during the modernization of M1A1 under the AIM program.


The AVCO Lycoming AGT-1500 gas turbine engine is made in a single unit with an automatic hydromechanical transmission X-1100-3B. The 3860 kg unit can be replaced in less than 1 hour.

American experts explain the choice of a gas turbine engine by a number of its advantages compared to a diesel engine of the same power. Less weight, relative simplicity of design, increased reliability and service life. Also, the gas turbine engine has reduced smoke and noise, better meets multi-fuel requirements, and is much easier to start when low temperatures. The main disadvantages are increased fuel and air consumption (as a result, the air cleaning system takes up three times the volume compared to a diesel engine).

AGT-1500 is a three-shaft engine with a two-stage axial-centrifugal compressor, an individual tangential combustion chamber, a free power turbine with an adjustable nozzle apparatus and a stationary annular plate heat exchanger. Nozzles and working blades of the first stage of the turbine high pressure cooled by air taken from the compressor outlet and supplied through holes in the blade shanks. The maximum gas temperature in the turbine is 1193 degrees C. A gearbox located inside the heat exchanger housing reduces the speed on the gas turbine engine output shaft to 3000 rpm.

Since the mid-1990s, the mass equipping of Abrams tanks with auxiliary power units (APU) began, providing power to the tank’s on-board systems without turning on the main power unit or draining battery charge for 7.5-8 hours. The APU has a power of 2 kW and is located in an armored box in the turret basket.


The Allison X-1100-3B automatic hydromechanical transmission provides 4 forward gears and 2 reverse gears. It consists of an automatic locking torque converter, a planetary gearbox and a continuously variable hydrostatic steering mechanism.

Since the range of the planetary gearbox with four forward gears is 6.5, then in the presence of a gas turbine engine with increased coefficient adaptability, there is no fundamental need for the participation of a torque converter in the formation of traction on the tracks during forward movement of the tank. The use of a torque converter in this transmission can be explained by the fact that it was created to work with a piston engine of the same power, as well as to reduce the work of slipping of the friction elements when changing gears.


The chassis of the tank includes seven road wheels with external shock absorption and two support rollers on each side, a torsion bar suspension and tracks with a rubber-metal hinge and rubber shoes. The width of the tracks is 635 mm, the length of the supporting surface is 4575 mm. The track roller disks are made of aluminum alloy. The diameter of the rollers is 635 mm. Blade hydraulic shock absorbers are installed on the first, second and seventh road wheels.

The mileage of the original T156 tracks with integrated (non-removable) rubber shoes was 1100-1300 km, which was much less than the original requirements of 3200 km. The T156 tracks are similar in design to the T97 tracks of the M60 tanks. The new T158 tracks, with removable rubber shoes and rubberized running track, developed by Food Machinery Corp Steel Products Division, have a guaranteed range of 3,360 km, although they are 1,360 kg heavier.

The tracks are rubber-coated treadmills and removable rubber cushions, it is possible to install lugs. The drive wheels are double-row with removable rims, the number of rim teeth is 11. The service life of the chassis is 2-8 thousand km. The lower resource limit is determined by the resource of the caterpillar tracks. A service life of 8,000 km is achieved by changing four sets of removable asphalt pads; the service life of the drive wheel rim teeth is 5-6 thousand km.

Ground pressure, kg/ M1 - 0.96, more in the future.

In service

Australia - 59 M1A1 AIM, as of 2013. Purchased in 2006 to replace Leopard 1A3 tanks. Supplied from the US Armed Forces
-Egypt - 1005 M1 different versions as of 2011. In November 2011, Egypt purchased a batch of 125 tank kits for assembly for a total amount of $400 million. Taking into account the new supply, the number of Abrams tanks in the composition armed forces Egypt will increase to 1130 units.
-Iraq - 140 M1A1M as of 2011. The 9th Division of the Iraqi Armed Forces is armed with 4 regiments of 35 tanks. Supplied from the US Armed Forces and modernized, contract value $860 million
-Kuwait - 218 M1A2 and its variants as of 2009.
-Saudi Arabia - 315 M1A2S as of 2012.
-USA - approximately 6900 M1, M1A1 and M1A2 as of 2012:
-US Army - 1963 M1A2 (62 manufactured, 1308 converted from M1A1, 588 upgraded M1A2 to SEP level), about 2400 M1A1. Until the end of 2009 financial year Deliveries of 505 TUSK kits were to be completed (contract dated July 29, 2006).
-US Marine Corps - 221 tanks were produced for the USMC in 1990-1991; Subsequently, the vehicles were transferred from the availability of the US Army - 50 tanks in 1994, 132 tanks in 1997 and 12 in 2003.

