Tarot decoding and interpretation. Brief description of tarot cards

When fortune telling with tarot cards, you need to know their meanings and distinguish between symbols and symbols. It will be difficult for beginners at first, but with practice and a strong desire to learn, you can become a real ace in this matter. When fortune telling, you need to correctly ask your questions to the cards and convey your main idea. And having thoroughly studied all the meanings of the tarot cards, you can come to an understanding of intuitive clues that will help answer the questions asked at the very beginning.

Rules for fortune telling using Tarot cards

When telling fortunes with tarot cards, you need to know some rules that beginners very often neglect. This small list of rules will help you achieve the best results of successful fortune telling.

First you need to kind of tame your Tarot deck. To do this, the deck must be constantly sorted out, laid out, and studied all the images and meanings of the cards. In other words, establish an emotional connection with the deck. It is useful to read special books to learn more about them.

In cases where the cards do not give an accurate image of something, you need to try to feel the cards intuitively. At the same time, calm and deep breathing during fortune telling is considered an assistant in such situations. It is believed that crossing your legs and arms is not advisable, as this interferes with information exchange with space. If fortune telling occurs through mediation, then you need to establish contact with the fortuneteller.

One of the main rules is that fortune telling should only be done in a healthy and vigorous state. Various negative and joyful emotions can interfere with the correct layout of the cards.

Card meanings

Jester (fool)

The card depicts a cheerful, cheerful man who, no matter what, goes his own way.

Symbolizes the road leading to the abyss, in which both joy and mistakes are encountered. It’s almost impossible to turn away from it, even if you really want to.

The interpretation of this card speaks of the jester's sincere surprise, simplicity, openness and spontaneity to everything that happens on his way. And for the chosen path to be successful, you need to believe in higher powers and forget about old wounds and sorrows.

The card depicts a magician in white clothing, raising his wand upward. On the table in front of him are 4 symbols of the suits of the minor Arcana - a pentacle, a staff, a sword and a cup.

The magician identifies the fortuneteller himself. The magician is a leader and strong man capable of leading people. This person is too convinced of his abilities, so he can convince others of this.

The card's meaning in personal relationships is affection and infatuation.

The card depicts a priestess sitting between two columns, one of which is white, the other black. The letters “Yod” and “Beit”, meaning the Sun and Moon, are often placed on the columns. The meaning of these letters is the unity of two opposites: day and night, man and woman, life and death. In the Priestess’s hand is a book of knowledge in which all the truths are written. The priestess signifies balance and harmony of opposite principles.

The Major Arcana of the Tarot deck is the Empress. Symbolizes motherhood, pregnancy and fertility. On the card, the Empress is depicted wearing a crown and holding a staff in her hand. The designation of this card is associated with change and the discovery of talents in creativity.

Interpretation of the Tarot card - Empress: a mother who cares and guides her child in accordance with the foundations and traditions laid down in life and joyfully watches his growth and achievements.

This Tarot card symbolizes power and strength, order and justice. The interpretation indicates interpersonal relationships that require endurance and perseverance.

The lasso of the Emperor card represents masculinity, with his inherent will, authority and strength.

Priest (Hierophant)

The card depicts a priest seated on a throne in a red robe, symbolizing external power.

Since a priest is knowledge and faith, this can mean a worthy teacher who is at a high level of development. In personal matters, this is a trusting relationship in marriage.

The card depicts lovers, a guy and a girl, with the God of Love hovering above them. This Arcana symbolizes matters of the heart, love and fidelity. The interpretation of the Lovers card signifies the danger that can arise in a love relationship and is associated with indecision, doubt and instability.

The lasso depicts a strong and purposeful man in a chariot, holding a rod in one hand. The chariot is harnessed to two sphinxes, one of them is black and sad, the other is white and cheerful.

The card symbolizes victory and success achieved through hard work and effort. If you get the Chariot, it means all your problems will be resolved, all illnesses and obstacles will disappear. It also means success in financial affairs.

The lasso depicts a girl who gently pats a tame lion's mane, showing her strength over him. On her head is an infinity symbol.

The card symbolizes the strength of spirit that has managed to achieve a balance between reason and instincts.

If a person gets this particular card, it means that at this point in his life he has become the master of his destiny and he himself determines where it will turn. If the Chariot Tarot card comes up with her, then this means drama, readiness for battle and passion.

The lasso depicts an old man walking through the desert completely alone, with his head covered, with a lantern and a staff in his hand.

The card means a symbol of loneliness, spiritual search, escape from the bustle of the world and the views of others, victory over one’s passions and desires, control and management of one’s emotions.

IN professional activities means change, revision of goals and aspirations. In personal matters, it promises peace alone or together. This lasso speaks of the prudence of the person to whom it fell.

The wheel of Fortune is depicted here, on top of which sits a sphinx with a symbol of power - a sword.

The meaning of the card symbolizes fate, fateful actions, fatal decisions and events, happy and unhappy accidents.

The lasso bears the image of the symbolism of justice. Namely, a woman tightly blindfolded, holding scales and a sword in her hands.

The Justice Tarot card indicates reaping the fruits of previous work. In personal affairs it promises balance and equality. When read together with the Arcana of the Jester, the Magician and the Devil, it foreshadows difficulties and conflicts with the law.

The lasso depicts a hanging man suspended by one leg, while the other leg is thrown so that both legs cross in a cross. His hands are tied, there is grief and sorrow on his face. The meaning of the card is sacrifice, self-denial and trials. The sacrifice here is not in terms of losing something important and meaningful, in this case it is giving in order to receive something more valuable.

The card indicates the need to rethink your thoughts and the state of things.

Death is clearly visible on the map, sitting astride a horse and crushing mutilated corpses with its hooves.

This Arcanum symbolizes separation, end, loss, as well as change. In the field of work, it means the end of a previous activity. In personal matters, the card speaks of a possible break in relations with a loved one.

The card of this Arcana depicts a young woman in the guise of an angel. She holds bowls in her hand, pouring water from one to another without spilling a drop.

The card symbolizes harmony, tranquility, tranquility, peace and health. In the professional sphere, it means joy from a pleasant atmosphere in the work team. The card characterizes a person who knows how to control his emotions and feelings.

The lasso bears the image of a figure of the devil, on whose forehead is an inverted pentagram.

The Tarot card means the death of everything good and pure in the human personality. The meaning of the Devil card emphasizes that the pursuit of wealth and material assets brings a person lower and lower. In professional activities, it indicates the possibility of blackmail or bad manipulation under the guise of good deeds. Also in your personal life it promises submission, sex and confusion.

The map shows a tower destroyed by lightning, from the top of which people fall into an unknown abyss.

The tower symbolizes destruction, accidents and collapse. There may be changes, layoffs and scandals in work affairs. The personal side of life is full of disappointments, scandals and broken relationships. The interpretation speaks of life trials, which must be passed with dignity.

