The Shichko method is another step-by-step program.

This is how a person is designed that he always wants to achieve maximum results with a minimum of effort. Therefore, over time, new, more effective and less labor-intensive methods, approaches and techniques appear in different areas of human activity.

The same is true for alternative methods of vision restoration. The technique developed by William Bates more than 100 years ago is also evolving, increasing its effectiveness, thanks to many enthusiasts of natural human health.

A particularly successful discovery of the followers of W. Bates was the symbiosis of the “classical” Bates method and the self-programming method of G.A. Shichko (the term “Bates-Shichko method” is often used).

For readers who are even remotely aware of the Shichko method, this information may be perplexing: “How can one combine the improvement of vision according to Bates with the Shichko method, which is used to rid a person of bad habits (alcoholism, smoking, overeating)?”

There is nothing strange in this if we remember that improving vision according to Dr. Bates’ method is achieved by replacing “bad” visual habits (excessive eye strain, infrequent blinking and breathing, inactivity of the eyes, wearing glasses, etc.) with “good” visual ones. habits (slightly relaxed look, sufficient frequency of blinking and breathing, prevention of visual fatigue, etc.). Thus, “bad” visual habits can be put on a par with a person’s pathological dependence on alcohol or tobacco.

What is the essence of the Shichko technique and how can it be used to improve vision?

Shichko Gennady Andreevich

Gennady Andreevich Shichko, a famous Soviet scientist and psychophysiologist, as a result of his scientific research, came to the conclusion that effective ridding of a particular person from addictions is impossible without this person’s conscious understanding of his addiction and the need to forever abandon addictions that have already turned into a dangerous disease. Not external coercion, not coding, not hypnosis, but awareness dependent person of its problem is an important essence of the Shichko method.

Due to the fact that treatment according to the method of G.A. Shichko rejects drug therapy and hypnotic techniques, it is absolutely harmless and creates the opportunity for complete healing and acceptance by a person for himself healthy image life.

G.A. Shichko’s method, his important discoveries found recognition among adherents of non-drug treatment methods. Many of them have not only recognized their effectiveness, but also actively use them in their projects. In particular, I.N. Afonin and V.G. Zhdanov use the Shichko method in their work to improve vision, combining it with the Bates method.

I. Afonin notes that back in the early 90s of the last century, his teacher Yu.A. Sokolov put forward the idea of ​​​​using G. Shichko’s method to improve vision. Afonin studied the Shichko method and highly appreciated its potential and capabilities in his professional practice in vision correction. Afonin was personally convinced that the combination of the Bates and Shichko methods greatly enhances the effectiveness of vision restoration, allowing people to get rid of glasses.

Afonin emphasizes that a person’s consciousness is “clogged” not only with positive socio-psychological programs, but also with harmful ones, which he calls false. It is very important to solve the problem of destroying these false programs. The solution to this difficult problem was found by G.A. Shichko, who proved experimentally that a word written before going to bed affects the consciousness and subconscious much more strongly than something said, heard or read, because when writing words, the motor skills of the hand act on the human brain. V. Zhdanov says about this: “The hand is a human organ that came out of the brain.” In addition, a person sees the words that he writes and, repeating them to himself, also hears them. Thus, four channels of information are involved, which significantly increases the effect on the subconscious.

Therefore, Afonin and Zhdanov, in their work with people to improve their vision, actively use the work of G.A. Shichko to destroy false programs: “Glasses improve vision, help, heal,” as opposed to asking them to draw up and write down before bedtime the right program: “Glasses spoil your eyesight and cripple your eyesight.” When a person sleeps, false and correct programs try to oppose each other. The correct program defeats the false one and destroys it. As a result, only the necessary program remains, capable of performing its important function - getting rid of glasses and restoring vision.

To remove the false program from the subconscious into consciousness, Afonin and Zhdanov offer patients to fill out a questionnaire with a mandatory analysis of the causes of vision deterioration, with its condition on the day of filling out the questionnaire, so that later it will be possible to track the dynamics of its improvement after 10 days, when they fill out the questionnaire again.

After this - next step: designing and keeping a diary in a certain sequence. Each daily entry in the diary must end with self-hypnosis formulas, which must be learned by heart. They will help destroy false programs, establish the correct program in the subconscious and thereby get rid of bad habits.

Afonin gives an example: a false program claims that the deterioration of vision in all people is a natural process. In order to see better, there are doctors. They will pick up glasses that will save you, and you don’t have to do anything yourself. New program, embedded in our consciousness and subconscious thanks to Shichko’s method, states: “Glasses cripple the eyes. I refuse them. I will restore my vision and health myself. I will see even better without glasses than with glasses. Relaxation, a state of rest, is a wonderful rest for my eyes, and training relaxed oculomotor muscles will make it possible to see at any distance.”

G. A. Shichko’s method, a method of getting rid of bad habits and psychocorrection family relations V public organization sober and healthy lifestyle “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” and the teenage anti-drug education club
Unfortunately, humanity has not yet been able to develop effective, mass methods to sustainably rid people of “narcotic” substances. All previously put forward concepts in the view of the problem as a whole and the approach for the purpose of practical resolution of it did not take into account the peculiarities of the properties of a person as a sociopsychobiological phenomenon in which all acquired vices arise and develop socially.