Combat use

Gulf War (1991)

This campaign saw the first use of Abrams tanks on the battlefield. The group of tanks of this type, involved in the campaign to liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, consisted of 594 tanks of the M1A1HA model and 1178 M1A1 tanks, about 30 more vehicles belonged to the old M1 type and participated less actively in battles. Even before the start of hostilities, spontaneous combustion and detonation of ammunition occurred in one of the tanks. Abrams tanks formed the backbone of American armored forces during the war.

The reliability of the Abrams during Desert Storm caused a lot of criticism regarding the operation of the gas turbine engine.

A much more advanced sighting system, better training of crews and the use of depleted uranium ammunition allowed the Abrams tanks to hit Iraqi vehicles at distances significantly exceeding the effective firing range of the latter (ZBM9 shells, withdrawn from service (73) many years before the start of production M1A1, ZBM9 were withdrawn from production even earlier. Thus, they are not effective against opponents for which they were not intended.). M1A1s equipped with a mine plow were used to dig trenches in which Iraqi soldiers were buried alive.

According to the final report of the US Department of Defense to the US Congress, 18 tanks were lost or damaged during the war. According to A.V. Erokhin and V.L. Lichkov, citing unspecified Western sources, 23 tanks were disabled and damaged, and not a single Abrams was destroyed by enemy tanks. But at the same time, the disabling and destruction of the Abrams by Iraqi tanks is confirmed by official American documents. Moreover, the loss of several M1A1 tanks from the fire of Iraqi T-72s is confirmed by the American military, and the Abrams of the first modifications with the “seventy-two” did not enter into battle, this role was assigned to the modernized vehicles with German 120 mm guns and the British multilayer armor. The maximum target for unmodified Abrams was the T-55.

According to some reports, of the 9 M1 tanks completely destroyed on the battlefield, seven vehicles died from “friendly fire”, and the remaining two were, according to American data, destroyed by the crews due to the impossibility of evacuation. Most of the vehicles that were temporarily or permanently disabled were damaged by mines, anti-tank missiles, or grenade launcher shots from the side and rear projections. Cases of Abrams being hit by artillery fire from Iraqi tanks were isolated. During "friendly fire" incidents, the frontal armor of M1A1HA tanks showed the ability to withstand accidental hits from guns of similar tanks. The discovered problems with the tanks included the lack of a “friend or foe” system and insufficient suitability of the engines for operations in the desert (which was explained by the fact that most of the Abrams that participated in the conflict were transported from Europe and were intended for use in the European theater of operations) , imperfection of navigation systems.

In early April, during the withdrawal from Iraq, spontaneous combustion and detonation of ammunition occurred in two more Abrams, and one tank also received slight damage while standing not far from the burning one.

The 35 Abrams crews who took part in the operation received varying degrees of contamination from particles that were formed during the destruction of uranium cores.