The lasso bears the image of a young naked girl, in whose hand there are two vessels. From one water flows into the river, from the other to the river bank.

This card is called the Guardian Angel. The designation of this card symbolizes hope for the future, stability and confidence in the future, success and happiness. In relation to health, it means recovery.

The Tarot card depicts a landscape with the moon shining serenely above it. In the foreground are two dogs and a crayfish crawling out of the river.

The symbol is night, the kingdom of darkness, nightmares and fear of the future. Work promises timidity, indecisiveness and uncertainty. The meaning of personal character indicates dissatisfaction in hobbies.

The Sun is the most successful card of the Major Arcana. It depicts a clear sky and bright sun. Also depicted is a child on a horse against the background of a stone fence.

In the sphere of personal affairs, it promises excellent health, marriage or union, pregnancy and high financial status.

In work matters - ease of decisions, calmness and a sound mind.

The card depicts an angel playing a flute and raising previously buried people with his music.

The lasso is a symbol of resurrection, rebirth, liberation and victory of the forces of light over evil. Interpretation in personal relationships indicates changes for the better.

This is the final Major Arcana and means the symbol of the Universe. In the professional sphere, it means finding a calling. In personal relationships, the designation promises happiness, a strong and long-lasting union.


In order to start working with a magic deck, you first need to familiarize yourself with the meaning of each card - without this, complete and reliable fortune telling simply will not work. Interpretation of Tarot cards is the most difficult, but at the same time the most interesting process for a tarot reader. And today we will talk about how you can generally interpret cards, how to learn to understand classic and specialized decks.

Ways to Interpret Tarot Cards

There are two main ways to interpret magic cards. The first is to study the basic meanings of each Arcana according to the instructions attached to the deck, specialized literature, various courses and master classes. The second is an independent study of the symbolic field of each card, when the tarot reader simply takes the deck and gradually, carefully examining each Arcana, records his own associations associated with it.

It is difficult to say which method is better, since each master has his own opinion on this matter. So, for example, for a person with a rich imagination, interpreting the Tarot Arcana in an intuitive way may be more convenient than memorizing book interpretations. Some people generally prefer to combine both methods - familiarity with the book, traditional meanings of the cards, as well as their own elaboration.

A lot depends on the deck itself. For example, the interpretation of Rider-Waite Tarot cards usually does not cause any difficulties, since all Arcana, including the Minor ones, are depicted in the form of simple pictures, the meaning of which can be understood without even looking at the book. But Aleister Crowley’s Tarot of Thoth cannot be understood intuitively, since the Minor Arcana are not drawn, and the meanings themselves put into the cards by the author are very different from the classical interpretations. Of course, this deck will not be particularly difficult for an experienced tarot reader, but it will be quite difficult for a beginner to work with it.

Personally, I try to find an individual approach to each deck. I studied the Thoth Tarot from the works of Aleister Crowley himself, and only then worked through each card independently, adding my own associations to the traditional meaning, which I recorded in a notebook. I began to study the Wild Unknown Tarot intuitively, and only then, after recording my own associations, I looked into the MBK - it turned out that my vision of the Arcana is very close to the meaning that the author put into them. The interpretation of Tarot cards in layouts made on Nicoletta Ceccoli’s deck still varies for me depending on the topic of fortune telling: these cards are more reminiscent of metaphorical ones than traditional Tarot. The MBK for this deck seemed to me not at all informative. But it turned out to be difficult to study the Hermetic Tarot without a book attached to the deck.

As you can see, one the right way no - it all depends on you. For example, I know one girl who, on principle, does not look at reference books at all and works exclusively with her own feelings - her layouts always hit the mark, despite the fact that some of her interpretations are very far from the classical ones. So the interpretation of Tarot layouts is a purely individual thing.

General interpretation of the Major Arcana Tarot

Despite the fact that different decks may have different interpretations of the same card, the Major Arcana usually retain a similar meaning. Now we will look at the interpretation of the Waite Tarot cards - beginners can rely on these meanings. However, do not forget that the final interpretation depends on your personal perception and the specifics of the deck.

Card number Title of the Major Arcana Brief interpretation
0 Beginning, spontaneity, stupidity, something new, taking risks
1 Possibilities, action, concentration of will, awareness
2 Intuition, inner voice, mystery, potential, trust
3 Fertility, motherhood, abundance, harmony with nature, sensuality
4 Power, structure, strength, management, control
5 Commitment to tradition, compliance with rules, spirituality, mentoring
6 Relationships, choices made by the heart, love
7 Will, victory, self-affirmation
8 Inner strength, curbing passions, patience, self-control
9 Loneliness, spiritual search, inner experiences, rethinking
10 Fate, turning point in life, movement, change
11 Responsibility, decision, cause and effect
12 Suspended state, the role of the victim, letting go, radical change
13 The end of something, the transition to new level, inexorable force
14 Harmony, balance, coherence, moderation
15 Attachments, slavery, materialism, harmful passions
16 Unexpected changes, getting rid of something, revolution
17 Hopes, plans, self-realization, inspiration, peace
18 Illusions, fears, dark side, fantasies, imagination
19 Confidence, vitality, success, recognition, fame
20 Karma, rewards/punishments, inner challenge, rebirth
21 Uniting, achieving, seeing the big picture, success, completion

As you understand, the full interpretation of Tarot cards will be much broader than the meanings given in the table. But you need to expand the symbolic field of each Arcana yourself, based on your feelings.

So, we have talked about the main meaning of the Major Arcana, now we should move on to the Minor Arcana. We will also use White's Tarot interpretation as a basis. Please note that the interpretation of the Minor Arcana and court cards in different decks can change, sometimes quite significantly.


  • : new beginnings, breakthrough energy
  • : Partnership, plans for the future
  • : Success, leadership
  • : Prosperity, harmony, enjoyment of the results of labor
  • : Unrest, problems
  • : Social recognition, success
  • : Competition, defending your position, views
  • : Rapid change, communication
  • : Self-defense
  • : Success that brings difficulties
  • : News, new interests
  • : Travel, action, trip
  • : Business acumen, activity
  • : Activity, influence


  • : Creative energy, love, the beginning of a romance
  • : Happy relationships, successful partnerships
  • : Holiday, party, celebration
  • : Apathy, boredom, sadness, satiety
  • : Depression, grief
  • : Simple joys, nostalgia, greetings from the past
  • : Confusion, multiple options, illusions, dreams
  • : Lifestyle change, leaving something behind
  • : Wish fulfillment
  • : Satisfaction, happiness, luck
  • : News that touches your heart
  • : Invitation, proposal
  • : Intuition, help
  • : Gentleness, advice, healing, kind soul