Analysis of the problem from the perspective of a systems approach made it possible to establish that the dominant factors in the prevention and disposal of vice are not psychosamotic factors, but social ones, which consist in eliminating vicious programming through the influence of the second signal system (words) on a person’s consciousness.
Long-term practice of sustainable group deliverance of people from alcohol drinking and smoking in the public organization of a sober and healthy lifestyle “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” /19 years/, as well as primary and secondary prevention of youth drug addiction in the teenage club “Amethyst” /8 years/ using the method of a Leningrad scientist, candidate of biological sciences Sciences Gennady Andreevich Shichko proves the correctness of what he created scientific direction, on the basis of which a theoretical justification was professionally developed and its core essence was derived - the formula of social vice, which made it possible to create a methodology, methodology and popular, highly effective training courses for getting rid of smoking, drunkenness and alcoholism and allows for the development of similar courses for ridding people of other social vices .

The course is based on the teachings of V.M. Bekhtereva, I.P. Pavlova, P.K. Anokhin and other great famous scientists, as well as an unconditional democratic basis and completely excludes pressure, intimidation, and the use of any medical supplies and drugs, moreover, memorization, tests, exams. Smoking is not prohibited even during breaks. Only a benevolent, targeted influence on a person’s consciousness, exclusively with confidential information. On the basis of which, and for a deep, sustainable perception of it, situational games, auto-training (relaxation), hetero-training, unobtrusive, veiled self-control in the form of keeping a diary are included.

The course is simple, does not require any material costs and contains sufficient information and psychological potential to influence a person’s consciousness to ensure sustainable 100% elimination of a bad habit, provided that students follow all the simple recommendations set out in the guidelines.
Classes to get rid of alcohol and tobacco addiction are based on the principle of the educational process. These are courses of daily classes (not counting weekends) - ten days, excluding introductory and graduation classes. The duration of classes should not exceed two hours, with a mandatory break for students to rest.

I would like to note that G.A. Shichko, when developing the method, based it on the second signaling system. Those. the impact of the word “Heard”, the word “Read” and the word “Spoken”. Also examining various signals, I paid attention to the word “Spoken mentally” (not out loud), and especially to the word “Written by hand.” He also experimentally proved that the word “Written before bed,” before going to bed, affects the consciousness and subconscious of a person in most cases, much stronger than all others previously listed types"Words".
The main pedagogical element of classes using the Shichko method is Academician Bekhterev’s triad: beliefs (knowledge), suggestion and self-hypnosis.

I. Knowledge is the main component of beliefs and an important element of training. All information transmitted to students during the courses, and the transmission process itself, have several purposes:
Eliminating gaps in the awareness of listeners regarding the problems of alcoholism and tobacco smoking. Often, for example, we hear listeners assert that they already know everything. However, in reality it turns out that their knowledge is very superficial, and often comes down to the statement, which they themselves do not substantiate: “This is harmful.” However, they found themselves on de-alcoholization courses, and this fact should serve as a minimum of signals for themselves, and for the teacher only as a signal to focus on deepening and systematizing the knowledge of students. Systematization of listeners’ knowledge on the alcohol problem necessarily implies coverage of historical and medical aspects, an indication of the connection with current state problems, as well as basic knowledge regarding the theory of psychological programming.

The main point of courses regarding such an element as “knowledge” is the formula - not only to know, but most importantly, to realize. And this can be done by bringing knowledge through consciousness to the subconscious of listeners. In this case, the most striking, easy-to-remember elements are used: historical facts, theory and information about the consequences of alcoholism. Naturally, it is necessary to carry out several oral surveys, with a mandatory return to knowledge that is incomprehensible or not acquired by the listeners.

It should be taken into account that the main contingent is alcoholics whose cognitive abilities are weakened. Therefore, the complex of knowledge should be as clear and easy to assimilate as possible, with the absence of dialectical contradictions in their analysis and even their discussion, and the verification system is maximally focused on repeating material that turned out to be difficult to understand and assimilate.

The specifics of the audience also dictate the need to limit the duration of classes. So, for the weakened brain of alcoholics, this time should not exceed 1.5-2 hours, with a mandatory break of 10-15 minutes. Otherwise, the “fatigue” of the audience’s perception can nullify all the efforts of the teacher and lead to the need to repeatedly present the material, i.e. to prolongation of courses or their low educational function.

