Lowest air temperature recorded. Temperature records or where everyone is hotter and colder

Photo: Bochkareva Bolota/RIA Novosti

Starting from Sunday January 14 Severe frosts came to the territory of Yakutia. In Oymyakon the temperature on Sunday dropped to -59 degrees Celsius. The republican authorities canceled classes in schools in 13 districts. Forecasters expect a further drop in temperatures in the coming days, which was brought by the Arctic anticyclone. The level is called - 65 degrees. There are already victims. On January 14, the press service of the Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Sakha disseminated information that the circumstances of the death of two men who froze on the road as a result of a car breakdown were being studied.

How to count correctly

Temperature records are usually recorded using a thermometer. It is understood that this must be done in the process of observation with recording of temperature changes using instruments. Data obtained by some other method will have to be classified as unofficial records.

So, December 9, 2013 At a conference of the American Geophysical Union, a group of American researchers reported that on August 10, 2010, the air temperature at one point in Antarctica dropped to −135.8 degrees Fahrenheit (−93.2 degrees Celsius). This information was identified as a result of analysis of NASA satellite data. But the speaker himself, Ted Sambos, made a reservation that this temperature record cannot be recorded as official.

Oymyakon or Verkhoyansk

Verkhoyansk weather station. Photo: V. Yakovlev/RIA Novosti

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) remains a unique region for Northern Hemisphere planets. Its territory, 40% of which is located beyond the Arctic Circle, is a supplier of temperature records. Suffice it to say that The temperature difference between the coldest month - January and the warmest - July is 70 - 75 degrees in the republic.

Two Yakut settlements are fighting for the right to be called the “pole of cold” of the Earth’s Northern Hemisphere – Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon. Maximum low temperature- minus 77.8 degrees Celsius - was recorded in 1938 in Oymyakon. But these data did not receive official status. In Verkhoyansk in January 1892, the temperature dropped to -69.8 degrees. Therefore, the authorities of the republic give it the title of the coldest place in the Northern Hemisphere. Moreover, the largest amplitude of annual temperatures was noted in Verkhoyansk: the maximum summer temperature here reached +37 degrees(temperature difference is almost 107 degrees).

Earth's absolute pole of cold

Antarctic station"East". Photo: G. Kolosov/RIA Novosti

The title of the Earth's absolute pole of cold belongs to the Antarctic Russian station "Vostok", where weather observations are carried out regularly.On July 21, 1983, a record low temperature was recorded there: −89.2 degrees Celsius. True, meteorologists point out that the station is located at an altitude 3488 meters above sea level. If we bring temperature indicators to sea level, then Antarctica will lose to both Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon. But here in terms of average annual temperature, which at the station is −60.2 degrees Celsius, Vostok has no equal.

For those who want to warm up

Death Valley. USA. Photo: Zuma/TASS

If someone is frozen from reading such a text, urgently go to the hottest places on the planet . On September 13, 1922, in the town of Al-Aziziya, Libya, a temperature of +58.2 degrees Celsius was recorded. But today this result is not considered sufficiently reliable. Therefore, the World Meteorological Organization considers the temperature recorded July 10, 1913 at the Greenland Ranch in Death Valley (California, USA) – plus 56.7 degrees. It is difficult to find a name more suitable for being considered the hottest place on the planet. Again, according to unofficial data, on the same day at Saudi Arabia(location unknown) +58.4 degrees Celsius was recorded. But unofficial ones are unofficial.

The most warm place on Earth can be considered Dallol village in Ethiopia. For 7 years, from 1960 to 1966, an average annual temperature equal +34.4 degrees Celsius.

But the hottest place in Russia is the Utta weather station in Kalmykia . On July 12, 2010, the temperature was recorded here +45.4 degrees Celsius, which is a record high temperature in the history of weather observations in Russia.

Naturally, the practice of recording results only using stationary instruments is not entirely correct. Many scientists believe that there are places on Earth where above-zero temperatures are much higher than the current records. But it's not happening there meteorological observations. So, as the possible hottest place on the planet it is called Dasht-Lut desert in the central part of the Iranian Plateau in eastern Iran. Some experts, citing satellite observation data, claim that temperatures in the area reach 70 degrees Celsius. It remains to confirm this using a regular thermometer.

