Husband and lover - Sun and Mars in a man's horoscope. Mars in a man's chart

In the women's horoscope, Venus and the Moon are responsible for the manifestations of the qualities of a lover and beloved (Venus) and wife and mother (Moon). in the case of a man, the same functions are performed by Mars and the Sun. Thus, the position of the Sun determines the behavior of a man in the family. As a husband and father, breadwinner and protector. As for Mars, we are talking about passion, sexuality and sensuality. In turn. Mars in a man’s horoscope determines his behavior in the role of a lover, how he cares for a woman and wins her attention, and how his sexual temperament manifests itself.


The sun is in the fire element (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo)

This is a pronounced patriarch who does not want to share his dominant position with anyone. Typically, the fiery Sun chooses the role of leader, responsible for all decisions. But such a man solves problems single-handedly. Or at least takes responsibility for their consequences. Very active and enterprising. A woman is better perceived as the keeper of the hearth, playing second fiddle and providing the rear. At the same time, proud and jealous people strive to show off their spouse at social events, which they adore. They strive for high status and respect in all ways. They may be despotic, but they are not alien to the concept of honor, both their own and family, as well as courage and self-sacrifice.

Sun in earth element (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn)

In this case, the man’s main focus is on more material and mundane things. Comfort and their own rhythm are important to them. For them, the family is a quiet haven, living according to its own laws. They love rituals and traditions. They are very economical and homely, they know how and want to work with their own hands. They show enviable patience and endurance and do not shy away from housework. They quickly develop certain habits and really don’t like when they are broken. Conservative, calm, rational, practical and thrifty.

Sun in the air element (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Airy Sun gives a man ease and lack of prejudice. He easily adapts to new situations, changes habits and preferences. He will not make a patriarch, but he will not demand obedience from his wife. Such a man is carefree, impetuous and unpredictable. Most of all, he values ​​communication and needs new experiences. Their concept of family is very conditional, since numerous friends and distant relatives are often present at home. The Airy Sun is a wonderful friend and comrade who prefers to share responsibilities and responsibility. Usually does not demand too much from his wife, does not lay claim to her free time, since he himself needs a certain freedom.

Sun in the water element (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

This position gives a man deep emotions and strong attachments. Such a man needs a constant feeling of his own importance for his household. Usually faithful to his chosen one. Can be touchy and vindictive if his feelings are hurt. Sentimental, values ​​family ties. The Water Sun is very attached to children, which is why it can be despotistic towards them. It is difficult to part with the habits of his parental family. But for the sake of his family he is capable of true self-sacrifice. It is very important for him to feel that everything is fine; he does not tolerate conflicts and tense situations well.

Mars in the element of fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

This provision gives a man with pronounced sexuality and violent passions. Attraction flares up in him immediately, a split second. He does not want to hide his feelings, openly and assertively seeking the attention of the woman he likes. He does not like slowness and uncertainty, so if Mars in a man’s horoscope is located in the fire element, you should not lead him by the nose, this is fraught. But excessive activity on the part of a woman can also be repulsive. They want to feel like winners and conquerors, but preferably without excessive effort on their part. Long sieges cause fiery Mars to yawn, get bored and want to retreat.

Mars in the earth element (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus)

If Mars in a man’s horoscope is in the earth element, then its owner is likely to be slow and consistent. Such men court according to the rules, consistently and without pressure. They prefer serious prospects to non-binding passion. Not very inventive, romance is understood rather as part of a ritual that must be observed. Loyal and constant in feelings and sympathies. They are able to wait for a long time and woo the lady of their heart. Not too ardent and passionate, but very diligent.

Mars in the element of air (Aquarius, Libra, Gemini)

The position gives the owner openness and spontaneity. Such men make acquaintances easily, usually without thinking too much about the prospects. Witty and intellectually savvy, they just love to chat and flirt. They do not care about the opinions of others and are not burdened by conventions. They will be happy to support an initiative on the part of a woman if she can interest them. One thing is, their intentions are not always easy to understand, since behavior with a lover may be no different from behavior with numerous friends.

Mars in the element of water (Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces)

Watery Marses are sensual and emotional. Mars in a man's horoscope is located in water element prefers not to show excessive activity, winning the chosen one with tenderness and affection. They are capable of caring like no one else, often taking on the role of savior or comforter. Their feelings are closely intertwined with their actions. They do not tolerate vulgarity and rudeness from women, they are easily offended and retreat. Perhaps, like no one else, they are capable of idealizing a partner.

