Bitter, also known as dark, chocolate: its benefits and harm to human health, areas of application and precautions. Chocolate: benefits and harm to the health of the body

Chocolate will never cease to be a fantastic indulgence option, not only for chocolate lovers, but also for people who want more from their diet. For those who want to eat healthy and healthy all the time.

Of course, these are not sweets healthy eating, but it is dark chocolate that will help you feel healthy on a diet and that sometimes helps you relax and forget about problems.

According to many studies, it is known that raw cocoa beans and dark chocolate made from raw cocoa powder contain large number antioxidants, including epicatechin and catechin.

In addition, intestinal bacteria die in raw chocolate, as well as fermentation products. Because this chocolate contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are essential for your health.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet?

So, I found a lot of evidence of how useful it is. And now let's in order consider everything beneficial properties dark chocolate from a scientific point of view...

1. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for the brain?

Yes, many people say, and you most likely know this, that after eating 2-3 pieces of chocolate, the brain works better, right? This is probably no secret today...

And there is scientific evidence for this:

Scientists who conducted the latest study asked 60 people, whose average age was 73, to drink two cups of cocoa a day. One group was given cocoa rich in flavonoids, and the other group was given cocoa low in flavonoids.

For the purity of the experiment, both groups were prohibited from consuming chocolate.

Before this experiment, ultrasound examinations detected circulatory disorders in the brain in 17 patients.

Regardless of the amount of flavonoids in cocoa, blood flow improved in 88% of patients. At the end of the experiment, the subjects' memory test results improved. Those who had normal blood flow at the beginning of the study saw their results improve by 37%.

Magnetic resonance imaging studies found that in 24 cases, people with blood flow problems were more likely to also have very small brain damage.

Also, according to research by British scientists, chocolate stimulates the heart and brain more than kisses. When you're high on chocolate, your heart beats twice as fast. All areas experienced prolonged and intense stimulation in the brain.

Super research that already talks about the benefits of dark chocolate on a diet...

2. Dark chocolate is good for the heart and improves cardiovascular function.

As you already know, chocolate contains polyphenols.

But, what are they and how do these polyphenols work?

Firstly, they prevent the oxidation of fat-like substances that settle on the walls of blood vessels and create the foundation for atherosclerotic plaques. The dose of polyphenols in chocolate turned out to be quite decent. Half a large chocolate bar weighing 75-100 grams contains about the same amount as a glass of red wine.

Since polyphenols are a whole group useful substances, scientists began to look at them in more detail. They tried to isolate the effect of each of them.

Back in 1999, Dutch doctors from the National Institute of Health and Welfare environment found that chocolate contains four times more catechins (one of the polyphenols) than tea.

Before this, tea was considered the record holder for the content of catechins, which protect us from cancer and from atherosclerosis. After this study, the “sweet couple” of tea and chocolate began to look very attractive from the point of view of healthy eating.

How do you like these facts?...

3. Why is dark chocolate healthier than milk chocolate? It helps in the prevention of bowel cancer

This is simply an incredible plus in favor of dark chocolate...

Mehmet Oz, MD, a cardiologist, found in a new study that consuming raw chocolate may help prevent colon cancer.

The same was published back in 2009 by the Internet publication, when it became known about the experiments of a group of scientists at the private dermatological clinic “European Dermatology London”. Although the tests focused more on the effects of the sun on the skin, the results were simply shocking...

Observations were conducted on 30 healthy adults, including 22 women. Middle age The subjects were 42 years old.

For three months, half of the volunteers ate 20 grams of dark chocolate, which is high in flavonoids, every day. The remainder of the subjects consumed regular chocolate.

After this, the skin of the experiment participants was tested for exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The skin of those who ate chocolate high in flavonols was better protected from exposure to sunlight.

Note that in tests, researchers found that eating dark chocolate can improve blood flow, reduce the risk of blood clots and even protect against colon cancer.

It turns out that dark chocolate is just a pantry for our health...

4. Dark chocolate lowers cholesterol

As we already know, chocolate, like green tea, contains a huge amount of antioxidants that help reduce bad cholesterol.

Well, a study conducted by scientists from San Diego State University and presented at Experimental Biology 2012 compared the readings of 31 people who were assigned to eat either white chocolate (0% cocoa) or dark chocolate (70% cocoa). ).

Researchers found that those who ate 50 grams of dark chocolate per day for 15 days had significantly more high levels HDL cholesterol ( good cholesterol) And reduced levels LDL - (bad) cholesterol. Quite noticeably, they also had significantly lower blood sugar levels!