II. Suggestion in the waking state (relaxation) is the element with which every daily activity begins and ends. Relaxation is the first step psychological training and consists in preparing the body and psyche to work together. It is in moments of relaxation that you can hear your inner voice and feel connected to your deepest wisdom. These are moments of attention and silence. Relaxation means freeing the body and mind from unnecessary tension and relaxing moments, and has a beneficial psychological and physiological effect on a person. Before the first relaxation, it is imperative to explain to the listeners the meaning of this procedure in order to reduce the fear syndrome as much as possible. It should be explained that this is not coding or hypnosis, and that this element is necessary precisely for such people whose consciousness is burdened with the burden of their everyday problems, and is performed only for the purpose of relieving negative and negative emotions and tensions, as well as consolidating the knowledge acquired by them in class. In these words everything is just pure truth, which must be conveyed to listeners. But at the same time, we must remember that the lesson itself serves as a tool for eliminating doubts and increasing critical attitude towards the lessons. This means that the lesson must be reasoned, convincing and extremely clear for understanding, so much so that all listeners become supporters of the teacher’s point of view, briefly stated to consolidate the essence of the lesson in suggestion. Thus, the suggestion itself is brief retelling classes.

Suggestion consists of three main parts:

Attunement of listeners, activation of attention.
Main part - summary the essence of the lesson.
The finale is the audience's orientation towards a future without alcohol and tobacco, normalization of sleep, and restoration of health in general.
Practice shows that the duration of suggestion should not exceed 5-10 minutes.
The basic requirements for the technique of suggestion come down to the following: speak clearly, evenly, rhythmically, without excessive emotional accents, it is better to turn off the light and ask to close your eyes: the text of suggestion should be free from negative particles“not”, “anti” and the words “no”. A good help during such autofixations can be musical accompaniment, restrained in calm, soothing melodies.

III. Essay is also a necessary element of classes. This element is performed in three stages, each of which is of independent value and is therefore mandatory:

1. Preparation for an essay precedes its writing, takes about a day and is carried out in two stages.
The first stage takes place during the lesson, and its essence is an explanation of the purposes of writing as an act of introspection, namely:
analysis of the lived or experienced period by the listener or his “acquaintances”;
a mandatory requirement to assign (to oneself in the future) a date for writing an essay after an event that deserves further analysis, an alcoholic breakdown or other strong experience;
reading the most striking works of teetotalers, with obligatory discussion and analysis, in the future as an example of analysis of one’s own experience.

The second stage (hidden) - listeners perform at home. It consists of thinking about the topic and essence of the upcoming essay.
2. Writing an essay, which usually takes up the entire second hour of the subsequent lesson. The essay can also be written at home. Common essay topics: “Alcohol is the number one drug, or how I came to the Optimalist club”; “Who is not with us”; “How I became a slave to the stinking tobacco nipple,” etc.

3. Analysis of essays, their group reading by the teacher and discussion are carried out at the beginning of the lesson following the essay, giving the students the opportunity to read their essay in front of the group, analyzing and focusing on particularly important elements.

IV. The questionnaire, unlike an essay, is filled out by students outside of the course, but preferably after informing and explaining to the students the basic concepts contained in the questionnaire. The purpose of the survey is to identify the degree of alcoholism, inclinations and living environment of listeners. The information contained in the questionnaire is necessary to carry out an individual approach, or to implement the principle of singularism. It should be noted here that it is better to write the questionnaire on the first day of classes, or at least the questionnaire of all students should be completed by the third day of classes, when working with diaries becomes one of the main tools for de-alcoholization throughout the course.

V. The diary is an element of the course that students must complete independently. Writing a diary is done strictly before going to bed (hereinafter sleep, exclude sex), and at other times of the day it is ineffective. The diary describes the events of the past day. The diary is kept by students daily and is used by the teacher for analysis during the courses ( feedback). The absence of a diary before classes is considered a gross violation of the course. The diary is written legibly; it is imperative to answer all questions with complete and understandable answers (at least five to seven words in the answer). The answer should be a question. The diary is kept by students even after completing the primary (full-time) course. The fact is that the form of conducting them is already on a certain schedule: daily from 1 to 15; every other day from 16 to 24; twice a week from 25 to 34; once a week (on weekends) from 35 to 45 diary. When writing the 45th diary, the sixth month of the part-time course ends. The frequency of keeping diaries may be increased, and a diary writing schedule is given to each student individually and in accordance with the stage of alcoholism and tobacco addiction, the nature of binge drinking, remission, and tendencies identified in classes using diaries, a questionnaire and an essay.

A diary is also a very important element of auto-training. Let’s say that on average a person has a remission (recovery after heavy drinking) of about 30 days, this allows such a listener to complete up to 30 trainings. By writing a diary, the listener reminds himself of his problem and arranges a small provocation for himself, but at the same time he consciously refrains from committing a pathological act and trains his own consciousness and will, thus destroying harmful subconscious programs. Unconfirmed conscious and subconscious motivations that arise when writing a diary fade away, which overcomes, for example, the possibility of another “planned” binge, and subsequently leads to the consolidation of sober life attitudes.

The diary also performs the function of introspection, providing the listener with the opportunity, after some time, to analyze his own state. Look at yourself as if from the outside, draw appropriate conclusions and make possible corrections in working with the diary, which ensures that the listener self-tunes for a positive effect.

The club takes upon itself the responsibility of helping an alcoholic or tobacco smoker achieve sobriety and learn sober communication. The club’s task is not to retain a person; if you don’t like something, look for someone else who is working in this direction.