  • : Critical moment, success through difficulties, triumph of intelligence
  • : Neutral position, waiting, balance
  • : Separation, unhappiness, anxiety
  • : Retreat from the world, rest, sometimes hospital
  • : Pointless struggle, restrictions
  • : Get away from difficulties, troubles
  • : Theft, deception, failure to resist
  • : Fall into a trap
  • : Mental anguish, worry, anxiety
  • : Failure, collapse, failure
  • : Surveillance, obtaining information by phone or letter
  • : Argumentation, destruction of changes
  • : Dishonesty, bitter experience
  • : Authority, ambition


  • : Material success, good health
  • : Manipulation of money or time, frivolous attitude
  • : New business, success
  • : Success, but at the same time unwillingness to meet changes
  • : Material losses, deterioration in health
  • : Getting help
  • : Willingness to work hard
  • : New hobby, study, work
  • It can be difficult for beginning tarot readers to interpret a particular card when it appears in a thematic reading. So, for example, what can the Ten of Pentacles mean if we ask about a person’s feelings, if the main meaning of the card is money, property, inheritance? In fact, the interpretation of the Tarot for relationships is not as complicated as it sometimes seems. You don’t have to memorize some lists of keywords and copy the meaning of each card in various areas of life into a notebook - you just need to turn on your imagination and think about how the traditional interpretation can manifest itself in a narrower way.

    Let’s take our example with the Ten of Pentacles: since the card talks about property and money, then it can answer the question about a person’s attitude like this: he is more concerned about the material background of the relationship, some kind of personal gain, rather than feelings. This may well be a marriage of convenience or a couple where one person has some kind of material benefit. The girl who holds on young man because of money or a man having a love affair with a “good match” - this could be this interpretation of the Tarot card. The Three of Cups in feelings will mean true joy from relationships, a celebration of the soul, or a union in which lovers spend a lot of time in companies, parties, and lead an active lifestyle in society. The main thing here is to think a little and turn on your imagination - then you will be able to intuitively choose the correct meaning of the card in any thematic scenario, not only in love.

    Separately, it is worth mentioning the interpretation of cards in specialized decks, which differ from Rider-White, which is considered a classic. For example, the interpretation of Crowley's Tarot is simply impossible without studying the works of the author himself. This occultist's deck is based on the Kabbalah and astrological correspondences. She's filled esoteric symbols, including from Egyptian and Celtic mythology, so it will not be possible to interpret it purely intuitively. More precisely, if you wish, of course, it will work out, but without understanding the full depth of symbolism put into these cards by the author, you will not be able to see many of the subtlest nuances of interpretation.

    The interpretation of the Decameron Tarot is based on the world of human passions. This deck is best suited for addressing love relationship issues. It will not be possible to tie the interpretation of cards to the classics when working with it - you need to study the specifics of the deck and penetrate into the meaning intended by the author.

    The interpretation of the Tarot of Shadows by Vera Sklyarova is generally a topic for a separate discussion. Here you will not see the usual names of the Major and Minor Arcana, but instead you will meet dark angels, entities, phenomena and objects. So, for example, in the place of the usual Magician in this deck stands Satan, and the fourth Arcana is not the Emperor at all, but Lucifer. Among the Minor Arcana there are magical herbs and objects, human vices and tools of sorcerers - in a word, the deck is very far from the classics, and to understand it you need to be well versed in the world of black magic.

    As you can see, you can interpret the cards in different ways. And a lot depends on your personal perception and the meaning laid down by the author.

The meaning of cards in fortune telling is one of the fortuneteller’s supports when interpreting the layout. After all, it is important not only to ask the question correctly, to choose the necessary layout and cards, but also to give the correct interpretation. Below we will talk about the classic interpretation of Tarot cards.

In the article:

Interpretation of cards for fortune telling

Despite the existence of several schools of Tarot, in which there are sometimes significant and sometimes not very significant differences, most of the meanings are still similar. This way, you won't have to memorize new interpretations for each new deck. It is enough to know the classical meanings; based on them, it is much easier to understand and remember the non-traditional meanings of modern schools.

So, in any Tarot deck there is 22 Major Arcana And 56 Junior. This is a standard number, and no matter how the names or their meanings change, the number of cards remains the same. If your deck has fewer Major Arcana, or it is not divided into Major and Minor Arcana at all, this means that you are holding in your hands, and the traditional Tarot meanings will not suit you. For all other cases, you can safely use the interpretations presented below.

We provide a brief, very general meaning of each of the arcana, which can be used on or as a hint. It is important to understand that each of the arcana is much more multifaceted and broader in its meaning, especially depending on the position of the card in the layout, as well as on the other cards surrounding it.

Decoding Tarot cards for fortune telling

There are many options for the internal hierarchy of the Major Arcana: cards are divided into titled and allegorical, symbols of the main virtues and astrological elements, signs of luck and universal predestination.
J. Baines, S. Vronsky “Fate on the steps of the Golden Tarot”