Mars in Taurus

Here Mars is visiting Venus, in an earth sign. This is the so-called “expulsion” of Mars.
Most often, exile is a weak position when the planet hardly appears, but this is only one side of the issue. Mars in Taurus really cannot manifest itself in an adequate form on the external level. But nevertheless, this does not mean that this position of Mars is actually weak, since at the internal level its influence is very strong. Mars in Taurus gives will, expressed in resistance, and this means that you will show almost no initiative. As long as you are not touched or you are surrounded by a peaceful environment, it is difficult to notice your special will. Usually you are a calm, stable, peaceful person, in which case you are like a bull grazing peacefully. But if you are put under pressure, teased or your interests are infringed upon, then the following may happen to you. First increases emotional stress(since Mars is visiting Venus, then Mars is in his natural form cannot manifest itself, so development proceeds along Venus). Since Taurus is the sign of the Fixed Cross, this tension will most likely accumulate for a long time, as if a spring is being compressed. Then this spring is instantly released and an explosion occurs, a transition to another level, and then all the accumulated potential can spill out in the form of blind, reckless rage. Moreover, you can often lose control of yourself. In this case, you begin to be “carried”, and you, like an angry bull, sweep away everything in your path. Again, since this is the sign of the Fixed Cross, this pressure will probably be quite long, and in such a phase you are able to act extremely actively; you cannot say that you have a weak will. As a rule, it is difficult, almost impossible, to defeat you in a fight; in battle you develop tactics and strategy.
The main problem you have is that you don't turn on on time. If situations arise that require an immediate response, then you may simply be late if you did not work on this problem specifically, that is, you did not train for a sharp turn on. For example, if unexpected aggression is committed against you, you may become confused. You usually have time to respond to an attack if you were prepared for it in advance.
But you are difficult to break; you have a great ability to resist. But with a sudden action, you most likely get lost, and if you don’t have time to come to your senses, then in this case you can appear as a rather weak person. This is due to the slow reaction with delayed activation. This shows the weakness of Mars.
As a rule, if you have settled somewhere and you need to change seats, this may require a certain, sometimes quite large, effort. Therefore, if you need to be actively involved, then it is better to form a state of readiness in advance. We are not talking about unexpected situations because any planet in Taurus gives poor ability to bear the unexpected. Taurus is the sign of the fall of Uranus, which is responsible for revolutions and surprises.
To form a state of readiness, you need to act through Venus, and its location is very important. It is necessary to create a situation of emotional arousal. In this state, you do not have to be in a blind rage or push yourself to the point of aggression. When you are emotionally charged, you may experience unexpected agility, activity, and endurance. Since Taurus is the sign of the Fixed Cross, if you go into an active state, you stay in it for quite a long time. This way, you can psychologically prepare yourself in advance for almost any predictable situation. Look carefully at what sign Venus is in, and through this knowledge you can create the necessary emotional tension for yourself.
Mars in Taurus can, of course, give you activity, and, as a rule, in the sphere of manifestation of Venus. This may be a thirst for property, in which case you strive for savings, large incomes, active search pleasures. In particular, you may have a tendency to eat a lot, and especially if Mars is afflicted in Taurus, this can lead to the stage of gluttony. In general, people with Mars in Taurus are often obese, and in order to change this situation, you need to work a lot on yourself.
With “evil” Mars in Taurus, if you are teased, you can be vindictive, trample and finish off a defeated enemy. If you have a reason to be jealous, then it knows no bounds.

Pavel Globa. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

Mars in Taurus
In a constructive version, Mars gives the somewhat ponderous Taurus exactly what he needs: the energy necessary for his hard work with forms. However, the imprisonment of Mars is expressed in the fact that (instinctively) this energy is most easily directed towards strengthening the crystallization of Taurus in the forms in which it is already found, and increasing the strength of its resistance to any external influences, especially when Mars is affected. Therefore, most often the Martian Taurus feels inner strength within himself, but is unable to truly realize it due to the high density of forms with which he has to deal; at least at first, when he had not yet understood the specifics of those matters and situations that fate ordered to send him for processing.
Absalom the Underwater. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Mars in Taurus: Initial passivity and lack of aggressiveness until the influence of an external volitional flow of energy causes discomfort. In this case, the resistance is proportional to the applied pressure. IN extreme conditions it is impossible to defeat him. Enviable persistence, strategy and tactics of struggle appear. At the same time, energy is like a spring, capable of crushing and destroying everything in its path.
At best - peacefulness, livability, calmness.
In the worst case - vindictiveness, boundless jealousy, ruthlessness in the fight.

In this sign, MARS is damaged and therefore somewhat weakened, but, in the absence of damage, the character of the subject shows a strong, unshakable will, great perseverance and hard work, endurance, perseverance, courage, patience, self-confidence, calm ambition (ambition), diligence, responsibility, discipline, restraint, hidden strength, power, the ability to bring plans and ideas to life. It is very difficult to confuse such a person or turn him off the road; the subject will calmly, decisively and persistently achieve his goals. This position gives good financial abilities, the ability to earn money, lasting material well-being, and the ability to work with land and animals.

If MARS is damaged, then the person has an incredibly stubborn and stubborn disposition; when resisting or encountering any obstacles, he becomes furious, instantly becomes angry and starts scandals. The character is dominated by authoritarianism, dictatorship, self-confidence, imperiousness, self-will, and the power of animal instincts. Subject is extremely reckless in financial matters, has a tendency to go into debt.
S. V. Shestopalov. Handbook of Astropsychology