You need to learn to communicate sober, people do not know how to communicate sober, mind you, not drinkers, but people in general, so this is not a problem for you, but for humanity as a whole. Once a form of group communication without the use of “drugs” is found, people will abandon them. Now is your opportunity to chat on cool head and gain joy from sober communication.

A person creating a sobriety club must himself undergo a special course using the G.A. method. Shichko, get rid of bad habits and become a conscious teetotaler. It is very important to agree on a room for each day (the ideal option is an apartment on the ground floor, or a separate non-residential building). The purpose of the club is to unite non-drinkers and non-smokers into interest groups, as well as to promote a sober and healthy lifestyle, both by personal example and by attracting to an alternative way of life that excludes alcohol and tobacco poisoning. This unity of club members is especially important during “state drinking situations”, in order to avoid breakdowns. The factor of your own example is important, i.e. all possible support for the new member of the Optimalist club. For again organized clubs: Don’t be afraid of the small number of people, it’s difficult to form a group, people are getting used to each other. To create a group, desire is enough; experience will appear later. The most important thing is your stability in visiting the club. Many people appear once or twice and then come back a year, two, three, but all these years they knew that they were welcome at the club.

Every week the Optimalist club holds a club day, in Nizhnekamsk it is Wednesday (1800 hours). At this time, the club gathers fellow optimalists who have completed courses in different groups to get rid of bad habits. Over the 19 years of the club’s existence, there have been 276 groups (5 or more people in each). The meeting is opened by the chairman of the club, information for the week, a plan of planned events and work in the club for the future period are discussed, the printed organs “Companion”, “Optimalist”, “Phoenix”, “Grain of Sobriety” and “Aek Bulu” are distributed. Colleagues discuss in-depth “thorny” problems club work, the contingent who have not completed the courses completely hand over their diaries to mentors - teachers. Families come on this “busy” day, because it’s not for nothing that “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” is called a family club; family relationships are corrected there.

People from all over Russia and the CIS, near and far abroad come to learn from the experience of club work and its study. In Tatarstan, from “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist” clubs were born in Naberezhnye Chelny, Zainsk, Bugulma, Leninogorsk, Almetevsk and Aznakaevo, it’s great that it is being revived in Kazan. It is gratifying that in Nizhnekamsk and Almetevsk clubs have been created under the department of youth affairs - these are “Amethyst” and “Saulyk”, their basis is anti-drug education of the younger generation.

The principles of the optimalist movement are based on theses: “Hurry to do good!”, “If not me, then who?”, “If you choose yourself, help someone else!” They are fundamental in the life of sobriety and health clubs. We are optimalists and believe in a sober and non-smoking future of our city, republic, and country. The main task of the optimalist movement is to pass on the “parents-teenagers” relay of sober and healthy upbringing.

A person who has changed his worldview, his attitude towards the poisons “alcohol” and “tobacco”, and other narcotic poisons, comprehensively changes his life (his social circle as a whole). The “Optimalist” club is called an island of sobriety by its comrades; the first timid steps (like the first steps of a baby) in sobriety are very important for beginners. “The pier of last hope,” that’s what one of our club’s comrades called it. This is true. I can truthfully say that among my listeners, and I myself conducted more than 100 groups using the Shichko method, there were many people who lost even last hope to salvation, they have almost accepted their fate. But “a ray of light in the drinking kingdom of alcohol, tobacco and drugs - Optimalist” has already brought more than 6,000 thousand out of this whirlpool, this web of deadly sin.

Eyes opened very wide, insight that comes from true truthful information and a look with a sober eye transforms attitude and faith. Patriots are not born, they are made.

Here are the members of our club, they are patriots of their people, the Motherland. Who, if not us, the sons and daughters of our country, can help achieve change, of course, in a positive (better) direction. A sober person is a better person. And that says it all...

Sergey Konovalov, head of the public organization for a sober and healthy lifestyle “Nizhnekamsk Optimalist”

This technique is sometimes called the method itself getting rid of alcohol addiction .

Gennady Shichko’s method can be successfully used not only for treatment, that is, getting rid of addiction to drugs alcoholic drinks, but allows you to quit smoking.

IN lately this method is practiced for quit smoking

Moreover, the development of Gennady Andreevich Shichko helps restore vision.

About Shichko Gennady Andreevich

Gennady Andreevich Shichko defended his PhD in biological sciences.

A way to recover from alcoholism Gennady Andreevich began to think about it back in the 40s of the twentieth century.

The main thoughts on this topic arose already in my youth.

Such problems changed his own destiny - when he was wounded at Stalingrad in 1943, Shichkona's operating table ended up with a surgeon who was not sober.

As a sad result of drinking alcohol while performing his duties, the doctor made a mistake, which for the rest of Gennady Andreevich’s life did not allow him to bend his operated leg.

That is why there was a firm conviction that he would use all his might to help people in the fight against alcoholism.

The author of the method spent a long time trying to understand the mechanisms of formation and occurrence psychological dependence from drinking alcohol, experienced a variety of variations in methods of influencing people suffering from alcoholism.