"Jester"- this is the first, and sometimes zero, arcan, since some decks begin with it, and some end with it. The card speaks of simplicity, childish inexperience and trust in the world on the one hand, and excessive impulsiveness, “blind” trust, stupidity, on the other. At the same time, the zero lasso symbolizes great potential, unusualness, and often symbolizes "white crows", standing out sharply against the background of the gray mass.
"Magician"- the first of the Elders. Talks about the beginning of a new path, the emergence of a new idea. « Magician" indicates will and enterprise, symbolizes the onset of the stage of implementation and manifestation of initiative.
"Priestess"- the second lasso in the deck and the first female card. This map of knowledge. She talks about the need to trust yourself and your intuition, about the benefits of acquired knowledge about the people around you.
"Empress"- the next Major Arcana, which is a symbol of femininity. « Empress" - This is the embodiment of a woman in the roles of mother and housewife. Symbolizes harmonious relationships, marriage, the birth of children, family prosperity and general material well-being.
"Emperor"- the fourth card, talking about power and authority. Symbolizes a stable position in society, promotion and implementation of planned projects. Sometimes « Emperor" goes too far and becomes a brutal dictator. It also speaks of the help of an influential friend from the outside.
"High Priest"- fifth lasso, also presented men's card. "Priest" or « Dad" , as it is sometimes called, can indicate both the learning process, both literally and figuratively, and the need for humility and playing by the rules.
"Lovers"- the sixth lasso, which has the main meaning of love. Another, no less common, is the choice between two opposite and equally attractive options.
"Chariot"- 7 lasso, speaks of victory after a difficult struggle or of small victories with daily difficulties.
Following her "Strength" tells us about the inner strength of a person, which helps him overcome obstacles in his path.
Next "Hermit" First of all, it symbolizes the stage of loneliness, a period of temporary peace and silence, which is necessary for reflection and the search for meaning, patience, and acceptance of current events.
Tenth Arcana "Wheel of Fortune", as is already clear from the name, says that everything changes, nothing lingers in our lives. In practical terms, the card symbolizes a rapid change of events, a quick change in the current situation.
Eleventh Arcana "Justice" or "Justice", as it is also called, symbolizes rigor and impartiality. He says that it’s time to make a sound decision, objectively assess the situation, and not be led by emotions.
"The Hanged Man" - one of the heaviest lassos in the deck, indicates a person’s weak position, his dependence on circumstances, people and the inability to influence them. By my position « Hanged" offers a new look at the current situation. The card speaks of the necessary, often unpleasant sacrifice that must be made, as well as the lessons that are important to learn and understand in order to move on.
Thirteenth Arcana "Death", as a rule, does not imply physical death at all. It's about about metaphorical. A person experiences changes on a psychological level. The old is already gone, but what the new looks like is still unclear.
Next after « Death""Moderation" speaks for itself. It symbolizes balance in everything. The card shows the importance of avoiding extremes and patience.
The next one of the most popular among the Major Arcana is the fifteenth Arcana “ Devil". This card talks about addictions, negative influences, provocations, slavery in the spiritual and physical sense.
"Tower", the sixteenth lasso, speaks of imminent dramatic changes. However, unlike the thirteenth lasso, the situation changes precisely at the physical level. Usually under this lasso one is unexpectedly fired from a job, loses a partner, and so on. The events spoken of by the sixteenth lasso are difficult to experience. However, it is important to remember that " Tower» - this is always the beginning of a new stage.
Seventeenth Arcana " Star » speaks of dreams coming true, hopes coming true. This card also symbolizes the successful completion of plans, creative implementation and success in any endeavor.
"Moon » , the eighteenth Major Arcana, demonstrates fears and complexes. The map suggests that not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. The lasso also symbolizes secret knowledge, magic and external influences.
"Sun » - the nineteenth lasso, appears to indicate the onset of a time of clarity, creativity, optimism, and unlocking potential. May indicate pleasant acquaintances, quick marriage and the birth of children.
Twentieth Arcana " Court » also a very positive card. She speaks of the beginning of a new stage, a time when your efforts will be rewarded and you will get what you deserve.

Straight position. This is a card of illusion perfect love, which in reality does not exist. She personifies the dream of prince charming on a white horse or sleeping beauty in a crystal tower. When this card often appears in fortune telling for love, this is a great indicator. As a rule, this indicates that the fortuneteller (questor) dreams of ideal, perfect love; the discrepancy between these strong desires and existing reality creates tension and brings disappointment The meaning is the same for both men and women.

In some interpretations, this card gives the questioner the opportunity to find true love - those who can use their characteristic features in the right way, will succeed in turning any love relationship into a successful one. Inverted position. Your choice is fatal for you.

Straight position. For women, this card signifies a new relationship. It symbolizes the beginning of a new love, a new acquaintance. This card is associated with the influence of male energy, which is aimed mainly at the sexual sphere.
Inverted position. The same as the direct one, but you don’t have a very high opinion of yourself, which is a pity.

Straight position. This card denotes love that comes from spiritual sources. It is more significant for men: strong woman will influence his path to true love. The card also means the meeting of a loving woman with a strong personality.
Inverted position. Physical passions, carnal zeal.

Straight position. This card has a dual meaning. On the one hand, it means a strong relationship that is based on the image of the mother in the unconscious of the questioner - in the image of the beloved woman he seeks or imagines a mother who seems holy to him. On the other hand, in relation to the questioner himself, this card speaks of a serious, mature partner with whom a fertile and long-term relationship will develop.
Inverted position. Shows that you are in decline, troubles, it is difficult for you to assert yourself, infertility.

Straight position. This card signifies the strong connection that the querent has with a father figure. The father takes on the image of a protector and patron.
Inverted position. This may indicate residual sexual trauma caused by the father in childhood, which does not mean incest, or sexual harassment, or unwillingness to be a father. If we turn to the questioner himself, the card denotes a stable relationship, official and socially approved.

Straight position. This is a spiritual map that is a link to true love. Indeed, its appearance means that the questioner's love will be fully expressed only when it corresponds to the normative framework of the society in which he lives. This is very important card, especially for those who adhere to strict religious laws. It symbolizes marriage, union, connection.
Inverted position. Harmony. Consent, tolerance in relationships.

Straight position. This card signifies complete sexual awakening, total eroticism, without which love is incomplete. It usually predicts new love, but following nearby cards in the reading, it may indicate a new birth for an existing or former love.
Inverted position. Unfulfilled dreams, failures in love.

Straight position. Victory, triumph in love, but is this love pure?
Inverted position. Homosexual love. Promiscuity, violence.

Straight position. This card has an undeniable sexual meaning, referring to the climax or highest point (in the physical sphere - orgasm) that the questioner will reach. If it lies straight (correctly, not upside down), then this means that love relationship will reach their peak.
Inverted position. Difficulties on the way to this peak. The card focuses on the limited aspect of love relationships, but should not be underestimated

A very important card for the questioner, as it turns him to himself. In other words, for a person to enter into a love relationship is very important, but for this he must first love himself and be alone with himself. The card has the same meaning regardless of whether it is upside down or positioned correctly.

Straight position. The most significant card in the layout is that a new cycle in love should begin. You don't know whether this is a new love, or a revival of an old one, or whether an existing love will move into a new stage, but the changes will be wonderful and significant. Many believe that the new cycle is actually the fulfillment of an old karmic destiny, and emphasize the importance of this cycle, particularly after a major crisis.
Inverted position. Same meaning.

Straight position. This card denotes balance in the relationship between a man and a woman, a stable relationship based on a large amount of mutual respect.
Inverted position. A reversed card means an imbalance, an imbalance in the relationship between two people.

Difficult map. When it falls in fortune-telling on a man, especially inverted, it means psychological problems related to the sexual consummation of love (problems with potency or ejaculation). Only if the card falls in an upright position (the person is upside down) is it possible for potency to return. In a reading for a woman, this card in any position means numerous delays, obstacles, inhibitions and problems from her past that prevent her from achieving true love at this stage of her life.

Straight position. As the name suggests, this card speaks of the death of love, but also the beginning of a new one. Death old love is directly related to the emergence of a new one, and this is a favorable sign. In many interpretations, the card is close in meaning to the Wheel of Fortune, but reflects a small segment of the large circle (cycle) of life. The time period for which you are guessing may be quite difficult.
Inverted position. Failure of all plans.

Straight position. An excellent card signifying harmony between lovers, both emotional and psychological. Mutual agreement that adapts to the demands of age according to the energy exchange between them. This is a very important card, especially for men.
Inverted position. Harmony still exists, but not for long.