Mars in Taurus
Strong greed for money, so a lot of effort and time is spent on “raking in” money and material possessions. Practical, energy is spent on useful things and tangible results.
They act slowly, but are resilient and purposeful if they decide to do something. Non-aggressive, but strong and unyielding in fight. Skilled artisans and artisans who work carefully and with great precision.
When trying to pressure, they react sharply, but can be weak-willed. Hooligan tendencies are possible. Very stubborn, these are unproven leaders, although they know their place.
As soon as you have made a decision, set a goal for yourself, you give it all your strength. You achieve your goals with determination and responsibility, stubbornly strive to implement your ambitious plans, stubbornly refusing to give in and allow the passage of time to resolve many difficulties. You refuse any help until you yourself achieve what you want, or until you are convinced that nothing is working out. In your service, you are a reliable, firm person who works with high productivity. You often take on more on your shoulders than others, but don't complain. You are often given a thankless job that requires a lot of attention and patience. In everything you love schedules, set hours, clearly defined responsibilities and tasks. In fact, creating a plan, a procedure, is very important for your success, it will be easier for you to follow known path until complete completion. The hardest thing is to start. You are characterized by laziness and a love of convenience. Often, before you start doing something, you have to overcome inertia, but once you pick up speed, you find yourself at a level where your energy manifests itself with strength and consistency.
You are primarily interested in concrete, tangible, practical results. In order for you to agree to spend your energy, you need to show something tangible, real, where the work was invested. You are not satisfied with spiritual reward. Material well-being and the absence of the need to worry about the future are also a significant factor in determining what you do. Your strength is endurance and perseverance, but they can work against you too. You may become overwhelmed by routine. You will be turning down real opportunities. You are not inclined to take risks, sometimes preferring to limit yourself to what you have.
Possible diseases: stones in gallbladder, erysipelas, lesions of the pharynx.

Francis Sakoyan. Planets in the signs of the Zodiac.

For Mars, this sign is neutral, and Mars has an average influence here. The person's character is stubborn and determined, but shy. Such people are easily influenced by members of the opposite sex; they love sports and music, and dress well. Talkative, emotional and sensitive, but self-absorbed and can be cruel.
Indubala. Planets in signs. (Indian tradition).

Mars in Taurus

Greed for money. Spends a lot of energy on acquiring money and property. However, energy is spent on useful things. Mars is in exile, so such a person reacts slowly; he is resilient and purposeful. He cannot be called aggressive, but he is strong and unyielding in battle. A skilled craftsman who uses his tools with great care and precision. In the horoscope of men, this is a sign that he will be a toy in the hands of women: with bad aspects, he is generally only interested in sex. The best defense for him might be true love, a true feeling, and not flirting as a tickle of nerves. In the horoscope of women there is an addictive temperament that should be restrained by willpower. Mars in this zodiac sign portends danger from large four-legged animals.
No Monster. Planets in Zodiac Signs

Mars in Taurus.
You have great perseverance, but a difficult start in your endeavors. You act consistently, but you should show more initiative.

The art of forecasting. Semira and V. Vetash.

Mars in Taurus
An activity that is difficult to stir up, but then no less difficult to stop. The tension builds up and then discharges with an explosion. It is difficult to anger a person, but sometimes he becomes enraged.
Creative activity in material terms or in the world of art. Perseverance and stubbornness, reluctance to go back if the job has already been started.
Catherine Aubier. Astrological dictionary.

Mars in Taurus
Give me a job, give me a deadline,
Don't rush the task.
I'll finish the job better than anyone else
Even if it's late.

Your Mars in Taurus child may appear to be the calm type, but it is a calm force. His style of self-assertion is unwavering persistence, never weakening until the goal is achieved. He may be reluctant to start a project, but where others give up and falter, this child will persevere until what he started is completed.
Your child's energy may not be overt or competitive, but he has a lot of stamina. Give him the opportunity for appropriate physical activity of the kind where the measure of success is developed skill, strength and endurance, and not speed of action and speed.
It will be difficult to anger your child with Mars in Taurus; he is calm by nature. But just as a good-natured bull is provoked by the color red, there are limits beyond which your child should not be pushed. If provoked into battle, he will be a tough opponent who will not yield. Or, quietly but stubbornly, he will follow the old saying, “I’m not losing my temper, I’m settling scores.”
Try to choose a calm preschool or school environment for your child, where expected routines are followed and children are allowed to work at their own pace. Your child with Mars in Taurus will not perform well with a teacher who requires quick movements and responses. But it will bring unconditional joy to a teacher who values ​​thoroughness and responsibility,

Maria Kay Simms. Your magical child.

Mars in Taurus
Mars in Taurus feels far from in the best possible way- it is limited by the earth sign of Venus, which causes low physical energy and slowness. The spiritual motivations of those born at this time are concentrated on achieving comfort, which on a practical level comes down to the accumulation of material wealth. These children come to their convictions through solid evidence, which they achieve with rare passion, persistence and diligence. One of the most positive traits inherent in this position of Mars is perseverance. Having once decided on something, such a child will firmly and purposefully move towards the goal through all obstacles. These children perform any work “above average.”
Those born under Mars in Taurus are stubborn and cannot be put under pressure. They resist any attempt to change their minds or force them to act faster. Parents, remember, such children strive for comfort and the possession of material goods. It's for them anyway best incentive, and the desired reward. But it will not be superfluous to show feelings: gentle hugs and kisses will encourage and reward the baby.
Such children usually do not express their anger openly - they hide it deep inside. This leads to the fact that negative feelings accumulate, become concentrated, and then an explosion follows - inappropriate, untimely and unjustified. The result of such experiences can be throat diseases in the child (Taurus in human body rules the throat, and the presence of Mars in this sign causes health problems). Children with Mars in Taurus have an endless supply of patience, which is what allows them to prevail in many cases. Outwardly they seem calm, but passions can bubble up inside. Teach your child to vent his feelings to avoid emotional and physical stress.
All the problems that arise when communicating with such children are caused by their jealousy and possessive feelings. Those born under Mars in Taurus tend to look at loved ones as personal property! Such children should be reminded of the words: “What you hid is lost, what you gave is yours!” Repeat this often so that this rule becomes part of the child’s nature.