Adhering to firm humanistic positions, Shichko G.A. was constantly searching the best way, with the help of which it would be possible to carry out therapeutic influence on the patient in a non-violent way, providing assistance so that the alcoholic could independently realize all the harm, the total harmfulness of this way of life, to understand that it is not easy bad habits and there is a way to abandon them forever.

Shichko Gennady Andreevich was an ardent opponent of traditional treatment of alcoholism and tobacco smoking using medications.

He categorically refused treatment with medications, as it was not just unacceptable, but unacceptable.

According to the founder of the method, it was not correct creating attitudes in a coercive manner: treatment of alcohol addiction through hypnosis or coding all kinds.

The technique, work on which began in the 50s, is based on a new direction in psychoanalysis of a humanistic kind.

Finished and fit for practical application The Shichko method acquired its appearance in 1980.

The essence psychological method Shichko

The essence of the technique developed by G.A. Shichko is conscious work on oneself , which is carried out for clearing alcohol consciousness, getting rid of the so-called " drinking programming».

How programming factors may be:

An individual prone to drinking programming consumes alcoholic beverages because believes this is a completely common, even ordinary phenomenon and there is nothing bad in this event; he does not see any threat in this process.

The creator of the method is confident use of intoxicants (psychoactive substances in medical terminology) in itself already a pathology, because Only a sober lifestyle is inherent in human nature .

    Recognition by a person of his own illness - the fact that he is sick and dependent on alcohol is not only the first, but also the most important step in the treatment of alcoholism.

Without such awareness, it is pointless and impossible to begin the process of self-deliverance.

Cheer yourself up, watch the thematic video:

Svyatoslav Yeshchenko - Sober life!

Steps from alcoholism using the Shichko method

If a person has become aware of alcohol dependence, Gennady Andreevich Shichko recommends his own sequence of steps for getting rid of alcohol dependence, which differs from the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous:

    Step one from alcohol- we take pictures.

    Before starting treatment, you need to take a photo, you will need to take your repeat photos on the 10th, 30th and 100th day, respectively, after you started a sober lifestyle.

    As soon as the second photograph is received, the more often, the better, it is better to periodically study and examine your own appearance in the photograph, making a comparison between what was and how it became.

    This visual technique will demonstrate to the patient, whose doctor he himself will be, how very different the appearance of a convinced teetotaler is from the typical appearance of a chronic drunkard.

    Step two from alcohol- describe an alcoholic lifestyle.

    Then the patient who wants to recover from alcoholism, with the help of a psychologist, relatives, or independently, compiles an auto-history in writing - this is the most complete, comprehensive description of his own life, which should begin from the moment of his first acquaintance with any alcohol taken orally.

    It is very important to cover in detail all the events that took place when a person led an alcoholic lifestyle: the sensations from the first doses of alcoholic beverages, the reaction of loved ones, physical suffering, material losses, troubles during work or study, health problems.

    It’s better to thoughtfully re-read this alcoholic autobiography twice a week; it is also recommended to supplement this memoir about drinking with further details and facts that may come to mind.

    Step three from alcohol- we record the sensations of a sober life.

    Another mandatory aspect is keeping an anti-alcohol diary.

    From the very beginning of treatment according to G.A. Shichko needs to start such a diary and write down in it any incidents, events, sensations and thoughts that are associated with the emotional state and one’s own well-being.

    For example, it is better to record your decisions and plans, emotional state from meetings with bottle buddies or chance encounters with former drinking buddies, write down your mood, physical condition, aspirations, dreams, random thoughts about drinking, alcohol and everything connected with it.

    Regularly, entries in the diary should be re-read, analyzing and comparing different periods.

    Step four from alcohol- finding out your own suggestibility.

    At this stage, Genady Shichko recommends finding out the degree of your own suggestibility in the simplest way.

    You can do this yourself or seek help from a psychologist, hypnologist or experienced mentor.

    Most often, to do this you just need to sit down comfortably, relax and confidently say to yourself three times that left hand became motionless, then wait half a minute and try to raise your arm.

    If self-suggestibility good person will be in a state where he really cannot lift the upper limb, if the middle one - with restrictions, slowly, but will be able to lift it.

    In the case when the hand rises without any effort, this indicates an extremely low degree of one’s own suggestibility.

    Step five from alcohol- work with self-hypnosis texts.

    Based on the results of the experiment on one’s own suggestibility, in order to recover from alcoholism, a person needs to compose special texts that have an independent effect.

    These texts should contain an attitude towards sobriety, describe and affirm the development of aversion to any alcohol, a positive attitude towards a purely sober lifestyle, and also encourage thinking about one’s own behavior and actions.

    Step six from alcohol- consolidation of a sober lifestyle.

    Genady Shichko's method last stage involves not so much summing up results as consolidating the results obtained.

    For this purpose, reading special anti-alcohol literature, watching such videos and other anti-alcohol materials, and also uniting such people with a sober position on life in local groups - teetotal unions, for example - Alcoholics Anonymous, are well suited.

    Temperance unions promote the exchange of abstaining experience, as well as for the purpose of protection from former drinking buddies.

    The topic of the essay could be, for example, “How my life has changed after getting rid of alcohol.”