This card speaks of true love that has lost its way for the sake of momentary pleasure. This card, in an upright or inverted position, indicates that the impulse has overcome the arguments of reason and that physical desire dominates the feelings and soul of the questioner. It is important to note that it violates accepted norms and therefore can be interpreted (with caution) as a betrayal of true love. This is, in particular, a very difficult card if the Tower appears next to it.

Straight position. Difficult map. It denotes instant, sharp, strong changes in a relationship that until that moment had been loving. It means divorce, adultery, sexual problems, sexually transmitted diseases or impotence. This is one of the most problematic cards and it would be better if it never appeared in your readings.
Inverted position. The meaning is the same, but not as pronounced.

Straight position. This card symbolizes new hopes if it comes after cards indicating crisis, destruction and fading of relationships. For the questioner, it means an opportunity to repair the relationship, to “glue” the gap. Its advantage is that it obscures, hides disagreements, quarrels and temporary problems and reveals the foundations of true love, if such really exists in the life of the questioner.
Inverted position. This card is less pronounced and speaks of missed opportunities.

Straight position. This is a very important card, which means that the questioner is looking for a soul mate or a person who is predestined for him by God. Her appearance shows that the questioner is actually closed to the partner most suitable for him.
Inverted position. Instability in relationships, fickleness of partners.

Straight position. This card denotes love, which proclaims itself primarily externally, both physically and emotionally. In other words, this is love, the entire expression of which pours out into the world around us in which lovers live.
Inverted position. It may mean possible problems or a crack in the “mask” of love, which at first glance seems excellent.

The card, especially if it is reversed, requires changes in physical love and sexuality. The questioner must analyze his sexual past and if he is not able to cope with the problems himself, then he must seek help from a specialist.

Straight position. Great card. Everything is available to the questioner, and this fullness will help him realize his highest potential in accordance with his desires.
Inverted position. The meaning weakens and speaks of reluctance

Wands in astrological interpretation they symbolize Air. As a rule, they do not bode well for anything good in love situations. Wands bring chaos, debauchery and superficiality of feelings. But... maybe this is exactly the kind of relationship you need?

Unit (Ace) of Wands
Straight position. Harmony between different energies, soul mates, spiritual, creative, sublime love. An opportunity for strong and meaningful relationships.
Inverted position. Destruction of relationships and disruption of energy flows.

Two of Wands
Straight position. The agreement between the two uniquenesses of masculinity and femininity, Yin and Yang, as happens between two people in love. Building sexual harmony. Excellent family relationships.
Inverted position. The manifestation of negative energy that blocks or alienates one of the partners. Distortion of family relationships.

Three of Wands
Straight position. Sharing responsibilities, building joint relationships. Need for common cause(possibly conceiving and raising a child). The key word here is joint creativity. The couple is looking for something to be together and create.
Inverted position. Refusal joint plans. Emotional barriers between partners.

Four of Wands
Straight position. Achieving perfection, the unity of the physical and spiritual. Dreams have become reality. Maintaining a close-knit circle of friends. Actions aimed at a common goal - creating a family or... simultaneous orgasm! The key word of this card is joint action to achieve a common goal.
Inverted position. Desperate searches for self-improvement, with their opposition common goals. Adultery. Longing for those moments in life when the two of them “saw the stars in the sky.”

Five of Wands
Straight position. Intellectual relationships based on love, which becomes increasingly important for partners. New directions in communication. A new path for their life together. Possible changes in their love sphere.
Inverted position. Confusion, embarrassment, friction between partners. There is a dangerous tendency to rush to extremes, which can lead to a crisis.

Six of Wands
Straight position. Flexibility that brings harmony and light. The highest desires are to show sensitivity and romance in a love relationship that will bring great happiness to both partners. Harmonic energy. Enjoying sex. Joint plans.
Inverted position. A crack that disrupts the flow of harmonic energy, dissatisfaction. Deception in sex. The couple missed an opportunity pure love. Sometimes - moderation in sex.

Seven of Wands
Straight position. There is an urgent need for changes in the couple's love life. Outside intervention will improve relationships.
There are other interpretations: pressure; the possibility of mutual pleasure and mutual understanding between family members; walking in circles; promiscuous connections.
Inverted position. Crisis, breakup, divorce. Disappointment of one of the partners in sex. Impotence. Sexually transmitted diseases. A difficult period, especially in the physical and sexual areas.

Eight of Wands
Straight position. Realization of spiritual love. At this stage, the soul rises above material problems. Receptivity to the cosmic energy of love. Happiness in family life. Harmony. The couple comes together to do constructive and positive things.
Inverted position. Spiritual quests lead to the end of ordinary physical, carnal love. Problems can be expected.

Nine of Wands
Straight position. The return of love or to the previous path to it. The end of a crisis in love life or impotence. Learning new ways in love. Change through development. Relationships cover much more than just sexuality. Partners are happy to rely on each other.
Inverted position. Quarrels caused by inner turmoil. Sexual incompatibility. Sexual repression. Couple crisis time.

Ten of Wands
Straight position. A wonderful relationship leading to sexual unity. Physical love leading to spiritual love. Realization of karmic destiny. The need to live together. An urgent need to change and improve your own sex life.
Inverted position. A missed opportunity in exploring the highest levels of sexuality and love. Stalemate. Depression due to sexual problems.

Queen (Lady) of Wands
Straight position. The possibility of intuitive love based on emotions, but also the emergence of a threat to real relationships emanating from the actions of another woman. The mother is imagined as a dominant and influential person. A woman who enslaves a man with her sexuality. This card is most important in a layout for women and less significant in a layout for men.
Inverted position. Suppression of female sexuality. A man's lack of respect for a woman or her lack of femininity.

King of Wands
Straight position. Physical love, the pursuit of “penetration and conquest.” A swift but short-lived force. The new person is overwhelmed by the existing relationships. The father as a dominant and influential figure. An older man who has defeated a younger man, or has it against him negative influence. This is a difficult card, with great potential for development, creativity, sexuality, and serious turmoil.
Inverted position. Worthy thoughts or thoughts that do not go along with sensual sexuality. The questioner (no matter whether it is a man or a woman) is controlled by sexuality. This is a dangerous card and can indicate that things are about to get worse.

Knight of Wands
Straight position. When read for a woman, this card signifies the search for new love, which will come when she has a new field of activity. If the alignment is for a man, this means that he is looking for a new love that would raise his self-esteem. This card shows the eternal differences that play a role in love. Partners must work to create new relationships based on caring for each other and co-creation.
Inverted position. Crisis. Inability to resist pressure and external temptations. The discrepancy between desires and possibilities for their satisfaction.