Scientists also say: “ Consumers should be aware that most commercial chocolate is low in polyphenols and high in sugar and saturated fat. In a good way Get the health benefits of chocolate without all the risks by adding dark, unsweetened cocoa powder to your food.«.

5. Dark chocolate helps reduce PMS symptoms

Scientists believe that eating dark chocolate helps women relieve PMS symptoms. The women's portal Ivona writes about this very well. In women, every month, before the onset of menstruation, the level of female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone decreases.

These hormonal changes create a domino effect, so there is a temporary decrease in the level of serotonin - the hormone good mood, as well as other enforphins. As a result, women experience irritation, fatigue, and other common PMS symptoms that can last three to seven days.

According to experts, there are ways to help relieve PMS symptoms. So, they are sure that berries, calcium, magnesium, vitamins E and B6 will help reduce PMS symptoms. In addition, dark chocolate will also help cope with irritation.

As you know, this product contains magnesium and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on a person’s mood. Besides this, in dark chocolate very little sugar and no milk.

But scientists recommend excluding foods that contain sugar, salt and caffeine from your menu during PMS. Experts believe that they can aggravate your condition: cause bloating, irritability, anxiety and depression, which are associated with PMS. So be careful when choosing the right chocolate for your diet.

In addition, experts note that moderate physical activity, such as a half-hour walk, will help you improve your mood and feel more energetic.

6. Dark chocolate improves digestion

Did you know that there are healthy bacteria that live in our intestines?

Well, it turns out that dark chocolate supplies large amounts of these beneficial microbes that improve digestion. There is also a lot of research on this topic.

British scientists have found that antioxidants in chocolate (flavanoids or catechins) promote the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria, thereby improving digestion and strengthening the immune system.

For 4 weeks, a group of volunteers received these elements in a cocoa drink, either 494 mg of flavonoids per day or 23 mg/day, depending on the type of chocolate (remember, there are quite a few of them in white and milk chocolate, so you should choose dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%).

When consuming chocolate rich in flavonoids, the population of “good” gut bacteria increased and the population of “bad” gut bacteria decreased.

This means that dark chocolate is really very healthy and necessary on a diet. Let's talk about this in more detail...

7. Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet?

By the way, how much has already been discussed, but not said... Do you know that there is World Chocolate Day? Yes, and it is celebrated on July 11...

Carbohydrates and fats provide your body with energy, and magnesium and potassium ensure your muscles are fully functional. All these elements are present in dark dark chocolate.

Therefore, chocolate will be an excellent source of energy during long trips and training, and will also increase your attentiveness.

9. Dark chocolate promotes healthy blood flow

You can also find a lot of information about this good news...

Recently, in 2014, it was reported that the Journal of the American Heart Association published a study on the benefits of dark chocolate for people suffering from peripheral vascular disease.

These diseases are characterized by narrowing of the blood vessels in the extremities, which significantly impedes the flow of blood into them. When walking, such patients experience pain, cramps and get tired quickly. IN Western countries The disease affects more than 20% of the population over 70 years of age.

The study involved 14 men and 6 women aged 60 to 78 years with peripheral artery disease. Every morning the patients got up on treadmill and walked along it at low speed, and scientists measured the distance traveled, duration of walking and other parameters.

Two hours later, the subjects received a piece of dark chocolate (cocoa content of at least 85%) or milk chocolate (cocoa content of less than 35%) and got back on the treadmill.

It turned out that patients who ate dark chocolate were able to walk without outside help increased: the distance they covered was 11% greater, and the “walk” itself lasted 15% longer compared to the morning indicators. Patients who ate milk chocolate showed no improvement.


The health benefits of raw chocolate are numerous than what has already been discovered and discussed here. Many studies show that eating dark chocolate on a diet can improve your quality of life now and in the future.

However, chocolate should be consumed in moderation. We all know that chocolate contains a lot of calories. And remember about making the right choice chocolate.

That is, if we talked about the fact that dark chocolate is good for men or women, and also helps in losing weight, then this does not mean that you can eat a lot of it. This is the first. And yet remember minimum quantity content of cocoa products. There should be at least 70% of them. Better yet, closer to 100?%....

I love chocolate that contains virtually no sugar and contains 92% cocoa products.

Chocolate is a delicacy that consists of 70% cocoa. There are several types of this dessert: bitter, black, white, porous. Dark chocolate has a divine taste, the benefits and harms of which have been studied by experts. A quality product will benefit the body if you do not overeat it.