Sergey Anisimov

According to latest results scientific experiments It was found that a person can survive for about an hour at a temperature of +71 degrees. If the indicators rise to +80, any living organism can withstand no more than 20 minutes. On planet earth there are hellish corners where temperatures above +70 are observed. They are not suitable for life even for bacteria, since real heat reigns there.

The top 10 included hottest places on earth, where the highest anomalous temperatures ever were recorded.

Maximum temperature+ 40ºС

Opens the top ten hottest places on our planet, located in Africa. The maximum temperature of these extraordinarily beautiful natural regions can reach +40 degrees. The highest average annual temperature is observed here, which is 34 degrees. The local landscape offers a colorful panorama reminiscent of a rainbow. Natural colors decorated local lands in red, black, yellow and orange shades. This color diversity was influenced by the eruption of a local volcano in 1926. What happened chemical reaction between metals and salts contributed to the formation of such rich natural colors. Ethiopian Dallol is located in the Afar Basin 130 meters below sea level. This place is considered one of the most remote on the planet, where there are no roads.

Maximum temperature + 48ºС

The capital of Greece is considered one of the hottest places on earth. The record temperature recorded in this city was +48 degrees. Athens has a subtropical semi-desert climate. In summer there is widespread drought without any precipitation for several months. Winter in Athens is warm and humid. The soil in Athens is infertile and rocky, but despite this, the Greek capital is one of the most prosperous cities. The city occupies an area of ​​412 square meters. meters, which is surrounded by mountains.

Maximum temperature + 49.1ºС

The Argentine city ranks eighth in the ranking of the hottest corners of the earth. The maximum temperature recorded here reached +49.1 degrees in 1920. The climate here is considered mild and dry, without winds. Villa de Maria is located between the cities of Cordoba and Mercedes. The city lies at an altitude of 796 meters above sea level.

Maximum temperature + 50.7ºС

The Australian city, located near the Simpson Desert, is the hottest place on earth. Absolute temperature maximum, recorded here, was +50.7 degrees. Average temperatures reach 37.7 degrees. This is the place on the planet where you definitely won’t freeze in winter and certainly not in summer. Thus, the small town managed to take seventh place in the ranking of the hottest places. Odnatta is located at an altitude of 112 meters above sea level.

The capital of the small state of Azawad is considered one of the hottest places in the world. The record temperature increase in this corner of the earth was +55 degrees. The city is located near the Sahara Desert. Timbuktu has very modest vegetation. Mainly baobab, acacia and palm trees grow. The hottest months are May and June: the mercury column of the thermometer at this time does not show below +35 degrees. The only salvation for local residents from the unbearable heat is the Niger River, which flows nearby. Sand dunes often form on the streets of this town.

Maximum temperature + 55ºС

A small oasis city in Tunisia is considered one of the hottest places on the planet. The record thermometer readings recorded here were +55 degrees. Kebili is home to one of the saltiest lakes in the world, Chott El Jerid. Even 200 thousand years ago, the desert oasis was inhabited by a large black population, where they continue to live to this day. Kebili occupies an area of ​​22,000 square meters. m.

Maximum temperature + 56.7ºС

The California Desert in the USA is also considered the hottest place on earth. Otherwise it is called as. The thermometer can reach a temperature of +56.7 degrees here. The desert has a very dry, uninhabitable climate. Average annual temperature is +47 degrees. Such high rates are explained by the fact that Death Valley is located 86 meters below sea level. Recorded at this location anomalous phenomena: moving blocks. Huge stones are somehow able to move, leaving behind distinct traces.

Maximum temperature + 58ºС

The top three hottest places on earth opens with a city located in Libya. Temperature record, recorded in this city, was +58 degrees in the shade. In addition to sunstroke, you can easily get heat stroke here. Therefore, in the heat of the day, local residents prefer not to leave their homes and wait out the hot hours at home. Thanks to the close location Mediterranean Sea, there is relatively normal humidity, which makes the town suitable for life. As night falls, the temperature does not drop much, since the surface of the earth does not have time to cool significantly in a few hours. As soon as the sun rises, the heat here is already scorching.