Samantha Davis. Children's astrology. The key to understanding the psychology of a child.

Tatiana Kulinich

In Roman mythology, Mars was the god of war, the personification of the archetype of true masculinity. Therefore, when analyzing the natal chart of men, astrologers pay special attention to this planet, in particular its sign. It is believed that by the position of Mars one can find out what ideal a man strives for and what traits he considers most important in himself. So, how does this planet manifest itself in different signs Zodiac?

Mars in Aries: impetuous, passionate, aggressive and hot-tempered. This sign is the abode of Mars, so in it he reveals all his qualities. Such a man does not imagine himself in the role of a follower, cannot stand pressure, and must always have the last word. Despite his impulsiveness, he can be called a principled person who will always keep his word. He is for the traditional distribution of roles in the family. A man with Mars in Aries can be mortally offended if a woman doubts his masculinity; most of all, he is afraid of looking “like a woman.” He can be rude, but he is practically incapable of lying and, especially, carefully planned deception. Such a man loves sex very much and prefers to take the initiative himself. Male friendship is sacred to him.

Mars in Taurus: Mars does not feel very good in this sign, although it has great potential at the right approach. Many people consider such a man to be an easygoing quiet man, but this is not at all the case. Yes, he is calm and reliable, but if you bring a person with such Mars to the boiling point, he can completely lose control, even to the point of using physical violence. It is very difficult for such a man to take initiative and achieve career heights, although inside he is very ambitious and suffers because of this contradiction. But he has no patience, he will wait and wait for the right moment in order to achieve his goal through the least resistance. Mars in Taurus is closed and distrustful, but faithful. In his intimate life, he needs time to completely relax with his partner.

Mars in Gemini: such a man is often called an eternal boy, but this is precisely what gives him his unique charm. Unlike many representatives of the stronger sex, he loves and knows how to talk. He is inquisitive, restless and a little roguish, which adds to his charm. Outwardly, he often looks much younger than his age, and to some he may even seem feminine. A wide circle of friends and a constant influx of new impressions are more important to him than strong family. He quickly gets carried away and cools down just as quickly. Only a woman as versatile and easy-going as himself can keep him by his side for a long time. A man with Mars in Gemini is not deprived of intelligence, thanks to this, most of them can be successful in their careers if their work involves mental work. Although such typically masculine values ​​as job prestige, respect from others, and compliance with social standards are not very important for Gemini Mars.

Mars in Cancer: emotional, romantic, secretive and touchy. Such men despise the common requirements for representatives of the stronger sex (good job, pumped up body, high income) and believe that they should be loved, first of all, for their rich inner world. They are capable of deep feelings, but may seem arrogant due to their own isolation and fear of disappointing women's hopes. Such a man is amorous, but having chosen one woman, he will usually be faithful to her. Mars in Cancer does not like it at all when active actions are expected from him. It’s easier and faster to win such a man yourself. But it is worth noting that not everyone can do this, because Mars in Cancer can be capricious. But he is sensitive and attentive to his soulmate; the woman he has chosen will not complain that her partner is not interested in her feelings and thoughts. They lack passion, but they have no equal in romance.

Mars in Leo: Confident and royally graceful, such a man is often surrounded by female attention from childhood. He longs to be the best in everything: to become high-ranking official or open your own business, have a chic and submissive woman next to you. These men know how to look after beautifully, are generous and courteous. Mars in Leo does not imagine himself playing a supporting role; he is born to be a leader. But, unlike, for example, Mars in Aries, a typical individualist, he also knows how to be part of a team, though only as the main one. It is vital for this man to feel constant gratitude and admiration from others, especially his chosen one. In this case, he can temporarily become an “affectionate kitten”, ready for almost anything. But if his ambition is hurt, he is doubted, no one will have mercy from the Martian Leo. This man does not forgive betrayal.

Mars in Virgo: an intelligent, secretive, insightful man. He always knows what he wants, and his goals are purely practical. It is not particularly important to him how prestigious and highly paid his work is, but he needs to be confident in his own stability. Often, such men have everything thought out to the smallest detail, and they are extremely reluctant to decide on changes, changing their usual way of life. But if your goals and ideals coincide, you won’t find a more reliable man. He can be boring, but his education can be useful at the most unexpected moment. Mars in Virgo cannot boast that he knows how to charm the woman he likes; he often seems cold and withdrawn. But for those girls who are looking for a responsible and smart man, a better party cannot be found.