Chocolate is an original product that brings pleasure and is therapeutic when used internally and externally. Thanks to cocoa, the main components of chocolate, it improves mood, activates brain function, and adds strength.

Dark chocolate is considered truly healing. Medicine uses it for:

  • reducing heart pain;
  • improving liver function;
  • warnings varicose veins veins, atherosclerosis;
  • getting rid of skin diseases;
  • lowering blood cholesterol;
  • treatment of depression, stress conditions;
  • prevention of cancer;
  • improvement of working capacity and activation of brain activity;
  • prolongs youth;
  • work improvements digestive system.

Dark chocolate has its connoisseurs as a cosmetic product. It is used for wrapping and masks. This remedy has a charitable effect:

  • on the skin;
  • on hair growth, makes it healthier;
  • for people who do fitness.

The sweet product is part dietary nutrition. Athletes use it. If dark chocolate is introduced into the regular menu for men, it will reduce the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

Women sweet dessert no less useful. When consumed small quantity chocolate (1/4 of a bar) relieves depression, stress, improves mood, as the production of cortisone decreases. Antioxidants, which are part of chocolate, help prolong youth and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Dark chocolate is an excellent stimulant of sexual activity.

When consumed, the brain is activated. The product is able to supply the brain with oxygen and dilate blood vessels. It will also help the patient recover after a stroke.

Real dark chocolate without foreign impurities in the form of a hot drink will raise your tone and improve blood circulation if you drink it in the morning with a small amount of liquid. The effect will be enhanced by adding cinnamon to the drink.

People with high risk cardiovascular diseases, it is necessary to consume chocolate with 50% cocoa content. The product will good addition to therapy that is already available. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids. These substances:

  • lower blood cholesterol;
  • prevent damage to cells that participate in the work of the heart;
  • help reduce blood pressure;
  • help maintain the balance of the hormone estrogen.

Everyone useful qualities Dark chocolate has the highest percentage of cocoa - 70%.


Any product will cause harm if you forget about the sense of proportion. If a person consumes more than 30 grams of dark chocolate per day, carbohydrates begin to turn into fat, which is not excreted from the body.

Low-quality chocolate with a sour taste will be harmful. This product will increase the acidity of the stomach, which can lead to gastritis.

A delicious dessert will not do any good:

  • overweight people;
  • with a weak digestive system;
  • children under 6 years old.

If available overweight, and it’s hard to give up chocolate, you need to choose a product with a small amount of sugar. In addition, limit the amount of consumption, or better yet, give up sweets altogether.


Although dark chocolate has no restrictions, there are contraindications for it. If you abuse this product, you will develop an addiction that will not bring any benefit to the body. Theobromine and caffeine it contains act on the human body in a similar way to marijuana. This will happen if you consume a lot of dessert. To prevent addiction, it is necessary to limit the amount of its use.

Chocolate is contraindicated:

  • in case of metabolic disorders;
  • at allergic reactions on product components;
  • people with sleep disorders;
  • those who are overweight;
  • children under 6 years old;
  • if there are problems with blood pressure.

Caffeine, which is present in chocolate, will prevent you from falling asleep and will increase your blood pressure, in men it will provoke an enlarged prostate, which may cause heartburn and nausea.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

Dark chocolate is beneficial for pregnant women large quantities. After all, it improves mood, eliminates stress and depression, improves immunity, which is important for expectant mothers. If there are no contraindications, then dark chocolate will be the healthiest. It has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs.

During breastfeeding chocolate consumption should be limited. It can cause allergies, and the caffeine contained in it will have an exciting effect on the baby. If there are no contraindications to this product, it should be introduced into the diet in small portions. At the same time, monitor the child’s condition. You will have to stop taking it immediately if you notice negative impact on the baby's condition.

Composition (vitamins and microelements)

One bar of dark chocolate contains one fifth of the daily calorie intake that a person needs.

100 grams of chocolate contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.