Maximum temperature + 66.8ºС

The desert hills called are the hottest place in China. The maximum temperature that was recorded here reached +66.8 degrees. The hilly hills were formed approximately 50 million years ago. Over the years, there has been increased volcanic activity here. Red sandstones against the backdrop of frozen flowing lava give the mountains the appearance of flames in hot weather. Hence the name Fire Mountains. There are many legends associated with this place. One of them says that there once existed a dragon here, which was killed by a passing traveler. He cut the monster's body into multiple pieces. The spilled blood of a fire-breathing animal stained the local hills. Another legend says that the Heavenly Furnace fell on this valley, from which hot coals poured out.

Maximum temperature + 71ºС

Topping the list of the hottest places on earth is the desert, located in eastern Iran. The most high temperature, recorded here was +71 degrees. It is impossible to find a single living creature in Dasht-Lut, since even bacteria are unable to exist at such a temperature. Be in this place for a long time extremely dangerous for a person's life. The attraction of the driest corner on earth is the incredibly beautiful dunes, reaching five hundred meters in height, and bizarre figures formed as a result of strong winds. The occupied territory of Dashte-Lut is about 100 thousand square meters. km.

What is the highest temperature in the Universe?

It's amazing, but the highest temperature in the Universe, 10 trillion degrees Celsius, was obtained artificially on Earth. According to resource information absolute record temperature was established on November 7, 2010 in Switzerland during an experiment at the Large Hadron Collider - LHC (the world's most powerful particle accelerator).

As part of an experiment at the LHC, scientists set the task of obtaining quark-gluon plasma, which filled the Universe in the first moments of its origin after big bang. To this end, at a speed close to the speed of light, scientists collided beams of lead ions with colossal energy. When heavy ions collided, “mini-big explosions” began to appear - dense fiery spheres that had such a monstrous temperature. At such temperatures and energies, the nuclei of atoms literally melt and form a “broth” of their constituent quarks and gluons. As a result, quark-gluon plasma with the highest temperature since the origin of the Universe was obtained in laboratory conditions.

Before this, in no experiment had scientists ever been able to obtain such an unimaginably high temperature. For comparison: the decay temperature of protons and neutrons is 2 trillion degrees Celsius, the temperature neutron star, which is formed immediately after a supernova explosion, is 100 billion degrees.

Our native Sun is a yellow dwarf and has a core temperature of 50 million degrees. Thus, the temperature of the resulting quark-gluon plasma was 200 thousand times higher than the temperature of the solar core. At the same time, pristine cold usually reigns in the surrounding space, since the average temperature of the Universe is only 0.7 degrees above absolute zero.

What is the coldest temperature in the Universe?

Now guess where and how the lowest temperature in the Universe was obtained? Right! Also on Earth.

In 2000, a group of Finnish scientists (from the low temperature laboratory of the University of Technology in Helsinki), who studied magnetism and superconductivity in the rare metal “Rhodium,” managed to obtain a temperature of 0.1 nK, writes. This is currently the lowest temperature recorded on Earth and the lowest temperature in the Universe.

The second lowest temperature record was set in Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2003, they managed to obtain ultra-cold Sodium gas.

Obtaining ultra-low temperatures artificially is outstanding achievement humanity. Research in this area is extremely important for studying the effect of superconductivity, the use of which (in turn) can cause a real industrial revolution.

In nature, the lowest temperatures were recorded in the Boomerang Nebula. This nebula expands and ejects cooled gas at a speed of 500,000 km/h. Due to the enormous speed of release, the gas molecules were cooled to -271 °C. This is the lowest officially recorded natural temperature.

For comparison. Typically, in outer space the temperature does not drop below -273 °C. The lowest temperature in the Solar System, -235 ° C on the surface of Triton (a moon of Neptune). And the lowest natural temperature on Earth, -89.2 °C, is in Antarctica.


Temperature is one of the fundamental concepts in physics; it plays a huge role in concerns earthly life of all forms. At very high or very low temperatures, things can behave very strangely. We invite you to learn about a number of interesting facts related to temperatures.

What is the highest temperature?

The highest temperature ever created by man was 4 billion degrees Celsius. It's hard to believe that the temperature of a substance can reach such incredible levels! This temperature 250 times higher temperature of the Sun's core.