Mars in Libra: distinguished by a canceled aesthetic taste, good conversationalist, often has a sophisticated appearance and a pleasant voice. In this position, Mars is weak, which means that such a man should not take decisive steps to conquer the woman he likes. It will be difficult to feel “like behind a stone wall” with him, since his main drawback is his tendency to doubt everything and his susceptibility to various addictions. But this sign of Mars also has positive aspects. First of all, it is the ability to compromise and sensitivity. Other men may call him a “henpecked man,” but there are many women who need a flexible husband who will be completely under their control. Mars in Libra is well versed in art and often becomes a creator himself. In intimate life, he is a skillful and attentive lover, although not with the strongest temperament.

Mars in Scorpio: in ancient astrology this sign was considered the second abode of Mars. Here his energies are revealed like a storm in the ocean, because Scorpio is Water sign. Such a man is passionate and impulsive, like Mars in Aries, but unlike the latter, he is capable of long-lasting and deep emotions. Relationships with him resemble an action-packed novel, here love is mixed with hatred, manic jealousy with the desire for bold sexual experiments. Such a man attracts with his inconsistency. He can be both secretive and frank to the point of indecency. She can masterfully manipulate others, which not every woman is capable of, not to mention men. He is attracted to extreme sports, and it is vital for him to periodically feel adrenaline in his blood. He is touchy and vindictive, although he never attacks without reason.

Mars in Sagittarius: this man always has a huge amount of truly Napoleonic plans and, to his credit, many of them come true. He is distinguished by a warm and welcoming character, in his company people liberate themselves. He is sociable, has many acquaintances, but needs a family where he can return after his grandiose achievements. He is ambitious and wants not just fame, but also the sincere respect of others. He needs to feel like a spiritual leader, mentor, teacher. This is a strong-willed man, but in order not to succumb to the laziness that periodically rolls over him, it is important for him to clearly see the final goal and feel its spiritual meaning. Mars in Sagittarius conquers women with his protective style of relationships; they feel in him a loving “daddy” protector. In sex he is liberated, but can be somewhat self-centered.

Mars in Capricorn: hardy like no other sign, uncompromising, tireless, fair. This man has no self-doubt and such confidence is completely justified; he will do everything to achieve his goal. Moreover, these goals are usually very practical, which is what most women like. This is not the man who will spend his days on the couch, with his head in the clouds. Mars in Capricorn is a conservative, he wants to feel like a conqueror of a woman. You shouldn’t expect much romance from him, but every promise he makes is worth its weight in gold, because he will do everything not to let a loved one down. He is stubborn, but there is no unpleasant tyranny or self-fascination in him. Mars in Capricorn values ​​objectivity, so it is able to admit its mistakes. But it’s worth explaining it to him as tactfully and reasonably as possible. Mars in Capricorn does not like unnecessary emotions.

Mars in Aquarius: More than anything else, this man values ​​his independence. But this does not mean that he is a loner; rather, on the contrary, the breadth of his circle of friends can be envied. Mars in Aquarius is a progressive person, an innovator and an experimenter who wants to keep up with the times. Such a man may not recognize traditional family values; he is disgusted by the strict role models imposed by society for men and women. But one should not blame him for irresponsibility and coldness; he is capable of love and devotion, but only with a person who does not force him to do anything, who shares his view of the world, with a female friend. He is curious and intelligent, he is a “man of the world,” a cosmopolitan who firmly believes in the equality and brotherhood of people on earth.

Mars in Pisces: At first he may seem ridiculous, strange; in public he usually behaves quietly and may be shy. But inside such Mars hides a beautiful and mysterious soul. Mars in Pisces is able to understand a woman like no other, he really delves into her experiences. He has extraordinary creative abilities, and if his career is related to creativity, he can achieve success in it. Otherwise, Mars in Pisces may experience serious difficulties with self-realization, because it lacks typically masculine determination and willpower. Such a man is often forced to be ashamed of his sensitivity and vulnerability in the company of other representatives of his sex, so he is drawn to women.

Tatyana Kulinich for https://site

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Mars determines the warlike nature in a person, strong-willed and leadership qualities. People whose natal chart is dominated by this planet are full of energy, endurance and vanity. Mars in a man manifests itself as much as possible and imparts strength, authority and toughness. By type, these people are leaders and commanders.

General characteristics

Capricorn is the ascendant sign for Mars. This means that a person with such a layout in the natal chart has a powerful energy field and is able to achieve life goals. Therefore, among them there are many high-ranking executives and successful businessmen. Also, Martian energy is clearly manifested when military service and work in law enforcement agencies.

Men born under the auspices of Mars in Capricorn are often tough and even cruel. They are good hunters, love weapons and justified risks. Thanks to their natural sense of intuition, they easily avoid problems and troubles. We are used to relying on ourselves and our strengths in everything.

For such a man, a home is a symbol of stability and a sign successful person. Before each task, he must think through a plan and build a strategy. Achieving the goal occurs gradually, in small steps. Such thoroughness and unhurriedness, diligence and responsibility are the main qualities of men under the influence of Mars.

Men with Mars in the natal chart, with visible brutality and rudeness, get married late - a highly developed sense of duty and responsibility for every word. They are in no hurry to make a choice and are looking for a homemaker.