Quantity Norm % of the norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
Calorie content 539 kcal 1684 kcal 32% 5,9% 1684 g
Squirrels 6Iu.2 g 76 g 8,2% 1,5% 76 g
Fats 35.4 g 60 g 59% 10,9% 60 g
Carbohydrates 48.2 g 211 g 22,8% 4,2% 211 g
Organic acids 0.9 g
Dietary fiber 7.4 g 20 g 37% 6,9% 20 g
Water 0.8 g 2400 g
Ash 1.1 g
Vitamin B1, thiamine 0.03 mg 1.5 mg 2% 0,4% 2 g
Vitamin B2, riboflavin 0.07 mg 1.8 mg 3,9% 0,7% 2 g
Vitamin E, alpha tocopherol, TE 0.8 mg 15 mg 5,3% 1% 15 g
Vitamin RR, NE 2.1 mg 20 mg 10,5% 1,9% 20 g
Niacin 0.9 mg
Potassium, K 363 mg 2500 mg 14,5% 2,7% 2503 g
Calcium, Ca 45 mg 1000 mg 4,5% 0,8% 1000 g
Magnesium, Mg 133 mg 400 mg 33,3% 6,2% 399 g
Sodium, Na 8 mg 1300 mg 0,6% 0,1% 1333 g
Phosphorus, Ph 170 mg 800 mg 21,3% 4% 798 g
Iron, Fe 5.6 mg 18 mg 31,1% 5,8% 18 g
Digestible carbohydrates
Starch and dextrins 5.6 g
Mono- and disaccharides (sugars) 42.6 g 100 g
Saturated fatty acids
Saturated fatty acids 20.8 g 18.7 g

Dark chocolate is a high-calorie confectionery product because it contains a large amount of cocoa butter.

How to cook

Chocolate self made preferred by everyone who thinks about their health. To be sure that the chocolate contains no harmful additives, it is better to prepare it yourself, or be present while preparing the delicacy.

This chocolate is much better than store-bought chocolate, even high-quality one. Handmade product attracts attention:

  • lack of sugar, you can add honey, fruit syrup, coconut sugar instead;
  • using the highest quality ingredients;
  • adding healing additives: goji berries, dried fruits, nuts, chia seeds;
  • lack of lecithin in the composition.

To make chocolate at home, you need to stock up on high-quality cocoa beans (100 g), cocoa butter in approximately the same quantity, a natural sweetener to taste, various additives as desired (vanilla, nuts, mint). It is not recommended to use high heat when cooking. Using a blender, all ingredients delicious dessert mix easily until smooth, then pour the finished mixture into molds.


If dark chocolate is without additives and purchased in a store, its shelf life is up to 12 months. Chocolate with additives can be stored for about 6 months. Handmade chocolate lasts no more than a month. Sweet treats should not be stored in a place where there are foreign odors. The chocolate will borrow this smell and will be hopelessly spoiled.

It is stored:

  • in tightly closed glass containers or paper packaging;
  • away from spices;
  • not in the refrigerator, the optimal storage temperature is 16-19 degrees.

Do not overheat the chocolate because it will melt and become bitter.
It is necessary to monitor the air humidity, since if there is an excess of it, the chocolate will turn into plasticine. If there is not enough moisture, the product will dry out, become brittle, and lose its aroma.

How to choose

Chocolate will be harmful if it is made from cheap, low-quality raw materials from an unknown manufacturer. Real dark chocolate contains no palm oil, coconut oil or trans fats. These cocoa butter substitutes will provoke hormonal imbalance, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors, and allergies.

Nuts, cayenne pepper, and apples do not spoil the taste of chocolate.
Although dark chocolate is a very high-calorie product, there is no need to deprive yourself of the pleasures of chocolate therapy. Reduce your consumption of bread and potatoes to reduce the calorie content of your menu, give yourself a tasty and healthy holiday.

How nice it is to eat a slice of this favorite delicacy! It takes very little to improve the mood of adults and children. There are many myths and speculations about the health benefits and harms of this product. How is it really, who can eat chocolate without consequences?

The benefits of dark chocolate

A natural product without additives can be used as a medicine, if the dosage is not abused. The benefits of dark chocolate are based on the positive properties of cocoa beans. If a person consumes 20 grams of treats daily, this is:

  • stimulates cerebral circulation;
  • activates the production of the hormone of joy;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • soothes cough (thanks to the component theobromine);
  • strengthens bones due to the presence of calcium.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate? Consuming a small amount of it, unlike dairy, improves performance, health, and counteracts diseases. When using:

  • protection against cancer occurs due to antioxidant properties;
  • a stimulating effect is produced due to the presence of caffeine;
  • aging slows down;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases;
  • depression is treated;
  • weight loss;
  • brain function improves;
  • the body is saturated with vitamins;
  • bleeding gums decreases;
  • the deficiency of zinc, magnesium, chromium is compensated.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate for women?

Chocolate has a special effect on female body. The ingredients of the treat activate blood circulation and fat metabolism, so lately The use of the product in cosmetology is so popular. The benefits of dark chocolate for women are noted if you regularly make wraps, masks, and massages with it:

  • signs of cellulite are eliminated;
  • skin aging slows down;
  • beauty is preserved;
  • improves hair structure and growth;
  • small wrinkles are removed.