An incredible record was set in Brookhaven Natural Laboratory in New York at the ion collider RHIC, the length of which is about 4 kilometers.

Scientists forced gold ions to collide in an attempt to reproduce conditions of the Big Bang, creating quark-gluon plasma. In this state, the particles that make up the nuclei of atoms—protons and neutrons—break apart, resulting in a “soup” of constituent quarks.

Extreme Temperatures in the Solar System

The temperature of the environment in the solar system is different from what we are used to on Earth. Our star, the Sun, is incredibly hot. At its center the temperature is about 15 million Kelvin, and the surface of the Sun has a temperature of only about 5700 Kelvin.

Temperature at the core of our planet is approximately the same as the surface temperature of the Sun. Hottest planet solar system– Jupiter, whose core temperature 5 times higher than the surface temperature of the Sun.

The most cold temperature in our system is recorded on the Moon: in some craters in the shadow the temperature is only 30 Kelvin above absolute zero. This temperature is lower than the temperature of Pluto!

Temperature of the human environment

Some peoples live in very extreme conditions And unusual places, not entirely convenient for life. For example, some of the coldest settlementsthe village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhnoyansk in Yakutia, Russia. The average winter temperature here is minus 45 degrees Celsius.

The coldest is more large city is also located in Siberia - Yakutsk with a population of about 270 thousand people. The temperature there in winter is also about minus 45 degrees, but in summer it can rise up to 30 degrees!

The highest average annual temperature was seen in an abandoned city Dallol, Ethiopia. In the 1960s it was recorded here average temperatures - 34 degrees Celsius above zero. Among large cities, the city is considered the hottest Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, where the average temperature is in March-May also about 34 degrees.

The most extreme temperatures where people work are seen in gold mines Mponeng V South Africa. The temperature at about 3 kilometers underground is plus 65 degrees Celsius. Measures are taken to cool the mines, such as using ice or insulating wall coverings, so miners can work without overheating.

What is the coldest temperature?

Trying to get lowest temperature, scientists have encountered a number of important things for science. Man has managed to obtain the coldest things in the Universe, which are much colder than any thing created by nature and the cosmos.

Freezing allows the temperature to drop to several milliKelvins. The lowest temperature that has been achieved under artificial conditions is 100 picoKelvin or 0.0000000001 K. To achieve this temperature, it is necessary to use magnetic cooling. Also, such low temperatures can be achieved using lasers.

At these temperatures, the material behaves completely differently than under normal conditions.

What is the temperature in space?

If, for example, you take a thermometer into outer space and leave it there for a while in a place far from a source of radiation, you may notice that it shows the temperature 2.73 Kelvin or so minus 270 degrees Celsius. This is the lowest natural temperature in the Universe.

Temperature stays the same in space above absolute zero due to the radiation that remained after the Big Bang. Although space is very cold by our standards, it is interesting to note that one of the the most important problems that astronauts encounter in space is heat.

The bare metal from which objects in orbit are made can heat up to 260 degrees Celsius due to free sun rays. To lower the temperature of ships, they need to be wrapped in a special material that can only lower the temperature by 2 times.

Temperature outer space nevertheless constantly falling. Theories about this have been around for a long time, but only recent measurements have confirmed that the Universe is cooling by about by 1 degree every 3 billion years.

The temperature of space will approach absolute zero, but will never reach it. Temperature on Earth does not depend on the temperature that exists in space today, and we know that our planet lately gradually warms up.

What is caloric?

Warmmechanical property material. The hotter an object, the more energy its particles have while moving. Atoms of substances in a hot solid state they vibrate faster than atoms of the same but cooled substances.

Will the substance remain in liquid or gaseous state depends on to what temperature should it be heated?. Today, any schoolchild knows about this, but until the 19th century, scientists believed that heat itself was a substance - weightless fluid, named caloric.

Scientists believed that this fluid evaporated from the warm material, thereby cooling it. It can flow from hot objects to cold ones. Many predictions based on this theory are actually correct. Despite misconceptions about heat, many have actually been made correct conclusions and scientific discoveries . The caloric theory was finally defeated at the end of the 19th century.

Is there a highest temperature?

Absolute zero- a temperature below which it is impossible to fall. What is the highest possible temperature? Science cannot yet answer this question accurately.