Iraq War (2003-2011)

During the seven-year military campaign in Iraq, the Abrams were used quite actively, but general style The use of tank forces differed significantly from the previous conflict. Since March 23, the Abrams of the 3rd Mechanized Division took part in hard battle for Nasiriyah, where, together with other troops, they were able to break the resistance of several platoons of Iraqi infantry. On March 24, one of the tanks of the 1st battalion sank along with its entire crew in the Euphrates River after it came under fire from Iraqi machine gunners - the driver began to move the tank away from the fire and fell from the bridge into the river. Two more Abrams tanks, ambushed near the eastern bank of the river, received hits in their engines from unknown weapon; The crews managed to leave the tanks before their ammunition detonated and they completely burned out. There were meetings between Abrams and Iraqi tanks; for example, on April 3, a battle took place in the Mahmudiya area near Baghdad, during which seven Iraqi T-72s were destroyed, while the American side did not suffer any losses. On the same day, also near Baghdad, two Abrams were lost for unknown reasons. On April 5, two more Abrams were damaged near Baghdad. On April 6, at least two Abrams were also shot down on Iraqi territory; one of the tanks burned by an RPG-7 was captured by the Iraqis. During the battle for Karbala, three Abrams were shot down by RPG-7s and captured by the Iraqis; one of the tanks was shown on Iraqi television. Subsequently, tanks were mainly used to fight against irregular rebel forces and partisan formations as a means of fire support and cover. During the first month of hostilities since the beginning of the war, from 14 to 151 Abrams tanks received hits, mostly from RPGs, of which up to 64 tanks were seriously damaged (from 2 to 15 irreparably). Up to seven tanks were captured by the Iraqis, and three of them were in combat-ready condition. On October 27, 2003, 40 km from Baghdad, the latest modification of the M1A2 SEP tank was blown up by a homemade landmine; the Abrams turret flew 30 meters from the hull.

According to data provided by Major General T. Tucker, as of February 2005, damage varying degrees 70% of the 1,135 Abrams tank fleet deployed in Iraq received heavy damage. Of these, 80 vehicles could not be restored by the repair and restoration units deployed in the theater of operations, including 17 that were assessed as beyond repair. By the end of 2006, more than 530 American Abrams tanks were sent back to the United States for repairs.

There is a known case when an M1 Abrams was destroyed by a successfully fired bullet

Modern battle tanks Russia and the world photos, videos, pictures watch online. This article gives an idea of ​​the modern tank fleet. It is based on the principle of classification used in the most authoritative reference book to date, but in a slightly modified and improved form. And if the latter in its original form can still be found in the armies of a number of countries, then others have already become museum pieces. And just for 10 years! Follow in the footsteps of Jane's Guide and skip this one combat vehicle(very interesting in design and fiercely discussed at one time), which formed the basis of the tank fleet of the last quarter of the 20th century, was considered unfair by the authors.

Films about tanks where there is still no alternative to this type of weapon ground forces. The tank was and will probably remain for a long time modern weapons thanks to the ability to combine such seemingly contradictory qualities as high mobility, powerful weapons and reliable crew protection. These unique qualities tanks continue to be constantly improved, and the experience and technology accumulated over decades predetermine new frontiers in combat properties and achievements of the military-technical level. In the eternal confrontation between “projectile and armor”, as practice shows, protection against projectiles is increasingly being improved, acquiring new qualities: activity, multi-layeredness, self-defense. At the same time, the projectile becomes more accurate and powerful.

Russian tanks are specific in that they allow you to destroy the enemy from a safe distance, have the ability to make quick maneuvers on off-road, contaminated terrain, can “walk” through territory occupied by the enemy, seize a decisive bridgehead, cause panic in the rear and suppress the enemy with fire and tracks . The war of 1939-1945 became the most ordeal for all humanity, since almost all countries of the world were involved in it. It was a clash of the titans - the most unique period that theorists argued about in the early 1930s and during which tanks were used in large quantities virtually all warring parties. At this time, a “test for lice” and a deep reform of the first theories of the use of tank troops took place. And precisely the Soviet ones tank troops all this is affected to the greatest extent.

Tanks in battle have become a symbol of the past war, the backbone of the Soviet armored forces? Who created them and under what conditions? How did the USSR, which had lost most of its European territories and had difficulty recruiting tanks for the defense of Moscow, was able to release powerful tank formations onto the battlefields already in 1943? This book is intended to answer these questions, telling about the development of Soviet tanks “during the testing days ", from 1937 to the beginning of 1943. When writing the book, materials from Russian archives and private collections of tank builders were used. There was a period in our history that was deposited in my memory with some oppressive feeling. It began with the return of our first military advisers from Spain, and only stopped at the beginning of forty-three,” said the former general designer of the self-propelled guns L. Gorlitsky, “some kind of pre-storm state was felt.