This product is included in diets, promoting weight loss, and also has the ability to treat skin diseases and reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Eating a small amount of sweets is a positive remedy for:

  • failure menstrual cycle;
  • the need to restore ovarian function after childbirth;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • emergence unpleasant symptoms during menstruation and menopause.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

Recent studies have proven that the delicacy is also beneficial for men. If you consume a real, high-quality product little by little, you can maintain vigor and health for a long time. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for men? If you eat a treat with natural ingredients, you can:

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet?

There is an opinion that the high calorie content of the product contributes to weight gain. This is true if you overindulge in the amount of treats you eat. A few pieces a day will only help you lose weight, because it contains substances that stimulate fat burning. Dark chocolate is used in diets for weight loss because:

  • cholesterol and blood sugar levels decrease.
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the elimination of toxins is activated;
  • the feeling of hunger is prevented.

How many calories are in dark chocolate?

The product is high in calories and, if consumed in excess, can cause fat deposition. One tile contains a fifth of the daily requirement. The calorie content of dark chocolate depends on the percentage of cocoa beans indicated on the package. The lower the value, the more sugar it contains. This indicates that the calorie content of the product is higher (in the range of 400–610 kcal per 100 grams). For example, Elite, 75%, from the Babaevsky confectionery concern, has a nutritional value of 540 kcal.

Composition of dark chocolate

Domestic manufacturers make the delicacy in compliance with GOST, which describes all the components and their ratio in the composition. The label contains numbers - percentages indicating the content of cocoa liquor - it should be more than 55%. The higher the indicator, the better quality, aroma and taste. Composition contains:

  • cocoa beans, preferably raw. But more often during production, grains undergo fermentation, drying, roasting, and thorough mixing during high temperatures;
  • sugar –20–40%.

Dark chocolate contains vitamins, calcium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, and potassium. It contains carbohydrates, organic acids, monosaccharides, and dietary fiber. Undesirable components are ethyl alcohol, vegetable fats, flavorings. The required ingredients of the product are:

  • cocoa butter, the amount of which should be at least half the weight of the bar, the main component is saturated fat;
  • lecithin - helps create a homogeneous mass, indicated on the packaging as “E322 emulsifier” (vegetable or soy) or animal “E476 emulsifier”.

How to choose dark chocolate

To avoid counterfeits, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters when purchasing. How to choose the right dark chocolate? If the delicacy is sold by weight, the tile should crack and crumble when broken. Please note appearance:

  • the color of the product should be dark brown - light indicates the addition of soy;
  • surface smooth, glossy;
  • there is no white coating - a sign of improper storage.

For factory-made chocolate, the characteristics are written on the packaging. GOST R 52821-2007 should be mentioned - compliance with state standards. A high-quality product contains a minimum of unnecessary components. The following must be indicated on the chocolate bar wrapper:

  • high amount of cocoa in grated form - more than 70%;
  • soy lecithin– “emulsifier E322”;
  • cocoa butter – not less than 33%.

Price of dark chocolate

You can buy this bitter delicacy at your nearest store; its cost is low. There are slight differences between brands. How much does dark chocolate cost? Price in rubles:

What is the best dark chocolate in Russia?

Many domestic confectionery factories produce this tasty delicacy. Below is the rating of dark chocolate in Russia, indicating the manufacturer:

  • “Loyalty to Quality” – “A Priori” 99%, 610 kcal, no sugar;
  • “Russian Chocolate” – Elite bitter porous 70%, 526 kcal;
  • “Pobeda” – Bitter 72%, natural sweetener, sugar-free, 460 kcal;
  • “Russia” – Gorky 72%, natural vanilla, stabilizer – milk fat, 583 kcal;
  • Korkunov 72%, classic, 568 kcal.

Babaevsky elite bitter chocolate

The confectionery concern "Babaevsky" has long and successfully produced products that differ high quality and excellent taste. Chocolate bar Babaevsky Elite 75% has a calorie content of 530 kcal/100 grams, the composition includes proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, and fats. The product contains the following ingredients:

  • grated cocoa;
  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • cocoa butter;
  • animal lecithin E 476;
  • Vanilla flavoring;
  • A small amount of nuts is acceptable.