    In addition, you can do a full diagnosis of your body, undergo a medical examination and begin to cure somatic diseases that developed during alcoholism.

Results of treatment using the original method Shichko G.A.

Since in the treatment of alcohol addiction according to the method of Gennady Andreevich Shichko, no medicines, and there are no exogenous hypnotic techniques, such therapy is not capable of causing any harm to the mental and physical state of those suffering from alcoholism.

If the patient successfully switches to a teetotal position during this practice, then he completely and completely refuses to take any types of alcoholic beverages.

The Shichko method usually leaves good reviews if it is accepted natively.

A significant proportion of patients note the high effectiveness of the method.

The result, success, largely depends on the initial mood of the alcoholic to get rid of alcohol addiction, as well as on his individual characteristics.

It is unrealistic to get rid of alcoholism according to the advice of the average person, but according to Shichko’s method it is quite possible.

It is possible to undergo treatment using this method again if it was not possible to achieve a lasting result, but in this case it is recommended to first set a certain period for a sober lifestyle.

Then, when the designated date approaches, this deadline can be postponed and work on creating a teetotaler installation can continue.

The Shichko method has absolutely no contraindications.

lesson 2 lesson 3 lesson 4
lesson 5 lesson 6 lesson 11

Leningrad organization of the all-Union voluntary society for the struggle for sobriety, all-Union association of clubs "Optimalist" Yu. A. Sokolov. Sobriety. Anti-smoking.

Watch and read the following video tutorials here: Live healthy and SOber!

Developed in the last century, the Shichko method is a rather unique and unusual way of combating alcoholism. His main feature is that a person must use it themselves. Thus, people who do not want to advertise their addiction can stop drinking without outside help. The method is also widely used to treat smoking and substance abuse.

Experts recommend Shichko’s technique to those people who sincerely want to quit drinking and get rid of alcoholism forever. For men and women who secretly want to continue drinking, technology is unlikely to help. Therefore, under no circumstances should treatment using this technology be imposed on an alcoholic. If a person does not want to stop drinking, it will not help him even if all the steps are followed exactly.

The Shichko method was invented by the candidate of biological sciences, Soviet physiologist Gennady Andreevich Shichko in the 50s of the last century. For several more decades, the author refined and improved his technique. It was finally formed only in the 80s, after which it began to be widely used in practice.

Shichko has always been sincerely convinced that the main thing in the fight against alcoholism is awareness of the problem and a person’s sincere desire to quit drinking. Gennady Andreevich was an ardent opponent of all other methods of treating alcoholism (medication, psychotherapy and hypnosis). He argued that a person can help himself, and all other options are meaningless. Therefore, Shichko did not advise alcoholics to take any drugs or visit various hypnotists.

The essence of the method is to systematically work on yourself. The alcoholic must independently eliminate the problem formed under the influence external environment“drinking programming.” A person clearly follows all points of the program, thanks to which he gradually, step by step, moves towards recovery.

Gennady Andreevich’s program for the treatment of alcoholism should not be confused with a non-drug method of vision restoration, which includes a number of eye exercises. The Shichko-Bates method was developed by an American ophthalmologist and widely promoted by Soviet scientists. Unfortunately, it has never been recognized by science, which is why it belongs to the methods of alternative (non-traditional) medicine.

How does one quit alcoholism using the Shichko method?

Getting rid of alcoholism using the Shichko method occurs according to a strictly established scheme. A person performs special exercises in a specific order. If he does everything correctly, the treatment ends with complete recovery. Many people are able to quit drinking for good in just a few months.

The first step is recognizing alcoholism

The most important thing in the fight against alcoholism is the person’s awareness of his problem. The alcoholic must fully acknowledge his illness and consciously come to the conclusion that he needs treatment. Only after passing this difficult path you can use the Shichko method and hope for recovery.

The second step is to carefully read this article.

To correctly understand the essence of the technique, you need to study it very carefully. This article must be read at least 2-3 times. This will help you correctly interpret the tips and recommendations contained in it. You need to read the article until all controversial points are completely clear.

Third step - photography

The alcoholic must take four pictures - at the beginning of treatment, on the tenth, thirtieth and hundredth day. When he has two photos in his hands, he should periodically look at them. Thanks to this, he will be able to notice how much alcohol affects him. appearance. For convenience and clarity, it is better to print the photographs.

The fourth step is autohistory

The person will need to describe the entire process of developing his alcohol addiction. All information should be recorded in a special notebook or diary. You should start by drinking alcohol for the first time. It is important to remember the details and exactly how alcoholism progressed. It is necessary to describe how drunkenness affected relationships with loved ones, friends, and colleagues.

It is necessary to record everything - the reaction to alcoholic drinks, own feelings, condemnation of loved ones, problems in personal life and at work that arise due to drunkenness. Everything must be recorded in chronological order. Periodically (every 4-5 days) the autohistory should be re-read and supplemented. If necessary, you can involve loved ones and relatives in this.

Fifth step - keeping a personal diary

This step is very important because it will greatly help you stop drinking. A person should start a diary at the very moment when he decides to be treated using the Shichko method. He must carefully describe his thoughts, plans, and events that happened to him. Periodically, the diary needs to be re-read and conclusions drawn.