Page (Jack) of Wands
Straight position. Innocent girlish love (regardless of age and experience), which shows new horizons. A discovery or rediscovery of physical intimacy through love that does not always reach full physical expression. Enjoyment and pleasure in the future. Restlessness and lack of calm due to the release of hormones.
Inverted position. Deviation from the usual path of life or way of thinking causes the questioner to stumble. He is confused, has probably lost his way in life and is suffering from a painful breakdown.

Cups– the element of water, a symbol of the feminine. This is the basis of the basics of love layouts. It is interesting that the Arcana symbol - the cup in playing cards was transformed into a heart (hearts). Therefore, in the love interpretation of Cups there are practically no differences from any other layouts. Cups always speak of love, erotic relationships, passion.

Unit (Ace) of Cups
Straight position. The power of lust in erotica, the exotic in physical love. Strong sexuality and fertility. A life filled with emotions. Every time new love comes, it reaches maximum level voltage. Instinctive activity.
Inverted position. Dangerous illusions in the sphere of love.

Two of Cups
Straight position. For a moment, the energy of love dominates the questioner. Strong eroticism. The questioner lost his head from love. Excessive expression of feelings and a large share of fixation. Positive use of love energy.
Inverted position. Emotionally closed person, trying to strengthen his position through dispassionate observation of his surroundings. Crisis. This card can also represent sexual violence in relation to one of the partners.

Three of Cups
Straight position. Pregnancy and childbirth. Harmony in personal relationships. A balanced emotional life leading to creativity. The child symbolizes self-improvement. A couple that becomes a tree of life in its own evolution.
Inverted position. Invasion family relationships become the cause of a crisis that can lead to a rupture.

Four of Cups
Straight position. Steps towards legitimizing love (for example, marriage) to preserve it. Forging a new path based on love and mutual respect. Long-lasting connections based on harmony and balance. Strong tension in love can serve as a catalyst for creativity, especially when one of the partners is involved in painting or other similar activities.
Inverted position. A relationship that has lasted so long that it has lost its harmony and balance is coming to an end. Attempting to create an extraordinary love based on imbalance and incompatibility is doomed to fail from the very beginning.

Five of Cups
Straight position. Some external elements undermine the love of the questioner. He needs to change his emotional attitudes to the opposite. This change must affect all his personal relationships. The positive outlook is that this process will enrich and develop his emotional abilities.
Inverted position. Crisis, disappointment in the manifestations of feelings towards the questioner. A new perception of a partner ties emotional energy into a painful knot. Lack of clarity creates misunderstandings.

Six of Cups
Straight position. Great satisfaction from erotic feelings. Harmony in the emotional exchange of energy (especially as a result of mutual affection). Balance of powers and feelings. An atmosphere of joy and happiness. Preferring togetherness rather than individuality.
Inverted position. The danger of illusions. The pursuit of false magic is deception. Actions taken as a result of improper motivation. This card is decisive in relation to young people.

Seven of Cups
Straight position. For the questioner, love is the most important thing not only in his life, but also in the life of every person. Stormy emotions. A situation in which the questioner needs to carefully evaluate his feelings. The possibility of the emergence of new horizons in the emotional sphere. This card usually identifies a situation where someone is the object of intense love.
Inverted position. Reckless love. The questioner complicates his life by allowing himself to break free from the bonds of love, not knowing that they will overtake him again. His life is impulsive and uncontrollable.

Eight of Cups
Straight position. An abundance of emotions. The questioner seeks, finds and tastes the nectar of love with all his feelings and sensations. Unity of one's own "I". Long-lived love with the possibility of finding harmony.
Inverted position. An unproductive search for love, or, on the contrary, love becomes dogmatic and deprives of opportunities and freedom. In such a situation, it is likely that the energy will destroy all barriers, destroying everything in one moment, leading to the end of the relationship.

Nine of Cups
Straight position. Erotic expression of the need for love. The stage in which the questioner resides is at the highest level of harmonious love. A convenient opportunity to strengthen it. Increased sensitivity. He is tuned in to receive love energy. (Note that in this situation, a love relationship arises suddenly, but can also end very quickly.)
Inverted position. Emotional obstacles. Inability to open new paths of love towards a partner. An extreme reaction to such conditions can lead to coldness and indifference.

Ten of Cups
Straight position. Excellent love while communicating together. In all other cases, the questioner makes a compromise in order to achieve it with a partner. This is a critical stage on the path to achieving pure, whole, mature love. Mutual nourishing fluids of love energy.
Inverted position. The revealed cracks and crises put enormous pressure on the questioner’s love life. He yearns to find himself in love, but this is impossible because of the wrong path he is on.

Queen of Cups
Straight position. Living with emotions (heart). When a woman discovers this card, it signifies a high level of sensuality and eroticism. In the case of a man, it shows that the man is yearning. Emotional life. Taking the expression of feelings to the limit. Love is a priority. Life is based on intuition.
Inverted position. Doubts, lack of trust in communication, which is impossible in warm, harmonious emotional relationships. Dominance. A situation in which a woman treats the world around her as if she were a mother hen, and everyone around her is her unfortunate chickens.

King of Cups
Straight position. Sensitivity coupled with big ambitions is a dangerous combination. For women, this card means the embodiment of hidden sexuality, and for men, the use of sexuality to achieve their goals, but this does not interfere with high sexual activity. This situation can often create dependency or guardianship in family relationships.
Inverted position. A rigid, inflexible person motivated by cold logic as a reaction to impulsiveness and coercion.

Knight of Cups
Straight position. An Elusive Promise best love. For women this card means love. young man. For men, it shows that they need to spend some time working on their feelings of love, their ability to give and receive it.
Inverted position. Using love for personal gain. Femme fatale or a fatal man. Using sex and love to enslave others. Avoiding emotional encounters.

Page of Cups
Straight position. A life filled with only emotions. Mainly in the erotic sphere. Longing for love, both giving and taking. Using sexuality, especially female sexuality, to get what you want. New relationships.
Inverted position. An attempt after the departure of a loved one to ease one’s lot by clinging to the past instead of looking forward. Increased sensitivity due to emotional crisis. Tendency to manipulate in relationships with other people.

Swords symbolize energy, this is the element of fire, the sphere of uncontrollable emotions and animal instincts in love. In love scenarios, they speak of the highest manifestation of love activity. Everything you can expect from your partner will be told by Swords.

Ace of Swords
Straight position. New love! It will open new channels of energy, not only in the emotional, but also in the intellectual sphere. Everything is seen in a different light. Magnetic sexuality. Complete satisfaction. Sudden changes during which new opportunities are realized for the individual.
Inverted position. Not enough energy to cope with change. New energies and the need for a partner. Disproportion in ideas. A crisis developing due to the age of the questioner.