Tips for happy life with a man under the auspices of Mars in Capricorn:

  • Energy and openness. A man of this type is very closed in himself and for harmony he needs a cheerful girl who loves to talk and laugh.
  • Kindness and attentiveness. Martian men will never complain about their health, work or bosses. Therefore, it is very important for them to have a person nearby who is capable of loving and caring.
  • Loyalty. Men of this type rarely have affairs on the side. They choose one companion for life, which is what they demand in return.

Mars in Capricorn imparts uncompromisingness and drive. These people are conquerors by nature. Ideally compatible with women in whose natal chart the Sun or Mercury are strong.

Negative manifestations of character

Astrological psychology identifies negative traits in the Mars in Capricorn type. These traits are not inherent in all representatives, and only if Mars is strongly expressed or affected in the natal chart.

  1. Selfishness. Mars in Capricorn helps you climb quickly career ladder and achieve a high position in society. Everything in the lives of such people is aimed at achieving the goal, every step. Therefore, people of this type are rarely volunteers and altruists; they often think only about themselves.
  2. , not spiritual. Romantics, idealists and philosophers will be bored in the company of such a man. But for advice, a solution to a problem or help, they will go to him.
  3. Coldness and cruelty. You should not expect concessions, connivance or pity from a man with Mars in Capricorn. Only very good reasons can become an excuse.

Mars in Capricorn gives birth to successful and courageous people. These are heroes and winners of different sizes who help the world move on. They do not make revolutions, but on the contrary, they are the guarantor of the stability of society. Mars in Capricorn in a man manifests itself with great external and internal forces that help overcome all obstacles on the path of life.

Sexual compatibility of partners is the key to a happy marriage. But passionate love impulses and intimate attraction at the first stage of a relationship do not mean that there is a prospect of living together between partners.

The Zodiac sign has a superficial, transient influence on partnerships, only in rare cases being decisive.

From the point of view of professional Astrology, the position of Mars and Venus in the natal horoscope of a man and a woman matters.
These planets, also called “planets of Libido” or planets of desire, seem to resonate and are mutually reflected in the horoscopes of partners and have the following properties:

Mars and Venus determine the motivation for flirting and sexual behavior and are ultimately responsible for the ability to love a particular partner on a physical level. At the same time, closer attention is paid to Mars in the natal chart of a man and Venus in a woman’s chart;

Mars and Venus in the natal chart are also responsible for the type of partner that is most attractive and for the image of an ideal life partner. In this case, closer attention is paid to Venus in a man’s chart and Mars in a woman’s chart.

The libido planets of both partners together form the most accurate major aspects to each other, where the main connecting force, as a rule, is sex. Studying the relationship between libido-planets of partners is a way to determine the prospects of a relationship. If libido-planets conflict, then finding the “key” to the heart of a man or woman will be much more difficult, and even the likelihood of a full-fledged marriage will be completely negated.

VENUS in Aries

Venus in Aries in a woman's chart speaks of the desire to look sexy. A woman prefers to take care of her appearance, strives to be attractive in the eyes of men, believing that appearance is the key to a successful acquaintance with the prospect of further relationships.

Venus in Aries in a man’s chart speaks of the need for a spectacular partner who makes a strong impression on others: such a woman usually attracts the admiring glances of other men. This strengthens his own Ego. At the same time, he allows for female emancipation and the absence of characteristic feminine character traits and female weaknesses.

MARS in Aries

For men, Mars in Aries symbolizes libido, which is directly included in his image. Hence egocentrism, the need to assert oneself, to demonstrate one’s masculinity in the eyes of a woman. This is an example of a brutal man, sometimes harsh and rude.

For women, Mars in Aries usually indicates the need for a strong partner with pronounced masculine qualities, a kind of “Warrior-Defender” archetype. At the same time, a lot of energy is invested in sexual relationships.

VENUS in Taurus

In a man’s chart, this position of Venus encourages him to look for a lady who is wealthy or comes from a good family, with good prospects; she must have taste and a sense of style.

Venus in Taurus encourages a woman to remain faithful to her partner. The instinct of ownership is clearly expressed. A woman will make every effort to keep a man, but only if he is well-endowed.
Venus in Taurus also speaks of a tendency to show off oneself with eye-catching clothes, accessories and jewelry. Under certain circumstances, Venus in Taurus indicates “venal love” or sexual relations on the basis of material gain.

MARS in Taurus

In a man's natal chart, Mars in Taurus encourages him to take care of his image, advertise his achievements and financial capabilities.

A woman with Mars in Taurus is drawn to more successful men who could provide her with confidence in the future. However, this may be a consequence of having already passed the stages of a relationship like “sex for the sake of sex” and looking for a more stable relationship. Overall, a very sexy configuration for a woman, imparting powerful sensuality, even to the point of wanting to try all alternative types of sex.

VENUS in Gemini

A man with Venus in Gemini is looking for an erudite, sociable partner with a lively mind and broad interests. As for appearance, he prefers blondes with light eyes. Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, “lightens” hair, so Venus in this case is responsible for male preferences not only from an aesthetic point of view, but is also associated with libido.

Women with Venus in Gemini are prone to erotic flirtation and love to talk about sex. The idea of ​​the desired partner often changes, depending on the momentary mood. Tendency to cheat, inconstancy in love, more than one marriage is possible...