The sixth step is to determine the level of your own suggestibility.

For this purpose, you can contact a hypnotist or psychotherapist. Gennady Andreevich proposed his own methodology. He advised the person to sit on a chair, place his hands on his knees and repeat to himself three times that his left arm would not rise. After half a minute try to lift own hand, carefully watching her movement. If the hand is raised slowly and with difficulty, the degree of suggestibility is high. If she moved in the usual rhythm - low.

Step seven - compiling and repeating self-hypnosis phrases

They need to be compiled or selected based on the level of your suggestibility. Phrases should encourage adherence to a sober lifestyle, the formation of an aversion to alcohol, and complete abstinence from alcohol. A person may say something like “alcohol disgusts me, it makes me feel discomfort, I get nausea, vomiting and headache after drinking alcohol.” Such exercises have a very strong effect on the subconscious.

Eighth step – eliminating the need for alcohol

With the help of texts of suggestion, a person must convince himself that he does not need to drink alcohol. From the very morning he must tell himself that he is not thirsty. Helps reduce cravings for alcohol proper nutrition. As you know, satiety suppresses the desire to drink. If all this does not help you stop drinking, it is better to contact a narcologist to select more effective method treatment.

The ninth step is setting yourself up for temporary or lifelong sobriety

First, a person must decide for what period he is ready to give up drinking alcohol. Many people find it difficult to decide to stay sober for the rest of their lives. Therefore, you can set yourself up for sobriety for six months or a year. To do this, you should write a letter of commitment. In it, a person must promise to quit drinking for a specific period. This letter needs to be re-read periodically.

Step ten – study materials about alcoholism

A person will need to read as much “anti-alcohol literature” as possible. He must become familiar with the mechanism of action of ethyl alcohol on the human body and all the serious consequences of alcoholism. It is better to write down the most significant facts and quotes and constantly re-read them.

Eleventh step - writing essays

Based on the knowledge gained, a person should write as many essays on alcoholism as possible. He can also write about his well-being and relationships with loved ones. There won't be unnecessary description changes in your life after quitting alcohol. The essays can be given to other alcoholics to read. Such exercises help consolidate the results and make sure that a sober lifestyle is very useful.

Twelfth step – consolidation of the result

A former alcoholic can meet people who have also recently recovered from alcoholism. He can communicate with them, be interested in their stories and exchange experiences. A person can create a small society from his acquaintances or join some existing circle. Together with them, he can perform exercises to consolidate the results obtained.

It won’t hurt to find some kind of hobby for yourself. New interests occupy a significant place in a person’s life, so he does not have time to think about drinking. You can also go to the hospital to identify and treat diseases caused by prolonged drinking.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

Before choosing this method of treating alcohol addiction, you should carefully study its disadvantages and advantages. Perhaps it will not suit or help people with low suggestibility. In this case, coding or other, stronger techniques will be required.

Treatment of alcoholism using the Shichko method has the following advantages:

Disadvantages of the Shichko method:

  • Impossibility of use for people who are not aware of their illness;
  • Relatively high probability of performing exercises incorrectly;
  • The need to have great strength will, endurance and punctuality;
  • There is a considerable probability that a person will get tired of treatment or will “break down”.

If you need to lose no more than 5-6 kg, but lack of willpower and self-pity are preventing you from doing so, pay attention to the Shichko method. This is a psychological and pedagogical approach to losing weight, which will allow you to organize your daily routine and moderate your desires for food.

About the author

The author of the method is Shichko Gennady Andreevich. The famous Soviet physiologist was born in 1922 in the Minsk region. He took part in the Great Patriotic War, was a political worker and commander. IN Battle of Stalingrad was wounded in both legs, he was discharged and given disability.

Shichko Gennady Andreevich

Gennady Andreevich did not give up. Being disabled, he graduated from Leningrad University, became a psychologist, and defended himself as a candidate of biological sciences. All his life he worked at the Institute of Experimental Medicine. He has written many research papers on how to psychologically recover from alcohol and nicotine addiction. He developed auto-training for losing weight and getting rid of diseases, which helped many people restore normal weight and health. Died in 1986.

Today, the Shichko method has become widespread. In conditions of constant time pressure modern people not enough time for gyms, so they are increasingly turning to such auto-training.


According to the Shichko method, weight loss occurs through self-hypnosis while keeping a diary. It records all the dietary mistakes that were made during the day, and also programs actions for tomorrow.

This system seems strange to many, and they avoid it. But we must not forget that its author is not only a psychologist, but also a physiologist and a candidate of biological sciences. He, like no one else, knew what he was writing about. His work is built on scientific principles, and not taken out of thin air.

In the course of his personal research work, G. A. Shichko found out that:

  1. All people are socially and psychologically programmed for (similar to bad habits).
  2. They are not to blame for this - they were raised that way, they found themselves in such an environment, they became hostages of some life situations.
  3. Entries made half an hour before bedtime have an effect on the subconscious several times more powerful than during the day or simply spoken and heard words.
  4. While a person is sleeping, false programs recorded for the night are destroyed in his subconscious due to self-hypnosis.