Two of Swords
Straight position. Tension as a result of the struggle between two forces. Striving for extremes. The state of balance is in danger. A situation of ambiguity (“Something might happen!”). However, now is the opportunity to discuss problems and come to conclusions and solutions. Conflict of motives.
Inverted position. Fierce fight. Ignoring the problem. Reluctance to discover possible ways to solve it.

Three of Swords
Straight position. The origin of feeling. Abundance of energy from the fire of love. Fertile connection. This is a very important card in a reading because of its ardor.
Inverted position. Boredom in relationships. A dangerous situation that undermines the foundations of love harmony.

Four of Swords
Straight position. A solid, stable and calm life in accordance with the inner character of love. Following the rules of moderation prevents extremes. In this situation, the questioner can be completely satisfied or avoid the relationship as long as he is in agreement with his emotions. Seeking a relationship with another person.
Inverted position. An attempt to contain emotions by following logic. A dangerous and unpredictable situation when love comes to a person!

Five of Swords
Straight position. Sensitivity that withstands testing; a new course of action must be taken in the light of new facts. The questioner uses his gifts and feelings to enrich love. An attempt to build new relationships based on existing ones.
Inverted position. Collapse of self-confidence. Existing relationships are destroyed. A crisis is looming.

Six of Swords
Straight position. The pursuit of pleasure, which also includes harmony and balance. Sexual pleasures. Self-affirmation. Harmony in family life. Physical pleasures. Sexual power.
Inverted position. Ignoring problems. Avoiding them instead of solving them and building renewed relationships. Problems and crises are expected in the future.

Seven of Swords
Straight position. Unstable situation in the sphere of love. Crisis. Relationships are heading into the abyss. It is urgent to put everything in its place and stabilize the feeling of love. Cooperation between partners and hard work can bring love back.
Inverted position. Crisis due to separation. Fierce fight. Sometimes passion destroys love relationships.

Eight of Swords
Straight position. Love at first sight! The questioner is filled with love that is about to spill out. Assertive energy. Change is necessary, although it is not yet known in what direction. The main thing is not to stagnate, be active, look for a way out, take initiative and respond adequately.
Inverted position. Ignoring problems leads to crisis and separation. A man torn apart by contradictions.

Nine of Swords
Straight position. A person who has freed himself from the shackles of “rusted” relationships. Parting without much quarrel. Paving the way for new connections. Fear of relationships in which love is the central element.
Inverted position. Despair. The questioner hates himself and through this balances his ability to cope with his surroundings, especially in the areas of emotions and love. A very difficult situation that can lead to a mental crisis.

Ten of Swords
Straight position. Combination of energies. The questioner acts in accordance with his karma and realizes his destiny. New energies in love. Fulfillment of desires. The blossoming of sexuality.
Inverted position. Stagnation. The flow of energy seems to have become heavy, pulling into the abyss.

Queen of Swords
Straight position. Strong love, irresistible. A man who seduces women. A woman who demonstrates her sexuality. Open sexuality flaunted in public. Inflating sexuality to enormous proportions. Sexual energy comes in bursts. It is difficult to predict what will happen to a person and how he will react to various events.
Inverted position. The questioner is dissatisfied with himself. Difficult situation, which can lead to personal crisis and requires attention.

King of Swords
Straight position. The pursuit of sex as a means to extinguish the inner fire. For a man, this condition can lead to excessive infatuation with women, even to the point of pathology. For a woman, this usually means dissatisfaction. A situation in which abstinence under the influence of logic and morality leads to the destruction of emotional life.
Inverted position. Personal problems of the questioner, which also affect his external problems. Violence. Explosion. Unpredictable reactions, possibly negative.

Knight of Swords
Straight position. Finding love. Changes. In relation to a woman, this card shows that a young independent man is waiting for her; for a man, the card means the pursuit of a “beautiful princess”, who real life does not exist. Much excitement in love life.
Inverted position. Waste of energy. Need for guidance. Indifference to sex.

Page of Swords
Straight position. Change. astonishment. Sexual fantasies as a search for power that supports the imagination. Girlish sexuality (for women), devoted love (for men). New content of life.
Inverted position. Dissatisfaction. Finding inner liberation is more important than true, committed love.

Pentacles- an ancient protective amulet designed to protect against any dangers. In love Tarot readings, Pentacles indicate possible dangers in relationships, and they should be treated with great attention.

Ace of Pentacles
Straight position. Physical harmony. Enjoyment of material goods. Erotic, sensual love. A large proportion of the couple's life is devoted to joint activities. This card symbolizes the psychic energy necessary to build joint relationships. Shared ownership of tangible items owned by a couple or family (particularly real estate). Collaboration brings satisfaction.
Inverted position. Lack of an opportunity to develop and improve one’s material level.

Two of Pentacles
Straight position. Material love. To be precise, the search for physical love that seems to be needed or destroyed in one or both partners. This card helps clear away the thick fog that obscures love. General relations cause equal flow of energy in both directions. This card may also show significant differences in the definition of what each partner calls material love, although their energies may be identical.
Inverted position. Crisis, separation, divorce. Conflict between physical and material problems (money) in achieving love.

Three of Pentacles
Straight position. Creative energy in forging new foundations of life for the questioner. Execution of plans. In the right environment, the card can mean pregnancy or birth. New direction in development. Loss of innocence. Meeting a person from distant lands.
Inverted position. Lack of opportunity for deep and stable relationships. Breaking up because your loved one is traveling or has left home.

Four of Pentacles
Straight position. Legalized love with general principles, things and energy. Stability. Each partner fulfills their family responsibilities well.
Inverted position. Focusing on the material instead of the spiritual. Marriage of convenience. Decisions made based on financial viability rather than love.

Five of Pentacles
Straight position. Changes are needed in the querent's love life. It is very important to use this particular chance, since it is the only one in his life. He has many paths, however, he must choose the only one: the one that will be unique to him.
Inverted position. Distance from a loved one, which is mainly based on anxiety for the future. (“What will happen when I get old?”, “What will happen if I get sick?”) This card means that the questioner is not completely satisfied with the relationship in which he is involved.

Six of Pentacles
Straight position. Magnificent romantic relationship! Sensuality. Balanced love. This card promises complete harmony between the material (filled with physical love) and the spiritual (sublime romantic love).
Inverted position. The questioner is enslaved by his love and for some time has lost his own opinion, because he is completely dependent on the existing situation.

Seven of Pentacles
Straight position. Finding the way. The card is especially important if the questioner is already in a love relationship, then it means that both partners are in search of a new kind of love. Doubts about the future. This is especially important if there is a solution to strengthen the connection between them.
Inverted position. Fear of failure, which has the effect of a self-fulfilling prophecy and can actually lead to the collapse of existing relationships.

Eight of Pentacles
Straight position. Relationships built on eroticism. This card also means gaining wealth and a place in the world through love (love of luxury, marriage of convenience). This card signifies mastery of energy balance, but at the same time, mutual respect between partners.
Inverted position. Depletion or abuse of sexual energy in relationships between partners.