MARS in Gemini

A man with Mars in Gemini can be simply a treasure of information on the most various topics. Talkative, self-confident, very interesting in communication. However, persuading him into marriage can be very problematic.

A woman with Mars in Gemini needs a man who is original and unusual in some way. The courtship of a “gray”, boring, ordinary man courting her is extremely unpromising. There is a big tendency to be attracted to blondes.

VENUS in Cancer

Venus in Cancer turns a man to the hearth and home. Home is the only place where he can relax. Therefore, men whose planet of the opposite sex is in Cancer often find their future wife among distant relatives, very close friends or among people of similar interests, usually in a place where they feel comfortable, like at home. In a word, with this position of Venus, the individual male image of “I” is inseparable from family traditions; a person is inclined to marry a woman who has a very developed maternal instinct towards her husband.

Venus in Cancer makes a woman homely, thorough, and often phlegmatic and pliable. She is a supporter of everything natural, traditional, generally accepted.

MARS in Cancer

A man with Mars in Cancer needs peace and comfort. By definition, his sexual temperament cannot be violent. The man is phlegmatic, slow in every sense. If at an early age for some reason he did not receive additional maternal love and affection, then a “compensation mechanism” is triggered, turning him into a “patriarch” or even a family tyrant.

Mars in Cancer in a woman’s natal chart encourages her to find a life partner who should adore children, be gentle and caring. At the same time, their maternal instinct may not be developed at all. In general, such women tend to prefer sensitive and sensitive men who are ready to compensate for those character traits that they themselves lack.

VENUS in Leo

In the male chart, Venus in Leo symbolizes the desire to realize everything and always to the fullest. "Walk like this to the fullest, live like this with the queen...

Venus in Leo in a woman's chart means that the partner is significant only as a sexual object. But sometimes the opposite effect can occur - sexual coldness and abstinence. In this case, her partner must meet moral and ethical standards.

MARS in Leo

The configuration encourages a man to monitor his appearance and behavior, and the positive aspects emphasize stylishness and a sleek appearance. In the sexual sphere, there is a tendency that sex is the main factor in relationships.

Mars in Leo in a woman’s natal chart speaks of searching for a partner with strong energy, sexually attractive, with a bright appearance, who stands out from the crowd. If these qualities are absent, then only money and high status can arouse her interest. This is the type of woman for whom the expression “A girl’s best friend is...” is true.

VENUS in Virgo

In the male horoscope, Venus in Virgo is responsible for the struggle for existence. For libido, this configuration is not the best. There is no need to talk about sexuality here. But there is ground for hypocrisy and concern for one’s reputation. He is looking for a woman who is decent in every sense, hardworking, neat, punctual and clean.

Venus in Virgo in the female horoscope is equipped with all sorts of “brakes and mufflers” of libido, when healthy attraction is suppressed.

MARS in Virgo

In a man's chart, Mars in Virgo means the same as Venus in Virgo in a man's horoscope.

In a woman's chart, Mars in Virgo makes a woman look for a companion who will support her in practical, financial terms. There is no sexual emphasis in clothing or behavior. She may seem inaccessible, deliberately pretending that she is not interested in sex at all, but under certain circumstances this becomes true: her sexuality can indeed be strongly blocked by harsh astrological aspects.

VENUS in Libra

A man with Venus in Libra makes a very good impression. He is looking for a woman who is outwardly attractive and has a calm character. Beautiful figure and his face is very important factor when looking for a companion, so that you won’t be ashamed to show her off in society.

Women with Venus in Libra can be very beautiful, even a little fatal. These are skilled seductresses, intriguers who don’t cost anything to find love affairs.

MARS in Libra

In the male chart, Mars in Libra symbolizes sexuality, but which does not manifest itself openly, but more subtly and aesthetically, for example, in maintaining a fashionable style and being receptive to new trends. A man tries to have many love victories, this increases his self-esteem in his own eyes. If there are no ways to satisfy sexual needs, then it releases energy through aggression. By the way, for sexually perverted men, Mars in Libra is the most typical configuration.

As for the female horoscope, Mars in Libra is encouraged to seek a very stable relationship in order to improve one’s position through marriage and, in general, marriage is seen as necessary social status. Get married, get married, get married... A very active search for a husband can become an obsession.

VENUS in Scorpio

Venus in Scorpio in the male horoscope often allows its owner to achieve social advancement, get rich, and in general brings good luck and luck. And the women you meet along the way, who seek to sell themselves to the one who offers the most, do not cause unpleasant emotions in him. Ready to "buy" love if it's worth it...

Women with Venus in Scorpio are the so-called image of a femme fatale. By consciously using his sexuality, he wants to achieve some of his pre-set goals, or increase his status, and the topic of money is more important than love. A typical example of this configuration is Venus in Scorpio in the chart of Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis.

MARS in Scorpio

In a man's chart, Mars in Scorpio symbolizes the image of a fatal man, who is not necessarily attractive in appearance, but has charisma.

A woman with Mars in Scorpio would like to marry an ambitious, self-confident man, or she herself encourages her love or marriage partner to pursue success. By the way, with negative aspects, such a woman has destructive tendencies in relation to men’s finances. Capable of ruining a partner and “spreading around the world” in a short time.