Tanks of the Second World War It was M. Koshkin, almost underground (but, of course, with the support of “the wisest of the wise leaders of all nations”), who was able to create the tank that a few years later would shock the German tank generals. And not only that, he not only created it, the designer managed to prove to these military fools that it was his T-34 that they needed, and not just another wheeled-tracked "motor vehicle." The author is in slightly different positions, which were formed in him after his acquaintance with the pre-war documents from the Russian State Military Academy and the Russian State Academy of Economics. Therefore, working on this segment of the history of the Soviet tank, the author will inevitably contradict something “generally accepted.” This work describes the history of Soviet tank building in the most difficult years - from the beginning of a radical restructuring of the entire activity of design bureaus and people's commissariats in general, during the frantic race to equip new tank formations of the Red Army, the transfer of industry to wartime rails and evacuation.

Tanks Wikipedia the author would like to express his special gratitude to M. Kolomiets for his assistance in selecting and processing materials, and also thank A. Solyankin, I. Zheltov and M. Pavlov, the authors of the reference publication “Domestic armored vehicles. XX century. 1905 - 1941” , since this book helped to understand the fate of some projects that was previously unclear. I would also like to remember with gratitude those conversations with Lev Izraelevich Gorlitsky, the former chief designer of UZTM, which helped to take a fresh look at the entire history of the Soviet tank during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War Soviet Union. For some reason today it is common for us to talk about 1937-1938. only from the point of view of repression, but few people remember that it was during this period that those tanks were born that became legends of the wartime...” From the memoirs of L.I. Gorlinky.

Soviet tanks, a detailed assessment of them at that time was heard from many lips. Many old people recalled that it was from the events in Spain that it became clear to everyone that the war was getting closer and closer to the threshold and it was Hitler who would have to fight. In 1937, mass purges and repressions began in the USSR and against the backdrop of these difficult events soviet tank began to transform from “mechanized cavalry” (in which one of its combat qualities was emphasized at the expense of others) into a balanced combat vehicle, simultaneously possessing powerful weapons sufficient to suppress most targets, good cross-country ability and mobility with armor protection capable of maintaining its combat effectiveness in shelling with the most widespread anti-tank weapons probable enemy.

It was recommended that large tanks be supplemented with only special tanks - amphibious tanks, chemical tanks. The brigade now had 4 individual battalions 54 tanks each and was strengthened by moving from three-tank platoons to five-tank ones. In addition, D. Pavlov justified the refusal to form three additional mechanized corps in addition to the four existing mechanized corps in 1938, believing that these formations were immobile and difficult to control, and most importantly, they required a different rear organization. The tactical and technical requirements for promising tanks, as expected, were adjusted. In particular, in a letter dated December 23 to the head of the design bureau of plant No. 185 named after. CM. Kirov, the new boss demanded that the armor of the new tanks be strengthened so that at a distance of 600-800 meters (effective range).

The newest tanks in the world, when designing new tanks, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of increasing the level of armor protection during modernization by at least one stage...” This problem could be solved in two ways: Firstly, by increasing the thickness of the armor plates and, secondly, by “using increased armor resistance." It is not difficult to guess that the second way was considered more promising, since the use of specially strengthened armor plates, or even two-layer armor, could, while maintaining the same thickness (and the mass of the tank as a whole), increase its durability by 1.2-1.5 times. It was this path (the use of especially hardened armor) that was chosen at that moment to create new types of tanks.

Tanks of the USSR at the dawn of tank production, armor was most widely used, the properties of which were identical in all areas. Such armor was called homogeneous (homogeneous), and from the very beginning of armor making, craftsmen sought to create just such armor, because homogeneity ensured stability of characteristics and simplified processing. However, at the end of the 19th century, it was noticed that when the surface of an armor plate was saturated (to a depth of several tenths to several millimeters) with carbon and silicon, its surface strength increased sharply, while the rest of the plate remained viscous. This is how heterogeneous (non-uniform) armor came into use.