Nine of Pentacles
Straight position. Love rejected for material values. Relationships of convenience. Under specific conditions, such a situation can actually lead to breaking the bonds of the material world. The questioner needs something solid that will satisfy him, to learn to lean on broken crutches.
Inverted position. Consolidating what has been done previously. Past experiences determine and develop balanced, harmonious love relationships in the future.

Ten of Pentacles
Straight position. A crisis that improved relationships and led to a renewal of the union. A new building will rise on the ruins. A new acquaintance and/or discovery of a new facet with an existing partner. More immersion questioning within oneself, other worlds and the surrounding life.
Inverted position. Enslavement by the pursuit of material values ​​(including physical sexuality), humiliation of love in questioning poses.

Queen of Pentacles
Straight position. The capacity for strong, integral love. Open, multifaceted sexuality. Excessive love or hatred. The desire to gather the whole family under the wing of the Great Mother.
Inverted position. Mother's dominance in a woman's character. The material conquers the spiritual.

King of Pentacles
Straight position. Excessive, even pathological pleasure from physical love. Hedonism, realistic and exaggerated. Conservatism. A family in which the father is the central figure. IN recent years life - love not attached to the earth.
Inverted position. The desire to control others through sex. Using the material sphere to achieve one's own goals. Life is for the sake of pleasure and strong impressions.

Knight of Pentacles
Straight position. Difficulties in combining love for the spiritual and the value of material things. The search for inner identity is the cause of confusion. The situation is initially stable before choosing a goal. A person (usually a young man) who thinks he is in control of material affairs strives for the right kind of love.
Inverted position. Spiritual crisis. Risk. Walking on the edge of a knife. Deviation from the material boundaries of the questioner, who takes on more than he can afford.

Page of Pentacles
Straight position. Sensitivity and romance, tinged with virginity and purity. Love blinds both. Youthful desire for the unusual, you want to break out of limitations in search of your own identity. Joy in finding physical experience. Can also be interpreted as motherhood.
Inverted position. Disappointment in a spouse, especially common for young women. “Tearing off the masks” - the blinders of love fall from the eyes, destroying old relationships.

If you use Tarot cards, you need to know the meaning and interpretation of each card. There are 22 main arcana in the deck - their decoding is most important. But there are also additional cards in the deck. Let's look at the meaning of each briefly.

Tarot Cards: Major Arcana

There are 22 major arcana in total. Their meaning is as follows:

  1. - a symbol of a person at the beginning of the spiritual path. This map reflects the choice of direction on which everything will depend. later life. Message: “I am open to new experiences and trust the Universe”
  2. - the personification of the guiding force, Fate. This is also luck, which protects you from troubles and adversity. The message of the card: “I know what I want and I will get what I want”
  3. symbolizes woman and femininity. This is intuition, the subconscious, the revelation of personality through premonitions, wisdom and knowledge. The message of the card: “I rely on my intuition and believe that it will not let me down”
  4. symbolizes feminine energy, which manifests itself in creativity and creation. This is the personification of harmony, the ability to bring everything that happens around into the system. The message of the card: “I create and prosper”
  5. symbolizes the mind and relationships with others. This is the personification of the male energy of achievement and responsibility for one’s own life. The message of the card: “I achieve my goals, I know where I’m going”
  6. personifies the human need to understand the meaning of life. This is responsibility, following the law, order in everything. The message of the card: “I believe in traditions and religiously follow them”
  7. - this is the need for joy, love, sincere emotions. The message of the card: “I choose everything that helps me achieve harmony”
  8. - this is the desire to learn everything new, to resolve contradictions. This is an action towards a set goal. The message of the card: “I know where I’m going and I’m doing everything for it”
  9. symbolizes power, strength, skill, unity. This human need will be filled with the vital energy necessary for success. The message of the card: “I am filled with strength and full of energy”
  10. - the personification of wisdom and patience. It's the driving force, bright inner light, which illuminates a person on his life’s path. The message of the card: “I strive to gain the knowledge necessary to understand the essence of things”
  11. - a symbol of the changeability of life, the ability to perceive changes correctly and respond to them in the right way. The message of the card: “I correctly go through and complete all stages of life in order to get closer to happiness”
  12. - this is truth and balance, logic and reason, the ability to abstract from emotions and make the only right decision. The message of the card: “I strive for the truth and place responsibility for everything that happens to me only on myself”
  13. - the card symbolizes a look at the situation through the prism of logic. The ability to accept and listen to different opinions, to perceive information in a state of mind of goodness. The message of the card: “I evaluate what is happening with my mind”
  14. - this is the end of everything. In a favorable sense - the completion of an outdated life stage and the transition to a new one. Getting rid of everything superfluous and unnecessary. The message of the card: “I say goodbye with gratitude to everything that needs to be parted with for my and everyone’s good.”
  15. - a card that symbolizes a crossroads: you need to understand your personal life and understand where to move next. The message of the card: “I forget about unnecessary emotions, I am filled with spiritual and physical energy”
  16. - a symbol of the shadow side of personality, the personification of vices, addictions, everything dark that is in a person. The message of the card: “I accept and recognize dark sides of your personality"
  17. - these are all kinds of obstacles that a person personally erects in his life. Limitations and negative attitudes, hypocrisy and falsehood. Message of the card: “I understand what is true and what is false, and get rid of wrong views.”
  18. - this is optimism, hope, knowledge of the spiritual side of one’s essence, life in harmony with the laws of the Universe. The message of the card: “I believe in myself and the power of my thoughts. I know that all my wishes come true"
  19. - personification of self-doubt, complexes, internal problems human personality, negative aspects of the unconscious. The message of the card: “I am studying my spiritual world so as not to repeat past mistakes”
  20. - this is truth, strength, love of life, perseverance, the desire to develop, to know oneself and the world around us. The message of the card: “I think positively, act for the benefit of myself and others, I strive to be useful”
  21. - this is payment on bills. Karmic seeds planted in the past always germinate. The message of the card: “I get what I deserve, destroy the past and build the future with my own hands»
  22. - this is the end of a hectic life, the achievement of harmony and tranquility, a state of peace and happiness. The message of the card: “I am an independent person, happy and free from everything”

Tarot cards and the meaning of each card may vary depending on which arcana they appear in the reading. Whether the card appeared in an upright or inverted position also matters in interpretation. An inverted position always has a negative connotation.

Watch a video about tarot cards (the meaning and interpretation of each card):

It is your internal state at the time of fortune telling that most strongly influences the outcome of the predictions. No one knows the true answers to your questions better than your subconscious. Take this into account - do not just mechanically study the meaning of the arcana, but also listen to the feelings of your inner “I”.