The highest temperature is called Planck temperature. This is exactly the temperature that existed in the Universe at the moment of the Big Bang, according to ideas modern science. This temperature is 10^32 Kelvin.

For comparison: if you can imagine, this temperature billions of times higher than the highest temperature, obtained artificially by man, which was mentioned earlier.

According to the standard model, the Planck temperature remains the highest possible temperature. If there is something even hotter, then the laws of physics we are familiar with will no longer apply.

There are suggestions that the temperature may rise even higher than this level, but science cannot explain what will happen in this case. In our model of reality, anything hotter cannot exist. Maybe reality will become different?

As a result of climate change, annual air temperatures are rising. Previously, the highest temperature on the Earth's surface was recorded in Iran's Dasht-Lut - 70.7 °C. We present to your attention the top 10 hottest places in the world.

10. Kuwait City (Kuwait) - 51 °C. The climate is tropical, dry. During May-October, air temperatures range from 40 to 50 °C. Winds carry dust and sand. In December-January the thermometer shows 12-18 °C. In winter, cyclones bring sparse precipitation.

Kuwait City is the capital of Kuwait and the center of culture, trade and entertainment in Asia. Next to ancient mosques are five-star hotels, and small markets are neighbors of giant supermarkets. There are garden and park complexes in the city.

The capital is on the southern shore of Kuwait Bay. On its outskirts there are salt marshes, which fill with water during the rainy season. Warp flora- shrubs and hard-leaved grasses. Among the animals near the city there are insects and rodents.

9. Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) - 52 °C. The climate is tropical, desert. Temperatures in summer range from 40-43 °C. When the air humidity is 10-13%, the heat is difficult to bear. In winter, the temperature is 20-28 °C, sometimes drops to 8-14 °C. Air humidity rises to 40-49%. During the year there is only 100-130 mm of precipitation.

The capital of Saudi Arabia lies in the fertile Wadi Hanifa valley. The area of ​​the city is 1600 sq. km. Population - 5 million people. Most of the buildings in Riyadh were built at the turn of the 80-90s of the last century. There are 140 mosques in the capital.

The city is the political and national center of the country. Thanks to super-profits from oil production, the capital has developed a hotel business, medicine, and built modern airports.

8. Dallol (Ethiopia) - 53 °C. The climate is tropical. During 1960-1966, the average temperature in the city was 34.4 °C. Now it's about 25°C.

January is the coldest (average annual temperature is 22.4 °C) and dry month year (precipitation averages 0 mm). In hot April, the average temperature is 30 °C. The most precipitation is in August - 273 mm, and throughout the year the average is 874 mm.

Formed 900 million years ago, the crater of the Dallol volcano is considered the lowest in the world, located 45 m below sea level. Nearby are sources of mineral salts.

There are no quality roads to the settlement of Dallol. Only caravans transport salt collected near the city.

7. Tirat Zvi (Israel) - 53.9 °C. The religious center is located near the border with Jordan. Near the city is the saving Jordan River. From the heat, local residents (759 people as of the end of 2016) hide under awnings and in swimming pools. The city is located 220 m below sea level. Local meat processing plant TIV sells its products domestically and internationally.

The pride of Tirat Zvi - 18,000 date trees, thanks to which the settlement bears an honorary title largest manufacturer Israel. The technology developed by scientists at Tirat-Zvi and the Volcani Institute preserves palm leaves for several months. The city supplies tens of thousands of palm leaves for Sukkot, a Jewish holiday that lasts for 8 days, includes meals and an overnight stay in a tent, and commemorates the walk of our ancestors through the Sinai desert.

6. Kebili (Tunisia) - 55 °C. The climate is moderately warm. The average temperature is 18.7 °C. Precipitation is 605 mm. In July - 0 mm, and in December - 102 mm. Kebili is a classic oasis with palm trees and water. The city is home to 150,000 people on an area of ​​22,084 km. In the west it borders with Algeria.

The pride of the city is Lake Chott el Djerid. The pond is covered with a rough salt skin that can support the weight of a car. Speed ​​car races regularly take place here.

The road to the town of Tozeur runs along the lake. The driver feels as if he is moving through a tunnel. This optical illusion is the result of reflection sunlight from the salt surface of the lake. If the thermometer shows 30 °C, mirages appear. Visibility is reduced by winds that blow sand.