For military tanks, the use of heterogeneous armor was very important, since an increase in the hardness of the entire thickness of the armor plate led to a decrease in its elasticity and (as a consequence) to an increase in fragility. Thus, the most durable armor, with other equal conditions It turned out to be very fragile and often pricked even from the explosions of high-explosive fragmentation shells. Therefore, at the dawn of armor production, when producing homogeneous sheets, the task of the metallurgist was to achieve the maximum possible hardness of the armor, but at the same time not to lose its elasticity. Surface-hardened armor with carbon and silicon saturation was called cemented (cemented) and was considered at that time a panacea for many ills. But cementation is a complex, harmful process (for example, treating a hot plate with a jet of illuminating gas) and relatively expensive, and therefore its development in a series required large expenses and improved production standards.

Wartime tanks, even in operation, these hulls were less successful than homogeneous ones, since for no apparent reason cracks formed in them (mainly in loaded seams), and it was very difficult to put patches on holes in cemented slabs during repairs. But it was still expected that a tank protected by 15-20 mm cemented armor would be equivalent in level of protection to the same one, but covered with 22-30 mm sheets, without a significant increase in weight.
Also, by the mid-1930s, tank building had learned to harden the surface of relatively thin armor plates by uneven hardening, known from late XIX century in shipbuilding as the "Krupp method". Surface hardening led to a significant increase in the hardness of the front side of the sheet, leaving the main thickness of the armor viscous.

How tanks fire video up to half the thickness of the slab, which was, of course, worse than cementation, since while the hardness of the surface layer was higher than with cementation, the elasticity of the hull sheets was significantly reduced. So the “Krupp method” in tank building made it possible to increase the strength of armor even slightly more than cementation. But the hardening technology that was used for thick naval armor was no longer suitable for relatively thin tank armor. Before the war, this method was almost not used in our serial tank building due to technological difficulties and relatively high cost.

Combat use of tanks The most proven tank gun was the 45-mm tank gun model 1932/34. (20K), and before the event in Spain it was believed that its power was quite sufficient to perform most tank tasks. But the battles in Spain showed that a 45-mm gun can only satisfy the task of fighting enemy tanks, since even shelling of manpower in mountains and forests turned out to be ineffective, and it was only possible to disable a dug-in enemy firing point in the event of a direct hit . Firing at shelters and bunkers was ineffective due to the low high-explosive effect of a projectile weighing only about two kg.

Types of tanks photos so that even one shell hit can reliably disable an anti-tank gun or machine gun; and thirdly, to increase the penetrating effect of a tank gun against the armor of a potential enemy, since in the example French tanks(already having an armor thickness of about 40-42 mm) it became clear that the armor protection of foreign combat vehicles tends to be significantly strengthened. There was a sure way for this - increasing the caliber of tank guns and simultaneously increasing the length of their barrel, since a long gun larger caliber fires heavier projectiles with greater initial speed to a greater distance without correcting the aiming.

The best tanks in the world had a cannon large caliber, also has large sizes breech, significantly more weight and increased recoil response. And this required an increase in the mass of the entire tank as a whole. In addition, placing large-sized rounds in a closed tank volume led to a decrease in transportable ammunition.
The situation was aggravated by the fact that at the beginning of 1938 it suddenly turned out that there was simply no one to give the order for the design of a new, more powerful tank gun. P. Syachintov and his entire design team were repressed, as well as the core of the Bolshevik design bureau under the leadership of G. Magdesiev. Only the group of S. Makhanov remained in the wild, who, since the beginning of 1935, had been trying to develop his new 76.2-mm semi-automatic single gun L-10, and the staff of Plant No. 8 was slowly finishing the “forty-five”.