VENUS in Sagittarius

The owner with Venus in Sagittarius is characterized by charm and sensuality against the backdrop of awareness of his sexuality. In marriage he is patriarchal, never misses an opportunity to emphasize his main role. He is looking for a companion who could accept this, agreeing to a secondary role. Such a man knows how to “keep a woman in check,” but at the same time he never displays the habits of a tyrant and dictator.

A woman with Venus in Sagittarius is harsh and categorical in her statements. With age, this tendency can intensify, making her harsh on the tongue, sometimes harmful, grumpy.

MARS in Sagittarius

A man has a pronounced tendency to be indiscriminate in his choice sexual partner. Various sexual adventures inspire him and energize him. Finds an excellent philosophical justification in this, does not need censure or someone else’s assessment, and is very self-sufficient in itself.

A woman with Mars in Sagittarius loves intrigue and games, is subtly flirtatious, loves to use her inner charm, wants a loyal partner, with a sense of humor, a lively mind, and a broad-minded person. It's easier to get along with someone who has something to do with her common interests or the same profession. There is concern about the man's status. He must be an interesting person and at the same time stand firmly on his feet.

VENUS in Capricorn

The man is concerned about his status. He has a great desire to succeed, and no one and nothing should interfere with him in this. In the marriage horoscope there is a tendency to marry late, or prefers to be a bachelor. He firmly adheres to his own principles and does not allow any attacks on them. His companion should not dominate him in any way. With negative aspects, women's rights will be ignored.

Venus in Capricorn in the female chart requires compliance with the gender role that is accepted in this society. For example, that a man should be courageous, provide for his family, etc. There is a consumer attitude towards a man against the background of emotional or sexual coldness.

MARS in Capricorn

Both in women's and in male horoscopes Mars in Capricorn encourages you to look for a representative of the opposite sex - restrained, correct in manners, without sexual accents or provocations, without flashy colors in clothes. A potential marriage partner should appear solid, worthy and reliable.

VENUS in Aquarius

Aquarius carries the characteristics of the planet Uranus, which is essentially a sexless planet. Therefore, Venus in Aquarius in a man’s chart is interpreted almost the same way as Mars in Aquarius in a woman’s chart: there is a tendency to endow sexuality with a meaning that goes beyond the physical, carrying spiritual or emotional properties.
Another option is that sex is considered something lower, primitive. Often abstinence is compensated by erotic fantasies, verbal sex, pornography, etc.
A man needs a partner who is intellectually active, with a lot of imagination, and a woman needs a partner who is creative, has hobbies and interests, with very progressive views on life, but who does not attach too much importance to sex.

MARS in Aquarius

A man with Mars in Aquarius is a worthy philanthropist, always ready to help and be useful. With negative aspects, he can turn into a “crusader” or a fanatic, inclined to fight for some good, but is not averse to belonging to any group, secret society. Inclined to lead double life, very secretive and unpredictable.

A woman with Mars in Aquarius is distinguished by an interest in the field of science or in some humanitarian field. Hence the desire to marry a man who is intellectually superior to her. Looks for qualities in a partner that she could admire. A woman with Mars in Aquarius is also characterized by idealism, meeting a “soul mate” is important, expectations can be extremely high, and commonality of views and interests is a fundamental requirement for her. But the main thing is that the relationship is based on trust and camaraderie, the ability to share anything with each other. At the same time, it is not necessary to be sexual lovers. He values ​​friendship very highly, such is his philosophy of life.

VENUS in Pisces

The sexual life of the owner of Venus in Pisces is surrounded by many unusual complexes, fears and sexual deviations. This will force you to seek refuge and consolation in your inner world fantasies, or select an intimate partner who can be trusted in this regard. Any love and sexual activity of a man with Venus in Pisces must be private, requires careful " closed doors"He definitely needs an experienced and sexually liberated woman, with a similar predisposition, who will understand and share his position.

A woman with Venus in Pisces seeks to establish herself through sex; she is concerned about her appearance and body. It is extremely important for her that the man shows by his behavior that he passionately desires her. With negative aspects, there is a tendency to the other extreme - promiscuous sexual intercourse, which entails the danger of loss of psychological integrity. Such women know very well when and why they face the prospect of mental disappointment and depression.

MARS in Pisces

A man with Mars in Pisces gravitates towards women who give the impression of being weak and quiet. With this, he feels stronger and more confident in himself, the so-called “savior complex”. But there is an exception: he is not averse to choosing a partner for marriage who is higher on the social ladder. With negative aspects, the shadow of a gigolo hides behind Mars in Pisces.

Ladies with Mars in Pisces often have a very pretty, pleasant appearance, close to angelic, and feminine character. You want to protect and pamper such a woman. But in extreme life situations, she is quite capable of sacrificing herself for the sake of her loved one and for the sake of her family. There is a danger of falling in love with a scoundrel or an unworthy, vicious man, since there is a clear tendency towards “masochism” in relationships, flight into irrational spheres or love oblivion, when a veil seems to be thrown over the eyes, preventing one from discerning the partner’s bad inclinations in time

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