5. Timbuktu, Mali - 55 °C. The climate in the city is arid. The minimum precipitation in January is 0 mm, the maximum in August is 72 mm, the average for the year is 176 mm. The highest average temperatures are in June - 33.9 °C, the lowest in January - 20.6 °C. In the warm season, the thermometer sometimes shows over 50 °C. Salvation for city residents is the Niger River. Although it is 24 km away.

Previously, Timbuktu was the commercial, scientific and religious center of Africa. Now the settlement houses a collection of ancient manuscripts.

The city was trying to be swallowed up by the Sahara. The winds regularly brought gifts of the desert - dunes - to the city. Therefore, in 1988, Timbuktu was included in the list of objects World Heritage UNESCO. Thanks to the consistent actions of the world community, the advance of the Sahara was stopped. In 2005, the city was removed from the list.

4. Rub al-Khali, Arabian Peninsula- 56 °C. The desert lies in Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman and the UAE. One of the largest in the world - 650,000 sq. km. The average temperature in summer is 47 °C. In this case, the air often warms up to 50 °C, and the sand - up to 70 °C. Precipitation is 35 mm.

Rub al-Khali is a flat desert. Winds move 300-meter-long red-orange sand dunes, revealing areas of gypsum and gravel.

Images from space allowed scientists to verify that 5 thousand years ago there were settlements on the territory of Rub al-Khali. For example, Ubar is the City of Thousand Pillars. Also, there used to be a network of lakes and rivers, and flora and fauna flourished. Now groundwater hid from the hot sun at a depth of 10 meters.

In the desert, camel thorns and saltworts predominate among the plants. One hundred species of animals, including: beisa antelope, camels, snakes, jerboas and scorpions.

3. Al-Aziziya (Libya) - 57.7 °C. The city of 4,000 people holds the unofficial record for the highest temperature in the shade. But the World weather station does not recognize it, not trusting the means used to determine the temperature. In summer the thermometer shows 48.9 °C. The average annual temperature is lower than in Dallol or the Dasht-Lut Desert.

Humidity rarely drops below 80%, making the heat easier to bear. The winds bring healing air from the Mediterranean Sea. The city is important shopping mall, and until 2001 it was also administrative. Al-Aziziya is located near the Sahel desert Jaffar. Tourists are captivated by the unique ancient Berber architecture.

Near the city is the thousand-year-old fortress of Qasr al-Hajj made of stone and plaster. IN peacetime acted as a kind of refrigerator for food.

2. Death Valley (USA) - 56.7 °C. The lowest section of the Mojave Desert and North America- 86 meters below sea level. With an area of ​​7800 sq. km. The park is the largest in the USA. Less than 50 mm of precipitation falls annually, which is enough for small rodents and shrubs. The hottest month is July average temperature 46 °C during the day and 31 °C at night. In winter, the thermometer drops to 5-20 °C. The average annual temperature is 24.8 °C.

The peculiarity of Death Valley is the stones that move. This fact is confirmed by traces and photos from space. Both tiny stones the size of a soccer ball and 500-kilogram giants do not sit still.

Death Valley received its name in the mid-19th century. Then numerous gold miners tried to shorten the route to California through the hot lowland. Not everyone managed to get out alive, hence the names: Funeral Ridge, Last Chance Ridge and Death Valley.

1. Dasht-e Lut (Iran) - 70.7 °C. The salt desert is considered the unofficial winner of the rating, since in 2005 temperature information was obtained using a space satellite.

Features Dashte-Lut - salt marshes and sands. Constant winds led to the appearance of bizarre stone images that are shaped like pillars and mushrooms.

Even in such a hot place there is a pond! Drainless salt lake- in the south of the desert in the Nemekzar lowland. Appears on short time only in the spring.

The length of Dashte-Lut is 550 km, width is 100-200 km. Images from space show numerous sandstorms. Temperatures above 50 °C are the norm in the desert. The hottest place in the desert is the Henda Beryan plateau with an area of ​​480 square meters. km. It is covered with brown lava.

Global warming is loudly knocking on the door of planet Earth. Perhaps we will soon witness new temperature records.