Dark chocolate without sugar Pobeda

Distinctive feature This brand, produced by the Pobeda factory, replaces beet sugar with a vegetable sweetener - stevia, as indicated on the packaging. This is what it looks like in the photo. Pobeda bitter chocolate has 72% energy value 460 kcal, does not contain GMOs. The composition, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, contains the following ingredients:

  • cocoa mass;
  • cocoa butter;
  • natural prebiotic (inulin);
  • cocoa powder;
  • emulsifier (lecithin);
  • flavoring (vanillin);
  • natural sweetener stevia.

Russian production, engaged in the production of chocolate products since the 19th century, is famous for its excellent quality. Chocolate factory Red October 80% has a calorie content of 550 kcal, prepared according to specifications 9125-003-51938624. The composition contains more protein than other brands. The content of cocoa products is high, but cocoa powder is in 3rd place on the list. There's more of it than cocoa butter, which isn't the most good option. The composition of chocolate, in addition to the necessary components, contains:

  • soy lecithin;
  • vanilla flavoring.

How to make dark chocolate at home

Do you want to please your loved ones with a dark chocolate treat? Make it according homemade recipe. Ingredients can be ordered and purchased in the online store at affordable price. You will need 100 grams of cocoa beans and cocoa butter, 3 tablespoons of honey. Nuts, raisins, and vanilla can be used as additives. To prepare chocolate you should:

  • grind cocoa beans with a coffee grinder;
  • melt cocoa butter in a water bath;
  • mix, add additives;
  • cool, add honey;
  • put into molds;
  • cool in the cold.

There is a more affordable recipe for homemade dark chocolate, which contains the following components: 50 grams butter, 100 g cocoa powder, teaspoon sugar. The delicacy is prepared in the following sequence:

  • butter is cut into pieces;
  • melted in a water bath;
  • cocoa powder is mixed in;
  • sugar is added;
  • the mass is poured into a mold covered cling film;
  • exposed to the cold.

Harm of dark chocolate

A delicacy with excellent taste and nutritional properties, it is not useful for everyone, especially in large quantities. Why is dark chocolate harmful? The reason lies in the components:

  • sugar increases the acidity of the body, disrupts digestion and metabolic processes;
  • carbohydrates are stored as fat;
  • Digestion of the product requires a large amount of enzymes, which causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • caffeine leads to stimulation of the nervous system, sleep disturbances, and heartburn.

This one is delicious and useful product if consumed excessively, it can cause metabolic disorders. Substances in chocolate cause the appearance of oxalate stones in the kidneys and an increase in the amount of urine. The product has the following contraindications for use:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • allergy to components;
  • problems with high pressure;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases;
  • suffered a stroke, heart attack.


The benefits and harms of dark chocolate have caused endless debate among doctors and nutritionists for many years, because for many this product has been a favorite treat since childhood. Some say that it can ruin teeth and increase weight. Others consider it a real medicine, while others simply enjoy the taste without thinking about anything. Let's try to figure out what is hidden behind the bright packaging of a dark chocolate bar and whether it is really so harmful.

Composition, calorie content and nutritional value of dark chocolate

The composition of dark chocolate is rich in vitamins and minerals that can have a positive effect on the body.

  • Vitamin E primarily has a positive effect on the female body. It is able to maintain natural beauty and youth skin.
  • Vitamin B helps the thyroid gland function. In addition, it accompanies the production of red blood cells and has a positive effect on vision.
  • Nicotinic acid cleanses and dilates blood vessels, eliminating the formation of cholesterol plaques.
  • Magnesium improves memory, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.
  • Iron prevents anemia.
  • Theobromine helps improve biochemical processes and speeds up metabolism.
  • Caffeine activates the process of fat breakdown.

100 grams of chocolate contains 540 kcal. The ratio of fats/proteins/carbohydrates is 35.4/6.2/48.2.

Benefits for human health

The beneficial properties of dark chocolate for the body have been proven for more than one generation.

Basically they manifest themselves in the following:

  1. Being a natural antidepressant, chocolate can slow down the aging of the body.
  2. Eating a small piece of dark chocolate daily can help prevent heart attacks and strokes.
  3. The product helps improve blood flow.
  4. Satisfies hunger.
  5. It prevents cholesterol plaques and, as a result, blood clots.
  6. Strengthens the vascular system.
  7. Increases immunity.
  8. Chocolate is a source of energy and helps increase stamina.
  9. Helps to recover after intense physical exertion.
  10. Normalizes blood pressure.
  11. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  12. Relieves sore throats and also helps in treating prolonged coughs.
  13. Helps normalize the psycho-emotional state.
  14. Helps improve memory and activates brain activity.
  15. Serves as a prevention of ulcerative processes.