Photos of tanks with names The number of developments is large, but mass production in the period 1933-1937. not a single one has been accepted..." In fact, none of the five air-cooled tank diesel engines, work on which was carried out in 1933-1937 in the engine department of plant No. 185, was brought to series. Moreover, despite the decisions At the very top levels of the transition in tank building exclusively to diesel engines, this process was constrained by a number of factors. Of course, diesel had significant efficiency. It consumed less fuel per unit of power per hour. Diesel fuel was less susceptible to fire, since the flash point of its vapor was very high. high.

New tanks video, even the most advanced of them, the MT-5 tank engine, required a reorganization of engine production for serial production, which was expressed in the construction of new workshops, the supply of advanced foreign equipment (they did not yet have their own machines of the required accuracy), financial investments and strengthening of personnel. It was planned that in 1939 this diesel would produce 180 hp. will go to production tanks and artillery tractors, but due to investigative work to determine the causes of tank engine failures, which lasted from April to November 1938, these plans were not implemented. The development of a slightly increased six-cylinder engine was also started. gasoline engine No. 745 with a power of 130-150 hp.

Brands of tanks had specific indicators that suited tank builders quite well. The tanks were tested according to new technique, specially developed at the insistence of the new head of ABTU D. Pavlov in relation to combat service in wartime. The basis of the tests was a run of 3-4 days (at least 10-12 hours of daily non-stop movement) with a one-day break for technical inspection and restoration work. Moreover, repairs were allowed to be carried out only by field workshops without the involvement of factory specialists. This was followed by a “platform” with obstacles, “swimming” in water with an additional load that simulated an infantry landing, after which the tank was sent for inspection.

Super tanks online, after improvement work, seemed to remove all claims from the tanks. And the overall progress of the tests confirmed the fundamental correctness of the main design changes - an increase in displacement by 450-600 kg, the use of the GAZ-M1 engine, as well as the Komsomolets transmission and suspension. But during testing, numerous minor defects again appeared in the tanks. Chief designer N. Astrov was removed from work and was under arrest and investigation for several months. In addition, the tank received a new turret with improved protection. The modified layout made it possible to place on the tank more ammunition for a machine gun and two small fire extinguishers (previously there were no fire extinguishers on small tanks of the Red Army).

US tanks as part of modernization work, on one production model of the tank in 1938-1939. The torsion bar suspension developed by the designer of the design bureau of plant No. 185 V. Kulikov was tested. It was distinguished by the design of a composite short coaxial torsion bar (long monotorsion bars could not be used coaxially). However, such a short torsion bar did not show good enough results in tests, and therefore the torsion bar suspension was further work did not immediately pave the way for itself. Obstacles to overcome: climbs of at least 40 degrees, vertical wall 0.7 m, covered ditch 2-2.5 m."

YouTube about tanks, work on the production of prototypes of D-180 and D-200 engines for reconnaissance tanks are not being carried out, jeopardizing the production of prototypes." Justifying his choice, N. Astrov said that a wheeled-tracked non-floating reconnaissance aircraft (factory designation 101 or 10-1), as well as a variant of an amphibious tank (factory designation 102 or 10-1 2), are a compromise solution, since it is not possible to fully satisfy the requirements of the ABTU. Option 101 was a tank weighing 7.5 tons with a hull-type hull, but with vertical side sheets of cemented armor 10-13 mm thick, since. : “The inclined sides, causing serious weighting of the suspension and hull, require a significant (up to 300 mm) widening of the hull, not to mention the complication of the tank.

Video reviews of tanks in which the tank’s power unit was planned to be based on the 250-horsepower MG-31F aircraft engine, which was being developed by industry for agricultural aircraft and gyroplanes. 1st grade gasoline was placed in the tank under the floor of the fighting compartment and in additional onboard gas tanks. The armament fully corresponded to the task and consisted of coaxial machine guns DK 12.7 mm caliber and DT (in the second version of the project even ShKAS is listed) 7.62 mm caliber. The combat weight of the tank with torsion bar suspension was 5.2 tons, with spring suspension - 5.26 tons. Tests took place from July 9 to August 21 according to the methodology approved in 1938, and special attention was given to tanks.