It was these discoveries that Shichko based his weight loss method on. Main role it plays like a diary, which must be kept daily and always before bed.

How to keep a diary

Basic rules

Throughout the day, take quick, short notes about how you ate.

Example: “I didn’t have time to have breakfast in the morning”, “I ate too much at lunch”, “I allowed myself a too fatty piece of meat for dinner”, “In the evening in front of the TV I didn’t notice how I destroyed a pack of chips”, etc.

60-30 minutes before bedtime, you need to put everything aside, open a notebook and write down in more detail all the shortcomings in nutrition that were made during the day, but only with self-analysis, taking into account the notes that you took.

It is quite possible to use gadgets to keep an electronic diary. But Shichko developed his method for weight loss precisely taking into account the detailed recording of his thoughts (at that time computer technology was still in its infancy). If you want to achieve results, exactly following the teachings of the physiologist, you should remember your spelling lessons and buy a ballpoint pen.

There is no need to hide anything from yourself. You ate too much at night and went crazy - write everything down in detail. You are not doing this for the public, but for your subconscious.

Structure of daily entries

Detailed nutrition report for today

Such entries are made as follows:

  • 07.00 - breakfast: I managed to hastily swallow only a cup of coffee on an empty stomach instead of a full meal;
  • 11.00 - lunch: I drank a lot of tea with my colleagues chocolates, although I took a banana, etc. from home for a snack.

That is, you need to write your actual action and compare it with what you planned to do to lose weight.


After a detailed report, you need to make a detailed conclusion about what your eating behavior was like today. The entries could be as follows:

  • “I’m great, I accomplished all my goals and didn’t eat anything extra.”
  • “I couldn’t eat right because my plans were disrupted by a trip (or a tea party with colleagues)”
  • “You need to learn to eat less sweets,” etc.

Plans for tomorrow

After this, taking into account today’s mistakes, you need to formulate a goal for tomorrow. But you shouldn’t write it down to 10 points. Every day you must overcome 1 barrier. For example: (it’s better to create a menu right away), refuse to drink tea with colleagues, don’t eat anything sweet, limit your salt intake, remove sausage from your diet. Moreover, the results should be maintained in the future.

  • Yesterday's goal was to abstain from ice cream.
  • The goal for today is to eliminate dishes with mayonnaise and ketchup.
  • The goal for tomorrow is not to eat before bed.

This doesn't mean that tomorrow's only task will be to skip the evening meal. All the goals that you set for yourself before it are added to it. If today's minimum plan is not achieved, you can move it to tomorrow or, if it is too difficult for you yet, postpone it for a while.


Shichko argued that this main part his method, which works on the subconscious during sleep. Here you need to be sure to praise yourself for the slightest achievements during the day and give a psychological mindset for losing weight: I can do it, I will achieve it, I will succeed. Moreover, it is recommended to write this down with your eyes closed.

The last thing you should do when going to bed is read self-hypnosis theses and fall asleep thinking about them.

The period for losing weight using the Shichko method is at least 10 days, when the first results should appear.

Example of one day's entries

“I couldn’t resist scrambled eggs and bacon in the evening, even though I stuck to my schedule and proper nutrition all day.”

“This happened because I tried to eat little during the day and by the evening I developed a strong appetite that I could not suppress. This is very harmful, because at night the stomach should rest and everything that I ate will be deposited on the waist. Perhaps you need to increase the portion size for afternoon snacks and dinner. But other than that, I’m great.”

“The goal for tomorrow is to definitely stop eating before bed.”

“No matter how difficult it is for me, I will wean myself from the habit of eating at night and will be able to moderate my appetite in order to lose weight and become the slimmest and most beautiful.”

What to do along the way

Shichko believed that, first of all, to lose weight you need two things - proper nutrition and motivation. What will you write in your diary? What did you eat 5 hamburgers and drink 2 liters of Coke in a day? For it to work, you first need to normalize your diet:

  • remove harmful foods from the diet;
  • eat by the hour;
  • set mini-goals for every day and achieve them while maintaining the same results;
  • drink a lot;
  • reduce portion sizes;
  • reduce daily calorie intake.

A gradual change in eating habits, together with an impact on your own subconscious, will definitely give the effect of losing weight by 4-5 kg ​​per month. Shichko special attention paid these numbers, considering them optimal for the body. He called diets that promise greater weight loss harmful from a physiological point of view and strongly recommended abandoning them.

There are online weight loss trainings using the Shichko method, which you can always sign up for and complete the entire course according to a professionally designed program. They offer more detailed questionnaires for keeping a diary, which tell you how to format it correctly. An individual approach to each applicant increases the effectiveness of auto-training.

If you want to learn about him in more detail, read I. V. Drozdov’s book “Gennady Shichko and his method for losing weight.” In it accessible language It describes how to keep a diary correctly, what thoughts can be written down, and which ones should be discarded. The examples given by the author will certainly inspire you to use this unusual system.

WITH psychological reasons overeating can be found by reading.