Read more on the site: Horse chestnut: medicinal properties and contraindications

Many doctors say that there are certain benefits of dark chocolate for women, and especially pregnant women. The product stops hair loss and strengthens nails. They say that if you regularly eat dark chocolate, you can give birth to a stress-resistant baby.

Dark chocolate is also beneficial for men. It works as an aphrodisiac and can increase potency.

Please note that the higher the percentage of cocoa beans in chocolate, the higher its benefits. A high-quality product contains 72% of this ingredient, but its indicator must be at least 55%. The amount of cocoa butter should be about 30%.

Beneficial properties for diabetes

Unlike white and milk chocolate, black chocolate is approved for use with type 2 diabetes. The main thing is to know when to stop and not to overdo it with quantity.

Useful properties are as follows:

  • saturates the body with polyphenols;
  • Ascorutin strengthens blood vessels, reduces their fragility;
  • Due to the consumption of dark chocolate, lipoproteins are formed in the diabetic’s body, which have a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism;
  • the product lowers blood pressure;
  • increases sensitivity to insulin;
  • enriches with iron;
  • promotes rapid saturation of the body due to the high percentage of protein;
  • saturates the body with antioxidants thanks to the flavonoids it contains.

Use in cooking

In cooking, dark chocolate can be used as an independent dessert. In addition, it can be used as an additional ingredient in many dishes. Special sauces are prepared based on dark chocolate, some of which can be added to sweet and savory dishes.

A bar of dark chocolate can serve as a base for cream. And the product often serves as an original decoration for various culinary masterpieces.

Use in cosmetology

Recently, cosmetic products containing chocolate have been increasingly conquering the market.

  • The salons offer various wellness programs based on creams and mousses with chocolate.
  • Chocolate products are included in a comprehensive anti-aging program.
  • Hot chocolate is added to the bath, used for massage treatments, masks and balms based on it are rubbed into the skin.
  • Some salons offer a course of chocolate therapy, which is intended for the skin.

In addition to its health benefits, chocolate improves mood and overall well-being. As a result of therapy, the skin becomes velvety, sometimes even pigmentation disappears. Chocolate-based masks smooth out wrinkles and promote healing of small wounds and eczema. And cocoa butter can combat dry skin.

Today there is a chocolate diet with strict requirements. The menu includes coffee without sugar but with milk, still water and a bar of your favorite chocolate.

Chocolate has been known to the world for many thousands of years. You may be surprised, but before 1847 it did not have a solid form. And cocoa beans, which form the basis of chocolate, were used only for making drinks. Gradually, over the course of several centuries, the delicacy transformed from a bitter drink of Indian tribes into an exquisite dessert, popular and loved all over the world.

Napoleon always carried a bar of chocolate with him

There is a lot of controversy regarding the effect of the product on the human body. Some say it is harmful, others say it is beneficial. Thanks to serious research by modern scientists, the undoubted positive influence to his health. But of course we're talking about specifically about natural chocolate.

If you see the following composition on the packaging: cocoa powder, palm oil, refined sugar, flavoring, stabilizer, emulsifier and other harmful chemical additives, then you can be sure that this is not a quality product that is dangerous for the body.

What should be the composition of dark chocolate?

Real natural chocolate consists of a small amount of ingredients. The base is cocoa bean powder and cocoa butter. They, in turn, are saturated useful vitamins(A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B11, B12, C, D, E, PP) and minerals (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus), organic and fatty acids, plant proteins, antioxidants, flavonoids , catechins, theobromine, thiamine and essential oils.

It is the cocoa bean seeds that give chocolate its greatest benefits. For example, after regular use, thanks to the flavonoids in their composition, the blood is cleansed and its composition improves. Beans also contain a unique substance - theobromine. It got its name from Latin word Theobroma cacao, which means “Food of the Gods”. Theobromine promotes production, which is why this delicacy improves mood so much.

Cocoa beans also contain magnesium, which improves memory, helps fight stress and improves immunity.

Natural (aka dark, bitter) chocolate must consist of at least 55% cocoa. Due to its predominance over oil, the product has a tart taste. But true gourmets give their preference to dessert with 75%-99% of its content. 80-85% is still considered optimal for taste.

Another component of chocolate, cocoa butter, is most often used for cosmetic purposes, but it is very effective in fighting coughs and malignant tumors. In cheap chocolate, it is usually replaced with palm or coconut.

Calorie content of dark chocolate - 539 kcal per 100 g.

Useful properties and benefits of dark chocolate for the body

  • is a powerful antioxidant
  • prevention of cancer,
  • eliminates severe cough,
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system,
  • helps with hypertension,
  • lowers the level of bad cholesterol,
  • reduces the risk of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis,
  • cleanses the blood and improves its composition,
  • lifts mood and energy,
  • reduces the level of the stress hormone cortisol,
  • improves brain function,
  • improves memory and mental abilities,
  • relieves the condition during menstruation,
  • prevention of tartar,
  • slows down the aging process,
  • moisturizes and tones the skin,
  • fights cellulite.

For hypertension, it will be enough to eat 30 g of treats (72% cocoa) to normalize blood pressure.

Dark chocolate is not harmful to teeth; moreover, it slows down the development of caries and strengthens teeth due to the presence of calcium. This significantly distinguishes it from its dairy counterpart.

Dark chocolate for weight loss

Dark chocolate is a dietary product. He has a low glycemic index, it does not cause a rapid rise in blood glucose and a large release of insulin. Therefore, 50-60 g of chocolate per day cannot harm your figure.

Glycemic index of dark chocolate (with cocoa content more than 60%) - 25

Thanks to these properties, the product has become the basis of the chocolate diet, no matter how paradoxical it may sound. Dark chocolate is high in calories so as not to cause hunger. Therefore, they can “pacify the appetite.” Moreover, it does not apply to fast carbohydrates unlike a dairy product.

1 bar of chocolate for the whole day. The only drinks herbal teas, and it’s best to stop on the water.

Contraindications and harms of dark chocolate to health

  • individual intolerance to components,
  • frequent migraine attacks (due to the presence of tannin, which constricts blood vessels).

Dark chocolate can only cause harm if you overeat and consume poor quality product. The first will lead to dizziness, weakness, sleep disturbances and skin rashes. The second is disruption of the digestive system, including the development of gastritis.

It's hard to believe, but eating this delicacy actually has a beneficial effect on general condition human body. Therefore, you can safely include it in your daily diet. The main thing is to comply daily norm.

The daily intake of dark chocolate for children over 3 years old is 20 g per week, for adults - 50 g per day (1/2 bar 100 g)

How to choose dark chocolate

First of all, you should pay attention to the composition. Dark chocolate has a pronounced cocoa content. This has already been discussed above. The natural product does not contain harmful additives.

The color of the dessert is dark brown. White plaque speaks of his depravity.

When the tile breaks, you should hear a crunching sound.

If you doubt the products of our stores, then prepare the treat yourself.

How to make natural chocolate

A healthy and high-quality product can only be obtained from natural ingredients. As already mentioned, it is based on cocoa beans and cocoa butter. Fillings (nuts, berries, dried fruits, etc.) are also added if desired.

Master chocolate and treat yourself, your loved ones and friends with this delicacy every day. It won't harm your figure. ;)

Homemade natural chocolate

How to make chocolate wrap at home

Chocolate contains caffeine, which ensures the breakdown of fatty tissue and prevents the appearance of cellulite, so it is often used in cosmetic procedures provided in spa salons. In addition, the sweet product cleanses the pores of toxins and impurities, thereby rejuvenating and renewing the skin.

Chocolate wrap is a body treatment using increased temperatures and chocolate. If desired, it can be performed at home.

To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to perform 12-15 procedures.

After the full course:

  • the skin becomes softer, smoother, silkier and more hydrated,
  • it acquires an elastic and fresh appearance,
  • the visibility of the tubercles decreases,
  • excess fluid, waste and toxins are removed from problem areas,
  • the emotional background improves.

The procedure has a positive effect on the psycho-emotional state and nervous system. The healing effects of aromas on the human body have been known since ancient times, so it is recommended to supplement the sweet aroma of chocolate with essential oils of oranges, cinnamon, and mint. Already during the first procedure you can feel a surge of strength and positive emotions, improved mood.

Making chocolate wrap at home is quite simple. To do this, you will need natural chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 60%, cling film and warm clothing.

There are many recipes for making chocolate mass: you can mix chocolate with olive or orange oil, red pepper, honey or water. The mass must be heated in a water bath to 36-37°C. Apply an even layer to the body, wrap the skin with cling film and wrap yourself in warm clothing. Over the next 20 minutes you need to relax and enjoy the aroma.

After just a few sessions of chocolate wrap, you will notice a decrease in volume and an improvement in skin condition. But keep in mind that this will not be enough to keep yourself in great shape. Must be done physical exercise and maintain proper nutrition.

The benefits of dark chocolate for human health and beauty are very great. If you use exclusively high-quality and natural product, follow the daily norm, you can get amazing results.

How dark chocolate is made: production secrets